Parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in wordpress

A bad code generally triggers the parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress. Fixing the code can easily fix the issue.

We are unable to access our website after we some changes to the core file. It shows parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress error log. Could you please fix it?

This is a common support request that we receive as a part of our WordPress Management Services.

This WordPress error is usually caused by a bug in the WordPress plugin, theme, or core file, usually due to custom editing by the website owner.

Let us look at the possible fixes for this error message today.

Causes of parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress

At times WordPress loads with a critical error, a white screen of death or a 500 error. There won’t be any other clues about this error on the screen.

The support request that we recently received stated that the website is loading with a critical error as given below:

parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in wordpressOur Support Engineers turned on the debug mode to true by setting the WP_DEBUG value to true.

They noticed parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in the error log for WordPress.

[Fri Jan 03 19:12:45.040405 2020][php7:error][pid 30138][client]PHP Parse error: syntax error,unexpected end of file in /home/tech/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyninteen/functions.php on line 324

This error normally indicates a coding error. If you have recently edited any of the files of the WordPress particularly core files, it probably is the cause for this error.

How to fix the parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress

The possible ways to fix the parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress include:

1.Fixing the code

2.Backup restore

3.Wordpress core files Replacement

4. Reinstalling /Deactivating plugins

Let us look at each of them in detail now.

Fixing the code

As this error is most probably triggered by bad code, the obvious fix for it would be to fix the code. The details of the exact line of code that trigger this error can be obtained from the error log.

For instance, in the error message that we showed earlier, the error is on file /home/tech/public_html/wp-content/themes/twentyninteen/functions.php on line 324. This in most cases is related to a missing opening or closing PHP tag. For the most part, adding the missing tag will solve the issue.

Backup restore

At times when the fix on code does not work, a backup restore may be required to bring the websites back. Procedure to restore from backup vary based on the backup tools used. However, a restore would certainly help to overwrite the changes made to the files and can help to resolve the error completely.

In most cases, a file restore would be enough rather than a whole account restore. The error log will provide details of the file to restore.

WordPress Core File Replacement

At times, the corruption of the WordPress core file can also trigger similar errors. Replacing the core files of WordPress will help to fix it.

You can download the exact version that you use from here or the latest version from here.

Always note to take a backup of the existing core files as you may lose any of the customizations that you have already done. to core files. A backup would help if you may need to roll back to the original state.

The steps to take backup also varies based on the control panel/server that each user uses. However, if it is a cPanel based website, the copy operation can be easily performed from the File Manager.

To replace the core file, replace everything other than wp-config, .htaccess, and wp-content. Replacing any of the contents in wp-config, .htaccess, or wp-content will affect the details/ lead to data loss. This is primarily because, WordPress store configuration and other related content in these files and folders.

Reinstalling /Deactivating plugins

Apart from all the above points, at times this error may be merely an issue with a single plugin/theme installed on the website.

The error message provides the details of the plugin/theme. For instance, the error message above “twentyninteen” theme is triggering the error. Therefore replacing the theme with another one or deactivating the offending plugin in certain situations will fix the issue. These actions can be easily done from the WordPress dashboard.

If the WordPress dashboard is not accessible, renaming the corresponding plugin folder at the backend will perform the same task.

[Need help to fix parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress? We are available 24×7]


In short, a bad code generally triggers the parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in WordPress. Today we discussed how our Support Engineers fix the issue. Fixing the code can easily resolve the issue. However, if that does not work restoration or WordPress core file replacement can resolve the error.


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If you’ve ever updated a plugin or pasted code into your WordPress website, chances are you’ve problem seen the parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress message. This is a common error because it only takes one character to cause it. In this article, we’ll explore what causes this error and see how to fix it.

  • 1
    What Does Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected End in WordPress Mean?

  • 2
    How to Solve Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

  • 3
    Testing the Parse Error Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

    • 3.1
      Editing Plugin Code

  • 4
    Fixing the Parse Error When You Can’t Find the Error

    • 4.1
      Debug Mode

    • 4.2
      Debugging Plugin

  • 5
    Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

  • 6
    Restoring a Previous File

    • 6.1
      Upload a Clean Copy of WordPress

  • 7
    Ending Thoughts on the Parse Error Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

What Does Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected End in WordPress Mean?

Parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress can be the simplest of errors and still cause a big problem.

The error has two parts:

Syntax Error – This error is caused by an error in the PHP structure when a character is missing or added that shouldn’t be there.

Unexpected – This means the code is missing a character and PHP reaches the end of the file without finding what it’s looking for. The error will include information at the end that explains what it saw that was unexpected.

If you see Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected end in WordPress, it just means that WordPress detected that something in the code is missing or added. It can be something as simple as a comma, semi-colon, a closing parenthesis, or one too many brackets.

The missing syntax can be within code that you’ve written or pasted into your website, or within a theme or plugin that you’ve installed or updated.

Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to find and fix. However, you will need to understand how code works and how to edit it.

How to Solve Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

How to Solve Parse Error

The actual parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress will have a different ending depending on what’s causing the error.

Examples include:

  • 1) syntax error, unexpected end of file
  • 2) syntax error, unexpected token
  • 3) syntax error, unexpected variable
  • 4) syntax error, unexpected identifier

The error message will usually identify the specific token, variable, identifier, etc., that it doesn’t like. We’ll see a few examples of this as we go.

Testing the Parse Error Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

WordPress has made lots of improvements in how it handles code. Now, instead of running bad code and killing your website, if it has a previous version of the code that ran, it tries to use that code instead when displaying the site to visitors.

This keeps your site from displaying the error to your visitors and keeps you from being locked out. It is still possible for your site to go down and lock you out, but it’s more difficult now.

Also, the code editors now show markup, so it’s easy to identify variables and other code elements. This makes it easier to test code within the plugin and theme code editors within WordPress.

Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t always give you a clear message. Sometimes there is no message, content is missing, or it just doesn’t show the website. All of these can be fixed, but they might take a little more troubleshooting.

Let’s look at a few examples. We’ll start with something easy.

Editing Plugin Code

Editing Plugin Code

First, start with what you did last. In this example, I’ve edited code in a plugin file. The file reverted to the last known good code, so my changes are not working. Look at the error. It will tell you what’s causing the error code and the line of code with the error.

In this example, WordPress is seeing an unexpected bracket when it’s expecting to see a semi-colon.

This one is simple. First, look at the line above it. We see the word break, ending case 4. We’re fortunate in that we have other cases to compare to. Above it is case 3, which also ends with break, but this one has a closing semi-colon.

Editing Plugin Code

Next, edit the code that caused the error.

Editing Plugin Code

Here’s another example in the same plugin file. This one is showing the error on line 488. However, that line of code is correct. It’s giving me a clue, though. It’s identifying this as an unexpected variable.

Editing Plugin Code

If we look at the code above 488, we see that it’s missing a closing bracket. This causes WordPress to see the next line incorrectly.

Editing Plugin Code

Simply add the closing bracket and update the file. The code now works correctly.

These problems were simple, but most of the time you see a parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress, it’s exactly like these examples.

Fixing the Parse Error When You Can’t Find the Error

There are two ways to find the parse error if it doesn’t display for you or you’re not sure where it’s coming from. Here’s a look at both methods.

Debug Mode

The first step is to enable the WordPress error log. Go to your wp-config file using FTP or cPanel. Search for a line of code that looks like this:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

If you have this code, change false to true.

If you don’t have this line of code, look for a line that says:

“Stop editing! Happy blogging.” and paste this code:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

Load the website. This will display the error and you now have a place to start troubleshooting.

Debugging Plugin

Query Monitor

Query Monitor is one of the most popular debugging plugins. It provides tools that you can access from the frontend and backend from the top menu bar and as an overlay.

Query Monitor

This will enable several debugging tools including an error log where you can find the information you need.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

If you’re locked out of the admin dashboard, you’ll need to make your changes another way. You’ll need to download the file from the server that contains the error and open it in a code editor to make your edits.

In my case, I was making changes in the functions.php file for the Twenty Twenty One theme. I made an error in my syntax and my site went down. All it shows is this error that doesn’t help.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

The best options are to use FTP or your host’s cPanel. I’ll use cPanel for this example, but the process is the same. First, open File Manager in cPanel.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Next, open the folder for the website you’re working on. If it’s the primary site, you might see a globe icon. Otherwise, open the folder with the name of the website.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Navigate to the wp-content folder.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Navigate to the folder with the theme or plugin you want to edit. In this case, I’m editing a theme.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Select the folder of the theme or plugin. I’m selecting the folder for the Twenty Twenty One theme.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Next, go to the file you were editing when the problem occurred. I was editing the functions.php file. Either download the file to work offline or edit the file. I recommend downloading a backup before making changes.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Your code editor might provide information about the error. In my case, it’s showing that it’s expecting a parenthesis on line 29. In reality, it’s missing a bracket on line 17, which causes the editor to think it needs a parenthesis.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

Adding the bracket removes the error. I can now upload my new file to replace the current file or save it if I’m using the online editor.

Fixing the Parse Error if You’re Locked Out of WordPress

My website now works as normal.

Restoring a Previous File

Restoring a Previous File

If you’re not sure what’s changed in the code and you want to restore a previous file that you know works, go to the file in FTP or cPanel.

Sometimes WordPress doesn’t tell you where the problem is coming from. In this case, you can rename the folders one at a time to see if the problem goes away. Start with your plugins.

If you do know where the problem is coming from, you can upload a replacement file. For a plugin or theme in the WordPress repository, you can delete the folder and reinstall it.

If you prefer, you can download the theme or plugin from the WordPress repository (or where you got it from), unzip the file, and only replace the file you need to. It works similarly to how we’ll replace WordPress in the next section.

Upload a Clean Copy of WordPress

Upload a Clean Copy of WordPress

If the problem is the WordPress core, you can upload a new version of WordPress without deleting your files. Download a new copy of WordPress and unzip it.

Upload a Clean Copy of WordPress

Next, delete the wp-content folder and the file called wp-config-sample.php.

Upload a Clean Copy of WordPress

Next, upload the WordPress files from the unzipped folder into your WordPress root folder. This will overwrite all files except for the two you deleted. Your site should work now.

Ending Thoughts on the Parse Error Syntax Error Unexpected End in WordPress

The parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress is a common error for anyone handling code. It’s not difficult to fix, but it can sometimes take time to track it down. The steps are simple:

  • If you’ve added code, start there.
  • If you’ve installed a plugin or theme, deactivate it.
  • When you can’t find the problem, replace the suspected files.
  • When all else fails, restore a backup.

Following a few troubleshooting steps will help get your site running smoothly as fast as possible.

We want to hear from you. Have you had the parse error syntax error unexpected end in WordPress? Let us know how you fixed it in the comments below.

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I got an error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in the line

With this code:

        function login()
            // Login function code
        if (login())

    <h2>Welcome Administrator</h2>
    <a href="upload.php">Upload Files</a>
    <br />
    <a href="points.php">Edit Points Tally</a>

            echo "Incorrect login details. Please login";
    Some more HTML code

What’s the problem?

Alex's user avatar


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asked Jul 14, 2012 at 9:20

pratnala's user avatar


You should avoid this (at the end of your code):


and this:


You shouldn’t put brackets directly close to the open/close php tag, but separate it with a space:

{ ?>
<?php {

also avoid <? and use <?php

garg10may's user avatar


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answered Jul 14, 2012 at 9:33

j0k's user avatar


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I had the same error, but I had it fixed by modifying the php.ini file.

Find your php.ini file see Dude, where’s my php.ini?

then open it with your favorite editor.

Look for a short_open_tag property, and apply the following change:

; short_open_tag = Off ; previous value
short_open_tag = On ; new value

Community's user avatar

answered Nov 3, 2015 at 7:13

Archana Balachandran's user avatar


I had the same error, but I had it fixed by modifying the php.ini and / or editing the PHP file!

There are two different methods to get around the parse error syntax.

Method 1 (Your PHP file)

Avoid in your PHP file this:

<? } ?>

Make sure you put it like this

<?php ?>

Your code contains <? ?>

NOTE: The missing php after <?!

Method 2 (php.ini file)

There is also a simple way to solve your problem.
Search for the short_open_tag property value (Use in your text editor with Ctrl + F!), and apply the following change:

; short_open_tag = Off


short_open_tag = On

According to the description of core php.ini directives, short_open_tag allows you to use the short open tag (<?) although this might cause issues when used with xml (<?xml will not work when this is enabled)!

NOTE: Reload your Server (like for example: Apache) and reload your PHP webpage in your browser.

answered Mar 5, 2016 at 16:02

Suriyaa's user avatar


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Just go to php.ini then find short_open_tag= Off set to short_open_tag= On

answered Dec 9, 2015 at 19:52

Hamzah Akram's user avatar


Also, watch out for heredoc closing identifiers.

Invalid Example:

// it's not working!!!

function findAll() {
        SELECT * FROM `table_1`;
    SQL; // <-------- THIS IS BAD

    // ...

This will throw an exception that resembles the following:

<br />
<b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected end of file in <b>[...][...]</b> on line <b>5</b><br />

where number 5 might be the last line number of your file.

According to php manual:

It is very important to note that the line with the closing identifier must contain no other characters, except a semicolon (;). That means especially that the identifier may not be indented, and there may not be any spaces or tabs before or after the semicolon. It’s also important to realize that the first character before the closing identifier must be a newline as defined by the local operating system. This is n on UNIX systems, including macOS. The closing delimiter must also be followed by a newline.

TLDR: Closing identifiers should NOT be indented.

Valid Example:

function findAll() {
        SELECT * FROM `table_1`;
    // closing identifier should not be indented, although it might look ugly

    // ...

answered Apr 9, 2020 at 17:41

glinda93's user avatar


6,9995 gold badges36 silver badges68 bronze badges


Look for any loops or statements are left unclosed.

I had ran into this trouble when I left a php foreach: tag unclosed.

<?php foreach($many as $one): ?>

Closing it using the following solved the syntax error: unexpected end of file

<?php endforeach; ?>

Hope it helps someone

answered Sep 5, 2017 at 23:16

Imtiaz's user avatar


2,4242 gold badges24 silver badges32 bronze badges


Check that you closed your class.

For example, if you have controller class with methods, and by accident you delete the final bracket, which close whole class, you will get this error.

class someControler{
private $varr;
public $varu;
public function method {
}// if you forget to close the controller, you will get the error

answered Dec 16, 2015 at 20:12

olga's user avatar


9291 gold badge14 silver badges40 bronze badges


also, look for a comment // that breaks the closing curly brace

if (1==1) { //echo "it is true"; }

the closing curly brace will not properly close the conditional section and php won’t properly process the remainder of code.

answered Jan 6, 2017 at 2:35

Steve Wasiura's user avatar

Steve WasiuraSteve Wasiura

7681 gold badge8 silver badges19 bronze badges


Avoid this as well <? } ?> make sure you put <?php } ?>

answered Jan 18, 2016 at 6:37

Gpak's user avatar


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I saw some errors, which I’ve fixed below.

This is what I got as being erroneous:

if (login())
<h2>Welcome Administrator</h2>
<a href="upload.php">Upload Files</a>
<br />
<a href="points.php">Edit Points Tally</a>
echo "Incorrect login details. Please login";

This is how I would have done it:

    some code
function login()
    if (empty ($_POST['username']))
        return false;
    if (empty ($_POST['password']))
        return false;
    $username = trim ($_POST['username']);
    $password = trim ($_POST['password']);
    $scrambled = md5 ($password . 'foo');
    $link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password');
    if (!$link)
        $error = "Unable to connect to the database server";
        include 'error.html.php';
        exit ();
    if (!mysqli_set_charset ($link, 'utf8'))
        $error = "Unable to set database connection encoding";
        include 'error.html.php';
        exit ();
    if (!mysqli_select_db ($link, 'foo'))
        $error = "Unable to locate the foo database";
        include 'error.html.php';
        exit ();
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM admin WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$scrambled'";
    $result = mysqli_query ($link, $sql);
    if (!$result)
        return false;
        exit ();
    $row = mysqli_fetch_array ($result);
    if ($row[0] > 0)
        return true;
        return false;
if (login())
echo '<h2>Welcome Administrator</h2>
<a href="upload.php">Upload Files</a>
<br />
<a href="points.php">Edit Points Tally</a>';
    echo "Incorrect login details. Please login";
some more html code

Chris Forrence's user avatar

answered Jul 14, 2012 at 9:33

ryanc1256's user avatar


5706 silver badges23 bronze badges


In my case the culprit was the lone opening <?php tag in the last line of the file. Apparently it works on some configurations with no problems but causes problems on others.

answered Feb 25, 2019 at 2:06

J. Wrong's user avatar

J. WrongJ. Wrong

7348 silver badges9 bronze badges

Also, another case where it is hard to spot is when you have a file with just a function, I know it is not a common use case but it is annoying and had to spot the error.

function () {


The file above returns the erro Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in while the below does not.

function () {


answered Apr 26, 2018 at 9:57

neisantos's user avatar


4731 gold badge4 silver badges15 bronze badges

if you are linux user and running your legacy php website on apache2 server , then locate this file /etc/php/<php version>/apache2/ and in case you are executing php script using php cli like php example.php then /etc/php/<php version>/cli/php.ini

set short_open_tag = Off to
short_open_tag = On
and restart your service in case of apache2
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

answered Jan 9, 2022 at 20:02

vivek pawar's user avatar

vivek pawarvivek pawar

5593 silver badges4 bronze badges

For me, the most frequent cause is an omitted } character, so that a function or if statement block is not terminated. I fix this by inserting a } character after my recent edits and moving it around from there. I use an editor that can locate opening brackets corresponding to a closing bracket, so that feature helps, too (it locates the function that was not terminated correctly).

We can hope that someday language interpreters and compilers will do some work to generate better error messages, since it is so easy to omit a closing bracket.

If this helps anyone, please vote the answer up.

answered Jul 28, 2019 at 15:15

David Spector's user avatar

To supplement other answers, it could also be due to the auto-minification of your php script if you are using an ftp client like FileZilla. Ensure that the transfer type is set to Binary and not ASCII or auto. The ASCII or auto transfer type can minify your php code leading to this error.

answered Jun 7, 2020 at 17:30

user3585550's user avatar

In my case, it was an unclosed function.
I had to remove and restore functions one by one to check which one is affecting the code.

I hope someone benefits

answered Apr 22, 2021 at 22:54

Thabo Theledi's user avatar

This is not an answer to your code, but an answer to the same error message. It may be helpful for someone.
In my case I had an error ‘Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code on line 665’
The problem in my case was on the line with closing ‘html’

    $html = <<<html

In version 7.2 closing tag should be WITHOUT spaces before

    $html = <<<html

answered Apr 15, 2021 at 10:28

giacoder's user avatar


9608 silver badges21 bronze badges

If your using parse_ini_file($file) or a routine is rading an .ini file, check if you data is quoted in the ini file. Unquoted data will cause this error. Ex; data1=test will cause the error, data1=»test» will not.

answered May 30, 2018 at 9:37

Wynn's user avatar


1651 silver badge2 bronze badges

I developed a plugin and installed it on a WordPress site running on Nginx and it was fine. I only had this error when I switched to Apache, turned out the web server was not accepting the <?, so I just replaced the <? tags to <?php then it worked.

answered Dec 27, 2020 at 8:43

Nuha's user avatar


3141 gold badge3 silver badges15 bronze badges

Unexpected End of File errors can occur when a file doesn’t have the proper closing tags. Sometimes this error can present itself as the white screen of death, or a 500 error. In this article we will explain what causes the “Unexpected End of File” errors, and how to resolve them.

About Unexpected End of File Errors

If you recently edited or added a file which contains a syntax error that abruptly ends the file, you may encounter an error similar to the following:

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /nas/content/live/yourenvironment/wp-config.php on line 116

This error may present itself on the page when you visit, or it may also appear as a blank “white screen of death,” or even as a 500 error. If so, you will be able to determine the error is caused by an “unexpected end of file” by looking at your Error Logs in your WP Engine User Portal.

If you’re not sure how to locate your WP Engine error logs, check out our guide.

The “unexpected end of file” error is not specific to WordPress, and can happen on any PHP-based website. This specific error means the file mentioned in the error message ends abruptly without the proper closing tags, and the code was unable to be parsed as a result.

Fixing the “Unexpected End of File” Error

To fix this error you must first identify the file causing it. Search your logs for the phrase “unexpected end of file” to locate the culprit.

Option 1: Restore the website
Option 2: Correct the file

Option 1: Restore a Backup

Once you have confirmed the issue is due to an unexpected end-of-file error, the easiest way to resolve the issue is to restore the website to the last known-good state, if possible. This is most likely the point just prior to any recent code changes.

Review our guide to learn how to restore your website to a previous version.

Option 2: Correct the File

If restoring the website is not a viable option, you can also fix the file itself by downloading it over SFTP or opening it in SSH Gateway.

  • View our guide to learn how to connect to your website using SFTP
  • Or, learn how to connect to your site using SSH Gateway

When viewing the file, we noticed the file was missing the last few lines, and instead abruptly cuts off:

If you know what should go here, go ahead and add it back. Then, save the file back to your server.

If you do not know what should be here, locating an older version of the file may be helpful:

  • Download and open a backup locally
  • Restore an older version of the website to a different environment
  • If you’re not able to find it in your backups, try downloading a default version of the theme or plugin files

Once you fix the broken file by adding the proper closing lines, be sure you’ve saved and uploaded the file. You may also need to purge cache.

After fixing the file, your website should load normally again!

NEXT STEP: Learn how to resolve a 500 error

Unexpected end of file error is a very common yet rare error, as not all users face this error, the error is specific to certain applications and programs. The error has been experienced by users in applications like adobe photoshop and similar apps. Furthermore, if you are using any kind of localhost application like xampp, mamp, etc then also error appears. The error is also seen when using WordPress. Also if you are using the PHP or similar coding language then also the error appears. The purpose of this troubleshooting guide is to give some basic guidelines and methods to fix this error.

Unexpected end of file

Causes of Unexpected End of File Error Problem Issue

While gathering the information about the error we have seen some very common causes of this error. The error has mostly occurred when using the WordPress and PHP language. Users have reported that mistakes in the code cause this error they said that when PHP block has unterminated the Unexpected End Of File error appears. Furthermore, when certain functions are not written or executed well the error seems to appear. Another common scenario in which the error is has been seen is when using the adobe photoshop, it was reported that corrupted or unspecified filetype was the cause of this issue.

  • Mistakes in code
  • PHP Block is unterminated
  • Improper Closing tags
  • Functions in code are not used correctly
  • Unspecified file or filetype
Similar Types of Unexpected End Of File Error Problem Issue
  • Linux
  • Photoshop
  • Parse error: syntax error, in xampp
  • Unexpected end of file bash
  • Parse error: syntax error, in WordPress
  • Syntax error, laravel
  • Unexpected end of file c++
  • Syntax error, ruby

How to Fix Unexpected End Of File Error Problem Issue

In this section, we will be giving you all the methodologies that you can use to fix the Unexpected end of file error. The following are the methods we will go through. In the first method, we will talk about some common mistakes that are often overlooked. In the second method, we fix the error when using the localhost server. Thirdly, we will talk about how to fix the error when using WordPress. In the fourth method, we will fix the issue when using photoshop.

1. Basic Troubleshooting Points

We highly recommend that you go through these important mistakes and points that are often overlooked by the users and the parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file error never gets resolved.

  • Crosscheck your Code: Makes sure that the code doesn’t have any error, kindly cross-check it once. Look for missing braces, colons, and all other important details that are in the codes.
  • PHP Configured Properly: Make sure that the PHP file is configured properly when using the localhost server, the error is quite common when using the PHP.
  • Cross the File & its Format: When using Photoshop make sure that the file is not corrupted and the format of the file is supported by the application. Often hen transferring the files it gets corrupted and the Unexpected End Of File error occurs.

2. Configuring the PHP.ini (Localhost Server)

Now if you are experiencing this received unexpected end of file from sftp server error while using the localhost server, there may be something you need to configure in the PHP.ini file of the website. Follow the steps to see how it can be done.

  • STEP 1. First of all, go to the location where all your website files are located
  • STEP 2. Usually, the PHP.ini file is located at the root directory of the folder


  • STEP 3. Now open the PHP.ini file with Notepad++ or similar advance text editor program
  • STEP 4. Now locate the below line of code, you can use the find feature of the text editor to easily locate it
  • STEP 5. Once you find it, you will find that it is set to OFF


  • STEP 6. Simply remove the OFF and write ON there
  • STEP 7. Save the file and your syntax error: unexpected end of file error will be resolved

3. Fixing the Error in WordPress

As we have already said the parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in error is quite common when using WordPress, below are two methods you can use to fix the issue.

A). Restore Website

Use this method when you are unable to fix the error, also it is the easiest way to resolve the issue without getting into much of hardworking. Simply restore your website to restore the website to that of a healthy state when it was error-free, if possible. We suggest that restore to the point where you haven’t made any changes to the code of the website.

B). Manually Fixing the Code

Now if you do not want to restore the website there is another way and that is to download the entire website and file over SSH or SFTP.

  • STEP 1. Download the website and its files over SSH or SFTP
  • STEP 2. Now manually look at the code, you will surely find errors or missing lines


  • STEP 3. Once you find out the mistake, fix it, head on to the actual files of the website
  • STEP 4. Alternatively, you can upload the files in which you have made changes
  • STEP 5. Also do not forget to purge the cache
  • STEP 6. Once all the changes and purge cache is done your bash unexpected end of file error will be resolved

4. Fixing the Issue When Using Photoshop

Now if you are getting the syntax error, unexpected end of file error when opening up any file in the photoshop there is simple yet a great fix for this.

  • STEP 1. Open the problematic file in the Adobe illustrator

adobe illustrator

  • STEP 2. Once the file is opened in the Adobe illustrator, save back it as PSD
  • STEP 3. Now simply open the file in photoshop without any syntax error, unexpected end of file in error.

In this troubleshooting guide, we have gone through multiple methods that can be used to fix Unexpected End Of File Error. The guide demonstrates multiple methods concerning specific scenarios. Furthermore, we have also given a piece of brief information regarding the causes of the issue as well.

We hope by following this Unexpected End Of File guide your issue is fixed. For more tech stuff and troubleshooting guides follow us. Thank you!

Updated on April 5, 2022

Parse Error, Syntax Error Unexpected in WordPress [FIXED]

Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected ‘ ‘ in WordPress

Table of Contents [TOC]

  • Parse Error: Syntax Error Unexpected ‘ ‘ in WordPress
    • What are parse error: syntax errors ?
    • What Is A Syntax Error?
    • What Causes the PHP parse/syntax errors in WordPress?
    • How to detect syntax error in wordpress?
    • How To Find Parse Error in WordPress?
  • How To Fix parse error syntax error unexpected ‘ ‘ in wordpress Via FTP?
    •  Steps to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress Via FTP
    • Fix Parse Error by Uploading Fresh Files
    • Tools To Help You Fix The Syntax Error in WordPress
  • How To Avoid Syntax Errors?
    • Enable debugging
    • Disable plugins and themes
    • Like this:
    • Related

Trying something new on your WordPress site? Got any of the following errors like

⚠️ parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_string wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected end of file in wordpress,

⚠️ parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_function wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected text t_string wordpress,

⚠️ parse error syntax error unexpected if t_if wordpress,

⚠️ wordpress parse error syntax error unexpected expecting or ‘;’

then don’t freak out. You are not the first one to receive the parse error in WordPress. In this article we will show you how to fix the unexpected syntax error in WordPress. The parse error in WordPress isn’t a common error, and it typically occurs through a mistake made by the user.

Sometimes we install a new plugin in our WordPress and when we activate it we get a syntax error. Sometimes that error appears between the content, but sometimes all the content disappears and we only see the error. Or worse, sometimes not even that. We only have a blank screen.

We are here to tell you that this is completely normal if you have seen the “Syntax Error”⚠️ message because WordPress can sometimes be confusing with annoying syntax errors.

These errors occur if the correct PHP syntax rules are not followed. In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix syntax error in WordPress with simple instructions for beginners.

Let’s see how to understand, debug and fix  a syntax error, or alternatively, at least isolate it:

Some Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How to Fix the Syntax Error in WordPress?
  • How to Fix Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘ ‘ WordPress?⚠️
  • How to Fix the Parse Error in WordPress?
  • How to debug and fix WordPress Syntax Errors?

In this post you will also know more about:

  • How do you fix a syntax error?
  • What is parse error syntax error unexpected?
  • What is a parse error in WordPress?
  • How do I fix invalid syntax in Python?
  • What causes a syntax error?
  • What Is syntax error with example?

What are parse error: syntax errors ?

parse error syntax error in WordPress

PHP errors⚠️ can occur when your code is being converted from a series of characters to something that is visible to the visitors of your site.

This error may also happen when an update is made by the developer of a theme or an extension (this is rather rare, but it can happen).

For example, you may have made syntax errors in your code by forgetting parentheses, adding spaces or characters.

These errors occur when the PHP code can’t start or finish being parsed. Obviously, if this is the case, something terribly wrong has happened and it may take more than putting some } there to heal your code.

This could be a copy and paste problem. Maybe the developer did not copy and paste the lines of the code as mentioned in the tutorial.

⚠️ The most probable cause of the error is a missing or a mismatched parenthesis in the PHP code

In WordPress, there are typically 3 main kinds of parse error which may occur to your WordPress site:

⚠️ Syntax error – It occurs because of the semicolons, curly brackets or quotations that were used in the PHP code. Either one of them is missing or the wrong ones were added.

⚠️ Unexpected error – It happens when you include a character such as an opening or closing bracket or other similar characters. This is a parse error which occurs when php is still looking for something and reaches the end of the file without finding it. It could be a quote or bracket which is unclosed, and php is still treating the file contents as a part of the quote.

Php is just telling you it was unexpected

⚠️ Undefined constant error – This is the problem with the character missing in an array while referencing a variable or possible scenarios.

It is extremely important to keep in mind that these three kinds of parsing errors have many different variations depending on the specific mistake in the written PHP code.

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What Is A Syntax Error?

Fixing the Syntax Error unexpected in wordpress website

The WordPress syntax error is common among users who add code snippets to their WordPress sites. When this error occurs, you usually see something like in the homepage of the website:

⚠️ Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/content/94/4245094/html/wp-content/plugins/my-calendar/my-calendar-styles.php on line 465

Often this error happens because a programming language is not used properly, that is, the rules are not followed and the code is written incorrectly. It can be something as simple as not placing a semicolon, or that a complete file is misspelled. When compiling, it will not be understood and that error will appear. The positive thing about this error is that you will know exactly what it is and we will see how to correct it. In case you run a multi wordpress site and want to find out which user activity lead to this error, it can be found by monitoring user activity in wordpress dashboard.


Syntax errors structure:

“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Undefined constant errors structure:

“Notice: Use of undefined constant constant string – assumed ‘constant string‘ in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Unexpected errors Example

“Parse error: unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number

Unexpected parse errors may list a string instead of a character.

In each of these examples, number refers to the line number and is going to be replaced with actual numbers such as 23 or 1256, for example, though, not necessarily those exact line numbers.

  • The file indicated in the error message is – where the issue persists
  • The line number gives you a hint as to where to look for the mistake.

The character or constant string names give you an idea of what to look for around the indicated line number. These are what needs fixing or else they’re related to what needs correcting.

Related Read Fix Sorry, This File Type Is Not Permitted For Security Reasons

What Causes the PHP parse/syntax errors in WordPress?

Even a small typo error in the wrong place can cause the operation of your entire WordPress page to stop working. However, the message “Syntax error” is not an insoluble problem.

A syntax error is, as a rule, caused by a small critical error in the syntax of your code. A missing comma or an incorrect parenthesis interrupts the entire script. Have you recently installed a snippet or updated a plugin? If this is the case, then you should check this first.

To resolve WordPress syntax errors, you must rework the part of the code that caused this error. Either you delete it completely or you correct the syntax.

As a beginner, it is not uncommon to be quickly frustrated when a single mistake makes the entire site inaccessible. If you have added the code in your WordPress dashboard via the editor area then it is no longer possible to directly access your WordPress code.

How to detect syntax error in wordpress?

If the error appeared just after you have pasted some block of code, check the latter mainly.

Anyway, in the syntax error message, you will see the damaged file and the line of code that you should review. This is also seen when you activate the debug by defining define (‘WP_DEBUG’, true); in wp-config.php.

  • Check that you do not miss any semicolons. There are codes that at first glance do not seem to have an error, and adding a semicolon at the end, the error message disappears.
  • Check that the quotes are in the proper format, in PHP the double and single quotes are used, make sure they are not italic.
  • Check that there is no missing parenthesis to open or close. You can PHP code syntax for any errors using this handy tool.

To identify the origin or cause of this error, follow the steps below:

  • wp-config.php: Activate debug by defining define (‘WP_DEBUG’, true); Normally it will throw the error on the screen where it will indicate the file, the line and the type of error that was found during the execution.
  • Close each order: Check that you do not lack a ; at the close of each line.
  • Check the quotes: In PHP, single quotes and double quotes are used. Sometimes, when copying and pasting, the format is moved and the quotes appear cursive (curly quotes). Example:  “” instead of “” or ‘’ instead of ”.
  • Check the parentheses: It is very common in instructions with leaving a parenthesis to close or to open. Balanced parentheses require every opening parenthesis to be closed in the reverse order opened.

How To Find Parse Error in WordPress?

The easiest way to open a PHP file is to open it using the default text editor on your computer. The default text editor is based on JavaScript which allows it to run on several platforms and CMS like WordPress and is compatible with most web browsers.

The text editors allow us to write while we see the final result of the text.

And ultimately, the editor generates the content as text, images and other elements in HTML code and shows it to us in a similar way to how it will be on our website.

Popular text editors include

  • Notepad++
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom
  • Brackets
  • TextWrangler

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How To Fix parse error syntax error unexpected ‘ ‘ in wordpress Via FTP?

How To Fix Parse Error Syntax Error Via FTP

In order to fix the Syntax Error in WordPress you need to edit the code that caused this error.  The only possible way to resolve the syntax error is to directly exchange the faulty code via FTP or access the file you last edited using FTP.

 Steps to Fix Syntax Error in WordPress Via FTP

  • >> After installing the FTP program
  • >> connect it to your website
  • >> go to the theme file that needs editing.

In case you forgot which file you need to edit, just look at the error code. The error will tell you exactly which file and which line you need to edit.

  • >> Remove the code you last added / write the code in correct syntax
  • >> Save the file and upload it back to your server
  • >> Come to your WordPress site and refresh the page, and it will open as before..

How to Fix Parse Error Syntax Errors in WordPress

Fix Parse Error by Uploading Fresh Files

  • If you cannot figure out how to fix your code >> try uploading a fresh version of the file.
  • If your theme is the problem >> download a copy of it (the version you’re using).
  • If you only have the original folder archived and have only updated the theme through the WordPress admin ever since >> download a fresh copy of it from your theme provider.
  • If you do choose the WordPress root and your problem is with wp-includes or wp-admin >> you can safely upload fresh copies of these files to your site.

Tools To Help You Fix The Syntax Error in WordPress

If you have already tried the above steps and still get the syntax error, we recommend that you should try the tools given below:

PHP Storm

It is an IDE considered quite complete with its paid version of monthly or annual membership (USD $199) you can receive all the updates. Php Storm is part of JetBrains, and they offer the whole package (including PHPStorm) for USD 649 per year.

However, they offer a version for university students, with the prohibition of use for commercial purposes.

Visual Studio Code

It is a code editor with many features for beginners and experts. Visual Studio Code also accepts multiple extensions and customizations.

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How To Avoid Syntax Errors?

The ideal is that you learn PHP because knowledge of a language is what helps you to detect errors in your code at a glance.

Avoiding these errors is as easy as fixing them if you’re at least a little familiar with PHP. You can check your code for syntax mistakes automatically by running it through a PHP code validator.

Otherwise, you can always check your codes before applying them to a website or convert them into a plugin. Here are some tools that can help you:

  • PHP Code Checker
  • W3 Markup Validation Service
  • PHP code Syntax Check 

Here are some tips of the most common syntax mistakes to look out for right off the bat:

  • Make sure there’s only one opening (<?php) and closing tag (?>)per document
  • Add code shouldn’t be inserted in between a function
    • Check for functions that are broken up by other ones

Enable debugging

If you still have the error of the syntax error or the admin area does not work (or you have found the cause but you still want to dig more), you can enable debugging which will show you all the errors.

The problem is that when a fatal error occurs, the script stops executing. If this happens before any content is displayed, you will only see an empty white screen.

To enable debugging, you will need to open the wp-config.php file from your WordPress installation. Find the following line:

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

Replace false with true and reload your site. If this line does not exist, add it at the top.


Instead of the blank page, you will now have a blank page with error messages. It’s not much, but now you can start. If you have not disabled plugins and themes yet, you will be able to determine the source of the problem by viewing the error message.

It should indicate the file in which the error occurred. It could be something like this:

Cannot redeclare get_posts()in/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-test-plug my-test-plugin.php on line 38

At the end of the message, you can see that the problem is in line 38, and it’s a plugin called “my-test-plugin”. By disabling this plugin, the site should work.

You can correct this line if you like to change the codes. If it is a plugin from the repository, it would be better to write to the author instead of doing it yourself. By modifying the plugin, you will have to maintain all your modifications, which is a puzzle. It is best to wait for the developer to do it.

If you do not see any error after enabling debugging, try contacting your web host because it may be that debugging is not properly configured on your server.

Disable plugins and themes

Check if the error started when you activated a new theme or plugin, so you should replace it or contact the developer. Often this error does not allow you to log into WordPress, so you must use FTP to remove the plugin or theme.

Disabling all your plugins is one of the easiest and most common ways to solve the wordpress syntax error. A bad update of a plugin is often the cause. If you still have access to your admin area, you can quickly get there by going to “Plugins” to select “Deactivate” from the action menu.

This will disable all your plugins. If that solves the problem, all you have to do is find out which plugin is the culprit. Start activating them one by one while loading the site after each activation.

We hope this article helped you fix parse error syntax error wordpress. Now you know how to fix parse errors, what causes them, and how to avoid them in the future.

Read More About Other Common WordPress Errors:

  • How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress?
  • Remove “This Site May Be Hacked” From WordPress in Google
  • How to fix “The link you followed has expired” in WordPress?
  • How to Fix Pluggable.php File Errors in WordPress?
  • How To Fix WordPress Upload Failed To Write File To Disk Error?
  • WordPress HTTP Image Upload Error – How To Fix It?

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A WordPress parse error is serious. It will block access to the website and readers won’t be able to view the content.

Some common syntax errors are:

  • «parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_string wordpress»
  • «syntax error unexpected end of file»
  • «syntax error, unexpected t_function»
  • «syntax error unexpected text t_string»
  • «parse error syntax error unexpected if t_if wordpress»

Fortunately, they are not difficult to fix. It’s usually possible to see from the error log what caused the malfunction.

The key is to identify the corrupted file and change it.

Before restoring the site, site owners need to understand what a WordPress parse error is and what may have caused it.

Outlined below are some useful tips for fixing the error.

Types of WordPress Parse Error

First of all, what is parsing? Parsing is a process of interpreting a string of data and converting it into a different format.

It means that the code which holds the website data is converted into the content displayed on the page.

A parse or syntax error occurs during this process of data transformation. It indicates that there is a mistake in the PHP script.

This may be due to a faulty coding structure, punctuation, incorrect function names, or invalid variables.

WordPress parse errors usually occur after making changes to the website. It could be a problem in a plugin, theme, or core file.

A recent modification of any of the WordPress files, especially core files, is the likely source of this error.

Take care when inserting the code characters. Even a small typo or a missing part of the code will cause a syntax error and make the script impossible to process.

When there’s an error in the code, the PHP parser cannot interpret the code and stops working. Consequently, the data will not display on the page.

It’s usually easy to trace the cause of the issue. Generally, there are three types of parse error:

Syntax error


This error indicates that there is a mistake in the code. The error log will pinpoint the exact line of code where the error occurs.

It’s often caused by a missing PHP tag at the beginning or the end of a block of code. Another source of the problem could be the semicolons, curly brackets, or quotations.

Unexpected error


The ‘unexpected error’ points to something that has failed to close. Somewhere in the code, there might be a missing opening or closing bracket, or another character.

The PHP parser reached the end of the script without finding the information it was looking for. This triggered the error message.

Undefined constant error


A constant is a simple value that can’t change later. Whenever PHP has detected that an undefined constant has been used, it will send this error.

It can be due to a missing character.

Tracing the Source of the WordPress Parse Error

In most cases, fixing a syntax error isn’t complicated. Unlike other malfunctions that are hard to diagnose, this should be straightforward.

To trace the cause of the error, determine what changes have recently been made to the site. This will help to pinpoint the root cause of the issue.

If the error occurred after activating a new plugin or theme, trace that modification first. Try to disable the new feature and check if the page is back on.

If there are no recently added plugins or themes, the error log should state where the problem is. It will lead you to the corrupted file and even the line.

The next step is to follow the path and correct the mistake in the code.

The error message will vary depending on the type of the parse error.

1. A typical Syntax error message:

“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number“

2. A typical Unexpected error message:

“Parse error: unexpected character in path/to/php-file.php on line number“

Instead of a character, it may trace a string.

3. A typical Undefined constant error message:

“Notice: Use of undefined constant constant string – assumed ‘constant string‘ in path/to/php-file.php on line number“

Instead of a constant string, the message may refer to unidentified tokens.

The error message itself leads to the corrupted file and part of the code. To fix it, connect to your WordPress site via an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program.

Modifying the Corrupted File Using FTP


The first step is to connect to your WordPress site via FTP. After that, locate the file that contains the error.

Right-click on the file and choose View/Edit.

Next, find the part of the code that was recently added or modified. Determine if it is missing a closing bracket, a semi-colon, or another character, and make the needed change.

If it’s not possible to identify the incorrect code, then delete the latest modification.

Save the changes, close the file and reload your WordPress site. It should be running again.

However, think twice before deciding to delete the corrupted line instead of fixing it. In some cases, it will resolve the problem, but it can also lead to more issues.

File Restore


If efforts to fix the issue have been unsuccessful, try to restore the original file from the backup. This should remove all the modifications that caused the parse error.

It’s possible to find the corrupted file by following the error log path. The actual process of restoring it will depend on the tools used.

The restored file should get the site running in its original format.

Backing up all the files related to the look and function of the page is very important. Although the site host usually backs up data, it’s good to have a copy downloaded to the computer.

Tracing the Error Through Debugging

Another method for fixing the syntax error is to enable debugging. This process can identify what causes performance issues on a website.

Activating WP-DEBUG is one of the simplest ways to log errors on a WordPress site.

To enable it, go to the wp-config.php file in the WordPress installation. Next, look for the following line:

define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

Once located, replace ‘false’ with ‘true’. If there is no such line in the file, add it at the top.

Now, refresh your site. Instead of the previously displayed blank white page, there should be a list of errors.

This way it’s possible to trace the cause of the problem.

If there are no errors listed, it may be due to a wrong debugging configuration on the server. In such a case, talk to the web host.

The error messages displayed as a result of the debugging may show that the issue is caused by a plugin. The message will be similar to the following notification:

Cannot redeclare get_posts()in/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/my-test-plug my-test-plugin.php on line 39

Now, navigate to the corrupted plugin and deactivate it.

Plugin Deactivation


Plugins/themes are a common cause of a parse error. Problems often occur after activating a new plugin or after updating it.

To fix a plugin error, it’s necessary to disable it. Most of the time access is only possible by using FTP.

Go to admin, select ‘Plugins’ and ‘Deactivate’. This disables all plugins.

The next step is to activate them again one by one and refresh your site each time. Repeat the process until you find the corrupted plugin.

Ending thoughts on WordPress parse error

A parse/syntax error will disable access to your site and the content won’t display. But generally, fixing this type of error is not a difficult task.

It is usually caused by a recent modification on the site. Often it’s due to a plugin or a theme.

By deactivating the plugin/theme, you should be able to resolve the issue.

The error message could also indicate a mistake in the code. Most of the time, it’s necessary to track the faulty line and modify it.

However, in some cases, it’s necessary to perform backup file restoration or replace WordPress core files. It’s also possible to use the debugging tool to view the log of all the errors.

In order to prevent syntax errors, always take care when working with the code. Try to avoid typos or missing characters.

If you enjoyed reading this article on how to fix the WordPress parse error, you should check out this one about how to fix the currently unable to handle this request error.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like
WordPress failed to import media,
how to fix the parse error syntax error unexpected,
WordPress missed schedule,
fixing sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons,
how to fix the link you followed has expired and
how to fix an error occurred while processing this directive.

Albert Ślusarczyk

Albert Ślusarczyk

As the co-creator of Be Theme, I am a strong believer in designing with care and patience. I pour my energy, time & knowledge into perfecting the theme for our 260,000+ customers.

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