Primary name server not listed at parent как исправить

Добрый день!! есть у меня сайт крутится все на VDS на Настроил почту. проверяю на пишет Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent. Как решить эту проблему ?? Прикладываю скрин с настройками домен...

 exim, почта



Добрый день!!
есть у меня сайт крутится все на VDS на
Настроил почту. проверяю на
пишет Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent. Как решить эту проблему ??
Прикладываю скрин с настройками домена
P.s Проблема в том что письма с моего домена на идут в спам, вот из за этого весь сыр бор

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на картинке в SOA запись не соответствует реали

dig soa         3600    IN      SOA     firstvds_ru. 2016062100 10800 3600 604800 86400 

firstvds_ru. — это по-твоему имя NS сервера ?
если бы там было или — все было бы нормально.

vel ★★★★★

(22.06.16 21:13:20 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от vel 22.06.16 21:13:20 MSK

Я немного не догоняю, В чем может быть причина точто SOA запись может не соотыествовать реали. Ns сервера я проверил .. все записи вродебы в норме.


$TTL 3600	IN	SOA (2016062029 10800 3600 604800 86400)	IN	NS	IN	NS	IN	MX	10 mail	IN	MX	20 mail	IN	A
www	IN	A
ftp	IN	A
mail	3600	IN	A
pop	3600	IN	A
smtp	3600	IN	A	3600	IN	TXT	"v=spf1 ip4: a mx ~all"
dkim._domainkey	3600	IN	TXT	"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDfACTt1Y8OCuLdyIVZob8CLqLsrwBTSvuWjRe+aoKSW+hfrQuOR0uHg+P78iaJlTET0j9DD19aNNv8v7pOKRnnDvUq2I1cq4Fjd3wjQnPi16HXEtg6BW3RUrX0USx6KQEXtgODqWF7TpMOeDMzGtZJRKs2LMvlZtYHwvHJ27cG7wIDAQAB"
_dmarc	3600	IN	TXT	"v=DMARC1; p=none; sp=none;"


(23.06.16 08:34:13 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Fast126 23.06.16 08:34:13 MSK

Ответ на:

от Fast126 23.06.16 08:35:26 MSK

Все я кажется понял.. У меня просто данные не передаются DNS менеджер.
Пишет Поле » имеет недопустимое значение. Только что это за поле не понятно


(23.06.16 10:48:54 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Fast126 23.06.16 08:35:26 MSK

В твоем файле такая же ошибка — основной dns сервер ( указанный в записи SOA отсутствует в списке dns-серверов.

А строки IN NS нет

vel ★★★★★

(23.06.16 10:56:18 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от vel 23.06.16 10:56:18 MSK

Так Все исправил. Спасибо.. Еще маленький вопрос ..

На том же сайте выдает мне предупреждение:
Reverse DNS is not a valid Hostname

насколько я понял это запись ptr. Но она у меня вроде верна..


(23.06.16 15:44:22 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от Fast126 23.06.16 15:44:22 MSK

Это для почтовика?

Ну у тебя ->

а -> ->

Есть такая проблема, гуглить «multiple ptr records for one ip»

Обратный dns сейчас востребован в первую очередь в smtp.

vel ★★★★★

(23.06.16 16:01:11 MSK)

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Ответ на:

от vel 23.06.16 16:01:11 MSK

Да для почтовика.. Просто gmail кидает письма с моего домена в спам.. Вот и вникаю в суть вопроса..

Еще этот ISP manager многое не дает отредактировать, приходится вручную


(23.06.16 17:37:25 MSK)

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Which IP Addresses do your monitoring servers use?

In order to minimize false positives due to connection problems by our monitoring services we ask that you please whitelist these IP ranges on your firewall or network security systems:

  • US-EAST-1A:
  • US-EAST-1B:
  • US-EAST-1C:
  • US-EAST-1D:

Where can I find more information about an alert or error?

You can see details about different warnings and errors from our tools on the Problem Details page.

How do I delete a monitor from the dashboard?

To delete a monitor from the dashboard, follow these steps:

-Click on the card of the monitor you want to remove.

-Once the information populates on the right-hand side of the dashboard, do the following:

1. Click on Edit

2. Click on Delete Monitor

3. Click on Confirm Delete

How do I add tools to My Favorites?

To add lookup tools to My Favorites, please follow these steps:

1. Select the dropdown arrow from the SuperTool lookup.

2. From here, you can select Email, Network, Website, DNS, or All Tools.

3. In each tab, there is an icon that shows “Drag to Favorites+”.

4. Select the tool you want to add and drag it into the “Drag to Favorites” box.

5. Once you have added your first tool to “My Favorites”, a new “My Favorites” tab will appear on the SuperTool menu.

Where can I find more information about an alert or error?

You can see details about different warnings and errors from our tools on the DNS Problem Details page.

I have an error for Primary Name Server Not Listed at Parent. What does that mean?

We recommend that you contact your Domain’s Registrar to update the name servers on record to include the server that is not listed at the Root Servers.


About DNS Primary Server Listed at Parent

Your Primary Name Server was not on the list of name servers given to us by the root.

If your name server is not listed at the root, it could cause impaired/incorrect lookups for your domain.

Additional Information

The Primary Name Server is the name server declared in your SOA file and is usually the name server that reads your records from zone files and is responsible for distributing that data to your secondary name servers. This problem is present when this primary name server is not included in the parent referrals and is almost always accompanied by a Local Parent Mismatch problem.

RFC 1035:

Here a primary name server acquires information about one or more zones by reading master files from its local file system, and answers queries about those zones that arrive from foreign resolvers. [RFC 1035]

DNS Propagation Check

If your Primary Name Server is not listed at your Parent or is not responding, then our DNS Propagation test tool will not operate properly. You will most likely also be experiencing other real-world problems with DNS queries for your domain. Users with Basic or Pro accounts can contact our Support Team for assistance with understanding any DNS warnings or errors with specific information about your domain. If you are still a free user, upgrading your account will give you access to support, as well as many other benefits.

Have a great day!

What does «DNS Change Alerts Due to TTL Changes» mean?

If you receive a DNS change alert from MxToolbox because of TTL changes, no need to panic. These incidents are typically caused by issues at your DNS hosting provider.

DNS TTL (time to live) is a setting that tells your DNS resolver how long to cache a query before requesting a new query. The gathered information is then stored in the cache of the recursive or local resolver for the TTL before it collects new, updated details.

For example, if your DNS TTL is set to 3,600 seconds (60 minutes), the DNS resolver will have to regather the details of a website ( every hour. If 100 users visit our site during that time, they will all see the same visual until the resolvers update their TTL.

The TTL acts as a stopwatch for how long to keep a DNS record because it represents the time each step takes for DNS to cache a record. Recorded in seconds, using the best TTL time for your situation is key to your site’s overall responsiveness.

MxToolbox often sees warning signs of issues and outages at DNS providers. Nearly every case is a problem with the specific DNS provider. For example, this outage occurred on May 5th, 2021, and affected customers’ domain DNS servers: DNS outage.

To check the propagation of DNS records across your servers and see the selected TTLs, use our DNS Propagation Tool.

Why am I receiving down alerts for Mailflow?

If you are receiving alerts for your Mailflow monitor and you are still able to send and receive email, chances are we did not receive a test message back to our system.

Click on the monitor and let it populate in the right window of the page. Under the graph you will see Outages | History | Pings | Edit > Click on Pings.

There are two (2) different results under the Pings table.

  1. A message with a Green Check is a successful message returned to us. You can click on the details link and it will provide you the full headers and more information about the test message.
  2. A message with a Red X on it is a failed message. If you click on Error, this will show you the test message’s subject.

If the message is failing:

  • Use the message subject to check that it is not being filtering by an inbound appliance or spam software.
  • Use the message subject to check your outbound SMTP logs to see if the message is leaving your gateway.

What does «Warning — Masked External Banner (Reverse DNS Failing)» mean?

When using the SMTP Diag tool, you see the banner you are displaying publicly is masked by asterisks:

Connected to
220 *********************************************

The reverse check takes the banner and the PTR record for the IP address and sees if the domain is listed. Since all we get publicly is the asterisks, the comparison fails and you get the warning.

Many administrators choose to mask their banner in hopes that by not giving an attacker a domain name, they might avoid something like a directory harvest attack. If you are using a single IP address for inbound and outbound, then you need your domain in your PTR records for your outbound, so it should also be in your banner. However, this is personal preference, and nobody should deny sending or receiving mail from your server just because your banner does not contain your domain.

What does «Reverse DNS does not match your SMTP Banner» mean?

The reverse IP address name (PTR) is not contained in the server HELO or EHLO banner. In the example below, the string «» is not found anywhere in the server banner, which is reporting «». This is only a warning, and in some cases you might not have control over it.

Example of incorrectly matching pair:

220 StrongMail SMTP Service at Wed, 09 Sep 2009 17:00:01 -0700

Not an Open Relay.
0 seconds – Good on Connection time
0.156 seconds – Good on Transaction time
OK – resolves to

Best practice would have resolve to

Some mail servers look for this and use it to mark messages you send as questionable. Most mail systems will not reject your messages outright, but this might affect your spam score, increasing the likelihood that your messages will be marked as spam. We recommend that you contact your ISP and ask them to set up a reverse record (PTR) that matches the hostname of your mail server.

What does «Reverse DNS FAILED! This is a problem» mean?

When a sending server makes a connection to the recipient server, the recipient server notes the sending IP address and performs a reverse lookup. This is done by sending a DNS query, which returns a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) registered for that IP address. If the sending SMTP address matches the domain, then it is much more likely that the message is legitimate and, therefore, will be passed on to the recipient. If the IP address does not match, it is much more likely that the sending address was spoofed and, therefore, much more likely that it is unwanted and could be considered spam.

A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is associated to an IP with a valid PTR record. You want the domain name portion of the FQDN to match the domain of your email address (e.g., If your sending addresses follow the convention of, your PTR record should contain something like Only the organization that controls and owns the IP can set a PTR record. PTR record queries are sent to the owner of the IP address, which is the ISP, unlike other DNS queries which are sent to the DNS server of whoever owns the domain. For this reason, setting a PTR record on your own DNS servers is essentially useless since no one is asking your servers.

To make any changes to your rDNS, you will need to contact your ISP. Or, if you host your own DNS (rare), you will adjust it yourself. You will not be able to do this in your DNS control panel unless your ISP also hosts your DNS and gives you the functionality to add your own rDNS records.

  • #1

We have a WHM server used as an email and domain server with its own DNS.

One domain name was checked on MXToolbox and was stated as » Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent » and «Local NS list does not match Parent NS list» . This domain will be referenced as Domain One.

However, upon checking another domain name (referenced as Domain Two) on the same server this came back absolutely fine. Checking the DNS records via the DNS Zone Manager for both domains they are virtually identical (see below for differences).

Both domains have the same NS records and the same »» Root Domain Reference records. Both domains have a valid PTR record. Both domains work correctly in practise. However one domain has the above issues. Both domains have Identical SOA records and NS records.

Also of note is that the DNS has not had any changes carried out for a long time so the issue is not caching or TTL.

There are some slight differences;

1) Domain Two (which works) has 14400 A

There is no corresponding record for Domain One.

2) Domain One has a bunch of CNAME/TXT records by Stripe Payment Gateway for verifying the domain. These are not an issue as far as I can tell.

3) Domain One is only actually used for email, and the web domain is redirected (by CPanel / Domains / Redirects ) to a thirdparty for web hosting only.


1) How do I resolve this » Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent » and «Local NS list does not match Parent NS list«?

2) Could the problem be at the domain name provider (run by the client so we don’t have access)?

3) Could the problem be that the domain is auto-redirected, or that the domain does not have a localhost.domain DNS record as mentioned above?

Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2022


  • #2

Hey there! DNS is one area I sometimes struggle with over the Forums because it’s hard to guess when using hypotheticals. For that problem, the most likely explanation is that something odd is happening at the registrar, but you wouldn’t be able to see that unless you are the one that purchased the domain. I wouldn’t expect the localhost record to be related to this at all.

Can you have the client check the registrar settings?

  • #3

Hey there! DNS is one area I sometimes struggle with over the Forums because it’s hard to guess when using hypotheticals. For that problem, the most likely explanation is that something odd is happening at the registrar, but you wouldn’t be able to see that unless you are the one that purchased the domain. I wouldn’t expect the localhost record to be related to this at all.

Can you have the client check the registrar settings?

Hey Rex, thanks for getting back on this, I don’t think it’s strictly a WHM/CPanel issue, as you say, it seems to be the registrar is slightly off somehow.

Using 3rd party tools I’ve found the registrar record is and rather than the server NS1/2 ; eg . I believe this is the cause. I will do some testing with my working domain and see if it’s as easy as redefining the NS points on the registrar.



  • #4

Hopefully it’s just that easy — let us know!

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