При присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка сетевой ресурс или устройство более недоступно

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  • Question

  • Hi!

    We have two companies in our building, Company A and Company B. Company A has 50 client computers and one brand new DC (Win 2012 R2 Std). Company B has 5 clients and one established DC (Win 2008 R2 Foundation). 

    I work for Company A and I have the job of connecting all 50 clients to the new DC. Up until last week we had a workgroup set up and it has been my task to migrate our clients onto the domain. I have done 10 migrations of Win 7 machines so far, but three
    others seem to be unable to connect with the error: The specified network name is no longer available.

    I have connected these successfully to Company B Domain Controller successfully so this seems to point towards Company A DC being wrong somewhere, but doesn’t make sense as to why 10 other clients have connected fine.

    Here are the troubleshooting steps I have taken so far:

    I am in the Domain Admin group on Company A Active Directory

    Computer Browser Service is running on server and affected client
    Workstation Service is running on server and affected client
    Server Service is running on server and affected client

    To connect to the domain I have tried using the NetBIOS and the FQDN, I get the same error message.

    NETLOGON service is enabled tried restarting — no difference

    Windows Firewall is off
    No AV installed at the moment. I have Sophos waiting to go on once the machine is hooked onto the domain.

    DNS Reverse lookup manually created as it wasn’t there

    Tried ipconfig /flushdns /release /renew

    NSLookup sucessful, can ping NETBIOS, FQDN of server and both client and server IP both directions

    Affectted clients are configured with one network card.

    I’ve been pulling my hair out for a few days on this one. Anyone have a possible solution for this.

    Many thanks,


    • Edited by

      Friday, July 18, 2014 8:56 AM


  • Having spoken to Microsoft support, they have fixed the issue we were having.

    The ran the following command:
    sc config srv start=auto 

    The BPA recommends srv.sys is set to «demand», but «auto» is what appeared to solve the issue.

    Hope this helps others with the same situation.

    Thanks to all that contributed their time to this problem.

    • Marked as answer by
      Amy Wang_
      Friday, August 1, 2014 8:36 AM

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  • Question

  • Hi!

    We have two companies in our building, Company A and Company B. Company A has 50 client computers and one brand new DC (Win 2012 R2 Std). Company B has 5 clients and one established DC (Win 2008 R2 Foundation). 

    I work for Company A and I have the job of connecting all 50 clients to the new DC. Up until last week we had a workgroup set up and it has been my task to migrate our clients onto the domain. I have done 10 migrations of Win 7 machines so far, but three
    others seem to be unable to connect with the error: The specified network name is no longer available.

    I have connected these successfully to Company B Domain Controller successfully so this seems to point towards Company A DC being wrong somewhere, but doesn’t make sense as to why 10 other clients have connected fine.

    Here are the troubleshooting steps I have taken so far:

    I am in the Domain Admin group on Company A Active Directory

    Computer Browser Service is running on server and affected client
    Workstation Service is running on server and affected client
    Server Service is running on server and affected client

    To connect to the domain I have tried using the NetBIOS and the FQDN, I get the same error message.

    NETLOGON service is enabled tried restarting — no difference

    Windows Firewall is off
    No AV installed at the moment. I have Sophos waiting to go on once the machine is hooked onto the domain.

    DNS Reverse lookup manually created as it wasn’t there

    Tried ipconfig /flushdns /release /renew

    NSLookup sucessful, can ping NETBIOS, FQDN of server and both client and server IP both directions

    Affectted clients are configured with one network card.

    I’ve been pulling my hair out for a few days on this one. Anyone have a possible solution for this.

    Many thanks,


    • Edited by

      Friday, July 18, 2014 8:56 AM


  • Having spoken to Microsoft support, they have fixed the issue we were having.

    The ran the following command:
    sc config srv start=auto 

    The BPA recommends srv.sys is set to «demand», but «auto» is what appeared to solve the issue.

    Hope this helps others with the same situation.

    Thanks to all that contributed their time to this problem.

    • Marked as answer by
      Amy Wang_
      Friday, August 1, 2014 8:36 AM

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Проблема с вводом гостевой ОС в домен

  • Вопрос

  • Доброго времени суток.

    Имеется недорогой сервер для решения несложных задач, Intel S5000VSA + 28 Гб озу под управлением Windows 2008 Standart.

    Установлены следующие роли: AD, DNS, DHCP, Hyper-V.

    Ввод физических машин в домен проходит на ура, никаких проблем.

    При попытке присоединения гостевой виртуальной машины (xp, vista, 2008R2) к домену вылазит ошибка: «При присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка: сетевой ресурс или устройство более недоступно».

    Тип виртуальной сети — внешний (т.е. настройки протокола IPv4 на физических и виртуальных машинах идентичны).

    Если «сетевой адаптер» меняю на «устаревший сетевой адаптер», все ок.


  • 1. Записей типа «расположение службы» (SRV) нет

    как это нет? после рестарта службы netlogon на DC они не появляются? Dynamic Updates в DNS разрешен?
    на клиенте ipconfig /displaydns |findstr _ldap._tcp. что-то показывает?

    2. приналичии 2 сетевых адаптеров в сервере, подключенных к одному свитчу Вы можете использовать рекоммендуемую конфигурацию сети для Hyper-V:
    на адаптере 1 статический адрес для работы сервера и AD
    на адаптере 2 создать hyper-v свитч типа external. в свойствах адптера external на хосте все протоколы кроме virtual network switch должны быть отключены.

    таким образом на хосте будет 1 интерфейс с TCPIP. виртуальные машины будут в той же IP сети, что и физические и будут обращаться к DC через физический коммутатор.в днс должна быть только одна запись A для контроллера домена

    Заходите в «гости» на http://kupchinetsky.spaces.live.com

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      21 января 2010 г. 17:49

  • General discussion

  • While joining a machine to domain an error occurs — Error occured joining the domain. The specified network name is no longer available

    Solution — Check the following services on the domain machine

    — Browser service

    — Workstation

    — Server

    And start them. This should solve the issue.


All replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Best Regards,

    Sally Tang

  • Hi

    I have a 2003 server trying to join a single DC site which is getting this same error.

    The workstation, server service and Computer Browser service are started on the domain controller server.

    I can add a regular worstation but cannot add this server.

    Any other suggestions!


  • Hi Mack

    One thing that can be checked here is whether the reverse lookup zone is configured for your domain. You can check this in the dns management console.If the reverse lookup zone is not there for the domain machine then create one manually.

    Also try running the nslookup command and see whether the domain details (IP and domain server) are displayed correctly.



  • This could be due to an incorrectly configured IP settings on the new computer. Try and see if it is configured with two network cards, one to communicate with another subnet and another one to communicate with the subnet where the domain controller is.
    If this is the case, disable the secondary network card which is communicating to the  other subnet and try joining the machine to the domain. That should work. If not, check your IP settings and DNS settings.

  • Solution — Check the following services on the domain machine

    — Browser service

    — Workstation

    — Server

    And start them. This should solve the issue.


    Old thread, but this solution worked for me. All above services were already running but only after I restarted them, I was able to join the domain.

  • General discussion

  • While joining a machine to domain an error occurs — Error occured joining the domain. The specified network name is no longer available

    Solution — Check the following services on the domain machine

    — Browser service

    — Workstation

    — Server

    And start them. This should solve the issue.


All replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Best Regards,

    Sally Tang

  • Hi

    I have a 2003 server trying to join a single DC site which is getting this same error.

    The workstation, server service and Computer Browser service are started on the domain controller server.

    I can add a regular worstation but cannot add this server.

    Any other suggestions!


  • Hi Mack

    One thing that can be checked here is whether the reverse lookup zone is configured for your domain. You can check this in the dns management console.If the reverse lookup zone is not there for the domain machine then create one manually.

    Also try running the nslookup command and see whether the domain details (IP and domain server) are displayed correctly.



  • This could be due to an incorrectly configured IP settings on the new computer. Try and see if it is configured with two network cards, one to communicate with another subnet and another one to communicate with the subnet where the domain controller is.
    If this is the case, disable the secondary network card which is communicating to the  other subnet and try joining the machine to the domain. That should work. If not, check your IP settings and DNS settings.

  • Solution — Check the following services on the domain machine

    — Browser service

    — Workstation

    — Server

    And start them. This should solve the issue.


    Old thread, but this solution worked for me. All above services were already running but only after I restarted them, I was able to join the domain.

дата: 11.11.2016

Сегодня снова вылетела на одном компе ошибка “при присоединение к домену сетевая папка недоступна” и самое интересное что у сотрудника был доступ в интернет а сетевые папки также не работали. В итоге сегодня пятница 11.11.2016 и было время поэкспериментировать.

В итоге проблему с ошибкой решил и вот что сделал:

  1. когда набирал команду ipconfig увидел, протокол автоматической внутрисайтовой адресации туннелей isatap и решил для эксперемента его убрать
    Ошибка: При присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка: сетевая папка не доступна.
  2. Протокол ISATAP убираем через командную строку netsh interface isatap set state disabled
  3. Далее отключил в сетевых настройках отключил поддержку протокола TCP IP6
    отключил поддержку протокола TCP IP6
  4. После этого сделал сброс настроек протокола TCP/IP
  5. перезагрузил комп и вуаля:
    сетевая папка не доступна

Что именно привело к лечению данной ошибки сказать точно не могу! Но эта последовательность вылечила данную проблему и теперь все ок!

Всем удачи и пока!

дата: 23.03.2016

Данная статья будет не рассказывать как исправить ту или иную ошибку а наоборот! Я два дня прокалупался с данной ошибкой но так и не смог понять и решить ее и поэтому исправил ее только полной переустановкой системы, поэтому если кто решал данную ошибку отпишите плиз как ее лечить.

Исходные данные: 

  • пациент – windows 7 profissional x 32
  • сервер – AD 2008 Standart sp2


Пациент резко вывал из сети т.е. интернет работает, но все сетевые папки стали недоступны.


Первоначально решил вывести пациента из домена и его заново ввести в сеть


После этого когда начал вводить компьютер в домен вылетела ошибка:

при присоединении к домену произошла следующая ошибка сетевая папка недоступна

Что пробовал делать на пациенте:

  1. сброс ДНС ipconfig /flushdns 
  2. переименование стации на другое имя
  3. прописывал статические сетевые настройки
  4. восстанавливал целостность системных фалов sfc /scnanow
  5. отключал фаервол
  6. Включал отключал в настройках NetBios и перезапускал службу Модуль поддержки NetBIOS через TCP/IP
  7. много чего другого по мелочи делал

В результате ни чего не получалось ( Причем в журналах событий ни на контроллере ни на клиенте ни чего не было.

Так что давайте примерно хотя бы соберем какие то варианты для решения данной проблемы!!

Пишите в комментариях что Вы делали и я буду дополнять данную статью!

Всем заранее спасибо за активность!!!

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