Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] Entity line 177 parser error EntityRef expecting ‘;’ in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] е решение для розничных сетей KORUS Retail&Distribution in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] ^ in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] Entity line 366 parser error EntityRef expecting ‘;’ in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] descriptionАмериканское агентство GSD&M по заказу in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Warning SimpleXMLElement__construct() [function.—construct] ^ in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php on line 89
Fatal error Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘String could not be parsed as XML’ in CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php89 Stack trace #0 CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php(89) SimpleXMLElement-__construct(‘xml version=. ‘) #1 CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwincmodulesclass.rss.php(119) RSS-rssParser(‘xml version=. ‘) #2 CServerdocsitlines.ruwwwpage.php(38) RSS-getRSS() #3
патался понять в чем причина этих сбоев, но так и не понял
The Joomla! Forum™
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:32 pm
I am using Joomla 1.5RC3.
I can install Modules and Templates but when I try to install a component I get the following message;
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Can anyone please help me on this?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by markuz » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:43 pm
To me it seems there is something wrong with the syntax of your XML-file. If there is something wrong with that, the XML-parser can’t do anything with it, do you have a tool to check the syntax? Loading the xml in the Firefox browser might help.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by ircmaxell » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:40 pm
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:13 am
Hi, thatnk you for your input as it may be useful to some components. I have noticed that some components load and some dont.
For example community builder and fireboard work perfectly but the metatag component from Ijoomla does not.
It’s just do do with the compatability of certain components.
If I could be shown how to edit the components to work that would be great and also a great help to the Joomla community.
Thank you for your time!
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by ircmaxell » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:47 pm
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:57 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:03 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by ircmaxell » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:18 pm
arg. dang html entity decode.
replace & with ‘& a m p ;’ (without the spaces)
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:35 pm
Thank you very much. I was able to fix this error.
I replaced the bold with & in the HTML file.
So in the browser it looks like the original file, but in the HTML file is looks like this:
(Just for other people in the future).
Again, thank you very much and especially because you were fast!
— DK
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dracula70 » Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:49 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:05 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:51 am
Have no idea if my issue could be the same kind of thing but.
I am trying to build a new site for someone and I have it as a subdomain to my site.
ERROR at the top of every page.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:31 am
Hi. I looked at your site.
The first thing I would do is disable all your extensions and see if you are still getting the error. This could be a template error if it continues.
Once you get the error to show back up when you enable the extensions, you will know which one is causing the error.
If you can pinpoint the extension then the creator of it will be able to help you.
However, if you can’t reporting with the specs of your site, such as joomla version, extensions in use, legacy mode on off, php version etc. Will help to get someone to diagnose the problem.
Did you modify the templateDetails file?
I hope this helps to get you an answer and solution.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:51 pm
Okay. On your suggestion, I started turning modules on / off and then went to the menus.
If I turn OFF Main Menu, the ERROR goes away.
Also when I go to the menu list, Main Menu has an * next to it. What does that mean?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:55 pm
Never mind. I fould a Main Menu entry that seems to have been the culprit.
Thanks for putting me on the right path.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:03 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by founder » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:25 am
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by amelia.pt » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:08 pm
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by Stu Rogers » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:07 pm
I found this thread by searching for the error code which appeared on every page of my site. The posters above pointed me in the right direction, thanks.
For others who find this error in future, I had a URL menu item «/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9»
The error was caused by the first slash.
Post by karakoram » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:18 am
I am having a related problem — but with a twist. i am seeing this error message (XML Parsing Error at 1:186. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’) due to ampersands in a URL string. However, here’s the twist: the URL is actually a part of some javascript code that i am trying to attach as link script to joomla menu (i need to do some validation when the menu is invoked). So the culprit line of code looks like this:
The problem is that, even when i escape the ampersand with «&» or «&» (i tried both), and save the menu item in the site admin’s menu manager, the escape sequence disappears, and joomla replaces it with the actual ampersand — and i can’t get rid of the error in the front end website.
How can i get joomla’s menu manager to save the full escape sequence? Is there any other solution/workaround?
Any help appreciated!
Post by karakoram » Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:09 pm
i figured out a solution to this problem of joomla admin’s menu manager not letting me save escape characters for ampersands in URL strings when part of javascript i am attaching to a menu.
i guess the «solution» is more of a hack
i just went in to joomla’s database in MySQL, and updated the table «jos_menu» and set the «link» for my menu item to the text (with the escape chars) that i was originally trying to save via the admin interface. it worked!
dunno if there is a better or canonical way of doing this. hopefully others will find this workaround helpful.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by bluebelle » Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:46 am
I could still use some help on this topic.
I’m experiencing the same symptoms as amelia.pt.
During backend administration (super admin), when I’m in Extensions->Module Manager, I receive the «Error 23: EntityRef: . » error message whenever I select +New.
I’ve backed out (uninstalled) everything I thought I added prior to viewing the mesage.
I’ve gone to mySQL and added «&» to all my jos_menu menu links.
I don’t know where to start looking. «Error at 2:108. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’» doesn’t give me enough reference to understand if this is a menu/component/module/plugin problem. Where to start?
Any insight is most appreciated, most appreciated.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by RagnaBaby » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:21 pm
Just wanna help. I hope this gets fixed.
I experienced the similar problem with menu items
Here’s how I bypass the problem temporarily.
When inputing link into menu item in admin-backend, instead of:
I do it as (note on the double amp; to fix when generating xml)
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by toshio » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:52 am
amelia.pt wrote: Hi
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
I have the same error, but my Joomla is now a 1.2.18, probably the error occured before I remove a module called Template Chooser, but I´m not quite sure about it.
So, I don´t know what I have to do to fix this problem.
Any help appreciated!
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by mmiyashiro » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:36 pm
amelia.pt wrote: Hi
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
I have the same error, but my Joomla is now a 1.2.18, probably the error occured before I remove a module called Template Chooser, but I´m not quite sure about it.
So, I don´t know what I have to do to fix this problem.
Any help appreciated!
Hi guys,
did you get any help? I’m having the same issue here!
Post by mygalaxy » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:33 am
Having trouble with any menu item set to ‘External Link’ if in the left or right position. No trouble at all if included in the horizontal tabs. I’m unable to have a left sidebar menu item link to any external url without getting this error on the page: XML Parsing Error at 1:853. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’ Also, the external url menu item doesn’t even show up.
I’ve narrowed it down to the relationship between any position other than horizontal tabs and menu items. A Custom HTML module in left position can have external links without any problem. I have the same issue with ‘Alias’ menu item if set to external link.
Where can I locate the XML Parsing Error? I’ve tried replacing ‘&’ in the external url with ‘&’ and it seems to work, but I don’t want to rely on this method for every url. Also, not sure how to edit any database tables if necessary.
I greatly appreciate your help!
Joomla! 1.5.20
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by sherrynation » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:48 am
Post by DullJohnny » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:58 pm
karakoram wrote: i figured out a solution to this problem of joomla admin’s menu manager not letting me save escape characters for ampersands in URL strings when part of javascript i am attaching to a menu.
i guess the «solution» is more of a hack
i just went in to joomla’s database in MySQL, and updated the table «jos_menu» and set the «link» for my menu item to the text (with the escape chars) that i was originally trying to save via the admin interface. it worked!
dunno if there is a better or canonical way of doing this. hopefully others will find this workaround helpful.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by didiani » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:24 am
Post by karakoram » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:15 pm
Happy to be of help, DullJohnny! This is what our open source community is all about.
Я использую PHP SimpleXML для обработки файла XML и получаю эту ошибку:
Message: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 9: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
Быстрый поиск в Google показывает, что это, как правило, вызвано & — здесь есть дюжина вопросов с таким ответом на Stack Overflow. Тем не менее, вот строка 9 файла:
<p>In-kingdom commentary on the following items can be found on the November LoP. https://oscar.sca.org/kingdom/kingloi.php?kingdom=9&loi=4191</p>
Как видите, & сбежал. Текстовый поиск по файлу не обнаруживает других случаев &,
Что мне не хватает?
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: у меня нет возможности редактировать XML-файл — я должен воспринимать его как есть и исправлять только то, что написано в моем коде. В настоящее время я открываю XML с помощью следующего кода:
$rawstring = file_get_contents($filename);
$safestring = html_entity_decode($rawstring, 0, 'ISO-8859-1');
$xmlstring = simplexml_load_string($safestring);
(html_entity_decode необходим, поскольку файл использует кодировку Latin-1, а simplexml ожидает UTF-8)
Помощь приветствуется.
не предназначен для того, для чего вы, кажется, думаете, что он предназначен, и на самом деле именно то, что вызывает вашу проблему. Как следует из названия: он декодирует HTML-объекты, как &
в их фактическое представление; в случае &
=> &
Если вы хотите преобразовать кодировку символов оригинала $rawstring
в ISO-8859-1
или же UTF-8
вы должны использовать что-то вроде iconv()
или же mb_convert_encoding()
Вот пример того, что должен Работа:
$rawstring = file_get_contents($filename);
$safestring = mb_convert_encoding($rawstring, 'ISO-8859-1' /*, $optionalOriginalEncoding */);
$xmlstring = simplexml_load_string($safestring);
Увидеть список поддерживаемых кодировок, также.
Тем не менее, так как оригинал $rawstring
является Latin-1
, преобразование в ISO-8859-1
бессмысленно, так как Latin-1
является ISO-8859-1
. Вы может нужно конвертировать в UTF-8
, но я вполне уверен, что это даже не обязательно.
Другие решения
Других решений пока нет …
Ошибка проверки XML: EntityRef: ожидается ‘;’
Я использую PHP SimpleXML для обработки файла XML и получаю эту ошибку:
Быстрый поиск в Google показывает, что это, как правило, вызвано & — здесь есть дюжина вопросов с таким ответом на Stack Overflow. Тем не менее, вот строка 9 файла:
Как видите, & сбежал. Текстовый поиск по файлу не обнаруживает других случаев &,
Что мне не хватает?
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: у меня нет возможности редактировать XML-файл — я должен воспринимать его как есть и исправлять только то, что написано в моем коде. В настоящее время я открываю XML с помощью следующего кода:
(html_entity_decode необходим, поскольку файл использует кодировку Latin-1, а simplexml ожидает UTF-8)
html_entity_decode() не предназначен для того, для чего вы, кажется, думаете, что он предназначен, и на самом деле именно то, что вызывает вашу проблему. Как следует из названия: он декодирует HTML-объекты, как & в их фактическое представление; в случае & => & ,
Если вы хотите преобразовать кодировку символов оригинала $rawstring в ISO-8859-1 или же UTF-8 вы должны использовать что-то вроде iconv() или же mb_convert_encoding() .
Вот пример того, что должен Работа:
Тем не менее, так как оригинал $rawstring является Latin-1 , преобразование в ISO-8859-1 бессмысленно, так как Latin-1 является ISO-8859-1 . Вы может нужно конвертировать в UTF-8 , но я вполне уверен, что это даже не обязательно.
The Joomla! Forum™
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:32 pm
I am using Joomla 1.5RC3.
I can install Modules and Templates but when I try to install a component I get the following message;
XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Can anyone please help me on this?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by markuz » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:43 pm
To me it seems there is something wrong with the syntax of your XML-file. If there is something wrong with that, the XML-parser can’t do anything with it, do you have a tool to check the syntax? Loading the xml in the Firefox browser might help.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by ircmaxell » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:40 pm
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:13 am
Hi, thatnk you for your input as it may be useful to some components. I have noticed that some components load and some dont.
For example community builder and fireboard work perfectly but the metatag component from Ijoomla does not.
It’s just do do with the compatability of certain components.
If I could be shown how to edit the components to work that would be great and also a great help to the Joomla community.
Thank you for your time!
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by ircmaxell » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:47 pm
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
Post by klinic » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:57 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:03 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by ircmaxell » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:18 pm
arg. dang html entity decode.
replace & with ‘& a m p ;’ (without the spaces)
Anthony Ferrara — Core Team — Development Coordinator — Bug Squad — JSST
http://moovum.com/ — The Bird is in the air! Get Mollom Anti-Spam on your Joomla! website with Moovur.
http://www.joomlaperformance.com For All Your Joomla Performance Needs
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:35 pm
Thank you very much. I was able to fix this error.
I replaced the bold with & in the HTML file.
So in the browser it looks like the original file, but in the HTML file is looks like this:
(Just for other people in the future).
Again, thank you very much and especially because you were fast!
— DK
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dracula70 » Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:49 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:05 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:51 am
Have no idea if my issue could be the same kind of thing but.
I am trying to build a new site for someone and I have it as a subdomain to my site.
ERROR at the top of every page.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:31 am
Hi. I looked at your site.
The first thing I would do is disable all your extensions and see if you are still getting the error. This could be a template error if it continues.
Once you get the error to show back up when you enable the extensions, you will know which one is causing the error.
If you can pinpoint the extension then the creator of it will be able to help you.
However, if you can’t reporting with the specs of your site, such as joomla version, extensions in use, legacy mode on off, php version etc. Will help to get someone to diagnose the problem.
Did you modify the templateDetails file?
I hope this helps to get you an answer and solution.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:51 pm
Okay. On your suggestion, I started turning modules on / off and then went to the menus.
If I turn OFF Main Menu, the ERROR goes away.
Also when I go to the menu list, Main Menu has an * next to it. What does that mean?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by tcsweb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:55 pm
Never mind. I fould a Main Menu entry that seems to have been the culprit.
Thanks for putting me on the right path.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by dkartuzinski » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:03 pm
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by founder » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:25 am
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by amelia.pt » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:08 pm
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by Stu Rogers » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:07 pm
I found this thread by searching for the error code which appeared on every page of my site. The posters above pointed me in the right direction, thanks.
For others who find this error in future, I had a URL menu item «/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9»
The error was caused by the first slash.
Joomla menu manager won’t let me escape 🙁
Post by karakoram » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:18 am
I am having a related problem — but with a twist. i am seeing this error message (XML Parsing Error at 1:186. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’) due to ampersands in a URL string. However, here’s the twist: the URL is actually a part of some javascript code that i am trying to attach as link script to joomla menu (i need to do some validation when the menu is invoked). So the culprit line of code looks like this:
The problem is that, even when i escape the ampersand with «&» or «&» (i tried both), and save the menu item in the site admin’s menu manager, the escape sequence disappears, and joomla replaces it with the actual ampersand — and i can’t get rid of the error in the front end website.
How can i get joomla’s menu manager to save the full escape sequence? Is there any other solution/workaround?
Any help appreciated!
Re: Joomla menu manager won’t let me escape — solution 🙂
Post by karakoram » Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:09 pm
i figured out a solution to this problem of joomla admin’s menu manager not letting me save escape characters for ampersands in URL strings when part of javascript i am attaching to a menu.
i guess the «solution» is more of a hack
i just went in to joomla’s database in MySQL, and updated the table «jos_menu» and set the «link» for my menu item to the text (with the escape chars) that i was originally trying to save via the admin interface. it worked!
dunno if there is a better or canonical way of doing this. hopefully others will find this workaround helpful.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by bluebelle » Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:46 am
I could still use some help on this topic.
I’m experiencing the same symptoms as amelia.pt.
During backend administration (super admin), when I’m in Extensions->Module Manager, I receive the «Error 23: EntityRef: . » error message whenever I select +New.
I’ve backed out (uninstalled) everything I thought I added prior to viewing the mesage.
I’ve gone to mySQL and added «&» to all my jos_menu menu links.
I don’t know where to start looking. «Error at 2:108. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’» doesn’t give me enough reference to understand if this is a menu/component/module/plugin problem. Where to start?
Any insight is most appreciated, most appreciated.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting
Post by RagnaBaby » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:21 pm
Just wanna help. I hope this gets fixed.
I experienced the similar problem with menu items
Here’s how I bypass the problem temporarily.
When inputing link into menu item in admin-backend, instead of:
I do it as (note on the double amp; to fix when generating xml)
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by toshio » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:52 am
amelia.pt wrote: Hi
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
I have the same error, but my Joomla is now a 1.2.18, probably the error occured before I remove a module called Template Chooser, but I´m not quite sure about it.
So, I don´t know what I have to do to fix this problem.
Any help appreciated!
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by mmiyashiro » Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:36 pm
amelia.pt wrote: Hi
I was working on my Joomla1.5.9 site and after some time I get this error every time I want to create anew Module in the Module manager:
XML Parsing Error at 7:113. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
I don’t know what triggers this to appear, and I don’t know which XML file to edit. anyone has an idea?
I have the same error, but my Joomla is now a 1.2.18, probably the error occured before I remove a module called Template Chooser, but I´m not quite sure about it.
So, I don´t know what I have to do to fix this problem.
Any help appreciated!
Hi guys,
did you get any help? I’m having the same issue here!
XML Parsing Error with left sidebar menu
Post by mygalaxy » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:33 am
Having trouble with any menu item set to ‘External Link’ if in the left or right position. No trouble at all if included in the horizontal tabs. I’m unable to have a left sidebar menu item link to any external url without getting this error on the page: XML Parsing Error at 1:853. Error 23: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’ Also, the external url menu item doesn’t even show up.
I’ve narrowed it down to the relationship between any position other than horizontal tabs and menu items. A Custom HTML module in left position can have external links without any problem. I have the same issue with ‘Alias’ menu item if set to external link.
Where can I locate the XML Parsing Error? I’ve tried replacing ‘&’ in the external url with ‘&’ and it seems to work, but I don’t want to rely on this method for every url. Also, not sure how to edit any database tables if necessary.
I greatly appreciate your help!
Joomla! 1.5.20
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by sherrynation » Fri Oct 01, 2010 5:48 am
Re: Joomla menu manager won’t let me escape — solution 🙂
Post by DullJohnny » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:58 pm
karakoram wrote: i figured out a solution to this problem of joomla admin’s menu manager not letting me save escape characters for ampersands in URL strings when part of javascript i am attaching to a menu.
i guess the «solution» is more of a hack
i just went in to joomla’s database in MySQL, and updated the table «jos_menu» and set the «link» for my menu item to the text (with the escape chars) that i was originally trying to save via the admin interface. it worked!
dunno if there is a better or canonical way of doing this. hopefully others will find this workaround helpful.
Re: XML Parsing Error at 25:309. Error 23: EntityRef: expect
Post by didiani » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:24 am
Re: Joomla menu manager won’t let me escape — solution 🙂
Post by karakoram » Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:15 pm
Happy to be of help, DullJohnny! This is what our open source community is all about.
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