I have had this problem Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package.
I was testing on Android-8. I have same apk with same signature .Everything was same without the version number and version name. App was installing when I install it manually but this error occurred when I was downloading and installing updates programmatically. Then I have found my cause of problem.
There was an option to check canRequestPackageInstalls ()
When this method returns true then app get installed successfully. It was returning false always in my case.
So first I check this and then let the user to download and install updates.
In onCreate()
if (!packageManager.canRequestPackageInstalls()) {
Uri.parse(String.format("package:%s", packageName))
), requestCodeqInstallPackage
} else {
canInstallPackage = true
In onActivityResult()
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode == requestCodeqInstallPackage && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
if (packageManager.canRequestPackageInstalls()) {
canInstallPackage = true
} else {
canInstallPackage = false
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Auto update feature will not work", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
Then when need to install update then-
// generate error message
Hope it will help someone.
Одна из проблем, с которыми можно столкнуться при установке приложения apk на Android — сообщение: «Синтаксическая ошибка» — ошибка при синтаксическом анализе пакета с единственной кнопкой Ок (Parse Error. There was an error parsing the package — в англоязычном интерфейсе).
Для начинающего пользователя такое сообщение может быть не вполне понятным и, соответственно, не ясно, как её исправить. В этой статье подробно о том, почему возникает ошибка при синтаксическом анализе пакета на Android и о том, как её исправить.
Синтаксическая ошибка при установке приложения на Android — основная причина
Самая распространенная причина того, что возникает ошибка при синтаксическом анализе во время установки приложения из apk — неподдерживаемая версия Android на вашем устройстве, при этом, не исключено, что ранее это же приложение работало исправно, но его новая версия перестала.
Примечание: если ошибка появляется при установке приложения из Play Маркет, то навряд ли дело в неподдерживаемой версии, поскольку в нем отображаются только поддерживаемые вашим устройством приложения. Однако, возможно «Синтаксическая ошибка» при обновлении уже установленного приложения (если новая версия не поддерживается устройством).
Чаще всего причина кроется именно в «старой» версии Android в случаях, когда на вашем устройстве установлены версии до 5.1, либо используется эмулятор Android на компьютере (в которых тоже обычно установлена Android 4.4 или 5.0). Однако, и в более новых версиях возможен этот же вариант.
Чтобы определить, в этом ли причина, вы можете поступить следующим образом:
- Зайдите на https://play.google.com/store/apps и найдите приложение, вызывающее ошибку.
- Посмотрите на странице приложения в разделе «Дополнительная информация» данные о требуемой версии Android.
Дополнительная информация:
- Если вы заходите в браузере на Play Маркет, войдя под той же учетной записью Google, что используется на вашем устройстве, вы увидите сведения о том, поддерживают ли ваши устройства это приложение под его названием.
- Если устанавливаемое приложение загружается из стороннего источника в виде файла apk, а при поиске в Play Маркет на телефоне или планшете не находится (при этом точно присутствует в магазине приложений), то дело, вероятно, тоже в том, что оно у вас не поддерживается.
Как быть в этом случае и есть ли возможность исправить ошибку синтаксического анализа пакета? Иногда есть: можно попробовать поискать более старые версии этого же приложения, которые можно установить на вашу версию Android, для этого, например, можно использовать сторонние сайты из этой статьи: Как скачать apk на компьютер (второй способ).
К сожалению, это не всегда возможно: есть приложения, которые с самой первой версии поддерживают Android не ниже 5.1, 6.0 и даже 7.0.
Также существуют приложения, совместимые только с определенными моделями (марками) устройств или с определенными процессорами и вызывающие рассматриваемую ошибку на всех остальных устройствах вне зависимости от версии Android.
Дополнительные причины ошибки синтаксического анализа пакета
Если дело не в версии или синтаксическая ошибка возникает при попытке установки приложения из Play Маркет, возможны следующие варианты причины и способов исправить ситуацию:
- Во всех случаях, когда речь идет о приложении не из Play Маркет, а из стороннего файла .apk, убедитесь, что в Настройки — Безопасность на вашем устройстве включен пункт «Неизвестные источники. Разрешить установку приложений из неизвестных источников».
- Антивирус или другое защитное ПО на вашем устройстве могут мешать установке приложений, попробуйте временно отключить или удалить его (при условии, что уверены в безопасности приложения).
- Если вы загружаете приложение со стороннего источника и сохраняете на карту памяти, попробуйте использовать файловый менеджер, перенести файл apk во внутреннюю память и запустить оттуда с помощью этого же файлового менеджера (см. Лучшие файловые менеджеры для Android). Если вы и без того открываете apk через сторонний файловый менеджер, попробуйте очистить кэш и данные этого файлового менеджера и повторить процедуру.
- Если файл .apk находится в виде вложения в письме электронной почты, то предварительно сохраните его во внутреннюю память телефона или планшета.
- Попробуйте загрузить файл приложения из другого источника: возможен вариант, когда в хранилище на каком-то сайте файл поврежден, т.е. нарушена его целостность.
Ну и в завершение еще три, варианта: иногда проблему удается решить, включив отладку по USB (хотя мне и непонятна логика), сделать это можно в меню разработчика (см. Как включить режим разработчика на Android).
Также, в том, что касается пункта про антивирусы и защитное ПО, возможны случаи, когда установке мешает и какое-то иное, «обычное», приложение. Чтобы исключить этот вариант, попробуйте установить приложение, вызывающее ошибку, в безопасном режиме (см. Безопасный режим на Android).
И последнее, может пригодиться начинающему разработчику: в некоторых случаях, если переименовать файл .apk подписанного приложения, при установке он начинает сообщать о том, что произошла ошибка при синтаксическом анализе пакета (или there was an error parsing the package в эмуляторе/устройстве на английском языке).
How to fix there is a Problem Parsing the package? The word smartphone and Android have almost become synonymous. Android has become one of the major leading operating systems in mobile phones today. This is due to handsets operating on Android OS are quite affordable unlike the niche market that iPhones and iOS targets. Also Android being an open source, has a large variety of apps, customization, and user friendliness. As a result, users generally prefer Android more than any other operating system in the market.
- 1 There is a Problem Parsing the Package – Fix Parsing Error
- 1.1 What is Parsing?
- 1.2 What is the cause of Parse error in Android?
- 1.3 Method 1: Check Manifest File of the App
- 1.4 Method 2: Allow Installation of Apps from Unknown Sources
- 1.5 Method 3: Enable USB Debugging
- 1.6 Method 4: Disabling Anti-Virus
- 1.7 Method 5: Corrupted or Partially Downloaded APK
- 1.8 Method 6: App Not Compatible/Incompatible App
Although Android is the most popular operating system among its users, it has a reputation for being notorious with its error messages and bugs. One such popular error among Android users is Parsing error. This error pops up when the user tries to install any particular app. The screen flashes. There is a problem parsing the package or Parsing Error – There was a problem parsing the package. This error is comprehended among users as the app cannot be installed on their phone.
What is Parsing?
Parsing, or parsed, or parse error is quite popular in the Android world predominantly because of the error phrase There is a problem parsing the package or There was a problem parsing the package. It refers to converting data or information from one form to another. Parse errors, in general, can occur because of the following issues:
- The files that need to be parsed doesn’t exist.
- The data or the file that needs to be parsed contains certain code that is preventing the whole parsing procedure.
- Permissions required are improper; the file is not compatible with the version of OS that is attempting the parse, or there isn’t enough disk space available.
What is the cause of Parse error in Android?
Now before we discuss the methods to fix There is a problem parsing the package or There was a problem parsing the package” error, we need to understand why such errors occur in the Android operating system. The parsing error occurs while installing apps from non-trusted sources. The various reasons are:
- Parsing error occurs if some changes have been made in the app’s manifest file.
- May occur due to corrupted apk file, or an apk file that was not downloaded completely.
- Lack of permission to install third party applications.
- The presence of third-party security software on the user’s device that might be blocking the app from executing.
- Android operating system version is outdated to use the app. The version of the operating system required to run or execute the app and the operating system that the user uses in his device might not be same or rather outdated.
Method 1: Check Manifest File of the App
This solution is directed towards users who like to tinker with app manifests to modify it. If there are certain changes made in the app manifest, the user is likely to face There is a problem parsing the package” error. In order to avoid the error, a user needs to find the Androidmanifest.XML file and restore it to its default state. Also, the user needs to rename the file if it has been modified. If there is something wrong with the app’s code, then it cannot be determined beforehand, and the user might have to take a deep plunge and look into it. The best solution to avoid such problem is to download the app from reliable source.
Method 2: Allow Installation of Apps from Unknown Sources
One of the most attractive features of Android OS is the ability to side load apps. But it is not always advisable to do so for various security reasons. Even Google doesn’t recommend doing it since installing faulty third party apps can hamper the proper functioning of the phone.
So, if a user is trying to install any third party app from a reputed source, and is getting the error – There is a problem parsing the package, all that is needed to do is to allow the permission to install apps from unknown sources on the user’s phone.
This can be easily done by below steps:
- Settings menu on the device
- Then go to Device Administrator
- Then scrolling down to the Security option
- Click on the check box “Unknown Source – Allow installation of apps from sources other than Play store.”
- On clicking the check box, the user will be given a warning regarding the reliability of unknown sources
- Then can click on Ok and save it.
Now the user will be able to install any apk he wishes to install by just going into the file manager, searching for the downloaded apk and by clicking on it will trigger the installer and the app will be installed.
Method 3: Enable USB Debugging
USB debugging helps the user to install various apps on his device using a computer and without any notification and log data. This is a bit advanced option and hence is not recommended for all users. It can be done only if Developer Option is enabled on the user’s device.
Enabling Developer Option can be done by below steps:
- Go to settings
- Then go to about device
- Click on the Build number 7 times.
- The screen will show the message “you are a developer.”
To enable USB debugging, go to settings then developer options and then scroll down and check the box beside USB Debugging.
Method 4: Disabling Anti-Virus
Parse error might occur because of various security reasons also. The user might have some Antivirus installed in his device which might not allow the installation of a certain apk. This might give rise to a parsing error. It happens because the antivirus tries to block all files and app installations from any source other than Google play store. To fix this issue, the user can either uninstall the Antivirus completely from the device o he can disable the Antivirus temporarily by force stopping it and then install the apk. In any Android operating device, it is always recommended not to use any Antivirus as they may unnecessarily slow down the device by eating up precious RAM. At the same time, care must be taken on what is downloaded into the device as mobile phones carry much sensitive information, and it must be protected from unnecessary thefts.
Method 5: Corrupted or Partially Downloaded APK
Partially Downloaded or corrupted APKs might also give the error – there was a problem parsing the package. To fix this make sure that you have a good internet connection while downloading the app. If an apk file has corrupted, then try to re-download the same apk and then install it.
Method 6: App Not Compatible/Incompatible App
There may be certain apps which are not compatible with certain versions of Android or might not be supported by the device hardware. It might also need to use certain device hardware like gyroscope or accelerometer which might not be present in the device. All these can lead to the device showing parsing error while installing it. So do make sure to read the app description while downloading the app from third party sites.
Such problem doesn’t arise if the user is using the Google Play store to download apps. As before installing the app from play store, a rough check is run automatically to check for the required software and hardware requirements. Which are not possible for third party websites which provide apk directly.
I hope you found the above information useful and will be able to use it properly to resolve There is a Problem Parsing the Package problem. Hope you got solutions for ‘there was a problem parsing the package’ error. Do let us know if you have any further information regarding this issue. Thanks for reading.
The Parse Error in Android devices is one of the oldest and most common error faced by Android users. The error usually pops up when one tries to install an app on his Android phone. The message appears “Parse Error: There was a problem parsing the package“. It turns out to be “the application cannot be installed on your phone due to an issue with the parsing.”
Causes of the Parse error in Android.
Before we proceed to the fixes, let’s see what can cause this error. There are several known causes today. The parse error occurs while installing an Android app on your phone. But, the causes can be different.
- Making changes to the app’s manifest file (for example, changing the Android OS version).
- Damaged or partially downloaded apk file.
- Not enough permission to download or install third-party apps from unknown sources.
- Your Android smartphone OS version or the hardware of your smartphone is not compatible with the app.
- Your device security system is blocking a third-party app installation.
Method 1: Allow Apps Installation from Unknown Sources
For the security reasons, the Android smartphone bans you to install third-party apps and software from all sources apart from the Google Play Store. Installing third-party apps from unknown sources can harm your Android phone.
So, if you are trying to install an .apk file, you may face the “Parse Error: There was a problem parsing the package”. To fix this and bypass the ban, you should allow app installation from the unknown sources. There is an option in your phone security settings.
- Go to “Settings”;
- Then “Privacy”;
- Find “Unknown Sources” and check the corresponding box. If your are prompted to confirm, tap OK.
Go back to the folder where you have the .apk located. Tap on it and install the app.
Method 2: Enable USB Debugging
Enabling USB debugging isn’t really necessary for installing Android apps using the .apk file. Nevertheless some users report that enabling the USB debugging fixed this issue.
To enable USB debugging, you need to enable Developer Option in your Android phone. In doing so, follow next steps:
- Go to “Settings”;
- Find “About phone” option;
- Scroll down to “Build Number”. Tap seven times on it. After 7th tapping you hopefully see a “You are now a developer” message on the screen;
- Go back to “Settings”, scroll down to “Developer Options”;
- Tap on USB debugging and enable it
The procedure to enable USB debugging for different devices might be quite different. Detailed instruction can be found in the paper.
Method 3: Disable Antivirus
The parse error can also occur if your security application is blocking the installation. Most of the Antivirus try to block the installation of the applications that may look untrusted or suspicious. So, if you are trying to install an .apk file, the chance of getting the error is that your Antivirus app is blocking the .apk file and preventing the suspicious installation. Try to disable the Antivirus temporarily and install the .apk file. If your guess is right, you should be able to install the .apk file without receiving any parse error in Android.
Method 4: Damaged or Partially Downloaded .APK File
A damaged .apk file might also be cause of the phrase. Try to download a new apk and install it. See if this can fix the issue. Besides, make sure you download the complete file. In doing so, it is enough to compare the size of prompting and downloaded file. Sometimes, you may partially download a .apk file and face “Parse Error” while installing it.
Today we have discussed a number of methods for fixing the parse error in Android and established its possible causes. If you have faced this issue using your Android and successfully solved the problem, please, share your experience with us. It is possible that your way to make deal with the parse error will help our readers.
Trying to install an app on your Android phone, but suddenly a windows pop-up on the screen saying There was a problem parsing the package? Here, I have a list of preferred solutions to fix this problem on any Android phone.
Android phones are the most popular and used phone in today’s date. The biggest reasons behind this success are its user-friendly interface, astounding features, and especially because of having an open-source.
However, we often come across some problems, and the parse error on Android is one such issue. So, to fix this annoying parsing error while installing an app on Android, I came up with this post. It includes the best possible ways to troubleshoot this error on your device. So, let’s go ahead.
Quick Solutions:
You can fix the There was a problem parsing the package error on Android 12 or any other OS version by enabling unknown sources, turning on USB Debugging, disabling antivirus, updating the phone, etc. To find out the complete list of solutions, you need to read this post till the end.
Quick Navigation:
- What is a Parsing Error on Android?
- What Causes Parsing the Package Error on Android
- Fix There Was a Problem Parsing the Package Error on Android
To Fix Problem Parsing the Package Error On Android, we recommend this tool:
This effective tool can fix Android issues such as boot loop, black screen, bricked Android, etc. in no time. Just follow these 3 easy steps:
- Download this Android System Repair tool (for PC only) rated Excellent on Trustpilot.
- Launch the program and select brand, name, model, country/region, and carrier & click Next.
- Follow the on-screen instructions & wait for repair process to complete.
Things to Know Before Fixing the Parse Error on Android
What is a Parsing Error on Android?
If you are getting this error for the first time, then you must have asked yourself, what is the Parse error on Android, and why is it triggering on your device.
So answering your question, parsing the package error gets triggered when you try to install the app on your Android from the Google Play Store or an outside source, but it fails due to parsing issues or apk parser.
Mostly the parse package error appears when a user tries to download and install the apk file. The worst thing is you can’t download or install the app on your device until the error is fixed.
What Causes Parsing the Package Error on Android 11 or Any Other Phones?
The other query users encounter is why There was a problem parsing the package error on Samsung Galaxy or another Android phone. Following are the reasons that are most likely responsible for triggering this error on your phone:
- If the app you are trying to install is not compatible with your Android phone.
- The app file might haven’t been downloaded completely, and that’s why you are getting the problem parsing the package error.
- If you are trying to install the app from outside the Google Play Store but the Unknown sources option is disabled on your phone.
- Changing in app’s manifest can show you such types of errors.
- You may also run into this error when you’re trying to install the corrupted APK file.
- When the antivirus app is interfering with the app installation process in the background
- If the Android update interferes with the manifested app’s files.
Video Guide: Solve There Was A Problem Parsing The Package
As we have gone through the reasons for the error, now it’s time to check the methods to deal with the error. So, use them one by one and see which one works for you.
List of Solutions:
- Enable Unknown Sources
- Corrupted APK file
- Enable USB Debugging
- Disable Antivirus on Your Phone
- Check Apps Manifest file
- Check if the APP is Compatible with Your OS
- Update Your Android Phone
- Wipe Cache and Cookies in Play Store
- Try Downloading from Google Play Store
- Factory Reset Your Phone
- Use Android Repair Tool
Method 1: Enable Unknown Sources
Basically, Android users download and install any apps from Google Play Store but many of them also love to install apps from other sources. Here users can come across the same error.
So it’s better to enable “Allow App installation from other sources”. This will help users to overcome the situation. Just follow the below steps:
- First, go to Settings and then choose Security.
- After that, you have to enable the Allow App Installation from unknown sources option.
Method 2: Corrupted APK file
There could be instances where you can experience the parsing package error on Android due to trying to install a corrupted .apk file.
So, if this is the scenario with you, then try to download the app from Google Play Store, or if you want to install the apk file, try to download a new one and install it.
Method 3: Enable USB Debugging
Several users have reported that doing this step has solved the Parse error on their Android devices. So you should also go through it once.
- First, go to Settings and then select “About device”.
- Now look for the “build number” option.
- Then click on “build number” 7 times.
- After this, a message occurs “You are now a developer”.
- Now go back to Settings and select “Developer options”.
- Then tick mark on “USB debugging”.
That’s it…
Method 4: Disable Antivirus on Your Phone
Another reason you are getting the parse package error on Android or There was a problem parsing the package Samsung Galaxy is your antivirus app on the phone.
If your antivirus app is blocking the installation while trying to install the APK file, you are highly likely to get this error message on your phone screen.
To fix this problem, you need to disable the security app on your phone and then try to install the .apk file.
Method 5: Check Apps Manifest file
Do you know what is Manifest app file is? It is a .apk file customized according to user requirement such as if the user wants to extract a .apk file to delete ads and wish to make it again then the file is named as a manifested file.
So, for those users who have modified something in this file then Parse error is common to occur. So what you have to do is, change the Andriomanifest.xml file to the default setting and check the name of that file. Just check whether the name on the file is not changed.
If the name is “app.apk” and you have changed it to “app1.apk” then you can come across the error message. Even you can look for coding in-app code when a problem occurs.
Method 6: Check if the APP is Compatible with Your OS
There is a high possibility that the app you’re trying to install is not compatible with your phone’s OS. Compatibility issues are the biggest reasons for getting the problem parsing the package error on Android devices.
So, make sure to check the required specifications of the app and see if your phone can fulfill them. Not just software, but your phone also needs to meet the hardware requirement, so check it too.
If your phone fails to fulfill the requirement and is not compatible with the app, try updating your phone.
So from now onward, whenever you wish to download any app then check its compatibility with your device.
Method 7: Update Your Android Phone
You may also get parsing package issues on Android due to using the outdated version of the OS. It is because when you install the latest update, it must be looking for the latest OS to run efficiently on the system.
But when the OS is outdated it yields compatibility issues, and users sadly end up with the There was a problem while parsing the package Android error. So, if this is the same case with you, updating the OS could be a probable solution for you to fix this error.
- Open the Settings app on your phone.
- Go to the About Phone option.
- Select the System Update.
- Now, wait until the phone checks for the new update.
- If you can see the Download Update button, tap on it to install the latest update for your OS.
- Let your phone update completely, as it may take some time.
- Once the phone is updated, don’t forget to restart it.
After doing all of the above, try to install the app and check if the Android parse error got fixed or not.
Method 8: Wipe Cache and Cookies in Play store
Whenever you download and install any new app from the Google play store then it saves some data of that particular app. When continuous data is saved then lots of data gathers which later on creates a problem.
So it’s better to clear out the cache cookies by following the below steps:
- First, open Google Play Store and then click on “Settings”
- Then move down and click on “Clear local search history” under “General”
Don’t forget to do this every once a week. Doing this will fix the error as well as free up some space on your Android phone.
Method 9: Try Downloading from Google Play Store
Android doesn’t restrict you from installing apps from outside sources. However, most third-party sources include the risks of viruses, malware, and other security issues.
So, if you don’t want to put your phone in any vulnerable situation and avoid this parsing the package Samsung Galaxy error, it is suggested to use a trusted source to install apps on your phone.
If the app you are trying to install is available on Google Play Store, use it instead of using any random unknown source. Following this recommendation won’t only fix the error but also prevent you from installing incompatible or malicious apps.
So, whenever you want to download an app on Android, stick by Google Play Store.
Method 10: Factory Reset Your Phone
When all the above methods don’t work to fix the “there is a problem while parsing the package” error on Android 11 then another option left is doing a factory reset. But before you follow the steps, you should backup all your crucial stuff from your Android phone.
Now go through the below steps:
- First, go to Settings.
- Then choose About Phone.
- After that, click on the Backup & Reset.
- Tap on the Erase all data (factory reset).
- Finally, click on the Delete all data button.
Method 11: Quick Way to Fix Problem Parsing the Package Android Error
Another useful way that can help you to fix the error is by using Android Repair Tool. This is a third-party tool used to fix every Android error with ease. Whatever issues you come across is now will be fixed with just one click.
With the use of this tool, you can easily fix “there is a problem parsing the package” on Android phones. Not only is this but there are several other errors that can be easily solved using this repair software.
So without any worry, you only have to download Android Repair software and fix any kind of errors or issues on your Android phone. on your device, follow the user guide, and let it fix the error on your phone.
Note: It is recommended to download and use the software on your PC or laptop only.
Now I hope whatever solutions I have mentioned in this blog will help you to fix “there is a problem parsing the package” on Android phones. All the methods are used by users who have faced such situations and found useful.
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James Leak is a technology expert and lives in New York. Previously, he was working on Symbian OS and was trying to solve many issues related to it. From childhood, he was very much interested in technology field and loves to write blogs related to Android and other OS. So he maintained that and currently, James is working for androiddata-recovery.com where he contribute several articles about errors/issues or data loss situation related to Android. He keeps daily updates on news or rumors or what is happening in this new technology world. Apart from blogging, he loves to travel, play games and reading books.
“Parse Error: There was a problem parsing the package” is one of the oldest yet most common Android errors. It usually pops up when someone fails to install an application on an Android smartphone. Witnessing the Android error simply means the application cannot be installed due to the .apk parser, i.e. parsing issue. Most of the time, the Android error occurs while installing the app from a third-party source rather than Google Play Store. So, let’s find out what is parse error in this blog and then try to resolve the issue.
If you’ve received a parse error & still want to install the app, you will first have to identify the issue & fix the “Parse Error: There was a problem parsing the package”.
Let’s See What Are The Root Causes Of Parse Android Error?
Parsing error meansthe compiling error caused by the conflict in the read and write for an application on Android. There are several reasons why Parse Error occurs while installing an application. So, let’s look at a few reasons behind facing ‘there was a problem parsing the package’
- The app is not compatible with your device.
- The .apk file you are trying to install is corrupted or damaged.
- Your security app might be blocking the installation of the app.
- Permission to install the third-party app from the unknown source is disabled.
- Sometimes, certain cleaning & antivirus apps are responsible
- There might be some internal issues with your smartphone.
Now that you know all the possible reasons behind facing parse error. It’s time to know the solutions for the same. So, let’s check out some effective ways to resolve Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package.
How to Fix Parse Error Android
Below are some methods that you can try to fix “There Was A Problem Parsing The Package” on Android.
METHOD 1- Clear Caches Of Google Play Store
This is one of the simplest yet effective workarounds to fix parse error on Android. Clearing Play Store caches help users to delete all the clogged up useless data. So, try clearing caches of Google Play Store & see if it does wonders.
To clear caches of Play Store, launch Google Play Store > Settings > Clear local search history. Now try to install the application which was giving you the Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package. Hopefully, it gets resolved now!
METHOD 2- Update Android to the latest version
If you are using an Android phone which has an old OS version, i.e. 4.0 or below, then probably it’s time to update your operating system to the latest version. Doing so will help you install & enjoy Android apps which are designed with lots of advancements & are compatible with the latest versions. This will help you to resolve parse error in Android.
To update your Android OS version, go to Settings > About Phone > Check for Updates > If the latest update is available for your device, it will appear in front of you & you can tap the Update button to fix it.
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METHOD 3- Enable the permission to install an app from an unknown source
For security reasons, Android doesn’t allow users to install applications from unknown sources. So, if you are trying to download a .apk file from other sources apart from Google Play Store, then you may witness the Android Parse Error. To fix such issues, you need to give permissions to allow apps to get installed from unknown sources.
To enable it, just go to Settings and search for ‘Unknown Sources’ and toggle on to enable it. This will let your app get installed on your Android device. In case you are still witnessing the Parse error, it is better to move to the next method shown below.
METHOD 4- Disable the security application if installed any
Most of the Android security applications block the installation of applications that are installed from unknown sources & not from the Play Store, which further results in Parse Error. But if you think the file you are trying to download is safe, then you can try disabling the security app temporarily to fix Parse error on Android.
To disable the security app on Android, head towards Settings > Search for security solution running on your Android & tap on Force Stop button.
METHOD 5- Enable USB Debugging option
Several users have reported that enabling debugging options on Android certainly helped them to fix Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package.
To enable USB Debugging firstly, you will need to get into the Developer mode on your Android phone. So, head towards the Settings of your device and tap on ‘About Phone”, from there, find ‘Build Number’ and tap on it at least 7 times, you’ll see a pop-up saying “You are now a developer”. No go back to Settings again & locate Developer Options. From the list, find ‘USB Debugging’ & toggle it on. You might be asked to allow USB debugging, tap OK to proceed. Now try to install the application which was previously giving you the Parse Error.
METHOD 6- Check the Manifest file of your app
This solution is only applicable for users who keep trying to mess with the app manifest file, to make modifications to it. So, in case you’ve made some alterations with the .xml file, try restoring it to its default state to fix the “Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package”.
To fix it, if you have made changes to the name of the .apk file, then rename it to its original name, this will help to come out of this issue.
METHOD 7- Delete the partial downloaded or corrupted .apk file
If the .apk file of the app is not downloaded correctly then, you will not be able to install the app & witness the parsing error. Also, if the .apk file turns out to be corrupted due to any technical reasons, then this will also fail the installation, and you may see the Parse Error.
To fix the Android error, you are required to delete the partial downloaded or corrupted files and then reinstall the application the usual way.
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METHOD 8- Check for the compatibility, install the latest version of the app
If you are still getting Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package, even after trying multiple methods, then chances are it’s happening due to compatibility issues. If the app you are trying to install is not compatible with your device either due to running an older OS version or the app is far older than its current release, then it comes under compatibility factor.
Therefore, if you are installing, .apk file of your app, which is older than the current version, then you should download and install the app from trusted sources. You will surely be able to come off the loop & fix parse error on Android quickly.
METHOD 9- Reset your Android to Factory Settings
Well, this is your last resort to resolve Parse Error: There Was A Problem Parsing The Package. But before doing so, make sure you backup all your data, because this will delete all your multimedia files, contacts, and other data and all your devices would be reset to default.
To Factory Reset your Android, go to Settings > System > Advanced options > Reset > Factory Reset. The path to reset your Android to Factory settings can differ from device to device. Hope you were able to fix the parse error on Android after this.
Were You Able To Resolve The Parse Error?
All the workarounds are easy to implement & doesn’t require any in-depth technical know-how. Just walkthrough the methods one by one, you might not realize which potential solution can help you fix parse error on Android.
We hope this article will help you learn about what is parse error, and how to resolve it. We would like to know your views on this post to make it more useful. Your suggestions and comments are welcome in the comment section below. Share the information with your friends and others by sharing the article on social media.
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Follow us on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. For any queries or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. We would love to get back to you with a solution. We regularly post tips and tricks and, along with answers to common issues related to technology.
Frequently asked questions –
Q1. What is the parsing problem in Android?
Parse error means the error caused when the parsing of a PHP code is interfered with. This can pop up on your Android device while trying to launch or download an application. It means that the file is not readable and thus not useful on your Android device. So we hope this answers your question ‘what is a parse error?’
Q2. How do I fix parsing the package error?
To resolve Parse error in Android you need to follow the methods shown in the blog. The installation error on your Android device may be due to outdated software, denied permissions, or corrupted downloads. Go through the steps and check all of them and try downloading and installing the file again.
Q3. Why is there a problem while parsing the package?
The problem occurs when a file is not completely downloaded, corrupted, broken, incompatible, or denied permissions on the device.
Troubleshooting Articles For Similar Android Errors:
You might have encountered the parsing error on android while installing the apps on Android. Whenever you attempt to download and install an app from Play store a pop-up error “There was a problem parsing the package” is propagated and keeps you from installing the app. Learn to fix the parse error on android.
No, matter what version of Android you’re using or what model and make of the Android phone you are using the parsing error might come up every now and then. But, how to fix “There was a problem parsing the package” on Android and install the apps on Android” Let’s find the solution.
Before we head to the solution, it is suggested to spare some time to understand the error and the causes behind the parse error on Android. However, there are series of problems that can cause Andriod to show a parse error pop-up, but here are the main reasons for Android to display the parse error.
1. App Not suitable With Current version of Android OS
One of the primary reasons to encounter the parsing error on Android might be related to version conflict between the APK files and the current version of Android OS on the device.
An app designed for latest version of Android might cause the parsing error while installing the app on Android running on an older version of OS. e.g. An app designed for Android Nougat might display the parsing error pop-up if you try to install it on the Android running on Lolipop.
To solve the error it is recommended to update the Android OS to the latest version and try reinstalling the app.
2. Incomplete APK download
Corrupt or incomplete downloaded APK packages might also be the reason for your android to display the “There was a problem parsing the package” error pop-up while installing the app.
Make sure to download the complete APK file before you attempt to install it. Also, make sure that the APK you are installing is not corrupt.
3. Security Issues
In order to secure the data and privacy, the Android system imposes some security measures and that can also cause the parsing error while installing the app on Android.
As the Android system is designed to allow the app installation from a trusted source like Playstore.
An attempt to install an app from a third-party source or directly by APK may alert the Andriod security system and this blocks the essential package files and hence showing the parsing error.
Methods To Solve There was a Problem Parsing the Package Problem
There are series of solutions you need to apply in order to solve the parse error and stop android from showing the “There was a problem parsing the package” pop-up while installing the apps. Here are all the methods listed you can try.
Method 1. Enable Unknown source Installation
you might encounter the parsing error when you install the app using an APK file that is download from outside the play store.
In order to fix the parsing error, all you need is to enable “Unknown Source” to allow the installation of apps from unknown sources under developer options on Android.
- Open Settings on Android
- Tap on the Biometrics and security option
- Scroll down and find “Install unknown apps”
- Toggle the button on to allow the app installation from Unknown sources.
- Restart the device and install the app to check if the parsing error is gone!
Method 2. Enable USB debugging
Users have reported that enabling the USB debugging has solved the parsing error on their Android phones. It is suggested to try enabling the debugging mode and install the app if the above method didn’t work for you. To enable the debugging mode you are required to enable the developer options first.
- Open settings on Android
- Go to About
- Scroll down and find ‘Build Number’ and tap 7 times to enable developer options.
- Once activated, go back to settings and scroll down to find ‘Developer options’
- Open ‘Developer options‘ and find ‘USB Debugging mode’
- Toggle button ‘on’ to ‘enable the USB debugging’
- Restart the device and see if the problem is resolved.
Method 3. Check the APK file for Errors
Sometimes a corrupt APK file can also return you the parse error while installing. APK app downloaded from third-party source is sometimes tend to contain malware as well. The best option is to try downloading the app from an official source like play store.
You can also see the download file size to confirm if the file is not incomplete or corrupted. Install the app on PC using an emulator like Bluestack to see if the apk file does not contain any error.
Method 4. Clear Play Store Cookies
Over time the cache partition of the Play store gets corrupted which keeps the APK file from installation and showing the “There was a Problem Parsing the Package” pop-up error. you can easily solve the error by clearing the cache partition of Play store. Follow the steps below
- Go to Settings on Android and tap on Apps
- Open Google Play store from the list
- Go to the Storage section
- Click on clear cache and clean storage to clear the cookies and cache
- Restart the device and try installing the app.
Method 5. Download the compatible version
As we discussed earlier, the app made for a newer version of Android OS phones may not run on the older version of Android OS.
So, to avoid getting the parsing error while download the APK file on your Android device it is recommended to download the compatible version of the app. You can find the older version of the app from some alternative apk store.
Method 6. Update Android OS
As we know by now that the apps built for newer versions of OS Android OS cannot run on older Andriod. SO, in order to solve the parsing error while installing an app on your android phone, you might need to update the OS.
This is an automatic task and can be easily performed by simply going to the setting>about>check for update section on your Android phone. This is how you check for your Android OS update.
You can also try installing a custom ROM to see if the problem is resolved.
Method 7. Disable Google Play Protect
Google Play Protect is a security measure for Android devices that helps the Android system to detect potentially harmful apps automatically. This measure can often end up detecting an app as malware especially the apk file installed from a third-party source.
In order to solve the parse error while installing the app, you need to disable the Google Play Protect.
To Disable Play Protect on Android
- Open Play Store App on android
- Tap on three horizontal lines to open the hamburger menu and open “Play Protect”
- Here tap on the “Settings” gear icon on the top right corner of the app
- Now, toggle off the “Scan apps with Play Protect” and “Improve harmful app detection”
- Go back and restart the Android. Try installing the app to check if the error is resolved.
Android Parsing Error- FAQ
What does it mean there is a problem parsing the package?
The error means that the Android installer is not able to parse the installation file and process the APK package file to install on Android. This can be caused by a corrupt apk file, invalid APK package, Google Security measures, etc.
How do I fix there is a problem parsing the package?
You can use the methods explained above to solve the parsing error on Android. There is not a certain method to solve the error however, you can try each method one by one and see which one worked for you.
Final Words:
The parse error on Android while installing the app on Android using an APK file. This is probably caused by a corrupt APK app package or lack of required permissions. Any attempt to install the app on Android triggers a pop-up “There was a Problem Parsing the Package” and installation fails. In such, you can use the methods explained above to solve the error and install the app successfully.
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Almost 80% of the users prefer Android system instead of other top mobile operating systems while buying smartphones. Android has become popular because of its user-friendly nature, cheaper than others, open-source & so many reasons. But still, there are some issues too like «there was a problem parsing the package» error.
Android has vast app collection. But some Android errors & apps spoil all moods. Today we will discuss one of the most common error «there was a problem while parsing the package» faced by Android users that are problem parsing the package.
«There Was A Problem Parsing The Package» [Parse Error Solved] —
Android users used to search; what does problem parsing the package mean? What is a parse error? How to fix parse error there was a problem parsing the package on Samsung galaxy or any other Android phones? How to solve parse error android quickly? Any parse error apk? What are the best ways to fix parsing package download and «There Was A Problem Parsing the Package» message on kodi android box? there is a problem parsing the package kindle fire, parse error Kodi android box, and so on…
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Parsing error meaning
Parsing error occurs on app installment. When you try to install an application suddenly a window pop-ups saying «there is a problem parsing the package» which means the application cannot be installed due to apk parser i.e. parsing issue.
While troubleshooting, you probably noticed that the problem parse package issues often comes when you try to install an APK file. This parse error occurs mostly while downloading the app from play store directly & many times (for root users) even if you try making changes to the apps manifest file, still parsing the package error occurs that shows the message as «there was a problem parsing the package» or «there was a problem while parsing the package» on the screen.
This is a really irritating Android error as you may have tried several ways to eliminate it, but still, it comes. But don’t worry if there is a problem there is a solution to fix parsing package error, & install the application without any problem. You just know, what is the meaning of parse error? In technical terms, parsing is the process of analysis of strings (which contains symbols, characters, etc. or in simple way coding of the app) in natural or machine language. It should follow the rules of formal grammar associated with the computer. Thus whenever google play services parse error occurs, it is interruption happened in this analysis process, so the error pop-ups & application do not get installed.
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Before going to the steps about how to fix «there was a problem parsing the package» error, I think you should know why such parse errors come up.
There are several reasons why this parsing error occurs & definitely one of them is responsible for your parsing error:
- File may be downloaded incompletely.
- Application might be not suitable for your hardware or OS version.
- Due to security issue settings
- Corrupted APK file.
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Follow the steps shown below for fixing the android parse error on your mobile devices:
Step 1: Check manifested app apk file.
Manifest app file means the apk file that is customized as per the user requirements like, some user extract apk file to remove ads and make it again apk file, such file is labeled as a manifested file. People who have done a modification on manifest file for modifications then this might be the reason why parsing error is occurring.
Change the Andriomanifest.xml file to its default setting & also check the name of that file. If the original name of the file is “aap.apk” & if you renamed it as «app1.apk» then also it might cause an error like «there was a problem parsing the package». If you have some knowledge of coding, look into the app code if there is some problem with the coding.
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Step 2: Security settings.
For the security purpose, the phone has an inbuilt setting that doesn’t allow installing applications from a 3rd party provider other than mobile apps provided by play store.
Don’t install an app from the non-trusted website. That might really risk your mobile. But if you still wanna install it check out your security settings:
- Go to the settings
- Scroll down & select option “security.”
- Check on the option “Unknown sources.”
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Step 3: Enable USB debugging.
Many people found that enabling USB debugging option has worked for fixing «there was a problem parsing the package».
To enable USB debugging:
- Go to the settings >> Scroll down then, at last, you will see option “About device” select it.
- Look for option “build number.”
- Tap on “Build number” for 7 times.
- You will see a message “you are now a developer.”
- Once you enable to go back to settings
- Choose “Developer options.”
- Tick mark «USB debugging.»
This trick works on many smartphones. Try to install the app again.
Step 4: Corrupted App file.
The parse error may cause due to corrupted file too. In this case, download a new but complete APK file, & try again to install it again. This might help you.
For the better solution, I would suggest downloading from google play store & make sure that file completely downloaded. Because a partially downloaded file can also cause the error «there was a problem parsing the package».
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Step 5: Disable Antivirus.
If you have installed applications like antivirus & cleaner apps, then this can also prevent some apps installation. This prevention is due to the safety purpose of the handset. They block suspicious downloads from non-trusted sites. If you really want to install that app then disable the antivirus temporarily.
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Step 6: Clear cache cookies of play store.
One of some best options is to clear cache & cookies from play store. It may help you when having a problem of parsing from google play store itself.
- Open google play store
- Select sidebar & choose option “settings.”
- In general settings, you will find out to “clear local search history.”
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Step 7: Download from play store.
Sometimes if you try to install the app directly from website or 3rd party rather than downloading it from the play store, the parsing error arises that shows the message «there was a problem parsing the package» on the screen.
Search the desired application on play store if you couldn’t get it that means that application is not meant for your device & sometimes if the file is incompletely downloaded then try to download it again from play store only.
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Step 8: Old version.
Maybe the latest versions of some apps do not support your handset. Try out the older version of that app. You can download the older version of that app developer sites, just google it.
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Step 9: Reset.
This can be the last option. Do not try resetting it, unless you have tried all the options given above. But make sure that you have taken a backup of all phone memory data to the SD card.
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Step 10: Compatibility.
If anything didn’t work by the solutions shown above for «there was a problem parsing the package» error, then that means the application is not compatible with your phone at all. This might be not suitable for your device hardware or operating system. Make a try if it gets installed on another android device which has the next version OS & better hardware specification.
If an application is meant for one version of the Android, for example, JellyBean or KitKat then sometimes, it does not work on another version like Marshmallow due to incompatibility.
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Video Tutorial To Fix “There Was A Problem Parsing The Package”
The following video is about how to fix the parse error «there was a problem parsing the package installing android apps», how to fix there is a problem parsing the package android, there was a problem parsing the package fix, there was a problem parsing the package, there was a problem while parsing the package-how to fix parse error-how to fix parse error android-how to fix parse error on Samsung— how to fix parse error on bluestacks as well. Check it out.
Check out all the mentioned points given above. I know it’s too irritating if you often get Parse Error. Don’t get panic by the message «there was a problem parsing the package» & try out the above quick solutions. I hope these fixes will work out with your problems. If you follow the exact procedure as I have told I’m sure this gonna help you.