Pdftex error font expansion auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts

Error: pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts. #28 Comments pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts. @ maketitle The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Recent miktex installation and all updates went through? Or do you use texlive? This is […]


  1. Error: pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts. #28
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  10. Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts
  11. Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts
  12. «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts
  13. Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts
  14. «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts
  15. pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable #32
  17. Ошибка pdfTeX (расширение шрифта): автоматическое расширение возможно только при масштабировании

Error: pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts. #28

pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.
@ maketitle

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Recent miktex installation and all updates went through? Or do you use texlive?

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (MiKTeX 2.9)

texstudio & texniccenter . show the same message

What is your output?

What does the screen «Update MiKTeX» state? — Mine states the following:

Please check, if it is like that. After a potential update, please run

  1. git clean -xdf , which removes all non-versioned files and all ignored files. Please backup your data, if you have some custom things inside.
  2. pdflatex ausarbeitung

Does it compile?

Please also ensure that you use the latest version of the template.

Closing this issue due to inactivity 💤
Please reopen the issue with additional information if the problem persists.

On another Windows 10 enterprise machine, the output is as follows:

Seems to be a similar issue as you had. Unfortunately, it is not reproducible on two machines (one installed with normal MikTeX for a single user and the other one via chocolatey).



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LaTeX forum ⇒ Fonts & Character Sets ⇒ «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:49 pm

When I used the package ccfonts, I get the following error message:

«pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts»

My code is here:

If I comment out the begin . end part, I get no error message. If I compile with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTex, I get no error message. I get a similar error message if I include textbf<> or url<> (but, again, not when using LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX). Any direction would be helpful.

Recommended reading 2021:

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by Johannes_B » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:36 pm

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by Johannes_B » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:16 pm

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:22 am

My current version of MikTeX is 2.9.

Regarding «metafont», I will admit that I am ignorant on this topic. Do I need to do something special to install metafont? If so, can I do it via MikTek’s package manager?

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by Johannes_B » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:33 am

Metafont should be installed already.

Unfortunately, i don’t have any clue, why it is not running in your case.

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:43 am

I just ran the update manager and it turns out many of my packages were way out of date (back to 2010. which I guess tells me how old my computer is!)

I’ll see if updating the outdated packages helps.

UPDATE: I updated all installed packages. Still no dice unfortunately. I get the same error as before.

«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:19 am

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:39 am

I have a fix (kind of).

If I insert the command
immediately after
then I get no error message. I’m not sure exactly what the expansion feature does. But, presumably, I do not want to disable it. In any case, I have a ‘hack’ solution.

From what I can gather, the problem must be that pdfTeX is not using the vector-valued (metafont) version of the ccfonts. Instead, it is using the bitmap version. If I blow up the PDF, then it is clear the letters are bitmap.

Does anybody know how to «force» pdfTeX to use the metafond version of the ccfonts?

«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Post by mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:57 am

I looked closely at the log file. And it is clear that pdfTeX is using bitmap fonts (filetype: .pk)

So, the issue is that pdfTeX is not using the vector fonts (filetype: pfb ) that are installed in my system.

But, I have no idea how to fix this. I updated MikTeX and I installed cm-fonts. I am using both the lmodern and [T1] packagaes. All of these are the «usual» fixes I have seen on the web.


pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable #32

When I compiled pythontex_quickstart.tex, I got the following error:

pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable

I searched for the solution, and then added:
to the file and then everything worked fine. I was wondering if there is a better solution? and should the file be updated?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I also did some searching, and it looks like that error is due to microtype having trouble with the font configuration. So I will probably add usepackage to the docs.

Can you tell me which TeX distribution and which version you are using? Also, do you have a full or only a partial installation? I’ve used the documentation files on many machines, and I’ve never gotten the error, so I’m guessing that there is something about a full install of TeX Live that prevents this from being triggered.

I have TeX Live 2013/Debian on Ubuntu. I’m not sure if I have the full installation. I have had Ubuntu on an external hard drive for a long time and I have upgraded it several times. The link you found is exactly the one I was referring to. As you say there should be some packages that I’m missing but adding the lmodern package solved my problem. I’m writing an article about cvxpy and the best way that I’ve found was to use LaTeX and PythonTeX (after trying Sage and IPython). Thanks for creating and maintaining PythonTeX. It is amazing and the possibilities are endless! I’m very excited. For another project, I am writing a LaTeX report using Emacs and its Org-Mode. My source file looks like a Markdown file (Org-Mode). Then the file can be exported to LaTeX and HTML and OpenOffice. However, only LaTeX can use BibTeX to make the bibliography (for HTML, it might be possible but it is harder to make it work). Combining PythonTeX and Org-Mode provides a simple and readable source file without losing anything from LaTeX. I just wish I could have Org-Mode in a browser (the union of IPython and Org-Mode features).

I’ll add lmodern or an equivalent to all the docs for the next release.

I’m glad you’re finding PythonTeX useful. I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone combining it with Org-Mode before.

I’m also hoping that the IPython notebook will support markup languages other than markdown in the future. I don’t use Org-Mode myself, but if you haven’t seen https://github.com/tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook, it might give you some of what you’re looking for. I’m actually in the early stages of trying to create a markdown-style markup language, with proper support for LaTeX functionality, cross-format citation support, and something like PythonTeX baked in. So that may be an option someday, either standalone or (ideally) as an extension for IPython.

«A markdown-style markup language, with proper support for LaTeX functionality, cross-format citation support, and something like PythonTeX baked in» with an HTML interface would be perfect! Thanks for the link to emacs-ipython-notebook though. Looking forward to your next project.


Ошибка pdfTeX (расширение шрифта): автоматическое расширение возможно только при масштабировании

Я использую пользовательский файл класса.

Мой основной файл выглядит следующим образом:

Если я помещу это в мой test.tex , то он работает:

Когда он становится больше текста (скажем, 40x слово «тест»), я получаю ошибку, указанную в заголовке моего вопроса.

Для проверки я привел свой файл класса к следующему виду:

Теперь я совершенно не понимаю, что вызывает мою ошибку.

Вот полный текст ошибки:

Вы должны загрузить масштабируемый шрифт, например lmodern:

или установить шрифты cm-super .

Чтобы решить проблему, перейдите к C:Program файлыпрограммы 2.9программыОГРНx64 и запустить updmap.exe. Программа может показаться как бы зависает на некоторое время, но его, вероятно, потому, что он пытается обновить все дерево шрифта. Это решило проблему для меня. После повторной компиляции все должно работать нормально.

*** Обновление: добавлено см-супер. Прокомментируйте, пожалуйста, если это не поможет в вашем случае.

В первую очередь (как указал @Херберт), вы должны загрузить масштабируемых шрифтов, таких как lmodern или mathptmx:

Это, однако, не решило вопрос о моем установлена свежая система программы. Мне пришлось установить [см] супер пакет(https://www.ctan.org/pkg/cm-super) и полностью обновить программы.

Мне пришлось выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Программы пакетного менеджера (администратора) на&quot СТАРТ » — а;
  2. Установка `см-супер пакет.
  3. Я бы рекомендовал обновить все пакеты до последней версии, как описано в https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/108490/9075.
  4. Я начала «в настройках программы (администратор)&;
  5. Пресс «в данные обновить»и
  6. Пресс «в форматах обновление и»
  7. Нажмите и»ОК» и (для закрытия приложения)
  8. Перекомпиляция. Все должно работать.

(источник: miktex.org)

Установка намека на `СМ-супер-пакет берется из https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/310169/9075 а также заявил @Херберт

Программы не устанавливаются автоматически см-супер при использовании microtype. Это был обсужден на рассылку на 2016-11, но никаких действий предпринято не было.

Проверьте в лог-файле, в каком пакете/файле загружен microtype, и закомментируйте вызов. Затем скомпилируйте ваш документ (теперь без пакета microtype) с помощью pdflatex. Затем проверьте в конце лог-файла список шрифтов и определите растровый(ые) шрифт(ы) (с окончанием .pk), вызывающий(ие) проблему.

Конфигурационные файлы для шрифтов можно найти в подкаталоге tex/latex/microtype/ вашей инсталляции TeX.

Но подождите, у меня нет конфигурационного файла для шрифта PSCyr; однако я могу использовать расширение шрифта таким образом ( stretch и shrink слишком большие, для демонстрации):

В результате я получаю вот такой результат:

Все понятно, у меня работает расширение шрифта.

Дело в том, что конфигурационный файл содержит команды для выпячивания символов и расширения шрифта — как эта — ничего особенного или волшебного.

Так что вы можете написать свою собственную команду, вы можете собрать их в свой собственный файл конфигурации для вашего любимого шрифта.

Читайте руководства, указывайте свои значения (кодировку!) и наслаждайтесь.

Не совсем ответ, а просто пост-мортем на сложные вариации этой ошибки следует остерегаться; это немного слишком долго для комментария.

Я загрузил утопия в качестве основного шрифта документа (используя usepackage[утопия] ) как usepackage[стрейч=15,термоусадочная=15] . Все шло гладко, пока я верстал один символ в без засечек ( textsf <г>). Потом я получил расширение авто можно только . ошибка.

Но самое смешное, что эта ошибка была отмечена на пункте, что было после textsf <г>макро, но которая сама содержала только обычный текст в Утопии. Когда я закомментировал вверх textsf <г>, ошибка исчезла. Точно так же, когда я загрузил lmodern или пакет berasans вместе с [утопия] , ошибка пропала.

Если я понимаю ситуацию правильно, утопия приходит без подбора без засечек шрифты, поэтому, когда pdflatex столкнулся с textsf <Г>, он упал обратно на СМ по умолчанию шрифты, которые не масштабируемы, и с этого момента в документе, microtype отказался от накипи.

Мораль: обязательно загрузить масштабируемых шрифтов для всех форм шрифтов, которые вы можете использовать в любом месте в документе, а не только для основного шрифта документа.



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«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

When I used the package ccfonts, I get the following error message:

«pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts»

My code is here:

RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}		% checks for outdated latex commands ... you can remove this if you want

%         PACKAGES

usepackage{amsmath}                        % need for subequations
usepackage{graphicx}                       % need for figures
usepackage[plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} % enables and customizes hyperlinks
		colorlinks   = true,
		citecolor    = blue, %NavyBlue
		linkcolor    = Maroon,
		urlcolor     = Turquoise
usepackage{amssymb}                        % gives you mathbb{} font
usepackage[mathscr]{eucal}                 % gives you mathscr font
usepackage{dsfont}													% gives you mathds{} font
%usepackage[paperwidth=8.5in,paperheight=11in,top=1.25in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.00in, right=1.00in]{geometry}
usepackage{mathtools}                      % need for `show only references'
mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs=true}            % only equations which are labeled AND referenced will numbered
																						% IMPORTANT NOTE...must use eqref{} instead of (ref{})
usepackage{fixltx2e,amsmath}               % Supposedly, this allows one to use eqref{} in caption{}.

usepackage[left]{showlabels}               % show labels
linespread{1.3}                            % double-space everything with 1.6
usepackage{amsthm}                         % need for theorem-proof environment
allowdisplaybreaks                         % allows page breaks for long equations
                                            % you can prevent a page-break with \*
newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma}          % [theorem] ==> theorems and lemmas will share a counter


For simplicity, we shall assume the following.
The volatility process $sigma$ evolves independently of $W$ and $N$.  Moreover, $sigma$ and the measure $nu$ satisfy


If I comment out the begin{assumption} … end{assumption} part, I get no error message. If I compile with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTex, I get no error message. I get a similar error message if I include textbf{} or url{} (but, again, not when using LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX). Any direction would be helpful.

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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby Johannes_B » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:36 pm

I didn’t get an error running the code with pdflatex. It just fired up metafont and compiled the bold font. It went on without a problem.

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.

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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby Johannes_B » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:16 pm

I got a hint that your distribution might be outdated. Do you have a current installation of TeX Live or MikTeX?

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.


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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:22 am

My current version of MikTeX is 2.9.

Regarding «metafont», I will admit that I am ignorant on this topic. Do I need to do something special to install metafont? If so, can I do it via MikTek’s package manager?

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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby Johannes_B » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:33 am

Metafont should be installed already.

Unfortunately, i don’t have any clue, why it is not running in your case.

The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.


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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:43 am

I just ran the update manager and it turns out many of my packages were way out of date (back to 2010…which I guess tells me how old my computer is!)

I’ll see if updating the outdated packages helps.

UPDATE: I updated all installed packages. Still no dice unfortunately. I get the same error as before.


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«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:19 am

If it is in any way helpful…here’s the log of the error message:

! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable fonts.
AtBegShi@Output ...ipout box AtBeginShipoutBox 
                                                  fi fi 


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Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:39 am

I have a fix (kind of).

If I insert the command
immediately after
then I get no error message. I’m not sure exactly what the expansion feature does. But, presumably, I do not want to disable it. In any case, I have a ‘hack’ solution.

From what I can gather, the problem must be that pdfTeX is not using the vector-valued (metafont) version of the ccfonts. Instead, it is using the bitmap version. If I blow up the PDF, then it is clear the letters are bitmap.

Does anybody know how to «force» pdfTeX to use the metafond version of the ccfonts?


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«pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:57 am

I looked closely at the log file. And it is clear that pdfTeX is using bitmap fonts (filetype: .pk)

{C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super/cm-super-t1.enc} <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fo
ntspkljfourpublicconcretedpi600ccr5.pk>{C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm-rmtt.enc} <C:Usersmatt
lorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccmi5.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTe
X2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccex10.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpu
blicconcmathdpi600xccsy7.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccm
i7.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccsy10.pk> <C:Usersmattlor
igAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcretedpi600ccr10.pk>{C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/fonts/enc/dvips
/lm/lm-ec.enc} <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccsy6.pk> <C:Users
mattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcretedpi600ccr7.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiK
TeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xccmi10.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfour
publicconcmathdpi600xccsy9.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcmathdpi600xc
cmi9.pk> <C:UsersmattlorigAppDataLocalMiKTeX2.9fontspkljfourpublicconcretedpi600ccr9> <C:Usersmattlori

So, the issue is that pdfTeX is not using the vector fonts (filetype: pfb ) that are installed in my system.

But, I have no idea how to fix this. I updated MikTeX and I installed cm-fonts. I am using both the lmodern and [T1]{fontenc} packagaes. All of these are the «usual» fixes I have seen on the web.


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Joined: Fri May 14, 2010 9:55 pm

Re: «pdfTeX error (font expansion)» when using ccfonts

Postby mattlorig » Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:15 am

Making some slow progress on an answer here.

I refreshed MikTeX’s FNDB and updated the formats (found in MikTeX options).

This partially solved the problem. The ccfonts package now uses vector fonts for text. But, math is still compiled using pixelated characters. So, somehow, MikTeX is not looking for the correct mathamtics fonts. Again…no idea how to solve this. If anybody has some direction, it would be appreciated.

TeX — LaTeX Asked by Elmer on August 11, 2020

I’m using a custom class file.

My main file looks like this:





If I put this in my test.tex it does work:


When it becomes more text (lets say 40x the word “test”) I get the error stated in my question title.

To test it I brought my class file down to this:


% Based on the memoir class

I’m totally confused what is causing my error now.

This is the complete error:

! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable 
[email protected] ...ipout box AtBeginShipoutBox 
                                                  fi fi 

8 Answers

You have to load a scalable font like lmodern:


or install the cm-super fonts.

Correct answer by user2478 on August 11, 2020

Configuration files for fonts can be found in tex/latex/microtype/ subdirectory of your TeX installation.

But wait, i have no configuration file for PSCyr font; however i can use font expansion in a way like this (stretch and shrink are way too large, for the sake of demonstration):

% in preamble:
SetExpansion[stretch = 70, shrink = 70,] { encoding = {T2A} } { }

An i have result like this:

enter image description here

It’s clear, i have font expansion working here.

The point is that configuration file contains commands for character protrusion and font expansion — like this one — nothing special or magic.

So, you can write your own command, you can collect them in your own configuration file for your favorite font face.

Read manuals, specify your values (encoding!) and enjoy.

Answered by brownian on August 11, 2020

Check in the log-file in which package/file microtype is loaded and comment the call. Then compile your document (now without the microtype package) with pdflatex. Then check at the end of the log-file the list of fonts and identify the bitmap font(s) (with ending .pk) causing the problem.

Answered by Ulrike Fischer on August 11, 2020

UPDATE: Added cm-super. Please comment if that does not help in your case.

First of all (as pointed out by @Herbert), you have to load a scalable font such as lmodern or mathptmx:


This, however, did not solve the issue on my freshly installed MiKTeX system. I had to install the cm-super package and to update MiKTeX completely.

I had to do the following steps:

  1. Start «MiKTeX Package Manager (Admin)»
  2. Install the cm-super package.
  3. I would recommend to update all packages to the latest version as described at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/108490/9075.
  4. Start «MiKTeX Settings (Admin)»
  5. Press «Refresh FNDB»
  6. Press «Update Formats»
  7. Press «OK» (to close the app)
  8. Recompile. Everything should work.

MiKTeX settings
(source: miktex.org)

See also https://docs.miktex.org/manual/configuring.html#fndbupdate

The installation hint of the cm-super package is taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/310169/9075 and was also stated by @Herbert

MiKTeX does not automatically install cm-super when using microtype. This was discussed on the mailinglist on 2016-11, but no action was taken.

Answered by koppor on August 11, 2020

Not really an answer, but just a post-mortem on a tricky variation of this error to watch out for; this is a bit too long for a comment.

I had loaded Utopia as the main document font (using usepackage[utopia]{mathdesign}) as well as usepackage[stretch=15,shrink=15]{microtype}. Everything went swimmingly, until I typeset a single character in sans-serif (textsf{Y}). Then I got the auto expansion is only possible ... error.

The funny part was that the error was flagged on a paragraph that was downstream of the textsf{Y} macro, but which itself contained only regular text in Utopia. When I commented out the upstream textsf{Y}, the error disappeared. Likewise, when I loaded the lmodern or the berasans package together with [utopia]{mathdesign}, the error was gone.

If I understand the situation correctly, Utopia comes without matching sans-serif fonts, so when pdflatex encountered the textsf{Y}, it fell back on the default CM fonts, which are not scalable; and from that point on in the document, microtype gave up on scaling.

Morale: make sure to load scalable fonts for all font shapes that you might use anywhere in the document, not just for your main document font.

Answered by Michael Palmer on August 11, 2020

To solve the problem navigate to C:Program FilesMiKTeX 2.9miktexbinx64 and run updmap.exe. The program may seem as it hangs for a while, but its probably because it tries to update the whole font tree. This solved the problem for me. After re-compiling everything should work fine.

Answered by Krebto on August 11, 2020

The following command works for me. Pls try this, it helps me to fix this headache!!!

initexmf --mkmaps 


Answered by winter on August 11, 2020

Answered by Diana on August 11, 2020

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