don vito
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Roland vs-640 пишет ошибку pinchroll error invalid rightpos
Приветствую форумчане!
Roland vs-640 пишет ошибку: pinchroll error invalid rightpos, хотя прижимные ролики стоят в правильных местах, чистка энкодера ничего не дала. Подскажите в чем причина pls?
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Сообщение salvador » 13 май 2016 09:40
попробуйте правый ролик поставить в другое место.
скорее всего шлейф режущей каретки.
можно на время его «перевернуть» поставить задом — наперед.
сервис roland/hp/seiko/gcc/oce/kala/flexicam
don vito
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- Последний визит: 19 ноя 2020 06:55
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Сообщение don vito » 13 май 2016 10:41
спасибо за ответ! Но проблема решилась немного проще, почистил датчик на режущей каретке
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pinchroll errors on Roland SP-540V
New Member
hi guys — we’ve had our machine now for over 4 years — lately we are getting a lot of pinchroll error invalid left position or invalid right position — anyone else have this problem? i need to fix this asap — so any suggestions would be wonderful. i’m quite comfortable in replacing parts on this machine myself — just need to know what the correct parts are and where i can order them from.
Also, anyone else have problems with newer generated PDF / EPS files? is there an upgraded versaworks RIP software available that may fix certain issues with newer illustartor files that use transparencies / drop shadows etc? also files pdf generated from autocad seem to have different colour results. thanks for any help.
Drip Dry
New Member
New Member
New Member
New Member
It’s your cut carriage cable
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip. Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems. and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough. usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
Drip Dry
New Member
I remember cleaning mine with alcohol and a lint free cloth, but eventually needed to be replaced.
As far as your link. I think that’s the wrong part because it indicates 4 are required. There is only one encoder strip.
I don’t know about inkjetauctions advice. all I know is that’s what fixed my random pinch roll errors.
I suggest talking to your tech before replacing anything and buy the recommended parts through them.
New Member
New Member
Just some deeper detail here.
When the printer is reading the pinch wheels, it uses the pinch wheel sensor which is on the back of the cut carriage. This is transmitted to the servo board via the cut carriage cable.
The sensor that reads the linear encoder strip is on the print carriage. The linear encoder strip is only used by the machine to know where the print carriage is along the linear rail.
You can have a hole in your linear encoder strip, and it will still find the pinch wheels. It just wont print where the hole is. (Yes I’ve seen this)
I will replace a cut carriage cable in an SP-series machine at least once every few weeks. It’s a known issue, and there is a field service note from Roland.
Don’t delay in resolving this issue.
BTW. Roland revised the way the cut carriage cable works on the VP and newer machines.
New Member
New Member
New Member
Pacific Coast Sign
New Member
New Member
problems with cut carriage reading last pinchwheel
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip. Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems. and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough. usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
Is this something I can do or do I need to call in a repair tech?
Is this what I need to buy?
New Member
SP540 will not set at pinch rollers. Errors for right and left pinch rollers.
thanks for the info even years later was correct!! I replaced the cut carriage cable and work perfectly. Not too bad to replace. took about an hour. unplug the printer and keep touching the static bar so you dont short anything out. took off the left housing, the top cover, the cover for the panel and the rear cover behind the panel. if you work carefully thats all you need to take off. make sure you buy the cable, cable guides and the nylon rivets (20 pk) you will need them. we carefully used our pick to pop off the old rivets. removed all of them. then take off the card above the cutter. this is where the wire goes. remove the 3 small wires, just pull the connectors. remove the card with cable attached to the left and take it off. the other end of the cable is hooked to the board on the back of the printer behind the panel. we taped the end of the new wire to the old wire and pulled it back thru the printer to the rear so you can hook it back to the board. make sure you look to see the way its plugged in. one side is blue. hook the new wire to the board and reverse what you just did.. make sure you are careful around the encoder strip.. that clear plastic strip right in front of the cable your replacing. thanks
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip. Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems. and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough. usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
Error Messages
This message appears when the loading lever was raised during initialization or after the media was loaded.
Press any key to clear the error. Alternatively, the error is cleared automatically after a short wait. Never move the
loading lever while output is in progress.
The left (right) pinch roller is positioned at a location where it cannot pinch the media.
Raise the loading lever and move the pinch roller to the correct location.
・ P. 27 «Setup of Roll Media»
・ P. 38 «Setup of Sheet Media»
The location of a middle pinch roller is incorrect.
The location of the displayed middle pinch roller is incorrect. Move the middle pinch roller to the correct location.
Has an ink cartridge that cannot be used been installed?
Remove the ink cartridge to clear the error. Use an ink cartridge of the specified type.
The printer made an emergency stop because a state in which ink was not present continued for 10 minutes or
longer while cleaning (normal, medium, powerful, light choke, or automatic cleaning while sub power was
switched off) was in progress or during the first ink filling procedure for the machine.
Operation cannot be continued. Turn off the sub power. After turning the power off, contact your authorized Ro-
land DG Corporation dealer.
The print heads were forced to the home position to prevent them from drying out.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch the sub power off, and then back on.
Is the height of the print heads lower than the height specified in the software RIP?
This warning indicates that the height of the print heads is too low for the media thickness specified in the soft-
ware RIP. The print heads move to a location where you can operate the height-adjustment lever. Adjust to the
displayed height, and then press [ENTER].
・ P. 126 «Adjusting Print Head Height to Match Media Thickness»
A motor error occurred.
Operation cannot be continued. Turn off the sub power. Next, eliminate the cause of the error, then immediately
switch on the sub power. If the machine is allowed to stand with the error uncorrected, the print heads may dry
5. Messages on the Operation Panel
hi guys — we’ve had our machine now for over 4 years — lately we are getting a lot of pinchroll error invalid left position or invalid right position — anyone else have this problem? i need to fix this asap — so any suggestions would be wonderful… i’m quite comfortable in replacing parts on this machine myself — just need to know what the correct parts are and where i can order them from.
Also, anyone else have problems with newer generated PDF / EPS files? is there an upgraded versaworks RIP software available that may fix certain issues with newer illustartor files that use transparencies / drop shadows etc? also files pdf generated from autocad seem to have different colour results… thanks for any help.
Your encoder strip is dirty or more likely needs to be replaced.
hi jtrube — do you have any instructions on how to clean it — i’ve read to use alcohol and lint free cloth — any other tips — plus, how often should this strip be cleaned? i believe we haven’t cleaned it for about a year — last done by a technician when we had our print heads replaced. thanks
It’s your cut carriage cable
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip…Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems…and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough… usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
hi jtrube — do you have any instructions on how to clean it — i’ve read to use alcohol and lint free cloth — any other tips — plus, how often should this strip be cleaned? i believe we haven’t cleaned it for about a year — last done by a technician when we had our print heads replaced. thanks
I remember cleaning mine with alcohol and a lint free cloth, but eventually needed to be replaced.
As far as your link… I think that’s the wrong part because it indicates 4 are required. There is only one encoder strip.
I don’t know about inkjetauctions advice… all I know is that’s what fixed my random pinch roll errors.
I suggest talking to your tech before replacing anything and buy the recommended parts through them.
jtrube doesn’t have a clue. I would listen to inkjetauction
Deeper Detail
Just some deeper detail here…
When the printer is reading the pinch wheels, it uses the pinch wheel sensor which is on the back of the cut carriage. This is transmitted to the servo board via the cut carriage cable.
The sensor that reads the linear encoder strip is on the print carriage. The linear encoder strip is only used by the machine to know where the print carriage is along the linear rail.
You can have a hole in your linear encoder strip, and it will still find the pinch wheels. It just wont print where the hole is… (Yes I’ve seen this)
I will replace a cut carriage cable in an SP-series machine at least once every few weeks. It’s a known issue, and there is a field service note from Roland.
Don’t delay in resolving this issue.
BTW… Roland revised the way the cut carriage cable works on the VP and newer machines.
Gotta side with InkJetAuction and Ballgame on this one..the rest seem to just want to be «scissoring» or something
hi guys — ok, bit of a problem — cleaned the encoder strip (it was quite dirty) however still have the same problem — how can I get a replacement carriage cable ASAP — it’s a long weekend here in Ontario, Canada and everything is closed — my tech is over 2 hours away so it costs me a couple of hundred bucks just to have them come out — and they won’t be open till tuesday — therefore most likely i won’t get someone up here until the end of the week — not good as it is our busiest time right now — anyone else have any suggestions of possibly ordering the part online and replacing it myself? or other suggestions… i’m a wee bit desperate… thanks
i have the same problem i clean and replace the parts and i could print but later i had the same problem when i change the material fromo vinyl to mesh
You need to replace the cable — it has a cracked/broken wire and shorts out. Easy to replace…just don’t forget to unplug the machine BEFORE working on. This is NOT an encoder strip issue. Since you have the top open, clean your other cable cards that run back and forth, clean the plastic guides and use alcohol to clean.
problems with cut carriage reading last pinchwheel
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip…Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems…and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough… usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
Is this something I can do or do I need to call in a repair tech?
Is this what I need to buy?
37.3 KB · Views: 707
Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2013
SP540 will not set at pinch rollers. Errors for right and left pinch rollers.
thanks for the info even years later was correct!! I replaced the cut carriage cable and work perfectly. Not too bad to replace. took about an hour. unplug the printer and keep touching the static bar so you dont short anything out. took off the left housing, the top cover, the cover for the panel and the rear cover behind the panel. if you work carefully thats all you need to take off. make sure you buy the cable, cable guides and the nylon rivets (20 pk) you will need them. we carefully used our pick to pop off the old rivets. removed all of them. then take off the card above the cutter. this is where the wire goes. remove the 3 small wires, just pull the connectors. remove the card with cable attached to the left and take it off. the other end of the cable is hooked to the board on the back of the printer behind the panel. we taped the end of the new wire to the old wire and pulled it back thru the printer to the rear so you can hook it back to the board. make sure you look to see the way its plugged in. one side is blue. hook the new wire to the board and reverse what you just did.. make sure you are careful around the encoder strip.. that clear plastic strip right in front of the cable your replacing. thanks
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip…Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems…and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough… usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
ROLAND SP 540V Pinch Roller errors
Left, right pinch roll error position/ Sheet not loaded
If pinch rolls are aligned and erros still Check:
1- Clean encoder end to end (alcohol and soft cloth), find for possible ink dry drops
2- Clean sensors (alcohol)
3- Test sensors from service menu (if error on any sensor, check the three cables on the carriage are plugged in proper way)
4- last check: clean the FlexCable from the back board all the way to the carriage head, unplug/clean/plug them again (all process with unpluged machine from power), Remember Dust produces static and static makes uneven power fluency, yes dust is a reason on many electronic issues (keep your machine clean and dust free as possible).
If all of this still failed
1- Check flexcable was ink stained ( cable replacement may be require)
2- Board needs service
Good Luck!
Agree on the carriage cable. I had one replaced by a technician and noticed what he did so the next time it needed one about a year and half later I was able to replace it myself. Just take your time and notice the mounting points when you remove it. Take photos. I used anti-friction tape on the high wear areas. Removing the little plastic rivets is tricky at first. Good fingernails help. It’s not hard really. Good luck.
Hey everyone…
We have had our Sp-540v for over 12 years now. We recently replaced the encoder strip for the first time. Recently we started having an issue with not being able to set the left pincher, thus getting a 0,0 width or error about incorrect left pincher. After weeks of this, we were ready to buy a new machine.
But I tried one last option.. I took alcohol and cleaned the actual carriage cable and the clear protector strips as well as the tray that this all sits in.. tons of metal dust!!
The machine has been working perfectly ever since. I’ll let it run for a week or so and re-post if anything changes.
Thank you,
Stephen and Wayne Hesler-Mondore
HM Print and Design
Pop one of these bad boys in there and it should fix the issue. It’s a pretty common issue.
It’s your cut carriage cable
It’s nothing to do with your encoder strip…Your cut carriage cable needs to be replaced.
It’s the gray ribbon cable that goes from the cutting carriage all the way back to the servo board. It is sandwiched between two pieces of plastic. These plastic guides should be replaced as well. Eventually every SP-model will have to have this cable assembly replaced.
Basically the continuous back and forth movement will eventually cause tiny breaks in the cable. I have seen it happen on high-use machines within a year, and many average use machines by year three.
The problem initially shows itself with pinchwheel errors. Soon you will have cutting problems…and at some point you won’t be able to use the machine at all.
The parts for this repair are cheap enough… usually less than $50 for the cable and guides. It usually takes an experienced tech less than a hour to replace. There is also a teflon tape retro-fit that Roland is promoting. When the plastic guides move back and forth along the rail, it causes a build up of metal dust that gets all over the linear encoder strip, and can also cause the ribbon cable to buckle. Ask your dealer/tech about this.
You should call your dealer for advise on how to handle this routine repair.
Completely agree. I’ve run three SP-300V’s for close to 15 years on a narrow width media so lots of scan movement and only get about 12 months out of a ribbon. Interesting thing we’ve noticed is when the cable’s close to failing one of the cable strands gets a magenta stain close to where the cable comes up out of the main board cabinet so we always know about 2 — 3 months before the cable fails.
Hi All-I am having this same issue with my SP540V. I’ve ordered the carriage cable, but my vendor will not allow one of their techs to come out and install it. Does anyone know of resources online with good instructions for DIY?
I appreciate any help/advise.
6-8 If an Error Message Appears
Chapter 6 What to Do If
Operation cannot be continued. Switch the sub power o, then
back on. To change the head height, use the [HEAD HEIGHT]
P. 88, «Adjusting Head Height to Match Media Thickness»
The temperature of the location where the machine
is installed has fallen below the ambient temperature
at which the machine can operate.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch o the sub power. The
displayed temperature is the current ambient temperature of the
installation location. Bring the installed location to a temperature
at which operation is possible (20 to 32°C) and allow the machine
to come to room temperature, then turn on the power.
Output was stopped because a problem was found
in the data received.
Operation cannot be continued. Check whether the data
contains errors. Also, check for a problem with the connector
cable or the computer, and redo the operation from the step of
loading the media.
Press any key to clear the error. Pull back the loading lever, then
press .
The pinch rollers were raised while was il-
The error is cleared automatically after a short wait. Never move
the loading lever while printing is in progress.
The right pinch roller is positioned at a location where
it does not pinch the media.
Raise the loading lever and move the right pinch roller to the
correct location.
P. 38, «Cutting O the Media»
The left pinch roller is positioned at a location where
it does not pinch the media.
Raise the loading lever and move the left pinch roller to the
correct location.
P. 31, «Loading and Cutting O Media»
A ink cartridge that cannot be used was installed.
Remove the ink cartridge to clear the error. Use a cartridge of
the specied type.
The print heads were forced to standby position to
prevent them from drying out.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch the sub power o, then
back on. Opening the front cover while printing is in progress
causes an emergency stop. Never allow the print heads to remain
in this state.
A motor error occurred.
Operation cannot be continued. Switch o the sub power. Next,
eliminate the cause of the error, then immediately switch on the
sub power. If the machine is allowed to stand with the error un-
corrected, the print heads may dry out and become damaged.
This error may be caused by such factors as a mistake in loading
the media, a media jam, or an operation that pulls the media
with excessive force.
The media has jammed.
Carefully remove the jammed media. The print heads may also
be damaged. Perform head cleaning, then perform a printing
test and check the results.
The media was pulled with excessive force.
Excessive tension was applied to the media, and additional
action is necessary to recover from this state. First, move the
loading lever to the rear and adjust the media to create a small
amount of slack, then switch on the sub power.
Continuous operation made the pump motor become
hot, and so operation was paused.
Press any key to clear the error. Allow the machine to stand for
approximately 40 minutes before resuming operation.
Media cutoff was attempted even though [MEDIA
CLAMP] is set to “LONG.”
To prevent malfunction or damage to the machine, media-cuto
operations are not performed when [MEDIA CLAMP] is set to
“LONG.” Use to go back to the original screen, then either
detach the media clamps, or replace them with short media
clamps and set [MEDIA CLAMP] to “SHORT.”
P. 38, «Cutting O the Media»
An unusable print head is installed.
Switch o the sub power. After you switch o the power, inform
your authorized Roland DG Corp. dealer or Roland DG Corp.
Call Center.
4 User’s Reference
Error Messages
A motor error occurred.
The air temperature where installed is lower than
the ambient temperature at which the unit can
operate (approx. 5
°C (41°F) or more lower).
The [SETUP] key was pressed even though no
material is loaded.
Setup was performed with no material at the
correct location.
[Sheet Type] is set to [OPAQUE], but transparent
material was loaded.
An attempt was made to load material that is too
The reflective tape is dirty.
The [SETUP] key was pressed with the pinch
rollers up.
The pinch rollers were raised during setup.
An attempt was made to set the print-start
location at a position beyond the material.
The setting for the right-hand edge was not made
correctly at the [PRINT AREA] menu.
An attempt was made to set the right-hand edge
to the left of the left-hand edge, or at the same
location as the left-hand edge.
The setting for the left-hand edge was not made
correctly at the [PRINT AREA] menu.
An attempt was made to set the left-hand edge to
the right of the right-hand edge, or at the same
location as the right-hand edge.
The printing head was returned to its standby
position to be capped, canceling current printing
Because emergency stop was effected more than
10 min.
Recovery from this problem is impossible.
Use the POWER key to switch the power off and
back on again.
After rectifying the cause of the error (a material
jam or the like), switch on the power.
Do not leave the unit with the carriage not in
standby position.
Recovery from this problem is impossible. Use
the [POWER] key to switch the power off. First
raise the temperature of the area where installed,
then switch on the power.
Load material at the correct location and press
the [SETUP] key again.
When using transparent material, set [SHEET
TYPE] to [CLEAR] (see «4-6 What to Do If…
(If the «INK EMPTY» message appears during
Replace with material of loadable size.
Wipe off the grime on the reflective tape, then
perform setup again.
Move the sheet loading levers toward «LOAD»
and lower the pinch rollers, then press the
[SETUP] key (see «2-4 Loading the Material»).
Use the arrow keys to move the carriage marker
to a place within the printing area, then press the
[BASE POINT] key (see » 2-6 Performing
Printing — Performing Printing at the Desired
Use the arrow keys to move the carriage marker
to a correct position, then make the setting (see
«2-6 Performing Printing — Performing Printing
at the Desired Location — Setting the printing
area in the left-right direction (the direction of
carriage movement)»).
Use the arrow keys to move the carriage marker
to a correct position, then make the setting (see
«2-6 Performing Printing — Performing Printing
at the Desired Location — Setting the printing
area in the left-right direction (the direction of
carriage movement)»).
Turn power off by pressing [POWER] key to
Error messages