Poe trade macro error

Path of Exile - лучшая бесплатная игра в жанре Action RPG. Мрачный мир, глубокая и сложная система прокачки персонажа, бартерная система торговли без привычных для жанра золотых монет

при запуске через аутохоткей выдаёт окошечко с ошибкой (script couldht find the faile C/user/desktop/resources/versiontrade.tht closing script) как исправить подскажите ктонибудь?

Last bumped5 мая 2019 г., 22:13:12


3 мая 2019 г., 9:42:22

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megonubka написал:

при запуске через аутохоткей выдаёт окошечко с ошибкой (script couldht find the faile C/user/desktop/resources/versiontrade.tht closing script) как исправить подскажите ктонибудь?

Макросы запрещены, репортнул.

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3 мая 2019 г., 9:49:53


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Макрос стороннее ПО с чего ты решил что здесь тебе помогут? Скинул репорт за использование запрещённых ПО.



3 мая 2019 г., 9:57:31

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Так уж и быть, тоже репортну за компанию.


3 мая 2019 г., 11:46:19

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Репорт читеру.


Самое беспроигрышное нытье, это ныть по нытью других.


3 мая 2019 г., 14:59:32

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вот причина твоих несчастий


megonubka написал:


мой крафт сервис: https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2543329
my craft service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2797327


3 мая 2019 г., 16:00:32


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Распаковать ахк на рабочий стол, ты серьезно?
Удали все и установи как положено, в инструкции все написано.
На тех кто выше «репортнул» не обращай внимания, поетрейд макро легальный и никто за него не банит, т.к. он не взаимодействует с геймплеем напрямую, все что он делает ‒ это копирует данные шмотки и расшаривает по базам данных типа пое.трейда и вики.


3 мая 2019 г., 16:31:49

Спонсор Солнечного шпиля

Спонсор Древний Видящий тьму

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PaperPenny написал:

очередной ПУК

Автоматизация процесса игры=бан.


Меня зовут MUDA_MUDA_MUDA и у меня есть мечта.


3 мая 2019 г., 16:34:11


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PaperPenny написал:

очередной ПУК

Автоматизация процесса игры=бан.

Да-да, держи в курсе.


3 мая 2019 г., 16:38:48

Спонсор Солнечного шпиля

Спонсор Древний Видящий тьму

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PaperPenny написал:




PaperPenny написал:

очередной ПУК

Автоматизация процесса игры=бан.

Да-да, держи в курсе.

Если тебе так нравится троллить людей и дезинформировать, то выбери себе другую тему. Прошу тебя удалиться с этого форума. Первые 4 ответа, дают кратко и четко понять какие будут последствия.


Меня зовут MUDA_MUDA_MUDA и у меня есть мечта.

Последняя редакция: MUDA_MUDA_MUDA. Время: 3 мая 2019 г., 16:41:55


3 мая 2019 г., 16:40:44


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  1. Trade Macro Doesn’t Respond to Alt+D #1176
  3. [Tool] PoE-TradeMacro

Trade Macro Doesn’t Respond to Alt+D #1176

Hi. My trademacro doesnt respond to alt+D or any price related keys.
When i press to F5 i can go to my hideout or when i press Alt + E it responds. So its working but not responding Alt+D
I’m running the game Borderless windowed and got latest AHK and Trademacro.

TEMPLATE (Remove the explanations here from your post)

  • That you have checked the Wiki/FAQ before creating any issue.
  • That poe.trade/GGG’s website don’t have any issues if loading the script takes too long or failes.

Information to include:

  • AHK (including 32/64bit) version if you have any kind of script errors.
  • Windows version could be relevant.

Fill out everything that may be relevant and remove everything except these informations below:

AHK version:latest
Windows version:win10

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I have same issue. Was trying to find the solution. Doesnt respond to anything besides alt+e(which again shows me that «no account name specified in settings menu»). Prices not working at all

Same here, most keybinds don’t show anything.
When saving the information to the clipboard, I can see, that it does correctly fetch everything, it just doesn’t display anything.
I reinstalled to ahk 1.33 64 bit, deleted all old trade macro folders and backups, still the same.
F5 etc works, is functioning, just not displaying anything most of the time.

broken for me too

Same here. F5 works and Alt+E and not much else. Tried reinstalling everything, nothing changed

Bump, same issues as other people, i thought i was crazy for a moment and that i broke something before looking the issue up.

well, anyway, since it’s been month since the last update we probably won’t have a fix, time to use something else

Same here — doesn’t work. Also reinstalled treade macro, but didn’t change the expected behavior.

and it doesn’t work for me

It’s not just Alt+D, it seems to be anything that requires parsing of the item text copied from the game client. The format has changed slightly, meaning it can no longer be cut-n-pasted into Path of Building without editing either.

Pull Request #1177 should fix at least simple cases

if anyone interested, i found this https://github.com/Kyusung4698/PoE-Overlay as an alternative, sadly it depends on Overwolf, but at least it do the job

if anyone interested, i found this https://github.com/Kyusung4698/PoE-Overlay as an alternative, sadly it depends on Overwolf, but at least it do the job

Ah i didn’t know this one. Thank you for sharing

same for me. ald+d not working, just alt+e ;(

if anyone interested, i found this https://github.com/Kyusung4698/PoE-Overlay as an alternative, sadly it depends on Overwolf, but at least it do the job

https://github.com/SnosMe/awakened-poe-trade This is what I’m trying since yesterday. Pretty positive so far

Theres a fix someone posted elsewhere had to edit some code at Line 7350

; ParseItemName fixed by user: uldo_. Thanks!
ParseItemName(ItemDataChunk, ByRef ItemName, ByRef ItemBaseName, AffixCount = «», ItemData = «»)
isVaalGem := false
If (RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[1]), «i)^Rarity: Gem») and RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[2]), «i)Vaal»)) <

If (RegExMatch(ItemData.NamePlate, «i)Raritys?+:s?+(Currency|Divination Card|Gem)», match)) <
If (RegExMatch(match1, «i)Gem»)) <
ItemBaseName := Trim(RegExReplace(ItemName, «i) Support»))
> Else <

ItemDataChunk := SubStr(ItemDataChunk, InStr(ItemDataChunk,»`n») + 1) ;

Theres a fix someone posted elsewhere had to edit some code at Line 7350

; ParseItemName fixed by user: uldo_. Thanks!
ParseItemName(ItemDataChunk, ByRef ItemName, ByRef ItemBaseName, AffixCount = «», ItemData = «»)
isVaalGem := false
If (RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[1]), «i)^Rarity: Gem») and RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[2]), «i)Vaal»)) <

If (RegExMatch(ItemData.NamePlate, «i)Raritys?+:s?+(Currency|Divination Card|Gem)», match)) <
If (RegExMatch(match1, «i)Gem»)) <
ItemBaseName := Trim(RegExReplace(ItemName, «i) Support»))
> Else <

ItemDataChunk := SubStr(ItemDataChunk, InStr(ItemDataChunk,»`n») + 1) ;

Theres a fix someone posted elsewhere had to edit some code at Line 7350
leaving my copy of the fixed version if youd like.
; ParseItemName fixed by user: uldo_. Thanks!
ParseItemName(ItemDataChunk, ByRef ItemName, ByRef ItemBaseName, AffixCount = «», ItemData = «»)
isVaalGem := false
If (RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[1]), «i)^Rarity: Gem») and RegExMatch(Trim(ItemData.Parts[2]), «i)Vaal»)) <

If (RegExMatch(ItemData.NamePlate, «i)Raritys?+:s?+(Currency|Divination Card|Gem)», match)) <
If (RegExMatch(match1, «i)Gem»)) <
ItemBaseName := Trim(RegExReplace(ItemName, «i) Support»))
> Else <

ItemDataChunk := SubStr(ItemDataChunk, InStr(ItemDataChunk,»`n») + 1) ;

Looks like this fixes the basic search functionality, but I’m still unable to run an advanced search on rare items. Anyone have ideas where that might be broken?

Replying to my own comment, it actually looks like the item type parsing is what’s busted. Advanced search will still work on weapons, but it only works on weapons. You can hack around it by setting the property «hasAdvancedSearch» to always be true instead of having it actually check. That change is in POE-TradeMacro-2.16.0resourcesahkTradeMacro.ahk on line 468.

New fix in this post #1177 (comment)

Now advanced search works.

Nice, all my use cases are now functional 🙂

@Nivelm : Hi, I’m having trouble fixing TradeMacro using your instructions — if I add that specific line («https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/blob/eb20d12d1dc875c0bde6731d8b8193031309bffa/resources/ahk/POE-ItemInfo.ahk») to the file POE-ItemInfo.ahk I get an error while launching, if I get all the code lines from here (https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/blob/eb20d12d1dc875c0bde6731d8b8193031309bffa/resources/ahk/POE-ItemInfo.ahk) and I add them in the file (have no ideea where to add them) I also get an error while launching, if I get the code lines mentioned above and replace all content in the POE-ItemInfo.ahk I can launch it but advanced search doesn’t work. I play Standard league, softcore, windowed.
Can you please explain step-by-step what I need to do in order to make it work ? Tx.

@nivlem : Hi, I’m having trouble fixing TradeMacro using your instructions — if I add that specific line («https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/blob/eb20d12d1dc875c0bde6731d8b8193031309bffa/resources/ahk/POE-ItemInfo.ahk») to the file POE-ItemInfo.ahk I get an error while launching, if I get all the code lines from here (https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/blob/eb20d12d1dc875c0bde6731d8b8193031309bffa/resources/ahk/POE-ItemInfo.ahk) and I add them in the file (have no ideea where to add them) I also get an error while launching, if I get the code lines mentioned above and replace all content in the POE-ItemInfo.ahk I can launch it but advanced search doesn’t work. I play Standard league, softcore, windowed.
Can you please explain step-by-step what I need to do in order to make it work ? Tx.

First of all you need the original file from your installation with no modifications. You can extract and replace it from your downloaded POE-TradeMacro-2.16.0.zip

Go find in your PC where POE-TradeMacro is installed. Folder should be POE-TradeMacro-2.16.0

Inside POE-TradeMacro-2.16.0 folder open resources then ahk

Locate POE-ItemInfo.ahk file

Open it with Notepad

Find this function: PreProcessContents (Menu-Edit-Find)

Add this new line:

Function should look like this with the new added line:


Since new league im stuck at «reading user-agent and cookies. »
Cant get them manually, theres no CfdUid= CfClearance= in chrome anymore.
How to fix it?

I think official trade page is currently better then poe.trade
After many years of using poe.trade I quit it.

I think it will be nice to have option for pathofexile.com/trade/search/ it in poe-trade macro in easy way, or make it default one.

I have troubles with the commands Ctrl+D / Ctrl+Alt+D not working anymore. I have no clue where to begin my investigation : is it a problem with the latest releases (unlikely), with POE shortcuts having changed (unlikely too), with my Windows environment ?
Is there a log somewhere to help me get some clues ? I don’t use any other shortcuts but I’m ready to guess that nothing is working actually. Btw, I’m using the very last 2.15.7 release and I’ve been having this problem since the release of Metamorph.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you !

EDIT : Alt+D is working and correctly opens the price prediction screen.

I have troubles with the commands Ctrl+D / Ctrl+Alt+D not working anymore. I have no clue where to begin my investigation : is it a problem with the latest releases (unlikely), with POE shortcuts having changed (unlikely too), with my Windows environment ?
Is there a log somewhere to help me get some clues ? I don’t use any other shortcuts but I’m ready to guess that nothing is working actually. Btw, I’m using the very last 2.15.7 release and I’ve been having this problem since the release of Metamorph.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you !

EDIT : Alt+D is working and correctly opens the price prediction screen.

I have the same problem but for me only Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Alt+C is workning, nothing else. It worked my first two days of playing metamorph but not anymore. Tried twice to delete the old files and redownload the trademacro, still the same issue. Help much appreciated!

Searches are slow and show the wrong info. Everything i search for is listed as 1 exalted.

Vaal clarity level 1. 1 exalted orb.
Wilted rose divination card. 1 exalted orb.
Vaal cyclone level 1 with 8% quality. 1 exalted orb.

Still same problem. Deleted the folder and redownloaded latest trade macro and autohotkey.

What happens is it stays for a long time on launch on: Getting latest files from github. I get no errors but when i do ctrl + d on items it’s kinda slow. Slower than it usually is and it just shows 1 exalted for anything i ctrl+d.

Tried an earlier version of trade macro and it launched with some errrors but it was the same issue with 1 exalted for whatever i search.

If i right click the program down right and select reload script it restarts with an error:

Is the program broken or is the issue on my end? Any ideas what to try next?

For me Trademacro also is superslow — but i think its because of poe.trade.

The Trade Site on the actual Pathofexile website is way faster this league..

Maybe the programmers of the trademacro should concider changing where the trademacro checks the prices from.
Poe.trade is a mess and should be shut down now as the trade site on pathofexile.com works fine..

And you can even search for more stuff on the real trade site..



  1. Баг ТрейдМакросов при поддерже Vulkan
  2. Multiple errors on startup #174
  4. Pat1487 commented Dec 8, 2018 •
  5. lemasato commented Dec 9, 2018
  6. Pat1487 commented Dec 10, 2018 •
  7. Программы для русскоязычного клиента
  8. Trades not detected #71
  10. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  11. lemasato commented Aug 15, 2017
  12. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  13. lemasato commented Aug 15, 2017
  14. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  15. lemasato commented Aug 15, 2017 •
  16. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  17. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  18. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017
  19. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017 •
  20. lemasato commented Aug 15, 2017
  21. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017 •
  22. lemasato commented Aug 15, 2017
  23. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017 •
  24. tootin commented Aug 15, 2017 •

Баг ТрейдМакросов при поддерже Vulkan

Здравствуйте, не давно перешел на поддержку Vulkan, вместо DX11 и заметил ряд «Багов» из-за чего приходится обратно переходить на DX11. При включении поддержи Vulkan Все макрос трейды не показываются при их активации, появляется окно, но в самой игре оно не отображается. При DX11 Такого нет. Разрешение экрана было в окне без рамки, пробовал и в fullscreen формате, такая же проблема, появляется только когда ставишь разрешение «В окне». Скорее всего это связанно с Beta Версией, надеюсь на быстрый отклик и фикс этой проблемы, спасибо за понимание!

P.S Макросы: Awakened PoE Trade, POE Trades Companion.

Здравствуйте, не давно перешел на поддержку Vulkan, вместо DX11 и заметил ряд «Багов» из-за чего приходится обратно переходить на DX11. При включении поддержи Vulkan Все макрос трейды не показываются при их активации, появляется окно, но в самой игре оно не отображается. При DX11 Такого нет. Разрешение экрана было в окне без рамки, пробовал и в fullscreen формате, такая же проблема, появляется только когда ставишь разрешение «В окне». Скорее всего это связанно с Beta Версией, надеюсь на быстрый отклик и фикс этой проблемы, спасибо за понимание!

P.S Макросы: Awakened PoE Trade, POE Trades Companion.


Multiple errors on startup #174

I extracted the folder in the AHK zip to the same place where I put my trademacro folder. When starting POE Trades Companion.ahk I get several errors listed below in the order that they appear.

You cannot run this file manually!

A second error box (I edited out my user name but it is the correct name):

POE Trades Companion — Error log

Key: TradingWhisperSFXPath
Value: C:UsersMYUSERNAMEDocumentslemasatoPOE Trades CompanionSFXWW_MainMenu_Letter.wav
Default value: C:UsersMYUSERNAMEDocumentslemasatoPOE Trades CompanionSFXWW_MainMenu_Letter.wav

Key: Font
Value: Fontin SmallCaps
Default value: Fontin SmallCaps

Key: Preset
Value: Path of Exile
Default value: Path of Exile

Key: Skin
Value: Path of Exile
Default value: Path of Exile

Key: Font
Value: Fontin SmallCaps
Default value: Fontin SmallCaps

Key: Preset
Value: Path of Exile
Default value: Path of Exile

Key: Skin
Value: Path of Exile
Default value: Path of Exile

A 3rd error box (I shortened the url but it should be the correct url):

Exception thrown (download)!

Error while downloading using UrlDownloadToFile (cURL_DownloadFallback).

A 4th error box (I have the most recent version 1.13.6):

POE Trades Companion — Updating Error

There was an issure when retrieving the latest relese from GitHub API.
Press [ Space > to close this window

And finally a 5th error box:

The tool then starts but is extremely buggy and basically unusable.

  • I’ve tried running the tool on my C: drive just in case that was a problem but these errors still occur .
  • AHK is installed properly, I use PoE Trade Macro all the time without any issues.
  • I can’t run the exe because Windows Defender detects and deletes it (I know its a false positive but I’d rather use the AHK script anyway)
  • The folders that the tool creates in my documents folder are empty.
  • Running the tool as an admin doesn’t change anything.
  • I closed all other AHK scripts just to be sure and it still gives me these errors.


I manually copied everything in the resources folder to the DocumentslemasatoPOE Trades Companion folder (i put the images in the «imgs» folder into the «Images» folder) which gets the tool working to a usable state with only 3 errors on start up, the first one about running FileInstall_Cmds.ahk manually (which I’ve never done) and the 2 update error ones.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Make sure to run the tool in its own folder.
Merging it with TradeMacro could lead to issues as some files would be overwritten.

Could you provide your logs?
/Documents/lemasato/POE Trades Companion/Logs
(Zip the folder)

It is in its own folder, sorry, I meant I put both folders for both tools in the same folder, that folder is on a different harddrive from poe though so I thought that might be an issue which is why i mentioned putting them in the same place. I didn’t do anything weird like merge all the files into 1 folder lol.

Heres the logs
I used notepad++ to find in files and replace my user name with MYUSERNAME but the name is correct

The first 8 logs (15h19m27s — 15h39m39s) are me trying to get it working for about 20 minutes before giving up and making this post

The 9th log (16h11m24s) is right after I made this post just to be sure it didn’t start working the moment I said something about it

I decided to keep trying after a 5-10 min break so the next 3 logs (16h23m57s — 16h42m09s) are after I manually copied the resource files into the correct place in my documents folder which is when it started working and I started configuring it (I tried to turn off updates since that still doesn’t work and would reduce the start up errors by 2, but the setting won’t save, so I manually tried changing the ini file but I don’t know the name of the settings, I should’ve tried ‘Never’)

The last log (12-09 14h55m53s) is from today when I was using it (I didn’t get any trade requests though so I still don’t know if its working properly or not but it does run, I can change the hotkeys without any issues, and I have the trade window overlay on my screen)


Программы для русскоязычного клиента

Если вы дорожите своим аккаунтом, то стоит воздержаться от использования ЛЮБОГО стороннего ПО, и не важно рекомендуют/пользуются им все/стримеры или нет.

Eсли кратко, то можно, но на ваш страх и риск , главное чтоб оно не нарушало два условия:
1.Одно игровое действие за нажатие клавиши
2.Не модифицировало игровой клиент

Спасибо за обращение в службу поддержки!

Как правило, мы не поощряем создание или использование сторонних инструментов, поскольку они предоставляют преимущества игрокам, которые их используют. Боюсь, что из-за динамики нашей политики мы не можем гарантировать, будет ли инструмент разрешен или останется разрешенным в будущем.

Я бы порекомендовал воздерживаться от создания или использования любых программ, которые автоматизируют или выполняют более одного действия нажатием клавиши или щелчком мыши, а также всего, что взаимодействует с игровым клиентом, чтобы обеспечить преимущество перед другими игроками или предоставить информацию, которая обычно не видна.

[Alt+F1] — Последнее изображение
[Alt+F2] — Меню быстрого доступа

Пользовательские изображения для функции ‘Мои изображения’:
• Ископаемые от ForrestGum
• Катализаторы от MegaEzik
Zip-архивы, которые нужно распаковать в ‘Папку настроек’:
• ruPrediction — утилита прогнозирования, позаимствованная из TradeMacro для работы с сайтом PoePrice.info

На данный момент поддерживаются следующие команды:
• Открытие программы или веб страницы, начинается с символа > (например >https://poedb.tw или >calc.exe)
• Отправка сообщения в групповой чат, начинается с символа %
• Отправка сообщения в чат области, начинается с символа _
• Простая команда чата, начинается на символ / (например /dance)
• Команда чата по отношению к последнему игроку, начинается символом / и заканчивается (Например /whois )
• Ответ игроку с которым велся последний диалог @ и тут текст)
• Изображение (Пример resourcespresetsdefaultSyndicate.jpg)
• Разделитель в Меню команд (Пример )

Для команд можно использовать следующие переменные:
• — для указания папки настроек (пример imagesLabyrinth.jpg)
• — время UTC (пример /afk Я ушел в (UTC), вернусь через 5 минут))
• — позволяет ввести текст (пример /afk Я ушел в (UTC), вернусь через минут))

Мой антивирус нашел вирус! Что делать?/Возникает ошибка с текстом ‘Error at line ****. #Include file «*******» cannot be opened.’
Это проблема вашего антивируса — ложное срабатывание. Создайте чистую папку, добавьте ее в исключения вашего антивируса и установите макрос в нее.

Макрос выдает сообщение о недоступности poe.ninja!/Зависает во время запуска!
Виной этому скорее всего является роскомнадзор. Для решения проблемы воспользуйтесь одним из следующих методов(указаны в порядке приоритета):
*Используйте VPN или другие средства для обхода блокировки

15 минут, и скорее всего скрипт начнет нормально функционировать

Я не нашел где скачать Lite версию
Макрос включает в себя обе версии, для переключения между ними используйте пункт в меню области уведомлений Switch to (Lite/Full) Version

При запуске я получаю ошибку
Перед запуском переключите раскладку на английский язык

Если я чего забыл упомянуть работающее с русскоязычным клиентом или не зависящие от языка клиента, то напомните мне, если оно не будет нарушать требований указанных в самом первом спойлере, то я возможно добавлю)

Без озвучки уже 2.4/2.5/2.6/3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11/3.12/3.13/3.4/3.15/3.16, но вот-вот выйдет, это ведь приоритетная задача) https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/17519

Программы для ру PoE https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2694683

Так и должно быть, после загрузки макрос весит значком в области уведомлений, а дальше уже в игре нажимаете соответствующие клавиши)

Значек выглядит так:

Какие клавиши нажимать — ответ есть в ответах на основные вопросы)

Без озвучки уже 2.4/2.5/2.6/3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11/3.12/3.13/3.4/3.15/3.16, но вот-вот выйдет, это ведь приоритетная задача) https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/17519

Программы для ру PoE https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2694683

Привет. У меня не видет результатов при поиске на ctrl+D показывает во всплывающем окне отсутствие результата. И так на всех предметах.

Привет. У меня не видет результатов при поиске на ctrl+D показывает во всплывающем окне отсутствие результата. И так на всех предметах.


Trades not detected #71

The app stopped working for me around a day and half ago. The macro functions still work but it does not seem to be able to track that I have a trade coming in.

I have ran as administrator. I have also deleted the application and reinstalled.

Any help getting this fixed would be much appreciated. I love this app and it makes trading so hassle free.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Which version are you using? Stable or BETA?
It most likely won’t help but could you zip and upload the logs folder (DocumentsAutoHotkeyPOE Trades CompanionLogs)

I have tried using both versions no such luck. I was having some problems with PoE client recently, and had to switch to steam. Recently switched back to their stand alone after reinstalling. Could this have caused an issue?

Nope, it works both with steam and standalone. Switching back and forth will not cause issues.
In one of the logs, it did not detect the game’s Client.txt file (Probably because you didn’t run PoE at the time), but on the second it’s pointing at C:Program Files (x86)Grinding Gear GamesPath of ExilelogsClient.txt , is this location correct?

Also, please follow these few steps:

  • Download the latest beta source and extract it.
  • Download and install AutoHotKey if you didn’t have it already.
  • Run POE Trades Companion.ahk
  • Head in game, inside your hideout send this message in the local chat:
    aze @From iSellStuff: Hi, I would like to buy your ITEM listed for PRICE in Harbinger

Does the Trades GUI update to display the whisper infos?

Yes that is the correct path. I did all the steps above and it did not display it.

Can you head back to the logs folder, open the most recent file (look at the last modified time), scroll until the very bottom and see if it says [2017/08/15 22:58:57] Monitoring game logs file: D:Path of ExilelogsClient.txt ? (example path)

One last thing you could do is:

  • Open the Debug.json file
  • Change «use_chat_logs» : false, to true
  • Then run POE Trades Companion.ahk

As soon as the tool is launched, some trades should appear.
If it works, it could be something that prevent us from reading the Client.txt file.
If it does not, there’s most likely an issue with your system, though I can’t say what exactly.

Looks like they were all lasted updated the same day 8/13/2017 I believe thats the day I reinstalled it. Might not have had the app working since then. Last line is 2017/08/13 01:52:07 89029750 257 [INFO Client 5068] Finished checking files

Nothing appeared when I changed the debug file it loaded like normal no popups.

I am reinstalling the steam version on the same drive now to test if its possibly something with the drive.

Okay so reinstalled the steam version and it works there. What would you say is causing the stand alone to not work?

Oops, you are actually looking at the game logs. I meant the program logs.
DocumentsAutoHotkeyPOE Trades CompanionLogs

Though, if you played recently and the game logs shows 13th of August, that’s definitely an issue.
It could be that the Client.txt file is set to read only.
Right click on the Client.txt file > Properties. Make sure «Ready only» is unchecked.

Nothing appeared when I changed the debug file it loaded like normal no popups.

Now that’s a weird one.
Right click on the POE Trades Companion.ahk file > Properties.
Click on the «Unblock» button if there is. For reference

Okay so reinstalled the steam version and it works there.

Good to know! Double check if the standalone Client.txt is not set as read-only.

They are not but the Path of Exile folder itself is and all subfolders.

When I unslect Read-Only it applies it, but then I check back and went back to Read-Only again. The steam version is the same way though I believe this was implemented with Windows 10.

This is expected, do not change it. That’s the way the game set it up.
It actually means «some files are set as read-only, but not the entire folder».

Now that we know it works for the Steam client, let’s go step by step:
(I recommend using the latest beta version: 1.12.BETA_8)

  • Close any PoE instances.
  • Run POE Trades Companion, without loading the game.
  • Does it say «No game instance could be found, retrying in . «?
    • If yes, all good, continue.
    • If not, report back here.
  • Head to your standalone game folder, and run the game.
  • After a few seconds, the GUI should now show «No trade on queue . «
  • At this point, head to the program’s logs folder (DocumentsAutoHotkeyPOE Trades CompanionLogs) and look for the most recent logs file. Open it, check if the latest line says «Monitoring game logs file».
    • If yes, continue.
    • If not, that means there is an issue with detecting the logs file.
  • Now that it’s monitoring the logs, send in the local chat the message I specified earlier.
  • At this point, the GUI should now update and show the whisper informations.

Without the game open only the ahk I get All trade request have been answered.

Disregard above it says no game instance now so continuing.

All went well until I sent the msg and then nothing. The advanced macros still work but trades do not. Closed game and ahk. Relaunched steam version, and then relaunched the ahk, and it worked fine once again.


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poe-trademacro / poe-trademacro
Goto Github

View Code? Open in Web Editor

This project forked from arty42/poe-iteminfo

23.92 MB

Price checking script for Path of Exile.

Home Page: https://poe-trademacro.github.io/

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

AutoHotkey 97.92%

C# 0.36%

Batchfile 0.60%

JavaScript 1.01%

PowerShell 0.12%









poe-trademacro’s Introduction

GitHub All Releases
GitHub release

[ DISCORD ] — [ FORUM ] — [ WIKI / FAQ ] — [ VIDEO ] PayPal Logo

Welcome to POE-TradeMacro!

PoE TradeMacro is an Autohotkey (AHK) script that provides several convenient QoL features for Path of Exile Trading.

This builds on top of PoE-ItemInfo which provides very useful item information on ctrl+c.
With TradeMacro, price checking is added via alt+d, alt+shift+d or alt+i. You can also open the items wiki page via alt+w or open the item search on poe.trade instead via alt+q. (Before TradeMacro version 2.15.3 ctrl was used instead of alt as defaults).
TradeMacro will be updated to always have the latest PoE-ItemInfo code, you don’t have to run their script since it’s included here.


Never completely trust any price checking tool. Inform yourself about what this tool can do and what not (FAQ for example). Use the tools average and median prices to quickly judge if the first results could be accurate or totally wrong. When in doubt ask other people or do some manual checks.

Usage / Instructions

  1. Install AHK (http://ahkscript.org). Don’t install AutoHotkey v2.x. PSA: If AHK crashes when starting TradeMacro try and use a different version, AutoHotkey_1.1.26.01 should always work.
  2. Download the latest release and extract the zip-file.
  3. Make sure to run PoE in (borderless) windowed mode. Otherwise it won’t work!
  4. Run Run_TradeMacro.ahk.
  5. Default league is set to tmpstandard (Softcore Temp-League).
  6. A lot of options, including the league can be changed by opening the settings window or editing config_trade.ini.
  7. Make sure to play Path of Exile in english, if you’re using a different language it probably won’t work.

Right-click the script icon in your system tray and select PoE Item Info Settings to open the settings window and to edit both PoE-ItemInfos and PoE-TradeMacros settings.


Shortcut Old Shortcut Description
alt+c ctrl+c See item info (via PoE-ItemInfo).
alt+d ctrl+d Search item on poe.trade.
alt+shift+d ctrl+alt+d Advanced item search (select mods).
alt+i ctrl+i Opens a text input where you can type an item name to search for.
alt+w ctrl+w Open the items wiki page.
alt+q ctrl+q Open the item search on poe.trade instead of showing a tooltip with results.
alt+shift+q ctrl+alt+q Open an item on poeapp.com.
alt+e ctrl+e Show item age (own listed items if account name is specified in settings).
alt+l ctrl+l Switch leagues.
alt+r alt+r Copies an item note for premium tabs to your clipboard that creates a valid currency ratio on all trade sites.

Additional Macros

AdditionalMacros.txt allows you to add your own macros to be included in the script or to use some of the already created macros. Simply remove the comment by deleting the ; in front of a line.

See the following pages for more information.

Go to: FAQ

Go to: Options

Go to: Troubleshooting

Go to: Cookie retrieval

Go to: AdditionalMacros

Go to: Custom Macros

Media / Video

poe-trademacro’s People

poe-trademacro’s Issues

First search after script execution always (often) searches «Perandus Manor»

Include Sockets/Links in advanced search

Advanced search using old data

After doing a search, using it on another item displays the GUI the item before should have (mods, values)

[Fixed?] Error when launching script.

reading item level not working properly

Sometimes it works, sometimes not (needs a few tries to get it right)

Negative average price

sometimes the average price on the tooltip is negative

[Feature] Add Alternate Art button to advanced search

Add Gui to configure settings

[ToDo] Improve crafting bases list

Fix min/max phys and ele dps calculations

Add option to hide multiple listings from the same acc to combat price fixing

Can’t run the script

Got this message when i tried to start run.ahk — http://pix.my/O7rVSTh6.
Can you, please, help how to fix it?

Add Hotkey to open search on poe.trade

Add phys / ele dps to advanced search gui

This should overwrite other dmg mods like added elemental/phys dmg, % attack speed, %physical dmg OR selecting this should deselect/disable these mods in the GUI.

Currency search only displays 2-3 results

Reset item data after each search, prevent search if item data empty

Add «open on wiki» for gems, divination cards and maps

[ToDo] Improve implementation of Trade macro corrupted settings

When I press ctrl+d on a corrupted item, it keeps showing corrupted items but I would rather have it at either.
Also, when i press the [trade] ok button, it bugs out and duplicates the whichever option was selected in the drop down list.

[RESOLVED] Error when launching script

GUI for TradeMacro has 2xDefault, OK, Cancel

As the title says, the GUI currently had double the needed default, ok, cancel buttons.

Item.Level is empty in FunctionParseHTML()

Get FunctionGetLatestRelease() to work correctly

tag := StrX( html, "<span class=""tag-name",N,0, "</span>", 1,0, N )
returns 2.4.01 instead of 1.0 on releases

«Superior x» map price search only matches with Superior(white) maps.

Presumably «Superior » should be stripped from item names for searches.

Show additional information for gems

gemlevel / quality

Change default search hotkey to something else than ctrl + x

You can’t cut text from opened chat-window anymore.

Item info for shaped maps shows incorrect level and «upgrades to»

See attached image, Shaped Jungle Valley (t6, level 73) upgrades to Arachnid Tomb. However iteminfo states it is level 68 and upgrades to beach(the unshaped map).


[Not Possible] Prophecies Support (show sealing cost on prophecy map)

Would be nice to be able check prices on Sealing Prophecies when you mouse over the prophecies on your prophecies map.

It lets you do this now, but it just searches for the last search you ran.

Pricing rares

Hey there,

I’ve long thought about a way to allow accurate automatic pricing of rares. When humans perform that process, they’re clearly both looking at the rolls (and desirability) of the individual affixes, as well as the synergy between them. A key aspect is learning the «weightings» for all the affixes and synergistic aspects.

My idea would be to train a neural network on the rares available (or sold?) on the market, which takes as input the roll values of the affixes and outputs a numerical price (e.g. in chaos). This comes very close to the «human way», but would I’ve delved a bit into the idea but got stopped short by the closure of Trackpete’s API.

Key questions would be:

  • What structure should the network have (and what library/learning to use)?
  • How can «mispriced» rares be filtered out? Maybe only items that leave the market should be used for training (of which the overwhelming majority should be sold, so well-priced). In any case, guarding against abuse/manipulation would be necessary.
  • Where does the training happen? Ideally a subscription to the API «river» of GGG would be used, to have information on item «movement» (as opposed to just listings on poe.trade) and also to keep training the network with as much data as possible, but how would users acquire the weightings (it wouldn’t make sense to have every user train their own network)? I suppose ideally there would be a server that does this and responds to pricing requests of arbitrary rares, but that’s a completely different dimension than this project is (apparently) going for. I suppose users could download (as in, have the program auto-download) a network weighting every now and then from the training server (would this raise security concerns in users?).
  • How would item bases (and base types) be accounted for? Should the same net handle amulets and chests (which would probably emphasize the desirability of life rolls in general) or should they be different? What about 1h maces vs 2h maces vs daggers? Maybe it would be best to just feed base damage, attack speed, implicit value (and level/stat requirements) to the net instead of a number representing the progression in base items.

Let me know your thoughts!

[Fixed, should be optimized] Advanced Search doesn’t used the selected mods, second search does

Says I need to update

Guess you messed up the version number again. It tells me to update when I have the new version.

Include more properties as request parameters

  • Unique Item : Item level if > 50 (6 sockets possible)
  • Certain bases : Item level if suitable for crafting (highest needed level)
  • non-unique 5l/6l : use item type (armor, 2h weapon etc) instead of name
  • 5l/6l certain bases (for example vaal regalia, astral plate) : use item base instead of name

[Feature] Add currency rate search

Advanced search result tooltip sometimes broken

Formatting is sometimes broken.

«Lair Map» is pulling price data for «Spider Lair Map»

Presumably this would also happen with «Shrine Map» and «Overgrown Shrine Map»

Add additonal information: item age

Fill blank results (too few online) with offline results (niche or very rare items)

Ctrl + Q

Was this removed? It’s not working for the release or dev build.

Ignore item name in search if rare/magic (except Jewels)

[Bug] — This script is illegal

And will be reporting to the GGG authorities right now. Chris Wilson is coming for you.

Add theoretical min/max defense and offense stats for unique items


Add Enchantment to search (maybe default on normal/magic items)
Selectable on advanced search

Add median and mean price to results

[Suggestion] Add option to select currency to use in currency-search instead of chaos

Error when opening trade macro


When not Hovering Over an Item, Item Value Macro Sends «c» Key

I have the C keyboard key assigned to the Events & PvP tab. If i’m not hovering over an item when i click my shortcut key for the item trade value search*, it opens/closes the Events & PvP tab.

  • (according to trade_config.ini, default is ctrl+x, but i changed it to F3 in there)

[Ongoing] Improve FAQ/Options Wiki pages

[Feature] Add option to disable specific hotkeys

Shortcuts not working (ctrl+x/w/i)

ctrl x stopped working for me, since last update: db586fd

Nothing happens when I press ctrl+i

When I press ctrl+c I get a description for the items no problem, but when I press ctrl+i or ctrl+w, nothing happens whatsoever

Error: 0x80070459 — No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.


Error: 0x80070459 — Für das Unicode-Zeichen ist kein zugeordnetes Zeichen in der Mehrbytecodepage vorhanden.

Source: WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Description: Für das Unicode-Zeichen ist kein zugeordnetes Zeichen in der Mehrbytecodepage vorhanden.

HelpFile: (null)
HelpContext: 0

Specifically: ResponseText

8300: HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")  
8301: HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Accept","text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8")  
8302: HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Referer","http://poe.trade/")  
8303: HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding","gzip;q=0,deflate;q=0")  
8305: HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Accept-Language","en-US,en;q=0.8")  
8307: HttpObj.Send(payload)  
8308: HttpObj.WaitForResponse()  

—> 8314: html := HttpObj.ResponseText
8319: Return,html
8320: }
8322: {
8323: itemCount := 1
8324: prices := []
8325: average := 0
8326: Title := «»

Continue running the script?

Yes no

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