Plausibility error of vcv current

Блог пользователя YAP19 на DRIVE2. Фактически уже 4 месяца назад хотел написать пост касаемо его заглавия, но ожидал момента для более наглядной "фотосессии" демонстрации причин сбоев работы из-за этой детали. Но, как устранил проблему полгода назад, так она больше и не проявлялась, что косвенно позволяет мне с уверенностью предложит…

Фактически уже 4 месяца назад хотел написать пост касаемо его заглавия, но ожидал момента для более наглядной «фотосессии» демонстрации причин сбоев работы из-за этой детали.
Но, как устранил проблему полгода назад, так она больше и не проявлялась, что косвенно позволяет мне с уверенностью предложить своим читателям поступать таким же образом в случае возникновения подобных проблем и не спешить опустошать свой карман для покупки «де-юре»- невосстановимой(по причине конструктивно заложенной невозможности разобрать без разрушения целостности «героя повествования»), а «де-факто»- большой доли вероятности устранения проблемы «без серьёзного хирургического вмешательства»…
Н-да уж…весьма казалось бы сумбурный пролог…
А дело в следующем. Я не стану пророком, если скажу, что научно-технический прогресс в автомобилестроении конструировании, совершенствовании двигателей внутреннего сгорания (а также эффективности сжатия и сжигания дизтоплива в дизельных двигателях в частности) не стоит на месте.
Это в свою очередь выражается в том, что постепенно как говориться «канут в небытие» первые «классические» дизеля системы «BOSH», уступая пальму первенства системам «Common Rail» и т.д.
Я сейчас не буду вдаваться в дебри как работает эта система, поскольку нет смысла повторяться, желающие подробнее узнать как она «фунциклирует» найдут при желании сами, а хочу обратить ваше внимание конкретно на одной из деталей этой системы(то бишь регуляторе давления), который был снят с «Ивеко» и выглядит так:

Полный размер

регулятор давления

Вы спросите: — почему столь пристальное внимание мною уделено именно этой детали?
Всё банально просто: — очень часто её неисправность становиться причиной ненормальной работы двигателя и
соответственно вынужденной необходимостью её замены по причине её формальной неремонтопригодности.
И вот здесь, перед тем, как принимать решение(на подобии стоящего на распутье Ильи Муромца перед камнем на картине Васнецова) перед тем, как принять решение по какой дороге идти (в магазин автозапчастей и т.д.) стоит попытаться чётко «локализовать» и диагностировать что именно случилось с вашим регулятором.
Дело в том, что как минимум 3-4 варианта неисправности могут произойти с этой отнюдь не дешёвой деталью.
1. Обрыв(перегар) или КЗ электромагнитной катушки, управляющей дросселированием запорной иглы датчика.
По сути — регулятор давления, это соленоид как втягивающее стартера, только в гораздо меньших размерах и другими «частотами» своего функционирования.
2. Механический износ или подклинивание запорной иглы по причине эксплуатации с хреновой соляркой+ H2O
3. Ну и третья(ИМХО самая распространенная причина «заболевания» вашего движка) это банальное засорение фильтра этого регулятора!
Да, да! Не удивляйтесь! В этом регуляторе есть фильтр! Только он настолько мили…(censorship)), что многие могут не воспринять его всерьёз. А между тем, это очень важная деталька, от которой зависит работа двигателя и «живучесь»(ресурс) таких же не дешёвых форсунок! По сути, этот фильтр — это последний барьер защиты чувствительных к степени чистоты топлива форсунок и в снятом виде выглядит он так:

Полный размер

снятый с регулятора цилиндрический фильтр…

Изначально, с завода он конечно же приштампован в трёх точках над посадочным пояском. Просто так руками его не сдёрнешь. Чтобы его снять, потребовалось зафиксировать регулятор в тиски и сорвать с посадки губками кусачек, аккуратно(чтобы не повредить резиновое и пластиковое уплотнение) поддев под его развальцованный верхний поясок, используя в качестве точки опоры-качения для срыва с заштамповки подходящую ось-точку опоры»архимедова рычага»(в моём случае удлинитель от набора инструментов).
Теперь вы спросите:- «на кой ляд» мне понадобилось его срывать с его «коронного места»?
Дело в том, что не сняв его с корпуса регулятора, я не смог бы его очистить от микроскопических(видимо металлических) соринок, впившихся в его ещё более микроскопические, сепарированные по всему цилиндру отверстия. Эти соринки торчали по бокам, как иглы у ёжика и…перекрывали аппетит прожорливых форсунок:

еле различимая грязь на поверхности фильтра.

Попытки продуть сжатым воздухом компрессора фильтр, не снимая его с регулятора были малоэффективными. Отверстия «стакана» настолько микроскопические, что выдуть «иглообразную» грязь можно было только создав возможность продувать их в сторону, обратную их «втыканию» в тело фильтра.
Вот именно для этого и был произведён демонтаж. Хотя, даже в этом случае с трудом получилось выдуть грязь, труды оказались не напрасны.
Конкретно, после сборки и установки обратно, двигатель перестал страдать «циклической» нехваткой топлива и вошёл в нормальный рабочий режим. Но после пробега примерно 90-100 км видимо опять «всосало» остатки сора и пришлось снова повторить процедуру очистки. После этого всё стабилизировалось и уже 4-ый месяц двигатель работает без проблем.
Конечно, было бы гораздо проще, если бы регулятор был разборный, как в статье:
…но даже в таких случаях оказывается, что «голь на выдумку хитра.»))
Так что, граждане-господа-товарищи, если у вас случилась подобного рода ситуация, рекомендую проделать тоже самое, и с большой долей вероятности вы сможете сэкономить свои денежки!
Видео на эту же тему:

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Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #1

I keep getting this code after my car has warmed up and I shut the car off to flash a map revision and this code will appear before I’m out of my neighborhood.

For some reason lately it’s only been happening when I’ve driven for a while. My car drives fine until I shut it down and only after I try to drive again even without flashing a map it will do this.

It used to occur when I first started driving but that was on a different HPFP. I’ve had some battery irregularities, this is a ~90 AH AGM battery and I never see the car running at 14.x volts. I wonder if voltage has something to do with it?



Apr 19, 2017




335i e93

  • #2

It could be lots of things, including voltage fluctuations. If you have a new HPFP then it’s most likely voltage fluctuation because the pumps depend on the EKPM units for control which in turn are super sensitive to voltage variation and will affect the pumps and when the pumps are affected the ECU will note that and throw a code. So it may appear to be a bad pump when in fact it may be battery related.

Option 2 is your high and low fuel sensors need to be replaced. That will cause incorrect pressure readings which in turn cause incorrect pump flow and possibly throw a code.

Last option is your pumps are going out.

After I replaced my EKPM with the PM4 Torquebyte unit… never once got any error codes related to pumps again…ever.


Nov 24, 2017




Indiana, USA


Z4 35is, 535xi, X5 35i

  • #3

I think I remember from a couple years back…. When I had this with no other symptoms, I replaced the Low pressure sensor and no more problems.


Jan 29, 2018





  • #4

Had this on a freinds 1er… Was the low pressure sensor, we did a new sensor and the revised line and it hasn’t been an issue since.

Fwiw pretty sure the revised line isn’t required :)


Oct 3, 2018







2007 E92 335i

  • #5

The new line has a rubber mount to limit vibrations and possibly extend sensor life


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #6

I think I remember from a couple years back…. When I had this with no other symptoms, I replaced the Low pressure sensor and no more problems.
Had this on a freinds 1er… Was the low pressure sensor, we did a new sensor and the revised line and it hasn’t been an issue since.

When was the code being thrown do you recall the circumstances at all?

The new line has a rubber mount to limit vibrations and possibly extend sensor life

Mine has that already. It’s a 10/2008 build 2009. Has 62-63k miles.

Feb 20, 2019




BMW 335i

  • #7

I keep getting this code after my car has warmed up and I shut the car off to flash a map revision and this code will appear before I’m out of my neighborhood.

For some reason lately it’s only been happening when I’ve driven for a while. My car drives fine until I shut it down and only after I try to drive again even without flashing a map it will do this.

It used to occur when I first started driving but that was on a different HPFP. I’ve had some battery irregularities, this is a ~90 AH AGM battery and I never see the car running at 14.x volts. I wonder if voltage has something to do with it?
View attachment 27376

You ever figure this out? I get the same thing. I have a new Helix, hpfp, stage 2 bucketless low pressure fuel pump lpf sensor, high pressure fuel sensor. Still on original ekpm2. I have 2 maps. 1 map it doesn’t happen. The other map it happens. I know I need 2 rear o2s because I keep getting a faults for o2 after cat signal.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #8

You ever figure this out? I get the same thing. I have a new Helix, hpfp, stage 2 bucketless low pressure fuel pump lpf sensor, high pressure fuel sensor. Still on original ekpm2. I have 2 maps. 1 map it doesn’t happen. The other map it happens. I know I need 2 rear o2s because I keep getting a faults for o2 after cat signal.

I think it’s somehow tune related. What are the temps when you experience this and what are you doing?

Feb 20, 2019




BMW 335i

  • #9

I think it’s somehow tune related. What are the temps when you experience this and what are you doing?

It happened in the 50s -70s degrees. I barely can get down the street before it throws ses. I’m trying the other tune now and will report back.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #10

It happened in the 50s -70s degrees. I barely can get down the street before it throws ses. I’m trying the other tune now and will report back.

But once it occurs, if you restart the car it doesn’t come back until the next day or something? That’s what happens to me anyway.

Ask your tuner how much difference there is in the rail pressure tables.

Also, we know there is indeed some hpfp/coolant related tables. The HPFP chatter fix specifically switches your car to the non startup table.

So perhaps there is such a big jump from the warmup table to the normal operating table, the code gets thrown.

I’ve tried suggesting this to multiple tuners and nobody has responded about it much. I’m not convinced it’s my car, I think it’s at least influenced by the tune and temp related.

Feb 20, 2019




BMW 335i

  • #11

But once it occurs, if you restart the car it doesn’t come back until the next day or something? That’s what happens to me anyway.

Ask your tuner how much difference there is in the rail pressure tables.

Also, we know there is indeed some hpfp/coolant related tables. The HPFP chatter fix specifically switches your car to the non startup table.

So perhaps there is such a big jump from the warmup table to the normal operating table, the code gets thrown.

I’ve tried suggesting this to multiple tuners and nobody has responded about it much. I’m not convinced it’s my car, I think it’s at least influenced by the tune and temp related.

Thats good info.
Today my car has been throwing the codes each time are start and drive off. It doesn’t do it on my tuners map.. it does it on the tune I’m personally building. So, im reverting back to the vcv tables I used before to see if that helps. My scalars are a little higher to get my trims in line so I’ll lower them too to see if any effect. I could use the hpfp chatter fix. It usually just chatters the first minute or so after startup and sometimes at idle.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #12

Thats good info.
Today my car has been throwing the codes each time are start and drive off. It doesn’t do it on my tuners map.. it does it on the tune I’m personally building. So, im reverting back to the vcv tables I used before to see if that helps. My scalars are a little higher to get my trims in line so I’ll lower them too to see if any effect. I could use the hpfp chatter fix. It usually just chatters the first minute or so after startup and sometimes at idle.

But the question is, after it occurs and you restart the car, does it come back while the car remains on for the second time? The SES doesn’t come back on mine until the car has cooled off and I’m trying to understand why.

You probably already saw this but this is the chatter fix discussion, within the VCV tables thread:

Feb 20, 2019




BMW 335i

  • #13

But the question is, after it occurs and you restart the car, does it come back while the car remains on for the second time? The SES doesn’t come back on mine until the car has cooled off and I’m trying to understand why.

You probably already saw this but this is the chatter fix discussion, within the VCV tables thread:

Thanks. I’ll look at this discussion. I’m on the road as we speak. What I’ve been doing is clearing the code while I’m driving. Then, it comes right back like a min later or less. I haven’t just turned the car off to see what it does. If it comes back ill try the shut off first and see.

On this tune I just revised the vcv fuel request tables to request less current, pwm and slightly less flow and it drives with no codes or ses. The problem though is I get the dip in hpfp around the 4k rpm wide open throttle. It also gives me the polygraph hpfp up and down fluctuations. That might be because I was spinning 3rd gear on a somewhat wavy road though. But it seems the lpfp goes high and low at the same time. I’m trying a map with slightly higher current now to see if it helps the dip. Not sure if I should be concerned about this polygraph hpfp.


  • #14

This error mostly happens because of unstable and highly fluctuating fuel pressure swings.

Get those swings under control and I highly doubt you will see those errors again.

Next time manually log your car and look at what time the error occurred in history and look at your log and go from there.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #15

This error mostly happens because of unstable and highly fluctuating fuel pressure swings.

Get those swings under control and I highly doubt you will see those errors again.

Next time manually log your car and look at what time the error occurred in history and look at your log and go from there.

Not the case for me, at least, I don’t think so. Usually I’m at 1500 rpm? Imagine just leaving your driveway, car is cold.


  • #16

manually start the log and see what time the error happens and see what is happening in the log at that point.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #17

I’ve done this several times and have shown multiple tuners. I’d have to do it again likely because the code history isn’t retained on the new mhd app.


  • #18

there might be something wrong with your app or corrupted as my history is there and retains it on the latest rev.


Oct 18, 2016






2009 E93 335i

  • #19

there might be something wrong with your app or corrupted as my history is there and retains it on the latest rev.

I mean, I have the beta and none of that happened recently, aka new app therefore no history. Last time I recall was actually last year, thats how much I drive my car. My fuel setup has also changed since then, but I’m still curious about the problem. Here is an old log(on old app of course):


  • #20

Did the actual error happen whilst doing this log ?

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Расшифровка кодов неисправностей для МВ Евро-6 (Actros, Axor Atego).
Большинство подлежит ремонту и лишь некоторые можно отключить программно без ограничений по дальнейшей эксплуатации.

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Коды ошибок и расшифровка
MCM Motor Control Module
040E03 — Ether Start, Shorted to Ground
040E04 — Ether Start, Shorted to Battery
040E05 — Ether Start, Open Load
0AF0E3 — Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed High
0AF0E4 — Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Low
0AF0E5 — Intake Throttle Valve Circuit Failed Open
0B020D — J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is missing
0B0213 — J1939 Transmission Current Gear Signal is erratic
0BF0E3 — H Bridge 1 Circiut Shorted to Battery
0BF0E4 — H Bridge 1 Circuit Shorted to Ground
0BF0E5 — H Bridge 1 Circuit Open Load
0BF0EE — H Bridge 1 Circuit Open Load
0D0E03 — Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed High
0D0E04 — Proportional Valve Bank 1 Circuit Failed Low
0D0E06 — Current Flow on HS1 IM1 Too High
0DF0E3 — Thermal Switch Circuit Failed High
0DF0E4 — Thermal Switch Circuit Failed Low
0E0E03 — Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed High
0E0E04 — Proportional Valve Bank 2 Circuit Failed Low
0F0E03 — MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed High
0F0E04 — MCM Internal Injector Power Supply Failed Low
0FF0E3 — Function 8 Circuit Failed High
0FF0E4 — Function 8 Circuit Failed Low
0FF0E5 — Function 8 Circuit Failed Open — 10F0E3 — Component Y630 (Gegendruckventil Turbocompound-Einheit) has a short circuit to positive.
10F0E4 — Component Y630 (Gegendruckventil Turbocompound-Einheit) has a short circuit to ground.
10F0E5 — Component Y630 (Gegendruckventil Turbocompound-Einheit) has an open circuit.
110B02 — Der Status der Feststellbremse ist unplausibel
11F0E3 — Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed High
11F0E4 — Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed Low
11F0E5 — Turbo Brake Sleeve Circuit Failed Open
12F0E3 — Function 19 Circuit Failed High
12F0E4 — Function 19 Circuit Failed Low
12F0E5 — Function 19 Circuit Failed Open
13F0E3 — Service Push Button Circuit Failed High
14F0EE — Pressure Limiting Valve, Failed to Close
15F0E3 — Compressor Differential Pressure Outlet Failed High
15F0E4 — Compressor Differential Pressure Outlet Failed Low
16F0E3 — Function 22 Circuit Failed High
16F0E4 — Function 22 Circuit Failed Low
16F0E5 — Function 22 Circuit Failed Open
17F0E3 — Component Water pump has a short circuit to positive.
17F0E4 — Component Water pump has a short circuit to ground.
17F0E5 — Component Water pump has an open circuit.
18F0E3 — Function 25 Circuit Failed High
18F0E4 — Function 25 Circuit Failed Low
18F0E5 — Function 25 Circuit Failed Open
190E02 — DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (High Box)
190E03 — The signal voltage of component 17B11: Exhaust pressure sensor upstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF) is too high.
190E04 — The signal voltage of component 17B11: Exhaust pressure sensor upstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF) is too low.
190E08 — DPF Inlet Temperature, Signal Spike
190E0A — DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Stuck
190E14 — DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (Low Box)
190E15 — DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (Low Box)
190E1F — DPF Inlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (High Box)
19F0E3 — RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed High
19F0E4 — RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Low
19F0E5 — RCP Test Function 1 Circuit Failed Open
1A0E00 — DPF System Back Pressure Too High
1A0E02 — DPF Pressure Sensors — Plausibility Error
1A0E03 — The signal voltage of component 17B12: Exhaust pressure sensor downstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF) is too high.
1A0E04 — The signal voltage of component 17B12: Exhaust pressure sensor downstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF) is too low.
1A0E0A — DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Stuck
1A0E0E — DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (High Box)
1A0E14 — DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted High In Range Fault (Low Box)
1A0E15 — DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (Low Box)
1A0E1F — DPF Outlet Pressure Sensor Drifted Low In Range Fault (High Box)
1AF0E3 — RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed High
1AF0E4 — RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Low
1AF0E5 — RCP Test Function 2 Circuit Failed Open
1B0000 — EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed (High Box)
1B0001 — EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed (Low Box)
1B0002 — EGR Valve Position Feedback Failed
1B0003 — EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed High
1B0004 — EGR Valve Position Circuit Failed Low
1B0007 — EGR Valve Stuck Open
1B000E — EGR Valve Position Positive Torque Error
1B0013 — Smart Actuator Indicates EGR Position Error
1B060E — FSG: Detect unwanted ECU change
1BF0E3 — Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Battery
1BF0E4 — Volute Control Valve, Shorted to Ground
1BF0E5 — Volute Control Valve, Open Load
1CF0E3 — Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Battery
1CF0E4 — Volute Shut Off Valve, Shorted to Ground
1CF0E5 — Volute Shut Off Valve, Open Load
1DF0E3 — Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Battery
1DF0E4 — Variable Camshaft Phase, Shorted to Ground
1DF0E5 — Variable Camshaft Phase, Open Load
1E0D03 — EGR Pressure Failed High
1E0D04 — EGR Pressure Failed Low
1EF0E3 — Function 31 Circuit Failed High
1EF0E4 — Function 31 Circuit Failed Low
1EF0E5 — Function 31 Circuit Failed Open — 20F0E3 — Multiplexer 1 Channel 2, Shorted High
21F0E3 — Multiplexer 2 Channel 1, Shorted High
22F0E3 — Multiplexer 2 Channel 2, Shorted High
230D03 — Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed High
230D04 — Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed Low
230D05 — Urea Tank Heater Circuit Failed Open
23F0E3 — Multiplexer 3 Channel 1, Shorted High
24F0E3 — Multiplexer 3 Channel 2, Shorted High
25F0E7 — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor On
25F0E8 — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Internal Test Running
25F0E9 — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Failsafe Mode, Motor Off
25F0EB — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Restricted Operability
25F0EE — Smart Remote Actuator 2, No Failsafe Mode, Motor Off
25F0EF — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Warning
25F0F0 — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Temperature Fault
25F0FF — Smart Remote Actuator 2, Unknown Error Code
26F0ED — Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
26F0EE — Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
28F0F0 — Fuel Quantity High Detected
28F0F2 — Fuel Quantity Low Detected
2A050E — Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detecetd
2A1503 — Quantity Control Valve (Low Side) Error
2A1504 — Quantity Control Valve (High Side) Error
2B050B — Cylinder 1 Misfire detected
2B051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 1 wurde erkannt.
2C050B — Cylinder 2 Misfire detected
2C051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 2 wurde erkannt.
2D050B — Cylinder 3 Misfire detected
2D051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 3 wurde erkannt.
2DF0EE — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sampling Range Failure
2E050B — Cylinder 4 Misfire detected
2E051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 4 wurde erkannt.
2EF0EE — DPF Zone 3 Condition
2EF0FF — DPF Zone 2 Condition
2F0403 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has a short circuit to positive.
2F0404 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has a short circuit to ground.
2F0405 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has an open circuit.
2F050B — Cylinder 5 Misfire detected
2F051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 5 wurde erkannt.
2FF0EE — EGR System Parametrization Failure
2FF0FF — DPF System Parametrization Failure
300403 — Component 10Y01: Engine brake 1 solenoid valve has a short circuit to positive.
300404 — Component 10Y01: Engine brake 1 solenoid valve has a short circuit to ground.
300405 — Component 10Y01: Engine brake 1 solenoid valve has an open circuit.
30050B — Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected
30050E — MU_ISC_CYL6_SRL
30051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 6 wurde erkannt.
30F0E8 — MU_IS4_SPOR_DEF_1
310403 — Component 10Y02: Engine brake 2 solenoid valve has a short circuit to positive.
310404 — Component 10Y02: Engine brake 2 solenoid valve has a short circuit to ground.
310405 — Component 10Y02: Engine brake 2 solenoid valve has an open circuit.
31050B — Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected
31050E — MU_ISC_CYL7_SRL
31051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 7 wurde erkannt.
31F0E8 — MU_IS4_SPOR_DEF_2
32050B — Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected
32050E — MU_ISC_CYL8_SRL
32051F — Verbrennungsaussetzer des Zylinders 8 wurde erkannt.
330000 — Intake Air Throttle Position High
330001 — Intake Air Throttle Position Low
330002 — Intake Throttle Position Deviation Error
330003 — The signal voltage of component 10Y26: Throttle valve is too high.
330004 — The signal voltage of component 10Y26: Throttle valve is too low.
330007 — Intake Throttle Auto Calibration Error
350405 — Der Stromwert des Bauteils Y634 (Mengenregelventil Rail) ist zu niedrig.
350406 — Die Stromregelung des Bauteils Y634 (Mengenregelventil Rail) hat eine Funktionsstörung.
350407 — Der Soll-Raildruck wird nicht erreicht.
35040E — Die Leckage im Hochdruckregelkreis ist zu hoch.
35040F — Der Soll-Raildruck wird nicht erreicht.
35041F — Rail pressure regulation has a malfunction.Der Soll-Raildruck wird nicht erreicht.
38F0E0 — tbd
38F0E1 — tbd
38F0E2 — tbd
38F0E3 — tbd
38F0E4 — tbd
38F0E5 — tbd
38F0E6 — tbd
39F0E3 — tbd
39F0E4 — FSG: Quantity Control Valve ( High side) error
3AF0E4 — tbd
3BF0E3 — tbd
3BF0E4 — FSG: Pressure control valve ( High side ) error
3CF0E4 — tbd
3DF0E3 — FSG: PCV current too low
3DF0E4 — FSG: PCV current deviation too high
3EF0FF — MU_CPC_32
3FF0FF — MU_CPC_33
40F0FF — MU_CPC_34
441501 — CCV Speed Sensor RPM to Low
450A02 — Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error
450A03 — Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed High
450A04 — Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Circuit Failed Low
450A14 — Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too High (Low Box)
450A15 — Turbocharger Out Temperature, Temperature Too Low (High Box)
460002 — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is erratic
460009 — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is missing
46000A — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is erratic
46000D — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #1 is missing
46000E — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #3 is missing
460013 — J1939 Park Brake Switch Signal from Source #2 is erratic
460A00 — Chage Air Cooler Performance Monitor
460A02 — Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (High Box)
460A03 — The signal voltage of component 10B25: Turbo intake air temperature sensor is too high.
460A04 — The signal voltage of component 10B25: Turbo intake air temperature sensor is too low.
460A0B — Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Sensor Plausibility Error
460A10 — Chage Air Cooler Performance Monitor
460A14 — Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (Low box)
460A15 — Charge Air Outlet Temperature Drift (High box)
46F0FF — FGS: FBS3 data flash defect, exchange ECU
47050E — Air Compressor Clutch
470A01 — Low Air Flow
470A02 — Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost System Performance
470A03 — The signal voltage of component 10B17: Charge-air pressure/temperature sensor is too high.Measured range: Ladedruck nach Ladeluftkühler
470A04 — The signal voltage of component 10B17: Charge-air pressure/temperature sensor is too low.Measured range: Ladedruck nach Ladeluftkühler
470A0E — Charge Air Control, Pressure not plausible in brake mode
470A14 — Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility (Low Box)
470A15 — Intake Manifold Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too Low (High Box)
4B0E03 — Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
4B0E04 — Component 10Y45 has an electrical fault.
4B0E06 — Component 10Y45 has a short circuit.
4B0E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #1 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
4C0E03 — Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
4C0E04 — Component 10Y46 has an electrical fault.
4C0E06 — Component 10Y46 has a short circuit.
4C0E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #2 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
4D0E03 — Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
4D0E04 — Component 10Y47 has an electrical fault.
4D0E06 — Component 10Y47 has a short circuit.
4D0E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #3 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
4E0E03 — Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
4E0E04 — Component 10Y48 has an electrical fault.
4E0E06 — Component 10Y48 has a short circuit.
4E0E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #4 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
4F0E03 — Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
4F0E04 — Component 10Y49 has an electrical fault.
4F0E06 — Component 10Y49 has a short circuit.
4F0E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #5 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
500E03 — Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
500E04 — Component 10Y50 has an electrical fault.
500E06 — Component 10Y50 has a short circuit.
500E0A — ‘Injector Cylinder #6 Spill Control Valve (»Amplifier») Abnormal Rate of Change’
510E0E — Injector Cylinder #7 Spill Control Valve Abnormal Operation
540002 — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is erratic
540003 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High
540004 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low
540009 — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is missing
54000A — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is erratic
54000B — Vehicle Speed Failure
54000D — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#1 is missing
54000E — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#3 is missing
540013 — J1939 Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed Signal from Source#2 is erratic
540015 — Vehicle Speed Failure
54001F — Vehicle Speed Failure
580403 — MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed High
580404 — MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Low
580405 — MDEG Brake System (Two Stage Brake), Circuit Failed Open
5E0002 — Der Kraftstoffdruck im Kraftstoff-Niederdruckkreislauf ist zu hoch oder zu niedrig.
5E0003 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too high.
5E0004 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too low.
5E000F — Fuel Filter Service Warning
5E0010 — Der Kraftstofffilter ist verschmutzt.
601000 — Engine Fuel Filter Water Level Sensor Circuit Failed High
601003 — Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed High
601004 — Water Level Electrical Water Separator SRC Failed Low
601007 — Electrical Water Separator, Mechanical Defect
601009 — Engine Fuel Filter Water Level Sensor Circuit Failed High
60100E — Electrical Water Separator, Valve defect
610000 — Water in Fuel Lifetime exceeded
610003 — The signal voltage of component 10B55 is too high.
610004 — The signal voltage of component 10B55 is too low.
61000F — Water in fuel
61001F — Water in Fuel Sensor — Defect
61020C — Microcontroller Trap has been activated
611002 — Coolant Inlet Temperature Not Plausible
611003 — The signal voltage of component 10B52 is too high.
611004 — The signal voltage of component 10B52 is too low.
61100A — Coolant Temperature Sensors not Plausible
61101F — Engine Coolant Sensor (IN), General Temp. Plausibility Error
620000 — The signal voltage of component 10B06: Engine oil pan oil level sensor is too high.
620001 — The signal voltage of component 10B06: Engine oil pan oil level sensor is too low.
620004 — MU_ISP_L_OIL_DEF
620005 — tbd
62000D — Oil Level Mesaurement, Configuration Error
62000E — Der Ölstand ist zu hoch oder zu niedrig.
620103 — Relative Humidity Circuit Failed High
620104 — Relative Humidity Circuit Failed Low
630A00 — EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — High Flow
630A01 — EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — Low Flow
630A10 — EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — High Flow
630A12 — EGR Flow Target Error Diagnostic — Low Flow
640001 — The oil pressure in the engine is too low.
640002 — Oil Pressure Plausibility — Engine Running
640003 — The signal voltage of component 10B07: Engine oil pressure sensor is too high.
640004 — The signal voltage of component 10B07: Engine oil pressure sensor is too low.
640005 — Oil Pressure Sensor Stuck High — low speed
640011 — Oil Pressure Low — Engine Start
640014 — Oil Pressure Plausibility — Stop
640600 — Charge Air Cooler Low Efficiency
640602 — Difference Intake Manifold and I Cooler Temperature Out Less Than Threshold (Low Box)
640603 — The signal voltage of component 10B12: Charge-air temperature sensor is too high.
640604 — The signal voltage of component 10B12: Charge-air temperature sensor is too low.
64060B — Intake Manifold Temperature Plausibility Error
64060E — Difference Intake Manifold Temperature and EGR Temp. Less Than Threshold (Low Box)
640614 — Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (Low Box)
640615 — Intake Manifold Temperature Drift (High Box)
660010 — Intake Manifold Pressure to High
660012 — Intake Manifold Pressure to Low
670000 — Die Drehzahl des Abgasturboladers ist zu hoch.
670001 — Die Drehzahl des Abgasturboladers ist zu niedrig.
670002 — The value of component 10B34: Turbocharger rpm sensor is implausible.
670003 — Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed High
670004 — Turbo Charger Speed Sensor Circuit Failed Low
670202 — Water Pump Limp Home Mode
670207 — Water Pump Mechanical Defect Detected
670213 — Smart Actuator Indicates Actuator Position Error
670403 — Component 10B34: Turbocharger rpm sensor has a short circuit to positive or an open circuit.
670404 — Component 10B34: Turbocharger rpm sensor has a short circuit to ground.
690002 — MU_RC4_T_INTAKE_GEN2
690010 — Charge Air Cooler Efficency
6C0002 — Ambient Pressure Plausibility Fault (Low Box)
6C0003 — Control unit 10A20 is defective.The air pressure sensor has a malfunction.
6C0004 — Control unit 10A20 is defective.The air pressure sensor has a malfunction.
6C0014 — Ambient Pressure Plausibility Fault (High Box)
6C0303 — Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed High
6C0304 — Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Low
6C0305 — Air Compressor Clutch, Circuit Failed Open
6E0000 — The coolant temperature of the engine is too high.
6E0002 — Coolant Outlet Temperature Not Plausible
6E0003 — The signal voltage of component 10B51 is too high.
6E0004 — The signal voltage of component 10B51 is too low.
6E000E — Die Kühlmitteltemperatur ist im Vergleich zur Öltemperatur unplausibel.
6E0014 — Engine Coolant Sensor (OUT), General Temp. Plausibility Error
6E001F — Coolant Temperature Differential High
6F0001 — Coolant Level Very Low
6F0003 — Coolant Level Circuit Failed High
6F0004 — Coolant Level Circuit Failed Low
6F0012 — Coolant Level Low
6F0013 — Coolant Level Low (CAN)
710202 — Die Daten auf dem Motor-CAN-Bus sind unplausibel.
710203 — Die CAN-Leitung high des Motor-CAN-Busses ist defekt.
710204 — Die CAN-Leitung low des Motor-CAN-Busses ist defekt.
710208 — MCM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving
710209 — Control unit 17A03 is not transmitting data on the CAN bus.
71020E — ACM UDS DM1 Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving
710211 — FSG: CAN Communication, ACM no com stage 2
710212 — FSG: CAN Communication, ACM no com stage 3
74020D — MCM Powerdown Error
760202 — Calibration Data Not Plausible
76020C — Fehler beim Auslesen oder Schreiben des EEPROM.
76020D — Calibration Data Not Plausible (CPLD)
760E0D — tbd
7B0612 — Thermostat Error Detected
7C0201 — The signal voltage of component 10B31: Crankshaft sensor is too low.
7C0202 — Die Zuordnung der Signale von Kurbelwelle und Nockenwelle ist fehlerhaft.
7C0203 — Component 10B31: Crankshaft sensor has an open circuit.
7C0204 — Component 10B31: Crankshaft sensor has a short circuit to ground.
7C0208 — The signal from component 10B31: Crankshaft sensor is implausible.
7C020A — Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic
7C020B — Crankshaft Position Sensor Failure
7C020E — Crankshaft Position Sensor Pins Swapped
7F020E — J1939 Data Link Failure
810203 — Component Y619a y1 (Magnetventil 1 VTG-Lader) has a short circuit to positive.
810204 — Component Y619a y1 (Magnetventil 1 VTG-Lader) has a short circuit to ground.
810205 — Component Y619a y1 (Magnetventil 1 VTG-Lader) has an open circuit.
821003 — Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed High
821004 — Compressor Differential Pressure Inlet Failed Low
821005 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sampling Range Failure
82100D — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
82100E — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
821014 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too High (Low Box)
821015 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Differential Pressure Too Low (High Box)
831001 — CCV Speed Sensor RPM to Low
831003 — Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed High
831004 — Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low
831005 — Electrostatic Oil Separator Circuit Failed Open
831007 — Oil Separator, Max. Duration Time Reached
83100E — Oil Separator Circuit Failed Low
840001 — Air Mass Flow Too Low
840002 — Air Mass Calibration Exceeded Range Limit
840007 — Intake Air Throttle Valve Closure Detection- Positive Torque
84000D — Air Mass Auto Calibration Failed
84000E — Intake Air Throttle Valve Closure Detection -Braking Condition
870203 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has a short circuit to positive.
870204 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has a short circuit to ground.
870205 — Component 15Y32: Engine cooling system viscous clutch solenoid valve has an open circuit.
870E00 — The soot content of the diesel particulate filter is too high.
870E0F — DPF Zone 3 Condition
870E10 — Soot Level High
870E1F — DPF Zone 2 Condition
88051F — Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
880D02 — Intake Throttle Valve, Spring Response Time Not Plausible
880D03 — H Bridge 1 Circiut Shorted to Battery
880D04 — H Bridge 1 Circuit Shorted to Ground
880D05 — H Bridge 1 Circuit Open Load
880D07 — Intake Throttle Valve, Stuck
880D08 — Intake Throttle Valve, Current Deviation Too High
880D0E — Component 10Y26: Throttle valve has an electrical fault or open circuit.
880D1F — Intake Air Throttle Control Electrical Fault
880E0F — DPF Ash Clean Request
880E10 — DPF Ash Clean Request — Derate
89051F — Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8A051F — Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8B0203 — Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
8B0204 — Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
8B0205 — Injector Cylinder 1, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
8B0206 — Component 10Y39 has a short circuit.
8B0207 — Injector Cylinder 1, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
8B020A — Injector Cylinder #1 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8B0210 — Cylinder 1 Fueling Error
8B0212 — Cylinder 1 Fuel Quantity Too Low
8B021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #1 Value Out of Range
8C0203 — Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
8C0204 — Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
8C0205 — Injector Cylinder 2, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
8C0206 — Component 10Y40 has a short circuit.
8C0207 — Injector Cylinder 2, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
8C020A — Injector Cylinder #2 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8C0210 — Cylinder 2 Fueling Error
8C0212 — Cylinder 2 Fuel Quantity Too Low
8C021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #2 Value Out of Range
8D0203 — Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
8D0204 — Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
8D0205 — Injector Cylinder 3, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
8D0206 — Component 10Y41 has a short circuit.
8D0207 — Injector Cylinder 3, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
8D020A — Injector Cylinder #3 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8D0210 — Cylinder 3 Fueling Error
8D0212 — Cylinder 3 Fuel Quantity Too Low
8D021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #3 Value Out of Range
8E0203 — Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
8E0204 — Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
8E0205 — Injector Cylinder 4, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
8E0206 — Component 10Y42 has a short circuit.
8E0207 — Injector Cylinder 4, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
8E020A — Injector Cylinder #4 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8E0210 — Cylinder 4 Fueling Error
8E0212 — Cylinder 4 Fuel Quantity Too Low
8E021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #4 Value Out of Range
8E0D03 — Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed High
8E0D04 — Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Low
8E0D05 — Actuator Turbo Compound Bypass Circuit Failed Open
8F0203 — Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
8F0204 — Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
8F0205 — Injector Cylinder 5, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
8F0206 — Component 10Y43 has a short circuit.
8F0207 — Injector Cylinder 5, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
8F020A — Injector Cylinder #5 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
8F0210 — Cylinder 5 Fueling Error
8F0212 — Cylinder 5 Fuel Quantity Too Low
8F021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #5 Value Out of Range
8F0D01 — EDV Failed Self Test
8F0D03 — Component 10Y24 has a short circuit to positive.
8F0D04 — Component 10Y24 has a short circuit to ground.
8F0D05 — Component 10Y24 has an open circuit.
8F0D0E — Doser Metering and Safety Unit Valve Seals Check
900203 — Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MAX)
900204 — Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation (MIN)
900205 — Injector Cylinder 6, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier, Failed Closed
900206 — Component 10Y44 has a short circuit.
900207 — Injector Cylinder 6, Needle Control Valve or Amplifier Control Valve, Failed Open or Leakage
90020A — Injector Cylinder #6 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
900210 — Cylinder 6 Fueling Error
900212 — Cylinder 6 Fuel Quantity Too Low
90021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #6 Value Out of Range
900C02 — NOX Inlet Sensor Plausibility Error
900C14 — Nox Inlet Sensor Drift High
900C15 — Nox Inlet Sensor Drift Low
901200 — EGR Cooler Low Efficiency
90121F — EGR Cooler Performance Monitor
91020A — Injector Cylinder #7 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
91020E — Injector Cylinder #7 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation
910210 — Cylinder 7 Fueling Error
910212 — Cylinder 7 Fuel Quantity Too Low
91021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #7 Value Out of Range
92020A — Injector Cylinder #8 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Rate of Change
92020E — Injector Cylinder #8 Needle Control Valve Abnormal Operation
920210 — Cylinder 8 Fueling Error
920212 — Cylinder 8 Fuel Quantity Too Low
92021F — Idle Engine Smoothness Control / Cylinder #8 Value Out of Range
940402 — Coolant Temp/Compressor Inlet Temp Plausibility Error
940403 — The signal voltage of component 10B53 is too high.
940404 — The signal voltage of component 10B53 is too low.
940414 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temp. Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error
94041F — MU_RC4_T_COMP_IN_GEN2
970C03 — Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Battery HighSide Switch
970C04 — Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Ground HighSide Switch
980402 — Compressor Pressure Plausibility Fault (High Box)
980403 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed High
980404 — Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Pressure Circuit Failed Low
980405 — Compressor Inlet Pressure Plausibility Fault (Delta)
980414 — Compressor Inlet Pressure Plausibility Error, Pressure Too High (High Box)
980D00 — Fuel Compensation Pressure High
980D01 — Der Kraftstoffdruck am Bauteil 10Y24 ist nicht ausreichend oder zu hoch.
980D02 — Doser Fuel Line Pressure Low
980D03 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too high.
980D04 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too low.
980D0E — The signal of component 10B56 is implausible in comparison to the signal of component 10B57.
980D10 — Fuel Pressure Too High/Too Low
980D1F — Fuel Cut Off Valve Pressure Not Plausible
990B03 — FSG: PCV current deviation too high
990B04 — FSG: PCV current too low
9A0D03 — Component 10Y25 has a short circuit to positive.
9A0D04 — Component 10Y25 has a short circuit to ground.
9A0D05 — Component 10Y25 has an open circuit.
9A0D07 — FCV Failed Self Test
9B0100 — EGR Differential Pressure Failed (High Box)
9B0101 — EGR Differential Pressure Failed (Low Box)
9B0102 — EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
9B0103 — The signal voltage of component 10B28: Exhaust gas recirculation pressure differential sensor is too high.
9B0104 — The signal voltage of component 10B28: Exhaust gas recirculation pressure differential sensor is too low.
9B0105 — EGR Sampling Range Failed
9B010D — EGR Delta Pressure Sensor Out Of Calibration
9C0100 — EGR Temperature Very High
9C0102 — EGR Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility Error
9C0103 — EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed High
9C0104 — EGR Temperature Sensor Circuit Failed Low
9C0107 — EGR Cooler Performance Monitor
9C0110 — EGR Temperature Sensor / Temperature Too High
9C0114 — EGR Temperature Drift (High Box)
9C0115 — EGR Temperature Drift (Low Box)
9C0403 — tbd
9D0001 — Der Soll-Raildruck wird überschritten.
9D0002 — Die Signalleitung des Bauteils 10B54 hat einen Wackelkontakt.
9D0003 — Pressure Control Valve High Side Error
9D0004 — Pressure Control Valve High Side Error
9D000A — Leakage in High Pressure Fuel System Too High
9D0010 — Fuel Rail Pressure Low
9D0012 — Fuel Rail Pressure High
9E0002 — The status at circuit 15 at control unit MCM02 is implausible.
A11003 — Injector Needle Control Valve Bank 3, Shorted to Battery
A11004 — Injector Needle Control Valve Bank 3, Shorted to Ground
A21003 — Die gemeinsame elelktrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Druckübersetzer im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 1,2,3) hat Kurzschluss nach Plus.
A21004 — Die gemeinsame elelktrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Druckübersetzer im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 1,2,3) hat Kurzschluss nach Masse.
A40000 — Component Y634 (Mengenregelventil Rail) has a short circuit to ground.
A40001 — Component Y634 (Mengenregelventil Rail) has a short circuit to positive.
A40002 — Signal ’10B54′ is implausible.
A40003 — The signal voltage of component 10B54 is too high.
A40004 — The signal voltage of component 10B54 is too low.
A40005 — The voltage supply for component 10B54 is not OK.
A40007 — High Pressure Pump, Leakage or TDC Position Wrong
A40407 — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A40408 — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A40409 — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A4040B — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A4040E — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A4040F — Component 10Y38: Turbobrake solenoid valve reports a fault.
A40410 — Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Temperature Fault
A40413 — Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Wastegate Position Error
A40014 — Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift High
A40015 — Rail Pressure Sensor, Signal Drift
A4041F — Smart Remote Actuator 1 (Wastegate), Unknown Error Code
A50202 — The signal of circuit 50 is implausible.
A50203 — The electrical line A of the starter relay has a short circuit to positive.
A50204 — The electrical line A of the starter relay has a short circuit to ground.
A50205 — The starter relay has an open circuit.
A50207 — Das Steuergerät erkennt keine Motordrehzahl, obwohl der Starter angesteuert wird.
A5020E — Starter Electronic Fault / MCM Internal Failure
A50210 — Starter Electronic Fault / ECU internal (Res)
A50212 — Engine Starter Relay Jammed
A5021F — Starter does not engage.
A70207 — Das Druckbegrenzungsventil in der Rail kann nicht schließen.
A80000 — The battery voltage is too high.
A80001 — The battery voltage in component MCM02 is too low.
AA0C02 — The signal from component 17B04: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas upstream of SCR catalytic converter is implausible.
AA0C03 — The signal voltage of component 17B04: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas upstream of SCR catalytic converter is too high.
AA0C04 — The signal voltage of component 17B04: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas upstream of SCR catalytic converter is too low.
AA0C08 — DOC Inlet Temperature, Signal Spike
AA0C0A — DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Stuck
AB0003 — Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed High
AB0004 — Ambient Temperature Circuit Failed Low
AC0B03 — EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed High
AC0B04 — EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Low
AC0B05 — EGR Water Cooling Regulator Circuit Failed Open
AE0000 — Fuel temperature is too high.
AE0002 — Fuel Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility
AE0003 — The signal voltage of component 10B13: Fuel temperature sensor is too high.
AE0004 — The signal voltage of component 10B13: Fuel temperature sensor is too low.
AE001F — Die Kraftstofftemperatur ist unplausibel.
AE0C00 — Der vom Steuergerät berechnete Grenzwert für die Temperatur am Bauteil 17B13: Exhaust temperature sensor downstream of diesel particulate filter (DPF) wurde überschritten.
AE0C02 — DPF Outlet Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility
AE0C03 — DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed High
AE0C04 — DPF Oulet Temperature Circuit Failed Low
AE0C0A — DPF Outlet Temperature Sensor Stuck
AE0C0E — Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise
AE0C1F — Abnormal DPF Temperature Rise
AF0000 — Die Motoröltemperatur ist zu hoch.
AF0002 — Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, General Temp. Plausibility
AF0003 — The signal voltage of component 10B11: Oil temperature sensor is too high.
AF0004 — The signal voltage of component 10B11: Oil temperature sensor is too low.
AF000E — Component 10B11: Oil temperature sensor has a plausibility error.
AF000F — Oil Temperature High Pre-Warning
B20C00 — The upper limit value for the temperature at the sensor of component 17B03: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas downstream of SCR catalytic converter has been exceeded.
B20C02 — Component 17B10: Exhaust temperature sensor downstream of diesel oxidation catalytic converter has a plausibility error.
B20C03 — The signal voltage of component 17B03: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas downstream of SCR catalytic converter is too high.
B20C04 — The signal voltage of component 17B03: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas downstream of SCR catalytic converter is too low.
B20C08 — DOC Outlet Temperature, Signal Spike
B20C0A — Die Temperatur des Bauteils 17B03: Temperature sensor, exhaust gas downstream of SCR catalytic converter verändert sich schneller als physikalisch möglich ist.
B20C0E — Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise
B20C1F — Abnormal DOC Temperature Rise
B30C09 -Abnormal Soot Rate
B30C10 — DPF Pressure — Out of Range High
B50D03 — Die Spannungsversorgung (5V) für die Sensorgruppe 1 ist zu hoch.
B50D04 — Die Spannungsversorgung (5V) für die Sensorgruppe 1 ist zu niedrig.
B60D03 — Die Spannungsversorgung (5V) für die Sensorgruppe 2 ist zu hoch.
B60D04 — Die Spannungsversorgung (5V) für die Sensorgruppe 2 ist zu niedrig.
B70D03 — Die Spannungsversorgung (3V) für die Sensorgruppe 1 ist zu hoch.
B70D04 — Die Spannungsversorgung (3V) für die Sensorgruppe 1 ist zu niedrig.
B80D03 — Die Spannungsversorgung (3V) für die Sensorgruppe 2 ist zu hoch.
B80D04 — Die Spannungsversorgung (3V) für die Sensorgruppe 2 ist zu niedrig.
BA0203 — Gridheater Circuit Failed High
BA0204 — Gridheater Circuit Failed Low
BA0205 — Gridheater Circuit Failed Open
BC001F — Idle Speed Out of range
BD0403 — MIL Lamp Circuit Failed High
BD0404 — MIL Lamp Circuit Failed Low
BD0405 — MIL Lamp Circuit Failed Open
BE0000 — The engine speed is too high.
BE0002 — Engine Speed High
BF000D — J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is missing
BF0013 — J1939 Transmission Output Shaft Speed Signal is erratic
C10203 — Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed High
C10204 — Digital Output 1 13 Circuit Failed Low
C60203 — Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed High
C60204 — Digital Output 4 06 Circuit Failed Low
C91203 — Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
C91204 — Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
CA1203 — Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Low (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
CA1204 — Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit High (Bank 1 Sensor 2)
CB0203 — High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed High
CB0204 — High Side Digital Output # 1 Circuit Failed Low
CC0204 — High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Low
CC0205 — High Side Digital Output # 2 Circuit Failed Open
CF0409 — ACM Message Not Received or has Stopped Arriving
D1030E — FAN Clutch Issue
D30201 — Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low
D30203 — Camshaft Position Sensor Open Circuit
D30204 — Camshaft Position Sensor Short to Ground
D30208 — The signal from component 10B32: Camshaft sensor is implausible.
D3020A — Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Erratic
D3020B — Camkshaft Position Sensor Failure
D3020E — Das Bauteil 10B32: Camshaft sensor ist verpolt.
D40203 — Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo Battery LowSide Switch
D40204 — Lambda Sensor Heating: ShortCutTo GND LowSide Switch
D40205 — Open Load of Lambda Sensor Heating — D40206 — Lambda Sensor Heating: Over LoadLoad between High Side and Low Side Switch
D90200 — Das Bauteil 10A14: Intake air heater flange control unit ist ständig eingeschaltet
D90202 — MU_IS4_SPOR_DEF_1
D90203 — Component 10A14: Intake air heater flange control unit has a short circuit to positive or an open circuit.
D90204 — Component 10A14: Intake air heater flange control unit has a short circuit to ground.
D90207 — Component 10A14: Intake air heater flange control unit is defective.
D90208 — MU_IS4_SPOR_DEF_2
D9020E — Grid Heater Special Instructions
E40D00 — Regeneration of diesel particulate filter
E40D01 — Regeneration of diesel particulate filter
E70A02 — EGR Valve Position Incorrect
E70A03 — EGR Valve Circuit Failed High
E70A04 — EGR Valve Circuit Failed Low
E70A05 — EGR Valve Circuit Failed Open
E70A07 — Component 10Y26: Throttle valve reports a fault.
E70A08 — EGR Valve Actuator, Internal Test Running
E70A09 — Component 10Y26: Throttle valve reports a fault.Internal fault
E70A0A — EGR Actuator Slow Response
E70A0B — EGR Valve Actuator, Restricted Operability
E70A0E — Component 10Y26: Throttle valve reports a fault.
E70A0F — EGR Valve Actuator, Temperature Warning
E70A10 — Component 10Y26: Throttle valve reports a fault.Excess temperature
E70A1F — EGR Valve Actuator, Unknown Error Code
EB0A00 — VNT Valve Position Feedback, Position Too Low (High Box)
EB0A01 — VNT Valve Position Feedback, Position Too High (Low Box)
EB0A02 — VNT Valve Position Feedback Failed
EB0A03 — Position Waste Gate (VNT) Failed High
EB0A04 — Position Waste Gate (VNT) Failed Low
EB0A09 — CAN3 Communication Error
EB0A13 — Smart Actuator Indicates Turbocharger Vane Position Error
EB0D00 — Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed High
EB0D01 — Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed Low
EB0D03 — Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed High
EB0D04 — Intake Manifold Pressure Circuit Failed Low
EB0D05 — Inlet Manifold Pressure Sampling Range Failed
EB0D12 — Inlet Manifold Pressure Failed Low
EB0D14 — The signal of component Atmospheric pressure is implausible in comparison to the signal of component 10B17: Charge-air pressure/temperature sensor
EB0D15 — Der vom Steuergerät berechnete Sollwert für den Ladedruck wird nicht erreicht.
EC0B0E — Misfire Detected
ED0A03 — Die gemeinsame elelktrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Düsennadel im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 1,2,3) hat Kurzschluss nach Plus.
ED0A04 — Die gemeinsame elelktrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Düsennadel im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 1,2,3) hat Kurzschluss nach Masse.
ED0F00 — Doser Fuel Line Pressure High
ED0F03 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too high.
ED0F04 — The signal voltage of component 10B56 is too low.
ED0F0E — Ein Kraftstoffleck am Ausgang des Bauteils 10Y24 wurde erkannt.
ED1410 — Fuel Quantity High Detected
ED1412 — Fuel Quantity Low Detected
EE0A03 — Die gemeinsame elektrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Düsennadel im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 4,5,6) hat Kurzschluss nach Plus.
EE0A04 — Die gemeinsame elektrische Leitung der Magnetventile für Düsennadel im Kraftstoffinjektor (Zylinder 4,5,6) hat Kurzschluss nach Masse.
EE1410 — Cylinder 1 Fueling Error
EF1410 — Cylinder 2 Fueling Error
F01410 — Cylinder 3 Fueling Error
F01412 — MU_ESC_CYL3_SRL
F11410 — Cylinder 4 Fueling Error
F11412 — MU_ESC_CYL4_SRL
F20B07 — EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment High
F20B0D — EGR System Parametrization Failure
F20B1F — EGR Feedback Control Out of Adjustment Low
F21410 — Cylinder 5 Fueling Error
F21412 — MU_ESC_CYL5_SRL
F31410 — Cylinder 6 Fueling Error
F31412 — MU_ESC_CYL6_SRL
F41410 — Cylinder 7 Fueling Error
F41412 — MU_ESC_CYL7_SRL
F51410 — Cylinder 8 Fueling Error
F51412 — MU_ESC_CYL8_SRL
F80B0D — DPF System Parametrization Failure

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28 05 2014, 21:14

Объясните популярнее, а то я чет немного не дружу и инпой. Вот текст ошибок:
4496 Rail-pressure plausibility
Error frequency : 2
Logistic counter: 40
Error occured 1. times at:
Engine speed 3496.50 1/min
fuel pre-supply pressure 2.48 bar
Einspritzmenge 57.35 mm^3
RPC rail pressure 777.11 bar
Fehler aufgetreten bei 272930.00 km
Error occured 2. times at:
Engine speed 1823.18 1/min
fuel pre-supply pressure 3.47 bar
Einspritzmenge 32.26 mm^3
RPC rail pressure 427.71 bar
Fehler aufgetreten bei 274720.00 km
Error present
Sporadic error
Control deviation over engine speed too great
Errorcode: 11 90 28 02 FC 20 8C 9B 70 81 6A 9D 20 49 D9 3F
47 6B 50 00 00 00 00 00 00
————————————————————-2550 Rail pressure control at start
Error frequency : 14
Logistic counter: 33
Error occured 1. times at:
Engine speed 224.78 1/min
fuel pre-supply pressure 1.76 bar
Einspritzmenge 25.09 mm^3
RPC rail pressure 66.27 bar
Fehler aufgetreten bei 272930.00 km
Error occured 2. times at:
Engine speed 299.70 1/min
fuel pre-supply pressure 3.28 bar
Einspritzmenge 24.07 mm^3
RPC rail pressure 114.46 bar
Fehler aufgetreten bei 274290.00 km
Error occured 3. times at:
Engine speed 224.78 1/min
fuel pre-supply pressure 3.07 bar
Einspritzmenge 28.16 mm^3
RPC rail pressure 24.10 bar
Fehler aufgetreten bei 274720.00 km
Error not present
Sporadic error
Rail-pressure build up
Errorcode: 09 F6 21 0E F8 10 09 6E 31 0B 6A 9D 10 0C CD 2F
13 6B 25 10 09 C0 37 04 6B
————————————————————-5651 Rough idle speed controller
Error frequency : 2
Logistic counter: 28
Error occured 1. times at:
Engine speed 749.25 1/min
Coolant temperature 88.00 Grad C
Einspritzmenge 10.24 mm^3
Supply voltage 13.89 V
Fehler aufgetreten bei 274290.00 km
Error occured 2. times at:
Engine speed 749.25 1/min
Coolant temperature 96.88 Grad C
Einspritzmenge 9.22 mm^3
Supply voltage 13.89 V
Fehler aufgetreten bei 274680.00 km
Error not present
Sporadic error
correction amount to big
Errorcode: 16 13 1C 02 78 01 1E BD 14 78 6B 25 01 1E CA 12
78 6B 4C 00 00 00 00 00 00

Датчик колена наелся?


28 05 2014, 21:34

Дословный перевод

bumalik :

4496 Rail-pressure plausibility
Error frequency : 2

нечитаемый сигнал датчика давления в рэйле
частота возникновения ошибки 2 раза

bumalik :

2550 Rail pressure control at start
Error frequency : 14

контроль давления в рэйле при старте
частота возникновения ошибки 14 раз

bumalik :

5651 Rough idle speed controller
Error frequency : 2

контроль плавности холостого хода
частота повторения ошибки 2 раза

а уже специфику возникновения данных ошибок и их симптомов лучше подскажут местные дизелисты :)

Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый Мир — пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас.


28 05 2014, 22:29

bumalik :


не за что….кстати,вторая ошибка у тебя постоянная,т.е. присутствует всегда ,а две остальные периодические,т.е. то есть,то нет….скорее всего причину всех бед нужно искать от постоянной ошибки…

Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый Мир — пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас.


28 05 2014, 22:39

Темуджин :

скорее всего причину всех бед нужно искать от постоянной ошибки…

Тож так считаю


28 05 2014, 22:41

bumalik :

Темуджин :

скорее всего причину всех бед нужно искать от постоянной ошибки…

Тож так считаю

вот эта

4496 Rail-pressure plausibility

проблема с давлением топлива в рейле….

Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый Мир — пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас.


28 05 2014, 22:54

Темуджин :

Питерская Ракета :

датчик давления под замену

скорее всего …..потому как эта ошибка появилась первой (судя по расшифровке и одометру на тот момент) …в этот же момент в первый раз вылезли остальные ошибки ….

Серж,2,5 атмосферы для подкачивающего насоса мало же? А в рейле после ТНВД получается 777 атмосфер(из описания ошибки) ,так?

нюансы не подскажу, но подкачивающий 7 бар давит

«Говорю вам тайну: Не все мы умрём, но все изменимся.» Б. 1-е послание Кор.


28 05 2014, 23:02

Питерская Ракета :

Темуджин :

Питерская Ракета :

датчик давления под замену

скорее всего …..потому как эта ошибка появилась первой (судя по расшифровке и одометру на тот момент) …в этот же момент в первый раз вылезли остальные ошибки ….

Серж,2,5 атмосферы для подкачивающего насоса мало же? А в рейле после ТНВД получается 777 атмосфер(из описания ошибки) ,так?

нюансы не подскажу, но подкачивающий 7 бар давит

Тогда,если я правильно понял из описания ошибки,то во время первого появления ошибки давление после подкачивающего насоса было 2,48 бара, а во второй раз проявления ошибки давление там же уже 3,47 бара ….следовательно вполне мог умереть подкачивающий насос,не?

Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый Мир — пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас.


28 05 2014, 23:09

Темуджин :

bumalik :

Заменил уже фильтр и насос подкачивающий.

а эти ошибки были до замены покачивающего насоса или после?



28 05 2014, 23:49

bumalik :

В общем вывод: Датчик давления выкинуть, запастись канистрой с бензином и спичками…так…на всякий случай…. ::xa:: ::xa::

Истовый дизельеро берёт канистру с идеологически верной и духовно близкой соляркой ::butch::

Ракетоносец прав в части не мудрить с измерением сопротивлений датчика на рейле (в другой теме) — практика последнего полугода показывает, что он имеет свойство дохнуть банально от времени, которое не щадит никого. Причём не только на 46х, но уже и на 90х. Есть резон поменять его в любом случае.
Скорее всего, прав Ракета и в части того, что проблема с датчиком. Темуджин прав в плане детализации о первичных и вторичных ошибках.

Православие-не христианство.И не религия.Это вера.Изначальная многомерная культурная система мироустройства славян и ариев на основе родовой преемственности поколений.
«Не воздавайте, люди, добром за причинённое вам зло, ибо, ежели воздавать будете добром за зло, то чем воздавать вы станете за добро?»

Рекомендуем почитать на тему Расшифруйте ошибки)

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28 05 2014, 23:59

helg :

bumalik :

В общем вывод: Датчик давления выкинуть, запастись канистрой с бензином и спичками…так…на всякий случай…. ::xa:: ::xa::

Истовый дизельеро берёт канистру с идеологически верной и духовно близкой соляркой ::butch::

Устану поджигать ::44:: :sm:

helg :

Скорее всего, прав Ракета и в части того, что проблема с датчиком. Темуджин прав в плане детализации о первичных и вторичных ошибках.

В этой части текста я чет запутался)))

Заказываю датчик в общем и не шаманю)


29 05 2014, 00:03

bumalik :

helg :

bumalik :

В общем вывод: Датчик давления выкинуть, запастись канистрой с бензином и спичками…так…на всякий случай…. ::xa:: ::xa::

Истовый дизельеро берёт канистру с идеологически верной и духовно близкой соляркой ::butch::

Устану поджигать ::44:: :sm:

Тем ярче эмоции :)

bumalik :

helg :

Скорее всего, прав Ракета и в части того, что проблема с датчиком. Темуджин прав в плане детализации о первичных и вторичных ошибках.

В этой части текста я чет запутался)))

Заказываю датчик в общем и не шаманю)

::daa:: перед установкой проверь проводку(разъём) на него — дабы исключить КЗ.

Православие-не христианство.И не религия.Это вера.Изначальная многомерная культурная система мироустройства славян и ариев на основе родовой преемственности поколений.
«Не воздавайте, люди, добром за причинённое вам зло, ибо, ежели воздавать будете добром за зло, то чем воздавать вы станете за добро?»


29 05 2014, 00:06

helg :

перед установкой проверь проводку(разъём) на него — дабы исключить КЗ.

О! А его от ЭБУ надо наверное откинуть для этого?


29 05 2014, 00:55

bumalik :

helg :

перед установкой проверь проводку(разъём) на него — дабы исключить КЗ.

О! А его от ЭБУ надо наверное откинуть для этого?

Нет, я о другом — проверить разъём и проводку, чтобы убедиться, что причиной смерти старого датчика стало не КЗ :) а то и новый сдохнет быстро.

Православие-не христианство.И не религия.Это вера.Изначальная многомерная культурная система мироустройства славян и ариев на основе родовой преемственности поколений.
«Не воздавайте, люди, добром за причинённое вам зло, ибо, ежели воздавать будете добром за зло, то чем воздавать вы станете за добро?»


29 05 2014, 09:12

helg :

bumalik :

helg :

перед установкой проверь проводку(разъём) на него — дабы исключить КЗ.

О! А его от ЭБУ надо наверное откинуть для этого?

Нет, я о другом — проверить разъём и проводку, чтобы убедиться, что причиной смерти старого датчика стало не КЗ :) а то и новый сдохнет быстро.

Я думаю инпа сказала бы, что там коза сидит.


07 06 2014, 23:19

bumalik :

Не датчик…

Мотор М57 или М57N? Евро3 или Евро4?

Православие-не христианство.И не религия.Это вера.Изначальная многомерная культурная система мироустройства славян и ариев на основе родовой преемственности поколений.
«Не воздавайте, люди, добром за причинённое вам зло, ибо, ежели воздавать будете добром за зло, то чем воздавать вы станете за добро?»

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