I’m getting this all the time: I’m playing the game for 1 min or 3 min then the game shuts down. I have used this options, with no luck: I have also total Reinstalled windows 10, 2 times. I need help, have been trying too fix this since launch yesterday. Last bumped on Jan 17, 2023, 6:22:16 PM |
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i have the same problem for this league only . it’s impossible to play. |
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Same here.. Everything was fine until this very moment, and 3 sudden crashes. |
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same here, happened for the 1st time at merc lab, since that moment happens every single map |
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I’m having the exact same issue, re-installed graphics drivers, windows etc. |
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Had no issues last night,been playin 5 hours straight run on league launch,in the morning ive notice small 50 mb client update, and after that my game was crashing all the time, 10-20min and crash. |
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Im having this too. Been playing since dominion league and had this error like 10 times before this league. Now it has happened like 20 times in 5h of playing. Please fix this. |
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Same, I had this error like every some hours the first day of the league, and now after the update i’m crashing all the time IGN:ZorryFlurry |
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The same issue here, i have just updated my nvidia driver yesterday. Maybe the problem is coming from that update? |
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Bump — I’m not playing these League — but my Son is and having the same issue… |
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Report Forum Post
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on September 29, 2022
- Path of Exile’s Runtime error can happen when the game’s software conflicts with a Microsoft Windows component.
- You need to find out which Microsoft Windows part is causing the problem and disable it.
- Some users end up losing all game files and data if the error persists without fixing it.
To fix various gaming problems, we recommend Restoro Repair Tool:This software will repair common computer errors known to cause issues during gaming sessions: broken or corrupted DLLs, system files that need to run along with the game components but ceases to respond, and common registry values that may get damaged. Keep all these issues away now in 3 easy steps:
- Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
- Click Start Scan to find broken files that are causing the problems.
- Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
- Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.
The Path of Exile runtime error is a frequent error users encounter. However, like every other game, POE has downsides that can be annoying to get by.
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error occurs some software installed on your computer doesn’t agree with some Microsoft Windows parts. However, this happens when some part of the game on your PC conflicts with some Microsoft Windows components.
Nonetheless, find out which software or Windows component is causing the issue. Fortunately, we have discovered some effective fixes for the Path of Exile runtime error.
What causes Microsoft Visual c++ runtime error?
Sometimes, the graphics card drivers in your PC may cause this error. For example, when your graphics card driver is not up-to-date or not functioning as expected, you will get this error.
However, it also occurs when software installed on your device conflicts with some Microsoft Windows components. In this scenario, incompatibility is a big issue and will always prompt the Microsoft Visual c++ runtime error.
How do I fix POE’s runtime error?
1. Hide Microsoft Services
- Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialogue box.
- In the run space, type MSCONFIG to prompt the System Configuration Utility.
- Click the Services tab.
- Tick the Hide All Microsoft Services box.
- Press the Disable all services and reboot your PC.
- After observing steps 1-5, if you no longer get the error message, you have disabled the service.
However, you need to enable other features and know the specific Microsoft service to isolate. Repeat steps 1-5 but in this case, then allow the services one at a time. This should fix the path of exile runtime error.
However, if you get the error message again, you will be able to identify which service conflicts with the game.
2. Uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Press the Windows + S keys to prompt the search option.
- Please search for the control panel and click on it.
- In the control panel, go to Programs and Features.
- Open the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, then double-click on it to remove it.
- Reboot your PC and check if the error persists.
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3. Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++
- Go to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) page in your browser.
- On the page, click the download button and wait till it is complete.
- Open the downloaded file and follow the installation wizard prompts.
- After the installation, reboot your PC.
4. Uninstall the App
- Press the Windows key + I to launch the Settings app.
- Click the apps from the options listed.
- Please search for the POE client, and click on it.
- Select the Uninstall button.
- Go to the official download site and reinstall the app on your device.
The last option is Uninstalling POE and installing it on your device. However, try the other fixes above before doing.
If you have any other issues relating to Path of Exile errors like POE failing to connect to the instance, click these links.
We’d love to hear your suggestions and questions in the comments below.
Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:
If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.
Знаю, написал бы в Вопросах и Ответах)
В Настройках качество текстур поставь на Medium. После это не должно быть такой ошибки.
P.S. Ошибка из-за нехватки оперативной памяти, но это не значит, что у вас её мало. Просто игра ещё слабо оптимизирована и оперативная память освобождается не так, как хотелось бы. Над этим работают.
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Сенк за ответ.
Нашел другой вариант решения этой проблемы, мб кому пригодиться. Вот уже 3 часа играю и вылетов пока нету.
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вон баттлфилд с их бюджетом то до сих пор вылетает у меня за час раза 2 -3. а ты хотел от этой игры.
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Извините,не могу залить скриншот поэтому пишу в печатном виде:
Сигнатура проблемы:
Имя события проблемы :APPCRASH
Имя приложения: Client.exe
Версия приложения :
Отметка времени приложения : 51006f3e
Имя модуля с ошибкой : wrap_oal.dll
Версия модуля с ошибкой :
Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой : 4b04488c
Код исключения : 40000015
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Также до этого вылезает ещё две ошибки,1ая:
«Art/Models/Effects/orbs/counterorb.sm» : Expected version
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
Program:D:Path of ExileClient.exe
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application’s support team for more information.
Помогите пожалуйста.
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Похоже что придется перекачивать заново всю игру , удали файл Content.ggpk, после чего запусти игру — будет устанавливаться патч.
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При переходе в новою локацию или тп в город происходить ошибка и игра повисает. Притом не всегда, а в среднем на 3-5 переход. Может кто знает как решить эту проблему или какой дельный совет?
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С момента релиза прошло больше месяца, а рандомные краши так и не пофиксили
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а вообще форум игры живет на оф сайте! за миллион мессагов там…
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При переходе в новою локацию или тп в город происходить ошибка и игра повисает. Притом не всегда, а в среднем на 3-5 переход. Может кто знает как решить эту проблему или какой дельный совет?
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Подскажите как бороться
Что это за путь указанный в ошибке ?
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Егор Неважно
Вы нашли решение этой проблемы? У меня такая же ошибка
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Click here follow the steps to fix Path Of Exile Runtime Error and related errors.
To Fix (Path Of Exile Runtime Error) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Path Of Exile Runtime Error) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Path Of Exile Runtime Error Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Path Of Exile Runtime Error errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Path Of Exile Runtime Error) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Path Of Exile Runtime Error
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Path Of Exile Runtime Error error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-04 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Path Of Exile Runtime Error error?
- 2. What causes Path Of Exile Runtime Error error?
- 3. How to easily fix Path Of Exile Runtime Error errors
What is Path Of Exile Runtime Error error?
The Path Of Exile Runtime Error error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Path Of Exile Runtime Error error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Path Of Exile Runtime Error format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Path Of Exile Runtime Error error?
The Path Of Exile Runtime Error error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Path Of Exile Runtime Error error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Path Of Exile Runtime Error Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Path Of Exile Runtime Error) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
Path of Exile Runtime Error is a common error faced by users. However, just like any other game, POE has flaws that can be annoying.
The Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error occurs because the software installed on your computer is inconsistent with certain parts of Microsoft Windows. However, this happens when some part of the game on your PC conflicts with some Microsoft Windows components.
However, find out which software or Windows component is causing the problem. Luckily, we’ve found several effective fixes for the Path of Exile runtime error.
What causes the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error?
Sometimes this error can be caused by video card drivers on your PC. For example, if your video card driver is not up to date or not working properly, you will get this error.
However, this also happens when the software installed on your device conflicts with certain Microsoft Windows components. In this case, the incompatibility is a big issue and will always cause a Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error.
How to fix POE execution error?
1. Hide Microsoft Services
- Press the key Windows+ Rto open the Run dialog box.
- In the execution area, enter MSCONFIGto launch the system setup utility.
- Click the tab Services.
- Check the box «Hide all Microsoft services » .
- Press Disable all services and restart your computer.
- If you no longer receive an error message after completing steps 1-5, you have disabled the service.
However, you need to enable other features and know the specific Microsoft service that needs to be isolated. Repeat steps 1-5, but in this case, allow services one at a time. This should fix the eject path runtime error.
However, if you get the error message again, you will be able to determine which service is conflicting with the game.
2. Remove the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
- Press the keys Windows+ to request a search option. S
- please, find Control Panel and click on it.
- In the control panel go to «Programs and Features».
- Open Redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ package, then double-click it to remove it.
- Restart your computer and check if the error persists.
3. Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++.
- Go to the page Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) in the browser.
- Click the button on the page downloading and wait for it to complete.
- Open the downloaded file and follow installation wizard instructions.
- Restart your PC after installation.
4. Remove the app
- Press Windows+ key Ito start the application «Setting».
- Выберите apps of the listed options.
- please, find POE client and click on it.
- Нажмите кнопку Delete.
- Go to the official download site and reinstall the app on your device.
The last option is to remove POE and install it on your device. However, try the other fixes listed above before doing so.
We’d love to hear your suggestions and questions in the comments below.