Program error 1010 prolog
Error and warning messages from programming systems like SWI Prolog tell you that there is (or may be) a problem, but they can be a little cryptic in terms of telling you what the problem is. The following table is intended to demystify the messages.
ERROR: predname/1: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
ERROR: predname/1: Type error: `character’ expected, found `abc’
Message | Likely cause(s) |
ERROR: Out of local stack | Usually infinite recursion. Look at your recursive rules and ensure that there is some provision to stop the recursion from going on for ever. |
Means that in the program file , at line 1 (that’s the :1 ), you have used a variable name that not used anywhere else in that rule (or fact). Can mean a spelling mistake, as in this case — Cihld should presumably be Child . However, it could just be that you really only wanted to use the variable once, as with Someone , in happy(Person) :- loves(Someone, Person). In this case, you can get rid of the warning message by putting an underscore in front of the singleton variable: happy(Person) :- loves(_Someone, Person). |
means that rich was previously defined, and you have now loaded a new definition of it via a consult operation. This will have cleared out the previous definition of rich . | |
This means that you have tried to redefine a system predicate. It is usually a very bad idea to redefine a system predicate, as it means that any other code that calls the system predicate may end up using your definition, which might be entirely inappropriate. It is usually better to think of another name for your predicate: perhaps make_assertion instead of assert in the example above. If you absolutely have to use the name reserved for the system predicate for some very good reason, you can do this by inserting the directive e.g. before the point where you begin to redefine the system predicate. |
This is telling you something like the following: you tried to use a directive like :- [‘’]. to load some extra code into Prolog, but there was no such file available. This could happen either because, although the file exists, it’s in another directory, or because you mis-spelled the filename. In this case, the file is one that is often used in COMP9414 nlp assignments, and it is spelled not — i.e. no hyphen. Solution — fix the spelling of the filename in your code. The :6: at the end of the first and third lines of the messages is telling you that the problem was detected at line 6 of your code file. The extra «Warning» message is about the same problem. | |
This says that, from the point of view of the Prolog system, your code stopped abruptly at line 12, without completing the rule or fact that it was half-way through. This might be exactly what has happened, or it might be that some syntax error in your code has caused Prolog to get confused about what you are trying to do. | |
This says that, from the point of view of the Prolog system, your code stopped abruptly at line 92, partway through a clause. This is similar to the previous message, but Prolog had passed the start of a clause when the problem occurred. | |
Likely to occur with other messages, e.g. singleton variable warnings. Probably means you have a punctuation error in a rule, something like this: There should be a comma, not a full stop, at the end of the first line. | |
You have called a predicate, predname , probably a predefined one, and you supplied an argument that was a variable that is yet bound, where it doesn’t make sense to supply an unbound variable. For example, tab(N) (which prints N spaces) doesn’t make sense if N is not bound to a non-negative whole number. The argument must be bound at the time the goal is evaluated — it is not good enough to supply a value via a later goal. The /1 refers to the number of arguments that predname takes, in this case 1, but will vary according to the number of arguments you provide to the particular predicate. Like the preceding example errors, this one is likely to come, in practice, with a filename:linenum:position to tell you where in your program the problem is located. | |
Some Prolog built-in predicates insist on a particular type of argument — maybe integer, or string, for example. In this case, the predicate predname was expecting a single character, but you provided the string ‘abc’ . Like preceding example errors, this one is likely to come, in practice, with a filename:linenum:position to tell you where in your program the problem is located. |
I plan to add to the table as I encounter more such messages. Suggestions welcome, please send a cut-and-paste of the message, the dialogue with SWI Prolog that generated it, and the Prolog code as an attachment. This is not a free debugging service, but I’ll try to include such examples in this list.
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Работа с файлами на Visual/Turbo Prolog
Чтобы работать с файлами в Turbo и Visual Prolog нужно сначала объявить тип файла в разделе domains, например:
file = students_file; teachers_file
В данном случае нами объявлены два идентификатора:
- students_file — идентификатор файла, содержащего записи о студентах;
- teachers_file — идентификатор файла, содержащего записи о преподавателях;
Типы файлов могут использоваться, например для задания различных имен бинарным и текстовым файлам или файлам, отличающимся логически (как в нашем случае — файл с данными студентов и файл с данными преподавателей). Это нужно, т.к. ваша программа может одновременно открывать несколько файлов, обращаться к ним вы можете через идентификаторы.
Для работы с файлом, нужно его открыть помощью одной одной из функций. При открытии физический файл на диске связывается с одним из идентификаторов, объявленных вами в разделе domains . Доступны следующие функции открытия файла:
- openread(Id, Path) — открывает файл для чтения, если файл не получится открыть — вы получите ошибку:
Message:7002 File not found
Чтобы избежать ошибки при отсутствии файла в функции openread , нужно проверить наличие соответствующего файла на диске с помощью функции existfile(Path) .
Итак, мы открыли файл, но чтобы записывать или считывать с него данные нужно задать его в качестве текущего устройства ввода/вывода, сделать это можно с помощью функций writedevice(Id) и readdevice(Id) . После их вызова все запросы на ввод/вывод (например вызовы функций readInt , write , nl ) будут переадресованы соответствующему файлу. Если после работы с файлом нам потребуется вывести сообщения на экран или запросить ввод с клавиатуры — нужно переключить этими же функциями ввод/вывод на соответствующие устройства — stdin , stdout , stderr .
После работы с файлом его нужно закрывать функцией closefile(Id) .
В качестве примера, напишем программу, считывающую список целых чисел с файла:
Функция file_numbers_to_list использует метод накапливающего параметра — результат накапливает во втором аргументе (буфере). Считывание продолжается до тех пор, пока в файле содержатся данные — когда будет достигнут конец файла eof(File) завершится успешно и функция вернет накопленный результат. Если файл содержит что-то кроме целых чисел, функция readint вернет fail и функция выведет сообщение об ошибке.
Важно что функции ввода в visual prolog считывают данные с клавиатуры или текстового файла до символа перевода строки или конца файла, поэтому если вы запишите числа в файле через пробел — они завершатся неудачей. Исходный файл для этой программы должен содержать по одному числу на каждой строке. Если числа в файле содержатся в ином порядке или вам требуется обработать отдельные слова файла — можете считать строки целиком с помощью функции readln , преобразовать их в списки символов, затем — в список слов, после чего слова можно будет преобразовать в числа.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 |
constants fmax=100 domains int = integer lint = int* coord = c(int,int) p = poz(char,coord) lpoz = p* prob = coord* lp = prob* est = e(int,int) tr=l(prob,est); t(prob,est,tlist) tlist=tr* son = s(prob,int) lson = son* predicates start1(prob) start2(prob) start3(prob) nondeterm show_sol(lp) show_poz(prob) nondeterm change(coord,coord,prob,prob) dist(coord,coord,int ) dist1(int,int,int ) nondeterm tot_dist(prob,prob,int) points(coord,coord,int ) nondeterm sort(prob,int) nondeterm sort1(prob,coord,int) nondeterm member1(p,lpoz) nondeterm member1(int,lint) nondeterm solve(prob,lp) nondeterm expo(lp,tr,int,tr,int,lp) nondeterm optf(tlist,int) nondeterm f(tr,int) nondeterm h(prob,int) nondeterm sons(int,lson,tlist) nondeterm prolong(lp,tr,int,tr,int,int,lp) nondeterm continue(prob,lp,son) end(prob) nondeterm go(prob,prob,int) into(tr,tlist,tlist) member(prob,lp) min(int,int,int) goal start1(A), solve(A,S), show_sol(S),nl. clauses solve(A,S):- expo([],l(A,e(0,0)),fmax,_,1,S). expo(Way,l(X,_),_,_,1,[X|Way]):- end(X). expo(Way,l(X,e(F,G)),Limit,D1,Yes,Sol):- F<=Limit, findall(Y,continue(X,Way,Y),Lsons),!, sons(G,Lsons,DD), optf(DD,F1), expo(Way,t(X,e(F1,G),DD),Limit,D1,Yes,Sol). expo(Way,l(X,e(F,G)),Limit,D1,Yes,Sol):- F<=Limit, Yes= -1. expo(Way,t(X,e(F,G),[D|DD]),Limit,Dr1,Yes,Sol):- F<=Limit, optf(DD,OF), min(Limit,OF,Limit1), expo([X|Way],D,Limit1,D1,Yes1,Sol), prolong(Way,t(X,e(F,G),[D1|DD]),Limit,Dr1,Yes1,Yes,Sol). expo(_,t(_,_,[]),_,_,-1,_):-!. expo(_,D,Limit,D,0,_):- f(D,F), F>Limit. continue(X,Way,s(Y,C)):- go(X,Y,C), not(member(Y,Way)). prolong(_,_,_,_,1,1,Sol). prolong(Way,t(X,e(F,G),[D1|DD]),Limit,Dr1,Yes1,Yes,Sol):- Yes1=0, into(D1,DD,DD1), optf(DD1,F1), expo(Way,t(X,e(F1,G),DD1),Limit,Dr1,Yes,Sol). prolong(Way,t(X,e(F,G),[D1|DD]),Limit,Dr1,Yes1,Yes,Sol):- Yes1= -1, DD1=DD, optf(DD1,F1), expo(Way,t(X,e(F1,G),DD1),Limit,Dr1,Yes,Sol). sons(_,[],[]). sons(G0,[ s(X,C)|TX ],DD):- G=G0+C, h(X,H), F=G+H, sons(G0,TX,DD1), into(l(X,e(F,G)),DD1,DD). into(D,DD,[D|DD]):- f(D,F), optf(DD,F1), F<=F1,!. into(D,[D1|DD],[D1|DD1]):- into(D,DD,DD1). f( l(_,e(F,_)),F). f( t(_,e(F,_),_),F). optf([D|_],F):- f(D,F). optf([],fmax). min(X,Y,X):- X<=Y,!. min(X,Y,Y). member(H,[H|_]):-!. member(H,[_|T]):- member(H,T). go( [Hole|T],[Fsh|T1],1 ):- change(Hole, Fsh, T, T1). change(H,F,[F|T],[H|T]):- dist( H,F,1). change(H,F,[F1|T],[F1|T1]):- change(H,F,T,T1). start1( [c(2,2),c(2,3),c(1,2),c(3,3),c(2,1),c(3,2),c(3,1),c (1,1),c(1,3)] ). start2( [c(2,1), c(1,2), c(1,3), c(3,3), c(3,2), c(3,1), c(2,2), c(1,1), c(2,3)] ). start3( [c(2,2), c(2,3), c(1,3), c(3,1), c(1,2), c(2,1), c(3,3), c(1,1), c(3,2)] ). end( [c(2,2), c(1,3), c(2,3), c(3,3), c(3,2), c(3,1), c(2,1), c(1,1), c(1,2)] ). points( c(2,2),_,1):-!. points( c(1,3),c(2,3),0):-!. points( c(2,3),c(3,3),0):-!. points( c(3,3),c(3,2),0):-!. points( c(3,2),c(3,1),0):-!. points( c(3,1),c(2,1),0):-!. points( c(2,1),c(1,1),0):-!. points( c(1,1),c(1,2),0):-!. points( c(1,2),c(1,3),0):-!. points( _,_,2) :-!. h([ Hole|T ], H):- end([ Hole1|T1 ]), tot_dist(T,T1,D), sort(T,S), H = D + 3*S. tot_dist([],[],0). tot_dist( [F|T],[F1|T1],D ):- dist(F,F1,D1), tot_dist(T,T1,D2), D = D1+D2. dist(c(X,Y),c(X1,Y1),D):- dist1(X,X1,DX), dist1(Y,Y1,DY), D = DX+DY. dist1(A,B,D):- D = A-B, D>=0,!; D = B-A. sort( [ First|T ], S):- sort1( [ First|T ], First, S). sort1( [ X,Y|T ],First , S):- points( X,Y,S1), sort1( [ Y|T ], First, S2), S=S1+S2. sort1( [X], First, S):- points( X, First, S). show_sol([]). show_sol([H|T]):- show_sol(T), nl,write("-------"), show_poz(H), readchar(_). show_poz([ F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8 ]):- member1(Y,[3,2,1]), nl, member1(X,[1,2,3]), member1( poz(Fishka,c(X,Y)), [poz('0',F0), poz('1',F1),poz('2',F2), poz('3',F3), poz('4',F4), poz('5',F5), poz('6',F6), poz('7',F7), poz('8',F8) ] ), write( " ",Fishka), fail. show_poz(_). member1(H,[H|_]). member1(H,[_|T]):- member1(H,T). |
nondeterm male(symbol)
nondeterm female(symbol)
nondeterm wife(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm mother(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm father(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm brother(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sister(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sonInLaw(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm brotherInLaw(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm uncle(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sibling(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm grandson(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm grandfather(symbol,symbol)
sonInLaw(X,Y):-male(X),father(Y,Z),wife(Z,X) ; male(X),mother(Y,Z),wife(Z,X),X<>Y.
uncle(X,Y):- sibling(X,Z),father(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandfather(X,Y):- father(X,Z), father(Z,Y);father(X,Z), mother(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandson(X,Y):- father(Z,X), father(Y,Z);father(Z,X), mother(Y,Z),X<>Y.
My Prolog is giving me Error 1010.
This should work
In WIP7 this works
class predicates
male:(symbol) procedure (x).
female:(symbol) procedure (x).
wife:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
mother:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
father:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
brother:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sister:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sonInLaw:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
brotherInLaw:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
uncle:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sibling:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
grandson:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
grandfather:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sonInLaw(X,Y):-male(X),father(Y,Z),wife(Z,X);male(X),mother(Y,Z), wife(Z,X),X<>Y.
uncle(X,Y):- sibling(X,Z),father(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandfather(X,Y):-father(X,Z),father(Z,Y);father(X,Z),mother(Z,Y), X<>Y.
grandson(X,Y):- father(Z,X), father(Y,Z);father(Z,X), mother(Y,Z),X<>Y.
I think that with VIP 5.1 you can put
How to use TeeChart to produce such chart?
Using the data points pasted at the end, I get a chart using TeeChart looking like below (2nd image). However, what I want to get is as shown as the 1st image (black line). I am wondering how to do this? Any comments (about how to do or about the algorithm) are appreciated! by GaussView (IR spectrum) by TeeChart data 11.25 0.8558 13.93 0.7101 17.49 1.7783 18.48 0.0972 20.91 0.7608 23.36 2.0540 27.87 1.7063 31.34 0.4998 32.45 0.8735 36.86 1.9740 37.68 1.1448 39.02 1.6381 39.64 2.4984 40.63 2.5854 43.90 1.9891 45.38 1.0168 46.85 3.4588 50.19 0.5997 51.69 3.0986 52.37 5.2783 54.35 1.3672 55.93 1.9774 58.26 1.4327 60.00 0.1276 62.18 0.1294 64.04 2.5145 66.10 7.5823 68.48 0.4689 70.60 3.5168 72.22 6.7262 73.78 2.9225 76.05 1.6195 77.39 2.9711 79.05 3.0244 79.51 7.5896 81.41 4.4896 83.34 4.7092 85.55 5.7364 91.65 9.5119 93.06 4.1190 95.26 0.5367 97.60 1.7773 99.59 4.0967 100.29 3.3551 102.68 2.9290 104.37 2.1907 105.86 3.1003 108.29 4.6200 108.83 1.6020 112.74 4.5426 113.61 5.8697 115.43 5.3545 116.92 7.5064 118.52 1.1735 121.26 3.2800 123.70 0.7140 125.51 12.3312 126.79 0.6539 129.59 1.6488 130.17 3.3001 133.15 5.4448 133.81 5.2958 135.57 0.7273 136.74 2.7725 138.48 7.9547 140.74 4.4754 143.16 4.1672 145.21 2.0647 147.25 6.0894 150.77 6.6854 153.96 0.2456 154.71 5.2882 157.72 3.3148 159.83 41.1787 160.94 3.3881 164.82 21.6722 167.02 25.2616 168.56 5.3165 172.00 6.9968 174.48 3.4963 175.31 3.6395 177.35 1.3092 180.03 6.7443 181.92 2.3712 185.01 1.8564 186.79 8.2453 188.59 11.1710 191.39 2.9369 196.44 5.2397 197.33 6.8805 199.89 15.0378 201.45 4.7054 203.79 13.3486 207.10 5.7904 209.25 11.0755 211.85 23.5711 213.68 17.2254 214.61 3.9448 217.47 34.9757 220.06 5.1604 220.74 3.7671 225.87 13.0953 229.77 8.4948 233.98 21.1654 237.24 17.6599 238.71 25.2668 239.34 15.7494 244.56 43.4527 246.16 36.9053 248.17 7.5639 251.21 8.0873 253.46 4.3431 255.42 5.9059 256.73 1.7785 260.22 14.1219 260.70 4.8738 265.07 10.0827 267.08 4.9080 268.50 11.9286 271.89 8.8873 274.01 29.4943 275.04 29.2369 277.04 52.4743 278.13 14.3284 281.82 3.3507 284.56 21.7815 288.79 8.5983 290.67 30.2466 294.11 10.9149 301.49 7.3059 302.30 67.0245 302.84 6.5049 305.51 0.2989 311.16 4.8017 316.45 16.0656 320.37 42.8200 325.45 36.8340 336.19 35.0153 338.45 18.0032 339.63 3.6068 340.62 5.0152 348.49 77.5149 352.39 84.1067 358.46 16.2392 364.34 56.0846 371.03 78.4101 378.71 50.3951 381.68 79.3127 391.26 10.3953 394.69 75.6727 397.38 50.5976 399.97 40.0959 405.64 23.4627 417.96 12.1802 419.47 21.9191 429.40 1.9362 431.84 10.8746 437.11 6.7498 439.38 42.1917 454.11 18.9428 459.08 41.1182 465.76 50.9344 467.25 27.1854 475.56 130.5899 481.25 72.5219 487.87 25.8915 489.15 5.5288 489.42 124.2637 497.37 167.8169 501.23 6.7103 502.49 9.7129 508.77 26.4849 520.56 9.5302 522.17 2.9284 523.54 124.3465 524.98 79.0902 528.27 53.1656 533.88 12.9278 536.31 203.4675 540.72 33.9929 543.41 142.5774 550.07 37.2596 557.93 168.8374 560.52 60.4300 562.84 36.1606 566.10 151.7689 567.79 66.6189 572.38 149.8744 576.57 79.9780 585.50 112.8536 586.51 95.4084 597.52 3.5723 600.64 60.4112 603.83 147.9974 604.41 29.0763 606.39 7.1134 609.57 6.2102 611.10 7.8785 612.84 162.3687 620.43 170.4984 625.49 160.0876 630.37 36.9260 638.97 40.4913 646.00 25.4423 646.05 17.5637 652.18 23.6302 653.87 45.4506 655.96 31.1678 657.95 43.5278 666.44 17.7154 668.63 78.3033 674.15 20.1193 675.43 28.3611 679.85 99.0228 684.13 62.2844 685.09 36.8384 686.88 44.9261 688.54 86.4601 690.35 23.8856 691.64 245.3722 699.16 120.5513 709.26 2.6988 723.74 332.8580 726.74 6.5182 728.74 165.1788 730.46 5.6564 738.13 13.5268 740.13 12.5284 742.74 113.7637 752.67 23.3185 753.85 50.6479 754.67 2.4454 771.93 6.8897 775.45 195.5114 777.97 60.3044 782.04 1.5514 784.40 28.3898 785.12 127.7568 787.49 6.4007 795.51 7.3133 799.34 201.9055 802.14 19.5573 818.55 382.3869 819.71 6.5877 822.96 14.2146 824.05 2.2121 826.46 111.9575 830.73 29.2754 831.01 24.9736 834.71 22.8259 844.08 59.8333 845.62 40.3083 850.76 135.1998 856.03 2.2111 858.83 5.4722 860.88 228.0665 867.35 122.4081 875.07 5.8894 877.33 74.5747 881.75 28.0580 884.49 4.7371 887.88 27.9916 888.41 81.4206 895.50 18.5746 906.14 37.3150 909.57 39.2727 909.89 13.8018 912.76 3.8752 916.27 0.2486 926.60 12.7987 926.73 10.4374 929.15 131.5315 931.10 2.9229 934.57 113.7453 942.69 91.3771 948.15 25.1075 951.93 33.4258 954.69 44.6893 964.15 1.5994 965.00 0.7321 972.10 8.4069 973.43 7.5676 979.59 10.5092 981.39 30.0315 983.34 157.9592 987.12 24.8756 995.21 81.4163 995.60 22.9050 996.60 18.5511 997.58 41.7678 1001.40 7.2941 1010.63 3.7654 1017.41 12.3927 1020.10 1.2928 1020.50 6.4156 1027.74 3.5186 1029.51 15.7644 1032.33 4.9588 1038.71 4.4052 1042.08 3.1957 1042.54 23.7493 1044.90 0.6490 1051.57 9.5923 1058.97 6.4381 1072.38 13.5097 1075.43 1.4965 1076.01 16.5798 1079.15 0.7097 1082.69 163.1472 1085.62 11.4565 1090.04 9.5450 1104.35 0.4181 1105.81 19.4965 1107.07 1.4116 1107.32 2.1959 1107.51 0.8469 1109.85 16.5227 1116.34 3.7611 1117.27 22.3061 1122.22 5.0637 1123.85 2.0819 1126.87 99.5244 1127.27 0.7508 1129.03 7.9063 1131.13 12.5686 1136.06 2.4318 1138.90 11.9482 1139.10 0.9399 1146.32 3.3872 1159.39 11.9471 1161.78 14.1617 1174.95 23.2351 1179.72 14.9091 1189.14 3.7741 1204.68 17.3601 1205.62 25.2461 1214.86 38.4565 1222.25 4.7630 1222.40 15.9294 1222.83 12.4804 1229.30 17.8518 1248.53 23.6590 1252.67 56.1945 1257.42 8.6184 1261.43 8.7950 1261.70 4.7045 1265.78 16.4704 1267.68 4.8315 1273.64 1.5993 1273.80 83.2365 1275.45 18.8720 1284.93 0.8743 1286.10 12.7644 1286.41 38.1346 1291.55 238.9537 1299.52 27.7401 1302.81 21.4327 1312.97 7.2615 1316.40 37.1928 1319.76 32.1009 1321.66 43.8679 1323.22 11.7175 1324.58 0.5651 1330.94 16.7787 1332.59 16.8946 1337.01 3.1987 1338.49 12.1263 1340.41 31.1700 1345.84 13.8655 1346.50 0.9794 1349.54 14.2011 1357.85 45.9726 1358.09 3.9610 1362.71 5.3914 1366.21 16.9550 1372.10 64.1772 1374.92 161.5665 1380.58 230.3131 1384.00 328.5477 1385.04 5.1667 1390.07 0.1589 1397.37 40.3024 1397.88 5.2971 1398.44 3.5395 1401.91 22.7442 1403.68 0.8136 1404.50 30.1834 1407.30 62.3116 1407.42 3.0998 1410.47 17.7966 1411.88 14.4825 1414.12 10.3780 1418.49 8.3303 1419.19 17.0070 1419.62 3.6385 1419.71 19.0577 1422.55 6.9579 1423.39 1.0293 1431.35 333.3874 1436.26 307.7709 1440.15 41.7923 1441.39 536.8224 1443.14 252.0576 1445.99 216.7363 1449.43 128.0188 1462.98 11.9692 1467.30 28.3347 1473.56 23.1465 1475.93 42.4514 1483.98 36.0277 1484.24 5.2501 1484.39 24.3948 1485.45 10.8186 1490.44 11.5231 1492.27 7.3633 1495.11 8.5312 1495.56 18.0179 1497.77 3.1224 1497.88 14.2399 1498.31 3.0918 1499.72 5.7379 1501.76 26.4984 1504.98 13.7143 1507.61 1.4629 1508.28 8.4327 1508.41 4.8958 1508.48 4.2296 1512.21 8.4668 1515.46 1.8979 1518.07 20.2652 1518.82 9.2094 1521.34 9.8395 1526.17 2.9542 1526.43 9.4439 1528.02 3.3756 1528.30 2.4509 1532.78 5.3007 1534.13 6.5043 1537.24 53.5120 1540.81 1.9113 1543.85 4.4977 1544.20 4.2213 1548.35 3.6878 1552.54 14.8614 1559.24 11.6988 1564.07 74.1574 1566.46 108.9087 1567.58 6.3844 1575.43 2.5287 1577.84 233.8768 1595.41 237.2607 1596.87 369.0431 1616.23 173.9335 1624.09 836.9518 1626.98 233.4742 1628.60 5.4746 1632.35 100.3850 1637.82 390.7923 1643.65 382.0132 1676.36 174.8716 1677.37 240.7762 1681.68 71.5960 1686.63 207.9686 1689.79 321.4797 1706.91 270.6300 1710.36 276.3541 1719.02 103.4710 1722.09 13.0707 1732.52 118.1263 1733.45 134.7822 1737.38 86.6398 1741.65 193.3777 1745.96 267.6557 1748.85 104.5308 1750.11 84.3295 1754.89 142.1761 1762.19 44.6467 1778.03 277.3395 1786.51 54.7132 1801.43 124.4060 2501.45 2817.4313 2892.60 1433.0563 3010.32 37.5543 3018.83 24.9084 3020.63 4.2749 3026.82 31.0382 3027.83 7.3210 3028.25 21.5317 3034.03 19.3657 3042.31 18.5627 3042.36 29.6968 3045.35 18.7716 3047.91 13.3663 3050.76 6.5443 3053.48 25.7608 3055.29 40.7227 3055.58 28.5712 3055.88 7.9362 3057.54 10.2078 3059.36 27.4736 3059.83 26.5108 3059.85 22.3488 3061.56 4.6525 3063.51 25.9303 3065.41 14.8583 3066.43 25.5202 3066.83 40.4775 3068.42 6.6192 3068.55 27.7206 3069.66 5.1897 3074.54 30.3667 3077.72 1.0555 3082.30 19.8899 3085.29 277.0890 3086.03 7.4622 3086.91 55.7138 3090.29 9.7699 3090.42 23.7039 3098.95 15.2559 3100.15 37.0280 3101.05 12.4841 3104.13 31.3489 3104.26 305.3252 3107.27 14.1801 3107.65 8.3824 3111.25 23.7250 3113.32 1.6109 3116.84 31.4006 3118.15 8.3440 3123.33 5.3227 3127.86 7.6340 3129.01 7.9926 3132.66 10.0175 3138.18 348.0472 3138.83 3.9995 3145.04 497.0629 3165.17 3.9671 3168.85 798.7276 3200.74 837.1487 3204.12 38.9204 3206.21 21.6877 3206.27 39.0288 3206.94 34.9876 3212.51 37.8135 3212.92 20.7165 3226.37 15.2672 3281.65 23.1858 3282.58 732.5195 3283.15 78.0229 3283.92 991.2039 3287.78 41.3881 3290.37 28.2757 3290.38 7.2058 3292.55 27.3318 3294.23 639.1337 3297.11 79.7924 3316.31 8.5916 3322.30 531.3133 3334.75 1463.9099 3351.13 264.7960 3360.34 535.8013 3364.82 26.2667 3366.49 742.5906 3384.37 544.7382 3400.63 6.4281 3402.60 899.7517 3453.29 481.2669 3470.55 778.0064 3473.31 615.6872 3500.34 437.9592 3529.86 128.6586 3558.92 229.6075 3574.77 105.5502 3612.50 690.1041 3614.15 29.7018 3616.71 175.4585 3624.01 42.5718 3641.96 104.2644 3672.04 421.7865 3678.61 67.3033 3687.01 73.1667 3714.16 231.0432 3740.14 63.1046 3757.45 102.1256 3763.15 124.6488 3779.08 64.7553 3791.33 34.4075
As TLama has very kindly suggested, the solution is posted separately: [Solution] The difference between the plots is due to Lorentz line broadening. See Spectra line in Wikipedia. Very much thank you for all the comments! A very basic working example is given as follows: unit uCurvFit; interface uses uRtlTypes, Math, SysUtils; type TLineShapeFitFunc = (lsffLorentz, lsffGauss); TLineShapeFit = function(const RelOffset: Double): Double; function Lorentz(const RelOffset: Double): Double; function Gauss(const RelOffset: Double): Double; procedure SpectrumFit(const OriginalFrequencies, OriginalIntensities : TADouble; LineShapeFitFunc: TLineShapeFitFunc; var NFreqs: Integer; var NewFrequencies: TADouble; var NewIntensities: TADouble); implementation function Lorentz(const RelOffset: Double): Double; begin Result := 1.0 / (1.0 + RelOffset * RelOffset); end; function Gauss(const RelOffset: Double): Double; const nln2: Double = -0.301029996; // - Log10(2.0); begin Result := Exp(nln2 * RelOffset * RelOffset); end; procedure SpectrumFit(const OriginalFrequencies, OriginalIntensities : TADouble; LineShapeFitFunc: TLineShapeFitFunc; var NFreqs: Integer; var NewFrequencies: TADouble; var NewIntensities: TADouble); const FrequencyStep: Double = 1.0; HwHm: Double = 20.0; // Full Width at Half Maximum var I, J: Integer; MaxFreq, MinFreq: Double; Intensity, Freq, Center, RelOffset: Double; LineShapeFit: TLineShapeFit; begin MaxFreq := 4000; MinFreq := 0; for I := 0 to Length(OriginalFrequencies) do begin if MaxFreq < OriginalFrequencies[I] then MaxFreq := OriginalFrequencies[I]; if MinFreq > OriginalFrequencies[I] then MinFreq := OriginalFrequencies[I]; end; case LineShapeFitFunc of lsffLorentz: LineShapeFit := Lorentz; lsffGauss: LineShapeFit := Gauss; end; NFreqs := 1 + Trunc((MaxFreq - MinFreq) / FrequencyStep); SetLength(NewFrequencies, NFreqs); SetLength(NewIntensities, NFreqs); for I := 0 to NFreqs - 1 do begin Intensity := 0.0; Freq := MinFreq + I * FrequencyStep; for J := 0 to Length(OriginalFrequencies) - 1 do begin Center := OriginalFrequencies[J]; RelOffset := (Freq - Center) / HwHm; Intensity := Intensity + OriginalIntensities[J] * LineShapeFit(RelOffset); end; NewFrequencies[I] := Freq; NewIntensities[I] := Intensity; end; end; end.
Quoting your data source: 1801.43 124.4060 2501.45 2817.4313 and 2501.45 2817.4313 2892.60 1433.0563 and 2892.60 1433.0563 3010.32 37.5543 TeeChart is correctly rendering that given data. . If you want to change the data - and the graph - you should add the missed datapoints. You're to decide how frequently (over which X-steps) your added counts should go. And which delta from y-zero would mean cancelling the propagation (as the difference becomes neglectedly tiny in your eyes). Then you're to make a polynomial formula, determining how fast the values would fall down around every peak with respect to absolute value of the peak. Something like y == y0 / (a*(x-x0)^4 + b*(x-x0)^2 + c) or something alike. You should try this and that and finally get the number of coefficients and powers that suit your tastes. Then around each peak (aka primary source datapoint) you should add those secondary, calculated points, until they would fall very close to y-zero or until they would meet the secondary values coming from the adjacent data point, which happen first. You can derive a formula where two propagating waves would meat, depending upon y0, y1 and abs(x0-x1) or you just can be lazy and calculate full path from both directions then just insert max y-values. This secondary, enhanced serie you would pass to the TeaChart and it would show what you like. PS. take a look at - he has few free components, but maybe there would be something suitable... PPS. very rough draft for enriching data Estimation function and config should be manually tuned to get the best possible result, whatever a meaning the "best" would have.
Display string data in message box
Why is this not working with TJSONObject? procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var js : TJSONObject; isoDate1, isoDate2, data : string; begin isoDate1 := '2018-01-02T10:00:00.000Z'; isoDate2 := '2018-01-02T10:10:00.000Z'; js := TJSONObject.Create; js.AddPair(TJsonPair.Create(isoDate1, 'TEST')); js.AddPair(TJsonPair.Create(isoDate2, 'TEST2')); outputdebugstring(pchar(js.ToString)); if js.TryGetValue<string>(isoDate1, data) then begin ShowMessage(data); end else begin ShowMessage('data non trouvé pour ' + isoDate1); end; end; output : Sortie de débogage: {"2018-01-02T10:00:00.000Z":"TEST","2018-01-02T10:10:00.000Z":"TEST2"} Processus Project1.exe (6232) Expected Outcome: The TryGetValue should put a string in data ShowMessage should give me 'TEST' in a message box. Outcome: The ShowMessage give me 'data non trouvé pour 2018-01-02T10:00:00.000Z'.
Problem is the dot in your JSON path that you query with the TryGetValue method call. Dot char path parser (TJSONPathParser) interprets as key separator of pairs, whose value is about to be obtained. So, for example call like this: if JSONObject.TryGetValue<string>('Foo.Bar', S) then DoSomething; is a query for The value of an object like this: {"Foo": {"Bar": "The value"}} not for The value with the key named this way: {"Foo.Bar": "The value"} So in your case you were trying to query the value of the 2018-01-02T10:00:00 object's key 000Z, which would require object like this: {"2018-01-02T10:00:00": {"000Z": "TEST"}} This JSON path dot notation is hardcoded at this time (without possibility of escaping dot chars in the queried path), so the only way is giving up on that method at this moment, or losing dots from key names.
The problem is the dot in your key. It's used as a seperator. Delphi interprets '2018-01-02T10:00:00' as an object which has '000Z' as a property. I would sugguest to get the value like this: var ... LJsonValue: TJSONValue; begin ... LJsonValue := js.GetValue(isoDate1); if Assigned(LJsonValue) then ShowMessage(LJsonValue.Value); ... end;
Brute Force Algorithm to solve the TSP in Delphi [closed]
I'm writing a program for an extended project to simulate the travelling salesman problem. So far I have written it to allow the user to enter a route, as well as 'solving' a route using a nearest neighbour algorithm. I am now trying to write a brute force algorithm to solve for a selection of cities, from 3 cities up to about 13/14. The program is for the purpose of showing how the increase in number of cities leads to an exponential/factorial increase in the time taken to calculate the shortest route. I have tried to write a recursive function but cannot get my head around how it would work. I am in desperate need of some guidance as to how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
Since there is no tag with Delphi version, then any version suits the TopicStarter just fine. I would base thus draft on XE2 version then. I also would assume that each town is only visited once. I would assume that there is a road network rather than a private airplane, that is between any chosen cities A and B there may be direct path or may not (connection only through other cities). type TCity = class public Name : string; Routes : TList<TCity>; // available roads to/from this place LeftFor : integer; // where did the merchant went next; -1 if did not arrived or left, used to iterate all the paths CameFrom: TCity; // nil initially ..... End; // writing this draft from phone ( testing official StackOverflow Android app) would not write boilerplate with creating/free in internal objects - do it yourself Type TPath = TArray<TCity>; // for your app you would add segments and total cost and whatever Var World: TArray<TCity >; // fill cities and links yourself AllPaths: TList<TPath>; // create yourself Current: TList<TCity >; // create yourself Procedure SaveResult; Begin AllPaths.Add( Current.ToArray) end; Function TryNextCity: boolean; Var c1,c2: TCity; I : integer; Begin c1 := Current.Last; // where we are While true do begin Inc( c1.LeftFor) ; If c1.LeftFor >= c1.Routes.Count // tried all ways? Then Exit( false ); c2 := c1.Routes (. c1.LeftFor .); if c2 = c1.CameFrom then continue; if c2.LeftFor >= 0 then continue; // already were there AddCity(c2); Exit( True) ; End; End; Procedure AddCity( const City: TCity) ; Begin Assert ( not Current.Contains( City) ) ; If Current.Count = 0 then City.CameFrom := nil //starting point else City.CameFrom := Current.Last; City.LeftFor := -1; Current.Add(City) ; End; Procedure Withdraw; Begin Assert ( Current.Count > 0); With Current.Last do begin CameFrom := nil; LeftFor := -1; End; Current.Delete( Current.Count - 1) ; End; Procedure Recurs; Var DeadEnd : boolean; Begin DeadEnd := true; while TryNextCity() do begin DeadEnd := false; Recurs(); end; if DeadEnd then SaveResult(); Withdraw (); End; Procedure RunBruteForce; Var c: TCity ; Begin AllPaths.Clear; For c in world do begin Current.Clear; AddCity( c ); Recurs(); End; End; PS. #MartynA looks like I cannot comment my answer now in Android. So my reply is: this questions as is now falls into a triangle between "do my homework", "write a textbook or at least an essay" and "throw a bunch of vague nice ideas, correct per se, but none of which would be detailed and complete enough to be called an answer". I only started the answer to try new SO app, and only go on for it does not have options to delete the answer.
Problem with “in” operator in Delphi
Hi guys i have a wierd problem and i don't know where i am doing wrong... I have the following code please look at the end of it that's where it fails i commented it... var IDH:PImageDosHeader; INH:PImageNtHeaders; ISH:PImageSectionHeader; buf:Pointer; FS:TFileStream; ep,tmp1,tmp2:DWORD; i:Word; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin FS:=TFileStream.Create(OpenDialog1.FileName,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); GetMem(buf,FS.size); FS.Read(buf^,FS.Size); FS.Free; IDH:=PImageDosHeader(buf); INH:=PImageNtHeaders(DWORD(buf) + DWORD(IDH^._lfanew)); ep:=INH^.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; for i:=0 to INH^.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1 do begin ISH:=PimageSectionHeader(DWORD(INH) + sizeof(TImageNtHeaders) + i * sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)); tmp1:=ISH^.VirtualAddress; tmp2:=ISH^.VirtualAddress + ISH^.Misc.VirtualSize; ShowMessageFmt('%d -> %d .. %d',[ep,tmp1,tmp2]); if ep in [tmp1..tmp2] then ShowMessage('Got it'); //This fails even if ep is in the defined interval. Why? end; end; end; Of course i can replace that line with if (ep>=tmp1) and (ep<=tmp2) but i want to know what i am doing wrong.
A set is a collection of values of the same type. This type must be ordinal, and a variable of this type must have at most 256 possible values. (Official documentation) Hence, a set cannot contain integers, since there are more than 256 possible integers. You could use the InRange function: if InRange(ep, tmp1, tmp2) then (uses Math).
OpenOffice Calc automation how alter a chart label of a scatter diagram
Hello could you please help me with the following. I have created a scattered chart and draw a chart from data of a column. The used data is not just after the cell which determines the label: Column O: Pwm1 <-- This is the cell I want to see as the label 27114 <-- not used data for graph 27055 <-- etc 27092 27070 <-- data for graph starts here 27105 27024 27092 <-- data for graph ends here I would like the LABEL cell to appear as the Y column label name (Is now 'Column O'), but how? This as far as I got (code is Delphi but if someone could help me with a basic example that's ok too): (* Turn the symbol of the data points off *) oChart.Diagram.SymbolType := _chartChartSymbolTypeNONE; oDataSeries := oChart.getUsedData; oDataSequences := oDataSeries.getDataSequences; ShowMessage(oDataSequences[1].Label.SourceRangeRepresentation); SourceRangeRepresentation returns the current label, but how to change? Thanks Ad
This did it: (* creat new DataSequence from range representaion that provides real data and its role in the series oDataProvider: sRangeRepresentation: range address e.g. Sheet1.A1:B2 sRole: role is defined in *) Function CreateDataSequence( oDataProvider : Variant; sRangeRepresentation : String; sRole :String ) : Variant; Var oDataSequence : Variant; Begin (* create from range representation *) oDataSequence := oDataProvider.createDataSequenceByRangeRepresentation(sRangeRepresentation); If NOT VarIsEmpty(oDataSequence) Then oDataSequence.Role := sRole; Result := oDataSequence; End; oNewLabel := CreateDataSequence(oChart.getDataProvider, '$Sheet1.$O$7', 'label'); oDataSequences[1].setLabel(oNewLabel);
nondeterm male(symbol)
nondeterm female(symbol)
nondeterm wife(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm mother(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm father(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm brother(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sister(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sonInLaw(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm brotherInLaw(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm uncle(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm sibling(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm grandson(symbol,symbol)
nondeterm grandfather(symbol,symbol)
sonInLaw(X,Y):-male(X),father(Y,Z),wife(Z,X) ; male(X),mother(Y,Z),wife(Z,X),X<>Y.
uncle(X,Y):- sibling(X,Z),father(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandfather(X,Y):- father(X,Z), father(Z,Y);father(X,Z), mother(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandson(X,Y):- father(Z,X), father(Y,Z);father(Z,X), mother(Y,Z),X<>Y.
My Prolog is giving me Error 1010.
This should work
In WIP7 this works
class predicates
male:(symbol) procedure (x).
female:(symbol) procedure (x).
wife:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
mother:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
father:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
brother:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sister:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sonInLaw:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
brotherInLaw:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
uncle:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sibling:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
grandson:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
grandfather:(symbol,symbol) procedure (x,y).
sonInLaw(X,Y):-male(X),father(Y,Z),wife(Z,X);male(X),mother(Y,Z), wife(Z,X),X<>Y.
uncle(X,Y):- sibling(X,Z),father(Z,Y),X<>Y.
grandfather(X,Y):-father(X,Z),father(Z,Y);father(X,Z),mother(Z,Y), X<>Y.
grandson(X,Y):- father(Z,X), father(Y,Z);father(Z,X), mother(Y,Z),X<>Y.
I think that with VIP 5.1 you can put
Need to convert following FORTRAN code to C++
Im a very poor programmer, and i was given a program to supposedly help me on my aerodynamic hw. but its in fortran, and im trying to use MATLAB to run this program. any help on converting it to a language matlab understands? (preferabbly c++) program joukow c c computes joukowski airfoil and finds pressure coefficient c currently set up for symmetric airfoil with sharp trailing edge c and chord length equal to one. c profile is written onto prof.dat and cp onto cp.dat c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) complex z,zeta,cw dimension uz(100),vz(100),xi(100),eta(100),cp(100) dimension xout(100),yout(100) open(unit=8,file='prof.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=9,file='cp.dat',status='unknown') b=1.d0 write(6,98) format(2x,'input the radius of the a-circle in z plane') read(5,99)a format(f10.0) xl=2.*a-1.+1./(2.*a-1.) c xl=a+1./a c chord=2.*xl chord=2.+xl del=a-b c del =0.1d0 do 50 i=1,100 ri=i theta=6.2832d0*ri/101.d0 x=-del+a*cos(theta) y=a*sin(theta) z=cmplx(x,y) zeta=z+b**2/z c c xi and eta are coordinates of points on airfoil c xi(i)=real(zeta) eta(i)=aimag(zeta) cw=(1.-a**2/(z+del)**2)/(1.-b**2/z**2) c c uz and vz are velocity components on the airfoil assuming the free-stream c speed is one. c uz(i)=real(cw) vz(i)=-aimag(cw) c c xout and yout are airfoil coordinates where the leading edge is at (0,0) c and the chordlength is one. c xout(i)=(xl+xi(i))/chord yout(i)=eta(i)/chord write(8,100)xout(i),yout(i) format(2x,2f10.4) continue c c now calculate the pressure coefficient cp c write(6,200) format(2x,'pressure coefficients') do 70 i=1,50 cp(i)=1.-(uz(i)**2+vz(i)**2) write(9,100)xout(i),cp(i) continue stop end
Matlab understands Fortran just fine -- check the documentation. And if that doesn't satisfy you, most of the lines in the program which do any computation could be typed into the Matlab console with very little modification. If you are a poor programmer, I suggest that you spend your time modifying the program into Matlab rather than into C++. I'll write more later if you don't get any better help than I have time for right now. EDIT: first off, some information on using Fortran source files from Matlab. If you really don't want to (or can't or have performance reasons for not doing so) rewrite the Fortran into Matlab then turn it into a MEX file. Using f2c (or anything else, including your own time and effort) to first translate the Fortran into C or C++ seems pointless to me. If you don't like that idea, here are some ideas on turning Fortran into Matlab. First, all lines beginning with C or c are comments so you don't need to translate them. Start with your code: complex z,zeta,cw dimension uz(100),vz(100),xi(100),eta(100),cp(100) dimension xout(100),yout(100) These lines declare a number of variables. You don't have to declare variables before you use them in Matlab but, there are sometimes good reasons to do so. You don't have to in Fortran either, though this is universally considered a bad idea these days. You could 'declare' these variables in Matlab with statements such as: uz = zeros(100,1); vz = zeros(100,1); By declaring these in advance in your Matlab you allocate memory for them once, and avoid some performance-reducing problems. The next 2 lines: open(unit=8,file='prof.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=9,file='cp.dat',status='unknown') open a couple of files for output. They are used later in write statements - forget them, write Matlab statements such as save xout instead. The next line is Fortran but identical in Matlab: b=1.d0 The next lines get a value for the radius from the console: write(6,98) format(2x,'input the radius of the a-circle in z plane') read(5,99)a format(f10.0) again, I suggest you forget these, just use the Matlab console to set the value of a. More Fortran that doesn't need to be translated (though I suggest you either drop the decimal points without following 0s or put a space between them and the subsequent * -- .* is a specific operator in Matlab): xl=2.*a-1.+1./(2.*a-1.) chord=2.+xl del=a-b A Fortran do loop is the same as a Matlab for loop. Rewrite: do 50 i=1,100 as for i = 1:100 As one of the other respondents has noted it's not clear where the matching end statement goes, you'll have to figure that out. Note that I'm just offering a line-by-line translation of Fortran into Matlab. It's not well-written Fortran, and I'm not offering well-written Matlab, I'll leave that to you. This lot doesn't need to be translated: ri=i theta=6.2832d0*ri/101.d0 x=-del+a*cos(theta) y=a*sin(theta) cmplx is a Fortran function which returns a complex number which has real part x and imaginary part y: z=cmplx(x,y) In Matlab this would be z = x + y * i. Fortran uses ** for exponentiation, Matlab uses ^ zeta=z+b**2/z and so on and so on. Hope that helps.
I used f2matlab and a little touching up afterward. Here is the cleaned up and compilable fortran90 code: program joukow ! ! computes joukowski airfoil and finds pressure coefficient ! currently set up for symmetric airfoil with sharp trailing edge ! and chord length equal to one. ! profile is written onto prof.dat and cp onto cp.dat ! implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) complex z,zeta,cw dimension uz(100),vz(100),xi(100),eta(100),cp(100) dimension xout(100),yout(100) open(unit=8,file='prof.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=9,file='cp.dat',status='unknown') b=1.d0 write(6,98) 98 format(2x,'input the radius of the a-circle in z plane') read(5,99)a 99 format(f10.0) xl=2.*a-1.+1./(2.*a-1.) ! xl=a+1./a ! chord=2.*xl chord=2.+xl del=a-b ! del =0.1d0 do i=1,100 ri=i theta=6.2832d0*ri/101.d0 x=-del+a*cos(theta) y=a*sin(theta) z=cmplx(x,y) zeta=z+b**2/z ! ! xi and eta are coordinates of points on airfoil ! xi(i)=real(zeta) eta(i)=aimag(zeta) cw=(1.-a**2/(z+del)**2)/(1.-b**2/z**2) ! ! uz and vz are velocity components on the airfoil assuming the free-stream ! speed is one. ! uz(i)=real(cw) vz(i)=-aimag(cw) ! ! xout and yout are airfoil coordinates where the leading edge is at (0,0) ! and the chordlength is one. ! xout(i)=(xl+xi(i))/chord yout(i)=eta(i)/chord write(8,100)xout(i),yout(i) 100 format(2x,2f10.4) end do ! ! now calculate the pressure coefficient cp ! write(6,200) 200 format(2x,'pressure coefficients') do i=1,50 cp(i)=1.-(uz(i)**2+vz(i)**2) write(9,100) xout(i),cp(i) end do stop end program joukow Here is the resulting matlab code: function hw1(varargin) % % computes joukowski airfoil and finds pressure coefficient % currently set up for symmetric airfoil with sharp trailing edge % and chord length equal to one. % profile is written onto prof.dat and cp onto cp.dat % implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) format_99=['%10.0f']; format_100=[repmat(' ',1,2),repmat('%10.4f',1,2),'n']; format_200=[repmat(' ',1,2),'pressure coefficients n']; fid_8=fopen('prof.dat','w+'); fid_9=fopen('cp.dat','w+'); b=1.0d0; a=input('input the radius of the a-circle in z plane'); xl=2..*a-1.+1../(2..*a-1.); % xl=a+1./a % chord=2.*xl chord=2.+xl; del=a-b; % del =0.1d0 for i=1:100; ri=i; theta=6.2832d0.*ri./101.0d0; x=-del+a.*cos(theta); y=a.*sin(theta); z=complex(x,y); zeta=z+b.^2./z; % % xi and eta are coordinates of points on airfoil % xi(i)=real(zeta); eta(i)=imag(zeta); cw=(1.-a.^2./(z+del).^2)./(1.-b.^2./z.^2); % % uz and vz are velocity components on the airfoil assuming the free-stream % speed is one. % uz(i)=real(cw); vz(i)=-imag(cw); % % xout and yout are airfoil coordinates where the leading edge is at (0,0) % and the chordlength is one. % xout(i)=(xl+xi(i))./chord; yout(i)=eta(i)./chord; fprintf(fid_8,format_100,xout(i),yout(i)); end; i=100+1; % % now calculate the pressure coefficient cp % fprintf(1,format_200); for i=1:50; cp(i)=1.-(uz(i).^2+vz(i).^2); fprintf(fid_9,format_100, xout(i),cp(i)); end; i=50+1; end %program joukow They both give the same results for me. I didn't check the algorithm for correctness, though, just converted the code.
I don't know how well it's still supported - - but the easiest way used to be f2c which translates fortran directly into c code.
Maple isnt executing function but prints function term
Im using maple Im in worksheetmode I tried using Maple Input and 2D Input and I want to transpose my Matrix A: A := `<|>`(`<,>`(1, .5, -2), `<,>`(.5, 9/4+b, 5+3*b), `<,>`(-2, 5+3*b, 18+9*b+4*a)); B:= Transpose(A); When I exectute the sheet I dont get the translated values, there are the same as the input. So my matrix looks like the same as my input matrix plus the function term. You can see a picture in the following link: Why arent the functions executed? Meanwhile B:=A^+ is doing it the right way and I get a transposed Matrix. But also other functions only return the function body instead the needed values...
If you are using 2D Input mode (the default) then the extra space you've got between Transpose and the bracketed (B) is interpreted as multiplcation. Get rid of such a space. Also, either load the package at the start of your document like, with(LinearAlgebra): before calling the Transpose command from that package, or call it with it's full name like, LinearAlgebra:-Transpose(B);
How to prevent loops in cubic Bezier curves
I have a calculation that produces a cubic 2D Bezier curve. In this situation, the endpoints are fixed and my program calculates the internal control points. Most of the time these curves produce simple blends between two nearby shapes. But sometimes the geometry is such that drawing the curve would produce a loop, which would never look good in this application. In such situations, I am willing to modify the control points to prevent the loop. But to do this, I need to detect whether the given cubic Bezier curve will loop when drawn. I could of course simply sample the curve at many points and look for a loop, but I'd rather find an algebraic solution based on the 8 variables (x and y values for each of the 4 points). Ideally, that solution will tell me not just if there's a loop, but how "big" the loop is in some sense. But even having a binary yes/no answer would be a big help. Does anyone know of an algorithm that can determine if a given cubic 2D Bezier curve will produce a loop when drawn?
certainly: you can look at its canonical form to see whether the four points result in the curve "ending" in a region where loops must necessarily exist. The original theory for this is outlined in the 1989 paper "A Geometric Characterization of Parametric Cubic curves"
First the code, some explanation later. The process is somewhat time-consuming, so the code was slighty optimized. Now it resembles a sharp selection, where very few candidates will pass all tests. type myType=Integer; {remember to change here to your own type, an integers are good for an educational purpose} point_2d=record xx,yy :myType end; vector_2d=record vx,vy :myType end; function bezier_has_a_loop(p0,p1,p2,p3:point_2d):boolean; {-------------------------} function f_vec_from_2_pts(pa,pb:point_2d):vector_2d; begin with Result do begin vx:=pb.xx - pa.xx; vy:=pb.yy - pa.yy end end; {-------------------------} function f_cross_prod(va,vb : vector_2d):myType; begin Result := va.vx*vb.vy - va.vy*vb.vx end; {-------------------------} function f_mult(m:myType; v:vector_2d):vector_2d; begin with Result do begin vx := m*v.vx; vy := m*v.vy end end; {-------------------------} function f_sum(va,vb : vector_2d):vector_2d; begin with Result do begin vx := va.vx+vb.vx; vy := va.vy+vb.vy end end; {-------------------------} function f_rotate(v, rotor : vector_2d):vector_2d; var m_sin,m_cos:myType; {only for a readability purpose} begin m_cos:=rotor.vx { /sqrt(sqr(rotor.xx)+sqr(rotor.yy)) - unnecessary }; m_sin:=rotor.vy { /sqrt(sqr(rotor.xx)+sqr(rotor.yy)) - unnecessary }; with Result do begin vx := -v.vx * m_cos - v.vy *m_sin; vy := v.vx * m_sin - v.vy *m_cos end end; {-------------------------} var a,b,c, c1,c2,c3 :vector_2d; ab,ac,bc:myType; bb,s1,s2,delta,shift,t_1_2 : Double; begin a:=f_vec_from_2_pts(p0,p1); b:=f_vec_from_2_pts(p1,p2); c:=f_vec_from_2_pts(p2,p3); ab:=f_cross_prod(a,b); {on the planar, myType for a cross product is just fine}} ac:=f_cross_prod(a,c); bc:=f_cross_prod(b,c); {==1== No inflection point(s) or cusp allowed} if ac*ac >= 4*ab*bc then begin Result:=False; exit end; c3:= f_sum( f_sum(a,c) , f_mult( -2,b ) ); if c3.vy<>0 then begin {Is the bag's handle horizontal?} a := f_rotate(a,c3); b := f_rotate(b,c3); c := f_rotate(c,c3); c3:= f_sum ( f_sum(a,c) , f_mult(-2,b) ); {Now the handle is forced to be horizontal.} end; c1:= f_mult ( 3,a ); c2:= f_sum ( f_mult(3,b) , f_mult(-3,a) ); { Following 4 restrictions comes from a single caveats for a roots: 0<= t1<t2<=1} bb:= -c1.vy / c2.vy; { always c2.vy<>0 } {==2== A central point (t1+t2)/2 outside the limits} if (bb<0) or (bb>2) then begin Result:=False; exit end; s1:= c1.vx/c3.vx; { always c3.vx<>0 } s2:= c2.vx/c3.vx; delta := -bb*(4*s2+3*bb)-4*s1; {==3== delta is to big} if delta>1 then begin Result:=False; exit end; shift:=sqrt(delta); { always delta>0 } t_1_2:=bb-shift; {for readability purpose only, one can omit this and write below: if shift>bb } {==4== t1 is to low } if t_1_2<0 then begin Result:=False; exit end; t_1_2:=bb+shift; { no /2 here,beacause of *2 below} {==5== t2 is to high} if t_1_2>2 then Result:=False else Result:=True { TA DA! Thank you for your patience. } end; Now some theory. Let take into account 4 points P0, P1, P2, P3. These points define (almost always) a cubic Bézier curve. Let establish the point H1 such as the vector P1_H1 is half of the vector P0_P1. Let establish the point H2 such as the vector P2_H2 is half of the vector P3_P2. At the end, let create the vetor h = H1_H2. (Personally I call this vector "the handle of the bag", guess why.) Bezier curve and its handle No surprise here, when you start an isotropic scaling or a roation of P0, P1, P2, P3, then vector h will transform accordingly. Maybe for someone this will be a surprise, the vector h = [_h_x,_h_y] is proportional to the vector [c3x,c3y] created from the highest coefficients of the algebraic form of the cubic Bézier curve. The proportionality coefficient is (-1/2). (In fact, when the points H1=H2 coincide, the h vector vanishes, c3x=c3y=0, thus the cubic Bézier curve reduces at least into the quadratic Bézier curve, created from P0,H1,P3 points.) And now the clue: The right rotation can always turn the vector h horizontally (or verically), and this rotation will reduce c3y ( or c3x ) into null, however preserving the loop. In turn, one can reduce the stated problem into a trivial root-finding of a quadratic equation. (I suppose this is a decisive hint to find a solution.) To measure the loop, I suggest take into account the variable delta from the code above. 0 < delta <= 1 When delta -> 0, the loop vanishes. When delta -> 1, the loop becomes really pompous. I'm not quite happy with this proposal, but it is still better than nothing.
Extracting Ring/Sector area from array representing an image
I am trying to extract features from an array representation of an image in MATLAB. The features have a shape of a circle (ring) and a sector. This is shown in the image below. I have spent quite some time looking for a built-in function which does this. I have managed to do the ring extraction using an ugly looking loop but no idea where to start on the sector part. Any ideas how to implement this or even better a built-in function in MATLAB would be very helpful.
That's pretty easy, with no for loops needed, see for example in case your image is im: [x y]=meshgrid(1:size(im,1)); f =#(x0,y0,r_max,r_min,theta1,theta2) ... (x-x0).^2+(y-y0).^2<=r_max^2 & ... (x-x0).^2+(y-y0).^2>=r_min^2 & ... atan2(y-y0,x-x0)>=theta1 & ... atan2(y-y0,x-x0)<=theta2; f is a one liner anonymous function that accepts all needed parameters and gives a mask of the sector needed. For a ring you can set theta to be -pi to pi, or just delete the atan part from f. For example r_max=40; r_min=10; x0=round(size(im,1)/2); %image center y0=round(size(im,1)/2); %image center theta1=deg2rad(10); theta2=deg2rad(70); imagesc(f(x0,y0,r_max,r_min,theta1,theta2)) set(gca,'YDir','normal') axis square
Ada: accessing a record variable
Hi I am making a program to calculate vector components. Since 2D vectors have a horizontal and a vertical component in the Cartesian space, I have decided to use the record construction. The program first calculates the basis vector and this is what is shown below. The horizontal, vertical components as well as an angle is asked as input. The angle refers to the anticlockwise positive angle from the default Cartesian coordinate system to another rotated Cartesian coordinate system from the original one. In the file Projections.adb you will see the calculation: D.Horz := A * Cos (C); where A is the horizontal component of the original Cartesian coordinate system and C is the angle that denotes the rotation between the new Cartesian coordinate system and the old system. In the main program Get_projections.adb, the calling procedure is Vector_basis_r (Component_Horz, Component_Vert, theta, Basis_r); Ada complains when I issue the command: Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => Basis_r.Horz, Fore => 3, Aft => 3, Exp => 0); when I want to retrieve the horizontal component of the basis vector. The complaint is: *invalid prefix in selected component "Basis_r"*. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong? The necessary files are down here: The main file is Get_Projections.adb: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO; with Ada.Float_Text_IO; with Projections; Use Projections; with Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; procedure Get_Projections is Component_Horz, Component_Vert, theta : Long_Float; Basis_r : Rectangular; begin Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the horizontal component "); Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Component_Horz); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (1); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the vertical component "); Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Component_Vert); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line (1); Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter the angle "); Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => theta); Vector_basis_r (Component_Horz, Component_Vert, theta, Basis_r); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put("rx = "); Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => Basis_r.Horz, Fore => 3, Aft => 3, Exp => 0); end Get_Projections; and the accompanying packages are the specification package Projections is type Rectangular is private; procedure Vector_basis_r (A, B, C : in Long_Float; D : out Rectangular); private type Rectangular is record Horz, Vert: Long_Float; end record; end Projections; and the package body Projections.adb: with Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions; package body Projections is procedure Vector_basis_r (A, B, C : in Long_Float; D : out Rectangular) is begin D.Horz := A * Cos (C); D.Vert := B * Sin (c); end Vector_basis_r; end Projections; Thanks a lot...
Rectangular is a private type, therefore other packages do not have access to its components, Horz (or Vert) in this case. The fields of the Rectangular type can only be accessed by Projections' package body, or in the private part or bodies of any child packages of Projections. Either place the Rectangular type declaration in the public part of package Projections, or provide Get/Set accessors to interact with the record's components.
I would put a put procedure in the projections package: package Projections is type Rectangular is private; procedure Vector_basis_r (A, B, C : in Long_Float; D : out Rectangular); procedure put (r : in Rectangular); private type Rectangular is record Horz, Vert: Long_Float; end record; end Projections; Then your privates stay hidden and you can print them with impunity. put (basis_r); and have as the body of the put: procedure put (r : in Rectangular) is begin Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put("rx = "); Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => r.Horz, Fore => 3, Aft => 3, Exp => 0); end put;