Click here follow the steps to fix Oki Error Postscript and related errors.
To Fix (Oki Error Postscript) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Oki Error Postscript) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Oki Error Postscript Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Oki Error Postscript errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Oki Error Postscript) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Oki Error Postscript
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Oki Error Postscript error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-04 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Oki Error Postscript error?
- 2. What causes Oki Error Postscript error?
- 3. How to easily fix Oki Error Postscript errors
What is Oki Error Postscript error?
The Oki Error Postscript error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Oki Error Postscript error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Oki Error Postscript format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Oki Error Postscript error?
The Oki Error Postscript error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Oki Error Postscript error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Oki Error Postscript Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Oki Error Postscript) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
Status level Error code
INVALID OPERATION Varies Varies With the printer unable to switch
Ready Atten
Blink Varies Indicates a job being cancelled
due to no print permit. (Related to
1. A job received from a user who
is denied printing.
2. A color job received from a user
who is denied color printing.
Blink Varies Indicates that a job is being
cancelled because the printer area
where the logs are stored has
been used up and also «Cancel
job» is specified as an operation
at the time of Log Full. (Related to
Varies Varies Shows cooling down status.
It is cautious of a period following
«Adjusting Temp».
Varies Varies Warming up.
Varies Varies A printer is in power save mode.
to the Power Save mode, pops
up with a press or successive
presses of the power save button,
and three seconds after that,
disappears, the display being
Varies Varies Indicates the printer goes into the
Sleep Mode. The printer goes into
the mode immediately after this
message appears, and in fact the
message is hard to read.
Varies Varies Downloading PU F/W (This is not
user-level error)
This function is secret to users.
Therefore, this status does not
occur in a user environment.
Varies Blink Indicates that the printer is
executing the remote maintenance
mode. During this mode, users
have no permission to operate the
Status level Error code
Non Recommended
2. Procedures for Repairing
Ready Atten
This should be appeared
after the toner/drum/
print cartridge low/empty
warning) messages when the
is ON to display this.
Toner amount is low. Displayed in
a combination of other message in
the first line.
On It is not a toner cartridge of an
original manufacturer’s product.
On It is not a toner cartridge of an
original manufacturer’s product.
On It is not a toner cartridge of an
original manufacturer’s product.
Varies Varies Interpreter detects an error due
to the following reason. Receive
data after this is ignored until the
job completion. When the job
is completely received, this is
automatically cleared.
— The job has a grammatical error.
— The page is complicated, and
VM was used up.
Varies Varies This is the status to recognize the
analysis error that occurred during
PDL processing.
Stays displayed until the ONLINE
button is pressed.
The life of the drum (warning).
Displayed in a combination of
other message in the first line. The
printer stops at the point when it
reaches the drum life (Shifts to
error, OFF-LINE).
Обращаю внимание, что ошибки с номерами 300-600 являются пользовательскими ошибками, которые кроме номера содержат довольно подробное описание самой ошибки, а при нажатии на кнопку HELP можно получить подробное описание того, как эти ошибки разрешить.*Некоторые из этих ошибок приведены ниже
Пользовательские ошибки
из 5-го Кварка генерится скрипт, но не выводится PDF! пишет ошибку:
Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced.
Кто разбирается????помогите!!! пожалуйста!!! файл всего-то 14 страниц!!!
Для начала попробуй выводить постскрипт постранично. Отлови на какой странице ошибка. Далее — разгребай эту страницу.
ЗЫ. Вставка кореловского ps-файла в верстку — одна из причин появления такой ошибки…
там только тифы и кварк-й текст в Т1… 14 страниц всего…скрипт пишется, но не выводится PDF…ни одну страницу не дистиллирует (если постранично)…
Смотри в настройки вывода!
У меня такое тоже было. Решил вопрос следующим образом. Подходит если тебе нужен пдф. Создаешь на компе виртуальный пост-скрипт принтер на порте «печать в файл» (просто делаешь принтер, ну , к примеру HP LaserJet III PostScript, в поле порта выбираешь «печать в файл».
После этого, печатешь этим принтером из кварка файл ***.prn
А потом уже этот файл дистиллишь. НО!!!.
Нет гарантии что этот способо подойдет для серьезных целей, а если так, посмотреть заказчику или распечатать на принтере то вперед!.
Слушай, а у Кварка нет ограничения по размеру картинки (тиффа)?
например у меня глюк был такой же с паблишером (знаю, что ацтой), если я вставлял картинку с разрешением больше 5000 пикселей…
так я так и делаю!!!!!!!! установила linotronic, написала .ps……..далее запускаю в дистиллере — ошибка………
одного понять не могу: почему в Output Print Colors только Grayscale ?????
не выбирается ни CMYK, ни RGB…
и всё-таки: ASCII или Binary??? всегда раньше ставила Binary, а тут почитала и не понимаю, что выставлять!!!
У меня:
Printer: Scitex Dolev4Press PSML2
Options — Pictures:
Output: Normal
Data: Binary
OPI: Include Images
Выбирается всё: Grayscale, RGB, CMYK.
Проблем нет.
Спасибо, Edward! после установки «вашего» драйвера всё получилось…
Linotronic не хотел выводить…
Всем спасибо за рекомендации.
Error Message List
Wait a moment. Network initializing .
The network is being initialized.
Wait for a while until the machine connects to the network.
Checking File System
File system in the hard disk is being checked. Wait for a while.
Inspection is required. PU Flash Error
Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Inspection is required. PU Communication Error
Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Offline Mode
The machine is offline. Press the Online button to set it to [Online].
Data present.
Data remains unprinted.
Deleting data.
The job was cancelled or user is unauthorized.
Warming up.
The machine is adjusting the temperature of the fuser unit. Wait for a while.
Preparing .
Color registration and density are being adjusted. Wait for a while.
Updating firmware. Do not turn OFF the power.
The programs on the machine are being updated.
Do not turn the machine off until the update completes.
The machine automatically restarts after the update completes.
Toner Low.
The toner indicated on the screen is low. Have a new toner cartridge ready.
Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge.
Waste toner is full. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)
C Non Recommended Toner.
An optimum C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not installed.
Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
M Non Recommended Toner.
An optimum M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not installed.
Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
Y Non Recommended Toner.
An optimum Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not installed.
Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
K Non Recommended Toner.
An optimum K (Black) toner cartridge is not installed.
Use a toner cartridge that matches your machine.
Error Postscript
A postscript error has occurred.
Image Drum Near Life.
The image drum indicated on the screen is near life. Have a new image drum ready.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Fuser Near Life.
The fuser unit is near life. Have a new fuser unit ready.
Belt Unit Near Life.
The belt unit is near life. Have a new belt unit ready.
Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit.
The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.
Replace the fuser unit with a new one.
Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit.
The belt unit reaches its lifetime.
Replace the belt unit with a new one.
Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.
The toner indicated on the screen is empty. Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Toner cartridge not installed.
A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.
Install the toner cartridge.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit.
The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.
Replace the image drum with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
TRAY is empty.
No paper is loaded in the tray. Load paper.
File System is full.
Memory in the file system is full.
Delete unnecessary files.
The File System is write-protected.
The file you are trying to write is write-protected.
Check the file name.
Insufficient page memory to collate.
Insufficient memory error has occurred during collate printing.
Reduce the number of pages to print.
Insufficient memory. Error: 014
Memory full error has occurred during PC Fax reception. Press [Close].
Unauthorized user, job cancelled.
Unauthorized job was sent or unauthorized user attempted to print or send a fax. Data was deleted. Contact your administrator to use this machine.
File erasing .
Files stored for authentication print are being deleted.
Wait for a while.
Deleting encrypted authentication print data.
Files stored for encrypted authentication print are being deleted. Wait for a while.
Erased Data Full
Files supposed to be deleted are full. Erase the files.
Secure job storage period exceeded.
Files whose authentication print data storage period expired were automatically deleted.
Disk Read/Write Error
An error has occurred in the file system. Press [Close].
Flash Error
An error has occurred when firmware was being updated.
Contact the administrator.
Invalid print data received.
Invalid print data or PC fax data was received. To erase the message, press [Close].
If you performed authentication printing, the data was deleted because it was incomplete. Print again.
Received data has been discarded because Job Type is restricted.
Data whose job type is not defined in the acceptable job type settings was received. The data was discarded without being processed.
Select a job type defined in the acceptable job type settings for [Job Type] of the printer driver and print again.
Manual Request. Error : 500
Print on paper fed manually. Load paper in the MP tray.
Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in [TRAY]. Error: 461, 462, 463, 464
The size and type of fed paper do not match those indicated on the screen. Use the same size and type of paper selected on the application.
Please change [MEDIA_SIZE] [MEDIA_TYPE] in MP Tray Error: 460
The size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray do not match those indicated on the screen. Make sure that the size and type of paper loaded in the MP tray match those selected on the application.
Wait a moment. Message Data processing .
Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.
Wait a moment. Message Data writing .
Messages to be displayed on the machine are being updated. Wait for a while.
Restart the machine. Writing message data has been complete.
Messages to be displayed on the machine are now updated.
Turn the machine off, and then back on.
Wait for a while.
Please check data. Message Data Write Error
Updating messages to be displayed on the machine failed.
Make sure that you use right data for this machine.
Wait a moment. Network Configuration writing .
Network settings for this machine is changed. The new settings are being stored. Wait for a while.
Wait a moment. Network initializing .
Network settings for this machine are initializing.
Paper [TRAY] is empty Set [MEDIA_SIZE] Error: 490, 491, 492, 493, 494
No paper is loaded in the indicated tray. Load paper of the displayed size.
[TRAY] cassette is missing. Open and Close the indicated cassette. Error: 440, 441, 442, 430, 431, 432, 433
The tray is not installed. Install the cassette. If the cassette is already inserted, pull it out, and then insert it again.
Insufficient memory. Error: 420
Data is too complicated. Memory full error has occurred during processing. Reduce the volume of the print data.
Waste Toner Full Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 414, 415, 416, 417
Waste toner of the toner cartridge is full. Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red)
Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge. Error: 410, 411, 412, 413
The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.
Opening and closing the front cover can resume printing for a while, but it may damage the image drum. Replace the toner cartridge with a new one as soon as possible.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Incompatible C Toner. Error: 552, 556, 616, 622
The installed C (Cyan, blue) toner cartridge is not optimum.
We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Incompatible M Toner. Error: 551, 555, 615, 621
The installed M (Magenta, red) toner cartridge is not optimum.
We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Incompatible Y Toner. Error: 550, 554, 614, 620
The installed Y (Yellow) toner cartridge is not optimum.
We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Incompatible K Toner. Error: 553, 557, 617, 623
The installed K (Black) toner cartridge is not optimum.
We recommend using an optimum toner cartridge.
Toner Not Installed. Error: 610, 611, 612, 613
A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.
Install the toner cartridge.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Sensor Error Check Image Drum. Error: 540, 541, 542, 543
The sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.
Uninstall the image drum, and then install it again.
If the message persists, uninstall the toner cartridge and install it again.
If the toner cartridge is not installed, install it.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Multiple sheets of paper have been fed. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 401
The indicated tray fed multiple sheets of paper at a time.
Remove the cassette from the tray, and then load paper again.
Paper Size Error. Reset Paper in [TRAY]. Error: 400
Paper size error has occurred in the indicated tray. Make sure that the size made by paper loaded in the tray matches the setting made by the paper size dial in the paper cassette. Load paper according to the paper size and direction set for the paper size dial.
If the setting made by the paper size dial is wrong, cancel printing first, set the paper size dial, and then print again.
Make sure that the cassette does not feed multiple sheets of paper at a time after starting printing. If it happens, remove paper, and then load paper correctly.
Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 390
Paper jammed via the paper feed path from the MP tray.
If the edge of the jammed paper is not visible, open the front cover and remove the paper.
Paper jam has occurred. Pull out the [TRAY] cassette and then remove the paper. Error: 391, 392, 393, 394
A paper jammed via the paper feed path from the indicated tray.
Pull out the cassette, and then remove paper. If multiple sheets of paper are fed at a time, remove paper and reload paper.
Make sure that the paper stoppers are set in the right position.
Paper jam has occurred. Open the front cover and remove the paper. Error: 372, 380
Paper jammed in the paper feed path of the machine. Open the front cover and remove the jammed paper.
A paper jam has occurred under the image drum or around the fuser unit. Please remove paper. Error: 381, 382, 383, 348, 389
A paper jam has occurred inside the machine.
Open the cover and remove jammed paper.
A Paper Jam has occurred and paper remains near the Duplex Unit. Please remove paper. Error: 370, 371, 373
Paper jammed near the duplex printing unit.
Pull out the duplex unit on the back of the machine, and then remove jammed paper.
The 2-Sided Printing unit is not set correctly. Error: 360
The duplex unit is not properly installed. Install the duplex unit.
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 350, 351, 352, 353
The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.
Replace the image drum with a new one.
Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible, however.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567
The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.
Replace the image drum with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum Life. Please install new Image Drum Unit. Error: 680, 681, 682, 683
Printing has stopped because the image drum indicated on the screen reached its lifetime. Replace with a new image drum to print.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Fuser Unit Life. Install New Fuser Unit. Error: 354
The fuser unit reaches its lifetime.
Replace the fuser unit with a new one.
Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.
Belt Unit Life. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 355
The belt unit reaches its lifetime.
Replace the belt unit with a new one.
Opening and closing the cover can resume printing for a while. Replace with a new one as soon as possible for maintaining the print quality.
The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 348
The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit. If the error persists after re-installing, replace the fuser unit with a new one.
Waste Toner Full. Install New Belt Unit. Error: 356
Waste toner of the belt unit is full. Replace the belt unit with a new one. Opening and closing the cover can resume printing. Printing stops after 500 sheets are printed.
Toner cartridge not properly installed. Error: 544, 545, 546, 547
A color toner cartridge indicated on the screen is not installed.
Make sure that the lever on the toner cartridge is fully turned and the protective tape is removed.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Image Drum not properly installed. Check Image Drum. Error: 340, 341,342, 343
The indicated image drum is not installed correctly.
Remove and re-install the image drum.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
The Fuser Unit is not installed correctly. Reset Fuser Unit. Error: 320
The fuser unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the fuser unit.
Belt Unit not installed correctly. Re-set the Belt Unit. Error: 330
The belt unit is not properly installed. Remove and re-install the belt unit.
[COVER] Open. Error: 310, 311, 587
Indicated cover is open. Close the cover.
Error: 310 The output tray, 311 The front cover, 587 The upper output tray
Please check data. Program Data Write Error
An error occurred when firmware was being updated.
Use a correct update file.
Power OFF/ON
Turn the machine off, and then back on.
If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Inspection is required.
Turn the machine off, and then back on.
If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Cancelling .
The cancel button was pressed while copying. The copy job is being cancelled. Wait for a while.
Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover is open.
The ADF cover of the scanner is open. Close the cover.
Document jam has occurred. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.
Paper jammed in the ADF of the scanner.
Open the ADF cover and remove jammed paper.
Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Open the automatic document feeder (ADF) cover on the scanner to check.
Multiple sheets of document have been fed. Fan a stack of the paper well and place them on the automatic document feeder (ADF). Use the document glass if a tag or label is affixed to the document.
Scanner lamp error check the lamp.
Light volume of the scanner is low. Contact your dealer.
Power OFF/ON Carriage Error
An error has occurred on the carriage of the scanner. Turn the machine off, and then back on.
If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
USB Memory Full
Scan To USB Memory was cancelled because the USB Memory is full.
Check the free space in the USB Memory.
Writing to USB memory failed.
The USB Memory is write-protected. Unlock the protection.
USB Memory disconnected.
The USB Memory was removed while performing Scan To USB Memory.
Connect to PC failed.
No destination computer was found for Scan to Computer. Make sure that your computer is turned on and recordable.
To erase the message, press [Close].
Insufficient memory occurred during Rx.
Memory full error has occurred during fax reception. Ensure available memory.
Communication Error
An error has occurred during fax transmission or fax reception.
The external phone is in use.
File Transmission Error
An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To shared folder.
Check the network connection.
To erase the message, press [Close].
E-mail Transmission Error
An error such as a malfunction of the server or disconnection of a network cable has occurred while performing Scan To E-mail. Check the network connection.
To erase the message, press [Close].
Please check SMTP settings.
Cannot connect to the SMTP server. Check the network settings.
Please check POP3 settings.
Cannot connect to the POP3 server. Check the network settings.
SMTP Login failed.
An attempt to log into the SMTP server ended up an authentication error.
Check the network settings.
SMTP Auth. Unsupported
The SMTP server does not support the authentication system.
Check the network settings.
POP3 Login failed.
An attempt to log into the POP3 server ended up an authentication error.
Check the network settings.
Getting target IP failed. Please Check DHCP settings.
The DHCP server cannot be detected. Check the network connection.
Please check DNS settings.
Cannot connect to the DNS server. Check the network connection.
Please check Server settings.
Cannot connect to the file server. Check the network settings.
Server Login failed.
Logging into the file server failed. Check the server settings.
Entering directory failed.
Connecting to the directory of the FTP server failed. Check the server settings.
Changing data Transfer Type failed.
File transmission failed because the file transfer type was not accepted by the FTP server. Change the FTP transfer type to «binary».
File writing failed.
Files sent using Scan To shared folder could not be written. Check the access rights for the shared folder.
FTP destination Full.
Memory in the FTP server is low. Delete unnecessary files and ensure the free space.
Please change File Name.
The specified file name is not acceptable. Check the FTP server settings and change the file name.
Device communication protocol not supported.
The server does not support CIFS or FTP. Check the server settings.
Please check Network Share Name.
The name of the network shared folder is not correct. Check the folder name.
Please check data. Program Data Write Error
An error has occurred when program was being updated.
Please insert USB Memory.
Scan To USB Memory or print from USB Memory with USB Memory not inserted was attempted.
Insert USB Memory.
[TRAY] cassette missing.
The cassette in the indicated tray is pulled out.
Install the cassette.
Access Limitation Error Monochrome printing was performed due to the color printing limitation.
A color print job was converted to a mono print job due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.
Access Limitation Error Data was deleted due to the color printing limitation.
A color print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for color printing.
Restricted access error Data deleted due to printing restrictions.
A print job was deleted due to an unauthorized user. Contact your administrator for printing.
Incompatible USB device connected. Remove the connected USB device.
An unsupported USB device is connected. Remove the USB device.
Please remove the connected USB device. USB device has not been recognized.
The connected USB device was not recognized. Remove the USB device.
Please remove the USB Hub. USB Hub is connected.
A USB hub is connected. Remove the USB hub. This machine does not support USB hub.
Inspection is required. SIP Error
Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
Please call service. Scanner unit failed to detect printer unit.
Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
HDD Error 0
While initializing this machine, a hard disk which needs formatting was detected.
HDD Error 250
While initializing this machine, a damaged file for encrypted authentication printing was found. Format the hard disk again.
Accounting Log buffer is near full.
The accounting log buffer is almost full.
Acquire the log and free the buffer.
Accounting Log Writing Error
An accounting log writing error has occurred.
To erase the message, press [Close].
Job Log Database Error
A data base access error has occurred while writing or reading the job log. Turning the machine off and on may resolve the problem.
To erase the message, press [Close].
Accounting Log Buffer Full (Delete old logs)
Old logs were deleted, because accounting log buffer was full. Acquire the log and free the buffer.
Power OFF/ON
Turn the machine off, and then back on. If the same error occurs, contact your dealer.
A decoding error occurred. Check the image data.
An error has occurred in the image data sent to this machine. Check the image data.
Process has been canceled as there is no space on the device. Please free up enough memory space by reducing usage and try again.
Processing data was cancelled due to memory full.
Reduce the usage on the device to ensure available memory, and then retry.
Process has been canceled by a device error. After maintenance or change of the device, please try again.
Processing data was cancelled because an error occurred on the device.
Repair or replace the device, and then retry.
Access denied to PC. Please check PC.
Connecting to a computer failed when performing Scan to Computer. Check the settings on the computer.
Deleting data.
This machine ran out of color toner. Color print data is being deleted.
Error PDF
The PDF file is damaged.
This PDF file is password protected.
This PDF file is password protected. Enter a password to print.
Valid password required to print document.
This PDF needs authentication. Enter a password to print.
No communication with the SNTP server.
Obtaining current time from the SNTP server failed. Check the server.
USB Memory disconnected.
The USB Memory was removed while printing from USB Memory. Do not remove USB Memory while printing is in progress.
Cannot open the file.
The specified file could not be Opened. Check the file.
Cannot read the file.
Files could not be read. Check the device where the files are stored.
File loading from USB.
Data is being read from USB Memory.
Press the Stop button to cancel reading.
An error occurred. Scanning is pending.
Printing has stopped due to an error.
Image Drum Sensor Error.
The toner sensor error has occurred in the image drum indicated on the screen.
Printing was stopped. Rear Output Tray was opened during printing. Open the Output Tray. Error code: 409
The rear output tray was moved while printing.
Place the rear output tray in the correct position, and then open and close the output tray.
Toner empty. Replace with new Toner Cartridge.
The indicated cartridge ran out of toner.
Replace the empty toner cartridge with a new one.
Wait Timeout in menu is disabled. Printing is disabled except by USB. Clear page buffer and enable time out in menu.
Wait Timeout is disabled.
Insufficient memory occurred during Fax Tx reservation.
Insufficient memory error has occurred during Scan To fax.
Insufficient memory.
Insufficient memory error has occurred during fax reception.
E-mail receiving has been cancelled.
E-mail reception was cancelled.
Check the file format and size of the attached file.
Wireless settings are incomplete.
Wrong values are set or items remain unset in the wireless LAN settings. Check the wireless settings.
Not connected to wireless access point.
No wireless LAN access points are found.
Make sure that the access point is turned on.
Disconnect and re-connect to wireless LAN.
Wireless startup failed.
Restart the machine. If the error persists, contact your dealer.
Firmware Update Error Please try again. If network doesn’t work, please try firmware update over USB.
Updating the firmware failed. Update again.
Registering with Google Cloud Print. Don’t turn off the power until registration is complete.
This machine is being registered to the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.
Deleting from Google Cloud Print.
This machine is being removed from the Google Cloud Print service. Wait for a while.
Caution, unknown Consumable detected Go to User Manual «Trouble Shooting» to restore operation Error 709
You can use any consumables in your product, but you must accept the risks of using non-genuine consumables.
If the use of non-genuine consumables causes damage to the product or results in your product not functioning to its full specification, then such damage or effect on the product is not covered by warranty.
To accept these risks and to restore function;
Turn off the machine.
Holding the [CLEAR] button, turn on the machine.
Release the [CLEAR] button when «RAM CHECK 100%» is displayed.
This operation log is recorded in the product.
If you have any questions, contact your dealer.
Replace the image drum. [PAGES] Pages Left.
The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.
Replace the image drum with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Replace the image drum. Print Quality Not Guaranteed.
The image drum indicated on the screen reaches its lifetime.
Replace the image drum with a new one.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
Receiving data timeout.
Data could not received within a certain period of time.
IPv4 address is conflicted. Please change IPv4 address.
The IP address assigned to this machine is duplicated with that of another device.
Check the IP addresses, and then assign another IP address.
Incompatible [COLOR] Image Drum. Error: 984, 685, 686, 687, 690, 691, 692, 693, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707
Non-optimum image drum is installed.
C: Cyan (blue), M: Magenta (red), Y: Yellow, K: Black
C Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 696
Cyan (blue) image drum is not installed.
Install the image drum.
M Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 695
Magenta (red) image drum is not installed.
Install the image drum.
Y Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 694
Yellow image drum is not installed.
Install the image drum.
K Image Drum Not Installed. Error: 697
Black image drum is not installed.
Install the image drum.
Blank pages were detected on all pages. Please check how the document was set.
Scanned pages are all blank. Turn over the document.
In order to set paper that cannot be output to the Upper Output Tray, the paper was output from Output Tray. To turn off this display, press the [Close] button.
Check the type of the specified paper.
Simplex printing was performed as the paper setting did not allow duplex printing.
Duplex printing is not available on the specified paper.
Check the size and thickness of paper.
Multi-purpose tray has not been set to be used as the tray, so multiple copies have been printed. Please verify multi-purpose tray settings. Press [Close] button to remove this dialog
MP tray setting is set to [Do Not Use]. Change the MP tray setting.
Output Paper Full. Remove the paper on [TRAY]. Error: 480, 485
Paper in the output tray is full.
Remove the handout.
Changing Language. Panel operation is disabled.
Display language is being changed.
Wait for a while.
Language Change Failed. Error num: %CODE%
Switching display languages failed. Press the power button to turn the machine off, and then back on.
Detected an abnormality of internal database. The data must be deleted. After pressing [Format], the data will be deleted, and then reboot.
Data base is beyond restoration.
To delete the data base, press [Format].
Cannot print because your Summary Account balance is 0. User name for Printing: [USERNAME] Summary Account Name for Insufficient Balance: [ACCOUNTNAME] To continue the print job, increase the balance and select [Start]. To increase the balance, please contact the device administr. To cancel the print job, select [Cancel].
The number of print jobs excesses the limit. No more print jobs are authorized. Contact your administrator.
Copyright © 2015 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.