Pure virtual function being called while application was running gisrunning 1 xcom 2 как исправить

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Собственно кто сталкивался с такой ошибкой?

pure virtual function being called while application was running (gisrunning == 1)

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ну так и нет решения !!
такая же проблемма…
лицуха — чистая, без модов !

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По ссылке выше (вернее, там советуют), надо попробовать переустановить 2012 microsoft.NET framework из папки с игрой. Получилось?

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Нет, не помогает.

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У меня когда такое случается, то… Я закрываю игру в ДЗ. Перезапускаю, загружаю с последнего автосохранения и только тогда скрипт с возвращением челнока на корабль срабатывает.

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Советуют так же : ограничить файл подкачки. Отключить моды. Переустановить игру. Переустановить винду:). Написал по мере сложности, больше ничего не нашел. :( Удачи. Если решение найдешь, отпишись пожалуйста.

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сменить комп, ИМХО, забыл)))

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Posted 10 June 2016 — 08:04 pm



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So, I don’t know whether this is a vanilla issue or one caused by a mod of mine, but the game plays perfectly fine for quite awhile, and then without warning, freezes/crashes to desktop during a scan.  Reloading the game prior to the scan that caused the freeze does nothing, and any scan(not just the location that originally caused it) will cause the game to crash.

Can anyone help me with steps to troubleshoot this problem?  I’d try with enabling specific mods and disabling others to test, but since the crash is in the strategy menu at a later point in a campaign, that would be an extremely time consuming test, particularly since the issues does not occur at a specific time in the campaign.

Any help would be appreciated, as I’d love to be able to play more XCOM 2, but it’s rather discouraging to have to lose all my progress constantly.

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Posted 22 June 2016 — 07:12 pm



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No one has any ideas on how I could start troubleshooting this aside from playing through the game vanilla then adding a single mod for an additional playthrough until I get the error?

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Posted 17 July 2016 — 11:51 pm



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I had really been hoping SOMEONE would have had a starting place for me to work from, but I came back after Shen’s Gift was released(and Long War’s Perk pack) to give this a whirl again, and encountered the same basic issue, this time roughly halfway through the campaign.

One thing changed this time, though.  I actually got some degree of a bug report from the game.  Something about a pure virtual function being called, and GIs something == 1 or something…

Does this help anyone find a place for me to start, or is literally playing the whole way through this game clean, then mod by mod the only way to narrow the list?

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Posted 18 July 2016 — 06:06 pm


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That seems to be a widespread error since the Shen’s Last Gift patch: pure virtual function being called while application was running (gisrunning == 1). Not encountered it myself. Yet.

Some info:

I studied up on the meaning of the term «Pure Virtual Function», and the error message specifically has to do with some function or method being called, but no such function or method existing in the object for which it was being called. Moreover, the function does not exist in any parent of that object until the abstract from which the class inherits is reached. The game is trying to do a thing which does not exist. One of the most frequent causes of this is indeed accessing an object before it has been fully created, or while it is being destroyed, as the function may not yet have been defined or may have been removed. In this case it seems more like the function was somehow not reloaded or was loaded with an incorrect identifier causing the game to fail to find it. Presumably all of the pawns inherit from a base pawn class which should contain the neccisary functions, but I really have no idea how the game is programmed and ModBuddy has never worked for me.

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Posted 18 July 2016 — 07:48 pm



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So… my computer is trying to put the cart before the horse, and everything explodes.  I had the issue prior to Shen’s Gift, but the error had not appeared, I simply crashed… but at least this gives me some potential of something to work on.  Has any fix been determined for this error as of yet?  Or is it still being worked on?

Thank you for the information, Dragon.  I was beginning to fear my question was being ignored for being too vague or perhaps lazy, but I really had no idea where to start except for the painfully slow process and was hoping to find an alternative solution.

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Posted 19 July 2016 — 06:33 pm


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I think your crashes prior to the June patch will have been caused by a different thin. Unless the error messages were exactly the same of course. That thing I linked to seems to have only reared its head recently.

Firaxis / 2K advice is at the moment just to (re)install all the redistributable packages in
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedist

For mod issues check out these:
Mod not working? Mods still have their effects after you disable them?
Troubleshooting: Mods not working properly / at all

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Posted 23 July 2016 — 10:21 am



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I’m not entirely certain how to do that.  Would the steam option to Verify the the cache integrity work, or would deleting the local content and reinstalling work?  And this has a good record of solving the issue?

And this is a vanilla issue, not a mod issue?

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Posted 23 July 2016 — 10:28 pm


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From what I’ve read using Steam to Verify content and/or deleting and re-installing haven’t helped.

Re-installing the re-distributables (you just run the EXEs) seem to have helped some people.

Others still have this «gisrunning» crash. Still that’s the official advice.

Oh, also. There’re some reports in that thread about people fixing crashes by uninstalling Grimmy’s Loot Mod. He’s working to fix some issues with crashing on upgrading to different tiers. Maybe he’s already fixed it, IDK. I also don;t know if people are just posting about it in a thread with the word «crash» in or whether it really is the pure virtual function error.

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Posted 23 July 2016 — 11:37 pm



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Don’t use Grimy’s mod, but thank you for that information.  I don’t understand.  How do I go about reinstalling the redistributables? Running the .exes?  Isn’t that how I go about launching the game itself?  Apologies if I sound dumb, I’ve never fiddled with the re-distributables.  Usually if I encounter such an issue, if a fresh install doesn’t solve the issue, I tend to be clueless.

Thanks again Dragon for the assistance.  I really appreciate it.

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Posted 24 July 2016 — 10:04 am


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Run each of these:
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistDirectXJun2010DXSETUP.exe
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistDotNet4.5.1NDP451-KB2872776-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistvcredist2012vcredist_x64.exe
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistvcredist2012vcredist_x86.exe
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistvcredist2013vcredist_x64.exe
SteamSteamAppscommonXCOM 2_CommonRedistvcredist2013vcredist_x86.exe

If you’re already up to date then the installer will tell you and exit.

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XCOM 2 crashing

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    Jun 30, 2018


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Hello, I have been attempting to play XCOM 2 on my computer, but it keeps on crashing on me, usually within 7 minutes of starting the game. The crashes usually occur when I enter the action bar to attack or overwatch.
Beyond it informing me of a «Pure virtual function being called while application was running», one time, the only error messages have been that XCOM has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware, or the module d3d11 has faulted.
In 90% of the crashes the audio remains running and I can close XCOM 2 with the task manager, but occasionally it does freeze my entire laptop. The task manager also shows that neither my processor or memory is being taxed by the game.
I have attempted to uninstall/reinstall, repair everything located in the _CommonRedist folder in XCOM 2, verify game integrity and completely removed and reinstalled my Nvidia drivers.

I am running at minimum graphics, no mods, and though originally I attempted to run with all dlc except for War of the Chosen, I have uninstalled all of them and just attempting to get the vanilla game to run.
My computer meets the the recommended specs except for the cpu, which meets the minimum specs.


  • #2

The recommended specs are the minimum specs. There was a 1.1 patch or something early that did it in for me as well till I upgraded my graphics card. I’d make sure that you have the Direct X 11 or 12 driver updated. You have to do it with the windows updater which can be really stupid. Basically mandatory windows updates.

The DxDiag tool reports detailed information about the DirectX components and drivers installed on your system and can be used.

Windows 10

  1. From Start, type dxdiag in the Search box, and then press enter.
  2. Tap or click on dxdiag from the results.
  3. Check DirectX Version on the first page of the report in the System Information section.


  • #3

The recommended specs are the minimum specs. There was a 1.1 patch or something early that did it in for me as well till I upgraded my graphics card. I’d make sure that you have the Direct X 11 or 12 driver updated. You have to do it with the windows updater which can be really stupid. Basically mandatory windows updates.

It says that I do have directX 12.

If it helps, my graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 770M.


  • #4

No idea really then. If you’ve done the normal monkey hoops of uninstalling and driver updating you might try putting it on a different drive. I went to a 950 to get any of firaxis games to work. Civilization VI and XCom 2 both hated my 600 something. If you don’t have the 3-4 gb of Video card memory it’s not going to work. You might try running the Civilization 6 demo they are basically the same box of worms. The 770m is right on the edge if your card doesn’t have enough onboard memory or a bad chunk of memory then it isn’t going to play.

The minimums are a lie with dx 11. What ever Firaxis did to them they are resource hogs.

Catty Nebulart

  • #5

Beyond it informing me of a «Pure virtual function being called while application was running»

That means a function is being called that should do something but the code to actually do the something is missing. What it sounds like is that the hover over highlight for overwatch or something similar calls a direct x function that is not implemented.

Xcom2 also writes log files those might help narrow down the issue, but try turning off every graphics feature that you can see if that improves stability… That would also help if the problem is running out of vram or ram. Well laptop so they are the same thing but if you run low or out the load might look low but that would be because the CPU is waiting for that’s to be written to/read from disk.

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  3. Проверить наличие новой версии программы, вызывающей ошибку.
  4. Дополнительно на официальной странице по указанной выше ссылке есть информация для программистов на случай, если ошибка R6025 pure virtual function call вызвана их собственной программой.

Однако, я бы назвал этот список не полным, особенно с учётом некоторых типичных особенностей устанавливаемых русскоязычным пользователем программ. Дополнить его я могу следующими пунктами:

  • Попробуйте запустить программу в режиме совместимости с предыдущей версией Windows, например, 7. Для этого нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по исполняемому файлу или ярлыку программы, выберите пункт «Свойства» в контекстном меню, перейдите на вкладку «Совместимость», отметьте пункт «Запустить программу в режиме совместимости» и выберите нужную версию ОС. Примените настройки и снова попробуйте запустить программу. Подробная инструкция на тему: Режим совместимости Windows 10. Запуск программы в режиме совместимости
  • Если программа или игра были загружены не из самого официального источника (а часто рассматриваемая проблема возникает для программ от Corel или Autodesk, которые пользователи не торопятся приобретать), вполне возможно, что нормальному запуску мешает антивирус (в том числе встроенный в Windows 10 Защитник Windows). Он мог удалить модифицированные файлы программы (следует проверить журнал антивируса, добавить программу в исключения) или вмешаться в работу уже при запуске программы (попробуйте выполнить запуск при отключенном антивирусе, здесь может пригодиться: Как отключить Защитник Windows 10).
  • Если режим совместимости и другие описанные действия не исправили ситуацию, возможно, стоит попробовать загрузить программу из другого источника.

Дополнительные методы исправить ошибку

Помимо описываемых методов решения проблемы, результативной может оказаться переустановка компонентов Visual C++, а также установка .NET Framework 3.5 и 4.8 (последняя версия на момент написания этой статьи).

О том, как проделать переустановку нужных компонентов максимально быстро можно прочитать в отдельной инструкции для всего набора похожих ошибок: Способы исправить ошибку Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library в Windows 10, 8.1 и 7. Из этой же инструкции разумным будет попробовать и другие подходы, за исключением первого — для рассматриваемого сценария он не подойдёт.

И ещё один момент: по некоторым отзывам, в отдельных версиях программ для работы с графикой, при наличии подключенного (установленного) графического планшета также может возникать такая ошибка — обычно решается обновлением программы или драйверов для графического планшета.


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