- Обсуждение: PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
- PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
- Re: PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
- postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe VC++ runtime installer
- 1stopIT blog
- Thursday, January 6, 2011
- PostgreSQL Installation Problem on Windows without WSH
- Thread: An error occured executing the MIcrosoft VC++ runtime installer
- An error occured executing the MIcrosoft VC++ runtime installer
- Roman Patutin
- вторник, 14 июля 2009 г.
- Postgres 8.4 и VC++ runtime error
- 3 комментария:
Обсуждение: PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
Re: PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) — Unable to install
We tried to reproduce this issue but could not do so. We have tried both the cases but both were not reproducible. Can you please provide more information which can help us in reproducing the issue,
From: Dr. Peter Voigt
Date: Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:53 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) and Windows 7 (x86-64) —
Unable to install
I cannot install PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) under Windows 7 (x86-64). The
installer fails right after starting the installation process with the
«An error occurred executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer».
I am using the installer from EnterpriseDB
http://www.enterprisedb.com/products/pgdownload.do. Installation file
is postgresql-9.0.0-1-windows_x64.exe.
Unfortunately there is no %TEMP%install-postgresql.log.
When scanning the mailing lists under
http://www.postgresql.org/community/lists/ and under
http://forums.enterprisedb.com/forums/show/9.page I can see that this
error has been described for several times with PostgreSQL 8.3 and 8.4
under different Windows variants. A common hint was to activate the
Windos Scripting Host (WSH) allthough it obviously does not help in
all cases. On my machine the WSH is activated and working.
you can read about the command line options of the EnterpriseDB
PostgreSQL Installer. An attempt with «—install_runtimes 0» fails again
but with the different error message:
«Unknown error while running C:UsersAdministratorLokale
Again there is no %TEMP%install-postgresql.log.
As the second message is suggesting I am working as local
Administrator while installing PostgreSQL.
Maybe it is worth to be mentioned that I have installed Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008 Pro DE. Therefore the installation of the VC++
runtime should not be neccessary.
I am using now MySQL for serveral years and would like to compare it
with a current PostgreSQL version. The installation of PostgreSQL
under Windows is really disappointing but the same worked without
problems under Linux x86-64 (openSUSE 11.0). Under Linux I have used
the EnterpriseDB Installer of PostgreSQL 9.0 (x86-64) as well. The
installation file is postgresql-9.0.0-1-linux-x64.bin.
Is this problem already known and is there a solution for it?
Dharmendra Goyal
Senior Software Engineer
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise Postgres Company
Phone: +91-20-30589493
Mobile: +91-9552103323
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postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe VC++ runtime installer
From: | Brad DeJong |
To: | pgsql-bugs(at)postgresql(dot)org |
Subject: | postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe VC++ runtime installer |
Date: | 2019-01-23 15:55:58 |
Message-ID: | CAJnrtnxZmSRREkDNELBdKYLA-eLcmvaeoisxesvgrUsf3eHGmg@mail.gmail.com |
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Lists: | pgsql-bugs |
I searched the mailing list archive for
«postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe» and Google with
«site:postgresql.org postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe». Neither
turned up anything so I’m reporting it.
First problem — I tried to install PostgreSQL using the EnterpriseDB
postgresql-9.6.11-1-windows-x64.exe installer on 2 different Windows
10 laptops. On both, I get the following error message in a dialog
There has been an error.
An error occured executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer.
A suggested workaround (posted on https://oviedo.mx/tag/windows-10/ —
I did not try it myself) is to run the installer with the
«—install_runtimes 0» option.
The postgresql-9.6.10-2-windows-x64.exe,
postgresql-10.6-1-windows-x64.exe and
postgresql-11.1-1-windows-x64.exe installers work without problems.
Second problem — the word «occured» should have 2 r’s — occurred. I
don’t know if the message is coming from the PostgreSQL installer or
the VC++ runtime installer.
1stopIT blog
Mostly random thoughts about «IT stuff». mostly
Thursday, January 6, 2011
PostgreSQL Installation Problem on Windows without WSH
PostgreSQL 8.3 and 8.4 may fail to install on Windows with the following error message: «An error occurred executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer». PostgreSQL 9.x may fail with a different message: «Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path», but the actual reason appears to be the same.
It turns out that the installer requires Windows Script Host to be enabled (there might be other reasons, but this is the problem I have stumbled upon).
Before you start messing with the registry, check if WSH is actually disabled or not. To do that run wscript.exe in the DOS box.
- If you see a dialog box called «Windows Script Host Settings», WSH is enabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation must be related to something else.
- If you get an error box that says «Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details», WSH is disabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation may be related to it (or may be not).
Here is how to enable Windows Script Host for the current user (assuming he/she has administrator rights, of course):
- Start Registry Editor (Start =>Run. =>regedit).
- In the Registry Editor open HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings
- Make sure you actually are «inside» the Settings «folder».
- Right-click anywhere in the right pane of the Registry Editor and select New =>DWORD Value and call it «Enabled». Then, double-click it and set the «Value data» field to «1».
- Check if WSH is now enabled by running wscript.exe in the DOS box (see above).
- If WSH is enabled, try installing PostgreSQL. If not, see below how to enable WSH system-wide.
- Once the installation is complete, you can disable WSH by setting the «Enabled» value to «0».
The above may not work if Windows Script Host has been disabled system-wide. Here is how to enable it:
- Start Registry Editor (Start =>Run. =>regedit).
- In the Registry Editor open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings . Note that it is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE this time.
- Make sure you actually are «inside» the Settings «folder».
- Right-click anywhere in the right pane of the Registry Editor and select New =>DWORD Value and call it «Enabled». Then, double-click it and set the «Value data» field to «1».
- Check if WSH is now enabled by running wscript.exe in the DOS box (see above).
- If WSH is enabled, try installing PostgreSQL. If not, you may be using some third-party script blocker or something (I give up).
- Once the installation is complete, you can disable WSH by setting the «Enabled» value to «0».
Again, if Windows Script Host is enabled, and PostgreSQL installation still fails, it must be related to something else that I have not encountered.
The above instructions are for Windows XP. They have been tested with PostgreSQL 8.3., 8.4 and 9.0.
They also have been tested on Windows 7 32-bit, but only PostgreSQL 8.4 has been installed.
The procedure should be similar on other versions of Windows.
I have received several reports about failed installation attempts on Windows 7 64-bit and none from Windows 7 32-bit users (or users of any other versions of Windows for that matter), which makes me suspect that this might be something specific to Windows 7 64-bit. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a machine with 64-bit Windows 7 needed to try to re-create the problem. See UPDATE at the very end of this post.
P.S. It had not occurred to me that WSH may be enabled, but the association between WSH and *.vbs files may be missing. It is indeed a possibility. Thanks to DIego, Rain and anonymous commenters for pointing it out.
P.P.S. If you are planning to use the serverctl.vbs script that comes with the Windows installation of PostgreSQL 8.x, you might want to keep WSH enabled. This script allows you to conveniently start and stop PostgreSQL database server directly from the Windows menu, an option that is not critical, but nice to have, especially if you run PostgreSQL on a laptop and do not really want it to run in the background all the time. On the other hand, you can achieve exactly the same simply by running
NET START postgresql_service_name
NET STOP postgresql_service_name
without WSH. So, there is hardly any real need to keep Windows Script Host enabled unless you need it for something else..
On a 64-bit Windows 7 system, when you right-click inside HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings and select New, there are two DWORD Value options: DWORD (32-bit) Value and DWORD (64-bit) Value. Somewhat counterintuitively, DWORD (32-bit) Value is the one you should select.
Thread: An error occured executing the MIcrosoft VC++ runtime installer
Thread Tools
An error occured executing the MIcrosoft VC++ runtime installer
i just reinstalled W7 on my ssd and i can’t install HEM2,i didn’t installed antivirus or anything else just a few poker platforms ,chrome and that’s it.
«An error occured executing the MIcrosoft VC++ runtime installer» and after and PostgreSQL didn’t installed.
Make sure that you are running on an administrator account. What is your antivirus?
Please try these steps:
1) Download PostgreSQL 8.4 from Download PostgreSQL | EnterpriseDB
2) Put the file into C: folder
3) run cmd.exe «as Admin» (either search or go to start — programs — accessory — command prompt and right-click, run as administrator
4) in cmd window run following command: C:postgresql-8.4.22-1-windows.exe —install_runtimes 0
please be careful with spaces in command, it is particular with characters and spacing
may you live long and prosper,worked like a charm
You are very welcome. Thank you for letting us know it solved your problems. It helps us when crafting future replies to other customers with similar problems.
Good luck at the tables. If you have any further questions or problems do not hesitate to ask us.
Sarek will agree with your post!
Roman Patutin
В поисках названия для блога.
вторник, 14 июля 2009 г.
Postgres 8.4 и VC++ runtime error
Собрался я тут было перевести рабочий сервер на Postgres 8.4. Для проверки решил поставить на своей машине, а он сволочь выдает сообщение «An error occured executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer».
Немного покрутив пальцем у виска обнаружил, что в этом случае следует пускать инсталяху с ключом «—install_runtimes 0».
А вот полный список ключей:
- —prefix : директория в которую инсталировать postgres (по умолчанию %PROGRAMFILES%PostgreSQL8.X в Windows, /opt/PostgreSQL/8.X в Linux и/Library/PostgreSQL/8.X в Mac OS X);
- —datadir : определеяет где создавать диретокрию для храниня данных (по умолчанию $PREFIX/data) ;
- —superpassword : определяет пароль суперюзера (postgres который). Для Windows заодно и пароль пользователя от которого пускается сервис;
- —port : определяет номер порта, по умолчанию 5432, но если порту уже занят установленым посгрисом то 5433 и тд;
- —locale : локаль по умолчанию;
- —create_shortcuts [1|0]: определяет создавать ли ярлыки в меню «Пуск». По умолчанию 1;
- —install_plpgsql [1|0]:определяет устанавливать ли pl/pgsql в template1. По умолчанию 1 ;
- —install_runtimes [1|0]: (только Windows): определяет устинавливать или нет Microsoft Visual C++ runtimes перед установкой.По умолчанию 1.
В принципе все данные по инсталции можно посмотреть на сайте EnterpriseDB
3 комментария:
Big thanks chyvak! 🙂
а как пользоваться этими ключами? Я о них в первые услышал здесь. Распиши плиз, как пошагово запустить этот posgreql. У меня windows 7 и выдает, такую же ошибку. Спасибо
PostgreSQL 8.3 and 8.4 may fail to install on Windows with the following error message: «An error occurred executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer». PostgreSQL 9.x may fail with a different message: «Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path», but the actual reason appears to be the same.
It turns out that the installer requires Windows Script Host to be enabled (there might be other reasons, but this is the problem I have stumbled upon).
Before you start messing with the registry, check if WSH is actually disabled or not. To do that run wscript.exe
in the DOS box.
- If you see a dialog box called «Windows Script Host Settings», WSH is enabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation must be related to something else.
- If you get an error box that says «Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details», WSH is disabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation may be related to it (or may be not).
Here is how to enable Windows Script Host for the current user (assuming he/she has administrator rights, of course):
- Start Registry Editor (Start => Run… => regedit).
- In the Registry Editor open
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings
- Make sure you actually are «inside» the
«folder». - Right-click anywhere in the right pane of the Registry Editor and select New => DWORD Value and call it «Enabled». Then, double-click it and set the «Value data» field to «1».
- Check if WSH is now enabled by running
in the DOS box (see above). - If WSH is enabled, try installing PostgreSQL. If not, see below how to enable WSH system-wide.
- Once the installation is complete, you can disable WSH by setting the «Enabled» value to «0».
The above may not work if Windows Script Host has been disabled system-wide. Here is how to enable it:
- Start Registry Editor (Start => Run… => regedit).
- In the Registry Editor open
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings
. Note that it is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE this time. - Make sure you actually are «inside» the
«folder». - Right-click anywhere in the right pane of the Registry Editor and select New => DWORD Value and call it «Enabled». Then, double-click it and set the «Value data» field to «1».
- Check if WSH is now enabled by running
in the DOS box (see above). - If WSH is enabled, try installing PostgreSQL. If not, you may be using some third-party script blocker or something (I give up).
- Once the installation is complete, you can disable WSH by setting the «Enabled» value to «0».
Again, if Windows Script Host is enabled, and PostgreSQL installation still fails, it must be related to something else that I have not encountered.
The above instructions are for Windows XP. They have been tested with PostgreSQL 8.3., 8.4 and 9.0.
They also have been tested on Windows 7 32-bit, but only PostgreSQL 8.4 has been installed.
The procedure should be similar on other versions of Windows.
I have received several reports about failed installation attempts on Windows 7 64-bit and none from Windows 7 32-bit users (or users of any other versions of Windows for that matter), which makes me suspect that this might be something specific to Windows 7 64-bit. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a machine with 64-bit Windows 7 needed to try to re-create the problem.
See UPDATE at the very end of this post.
P.S. It had not occurred to me that WSH may be enabled, but the association between WSH and *.vbs files may be missing. It is indeed a possibility. Thanks to DIego, Rain and anonymous commenters for pointing it out.
P.P.S. If you are planning to use the serverctl.vbs
script that comes with the Windows installation of PostgreSQL 8.x, you might want to keep WSH enabled. This script allows you to conveniently start and stop PostgreSQL database server directly from the Windows menu, an option that is not critical, but nice to have, especially if you run PostgreSQL on a laptop and do not really want it to run in the background all the time. On the other hand, you can achieve exactly the same simply by running
NET START postgresql_service_name
NET STOP postgresql_service_name
without WSH. So, there is hardly any real need to keep Windows Script Host enabled unless you need it for something else..
On a 64-bit Windows 7 system, when you right-click inside HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings
or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows Script HostSettings
and select New, there are two DWORD Value options: DWORD (32-bit) Value and DWORD (64-bit) Value. Somewhat counterintuitively, DWORD (32-bit) Value is the one you should select.
- 28-09-2019
I downloaded installer postgresql-9.0.1-1-windows.exe from official site, ran it, then got error: An error occurred executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer
Please, help me someone, who know reason of this error message:
Windows XP, SP3, Dell Inspiron 1501, Processor: AMD Sempron 3500+
One of the reasons this can happen is because the installer attempts to install an older version of the VC++ runtime than what you are currently using.
See this installation log, found in your user’s temporary directory (e.g. dd_vcredist_amd64_20190214193107.log
[20C0:20E4][2019-02-14T19:31:07]e000: Error 0x80070666: Cannot install a product when a newer version is installed.
A workaround is to prevent the runtimes from installing with the --install_runtimes
postgresql-9.6.12-1-windows-x64.exe --install_runtimes 0
- Create a shortcut of downloaded file
- Right click of the shortcut -> Properties -> Shortcut add —install_runtimes 0 end of the file path.
create a shortcut of your exe file;
right click on the shortcut -> add at the end of the target path
--install_runtimes 0 (eg:postgresql-9.3.1-1-windows-x64.exe --install_runtimes 0)
save and run it
create a shortcut of your exe file;
right click on the shortcut -> add at the end of the target path —install_runtimes 0 (eg:postgresql-9.3.1-1-windows-x64.exe —install_runtimes 0)
save and run it
I was having a similar issue, and found a fix that worked for me from Garrett_H on this forum post:
Go to file %windir%infwsh.inf, right click and select ‘Install’
re-run postgresql installer
I’m running Windows XP Pro and I was trying to install postgresql-8.3.17-1-windows.exe
. I originally received the following error:
An error occurred executing the Microsoft C++ runtime installer.
In my case when I was installing postgresql-11.0-1-windows-x64.exe
on windows10, I had faced the same problem. I just uninstalled the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (the latest one for both 32 and 64 bit) and then tried to install postgresql-11.0-1-windows-x64.exe
again and it worked for me.
Try installing as administrator (using run as administrator). In version 9.0 PostgreSQL can be installed as a windows administrator
Take special care that your Windows user’s folder name does not contain spaces, the PostgreSQL (as of version handles that poorly. If I use this account on WinXP, installation fails with the «An error occurred executing the Microsoft C++ runtime installer» message:
«C:Documents and settingsJimmy (admin)»
But runs just fine with this:
«C:Documents and settingsJimmy-admin»
The spaces in «Documents and settings» don’t seem to bother the installer. Go figure.
Go to file %windir%infwsh.inf, right click and select 'Install'
re-run postgresql installer
This works on Windows XP with PostgreSQL 8.4.17-1
First download and install virtual c++ from microsoft website, then run the installation from command with —install_runtimes 0
The Windows Scripting Host is unable to execute VBscripts. This can occur if the scripting host is disabled (which is unusual), or if the installation is broken. A sign of this problem is a message like
CScript Error: Can’t find script engine «VBScript» for script «C:….
It can often be resolved by re-registering the VBScript interpreter, click Start -> Run and enter the following and click OK:
regsvr32 %systemroot%system32vbscript.dll
I had the same problem while trying to install PostgreSQL version 11.1. I had to uninstall the Microsoft VC++ and and run the installer again. It downloaded the required VC++ and the installation went successful.