Post error 1778 drive array resuming automatic data recovery process

Repair HP SmartArray p410i i have an HP proliant server and in the last 4 years i never had a single problem with it. but yesterday i found out that i cant remotely login to my server so i went over and found that one of three of RAID HDDs has an orange LED […]


  1. Repair HP SmartArray p410i
  2. RAID 1 Array failing — causing system reboots?
  3. Post error 1778 drive array resuming automatic data recovery process
  4. HP 5300 User Manual
  5. Page 137
  6. Post error 1778 drive array resuming automatic data recovery process

Repair HP SmartArray p410i

i have an HP proliant server and in the last 4 years i never had a single problem with it. but yesterday i found out that i cant remotely login to my server so i went over and found that one of three of RAID HDDs has an orange LED instead of blinking green.

i reastarted the server to see what was the problem and i got 2 errors : 1787 & 1716

1716-Slot z Drive Array Controller — Unrecoverable Media Errors Detected on Drives . Errors will be fixed automatically when these sectors are overwritten. Backup and restore recommended.

1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process

so i guess for 1778 there is nothing to do but the first one is preventing the second one to operate.

i let the windows to boot up and it went fine but when i login desktop does not show up. i tried to launch explorer.exe from task manager but it says that i dont have the necessary permissions to do that even though i logged in with admin user! so in conclusion i did CHKDSK but again the same thing happens. what should i do ?

the HP manual suggests that i do a backup/recovery to rebuild the failed disk but i cant take a backup in windows. i cannot access safe mode or repair mode either. but i can access windows files and folders within my network.

my server uses win server 2008 r2 and it is a DC and there are several roles and sql’s installed on it so i cant lose the operating system and i need a complete backup. funny thing is that my sql services and other things work perfectly but i have problem with Remote Desktop Services.

do i need a backup/restore? is there a boot program for this type of backup ? when i did the backup how am i going to restore that?


RAID 1 Array failing — causing system reboots?

I’ve inherited a WIndows SBS 2003 server with 4 physical disks in a Raid 1+0 configuration.

I am getting the following errors in my HP diagnostics screen.

Post Error — Message : 1792-Drive Array Reports Valid Data Found in Array Accelerator — Error : 92
Post Error — Message : 1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process — Error : 90

System Event Viewer is showing this:
Drive Array Logical Drive Status Change. Logical drive number 1 on the array controller in Slot 0 has a new status of 5.
(Logical Drive status values: 1=other, 2=ok, 3=failed, 4=unconfigured, 5=recovering, 6=readyForRebuild, 7=rebuilding, 8=wrongDrive, 9=badConnect, 10=overheating, 11=shutdown, 12=expanding, 13=notAvailable, 14=queuedForExpansion)

System Information Agent: Health: Post Errors were detected. One or more Power-On-Self-Test errors were detected during server startup.

I have checked all the disks in HP System Management and none are show any faults nor am I getting any red lights. The system tells me it is rebuilding the array but when it gets to around 50% — 60% the system just reboots as if someone just pulled the plug (no blue screen etc). I removed the drive from bay 1 and put it into interim recovery mode and since then no system reboots have occured.

Is it likely that this drive is faulty and it just isn’t appearing in the diagnostics? I’ve previously always found that a failed or failing drive always shows up in the diagnostics.

Any help is appreciated.

Recovering status means that a disk in the array has failed.

1792-Drive Array Reports Valid Data Found in Array Accelerator.
. Data will automatically be written to drive array.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: Power was interrupted while data was in the array accelerator memory. Power was then restored within several days, and the data in the array accelerator was flushed to the drive array.
Action: No action is required. No data has been lost. Perform orderly system shutdowns to avoid leaving
data in the array accelerator.

1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: A controller reset or power cycle occurred while Automatic Data Recovery was in
Action: No action is required.

If the drive fault LED is not flashing and the operating system supports HP Insight Diagnostics, version
7.40 or later («HP Insight Diagnostics» on page 75), perform the following:
a. Run the Smart Array SCSI Diagnosis feature (on page 75).
b. Perform the actions recommended by the diagnosis report.
c. If the issue is still present, run ADU, version 7.31 or later («Array diagnostic software» on page
For ADU report analysis, contact HP support («Contacting HP» on page 173).
• If the drive fault LED is not flashing and the operating system does not support HP Insight
Diagnostics, version 7.40 or later («HP Insight Diagnostics» on page 75), insert the SmartStart CD
and run ADU, version 7.31 or later («Array diagnostic software» on page 76). For ADU report
analysis, contact HP support («Contacting HP» on page 173).


Post error 1778 drive array resuming automatic data recovery process

I recently ran across a disturbing problem.

We had a server that would crash every 5-15 minutes are booting up.

The server is an HP ML350p Gen8 with a P420i RAID card 16GB of memory and a 4TB RAID6 disk. And we are using the HP version of ESXi 5.1.0, 799733.

The problem was that the server would just stop responding. Sometimes it would be ping-able, but would not respond to VI commands or the VI Client. And worst, the VMs on the box would immediately cease!

I eventually found out that the problem was a bad hard drive, but here is the problem. A single bad hard drive should not KILL a server, especially when using RAID6. I initially thought the problem might be an HP issue, but the server itself was blinking the bad disk and the Array Manager identified the disk as bad. I think the problem is either with VMware or the HP device driver for VMware.

Below are syslog extracts from the VMware box just before the system froze:

2014-08-15T13:53:06Z hp-ams[5896]: — done wi th initialize.
2014-08-15T13:53:10Z hpHelper[5896]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-15T13:55:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6807 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T13:55:01Z syslog[6808]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T13:55:16Z syslog[6808]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7065 cmd /usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7066 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z syslog[7068]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:00:16Z syslog[7068]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:01:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7122 cmd /sbin/
2014-08-15T14:05:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7540 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:05:01Z syslog[7541]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:05:16Z syslog[7541]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7779 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:10:01Z syslog[7780]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:10:16Z syslog[7780]: hostd probing is done.

2014-08-18T09:06:09Z hp-ams[5898]: — done with initialize.
2014-08-18T09:06:14Z hpHelper[5898]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-18T09:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6936 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:10:01Z syslog[6937]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:10:16Z syslog[6937]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:15:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7181 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:15:01Z syslog[7182]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:15:16Z syslog[7182]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:20:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7449 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:20:01Z syslog[7450]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:20:16Z syslog[7450]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:25:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7690 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:25:01Z syslog[7691]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:25:16Z syslog[7691]: hostd probing is done.

2014-08-18T11:55:42Z hp-ams[5904]: — done with initialize.
2014-08-18T11:55:46Z hpHelper[5904]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6975 cmd /usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6976 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z syslog[6978]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:00:16Z syslog[6978]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T12:01:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7032 cmd /sbin/
2014-08-18T12:05:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7457 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:05:01Z syslog[7458]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:05:16Z syslog[7458]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T12:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7692 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:10:01Z syslog[7693]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:10:16Z syslog[7693]: hostd probing is done.

Luckily this system was at a site which I could reach fairly easily, but we have may boxes that are scattered this little country.

Has anyone else seen this problem or have a fix?


HP 5300 User Manual

Page 137

POST Error Messages

HP Smart Array 5300 Controller User Guide

Writer: Jennifer Hayward File Name: q-appg POST messages

Codename: SilverHammer Part Number: 135606-005 Last Saved On: 10/8/02 11:26 AM

Table G-1: POST Error Messages

Meaning and Recommended Action

Slot x drive array – SCSI bus
termination error – internal and
external drives cannot both be
attached to the same SCSI port.

SCSI port (y): Check cables.

The internal and external connectors of the
specified SCSI port(s) are both attached to
drives. The SCSI bus is not properly
terminated when internal and external
drives are attached concurrently to the
same SCSI bus. The indicated SCSI bus is
disabled until this problem is resolved.

Turn off the server power and check the
cabling to the specified SCSI port.

Slot x drive array – ProLiant drive
storage enclosure problem detected
(followed by one or more of the

SCSI port (y): Cooling fan
malfunction detected

SCSI port (y): Overheated
condition detected

SCSI port (y): Side-panel must be
closed to prevent overheating

SCSI port (y): Redundant power
supply malfunction detected

SCSI port (y): Wide SCSI transfer

SCSI port (y): Interrupt signal

Check SCSI cables.

Check the cooling fan operation by placing
your hand over the fan. Check the internal
plenum cooling fan in tower servers or
storage systems. If the fan is not operating,
check for obstructions and check all internal
connectors. Replace the unit side panel, if it
was removed.

When the ProLiant Storage System power
LED is amber instead of green, the
following conditions may be present:

A redundant power supply failure

A thermal problem

If the message directs you to check SCSI
cables, check your cabling against the
diagrams in this user guide. If the routing is
correct, replace cables on the specified port
until the POST message is eliminated.

Slot x drive array resuming Automatic
Data Recovery process.

No action required. This message appears
whenever a controller reset or power cycle
occurs while Automatic Data Recovery is in


Post error 1778 drive array resuming automatic data recovery process

I recently ran across a disturbing problem.

We had a server that would crash every 5-15 minutes are booting up.

The server is an HP ML350p Gen8 with a P420i RAID card 16GB of memory and a 4TB RAID6 disk. And we are using the HP version of ESXi 5.1.0, 799733.

The problem was that the server would just stop responding. Sometimes it would be ping-able, but would not respond to VI commands or the VI Client. And worst, the VMs on the box would immediately cease!

I eventually found out that the problem was a bad hard drive, but here is the problem. A single bad hard drive should not KILL a server, especially when using RAID6. I initially thought the problem might be an HP issue, but the server itself was blinking the bad disk and the Array Manager identified the disk as bad. I think the problem is either with VMware or the HP device driver for VMware.

Below are syslog extracts from the VMware box just before the system froze:

2014-08-15T13:53:06Z hp-ams[5896]: — done wi th initialize.
2014-08-15T13:53:10Z hpHelper[5896]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-15T13:55:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6807 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T13:55:01Z syslog[6808]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T13:55:16Z syslog[6808]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7065 cmd /usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7066 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:00:01Z syslog[7068]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:00:16Z syslog[7068]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:01:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7122 cmd /sbin/
2014-08-15T14:05:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7540 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:05:01Z syslog[7541]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:05:16Z syslog[7541]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-15T14:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7779 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-15T14:10:01Z syslog[7780]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-15T14:10:16Z syslog[7780]: hostd probing is done.

2014-08-18T09:06:09Z hp-ams[5898]: — done with initialize.
2014-08-18T09:06:14Z hpHelper[5898]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-18T09:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6936 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:10:01Z syslog[6937]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:10:16Z syslog[6937]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:15:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7181 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:15:01Z syslog[7182]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:15:16Z syslog[7182]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:20:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7449 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:20:01Z syslog[7450]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:20:16Z syslog[7450]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T09:25:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7690 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T09:25:01Z syslog[7691]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T09:25:16Z syslog[7691]: hostd probing is done.

2014-08-18T11:55:42Z hp-ams[5904]: — done with initialize.
2014-08-18T11:55:46Z hpHelper[5904]: WARNING: POST Error: 1778-Slot X Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery (Rebuild) process
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6975 cmd /usr/lib/vmware/vmksummary/
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 6976 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:00:01Z syslog[6978]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:00:16Z syslog[6978]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T12:01:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7032 cmd /sbin/
2014-08-18T12:05:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7457 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:05:01Z syslog[7458]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:05:16Z syslog[7458]: hostd probing is done.
2014-08-18T12:10:01Z crond[4520]: crond: USER root pid 7692 cmd /sbin/hostd-probe
2014-08-18T12:10:01Z syslog[7693]: starting hostd probing.
2014-08-18T12:10:16Z syslog[7693]: hostd probing is done.

Luckily this system was at a site which I could reach fairly easily, but we have may boxes that are scattered this little country.

Has anyone else seen this problem or have a fix?


SCSI Port Y: Side-Panel must be Closed to Prevent Overheating

SCSI Port Y: Redundant Power Supply Malfunction Detected

SCSI Port Y: Wide SCSI Transfer Failed

SCSI Port Y: Interrupt Signal Inoperative

SCSI Port y: Unsupported ProLiant Storage System Detected

Audible Beeps: None

Possible Cause: Environment threshold was violated on the drive enclosure.


Check the cooling fan operation by placing a hand over the fan.

Be sure the internal plenum cooling fan in tower servers or storage systems is operational. If the fan is

not operating, check for obstructions and check all internal connections.

Replace the unit side panel if removed.

Check the LEDs. If the ProLiant Storage System power LED is amber instead of green, this indicates a

redundant power supply failure.

If the message indicates to check SCSI cables, do the following:

Compare the cabling against the diagrams in the HP Smart Array Controller User Guide.


If the routing is correct, replace cables on the specified port until the POST error message is



1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process

Audible Beeps: None

Possible Cause: A controller reset or power cycle occurred while Automatic Data Recovery was in progress.

Action: No action is required.

1779-Slot X Drive Array — Replacement drive(s) detected OR previously failed drive(s)

now operational:…

…Port Y: SCSI ID Z:

Restore data from backup if replacement drive X has been installed.

Audible Beeps: None

Possible Cause: More drives failed (or were replaced) than the fault-tolerance level allows. Unable to rebuild

array. If drives have not been replaced, this message indicates an intermittent drive failure.

Action: Be sure the system is always powered up and down correctly:

When powering up the system, all external storage systems must be powered up before (or at the same

time as) the server.

When powering down the system, the server must be powered down before powering down any

external storage systems.

Error messages 153

Error messages  118 

1776-Drive Array Reports Improper SCSI Port 1 Cabling 

Audible Beeps: None 

Possible Cause

The integrated array enabler board failed. 

The I/O board, drive backplane fan board, or drive backplane failed. 



Replace the integrated array enabler board. 


Update the integrated Smart Array option to the latest firmware version (»

» on 


CAUTION:  Only authorized technicians trained by HP should attempt to remove the I/O board. If you 

believe the I/O board requires replacement, contact HP Technical Support before proceeding. 


Reboot the server after replacing each item: 


Drive backplane fan board 


Drive backplane 


I/O board 

1777-Slot X Drive Array — ProLiant Drive Storage Enclosure Problem Detected… 

(followed by one or more of the following): 
…SCSI Port Y: Cooling Fan Malfunction Detected 
SCSI Port Y: Overheated Condition Detected 
SCSI Port Y: Side-Panel must be Closed to Prevent Overheating 
SCSI Port Y: Redundant Power Supply Malfunction Detected 
SCSI Port Y: Wide SCSI Transfer Failed 
SCSI Port Y: Interrupt Signal Inoperative 
SCSI Port y: Unsupported ProLiant Storage System Detected 

Audible Beeps: None 

Possible Cause: Environment threshold was violated on the drive enclosure. 


Check cooling fan operation by placing a hand over the fan. 

Be sure the internal plenum cooling fan in tower servers or storage systems is operational. If the fan 
is not operating, check for obstructions and check all internal connections. 

Replace unit side panel if removed.  

Check the LEDs. If the ProLiant Storage System power LED is amber instead of green, this indicates a 
redundant power supply failure. 

If the message indicates to check SCSI cables: 


Compare the cabling against the diagrams in the HP Smart Array Controller User Guide.  


If the routing is correct, replace cables on the specified port until the POST error message is 

1778-Drive Array Resuming Automatic Data Recovery Process 

Audible Beeps: None 

Possible Cause: A controller reset or power cycle occurred while Automatic Data Recovery was in 

Action: No action is required. 

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