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★★★ Newbie
мая 2020
С началом сезона во время игры часто появляется иконка означающая «Prediction error» (иконка в прикрепленном файле) и мой персонаж начинает лагать несмотря на то что остальные все передвигаются нормально. Какого черта эта фигня появилась и как от нее избавиться теперь?
Платформа: PC
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★★★★★ Guide
мая 2020
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мая 2020
@MelbournesCoffeсначала определяем IP сервера, где наблюдаются такие проблемы по инструкции
Далее делаешь tracerout на сервер с помощью программ PingPlotter или uotrace (инструкцию не прилагаю ибо help есть в интернете). Смотришь из-за чего у тебя такое возникает и где, потом можно решать проблему, а пока тебе никто ничего не подскажет, ибо причин может быть овер миллион.
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- Fix Apex Legends Prediction Error
- Why do I keep getting Prediction errors in Apex Legends?
- Fix Apex Legends Prediction Error
- 1] Check the status server
- 2] Check the Internet connection
- 3] Restart your Router
- 4] Use a VPN Client
- 5] Replace your modem
- 6] Allow Apex Legends through Firewall
- 7] Try High-Performance Mode
- How do I fix Packet loss in Apex Legends?
- How to Fix Apex Legends Prediction Error 2022 – Game Lagging
- How to Fix Apex Legends Prediction Error
- Problem with the servers
- Reset your network hardware
- Play the game using a VPN
- Change Power Settings to Best performance
- How to fix prediction error on apex?
- How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Проблема с PREDICTION ERROR после переустановки ОС
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- Проблема с PREDICTION ERROR после переустановки ОС
- How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
- Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
Many gamers are seeing a Prediction Error in Apex Legends. The error appears when a gamer is in the match and signifies something is wrong with their network. The issue is pretty common, and we are here with a remedy. In this post, we will discuss this issue and see what you can do if the game is unplayable.
Why do I keep getting Prediction errors in Apex Legends?
You can face the error in question if there is high latency or any problem related to the server. Server not being able to connect or having a bad Internet connection can also be the real culprit behind the Prediction error in Apex Legends. In this post, we will talk about solutions to all the reasons for this issue.
If you see a Prediction error in Apex Legends, follow these solutions to resolve the issue.
- Check the status server
- Check the Internet connection
- Restart your Router
- Use a VPN client
- Replace your modem
- Allow Apex Legend through Firewall
- Try High-Performance Mode
Let’s start with the first solution.
1] Check the status server
Checking the server’s status should be your first step when dealing with Prediction errors in Apex Legends. This is an excellent way to determine whether the issue is because of the server or the client. If that’s the case, all we can do is wait for the developers to address the problem. To know the server status, use any of the services on this list.
2] Check the Internet connection
You can also make sure that Apex Legends is receiving a steady network connection, as failing to do so will prevent you from connecting to the server, and hence the said error. To check the Internet bandwidth, you can use the Internet Speed Tester and ensure that’s not the cause of the error.
In case, your computer is not getting abundant bandwidth, run the same tool on another system connected to the same network and check how well it responds. If the issue is exhaustive to your system only, check this post to fix the slow Internet. In case, it’s a network problem, restart your router (steps mentioned after this), and if that doesn’t work, contact your ISP.
3] Restart your Router
You may resolve the network issue by restarting as it can help fix your Internet. To restart your Router, follow the instruction provided.
- Turn off your Router.
- Now, remove the power cord and wait for a minute.
- Connect all the cables.
- Restart your Router and launch the game to see whether the issue persists or not.
If you are still seeing the error message, then try the next solution.
4] Use a VPN Client
You should use a VPN client and see whether you can connect to the server easily. It is recommended as utilizing a secure VPN seems to correct the error message by improving the connection. There are various VPN apps, we would recommend you try the free ones first, and if it worked for you, you can invest in some paid VPNs.
5] Replace your modem
An old and no longer correctly functioning Router can also be the real cause of the Prediction error message in your game. If that’s the case, then the only thing you can do is to change your Router and get a new one. Hopefully, this will solve the issue, but if it doesn’t, try the next solution.
If none of the abovementioned approaches worked, try enabling Apex Legends through your firewall. To allow Apex Legends through Firewall, try the following steps.
- Open Windows security and click on Firewall and Network Protection tab.
- Select Allow an app through firewall.
- Click on the Change Settings button and allow Apex Legends through both public and private networks.
- If you can’t find the app on the list, Allow another app > Browse, go to the location where you installed the app, which usually is “C:Program Files (x86)Apex LegendsLauncherPortalBinariesWin32″, and add its exe file.
- Allow it through both networks.
Open Apex Legends and try playing the game. Fingers crossed that this time you won’t see the error message. If you have a third-party antivirus, make to whitelist Apex Legends.
7] Try High-Performance Mode
For some users, switching to High-Performance Mode has worked. And it is pretty obvious from the name itself that High-Performance Mode is better if you are playing a powerful game such as the one in question. Just switch to High or Ultimate Performance Mode and see if it helps.
Hopefully, you can resolve the issue with these solutions.
Packet Loss is a network issue, You should restart your computer, console, and Internet as packet loss in Apex Legends is caused mostly due to malfunctioning network gear, clogged internet, or server problem. Also, you can try the solutions mentioned in this post to fix the error.
Apex Legends Prediction Error is the most widespread problem with the game, but it’s the least raised problem both from the user’s end and the developer. A lot of players have been affected by the error and there is no solution from the developers, not even an acknowledgment. A Prediction error appears as a symbol with two parallel lines and dotes on the lines. When you see the error, the game lags and if it happened too often or frequently, it can make the game unplayable.
When you see this error it means the game has failed to predict the movement of the opposite player and it mostly happens when the lag is too high. But, the problem is users with lag 30, which is very good also see this error repeatedly. The cause of the prediction error can be on the user-end as well as an issue with the server. If the problem is with the servers, there is nothing you can do, but if the problem is on your end, a little tweak here and there may make a difference. Here is how to fix the error in Apex Legends.
While you may feel that your internet connection is fine, even a brief spike in lag may cause the game to display the Apex Legends Prediction Error. So, the first thing you must do is ensure that the problem is not with your internet connection. The best way to experience online and battle royale games are via wired cable internet. If the issue still occurs after troubleshooting your connection, here are some other things you can do to fix the Prediction error.
Problem with the servers
If this is the first time you are seeing the error, it’s likely caused by a glitch on the server end. If the error appears too often, quit the game and choose to play some other time. However, if the issue has been happening day after day, the problem may be something else.
Reset your network hardware
Often times when the router or modem has been running for a long time it can store redundant data or the cache may be corrupt, which can cause issues such as lag. A simple reset of the network hardware does the trick to fix the problem. So, regardless of your device, reboot or reset the network hardware.
Play the game using a VPN
Choose to play the game using a VPN, but don’t just go with any VPN or there will be massive lag and the prediction error will be more frequent. A reliable VPN service should cause minimum lag. Few players on Reddit have confirmed that using a VPN to play the game fixed the error for them. If you ask us, ExpressVPN is one of the best VPNs for gaming and it has a free plan so you can check if the solution works using the free plan.
Change Power Settings to Best performance
A user on the EA forum has suggested that setting the power option to Best Performance fixed the lag permanently for him and the Apex Legend Predication error. It could work for you as well. If there is a lack of power supply to the GPU or CPU, it can be the cause of lag and the error.
That’s all we have in this guide, we will update the post when we know more. Meanwhile, if there is something that helped you fix the error or you have a suggestion for other users, share them in the comments.
How to fix prediction error on apex?
How to fix prediction error on apex?
- I have been having a big issue with prediction error on EVERY GAME OF apex. My internet is not the issue. I play on pc and every game I get the two lines which means prediction error. How do I solve this? Is there even a solution? The game is becoming unplayable and it’s a shame because I loved the game. This all started 2 weeks ago.
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The only thing you can really do if playing on console is reset your network [modem / router] Don’t know on PC. If that doest work then it’s a EA server issue.
Prediction error (lines with dots symbol)
A prediction error icon is the one with two parallel lines with dots on them.
This indicates that the server has failed to predict the movement of another player, generally one you’re looking at.
The game tries to calculate and predict such behaviors to a certain extent to show them to other players faster, but a prediction error shows that these predictions are wrong.
This is also a server-side problem that you generally can’t do anything about.
The next time you’re playing Apex and see one of these symbols, remember to check the conditions of your internet connection anyway. Sometimes small tweaks can make a difference if you know what you’re doing.
Проблема с PREDICTION ERROR после переустановки ОС
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июня 2020 — последнее изменение июня 2020
Продукт : Apex Legends
Платформа : PC
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Номер модели видеокарты AMD или Nvidia NVIDIA GTX 960M
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Какой у вас тег игрока/PSN ID/учетная запись EA? LuckylLuciano.
Укажите свой Тег игрока/PSN ID/Учетную запись EA LuckylLuciano.
Вы используете дополнительное программное обеспечение с функцией Оверлей? Да
Если да, укажите, пожалуйста, какое. NVIDIA Geforce experience
Если вы отключаете данное программное обеспечение, что-нибудь изменяется? Нет
Какой Легендой вы играли?
Какими Легендами играли ваши напарники по отряду?
Где возникла проблема? Во время матча
В какой части карты или меню вы находились? Если не помните точное название, опишите местность или свои действия в меню везде
Что происходило в момент возникновения ошибки? Например: использовали умение или определенное оружие, ваш напарник покинул игру и т.д. игра начинает сильно лагать и тормозить
Испытали ли ваши напарники такую же ошибку? Нет
Сколько матчей вы сыграли на момент появления ошибки несколько
Когда произошла эта ошибка? (ДД/ММ/ГГГГ, часы и минуты)
Как часто возникает ошибка? 100%
Насколько серьезной была ваша ошибка? Серьезно влияет на геймплей
Что происходит, когда возникает ошибка? игра начинает сильно лагать и тормозить (отображается иконка PREDICTION ERROR)
Что должно происходить? не лагать
Шаги. Как нам воспроизвести данную ошибку? Не знаю
Проблема такова. Играю на ноуте GE70 2QE Apache Pro. Переустановил на днях ОС (Windows 10) и после этого игра стало одной большой обузой: играешь вначале все нормально идёт (минуту, две), а через некоторое время начинает жутко лагать (ФПС падает до 7-12 иной раз) и начинается слайд-шоу, отображается индикатор ошибки (две параллельные полоски — PREDICTION ERROR)
Проверил железо на тротлинги и через MSI Afterburner и через GeForce XP
попробовал настроить и через консол и т.д.,
даже поменял термопасту на всякий случай,
обновил все дрова,
попробовал скачать и переустановить Apex,
добавил вручную ДНС адресс,
попробовал в начале поменять сервер на другой,
в общем перепробовал ВСЁ!
Если есть проблемы с интернетом, то почему до переустановки Windowsа все шло более-менее стабильно?
Попробовал запустить Warzone, GTAV — вроде все идёт нормально, именно Apex сильно лагает.
Ну никак игра не идёт теперь, играл с первых дней, вначале все было гладко, но с каждым обновлением и новым сезоном кажись она становится всё требовательнее и багованнее
How to fix prediction error on apex?
Re: How to fix prediction error on apex?
As someone who has been dealing with prediction errors for more than 2 monts (i dont play apex anymore because of this), i can tell yall that theres almost nothing to do to fix this issue because its a server side problem, what to do? Complain. Apex has a good community management, but if no one complain about it, they simply dont care, sounds ridiculous but thats the only thing we can do to be heard, there are plenty of people who is dealing with this too, help us in twitter spreading this issuea in the official apex twiter.
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hdd and ssd have nothing to do with prediction errors
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Did your manage to find a fix?
I also have same connection and speed.
What modem are you using?
I’m having the same issue with prediction error every game.
What I’ve done:
Purchased new modem, currently on Comcast 1 Gig speed
UO Trace: Tests good everytime, no packet loss.
Speedtests, all good
Servers on the game show 0% packet loss.
But every game I have this problem. Been happening for a month now.
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I had the same problem a couple of days ago. And today I fixed. I had Apex legends installed on my pc but never played it before. A couple of days ago I decided that I wanted to try it, but whenever I tried it, i was getting prediction error and packet loss symbols all the time. The game was literally unplayable. So here is how I fixed my problem and hopefully that will work someone else as well.
All you need to do is forward the network ports that Apex legendes needs. Once I did that, the problem was solved.
My computer is connected via LAN cable to D-LINK router I have. And the router is connected to a CISCO cable modem modem via LAN cable. So if you have kind of the same the setup you would to do port forwarding on both devices (router and cable modem).
Here is the link of the port that you need to do port forwarding for Apex Legends
Here is a link on how to port forwarding:
But keep mind that every cable modem and router settings a slightly different.
Apex Legends Prediction Error is the most widespread problem with the game, but it’s the least raised problem both from the user’s end and the developer. A lot of players have been affected by the error and there is no solution from the developers, not even an acknowledgment. A Prediction error appears as a symbol with two parallel lines and dotes on the lines. When you see the error, the game lags and if it happened too often or frequently, it can make the game unplayable.
When you see this error it means the game has failed to predict the movement of the opposite player and it mostly happens when the lag is too high. But, the problem is users with lag 30, which is very good also see this error repeatedly. The cause of the prediction error can be on the user-end as well as an issue with the server. If the problem is with the servers, there is nothing you can do, but if the problem is on your end, a little tweak here and there may make a difference. Here is how to fix the error in Apex Legends.
While you may feel that your internet connection is fine, even a brief spike in lag may cause the game to display the Apex Legends Prediction Error. So, the first thing you must do is ensure that the problem is not with your internet connection. The best way to experience online and battle royale games are via wired cable internet. If the issue still occurs after troubleshooting your connection, here are some other things you can do to fix the Prediction error.
Problem with the servers
If this is the first time you are seeing the error, it’s likely caused by a glitch on the server end. If the error appears too often, quit the game and choose to play some other time. However, if the issue has been happening day after day, the problem may be something else.
Reset your network hardware
Often times when the router or modem has been running for a long time it can store redundant data or the cache may be corrupt, which can cause issues such as lag. A simple reset of the network hardware does the trick to fix the problem. So, regardless of your device, reboot or reset the network hardware.
Play the game using a VPN
Choose to play the game using a VPN, but don’t just go with any VPN or there will be massive lag and the prediction error will be more frequent. A reliable VPN service should cause minimum lag. Few players on Reddit have confirmed that using a VPN to play the game fixed the error for them. If you ask us, ExpressVPN is one of the best VPNs for gaming and it has a free plan so you can check if the solution works using the free plan.
Change Power Settings to Best performance
A user on the EA forum has suggested that setting the power option to Best Performance fixed the lag permanently for him and the Apex Legend Predication error. It could work for you as well. If there is a lack of power supply to the GPU or CPU, it can be the cause of lag and the error.
That’s all we have in this guide, we will update the post when we know more. Meanwhile, if there is something that helped you fix the error or you have a suggestion for other users, share them in the comments.
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02 Aug 2021 9:07 AM +00:00 UTC
I predict a riot. Or a solution to an irritating Apex Legends error.
A prediction error isn’t just what happens when you visit a clairvoyant, it’s also something that can interfere with a game of Apex Legends. In this article. we’ll take a look at what it is, and what, if anything you can do about it. So if you have been suffering from prediction errors, then this article is one for you.
How to fix Apex Legends Prediction Error
You’ll know you’ve encountered a prediction error when you see a symbol that consists of two parallel dotted lines. A prediction error is usually a server side error. This means that you have limited influence in fixing the problem. But there are a few steps worth trying before giving up:
- The first thing to do is check the server status. You can do this be clicking the server status button on this page. If the servers are down, then you’ll need to wait for that to be resolved before you can do anything else. You can go to EA Help on Twitter for further information.
- Assuming there is no issue with the server, the next thing to try is rebooting your router.
- If you’re playing on a console, it’s also worth doing a power cycle of your Xbox or PlayStation.
- You can try other basic internet connectivity troubleshooting — try a wired connection, move your device or your router so they are closer to one another, and run a speed test to check how quick and stable your connection is.
- It’s also worth making sure your device and your game don’t have any updates pending. If they do, perform the updates, then try again.
- If you’re on an Xbox, you can also check the Xbox server status, by going here.
- Likewise on a PlayStation, you can check the Playstation Network here.
Even if you do try all these remedies, you may well be wondering what a prediction error actually is. We’ll cover that next.
Read More: Apex Legends Error Code 30005: How to fix CreateFile failed with 32 error
What is Apex Legends Prediction Error?
A prediction error, as we mentioned earlier, is usually caused by a problem on the server, rather than with your home internet. When you’re playing, the game will try to predict movements by other players, so it can show you these movements more quickly.
But if they fail to predict the movement correctly, this can lead to the prediction error arising. And it’s for this reason, that you are limited to what you can do about it. Generally, it won’t be caused by your internet connection. But it’s still worth trying the troubleshooting tips from above, just in case it does fix the issue.
Read More: Warzone vs Apex Legends player count: Which Battle Royale is more popular and has more players in 2021?
Many gamers are seeing a Prediction Error in Apex Legends. The error appears when a gamer is in the match and signifies something is wrong with their network. The issue is pretty common, and we are here with a remedy. In this post, we will discuss this issue and see what you can do if the game is unplayable.
Why do I keep getting Prediction errors in Apex Legends?
You can face the error in question if there is high latency or any problem related to the server. Server not being able to connect or having a bad Internet connection can also be the real culprit behind the Prediction error in Apex Legends. In this post, we will talk about solutions to all the reasons for this issue.
If you see a Prediction error in Apex Legends, follow these solutions to resolve the issue.
- Check the status server
- Check the Internet connection
- Restart your Router
- Use a VPN client
- Replace your modem
- Allow Apex Legend through Firewall
- Try High-Performance Mode
Let’s start with the first solution.
1] Check the status server
Checking the server’s status should be your first step when dealing with Prediction errors in Apex Legends. This is an excellent way to determine whether the issue is because of the server or the client. If that’s the case, all we can do is wait for the developers to address the problem. To know the server status, use any of the services on this list.
2] Check the Internet connection
You can also make sure that Apex Legends is receiving a steady network connection, as failing to do so will prevent you from connecting to the server, and hence the said error. To check the Internet bandwidth, you can use the Internet Speed Tester and ensure that’s not the cause of the error.
In case, your computer is not getting abundant bandwidth, run the same tool on another system connected to the same network and check how well it responds. If the issue is exhaustive to your system only, check this post to fix the slow Internet. In case, it’s a network problem, restart your router (steps mentioned after this), and if that doesn’t work, contact your ISP.
3] Restart your Router
You may resolve the network issue by restarting as it can help fix your Internet. To restart your Router, follow the instruction provided.
- Turn off your Router.
- Now, remove the power cord and wait for a minute.
- Connect all the cables.
- Restart your Router and launch the game to see whether the issue persists or not.
If you are still seeing the error message, then try the next solution.
4] Use a VPN Client
You should use a VPN client and see whether you can connect to the server easily. It is recommended as utilizing a secure VPN seems to correct the error message by improving the connection. There are various VPN apps, we would recommend you try the free ones first, and if it worked for you, you can invest in some paid VPNs.
5] Replace your modem
An old and no longer correctly functioning Router can also be the real cause of the Prediction error message in your game. If that’s the case, then the only thing you can do is to change your Router and get a new one. Hopefully, this will solve the issue, but if it doesn’t, try the next solution.
6] Allow Apex Legends through Firewall
If none of the abovementioned approaches worked, try enabling Apex Legends through your firewall. To allow Apex Legends through Firewall, try the following steps.
- Open Windows security and click on Firewall and Network Protection tab.
- Select Allow an app through firewall.
- Click on the Change Settings button and allow Apex Legends through both public and private networks.
- If you can’t find the app on the list, Allow another app > Browse, go to the location where you installed the app, which usually is “C:Program Files (x86)Apex LegendsLauncherPortalBinariesWin32″, and add its exe file.
- Allow it through both networks.
Open Apex Legends and try playing the game. Fingers crossed that this time you won’t see the error message. If you have a third-party antivirus, make to whitelist Apex Legends.
7] Try High-Performance Mode
For some users, switching to High-Performance Mode has worked. And it is pretty obvious from the name itself that High-Performance Mode is better if you are playing a powerful game such as the one in question. Just switch to High or Ultimate Performance Mode and see if it helps.
Hopefully, you can resolve the issue with these solutions.
Read: Fix Apex Legends Out of sync with server
How do I fix Packet loss in Apex Legends?
Packet Loss is a network issue, You should restart your computer, console, and Internet as packet loss in Apex Legends is caused mostly due to malfunctioning network gear, clogged internet, or server problem. Also, you can try the solutions mentioned in this post to fix the error.
Also Read: Fix Apex Legends won’t open on PC.