Psexec exited on with error code 1



I am trying to deploy my build through OCTOPUS automatically after the build. So I added a custom activity after the build is copied to Drop Location. This activity triggers a batch file Invoke.bat which in then executes the PSExec command to execute another
batch file at remote location.

Invoke.Bat —

:: Scriptto invoke Platform Build deploy script remotly

set remoteComputer=\BR811920
set UserName=phx_msnmobprf
set Password=%2
set ScriptLocation=c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd
set configLocation=%1ReleaseDeployperf.xml

psexec %remoteComputer% -u %UserName% -p %Password% -c %scriptLocation% %configLocation% %Password%

Script which is invoked-

:: Platform Build Deployment Script

@echo off

set octexe=»c:Program FilesMicrosoft OctopusOctopusCLI.exe»

set OctopusConfigLocation=%1

set Password=%2

:: Platform Build Deployment Script

:: Step 2 — Install new build


echo **********************
echo Start install
echo **********************

%octexe% -install -adminPassword %Password% -config %OctopusConfigLocation% -logsLocation E:testLog -OnPendingRebootOperation Ignore -dontStopOnFirstError

echo **********************
echo Done install
echo **********************

The deployment is successful when I manually invoke the «Invoke.bat». But when done through TFS build…I get following log

Custom activity added     00:18
C:TestInvoke.bat location Password

 PsExec v1.98 — Execute processes remotely
 Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
 Sysinternals —

C:Windowssystem32>set remoteComputer=\BR811920

C:Windowssystem32>set UserName=phx_msnmobprf

C:Windowssystem32>set Password=Password

C:Windowssystem32>set ScriptLocation=c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd

C:Windowssystem32>set configLocation=locationReleaseDeployperf.xml

C:Windowssystem32>psexec \BR811920 -u phx_msnmobprf -p Password -c c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd

locationReleaseDeployperf.xml Password
 Connecting to BR811920…

 Starting PsExec service on BR811920… 
 Connecting with PsExec service on BR811920… 
 Copying c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd to BR811920… 
 Starting c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd on BR811920… 
 PlatformBuildDeploy.cmd exited on BR811920 with error code 1.

Any help on the problem??

I had also tried adding -accepteula…but the result was same.


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Psexec exited on with error code 1

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Asked by:


I am trying to remotely install a program via PSExec on a few XP machines. I have eliminated the access denied erros, file not found errors, and can actually connect to the other machines. When I launch PSExec, it connects to the computers, copies the application to the c:WindowsTemp folder, and seems to start the execution (I say this because a process shows up in task manager). It then immediately returns the error code 1.

I have followed the instructions listed at the top of this forum and verified that the remote computers are accessable; even connected to the admin$. Here is a copy of the command line:

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>psexec \latd430 -u administrator -p password -c FoxitReader22_setup.exe

PsExec v1.94 — Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals —

FoxitReader22_setup.exe exited on latd430 with error code 1.

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>

I have read the first 21 pages of this forum but didn’t find an answer. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Psexec exited on with error code 1

Asked by:


I am trying to deploy my build through OCTOPUS automatically after the build. So I added a custom activity after the build is copied to Drop Location. This activity triggers a batch file Invoke.bat which in then executes the PSExec command to execute another batch file at remote location.

set remoteComputer=\BR811920
set UserName=phx_msnmobprf
set Password=%2
set ScriptLocation=c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd
set configLocation=%1ReleaseDeployperf.xml

psexec %remoteComputer% -u %UserName% -p %Password% -c %scriptLocation% %configLocation% %Password%

Script which is invoked-

set octexe=»c:Program FilesMicrosoft OctopusOctopusCLI.exe»

%octexe% -install -adminPassword %Password% -config %OctopusConfigLocation% -logsLocation E:testLog -OnPendingRebootOperation Ignore -dontStopOnFirstError

The deployment is successful when I manually invoke the «Invoke.bat». But when done through TFS build. I get following log

Custom activity added 00:18
C:TestInvoke.bat location Password

PsExec v1.98 — Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals —

C:Windowssystem32>psexec \BR811920 -u phx_msnmobprf -p Password -c c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd location ReleaseDeployperf.xml Password
Connecting to BR811920.

Starting PsExec service on BR811920.
Connecting with PsExec service on BR811920.
Copying c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd to BR811920.
Starting c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd on BR811920.
PlatformBuildDeploy.cmd exited on BR811920 with error code 1.

Any help on the problem??

I had also tried adding -accepteula. but the result was same.


I was turned on to pstools and psexec by a fellow spicer. It sounds and looks like it will work great; however, I’m not getting very far.

What I need is for domainuser to be able to execute Z:folder1folder2execute.bat. I need this to be executed from a remote system (WS1), but need it to run on the server (FS1).

Since the folder resides at Z:folder1folder2execute.bat the following should be understood about the Z drive.

With that said, one could execute the file by browsing to:

From WS1 I have tried using the following syntax from CMD:

1. «psexec \FS1 -u domainuser -p password Z:folder1folder2execute.bat»

— Result: «psExec could not start Z:folder1folder2execute.bat on FS1: The system cannot find the path specified.»

— Result: «LocalDrivedataappsfolder1folder2execute.bat exited on wtndc02 with error code 1.»

3. «psexec \FS1 -u domainuser -p password \domainfolder3appsfolder1folder2execute.bat»

I have tried multiple domain accounts including the domain administrator. I have also tried without using «domain» before the user names.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ensure AV Gear Plays Nice on the Corporate Network

It seems that PSexec is looking for execute.bat on the Z drive of the workstation, not the server. If you put the execute.bat in the windows folder of the workstation, tell psexec to execute that one, and then add the -c switch, it will copy the execute.bat file to the file server in a spot where it can run. Or put the execute .bat in the %systemroot%windows folder.

For anyone else reaching this page

Here is what the user was trying to do:

Here are two other options to achieve the same thing:

Either move the batch file to a local folder and run this:

psexec \FS1 -u domainuser localdrv:folderexecute.bat

psexec \FS1 cmd -u domainuser (enter)
you are asked for a password. Enter the password (enter)

Once connected to the remote machine do this:
cd z:folder1folder2 (enter)
execute.bat (enter)

BTW — if you run either of these with the /s switch (not a -s), this will hide any operations that might otherwise be seen by a locally logged on on user (on the remote).

You will also notice that I left the password off of all options. Doing this will force psexec to ask you for your password and hides it from prying eyes when you type it.

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poor wifi, school’s third floor

I work as a help desk technician at a high school for a school district. Teachers/students on the building’s third floor have been reporting poor wifi, with their Chromebooks/laptops etc experiencing slow connectivity and random disconnections. We hav.

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I’d really appreciate some thoughts and advice. I’m looking to hire an IT pro to be our resident go-to for all things IT (device support, SQL Server, network admin, etc) but who also is interested in learning — or even has some experience in — the.

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Spark! Pro series – 13th January 2023

Happy Friday the 13th! This day has a reputation for being unlucky, but I hope that you’ll be able to turn that around and have a great day full of good luck and good fortune. Whether you’re superstitious or not, .


PSEXEC: ipconfig exited with error code 1

trying to run psexec to execute ipconfig /registerdns on a remote machine (Win7). Command runs only if domain/admin account is used. It won’t take %computername%local_admin account and returns error code 1. Is this by design? Thanks. Alex.

Popular Topics in Windows 7

Why not use PowerShell remoting instead?

hmmm, haven’t used psexec with W7. Maybe it’s because of UAC?

hmmm, haven’t used psexec with W7. Maybe it’s because of UAC?

Not sure about UAC, but local account I’m trying to use is in local Administrators group.

Why not use PowerShell remoting instead?

The problem is not what means I use to get command pushed out, but the local Admin’s credentials that don’t work when they are supposed to. Ipconfig /registerdns must be run in elevated mode. Perhaps, there’s my culprit. But is there a way to run command prompt in elevated mode on the remote machine. Say, when they login, run the batch file that runs in cmd in elevated mode? (e.g «cmd /elevated» or something). It’s not extremely important who I run this as, it works with domain’s admin account, but was just curious to know why local admin don’t work.

if you use invoke-Command, it does not matter, since the command uses ws-man and not RPC. Therefore, so long as the credential you pass has the rights, it can do what you ask.

Try it, and give the credential object the details of your local user and password.

Psexec doesn’t work like you want it to or think it should. Using %computername% is actually passing your local machine name, not the machine you’re trying to run it against. You can test this by using psexec on that remote machine to echo the %computername% variable. Try actually typing out the machine name instead of using the system variable.

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poor wifi, school’s third floor

I work as a help desk technician at a high school for a school district. Teachers/students on the building’s third floor have been reporting poor wifi, with their Chromebooks/laptops etc experiencing slow connectivity and random disconnections. We hav.

Need help crafting a job posting for an IT Pro

I’d really appreciate some thoughts and advice. I’m looking to hire an IT pro to be our resident go-to for all things IT (device support, SQL Server, network admin, etc) but who also is interested in learning — or even has some experience in — the.

Snap! — AI Eye Contact, Mine Batteries, Headset-free Metaverse, D&D Betrayal

Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to the Snap! Flashback: January 13, 1874: Adding Machine Patented (Read more HERE.) Bonus Flashback: January 13, 1990: Astronauts awakened to the song Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Read mor.

Spark! Pro series – 13th January 2023

Happy Friday the 13th! This day has a reputation for being unlucky, but I hope that you’ll be able to turn that around and have a great day full of good luck and good fortune. Whether you’re superstitious or not, .


Psexec exited on with error code 1

Asked by:


I am trying to deploy my build through OCTOPUS automatically after the build. So I added a custom activity after the build is copied to Drop Location. This activity triggers a batch file Invoke.bat which in then executes the PSExec command to execute another batch file at remote location.

set remoteComputer=\BR811920
set UserName=phx_msnmobprf
set Password=%2
set ScriptLocation=c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd
set configLocation=%1ReleaseDeployperf.xml

psexec %remoteComputer% -u %UserName% -p %Password% -c %scriptLocation% %configLocation% %Password%

Script which is invoked-

set octexe=»c:Program FilesMicrosoft OctopusOctopusCLI.exe»

%octexe% -install -adminPassword %Password% -config %OctopusConfigLocation% -logsLocation E:testLog -OnPendingRebootOperation Ignore -dontStopOnFirstError

The deployment is successful when I manually invoke the «Invoke.bat». But when done through TFS build. I get following log

Custom activity added 00:18
C:TestInvoke.bat location Password

PsExec v1.98 — Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals —

C:Windowssystem32>psexec \BR811920 -u phx_msnmobprf -p Password -c c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd location ReleaseDeployperf.xml Password
Connecting to BR811920.

Starting PsExec service on BR811920.
Connecting with PsExec service on BR811920.
Copying c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd to BR811920.
Starting c:testPlatformBuildDeploy.cmd on BR811920.
PlatformBuildDeploy.cmd exited on BR811920 with error code 1.

Any help on the problem??

I had also tried adding -accepteula. but the result was same.


The PsExec tool allows you to run programs and processes on remote computers. The main advantage of PsExec is the ability to invoke the interactive command-line interface on remote computers, remotely run programs, and execute any commands (in the background, or the interactive mode).

The PsExec utility is one of the most popular programs of the PsTools package from Sysinternals. You can download it on this page (the actual version is the PsExec v2.40).

psexec remote cmd

How to Install PsExec on Windows?

In order to use the PsExec tool, simply download the archive from Microsoft and extract the PsExec64.exe and PsExec.exe files to any folder on your computer (it is convenient to copy it to the default executable folder C:WindowsSystem32).

You can run PsExec from the command prompt or PowerShell console. To connect to a remote computer via PsExec, the following conditions must be met:

  • TCP/445 (SMB) and UDP/137 (NETBIOS) ports must be open on the remote computer;
  • You must have administrator credentials on the remote computer, or the user under which you are running PsExec must be added to the Administrators group on the remote computer;
  • The LanmanServer and LanmanWorkstation services must be running on a computer.

You can open these ports on a remote computer using the Windows Firewall Advanced Settings (GUI) or using the commands:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SMB" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=445

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="NETBIOS" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=139

How to Use PsExec?

The syntax for PsExec is as follows:

psexec \RemotePCName [-u username[-p password]] command [arguments]

If you did not specify the user name and password, then the remote process starts on the remote computer under your current credentials, which are used to start the PsExec process on your computer. If you need to execute commands on a remote computer under a different user account, keep in mind, that the password is sent over the network to the remote system in plain text.

When you start PsExec for the first time, you need to accept the Sysinternals License Agreement.

psexec cmd

To prevent the graphical prompt with the license agreement from being displayed, you can add the /accepteula switch when you first start PsExec.

psexec /accepteula

As an example, we want to purge the DNS cache (with the “ipconfig /flushdns” command) on the remote computer lon-srv01. Run the command:

psexec \lon-srv01 ipconfig /flushdns

psexec connect to remote computer

After you run this command, the PsExec copies the psexesvc.exe file to the hidden administrative folder Admin$ of the specified remote computer (C:WindowsSystem32psexesvc.exe). Then it starts the PSEXESVC service on the remote computer using the Windows API. After running PSEXESVC, a connection is established for data transfer between this service, and the PsExec process on your computer.

PsExec then sends your command to be executed on the remote computer and waits for the result. In our example, after ipconfig finishes, all the text output will be transferred to your computer, and the error code will also be returned. If the command was successful, you will see the exit code 0.

If your account doesn’t have the local administrator rights on the remote Windows host, an error will appear:

Couldn’t install PSEXESVC service:
Access Denied

When the work is completed, PsExec stops the service and automatically removes it from the remote computer.

When you run cmd.exe interactively through PsExec under a remote user, you have no way to elevate privileges (as Admin) when the UAC is enabled. To run the commands with the account’s elevated token, use the –h option. This option means that all commands will be executed in the “Run as Administrator” mode.

PsExec: Run Commands on Remote Computers

Let’s look at useful examples of using PsExec to execute commands on remote computers.

To restart the remote computer, run the following command:

psexec \lon-srv01 "cmd.exe" "/c shutdown /f /r/ /t 60"

If you need to run several commands one by one, it’s better to run the PsExec in the interactive mode on the remote computer. To do this, run the command:

psexec \lon-srv01 cmd

Now all the commands that you typed in the command prompt on your local computer, will be executed on the remote lon-srv01 computer.


To connect to a remote computer under a specific account and run an interactive shell, use the following command:

psexec.exe \lon-srv01 -u user -p password cmd.exe

You can use PsExec even to run PowerShell commands remotely. For example, the following command will return you the size of the C:PS directory on the remote computer:

psexec \lon-srv01 powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -command "'{0:N2}' -f ((gci C:PS | measure Length -Sum).Sum/1MB)"

Note. To run a command remotely in PowerShell, you can use the Invoke-Command cmdlet instead of PsExec.

You can use the -c parameter to specify the name of the local file that you want to copy to the remote computer and execute it there. For example:

psexec \lon-srv01 -c c:psmyapp.exe

You can use PsExec as the easiest way to remotely install software. For example, you have an installer file of a certain program (for example, setup.msi). To copy the msi file to a remote computer and install it, use the following one-liner:

psexec.exe \lon-srv01 -c setup.msi –i –s "msiexec.exe /i setup.msi"

By default, PsExec doesn’t allow to start a GUI program on the remote user’s desktop. PsExec executes commands in the hidden mode (you won’t notice any windows or dialogs on the remote computer where the commands are executed). However, you can change this with the -i option.

For example, the following PsExec command will open the notepad.exe process on the remote computer and display it on the local user’s desktop:

psexec -i \lon-srv01 notepad

PsExec will wait for a process running on a remote computer to complete. If remote users don’t close the notepad windows on their desktop, your PsExec process will wait indefinitely for it to complete. To prevent PsExec from waiting for the remote process to finish, use the -d switch:

psexec -i -d \lon-srv01 notepad

Full information about all the parameters of the PsExec can be obtained by simply entering the command psexec in the command line without parameters.

how to use psexec

To end a remote PsExec session, type exit, and press Enter.

Using PsExec to Run Processes as the LOCAL SYSTEM Account

PsExec has one interesting and useful feature. If you don’t specify a computer name, then the command will be executed from the local system authority by default. You can run programs under the SYSTEM account by using the -s switch. For example, run the CLI session:

psexec -s cmd

Then check which user you are currently logged on with the whoami command. As you can see, the console is started from the NTAuthoritySystem account.

psexec remote cmd as administrator

Run a Command on Multiple Remote Computers with PsExec

PsExec allows you to run the command simultaneously on multiple remote computers. To do this, you can set the computer names separated by commas:

psexec \PC1,PC2,PC3,PC33 “ipconfig /all”

or save them in a text file, and then specify a path to this file:

psexec @c:pscomputer_list.txt ipconfig

If instead of the computer name you will put an asterisk (psexec \*), then the command will be executed on all computers in your domain (you can use this trick only on a domain-joined computer).

For example, the following command will copy your run.bat file to all computers listed in the text file c:pscomputer_list.txt, and execute this batch (the –h argument is used to run batch elevated):

PsExec.exe @c:pscomputer_list.txt -h -u .administrator -p $upper0P@$ -c "c:psrun.bat"

Common PsExec Errors

PsExec Access Denied Error

In some cases, you can get the following error when trying to connect a remote computer using PsExec:

Couldn’t access computername
The network path was not found
Make sure the default admin% share is enabled on computername.

psexec cmd remote

Make sure the remote computer is accessible over the network via SMB (TCP port 445). You can test the connection to the remote computer using the following PowerShell command:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName pc99 -Port 445

Check the command response. If TcpTestSucceeded is not equal to True, this means that this port is blocked by the firewall.

You can open the SMB port in Windows Defender Firewall on a remote computer by enabling the “File and Printer Sharing” rule using the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer Sharing" new enable=Yes

Make sure ADMIN% (Remote Admin) and other Windows admin shares (C$, IPC$) are published on the remote computer:

net view \pc99 /all

If the list of admin shares on the remote computer is empty, run the following command on it locally:

net share

psexec run command on remote computer

If there are no administrative shares, you need to publish them with the command:

reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters /f /v AutoShareWks /t REG_DWORD /d 0

Then restart the remote computer.

Fixing the Error: “Could not Start PsExec service”

In some cases, when connecting to a remote computer through PsExec, you may receive an error:

Could not start PSEXESVC service on PC:
Access is denied.

If you encountered such an error, try to use one of the following solutions:

  1. Make sure your user is a member of the local administrators’ group on the remote computer;
  2. If the username on a remote computer differs from the current security context, try to specify remote user credentials as follows:
    psexec \PC1 -u PC1user1 -p adminpassword -h -i cmd

    (be sure to use the –h option in your PsExec command);

  3. On a remote computer in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem try to change the parameter ‘LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy’ value to 1. When UAC is enabled, this will allow you to run commands on a remote computer with administrator permissions;
  4. Try temporarily disabling Windows Firewall on the remote computer.

PsExec: Logon failure

When connecting to a remote computer, the following PsExec error may appear:

PsExec could not start cmd.exe on PCName:
Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

In this case, you need to add the following options to your PsExec command:

PsExec.exe -i –h  PCName yourcommand

PSExec Error Code 1

If PsExec returns “error code 1” when you run a batch file on a remote computer, you are most likely using the exit command in your bat file. Change the exit command to

exit / b 0

Such a command terminates the batch file, closes cmd.exe, and sets the return code to zero.

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Есть скрипт, который удаляет appx приложения.
1. Bat — @rem Remove Apps
PowerShell -command «get-appxpackage -allusers *3dbuiler* l remove-appxPackage» И другие…
2. Запускаю cmd от администратора, \сетевой путь к PsExec.exe @\сетевой путь к файлу с пк . txt -u mainуз админа -е -с \пробовал и на сетевой и кидал в корень диска С путь к батнику.
3. Если дать пользователю права админа и запустить скрипт, он отрабатывает и на сетевой шаре и в корне. При запуске пункта 2 с своего пк пишет следующее: Get-appxpackage : не удается найти указанный файл (исключение из HRESULT: 0×80070002) сам батник запускается у пользователя под системой!
Сама система не видит этих приложений, почему?
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Как и говорил res2001 в комментариях в пункте 3, это UAC, надо добавить ключик

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Windows Thread, PSEXEC error code 1 in Technical; Hi all,

Im trying to get psexec to remotely run simsbac.bat on one of our servers.

I’m trying:

psexec …

  1. 19th June 2009, 03:06 PM #1

    Hi all,

    Im trying to get psexec to remotely run simsbac.bat on one of our servers.

    I’m trying:


    psexec \servername simsbac.bat

    and im getting:


    simsbac.bat exited on servername with error code 1.

    I have tried the same code but connecting to another workstation which works fine, it’s just when connecting to the server. The same error occurs with any command including cmd.

    The firewall is off and I am using full admin rights to both the workstation and the server.

    Also running simsbac.bat on the server localy works fine so it’t not the .bat file.

    Any thoughts any one?



  2. 19th June 2009, 04:15 PM #2

    Quote Originally Posted by bladedanny View Post

    Hi all,

    Im trying to get psexec to remotely run simsbac.bat on one of our servers.

    I’m trying:


    psexec \servername simsbac.bat

    and im getting:


    simsbac.bat exited on servername with error code 1.

    I have tried the same code but connecting to another workstation which works fine, it’s just when connecting to the server. The same error occurs with any command including cmd.

    The firewall is off and I am using full admin rights to both the workstation and the server.

    Also running simsbac.bat on the server localy works fine so it’t not the .bat file.

    Any thoughts any one?



    I assume


    psexec \servername simsbac.bat

    is a typo and that you havent tried the command with out the «» between server name and file?

  3. 19th June 2009, 04:25 PM #3



    psexec \servername simsbac.bat

    is the correct code, without a between them, as i said the code works fine when its


    psexec \workstationname simsbac.bat

    it’s just when connecting to the server.

  4. 19th June 2009, 04:39 PM #4

    See if you can use it to get a simple app like Explorer to load on the server. (Couldn’t even get this far when I just tried it — I think Symantec or DEP or something might be interfering with it.)

  5. 26th June 2009, 02:26 PM #5

    Nope, can’t get it to open explorer or IE.

  6. 23rd June 2010, 09:34 PM #6

    ravindrani is offline

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    Try with credentials

    Try with credentials.

    psexec \ravindranmani -u ravindran -p xxxx


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