Pso2 error 650

You can easily access Pso2 Login Error 650 page using the list below.

You can easily access Pso2 Login Error 650 page using the list below.

Follow these steps:

  1. Get to the official website by clicking the link of Pso2 Login Error 650 from the list.
  2. Before typing your username and password, make sure you are connecting to the correct website to protect your personal data.
  3. If you are sure that the URL is correct, type your username and password.
  4. You will see an information message that you have successfully logged in.

Just got No. 650 what do I do /PSO2/? from PSO2

Just got No. 650 what do I do /PSO2/? : PSO2

Error 650 — Computer is not authorized for use with this account. This error occurs the first time you attempt to log on to PSO2 using a computer that you’ve never used before, similar to Steam Guard. It will give you this error, then return you to the login screen. Login with the same information, and SEGA will send an e-mail to the registered address you used when you created the account.

Jutta Ehrhardt



Best answer

2. Error 650/651

Error 650/651

· Try checking your Spam folder. Anyways, Error 651 is basically playing your account on a different computer. So if you moved from one computer to another, you will encounter this error until you enter your 8-digit key code. And hey-presto, you can play PSO2 regularly as usual. Player ID:~★κιτ~☆~κατ★~.

3. PSO2 Error 650 : PSO2 — reddit

PSO2 Error 650 from PSO2

PSO2 Error 650 : PSO2 - reddit

Unfortunately, the fix I tried was to change my email to a gmail account. However, one piece of advice I can give you, because I had forgotten my info as well: when they ask you for identifying information, you only need to answer one of the questions, not all of them. So if you input the correct Date of Birth, you should be all set.

5. The worst possible situation you could imagine for a PSO2 …

The worst possible situation you could imagine for a PSO2 player from PSO2

The worst possible situation you could imagine for a PSO2 ...

So after the most recent update, I had the displeasure to experience the Error 650. This error indicates that a user is trying to log into PSO2 with a different PC and IP adress. But here comes the biggest problem now: I used a hotmail adress for my account, consisting of over 200 hours of gameplay.

6. Error 667 | Phantasy Star Online 2

Error 667 | Phantasy Star Online 2

· Necro time. I was able to log in earlier, now I’m getting 667ed. I waited ~2 hours, still no joy. I can’t access Support, when I try it says «No XBox Account found» but Microsoft just let …

7. PSO2 login issue? — Microsoft Community

PSO2 login issue? - Microsoft Community

· Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another.

8. having trouble logging in now, error 603 — Phantasy Star …

having trouble logging in now, error 603 - Phantasy Star ...

You’re browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in …

9. System Error on PSO2? — Microsoft Community

System Error on PSO2? - Microsoft Community

· So, as some of you probably know Phantasy Star Online 2 recently launched on Xbox One. My friends and I have been dying to play this game and, much to my disappointment, I …

10. Errors 602 and 242 : PSO2

Errors 602 and 242 from PSO2

Errors 602 and 242 : PSO2

( Pso2 accs still) 561. 51 comments. share. save. hide. report. Continue browsing in r/ PSO2 . r/ PSO2 . Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega’s *Phantasy Star Online 2*! 66.4k. ARKS Defenders. 1.7k. Lag Complaints. Created Jun 4, 2011. Join. Top posts january 19th 2013 Top posts of january, 2013 Top posts 2013.

13. Fix: PSO2 Phantasy Star Online Error 602 —

Fix: PSO2 Phantasy Star Online Error 602 -

· Phantasy Star Online 2 is a Sega-published successor to both Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe. It’s an MMORPG game, and it was initially released in Japan in 2012. Being free to download and play, it became very popular. It wasn’t popular only in Japan, however. Since it had a very interesting style of play, it also became …

14. PSO2 JP: Authentication Key Emails Not Being Sent (6/27 …

PSO2 JP: Authentication Key Emails Not Being Sent (6/27/2014)

PSO2 JP: Authentication Key Emails Not Being Sent (6/27 ...

Sega has received reports that users are not receiving their authentication key emails when requested during the login process. Under certain environments, this bug seems to be occurring due to the measures that took place in regards to the DDoS attacks. They are sorry for the inconvenience and are now working towards correcting the problem.

15. PSO2 Guide: Login & Start Menu | PSUBlog

PSO2 Guide: Login & Start Menu

PSO2 Guide: Login & Start Menu | PSUBlog

If you did not receive the email, press the [メール認証キー再発行] button at the bottom to resend the email. The Start Menu (not to be confused with the Main Menu) is the first thing you’ll see when you sign into the game. Here you can select, create, or delete a character. Opens the SEGA ID management page. Displays current SEGA ID.

16. Lỗi thường gặp – PSO2 Guide Book

Lỗi thường gặp

Lỗi thường gặp – PSO2 Guide Book

· Cũng như bao game hay ứng dụng khác, PSO2 sẽ không thể nào tránh khỏi những lỗi lặt vặt. Vì thế việc xác định và sử chữa từng lỗi là điều vô cùng cần thiết. Bài viết này sẽ rất dài, vì thế khi muốn tìm nhanh lỗi mà mình cần biết thì hãy nhấn…

  • #1

Valve отредактировала карты = сломали (в очередной раз) сервера сообщества
Сменились сигнатуры и тем самым сервера ушли в постоянный краш (см 1.10)

[MaZa] [HotGuard] — Failed Offset 1
[SM] Unable to load extension «hotguard.ext»:
[SDKTOOLS] Sigscan for WriteBaselines failed
[SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
[AntiDLL] Sigscan for Signature failed
[SM] Unable to load extension «AntiDLL.ext»: Failed to create interceptor
[SM] Failed to load plugin «hotguard.smx»: Unable to load plugin (bad header).
[SM] Unable to load plugin «AntiDLL.smx»: Required extension «AntiDLL» file(«AntiDLL.ext») not running
[SM] Exception reported: Failed to get engine poiters. Data: 0, 0, F0D92D44, F0E311CC.
[SM] Blaming: block_print_garbage_messages.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 48, d:SourcePawn1.10block_print_garbage_messages.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «block_print_garbage_messages.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
[SM] Unable to load plugin «CrashPlayer_AntiDLL.smx»: Required extension «AntiDLL» file(«AntiDLL.ext») not running
[SM] Exception reported: Can’t get offset for «CBaseServer::RejectConnection».
[SM] Blaming: server_redirect.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 9, server_redirect/redirect.sp::SetupSDKCalls
[SM] [2] Line 198, C:UsersartDesktopaddonsёsourcemodscriptingserver_redirect.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «server_redirect.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
[SM] Exception reported: Failed to load CBaseServer::IsExclusiveToLobbyConnections signature from gamedata
[SM] Blaming: nolobbyreservation.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [0] SetFailState
[SM] [1] Line 87, nolobbyreservation.sp::OnPluginStart
[SM] Unable to load plugin «nolobbyreservation.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

Послетали сигнатуры

upd: Если хотите до сих пор использовать см 1.10 linux — скачивайте архив с см 1.11 6928, оттуда переносите все файлы из папки addons/sourcemod/gamedata/ с заменой. (остальные файлы из других папок не трогайте)
Под остальные плагины исправления — ищите файлы с фиксом сигнатур в соответствующих темах.

Последнее редактирование: Суббота в 10:30

Установка японского клиента PSO 2. Как установить японский клиент Phantasy Star Online 2.

Это относительно муторное и относительно легкое занятие, однако, к сожалению, я не смогу предоставить развернутый гайд от своего лица, если не решусь переустановить игру на свежей системе. Потому данный пункт будет базироваться на готовом гайде с arks-layer. Также гайд актуален для тех, у кого ранее был установлен клиент игры.

Если ранее у вас игра не была установлена, то рекомендуется приступить к выполнению вечером, либо перед тем моментом, когда вы сможете оставить свой компьютер на продолжительный срок, поскольку игра весит 70гб+ и содержит неимоверное количество файлов.

Также мы будем пользоваться альтернативным лаунчером, даже если вы преследуете необходимость играть на японском. Причиной тому служит сброс прав пользователя, если операционная система не японская.

1. Рекомендуется не на диске, где у вас установлена система создать 1 папку PSO2 и внутри неё создаете 2 подпапки pso2 и tweaker. Также прошу учесть то, что путь к игре не должен содержать кириллических букв (русских букв) т.е. в идеале путь должен выглядеть как минимум так: A:gamesPSO2. Также внутри папки pso2 не забудьте создать подпапку pso2_bin. Всё это необходимо для исключения проблем в работе клиента, а также упрощает классификацию.

2. Если у вас не установлен .NET Framework 4.6.2, то скачиваем его. Затем устанавливаем. Он необходим для работоспособности программы.

3.Теперь переходим на этот сайт —

3.1. Первый пункт скачает установочный файл. Если выбрали этот способ, то при установке не забудьте указать путь до папки tweaker.

3.2. Второй пункт скачает исполнительный файл программы. Его достаточно просто вручную перетащить в папку tweaker.

После установки/переноса файла, рекомендуется в вашем антивирусе занести данную программу в список исключений, поскольку некоторые антивирусы могут счесть данную программу за вирус в силу особенности работы программы.

3.3. Теперь же вы запускаете программу от имени администратора и вас встречает окно, подобное нижнему с запросом на представления гайда по данной программе.

Нажав «NO», отказываетесь, и перед вами всплывает следующее окошко, уточняющее установлена ли уже PSO2 на вашем компьютере.

Если вы ранее всё выполнили по пунктам данного раздела, то нажимаете «YES», и вам будет предложено найти место, где находится папка pso2_bin.

Есть шанс, что у вас может всплыть окошко, запрашивающее разрешение на исправление проблем с разрешениями для PSO2. Нажимаете «ОК» и просто дайте ему сделать свое дело, прежде чем продолжить.

3.4. Теперь перед вами предстаёт главное окно программы Tweaker.

Программа должна будет запустить службу автоматической проверки файлов, благодаря которой Tweaker проанализирует папку pso2_bin, сгенерирует список файлов, которые необходимо будет загрузить или обновить.

Скорость проверки зависит от того, насколько мощный процессор у вашего компьютера. Как правило, аппаратные средства последнего поколения будут работать быстрее, а аппаратные средства более старого поколения будут работать медленнее. Частично ещё может зависеть и от скорости работы жесткого диска. Если стоит SSD, то вся основная нагрузка будет ощущается в зависимости от мощности процессора.

Пропустить проверку нельзя. Попытка закрытия в момент работы может привести к повреждению файлов и нестабильной работе клиента игры.

После завершения проверки файлов, программа перейдет к обновлению файлов игры и докачке недостающих файлов. Скорость процесса в ряде моментов определяется мощностью процессора.

По окончании загрузки, клиент игры, даже если не установлены плагины и не выбран патч перевода, будет готов к запуску.

Теперь перейдём к плагинам и особенностям программы.

4. Tweaker располагает разными плагинами, которые упрощают игровой процесс, например такие как: плагин перевода предметов или прокси плагин для тех, у кого есть проблема с доступом из-за блока по IP.

4.1. Чтобы перейти к настройке плагинов, нажмите: «Plugin Settings».

Перед вами возникнет меню плагинов.

Если стоит галочка, значит плагин активирован. Если галочки нет, значит он отключен.

По умолчанию рекомендуется активировать Block Translation, Item Translation, Plugin Loader, Text Translation, и Title Translations. Все они влияют на перевод.

4.2.Немного подробностей по каждому плагину:

4.2.1. Block Translation — данный плагин позволяет переводить названия блоков. Поскольку они обрабатываются на стороне сервера, данный плагин необходим.

4.2.2. Crash Debugger — отладчик крашей игры. Следует включать только в случае, если вас об этом попросят. Помогает определить причину краша игры.

4.2.3. Item Translation — позволяет переводить различные игровые предметы, с которыми вы можете столкнуться внутри игры.

4.2.4. Large Address Aware — неофициальная модификация игры, которая позволяет игре использовать более 2 ГБ оперативной памяти. Как 32-разрядное приложение, PSO2 ограничен использованием ограниченного объема оперативной памяти (ОЗУ). При работе в 64-битной системе применение этого патча может помочь с вероятными сбоями, вызванными игровыми модами или не оптимизированными текстурам. Можете включить его только в том случае, если вы используете копию 64-битной Windows с более чем 4 ГБ системной памяти.

4.2.5. Proxy Loader — позволяет пользователям с заблокированными IP или другим типом сетевых помех (таких как брандмауэр по всей стране или ограничение интернета). Если URL-адрес прокси-сервера PSO2 не настроен, вместо этого вы будете перенаправлены на прокси-сервер Telepipe. Больше информации о прокси Telepipe можете узнать здесь.

4.2.6. Plugin Loader — данный плагин необходим для работы остальных плагинов.

4.2.7. Text Translation — прозванный плагином «Raiser» от Arks-Layer, этот плагин позволяет функционировать патчу перевода от фанатов. Отключение этого плагина вернет игру к японскому языку.

4.2.8. Title Translation — переводит титулы (достижения), которые вы можете случайно получить внутри игры.

После выбора всех необходимых для вас файлов, нажмите «Save», чтобы сохранить выбранные плагины. Нажатие на кнопку “Plugin Check” выполнит проверку файлов.

5. Настройки самого твикера.

5.1. Непосредственно здесь находятся настройки самой программы.

При нажатии есть шанс, что вам покажется окно спрашивающее у вас: хотите ли вы PSO2 запускать через Steam.

Для активации Steam режима, нажмите “YES”. Актуально для желающих поиграть через стим. Предварительно Tweaker нужно добавить в Steam как стороннюю игру и в последующем запустить саму программу через Steam.

5.2. В данном меню настраивается язык патча (выбор между английским, русским, испанским и, может быть, в будущем и других языков).

Русский патч далёк от совершенства и не рекомендуется в случае, если у вас достаточный уровень знания английского языка для понимания основ написанного в интерфейсе.

Непосредственно здесь нас интересует только:

5.2.1. Patch Language — патч языка. В зависимости от выбранного патча языка, будет и текст в игре.

5.2.2. Enable Steam Mode — активирует Steam режим. Подробности чуть выше.

5.2.3. Preferred Ship — от него зависит то, информация по ближайшему EQ (срочному квесту) какого корабля будет выводиться в основном окне игры.

6. Поиск ошибок

6.1. Данное меню помогает решить большую часть проблем связанных с клиентом игры.

6.2. Здесь в первую очередь можно заметить такую полезную информацию, как данные о местоположении директории, размерах исполнительных файлов, IP сервера, который был выбран вами ранее в меню настроек твикера, пинг до серверов патча, пинг до серверов игры. Может это может показаться неважным, но позднее может очень сильно помочь в ряде случаев когда вы знаете, что достаточно посмотреть сюда.

6.3. А теперь немного по кнопкам:

6.3.1. Fix GameGuard — исправляет ошибки связанные с системой защиты игры путём перезакачки таковой;

6.3.2. Fix PSO2 EXEs — исправляет ошибки связанные с исполнительными файлами игры путём перезакачки;

6.3.3. Fix File Permissions — исправляет проблемы связанные с разрешениями файлов путём раздачи прав на все файлы;

6.3.4. New Metod — проверяет файлы игры новым методом и перекачивает поврежденные/недостающие;

6.3.5. Legacy Method — тоже самое, что и в 6.3.4, только старым методом;

6.3.6. Data Directory — открывает папку с игрой;

6.3.7. Copy Output — копирует всё, что находится в диалоговом окне данного меню;

6.3.8. Settings Directory — открывает папку, где хранятся ваши настройки игры.

7. Check for Updates — проверяет наличие обновлений для игры.

8. Ну и, пожалуй, не менее важное — PSO2 Settings

8.1. Данное меню позволяет провести первичную настройку клиента.

Хочу обратить внимание, что ряд настроек данного меню нельзя настроить внутри игры. В свою же очередь они по своим особенностям дублируют настройки клиента игры официального лаунчера.

Я пройдусь по основным важным пунктам настройки.

8.2. Misc Settings;

8.2.1. Play Videos on lobby screens — отвечает за проигрывание видео в лобби (зона врат и торговая зона). Если галочка стоит, то экраны будут активны, в противном случае же станут не активны.

8.2.2. Disable DirectX 9EX features — отключает расширенные функции DirectX 9.

8.3. Video Settings

8.3.1. Window Mode — здесь вы можете выбрать режим окна между; Fullscreen — полноэкранный режим; Virtual Fullscreen — оконный без рамки (очень удобен, так как alt+tab в некоторых случаях крашит игру, если она в полноэкранном режиме); Windowed mode — оконный режим;

8.3.2. Game Resolution — разрешение игры.

8.3.3. Max Framerate — ограничитель максимального числа кадров.

8.4. Audio Settings — настройки громкости звука (BGM — фоновая музыка, Sound — эффекты внутри игры, Voice — голоса персонажей, Movie — внутриигровые ролики).

8.5. Graphical Settings — настройки графики

8.5.1. Text Size — изменяет масштабирование пользовательского интерфейса в игре. Рекомендуется не трогать это, если разрешение экрана ниже, чем 1280×720. Чем выше разрешение интерфейса, тем больше он будет;

8.5.2. Shader Quality и Texture Resolution — отвечают за качество шейдеров и разрешение текстур. Чем выше настройка, тем больше ресурсов потребляется;

8.5.3. Simple Render Setting — PSO2 использует различные предварительные настройки для отображения различных графических конфигураций. Чтобы играть на низких настройках, когда все отключено, передвиньте ползунок вниз до 1. Максимальные настройки можно установить, передвинув на 6, а средних настроек можно достичь, выбрав 3.

9. Завершив настройки, нажмите «Save».

Автор гайда:

  • 12 June 202116 August 2021
  • by Ani

[UPDATE] 8/16 – Various Issues Fixes and some added after 8/4 update.
7/24 –
Various Issues Fixes and some added after 7/14 update.
7/14 –
Various Issues Fixes and some added after 7/11 and 7/14 update.
7/9 –
Various Issues Fixes and some added since 7/7 update.
7/3 –
Issue about Dread Enemies and Personal Shop
7/2 –
Various Issues Fixed and some added since 7/2 update.
6/30 –
Issue about Player’s Characters, Personal Shop and Symbol Arts
6/26 –
Issue about “Soldier Line” Scratch and Gigantix Timer Fix.
6/25 –
Issue about Game Crash, Region Mag, Game Crash and Gigantix.
6/22 –
Issue about N-Meseta Loss (Update) and PSE Burst Climax.
6/18 –
Various Issues about Fighter, Preset Skill and PSO2:NGS Boosters.
6/17 – Various Issues fixed and some added since 6/16 update.
6/15 –
Issue about the decrease of AC/SG held for over a year.
6/14 –
Issue about Motion Tickets being used twice.
Issue about N-Meseta decreasing phenomenon (2) added.
6/12 – Issue about N-Meseta decreasing phenomenon added.

Known Issues

Confirmed Issues after Scheduled Maintenance of June 9th

Maintenance Notes

  • Gather Party Members in PSO2:NGS
         *Although this option can be selected in the game, it is not working. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

    [UPDATE 6/17] *This feature is temporarily unavailable due to a bug and has been disabled.
  • Changing the display format of the Inventory
  • Adding an Augment and using an item to enhance the success rate
         *If an item is used to increase the success rate, such as the N-Augmentation Success Rate +10%, an error message appears and the Augment will not be added.
         The PSO2 Team is very sorry for the inconvenience, but until this bug is fixed, success-enhancement items are not usable during Augmentation.
         [UPDATE 6/17] *Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update.
  • Transfer to a Challenge Block or a Battle Block
         *Please not that while players can select these options in the game, the transfer will not occur.

Class “Braver” may not show up as available for selection in the “Select Class” window at the Class Counter

  • We have confirmed a bug where the class “Braver” may not show up as available for selection in the “Select Class” window at the Class Counter, and we are currently working on fixing it.
    *if you experience this issue, please try moving your cursor to the bottom of the “Select Class” window; the “Braver” class should then appear. The PSO2 Team apology for any convenience this may cause.


Regarding Weapons edited with “Weapon Transmutation” reverting back to their default Photon Color

  • As announced in the “June 9 End of Scheduled Maintenance Announcement”, there was a bug where if a weapon’s photon color was changed through weapon transmutation, it would revert back to its default color.
    • Full statement in the link below


Characters are sometimes not displayed correctly when attacking with certain Weapons or Weapon Camo Items equipped

  • Following the Scheduled Maintenance on August 4, 2021 (Wed), we confirmed a bug in NGS blocks where characters would not be displayed correctly when attacking with certain PSO2 Bows or Weapon Camo items for Bows equipped.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this issue and working towards a solution.
      Affected Boss Enemies

      • * Tempest Leaves
      • * Alddiva
      • * Reigen Li Arms
      • * Repple Lamere
      • * Solis Lamere
      • * Mega Slash Edge
        *this bug may also occur with PSO2 Bows or Weapon Camo items not listed above.


The re-editing period may not be applied correctly when using an “N-Color-Change Pass” or “Color-Change Pass” while the Premium Set is active

  • Upon investigation, we have found that this issue occurs when an “N-Color-Change Pass” or “Color-Change Pass” is used at the same time as a “Salon Free Pass” in the salon.
  • Please refrain from using an “N-Color-Change Pass” or “Color-Change Pass” at the same time as a “Salon Free Pass” until this bug is fixed.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.

[UPDATE 7/24] Report about this bug
Link 1
Link 2

Players may not be able to exchange Points for Items and the maximum purchase number may not be displayed correctly in the Seasonal Points Exchange Shop

  • We have confirmed the following issues sometimes occur in the NPC Xiandy’s Seasonal Points Exchange Shop.
    • Players may not be able to exchange their points for items.
      *If this occurs, please try selection only one type of item, as this will resolve this issue.
    • The Maximum purchase number is sometimes not displayed correctly.
      *This is only a display bug, players can purchase items up to the specified number of times.


“DEFEND” is sometimes not displayed when Damage Attenuation occurs due to Level Differences between Players and an Enemy

  • We have confirmed a bug where “DEFEND”, which indicates damage attenuation (reduced damage dealt), may not be displayed when attacking an enemy with a much higher level.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.
      *This is only a display bug and the damage attenuation due to level differences between players and enemies is occurring correctly.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

Regarding Items that were obtained using “Weapon Camo C Tickets” and cannot be put up for Sale on the Personal Shop or Recycled

  • We have confirmed the following bugs relating to items that were obtained using “Weapon Camo C Tickets” from the count bonus of the Revival AC Scratch Ticket “Weapon Camo Collection”.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix these issues.
      • Items are unable to be put up for sale on the Personal Shop in NGS blocks, but they can be put up for sale on the Personal Shop in PSO2 blocks, which is not supposed to happen.
      • Items are unable to be recycled in NGS blocks, but they can be recycled in PSO2 blocks, which is not supposed to happen.
        *Please refrain from recycling or putting items that were obtained using “Weapon Camo C Tickets” up for sale on the Personal Shop in PSO2 blocks.
        *We will fix these bugs and enable items that were obtained using “Weapon Camo C Tickets” to be recycled and sold on the Personal Shop in NGS blocks at a later date.

[UPDATE 8/16] Compentation given in the 8/4 Update
[UPDATE 7/24]
Bug fixed in the 7/21 Update
*Acquired items will be modified at a later date so that they can be sold in the Personal Shop and recycled in NGS Blocks.

The Effect of the Gunner’s Class Skill “Chain Trigger” may not be activated correctly

  • We have confirmed a bug with the Gunner class, where the effect duration of the class skill “Chain Trigger” may be shortened if a rarity 3★ “Glissen” series weapon with unlocked potential is equipped.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.
    • We have also confirmed a bug where there are certain conditions under which the effect duration of the Gunner’s class skill “Chain Trigger” may be shortened or the skill is not activated. We are working to fix this bug as well.


The Ailment Resist Stats are not displayed correctly when the Armor “Geant Armor” is equipped

  • We have confirmed a bug where the Ailment Resist stats are not displayed correctly in the Basic Information within the Character Menu and in the Stats of the Equipment Menu when the Unit “Geant Armor” is equipped.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.
      *This is only a display bug. We have confirmed that the actual Ailment Resist stats are correct.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

Voice Chat option Settings may not be reflected

  • We have confirmed a bug with the Voice Chat option settings not being reflected in both NGS and PSO2.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to resolve this issue.
      *If the settings were changed in an NGS block, they won’t be reflected in PSO2 blocks. Similarly, if the settings were changed in a PSO2 block, they won’t be reflected in NGS blocks.
      **Until this is resolved, please make sure to change your Voice Chat settings in both NGS and PSO2.


A Message related to Limited-Time Tasks that have not been accepted may be displayed upon logging in

  • We have confirmed a bug where a system message stating “You still have incomplete limited-time tasks” is displayed upon logging in, even if the player has not accepted any limited-time tasks.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

Game may crash when previewing the Prize List for AC Scratch Ticket “Sweet Summer”

  • We have discovered a bug in which the game may crash when previewing the AC Scratch Ticket “Sweet Summer” item [Emote] 741: “Five” Pose in the Prize List and then previewing an additional item after.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.
      *For the time being, please refrain from previewing [Emote] 741: “Five” Pose from the AC Scratch Ticket “Sweet Summer” Prize List until further notice.


Error may occur when creating Multi-weapons

  • We have received reports of players sometimes receiving an error when they create Multi-weapons at the Item Lab.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.
      *If this bug occurs, please try making the Multi-weapon again while having all required items for the process in your Inventory.


Item Selling Prices in the Personal Shop are not displayed when certain actions are performed

  • When selling items in the PSO2:NGS Item Shop, if players select “Expanded Storage 1” at the top of the Item Menu and then select “Expanded Storage 2”, the items’ selling prices are not displayed.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.
      *This is only a display bug. We have confirmed that items can be sold properly.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

The wrong Dread Enemies Spawn on Kanai Isle

  • We have confirmed a bug where the Dread Enemies that spawn on Kanai Isle are “Veteran Varas”.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to correct this.
      *The correct enemy is “Veteran Nex Aelio”.

[UPDATE 7/9] Bug fixed in the 7/7 Update

Game may Crash during Battle

  • We have confirmed that the game may crash during battle with certain enemies.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating fixing this issue.
      Affected Boss Enemies

      • Ard Banser
      • Ard Banshee
      • Thunder Banser
      • Thunder Banshee

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

Cannot Search for or See Item Prices for Oracle Renewal Collection Items in the Personal Shop

  • We have received reports that you cannot search by item name, and you cannot see item prices for items distributed with the Oracle Renewal Collection AC Scratch.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this issue.
      *In regards to searching the Personal Shop, please try searching by category, as this may work.

[UPDATE 7/9] Bug fixed in the 7/7 Update

Regarding a Bug where “Search by Category” for Weapons in the Personal Shop is not performed correctly

  • Currently, we have confirmed a problem where the search by category function for weapons in the Personal Shop is not performing correctly.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this issue.

[UPDATE 7/14] Bug fixed in the 7/14 Update

The Body Type of other Player’s Characters may not be displayed correctly

  • We have received reports that the body types of other players’ characters are sometimes not displayed correctly when logging into the game.
    • Through our investigation, we confirmed a bug that causes the body type of other players’ characters to not be displayed correctly under certain conditions. One example is if the character is wearing a PSO2 outfit.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this bug in mid-July.

[UPDATE 7/14] Bug fixed in the 7/14 Update

An error in the description for “Cober Head” and “Cober Head/B”

  • We have confirmed that the item genre mentioned in the description text for the items “Cober Head” and “Cober Head/B” is incorrect. We are currently working to fix this.
    • Correct Text: Allows you to select a new hairstyle.
    • Incorrect Text: Allows you to select new head parts.

[UPDATE 7/9] Bug fixed in the 7/7 Update

Specific Weather Conditions are too short, causing Gigantix to withdraw

  • We have received reports that the specific weather conditions are too short, causing Gigantix to withdraw too quickly.
    • An “Emergency” Maintenance will be conducted on June 24/25th during 5 hours.

[UPDATE 6/26] Bug fixed in the 6/25 Update
Link 1
Link 2

About the Temporary Suspension of AC Scratch Ticket “Soldier Line” Distribution

  • We have confirmed that the Xbox One version does not display the correct banner image on the Scratch Ticket Selection screen, and we are working to fix this.
    • We regret to inform you that until this bug is fixed, the only AC Scratch Ticket will be “Wedding Celebration”, which releases on 6/23.
      *We will implement the fix for this bug on 6/30.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

The Scratch Ticket Banner is not displayed correctly in the Xbox One Version

  • In the Xbox One version, we have confirmed a bug where the banner images in the PSO2:NGS Scratch Ticket Selection screen are not being displayed correctly.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.
      *We plan to implement a fix for this bug on 6/30.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

The Game may Crash when opening “My Recipes” at the Food Stand

  • We have confirmed a bug that may cause the game to crash when players open “My Recipes” at the Food Stand.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

The Game may Crash when a Waypoint is placed on the World Map

  • We have confirmed a bug that may cause the game to crash when a Waypoint is placed on the World Map.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.

[UPDATE 8/16] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

There are instances of multiple material items being selected when accessing a Region Mag

  • We have confirmed a bug that may cause multiple Material Items to be selected when performing certain operations when accessing a Region Mag.
    • The PSO2 Team is working towards a solution.
      *We have confirmed that this bug is likely to occur when pressing the RT (Shift key) button. Please be careful when accessing the Region Mag.


Error in some Item Names in the AC Scratch Ticket “Wedding Celebration”

  • We have confirmed that there is an error in one of the item names included in the AC Scratch Ticket “Wedding Celebration”, which was released on June 23 (Wed) (PDT).
    • The PSO2 Team is currently working to fix this.
      *We have confirmed that the Emote “Deep Bow”, which players receive when they use the item, has the correct name.


PSE Burst Climax sometimes does not occur

  • We have confirmed a bug with PSE Bursts where there are instances that the PSE Burst Climax does not occur and the Boss Enemy does not appear.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.
      *If you experience this issue, please transfer to a different room by choosing “Room Transfer” from a Ryuker Device.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

The Effect Duration of PSO2:NGS Boosters is sometimes shortened

  • We have confirmed a bug with PSO2:NGS Boosters that shortens an item’s Effect Duration.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this bug.
      *Please refrain from overwriting with PSO2:NGS Booster until this bug is fixed.

[UPDATE 7/14] Compentation given in the 7/14 Update
[UPDATE 6/25]
Bug fixed in the 6/23 Update

The Effects of the Preset Skill “Fixa Termina” also being applied to non-critical hits

  • We have confirmed that the Potency Increase effect of the Preset Skill “Fixa Termina” is also being applied to non-critical hits.
    • The PSO2 Team is working to fix this issue.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

Fighter Class Skill “Knuckle Sway Counter” is sometimes activated twice in row

  • We have confirmed a bug that causes the Fighter Class Skill “Knuckle Sway Counter” to activate twice in row under certain conditions.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently working to fix this bug.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

The game not responding when players use Scratch Tickets

  • We have received reports that the game freezes while loading when players use Scratch Tickets.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this issue.

[UPDATE 8/17] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

N-Scape Doll sometimes disappearing form the Inventory

  • We have received reports that N-Scape Dolls are sometimes disappearing from players’ Inventories.
    • The PSO2 Team could NOT confirm that N-Scape Dolls disappear.

[UPDATE 7/2] Since the Issue cannot be confirmed, please considered it as “Solved”

The Side Task “Red Containers” sometimes not completing

  • We have confirmed a bug in which the Side Task “Red Containers” is sometimes not completing when the players destroy Red Item Containers.
    • The PSO2 working to fix this.

[UPDATE 7/9] Update regarding this issue:
We have confirmed that the Side Task “Red Containers” is still sometimes not completing after Red Item Containers are destroyed, even after changes were implemented to address this issue in the 6/30 update. We are currently working to fix this issue.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

PSO2 Material Items sometimes disappearing

  • We have received reports that PSO2 material items are sometimes disappearing.
    • The PSO2 Team confirmed that PSO2 material items will disappear if they are moved from Material Storage to the PSO2 Inventory. They are currently working to fix this.
      *Please refrain from moving PSO2 materials items to your PSO2 Inventory until this bug is fixed.

[UPDATE 7/2] Bug fixed in the 6/30 Update

Regarding the decrease of AC/SG held for over one year

  • We have received reports of a decrease in AC and SG that the player was in possession for over a year.
    • They will fix this bug in the maintenance scheduled to begin on 06/15-16, and compensate the los AC/SG to their respective players.

[UPDATE 6/17] Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update
The lost AC/SG have been restored for those affected by this bug.


You may end up using multiple Motion Tickets

  • We have been receiving reports that if 2 tickets for the same Motion are obtained in one Scratch Ticket pull, those 2 tickets may accidentally be used.
    • Through PSO2 Team investigation, They have confirmed a bug where if multiple Motion tickets are received through one Scratch Ticket and players click “Confirm Item Use” afterwards, all received Motion tickets are used. They are currently working on a solution.
           *Please do not conduct “Confirm Item Use” after pulling Scratch Tickets until this bug is fixed.

[UPDATE 7/9] Compensation sent to affected players after the Scheduled Maintenance of 7/7
[UPDATE 6/17]
Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update


N-Meseta may decrease when Leveling-up a Class

  • We have received reports of a decrease in N-Meseta when leveling up a class.
    • The PSO2 Team also received reports regarding a decrease in N-Meseta in other situation. They are investigating these incidents.

[UPDATE 6/17] Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update
[UPDATE 6/22] The investigation about this issue has been completed. Compensation for SOME affected players will be given but not for whose N-Meseta could not be determined. Apology for all users will also be given.


N-Meseta may decrease when Teleporting or Moving to an area

  • We have received reports of a decrease in N-Meseta when teleporting or moving to another area.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this phenomenon.

[UPDATE 6/17] Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update
[UPDATE 6/22] The investigation about this issue has been completed. Compensation for SOME affected players will be given but not for whose N-Meseta could not be determined. Apology for all users will also be given.


NGS Spec Items may have their Enhancement Data reset

  • We have investigated and confirmed that the following operations will reset the enhancement data when performed on NGS spec items. We are currently working to fix this error.
    • The PSO2 Team has investigated and confirmed that the following operations will reset the enhancement data when performed on NGS spec items. They are currently working to fix this error.
        • Lock or Unlock an NGS spec equipment item from the Storage Menu, while in a PSO2 Block.
       • Stealth or Unstealth a NGS spec armor from the Storage Menu, while in a PSO2 Block.
      *Please do not perform the above operations until the error has been resolved.

[UPDATE 6/25] Bug fixed in the 6/23 Update

There are Instances where it becomes impossible to progress through the Prologue

  • We have confirmed and are currently fixing a bug where in Aelio Town, if a player talks to the NPC Garoa and selects the “A rest sounds good.” option, they may be unable to progress through the Prologue.


Players may be unable to Purchase or Withdraw Items from the Personal Shop

  • Players may be unable to purchase or withdraw items from the Personal Shop. Please see this article for more details.
    • Players may be unable to purchase or withdraw items from the Personal Shop.
        • The PSO2 Team has received reports that players are unable to purchase or withdraw items from the Personal Shop since the emergency maintenance completed on Friday, June 11th.
        • The PSO2 Team is currently looking into this issue.

[UPDATE 6/17] Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update

The “Advice from Liu Lin II” Task may not complete properly

  • We have received reports that the main task “Advice from Liu Lin II” is not completing properly even though the clear conditions have been met.
    • The PSO2 Team is currently investigating this issue.

[UPDATE 6/17] Bug fixed in the 6/16 Update
The PSO2 Team is also considering compensation for this bug


The message displayed for completing “Advice from Liu Lin II” more than twice is incorrect

  • We have confirmed cases where if the Main Task “Advice from Liu Lin II” is completed more than twice with the same account, the reward and the displayed message do not match.
    • The correct rewards for completing “Advice from Liu Lin II” are as follows:
        • Initial completion:
          N-Reset All Skills, and a Primm Series weapon.
        • Second time onwards:
          Primm Series weapon

[UPDATE 8/17] Bug fixed in the 8/4 Update

Some Side Tasks cannot be completed

  • We have confirmed cases where the Side Tasks “Trainia Dominator (Aelio)”and “Exploring a Tower” do not progress.
    • The PSO2 Team is working on a solution.
           *If this error occurs, please discard the task and reaccept the order.


Windows 10: PSO 2 Error

Discus and support PSO 2 Error in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I get the following error

Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Gaming’ started by TruSoggy, May 27, 2020.

  1. PSO 2 Error

    I get the following error

    PSO 2 Error 3dff5c66-5ee2-4da0-87d0-2416d2f79515?upload=true.jpg


  2. Help with ordinal 2 error

    Hi Tory,

    Having a corrupted game file is one of the possible reasons why you are unable to launch the Ordinal 2 on your computer. For us to properly assist you, we need to collect more information. Kindly answer the questions below:

    • When did the issue start?
    • Have you made any changes on your computer prior to this issue?
    • Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the affected game?

    In the meantime, we suggest that you follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Enable DirectPlay.

    • Go to Control Panel.
    • Click Programs.
    • Select Turn Windows Features On and Off, click Legacy Components.
    • Choose DirectPlay and enable that.

    Step 2: Run the compatibility troubleshooter.

    • Press and hold (or right-click) the program.
    • Select Properties, and then select the Compatibility tab.
  3. Edge Search Does Not Permit Change of Region

    I got these suggestions from the Microsoft Community forum.No. 1 worked for me:

    Thank you for posting the query on Microsoft Community. I am glad to assist you on this.
    We have reproduce the issue here and we are able to access non-regional search for google using Microsoft Edge.
    I would suggest you to try the below steps and check if it helps.
    Step 1:
    Clear browsing data option of Microsoft Edge and check if you face the issue. To do so perform the steps below.

    1. Click on the More actions icon next to the feedback icon present on top right corner of the Project Spartan homepage.
    2. Select Settings and click on Choose what to clear.
    3. Check the boxes Browsing history, Cookies and saved website data and Cached data and files and click on Clear.

    Step 2:
    I suggest you to create a new user account and check if the issue occurs.

    1. Go to Settings.
    2. Choose Accounts and then select Family and other users.
    3. Select add someone else on this PC.
    4. Enter a user name and hit next.
    5. Click on Finish.
    6. Sign out from the current Account and Log into the new account.

    Step 3:
    It could also happen because of network issue. I suggest you to try with different network connection and check if it helps.

  1. PSO 2 Error — Similar Threads — PSO Error

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Users found this page by searching for:

  1. pso 2 starter file is gone?


  2. error when downloading pso 2

Windows 10 Forums

Last updated May 28, 2020 00:07 UTC

Look, I don’t know what to tell anyone at this point. SEGA and Microsoft have so thoroughly botched this release that it’s going to take some serious effort to get it working if you are having issues. Short of reinstalling Windows 10, I don’t know what to say for anyone who really wants to play this right now. Whatever you do, do not spend money on this game until they fix this, though, because there is no telling how badly this junk release is going to break down the road.

Game errors

Missing DLL vivoxsdk.dll

There are missing files in your installation (the launcher should catch this) or you have file permission issues in the Windows Store version. Reinstall the Windows Store version, no other known working solutions at this time.

«Press the Enter Key» screen stuck

Update or install Xbox Identity Services and Xbox Gaming Services in the Microsoft Store. These are mandatory but they are not checked during installation or runtime, and the game does not give any useful feedback if they are not present.

Launcher errors

«Failed to download latest version» (103)

Rate limit from Cloudflare CDN or the patch server is under too much load. Keep trying.

«Failed to download latest version» (140)


  1. Get the app on the windows store website (add to cart, checkout) since I’m not in NA
  2. Download app from windows store app by going into my library — install (installed on C).
  3. Run launcher, while it’s downloading all 90000 files fix wrong permissions on 2 files:
    cd «C:Program FilesModifiableWindowsAppspso2_bin»
    Get-Acl pso2launcher.exe | Set-Acl pso2.exe
    Get-Acl edition.txt | Set-Acl otp_notice_na.rtf

in administrator powershell, ymmv, folder may be different if you installed the game on another drive.
However, main thing you need to do here is not even take ownership, but set permissions for full access for administrators and users.
4. Launcher finished updating successfully, got GameGuard error 114.
5. Fixed it by disabling core isolation in windows (google how to do it)
6. :PogChamp:

Usually for otp_notice_na.rtf.pat. This is a file permission error specific to the Windows Store version. Reinstall the Windows Store version, no other known working solutions at this time.

Misc errors

The requested operation requires elevation

OS permission issue. Make sure you have administrator privileges.

LastError 1813


found a way to fix the 1813 error without reinstalling the whole game, just had to change the owner of the otp_notice_na.rtf file that is inside the 100B7A24.oxyna_1.0.7.0_x64__wyfsmff9ynw7j folder from trustedinstaller to admins, and set the admins to have total control of the file, not sure if it works 100% of the time, but it worked for me

File permission error in Windows Store version. Reinstall the Windows Store version, no other known working solutions at this time.

Unable to uninstall fully

Try running in Powershell as Administrator:

Get-AppxPackage -Name "100B7A24.oxyna" | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Alternative installation workaround

I’m removing this until we can confirm that it will work.

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