- Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6
- PurgeComm function (winbase.h) — Win32 apps Microsoft Docs
- ComPort Library / Discussion / Open Discussion: PurgeComm .
- PurgeComm Not Working as Expected on Windows Mobile Device
- ComPort Library / Discussion / Help: Purge Comm Error
- PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature 6:’CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED .
- PurgeComm error for LG client — GSM-Forum
- python — How can I fix «[Error 6] The handle is invalid .
- C++ (Cpp) PurgeComm Examples — HotExamples
- windows — SetupComm, SetCommState, SetCommTimeouts fail .
- failure in TComPort — embarcadero.delphi.tools
- Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6 Fixes & Solutions
- Arduino.ru
- Регистрация новых пользователей и создание новых тем теперь только на новом форуме https://forum.arduino.ru
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- Arduino Mega, Ошибка работы с COM портом
Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6
We have collected for you the most relevant information on Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6, as well as possible solutions to this problem. Take a look at the links provided and find the solution that works. Other people have encountered Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6 before you, so use the ready-made solutions.
PurgeComm function (winbase.h) — Win32 apps Microsoft Docs
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-purgecomm
- If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
ComPort Library / Discussion / Open Discussion: PurgeComm .
- https://sourceforge.net/p/comport/discussion/261327/thread/8605e2ac/
- Dec 28, 2010 · Some styles failed to load. . That is a driver error, not calling PurgeComm is something you can feel free to do yourself locally, but it’s not a good change to make to the original source code. And I don’t recommend it as a permanent fix.
PurgeComm Not Working as Expected on Windows Mobile Device
- https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/d2a1336c-8532-4a1f-b950-a1633caf238e/purgecomm-not-working-as-expected-on-windows-mobile-device
- Dec 11, 2008 · PurgeComm to purge the RX and TX queues. All functions called return successfully. On one particular device (Tornado) the purge of the RX queue …
ComPort Library / Discussion / Help: Purge Comm Error
- https://sourceforge.net/p/comport/discussion/261328/thread/11deca09/
- Apr 30, 2013 · Project Management. Content Management System (CMS) Task Management Project Portfolio Management Time Tracking PDF Education
PKCS#11: Cannot perform signature 6:’CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED .
- https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tunnelblick-discuss/62dr1a6AQRY
- Jul 23, 2011 · 2011-07-22 22:14:08 TLS: Initial packet from xxx:443, sid=57b87a50 0c34fae5
PurgeComm error for LG client — GSM-Forum
- https://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f390/purgecomm-error-lg-client-635103/
- Nov 25, 2008 · Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features.
python — How can I fix «[Error 6] The handle is invalid .
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3028786/how-can-i-fix-error-6-the-handle-is-invalid-with-pyserial
- SerialException: ReadFile failed ([Error 6] The handle is invalid.) When using a similar program using a c library, the same port responds correctly.
C++ (Cpp) PurgeComm Examples — HotExamples
- https://cpp.hotexamples.com/examples/-/-/PurgeComm/cpp-purgecomm-function-examples.html
- C++ (Cpp) PurgeComm — 29 examples found. These are the top rated real world C++ (Cpp) examples of PurgeComm extracted from open source projects. You can …
windows — SetupComm, SetCommState, SetCommTimeouts fail .
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20551935/setupcomm-setcommstate-setcommtimeouts-fail-with-usb-device
- Turns out that i don’t have to do anything with Comm, because it’s not a COM port.The reason my WriteFile was failing was because i was attempting to write to \.LCLD9 rather than \.LCLD9.. The trailing backslash is critical; even though CreateFile returns success both ways.. void WriteToDisplay(String s) < //Open the display var hLineDisplay = CreateFile(«\.LCLD9», …
failure in TComPort — embarcadero.delphi.tools
- http://codeverge.com/embarcadero.delphi.tools/failure-in-tcomport/1055715
- The next time (SetFreq) gives me «ComPort Error: PurgeComm function failed.» in CreateFile in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; —— CreateHandle is called only from TCustomComPort.Open. The sources that you have shown sofar calls SetFreq in succession without any calls to ComPort.Open. So can you explain how you ended up in CreateHandle in .
Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6 Fixes & Solutions
We are confident that the above descriptions of Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6 and how to fix it will be useful to you. If you have another solution to Purgecomm Function Failed Error 6 or some notes on the existing ways to solve it, then please drop us an email.
Регистрация новых пользователей и создание новых тем теперь только на новом форуме https://forum.arduino.ru
Доброе время всем! Я написал программу для ардуино, и программу для компа, которая работает с ардуино по modbus протоколу через виртуальный COM порт. По сути с компа задаются некоторые параметры в ардуино и ардуино уже сама работает с утройствами. Программа только опрашивает некоторые параметры в ардуино, чтобы видеть пользователю процесс. Опрос идет цикличный, бесконечный. Где-то через час-два работы в программе выскакивает ошибка «writefile function failed error 31», после чего опрос и дальнейшая работа с ардуино невозможна, при попытке закрыть и открыть порт повторно — выдает другую ошибку «setcommstate function failed 31» и кроме как перезапуска компа (или отключение и включение ардуино заново) ничего не помогает. (а перезапуск любого устройства болезнено влияет на процесс) При этом сама ардуино продолжает выполнять свой алгоритм без сбоев. Получается, что я теряю только управление к ней. Может кто сталкивался с этим?
ОС: Windows 7 x64
Arduino Mega 2560
Программа на Delphi, с использованием компоненты TComPort
Дополню: ардуино питается от usb порта, скорость соединения 19200.
Я тут тоже написал программу, так она мне дату Пасхи на понедельник насчитала. Не подскажете где у меня ошибка?
Предлагаете чтоб я выложил коды программы и прошивки? ))) Пока хочу теорию получить, гуглю много тем по этой ошибке, но толком все связанно с программаторами, а тут не то совсем. сама ошибка «writefile function failed error 31» выпадывает при каких возможных вариантах?
Предлагаете чтоб я выложил коды программы и прошивки? ))) Пока хочу теорию получить, гуглю много тем по этой ошибке, но толком все связанно с программаторами, а тут не то совсем. сама ошибка «writefile function failed error 31» выпадывает при каких возможных вариантах?
так и ищите в Паскале вашу ошибку, ОС: Windows 7 x64, я так понимаю USB-COM, а драйвера подписаны?
Предлагаете чтоб я выложил коды программы и прошивки? ))) Пока хочу теорию получить, гуглю много тем по этой ошибке, но толком все связанно с программаторами, а тут не то совсем. сама ошибка «writefile function failed error 31» выпадывает при каких возможных вариантах?
так и ищите в Паскале вашу ошибку, ОС: Windows 7 x64, я так понимаю USB-COM, а драйвера подписаны?
USB-COM верно, в диспетчере у виртуального порта эти данные: Изготовитель: Arduino LLC (www.arduino.cc)
ВРоде как подписаны ))
Вот я как думаю — если бы ошибка была постоянной, то проблему думаю легче было бы найти, а в моем случае, она может поработать стабильно 40 минут после запуска, а может и 4 часа, без сбоев. И понять эту проблему не получается. казалось что это переполнение буффера приемо-передачи, но у меня после каждого принятого пакета стоит очистка буфера. В инете читаю — народ пишет что проблема в драйверах, другие пишут что вообще эмуляция порта у ардуино криво реализована, и предлагают на хардварные контроллеры перейти. у меня шок
Еще момент — использую я фирменную arduino для отладки проектов, а для работы заливаю их на китайский аналог. На ардуине я еще не столкнулся с этой проблемой, но может и потому что нет того оборудования, которое навешано на конечный продукт, а может я мало времени тестирую у себя. не поймую пока природу явления
Предлагаете чтоб я выложил коды программы и прошивки? )))
Нет, не предлагаю. Мне это не нужно. Проблема-то у Вас, а не у меня 🙂
Докопал чуток проблему и теперь каждый ее сможет смоделировать. Ардуино шлет в порт Serial постоянно данные, хоть какие. Программа на компе запускатся, подключается к порту и читает эти данные. Все вроде нормально, но если нажать на ардуине кнопку Reset (имитация сбоя) программа перестанет читать данные из порта, хотя ардуино исправно станет их слать снова. Теперь вопрос — как восстановить подключение не выключая ардуино и программу? Пока удается только отключится от порта в программе, нажать повторно кнопку резет на ардуине, и снова включить порт в программе. Но это не есть айс, т.к. рестартовать ардуино нельзя. Нужно подключится к ней и мониторить просиходящее в настоящем времени.
Используя компоненту Tcomport для дельфи — исправил в ней процедуру
procedure TCustomComPort.AbortAllAsync;
if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then
raise EComPort.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError);
Заключив в обработчик try/except. Это позволяет не вывешить программу наглухо зацикливая на ошибке порта PurgeComm function failed (Error 5). Теперь кнопка закрыть и открыть порт работают. Но похоже что-то в коде ардуины нужно прописать для переинициализации порта.
Попробуйте через модуль работать
Копаю этот модуль и разобрать чуток не могу, вообщем собрал простенькую прогу
И чет не пойму в какой момент начинается чтение данных из порта. На ардуине вижу маргает лед порта когда жму Send, но в ответ ничего. на форму бросил мемо1 как прописано внутри кода.
10 | MyPort . OpenPort( ‘COM6’ , 19200 ); |
при закрытии формы
например я сделал так
— примерно такой 1 пакет
Интересная штуковина получилась, но одно пока странно — если нажать пару раз на кнопку ButtonOpen то потом не получается закрыть ни один )))
тут только руками следить )) можно доделать но пока некогда
Новая вводная )) Подключил к ардуине блок реле. В ардуине только 4 таймера (не делей). Решил запитать блок реле от ардуины (там 5-и вольтовые реле и оптическая развязка на управлении реле стоит). В ардуине использую ту же библиотеку с Модбас протоколом. Все работает здорово, пока не запускаю цикл с переключениями реле. Т.е. перед запуском я задаю разные интервалы времени в ардуино с компа через USB используя протокол Модбас, все пишет, все читает, все здорово. Как только нажимаю Старт алгоритма, т.е непосредственное исполнение таймеров и переключение реле — порт тут же отваливается при следуюем обращении во время работы алгоритма с ошибкой writefile function failed error 31. А алгоритм продолжает выполнятся. Вот тут я стал размышлять, алгоритм простой, всего три таймера, ничего она не отправляет в порт, только принимает, но управляют они 4мя релюшками. И я решил снять нагрузку с ардуины и поставить отдельный блок питания на 5В. И все заработало! Теперь собственно вопрос — что не хватает ардуине? Как можно исправить это?
Новая вводная )) Подключил к ардуине блок реле. В ардуине только 4 таймера (не делей). Решил запитать блок реле от ардуины (там 5-и вольтовые реле и оптическая развязка на управлении реле стоит). В ардуине использую ту же библиотеку с Модбас протоколом. Все работает здорово, пока не запускаю цикл с переключениями реле. Т.е. перед запуском я задаю разные интервалы времени в ардуино с компа через USB используя протокол Модбас, все пишет, все читает, все здорово. Как только нажимаю Старт алгоритма, т.е непосредственное исполнение таймеров и переключение реле — порт тут же отваливается при следуюем обращении во время работы алгоритма с ошибкой writefile function failed error 31. А алгоритм продолжает выполнятся. Вот тут я стал размышлять, алгоритм простой, всего три таймера, ничего она не отправляет в порт, только принимает, но управляют они 4мя релюшками. И я решил снять нагрузку с ардуины и поставить отдельный блок питания на 5В. И все заработало! Теперь собственно вопрос — что не хватает ардуине? Как можно исправить это?
какие-то у вас сержантские замашки )))
Вот вроде бы нашел решение, но в голове не укладывается, ведь схема у меня работает на ULN2003 и ULN2002 это полевые транзисторные сборки, как я могу просаживать питанием ардуино — не укладывается в голове. Вот та схема подключения. J1 это порт Arduino Mega, порт J7 выходы на нагрузку (Между контактом J7 и +24 стоит нагрузка). J3 это входы от датчиков (24Вольта). На J4 подаю +5 от самой ардуины. Может где резисторов не хватает??
11-22-2008, 10:50 |
#1 (permalink) |
DexterGSM Freak Poster
Join Date: Aug 2000 Location: gsm
Posts: 277 Thanks Meter: 8 |
PurgeComm error for LG client Hello,
I have installed driver v4.7 and now always have when push ‘Read Info’
B.R. |
11-22-2008, 11:41 |
#2 (permalink) |
quattro Freak Poster Join Date: Jan 2004 Age: 47
Posts: 144 Thanks Meter: 6 |
i have the same problem: |
11-22-2008, 11:44 |
#3 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
Fixed try now b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by quattro i have the same problem: |
11-22-2008, 13:14 |
#4 (permalink) |
quattro Freak Poster Join Date: Jan 2004 Age: 47
Posts: 144 Thanks Meter: 6 |
not work |
11-22-2008, 13:22 |
#5 (permalink) |
quattro Freak Poster Join Date: Jan 2004 Age: 47
Posts: 144 Thanks Meter: 6 |
or in vista «PurgeComm function failed (win error code:5) |
11-22-2008, 14:40 |
#6 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
what driver version and what client version? b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by quattro or in vista «PurgeComm function failed (win error code:5) |
11-22-2008, 16:37 |
#7 (permalink) |
quattro Freak Poster Join Date: Jan 2004 Age: 47
Posts: 144 Thanks Meter: 6 |
client 1.05 |
11-22-2008, 17:12 |
#8 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
oka try now 1.06 b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by quattro client 1.05 |
11-22-2008, 17:13 |
#9 (permalink) |
wuwei Freak Poster Join Date: May 2006 Location: Paris Age: 40
Posts: 492 Sonork: 100.1590647 Thanks Meter: 83 |
Originally Posted by quattro client 1.05 client is already updated to 1.06, u can try it! it works for me BR |
11-22-2008, 17:30 |
#10 (permalink) |
quattro Freak Poster Join Date: Jan 2004 Age: 47
Posts: 144 Thanks Meter: 6 |
works for me too but after i change the serial port from 100 lower than 10. |
11-23-2008, 00:58 |
#11 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
will check this problem too soon. b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by quattro works for me too but after i change the serial port from 100 lower than 10. |
11-24-2008, 13:51 |
#12 (permalink) |
GsmHgvnl No Life Poster
Join Date: Sep 2004 Location: Hoogeveen Age: 35
Posts: 574 Thanks Meter: 17 |
I have same problem with V1.06 Error: Internal! > COM port routine > 3 |
11-24-2008, 14:10 |
#13 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
try drivers 4.7 and 4.9 from support b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by GsmHgvnl I have same problem with V1.06 Error: Internal! > COM port routine > 3 |
11-24-2008, 15:04 |
#14 (permalink) |
DexterGSM Freak Poster
Join Date: Aug 2000 Location: gsm
Posts: 277 Thanks Meter: 8 |
Nothing new with U960 ? I have same error with v1.06
Looking for phone… |
11-25-2008, 05:54 |
#15 (permalink) |
KulanKendi No Life Poster Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 2,463 Thanks Meter: 516 |
try latest update version 1.07 b.r. Quote:
Originally Posted by DexterGSM Nothing new with U960 ? I have same error with v1.06
Looking for phone… |
I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first time this function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me "ComPort Error: PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; The only way I've found to clear it is to re-boot the box. The main app calls a dll which does the comm port processing. Any insight greatly appreciated! Mike {code} //MAIN type TSetMode = function (mode:pAnsiChar):LongBool; stdcall; TSetFreq = function (F:pAnsiChar; AB: integer):LongBool; stdcall; procedure TfrmLog.SetFreqMode(freq,mode: boolean; AB: integer; freqin: pAnsiChar); var SetFreq: TSetFreq; SetMode: TSetMode; SFreq: single; Smode: String; begin if (freq) and (TryStrToFloat(edtLogFreq.Text, SFreq)) then begin dllFunc := 'SetFreq'; if Rhandle = 0 then RHandle := SafeLoadLibrary(pChar(Radiodll)); if RHandle <> 0 then begin SetFreq := GetProcAddress(RHandle, dllFunc ); if @SetFreq <> nil then SetFreq(freqin, AB); sleep(200); end; end; if mode then begin Smode := cboLogMode.Text; if cboLogMode.Text = 'PSK31' then SMode := 'PSK' else if cboLogMode.Text = 'SSB' then begin if TryStrToFloat(edtLogFreq.Text, SFreq) then begin if (SFreq < 9) then Smode := 'LSB' else Smode := 'USB'; end; end; dllFunc := 'SetMode'; SetMode := GetProcAddress(RHandle, dllFunc ); if @SetMode <> nil then SetMode(pAnsiChar(Smode)); end; end; //DLL: function SetFreq(F: PAnsiChar; AB: integer): LongBool; stdcall; var rstr: string; Freq: Ansistring; i: integer; begin result := true; if (F = nil) and (AB = 0) then begin result := false; exit; end; Freq := F; i := pos('.', string(Freq)); if i > 0 then rstr := copy(string(Freq), 1, i - 1) + copy(string(Freq), i + 1, length(string(Freq))) else exit; if StrToFloat(string(Freq)) < 10 then rstr := '0000' + rstr else rstr := '000' + rstr; while length(rstr) < 11 do rstr := rstr + '0'; if AB = 0 then // not split begin rstr := 'FA' + rstr + ';'; ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(rstr)); ComPort.WriteStr('LK0;FR0;FT0;RT0;XT0;'); end else begin ComPort.WriteStr('LK1;SWT13;SWT13;FR0;FT1;RT0;XT0;'); rstr := 'FB' + rstr + ';'; ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(rstr)); end; if dll.Log then dll.WriteToLog(string(Freq) + ' - ' + rstr); end; function SetMode(M: PAnsiChar): LongBool; stdcall; var MStr,SubStr,PStr: Ansistring; begin result := true; if (M = nil) then begin result := false; exit; end; if M = 'CW' then MStr := '3;' else if (M = 'LSB') then MStr := '1;' else if (M = 'USB') then MStr := '2;' else if M = 'AM' then MStr := '5;' else if M = 'FM' then MStr := '4;' else if (M = 'TTY') or (M = 'RTTY') then begin MStr := '6;'; SubStr := 'DT1;'; PStr := 'PC1001;'; end else if (M = 'PSK') then begin MStr := '6;'; SubStr := 'DT0;'; pStr := 'PC0251;'; end else MStr := ''; if MStr <> '' then MStr := 'MD' + MStr; ComPort.WriteStr(MStr); ComPort.WriteStr(SubStr); ComPort.WriteStr(PStr); end;
9/9/2010 7:47:03 PM
> {quote:title=Mike Reublin wrote:}{quote} > The main app calls a dll which does the comm port processing. The way you use this dll is not ideal. You're loading the dll each time you'll use it... You'd better load the dll once at the startup, then import all exported functions. You're loading the dll, assuming the ComPort object remain the same between calls... You could have problem in there. So put your SetFreq/SetMode var global to your main program. Your problem sounds like a ComPort instance error, and a previous ComPort not freed as expected. IMHO It's worth making some code refactoring here, and use the dll in a "clean" way.
9/10/2010 9:42:35 AM
On 9/10/2010 5:42 AM, Arnaud BOUCHEZ wrote: >> {quote:title=Mike Reublin wrote:}{quote} >> The main app calls a dll which does the comm port processing. > > The way you use this dll is not ideal. > > You're loading the dll each time you'll use it... > > You'd better load the dll once at the startup, then import all exported functions. > > You're loading the dll, assuming the ComPort object remain the same between calls... You could have problem in there. > > So put your SetFreq/SetMode var global to your main program. > > Your problem sounds like a ComPort instance error, and a previous ComPort not freed as expected. > > IMHO It's worth making some code refactoring here, and use the dll in a "clean" way. Thanks Arnaud. I'm not loading it each time. RHandle is global. After loading the first time, Rhandle won't be zero. Did you mean something else? {code} if Rhandle = 0 then RHandle := SafeLoadLibrary(pChar(Radiodll)); {code} I can't use the form function SetFreq(F:pAnsiChar; AB: integer): LongBool; stdcall; external 'SomeDLL.dll' to import the the functions because any one of 15 different dll's may be used for this same purpose, depending on what hardware the user has. Why/how would the comm object change between calls? AFAICS, the comport is only instantiated once. Do you see it differently? By refactoring, do you mean re-writing? Probably so. Have you an example of a clean way?
9/10/2010 3:15:51 PM
> {quote:title=Mike Reublin wrote:}{quote} > I'm not loading it each time. RHandle is global. After loading the first time, > Rhandle won't be zero. Did you mean something else? OK, it was very difficult to get it with your code unformated in the post (a missing {code} at the end of the code). > Why/how would the comm object change between calls? it depends on your code. did you try with Delphi 2007? Perhaps there is a problem in your TComPort library adaptation to Delphi 2010. > AFAICS, the comport is only instantiated once. Do you see it differently? It's very difficult to guess what's wrong without having the whole code. We don't have the WriteStr() part on the post. Can't guess how the ComPort is instantiated and used. Perhaps you're changing your dll name between instances... then you're calling the previous dll because rHandle was previously set.. > By refactoring, do you mean re-writing? Probably so. Have you an example of a clean way? At least, use globals for your SetFreq/SetMode prototypes, don't use GetProcAddress() before every call. Use classes and properties, and inheritance to handle multiple dll names and exported functions. These classes may contain the whole RHandle/SetFreq/SetMode, not as global variables or form property, but as clean Delphi types. And you could be able to use RadioOne.SetFreq() or such.
9/10/2010 4:16:55 PM
On 9/10/2010 12:16 PM, Arnaud BOUCHEZ wrote: >> {quote:title=Mike Reublin wrote:}{quote} >> I'm not loading it each time. RHandle is global. After loading the first time, >> Rhandle won't be zero. Did you mean something else? > > OK, it was very difficult to get it with your code unformated in the post (a missing {code} at the end of the code). Oops, sorry. I'll post the dll on attachments as "DLLSource". > >> Why/how would the comm object change between calls? > > it depends on your code. did you try with Delphi 2007? Perhaps there is a problem in your TComPort library adaptation to Delphi 2010. I don't have D2007. But it reacts the sane in D7, with the pre-D2010 changes to the component. > >> AFAICS, the comport is only instantiated once. Do you see it differently? > > It's very difficult to guess what's wrong without having the whole code. > We don't have the WriteStr() part on the post. It's in the source of Cport.pas. That's not where the error surfaces. {code} function TCustomComPort.WriteStr(const Str: AnsiString): Integer; begin if FOverlapped then result := _WriteStrWrapper(Str) else begin result := 0; if _SyncWrite(PAnsiChar(Str),Length(Str)) then result := Length(Str); end; end; {code} > Can't guess how the ComPort is instantiated and used. See attachments group for "DLLSource" > > Perhaps you're changing your dll name between instances... then you're calling the previous dll because rHandle was previously set.. No. > >> By refactoring, do you mean re-writing? Probably so. Have you an example of a clean way? > > At least, use globals for your SetFreq/SetMode prototypes, don't use GetProcAddress() before every call. > Use classes and properties, and inheritance to handle multiple dll names and exported functions. > These classes may contain the whole RHandle/SetFreq/SetMode, not as global variables or form property, but as clean Delphi types. > And you could be able to use RadioOne.SetFreq() or such. Sorry, you lost me here. I need code snippets. While I don't doubt your suggestions are better structured ways, I have a hard time seeing it as the error source. But then I'm still learning.
9/10/2010 5:41:46 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first > time this > function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me > "ComPort Error: > PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; Mike, Since you have the source (I guess you do) you could lookup in which places this error is raised and why. Put break points before and investigate the factors that may trigger the error. Cheers Tom
9/10/2010 7:07:25 PM
On 9/10/2010 3:07 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first >> time this >> function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me >> "ComPort Error: >> PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in >> TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; > > Mike, > Since you have the source (I guess you do) you could lookup in which > places this error is raised and why. Put break points before and > investigate the factors that may trigger the error. > > Cheers > Tom Hi Tom. Yes, I do and I have traced into it. CreateFile is a functon in the Windows unit. Doesn't tell me anything. Googling for PurgeComm didn't give me anything eihter. Do you see anything? {code} procedure TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; var dev:String; flags:Cardinal; begin dev :='\.' + FPort; if FOverlapped then { This is a big change from classic TComPort } flags := FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED else flags := 0; FHandle := CreateFile( PChar(dev), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, flags, 0); if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin {$ifdef CPORT_CALLTRACE} OutputDebugString( PChar('CreateHandle: CreateFile '+dev)); {$endif} raise EComPort.Create(CError_OpenFailed, GetLastError,FPort); end; end; {code}
9/10/2010 9:12:51 PM
"Mike Reublin" <[email protected]> wrote > I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first time this > function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me "ComPort Error: > PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; > ... Any insight greatly appreciated! Mike, Can you make a small test program that demonstrates the problem? Also, I note that there are some interesting related results from the Google: http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&q=ComPort+Error+%22PurgeComm+function+failed%22 Rgds, JohnH
9/10/2010 10:47:44 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > On 9/10/2010 3:07 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: >> "Mike Reublin" wrote: >>> I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The >>> first >>> time this >>> function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me >>> "ComPort Error: >>> PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in >>> TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; >> >> Mike, >> Since you have the source (I guess you do) you could lookup in >> which >> places this error is raised and why. Put break points before and >> investigate the factors that may trigger the error. Mike, Ok, I downloaded TComPort to get a wider picture and searched for where PurgeComm errors are raised: procedure TComPort.ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean); .... if not PurgeComm(FHandle, Flag) then raise EComPort.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); and procedure TComPort.AbortAllAsync; .... if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then raise EComPort.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); In addition TComPort calls PurgeComm in one place without raising an error on failure: procedure TComThread.Execute; .... PurgeComm(FComPort.Handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR); > Yes, I do and I have traced into it. CreateFile is a functon in the > Windows unit. > Doesn't tell me anything. Googling for PurgeComm didn't give me > anything eihter. Really? PurgeComm as well as CreateFile as Windows API functions are to be found on msdn as well as in the Delphi help (just make sure you don't filter out the Windows SDK help. > Do > you see anything? > Well, I see that PurgeComm is not called in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle and you claim it is raised in the CreateFile call. Goes beyond my comprehension. But then I'm alo puzzled because you said that the error occurs the second time you call SetFreq. Why are you recreating the comport? Did you for sure close it in between? Cheers Tom
9/10/2010 11:08:26 PM
Arnaud, Tom, John, thank you all for your responses. I found the solution, and it was some bad Unicode-ing on my part. I had changed the parameter passed into the dll from pChar to pAnsiChar. I don't know why that made what happened happen. Explanation, anyone? Regards, Mike
9/11/2010 1:51:29 AM
On 9/10/2010 7:08 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> On 9/10/2010 3:07 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: >>> "Mike Reublin" wrote: >>>> I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The >>>> first >>>> time this >>>> function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me >>>> "ComPort Error: >>>> PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in >>>> TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; >>> >>> Mike, >>> Since you have the source (I guess you do) you could lookup in >>> which >>> places this error is raised and why. Put break points before and >>> investigate the factors that may trigger the error. > > Mike, > Ok, I downloaded TComPort to get a wider picture and searched for > where PurgeComm errors are raised: > procedure TComPort.ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean); > ... > if not PurgeComm(FHandle, Flag) then > raise EComPort.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); > > and > > procedure TComPort.AbortAllAsync; > ... > if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then > raise EComPort.Create(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError); > > In addition TComPort calls PurgeComm in one place without raising an > error on failure: > procedure TComThread.Execute; > ... > PurgeComm(FComPort.Handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR); > >> Yes, I do and I have traced into it. CreateFile is a functon in the >> Windows unit. >> Doesn't tell me anything. Googling for PurgeComm didn't give me >> anything eihter. > > Really? > PurgeComm as well as CreateFile as Windows API functions are to be > found on msdn > as well as in the Delphi help (just make sure you don't filter out the > Windows SDK help. I didn't say I didn't read about them, I just didn't understand what I read, or related to my problem. > >> Do >> you see anything? >> > > Well, I see that PurgeComm is not called in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle and you claim it is raised in the > CreateFile call. Goes beyond my comprehension. > Mine too..... <vbg> > But then I'm alo puzzled because you said that the error occurs the > second time you call SetFreq. Why are you recreating the comport? Did > you for sure close it in between? > I'm not recreating the port. Anyhow, problem solved, if not understood. See my post below. And thanks. Regards, Mike
9/11/2010 12:57:43 PM
OK, so I'm suffering from premature congratulation. There is still a problem. This all worked well in D7, and survived the port to D2010, then for no reason I can discern, started to fail. There are two devices attached to the same serial port by a "Y" cable. The first is a radio, the second an antenna controller. The antenna controller is a passive (as far as the serial port goes) device, it doesn't reply back, it just follows whatever the radio does. If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the radio. The radio gets three sets of commands. If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it does have an effect. If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, the third fails. My main app calls a dll which handles the serial calls and responses. {code} function SetFreq(F: PChar; AB: integer): LongBool; stdcall; var rstr, Freq, macrostr: string; i: integer; begin Freq := F; i := pos('.', string(Freq)); if i > 0 then rstr := copy(string(Freq), 1, i - 1) + copy(string(Freq), i + 1, length(string(Freq))) else exit; if StrToFloat(string(Freq)) < 10 then rstr := '0000' + rstr else rstr := '000' + rstr; while length(rstr) < 11 do rstr := rstr + '0'; if AB = 0 then // not split begin rstr := 'FA' + rstr + ';'; ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(rstr)); //< 1st sent "FA0001040000;" macrostr := 'LK0;FR0;FT0;RT0;XT0;'; ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(macrostr)); //< 2nd sent "'LK0;FR0;FT0;RT0;XT0;" end; end; function SetMode(M: PChar): LongBool; stdcall; var MStr,SubStr,PStr: Ansistring; begin result := true; SubStr := ''; PStr := ''; if M = 'CW' then MStr := '3;' if MStr <> '' then MStr := 'MD' + MStr; ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(MStr)); //< 3rd sent "MD3;" end; {code} In CPort.pas we eventually get to the WriteAsync function. WriteFile always returns false, but the radio does get set. One of the writes (2nd or 3rd) fails, Pending is set to false. The error message is "PurgeComm function failed on COM5". It seems like the solution would be to call WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, 5000);, but that didn't help. This error seems to be associated with error code 997. The actual error code is 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, so that confuses me too. This is driving me crazy...... and it's a very short ride <vbg>. {code} function TCustomComPort.WriteAsync(const Buffer:PCPortAnsiChar; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PCPortAsync): Integer; var Success : Boolean; Pending : Boolean; BytesTrans: DWORD; begin if AsyncPtr = nil then raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode(CError_InvalidAsync); CPortPrepareAsync(okWrite, Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr); Success := WriteFile(FHandle, Buffer^, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped); Pending := (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING); if not (Success or Pending) then raise EComPort.Create(CError_WriteFailed, GetLastError,FPort); SendSignalToLink(leTx, True); Result := BytesTrans; end; {code}
9/17/2010 10:55:23 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > OK, so I'm suffering from premature congratulation. There is still a > problem. This > all worked well in D7, and survived the port to D2010, then for no > reason I can > discern, started to fail. > > There are two devices attached to the same serial port by a "Y" > cable. The first is a > radio, the second an antenna controller. > > The antenna controller is a passive (as far as the serial port goes) > device, it > doesn't reply back, it just follows whatever the radio does. If it > is off, the port > responds properly, and is able to set the radio. The radio gets > three sets of commands. > > If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it > does have an effect. > If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, the > third fails. Mike, The obvious questions are: Are you 200% sure, that the antenna controller really is passive, and doesn't try to respond to message 1 (The 'FA000..')? How do you know? Are we talking about RS232 or RS485? How is the 'Y' connection done? > In CPort.pas we eventually get to the WriteAsync function. WriteFile > always returns > false, but the radio does get set. One of the writes (2nd or 3rd) > fails, Pending is > set to false. The error message is "PurgeComm function failed on > COM5". It seems like > the solution would be to call WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, 5000);, > but that didn't > help. This error seems to be associated with error code 997. The > actual error code is > 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, so that confuses me too. This looks suspicious in CPort.pas (version 4Beta_D2010) {code} // create exception with windows error code constructor EComPort.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer; port:String); begin FWinCode := AWinCode; FCode := ACode; // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on '+port); end; {code} ComErrorMessage returns a message that has nothing to do with the error codes that GetLastError returns, therefor passing AWinCode to the function is wrong. If the error message shows 'PurgeComm function failed' it really means ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as you concluded yourself. I suggest you switch the line that is outcommented to get correct error messages. Cheers Tom PS. I'll be out for the rest of the weekend.
9/18/2010 10:02:28 AM
"Mike Reublin" <[email protected]> wrote > The antenna controller is a passive ... device, Mike, Is it wired properly? It should not have any connection to PC inputs CD, RxD, DSR, or CTS. > If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the radio. > ... If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails Rgds, JohnH
9/18/2010 1:18:50 PM
On 9/18/2010 6:02 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> OK, so I'm suffering from premature congratulation. There is still a >> problem. This >> all worked well in D7, and survived the port to D2010, then for no >> reason I can >> discern, started to fail. >> >> There are two devices attached to the same serial port by a "Y" >> cable. The first is a >> radio, the second an antenna controller. >> >> The antenna controller is a passive (as far as the serial port goes) >> device, it >> doesn't reply back, it just follows whatever the radio does. If it >> is off, the port >> responds properly, and is able to set the radio. The radio gets >> three sets of commands. >> >> If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it >> does have an effect. >> If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, the >> third fails. > Thanks, Tom. > Mike, > The obvious questions are: > Are you 200% sure, that the antenna controller really is passive, and > doesn't try to respond to message 1 (The 'FA000..')? Pretty certain, the only pins (DB9 connector) connected are 2 (RX data) and 5(Signal ground). > How do you know? I think by the pins connected, and the manual says only that "controller will listen to your radio". > Are we talking about RS232 or RS485? RS232. > How is the 'Y' connection done? A DB9 connects to the serial port on the 'puter. Two cables exit it, one going to the radio, one to the antenna controller. Between the computer and radio the pins connected (straight through) are: 2. RXD 3. TXD 4. DTR 5. Signal gnd. 6. DSR 7. RTS 8. CTS Between the computer and controller (straight through): 2. RXD 5. Signal gnd. > >> In CPort.pas we eventually get to the WriteAsync function. WriteFile >> always returns >> false, but the radio does get set. One of the writes (2nd or 3rd) >> fails, Pending is >> set to false. The error message is "PurgeComm function failed on >> COM5". It seems like >> the solution would be to call WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, 5000);, >> but that didn't >> help. This error seems to be associated with error code 997. The >> actual error code is >> 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, so that confuses me too. > > This looks suspicious in CPort.pas (version 4Beta_D2010) > {code} > // create exception with windows error code > constructor EComPort.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer; > port:String); > begin > FWinCode := AWinCode; > FCode := ACode; > // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error > code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); > inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on > '+port); > end; > {code} > ComErrorMessage returns a message that has nothing to do with the > error codes that GetLastError returns, therefor passing AWinCode to > the function is wrong. > If the error message shows 'PurgeComm function failed' it really means > ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as you concluded yourself. > I suggest you switch the line that is outcommented to get correct > error messages. > Doing it this way returns the same error message. The error codes are defined in ComErrorMessage. I think they aren't the windows error codes, but maybe should be. {code} // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on '+port); {code} > Cheers > Tom > > PS. I'll be out for the rest of the weekend. Enjoy! I'm sure I'll still be here... :-{
9/18/2010 11:16:59 PM
On 9/18/2010 9:18 AM, John Herbster wrote: > "Mike Reublin"<[email protected]> wrote >> The antenna controller is a passive ... device, > > Mike, > > Is it wired properly? > It should not have any connection to PC inputs CD, RxD, DSR, or CTS. > >> If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the radio. >> ... If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails > > Rgds, JohnH Hi John. Yep, the problem isn't there. See my response to Tom for the wiring. It worked fine for over a year, and it works fine using other (commercial) programs. I'm fairly certain it's a programming glitch, but that doesn't make total sense either. Posted from my front porch in beautiful downtown WitsEnd........
9/18/2010 11:21:40 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > On 9/18/2010 6:02 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: >> "Mike Reublin" wrote: >>> There are two devices attached to the same serial port by a "Y" >>> cable. The first is a >>> radio, the second an antenna controller. >>> >>> The antenna controller is a passive (as far as the serial port >>> goes) >>> device, it >>> doesn't reply back, it just follows whatever the radio does. Mike, Am I correct in my understanding that the radio sends "commands" to the antenna controller, not the PC? Well, actually further down you quote the manual "controller will listen to your radio", so I guess the answer is yes. >>> If it >>> is off, the port >>> responds properly, and is able to set the radio. The radio gets >>> three sets of commands. >>> >>> If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it >>> does have an effect. >>> If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, >>> the >>> third fails. So, will the FA000... message trigger some activity on the serial line outward from the radio? >> How is the 'Y' connection done? > > A DB9 connects to the serial port on the 'puter. Two cables exit it, > one going to the > radio, one to the antenna controller. > > Between the computer and radio the pins connected (straight through) > are: > 2. RXD > 3. TXD > 4. DTR > 5. Signal gnd. > 6. DSR > 7. RTS > 8. CTS > > Between the computer and controller (straight through): > 2. RXD > 5. Signal gnd. Ok, this would work if the radio is internally connected as a DCE (Data Communication Equipment) and the controller is internally connected as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). You wrote elsewhere that this has been working with your D7 version so I guess we can conclude the connection to be OK. If you have an interest in DCE and DTE connections take a look at http://www.camiresearch.com/Data_Com_Basics/RS232_standard.html >>> In CPort.pas we eventually get to the WriteAsync function. >>> WriteFile >>> always returns >>> false, but the radio does get set. One of the writes (2nd or 3rd) >>> fails, Pending is >>> set to false. The error message is "PurgeComm function failed on >>> COM5". It seems like >>> the solution would be to call WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, 5000);, >>> but that didn't >>> help. This error seems to be associated with error code 997. The >>> actual error code is >>> 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, so that confuses me too. >> >> This looks suspicious in CPort.pas (version 4Beta_D2010) >> {code} >> // create exception with windows error code >> constructor EComPort.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer; >> port:String); >> begin >> FWinCode := AWinCode; >> FCode := ACode; >> // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error >> code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); >> inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' >> on >> '+port); >> end; >> {code} >> ComErrorMessage returns a message that has nothing to do with the >> error codes that GetLastError returns, therefor passing AWinCode to >> the function is wrong. >> If the error message shows 'PurgeComm function failed' it really >> means >> ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as you concluded yourself. >> I suggest you switch the line that is outcommented to get correct >> error messages. > > Doing it this way returns the same error message. The error codes > are defined in > ComErrorMessage. I think they aren't the windows error codes, but > maybe should be. > > {code} > // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error > code: %d)'{)}, > [AWinCode]); > inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on > '+port); > {code} Geee, I didn't know I could be that ambiguous in my writing ;-) I showed you the code as it is in the CPort.pas file I have, and indicated which version I have downloaded. I then suggested that you could switch to the outcommented line to get correct error messages. And then you respond with "Doing it this way returns the same error message." and a copy of the two lines with the same line outcommented as I wrote to you. Of course it returns the same message if you dont switch to the outcommented one! CPort.pas (the version I have) defines on lines 569 .. 591 internal CPort error codes. The messages that corresponds to these error codes are defined and returned by the ComErrorMessage function which is supposed to get a CPort internal error code as the index parameter, *not* a Windows error code returned by GetLastError. The line in the EComPort.create constructor that is in use (in the version of CPort that I have) is wrong: inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on '+port); It passes AWinCode to the call to ComErrorMessage, when it should pass ACode. ACode is the CPort internal error code and AWinCode is the Windows error code returned by GetLastError. So I repeat my suggestion to use this line (remove the comment marks) // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + ' (win error code: %d)', [AWinCode]); and outcomment (add comment marks) the line inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on '+port); Let's then see what the error message is *exactly* when your problem occurs. Cheers Tom
9/19/2010 8:35:08 PM
On 9/19/2010 4:35 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> On 9/18/2010 6:02 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: >>> "Mike Reublin" wrote: >>>> There are two devices attached to the same serial port by a "Y" >>>> cable. The first is a >>>> radio, the second an antenna controller. >>>> >>>> The antenna controller is a passive (as far as the serial port >>>> goes) >>>> device, it >>>> doesn't reply back, it just follows whatever the radio does. > > Mike, > > Am I correct in my understanding that the radio sends "commands" to > the antenna controller, not the PC? The radio responds to changes made to it, whether commanded by the PC or from the physical buttons and knobbies on the radio front panel, by broadcasting those changes. Both the PC and the controller get them. The controller is just eavesdropping on that traffic. > Well, actually further down you quote the manual "controller will > listen to your radio", so I guess the answer is yes. No. > >>>> If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the radio. The radio gets >>>> three sets of commands. >>>> >>>> If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it >>>> does have an effect. >>>> If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, >>>> the third fails. > > So, will the FA000... message trigger some activity on the serial line > outward from the radio? > Yes. >>> How is the 'Y' connection done? >> >> A DB9 connects to the serial port on the 'puter. Two cables exit it, >> one going to the >> radio, one to the antenna controller. >> >> Between the computer and radio the pins connected (straight through) >> are: >> 2. RXD >> 3. TXD >> 4. DTR >> 5. Signal gnd. >> 6. DSR >> 7. RTS >> 8. CTS >> >> Between the computer and controller (straight through): >> 2. RXD >> 5. Signal gnd. > > Ok, this would work if the radio is internally connected as a DCE > (Data Communication Equipment) and the controller is internally > connected as a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment). You wrote elsewhere that > this has been working with your D7 version so I guess we can conclude > the connection to be OK. Plus it works with two other programs. While you were off cavorting (I hope), I copied the code to my flaptop, also running D2010 but the OS is Win7 x64 Home. Using the same USB to serial adapter, it worked flawlessly. I copied the exe and dll from the flaptop back onto my XP box, and it sort of works the first time, but pulses the radio between transmit and recieve, (shouldn't do that) and I get a ba-ding ba-dong sound from the PC. The radio can be set to transmit by setting either DTR or RTS high. Using your change to the error handling (more on that below), the second time through it fails with "WriteFile function failed(Win error code:5)" in WriteAsync. Closing the app throws another exception "PurgeComm function failed(Win error code:5)" in AbortAllAsync. Not sure if this contains anything useful, or is a distractor. > If you have an interest in DCE and DTE connections take a look at > http://www.camiresearch.com/Data_Com_Basics/RS232_standard.html > I have read that. >>>> In CPort.pas we eventually get to the WriteAsync function. >>>> WriteFile always returns false, but the radio does get set. One of the writes (2nd or 3rd) >>>> fails, Pending is set to false. The error message is "PurgeComm function failed on >>>> COM5". It seems like the solution would be to call WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, 5000);, >>>> but that didn't help. This error seems to be associated with error code 997. The >>>> actual error code is 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, so that confuses me too. >>> >>> This looks suspicious in CPort.pas (version 4Beta_D2010) >>> {code} >>> // create exception with windows error code >>> constructor EComPort.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer; >>> port:String); >>> begin >>> FWinCode := AWinCode; >>> FCode := ACode; >>> // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error >>> code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); >>> inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' >>> on +port); >>> end; >>> {code} >>> ComErrorMessage returns a message that has nothing to do with the >>> error codes that GetLastError returns, therefor passing AWinCode to >>> the function is wrong. >>> If the error message shows 'PurgeComm function failed' it really >>> means ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED as you concluded yourself. >>> I suggest you switch the line that is outcommented to get correct >>> error messages. >> >> Doing it this way returns the same error message. The error codes >> are defined in >> ComErrorMessage. I think they aren't the windows error codes, but >> maybe should be. >> >> {code} >> // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error >> code: %d)'{)},[AWinCode]); >> inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on >> '+port); >> {code} > > Geee, I didn't know I could be that ambiguous in my writing ;-) > I showed you the code as it is in the CPort.pas file I have, and > indicated which version I have downloaded. > I then suggested that you could switch to the outcommented line to get > correct error messages. > And then you respond with "Doing it this way returns the same error > message." and a copy of the two lines with the same line outcommented > as I wrote to you. Of course it returns the same message if you dont > switch to the outcommented one! Your success at disambiguation is no guarantee my compliance is correct. It was sleepy in here, and I'm fat and old..... <vbg> I changed it and got a different message. Actually the line as written won't compile, so I made another change, and now it's {code} inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessage(ACode) + {_(}' (win error code: %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); //instead of inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: %d)'{)},[AWinCode]); {code} > > CPort.pas (the version I have) defines on lines 569 .. 591 internal > CPort error codes. > The messages that corresponds to these error codes are defined and > returned by the ComErrorMessage function which is supposed to get a > CPort internal error code as the index parameter, *not* a Windows > error code returned by GetLastError. > The line in the EComPort.create constructor that is in use (in the > version of CPort that I have) is wrong: > inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on > '+port); > It passes AWinCode to the call to ComErrorMessage, when it should pass > ACode. > ACode is the CPort internal error code and AWinCode is the Windows > error code returned by GetLastError. > > So I repeat my suggestion to use this line (remove the comment marks) > // inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + ' (win error code: > %d)', [AWinCode]); > and outcomment (add comment marks) the line > inherited Create('COM Port Error: '+ComErrorMessage(AWinCode)+' on > '+port); > > Let's then see what the error message is *exactly* when your problem > occurs. > Since it's passing a constant to the function, I'd guess it's going to be the same every time. The Win code might be different, in my case it's a 5, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. See above. Regards, Mike
9/20/2010 4:30:17 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > > No. Ok, Mike, I think I got it anyway. >>>>> If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the >>>>> radio. The radio gets >>>>> three sets of commands. >>>>> >>>>> If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it >>>>> does have an effect. >>>>> If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, >>>>> the third fails. >> >> So, will the FA000... message trigger some activity on the serial >> line >> outward from the radio? > > Yes. > > Plus it works with two other programs. Ok, no problem with the cable. > While you were off cavorting (I hope) Cavorting is probably not the right expression, but yes we had a good time with some friends. > I copied the code to my flaptop, also running > D2010 but the OS is Win7 x64 Home. Using the same USB to serial > adapter, it worked > flawlessly. I copied the exe and dll from the flaptop back onto my > XP box, and it > sort of works the first time, but pulses the radio between transmit > and recieve, > (shouldn't do that) and I get a ba-ding ba-dong sound from the PC. > The radio can be > set to transmit by setting either DTR or RTS high. Aaah, a USB to Serial adapter! Maybe the driver is different (64 bit vs. 32 bit) on the two PCs? Or, (warning for wild guess with not much knowledge about the topic) could it be that the USB connector in the XP box doesn't provide the power required for the converter? Did you test the two other programs on the Win7 or the XP machine? > Using your change to the error handling (more on that below), the > second time through > it fails with "WriteFile function failed(Win error code:5)" in > WriteAsync. Closing > the app throws another exception "PurgeComm function failed(Win > error code:5)" in > AbortAllAsync. > > Not sure if this contains anything useful, or is a distractor. Well, it is less of a distractor to have correct error messages than incorrect ones, no? To remind you, in an earlier message I wrote about the PurgeComm error: ----- Well, I see that PurgeComm is not called in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle and you claim it is raised in the CreateFile call. Goes beyond my comprehension. ----- Now, that I know that the error was *not* about a call to PurgeComm to begin with, I feel much less distracted. Once more I must return to the very first message in this thread, where you wrote: ----- I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first time this function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me "ComPort Error: PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; ----- CreateHandle is called only from TCustomComPort.Open. The sources that you have shown sofar calls SetFreq in succession without any calls to ComPort.Open. So can you explain how you ended up in CreateHandle in conjunction with the second call to SetFreq? Or was it a totally new session? > I changed it and got a different message. Actually the line as > written won't compile, > so I made another change, and now it's > {code} > inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessage(ACode) + {_(}' (win error code: > %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); > //instead of > inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: > %d)'{)},[AWinCode]); > {code} Yeah, sorry for not spotting that one, ComErrorMessage has been an array in the past. > Since it's passing a constant to the function, I'd guess it's going > to be the same > every time. The Win code might be different, in my case it's a 5, > ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. See above. There are about 25 different places in CPort.pas like for example {code} if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then raise EComPort.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError, FPort); {code} with any of the CError_xxxx constants passed to the EComPort.Create function so the messages will vary accordingly. In your case it seems to be that you try to access the ComPort when windows thinks that you cant. Keeping in mind that it works in one PC and not in another one, strongly points in the direction of USB to Serial versus PC incompatibility somehow. Then again, I guess the other two applications that work, are tested on your XP box, or? Cheers Tom
9/21/2010 12:22:22 AM
If you are using a USB to serial adapter, be sure it is one with the reliable chipset! Do a google search and you'll find the correct chip set, I don't remember it off the top of my head, but there was one that was definitely flakey. And as Tom said, the drivers could be different. Dan "Tom Brunberg" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected] > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> >> No. > > Ok, Mike, I think I got it anyway. > >>>>>> If it is off, the port responds properly, and is able to set the >>>>>> radio. The radio gets >>>>>> three sets of commands. >>>>>> >>>>>> If the antenna controller is on, the second command fails, so it >>>>>> does have an effect. >>>>>> If I switch the order in which the first two commands are sent, >>>>>> the third fails. >>> >>> So, will the FA000... message trigger some activity on the serial >>> line >>> outward from the radio? >> >> Yes. >> >> Plus it works with two other programs. > > Ok, no problem with the cable. > >> While you were off cavorting (I hope) > > Cavorting is probably not the right expression, but yes we had a good > time with some friends. > >> I copied the code to my flaptop, also running >> D2010 but the OS is Win7 x64 Home. Using the same USB to serial >> adapter, it worked >> flawlessly. I copied the exe and dll from the flaptop back onto my >> XP box, and it >> sort of works the first time, but pulses the radio between transmit >> and recieve, >> (shouldn't do that) and I get a ba-ding ba-dong sound from the PC. >> The radio can be >> set to transmit by setting either DTR or RTS high. > > Aaah, a USB to Serial adapter! Maybe the driver is different (64 bit > vs. 32 bit) on the two PCs? > > Or, (warning for wild guess with not much knowledge about the topic) > could it be that the USB connector in the XP box doesn't provide the > power required for the converter? > > Did you test the two other programs on the Win7 or the XP machine? > >> Using your change to the error handling (more on that below), the >> second time through >> it fails with "WriteFile function failed(Win error code:5)" in >> WriteAsync. Closing >> the app throws another exception "PurgeComm function failed(Win >> error code:5)" in >> AbortAllAsync. >> >> Not sure if this contains anything useful, or is a distractor. > > Well, it is less of a distractor to have correct error messages than > incorrect ones, no? > > To remind you, in an earlier message I wrote about the PurgeComm > error: > ----- > Well, I see that PurgeComm is not called in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle and you claim it is raised in the > CreateFile call. Goes beyond my comprehension. > ----- > Now, that I know that the error was *not* about a call to PurgeComm to > begin with, I feel much less distracted. > > Once more I must return to the very first message in this thread, > where you wrote: > ----- > I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first > time this > function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me > "ComPort Error: > PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; > ----- > CreateHandle is called only from TCustomComPort.Open. The sources that > you have shown sofar calls SetFreq in succession without any calls to > ComPort.Open. So can you explain how you ended up in CreateHandle in > conjunction with the second call to SetFreq? Or was it a totally new > session? > >> I changed it and got a different message. Actually the line as >> written won't compile, >> so I made another change, and now it's >> {code} >> inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessage(ACode) + {_(}' (win error code: >> %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); >> //instead of >> inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: >> %d)'{)},[AWinCode]); >> {code} > > Yeah, sorry for not spotting that one, ComErrorMessage has been an > array in the past. > >> Since it's passing a constant to the function, I'd guess it's going >> to be the same >> every time. The Win code might be different, in my case it's a 5, >> ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. See above. > > There are about 25 different places in CPort.pas like for example > {code} > if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then > raise EComPort.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError, FPort); > {code} > with any of the CError_xxxx constants passed to the EComPort.Create > function so the messages will vary accordingly. > > In your case it seems to be that you try to access the ComPort when > windows thinks that you cant. Keeping in mind that it works in one PC > and not in another one, strongly points in the direction of USB to > Serial versus PC incompatibility somehow. > Then again, I guess the other two applications that work, are tested > on your XP box, or? > > Cheers > Tom
9/21/2010 2:09:00 AM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Mike, I come to the access denied error later but first: I looked through your code in Elecr.pas (from the post to attachments). In StartCom(..) {code} ComPort.SyncMethod := smWindowSync; // not for d2010 {code} (just curious: why the comment "not for d2010") ... then you set the event mask {code} ComPort.Events := [evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak, evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full]; {code} and then a handler for evRxChar {code} ComPort.OnRxChar := TComPortRxHandler.ComPortRxChar; {code} If we then look at CPort.pas in TComThread.Execute there's a call {code} DispatchComMsg; {code} and in TComThread.DispatchComMsg {code} case FComPort.SyncMethod of ... smWindowSync: SendEvents; ... {code} and in TComThread.SendEvents {code} ... if evRxChar in FEvents then SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RXCHAR, 0); ... {code} but I can't see that you ever set FComPort.FWindow to anything. So, AFAICS here's a contradiction: you set an OnRxChar event handler which never gets called, and you send a message to a nil handle. Please confirm that you never seen any received data or explain how you receive it. If you would set {code} ComPort.SyncMethod := smThreadSync {code} or {code} ComPort.SyncMethod := smNone {code} then TComThread.DispatchComMsg would call either {code} Synchronize(DoEvents); // call events in main thread {code} or {code} smNone: DoEvents; // call events inside monitoring thread {code} and TComThread.DoEvents would call {code} if evRxChar in FEvents then FComPort.CallRxChar; {code} and your OnRxChar would handle the received data. Then to the ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED errors. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff802693.aspx "One of the communications event flags specified in the call to SetCommMask is possibly EV_ERR. The occurrence of the EV_ERR event indicates that an error condition exists in the communications port. Other errors can occur in the port that do not cause the EV_ERR event to occur. In either case, errors associated with the communications port cause all I/O operations to be suspended until removal of the error condition. ClearCommError is the function to call to detect errors and clear the error condition." In the code you have provided I can't see any handler for the evError event, thus I suspect that the com port gets locked by an error and therefore doesn't allow access. Cheers Tom
9/21/2010 9:42:53 AM
On 9/20/2010 8:22 PM, Tom Brunberg wrote: >> I copied the code to my flaptop, also running D2010 but the OS is Win7 x64 Home. Using the same USB to serial >> adapter, it worked flawlessly. I copied the exe and dll from the flaptop back onto my >> XP box, and it sort of works the first time, but pulses the radio between transmit >> and recieve, (shouldn't do that) and I get a ba-ding ba-dong sound from the PC. >> The radio can be set to transmit by setting either DTR or RTS high. > > Aaah, a USB to Serial adapter! Maybe the driver is different (64 bit > vs. 32 bit) on the two PCs? Probably. But if the other programs work using the same hardware......? > > Or, (warning for wild guess with not much knowledge about the topic) > could it be that the USB connector in the XP box doesn't provide the > power required for the converter? > It's plugged into one of the on-board jacks. Possible I suppose, but those other two programs that work indicate it's not hardware. > Did you test the two other programs on the Win7 or the XP machine? Both > >> Using your change to the error handling (more on that below), the >> second time through it fails with "WriteFile function failed(Win error code:5)" in >> WriteAsync. Closing the app throws another exception "PurgeComm function failed(Win >> error code:5)" in AbortAllAsync. >> >> Not sure if this contains anything useful, or is a distractor. > > Well, it is less of a distractor to have correct error messages than > incorrect ones, no? > It is. > To remind you, in an earlier message I wrote about the PurgeComm > error: > ----- > Well, I see that PurgeComm is not called in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle and you claim it is raised in the > CreateFile call. Goes beyond my comprehension. > ----- > Now, that I know that the error was *not* about a call to PurgeComm to > begin with, I feel much less distracted. > > Once more I must return to the very first message in this thread, > where you wrote: > ----- > I'm using TComPort to talk to a device from my D2010 app. The first > time this > function is called, it works. The next time (SetFreq) gives me > "ComPort Error: > PurgeComm function failed." in CreateFile in > TCustomComPort.CreateHandle; > ----- When I run from the IDE the failure occurs when ComPort.WriteStr('LK0;FR0;FT0;RT0;XT0;'); in SetFreq is executed. Running outside the IDE it fails on the second call to SetFreq, but I can't tell which line. > CreateHandle is called only from TCustomComPort.Open. The sources that > you have shown sofar calls SetFreq in succession without any calls to > ComPort.Open. So can you explain how you ended up in CreateHandle in > conjunction with the second call to SetFreq? Or was it a totally new > session? > No, I can't explain that, and as I remember, it was the same session. But that's not happening any more. >> I changed it and got a different message. Actually the line as >> written won't compile, >> so I made another change, and now it's >> {code} >> inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessage(ACode) + {_(}' (win error code: >> %d)'{)}, [AWinCode]); >> //instead of >> inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + {_(}' (win error code: >> %d)'{)},[AWinCode]); >> {code} > > Yeah, sorry for not spotting that one, ComErrorMessage has been an > array in the past. > >> Since it's passing a constant to the function, I'd guess it's going >> to be the same >> every time. The Win code might be different, in my case it's a 5, >> ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. See above. > > There are about 25 different places in CPort.pas like for example > {code} > if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then > raise EComPort.Create(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError, FPort); > {code} > with any of the CError_xxxx constants passed to the EComPort.Create > function so the messages will vary accordingly. Well, yes. My point was that the error message returned will always be the same, regardless of the Win error code. I'd think (there I go again) that there might be more than one cause of a write failure. > > In your case it seems to be that you try to access the ComPort when > windows thinks that you cant. Keeping in mind that it works in one PC > and not in another one, strongly points in the direction of USB to > Serial versus PC incompatibility somehow. > Then again, I guess the other two applications that work, are tested > on your XP box, or? XP and Win7 > > Cheers > Tom
9/21/2010 11:53:18 AM
On 9/20/2010 10:09 PM, Daniel Sox wrote: > If you are using a USB to serial adapter, be sure it is one with the > reliable chipset! Do a google search and you'll find the correct chip set, I > don't remember it off the top of my head, but there was one that was > definitely flakey. And as Tom said, the drivers could be different. > > Dan Thanks Dan. The current one is using an FTDI chip, which is supposed to be the "good" one. I was using an adapter with the Prolific chip. There is no difference in the operation.
9/21/2010 11:55:58 AM
Mike, I haven't followed this whole conversation, but have you ever thought of using an protocol analyzer to monitor serial traffic and timing in both directions? Rgds, JohnH
9/21/2010 1:50:16 PM
"Tom Brunberg" wrote: > So, AFAICS here's a contradiction: you set an OnRxChar event handler > which never gets called, and you send a message to a nil handle. > Please confirm that you never seen any received data or explain how > you receive it. Mike, I will never, ever again trust my eyes in the morning ;-) Looking at the code again, it's all there. In TCustomComPort.Open {code} if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then ... FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod); {code} and in TCustomComPort.WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage) {code} case wParam of EV_RXCHAR: CallRxChar; EV_TXEMPTY: CallTxEmpty; EV_BREAK: CallBreak; EV_RING: CallRing; EV_CTS: CallCTSChange; EV_DSR: CallDSRChange; EV_RXFLAG: CallRxFlag; EV_RLSD: CallRLSDChange; EV_ERR: CallError; EV_RX80FULL: CallRx80Full; end {code} and in TCustomComPort.CallRxChar {code} if Count > 0 then DoRxChar(Count); {code} and in TCustomComPort.DoRxChar(Count: Integer) {code} if Assigned(FOnRxChar) then FOnRxChar(Self, Count); {code} your OnRxChar handler is called. This also ruins my thoughts about the error event, because CallError calls LastErrors, which in turn calls ClearCommErrors. I have no further "good" ideas, sorry. Cheers Tom
9/21/2010 2:04:25 PM
On 9/21/2010 5:42 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED > > Mike, > I come to the access denied error later but first: > > I looked through your code in Elecr.pas (from the post to > attachments). > In StartCom(..) > {code} > ComPort.SyncMethod := smWindowSync; // not for d2010 > {code} > (just curious: why the comment "not for d2010") I don't remember, maybe from the help file: "SyncMethod should usually be set to smThreadSync. Use smWindowSync in Windows NT service applications to define in which thread should events be called." But if NOT set to smWindowSync, the handler for receive doesn't fire. > .. > then you set the event mask > {code} > ComPort.Events := [evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak, > evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full]; > {code} > and then a handler for evRxChar > {code} > ComPort.OnRxChar := TComPortRxHandler.ComPortRxChar; > {code} > If we then look at CPort.pas > in TComThread.Execute there's a call > {code} > DispatchComMsg; > {code} > and in TComThread.DispatchComMsg > {code} > case FComPort.SyncMethod of > .. > smWindowSync: SendEvents; > .. > {code} > and in TComThread.SendEvents > {code} > .. > if evRxChar in FEvents then > SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RXCHAR, 0); > .. > {code} > but I can't see that you ever set FComPort.FWindow to anything. It's set in {code} procedure TCustomComPort.Open; if (FEvents = []) then FThreadCreated := False else begin if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod); ... ... ... {code} > > So, AFAICS here's a contradiction: you set an OnRxChar event handler > which never gets called, and you send a message to a nil handle. > Please confirm that you never seen any received data or explain how > you receive it. Ahh, but it does get called. > > If you would set > {code} > ComPort.SyncMethod := smThreadSync > {code} > or > {code} > ComPort.SyncMethod := smNone > {code} > then TComThread.DispatchComMsg would call > either > {code} > Synchronize(DoEvents); // call events in main thread > {code} > or > {code} > smNone: DoEvents; // call events inside monitoring thread > {code} > and TComThread.DoEvents would call > {code} > if evRxChar in FEvents then > FComPort.CallRxChar; > {code} > and your OnRxChar would handle the received data. It does handle it. It does NOT handle it if SyncMethod is set to anything other than smWindowSync. > > Then to the ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED errors. > > http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff802693.aspx > > "One of the communications event flags specified in the call to > SetCommMask is possibly EV_ERR. The occurrence of the EV_ERR event > indicates that an error condition exists in the communications port. > Other errors can occur in the port that do not cause the EV_ERR event > to occur. In either case, errors associated with the communications > port cause all I/O operations to be suspended until removal of the > error condition. ClearCommError is the function to call to detect > errors and clear the error condition." > > In the code you have provided I can't see any handler for the evError > event, thus I suspect that the com port gets locked by an error and > therefore doesn't allow access. > I suspect you're correct. Tracking down the error however........ I added the call to ClearCommError as below. Errno comes back zero. The failure is moved from SetFreq to SetMode. {code} ComPort.WriteStr(AnsiString(rstr)); OK := ClearCommError(Comport.Handle, errno, nil); ComPort.WriteStr('LK0;FR0;FT0;RT0;XT0;'); OK := ClearCommError(Comport.Handle, errno, nil); {code} In SetMode the error is the same WriteFile function failure with a win code of 5. I'm noticing now when the first call to WriteStr is made in SetFreq a dialog box (I think) flashes by very very fast. No way to read it. And there's the sound and the Xmit/Rx toggle (6 times). And a new feature. When closing the app, I get a dialog box with "Runtime error 216 at address 09357DB8.". Google mostly tells me that's a sign of a virus. I keep coming back to the fact that with the supposedly non-communicative control box turned off, it works error free. Is it possible the controller is loading up the RX line? But then how would it work from the Win 7 box? I guess stuff like this is why we get the big bucks. Oh wait! I'm retired. NO bucks... ;-o>
9/21/2010 4:52:10 PM
On 9/21/2010 10:04 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > Mike, > I will never, ever again trust my eyes in the morning ;-) > Looking at the code again, it's all there. Mine aren't so good anymore any time of day....... > > In TCustomComPort.Open > {code} > if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then > .. > FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod); > {code} > and in TCustomComPort.WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage) > {code} > case wParam of > EV_RXCHAR: CallRxChar; > EV_TXEMPTY: CallTxEmpty; > EV_BREAK: CallBreak; > EV_RING: CallRing; > EV_CTS: CallCTSChange; > EV_DSR: CallDSRChange; > EV_RXFLAG: CallRxFlag; > EV_RLSD: CallRLSDChange; > EV_ERR: CallError; > EV_RX80FULL: CallRx80Full; > end > {code} > and in TCustomComPort.CallRxChar > {code} > if Count> 0 then > DoRxChar(Count); > {code} > and in TCustomComPort.DoRxChar(Count: Integer) > {code} > if Assigned(FOnRxChar) then > FOnRxChar(Self, Count); > {code} > your OnRxChar handler is called. > > > This also ruins my thoughts about the error event, because CallError > calls LastErrors, which in turn calls ClearCommErrors. > > I have no further "good" ideas, sorry. OH NO! Tom, thanks very much for riding with me. If the muse happens to strike, get back to me. Regards, Mike > > Cheers > Tom
9/21/2010 9:25:09 PM
On 9/21/2010 9:50 AM, John Herbster wrote: > Mike, > > I haven't followed this whole conversation, but have you ever thought of using > an protocol analyzer to monitor serial traffic and timing in both directions? > > Rgds, JohnH John, I had thought of it, but not acted. So I downloaded one on a trial basis, and couldn't get it to show anything. It has a slightly older sibling (freeware) which does show the traffic, but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know from stepping thru the code. The one I couldn't get to work supposedly monitors the state of the lines, which seems like it might be useful. I'll play with it some more. Do you have one you like? Any hints generally on how to use, what to look for? Regards, Mike
9/21/2010 9:31:52 PM
>> I haven't followed this whole conversation, but have you ever thought of >> using >> an protocol analyzer to monitor serial traffic and timing in both directions? "Mike Reublin" wrote > Do you have one you like? Any hints generally on how to use, what to look for? I don't have one. Once 25 years ago, I used a hardware-in-a-box protocol analyzer that would capture the input, output, and control signals, with timing info. Once about 15 years ago, I created a duplex serial analyzer with Delphi and two comports on a laptop. But, as I recall, the problem was solved before I got to use it. Regards, JohnH
9/21/2010 10:19:39 PM
On 9/21/2010 6:19 PM, John Herbster wrote: >>> I haven't followed this whole conversation, but have you ever thought of >>> using >>> an protocol analyzer to monitor serial traffic and timing in both directions? > > "Mike Reublin" wrote >> Do you have one you like? Any hints generally on how to use, what to look for? > > I don't have one. Once 25 years ago, I used a hardware-in-a-box protocol > analyzer that would capture the input, output, and control signals, with timing > info. > > Once about 15 years ago, I created a duplex serial analyzer with Delphi and two > comports on a laptop. But, as I recall, the problem was solved before I got to > use it. > > Regards, JohnH Dang, I thought you were gonna give me the secret to resolution... ;-o> There is definitely an interaction with the two devices that shouldn't be there. I just cobbled up a little test program using nrComLib and it works as long as the controller box is turned off. Would one of these monitors be likely to be able to tell me the state of the lines? I'm still looking.
9/22/2010 1:48:16 AM
Mike Reublin wrote: > Do you have one you like? Any hints generally on how to use, what to look > for? Portmon by Mark Russinovich has helped me a couple of times http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896644.aspx The only problem with this one, compared to an external monitor, is that you don't see the actual electrical signals, only the commands and data sent to/from the port itself. -- Anders Isaksson, Sweden BlockCAD: http://www.blockcad.net Gallery: http://www.blockcad.net/gallery/index.htm
9/22/2010 1:38:43 PM
On 9/22/2010 9:38 AM, Anders Isaksson wrote: > Mike Reublin wrote: > >> Do you have one you like? Any hints generally on how to use, what to look >> for? > > Portmon by Mark Russinovich has helped me a couple of times > http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896644.aspx > > The only problem with this one, compared to an external monitor, is that you > don't see the actual electrical signals, only the commands and data sent > to/from the port itself. > Thanks, Anders. I'll check it out.
9/22/2010 9:00:29 PM
I found a workaround, if not a real cause. Putting the devices on a real serial port stopped the weirdness. There are other devices connected by USB/serial adapters and the work OK. Now to find out what's wrong with the USB setup. Again, thanks to all.
9/22/2010 9:03:35 PM
Mike Reublin wrote: > I found a workaround, if not a real cause. Putting the devices on a real serial port > stopped the weirdness. There are other devices connected by USB/serial adapters and > the work OK. Now to find out what's wrong with the USB setup. This might be a current thing. Do you have the the specs for the antenna and radio? IIRC, each USB hub allows a default current limit of 500mA per port. Open the device manager, find the hub for the ports used by the antenna and radio by selecting the "Energy" tab (or something else, I'm translating here :) ). It displays the current limit per port and what each device (your adapter in this case) has asked for upon initialization. HTH, Ronaldo
9/22/2010 10:34:22 PM
On 9/22/2010 6:34 PM, Ronaldo Souza wrote: > > This might be a current thing. Do you have the the specs for the antenna > and radio? IIRC, each USB hub allows a default current limit of 500mA > per port. Open the device manager, find the hub for the ports used by > the antenna and radio by selecting the "Energy" tab (or something else, > I'm translating here :) ). It displays the current limit per port and > what each device (your adapter in this case) has asked for upon > initialization. > > HTH, > Ronaldo Sorry for not getting back sooner, Ronaldo. My internet connection has been down. No, I don't have current draw specs for the hardware. I can't find anything like "Energy" tab. Can you be more specific as to how you got to it? Since this all worked well until very recently, I wouldn't suspect this as a cause. But I don't discount it totally either. I'd sure like to find a cure!
9/24/2010 1:33:58 PM
Hi Mike, > I'd sure like to find a cure! Me too! :) See the attachments NG. -- Good luck, Ronaldo
9/24/2010 8:51:39 PM
On 9/24/2010 4:51 PM, Ronaldo Souza wrote: > Hi Mike, > >> I'd sure like to find a cure! > > Me too! :) > > See the attachments NG. > Thanks! Now I see it. Nothing plugged in exceeds the stated 500mA available per port. The iPod does use 500mA, but it's usually plugged into the laptop. The quest continues.....
9/25/2010 2:03:15 PM
On 9/25/2010 10:03 AM, Mike Reublin wrote: > On 9/24/2010 4:51 PM, Ronaldo Souza wrote: >> Hi Mike, >> >>> I'd sure like to find a cure! >> >> Me too! :) >> >> See the attachments NG. >> > > Thanks! Now I see it. Nothing plugged in exceeds the stated 500mA available per port. > The iPod does use 500mA, but it's usually plugged into the laptop. > > The quest continues..... Quest ended..... in an unlikely (to me) place... Someone suggested that the problem may be that windows was detecting the port as a serial mouse. Apparently that was correct, adding /NoSerialMice to the boot.ini file fixed it. Google it.
10/8/2010 8:59:17 PM
"Mike Reublin" wrote: > Quest ended..... in an unlikely (to me) place... > > Someone suggested that the problem may be that windows was detecting > the port as a > serial mouse. Apparently that was correct, adding /NoSerialMice to > the boot.ini file > fixed it. Google it. Glad to hear Mike! And thank you for reporting back. This is good info to keep in mind. Still it doesn't explain why switching power to the antenna controller (which was only listening to the radio to PC comm.) had an influence. But hey, if it works, let's keep fingers crossed. Cheers Tom
10/10/2010 8:14:23 AM
On 10/10/2010 4:14 AM, Tom Brunberg wrote: > "Mike Reublin" wrote: >> Quest ended..... in an unlikely (to me) place... >> >> Someone suggested that the problem may be that windows was detecting >> the port as a >> serial mouse. Apparently that was correct, adding /NoSerialMice to >> the boot.ini file >> fixed it. Google it. > > Glad to hear Mike! > > And thank you for reporting back. This is good info to keep in mind. > Still it doesn't explain why switching power to the antenna controller > (which was only listening to the radio to PC comm.) had an influence. > But hey, if it works, let's keep fingers crossed. > > Cheers > Tom No it doesn't explain that. I did talk to the controller people, and they said that the controller never put anything on the line, and felt the problem was a case of a bad ground connection (it was not, so my VOM sez). Changing band segments on the controller by using the buttons on the front panel of the controller (so nothing is writing to the serial port) pulsed the radio into transmit 7 times, so *SOMETHING* was being put on the line. Just bad mojo, I guess. Anyhoo... Thanks again to you and the other guys who responded. Regards, Mike
10/10/2010 4:01:25 PM
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