Payday 2 как изменить герцовку

Как сделать 144 герца в payday 2

Обновлено: 09.02.2023

Hello everybody, This is my first post on reddit ever, although I browse through some posts from time to time. So please bare with me if i missed a post rule or two.

Issue — I havent played payday 2 for a while but now that I came back at it and been enjoying playing the game, The game runs fine but everytime I come to either exit the game (quit) or minimize (Alt+tab) the game, I go into a black screen on both of my monitors that I cant get away from. The only way I can get away from them is by pressing the power button on the PC to have it completely shutdown or pressing the reset button to reboot the PC.

Conclusion — Running payday 2 at 144hz in the past was NEVER an issue. why is it now? I noticed a few changes / differences since the last time I played, which is that they included FPS cap that is over the 135 FPS that was always there, now I can cap my FPS to 144hz or set it to unlimited by i believe by the addition of those two options, running the game at 144hz and then attempting to minimize causes this issue to happen.

Recap — Running the game on anything other than 144hz fixed the minimizing issue for me but that means that I also have to run all my games to 120hz. its not that it matters but its just annoying that its even a thing to begin with. I hope one of the devs gets to see this and get it fixed, I along with everyone else running a 144hz monitor would really appreciate this.

PC Specs — CPU: 6700k @ 4.7 RAM: 16gb DDR4 3200mhz ram GPU: 980 Ti @ 1485mhz Drives: 512gb ssd, 2tb sshd and 1tb hd Windows 10 Pro x64 + anniversary update Drivers: 372.70 (latest and greatest from nvidia) Monitors: 1x 24″ VG248QE 144hz monitor and 1x 24″ Dell 60hz monitor

Как выставить частоту 144гц.

народ купил моник27″ Монитор Samsung C27JG50QQI, а настройках частота показывает 60гц, почему.

Через какой интерфейс Монитор подключен к видеокарте?
Если HDMI, то тут, если мне не изменяет память, подойдёт версия не ниже 2.0, чтобы именно 144ГЦ держать.
Если DP, то версия должна быть не ниже 1.2
Видеокарта у Вас, если не шибко старая, то должна все эти версии поддерживать. А вот версию кабеля нужно уточнить в первую очередь. Если подключен кабель старых версий, то видеодрайвер не позволит превысить максимальную пропускную способность кабеля и будет ограничивать её либо частотой, либо разрешением. Попробуйте снизить разрешение до минимального возможного, если увидите что стали доступны частоты выше 60ГЦ, это будет означать что кабель старой версии с низкой пропускной способностью.
Разумеется, проблема может быть и не в этом, но начать её поиски нужно с проверки кабеля, в большинстве случаев такие проблемы возникают именно из за него. Если Вы используете кабель, который шёл в комплекте с монитором, то он должен быть подходящей версии.

Перк на 4 пейджера

Я по началу тоже матерился, но по хорошему разрабы всё правильно сделали, как ни крути. Вот суть:
1) они уравняли сложность, т.е. например, кто то из вас пытался хотя бы больше одного раза пройти 3 день подставы картин с шумом? Думаю нет, ибо пройти по «стелсу» было в 10 раз проще чем с боем, ну бред.
2) от вас теперь действительно требуется навык стелса, а не та несуразность в виде «убил — ответил на бипер — убрал труп — повтори n раз — профит».

В первом дне с картинами у вас при удачных раскладах остается три (всего!) охранника в огромном помещении музея. И что, скажите мне великие сэмыфишеры, трудного их обойти? и это еще при том, что они не палят пропадающие со стен картины! (уверен скоро и это пофиксят). Ёпт, да вам еще и споттера дали, вообще мана небесная!
Сам зачастую палюсь из-за своей жадности, т.к трудно отказаться от лишней карти ны на 1м дне и не залезть разок другой в хранилище за золотом на 3ем. по сему именно пройти день нет ничего сложного, взять от него максимум — тут уже надо попотеть.

ЗЫ: СУТЬ ИГРЫ — КООПЕРАТИВ! Если у вас нету хорошего напарника для игры, и вы играете соло стелс — так нехер ныть за сложность! (у меня к слову та же ситуация)

Ребят скажите есть ли мод что бы можно было отвечать больше чем на 4 пейджера без поднятия тревоги?

Токо Читы есть А модов Таких нет

Читы позволяющие бесконечно отвечать на пейджеры? Мне все равно что это будет мод или читы главное что бы можно было ответить более чем на 4 пейджера.

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Apr 7, 2015





  • #1

So… I used v sync on and g sync on and highest hz available in the nvidia panel

Whatever i use in game it is limited to 60fps…

If I turn off v sync in the nv panel and whatever in game it reaches higher fps but it has tearing all over the place..

Any fix?


Nov 3, 2009





  • #2

vsync is clearly why you were previously capped to 60 FPS.

Your display’s gsync feature should prevent any screen tearing. Gsync can only work through DisplayPort. Any chance that you’re using HDMI, and thereby bypassing the gsync feature? Gsync will not allow your monitor to exceed it’s native or overclocked refresh rate. If you’re above 144 Hz, then that is a clear indication that gsync is not enabled for some reason.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #3

First off

G sync operates from lowest fps imaginable-till your monitor’s refresh rate aka 144hz here.. So nvidia intends g sync to be used with v sync in the panel and off in the game to prevent tearing if you reach the 145fps territory.. It is obv displayport… Also g sync allows you to go over the 144fps mark..


Apr 7, 2015





  • #4

I used Fast sync in the v sync options just for testing and it allowed it to go over the 60fps previous cap but it ran horrible due to payday2 optimization and the fact that payday2 used my 4 core 100% and the others not as much.. I even un parked my cores and turned off any energy saving option in the windows power saving settings AND c-states etc in bios.. nothing


May 27, 2010





  • #5

Not to ask a silly question, but are you running 144hz on the desktop? If not V-sync will cap it to whatever it is set to.

G-sync does have some lower end range issues, but it simply switches to adaptive sync below 40FPS I believe. (I’ve never tried it so, not 100% sure, everything I run certainly keeps it above 60)


Nov 3, 2009





  • #6

I think we had a misunderstanding. G-sync will not allow you to exceed the native (or overclocked) refresh of your display, which in your case is 144 Hz. For example, if your display was 165 Hz, then g-sync would not allow you to exceed that frame rate.


Jul 27, 2016





  • #7

For G-sync to work you have to do a few things.

1. Make sure the monitors settings are correct both in the system and on the monitor itself.

2. Make sure the monitors settings are correct in the NCP.

3. Make sure you are using a DP cable as G-sync does not work with anything else.

4. Make sure G-sync is on and that it is set up for Windowed and Fullscreen in the NCP.

5. Make sure V-sync is

ON in the NCP.

6. Make sure whatever game you are playing is set to the correct refresh rate and any fps limiters are turned off.

7. Make sure V-sync is disabled in the game itself.

G-sync is an adaptive form of V-sync that eliminates tearing by syncing the monitors refresh rate to the GPU’s render rate. V-sync syncs the render rate to a value divisible by the monitors refresh rate. In either case going above the monitors refresh rate will produce tearing as the GPU is rendering frames faster than the monitor can display them.


May 27, 2010





  • #8

I think we had a misunderstanding. G-sync will not allow you to exceed the native (or overclocked) refresh of your display, which in your case is 144 Hz. For example, if your display was 165 Hz, then g-sync would not allow you to exceed that frame rate.

That is not correct.

G-sync on with V-sync off will operate in G-sync mode up to the set refresh rate, be it 144hz or 165hz. After that point it disables syncing and will produce as many frames as the GPU can handle.

G-sync on with V-sync on operates as you say. This is a feature they added to the drivers around the time the G-sync 2.0 module was released. (or at least that is when I became aware of the option, might have come out earlier)


Nov 3, 2009





  • #9

Eximo you may be right. I was repeating what Nvidia and EVGA tech support confirmed to me today. However, it’s possible that technicians from both companies were misinformed; no sarcasm intended. Do you have any documentation of this new implementation of G-sync 2.0?


Jul 27, 2016





  • #10

You’re both technically right.

G-sync when used properly does not allow you to go over the monitor’s refresh rate due to the «G-sync aware» version of V-sync, however, using G-sync with V-sync off in the NCP allows you to exceed the monitor’s refresh rate but will produce tearing.


Nov 3, 2009





  • #11

EpIckFa1LJoN I hear you. I’d be fine with being wrong, as long as we arrive at the truth of the matter. I own an Acer XB271HU, and it will not produce more than the overclocked 165 FPS of it’s panel, with g-sync enabled. I have always disabled v-sync in game, but it never occurred to me to look for that setting in the Nvidia control panel.

Googling Pay Day 2 and screen tearing produces a verbose list of similar screen tearing forum posts. Clearly it’s a common problem. I’ve yet to come across any game that produces screen tearing on this monitor, but again in my case, my refresh is steady at 165 Hz with g-sync enabled.


Nov 3, 2009





  • #12

stavrosmast What is the manufacturer and model of your g-sync display?


Apr 7, 2015





  • #13

Let me read through all this. I read at many places too that after the 144fps mark on a 144hz display g sync will let it start tearing.. thats why nvidia reccomends you run g sync on with v sync on at the nv panel but off in the game… Due to having an i5-4460 with an oc’d 1070 I at the moment cant test over 144fps for some games..

Yes I have done everything mentioned above in the (1,2,3 etc)

Its a Dell S2716DG A07 Revision with the response time set to normal and the payday 2 patch that arrived today..


Apr 7, 2015





  • #14

Maybe the technicians were stuck to the first version of it as it was mentioned above.. Linus had observed something weird too some time ago too.. Wish he d do an update now.


May 27, 2010





  • #15

Eximo you may be right. I was repeating what Nvidia and EVGA tech support confirmed to me today. However, it’s possible that technicians from both companies were misinformed; no sarcasm intended. Do you have any documentation of this new implementation of G-sync 2.0?

The name given to the G-Sync modules that support HDMI as a second output as far as I know. The original module only had the display port.

I assume the latest version is the one in those new 4K 144hz panels with HDR.

Not sure if they have official names, but I’m sure they have distinct part numbers.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #16

However.. the original question(s) still remain..


May 27, 2010





  • #17

Only so many different settings to try. Perhaps a clean install of the Nvidia drivers to get everything set back to default, install the latest monitor drivers if you haven’t, set your desktop to 144hz or 165hz, turn on G-sync for both Windowed and Full Screen, try both modes in your games. I prefer V-sync on so the GPU doesn’t have excess coil whine when it really starts to pump out frames, you can try both. (I have found several games that only work in full screen windowed mode with G-sync, I got subpar performance in full screen mode)


Jul 27, 2016





  • #18

Only so many different settings to try. Perhaps a clean install of the Nvidia drivers to get everything set back to default, install the latest monitor drivers if you haven’t, set your desktop to 144hz or 165hz, turn on G-sync for both Windowed and Full Screen, try both modes in your games. I prefer V-sync on so the GPU doesn’t have excess coil whine when it really starts to pump out frames, you can try both. (I have found several games that only work in full screen windowed mode with G-sync, I got subpar performance in full screen mode)

The latest Nvidia drivers have thrown a lot of things out of whack too, though. It may just be the driver itself.

Biggest example I have is that I used to be able to run WoW in Windowed (Fullscreen) mode with no issues, now WoW has some stuttering to it for some reason, forcing me to run in Fullscreen mode, which for whatever reason is lowering my FPS slightly as compared to W(F). In addition, playing video (Netflix or Youtube) in Fullscreen mode (on my secondary monitor), with games in W(F) makes the game completely ignore G-sync and it goes way over the cap, but looks as if it is playing at 30-40fps.

Again, in Fullscreen mode it works completely fine, and in W(F) with video not in fullscreen it runs perfectly fine except for some stuttering at least in WoW (Farcry 5, specifically works fine no video in either mode)

WoW also crashes on startup a lot too, randomly.

Worked perfectly fine in W(F) video or no video before I updated my drivers.

A lot of other people reporting issues with G-sync and new drivers in WoW recently. Could be a similar situation with Payday


May 27, 2010





  • #19

I had problems with WoW a few years ago. Electronic noise on my discrete sound card when high frame rates were demanded. Just had to put it at 60hz.

CryEngine games give me the most trouble with Fullscreen mode. It does seem like 30-40FPS when it isn’t working right.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #20

I tried crysis 3 with cry engine But, the FOV is not enough and there is no fov slider..

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Apr 7, 2015





  • #1

So… I used v sync on and g sync on and highest hz available in the nvidia panel

Whatever i use in game it is limited to 60fps…

If I turn off v sync in the nv panel and whatever in game it reaches higher fps but it has tearing all over the place..

Any fix?


Nov 3, 2009





  • #2

vsync is clearly why you were previously capped to 60 FPS.

Your display’s gsync feature should prevent any screen tearing. Gsync can only work through DisplayPort. Any chance that you’re using HDMI, and thereby bypassing the gsync feature? Gsync will not allow your monitor to exceed it’s native or overclocked refresh rate. If you’re above 144 Hz, then that is a clear indication that gsync is not enabled for some reason.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #3

First off

G sync operates from lowest fps imaginable-till your monitor’s refresh rate aka 144hz here.. So nvidia intends g sync to be used with v sync in the panel and off in the game to prevent tearing if you reach the 145fps territory.. It is obv displayport… Also g sync allows you to go over the 144fps mark..


Apr 7, 2015





  • #4

I used Fast sync in the v sync options just for testing and it allowed it to go over the 60fps previous cap but it ran horrible due to payday2 optimization and the fact that payday2 used my 4 core 100% and the others not as much.. I even un parked my cores and turned off any energy saving option in the windows power saving settings AND c-states etc in bios.. nothing


May 27, 2010





  • #5

Not to ask a silly question, but are you running 144hz on the desktop? If not V-sync will cap it to whatever it is set to.

G-sync does have some lower end range issues, but it simply switches to adaptive sync below 40FPS I believe. (I’ve never tried it so, not 100% sure, everything I run certainly keeps it above 60)


Nov 3, 2009





  • #6

I think we had a misunderstanding. G-sync will not allow you to exceed the native (or overclocked) refresh of your display, which in your case is 144 Hz. For example, if your display was 165 Hz, then g-sync would not allow you to exceed that frame rate.


Jul 27, 2016





  • #7

For G-sync to work you have to do a few things.

1. Make sure the monitors settings are correct both in the system and on the monitor itself.

2. Make sure the monitors settings are correct in the NCP.

3. Make sure you are using a DP cable as G-sync does not work with anything else.

4. Make sure G-sync is on and that it is set up for Windowed and Fullscreen in the NCP.

5. Make sure V-sync is

ON in the NCP.

6. Make sure whatever game you are playing is set to the correct refresh rate and any fps limiters are turned off.

7. Make sure V-sync is disabled in the game itself.

G-sync is an adaptive form of V-sync that eliminates tearing by syncing the monitors refresh rate to the GPU’s render rate. V-sync syncs the render rate to a value divisible by the monitors refresh rate. In either case going above the monitors refresh rate will produce tearing as the GPU is rendering frames faster than the monitor can display them.


May 27, 2010





  • #8

I think we had a misunderstanding. G-sync will not allow you to exceed the native (or overclocked) refresh of your display, which in your case is 144 Hz. For example, if your display was 165 Hz, then g-sync would not allow you to exceed that frame rate.

That is not correct.

G-sync on with V-sync off will operate in G-sync mode up to the set refresh rate, be it 144hz or 165hz. After that point it disables syncing and will produce as many frames as the GPU can handle.

G-sync on with V-sync on operates as you say. This is a feature they added to the drivers around the time the G-sync 2.0 module was released. (or at least that is when I became aware of the option, might have come out earlier)


Nov 3, 2009





  • #9

Eximo you may be right. I was repeating what Nvidia and EVGA tech support confirmed to me today. However, it’s possible that technicians from both companies were misinformed; no sarcasm intended. Do you have any documentation of this new implementation of G-sync 2.0?


Jul 27, 2016





  • #10

You’re both technically right.

G-sync when used properly does not allow you to go over the monitor’s refresh rate due to the «G-sync aware» version of V-sync, however, using G-sync with V-sync off in the NCP allows you to exceed the monitor’s refresh rate but will produce tearing.


Nov 3, 2009





  • #11

EpIckFa1LJoN I hear you. I’d be fine with being wrong, as long as we arrive at the truth of the matter. I own an Acer XB271HU, and it will not produce more than the overclocked 165 FPS of it’s panel, with g-sync enabled. I have always disabled v-sync in game, but it never occurred to me to look for that setting in the Nvidia control panel.

Googling Pay Day 2 and screen tearing produces a verbose list of similar screen tearing forum posts. Clearly it’s a common problem. I’ve yet to come across any game that produces screen tearing on this monitor, but again in my case, my refresh is steady at 165 Hz with g-sync enabled.


Nov 3, 2009





  • #12

stavrosmast What is the manufacturer and model of your g-sync display?


Apr 7, 2015





  • #13

Let me read through all this. I read at many places too that after the 144fps mark on a 144hz display g sync will let it start tearing.. thats why nvidia reccomends you run g sync on with v sync on at the nv panel but off in the game… Due to having an i5-4460 with an oc’d 1070 I at the moment cant test over 144fps for some games..

Yes I have done everything mentioned above in the (1,2,3 etc)

Its a Dell S2716DG A07 Revision with the response time set to normal and the payday 2 patch that arrived today..


Apr 7, 2015





  • #14

Maybe the technicians were stuck to the first version of it as it was mentioned above.. Linus had observed something weird too some time ago too.. Wish he d do an update now.


May 27, 2010





  • #15

Eximo you may be right. I was repeating what Nvidia and EVGA tech support confirmed to me today. However, it’s possible that technicians from both companies were misinformed; no sarcasm intended. Do you have any documentation of this new implementation of G-sync 2.0?

The name given to the G-Sync modules that support HDMI as a second output as far as I know. The original module only had the display port.

I assume the latest version is the one in those new 4K 144hz panels with HDR.

Not sure if they have official names, but I’m sure they have distinct part numbers.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #16

However.. the original question(s) still remain..


May 27, 2010





  • #17

Only so many different settings to try. Perhaps a clean install of the Nvidia drivers to get everything set back to default, install the latest monitor drivers if you haven’t, set your desktop to 144hz or 165hz, turn on G-sync for both Windowed and Full Screen, try both modes in your games. I prefer V-sync on so the GPU doesn’t have excess coil whine when it really starts to pump out frames, you can try both. (I have found several games that only work in full screen windowed mode with G-sync, I got subpar performance in full screen mode)


Jul 27, 2016





  • #18

Only so many different settings to try. Perhaps a clean install of the Nvidia drivers to get everything set back to default, install the latest monitor drivers if you haven’t, set your desktop to 144hz or 165hz, turn on G-sync for both Windowed and Full Screen, try both modes in your games. I prefer V-sync on so the GPU doesn’t have excess coil whine when it really starts to pump out frames, you can try both. (I have found several games that only work in full screen windowed mode with G-sync, I got subpar performance in full screen mode)

The latest Nvidia drivers have thrown a lot of things out of whack too, though. It may just be the driver itself.

Biggest example I have is that I used to be able to run WoW in Windowed (Fullscreen) mode with no issues, now WoW has some stuttering to it for some reason, forcing me to run in Fullscreen mode, which for whatever reason is lowering my FPS slightly as compared to W(F). In addition, playing video (Netflix or Youtube) in Fullscreen mode (on my secondary monitor), with games in W(F) makes the game completely ignore G-sync and it goes way over the cap, but looks as if it is playing at 30-40fps.

Again, in Fullscreen mode it works completely fine, and in W(F) with video not in fullscreen it runs perfectly fine except for some stuttering at least in WoW (Farcry 5, specifically works fine no video in either mode)

WoW also crashes on startup a lot too, randomly.

Worked perfectly fine in W(F) video or no video before I updated my drivers.

A lot of other people reporting issues with G-sync and new drivers in WoW recently. Could be a similar situation with Payday


May 27, 2010





  • #19

I had problems with WoW a few years ago. Electronic noise on my discrete sound card when high frame rates were demanded. Just had to put it at 60hz.

CryEngine games give me the most trouble with Fullscreen mode. It does seem like 30-40FPS when it isn’t working right.


Apr 7, 2015





  • #20

I tried crysis 3 with cry engine But, the FOV is not enough and there is no fov slider..

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Hello everybody, This is my first post on reddit ever, although I browse through some posts from time to time. So please bare with me if i missed a post rule or two.

Issue — I havent played payday 2 for a while but now that I came back at it and been enjoying playing the game, The game runs fine but everytime I come to either exit the game (quit) or minimize (Alt+tab) the game, I go into a black screen on both of my monitors that I cant get away from. The only way I can get away from them is by pressing the power button on the PC to have it completely shutdown or pressing the reset button to reboot the PC.

Why does this matter — Since I have a 144hz monitor, I enjoy playing my games at the highest settings and of course, at 144hz. I’ve noticed with the current version of payday 2 running at 144hz hz refresh rate causes this issue. I always go into the «Manage 3D settings» section in the Nvidia Control Panel and change 1 setting which is the «Preferred refresh rate» to «Highest available» So I can enjoy all my games at 144hz.

How to fix the issue — I fiddled with many things to attempt to find whats causing this and turns out simply because I was running the game on 144hz was causing. changing the monitor’s refresh rate to 120, 100, 85 or 60hz would actually fix the issue… so… something in relation to the monitor running at 144hz is causing this.

Conclusion — Running payday 2 at 144hz in the past was NEVER an issue. why is it now? I noticed a few changes / differences since the last time I played, which is that they included FPS cap that is over the 135 FPS that was always there, now I can cap my FPS to 144hz or set it to unlimited by i believe by the addition of those two options, running the game at 144hz and then attempting to minimize causes this issue to happen.

Recap — Running the game on anything other than 144hz fixed the minimizing issue for me but that means that I also have to run all my games to 120hz. its not that it matters but its just annoying that its even a thing to begin with. I hope one of the devs gets to see this and get it fixed, I along with everyone else running a 144hz monitor would really appreciate this.

PC Specs — CPU: 6700k @ 4.7 RAM: 16gb DDR4 3200mhz ram GPU: 980 Ti @ 1485mhz Drives: 512gb ssd, 2tb sshd and 1tb hd Windows 10 Pro x64 + anniversary update Drivers: 372.70 (latest and greatest from nvidia) Monitors: 1x 24″ VG248QE 144hz monitor and 1x 24″ Dell 60hz monitor


  • Способ 1: Свойства монитора
  • Способ 2: Панель управления видеокартой
    • Intel
    • NVIDIA
    • Создание пользовательской конфигурации
    • AMD
  • Способ 3: Программа CRU
  • Вопросы и ответы

Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10

Способ 1: Свойства монитора

Изменить частоту обновления экрана в Windows 10 можно как минимум тремя способами, однако их доступность будет зависеть от того, какой установлен на компьютер пакет драйверов видеокарты. Но один из способов должен быть доступен всегда – это изменение настроек в свойствах монитора.

  1. Откройте приложение «Параметры», перейдите в раздел «Система»«Дисплей» и нажмите в правой области окна ссылку «Дополнительные параметры дисплея».
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-1

  3. В следующем окне щелкните по «Свойства видеоадаптера для дисплея 1». Если у вас подключено два монитора, выберите нужный вам дисплей.
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-2

  5. В открывшемся окошке свойств переключитесь на вкладку «Монитор» и выберите из выпадающего списка интересующую частоту обновления. Нажмите «OK», чтобы применить новые настройки.
  6. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-3

В некоторых сборках Windows 10 меню выбора частоты обновления находится в разделе «Дополнительные параметры дисплея».

Способ 2: Панель управления видеокартой

Этот же параметр регулируется и графическим приложением для управления настройками видеокарты. Последовательность действий зависит от того, от какого производителя у вас GPU.


Если на вашем компьютере установлен пакет драйверов Intel, в Windows 10 должна быть доступной программа «Панель управления графикой и медиа Intel». Изменить частоту обновления дисплея можно также через нее.

  1. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по рабочему столу и выберите в контекстном меню опцию «Графические характеристики».
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-4

  3. В открывшемся диалоговом окне панели выберите, если не выбрана, опцию «Расширенный режим». Кликните на «OK».
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-5

  5. Откроется окно «Панели управления графикой Intel». Выберите из выпадающего списка «Частота обновления» нужную вам герцовку и сохраните настройки нажатием кнопки «OK».
  6. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-6


Более гибкие возможности регулировки герцовки монитора предоставляет «Панель управления NVIDIA». Данный инструмент имеется на всех компьютерах с видеокартой NVIDIA и установленным к ней пакетом драйверов, однако от комплектации последнего будет зависеть наличие в панели тех или иных опций.

  1. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по рабочему столу и вызовите приложение «Панель управления NVIDIA».
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-7

  3. В меню слева перейдите к настройке «Дисплей»«Изменение разрешения» и выберите в выпадающем списке «Частота обновления» нужную вам герцовку.
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-8

Создание пользовательской конфигурации

При необходимости вы можете установить собственную частоту обновления экрана. Для этого выполните следующие действия:

  1. Откройте раздел настроек «Изменение разрешения» как было показано во втором пункте выше. Нажмите кнопку «Настройка».
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-8-1

  3. В окне установите флажок в чекбоксе «Включить режимы, не предлагаемые дисплеем» и щелкните по кнопке «Создать пользовательское разрешение».
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-9

  5. Подтвердите соглашение о рисках нажатием кнопки «Принять».
  6. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-10

  7. В следующем окне настроек задайте собственную частоту обновления, тип синхронизации выставьте «Авто» и нажмите кнопку «Тест».
  8. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-11

  9. В случае успешного прохождения теста нажмите «Да», чтобы сохранить пользовательскую частоту обновления.
  10. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-12

  11. В результате в разделе настроек «Изменение разрешения», в блоке «Разрешение» у вас появится дополнительное пользовательское разрешение с привязанной к нему герцовкой. Выберите его и кликните на «Применить».
  12. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-13


На компьютерах с видеокартой AMD редактирование частоты обновления выполняется примерно так же, как и на ПК с видеокартой от NVIDIA.

  1. Откройте «Панель управления графикой AMD» из контекстного меню рабочего стола или через стандартный поиск Windows 10.
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-14

  3. Перейдите в раздел «Дисплей»«Пользовательские разрешения» и нажмите кнопку «Создать».
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-15

  5. Введите напротив строки «Частота обновления экрана (Гц)» нужное вам значение и щелкните по «Создать».
  6. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-16

  7. Выберите созданную конфигурацию в подразделе настроек «Пользовательские разрешения» как было показано в пункте 2.

Способ 3: Программа CRU

Также для изменения герцовки можно использовать бесплатную стороннюю программу CRU. Это приложение позволяет создавать пользовательские разрешения с требуемой частотой обновления и добавлять их в стандартные настройки Windows 10.

Скачать CRU с официального сайта

  1. Скачайте архив с программой со страницы разработчика, распакуйте в любую папку и запустите исполняемый файл CRU.exe с правами администратора.
  2. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-17

  3. Выбрав монитор в расположенном в верхней части окна из выпадающего списка, нажмите кнопку «Add».
  4. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-18

  5. Появится окно детальной настройки разрешения, где в поле «Refresh rate» выставьте требуемую частоту обновления экрана и кликните «OK».
  6. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-19

  7. После того как новое значение появится в поле «Detailed resolutions» основного окна программы, нажмите кнопку-стрелку «Вверх», чтобы новое значение оказалось на первом месте в списке. Сохраните внесенные изменения нажатием «OK».
  8. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-20

  9. Перезапустите драйвер видеокарты, для чего запустите от имени администратора исполняемый файл restart.exe, идущий в комплекте с приложением.
  10. Способы поменять герцовку монитора в Windows 10-21

Готово, осталось только выбрать и применить созданную конфигурацию. Сделать это можно из свойств монитора, следуя инструкции, приведенной в Способе 1.

Вы также можете выбрать любую другую программу на свое усмотрение, если CRU оказалась неподходящей.

Подробнее: Программы для изменения разрешения экрана

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