Psql error fatal peer authentication failed for user zabbix

Zabbix version: 3.4 Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Database: PostgreSQL 9.2.23 Platform: AWS EC2 Zabbix is an open-source network monitoring system that collects and stores metrics …

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Zabbix version: 3.4
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4
Database: PostgreSQL 9.2.23
Platform: AWS EC2

Zabbix is an open-source network monitoring system that collects and stores metrics from networks, servers, and more. Released in March 2004, it been utilized in enterprises environment due to its high performance and scalability. See the Zabbix wikipedia page and the Comparison of Network Monitoring Systems page for more information.

Zabbix has 4 major components:

  1. Server: the main component. Collects data from the clients.
  2. Database: a database used by Zabbix to store metrics that are collected. This can be MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, or IBM DB2.
  3. Web Client: a web UI that enables configurations and allows data visualizations
  4. Client: an agent that is installed on servers that you want to monitor

My specific use case: to collect metrics on my homelab and network in order to keep track of the system and network usage. I want to then visualize these metrics on a dashboard, with a visualization platform like Grafana. The long term goal is to learn how to collect and visualize metrics – then bridge this to an automation platform to automatically kick of scripts in response to some alert given by the metrics.

So let’s get to it: installing Zabbix 3.4 on a RHEL 7.4 machine with PostgreSQL. I will be following the official Zabbix documentation here:

  1. First, find the rpm from Zabbix from the Zabbix repository for RHEL 7 here. Note this package contains configuration files for yum (a package manager), and is not the full installation.
  2. Install the rpm with the rpm command, plus the -i (install) -v (verbose) and -h (human readable) flags, plus the full url to the rpm. Like so:

    sudo rpm -ivh

  3. Now that the rpm is installed, you can see that it added a zabbix.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and this allows you to use yum to install Zabbix. To install the main server, and web frontend, you can do this with the following command:

    sudo yum install zabbix-server-pgsql zabbix-web-pgsql

    Note that you may want to separate the zabbix server and the zabbix web to different servers. This will allow one to run without impacting the performance of the other. But for the purpose of this tutorial I will install both on the same server.

  4. Next, if you haven’t already, you also need to install the postgreSQL client and server.

    1. Install the postgreSQL client with:

      sudo yum install postgresql

    2. Install the postgreSQL server with:

      sudo yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib

    3. Now you need to initialize the postgreSQL server. Do this by:

      sudo postgresql-setup initdb

    4. Now start the server, and the enable it to automatically start every time you boot.

      sudo systemctl start postgresql
      sudo systemctl enable postgresql
  5. Now that the postgreSQL database is ready, you need to create the schema (set of tables and relationships between them).
    1. First you need to create a Zabbix user in the postgreSQL database. You can create one by running the command below, and create a password for the user when prompted (remember this password for later!):

      sudo -u postgres createuser --pwprompt zabbix

    2. Next, create a database belonging on the newly created Zabbix user:

      sudo -u postgres createdb -O zabbix zabbix

      This command runs “createdb -O zabbix zabbix” as the user postgres. The ‘-O zabbix’ switch makes the Zabbix user the owner of the database. The second ‘zabbix’ specifies the name of the database (which is zabbix).

    3. Now we need to create the schema. Luckily, this part is largely automated. You will just need to run the command below. Be warned, this will print out a lot of lines!

      zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-pgsql-3.4.5/create.sql.gz | sudo -u zabbix psql -d zabbix

      Note: for the sake of understanding commands before you run them, let’s break this command down.

      1. We have a file from zabbix that contains all the postgreSQL commands to create the database schema. This file is located in /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-pgsql-3.4.5/create.sql.gz but notice the ending “.gz” which is a compressed file in gzip format.
      2. zcat is like the command cat. cat prints out the entire content of a file all at once, but cat does not work for compressed files. Instead, zcat is used to cat compressed files. So “zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-pgsql-3.4.5/create.sql.gz” will print out the contents of the compressed file create.sql.gz
      3. Next, the | is called a pipe, which passes the results of the left command, to the command on the right. In this case, this passes the contents of create.sql.gz over to the next command “sudo -u postgres psql -d zabbix”
      4. This sudo command uses the -u switch to run the command “psql -d zabbix” as the zabbix user. “psql -d zabbix” will run the psql client to connect to the zabbix database.
    4. If you are interested in seeing what the schema looks like, you can connect to the postgreSQL database. You can run the postgreSQL client with psql and the switches -U (user) and -d (database). We will first try with the zabbix user.

      psql -U zabbix -d zabbix

      This should prompt you for a password. However, postgreSQL has some extra security that prevents you from connecting as Zabbix, giving you the error:

      psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "zabbix"

      So let’s think. There are two ways to work around this:

      1. The first way: Connect instead as the postgres user. You can switch to the postgres account and then connect to the database like so:

        sudo su - postgres
        psql -d postgres

        Once you successfully connect, you will see the following terminal prompt:


        Now that you are connected to the postgres database, you can type l to list all databases, and dt or dt+ to list all tables in the zabbix database. When ready, type q to quit back to your bash shell.

      2. The second way: You can modify the security of your postgreSQL server. The postgreSQL server is configured through the pg_hba.conf file located in /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf (Note: you can type find / -name pg_hba.conf if is in a different location). To modify this file:

        sudo vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

        Find the following section near the bottom:


        # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
        local all all peer

        Then add the new line as shown. Press i to edit.


        # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
        local all all peer
        local all zabbix password

        Afterwards, type :wq to save and quit. You will need to restart the postgreSQL server for the changes to take effect. Do this by

        sudo systemctl restart postgresql

        Now try to connect again, and it should ask you for your password this time.

        psql -U zabbix -d zabbix

        Now that you are connected to the postgres database, you can type l to list all databases, and dt or dt+ to list all tables in the zabbix database. To see a particular table, type select * from tablename;

        If there are too many columns, you can type x to turn on expanded display to see the table properly. Type x off to turn off.

        When ready, type q to quit back to your bash shell.

    5. Now that the postgreSQL database is all set up, you need to point Zabbix to the server. You can do this by editing zabbix_server.conf and find the 4 separate lines shown below and modify yours to be the same as mine (with the exception of password – please put the password you set up for the Zabbix user). Remember to use i to edit and :wq to save and quit.

      sudo vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
  6. Now with everything configured we’re ready to start Zabbix! Run the command below to start the Zabbix server service.
  7. sudo systemctl start zabbix-server

    However, I’m getting an error:

    Job for zabbix-server.service failed because a configured resource limit was exceeded. See "systemctl status zabbix-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

    After double checking all my work and making sure that it is correct, I’m looking into the error to troubleshoot why:

    1. Run the suggested commands to see the errors in the log:

      systemctl status zabbix-server.service
      Dec 30 09:27:41 systemd[1]: zabbix-server.service never wrote its PID file. Failing.
      Dec 30 09:27:41 systemd[1]: Failed to start Zabbix Server.
      Dec 30 09:27:41 systemd[1]: Unit zabbix-server.service entered failed state.
      Dec 30 09:27:41 systemd[1]: zabbix-server.service failed.

    2. A look at the zabbix server log:

      less /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
      9431:20171230:091807.617 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied
      9431:20171230:091807.617 cannot disable core dump, exiting...
      9434:20171230:091817.866 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 3.4.5 (revision 76340).

    3. Doing a quick google search for “Zabbix disable core dump permission denied” reveals that this is a SELinux issue documented in ZBX-10542. However, this is supposed to be fixed in CentOS 7.4, yet we are having the same issue. A suggested fix was to install the updated selinux-policy package (selinux-policy noarch 3.13.1-166.el7_4.7).

      sudo yum install selinux-policy

      But this did not fix the issue, even after a reboot.

    4. There are now two ways to move forward: SELinux to permissive, or use a workaround suggested in ZBX-10542. I chose to set SELinux to permissive mode. You can do this by editing /etc/sysconfig/selinux and change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=permissive

      sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
      # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
      # SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
      # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
      # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
      # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
    5. You will need to reboot your server for the new SELinux mode to take effect. To reboot:

      sudo shutdown -r now

    6. When the server is back up, start Zabbix server again:

      sudo systemctl start zabbix-server

    7. Now it works! Check the status and you should see “Started Zabbix Server”

      sudo systemctl status zabbix-server

  8. Set Zabbix server to start on boot up:

    sudo systemctl enable zabbix-server

  9. Congratulations, you have set up Zabbix server! Coming up soon is to finish configuring the Zabbix frontend web page.


  1. Install Apache, PHP, and zabbix’s web front end.

    sudo yum install httpd php zabbix-web-pgsql


    When installing zabbix-web-pgsql you may encounter the following error:

    Error: Package: zabbix-web-3.4.6-1.el7.noarch (zabbix)
    Requires: php-bcmath
    Error: Package: zabbix-web-3.4.6-1.el7.noarch (zabbix)
    Requires: php-mbstring


    • The error indicates that the php-bcmath and php-mbstring packages are required by zabbix-web, but yum cannot find and install these packages.
    • A quick google of these packages brought me to this site that said the php-bcmath and php-mbstring are part of RHEL’s optional packages repo.
    • The rhel-server-optional repo was disabled. Enabling this repo reveals the php-bcmath and php-mbstring packages.
    • If you couldn’t find out that these packages are in the rhel-server-optional repo, you could enable all the repos one by one to see which one it is in.

    Enable the rhel/centos optional server packages.

    1. vi /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat-rhui.repo
    2. Look for [rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional]>
    3. In that section, change “enabled=0” to “enabled=1”. Save and quit.
    4. You can now install the package via yum install zabbix-web-pgsql
  2. Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf. Uncomment the line below and change the timezone (bolded). Use this site to determine the appropriate location:

    # php_value date.timezone Europe/Riga

  3. Start the apache server, and enable it to automatically start on boot:

    sudo systemctl start httpd
    sudo systemctl enable httpd

    In a web browser, go to http://host:80/zabbix

    If you are on the same server as your zabbix installation, go to http://localhost:80/zabbix


    I am unable to connect to my Zabbix web server on AWS through my laptop.


    • Check to the httpd service to see if it is running: systemctl status httpd
    • httpd service was running, so this seems like a networking issue.
    • I have an active ssh connection to the server, so it cannot be that the internet link is down on either side.
    • Perhaps some traffic is blocked as a security measure. We are trying to connect to port 80. ssh works via port 22. Something else we can try is by doing an ICMP ping, so I pinged the server: ping ip.address
    • Pings were not being answered. As suspected, perhaps there is a firewall/security rules in place.
    • Looking around on AWS EC2 console lead me to the Security Groups page where there was a security group that only allowed TCP traffic through port 22 (for ssh). But httpd uses port 80, so I added a rule to allow TCP traffic on port 80. Now I can load the zabbix front end in my browser.

    Configure the AWS Security Groups to allow for TCP packets in via port 80 (apache/httpd uses this port).

  4. If everything has been set up correctly, you will be greeted by the Zabbix setup UI. Click “Next Step”.
  5. This next screen checks for the PHP pre-requisites. If you’re running CentOS or RHEL 7, and installed PHP 5.4 then you should meet all the pre-requisites. Note that there are optional requirements, seen by the lack of a required value in the ‘Required’ column. It is okay to continue if you see a fail or a warning for these requirements. Click “Next Step” when ready.
  6. Now you will set up Zabbix’s frontend to connect to the zabbix database. Put in the required information. In this case, I will put:

    Database type: PostgreSQL
    Database host: localhost (My frontend is on the same host as the server/database. If yours is not, put the hostname of your zabbix database server)
    Database port: 0 (This defaults to default PostgreSQL port, 5432)
    Database name: zabbix
    Database user: zabbix
    Password: (hint: it's also in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf set as DBPassword)

    Click “Next Step” to continue.


    An error occurred while establishing a connection with the PostgreSQL database.

    I wondered whether specifying the host ‘localhost’ would mean Zabbix tries to connect using the host ‘localhost’ as if you run the command psql -U zabbix -d zabbix -h localhost. That would fail since that is different than a local connection, such as psql -U zabbix -d zabbix. Try out the two commands, and see which one works. If you get an ‘Ident authentication error’ refer to my Step 4 to allow local password authentication.

    Delete the ‘Database host’ text field, and leave it blank so that no hostname is specified. This allowed Zabbix to establish a local connection to the psql database.

  7. For this next step, you can set up a connection with the Zabbix server. Enter the hostname, and the port number. If your Zabbix server and Zabbix web are on the same host, use the hostname ‘localhost’. Otherwise, put in the hostname of your Zabbix server. Click “Next Step” to continue.
  8. It will now show you a review. Look at the information provided and check to make sure everything is correct. Go back and correct anything as necessary. Otherwise, click “Next Step” to continue.
  9. If everything went well, it will tell you that the configuration file has been placed in /usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.phpIf it could not create the configuration file, you can download it and save it as /usr/share/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php (in the Zabbix web host)
  10. Lastly, click “Finish”. You should now see the Zabbix login screen. The default credentials are:
    Username: Admin
    Password: zabbix

That’s it! Congratulations on setting up your Zabbix system!

You have successfully installed Zabbix with a postgreSQL backend and a web frontend!

Solution of psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “postgres” (or any user)

The connection failed because by default psql connects over UNIX sockets using peer authentication, that requires the current UNIX user to have the same user name as psql. So you will have to create the UNIX user postgres and then login as postgres or use sudo -u postgres psql database-name for accessing the database (and psql should not ask for a password).

If you cannot or do not want to create the UNIX user, like if you just want to connect to your database for ad hoc queries, forcing a socket connection using psql --host=localhost --dbname=database-name --username=postgres (as pointed out by @meyerson answer) will solve your immediate problem.

But if you intend to force password authentication over Unix sockets instead of the peer method, try changing the following pg_hba.conf* line:


local  all      all          peer


local  all      all          md5
  • peer means it will trust the identity (authenticity) of UNIX user. So not asking for a password.

  • md5 means it will always ask for a password, and validate it after hashing with MD5.

  • trust means it will never ask for a password, and always trust any connection.

You can, of course, also create more specific rules for a specific database or user, with some users having peer and others requiring passwords.

After changing pg_hba.conf you’ll need to restart PostgreSQL if it’s running. E.g. sudo service postgresql restart

Steps to change/create default postgres user’s password:
  1. trust connection by adding in pg_hba.conf file
  • local all postgres trust
  1. Restart postgresql service
  • sudo service postgresql restart
  1. psql -U postgres

  2. At the postgres=# prompt, change the user name postgres password:

  • ALTER USER postgres with password ‘new-password’;
  1. Revert the changes in pg_hba.conf file from trust to md5 and restart postgresql.
pg_hba.conf file location

The file pg_hba.conf will most likely be at /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf
To check location of pg_hba.conf connect to postgres db using psql then type SHOW hba_file; command.

After change pg_hba.conf file, you can execute SELECT pg_reload_conf(); or pg_ctl reload with superuser instead of restart postgresql service.

* Source

I just installed PostgreSQL 9.4 on Ubuntu 15.10.

  1. I created a user with createuser -P myuser
  2. I created a database with createdb -O myuser mydatabase
  3. I edited pg_hba.conf and added local mydatabase myuser md5
  4. I restarted PostgreSQL with sudo service postgresql restart

User myuser is a PostgresSQL user only and has no user account on Ubuntu.

When I try to connect to the database with psql -W mydatabase myuser it fails with psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "myuser".

PostgreSQL is running …

● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Thu 2016-03-03 09:53:00 CET; 9min ago
  Process: 22219 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 22219 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Mar 03 09:53:00 SERVER01 systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL RDBMS...
Mar 03 09:53:00 SERVER01 systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL RDBMS.

… and listening.

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0 localhost:postgresql    *:*                     LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 localhost:postgresql    [::]:*                  LISTEN
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     151534   /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432

What do I have to do to connect with user myuser to database mydatabase?

Evan Carroll's user avatar

Evan Carroll

59.1k43 gold badges217 silver badges445 bronze badges

asked Mar 3, 2016 at 9:06

Daniel's user avatar

In a fresh install from a few days ago, the second line of my pg_hba.conf is

local   all             all              peer

I believe this is the one that makes your connection attempt fail.

The order of rules matter here: the first one that matches the access method, username, database name and source IP range will be considered. If it fails, then there is no second try, so the connection attempt will likely fail. Or, as the documentation states:

There is no «fall-through» or «backup»: if one record is chosen and the authentication fails, subsequent records are not considered. If no record matches, access is denied.

The solution is easy: either remove the above line if you don’t plan to use peer authentication, or move your specific rule above this one.

Evan Carroll's user avatar

Evan Carroll

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answered Mar 3, 2016 at 9:16

dezso's user avatar


29.9k13 gold badges95 silver badges140 bronze badges


First… check that you have the lines permissioning to the myuser user in pg_hba.conf. For example:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Or any other lines of permission to IPV4 (and IPv6 if you use) with: TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD

After this check, run the psql as follows:

psql -h localhost -U myuser mydatabase

And then, the requested prompt, enter the user’s password myuser.

answered Mar 4, 2016 at 14:52

Alvaro Neto's user avatar


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