PostgreSQL error 42P01 actually makes users dumbfounded, especially the newbies.
Usually, this error occurs due to an undefined table in newly created databases.
That’s why at Bobcares, we often get requests to fix PostgreSQL errors, as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s have a look into the PostgreSQL error 42P01 and see how our Support Engineers fix it.
What is PostgreSQL error 42P01?
PostgreSQL has a well-defined error code description. This helps in identifying the reason for the error.
Today, let’s discuss in detail about PostgreSQL error 42P01. The typical error code in PostgreSQL appears as:
ERROR: relation "[Table name]" does not exist
SQL state:42P01
Here the 42P01 denotes an undefined table.
So, the code description clearly specifies the basic reason for the error.
But what does an undefined table means?
Let’s discuss it in detail.
Causes and fixes for the PostgreSQL error 42P01
Customer query on undefined tables of a database often shows up the 42P01 error.
Now let’s see a few situations when our customers get the 42P01 error. We will also see how our Support Engineers fix this error.
1. Improper database setup
Newbies to Postgres often make mistakes while creating a new database. Mostly, this improper setup ends up in a 42P01 error.
In such situations, our Support Team guides them for easy database setup.
Firstly, we create a new database. Next, we create a new schema and role. We give proper privileges to tables.
Postgres also allows users to ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES.
2. Unquoted identifiers
Some customers create tables with mixed-case letters.
Usually, the unquoted identifiers are folded into lowercase. So, when the customer queries the table name with the mixed case it shows 42P01 error.
The happens as the PostgreSQL has saved the table name in lower case.
To resolve this error, our Support Engineers give mixed case table name in quotes. Also, we highly recommend to NOT use quotes in database names. Thus it would make PostgreSQL behave non-case sensitive.
3. Database query on a non-public schema
Similarly, the PostgreSQL 42P01 error occurs when a user queries a non-public schema.
Usually, this error occurs if the user is unaware of the proper Postgres database query.
For instance, the customer query on table name ‘pgtable‘ was:
SELECT * FROM pgtable
This query is totally correct in case of a public schema. But, for a non-public schema ‘xx’ the query must be:
SELECT * FROM "xx"."pgtable"
Hence, our Support Engineers ensure that the query uses the correct schema name.
[Still having trouble in fixing PostgreSQL errors? – We’ll fix it for you.]
In short, PostgreSQL error 42P01 denotes the database query is on an undefined table. This error occurs due to improper database setup, unidentified table name, and so on. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers fix the undefined table error in Postgres.
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public bool girisKontrol(string user, string pass) {string sunucu, port, kullaniciadi, sifre, veritabani; sunucu = "localhost"; port = "5432"; kullaniciadi = "postgres"; sifre = "tellioglu"; veritabani = "postgres"; string baglantimetni = string.Format("Server ={0};Port ={1};User ID = {2};Password = {3};Database={4};", sunucu, port, kullaniciadi, sifre, veritabani); var baglanti = new NpgsqlConnection(); baglanti.ConnectionString = baglantimetni; var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = baglanti; cmd.CommandText = "select * from kullanicigiris where Kullaniciadi = @Kullanici and sifre = @sifre";//kullanicigiris tablonun adi , Kullaniciadi sütünun adı,sifre sütunun adi cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Kullanici", user); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sifre", pass); cmd.Connection.Open(); var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); var sonuc = reader.HasRows; reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); cmd.Connection.Close(); cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); return sonuc; }
i am using postgreSQL database . executereader(); giving ‘ERROR: 42P01: relation does not exist’ problem. is sql line wrong i dont know please help me
From the code sinppet, I don’t think it’s the SQL line error. In C#, we should use the SQL parameters like yours.
But for postgreSQL, I would suggest you to try the following code to see if it works.
cmd.CommandText = "select * from kullanicigiris where Kullaniciadi = :Kullanici and sifre = :sifre" cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(":Kullanici", user); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(":sifre", pass);
And there is a category for postgreSQL support query for your reference:
Hope it hleps.
Best Regards,
Rocky Yue[MSFT]
MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
Marked as answer by
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 2:51 AM
Marked as answer by
Error Code | Condition Name |
Class 00 — Successful Completion | |
00000 |
successful_completion |
Class 01 — Warning | |
01000 |
warning |
0100C |
dynamic_result_sets_returned |
01008 |
implicit_zero_bit_padding |
01003 |
null_value_eliminated_in_set_function |
01007 |
privilege_not_granted |
01006 |
privilege_not_revoked |
01004 |
string_data_right_truncation |
01P01 |
deprecated_feature |
Class 02 — No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard) | |
02000 |
no_data |
02001 |
no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned |
Class 03 — SQL Statement Not Yet Complete | |
03000 |
sql_statement_not_yet_complete |
Class 08 — Connection Exception | |
08000 |
connection_exception |
08003 |
connection_does_not_exist |
08006 |
connection_failure |
08001 |
sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection |
08004 |
sqlserver_rejected_establishment_of_sqlconnection |
08007 |
transaction_resolution_unknown |
08P01 |
protocol_violation |
Class 09 — Triggered Action Exception | |
09000 |
triggered_action_exception |
Class 0A — Feature Not Supported | |
0A000 |
feature_not_supported |
Class 0B — Invalid Transaction Initiation | |
0B000 |
invalid_transaction_initiation |
Class 0F — Locator Exception | |
0F000 |
locator_exception |
0F001 |
invalid_locator_specification |
Class 0L — Invalid Grantor | |
0L000 |
invalid_grantor |
0LP01 |
invalid_grant_operation |
Class 0P — Invalid Role Specification | |
0P000 |
invalid_role_specification |
Class 0Z — Diagnostics Exception | |
0Z000 |
diagnostics_exception |
0Z002 |
stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler |
Class 20 — Case Not Found | |
20000 |
case_not_found |
Class 21 — Cardinality Violation | |
21000 |
cardinality_violation |
Class 22 — Data Exception | |
22000 |
data_exception |
2202E |
array_subscript_error |
22021 |
character_not_in_repertoire |
22008 |
datetime_field_overflow |
22012 |
division_by_zero |
22005 |
error_in_assignment |
2200B |
escape_character_conflict |
22022 |
indicator_overflow |
22015 |
interval_field_overflow |
2201E |
invalid_argument_for_logarithm |
22014 |
invalid_argument_for_ntile_function |
22016 |
invalid_argument_for_nth_value_function |
2201F |
invalid_argument_for_power_function |
2201G |
invalid_argument_for_width_bucket_function |
22018 |
invalid_character_value_for_cast |
22007 |
invalid_datetime_format |
22019 |
invalid_escape_character |
2200D |
invalid_escape_octet |
22025 |
invalid_escape_sequence |
22P06 |
nonstandard_use_of_escape_character |
22010 |
invalid_indicator_parameter_value |
22023 |
invalid_parameter_value |
22013 |
invalid_preceding_or_following_size |
2201B |
invalid_regular_expression |
2201W |
invalid_row_count_in_limit_clause |
2201X |
invalid_row_count_in_result_offset_clause |
2202H |
invalid_tablesample_argument |
2202G |
invalid_tablesample_repeat |
22009 |
invalid_time_zone_displacement_value |
2200C |
invalid_use_of_escape_character |
2200G |
most_specific_type_mismatch |
22004 |
null_value_not_allowed |
22002 |
null_value_no_indicator_parameter |
22003 |
numeric_value_out_of_range |
2200H |
sequence_generator_limit_exceeded |
22026 |
string_data_length_mismatch |
22001 |
string_data_right_truncation |
22011 |
substring_error |
22027 |
trim_error |
22024 |
unterminated_c_string |
2200F |
zero_length_character_string |
22P01 |
floating_point_exception |
22P02 |
invalid_text_representation |
22P03 |
invalid_binary_representation |
22P04 |
bad_copy_file_format |
22P05 |
untranslatable_character |
2200L |
not_an_xml_document |
2200M |
invalid_xml_document |
2200N |
invalid_xml_content |
2200S |
invalid_xml_comment |
2200T |
invalid_xml_processing_instruction |
22030 |
duplicate_json_object_key_value |
22031 |
invalid_argument_for_sql_json_datetime_function |
22032 |
invalid_json_text |
22033 |
invalid_sql_json_subscript |
22034 |
more_than_one_sql_json_item |
22035 |
no_sql_json_item |
22036 |
non_numeric_sql_json_item |
22037 |
non_unique_keys_in_a_json_object |
22038 |
singleton_sql_json_item_required |
22039 |
sql_json_array_not_found |
2203A |
sql_json_member_not_found |
2203B |
sql_json_number_not_found |
2203C |
sql_json_object_not_found |
2203D |
too_many_json_array_elements |
2203E |
too_many_json_object_members |
2203F |
sql_json_scalar_required |
2203G |
sql_json_item_cannot_be_cast_to_target_type |
Class 23 — Integrity Constraint Violation | |
23000 |
integrity_constraint_violation |
23001 |
restrict_violation |
23502 |
not_null_violation |
23503 |
foreign_key_violation |
23505 |
unique_violation |
23514 |
check_violation |
23P01 |
exclusion_violation |
Class 24 — Invalid Cursor State | |
24000 |
invalid_cursor_state |
Class 25 — Invalid Transaction State | |
25000 |
invalid_transaction_state |
25001 |
active_sql_transaction |
25002 |
branch_transaction_already_active |
25008 |
held_cursor_requires_same_isolation_level |
25003 |
inappropriate_access_mode_for_branch_transaction |
25004 |
inappropriate_isolation_level_for_branch_transaction |
25005 |
no_active_sql_transaction_for_branch_transaction |
25006 |
read_only_sql_transaction |
25007 |
schema_and_data_statement_mixing_not_supported |
25P01 |
no_active_sql_transaction |
25P02 |
in_failed_sql_transaction |
25P03 |
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout |
Class 26 — Invalid SQL Statement Name | |
26000 |
invalid_sql_statement_name |
Class 27 — Triggered Data Change Violation | |
27000 |
triggered_data_change_violation |
Class 28 — Invalid Authorization Specification | |
28000 |
invalid_authorization_specification |
28P01 |
invalid_password |
Class 2B — Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist | |
2B000 |
dependent_privilege_descriptors_still_exist |
2BP01 |
dependent_objects_still_exist |
Class 2D — Invalid Transaction Termination | |
2D000 |
invalid_transaction_termination |
Class 2F — SQL Routine Exception | |
2F000 |
sql_routine_exception |
2F005 |
function_executed_no_return_statement |
2F002 |
modifying_sql_data_not_permitted |
2F003 |
prohibited_sql_statement_attempted |
2F004 |
reading_sql_data_not_permitted |
Class 34 — Invalid Cursor Name | |
34000 |
invalid_cursor_name |
Class 38 — External Routine Exception | |
38000 |
external_routine_exception |
38001 |
containing_sql_not_permitted |
38002 |
modifying_sql_data_not_permitted |
38003 |
prohibited_sql_statement_attempted |
38004 |
reading_sql_data_not_permitted |
Class 39 — External Routine Invocation Exception | |
39000 |
external_routine_invocation_exception |
39001 |
invalid_sqlstate_returned |
39004 |
null_value_not_allowed |
39P01 |
trigger_protocol_violated |
39P02 |
srf_protocol_violated |
39P03 |
event_trigger_protocol_violated |
Class 3B — Savepoint Exception | |
3B000 |
savepoint_exception |
3B001 |
invalid_savepoint_specification |
Class 3D — Invalid Catalog Name | |
3D000 |
invalid_catalog_name |
Class 3F — Invalid Schema Name | |
3F000 |
invalid_schema_name |
Class 40 — Transaction Rollback | |
40000 |
transaction_rollback |
40002 |
transaction_integrity_constraint_violation |
40001 |
serialization_failure |
40003 |
statement_completion_unknown |
40P01 |
deadlock_detected |
Class 42 — Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation | |
42000 |
syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation |
42601 |
syntax_error |
42501 |
insufficient_privilege |
42846 |
cannot_coerce |
42803 |
grouping_error |
42P20 |
windowing_error |
42P19 |
invalid_recursion |
42830 |
invalid_foreign_key |
42602 |
invalid_name |
42622 |
name_too_long |
42939 |
reserved_name |
42804 |
datatype_mismatch |
42P18 |
indeterminate_datatype |
42P21 |
collation_mismatch |
42P22 |
indeterminate_collation |
42809 |
wrong_object_type |
428C9 |
generated_always |
42703 |
undefined_column |
42883 |
undefined_function |
42P01 |
undefined_table |
42P02 |
undefined_parameter |
42704 |
undefined_object |
42701 |
duplicate_column |
42P03 |
duplicate_cursor |
42P04 |
duplicate_database |
42723 |
duplicate_function |
42P05 |
duplicate_prepared_statement |
42P06 |
duplicate_schema |
42P07 |
duplicate_table |
42712 |
duplicate_alias |
42710 |
duplicate_object |
42702 |
ambiguous_column |
42725 |
ambiguous_function |
42P08 |
ambiguous_parameter |
42P09 |
ambiguous_alias |
42P10 |
invalid_column_reference |
42611 |
invalid_column_definition |
42P11 |
invalid_cursor_definition |
42P12 |
invalid_database_definition |
42P13 |
invalid_function_definition |
42P14 |
invalid_prepared_statement_definition |
42P15 |
invalid_schema_definition |
42P16 |
invalid_table_definition |
42P17 |
invalid_object_definition |
Class 44 — WITH CHECK OPTION Violation | |
44000 |
with_check_option_violation |
Class 53 — Insufficient Resources | |
53000 |
insufficient_resources |
53100 |
disk_full |
53200 |
out_of_memory |
53300 |
too_many_connections |
53400 |
configuration_limit_exceeded |
Class 54 — Program Limit Exceeded | |
54000 |
program_limit_exceeded |
54001 |
statement_too_complex |
54011 |
too_many_columns |
54023 |
too_many_arguments |
Class 55 — Object Not In Prerequisite State | |
55000 |
object_not_in_prerequisite_state |
55006 |
object_in_use |
55P02 |
cant_change_runtime_param |
55P03 |
lock_not_available |
55P04 |
unsafe_new_enum_value_usage |
Class 57 — Operator Intervention | |
57000 |
operator_intervention |
57014 |
query_canceled |
57P01 |
admin_shutdown |
57P02 |
crash_shutdown |
57P03 |
cannot_connect_now |
57P04 |
database_dropped |
57P05 |
idle_session_timeout |
Class 58 — System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself) | |
58000 |
system_error |
58030 |
io_error |
58P01 |
undefined_file |
58P02 |
duplicate_file |
Class 72 — Snapshot Failure | |
72000 |
snapshot_too_old |
Class F0 — Configuration File Error | |
F0000 |
config_file_error |
F0001 |
lock_file_exists |
Class HV — Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED) | |
HV000 |
fdw_error |
HV005 |
fdw_column_name_not_found |
HV002 |
fdw_dynamic_parameter_value_needed |
HV010 |
fdw_function_sequence_error |
HV021 |
fdw_inconsistent_descriptor_information |
HV024 |
fdw_invalid_attribute_value |
HV007 |
fdw_invalid_column_name |
HV008 |
fdw_invalid_column_number |
HV004 |
fdw_invalid_data_type |
HV006 |
fdw_invalid_data_type_descriptors |
HV091 |
fdw_invalid_descriptor_field_identifier |
HV00B |
fdw_invalid_handle |
HV00C |
fdw_invalid_option_index |
HV00D |
fdw_invalid_option_name |
HV090 |
fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length |
HV00A |
fdw_invalid_string_format |
HV009 |
fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer |
HV014 |
fdw_too_many_handles |
HV001 |
fdw_out_of_memory |
HV00P |
fdw_no_schemas |
HV00J |
fdw_option_name_not_found |
HV00K |
fdw_reply_handle |
HV00Q |
fdw_schema_not_found |
HV00R |
fdw_table_not_found |
HV00L |
fdw_unable_to_create_execution |
HV00M |
fdw_unable_to_create_reply |
HV00N |
fdw_unable_to_establish_connection |
Class P0 — PL/pgSQL Error | |
P0000 |
plpgsql_error |
P0001 |
raise_exception |
P0002 |
no_data_found |
P0003 |
too_many_rows |
P0004 |
assert_failure |
Class XX — Internal Error | |
XX000 |
internal_error |
XX001 |
data_corrupted |
XX002 |
index_corrupted |