Formatted as a bug but submitting a question as we dont have a repro and the request is to figure out how we can get one.
Have you read the FAQ and checked for duplicate open issues?
Yes. We saw another item with the same PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE and that issue seemed to potentially about hardware decoding. We are unable to repro on our various devices
What version of Shaka Player are you using?
Recently updated to 2.5.3 but was previously on 2.5.2.
Can you reproduce the issue with our latest release version?
Just updated so no data yet. It is random so it takes a while to see it.
Can you reproduce the issue with the latest code from master
Are you using the demo app or your own custom app?
Custom app
If custom app, can you reproduce the issue using our demo app?
We dont have an in house repro with any app.
What browser and OS are you using?
Based on logs various Chrome versions with Android OS versions appear to repro.
Last one in logs was Chrome 75.0.3770.101 on Android v8.0.0.
One before that was Chrome 70.0.3538.80 on Android v6.0.1
For embedded devices (smart TVs, etc.), what model and firmware version are you using?
What are the manifest and license server URIs?
We dont use a license server. We are using signed cookies.
What can we do to capture more data when the error occurs so that we may be able to troubleshoot further?
What did you do?
This appears to happen during initialization of the video. The video never reaches the state where it «canplay».
What did you expect to happen?
No error.
What actually happened?
Again we cant repro this in house but this is what we get in logs when we listen to the «error» event on the Shaka player object. Once the error happens in the field — that particular user is blocked. We dont know of a workaround.
shaka.util.Error {
"severity": 2,
"category": 3,
"code": 3016,
"data": [
"PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: video decoder reinitialization failed"
"handled": false
shaka.util.Error {
"severity": 2,
"category": 3,
"code": 3015,
"data": [
"stack": "Error: Failed to execute 'appendBuffer' on 'SourceBuffer': The HTMLMediaElement.error attribute is not null.n at ce.p.ce ( at le ( at ke ( at Gi.<anonymous> ("
"handled": false
shaka.util.Error {
"severity": 2,
"category": 3,
"code": 3015,
"data": [
"stack": "Error: Failed to execute 'appendBuffer' on 'SourceBuffer': The HTMLMediaElement.error attribute is not null.n at ce.p.ce ( at le ( at ke ( at Gi.<anonymous> ("
"handled": false
- Ни один браузер не проигрывает видео на Android
- Установка Flash Player
- Использование клиентов
- Нет видео, но есть звук
- Другие способы исправления ошибки
- Ошибка воспроизведения Смарт ТВ
- Почему технология не работает на телевизорах Phillips и Samsung
- Как найти ошибку воспроизведения на Smart TV Samsung
- Смарт-карта Триколор ТВ: что означает ошибка 8
- Chrome: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE not seen on other browsers #2528
- Comments
- What version of Hls.js are you using?
- What browser and OS are you using?
- Test stream:
- Checklist
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior
- Console output
Ни один браузер не проигрывает видео на Android
Для воспроизведения видео в браузере на Android обычно требуется Flash Player. Однако проблемы могут возникать даже при наличии необходимых компонентов или использовании других технологий воспроизведения – например, через проигрыватель HTML5.
Данная статья подходит для всех брендов, выпускающих телефоны на Android 11/10/9/8: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia и прочие. Мы не несем ответственности за ваши действия.
Внимание! Вы можете задать свой вопрос специалисту в конце статьи.
Установка Flash Player
В современных браузерах Flash Player встроен по умолчанию. Но если вы пользуетесь обозревателем, который установлен на Android по умолчанию, то в нем может не оказаться нужного компонента. Единственный способ решения проблемы – использовать другой браузер. Скачайте из Play Market один из перечисленных веб-обозревателей:
- Opera.
- Google Chrome.
- UC Browser.
- Dolphin Browser.
- Maxthon Browser.
После установки браузера проверьте, воспроизводится ли в нем видео. Если проблема заключалась в отсутствии Flash Player, то использование другого веб-обозревателя ее решит.
Отдельно Flash Player установить на Android нельзя – такая возможность не поддерживается, начиная с версии Android 4.0. Компонента даже нет в Play Market. Вы можете скачать его с сайта Adobe и установить из APK-файла, но для работы все равно понадобится сторонний браузер – например, Dolphin Browser.
Использование клиентов
Если проблемы возникают при воспроизведении видео на YouTube, установите на Android официальный клиент видеохостинга. Это поможет обнаружить источник ошибки. Если через приложение видео воспроизводится, а в браузере нет ни изображения, ни звука, следует попробовать скачать другой веб-обозреватель.
Не знаешь как решить проблему в работе своего гаджета и нужен совет специалиста? На вопросы отвечает Алексей, мастер по ремонту смартфонов и планшетов в сервисном центре.Напиши мне »
Для просмотра видео ВКонтакте, Twitter или Instagram также не требуются дополнительные компоненты. Ролики воспроизводятся внутри приложений, не перебрасывая пользователя в браузер.
Нет видео, но есть звук
Отсутствие Flash – не единственная причина того, что ни один браузер не проигрывает видео на Андроид. Если проблемы возникают и в клиентах соцсетей и приложении YouTube, то причину следует искать в модификации отображения и наложениях.
Если в последнее время вы использовали приложения или включали встроенные функции для изменения цветовой температуры, то отключите их или удалите программы для цветокоррекции. Обратите внимание на опции «Инверсия цветов» и «Коррекция цвета» в настройках Android. Найти их можно в разделе «Спец. возможности».
Для другой версии Android это будет: Настройки — Специальные возможности — Зрение — Настройка цвета и Негатив.
Наложения связаны с работой сторонних приложений – это могут быть программы для установки родительского контроля, блокировщики, утилиты для добавления элементов управления. Суть наложений в том, что они выводятся поверх интерфейса Android. При воспроизведении видео это может вызывать эффект черного экрана.
Если вы не знаете, были ли установлены такие приложения на Android, перезагрузите телефон в безопасном режиме.
- Удерживайте кнопку питания, пока не появится меню с вариантом «Отключить».
- Нажмите на пункт «Отключить» и держите палец.
- Появится окно «Переход в безопасный режим». Нажмите «ОК».
- Дождитесь выключения телефона и повторной загрузки системы.
Суть безопасного режима в том, что система загружается без установленных приложений. Если здесь видео воспроизводится, то перезагрузите устройство в нормальном режиме и удалите приложения, которые могут создавать наложения.
Другие способы исправления ошибки
Если способы, указанные выше, не помогли решить проблему, попробуйте применить следующие методы:
- Если видео не воспроизводится на Android 5 или 5.1, включите режим разработчика и переключите потоковый проигрыватель с AwesomePlayer на NUPlayer или наоборот.
- Попробуйте отключить опции разработчика, отвечающие на аппаратное ускорение визуализации.
- Если видео не воспроизводится только в одном приложении (например, в клиенте YouTube), откройте раздел «Приложения» в настройках, найдите проблемную программу и очистите ее кэш.
Кроме того, на старых устройствах, работающих на процессорах MTK, иногда приходится сталкиваться с тем, что видео перестает работать при выборе высокого разрешения. Единственный способ решить эту проблему – понизить разрешение до минимального уровня.
Ошибка воспроизведения Смарт ТВ
Современные телевизоры обладают технологиями и опциями, которые несколько десятилетий назад показались бы чем-то невероятным. Наличие Smart TV превращает приемник в полноценный компьютер, с помощью которого можно смотреть фильмы, использовать социальные сети и поисковые системы, слушать музыку и получать доступ к платным и бесплатным каналам. Преимущество данной технологии состоит в том, что устройство настраивается быстро, при этом не нужно устанавливать дополнительное программное обеспечение. К минусам можно отнести лишь непредвиденные ситуации, которые приводят к ошибке воспроизведения Смарт ТВ. Какой бы ни была проблема, всегда можно найти способ ее решения.
Почему технология не работает на телевизорах Phillips и Samsung
Наиболее частой проблемой, с которой сталкиваются владельцы ТВ-приемников от Филипс и Самсунг, является отсутствие подключения к Интернету. Доступ к сети возможно осуществить при помощи обычного роутера Wi-Fi. Модели могут отличаться по техническим характеристикам, форме и дизайну, но принцип работы у них одинаковый: они принимают сигнал от провайдера и передают к конечным устройствам буквально по воздуху. Проверка подключения для телевизоров Samsung и Phillips практически ничем не отличается, за исключением одной-двух команд.
На устройстве Филипс необходимо выполнить следующие действия:
- В главном меню на экране нажать на кнопку с изображением домика.
- Далее нужно перейти во вкладку «Конфигурация» и выбрать пункт «Настройки сети».
- Выполнив нажатие по вкладке «Просмотр параметров сети», перед пользователем откроются все сетевые характеристики.
- Первым делом рекомендуется обратить внимание на пункт «IP адрес». Если указано число в формате 192.168.Х.ХХ. – значит, устройства синхронизированы друг с другом.
Если Smart TV по-прежнему не работает, проблема может заключаться в самом маршрутизаторе. Например, роутер находится на большом расстоянии от ТВ-приемника. В этом случае потребуется поставить его поближе или приобрести более мощный прибор.
При наличии ошибок воспроизведения на Смарт ТВ Samsung или Phillips можно попробовать обновить прошивку, а в некоторых случаях следует поискать альтернативное ПО для устаревших моделей телевизоров.
Как найти ошибку воспроизведения на Smart TV Samsung
В телевизорах Самсунг можно и другим способом выявить ошибку воспроизведения. Если перезагрузка оборудования не помогла, рекомендуется переустановить приложение. Это возможно для моделей J, K, M, N, Q и LS, выпушенных после 2015 года. Переустановка осуществляется таким образом:
- Необходимо открыть панель приложений APPS и отыскать ту программу, которая не работает или выдает сообщение об ошибке.
- Далее следует нажать на центральную кнопку пульта и удерживать ее, пока не откроется дополнительное меню.
- Здесь потребуется выбрать команду «Повторная установка». Время ее выполнения будет зависеть от скорости Интернета.
Если после перезапуска устройства все работает исправно, значит, с телевизором все в порядке.
Приложение иногда не работает по причине блокировки IP-адресов со стороны провайдера. Подключив телевизор к другой точке доступа, пользователь проверит, обращается ли приложение к правильным адресам. Проблема бывает и со стороны DNS серверов. Для их изменения потребуется:
- Отрыть раздел настроек.
- Выбрать пункт «Общий», если такового нет, выполнить переход к разделу «Сеть».
- Выбрав пункт «Состояние сети», пользователь определит, все ли нормально с соединением.
- После перейти в раздел «Настройки IP» и отыскать вкладку «Настройка DNS». Здесь выбрать пункт «Ввести вручную».
- В поле сервер DNS указать и подтвердить действие с помощью кнопки «Готово».
- Для сохранения настроек нажать на «Ок».
В самых тяжелых случаях можно обратиться к специалисту или связаться с разработчиком приложения. Контакты разработчика должны быть указаны в детальном описании программы. Для этого необходимо перейти в магазин Samsung Apps, выбрать используемое приложение и нажать на кнопку в виде трех точек.
Смарт-карта Триколор ТВ: что означает ошибка 8
Спутниковое телевидение – это уникальная технология, обеспечивающая круглосуточный доступ к любимым фильмам и передачам в самом высоком качестве. Ни один пользователь не застрахован от внезапного исчезновения сигнала, но даже если это случилось, не стоит поддаваться панике. Причин исчезновения картинки с экрана есть немало, а некоторые из них весьма банальные и требуют для устранения проблемы простых действий.
Пользователи, использующие смарт-карту Триколор ТВ, в один день могут столкнуться с появлением на экране надписи, сообщающей о наличии ошибки с кодом 8. Чаще всего она появляется по причине сбоя программного обеспечения, поэтому для начала следует выполнить перезагрузку тюнера. Рекомендуется также проверить, установлена ли карта корректным образом. Если причина не была найдена, можно выполнить сброс настроек до заводских.
Для этого нужно открыть главное меню и выбрать соответствующий пункт. Особое внимание стоит уделить выбору региона, также устройство способно запросить пароль для подтверждения действия. Если код не менялся, нужно ввести 0000.
Появившаяся на экране телевизора «ошибка 8» может быть вызвана следующими причинами:
- неправильная установка или повреждение смарт-карты;
- неисправность ресивера;
- отсутствие обновленного программного обеспечения;
- устаревшая модель приемника;
- сбой на уровне настроек.
Если сброс параметров также не принес положительных результатов, следует зайти на официальную веб-страницу провайдера, чтобы проверить, есть ли новые версии ПО, и сравнить с той, которая установлена на ресивер. Если имеется несоответствие, скачать программу и выполнить ее инсталляцию.
Трудности зачастую возникают у пользователей, которые приобрели оборудование у частных продавцов. Лучше всего покупать приемники у официальных дилеров, которые продают качественные лицензионные изделия.
Chrome: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE not seen on other browsers #2528
What version of Hls.js are you using?
What browser and OS are you using?
Chrome (This issue does not appear when using in the hls.js demo page on either Firefox or Safari)
Test stream:
- The issue observed is not already reported by searching on Github under
- The issue occurs in the stable client on and not just on my page
- The issue occurs in the latest client on and not just on my page
- The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS)
- There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream
Steps to reproduce
- Please provide clear steps to reproduce your problem
Click the link to the hls.js demo page provided and look in the console logs. This error only occurs on chrome browsers but plays fine in Firefox and Safari (although the warnings still exist) - If the bug is intermittent, give a rough frequency
Expected behavior
No PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: and the ad plays through the whole 30s
Actual behavior
On chrome the PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: occurs and the stream crashes
Console output
[log] > parsed codec:mp4a.40.5,rate:44100,nb channel:2
[log] > AAC: align PTS for overlapping frames by -23
[warn] > parsing error:AAC PES did not start with ADTS header,offset:6
Error event:
[log] > audio sampling rate : 44100
[log] > InitPTS for cc: 0 found from video track: 129916
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.2)
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(video/mp4;codecs=avc1.640028)
[log] > main track:audio,container:audio/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[mp4a.40.2/mp4a.40.5]
[log] > main track:video,container:video/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[avc1.640028/avc1.640028]
[log] > Parsed audio,PTS:[0.000,5.805],DTS:[0.000/5.805],nb:250,dropped:0
[log] > Parsed video,PTS:[0.023,5.996],DTS:[0.000/5.963],nb:180,dropped:0
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSING->PARSED
[log] > main buffered : [0.023,5.805]
[log] > latency/loading/parsing/append/kbps:483/3987/55/16/5478
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSED->IDLE
[log] > Loading 1 of [0 ,4],level 6, currentTime:5.805,bufferEnd:5.805
[log] > main stream-controller: IDLE->FRAG_LOADING
[log] > target start position not buffered, seek to buffered.start(0) 3.118119 from current time 0
[log] > media seeking to 3.118
[log] > media seeked to 3.118
[log] > recoverMediaError
[log] > detachMedia
[log] > media source detaching
[log] > main stream-controller: FRAG_LOADING->STOPPED
[log] > audio stream:IDLE->STOPPED
[log] > attachMedia
main.js:740 The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support — PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: Failed to send audio packet for decoding: timestamp=3390113 duration=23219 size=5774 side_data_size=0 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0 discard_padding (us)=(0, 0)
Paste the contents of the browser console here.
For media errors reported on Chrome browser, please also paste the output of chrome://media-internals
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.
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I have had this problem for awhile through several version of Opera. Opera support essentially ignores me. Youtube videos always work. Videos from always work. However, videos on many other sites do not play, such as on MSN. Videos on Twitter and Facebook do not work.
When I try to play this video I get this error message:
«We’re sorry, an error has occurred when playing video (video format is not supported).»
I can play this video, but I have to click play to run Adobe Flash player.
Version information
Version: 45.0.2552.812 (PGO) — Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 7 64-bit
Thank you for any help!
Deleted User
last edited by admin
I am unable to replicate it. Both sites play the video just fine. You may want to try resetting your browser’s profile and see if that helps.
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I reset the profile and have the same problem.
More information:
When try to play a video on Google photos, it says, «Invalid parameters.»
On Twitter, videos (unless from Youtube) and animated .gif gives the message, «The media could not be played.»
Deleted User
last edited by admin
I am sorry to hear that, brother. Have you tried following the other suggestions from this post?
Are you able to replicate it with Google Chrome or another Chromium browser?
I am out of ideas of what it could be right now.
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I don’t know what’s the problem if even happens in a Clean profile but as a workaround, You may uninstall Flash Player, if you don’t need it, (those videos works as HTML5 also, as many others).
If you need Flash for a particular site you may use Flash Player into a portable version of Opera (in a different installation).
«You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you«. · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
last edited by admin
jimpiersall, you might read this thread, I had a similar problem, solved it with this::
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Thank you for your help. All videos work fine on Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
Thank you as well. Indeed I had the same problem on a clean profile. I tried uninstalling Flash and had the same problem. There was one difference I noticed without Flash. The error message on Google Photos changed to, «This video format is not supported.» When I installed Flash again, it went back to «Invalid parameters.» It’s strange because Google Photos videos look the same as Youtube videos. The MSN video had the same error message both ways.
Thanks. I saw that thread when I was searching for solutions. On Opera 45, I can’t find the plug-ins in the settings. It appears to be different than what is described in that thread. I tried using Beta for a while, and still had the problem.
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… :sherlock:
Perhaps this helps at some point.
Or maybe in Google.
«You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you«. · Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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I tried solutions on that «Invalid Parameters» board, and nothing fixed it. I appreciate the suggestions.
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Take a look at opera://media-internals while trying to play those videos. Also check opera://gpu.
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This is opera://gpu
Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash Stage3D: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Compositing: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Multiple Raster Threads: Unavailable
Native GpuMemoryBuffers: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Rasterization: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Video Encode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
VPx Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
WebGL: Unavailable
WebGL2: Unavailable
Driver Bug Workarounds
Problems Detected
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU access is disabled in chrome://settings.
Disabled Features: all
VPx decoding isn’t supported before Windows 10 anniversary update.: 616318
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
GPU rasterization should only be enabled on NVIDIA and Intel DX11+, and AMD RX-R2 GPUs for now.: 643850
Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization
Accelerated VPx decoding is hanging on some videos.: 654111
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox
Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost
Clear uniforms before first program use on all platforms: 124764, 349137
Applied Workarounds: clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent: 398694
Applied Workarounds: scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args
On Intel GPUs MSAA performance is not acceptable for GPU rasterization: 527565
Applied Workarounds: msaa_is_slow
Framebuffer discarding can hurt performance on non-tilers: 570897
Applied Workarounds: disable_discard_framebuffer
Direct composition flashes black initially on Win <10: 588588
Applied Workarounds: disable_direct_composition
Zero copy DXGI video hangs on shutdown on Win < 8.1: 621190
Applied Workarounds: disable_dxgi_zero_copy_video
Limited enabling of Chromium GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA: 535198
Applied Workarounds: disable_framebuffer_cmaa
Disable KHR_blend_equation_advanced until cc shaders are updated: 661715
Decode and Encode before generateMipmap for srgb format textures on Windows: 634519
Applied Workarounds: decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
Native GpuMemoryBuffers have been disabled, either via about:flags or command line.
Disabled Features: native_gpu_memory_buffers
Version Information
Data exported 5/25/2017, 11:04:12 PM
Browser version OPR/45.0.2552.812
Operating system Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1
Software rendering list version 12.20
Driver bug list version 9.36
ANGLE commit id unknown hash
2D graphics backend Skia/58
Command Line Args Files (x86)Opera45.0.2552.812opera.exe» —ran-launcher —opener-id=»CKuBiZkgxi9keqd5C:Windowsexplorer.exe» —system-dpi-setting=96 —alt-high-dpi-setting=96 —flag-switches-begin —flag-switches-end —use-turbo2
Driver Information
Initialization time 0
In-process GPU true
Passthrough Command Decoder false
Sandboxed false
GPU0 VENDOR = 0x8086, DEVICE= 0x0166
Optimus false
Optimus false
AMD switchable false
Desktop compositing Aero Glass
Diagonal Monitor Size of .DISPLAY2 21.5″
Driver vendor Intel Corporation
Driver version
Driver date 8-21-2012
Pixel shader version
Vertex shader version
Max. MSAA samples
Machine model name
Machine model version
Disabled Extensions GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
Window system binding vendor
Window system binding version
Window system binding extensions
Direct rendering Yes
Reset notification strategy 0x0000
GPU process crash count 0
Compositor Information
Tile Update Mode One-copy
Partial Raster Enabled
GpuMemoryBuffers Status
ATC Software only
ATCIA Software only
DXT1 Software only
DXT5 Software only
ETC1 Software only
R_8 Software only
RG_88 Software only
BGR_565 Software only
RGBA_4444 Software only
RGBX_8888 Software only
RGBA_8888 Software only
BGRX_8888 Software only
BGRA_8888 Software only
YVU_420 Software only
YUV_420_BIPLANAR Software only
UYVY_422 Software only
… loading …
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For opera://media-internals:
For the MSN Video:
render_id: 51
player_id: 0
pipeline_state: kStopped
total_bytes: 20951724
streaming: false
single_origin: true
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
is_downloading_data: false
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
audio_channel_layout: STEREO
audio_codec_name: aac
audio_sample_format: Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second: 48000
bitrate: 2905623
coded_height: 576
coded_width: 1024
found_audio_stream: true
found_video_stream: true
height: 576
max_duration: 57.686
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 1024
audio_dds: false
platform_pipeline_status_list: 9
audio_decoder: WMFAudioDecoder
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 57.686
For the Google Photos video:
render_id: 54
player_id: 0
pipeline_state: kStopped
is_downloading_data: true
total_bytes: 3167265
streaming: false
single_origin: false
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 baseline coded size: [640,360] visible rect: [0,0,640,360] natural size: [640,360] has extra data? false encrypted? false
audio_channel_layout: STEREO
audio_codec_name: aac
audio_sample_format: Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second: 44100
bitrate: 737824
coded_height: 360
coded_width: 640
found_audio_stream: true
found_video_stream: true
height: 360
max_duration: 34.341666
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 640
audio_dds: false
platform_pipeline_status_list: 9
audio_decoder: WMFAudioDecoder
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 34.341666
For the Twitter video:
render_id: 60
player_id: 1
pipeline_state: kStopped
total_bytes: 216755
streaming: false
single_origin: true
passed_cors_access_check: false
range_header_supported: true
is_downloading_data: true
info: MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 baseline coded size: [600,336] visible rect: [0,0,600,336] natural size: [600,336] has extra data? false encrypted? false
bitrate: 340007
coded_height: 336
coded_width: 600
found_audio_stream: false
found_video_stream: true
height: 336
max_duration: 5.1
start_time: 0
video_codec_name: h264
video_format: PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted: false
width: 600
error: video decoder initialization failed
pipeline_error: decoder: not supported
duration: 5.1
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Sorry, I don’t know what any of this stuff means, so if someone feels like looking at it, there it is.
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Try enabling hardware acceleration.
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I enabled it and restarted the browser as directed. It did not fix the problem. I sincerely appreciate your suggestion though.
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I found a difference between my chrome://gpu and opera://gpu
Chrome: Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
Opera: Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
I also noticed a lot of differences in the media internals between Chrome and Opera:
The opera log had this line: 00:00:03 165 error video decoder initialization failed
Here they are for comparison:
Player Properties
Property Value
audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
audio_channels_count 2
audio_codec_name aac
audio_dds false
audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
audio_sample_format Float 32-bit planar
audio_samples_per_second 48000
bitrate 2905623
duration 57.719
event PAUSE
found_audio_stream true
found_video_stream true
height 576
info FFmpegDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 6 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
is_downloading_data false
max_duration 57.719
passed_cors_access_check false
pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
pipeline_state kSuspended
player_id 0
range_header_supported true
render_id 12
single_origin true
start_time 0.033
streaming false
time_base 1/30000
total_bytes 20951724
video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
video_codec_name h264
video_dds false
video_decoder FFmpegVideoDecoder
video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12
video_is_encrypted false
width 1024
property filter
Timestamp Property Value
00:00:00 00 pipeline_state kCreated
00:00:00 00 url$blob=1
00:00:00 281 total_bytes 20951724
00:00:00 281 streaming false
00:00:00 281 single_origin true
00:00:00 281 passed_cors_access_check false
00:00:00 281 range_header_supported true
00:00:00 286 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:00 295 info FFmpegDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 2 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:00 295 info FFmpegDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 6 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:00 295 audio_channels_count 2
00:00:00 295 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:00 295 audio_sample_format Float 32-bit planar
00:00:00 295 audio_samples_per_second 48000
00:00:00 295 bitrate 2905623
00:00:00 295 found_audio_stream true
00:00:00 295 found_video_stream true
00:00:00 295 height 576
00:00:00 295 max_duration 57.719
00:00:00 295 start_time 0.033
00:00:00 295 time_base 1/30000
00:00:00 295 video_codec_name h264
00:00:00 295 video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12
00:00:00 295 video_is_encrypted false
00:00:00 295 width 1024
00:00:00 298 audio_dds false
00:00:00 298 audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
00:00:00 300 video_dds false
00:00:00 300 video_decoder FFmpegVideoDecoder
00:00:00 300 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:00 332 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 333 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 333 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 334 event PLAY
00:00:00 295 duration 57.719
00:00:08 139 event PAUSE
00:00:08 141 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:08 141 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 144 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 144 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:08 246 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 248 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 248 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 251 event PLAY
00:00:08 626 event PAUSE
00:00:08 626 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:08 626 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 626 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:08 626 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:08 645 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 649 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 649 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:08 722 event PLAY
00:00:09 173 event PAUSE
00:00:09 174 pipeline_state kSeeking
00:00:09 174 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:09 175 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:09 175 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:09 258 event PLAY
00:00:09 529 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:09 533 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:09 533 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:21 450 event PAUSE
00:00:37 116 pipeline_state kSuspending
00:00:37 120 pipeline_state kSuspended
Player Properties
Property Value
audio_channel_layout STEREO
audio_codec_name aac
audio_dds false
audio_decoder WMFAudioDecoder
audio_sample_format Float 32-bit
audio_samples_per_second 48000
bitrate 2905623
coded_height 576
coded_width 1024
duration 57.686
error video decoder initialization failed
found_audio_stream true
found_video_stream true
height 576
info MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
is_downloading_data false
max_duration 57.686
passed_cors_access_check false
pipeline_error decoder: not supported
pipeline_state kStopped
platform_pipeline_status_list 9
player_id 0
range_header_supported true
render_id 52
single_origin true
start_time 0
streaming false
total_bytes 20951724
video_codec_name h264
video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
video_is_encrypted false
width 1024
property filter
Timestamp Property Value
00:00:00 00 pipeline_state kCreated
00:00:00 270 url$blob=1
00:00:00 874 total_bytes 20951724
00:00:00 874 streaming false
00:00:00 874 single_origin true
00:00:00 874 passed_cors_access_check false
00:00:00 874 range_header_supported true
00:00:01 00 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:03 162 info MFDemuxer: created audio stream, config codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 4 channel_layout: 3 samples_per_second: 48000 sample_format: 4 bytes_per_frame: 8 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? true encrypted? false
00:00:03 162 info MFDemuxer: created video stream, config codec: h264 format: 6 profile: h264 high coded size: [1024,576] visible rect: [0,0,1024,576] natural size: [1024,576] has extra data? false encrypted? false
00:00:03 163 audio_channel_layout STEREO
00:00:03 163 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:03 163 audio_sample_format Float 32-bit
00:00:03 163 audio_samples_per_second 48000
00:00:03 163 bitrate 2905623
00:00:03 163 coded_height 576
00:00:03 163 coded_width 1024
00:00:03 163 found_audio_stream true
00:00:03 163 found_video_stream true
00:00:03 163 height 576
00:00:03 163 max_duration 57.686
00:00:03 163 start_time 0
00:00:03 163 video_codec_name h264
00:00:03 163 video_format PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12
00:00:03 163 video_is_encrypted false
00:00:03 163 width 1024
00:00:03 165 audio_dds false
00:00:03 165 platform_pipeline_status_list 9
00:00:03 165 audio_decoder WMFAudioDecoder
00:00:03 165 error video decoder initialization failed
00:00:03 195 pipeline_error decoder: not supported
00:00:03 196 pipeline_state kStopping
00:00:03 196 pipeline_state kStopped
00:00:03 163 duration 57.686
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I found a difference between my chrome://gpu and opera://gpu
Chrome: Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
Opera: Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
It shouldn’t make any difference on video playing.
I enabled it and restarted the browser as directed. It did not fix the problem
And does opera://gpu shows that video decode uses hardware acceleration? Also, any error message under «Log Messages’?
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Here are the lines on video.
Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
Video Encode: Hardware accelerated
VPx Video Decode: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
VPx decoding isn’t supported before Windows 10 anniversary update.: 616318
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Accelerated VPx decoding is hanging on some videos.: 654111
Disabled Features: accelerated_vpx_decode
Zero copy DXGI video hangs on shutdown on Win < 8.1: 621190
Applied Workarounds: disable_dxgi_zero_copy_video
GpuProcessHostUIShim: The GPU process exited normally. Everything is okay.
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Here are the lines on video.
It seems OK.
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Okay. Thank you for looking it over.
- Pipeline error decode что это за ошибка
- PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE error in Chrome with android phones. What can we do to troubleshoot? #2020
- Comments
- pineapplejoe commented Jul 8, 2019 •
- PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE with HLS playback on Chrome #6093
- Comments
- mikeodysseos commented Jul 12, 2019 •
- Description
- Steps to reproduce
- Results
- Expected
- Actual
- Error output
- Additional Information
- plugins
- Chrome: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE not seen on other browsers #2528
- Comments
- gregrealeyes commented Feb 14, 2020
- What version of Hls.js are you using?
- What browser and OS are you using?
- Test stream:
- Checklist
- Steps to reproduce
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior
- Console output
Pipeline error decode что это за ошибка
Обсуждение TOX1
ТВ приставка [Amlogic S905X3]
Обсуждение » | Покупка » | Доработка охлаждения » | Клуб владельцев ТОХ1 » | Каталог программ для Android медиа-приставок » | Выбор ТВ приставки (медиаплеера) » | Пульты для Android miniPC, ТВ, медиацентров и прочего »
- ОС: Android 9 (Android Pie, Android P)
- Процессор: Amlogic S905X3 (Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A55 до 2.0GHz)
- Графический процессор: ARM Mali-G31 MP2 (OpenGL ES 3.2, Vulkan 1.1 и OpenCL 2.0)
- ROM: 32GB
- Аппаратная декодинг: H.265 4K [email protected] 75fps, VP9 4K profile 2 60fps, H.264 4K [email protected] 30fps (AVC) 60fps (MVC)
- Поддержка HDR: Есть
- Порты расширения: 1x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 1x Слот для карт памяти MicroSD
- HDMI: HDMI (1.4 и 2.0 ) с максимально поддерживаемым разрешением [email protected] (HDCP2.2)
- Поддержка сети: LAN 1000M Ethernet, WiFi 2,4GHz, 5GHz, Bluetooth 4.1
- Wi-Fi модуль: RTL8822BS
- Питание: 5V/2A
- Размеры: 110*62*22mm
- Вес: 90g
- Официальный сайт:
- Комплектация:
- 1x ТВ приставка
- 1x Кабель HDMI
- 1x Адаптер питания
- 1x Пульт ДУ
- Отзыв tanuki88 от (11.08.21)
- Отзыв Ksardas_pro от (05.04.21)
- Обзор сайта от (23.03.21)
- Отзыв miha nik от (04.01.21)
- Отзыв dmitry042 от (15.12.20)
- ATV UGOOS Hybrid+ 0.4.2 от AuronSV
- ATV SlimBox 1.5.2 от SlimHouse
- SlimBox AOSP и ATV (версии от 1.5.2 до 1.6.7) от SlimHouse
- SlimBox v.1.6.1 AOSP и ATV от SlimHouse
- ATV на базе 1.5 от Vasily_5
- ATV на базе 1.5 от tatarin13
- ATV на базе 1.5 от AuronSV
- Порт UGOOS Х3 0.4.2 AOSP и ATV от AuronSV
- ATV на базе 1.4 от tatarin13
- TWRP бэкап настроенной ATV прошивки v1.5 от saimonyz
- Ugoos 0.4.1 AOSP и ATV от AuronSV
- Ugoos 0.4.2 AOSP и ATV от AuronSV
- Ugoos (версии от 0.37 и 0.42) от XVortex
- ATV Ugoos 0.4.0 от AuronSV
- ATV Ugoos Hybrid (версии 0.4.1 и 0.4.2) от AuronSV
- Мод на базе порта Ugoos 0.4.0 от JAW
- ATV на базе стоковой прошивки v1.3 от tatarin13
- ATV на базе стоковой прошивки v1.3 от CryptoNick
- ATV на базе стоковой прошивки v1.2 от tatarin13
- TOX1_MG!(Magisk) (на базе стоковой прошивки 1.2) от [email protected]
Прошивка с помощью кабеля и ПК:
Канал «Pro100tehnika» (на примере х96мах)
Прошивка и создание бэкапа и восстановление бэкапа через TWRP:
Канал «Vasily TV BOX — Прошивки Amlogic модификация»
Сообщение отредактировал MOPE4ok — Вчера, 14:30
Андрей И., Вам на страничку про пульты
Обсуждение Пультов для Android miniPC, ТВ, медиацентров и прочего (Пост gun-fan #17186795)
Дома есть g10s, g30s (с обучением кнопок для тв), сегодня получил G50s. В руке удобнее g10s, но там кнопки заподлицо, неудобно в темноте. G50s ещё не пользовался, посмотрю, но вроде удобно по кнопкам, да ещё под вопросом ИК обучение кнопки выключения, нет там окошка.
Сообщение отредактировал technocat-vl — 24.08.20, 15:46
Приветствую. Благодаря youtube каналу «Технозон» получил вчера этот бокс (бесплатно). За что им огромное спасибо. Сразу же вечером собрал на него АТВ. Особо потестировать ещё не успел. Но программный афр работает. Да и так вроде шустренько всё.
Еще немного погоняю прошивку и если всё будет норм, то выложу в ветке.
Сообщение отредактировал tatarin13 — 31.08.20, 08:37
В ATV-прошивке голосовой поиск глобальный, папа ищет каналы (приложение Wink)
В Ugoos Cube x2 это работает. Родную AOSP не пробовал, сразу перешил на ATV
Пульт g20s работает отлично
Сообщение отредактировал Opupyrkin — 26.08.20, 13:26
Сообщение отредактировал tatarin13 — 26.08.20, 14:56
Приветствую. Вот прошивка АТВ собранная на основе стоковой.
В прошивке отключена проверка подписи;
добавил TWRP 3.4.0;
добавил кнопку перезагрузки в TWRP ;
увеличил время отображения системных панелей;
исправил ошибку с WebViewGoogle;
заменил предустановленную тёмную тему на модифицированную от ув. Tsynik;
добавил модифицированный, рабочий Google Cast от ув. Tsynik;
в прошивке два варианта заставки- Backdrop и Aerial Dream, по умолчанию установлена Backdrop, но в настройках можно поменять на Aerial Dream;
предустановленного софта по минимуму.
PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE error in Chrome with android phones. What can we do to troubleshoot? #2020
Formatted as a bug but submitting a question as we dont have a repro and the request is to figure out how we can get one.
Have you read the FAQ and checked for duplicate open issues?
Yes. We saw another item with the same PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE and that issue seemed to potentially about hardware decoding. We are unable to repro on our various devices
What version of Shaka Player are you using?
Recently updated to 2.5.3 but was previously on 2.5.2.
Can you reproduce the issue with our latest release version?
Just updated so no data yet. It is random so it takes a while to see it.
Can you reproduce the issue with the latest code from master ?
Are you using the demo app or your own custom app?
If custom app, can you reproduce the issue using our demo app?
We dont have an in house repro with any app.
What browser and OS are you using?
Based on logs various Chrome versions with Android OS versions appear to repro.
Last one in logs was Chrome 75.0.3770.101 on Android v8.0.0.
One before that was Chrome 70.0.3538.80 on Android v6.0.1
For embedded devices (smart TVs, etc.), what model and firmware version are you using?
What are the manifest and license server URIs?
We dont use a license server. We are using signed cookies.
What can we do to capture more data when the error occurs so that we may be able to troubleshoot further?
What did you do?
This appears to happen during initialization of the video. The video never reaches the state where it «canplay».
What did you expect to happen?
What actually happened?
Again we cant repro this in house but this is what we get in logs when we listen to the «error» event on the Shaka player object. Once the error happens in the field — that particular user is blocked. We dont know of a workaround.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE with HLS playback on Chrome #6093
We are experiencing an issue with Chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) where Video.JS ( brings a «The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.» error. It is not specific with a single HLS playlist and the issue is persistent only with Chrome. Firefox and mobile browsers work well. It is only the 2nd time I am opening a ticket so I hope I followed all the guidelines.
Steps to reproduce
- Go to
- Play Video
- At on average 15 minutes in, the error comes up.
Video should play without interruptions.
«The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.»
Error output
In the console I see this error:
video.min.js:12 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:3 MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.
code: 3
message: «The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.»
proto: Object
chrome://media-internals/ brings this output
`00:19:04.671 | error | Failed to send audio packet for decoding: timestamp=1143274666 duration=21333 size=226 side_data_size=0 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0 discard_padding (us)=(0, 0) |
00:19:04.671 | error | audio decode error |
00:19:04.691 | error | audio error during playing, status: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE |
00:19:04.691 | pipeline_error | PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE |
00:19:04.691 | pipeline_state | kStopping |
00:19:04.691 | event | PAUSE |
00:19:04.692 | pipeline_state | kStopped` |
Additional Information
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Chrome: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE not seen on other browsers #2528
What version of Hls.js are you using?
What browser and OS are you using?
Chrome (This issue does not appear when using in the hls.js demo page on either Firefox or Safari)
Test stream:
- The issue observed is not already reported by searching on Github under
- The issue occurs in the stable client on and not just on my page
- The issue occurs in the latest client on and not just on my page
- The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS)
- There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream
Steps to reproduce
- Please provide clear steps to reproduce your problem
Click the link to the hls.js demo page provided and look in the console logs. This error only occurs on chrome browsers but plays fine in Firefox and Safari (although the warnings still exist) - If the bug is intermittent, give a rough frequency
Expected behavior
No PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: and the ad plays through the whole 30s
Actual behavior
On chrome the PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: occurs and the stream crashes
Console output
[log] > parsed codec:mp4a.40.5,rate:44100,nb channel:2
[log] > AAC: align PTS for overlapping frames by -23
[warn] > parsing error:AAC PES did not start with ADTS header,offset:6
Error event:
[log] > audio sampling rate : 44100
[log] > InitPTS for cc: 0 found from video track: 129916
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.2)
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(video/mp4;codecs=avc1.640028)
[log] > main track:audio,container:audio/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[mp4a.40.2/mp4a.40.5]
[log] > main track:video,container:video/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[avc1.640028/avc1.640028]
[log] > Parsed audio,PTS:[0.000,5.805],DTS:[0.000/5.805],nb:250,dropped:0
[log] > Parsed video,PTS:[0.023,5.996],DTS:[0.000/5.963],nb:180,dropped:0
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSING->PARSED
[log] > main buffered : [0.023,5.805]
[log] > latency/loading/parsing/append/kbps:483/3987/55/16/5478
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSED->IDLE
[log] > Loading 1 of [0 ,4],level 6, currentTime:5.805,bufferEnd:5.805
[log] > main stream-controller: IDLE->FRAG_LOADING
[log] > target start position not buffered, seek to buffered.start(0) 3.118119 from current time 0
[log] > media seeking to 3.118
[log] > media seeked to 3.118
[log] > recoverMediaError
[log] > detachMedia
[log] > media source detaching
[log] > main stream-controller: FRAG_LOADING->STOPPED
[log] > audio stream:IDLE->STOPPED
[log] > attachMedia
main.js:740 The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support — PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: Failed to send audio packet for decoding: timestamp=3390113 duration=23219 size=5774 side_data_size=0 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0 discard_padding (us)=(0, 0)
Paste the contents of the browser console here.
For media errors reported on Chrome browser, please also paste the output of chrome://media-internals
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Chrome: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE not seen on other browsers #2528
What version of Hls.js are you using?
What browser and OS are you using?
Chrome (This issue does not appear when using in the hls.js demo page on either Firefox or Safari)
Test stream:
- The issue observed is not already reported by searching on Github under
- The issue occurs in the stable client on and not just on my page
- The issue occurs in the latest client on and not just on my page
- The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS)
- There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream
Steps to reproduce
- Please provide clear steps to reproduce your problem
Click the link to the hls.js demo page provided and look in the console logs. This error only occurs on chrome browsers but plays fine in Firefox and Safari (although the warnings still exist) - If the bug is intermittent, give a rough frequency
Expected behavior
No PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: and the ad plays through the whole 30s
Actual behavior
On chrome the PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: occurs and the stream crashes
Console output
[log] > parsed codec:mp4a.40.5,rate:44100,nb channel:2
[log] > AAC: align PTS for overlapping frames by -23
[warn] > parsing error:AAC PES did not start with ADTS header,offset:6
Error event:
[log] > audio sampling rate : 44100
[log] > InitPTS for cc: 0 found from video track: 129916
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.2)
[log] > creating sourceBuffer(video/mp4;codecs=avc1.640028)
[log] > main track:audio,container:audio/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[mp4a.40.2/mp4a.40.5]
[log] > main track:video,container:video/mp4,codecs[level/parsed]=[avc1.640028/avc1.640028]
[log] > Parsed audio,PTS:[0.000,5.805],DTS:[0.000/5.805],nb:250,dropped:0
[log] > Parsed video,PTS:[0.023,5.996],DTS:[0.000/5.963],nb:180,dropped:0
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSING->PARSED
[log] > main buffered : [0.023,5.805]
[log] > latency/loading/parsing/append/kbps:483/3987/55/16/5478
[log] > main stream-controller: PARSED->IDLE
[log] > Loading 1 of [0 ,4],level 6, currentTime:5.805,bufferEnd:5.805
[log] > main stream-controller: IDLE->FRAG_LOADING
[log] > target start position not buffered, seek to buffered.start(0) 3.118119 from current time 0
[log] > media seeking to 3.118
[log] > media seeked to 3.118
[log] > recoverMediaError
[log] > detachMedia
[log] > media source detaching
[log] > main stream-controller: FRAG_LOADING->STOPPED
[log] > audio stream:IDLE->STOPPED
[log] > attachMedia
main.js:740 The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support — PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE: Failed to send audio packet for decoding: timestamp=3390113 duration=23219 size=5774 side_data_size=0 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0 discard_padding (us)=(0, 0)
Paste the contents of the browser console here.
For media errors reported on Chrome browser, please also paste the output of chrome://media-internals
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE in Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 #160
I apologize in advance if this is not a mux.js issue but my tests indicate that it might be.
In my current project I get mp2t packets via a websocket and I am converting those packets to fmp4 using mux.js which I then send to the browser (Windows 10 Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90) via the MSE pipeline. This works great and I am able to see the video for a little while until I get a PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE error and the stream shuts down. This usually occurs within 30-40 minutes after the video starts playing.
In an effort to narrow down the problem I took the debug index.html (which works great when loading the whole file at a time) and modified it to take a file, read it and then cut it down to 40k slices which I then then feed to the mux.js at a fast rate. I take the output from the “done” event and append it to the MSE buffer. Doing this I also seem to get the PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE from the browser after the video displays for a few minutes.
I cannot include the file I am using for testing (cause its too big) but any .ts file that is over 20 minutes long with 24 frames per second can be loaded to test this.
Here is the html page I have modified to slice the .ts file:
You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser or activate Google Chrome Frame to improve your experience.
Transmux Analyzer
This page can help you inspect the results of the transmuxing to mp4 files performed by videojs-contrib-hls. It’s still a bit tricky to create a MSE-compatible fragmented MP4. We’ve had luck with Bento4 and ffmpeg. If you have both of those utilities installed, you can create a working MP4 like this: Looking for the FLV tool?
MSE Debugging — pipeline: decode error #43
We have a lot of NVR’s and cameras and we can’t re-encode video due to performance issues.
Some of them is working fine. Some of them not.
For example, we have a couple of cameras with unstable streams (corrupted frames, dropped frames and so on). Firefox, IE and Safari is able to decode this streams but Chrome is not.
The problem is: chrome://media-internals is not helping. I mean, there is too little debug information in this log. pipeline: decode error is not enough.
I will try to publish restream on some public-available server.
Meanwhile. let’s just say: you have better experience with MSE and maybe you know how to debug MSE in Chrome properly?
PS. HLS.js’s log says only error while trying to append buffer:Failed to execute ‘appendBuffer’ on ‘SourceBuffer’: The HTMLMediaElement.error attribute is not null.,try appending later
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Stream created using ffmpeg:
@dananichev Do you see more information in chrome://media-internals if you scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says «Log»?
My player showed identical symptoms to yours. The media-internals Log showed several «error» events prior to the final pipeline: decode error . One of those errors pointed to the problem with my stream:
That message pointed to this bug ( which is that currently Chrome requires each tls segment to start with a keyframe (even though that’s not required by the MSE spec, or other browsers).
Our HLS streams had not been encoded to start with a keyframe at the beginning of every segment, which seems to be what’s causing this issue for me.
@gmcnaughton error Media segment did not begin with key frame. — different problem. I mean, currently public test stream can restart ffmpeg proccess under different circumstances. Which can produce this type of errors (plus sometimes rtsp source stream going nuts and this is also can possibly cause this kind of errors).
But ultimately i was trying to describe different issue.
As i said previously In my case there is only pipeline: decode error and nothing more. Thats why i need help with debugging.
There were 3 types of errors so far in my experience:
- decode error due to audio codec issues (thats why i used -an in my test setup with this stream)
- decode error due to keyframes issue
- and decode error with no additional information at all
Also, i should probably narrow this down. I just checked again and in Chrome 46 on Windows 10 (i suppose on any Windows) this stream works fine. But in Chrome 46 on OS X behavior is kind of tricky:
PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE with HLS playback on Chrome #6093
We are experiencing an issue with Chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) where Video.JS ( brings a «The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.» error. It is not specific with a single HLS playlist and the issue is persistent only with Chrome. Firefox and mobile browsers work well. It is only the 2nd time I am opening a ticket so I hope I followed all the guidelines.
Steps to reproduce
- Go to
- Play Video
- At on average 15 minutes in, the error comes up.
Video should play without interruptions.
«The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.»
Error output
In the console I see this error:
video.min.js:12 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:3 MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.
code: 3
message: «The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.»
proto: Object
chrome://media-internals/ brings this output
`00:19:04.671 | error | Failed to send audio packet for decoding: timestamp=1143274666 duration=21333 size=226 side_data_size=0 is_key_frame=1 encrypted=0 discard_padding (us)=(0, 0) |
00:19:04.671 | error | audio decode error |
00:19:04.691 | error | audio error during playing, status: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE |
00:19:04.691 | pipeline_error | PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE |
00:19:04.691 | pipeline_state | kStopping |
00:19:04.691 | event | PAUSE |
00:19:04.692 | pipeline_state | kStopped` |
Additional Information
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Have you read the FAQ and checked for duplicate open issues?:
What version of Shaka Player are you using?:
«version»: «2.3.0»
Can you reproduce the issue with our latest release version?:
Can you reproduce the issue with the latest code from master ?:
Are you using the demo app or your own custom app?:
custom app
If custom app, can you reproduce the issue using our demo app?:
What browser and OS are you using?:
chrome, firefox, Windows 10
What are the manifest and license server URIs?:
(NOTE: you can send the URIs to instead, but please use GitHub and the template for the rest)
(NOTE: a copy of the manifest text or an attached manifest will not be enough to reproduce your issue, and we will ask you to send a URI instead)
What did you do?
loaded the player in autoplay was playing fine for some time after that it is getting halted
What did you expect to happen?
Continuous Playback
What actually happened?
Halted the playback after playing for sometime.
The shaka-player(«version»: «2.3.0») playback getting halted after played for some time.Am getting the failure as PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE.Attached the error screen shot.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: