Paypal error 403 forbidden

Kindly go through this guide if you have trouble fixing the error 403 forbidden PayPal. Here we provide the most effective workarounds.

by Priya Ahluwalia

Priya Ahluwalia is a writer who specializes in technology, particularly Microsoft Windows. She writes about the latest developments in know-how and current trends in the technology industry. When… read more

Updated on October 14, 2022

  • Most of the time, error 403 forbidden PayPal can be solved by clearing your browser’s caches and cookies.
  • The error is mainly caused by incorrect server configuration or maybe your current IP address is blocked by PayPal.
  • It can be resolved by contacting PayPal directly for assistance or running the software without a VPN. 

If you have run into the dreaded error 403 forbidden PayPal while attempting to make a payment, then this article is for you.

Paypal is one of the most popular payment methods on international e-commerce sites. Its popularity has led to a surge in its use across all industries.

While this is great news for sellers, it also means that the site could experience some issues from time to time.

If you use PayPal as your primary payment processor, you’ve likely come across error 403 at some point. The real problem occurs after this as you notice that suddenly PayPal is not working on your browser.

The issue can be frustrating, especially if it prevents you from completing routine transactions. This article should help you know the key to resolving error 403 quickly and efficiently.

What does error 403 mean on PayPal?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is paypal-edited.png

When you see a PayPal error 403 forbidden guru meditation, it means that the web server has blocked you from accessing the page you were trying to view.

Three prompts usually appear when you get the 403 error:

  • You don’t have the authorization to view this page. HTTP ERROR 403.
  • The remote server returned an error (403) forbidden. PayPal.
  • Access to PayPal Denied. You don’t have permission to access on this server.

The causes of error 403 forbidden are listed below:

  • Your IP has blacklisted your PayPal: The error is related to your web server configuration. Your internet service provider is the culprit, specifically your IP address. It could be because your IP has blacklisted PayPal.
  • You don’t have permission to access PayPal: The server configuration of PayPal nowadays has changed a lot. You may face the situation where they have set up specific access permissions to their system, and you haven’t been granted access to the resource.
  • Problems with your IP: Your IP might not be working correctly and you need to contact your internet service provider to get it fixed.

Quick Tip:

If you are unable to make purchases using PayPal, the Opera browser comes with a built-in proxy VPN that can be useful for online safe transactions. It changes the location of your server, allowing you to use PayPal while using the VPN and forget about the problems your ISP is causing due to server nags.

It may be a temporary issue from your ISP, however, Opera VPN is a proven and effective solution if you are experiencing connectivity issues with PayPal.

⇒ Get Opera VPN

How do you fix the error 403 Forbidden on PayPal?

1. Clear cookies and caches

  1. Open your browser and go to Settings.
  2. Next, select Privacy and Security.
  3. Click on Clear browsing data and check the box beside clear cookies and cache.
  4. Finally, click on Clear data.

When you get a varnish cache server error 403 PayPal, one possibility is that the page has been cached but swapped the link in the code. You can fix this by clearing your browser’s cookies and cache.

This won’t affect your browsing experience much, but the website might take a few more seconds to load. Overall this is one of the most effective workarounds that can help you fix the issue with ease.

2. Double-check the URL

  1. Open up your browser.
  2. Visit the PayPal website.
  3. Double-check that the URL doesn’t contain any special character in the end.

The most common reason for a Paypal error 43 forbidden is that people have mistyped the URL. Make sure you’re typing the URL correctly in the browser address bar and without any extra characters in the end, like a period or slash /.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Many servers are configured to block directory browsing due to security reasons, and this could be a significant reason you’re experiencing error 403 forbidden from PayPal.

3. Disconnect the VPN

  1. Press Windows + I key combination on your keyboard to open up the Settings app.
  2. In the right pane, select Network and Internet.
  3. Next, click on VPN.
  4. Select the VPN service you want to disconnect and finally click Delete to confirm the changes.

If you’re logged on to PayPal through a VPN and getting the error 403, we recommend that you check to see if there is a connection issue. If you suspect this is the case with you, disconnect the VPN and try accessing the page.

You can still get around this by using one of the many best VPN services for PayPal that don’t violate any rules. This is one of the best ways to get rid of the issue.

Read more about this topic

  • Something went wrong on our end PayPal error [Fix]
  • Why PayPal is not working? Best solutions to fix it quickly
  • 5 Quick Ways to Fix HBO Max When HDR Is Not Working

4. Contact your ISP

If you see the error 403 forbidden when trying to log in to your PayPal account, your internet service provider is likely to blame. To figure out where the problem lies, try connecting to a different router.

If the issue persists, it’s time to contact your ISP for further assistance.

In some cases, PayPal has been blacklisted by your public IP address provided to you by your internet service provider. If this is the case, communicate with your ISP and see if they can help fix the issue.

5. Contact PayPal

  1. Open up your browser.
  2. Visit the PayPal Customer Care page to resolve the issue.
  3. You can raise your concern by sending them a message, calling them, or asking a question in the community.

6. Try a different virtual card

You can also resort to a different online payment service. If the issue persists even after trying out these methods, creating a new account on a different platform can save you a lot of headaches.

A reliable alternative is Revolut. It’s a virtual card company that offers great service for free. Once you create an account, it generates a unique virtual bank card that you can use for online transactions.

It has both desktop and mobile applications which you can use to check your balance and manage your money. Revolut has some budgeting solutions, gives you reports on your spending, and is very secure.

The app supports easy transfers between Revolut users as well as other types of bank accounts. It supports over 30 world currencies, plus cryptocurrencies.

If you have NFC on your mobile device, you can use Revolut for POS payments as well. They can also send you a physical card if you want. 

⇒ Get Revolut

If the methods listed above don’t work for you, contacting PayPal Customer Care could be an option if you come across 403 forbidden errors.

You can try contacting them through forums, their official website, or social media. If you have unanswered messages on Twitter, try DMing them.

While PayPal is a very secure payment gateway and the most widely used among merchants, it is not immune to certain technical errors caused by user errors, server glitches, or configuration issues.

In such cases, users may find themselves unable to log in to their account or send money through the system.

Furthermore, You can go through our guide on the Steam PayPal purchase error for the most accurate resolutions.

We hope the methods listed in this guide have helped you resolve the problem. If you have any questions or queries, ask away in the comments section below.

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The link relationship type, or how the href link relates to the previous call.

For a complete list of the link relationship types, see Link Relationship Types.


Ошибка HTTP 403 блокирует доступ к сайту – как выяснить, почему

Ошибка 403 Forbidden – это код состояния HTTP, который означает, что доступ к странице или ресурсу, который вы пытались открыть, по какой-то причине абсолютно запрещен.

Различные веб-серверы сообщают об ошибке 403 по-разному, большинство из которых похожи на те, что мы перечислили ниже. Иногда владелец веб-сайта настраивает уникальную форму отображения HTTP-ошибки 403 Forbidden, но это встречается не так уж часто.

Как появляется ошибка 403

Это наиболее распространенные воплощения ошибки 403:

403 Forbidden HTTP 403 Запрещено: у вас нет прав доступа к [каталогу] на этом сервере Запрещено Ошибка 403 Ошибка HTTP 403.14 – запрещено Ошибка 403 – Запрещено Ошибка HTTP 403 – запрещено

Ошибка 403 Forbidden отображается внутри окна браузера, как обычная веб-страница. Ошибка 403, как и все ошибки этого типа, могут быть обнаружены в любом браузере в любой операционной системе.

В Internet Explorer сообщение Сайт отказался показать эту веб-страницу указывает на ошибку 403 Forbidden. Только проверьте, в строке заголовка IE должно быть написано 403 Forbidden или что-то подобное.

Ошибка 403, получаемая при открытии ссылок с помощью программ Microsoft Office, генерирует сообщение «Невозможно открыть [url]». Не удается загрузить запрошенную вами информацию в программу MS Office».

Центр обновления Windows также может сообщать об ошибке HTTP 403, но он будет отображаться его код ошибки 0x80244018 или со следующим сообщением: WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN.

Причина ошибок 403 Forbidden

Ошибки 403 почти всегда вызваны тем, что вы пытаетесь получить доступ к тому, к чему у вас нет доступа. Ошибка 403, по сути, говорит: «Уходи и не возвращайся сюда».

Веб-серверы Microsoft IIS предоставляют более конкретную информацию о причине ошибок 403, добавляя после 403 числовой суффикс, как в HTTP-ошибке 403.14, это означает, что в доступе к списку каталогов отказано. Вы можете увидеть полный список на сайте Microsoft.

Как исправить ошибку 403 Forbidden

Проверьте наличие ошибок URL и убедитесь, что вы указываете реальное имя и расширение файла веб-страницы, а не просто каталог. Большинство веб-сайтов настроены на запрет просмотра каталогов, поэтому сообщение 403 Forbidden при попытке отобразить папку вместо конкретной страницы является нормальным и ожидаемым.

Это, безусловно, самая распространенная причина, по которой веб-сайт возвращает ошибку 403 Forbidden. Убедитесь, что вы полностью изучили эту возможность, прежде чем тратить время на устранение неполадок ниже.

Если вы управляете этим веб-сайтом и хотите предотвратить ошибки 403, включите просмотр каталогов в программном обеспечении вашего веб-сервера.

Очистите кеш вашего браузера. Проблемы с кэшированной версией просматриваемой страницы могут вызывать ошибку 403.

Войдите на сайт, предполагая, что это возможно и уместно. Сообщение 403 Forbidden может означать, что вам необходим дополнительный доступ, прежде чем вы сможете просматривать страницу.

Как правило, веб-сайт выдает ошибку 401, когда требуется специальное разрешение, но иногда вместо этого используется 403 Forbidden.

Очистите файлы cookie вашего браузера, особенно если вы обычно заходите на этот сайт без проблем.

Пока мы говорим о файлах cookie, убедитесь, что они включены в вашем браузере или, по крайней мере, для этого веб-сайта, если вы действительно вошли в систему для доступа к этой странице. В частности, ошибка 403 Forbidden указывает, что файлы cookie могут быть использованы для получения надлежащего доступа.

Свяжитесь с сайтом напрямую. Возможно, ошибка 403 Forbidden является системной ошибкой, её видят все остальные, и веб-сайт ещё не знает об этой проблеме.

Большинство сайтов имеют учетные записи в социальных сетях, благодаря чему можно легко связаться с владельцами. У некоторых даже есть адреса электронной почты поддержки и номера телефонов. Твиттер обычно гудит от разговоров, когда полностью отключается популярный сайт.

Обратитесь к поставщику услуг Интернета, если вы всё ещё получаете ошибку 403, особенно если вы уверены, что веб-сайт работает у других прямо сейчас.

Вполне возможно, что ваш общедоступный IP-адрес или весь ваш интернет-провайдер попал в черный список, что может привести к ошибке 403 Forbidden, обычно на всех страницах одного или нескольких сайтов.

Вернитесь позже. После того, как вы убедились, что страница, к которой вы обращаетесь, правильная и что ошибка HTTP 403 видна не только вам, просто посетите страницу позже, когда проблема будет устранена.

Ошибки подобные 403 Forbidden

Следующие сообщения также являются ошибками на стороне клиента и связаны с ошибкой 403 Forbidden: 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found и 408 Request Timeout.

Также существует несколько кодов состояния HTTP на стороне сервера, например, популярная 500 Internal Server Error.



The problem:

  • When choosing the PayPal payment option you get a 403 Forbidden Error on the following file: modulespaypalexpress_checkoutpayment.php
  • You have ensured that the permissions are correct for the module
  • When navigating to the script directly (e.g. the page loads with a PayPal error. NOTE — it loads and does not show you a 403 Forbidden Error

The PayPal module has this problem because of the following form behind the payment button:

<form id="paypal_payment_form" action="" title="Pay with PayPal" method="post" data-ajax="false">
	<input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="1">
	<input type="hidden" name="id_p_attr" value="">
	<input type="hidden" name="express_checkout" value="cart">
	<input type="hidden" name="current_shop_url" value="">    <!-- THIS IS THE CULPRIT -->
	<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PRESTASHOP_ECM">

You can see that the input with the name ‘current_shop_url’ contains a URL which matches our description and will therefore be blocked by the mod_security module.

Easy Solution — Have your host disable this feature for you site

As simple as that. This will lower your security though.

Hacky Solution — Alter the PayPal module to stop it from producing URLs which will be blocked.

Make changes to the following files:

express_checkout/process.php in setCancelURL function

//$url = urldecode(Tools::getValue('current_shop_url')); // Comment out this line
$url = "http://" . urldecode(Tools::getValue('current_shop_url')); // Add this line

views/templates/hook/express_checkout_payment.tpl in the form near the bottom of the file

<!--<input type="hidden" name="current_shop_url" value="{$PayPal_current_page|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> Comment out this line -->
	<input type="hidden" name="current_shop_url" value="{substr($PayPal_current_page, 7)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> <!-- Add this line -->

views/templates/hook/express_checkout_shortcut_form.tpl in the form near the bottom of the file

<!--<input type="hidden" name="current_shop_url" value="{$PayPal_current_page|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> Comment out this line -->
	<input type="hidden" name="current_shop_url" value="{substr($PayPal_current_page, 7)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> <!-- Add this line -->

Hopefully this can help some of you. This caused me a lot of issues and took quite a while to figure out so I don’t want the rest of you to have to go through that too!

Error 403 forbidden paypal

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Anyone else getting the 403 Forbidden Access error when trying to access the PayPal website or app?

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As the title says, PayPal isn’t working. 403 error code when trying to access PayPal via a web browser or using the PayPal app. If PayPal is having issues, they need to come out and say it. It’s very frustrating not being able to log into my account, send money, and make payments. What gives?

Anyone else getting the 403 Forbidden Access error when trying to access the PayPal website or app?

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Welcome to community,

I request you to remove caches and cookies from your web browser and try in different browser after few hours, If problem still persists, I’d recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams by clicking «Contact» at the bottom of any PayPal page for further assistance.

Anyone else getting the 403 Forbidden Access error when trying to access the PayPal website or app?

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Anyone else getting the 403 Forbidden Access error when trying to access the PayPal website or app?

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On the one hand, I appreciate you took the time to respond to my message. Unfortunately, I feel disappointed that you didn’t appear to read what I had written. I’d already done everything you suggested.

Days later it worked, I don’t know why it took so long? The ability to contact support directly didn’t seem to work at all. (maybe it was because Mercury was in Retrograde and it no longer is. Who knows.) Again, thanks for taking time to respond.


API responses

Docs Current Last updated: November 7th 2022, @ 12:13:43 pm

PayPal API calls return HTTP status codes. Some API calls also return JSON response bodies that include information about the resource including one or more contextual HATEOAS links. Use these links to request more information about and construct an API flow that is relative to a specific request. Each REST API request returns an HTTP status code.

HTTP status codes

Successful requests

For successful requests, PayPal returns HTTP 2XX status codes.

Status code Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
201 Created A POST method successfully created a resource. If the resource was already created by a previous execution of the same method, for example, the server returns the HTTP 200 OK status code.
202 Accepted The server accepted the request and will execute it later.
204 No Content The server successfully executed the method but returns no response body.

Failed requests

For failed requests, PayPal returns HTTP 4XX status codes if something passed in the request has an error or 5XX status codes when something is wrong on our end with a server or service.

For authentication specific HTTP 4XX status codes , see Authorization errors.

HTTP 4XX status codes

Status code Description Possible causes and solutions
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . Request is not well-formed, syntactically incorrect, or violates schema. See Validation errors. The server could not understand the request. Indicates one of these conditions:

  • The API cannot convert the payload data to the underlying data type.
  • The data is not in the expected data format.
  • A required field is not available.
  • A simple data validation error occurred.
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND . The specified resource does not exist. The server did not find anything that matches the request URI. Either the URI is incorrect or the resource is not available. For example, no data exists in the database at that key.
405 Method Not Allowed METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED . The server does not implement the requested HTTP method. The service does not support the requested HTTP method. For example, PATCH .
406 Not Acceptable MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE . The server does not implement the media type that would be acceptable to the client. The server cannot use the client-request media type to return the response payload. For example, this error occurs if the client sends an Accept: application/xml request header but the API can generate only an application/json response.
415 Unsupported Media Type UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE . The server does not support the request payload’s media type. The API cannot process the media type of the request payload. For example, this error occurs if the client sends a Content-Type: application/xml request header but the API can only accept application/json request payloads.
422 Unprocessable Entity UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY . The API cannot complete the requested action, or the request action is semantically incorrect or fails business validation. The API cannot complete the requested action and might require interaction with APIs or processes outside of the current request. No systemic problems limit the API from completing the request. For example, this error occurs for any business validation errors, including errors that are not usually of the 400 type.
429 Too Many Requests RATE_LIMIT_REACHED . Too many requests. Blocked due to rate limiting. The rate limit for the user, application, or token exceeds a predefined value. See RFC 6585.

HTTP 5XX status codes

Note: An HTTP 5xx or network timeout from an /execute or /capture endpoint could have resulted in the creation of a PayPal transaction. To be informed of the transaction, it is recommended that you repeat the same /execute or /capture call at least once, with the same PayPal-Request-Id HTTP header as before. See: API idempotency

Status code Description Possible causes and solutions
500 Internal Server Error INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR . An internal server error has occurred. A system or application error occurred. Although the client appears to provide a correct request, something unexpected occurred on the server.
503 Service Unavailable SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE . Service Unavailable. The server cannot handle the request for a service due to temporary maintenance. SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE The server cannot handle the request for a service due to temporary maintenance.


For all errors except Identity errors, PayPal returns an error response body that includes additional error details in this format.

Note: The fields returned in the details array vary by error.

The response body for Identity errors includes additional error details in this format:

Validation errors

For validation errors, PayPal returns the HTTP 400 Bad Request status code.

To prevent validation errors, ensure that parameters are the right type and conform to constraints:

Parameter type Description
Character Names, addresses, and phone numbers have maximum character limits.
Numeric Credit cards, amounts, and card verification value (CVV) must use non-negative numeric values and have required formats. For example, a CVV must be three or four numbers while a credit card number must contain only numbers.
Monetary Use the right currency.
Format Properly format the JSON sent in the body of your request. For example, no trailing commas.

Authorization errors

Paypal follows industry standard OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol and returns the HTTP 400 , 401 , and 403 status code for authorization errors.

Tip: These are usually access token-related issues and can be cleared by making sure that the token is present and hasn’t expired.

Status code Description Possible causes and solutions
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . Invalid scope requested. Resend with a valid scope.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . The refresh_token is a required parameter. Add the refresh_token parameter and value.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . Current version only supports token for response_type . Incorrect response type sent.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . No permissions to set target_client_id . The client_id should have the GRANT_PROXY_CLIENT scope to use the target_client_id parameter.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . The redirect_uri is a required parameter. Resend with this parameter and its value.
400 Bad Request UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE . Unsupported grant_type . Specify a valid grant_type .
400 Bad Request INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE . Invalid response type for the request: [code] . Use the grant_type=client_credentials with response_type=token .
401 Bad Request INVALID_CLIENT . Client authentication failed. The Authorization header is not present.
401 Bad Request INVALID_CLIENT . Client credentials are missing. Invalid basic authorization token.
401 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST . The refresh token is invalid. Resend with a valid refresh_token .
401 Unauthorized INVALID_AUTHZ_CODE . The authorization code is invalid. Check your authorization_code and resend.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_CLIENT . Client authentication failed. The Base64-encoded client credentials in the Authorization header are invalid.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_REDIRECT_URI . The redirect URI does not match. The redirect_uri should match the one configured during the application registration.
401 Unauthorized RISK_DECLINE . Request declined by risk. Risk can decline due to Bad IP, OFAC check, and suspicious fraudulent activity. Risk decline reasons are not transparent, so check with risk.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_USER . Device authentication failed. Incorrect device information.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_REQUEST . Cannot decrypt refresh token: Base64 Decode Failed. Invalid refresh token passed when trying to get an AT from RT.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_REQUEST . Cannot decrypt refresh token: Input length of 0 received; expected at least 36. Incorrect refresh token.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_AUTHZ_CODE . Authorization code is invalid. Authorization code not passed or invalid.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_AUTHZ_CODE . Authorization code not found in cache. Use a new authorization code.
401 Unauthorized INVALID_TOKEN . Token signature verification failed.
401 Unauthorized UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT . Client not authorized. Check your permissions and try again.
401 Unauthorized REMEMBER_ME_EXPIRED . Remember Me on the device has expired. Legal mandate to clear off One Touch in a country-specific pre-configuration period. Current expiry is set at six months.
403 Forbidden NOT_AUTHORIZED . Authorization failed due to insufficient permissions. The client is not authorized to access this resource although it might have valid credentials. For example, the client does not have the correct OAuth 2.0 scope. Additionally, a business-level authorization error might have occurred. For example, the account holder does not have sufficient funds.


In this example, an invalid client ID is passed in the request to get an access token.



This unsuccessful request returns the HTTP 401 Unauthorized status code and a JSON response body that lists the error name and the error description.


Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) is a constraint of the REST application architecture that distinguishes it from other network application architectures.

This excerpt from a sample response shows an array of HATEOAS links:

Use the links in this example, as follows:

  • To get more information about the request, combine the GET method and the target href of the self link.
  • To request a refund, combine the POST method and the target href of the refund link.
  • To get information about the parent payment, combine the GET method and the target href of the parent_payment link.

The elements in each link object in the links array are:

Element Required Description
href Required The complete target URL, or link, to combine with the HTTP method to make the related call. href is the key HATEOAS component that links a completed call with a subsequent call.
rel Required The link relationship type, or how the href link relates to the previous call.

For a complete list of the link relationship types, see Link Relationship Types.


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