Programat p300 ошибка 701

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Печь для металлокерамики Programat N300

nikolavladimir Дата: Четверг, 16.Июн.2016, 08:59 | Сообщение # 1



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Российская Федерация


Добрый день форумчанам.

Привезли покопаться с печью Programat n300, сказали вот только пришла с ремонта (меняли муфель).
Программы выполняла только в конце выполнения программ при открытии печи начинала косячить выдавала температуру 0 градусов и ошибку «1203» (температура печи. Определить рассчитать; Ошибка при измерении температуры печи (из мануала)).
С печью возился, самотест проходила, включались программы, всё работало, только при открытии головы был косяк с температурой.
А после ночи прихожу на печке голова поднята, всё было выключено и теперь самотест не проходит.

Подскажите как опустить голову?
И что делать с этими ошибками?

МастерБаку Дата: Четверг, 16.Июн.2016, 19:52 | Сообщение # 2


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Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

что делать с этими ошибками?

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

только пришла с ремонта (меняли муфель)

Вернуть обратно.

nikolavladimir Дата: Пятница, 17.Июн.2016, 10:43 | Сообщение # 3



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата МастерБаку ()

вернуть обратно.

Спасибо за совет!

Голову опустил подачей 12 вольт с блока питания на мотор, контакты провода от термопары хорошо пропаял, ошибки ушли.
Несколько раз уже прогнал на разных программах, пока всё ОК!

МастерБаку Дата: Пятница, 17.Июн.2016, 12:13 | Сообщение # 4


На заявках

Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Вам повезло.

nikolavladimir Дата: Среда, 22.Июн.2016, 14:27 | Сообщение # 5



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Ошибка «1203» вернулась. То появляется, то исчезает и нормально работает. По окончанию выполнения программы бывает косячит при открытии.
Не понятно с чего температура становится 0 градусов, хотя такого быть не может.
Похоже, что начинает что-то где-то теряется при движении головы, провода на термопару все прозвонил, соединения все протянул. Получается ошибка прячется в месте определения (вычисления) температуры.

Что это может быть?
Может необходимо сделать полный сброс аппарата (Programat P300)?

МастерБаку Дата: Среда, 22.Июн.2016, 15:10 | Сообщение # 6


На заявках

Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

Может необходимо сделать полный сброс аппарата

Не делайте (а как?) этого.

nikolavladimir Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 07:50 | Сообщение # 7



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата МастерБаку ()

Не делайте (а как?) этого.

Спасибо, пока ничего больше не делал.

Сбои происходят именно при поднятии головы и ошибка происходит в цепи измерения температуры.
Возможно это происходит из-за помех при работе электродвигателя, может попробовать пустить экранированный провод на термопару?
Или каким-то образом найти источник помех, который неожиданно появился (раньше, ведь, его не было)?

МастерБаку Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 09:52 | Сообщение # 8


На заявках

Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

помех при работе электродвигателя

Посадите на него 0.1 мкф. Вероятнее где-то контачит в движении.

nikolavladimir Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 12:23 | Сообщение # 9



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата МастерБаку ()

посадите на него 0.1 мкф.

Просто питание двигателя?
На оба провода?
Или как? …

Сейчас тестировал печку, ещё вылезла одна ошибка номер 54 (Ошибка в системе измерения температуры!, ОТ1<>ОТ2 Проверка достоверности данных: ОТ1=ОТ2 +/— 10С).

Я вот ещё думаю, может её просто не откалибровали после замены муфеля, может в этом причина.
Получается, когда открываешь голову не сходится температура между датчиком внутри прибора и датчиком внутри головы.

МастерБаку Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 12:41 | Сообщение # 10


На заявках

Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

На оба провода?

Да, если там DC.

nikolavladimir Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 12:44 | Сообщение # 11



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата МастерБаку ()

Да, если там DC.

Да, там постоянка.

МастерБаку Дата: Четверг, 23.Июн.2016, 13:10 | Сообщение # 12


На заявках

Российская Федерация

Нижний Новгород

Тогда паралельно 0.1 мкф.

Dawas Дата: Четверг, 18.Авг.2022, 12:07 | Сообщение # 13



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Аппарат Programat P300 выдаёт ошибку 701. Был отремонтирован нагревательный элемент после обрыва.
До ремонта нагревателя история ошибок неизвестна.
С чем может быть связана error 701 ? (Самодиагностика прибора была прервана из-за ошибки. На приборе нельзя работать! Итд.)

Yulana34 Дата: Четверг, 18.Авг.2022, 18:31 | Сообщение # 14



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата Dawas ()

(Самодиагностика прибора была прервана из-за ошибки. На приборе нельзя работать! Итд.)

Для начала обратите внимание на каком этапе самодиагностики вылетает данная ошибка.

bektyish Дата: Пятница, 19.Авг.2022, 09:05 | Сообщение # 15


Электромеханик по слаботочным сетям

Отдыхает перед заявками

Российская Федерация

Дистрикт 74

Dawas, ремонт без калибровки и прогона? …
Если взяли деньги — вернуть по гарантии!

skvorcovs77 Дата: Суббота, 20.Авг.2022, 12:55 | Сообщение # 16


Осваиваю ремонт и обслуживание стом

На заявках

Российская Федерация


Цитата nikolavladimir ()

провода на термопару все прозвонил, соединения все протянул.

«Голову» разбирали?
При замене муфеля термопара снимается. Возможно, на переходных втулках «косяк» (не докрутили, не почистили окислы на зажимах и т.п.).

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

может её просто не откалибровали после замены муфеля

Не вижу смысла в калибровке после замены муфеля. Калибровка компенсирует деградацию термопары или после её замены.

Цитата nikolavladimir ()

не сходится температура между датчиком внутри прибора и датчиком внутри головы

А как они могут сойтись?
С учётом термоизоляции, температура вне зоны нагрева не может превысить 250. Иначе резина сгорит.

Сообщение отредактировал skvorcovs77Суббота, 20.Авг.2022, 13:07

Dawas Дата: Понедельник, 29.Авг.2022, 08:50 | Сообщение # 17



На заявках

Российская Федерация


Спасибо, был неконтакт в «голове».
Теперь проблему с вакуумом решаю. Ошибки 33 и 802 …

skvorcovs77 Дата: Понедельник, 29.Авг.2022, 15:16 | Сообщение # 18


Осваиваю ремонт и обслуживание стом

На заявках

Российская Федерация


Силиконовый уплотнитель в «голове» между чашками сместился при сборке.

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  1. Manuals
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  3. Ivoclar Vivadent Manuals
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  5. Programat P300/G2
  6. Operating instructions manual
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Operating Instructions


Summary of Contents for Ivoclar Vivadent Programat P300/G2

  • Page 1
    Programat P300/G2 ® Operating Instructions…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Explanation of the symbols on the display Explanation of the beeper signals Practical Use Switching on/off Firing using an Ivoclar Vivadent program Firing using an individual program Other options and special features of the furnace Maintenance, Cleaning and Diagnosis Monitoring and maintenance…

  • Page 4: Views Of The Furnace, List Of Parts

    List of parts Front view: Sealing surface Furnace head sealing ring Insulation Thermocouple Firing plate Display Frame plate QTK heating muffle Furnace housing 10 Keypad 11 On/Off switch 12 Heating element fuse 13 Vacuum pump fuse 15 Fuse holder 16 Power cord 17 Power socket 18 Vacuum pump socket 19 Rating plate…

  • Page 6
    26 30…
  • Page 7
    Control unit: 70 Program key 71 ESC key 72 ENTER key 73 START key 74 Start LED 75 STOP key 76 + key 77 – key 78 Information / Settings 79 Cursor key right 80 Cursor key left 81 Stand-by temperature 82 Closing time 83 Temperature increase 84 Holding temperature…
  • Page 8: Introduction / Signs And Symbols

    Operating Instructions Dear Customer The signs and symbols in these Operating Instructions facilitate Thank you for having purchased the finding of important points the Programat P300/G2. It is a and have the following state-of-the-art furnace for meanings: Furnace concerned: dental applications.

  • Page 9: Safety First

    2. Safety First This chapter is especially important for personnel who work with the 2.1.1 Programat P300/G2 or who have to carry out maintenance or repair work. This chapter must be read and the corresponding instructions followed. Risks and dangers…

  • Page 10
    2.1.6 2.1.11 Risk of crushing and burn hazard Risks and dangers Do not carry the furnace by the Never reach under the furnace cooling tray. head with the hand or other parts of the body during operation, since there is a risk of crushing and a burn hazard.
  • Page 11: Health And Safety Instructions

    – Do not touch any parts that become hot during the operation of The heat insulation of the firing chamber in the Programat P300/G2 the furnace. There is a burn hazard! consists of ceramic fibres. After prolonged use of ceramic fibres at temperatures of over 900 °C (1652 °F), silicogenic substances…

  • Page 12: Product Description

    3. Product Description 3.1 Components 3.2 Hazardous areas and safety equipment The Programat P300/G2 Description of the risk areas of the furnace: comprises the following components: Hazardous area Type of risk – Furnace base with electronic controls Firing chamber Risk of burning –…

  • Page 13: Installation And Initial Start-Up

    Check the delivery for completeness (see delivery form in Chapter 9) and transportation damage. If parts are damaged or missing, contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center. Packing and shipping of individual components: The packaging of the P300/G2 permits simple and safe shipping of individual components.

  • Page 14
    Place the cooling tray (34) on the frame plate (7). Make sure that the cooling tray (34) is correctly positioned on the frame plate (7). Secure the cooling tray (34) with the two screws (35) including the silicone washer (47). Step 2: Placing the firing plate (5) Place the firing plate (5) on the firing plate holder…
  • Page 15
    Step 3: Mounting the furnace head The complete furnace head is best mounted with the rear panel of the furnace pointing towards the user. Lift the furnace head with both hands (see picture) and carefully position it on the furnace head mounting (43).
  • Page 16
    Connect the vacuum pump plug with the vacuum pump socket (18). We recommend using only the VP3 easy or VP4 vacuum pumps from Ivoclar Vivadent, since these pumps are especially coordinated with the furnace. If other pumps are used, please observe and do not…
  • Page 17: Initial Start-Up

    4.5 Initial start-up Stand-by mode 1. Connect the power cord (16) with the wall After program selection (Ivoclar Vivadent or socket. individual programs), the stand-by display is 2. Put the On/Off switch (11) at the rear of the shown.

  • Page 18: Operation And Configuration

    – Cursor keys (79, 80) The current cursor position is indicated by means of a fix (non- The Programat P300/G2 is equipped with a graphic display with blinking) frame around the value. backlighting. Moreover, the keypad features a parameter firing curve –…

  • Page 19: Program Structure

    5.3 Program structure 5.4 Adjustable parameters and possible value ranges The furnace offers two types of programs: Symbol Parameter Value range Value range a. Ivoclar Vivadent programs for Ivoclar Program number P 1–300 Vivadent materials b. Individual programs Stand-by temperature 100–700 °C 212–1292 °F…

  • Page 20
    Information Settings used to switch on the write protection. (For further information see chapter 6.4.2) ”Ivoclar Vivadent Only after entry of optimized the STD code. temperature control function“ The cursor position (frame around the symbol) can be changed by means of the cursor keys. To view the required Settings or Information, press the Enter key.
  • Page 21
    5.5.2 Information Settings Display Short description Settings Display Short description Selection of factory With this setting, all settings values and para- Serial number Serial number of the meters can be reset furnace to the factory settings. Attention: All individual pro- grams which have Software version been created and…
  • Page 22
    5.6 Symbols in the display 5.7 Explanation of the speaker signals Basically, all the acoustic signals are played in the melody and at the Symbol name Meaning Symbol volume selected by the user. The signal transmitter can only be ended with the STOP key. “One-stage Indicates that a program”…
  • Page 23: Practical Use

    The operating procedure for the Programat P300/G2 will be If the program is started with the START key, the firing curve display explained with the help of two examples: one Ivoclar Vivadent and with the vacuum status is shown. one individual program.

  • Page 24: Firing Using An Individual Program

    In addition, TSP works only if the stand-by temperature of B = 403 °C/757 °F required for Ivoclar Vivadent materials is used. The active TSP function is shown on the display by means of the symbol «TSP».

  • Page 25: Maintenance, Cleaning And Diagnosis

    Check the insulation for cracks and damages. If the insulation is worn down it has to Insulation (3) monthly be replaced by a certified Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center. Fine hairline cracks on the surface of the insulation are harmless and do not influence the function of the furnace in a negative fashion.

  • Page 26: Special Programs

    1200 firing the following display appears. hours. For that reason, Ivoclar Vivadent recommends to have the fur- nace serviced. Please see your Equipment Service Pass for further To select the calibration pro- information.

  • Page 27: What If

    In case of an error, the heater switches off for safety reasons. The following error messages may be displayed. If there are any questions, please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service. Error Conti- Error…

  • Page 28
    Please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service, if one of the following error messages is being displayed: 25, 29 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 54, 56 103, 107 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148 700, 701, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707…
  • Page 29: Technical Malfunctions

    8.2 Technical malfunctions These malfunctions may occur without an error message being displayed: * If there are any questions, please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service. Description Double-check Action Vacuum is not released Is the vacuum released within Wait until the vacuum is released, remove object.

  • Page 30: Product Specifications

    Max. 80 % relative humidity Acceptable ambient pressure 500 mbar to 1060 mbar 9.2 Technical data Use only original packaging of the Programat P300/G2 together with Power supply 110–120 V / 50–60 Hz the respective foam material for shipping purposes.

  • Page 31: Appendix

    10. Appendix 10.1 Program table Two program tables (°C / °F) are enclosed to these Operating Instruc- tions. If not, please contact your local Service Centre. Important information The current program table is also available at: The program tables can be downloaded from the internet as PDF files.

  • Page 32
    10.2 Menu structure 10.2.1 Possibilities of the program selection…
  • Page 33
    10.2.2 Information / Settings…
  • Page 34: Firing Curves

    10.3 Firing curves 10.3.1 Vacuum during both stages 10.3.2 Vacuum during long-term cooling 10.3.3 Pre-drying 10.3.4 Controlled long-term cooling…

  • Page 36
    Ivoclar Vivadent – worldwide Ivoclar Vivadent AG Ivoclar Vivadent Marketing Ltd. Ivoclar Vivadent s.r.l. & C. s.a.s Ivoclar Vivadent Marketing Ltd. Bendererstrasse 2 Rm 603 Kuen Yang Via Gustav Flora, 32 Derbenevskaja Nabereshnaja 11W FL-9494 Schaan International Business Plaza 39025 Naturno (BZ)

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Ivoclar Vivadent Manuals
  4. Oven
  5. Programat P300/G2
  6. Operating instructions manual
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Operating Instructions


Summary of Contents for Ivoclar Vivadent Programat P300/G2

  • Page 1
    Programat P300/G2 ® Operating Instructions…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Explanation of the symbols on the display Explanation of the beeper signals Practical Use Switching on/off Firing using an Ivoclar Vivadent program Firing using an individual program Other options and special features of the furnace Maintenance, Cleaning and Diagnosis Monitoring and maintenance…

  • Page 4: Views Of The Furnace, List Of Parts

    List of parts Front view: Sealing surface Furnace head sealing ring Insulation Thermocouple Firing plate Display Frame plate QTK heating muffle Furnace housing 10 Keypad 11 On/Off switch 12 Heating element fuse 13 Vacuum pump fuse 15 Fuse holder 16 Power cord 17 Power socket 18 Vacuum pump socket 19 Rating plate…

  • Page 6
    26 30…
  • Page 7
    Control unit: 70 Program key 71 ESC key 72 ENTER key 73 START key 74 Start LED 75 STOP key 76 + key 77 – key 78 Information / Settings 79 Cursor key right 80 Cursor key left 81 Stand-by temperature 82 Closing time 83 Temperature increase 84 Holding temperature…
  • Page 8: Introduction / Signs And Symbols

    Operating Instructions Dear Customer The signs and symbols in these Operating Instructions facilitate Thank you for having purchased the finding of important points the Programat P300/G2. It is a and have the following state-of-the-art furnace for meanings: Furnace concerned: dental applications.

  • Page 9: Safety First

    2. Safety First This chapter is especially important for personnel who work with the 2.1.1 Programat P300/G2 or who have to carry out maintenance or repair work. This chapter must be read and the corresponding instructions followed. Risks and dangers…

  • Page 10
    2.1.6 2.1.11 Risk of crushing and burn hazard Risks and dangers Do not carry the furnace by the Never reach under the furnace cooling tray. head with the hand or other parts of the body during operation, since there is a risk of crushing and a burn hazard.
  • Page 11: Health And Safety Instructions

    – Do not touch any parts that become hot during the operation of The heat insulation of the firing chamber in the Programat P300/G2 the furnace. There is a burn hazard! consists of ceramic fibres. After prolonged use of ceramic fibres at temperatures of over 900 °C (1652 °F), silicogenic substances…

  • Page 12: Product Description

    3. Product Description 3.1 Components 3.2 Hazardous areas and safety equipment The Programat P300/G2 Description of the risk areas of the furnace: comprises the following components: Hazardous area Type of risk – Furnace base with electronic controls Firing chamber Risk of burning –…

  • Page 13: Installation And Initial Start-Up

    Check the delivery for completeness (see delivery form in Chapter 9) and transportation damage. If parts are damaged or missing, contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center. Packing and shipping of individual components: The packaging of the P300/G2 permits simple and safe shipping of individual components.

  • Page 14
    Place the cooling tray (34) on the frame plate (7). Make sure that the cooling tray (34) is correctly positioned on the frame plate (7). Secure the cooling tray (34) with the two screws (35) including the silicone washer (47). Step 2: Placing the firing plate (5) Place the firing plate (5) on the firing plate holder…
  • Page 15
    Step 3: Mounting the furnace head The complete furnace head is best mounted with the rear panel of the furnace pointing towards the user. Lift the furnace head with both hands (see picture) and carefully position it on the furnace head mounting (43).
  • Page 16
    Connect the vacuum pump plug with the vacuum pump socket (18). We recommend using only the VP3 easy or VP4 vacuum pumps from Ivoclar Vivadent, since these pumps are especially coordinated with the furnace. If other pumps are used, please observe and do not…
  • Page 17: Initial Start-Up

    4.5 Initial start-up Stand-by mode 1. Connect the power cord (16) with the wall After program selection (Ivoclar Vivadent or socket. individual programs), the stand-by display is 2. Put the On/Off switch (11) at the rear of the shown.

  • Page 18: Operation And Configuration

    – Cursor keys (79, 80) The current cursor position is indicated by means of a fix (non- The Programat P300/G2 is equipped with a graphic display with blinking) frame around the value. backlighting. Moreover, the keypad features a parameter firing curve –…

  • Page 19: Program Structure

    5.3 Program structure 5.4 Adjustable parameters and possible value ranges The furnace offers two types of programs: Symbol Parameter Value range Value range a. Ivoclar Vivadent programs for Ivoclar Program number P 1–300 Vivadent materials b. Individual programs Stand-by temperature 100–700 °C 212–1292 °F…

  • Page 20
    Information Settings used to switch on the write protection. (For further information see chapter 6.4.2) ”Ivoclar Vivadent Only after entry of optimized the STD code. temperature control function“ The cursor position (frame around the symbol) can be changed by means of the cursor keys. To view the required Settings or Information, press the Enter key.
  • Page 21
    5.5.2 Information Settings Display Short description Settings Display Short description Selection of factory With this setting, all settings values and para- Serial number Serial number of the meters can be reset furnace to the factory settings. Attention: All individual pro- grams which have Software version been created and…
  • Page 22
    5.6 Symbols in the display 5.7 Explanation of the speaker signals Basically, all the acoustic signals are played in the melody and at the Symbol name Meaning Symbol volume selected by the user. The signal transmitter can only be ended with the STOP key. “One-stage Indicates that a program”…
  • Page 23: Practical Use

    The operating procedure for the Programat P300/G2 will be If the program is started with the START key, the firing curve display explained with the help of two examples: one Ivoclar Vivadent and with the vacuum status is shown. one individual program.

  • Page 24: Firing Using An Individual Program

    In addition, TSP works only if the stand-by temperature of B = 403 °C/757 °F required for Ivoclar Vivadent materials is used. The active TSP function is shown on the display by means of the symbol «TSP».

  • Page 25: Maintenance, Cleaning And Diagnosis

    Check the insulation for cracks and damages. If the insulation is worn down it has to Insulation (3) monthly be replaced by a certified Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center. Fine hairline cracks on the surface of the insulation are harmless and do not influence the function of the furnace in a negative fashion.

  • Page 26: Special Programs

    1200 firing the following display appears. hours. For that reason, Ivoclar Vivadent recommends to have the fur- nace serviced. Please see your Equipment Service Pass for further To select the calibration pro- information.

  • Page 27: What If

    In case of an error, the heater switches off for safety reasons. The following error messages may be displayed. If there are any questions, please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service. Error Conti- Error…

  • Page 28
    Please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service, if one of the following error messages is being displayed: 25, 29 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 54, 56 103, 107 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148 700, 701, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707…
  • Page 29: Technical Malfunctions

    8.2 Technical malfunctions These malfunctions may occur without an error message being displayed: * If there are any questions, please contact the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service. Description Double-check Action Vacuum is not released Is the vacuum released within Wait until the vacuum is released, remove object.

  • Page 30: Product Specifications

    Max. 80 % relative humidity Acceptable ambient pressure 500 mbar to 1060 mbar 9.2 Technical data Use only original packaging of the Programat P300/G2 together with Power supply 110–120 V / 50–60 Hz the respective foam material for shipping purposes.

  • Page 31: Appendix

    10. Appendix 10.1 Program table Two program tables (°C / °F) are enclosed to these Operating Instruc- tions. If not, please contact your local Service Centre. Important information The current program table is also available at: The program tables can be downloaded from the internet as PDF files.

  • Page 32
    10.2 Menu structure 10.2.1 Possibilities of the program selection…
  • Page 33
    10.2.2 Information / Settings…
  • Page 34: Firing Curves

    10.3 Firing curves 10.3.1 Vacuum during both stages 10.3.2 Vacuum during long-term cooling 10.3.3 Pre-drying 10.3.4 Controlled long-term cooling…

  • Page 36
    Ivoclar Vivadent – worldwide Ivoclar Vivadent AG Ivoclar Vivadent Marketing Ltd. Ivoclar Vivadent s.r.l. & C. s.a.s Ivoclar Vivadent Marketing Ltd. Bendererstrasse 2 Rm 603 Kuen Yang Via Gustav Flora, 32 Derbenevskaja Nabereshnaja 11W FL-9494 Schaan International Business Plaza 39025 Naturno (BZ)

This chapter will help you to recognize malfunctions and take

appropriate measures or, if possible and acceptable, to perform

some simple repairs.

8.1 Error messages

In case of an error, the heater switches off for safety reasons.

The following error messages may be displayed:

Index Category Error



T < B



L > T



V2x <= V1x



V2x > Tx + 1°C



Incorrect values for V1x, V2x



Current temperature after

Start > Tx + 50 °C



Temperature in the firing

chamber > 410 °C at the

start of the calibration

program, i.e. too high



T2 < T1



Power failure > 10 s during

a firing program in progress



T1 > V12



vV set, but V2 is

missing or invalid



Error in the heating system



Heating muffle very old



Heating muffle defective



Temperature in the furnace

base is higher than 65 °C



T is > B + 200 °C at the

start of a firing program



Furnace head cannot

be initialized



The furnace head does not

reach the target position



Temperature > 1225°C (SW)

or > 1300°C (HW)




The vacuum is not released



Necessary vacuum (xxxmbar)

is not reached within 1 min.



Write error in the

firing program memory



Read error in the firing

program memory

The furnace continuously checks

all functions during operation.

If an error is detected, the

respective error message is




Error Message Text





Enter a logical value for T


Enter a logical value for long-term cooling L


Enter a logical value for the vacuum-on temperature Vx1 or the vacuum-off temperature Vx2


Change either the vacuum values or the holding time T


Enter a logical value for V1x, V2x


Excess temperature! Program aborted, furnace head opens to allow the furnace to cool down.

*, **


Temperature too high for calibration; the furnace cools down! Start the program again later!



Enter a lower value for T1 or a higher value for T2.


A firing program in progress was interrupted for more than 10 s. The program cannot be continued!


Enter a lower value for T1 or a higher value for V12


Pre-vacuum activated! V2 must be higher than B.



Check the heater fuse. If the fuse is O.K., contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center.



The heating muffle is very old. It is recommended to replace it. After the error message has been

acknowledged, a firing program may still be started.


The condition of the muffle is so poor that is has to be replaced immediately.


The furnace base is too hot! Make sure that the air vents of the furnace are clean and unobstructed.

Maximum temperature 65 °C


Firing chamber too hot to start a firing program.


The furnace head cannot be moved to the final position. It might be blocked by an external mechanical

**, ***

source! If this is not the case, please contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center!


The furnace head does not open/close correctly. The furnace head was manually moved or is obstructed.


The furnace head must only be moved using the keys intended for this purpose!



Excess temperature! The temperature in the furnace head by far exceeds the acceptable temperature

*, **,

range (maximum temperature 1200 °C).




The vacuum cannot be released. The vacuum valve might be dirty or stuck. Please contact your service




The vacuum cannot be established. Check the seal of the firing chamber, vacuum hose, vacuum pump,

pump fuse.


Error while saving firing program data to the internal memory.


Error while reading firing program data from the internal memory.


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