- 1. Что такое Communicator.exe?
- 2. Communicator.exe безопасный или это вирус или вредоносная программа?
- 3. Могу ли я удалить или удалить Communicator.exe?
- 4. Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в Communicator.exe
- 5. Как исправить Communicator.exe
- 6. Январь 2023 Обновление
- 7. Загрузите или переустановите Communicator.exe
Обновлено 2023 января: Вот три шага к использованию инструмента восстановления для устранения проблем с exe на вашем компьютере: Получите его по адресу эту ссылку
- Скачайте и установите это программное обеспечение.
- Просканируйте свой компьютер на наличие проблем с exe.
- Исправьте ошибки exe с помощью программного инструмента
Communicator.exe это исполняемый файл, который является частью HP Photo Creations Программа, разработанная Hewlett-Packard, Программное обеспечение обычно о 2.49 MB по размеру.
Расширение .exe имени файла отображает исполняемый файл. В некоторых случаях исполняемые файлы могут повредить ваш компьютер. Пожалуйста, прочитайте следующее, чтобы решить для себя, является ли Communicator.exe Файл на вашем компьютере — это вирус или троянский конь, который вы должны удалить, или это действительный файл операционной системы Windows или надежное приложение.
Рекомендуется: Выявление ошибок, связанных с Communicator.exe
(опциональное предложение для Reimage — Cайт | Лицензионное соглашение | Персональные данные | Удалить)
Communicator.exe безопасный или это вирус или вредоносная программа?
Первое, что поможет вам определить, является ли тот или иной файл законным процессом Windows или вирусом, это местоположение самого исполняемого файла. Например, такой процесс, как Communicator.exe, должен запускаться из C: Program Files hp photo creations photoproduct.exe, а не где-либо еще.
Для подтверждения откройте диспетчер задач, выберите «Просмотр» -> «Выбрать столбцы» и выберите «Имя пути к изображению», чтобы добавить столбец местоположения в диспетчер задач. Если вы обнаружите здесь подозрительный каталог, возможно, стоит дополнительно изучить этот процесс.
Еще один инструмент, который иногда может помочь вам обнаружить плохие процессы, — это Microsoft Process Explorer. Запустите программу (не требует установки) и активируйте «Проверить легенды» в разделе «Параметры». Теперь перейдите в View -> Select Columns и добавьте «Verified Signer» в качестве одного из столбцов.
Если статус процесса «Проверенная подписывающая сторона» указан как «Невозможно проверить», вам следует взглянуть на процесс. Не все хорошие процессы Windows имеют метку проверенной подписи, но ни один из плохих.
Наиболее важные факты о Communicator.exe:
- Находится в C: ProgramData HP Photo Creations вложенная;
- Издатель: Hewlett-Packard
- Полный путь: C: Program Files hp photo creations photoproduct.exe
- Файл справки: www.hp.com/support
- URL издателя: www.hp.com
- Известно, что до 2.49 MB по размеру на большинстве окон;
Если у вас возникли какие-либо трудности с этим исполняемым файлом, вы должны определить, заслуживает ли он доверия, перед удалением Communicator.exe. Для этого найдите этот процесс в диспетчере задач.
Найдите его местоположение (оно должно быть в C: ProgramData HP Photo Creations) и сравните размер и т. Д. С приведенными выше фактами.
Если вы подозреваете, что можете быть заражены вирусом, вы должны немедленно попытаться это исправить. Чтобы удалить вирус Communicator.exe, необходимо Загрузите и установите приложение полной безопасности, например Malwarebytes., Обратите внимание, что не все инструменты могут обнаружить все типы вредоносных программ, поэтому вам может потребоваться попробовать несколько вариантов, прежде чем вы добьетесь успеха.
Кроме того, функциональность вируса может сама влиять на удаление Communicator.exe. В этом случае вы должны включить Безопасный режим с загрузкой сетевых драйверов — безопасная среда, которая отключает большинство процессов и загружает только самые необходимые службы и драйверы. Когда вы можете запустить программу безопасности и полный анализ системы.
Могу ли я удалить или удалить Communicator.exe?
Не следует удалять безопасный исполняемый файл без уважительной причины, так как это может повлиять на производительность любых связанных программ, использующих этот файл. Не забывайте регулярно обновлять программное обеспечение и программы, чтобы избежать будущих проблем, вызванных поврежденными файлами. Что касается проблем с функциональностью программного обеспечения, проверяйте обновления драйверов и программного обеспечения чаще, чтобы избежать или вообще не возникало таких проблем.
Согласно различным источникам онлайн,
23% людей удаляют этот файл, поэтому он может быть безвредным, но рекомендуется проверить надежность этого исполняемого файла самостоятельно, чтобы определить, является ли он безопасным или вирусом. Лучшая диагностика для этих подозрительных файлов — полный системный анализ с Reimage, Если файл классифицируется как вредоносный, эти приложения также удаляют Communicator.exe и избавляются от связанных вредоносных программ.
Однако, если это не вирус, и вам нужно удалить Communicator.exe, вы можете удалить программу HP Photo Creations со своего компьютера с помощью программы удаления, которая должна находиться по адресу: C: Program Files HP Photo Creations uninst.exe , Если вы не можете найти его деинсталлятор, вам может потребоваться удалить программу HP Photo Creations, чтобы полностью удалить Communicator.exe. Вы можете использовать функцию «Установка и удаление программ» на панели управления Windows.
- 1. в Меню Пуск (для Windows 8 щелкните правой кнопкой мыши в нижнем левом углу экрана), нажмите Панель управления, а затем под Программы:
o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удаление программы.
o Windows XP: нажмите Установка и удаление программ.
- 2. Когда вы найдете программу HP Photo Creationsщелкните по нему, а затем:
o Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10: нажмите Удалить.
o Windows XP: нажмите Удалить or Изменить / Удалить вкладка (справа от программы).
- 3. Следуйте инструкциям по удалению HP Photo Creations.
Распространенные сообщения об ошибках в Communicator.exe
Наиболее распространенные ошибки Communicator.exe, которые могут возникнуть:
• «Ошибка приложения Communicator.exe».
• «Ошибка программы Communicator.exe».
• «Возникла ошибка в приложении Communicator.exe. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства».
• «Communicator.exe не является допустимым приложением Win32».
• «Communicator.exe не запущен».
• «Communicator.exe не найден».
• «Не удается найти Communicator.exe».
• «Ошибка запуска программы: Communicator.exe».
• «Неверный путь к приложению: Communicator.exe».
Эти сообщения об ошибках .exe могут появляться во время установки программы, во время выполнения связанной с ней программы, HP Photo Creations, при запуске или завершении работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. Отслеживание момента появления ошибки Communicator.exe является важной информацией, когда дело доходит до устранения неполадок.
Как исправить Communicator.exe
Аккуратный и опрятный компьютер — это один из лучших способов избежать проблем с HP Photo Creations. Это означает выполнение сканирования на наличие вредоносных программ, очистку жесткого диска cleanmgr и ПФС / SCANNOWудаление ненужных программ, мониторинг любых автозапускаемых программ (с помощью msconfig) и включение автоматических обновлений Windows. Не забывайте всегда делать регулярные резервные копии или хотя бы определять точки восстановления.
Если у вас возникла более серьезная проблема, постарайтесь запомнить последнее, что вы сделали, или последнее, что вы установили перед проблемой. Использовать resmon Команда для определения процессов, вызывающих вашу проблему. Даже в случае серьезных проблем вместо переустановки Windows вы должны попытаться восстановить вашу установку или, в случае Windows 8, выполнив команду DISM.exe / Online / Очистка-изображение / Восстановить здоровье, Это позволяет восстановить операционную систему без потери данных.
Чтобы помочь вам проанализировать процесс Communicator.exe на вашем компьютере, вам могут пригодиться следующие программы: Менеджер задач безопасности отображает все запущенные задачи Windows, включая встроенные скрытые процессы, такие как мониторинг клавиатуры и браузера или записи автозапуска. Единый рейтинг риска безопасности указывает на вероятность того, что это шпионское ПО, вредоносное ПО или потенциальный троянский конь. Это антивирус обнаруживает и удаляет со своего жесткого диска шпионское и рекламное ПО, трояны, кейлоггеры, вредоносное ПО и трекеры.
Обновлено в январе 2023 г .:
Мы рекомендуем вам попробовать это новое программное обеспечение, которое исправляет компьютерные ошибки, защищает их от вредоносных программ и оптимизирует производительность вашего ПК. Этот новый инструмент исправляет широкий спектр компьютерных ошибок, защищает от таких вещей, как потеря файлов, вредоносное ПО и сбои оборудования.
- Шаг 1: Скачать PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista — Microsoft Gold Certified).
- Шаг 2: Нажмите «Начать сканирование”, Чтобы найти проблемы реестра Windows, которые могут вызывать проблемы с ПК.
- Шаг 3: Нажмите «Починить все», Чтобы исправить все проблемы.
(опциональное предложение для Reimage — Cайт | Лицензионное соглашение | Персональные данные | Удалить)
Загрузите или переустановите Communicator.exe
Вход в музей Мадам Тюссо не рекомендуется загружать заменяемые exe-файлы с любых сайтов загрузки, так как они могут содержать вирусы и т. д. Если вам нужно скачать или переустановить Communicator.exe, мы рекомендуем переустановить основное приложение, связанное с ним. HP Photo Creations.
Информация об операционной системе
Ошибки Communicator.exe могут появляться в любых из нижеперечисленных операционных систем Microsoft Windows:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows 2000
Most of our XP users are experiencing this. It’s necessary to click End Now to kill the process.
When Outlook 2007 starts on the next boot it complains about the data file not being closed properly.
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OCS Forum Support [MSFT]
Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:03 PM
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Answered in another thread.
All replies
I saw this before when using older beta versions of MOC 2007.
Can you verify what version of MOC you are using? It should match your server version. The public beta version is 6090.
Yes. 6090 is the build I’m using.
Hi Nori,
I have been trying to get some more help on this, but have not been able to yet. Can you give a status of your situation? Have you tried reinstalling communicator? What version of Outlook are you using?
We’re using Outlook 2007. This is happening on newly built laptops so I doubt a reinstall will make any difference.
Are you able to upgrade to RTM?
Answered in another thread.
Same situation here.
Have a mixed deployment of Outlook 2003 / 2007, all OSes are Windows XP SP2 on a domain.
It’s somewhat annoying since Communicator doesn’t auto exit properly all the time; and that stops the logoff process. That leaves user’s account wide open with no password-protected screensaver, and blocks updating of roaming profiles.
It’s pretty easy to repeat the scenario. Just have the following opened: Outlook, a Sharepoint site, and Communicator 2007. All should have been signed in with same credential. Then try logging off your Windows account and you’ll see Communicator 2007 cannot quit itself. It will sign off, but cannot end the process. Somehow it’s locked with Outlook/Sharepoint site until Outlook and Sharepoint are exited.
That «minor» issue and lack of support for Mac Messenger 6.0.3 are factors of why we are still on an evaluation phase for this product. Searching for archived messages on the OCS 2007 isn’t convenient too.
We are experiencing this problem as well. We have Office 2007 and Office Communicator 2007 deployed to about 900 users and most users get the Communicator.exe hanging on the shutdown problem. This is not only an application issue but also a security issue since some users walk away not noticing the hang problem and leave their pc’s vulnerable.
We get this problem without a Sharepoint site being involved at all.
We consider this a «major» issue as well as a security threat.
We’ve applied this OCS 2007 hotfix and still have the problem: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=1ad57f8f-78f7-45f6-a8c0-805936f46645&displaylang=en
I have the same problem and also notice that i cannot exit the communicator if the outlook is open. Sometime when I logout of my pc communicator logs out automatically but most often it hangs.
Nori said this was answered on another thread, can we get the link of that tread?
We recently upgraded over 900 users from Office Communicator 2005 to 2007. After the upgrade to the new version of Communicator 2007, some users began experiencing the following problem: When shutting down their PC at night (either Shutdown or Restart) the Communicator.exe program hangs. So if the user walks away after shutting down…the machine will just hang there. This can leave the machine unprotected since the screen saver never kicks in. We are attempting to resolve this issue but at this point, no resolution has been found.
We give users the following two options as a workaround:
- When you attempt to shut down your machine and then get the message that communicator.exe is still running, just click the End Now button. Your machine should shut down correctly after that.
- Before you shut down your machine, right click on the Communicator Icon (in the system tray in the lower right corner of your machine) and choose Exit. Then shut down your machine.
We’ve discovered that an Office Communicator Hotfix was released on 12/17/2007. The hotfix alone doesn’t solve the Hang problem. Next, we tried this one other setting* but the problem persists.
*In connection with the hotfix, we tested that if this checkbox (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Colleague Import Add-in) is unchecked in the COM Add-Ins section of the Outlook Trust Center, the Communicator Hang problem might go away. We found that this did not solve the problem.
Are you aware of this issue or any possible solution? Can you direct this issue to someone who can help?
This comment on the blog represents our problem well:
It’s somewhat annoying since Communicator doesn’t auto exit properly all the time; and that stops the logoff process. That leaves user’s account wide open with no password-protected screensaver.
Thanks for your time. -KDOT R
We’re still seeing this even with the December hotfix. People get really annoyed when they have to check their OST file as a result of ending communicator.exe abnormally. Checking 2-4GB mailboxes can take a while
Although it seems our Vista users aren’t experiencing this. But I’ll have to investigate further.
The MS Outlook team states that the ost file (your Exchange cache) can get the “dirty flag” set to where it will never clear and that can cause the shutdown hang. The solution they want us to try first is to clear the ost file and let Outlook build a new one. First step is to shutdown Outlook. Just to be sure, hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and click on Task Manager, then on the Processes tab, click on image name to sort alphabetically and look for Outlook.exe. If it’s not there, great. If it is, right click it and select End Process. You should get a verification dialog and after you click OK on that, you shouldn’t see Outlook.exe in the process list any more.
Then navigate to C:Documents and Settings[userid]Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook and delete any files with the ost extension that you find. After the files are deleted, start Outlook and it will build a new ost file. Then keep an eye out and see if you still get the hang.
We are testing another solution to this problem:
We noticed the following error in the Application Event Viewer any time a machine would hang at shutdown:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1517
Date: 1/15/2008
Time: 8:21:30 AM
Computer: CN99999
Windows saved user [username] registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user’s registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.
This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
So we searched on the error and found the following article:
Which points users in the direction of this UPHClean utility:
The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when using Roaming User Profiles in a server environment or when using locked profiles as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.
We are now testing whether this UPHClean service will prevent Communicator from hanging on shutdown.
I’ve seen the same problem. The problem occurs regardless of whether the UPHClean has been installed or not.
We are having this issue as well. Has anyone found a reliable solution to this? We’ve determined that communicator doesn’t begin hanging until the user has built an outlook profile. If they haven’t run outlook previously, there don’t appear to be any problems.
We too have this problem. With identical systems, 95% of the users do not have an issue. For some reason,there are a few that do. We have patched Office with the latest update, which did resolve it for the majority of users, but there is still a remaining 5% who experience this issue.
I can confirm that I have witnessed this behaviour starting AFTER outlook was run for the first time.
I also noticed that the issue was resolved for one user when an OUTLOOK update was installed.
A bit more information as well, I have noticed the problem occurs more often when a laptop user is using a wireless connection.
We were never able to figure out exactly what the issue was. The workaround I’m currently using is setting AutoEndTasks to 1 instead of 0 in HKCUControl PanelDesktop. This will at least kill the app and log off the user rather than leave their computer sitting at a prompt to end the task. Hope this helps.
Code Snippet
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]
«AutoEndTasks»=»1» -
We also have a lot of these problems!
I think this might be related to Outlook 2007’s useless and buggy handling of PST-files, thus making the cache «dirty» (as stated above). Maybe you Communicator folks could try detect a shutdown and make Communicator shut down before outlook tries it, instead of blaming another team?
This happen at almost ALL our client installs. I sometimes wonder if Microsoft test their products at all.
Can you please fix it?
I’m currently trying to do the same. However I want to deploy it using the same GPO I used to deploy MOC. I tried to create an ADM file to modify the registry key, but I haven’t succeeded so far. Here is the content of my file:
KEYNAME «Control PanelDesktop»
POLICY «KillPol»
Does anyone has any idea on how to make it work? -
We to have several users experiencing the Office Communicator 2007 client hanging at shutdown. However; we also experience this on a Windows 2003 R2 Terminal Server where the Outlook Cache and PST files are blocked from being used in Outlook 2007. It does appear to be related as to whether they open Outlook, but it looks at this point if the user waits ~ 30 seconds after closing Outlook 2007, then attempts to logoff, Communicator closes correctly. Even though the Outlook Executable does not appear as a running process, you still need to wait at a few more seconds before attempting to logoff. I think this points to something else going on in the background with Outlook and Communicator.
We are running the latest version of Office Communicator 2007 — 2.0.6362.111 on all systems and still have reports of the problem. Hope this helps fix this bug.
same here. Office 2007 with SP1, Communicator 2007 x.111 (december 2008) and still have Communicaor hanging on log off. I imagine the reg setting is a work around, but it does cause the Outlook .ost rebuild on next logon.
I can confirm it doesn’t happen for our Vista users, and UPH Clean doesn’t fix it for XP.
I am running Windows Vista Business x86 with MOC 2007 R2 (build 3.5.6907.0). No issue with hang on shutdown or reboot. Though we are experincing this issue with our Widnows XP with SP3 users. Even with a fresh build of the OS. All users including my self are running Outlook 2003 (build 11.8217.8221) SP3.
I do not think that the PST or OST has anything to do with it as our fresh Widnows XP with SP3 builds have the same issue where no user profiles have been created.
Niles -
We have the same issue on all of our XP machines. We are running MOC 2007 R2 and Office 2003. Communicator fails to close and end task is pressed on restart. This keeps outlook’s ost file open and causes a lengthy rebuild upon restart. This is a long outstanding issue and is a major BUG with MOC. Auto closing the application does not resolve the outlook ost rebuild.
On a Vista machine, communicator does not give me the error that it can’t close, however outlook 2007 does require a rebuild.
Does Microsoft read these posts? If you find a fix, please post the solution.
I was at microsoft when this issue first surfaced ( I had the first case). The customer was a fortune 500 company but the issue only occurred with certain Outlook versions (W2K3 if i remember correctly). I worked closely with the UC debug engineer collecting and analyzing the MOC dump files in different configurations. the end result of this was the hotfix…but the workaround to disable the beforementioned Outlook add-in came from that case also.
But part of this is user education also. Understand that Communicator has open handles to Outlook for a reason (outlook integration is «turned on» by default (it can be disabled in the registry)) and (unfortunately!) and it will not always exit gracefully unless Outlook is closed first. Think of the nice presence status icons in your e-mail messages. If MOC is logged out then Outlook cannot grab this presence information and make it available to you.
Think of it as a service dependency if you like. I would be very surprised to see this issue occurr if Outlook is properly closed first.
<turn on rant>
And for the situation where someone is logging out of their account with Outlook, Sharepoint, and MOC running, that’s just a bad idea all around. Users need to understand (and accept) the consequences of data corruption when they pull stunts like that, especially with network connected applications!
<turn off rant>For those that have applied the hotfix and are still seeing the issue and don’t want to or feel like they should have to <(;-)> educate their users then install userdump.exe and configure it to capture communicator.exe. Grab the dump file and open a case with microsoft. If enough people open cases and submit dumps files then something will be done…conversely if one customer with enough effected seats opens a <premier> case chances are things will get done also. Microsoft is its own closed little world and many of the guys there have never been «out in the trenches»….so sometimes you have to shake the tree a little and get their attention.
Vic Rozumny mcse
AT&T -
lol too funny. scott sat two seats down from me at microsoft charlotte. he is the one I worked with on this issue. Super funny guy. Does stand-up comedy on the side.
Vic Rozumny mcse
AT&T -
Think of it as a service dependency if you like. I would be very surprised to see this issue occurr if Outlook is properly closed first.
<turn on rant>
And for the situation where someone is logging out of their account with Outlook, Sharepoint, and MOC running, that’s just a bad idea all around. Users need to understand (and accept) the consequences of data corruption when they pull stunts like that, especially with network connected applications!
<turn off rant>Heck, I agree with you. I actually DO TRY close out Outlook consistently before logging out (some of my co-workers think I’m a little odd because I do this.) Despite this, I still get the issue. It’s frustrating, since I’m frequently working remotely, and this often results in my being unable to access my box at work.
Just occurred to me. I had shut down Outlook, THEN logged off the computer. When I tried to TS in again from home, Communicator.exe was hung.
GRRRR.Even better, it feels like my employer won’t open a ticket with unless something is actually happening to the system administrators. Since I’m only a lowly analyst/developer, I’m on my own.
</rant> <!— you’re not the only one who does that!!!! —> -
Hello all,
For what it’s worth, here is my collection of my testing thus far — tested with Microsoft XP, office/outlook 2007, Communicator 2007 R2 3.5.6907
* The following results in this error/issue only — otherwise it is fine:
— if outlook is not configured to a user account
— if outlook account is not configured in the communicator
— if AutoEndTasks»=»0″ (Disabled) — see below for details* Workarounds for now are:
— manually click on the communicator in the system tray and select exit or
— end process tree on communicator.exe — manaully or via script or— Enable AutoEndTasks=»1″ (do this before installing outlook and/or communicator as a reboot is needed for it to take effect)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]
The legacy version did not do this before — so what has changed — is there an initial launching method configuration that can be adjusted — i know that this can be done by temporarily setting the outlook connection option, but unfortunately im not allowed to alter the configuration from the standard — but adding extra ones without impact standard config and use is ok — does anyone else know of any other tips and/or tricks?-
Edited by
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:12 PM
Edited by
I’ve also seen that if you exit Outlook, and then Re-Open Outlook, you are no longer able to view Personal Folders (PST-files) if they are loaded from an UNC share.
The solution to this is to first exit and then re-open communicator before opening outlook, because communicator seem to lock these pst-files.
A Quick update…
Communicator r2 has resolved the remaining shutdown issues in our office.
I have also noticed that this issue occurs more frequently if you install communicator BEFORE joining the domain.
It also seems to be an issue if the account used to install doesnt have domain admin rights. Installing from just the local admin account seems to increase the chances of a later shutdown issue for other users. -
Nori, instead of just typing, «Answered in another thread.», how about being more helpful and directing us to that thread?
I mean, either give us a link to the thread, or the title to the other thread.
P.S. I did search for this other elusive thread and I couldn’t find it.
We are still facing this issue. We have Office Communication Server 2007 R2 installed with Office Communicator 2007 R2. We have mix of Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007.
On Outlook 2003 Machine the communicator hangs on shutdown and finally starts the end program window killing the communicator process.
OS is Windows XP SP2
Outlook version is Outlook 2003 (11.8206.8202) SP3
and Communicator is 2007 R2 Version 3.5.6907.0OnOutlook 2007 machine, it takes more than 2-3 minutes to shutdown.
OS is Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
Outlook version is Outlook 2007 (12.0.6504.5000) SP2 MSO (12.0.6425.1000)Please let us know if any resolution has been found for this issue.
Laxmi. -
We are in the midst of a Pilot deployment and we are seeing this problem. We are running OCS 2007 R2 in a Consolidated Enterprise deployment. The front-end servers are load balanced with an F5. The clients are a mix of Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 workstations. I just started troubleshooting this problem. I intend to use the post from this forum, a few workstations known to have this problem and a call to Microsoft to attempt resolution. I will reply to this thread if/as I make progress.
A solution that actually works — upgrade to this version of Outlook 2007.
Not documented as a fix to this problem, but it does fix the communicator issue.
Accepting hugs and high-fives if not vast sums of money…
Answered in another thread.
What is the other thread? How could anyone possibly mark this as a correct answer when there is no actual solution given? I have searched the forums and cannot find another thread mentioning this issue.
Edited by
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:36 AM
Edited by
Anyone have a fix for this from Microsoft that specifically addresses the «End Now» hang at log off in
Lync 2010? We’re using Lync 2010 and I don’t want to have some sort of failure / mix-up with versions of communicator.exe between Office Communicator 2007 and Lync 2010. If there is a solid fix for
Lync 2010 please let me know — unless of course Office Comm and Lync are they exact same product… and in that case — excuse my confusionand thanks in advance! I’ve read the messages here and as far as I can tell
— our situation is the same — we use Outlook integration and somehow the communicator.exe hang is related to outlook. I don’t want to run around updating registy settings if I can help it.System:Windows XP SP3 | Office 2007 SP2 | Lync 2010
Issue: Communicator.exe hang at log off — restart — shutdown
Most of our XP users are experiencing this. It’s necessary to click End Now to kill the process.
When Outlook 2007 starts on the next boot it complains about the data file not being closed properly.
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OCS Forum Support [MSFT]
Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:03 PM
forum migration (From:OC Setup & Deployment)
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Answered in another thread.
All replies
I saw this before when using older beta versions of MOC 2007.
Can you verify what version of MOC you are using? It should match your server version. The public beta version is 6090.
Yes. 6090 is the build I’m using.
Hi Nori,
I have been trying to get some more help on this, but have not been able to yet. Can you give a status of your situation? Have you tried reinstalling communicator? What version of Outlook are you using?
We’re using Outlook 2007. This is happening on newly built laptops so I doubt a reinstall will make any difference.
Are you able to upgrade to RTM?
Answered in another thread.
Same situation here.
Have a mixed deployment of Outlook 2003 / 2007, all OSes are Windows XP SP2 on a domain.
It’s somewhat annoying since Communicator doesn’t auto exit properly all the time; and that stops the logoff process. That leaves user’s account wide open with no password-protected screensaver, and blocks updating of roaming profiles.
It’s pretty easy to repeat the scenario. Just have the following opened: Outlook, a Sharepoint site, and Communicator 2007. All should have been signed in with same credential. Then try logging off your Windows account and you’ll see Communicator 2007 cannot quit itself. It will sign off, but cannot end the process. Somehow it’s locked with Outlook/Sharepoint site until Outlook and Sharepoint are exited.
That «minor» issue and lack of support for Mac Messenger 6.0.3 are factors of why we are still on an evaluation phase for this product. Searching for archived messages on the OCS 2007 isn’t convenient too.
We are experiencing this problem as well. We have Office 2007 and Office Communicator 2007 deployed to about 900 users and most users get the Communicator.exe hanging on the shutdown problem. This is not only an application issue but also a security issue since some users walk away not noticing the hang problem and leave their pc’s vulnerable.
We get this problem without a Sharepoint site being involved at all.
We consider this a «major» issue as well as a security threat.
We’ve applied this OCS 2007 hotfix and still have the problem: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=1ad57f8f-78f7-45f6-a8c0-805936f46645&displaylang=en
I have the same problem and also notice that i cannot exit the communicator if the outlook is open. Sometime when I logout of my pc communicator logs out automatically but most often it hangs.
Nori said this was answered on another thread, can we get the link of that tread?
We recently upgraded over 900 users from Office Communicator 2005 to 2007. After the upgrade to the new version of Communicator 2007, some users began experiencing the following problem: When shutting down their PC at night (either Shutdown or Restart) the Communicator.exe program hangs. So if the user walks away after shutting down…the machine will just hang there. This can leave the machine unprotected since the screen saver never kicks in. We are attempting to resolve this issue but at this point, no resolution has been found.
We give users the following two options as a workaround:
- When you attempt to shut down your machine and then get the message that communicator.exe is still running, just click the End Now button. Your machine should shut down correctly after that.
- Before you shut down your machine, right click on the Communicator Icon (in the system tray in the lower right corner of your machine) and choose Exit. Then shut down your machine.
We’ve discovered that an Office Communicator Hotfix was released on 12/17/2007. The hotfix alone doesn’t solve the Hang problem. Next, we tried this one other setting* but the problem persists.
*In connection with the hotfix, we tested that if this checkbox (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Colleague Import Add-in) is unchecked in the COM Add-Ins section of the Outlook Trust Center, the Communicator Hang problem might go away. We found that this did not solve the problem.
Are you aware of this issue or any possible solution? Can you direct this issue to someone who can help?
This comment on the blog represents our problem well:
It’s somewhat annoying since Communicator doesn’t auto exit properly all the time; and that stops the logoff process. That leaves user’s account wide open with no password-protected screensaver.
Thanks for your time. -KDOT R
We’re still seeing this even with the December hotfix. People get really annoyed when they have to check their OST file as a result of ending communicator.exe abnormally. Checking 2-4GB mailboxes can take a while
Although it seems our Vista users aren’t experiencing this. But I’ll have to investigate further.
The MS Outlook team states that the ost file (your Exchange cache) can get the “dirty flag” set to where it will never clear and that can cause the shutdown hang. The solution they want us to try first is to clear the ost file and let Outlook build a new one. First step is to shutdown Outlook. Just to be sure, hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and click on Task Manager, then on the Processes tab, click on image name to sort alphabetically and look for Outlook.exe. If it’s not there, great. If it is, right click it and select End Process. You should get a verification dialog and after you click OK on that, you shouldn’t see Outlook.exe in the process list any more.
Then navigate to C:Documents and Settings[userid]Local SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook and delete any files with the ost extension that you find. After the files are deleted, start Outlook and it will build a new ost file. Then keep an eye out and see if you still get the hang.
We are testing another solution to this problem:
We noticed the following error in the Application Event Viewer any time a machine would hang at shutdown:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Userenv
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1517
Date: 1/15/2008
Time: 8:21:30 AM
Computer: CN99999
Windows saved user [username] registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user’s registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.
This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
So we searched on the error and found the following article:
Which points users in the direction of this UPHClean utility:
The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when using Roaming User Profiles in a server environment or when using locked profiles as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.
We are now testing whether this UPHClean service will prevent Communicator from hanging on shutdown.
I’ve seen the same problem. The problem occurs regardless of whether the UPHClean has been installed or not.
We are having this issue as well. Has anyone found a reliable solution to this? We’ve determined that communicator doesn’t begin hanging until the user has built an outlook profile. If they haven’t run outlook previously, there don’t appear to be any problems.
We too have this problem. With identical systems, 95% of the users do not have an issue. For some reason,there are a few that do. We have patched Office with the latest update, which did resolve it for the majority of users, but there is still a remaining 5% who experience this issue.
I can confirm that I have witnessed this behaviour starting AFTER outlook was run for the first time.
I also noticed that the issue was resolved for one user when an OUTLOOK update was installed.
A bit more information as well, I have noticed the problem occurs more often when a laptop user is using a wireless connection.
We were never able to figure out exactly what the issue was. The workaround I’m currently using is setting AutoEndTasks to 1 instead of 0 in HKCUControl PanelDesktop. This will at least kill the app and log off the user rather than leave their computer sitting at a prompt to end the task. Hope this helps.
Code Snippet
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]
«AutoEndTasks»=»1» -
We also have a lot of these problems!
I think this might be related to Outlook 2007’s useless and buggy handling of PST-files, thus making the cache «dirty» (as stated above). Maybe you Communicator folks could try detect a shutdown and make Communicator shut down before outlook tries it, instead of blaming another team?
This happen at almost ALL our client installs. I sometimes wonder if Microsoft test their products at all.
Can you please fix it?
I’m currently trying to do the same. However I want to deploy it using the same GPO I used to deploy MOC. I tried to create an ADM file to modify the registry key, but I haven’t succeeded so far. Here is the content of my file:
KEYNAME «Control PanelDesktop»
POLICY «KillPol»
Does anyone has any idea on how to make it work? -
We to have several users experiencing the Office Communicator 2007 client hanging at shutdown. However; we also experience this on a Windows 2003 R2 Terminal Server where the Outlook Cache and PST files are blocked from being used in Outlook 2007. It does appear to be related as to whether they open Outlook, but it looks at this point if the user waits ~ 30 seconds after closing Outlook 2007, then attempts to logoff, Communicator closes correctly. Even though the Outlook Executable does not appear as a running process, you still need to wait at a few more seconds before attempting to logoff. I think this points to something else going on in the background with Outlook and Communicator.
We are running the latest version of Office Communicator 2007 — 2.0.6362.111 on all systems and still have reports of the problem. Hope this helps fix this bug.
same here. Office 2007 with SP1, Communicator 2007 x.111 (december 2008) and still have Communicaor hanging on log off. I imagine the reg setting is a work around, but it does cause the Outlook .ost rebuild on next logon.
I can confirm it doesn’t happen for our Vista users, and UPH Clean doesn’t fix it for XP.
I am running Windows Vista Business x86 with MOC 2007 R2 (build 3.5.6907.0). No issue with hang on shutdown or reboot. Though we are experincing this issue with our Widnows XP with SP3 users. Even with a fresh build of the OS. All users including my self are running Outlook 2003 (build 11.8217.8221) SP3.
I do not think that the PST or OST has anything to do with it as our fresh Widnows XP with SP3 builds have the same issue where no user profiles have been created.
Niles -
We have the same issue on all of our XP machines. We are running MOC 2007 R2 and Office 2003. Communicator fails to close and end task is pressed on restart. This keeps outlook’s ost file open and causes a lengthy rebuild upon restart. This is a long outstanding issue and is a major BUG with MOC. Auto closing the application does not resolve the outlook ost rebuild.
On a Vista machine, communicator does not give me the error that it can’t close, however outlook 2007 does require a rebuild.
Does Microsoft read these posts? If you find a fix, please post the solution.
I was at microsoft when this issue first surfaced ( I had the first case). The customer was a fortune 500 company but the issue only occurred with certain Outlook versions (W2K3 if i remember correctly). I worked closely with the UC debug engineer collecting and analyzing the MOC dump files in different configurations. the end result of this was the hotfix…but the workaround to disable the beforementioned Outlook add-in came from that case also.
But part of this is user education also. Understand that Communicator has open handles to Outlook for a reason (outlook integration is «turned on» by default (it can be disabled in the registry)) and (unfortunately!) and it will not always exit gracefully unless Outlook is closed first. Think of the nice presence status icons in your e-mail messages. If MOC is logged out then Outlook cannot grab this presence information and make it available to you.
Think of it as a service dependency if you like. I would be very surprised to see this issue occurr if Outlook is properly closed first.
<turn on rant>
And for the situation where someone is logging out of their account with Outlook, Sharepoint, and MOC running, that’s just a bad idea all around. Users need to understand (and accept) the consequences of data corruption when they pull stunts like that, especially with network connected applications!
<turn off rant>For those that have applied the hotfix and are still seeing the issue and don’t want to or feel like they should have to <(;-)> educate their users then install userdump.exe and configure it to capture communicator.exe. Grab the dump file and open a case with microsoft. If enough people open cases and submit dumps files then something will be done…conversely if one customer with enough effected seats opens a <premier> case chances are things will get done also. Microsoft is its own closed little world and many of the guys there have never been «out in the trenches»….so sometimes you have to shake the tree a little and get their attention.
Vic Rozumny mcse
AT&T -
lol too funny. scott sat two seats down from me at microsoft charlotte. he is the one I worked with on this issue. Super funny guy. Does stand-up comedy on the side.
Vic Rozumny mcse
AT&T -
Think of it as a service dependency if you like. I would be very surprised to see this issue occurr if Outlook is properly closed first.
<turn on rant>
And for the situation where someone is logging out of their account with Outlook, Sharepoint, and MOC running, that’s just a bad idea all around. Users need to understand (and accept) the consequences of data corruption when they pull stunts like that, especially with network connected applications!
<turn off rant>Heck, I agree with you. I actually DO TRY close out Outlook consistently before logging out (some of my co-workers think I’m a little odd because I do this.) Despite this, I still get the issue. It’s frustrating, since I’m frequently working remotely, and this often results in my being unable to access my box at work.
Just occurred to me. I had shut down Outlook, THEN logged off the computer. When I tried to TS in again from home, Communicator.exe was hung.
GRRRR.Even better, it feels like my employer won’t open a ticket with unless something is actually happening to the system administrators. Since I’m only a lowly analyst/developer, I’m on my own.
</rant> <!— you’re not the only one who does that!!!! —> -
Hello all,
For what it’s worth, here is my collection of my testing thus far — tested with Microsoft XP, office/outlook 2007, Communicator 2007 R2 3.5.6907
* The following results in this error/issue only — otherwise it is fine:
— if outlook is not configured to a user account
— if outlook account is not configured in the communicator
— if AutoEndTasks»=»0″ (Disabled) — see below for details* Workarounds for now are:
— manually click on the communicator in the system tray and select exit or
— end process tree on communicator.exe — manaully or via script or— Enable AutoEndTasks=»1″ (do this before installing outlook and/or communicator as a reboot is needed for it to take effect)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]
The legacy version did not do this before — so what has changed — is there an initial launching method configuration that can be adjusted — i know that this can be done by temporarily setting the outlook connection option, but unfortunately im not allowed to alter the configuration from the standard — but adding extra ones without impact standard config and use is ok — does anyone else know of any other tips and/or tricks?-
Edited by
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:12 PM
Edited by
I’ve also seen that if you exit Outlook, and then Re-Open Outlook, you are no longer able to view Personal Folders (PST-files) if they are loaded from an UNC share.
The solution to this is to first exit and then re-open communicator before opening outlook, because communicator seem to lock these pst-files.
A Quick update…
Communicator r2 has resolved the remaining shutdown issues in our office.
I have also noticed that this issue occurs more frequently if you install communicator BEFORE joining the domain.
It also seems to be an issue if the account used to install doesnt have domain admin rights. Installing from just the local admin account seems to increase the chances of a later shutdown issue for other users. -
Nori, instead of just typing, «Answered in another thread.», how about being more helpful and directing us to that thread?
I mean, either give us a link to the thread, or the title to the other thread.
P.S. I did search for this other elusive thread and I couldn’t find it.
We are still facing this issue. We have Office Communication Server 2007 R2 installed with Office Communicator 2007 R2. We have mix of Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007.
On Outlook 2003 Machine the communicator hangs on shutdown and finally starts the end program window killing the communicator process.
OS is Windows XP SP2
Outlook version is Outlook 2003 (11.8206.8202) SP3
and Communicator is 2007 R2 Version 3.5.6907.0OnOutlook 2007 machine, it takes more than 2-3 minutes to shutdown.
OS is Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
Outlook version is Outlook 2007 (12.0.6504.5000) SP2 MSO (12.0.6425.1000)Please let us know if any resolution has been found for this issue.
Laxmi. -
We are in the midst of a Pilot deployment and we are seeing this problem. We are running OCS 2007 R2 in a Consolidated Enterprise deployment. The front-end servers are load balanced with an F5. The clients are a mix of Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 workstations. I just started troubleshooting this problem. I intend to use the post from this forum, a few workstations known to have this problem and a call to Microsoft to attempt resolution. I will reply to this thread if/as I make progress.
A solution that actually works — upgrade to this version of Outlook 2007.
Not documented as a fix to this problem, but it does fix the communicator issue.
Accepting hugs and high-fives if not vast sums of money…
Answered in another thread.
What is the other thread? How could anyone possibly mark this as a correct answer when there is no actual solution given? I have searched the forums and cannot find another thread mentioning this issue.
Edited by
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:36 AM
Edited by
Anyone have a fix for this from Microsoft that specifically addresses the «End Now» hang at log off in
Lync 2010? We’re using Lync 2010 and I don’t want to have some sort of failure / mix-up with versions of communicator.exe between Office Communicator 2007 and Lync 2010. If there is a solid fix for
Lync 2010 please let me know — unless of course Office Comm and Lync are they exact same product… and in that case — excuse my confusionand thanks in advance! I’ve read the messages here and as far as I can tell
— our situation is the same — we use Outlook integration and somehow the communicator.exe hang is related to outlook. I don’t want to run around updating registy settings if I can help it.System:Windows XP SP3 | Office 2007 SP2 | Lync 2010
Issue: Communicator.exe hang at log off — restart — shutdown
Проблемы Netscape Communicator.exe обычно наблюдаются во время запуска программы Network Tools 2003 и обычно возникают в результате повреждения исполняемого файла или, в некоторых случаях, случайного или намеренного удаления вредоносным ПО. Большую часть проблем, связанных с данными файлами, можно решить посредством скачивания и установки последней версии файла EXE. Запуск сканирования реестра после замены файла, из-за которого возникает проблема, позволит очистить все недействительные файлы Netscape Communicator.exe, расширения файлов или другие ссылки на файлы, которые могли быть повреждены в результате заражения вредоносным ПО.
Исполнимые файлы с расширением файла EXE, также известны в качестве формата Windows Executable File. Ниже представлена наша база версий файлов Netscape Communicator.exe для большинства выпусков операционной системы Windows (включая %%os%%), где вы также можете их скачать. К сожалению, в настоящее время в нашей базе могут отсутствовать некоторые версии файлов Netscape Communicator.exe, но их можно запросить, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос). Если вы не нашли необходимую вам версию файла в нашей базе, представленной ниже, мы рекомендуем обратиться непосредственно к Next Step Publishing.
Поместите новый файл Netscape Communicator.exe на место предыдущего (перезаписав предыдущий). Проблема больше не должна возникать, однако, чтобы убедиться в этом окончательно, следует выполнить проверку. Чтобы убедиться в том, что удалось решить проблему, попробуйте запустить Network Tools 2003, и посмотреть выведется ли ошибка.
Netscape Communicator.exe Описание файла | |
Формат файла: | EXE |
Группа: | Networking Tools |
Program: | Network Tools 2003 |
Версия программного обеспечения: | 2.0 |
Автор: | Next Step Publishing |
File: | Netscape Communicator.exe |
Байт: | 17914277 |
SHA-1: | ac014fa9b19d25fc44dc815ad737f6153bada7ca |
MD5: | f87b9d741f9eae09202e042f80b10cdf |
CRC32: | f7b9e2aa |
Продукт Solvusoft
WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в Netscape Communicator.exe
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Netscape Communicator.exe
Идентификатор статьи: 744100
Netscape Communicator.exe
Filename | ID | Размер (в байтах) | Загрузить | |||||||||||||||
+ Netscape Communicator.exe | f87b9d741f9eae09202e042f80b10cdf | 17.08 MB | ||||||||||||||||
+ Netscape Communicator.exe | f87b9d741f9eae09202e042f80b10cdf | 17.08 MB | ||||||||||||||||
+ Netscape Communicator.exe | f87b9d741f9eae09202e042f80b10cdf | 17.08 MB | ||||||||||||||||
+ Netscape Communicator.exe | f87b9d741f9eae09202e042f80b10cdf | 17.08 MB | ||||||||||||||||
Ошибки Netscape Communicator.exe
Наиболее распространенные ошибки Netscape Communicator.exe, которые могут возникнуть на компьютере под управлением Windows, перечислены ниже:
- «Ошибка в приложении: Netscape Communicator.exe»
- «Netscape Communicator.exe не является программой Win32. «
- «Извините за неудобства — Netscape Communicator.exe имеет проблему. «
- «Не удается найти Netscape Communicator.exe»
- «Netscape Communicator.exe не найден.»
- «Ошибка запуска в приложении: Netscape Communicator.exe. «
- «Файл Netscape Communicator.exe не запущен.»
- «Netscape Communicator.exe остановлен. «
- «Ошибка в пути к программному обеспечению: Netscape Communicator.exe. «
Проблемы Netscape Communicator.exe с участием Network Tools 2003s возникают во время установки, при запуске или завершении работы программного обеспечения, связанного с Netscape Communicator.exe, или во время процесса установки Windows. Выделение при возникновении ошибок Netscape Communicator.exe имеет первостепенное значение для поиска причины проблем Network Tools 2003 и сообщения о них вNext Step Publishing за помощью.
Причины проблем Netscape Communicator.exe
Проблемы Network Tools 2003 и Netscape Communicator.exe возникают из отсутствующих или поврежденных файлов, недействительных записей реестра Windows и вредоносных инфекций.
В основном, осложнения Netscape Communicator.exe связаны с:
- Недопустимая (поврежденная) запись реестра Netscape Communicator.exe.
- Зазаражение вредоносными программами повредил файл Netscape Communicator.exe.
- Netscape Communicator.exe злонамеренно или ошибочно удален другим программным обеспечением (кроме Network Tools 2003).
- Другая программа находится в конфликте с Network Tools 2003 и его общими файлами ссылок.
- Network Tools 2003 (Netscape Communicator.exe) поврежден во время загрузки или установки.
5 / 5 / 0 Регистрация: 14.07.2013 Сообщений: 52 |
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13.06.2015, 12:04. Показов 2837. Ответов 9
Вобщем решил делать эксперименты над ОС без соратников и наставников. через обновление обновил до виндовс 10, потом откатил — интернета не было, как ни мучался, баг что ли такой…
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6507 / 3565 / 463 Регистрация: 28.06.2013 Сообщений: 11,094 |
13.06.2015, 12:28 |
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решил делать эксперименты над ОС без соратников и наставников Для этого и создали виртуалку.
прочитал в журнале «Мой друг компьютер» про чистку реестра и скрытые файлы…..и решил прочистить, удалил. что-то. Кто его знает что вы чистилиудаляли.
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5 / 5 / 0 Регистрация: 14.07.2013 Сообщений: 52 |
13.06.2015, 12:33 [ТС] |
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Кто его знает что вы чистилиудаляли. Проще переустановить,чем разгребать. Я тоже так раньше предпочитал, товарищ. но почитав форум убедился, что не бывает такого что за одну ошибку ПК вернее ОС не прощает, представьте сколько я с убунту раньше мучался.
Для этого и создали виртуалку. Это ниочём, и с ней проблемы возникали
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6507 / 3565 / 463 Регистрация: 28.06.2013 Сообщений: 11,094 |
13.06.2015, 12:38 |
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Это ниочём, и с ней проблемы возникали
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5 / 5 / 0 Регистрация: 14.07.2013 Сообщений: 52 |
13.06.2015, 12:46 [ТС] |
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создаеш себе проблемы. как предлагаешь выйти из неёё не потеряв файлы. диск 1 тб. занято 300 максимум. разбить диск и копирнуть? я человек вин2000, поэтому думаю так. архивация системные тоже копирует же? мне бы только файлы.
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6507 / 3565 / 463 Регистрация: 28.06.2013 Сообщений: 11,094 |
13.06.2015, 12:51 |
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как предлагаешь выйти из неёё не потеряв файлы Личное на С?
диск 1 тб. занято 300 максимум Как разбит?Скрин с Управления дисками?
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5 / 5 / 0 Регистрация: 14.07.2013 Сообщений: 52 |
13.06.2015, 13:41 [ТС] |
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Как разбит?Скрин с Управления дисками? имеется ввиду разбить на томы первый и ввторой и во второй перекинуть файлы. Архивация не работает. пишет ошибка такая-то.
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6507 / 3565 / 463 Регистрация: 28.06.2013 Сообщений: 11,094 |
13.06.2015, 13:46 |
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имеется ввиду разбить на томы первый и ввторой и во второй перекинуть файлы Можно.
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2408 / 608 / 50 Регистрация: 17.03.2013 Сообщений: 2,207 |
13.06.2015, 15:23 |
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диск 1 тб. занято 300 максимум. ? вы так и не ответили на ворос: раздел всего 1? Если да, выглядит авантюрой. Разве что совсем некритичные данные.
мне бы только файлы. лекго, при наличии внешнего диска или второго компа. Во втором — грузитесь с дисрибутива линя (без установки) и на другогом компе копируете с «пострадавшего» c помощью SCP.
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5 / 5 / 0 Регистрация: 14.07.2013 Сообщений: 52 |
13.06.2015, 16:16 [ТС] |
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проблема решена, переустановил виндоус. файлы на другом томе были в это время. решил так. внешнего диска нет. Сейчас думаю, устанавливать ли обновления или нет… всё равно система полетит. а так хоть быстрее грузится старт будет.
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