Powerflex 4m ошибка f007

При работе промышленной электроники Allen Bradley в системах вентиляции, теплоснабжения или автоматизированном производственном оборудовании...

10 февраля 2023 г. 04:04

Фото ПЧ Allen Bradley PowerFlex40

При работе промышленной электроники Allen Bradley в системах вентиляции, теплоснабжения или автоматизированном производственном оборудовании часто возникают неисправности, распознать которые можно считав коды ошибок и произведя расшифровку этих кодов по инструкции на конкретную модель электронного оборудования. Наиболее частое использование в промышленном оборудовании получили следующие частотные преобразователи фирмы Allen Bradley: PowerFlex, 1305 Series, 1332 Series, 1333 Series, 1334 Series, 1336 Series, 1341 Series, 1351 Series, 1352 Series, 1361 Series, 160 Series,. В свою очередь серия Allen Bradley PowerFlex включает в себя следующие модели: PowerFlex 755T, PowerFlex 755TL, PowerFlex 755TR, PowerFlex 755TM, PowerFlex 753, PowerFlex 755, PowerFlex 755T, PowerFlex 70, PowerFlex 700S, PowerFlex 700, PowerFlex 700L, PowerFlex 523, PowerFlex 525, PowerFlex 527, PowerFlex 4M, PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400. Своевременная расшифровка ошибок может значительно ускорить диагностику и ремонт преобразователей частоты, подробнее об этом написано здесь.

Частотные преобразователи Allen Bradley имеют следующие распространенные ошибки:

Наиболее частые ошибки преобразователей Allen Bradley PowerFlex 40:

Ошибка F2 (error F2) — ошибка входа Auxiliary;
Ошибка F3 (error F3) — обрыв фазы на входе;
Ошибка F4 (error F4) — пониженное напряжение;
Ошибка F5 (error F5) — перенапряжение;
Ошибка F6 (error F6) — механическая неисправность двигателя;
Ошибка F7 (error F7) — перегрузка двигателя;
Ошибка F8 (error F8) — перегрев радиатора;
Ошибка F12 (error F12) — аппаратная перегрузка по току;
Ошибка F13 (error F13) — короткое замыкание на землю;
Ошибка F29 (error F29) — ошибка аналогового входа;
Ошибка F33 (error F33) — превышено количество попыток автоматического повторного включения — АПВ;
Ошибка F38 (error F38) — замыкание фазы U на землю на выходе ПЧ;
Ошибка F39 (error F39) — замыкание фазы V на землю на выходе ПЧ;
Ошибка F40 (error F40) — замыкание фазы W на землю на выходе ПЧ;
Ошибка F41 (error F41) — короткое замыкание между фазами UV;
Ошибка F42 (error F42) — короткое замыкание между фазами UW;
Ошибка F43 (error F43) — короткое замыкание между фазами VW;
Ошибка F48 (error F48) — параметры EEPROM были сброшены;
Ошибка F63 (error F63) — перегрузка по току по программной уставке;
Ошибка F64 (error F64) — перегрузка во время работы;
Ошибка F70 (error F70) — неисправность силовой части;
Ошибка F71 (error F71) — ошибка связи;
Ошибка F80 (error F80) — ошибка автонастройки;
Ошибка F81 (error F81) — ошибка связи RS485;
Ошибка F100 (error F100) — ошибка контрольной суммы записанных параметров;
Ошибка F122 (error F122) — ошибка платы ввода-вывода.

Контактная информация

Время выполнения запроса: 0,00213193893433 секунды.

Заказать оборудование Allen Bradley

Купить Allen Bradley powerflex ошибки в компании Олниса можно оптом или в розницу. Доставим Allen Bradley powerflex ошибки в любой регион России. Можем предложить точный аналог. Работаем напрямую с производителем, не используя посредников.

При работе промышленной электроники производителя Аллен-Брэдли могут возникать определённые ошибки. Чтобы быстро их устранить, необходима помощь наладчика оборудования или можно самостоятельно ознакомиться с инструкцией. Приборы максимально адаптированы для работы новичков и настроить их не составит большого труда.

Серия Allen Bradley PowerFlex представлена частотными преобразователями. Зная специфику их работы и наименование модельного ряда, можно быстро сориентироваться для устранения ошибок в промышленном секторе:

  • серия PowerFlex 1305;
  • серия PowerFlex 1332;
  • серия PowerFlex 70;
  • серия PowerFlex 700S;
  • серия PowerFlex 1333;
  • серия PowerFlex 1334;
  • серия PowerFlex 1336;
  • серия PowerFlex 1341;
  • серия PowerFlex 1351;
  • серия PowerFlex 527;
  • серия PowerFlex 4M;
  • серия PowerFlex 4;
  • серия PowerFlex 40;
  • серия PowerFlex 40P;
  • серия PowerFlex 1352;
  • серия PowerFlex 1361;
  • серия PowerFlex 160;
  • серия PowerFlex 755T;
  • серия PowerFlex 755 TL;
  • серия PowerFlex 755TR;
  • серия PowerFlex 755TM;
  • серия PowerFlex 753;
  • серия PowerFlex 755;
  • серия PowerFlex 700;
  • серия PowerFlex 700L;
  • серия PowerFlex 523;
  • серия PowerFlex 525;
  • серия PowerFlex 400.

Allen Bradley powerflex ошибки

Кодировка ошибки и ее значение

Для всех вышеперечисленных частотников наиболее характерны следующие шифры ошибок:

  • сбой F2 – ошибка входа в Auxiliary;
  • сбой F3 – нарушение или обрыв фазы сети при подключении;
  • сбой F4 – слишком низкий показатель электронапряжения в сети;
  • сбой F5 – слишком высокий показатель электронапряжения в сети;
  • сбой F6 – поломка двигателя, есть механические повреждения, мешающие нормальной работе устройства;
  • сбой F7 – перегрузка электромотора напряжением, опасность;
  • сбой F8 – начинает перегреваться радиатор;
  • сбой F12 – пиковый скачок напряжения с прицельным электроударом на аппарат;
  • сбой F13 – произошло короткое замыкание контакта заземления;
  • сбой F29 – аналоговый вход неисправен;
  • сбой F33 – невозможно переподключиться автоматически, превышен лимит авто запроса;
  • сбои в диапазоне F38-43 – сигнализируют о нарушениях работы фаз U, V, W и их коннекта между собой;
  • сбой F48 – аварийный сброс всех предустановленных автонастроек;
  • сбой F63 – сбой установки ПО;
  • сбой F64 – внезапная перезагрузка в процессе работы –неисправность системы;
  • сбой F70 – силовая часть аппарата вышла из строя;
  • сбой F71 – нарушена обратная связь с контролирующим устройством;
  • сбой F80 – автоматические корректировки более работают, требуется перезагрузка системы;
  • error F81 – неисправен порт RS-485;
  • сбой F100 – отказ подсчета суммы записанных параметров;
  • сбой F122 – плата ввода/вывода вышла из строя.

Это основной перечень, который легко устранить, следуя руководству по эксплуатации преобразователей частоты Аллен-Брэдли.

Allen Bradley powerflex ошибки

Покупка в «Олниса»

Выбор конкретного устройства и его настройка – задача специалиста или работника, ответственного за контроль прибора. Оригинальные устройства с длительной гарантией работы и полным сервисным обслуживанием на протяжении 12 месяцев от момента покупки вы найдете в нашем онлайн-каталоге.

Все приборы Allen Bradley можно приобрести с доставкой по России или любому другому городу на территории СНГ.

Дата публикации: 10.08.2017

Устранение неисправностей преобразователя частоты Allen Bradley PowerFlex 700 начинается с неисправности, возникающей во время работы или запуска. Состояние вашего устройства постоянно контролируется, и любые изменения состояния будут отображаться с клавиатуры. Ошибка — это условие, которое останавливает преобразователь и должно быть исправлено до сброса ошибки и запуска частотника. Ниже приведен список неисправностей и возможных причин. Если неисправность не может быть сброшена, это может означать, что привод PowerFlex 700 нуждается в ремонте.

Fault 29 — Analog In Loss — аналоговый вход сконфигурирован на ошибку при потере сигнала. Потеря сигнала произошла.
Fault 108 — Anlg Cal Chksum — Контрольная сумма, считанная из аналоговых данных калибровки, не соответствует расчетной сумме.
Fault 33 — Ошибки Auto Rstrt — Диск неудачно попытался сбросить ошибку и возобновить выполнение запрограммированного количества [Flt RstRun Tries].
Fault 80 — AutoTune Aborted — функция автонастройки отменена пользователем или произошла ошибка.
Fault 2 — Вспомогательный вход — Блокировка дополнительного входа открыта.
Fault 55 — Cntl Bd Overtemp — датчик температуры на главной панели управления обнаружил чрезмерное нагревание.
Fault 69 — Сопротивление ББ — Сопротивление внутреннего резистора БД выходит за допустимые пределы.
Fault 24 — Запрет торможения — привод не выполняет заданное замедление, потому что он пытается ограничить напряжение на шине.
Fault 64 — Привод OverLoad — Превышен рейтинг привода 110% в течение 1 минуты или 150% в течение 3 секунд.
Fault 49 — Привод питания — не отображается ошибка. Используется как маркер включения питания в очереди сбоев, указывая на то, что мощность привода была циклической.
Fault 79 — Чрезмерная нагрузка — двигатель не достиг скорости в назначенное время во время автонастройки.
Fault 91 — Потеря энкодера — Требуется дифференциальный датчик. Отсутствует один из двух сигналов канала энкодера.
Fault 90 — Encoder Quad Err. Оба канала кодировщика изменили состояние в течение одного тактового цикла.
Fault 900-930 — Fatal Faults — Диагностический код, указывающий на неисправность привода.
Fault 52 — Сброс неисправностей — Не отображается ошибка. Используется как маркер в очереди сбоев, указывающий, что была выполнена функция сброса ошибок.
Fault 51 — Flt QueueCleared — Не отображается ошибка. Используется как маркер в очереди ошибок, указывающий, что была выполнена функция очистки очереди.
Fault 78 — FluxAmpsRef Rang — значение для усилителей потока, определенных процедурой автонастройки, превышает запрограммированный [Motor NP FLA].
Fault 13 — Неисправность заземления — путь тока на землю превышает 25% от номинальной мощности.
Fault 93 — Неисправность аппаратного обеспечения — аппаратное включение отключено (перемычка высока), но логический вывод по-прежнему низкий.
Fault 130 — Ошибка аппаратного обеспечения — Ошибка загрузки массива ворот.
Неисправность 131 — Ошибка аппаратного обеспечения — сбой в двух портах.
Fault 18 — Аппаратное обеспечение PTC — Двигатель PTC (положительный температурный коэффициент) Overtemp.
Fault 10 — Теплоотвод LowTemp — Объявляет слишком низкий температурный режим или открытое устройство NTC (датчик температуры радиатора).
Fault 8 — Теплоотвод OvrTemp — Температура радиатора превышает 100% от [Частота вращения] или составляет менее примерно -19 ° C.
Fault 12 — HW OverCurrent — Выходной ток привода превысил предельный ток оборудования.
Fault 106 — Incompat MCB-PB — Информация о характеристиках привода, хранящаяся на плате питания, несовместима с основной панелью управления.
Fault 121 — Потеря связи ввода-вывода — плата ввода-вывода потеряла связь с Главным управлением.
Fault 122 — Ошибка ввода-вывода — обнаружен ввод-вывод, но не была выполнена последовательность включения питания.
Fault 17 — Потеря входной фазы — пульсация шины постоянного тока превысила заданный уровень.
Fault 77 — IR Volts Range — Calculate «- это авто настройка по умолчанию, а значение, определяемое процедурой авто настройки для ИК-капель, не находится в диапазоне допустимых значений.
Fault 87 — IXo VoltageRange — Напряжение, рассчитанное для индуктивного сопротивления двигателя, превышает 25% от [Motor NP Volts].
Fault 15 — Потеря нагрузки — Ток выходного крутящего момента привода ниже [Уровень потери нагрузки] в течение периода времени, превышающего [Время потери нагрузки].
Fault 7 — Перегрузка двигателя — Отключение внутренней электронной перегрузки.
Fault 16 — Термистор двигателя — Выход термистора выходит за допустимые пределы.
Fault 109 — Контрольная сумма ввода / вывода NVS — ошибка контрольной суммы EEprom.
Fault110 — Неисправность ввода-вывода NVS — ошибка ввода-вывода EEprom.
Fault 21 — Выход PhaseLoss — Ток в одной или нескольких фазах потерян или остается ниже заданного уровня.
Fault 25 — OverSpeed ​​Limit — такие функции, как компенсация скольжения или регулировка шины, попытались добавить настройку выходной частоты больше, чем запрограммировано в [Ограничение скорости].
Fault 5 — OverVoltage — Напряжение шины постоянного тока превысило максимальное значение.
Fault 100 — Параметр Chksum — Контрольная сумма, считанная с доски, не соответствует расчетной сумме.
Fault 48 — Params Defaulted — Приводу было задано указание значений по умолчанию для EEPROM.
Fault 38 — Фаза от U до Grnd. На этом этапе между приводом и двигателем обнаружена фаза на землю.
Fault 39 — Фаза V до Grnd — На этом этапе между приводом и двигателем обнаружена фаза на замыкание на землю.
Fault 40 — Фаза W до Grnd. На этом этапе между приводом и двигателем обнаружена фаза на землю.
Fault 41 — Phase UV Short — Чрезмерный ток обнаружен между этими двумя выходными клеммами.
Fault 42 — Phase VW Short — Чрезмерный ток обнаружен между этими двумя выходными клеммами.
Fault 43 — Phase UW Short — Чрезмерный ток обнаружен между этими двумя выходными клеммами.
Fault 71 — Адаптер порта 1 — У коммуникационной карты есть неисправность.
Fault 72 — Адаптер порта 2 — У карты связи есть неисправность.
Fault 73 — Адаптер порта 3 — У карты связи есть неисправность.
Fault 74 — Порт 4 Адаптер — У коммуникационной карты есть неисправность.
Fault 75 — Порт 5 Адаптер — Ошибка связи с коммуникационной картой.
Fault 76 — Порт 6 Адаптер — У коммуникационной карты есть неисправность.
Fault111 — Power Down — данные EEPROM повреждены при включении питания.
Fault 3 — Потеря мощности — Напряжение шины постоянного тока оставалось ниже 85% от номинала дольше, чем [Время потери мощности].
Fault 70 — Блок питания. Один или несколько выходных транзисторов работают в активной области вместо десатурации. Это может быть вызвано чрезмерным током транзистора или недостаточным напряжением базового привода.
Fault 92 — Pulse In Loss — Z Channel выбран как импульсный вход, и сигнал отсутствует.
Fault 104 — Pwr Brd Chksum1 — Контрольная сумма, считанная с EEPROM, не соответствует контрольной сумме, рассчитанной из данных EEPROM.
Fault 105 — Pwr Brd Chksum2 — Контрольная сумма, считанная с доски, не соответствует расчетной сумме.
Fault 107 — Заменена MCB-PB — Главный блок управления был заменен, и параметры не были запрограммированы.
Fault 28 — См. Руководство — Без энкодера TorqProve был включен, но пользователь не читал и не понимал проблемы приложений без энкодера.
Fault 63 — Pin Shear — запрограммировано [Current Lmt Val].
Fault 88 — Ошибка программного обеспечения — Ошибка установления связи с микропроцессором.
Fault 89 — Ошибка программного обеспечения — ошибка установления связи с микропроцессором.
Fault 36 — SW OverCurrent — выходной ток привода превысил номинальный ток 1 мс. Этот рейтинг больше, чем номинальный ток 3 секунды и меньше, чем уровень сбоя аппаратной максимальной токовой защиты. Обычно он составляет 200-250% от номинальной скорости привода.
Fault 20 — TorqPrv Spd Band — разница между [Commanded Speed] и [Encoder Speed] превысила уровень, установленный в [Spd Dev Band] за период времени, превышающий [Spd Band Integrat].
Fault 9 — Trnsistr OvrTemp — Выходные транзисторы превысили максимальную рабочую температуру.
Fault 4 — UnderVoltage — Напряжение шины постоянного тока упало ниже минимального значения 407 В постоянного тока на входе 400/480 В или 204 В постоянного тока на входе 200/240 В.
Fault 101 — UserSet1 Chksum — контрольная сумма, считанная из набора пользователей, не соответствует расчетной сумме.
Fault 102 — UserSet2 Chksum — контрольная сумма, считанная из набора пользователей, не соответствует расчетной сумме.
Fault 103 — UserSet3 Chksum — Контрольная сумма, считанная из набора пользователей, не соответствует расчетной сумме.

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FRN 7.xx

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Related Manuals for Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 4

Summary of Contents for Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 4

  • Page 1
    Adjustable Frequency AC Drive FRN 7.xx User Manual www.abpowerflex.com…
  • Page 2
    Important User Information Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at http:// www.rockwellautomation.com/literature) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices.
  • Page 3
    Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings topic updated. Electronic Motor Overload Protection description updated. The information below summarizes changes made for the September 2010 PowerFlex 4 User Manual, Publication 22A-UM001I-EN-E. Description of New or Updated Information See Page(s) Parameters A117 [Bus Reg Mode] and A118 [Comm Write Mode] added.
  • Page 4
    New information on reading register address 8192 added. New information on reading register address 8193 added. The information below summarizes changes made for the September 2005 PowerFlex 4 User Manual, Publication 22A-UM001F-EN-E. Description of New or Updated Information See Page(s) Attention statement clarified.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Preface Overview Who Should Use this Manual? ..P-1 Reference Materials ….P-1 Manual Conventions .

  • Page 6
    Appendix C RS485 (DSI) Protocol Network Wiring ….. C-1 Parameter Configuration ….C-3 Supported Modbus Function Codes .
  • Page 7: Who Should Use This Manual

    Preface Overview The purpose of this manual is to provide you with the basic information needed to install, start-up and troubleshoot the PowerFlex 4 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive. For information on… See page… Who Should Use this Manual? Reference Materials…

  • Page 8: Manual Conventions

    P-P-2 Overview Manual Conventions  In this manual we refer to the PowerFlex 4 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive as: drive, PowerFlex 4 or PowerFlex 4 Drive.  Parameter numbers and names are shown in this format: P031 [Motor NP Volts]…

  • Page 9: General Precautions

    Overview General Precautions ATTENTION: The drive contains high voltage capacitors which take time to discharge after removal of mains supply. Before working on drive, ensure isolation of mains supply from line inputs [R, S, T (L1, L2, L3)]. Wait three minutes for capacitors to discharge to safe voltage levels.

  • Page 10: Catalog Number Explanation

    0.4 (0.5) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 0.75 (1.0) 1.5 (2.0) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0) 12.0 2.2 (3.0) 3.7 (5.0) 17.5 3.7 (5.0) Position 12 of the Catalog Number now indicates drive type. All PowerFlex 4 drives are equipped with RS485 communication.

  • Page 11: Installation/Wiring

    Chapter Installation/Wiring This chapter provides information on mounting and wiring the PowerFlex 4 Drive. For information on… See page For information on… See page Opening the Cover Fuses and Circuit Breakers 1-6 Mounting Considerations Power Wiring AC Supply Source Considerations 1-3…

  • Page 12: Mounting Considerations

    Use Mounting Option B 50°C (122°F) IP 20/Open Type Use Mounting Option B Rating requires installation of the PowerFlex 4 IP 30/NEMA 1/UL Type 1 option kit. Debris Protection A plastic top panel is included with the drive. Install the panel to prevent debris from falling through the vents of the drive housing during installation.

  • Page 13: Ac Supply Source Considerations

     Do not expose to a corrosive atmosphere. AC Supply Source Considerations Ungrounded Distribution Systems ATTENTION: PowerFlex 4 drives contain protective MOVs that are referenced to ground. These devices must be disconnected if the drive is installed on an ungrounded or resistive grounded distribution system.

  • Page 14: General Grounding Requirements

    Installation/Wiring Input Power Conditioning The drive is suitable for direct connection to input power within the rated voltage of the drive (see Appendix A). Listed in Table 1.C are certain input power conditions which may cause component damage or reduction in product life. If any of the conditions exist, as described in Table 1.C, install one of the devices listed under the heading Corrective Action on the line side of the drive.

  • Page 15
    Installation/Wiring Ground Fault Monitoring If a system ground fault monitor (RCD) is to be used, only Type B (adjustable) devices should be used to avoid nuisance tripping. Safety Ground — (PE) This is the safety ground for the drive that is required by code. One of these points must be connected to adjacent building steel (girder, joist), a floor ground rod or bus bar.
  • Page 16: Fuses And Circuit Breakers

    Fusing The PowerFlex 4 has been UL tested and approved for use with input fuses. The ratings in the table that follows are the minimum recommended values for use with each drive rating. The devices listed in this table are provided to serve as a guide.

  • Page 17
    Installation/Wiring Table 1.D Minimum Recommended Branch Circuit Protective Devices (3) (4) Voltage Drive Rating Fuse Rating 140M Recommended Min. Enclosure Rating kW (HP) Amps Catalog No. MCS Contactors Volume (Line Fuse) Catalog No. Inches 120V AC – 0.2 (0.25) 140M-C2E-C10 100-C09 1655 1-Phase…
  • Page 18: Power Wiring

    Installation/Wiring Power Wiring ATTENTION: National Codes and standards (NEC, VDE, BSI, etc.) and local codes outline provisions for safely installing electrical equipment. Installation must comply with specifications regarding wire types, conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.

  • Page 19
    Installation/Wiring Reflected Wave Protection The drive should be installed as close to the motor as possible. Installations with long motor cables may require the addition of external devices to limit voltage reflections at the motor (reflected wave phenomena). See Table 1.E for recommendations.
  • Page 20
    1-10 Installation/Wiring Power Terminal Block The drive utilizes a finger guard over the power wiring terminals. To remove: 1. Press in and hold the locking tab. 2. Slide finger guard down and out. Replace the finger guard when wiring is complete. Figure 1.4 Power Terminal Block (A Frame Shown) R/L1 S/L2…
  • Page 21: I/O Wiring Recommendations

    Installation/Wiring 1-11 I/O Wiring Recommendations Motor Start/Stop Precautions ATTENTION: A contactor or other device that routinely disconnects and reapplies the AC line to the drive to start and stop the motor can cause drive hardware damage. The drive is designed to use control input signals that will start and stop the motor.

  • Page 22
    1-12 Installation/Wiring Control Wire Types Table 1.G Recommended Control and Signal Wire Wire Type(s) Description Minimum Insulation Rating Belden 8760/9460 0.8 mm (18AWG), twisted pair, 100% 300V (or equiv.) shield with drain. 60 degrees C (140 degrees F) Belden 8770 0.8 mm (18AWG), 3 conductor, shielded for (or equiv.)
  • Page 23
    Installation/Wiring 1-13 Figure 1.5 Control Wiring Block Diagram Important: I/O Terminal 01 is P036 I/O Terminal 01 [Start Source] always a coast to stop input except Stop Stop when P036 [Start Source] is set to Keypad Per P037 Coast 3-Wire Per P037 Per P037 “3-Wire”…
  • Page 24
    1-14 Installation/Wiring I/O Wiring Examples Input Connection Example Potentiometer P038 [Speed Reference] = 2 “0-10V Input” 1-10k Ohm Pot. Recommended (2 Watt minimum) Analog Input Voltage Current 0 to +10V, 100k ohm P038 [Speed Reference] = 2 “0-10V P038 [Speed Reference] = 3 impedance Input”…
  • Page 25
    Installation/Wiring 1-15 Input Connection Example 2 Wire SRC Control — Internal Supply (SRC) External Supply (SRC) Non-Reversing P036 [Start Source] = 2, 3 or 4 Stop-Run Input must be active for Stop-Run the drive to run. When input is opened, the drive will stop as specified by +24V Common P037…
  • Page 26
    1-16 Installation/Wiring Input Connection Example 3 Wire SRC Control — Internal Supply (SRC) External Supply (SRC) Non-Reversing P036 [Start Source] = 1 Stop Stop A momentary input will start the drive. A stop input to I/O Terminal 01 Start Start will stop the drive as specified by P037…
  • Page 27
    Installation/Wiring 1-17 Typical Multiple Drive Connection Examples Input Connection Example Multiple Digital Input Connections Customer Inputs can be wired per External Supply (SRC) or Internal Supply (SNK) Customer Inputs Optional Ground Connection examples on page 1-15. When connecting a single input such as Run, Stop, Reverse or Preset Speeds to multiple drives, it is important to connect I/O Terminal 04 common together for all drives.
  • Page 28: Start And Speed Reference Control

    1-18 Installation/Wiring Start and Speed Reference Control The drive speed command can be obtained from a number of different sources. The source is normally determined by P038 [Speed Reference]. However, when A051 or A052 [Digital Inx Sel] is set to option 2, 4, 5 or 6, and the digital input is active, A051 or A052 will override the speed reference commanded by P038…

  • Page 29
    Installation/Wiring 1-19 Accel/Decel Selection The selection of Accel/Decel rates can be made through digital inputs, RS485 (DSI) communications and/or parameters. Jog Input A079 [Jog Accel/Decel] used. Enabled and Active: A051 or A052 = 2 Active when RS485 (DSI) Port A067 [Accel Time 2]/A068 [Decel Time 2] Controls Speed is selected by RS485 (DSI) port.
  • Page 30: Emc Instructions

    1-20 Installation/Wiring EMC Instructions CE Conformity Conformity with the Low Voltage (LV) Directive and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive has been demonstrated using harmonized European Norm (EN) standards published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. PowerFlex Drives comply with the EN standards listed below when installed according to the User Manual.

  • Page 31
    Installation/Wiring 1-21 Essential Requirements for CE Compliance Conditions 1-3 listed below must be satisfied for PowerFlex drives to meet the requirements of EN61800-3. 1. Grounding as described in Figure 1.6. Refer to page 1-5 additional grounding recommendations. 2. Output power, control (I/O) and signal wiring must be braided, shielded cable with a coverage of 75% or better, metal conduit or equivalent attenuation.
  • Page 32
    1-22 Installation/Wiring EN61000-3-2  0.75 kW (1 HP) 240V 1-Phase and 3-Phase drives and 0.37 kW (0.5 HP) 240V 1-Phase drives are suitable for installation on a private low voltage power network. Installations on a public low voltage power network may require additional external harmonic mitigation. …
  • Page 33: Prepare For Drive Start-Up

    Chapter Start Up This chapter describes how to start up the PowerFlex 4 Drive. To simplify drive setup, the most commonly programmed parameters are organized in a single Basic Program Group. Important: Read the General Precautions section before proceeding. ATTENTION: Power must be applied to the drive to perform the following start-up procedures.

  • Page 34
    Start Up Applying Power to the Drive 6. Apply AC power and control voltages to the drive. 7. Familiarize yourself with the integral keypad features (see page 2-3) before setting any Program Group parameters. Start, Stop, Direction and Speed Control Factory default parameter values allow the drive to be controlled from the integral keypad.
  • Page 35: Integral Keypad

    Start Up Integral Keypad Menu Description VOLTS Display Group (View Only) AMPS Consists of commonly viewed drive operating HERTZ conditions. PROGRAM FAULT Basic Program Group Consists of most commonly used programmable functions. Advanced Program Group Consists of remaining programmable functions. Fault Designator Consists of list of codes for specific fault conditions.

  • Page 36: Viewing And Editing Parameters

    Start Up Viewing and Editing Parameters The last user-selected Display Group parameter is saved when power is removed and is displayed by default when power is reapplied. The following is an example of basic integral keypad and display functions. This example provides basic navigation instructions and illustrates how to program the first Program Group parameter.

  • Page 37: Programming And Parameters

    Chapter Programming and Parameters Chapter 3 provides a complete listing and description of the PowerFlex 4 parameters. Parameters are programmed (viewed/edited) using the integral keypad. As an alternative, programming can also be performed using DriveExplorer™ or DriveExecutive™ software, a personal computer and a serial converter module.

  • Page 38: Parameter Organization

    Programming and Parameters Parameter Organization A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m G B a s i c r o u p P r o g r a m G D i s p l r o u p a y G r o u p…

  • Page 39: Display Group

    Programming and Parameters Display Group d001 [Output Freq] Related Parameter(s): d002, d010, P034, P035, P038 Output frequency present at T1, T2 & T3 (U, V & W). Values Default Read Only Min/Max: 0.0/P035 [Maximum Freq] Display: 0.1 Hz d002 [Commanded Freq] Related Parameter(s): d001, d013, P034, P035, P038 Value of the active frequency command.

  • Page 40
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d006 [Drive Status] Related Parameter(s): A095 Present operating condition of the drive. 1 = Condition True, 0 = Condition False Running Bit 0 Forward Bit 1 Accelerating Bit 2 Decelerating Bit 3 Values Default Read Only Min/Max: Display:…
  • Page 41
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d012 [Control Source] Related Parameter(s): P036, P038, A051, A052 Displays the active source of the Start Command and Speed Command which are normally defined by the settings of P036 [Start Source] and P038 [Speed Reference] but may be overridden by digital inputs.
  • Page 42
    Status of the communications ports. 1 = Condition True, 0 = Condition False Receiving Data Bit 0 Transmitting Data Bit 1 RS485 (DSI) Based Option Connected Bit 2 (Allen-Bradley devices only.) Communication Error Occurred Bit 3 Values Default Read Only Min/Max: Display: d016 [Control SW Ver] Main Control Board software version.
  • Page 43
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d018 [Elapsed Run Time] Accumulated time drive is outputting power. Time is displayed in 10 hour increments. Values Default Read Only Min/Max: 0/9999 Hrs Display: 1 = 10 Hrs d019 [Testpoint Data] Related Parameter(s): A102 The present value of the function selected in A102…
  • Page 44: Basic Program Group

    Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group P031 [Motor NP Volts] Related Parameter(s): d004, A084 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Set to the motor nameplate rated volts. Values Default Based on Drive Rating Min/Max: 20/Drive Rated Volts Display: 1 VAC P032 [Motor NP Hertz] Related Parameter(s): A084, A090…

  • Page 45
    Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P036 [Start Source] Related Parameter(s): d012, P037 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Sets the control scheme used to start the drive. Refer to Start and Speed Reference Control on page 1-18 for details about how other drive settings can override the setting of this parameter.
  • Page 46
    3-10 Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P037 [Stop Mode] Related Parameter(s): P036, A080, A081, A082, A105 Active stop mode for all stop sources [e.g. keypad, run forward (I/O Terminal 02), run reverse (I/O Terminal 03), RS485 port] except as noted below. Important: I/O Terminal 01 is always a coast to stop input except when P036 [Start Source] is set for…
  • Page 47
    Programming and Parameters 3-11 Basic Program Group (continued) P038 [Speed Reference] Related Parameter(s): d001, d002, d012, P039, P040, A051, A052, A069, A070-A073, A110, A111, A112, A113 Sets the source of the speed reference to the drive. The drive speed command can be obtained from a number of different sources. The source is normally determined by P038 [Speed Reference].
  • Page 48
    3-12 Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P040 [Decel Time 1] Related Parameter(s): P038, P039, A051, A052, A068, A070-A073 Sets the rate of deceleration for all speed decreases. Maximum Freq Decel Rate Decel Time Values Default 10.0 Secs Min/Max: 0.1/600.0 Secs Display: 0.1 Secs…
  • Page 49: Advanced Program Group

    Programming and Parameters 3-13 Advanced Program Group A051 [Digital In1 Sel] Related Parameter(s): d012, d014, P038, P039, P040, A067, A068, A070-A073, A078, A079 (I/O Terminal 5) A052 [Digital In2 Sel] Stop drive before changing this parameter. (I/O Terminal 6) Selects the function for the digital inputs. Refer to the flowchart on page 1-18 for more information on speed reference control priority.

  • Page 50
    3-14 Programming and Parameters A051 & 13 “10V In Ctrl” Selects 0-10V or ±10V control as the frequency reference. A052 Start source is not changed. Options 14 “20mA In Ctrl” Selects 4-20mA control as the frequency reference. Start (Cont.) source is not changed. 15 — 25 Reserved 26 “Anlg Invert”…
  • Page 51
    Programming and Parameters 3-15 Advanced Program Group (continued) A056 [Relay Out Level] Related Parameter(s): A055 32 bit parameter. Sets the trip point for the digital output relay if the value of A055 [Relay Out Sel] is 6, 7, 8, 10 or 20. A055 Setting A056 Min/Max 0/240 Hz…
  • Page 52
    3-16 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A069 [Internal Freq] Related Parameter(s): P038 Provides the frequency command to the drive when P038 [Speed Reference] is set to 1 “Internal Freq”. When enabled, this parameter will change the frequency command in “real time” using the integral keypad Up Arrow or Down Arrow when in program mode.
  • Page 53
    Programming and Parameters 3-17 Advanced Program Group (continued) A079 [Jog Accel/Decel] Related Parameter(s): A051, A052, A078 Sets the acceleration and deceleration time when a jog command is issued. Values Default 10.0 Secs Min/Max: 0.1/600.0 Secs Display: 0.1 Secs A080 [DC Brake Time] Related Parameter(s): P037, A081 Sets the length of time that DC brake current is “injected”…
  • Page 54
    3-18 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A082 [DB Resistor Sel] Stop drive before changing this parameter. Enables/disables external dynamic braking. Setting Min/Max “Disabled” “Normal RA Res” (5% Duty Cycle) — Refer to Table B.C on page B-2 “No Protection” (100% Duty Cycle) 3-99 “x%Duty Cycle”…
  • Page 55
    Programming and Parameters 3-19 Advanced Program Group (continued) A084 [Boost Select] Related Parameter(s): d004, P031, P032 Sets the boost voltage (% of P031 [Motor NP Volts]) and redefines the Volts per Hz curve. Drive may add additional voltage unless option 5 is selected. Options 1 “30.0, VT”…
  • Page 56
    3-20 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A089 [Current Limit] Maximum output current allowed before current limiting occurs. Drive Rated Amps  1.5 Values Default 0.1/(Drive Rated Amps  1.8) Min/Max: Display: 0.1 Amps A090 [Motor OL Select] Related Parameter(s): P032 Drive provides Class 10 motor overload protection.
  • Page 57
    Programming and Parameters 3-21 Advanced Program Group (continued) A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries] Sets the maximum number of times the drive attempts to reset a fault and restart. Clear a Type 1 fault and restart the drive. 1. Set A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries] to a value other than “0”. 2.
  • Page 58
    3-22 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A095 [Reverse Disable] Related Parameter(s): d006 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Enables/disables the function that allows the direction of motor rotation to be changed. The reverse command may come from a digital command, the keypad or a serial command. All reverse inputs including two-wire Run Reverse will be ignored with reverse disabled.
  • Page 59
    Programming and Parameters 3-23 Advanced Program Group (continued) A100 [Fault Clear] Stop drive before changing this parameter. Resets a fault and clears the fault queue. Used primarily to clear a fault over network communications. Options 0 “Ready/Idle” (Default) 1 “Reset Fault” 2 “Clear Buffer”…
  • Page 60
    3-24 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A105 [Comm Loss Action] Related Parameter(s): d015, P037, A106 Selects the drive’s response to a loss of the communication connection or excessive communication errors. Options 0 “Fault” (Default) Drive will fault on an F81 Comm Loss and coast to stop. 1 “Coast to Stop”…
  • Page 61
    Programming and Parameters 3-25 A110 [Anlg In 0-10V Lo] Related Parameter(s): d020, P034, P038, A051, A052 Sets the analog input level that corresponds to P034 [Minimum Freq] if a 0-10V input is used by P038 [Speed Reference]. Analog inversion can be accomplished by setting this value larger than A111 [Anlg In 0-10V Hi] or by setting…
  • Page 62
    3-26 Programming and Parameters A114 [Slip Hertz @ FLA] Related Parameter(s): P033 Compensates for the inherent slip in an induction motor. This frequency is added to the commanded output frequency based on motor current. Values Default 2.0 Hz Min/Max: 0.0/10.0 Hz Display: 0.1 Hz A115 [Process Time Lo]…
  • Page 63: Parameter Cross Reference — By Name

    Programming and Parameters 3-27 Parameter Cross Reference – by Name Parameter Name Group Parameter Name Group Accel Time 1 P039 Basic Program Fault x Code d007-d009 Display Accel Time 2 A067 Advanced Program Fault Clear A100 Advanced Program Analog In 0-10V d020 Display Flying Start En…

  • Page 64
    3-28 Programming and Parameters Notes:…
  • Page 65: Troubleshooting

    Chapter Troubleshooting Chapter 4 provides information to guide you in troubleshooting the PowerFlex 4 drive. Included is a listing and description of drive faults (with possible solutions, when applicable). For information on… See page… For information on… See page… Drive Status…

  • Page 66
    Troubleshooting Fault Indication Condition Display Drive is indicating a fault. VOLTS The integral keypad provides visual notification of a AMPS HERTZ fault condition by displaying the following. PRGOGRAM FAULT  Flashing fault number  Flashing fault indicator Press the Escape key to regain control of the integral keypad.
  • Page 67: Fault Descriptions

    Troubleshooting Fault Descriptions Table 4.A Fault Types, Descriptions and Actions Fault Description Action Auxiliary Input Auxiliary input interlock is open. 1. Check remote wiring. 2. Verify communications programming for intentional fault. Power Loss DC bus voltage remained below 1. Monitor the incoming AC line for 85% of nominal.

  • Page 68
    Troubleshooting Fault Description Action F33 Auto Rstrt Tries Drive unsuccessfully attempted Correct the cause of the fault and to reset a fault and resume manually clear. running for the programmed number of A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries]. F38 Phase U to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been 1.
  • Page 69: Common Symptoms And Corrective Actions

    Troubleshooting Common Symptoms and Corrective Actions Motor does not Start. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action No output voltage to the motor. None Check the power circuit.  Check the supply voltage.  Check all fuses and disconnects. Check the motor.  Verify that the motor is connected properly.

  • Page 70
    Troubleshooting Drive does not Start from Start or Run Inputs wired to the terminal block. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action Drive is Faulted Flashing red status light Clear fault.  Press Stop  Cycle power  Set A100 [Fault Clear] to option 1 “Clear Faults”.
  • Page 71
    Troubleshooting Motor and/or drive will not accelerate to commanded speed. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action Acceleration time is excessive. None Reprogram P039 [Accel Time 1] or A067 [Accel Time 2]. Excess load or short None Compare d003 [Output Current] with acceleration times force the A089 [Current Limit].
  • Page 72
    Troubleshooting Notes:…
  • Page 73: Supplemental Drive Information

    Appendix Supplemental Drive Information For information on… See page… Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings Specifications Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings The tables on the following pages provide recommended AC line input fuse and circuit breaker information. See Fusing and Circuit Breakers below for UL and IEC requirements.

  • Page 74
    Control Ride Through: Minimum ride through is 0.5 Secs — typical value 2 Secs Faultless Power Ride Through: 100 milliseconds Dynamic Braking Internal brake IGBT included with all ratings except No Brake versions. Refer to Appendix B of the PowerFlex 4 User Manual on CD for ordering information.
  • Page 75
    Supplemental Drive Information 200-240V AC — 1-Phase drives are also available with an integral EMC filter. Catalog suffix changes from N103 to N113 and N104 to N114. The AIC ratings of the Bulletin 140M Motor Protector Circuit Breakers may vary. See Bulletin 140M Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Application Ratings.
  • Page 76: Product Environmental Information

    Supplemental Drive Information PowerFlex 4 Estimated Watts Loss (Rated Load, Speed & PWM) Voltage kW (HP) External Watts Internal Watts Total Watts Loss 100–120V 0.2 (0.25) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.1 (1.5) 200–240V 0.2 (0.25) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0)

  • Page 77: Accessories And Dimensions

    Product Dimensions Product Selection Table B.A Catalog Number Description 22A — Drive Voltage Rating Rating Enclosure Emission Class Type Table B.B PowerFlex 4 Drives Drive Ratings Catalog Number Output Frame Input Voltage Current Panel Mount Flange Mount Size 120V 50/60 Hz 0.25…

  • Page 78
    Accessories and Dimensions Table B.C Dynamic Brake Modules Drive Ratings Dynamic Minimum Brake Fuse Resistance  (2) (3) Input Voltage Rating Catalog Number 120V 50/60 Hz 0.25 AK-R2-091P500 1-Phase AK-R2-091P500 0.75 AK-R2-091P500 AK-R2-091P500 240V 50/60 Hz 0.25 AK-R2-091P500 1-Phase AK-R2-091P500 0.75 AK-R2-091P500 AK-R2-091P500…
  • Page 79
    This filter is suitable for use with a cable length up to 100 meters for Class A and 5 meters for Class B environments. The piggyback mounting option cannot be used with Frame B PowerFlex 4 drives and Frame C EMC Line Filters.
  • Page 80
    Compatibility: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3 or later), 2000 and XP See www.ab.com/drives/driveexplorer.htm for supported devices. For pricing information, refer to the PowerFlex 4-Class Price List, Publication 22-PL001…. Table B.H IP30/NEMA 1/UL Type 1 Kit Drive Item…
  • Page 81: Product Dimensions

    Accessories and Dimensions Product Dimensions Table B.I PowerFlex 4 Panel Mount Drives – Ratings are in kW and (HP) 240V AC – 1-Phase 120V AC – 1-Phase 240V AC – 1-Phase 240V AC – 3-Phase 480V AC – 3-Phase No Brake 0.2 (0.25)

  • Page 82
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.3 PowerFlex 4 Flange Mount Drives – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A 92.8 54.7 (3.65) (2.15) (6.89) (5.71) (8.27) Frame B 94.3 63.1 (3.71) (2.48) (9.61) (8.43) (9.84)
  • Page 83
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.4 PowerFlex 4 Cutout Dimensions – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A (0.31) (4.49) (0.21) (7.68) (7.05) 97.5 (3.84) (0.31) (0.63) (1.93) (3.86) (5.12) Frame B (5.71) 23.5 (0.26) (0.93) (7.76) (8.27) (8.86) 98.5 (3.88)
  • Page 84
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.5 PowerFlex 4 Replacement Plate Drive Dimensions – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A 104.8 (4.13) (3.62) (1.97) (3.46) (0.24) (6.42) (5.98) (6.89) 81.5 (3.21) (0.21) (3.15) Frame B (4.92) (4.41) (3.15) (3.46) (0.37) (7.56)
  • Page 85
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.6 Dynamic Brake Modules – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A Frame B 30.0 61.0 (1.18) (2.40) 60.0 31.0 17.0 59.0 (0.67) (2.36) (1.22) (2.32) 316.0 335.0 386.0 405.0 (12.44) (13.19) (15.20) (15.94) SURFACES MAY BE 13.0 (0.51) Frame…
  • Page 86
    B-10 Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.8 Bulletin 1321-3R Series Line Reactors – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). Weights are in kilograms and (pounds). Catalog Number Weight 1321-3R2-A 112 (4.40) 104 (4.10) 70 (2.75) 50 (1.98) 37 (1.44) 1.8 (4) 1321-3R2-B 112 (4.40) 104 (4.10)
  • Page 87
    Accessories and Dimensions B-11 Figure B.9 Frame A EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Numbers: 22-RF5P7-AS, -AL; 22-RF9P5-AS, -AL; 22-RF010-AL (1.97) (3.15) 29.8 (2.36) (1.17) (8.19) (8.66) (8.19) 17.8 5.5 (0.22) (0.70) (0.94) Figure B.10 Frame B EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Numbers: 22-RF012-BS, -BL (Series B);…
  • Page 88
    Figure B.11 Frame C EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-RF025-CL (2.36) (5.12) (3.54) (1.26) (11.69) (12.17) (11.69) 5.5 (0.22) (0.67) (1.18) Important: The piggyback mounting option cannot be used with Frame B PowerFlex 4 drives and Frame C EMC Line Filters.
  • Page 89
    Accessories and Dimensions B-13 Figure B.12 Remote (Panel Mount) HIM – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-C2 17.6 (0.69) (4.09) (8.66) 2.9m (3.07) (2.60) (7.64) (4.92) 60.5 (2.38) 19.1 (1.50) (0.75) (0.19)
  • Page 90
    B-14 Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.13 Remote (Panel Mount) Small HIM – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-C2S (0.98) (3.66) (7.09) (2.64) (2.36) (6.06) 19.1 (3.03) (0.75) (0.19) 23.5 (0.93) Important: The 22-HIM-C2S is smaller than the 22-HIM-C2 and cannot be used as a direct replacement.
  • Page 91
    Accessories and Dimensions B-15 Figure B.14 NEMA Type 1 Bezel – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-B1 11.1 (0.44) (3.66) 25.2 (0.99) (7.09) (2.64) (2.36) (6.06) 19.1 (3.03) (0.75) (0.19) 23.5 (0.93)
  • Page 92
    B-16 Accessories and Dimensions Notes:…
  • Page 93: Network Wiring

    Appendix RS485 (DSI) Protocol PowerFlex 4 drives support the RS485 (DSI) protocol to allow efficient operation with Rockwell Automation peripherals. In addition, some Modbus functions are supported to allow simple networking. PowerFlex 4 drives can be multi-dropped on an RS485 network using Modbus protocol in RTU mode.

  • Page 94
    (1 foot).  Network wiring should only cross power wires at a right angle. I/O Terminal 16 (RS485 Shield) on the PowerFlex 4 must also be connected to PE ground (there are two PE terminals on the drive). See Figure 1.5…
  • Page 95: Parameter Configuration

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Parameter Configuration The following PowerFlex 4 parameters are used to configure the drive to operate on a network. Parameter Details Reference P036 [Start Source] Set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port” if Start is controlled from Page 3-9 the network.

  • Page 96: Writing (06) Logic Command Data

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Writing (06) Logic Command Data The PowerFlex 4 drive can be controlled via the network by sending Function Code 06 writes to register address 8192 (Logic Command). P036 [Start Source] must be set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port” in order to accept the commands.

  • Page 97: Writing (06) Reference

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Writing (06) Reference The Speed Reference to a PowerFlex 4 drive can be controlled via the network by sending Function Code 06 writes to register address 8193 (Reference). P038 [Speed Reference] must be set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port”…

  • Page 98: Reading (03) Drive Error Codes

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Reading (03) Drive Error Codes The PowerFlex 4 Error Code data can be read via the network by sending Function Code 03 reads to register address 8449 (Drive Error Codes). Logic Status Address (Decimal) Value (Decimal) Description…

  • Page 99: Connectivity Guidelines

    Appendix RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable The PowerFlex 4 drive provides a RJ45 port to allow the connection of a single peripheral device. The RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable can be used to connect a second DSI peripheral device to the drive.

  • Page 100: Dsi Cable Accessories

    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable DSI Cable Accessories RJ45 Splitter Cable – Catalog Number: AK-U0-RJ45-SC1 Slave Port Master Port PIN 1 PIN 8 RJ45 Two-Position Terminal Block Adapter – Catalog Number: AK-U0-RJ45-TB2P (PIN 5) PIN 8 (PIN 4) PIN 1 RJ45 Adapter with Integrated Termination Resistor –…

  • Page 101: Connecting An Rs-485 Network

    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable Connecting an RS-485 Network DSI / MDI Drives AK-U0-RJ45-TB2P Two-position Terminal Block AK-U0-RJ45-TR1 Terminating Resistor (end of network) Customer supplied RJ45 male-to-RJ45 male cables with wires connected at pins 4 and 5 only. Both the Master (M) and Slave (S) ports on the RJ45 Splitter Cable operate as standard RS-485 ports in this configuration.

  • Page 102
    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable Notes:…
  • Page 103
    Index Distribution Systems, Ungrounded, AC Supply Drive Frame Size, P-2, B-5 Ground, 1-4 Drive Grounding, 1-4 Source, 1-3 Drive Overload Fault, 4-4 Ungrounded, 1-3 Drive Ratings, P-4, A-1 Advanced Program Group DriveExecutive, 3-1 Parameters, 3-13 DriveExplorer, 3-1 Ambient Temperatures, 1-2 Dynamic Brake Fuse Rating, B-2 Armored Cable, 1-8 Auto Rstrt Tries Fault, 4-4…
  • Page 104
    Index-2 General Precautions, P-3 Parameter Ground Fault, 4-3 Descriptions, 3-1 Grounding Types, 3-1 Filter, 1-5 Viewing and Editing, 2-4 General, 1-4 Parameter Checksum Fault, 4-4 Parameter Cross Reference by Name, 3-27 Heatsink OvrTmp Fault, 4-3 Parameters HW OverCurrent Fault, 4-3 Advanced Program Group, 3-13 Display Group, 3-3 Program Group, 3-8…
  • Page 105
    Index-3 Start and Speed Reference Selection and Control, 1-18, 1-19 Start/Stop, Repeated, 1-11 Start-Up Checklist, 2-1, 2-2 Static Discharge, ESD, P-3 Status LEDs, 2-3 Supply Source, AC, 1-3 SW OverCurrent Fault, 4-4 System Grounding, 1-4 Terminal Block I/O, 1-12 Power, 1-10 Three Wire Control, 1-14, 1-17 Two Wire Control, 1-14, 1-17 UnderVoltage Fault, 4-3…
  • Page 106
  • Page 108
    www.rockwellautomation.com Power, Control and Information Solutions Headquarters Americas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444 Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation NV, Pegasus Park, De Kleetlaan 12a, 1831 Diegem, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640 Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, Level 14, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846 Publication 22A-UM001K-EN-E –…

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Frequency AC


FRN 7.xx

User Manual



Related Manuals for Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 4

Summary of Contents for Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 4

  • Page 1
    Adjustable Frequency AC Drive FRN 7.xx User Manual www.abpowerflex.com…
  • Page 2
    Important User Information Solid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at http:// www.rockwellautomation.com/literature) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices.
  • Page 3
    Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings topic updated. Electronic Motor Overload Protection description updated. The information below summarizes changes made for the September 2010 PowerFlex 4 User Manual, Publication 22A-UM001I-EN-E. Description of New or Updated Information See Page(s) Parameters A117 [Bus Reg Mode] and A118 [Comm Write Mode] added.
  • Page 4
    New information on reading register address 8192 added. New information on reading register address 8193 added. The information below summarizes changes made for the September 2005 PowerFlex 4 User Manual, Publication 22A-UM001F-EN-E. Description of New or Updated Information See Page(s) Attention statement clarified.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Preface Overview Who Should Use this Manual? ..P-1 Reference Materials ….P-1 Manual Conventions .

  • Page 6
    Appendix C RS485 (DSI) Protocol Network Wiring ….. C-1 Parameter Configuration ….C-3 Supported Modbus Function Codes .
  • Page 7: Who Should Use This Manual

    Preface Overview The purpose of this manual is to provide you with the basic information needed to install, start-up and troubleshoot the PowerFlex 4 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive. For information on… See page… Who Should Use this Manual? Reference Materials…

  • Page 8: Manual Conventions

    P-P-2 Overview Manual Conventions  In this manual we refer to the PowerFlex 4 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive as: drive, PowerFlex 4 or PowerFlex 4 Drive.  Parameter numbers and names are shown in this format: P031 [Motor NP Volts]…

  • Page 9: General Precautions

    Overview General Precautions ATTENTION: The drive contains high voltage capacitors which take time to discharge after removal of mains supply. Before working on drive, ensure isolation of mains supply from line inputs [R, S, T (L1, L2, L3)]. Wait three minutes for capacitors to discharge to safe voltage levels.

  • Page 10: Catalog Number Explanation

    0.4 (0.5) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 0.75 (1.0) 1.5 (2.0) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0) 12.0 2.2 (3.0) 3.7 (5.0) 17.5 3.7 (5.0) Position 12 of the Catalog Number now indicates drive type. All PowerFlex 4 drives are equipped with RS485 communication.

  • Page 11: Installation/Wiring

    Chapter Installation/Wiring This chapter provides information on mounting and wiring the PowerFlex 4 Drive. For information on… See page For information on… See page Opening the Cover Fuses and Circuit Breakers 1-6 Mounting Considerations Power Wiring AC Supply Source Considerations 1-3…

  • Page 12: Mounting Considerations

    Use Mounting Option B 50°C (122°F) IP 20/Open Type Use Mounting Option B Rating requires installation of the PowerFlex 4 IP 30/NEMA 1/UL Type 1 option kit. Debris Protection A plastic top panel is included with the drive. Install the panel to prevent debris from falling through the vents of the drive housing during installation.

  • Page 13: Ac Supply Source Considerations

     Do not expose to a corrosive atmosphere. AC Supply Source Considerations Ungrounded Distribution Systems ATTENTION: PowerFlex 4 drives contain protective MOVs that are referenced to ground. These devices must be disconnected if the drive is installed on an ungrounded or resistive grounded distribution system.

  • Page 14: General Grounding Requirements

    Installation/Wiring Input Power Conditioning The drive is suitable for direct connection to input power within the rated voltage of the drive (see Appendix A). Listed in Table 1.C are certain input power conditions which may cause component damage or reduction in product life. If any of the conditions exist, as described in Table 1.C, install one of the devices listed under the heading Corrective Action on the line side of the drive.

  • Page 15
    Installation/Wiring Ground Fault Monitoring If a system ground fault monitor (RCD) is to be used, only Type B (adjustable) devices should be used to avoid nuisance tripping. Safety Ground — (PE) This is the safety ground for the drive that is required by code. One of these points must be connected to adjacent building steel (girder, joist), a floor ground rod or bus bar.
  • Page 16: Fuses And Circuit Breakers

    Fusing The PowerFlex 4 has been UL tested and approved for use with input fuses. The ratings in the table that follows are the minimum recommended values for use with each drive rating. The devices listed in this table are provided to serve as a guide.

  • Page 17
    Installation/Wiring Table 1.D Minimum Recommended Branch Circuit Protective Devices (3) (4) Voltage Drive Rating Fuse Rating 140M Recommended Min. Enclosure Rating kW (HP) Amps Catalog No. MCS Contactors Volume (Line Fuse) Catalog No. Inches 120V AC – 0.2 (0.25) 140M-C2E-C10 100-C09 1655 1-Phase…
  • Page 18: Power Wiring

    Installation/Wiring Power Wiring ATTENTION: National Codes and standards (NEC, VDE, BSI, etc.) and local codes outline provisions for safely installing electrical equipment. Installation must comply with specifications regarding wire types, conductor sizes, branch circuit protection and disconnect devices. Failure to do so may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.

  • Page 19
    Installation/Wiring Reflected Wave Protection The drive should be installed as close to the motor as possible. Installations with long motor cables may require the addition of external devices to limit voltage reflections at the motor (reflected wave phenomena). See Table 1.E for recommendations.
  • Page 20
    1-10 Installation/Wiring Power Terminal Block The drive utilizes a finger guard over the power wiring terminals. To remove: 1. Press in and hold the locking tab. 2. Slide finger guard down and out. Replace the finger guard when wiring is complete. Figure 1.4 Power Terminal Block (A Frame Shown) R/L1 S/L2…
  • Page 21: I/O Wiring Recommendations

    Installation/Wiring 1-11 I/O Wiring Recommendations Motor Start/Stop Precautions ATTENTION: A contactor or other device that routinely disconnects and reapplies the AC line to the drive to start and stop the motor can cause drive hardware damage. The drive is designed to use control input signals that will start and stop the motor.

  • Page 22
    1-12 Installation/Wiring Control Wire Types Table 1.G Recommended Control and Signal Wire Wire Type(s) Description Minimum Insulation Rating Belden 8760/9460 0.8 mm (18AWG), twisted pair, 100% 300V (or equiv.) shield with drain. 60 degrees C (140 degrees F) Belden 8770 0.8 mm (18AWG), 3 conductor, shielded for (or equiv.)
  • Page 23
    Installation/Wiring 1-13 Figure 1.5 Control Wiring Block Diagram Important: I/O Terminal 01 is P036 I/O Terminal 01 [Start Source] always a coast to stop input except Stop Stop when P036 [Start Source] is set to Keypad Per P037 Coast 3-Wire Per P037 Per P037 “3-Wire”…
  • Page 24
    1-14 Installation/Wiring I/O Wiring Examples Input Connection Example Potentiometer P038 [Speed Reference] = 2 “0-10V Input” 1-10k Ohm Pot. Recommended (2 Watt minimum) Analog Input Voltage Current 0 to +10V, 100k ohm P038 [Speed Reference] = 2 “0-10V P038 [Speed Reference] = 3 impedance Input”…
  • Page 25
    Installation/Wiring 1-15 Input Connection Example 2 Wire SRC Control — Internal Supply (SRC) External Supply (SRC) Non-Reversing P036 [Start Source] = 2, 3 or 4 Stop-Run Input must be active for Stop-Run the drive to run. When input is opened, the drive will stop as specified by +24V Common P037…
  • Page 26
    1-16 Installation/Wiring Input Connection Example 3 Wire SRC Control — Internal Supply (SRC) External Supply (SRC) Non-Reversing P036 [Start Source] = 1 Stop Stop A momentary input will start the drive. A stop input to I/O Terminal 01 Start Start will stop the drive as specified by P037…
  • Page 27
    Installation/Wiring 1-17 Typical Multiple Drive Connection Examples Input Connection Example Multiple Digital Input Connections Customer Inputs can be wired per External Supply (SRC) or Internal Supply (SNK) Customer Inputs Optional Ground Connection examples on page 1-15. When connecting a single input such as Run, Stop, Reverse or Preset Speeds to multiple drives, it is important to connect I/O Terminal 04 common together for all drives.
  • Page 28: Start And Speed Reference Control

    1-18 Installation/Wiring Start and Speed Reference Control The drive speed command can be obtained from a number of different sources. The source is normally determined by P038 [Speed Reference]. However, when A051 or A052 [Digital Inx Sel] is set to option 2, 4, 5 or 6, and the digital input is active, A051 or A052 will override the speed reference commanded by P038…

  • Page 29
    Installation/Wiring 1-19 Accel/Decel Selection The selection of Accel/Decel rates can be made through digital inputs, RS485 (DSI) communications and/or parameters. Jog Input A079 [Jog Accel/Decel] used. Enabled and Active: A051 or A052 = 2 Active when RS485 (DSI) Port A067 [Accel Time 2]/A068 [Decel Time 2] Controls Speed is selected by RS485 (DSI) port.
  • Page 30: Emc Instructions

    1-20 Installation/Wiring EMC Instructions CE Conformity Conformity with the Low Voltage (LV) Directive and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive has been demonstrated using harmonized European Norm (EN) standards published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. PowerFlex Drives comply with the EN standards listed below when installed according to the User Manual.

  • Page 31
    Installation/Wiring 1-21 Essential Requirements for CE Compliance Conditions 1-3 listed below must be satisfied for PowerFlex drives to meet the requirements of EN61800-3. 1. Grounding as described in Figure 1.6. Refer to page 1-5 additional grounding recommendations. 2. Output power, control (I/O) and signal wiring must be braided, shielded cable with a coverage of 75% or better, metal conduit or equivalent attenuation.
  • Page 32
    1-22 Installation/Wiring EN61000-3-2  0.75 kW (1 HP) 240V 1-Phase and 3-Phase drives and 0.37 kW (0.5 HP) 240V 1-Phase drives are suitable for installation on a private low voltage power network. Installations on a public low voltage power network may require additional external harmonic mitigation. …
  • Page 33: Prepare For Drive Start-Up

    Chapter Start Up This chapter describes how to start up the PowerFlex 4 Drive. To simplify drive setup, the most commonly programmed parameters are organized in a single Basic Program Group. Important: Read the General Precautions section before proceeding. ATTENTION: Power must be applied to the drive to perform the following start-up procedures.

  • Page 34
    Start Up Applying Power to the Drive 6. Apply AC power and control voltages to the drive. 7. Familiarize yourself with the integral keypad features (see page 2-3) before setting any Program Group parameters. Start, Stop, Direction and Speed Control Factory default parameter values allow the drive to be controlled from the integral keypad.
  • Page 35: Integral Keypad

    Start Up Integral Keypad Menu Description VOLTS Display Group (View Only) AMPS Consists of commonly viewed drive operating HERTZ conditions. PROGRAM FAULT Basic Program Group Consists of most commonly used programmable functions. Advanced Program Group Consists of remaining programmable functions. Fault Designator Consists of list of codes for specific fault conditions.

  • Page 36: Viewing And Editing Parameters

    Start Up Viewing and Editing Parameters The last user-selected Display Group parameter is saved when power is removed and is displayed by default when power is reapplied. The following is an example of basic integral keypad and display functions. This example provides basic navigation instructions and illustrates how to program the first Program Group parameter.

  • Page 37: Programming And Parameters

    Chapter Programming and Parameters Chapter 3 provides a complete listing and description of the PowerFlex 4 parameters. Parameters are programmed (viewed/edited) using the integral keypad. As an alternative, programming can also be performed using DriveExplorer™ or DriveExecutive™ software, a personal computer and a serial converter module.

  • Page 38: Parameter Organization

    Programming and Parameters Parameter Organization A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m G B a s i c r o u p P r o g r a m G D i s p l r o u p a y G r o u p…

  • Page 39: Display Group

    Programming and Parameters Display Group d001 [Output Freq] Related Parameter(s): d002, d010, P034, P035, P038 Output frequency present at T1, T2 & T3 (U, V & W). Values Default Read Only Min/Max: 0.0/P035 [Maximum Freq] Display: 0.1 Hz d002 [Commanded Freq] Related Parameter(s): d001, d013, P034, P035, P038 Value of the active frequency command.

  • Page 40
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d006 [Drive Status] Related Parameter(s): A095 Present operating condition of the drive. 1 = Condition True, 0 = Condition False Running Bit 0 Forward Bit 1 Accelerating Bit 2 Decelerating Bit 3 Values Default Read Only Min/Max: Display:…
  • Page 41
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d012 [Control Source] Related Parameter(s): P036, P038, A051, A052 Displays the active source of the Start Command and Speed Command which are normally defined by the settings of P036 [Start Source] and P038 [Speed Reference] but may be overridden by digital inputs.
  • Page 42
    Status of the communications ports. 1 = Condition True, 0 = Condition False Receiving Data Bit 0 Transmitting Data Bit 1 RS485 (DSI) Based Option Connected Bit 2 (Allen-Bradley devices only.) Communication Error Occurred Bit 3 Values Default Read Only Min/Max: Display: d016 [Control SW Ver] Main Control Board software version.
  • Page 43
    Programming and Parameters Display Group (continued) d018 [Elapsed Run Time] Accumulated time drive is outputting power. Time is displayed in 10 hour increments. Values Default Read Only Min/Max: 0/9999 Hrs Display: 1 = 10 Hrs d019 [Testpoint Data] Related Parameter(s): A102 The present value of the function selected in A102…
  • Page 44: Basic Program Group

    Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group P031 [Motor NP Volts] Related Parameter(s): d004, A084 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Set to the motor nameplate rated volts. Values Default Based on Drive Rating Min/Max: 20/Drive Rated Volts Display: 1 VAC P032 [Motor NP Hertz] Related Parameter(s): A084, A090…

  • Page 45
    Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P036 [Start Source] Related Parameter(s): d012, P037 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Sets the control scheme used to start the drive. Refer to Start and Speed Reference Control on page 1-18 for details about how other drive settings can override the setting of this parameter.
  • Page 46
    3-10 Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P037 [Stop Mode] Related Parameter(s): P036, A080, A081, A082, A105 Active stop mode for all stop sources [e.g. keypad, run forward (I/O Terminal 02), run reverse (I/O Terminal 03), RS485 port] except as noted below. Important: I/O Terminal 01 is always a coast to stop input except when P036 [Start Source] is set for…
  • Page 47
    Programming and Parameters 3-11 Basic Program Group (continued) P038 [Speed Reference] Related Parameter(s): d001, d002, d012, P039, P040, A051, A052, A069, A070-A073, A110, A111, A112, A113 Sets the source of the speed reference to the drive. The drive speed command can be obtained from a number of different sources. The source is normally determined by P038 [Speed Reference].
  • Page 48
    3-12 Programming and Parameters Basic Program Group (continued) P040 [Decel Time 1] Related Parameter(s): P038, P039, A051, A052, A068, A070-A073 Sets the rate of deceleration for all speed decreases. Maximum Freq Decel Rate Decel Time Values Default 10.0 Secs Min/Max: 0.1/600.0 Secs Display: 0.1 Secs…
  • Page 49: Advanced Program Group

    Programming and Parameters 3-13 Advanced Program Group A051 [Digital In1 Sel] Related Parameter(s): d012, d014, P038, P039, P040, A067, A068, A070-A073, A078, A079 (I/O Terminal 5) A052 [Digital In2 Sel] Stop drive before changing this parameter. (I/O Terminal 6) Selects the function for the digital inputs. Refer to the flowchart on page 1-18 for more information on speed reference control priority.

  • Page 50
    3-14 Programming and Parameters A051 & 13 “10V In Ctrl” Selects 0-10V or ±10V control as the frequency reference. A052 Start source is not changed. Options 14 “20mA In Ctrl” Selects 4-20mA control as the frequency reference. Start (Cont.) source is not changed. 15 — 25 Reserved 26 “Anlg Invert”…
  • Page 51
    Programming and Parameters 3-15 Advanced Program Group (continued) A056 [Relay Out Level] Related Parameter(s): A055 32 bit parameter. Sets the trip point for the digital output relay if the value of A055 [Relay Out Sel] is 6, 7, 8, 10 or 20. A055 Setting A056 Min/Max 0/240 Hz…
  • Page 52
    3-16 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A069 [Internal Freq] Related Parameter(s): P038 Provides the frequency command to the drive when P038 [Speed Reference] is set to 1 “Internal Freq”. When enabled, this parameter will change the frequency command in “real time” using the integral keypad Up Arrow or Down Arrow when in program mode.
  • Page 53
    Programming and Parameters 3-17 Advanced Program Group (continued) A079 [Jog Accel/Decel] Related Parameter(s): A051, A052, A078 Sets the acceleration and deceleration time when a jog command is issued. Values Default 10.0 Secs Min/Max: 0.1/600.0 Secs Display: 0.1 Secs A080 [DC Brake Time] Related Parameter(s): P037, A081 Sets the length of time that DC brake current is “injected”…
  • Page 54
    3-18 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A082 [DB Resistor Sel] Stop drive before changing this parameter. Enables/disables external dynamic braking. Setting Min/Max “Disabled” “Normal RA Res” (5% Duty Cycle) — Refer to Table B.C on page B-2 “No Protection” (100% Duty Cycle) 3-99 “x%Duty Cycle”…
  • Page 55
    Programming and Parameters 3-19 Advanced Program Group (continued) A084 [Boost Select] Related Parameter(s): d004, P031, P032 Sets the boost voltage (% of P031 [Motor NP Volts]) and redefines the Volts per Hz curve. Drive may add additional voltage unless option 5 is selected. Options 1 “30.0, VT”…
  • Page 56
    3-20 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A089 [Current Limit] Maximum output current allowed before current limiting occurs. Drive Rated Amps  1.5 Values Default 0.1/(Drive Rated Amps  1.8) Min/Max: Display: 0.1 Amps A090 [Motor OL Select] Related Parameter(s): P032 Drive provides Class 10 motor overload protection.
  • Page 57
    Programming and Parameters 3-21 Advanced Program Group (continued) A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries] Sets the maximum number of times the drive attempts to reset a fault and restart. Clear a Type 1 fault and restart the drive. 1. Set A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries] to a value other than “0”. 2.
  • Page 58
    3-22 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A095 [Reverse Disable] Related Parameter(s): d006 Stop drive before changing this parameter. Enables/disables the function that allows the direction of motor rotation to be changed. The reverse command may come from a digital command, the keypad or a serial command. All reverse inputs including two-wire Run Reverse will be ignored with reverse disabled.
  • Page 59
    Programming and Parameters 3-23 Advanced Program Group (continued) A100 [Fault Clear] Stop drive before changing this parameter. Resets a fault and clears the fault queue. Used primarily to clear a fault over network communications. Options 0 “Ready/Idle” (Default) 1 “Reset Fault” 2 “Clear Buffer”…
  • Page 60
    3-24 Programming and Parameters Advanced Program Group (continued) A105 [Comm Loss Action] Related Parameter(s): d015, P037, A106 Selects the drive’s response to a loss of the communication connection or excessive communication errors. Options 0 “Fault” (Default) Drive will fault on an F81 Comm Loss and coast to stop. 1 “Coast to Stop”…
  • Page 61
    Programming and Parameters 3-25 A110 [Anlg In 0-10V Lo] Related Parameter(s): d020, P034, P038, A051, A052 Sets the analog input level that corresponds to P034 [Minimum Freq] if a 0-10V input is used by P038 [Speed Reference]. Analog inversion can be accomplished by setting this value larger than A111 [Anlg In 0-10V Hi] or by setting…
  • Page 62
    3-26 Programming and Parameters A114 [Slip Hertz @ FLA] Related Parameter(s): P033 Compensates for the inherent slip in an induction motor. This frequency is added to the commanded output frequency based on motor current. Values Default 2.0 Hz Min/Max: 0.0/10.0 Hz Display: 0.1 Hz A115 [Process Time Lo]…
  • Page 63: Parameter Cross Reference — By Name

    Programming and Parameters 3-27 Parameter Cross Reference – by Name Parameter Name Group Parameter Name Group Accel Time 1 P039 Basic Program Fault x Code d007-d009 Display Accel Time 2 A067 Advanced Program Fault Clear A100 Advanced Program Analog In 0-10V d020 Display Flying Start En…

  • Page 64
    3-28 Programming and Parameters Notes:…
  • Page 65: Troubleshooting

    Chapter Troubleshooting Chapter 4 provides information to guide you in troubleshooting the PowerFlex 4 drive. Included is a listing and description of drive faults (with possible solutions, when applicable). For information on… See page… For information on… See page… Drive Status…

  • Page 66
    Troubleshooting Fault Indication Condition Display Drive is indicating a fault. VOLTS The integral keypad provides visual notification of a AMPS HERTZ fault condition by displaying the following. PRGOGRAM FAULT  Flashing fault number  Flashing fault indicator Press the Escape key to regain control of the integral keypad.
  • Page 67: Fault Descriptions

    Troubleshooting Fault Descriptions Table 4.A Fault Types, Descriptions and Actions Fault Description Action Auxiliary Input Auxiliary input interlock is open. 1. Check remote wiring. 2. Verify communications programming for intentional fault. Power Loss DC bus voltage remained below 1. Monitor the incoming AC line for 85% of nominal.

  • Page 68
    Troubleshooting Fault Description Action F33 Auto Rstrt Tries Drive unsuccessfully attempted Correct the cause of the fault and to reset a fault and resume manually clear. running for the programmed number of A092 [Auto Rstrt Tries]. F38 Phase U to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been 1.
  • Page 69: Common Symptoms And Corrective Actions

    Troubleshooting Common Symptoms and Corrective Actions Motor does not Start. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action No output voltage to the motor. None Check the power circuit.  Check the supply voltage.  Check all fuses and disconnects. Check the motor.  Verify that the motor is connected properly.

  • Page 70
    Troubleshooting Drive does not Start from Start or Run Inputs wired to the terminal block. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action Drive is Faulted Flashing red status light Clear fault.  Press Stop  Cycle power  Set A100 [Fault Clear] to option 1 “Clear Faults”.
  • Page 71
    Troubleshooting Motor and/or drive will not accelerate to commanded speed. Cause(s) Indication Corrective Action Acceleration time is excessive. None Reprogram P039 [Accel Time 1] or A067 [Accel Time 2]. Excess load or short None Compare d003 [Output Current] with acceleration times force the A089 [Current Limit].
  • Page 72
    Troubleshooting Notes:…
  • Page 73: Supplemental Drive Information

    Appendix Supplemental Drive Information For information on… See page… Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings Specifications Drive, Fuse & Circuit Breaker Ratings The tables on the following pages provide recommended AC line input fuse and circuit breaker information. See Fusing and Circuit Breakers below for UL and IEC requirements.

  • Page 74
    Control Ride Through: Minimum ride through is 0.5 Secs — typical value 2 Secs Faultless Power Ride Through: 100 milliseconds Dynamic Braking Internal brake IGBT included with all ratings except No Brake versions. Refer to Appendix B of the PowerFlex 4 User Manual on CD for ordering information.
  • Page 75
    Supplemental Drive Information 200-240V AC — 1-Phase drives are also available with an integral EMC filter. Catalog suffix changes from N103 to N113 and N104 to N114. The AIC ratings of the Bulletin 140M Motor Protector Circuit Breakers may vary. See Bulletin 140M Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Application Ratings.
  • Page 76: Product Environmental Information

    Supplemental Drive Information PowerFlex 4 Estimated Watts Loss (Rated Load, Speed & PWM) Voltage kW (HP) External Watts Internal Watts Total Watts Loss 100–120V 0.2 (0.25) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.1 (1.5) 200–240V 0.2 (0.25) 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.5 (2.0) 2.2 (3.0)

  • Page 77: Accessories And Dimensions

    Product Dimensions Product Selection Table B.A Catalog Number Description 22A — Drive Voltage Rating Rating Enclosure Emission Class Type Table B.B PowerFlex 4 Drives Drive Ratings Catalog Number Output Frame Input Voltage Current Panel Mount Flange Mount Size 120V 50/60 Hz 0.25…

  • Page 78
    Accessories and Dimensions Table B.C Dynamic Brake Modules Drive Ratings Dynamic Minimum Brake Fuse Resistance  (2) (3) Input Voltage Rating Catalog Number 120V 50/60 Hz 0.25 AK-R2-091P500 1-Phase AK-R2-091P500 0.75 AK-R2-091P500 AK-R2-091P500 240V 50/60 Hz 0.25 AK-R2-091P500 1-Phase AK-R2-091P500 0.75 AK-R2-091P500 AK-R2-091P500…
  • Page 79
    This filter is suitable for use with a cable length up to 100 meters for Class A and 5 meters for Class B environments. The piggyback mounting option cannot be used with Frame B PowerFlex 4 drives and Frame C EMC Line Filters.
  • Page 80
    Compatibility: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0 (Service Pack 3 or later), 2000 and XP See www.ab.com/drives/driveexplorer.htm for supported devices. For pricing information, refer to the PowerFlex 4-Class Price List, Publication 22-PL001…. Table B.H IP30/NEMA 1/UL Type 1 Kit Drive Item…
  • Page 81: Product Dimensions

    Accessories and Dimensions Product Dimensions Table B.I PowerFlex 4 Panel Mount Drives – Ratings are in kW and (HP) 240V AC – 1-Phase 120V AC – 1-Phase 240V AC – 1-Phase 240V AC – 3-Phase 480V AC – 3-Phase No Brake 0.2 (0.25)

  • Page 82
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.3 PowerFlex 4 Flange Mount Drives – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A 92.8 54.7 (3.65) (2.15) (6.89) (5.71) (8.27) Frame B 94.3 63.1 (3.71) (2.48) (9.61) (8.43) (9.84)
  • Page 83
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.4 PowerFlex 4 Cutout Dimensions – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A (0.31) (4.49) (0.21) (7.68) (7.05) 97.5 (3.84) (0.31) (0.63) (1.93) (3.86) (5.12) Frame B (5.71) 23.5 (0.26) (0.93) (7.76) (8.27) (8.86) 98.5 (3.88)
  • Page 84
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.5 PowerFlex 4 Replacement Plate Drive Dimensions – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A 104.8 (4.13) (3.62) (1.97) (3.46) (0.24) (6.42) (5.98) (6.89) 81.5 (3.21) (0.21) (3.15) Frame B (4.92) (4.41) (3.15) (3.46) (0.37) (7.56)
  • Page 85
    Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.6 Dynamic Brake Modules – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Frame A Frame B 30.0 61.0 (1.18) (2.40) 60.0 31.0 17.0 59.0 (0.67) (2.36) (1.22) (2.32) 316.0 335.0 386.0 405.0 (12.44) (13.19) (15.20) (15.94) SURFACES MAY BE 13.0 (0.51) Frame…
  • Page 86
    B-10 Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.8 Bulletin 1321-3R Series Line Reactors – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). Weights are in kilograms and (pounds). Catalog Number Weight 1321-3R2-A 112 (4.40) 104 (4.10) 70 (2.75) 50 (1.98) 37 (1.44) 1.8 (4) 1321-3R2-B 112 (4.40) 104 (4.10)
  • Page 87
    Accessories and Dimensions B-11 Figure B.9 Frame A EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Numbers: 22-RF5P7-AS, -AL; 22-RF9P5-AS, -AL; 22-RF010-AL (1.97) (3.15) 29.8 (2.36) (1.17) (8.19) (8.66) (8.19) 17.8 5.5 (0.22) (0.70) (0.94) Figure B.10 Frame B EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Numbers: 22-RF012-BS, -BL (Series B);…
  • Page 88
    Figure B.11 Frame C EMC Line Filters – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-RF025-CL (2.36) (5.12) (3.54) (1.26) (11.69) (12.17) (11.69) 5.5 (0.22) (0.67) (1.18) Important: The piggyback mounting option cannot be used with Frame B PowerFlex 4 drives and Frame C EMC Line Filters.
  • Page 89
    Accessories and Dimensions B-13 Figure B.12 Remote (Panel Mount) HIM – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-C2 17.6 (0.69) (4.09) (8.66) 2.9m (3.07) (2.60) (7.64) (4.92) 60.5 (2.38) 19.1 (1.50) (0.75) (0.19)
  • Page 90
    B-14 Accessories and Dimensions Figure B.13 Remote (Panel Mount) Small HIM – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-C2S (0.98) (3.66) (7.09) (2.64) (2.36) (6.06) 19.1 (3.03) (0.75) (0.19) 23.5 (0.93) Important: The 22-HIM-C2S is smaller than the 22-HIM-C2 and cannot be used as a direct replacement.
  • Page 91
    Accessories and Dimensions B-15 Figure B.14 NEMA Type 1 Bezel – Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches) Catalog Number: 22-HIM-B1 11.1 (0.44) (3.66) 25.2 (0.99) (7.09) (2.64) (2.36) (6.06) 19.1 (3.03) (0.75) (0.19) 23.5 (0.93)
  • Page 92
    B-16 Accessories and Dimensions Notes:…
  • Page 93: Network Wiring

    Appendix RS485 (DSI) Protocol PowerFlex 4 drives support the RS485 (DSI) protocol to allow efficient operation with Rockwell Automation peripherals. In addition, some Modbus functions are supported to allow simple networking. PowerFlex 4 drives can be multi-dropped on an RS485 network using Modbus protocol in RTU mode.

  • Page 94
    (1 foot).  Network wiring should only cross power wires at a right angle. I/O Terminal 16 (RS485 Shield) on the PowerFlex 4 must also be connected to PE ground (there are two PE terminals on the drive). See Figure 1.5…
  • Page 95: Parameter Configuration

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Parameter Configuration The following PowerFlex 4 parameters are used to configure the drive to operate on a network. Parameter Details Reference P036 [Start Source] Set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port” if Start is controlled from Page 3-9 the network.

  • Page 96: Writing (06) Logic Command Data

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Writing (06) Logic Command Data The PowerFlex 4 drive can be controlled via the network by sending Function Code 06 writes to register address 8192 (Logic Command). P036 [Start Source] must be set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port” in order to accept the commands.

  • Page 97: Writing (06) Reference

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Writing (06) Reference The Speed Reference to a PowerFlex 4 drive can be controlled via the network by sending Function Code 06 writes to register address 8193 (Reference). P038 [Speed Reference] must be set to 5 “RS485 (DSI) Port”…

  • Page 98: Reading (03) Drive Error Codes

    RS485 (DSI) Protocol Reading (03) Drive Error Codes The PowerFlex 4 Error Code data can be read via the network by sending Function Code 03 reads to register address 8449 (Drive Error Codes). Logic Status Address (Decimal) Value (Decimal) Description…

  • Page 99: Connectivity Guidelines

    Appendix RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable The PowerFlex 4 drive provides a RJ45 port to allow the connection of a single peripheral device. The RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable can be used to connect a second DSI peripheral device to the drive.

  • Page 100: Dsi Cable Accessories

    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable DSI Cable Accessories RJ45 Splitter Cable – Catalog Number: AK-U0-RJ45-SC1 Slave Port Master Port PIN 1 PIN 8 RJ45 Two-Position Terminal Block Adapter – Catalog Number: AK-U0-RJ45-TB2P (PIN 5) PIN 8 (PIN 4) PIN 1 RJ45 Adapter with Integrated Termination Resistor –…

  • Page 101: Connecting An Rs-485 Network

    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable Connecting an RS-485 Network DSI / MDI Drives AK-U0-RJ45-TB2P Two-position Terminal Block AK-U0-RJ45-TR1 Terminating Resistor (end of network) Customer supplied RJ45 male-to-RJ45 male cables with wires connected at pins 4 and 5 only. Both the Master (M) and Slave (S) ports on the RJ45 Splitter Cable operate as standard RS-485 ports in this configuration.

  • Page 102
    RJ45 DSI Splitter Cable Notes:…
  • Page 103
    Index Distribution Systems, Ungrounded, AC Supply Drive Frame Size, P-2, B-5 Ground, 1-4 Drive Grounding, 1-4 Source, 1-3 Drive Overload Fault, 4-4 Ungrounded, 1-3 Drive Ratings, P-4, A-1 Advanced Program Group DriveExecutive, 3-1 Parameters, 3-13 DriveExplorer, 3-1 Ambient Temperatures, 1-2 Dynamic Brake Fuse Rating, B-2 Armored Cable, 1-8 Auto Rstrt Tries Fault, 4-4…
  • Page 104
    Index-2 General Precautions, P-3 Parameter Ground Fault, 4-3 Descriptions, 3-1 Grounding Types, 3-1 Filter, 1-5 Viewing and Editing, 2-4 General, 1-4 Parameter Checksum Fault, 4-4 Parameter Cross Reference by Name, 3-27 Heatsink OvrTmp Fault, 4-3 Parameters HW OverCurrent Fault, 4-3 Advanced Program Group, 3-13 Display Group, 3-3 Program Group, 3-8…
  • Page 105
    Index-3 Start and Speed Reference Selection and Control, 1-18, 1-19 Start/Stop, Repeated, 1-11 Start-Up Checklist, 2-1, 2-2 Static Discharge, ESD, P-3 Status LEDs, 2-3 Supply Source, AC, 1-3 SW OverCurrent Fault, 4-4 System Grounding, 1-4 Terminal Block I/O, 1-12 Power, 1-10 Three Wire Control, 1-14, 1-17 Two Wire Control, 1-14, 1-17 UnderVoltage Fault, 4-3…
  • Page 106
  • Page 108
    www.rockwellautomation.com Power, Control and Information Solutions Headquarters Americas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444 Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation NV, Pegasus Park, De Kleetlaan 12a, 1831 Diegem, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640 Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, Level 14, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846 Publication 22A-UM001K-EN-E –…

Table 4.A Fault Types, Descriptions and Actions




Auxiliary Input


Power Loss






Motor Stalled


Motor Overload




F12 HW OverCurrent

F13 Ground Fault



page 4-1

for a description of fault types.


Auxiliary input interlock is open.

Excessive DC Bus voltage ripple. 1. Monitor the incoming line for

DC bus voltage fell below the

minimum value.

DC bus voltage exceeded

maximum value.

Drive is unable to accelerate


Internal electronic overload trip.

Heatsink temperature exceeds a

predefined value.

The drive output current has

exceeded the hardware current


A current path to earth ground

has been detected at one or

more of the drive output


PowerFlex 4M Adjustable Frequency Drive FRN 1.xx — 2.xx User Manual



1. Check remote wiring.

2. Verify communications

programming for intentional fault.

phase loss or line imbalance.

2. Check input line fuse.

Monitor the incoming AC line for low

voltage or line power interruption.

Monitor the AC line for high line

voltage or transient conditions. Bus

overvoltage can also be caused by

motor regeneration. Extend the

decel time or install dynamic brake






Time x] or reduce load so drive

output current does not exceed the

current set by parameter

[Current Limit].

1. An excessive motor load exists.

Reduce load so drive output

current does not exceed the

current set by parameter

[Motor OL Current].

2. Verify


[Boost Select]


1. Check for blocked or dirty heat

sink fins. Verify that ambient

temperature has not exceeded

40°C (104°F) for IP 30/NEMA 1/UL

Type 1 installations or 50°C (122°F)

for IP20/Open type installations.

2. Check fan.

Check programming. Check for

excess load, improper


Select] setting, DC brake volts set

too high or other causes of excess


Check the motor and external wiring

to the drive output terminals for a

grounded condition.

Publication 22F-UM001D-EN-E






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