Error -800 when logging in
Logging in with valid credentials:
OS is Fedora Silverblue 33
When I go the route of converting the deb and running it in a toolbox container, it works just fine, so it must be related to flatpak.
Console output:
$ flatpak run com.parsecgaming.parsec
sh: xdg-mime: command not found
[D 2020-11-19 19:04:02] uncurl_listen=-50021
[D 2020-11-19 19:04:02] os_readbin=0
Any ideas? Thanks!
I can reproduce it, but I’m not sure why it takes place. I’ll further investigate it.
I solved it with adding permission to home folder.
- «—filesystem=home»
The reason for the whole problem is that the current flatpak forces the version that was downloaded. It seems like parsec decided to change the API and requires an updated client version.
Sadly the parsec team doesn’t consider proper packaging a priority and therefore they just download the newest version on startup and try to load it following their appdata config. This introduces two problems:
- It requires the flatpak to persist those downloads, which hopefully doesn’t pile up.
- It requires the flatpak to make the appdata.json mutable without removing it from the initial setup, because otherwise the parsec client won’t start.
My PR above solves the problem to some degree. The way better way would be, when the parsec team would provide a proper package, but my requests and general questions in that direction ended up unheard, so I hope that’s enough.
PS: It would be great if someone could try the version from the PR with standard permissions to make sure my local install isn’t any special.
After removing the appdata.json symlink it’s working for me. 👍
It looks like it downloads the latest version for every single startup. Possibly because appdata.json is being replaced in the launch script? We might only want to copy it to $HOME if it doesn’t exist?
I tried that and ended up with some sort of race-condition situation where parsec refused to start, because the appdata.json
was in place but the .so
file referenced in it, disappeared. Maybe I can write some additional verification code that makes it more optional.
I made a new pull request that solved this issue.
- "[ ! -e $HOME/appdata.json ] && cp /app/extra/share/parsec/skel/appdata.json $HOME"
- "[ ! -e $HOME/parsecd-*.so ] && cp /app/extra/share/parsec/skel/parsecd-*.so $HOME"
Asked by: Louvenia Wilderman
Score: 4.3/5
(43 votes)
This error means something is preventing Parsec from making the network connection between you and the other computer. This peer-to-peer connection could be prevented because of NAT issues, firewall issues, improper/non-existent port forwarding, or even if your ISP has been blocking the UDP connections.
How do I fix host could not capture screen Parsec?
Issues with Windows RDP (Remote Desktop)
- Run «Edit group policy»
- Navigate to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment.
- Set «Use WDDM graphics display driver…» to «Disabled»
What is error Parsec?
This error means that your Parsec application is unable to successfully discover its public IP address when communicating with our STUN server. This issue is most likely caused by UDP or STUN being blocked by your IT administrator, and shouldn’t happen on your home internet connection.
Does Parsec use LAN?
Parsec’s core technology suite, the Parsec SDK, is built in cross platform C. … On our test setup on a LAN ethernet connection, Parsec adds only 7 milliseconds of latency to your game. Remember, your ping is important, so if you’re far from the computer, there will be more lag. Parsec does what it promises.
Should I port forward Parsec?
We recommend starting with 8000 for UDP traffic when forwarding ports to your host using Parsec. … We recommend 9000 for the client and 8000 for the server just so they’re aren’t any conflicts in the port ranges in case both the host and clients are on the same local network.
43 related questions found
How do I fix Parsec error?
How can I fix the error 15000 Parsec?
- Update the graphics card driver. Download and install Driver Booster 7. …
- Disable streaming apps. Right-click the taskbar to select Task Manager. …
- Clean-boot Windows. …
- Turn off the Game bar. …
- Turn off NVIDIA Shadowplay. …
- Turn off background recording. …
- Lower the resolution on the host PC.
How do I fix Parsec connection?
Sometimes, simply restarting everything fixes this error. Restart the computer and router on both the host and client having issues. Both the host and client should make sure that Parsec is allowed on the firewall.
Is Parsec safe to use?
Is Parsec Gaming Secure? Parsec takes their security pretty seriously. P2P data is secured by DTLS 1.2 (AES-128) and communications to their backend are secured via HTTPS (TLS 1.2). They also utilize best practice security measures like salted bcrypt.
Why is Parsec not working?
If you have just installed Parsec on Windows, but are unable to start it, it may be being blocked in your anti-virus program.
How do I fix host encoder failed to initialize Parsec?
The host can try to lower the resolution to 1280×800 or lower (through Windows’ settings instead of Parsec’s). On the host, disable/close NVIDIA Shadowplay, Xbox DVR / Game bar, VNC or other game streaming apps and, then see if that fixed it.
Is Parsec a malware?
As per the information we have the parsec.exe is a Virus. But a good file might be infected with malware or virus to disguise itself.
Is there anything like Parsec?
There are more than 10 alternatives to Parsec for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Android, Mac, iPhone and Android Tablet. The best alternative is TeamViewer. … Other great apps like Parsec are AnyDesk (Free Personal), Rainway Gaming (Free), Shadow (Paid) and Stadia (Freemium).
Is Moonlight better than Parsec?
While Moonlight recorded a lower average FPS — about 29 — than Parsec, there was no such skipping in any portion of the benchmark. Each frame was present, and if the remote machine was recording 29 FPS, I saw 29 FPS on my local machine.
What Internet speed do you need for Parsec?
At a minimum, you want 10Mbps upload, 30Mbps for prettier Full HD gaming at 60 frames per second, and a recommended whopping 50Mbps for two or more connecting players… As for required speeds, upload bandwidth is far more important than download when it comes to hosting.
Why does Parsec freeze?
Why does Parsec freeze? This might be something in the network blocking the stream for a few seconds or too many packets getting backed up in the queues. Are you connecting to your own computer or a cloud gaming pc.
Why is my Parsec so laggy?
Parsec only adds one frame of lag + ping. If there’s a lot of lag, your client might not be keeping up with the frame rate. You can lower host resolution or add encoder_fps=30 to config file on host to lower lag.
Are Parsec servers down?
No incidents or maintenance related to this downtime. No incidents reported today.
How do you use Parsec?
How to Use Parsec: Turning Local Co-Op Into Online Co-Op
- Step 1: Download Parsec and Sign Up. To download Parsec, you will need to visit the Parsec Gaming website. …
- Step 2: Enable Hosting on Parsec. To host games on your computer, you will need to enable the hosting feature. …
- Step 3: Add Your Friends on Parsec.
Do you have to be on the same wifi to use Parsec?
I was able to use Parsec and stream a few games, but the experience could definitely be improved . Apparently Parsec uses LAN to stream the games if both devices are on the same Wifi network.
How do I setup port forwarding for Parsec?
Part 2: Open ports
- IP Address, Local IP or Internal IP: Set to your IPv4 Address (from the first section of the article); in my case it’s
- External IP: Leave it blank or unaltered.
- Protocol: Set to UDP or All / Both.
- Name: Put whatever you want or leave it blank.
- External Port, Service Port or Start/End Port:
What is NAT problem?
Understand what a NAT problem is. Basically, a Network Address Translation problem is caused by a router not being able to do what it’s supposed to; it is not correctly re-directing data it has received from the outside world to a computer that is connected to it (the one running Vuze in this case).
How do I get rid of Parsec?
To access this section from Parsec, visit the Account section in Parsec’s settings. Clicking this link will open a webpage that you may need to log into in order to manage your account. In the account settings page, click «Deactivate Account» and follow the instructions given.
Is Parsec gaming malware?
Important: Some malware camouflages itself as parsec.exe. Therefore, you should check the parsec.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer’s security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.
Ошибка Parsec 15000 может быть вызвана устаревшими графическими драйверами или конфликтующими потоковыми приложениями. Ошибка в графическом драйвере или неправильные конфигурации также могут вызвать сообщение об ошибке.
В связи с этой ошибкой соединение не установлено, и появляется сообщение о том, что мы не можем инициализировать функцию хостинга на компьютере, к которому вы подключаетесь. Попробуйте изменить монитор, который Parsec записывает в настройках хостинга, или обратитесь к этой статье поддержки за дополнительной информацией.
Код: -15000
Перед началом работы с решениями убедитесь, что ваша система совместима с парсек,
Решение 1. Обновите графический драйвер
Драйверы постоянно обновляются, чтобы соответствовать новым технологиям и исправлять известные проблемы. Если вы используете устаревшую версию графического драйвера, то Parsec может выдать обсуждаемую ошибку.
- Обновите ОС Windows, войдя в учетную запись администратора.
Проверьте наличие обновлений в Центре обновления Windows
- Откройте веб-сайт производителя вашей видеокарты.
- Найдите драйверы, связанные с вашей видеокартой.
- Загрузите и установите обновленный драйвер.
- Затем запустите Parsec, чтобы проверить, работает ли он нормально.
- Если ваша система имеет встроенные видеокарты, обновите также и ее драйвер.
- Если вы используете AMD APU, уменьшите разрешение хостинга до 1280 × 800 или ниже (в Windows). Запустите Parsec и проверьте, работает ли он нормально.
Решение 2. Откатите драйвер видеокарты
Не все, что обновляется, хорошо, иногда оно может иметь свою долю ошибок. То же самое можно сказать и о драйвере видеокарты. В драйвере графической карты Intel, выпущенном в сентябре 2019 года, есть ошибка, которая вызвала проблемы в Parsec, что привело к обсуждаемой ошибке. В этом случае откат драйвера вашей видеокарты может решить проблему.
- Откат вашего графического драйвера до предыдущей версии.
Откат драйвера
- Теперь запустите Parsec и проверьте, работает ли он нормально.
Решение 3. Отключите потоковые приложения
Ошибка Parsec 15000 может быть вызвана различными приложениями, связанными с потоковой передачей (или удаленным подключением), такими как NVIDIA Shadowplay, Game bar или TeamViewer и т. Д. В этом случае отключение этих приложений может решить проблему.
Отключить NVIDIA Share / Shadowplay
- Запустите Nvidia GeForce Experience.
- Нажмите на вкладку Общие в левой панели окна.
- Теперь в правой части окна выключите переключатель «Поделиться».
Отключить NVIDIA Share
- Выйдите из приложения после сохранения изменений.
- Теперь запустите Parsec и проверьте, работает ли он нормально.
Отключить игровую панель Xbox
- Нажмите клавишу Windows и в поле поиска введите Gaming. Затем в списке результатов нажмите на настройках игровой панели.
Открыть настройки Game Bar
- В правой части окна выключите переключатель игровой панели.
Отключение игровой панели
- Теперь запустите Parsec и проверьте, нет ли ошибки 15000.
Если вы используете любые другие приложения потокового / удаленного подключения, отключите их. Вы также можете очистить загрузочную Windows, чтобы проверить, не создает ли другое приложение проблему.
Если проблема не устранена, попробуйте удалить старую машину и заново создать новую.