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In order to control messages, pylint
accepts the following values:
a symbolic message:
etc. -
a numerical ID:
etc. -
The name of the group of checks. You can grab those with
pylint --list-groups
For example, you can disable / enable all the checks related to type checking, with
or all the checks related to variables withvariables
Corresponding category of the checks
convention related checks -
refactoring related checks -
various warnings -
errors, for probable bugs in the code -
fatal, if an error occurred which preventedpylint
from doing further processing.
All the checks with
Block disables#
This describes how the pragma controls operate at a code level.
The pragma controls can disable / enable:
All the violations on a single line
a, b = ... # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
All the violations on the following line
# pylint: disable-next=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking a, b = ...
All the violations in a single scope
def test(): # Disable all the no-member violations in this function # pylint: disable=no-member ...
All the violations in a block. For instance, each separate branch of an
statement is considered a separate block, as in the following example:
def meth5(self): # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) if self.blop: # pylint: enable=no-member # enable all no-members for this block print(self.blip) else: # This is affected by the scope disable print(self.blip) # pylint: enable=no-member print(self.blip) if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member # disable all no-members for this block print(self.blip) else: # This emits a violation print(self.blip)
If the violation occurs on a block starting line, then it applies only to that line
if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member; applies only to this line # Here we get an error print(self.blip) else: # error print(self.blip)
Here’s an example with all these rules in a single place:
"""pylint option block-disable""" __revision__ = None class Foo(object): """block-disable test""" def __init__(self): pass def meth1(self, arg): """this issues a message""" print(self) def meth2(self, arg): """and this one not""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument print(self + "foo") def meth3(self): """test one line disabling""" # no error print(self.bla) # pylint: disable=no-member # error print(self.blop) def meth4(self): """test re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) print(self.blop) # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) def meth5(self): """test IF sub-block re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) if self.blop: # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) else: # no error print(self.blip) # no error print(self.blip) def meth6(self): """test TRY/EXCEPT sub-block re-enabling""" # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) try: # pylint: enable=no-member # error print(self.blip) except UndefinedName: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # no error print(self.blip) # no error print(self.blip) def meth7(self): """test one line block opening disabling""" if self.blop: # pylint: disable=no-member # error print(self.blip) else: # error print(self.blip) # error print(self.blip) def meth8(self): """test late disabling""" # error print(self.blip) # pylint: disable=no-member # no error print(self.bla) print(self.blop) def meth9(self): """test next line disabling""" # no error # pylint: disable-next=no-member print(self.bla) # error print(self.blop)
Detecting useless disables#
As pylint gets better and false positives are removed,
disables that became useless can accumulate and clutter the code.
In order to clean them you can enable the useless-suppression
January 4, 2021
10 minute read
As pylint has too many options, it’s recommended to use the pylint config file:
# file ~/.pylintrc, can be generated by pylint --generate-rcfile
C0116, # Missing function or method docstring (missing-function-docstring)
W1203, # Use lazy % formatting in logging functions (logging-fstring-interpolation)
max-line-length = 88
# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma.
# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
# you should avoid defining new builtins when possible.
But we can also ignore some warnings directly in the pylint command:
pylint . -j 0 --disable=C0116,W1203
To show all the inline ignored pylint alerts: pylint --enable=suppressed-message
Ignore Unused Argument given a Function Name Expression
Use dummy variable to ignore the Pylint warning on unused-argument.
# ignore W503 because of black format. BTW, flake8 also has W504 which is in contrary to W503.
# ignore E501, line too long because we have the same check at Pylint side already.
flake8 .
flake8 [a_file_path]
To show all the inline ignored flake8 alerts: flake8 --disable-noqa || true
There’s a very nice flake8 plugin called flake8-cognitive-complexity which checks the Cognitive Complexity in addition to the Cyclomatic Complexity provided by flake8 out of the box. We dont need to add extra parameter to use the Cognitive Complexity in flake8, it’s set to --max-cognitive-complexity=7
by default once the plugin is installed. By the way, Sonar sets the Cognitive Complexity threshold to 15 by default.
To fix imported but not used
error in
file, could by all attribute (the most elegant) or by –per-file-ignores.
The bandit config file format is not well documented, I passed a lot of time to test the config.
$ cat .bandit
- "./venv/*"
- "*/*"
- "*/test_*.py"
# without specifying -c ./bandit, it doesn't work
$ bandit . -r -c ./.bandit
ossaudit uses Sonatype OSS Index to audit Python packages for known vulnerabilities.
It can check installed packages and/or packages specified in dependency files. The following formats are supported with dparse:
- PIP requirement files
- Pipfile
- Pipfile.lock
- tox.ini
- conda.yml
# check installed packages and packages listed in two requirements files
$ ossaudit --installed --file requirements.txt --file requirements-dev.txt
Found 0 vulnerabilities in 214 packages
Github has already provided, free of charge, the vulnerable dependencies alert.
For projects having sqlalchemy, we often install the sqlalchemy-stubs
plugin as sqlalchemy uses some dynamic classes.
And also django-stubs, pandas-stubs, types-setuptools, types-requests etc.
mypy config file:
ignore_missing_imports = True # We recommend using this approach only as a last resort: it's equivalent to adding a # type: ignore to all unresolved imports in your codebase.
plugins = sqlmypy # sqlalchemy-stubs
exclude = (?x)(
| ^build
running mypy:
mypy .
mypy . --exclude [a regular expression that matches file path]
mypy . --exclude venv[//] # exclude venv folder under the root
When using mypy, it would be better to use mypy against to all files in the project, but ont some of them,
ignore lint error in one line
linter | ignore in one line |
pylint | (2 spaces)# pylint: disable={errorIdentifier} |
flake8 | (2 spaces)# noqa: {errorIdentifier} |
bandit | (2 spaces)# nosec |
mypy | (2 spaces)# type: ignore |
multiple linters | (2 spaces)# type: ignore # noqa: {errorIdentifier} # pylint: disable={errorIdentifier} |
To ignore Pylint within a code block
import sys
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from x import ( # noqa: E402
from y import c # noqa: E402
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-position
isort . --profile=black --virtual-env=venv --recursive --check-only
isort . --profile=black --virtual-env=venv --recursive
isort [a_file_path]
Be very careful with isort, it’s not uncompromising, especially for some codes that dynamically import some modules inside a function instead of from the beginning of a file. People use often this to avoid circular import problem. Always run the tests after the isort.
black . --check
black .
black [a_file_path]
Using black with other tools:
Just my 2 cents, try the errorlens extension in VSCode, it will lint all the warnings/errors on live when coding, it’s really cool.
And don’t forget to install the official SonarLint extension, it will give you extra lint. It eats a lot of memory with its java processes nevertheless.
"isort.args": [
"python.formatting.provider": "none",
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
// "source.organizeImports": true
"python.linting.banditEnabled": true,
"python.linting.banditArgs": [
"python.linting.ignorePatterns": [
"python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,
"python.linting.mypyArgs": [
"sonarlint.connectedMode.connections.sonarqube": [
"serverUrl": "",
"connectionId": ""
"[json]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
// "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true
"[jsonc]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features"
is the new standard in Python introduced by PEP 518 (2016) for build system requirements, PEP 621 (2020) for project metadata, and PEP 660 (2021) for wheel based editable installs.
It’s fun to know why Python authority chose this name, and very interesting to understand their POV of different file formats .
All the the major tools (setuptools, pip-tools, poetry) support this new standard, and the repo awesome-pyproject maintains a list of Python tools which are compatible to pyproject.toml
We cannot officially declare flake8 config in pyproject.toml.
Hereunder an example of its content for the lint part.
profile = "black"
ignore_missing_imports = true
warn_return_any = true
warn_unused_configs = true
show_error_codes = true
# disallow_untyped_defs = true
# strict = true
exclude = [
"^venv/", # we don't need to exclude `.venv` in mypy as hidden folders are excluded by default
# we dont need to exclude `.venv` in bandit as it uses wildcast here
exclude_dirs = ["venv", "_local_test"]
skips = ["*/*", "*/test_*.py"]
# ! type to use pyspark-stubs
# extension-pkg-allow-list = ["pyspark"]
# ignored-modules = ["pyspark"]
jobs = 0
# [tool.pylint.typecheck]
# # ! type to use pyspark-stubs
# generated-members = ["pyspark.sql.functions"]
good-names = [
"df" # for dataframe
# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
# you should avoid defining new builtins when possible.
additional-builtins = ["spark"]
[tool.pylint."messages control"]
disable = [
notes = ["FIXME"]
max-line-length = 88
expected-line-ending-format = "LF"
# the default doesn't ignore comment line with words between `#` and `http` like:
# the url is
ignore-long-lines = "^\s*(#)+.*<?https?://"
-v -s
--cov {source_folder}
Git pre-commit
“Git hook scripts are useful for identifying simple issues before submission to code review. We run our hooks on every commit to automatically point out issues in code such as missing semicolons, trailing whitespace, and debug statements. By pointing these issues out before code review, this allows a code reviewer to focus on the architecture of a change while not wasting time with trivial style nitpicks.”
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
# install the script along with the hook environments in one command
pre-commit install --install-hooks
# Auto-update pre-commit config to the latest repos' versions.
pre-commit autoupdate
# Clean out cached pre-commit files.
pre-commit clean
# Clean unused cached repos.
pre-commit gc
# Run single check
pre-commit run black
# continuous integration
pre-commit run --all-files
# check only files which have changed
pre-commit run --from-ref origin/HEAD --to-ref HEAD
# Azure pipeline example with cache
# automatically enabling pre-commit on repositories
git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template
Online examples
pylint github pre-commit-config.yaml
Create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml
to the root of your project
Although each lint has its own config to exclude some files from checking, pre-commit also has the key exclude with list value or regex to exclude file from sending to linter.
language: system
means using the executables from the same environment of current Python interpreter.
When using mypy in pre-commit, it would be better run pre-commit run --all-files
, mypy doesn’t work well with only diff files sent by pre-commit run --from-ref origin/${pullrequest_target_branch_name} --to-ref HEAD
# Installation:
# pip install pre-commit
# pre-commit install
- repo:
rev: v4.3.0
- id: check-json
exclude: devcontainer.json
- id: check-yaml
- id: check-toml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: debug-statements
- id: requirements-txt-fixer
- id: detect-private-key
- id: mixed-line-ending
args: ["--fix=lf"]
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: no-commit-to-branch
- repo:
rev: v1.3.1
- id: forbid-crlf
- id: remove-crlf
- id: forbid-tabs
- id: remove-tabs
- repo:
rev: v3.0.0-alpha.1
- id: prettier
- repo:
rev: v1.9.0
- id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore
- id: python-check-mock-methods
- id: python-no-log-warn
- id: python-use-type-annotations
- repo:
rev: v3.1.0
- id: pyupgrade
- repo: local
- id: isort
name: isort
entry: isort
language: system
types: [python]
- id: black
name: black
entry: black
language: system
types: [python]
- id: bandit
name: bandit
entry: bandit
language: system
types: [python]
- -c
- pyproject.toml
- id: pylint
name: pylint
entry: pylint
language: system
types: [python]
- id: flake8
name: flake8
entry: flake8
language: system
types: [python]
- id: mypy
name: mypy
language: system
entry: mypy
types: [python]
- id: pytest
name: pytest
types: [python]
entry: pytest
language: system
pass_filenames: false
always_run: true
Be aware that especially in a local environment, we often use venv, in such case, it would be better to use above system level lint executables instead of below public ones, the checks will be more accurate.
# example of using online linters
- repo:
rev: v4.3.0
- id: check-json
- id: check-yaml
- id: check-toml
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: debug-statements
- id: requirements-txt-fixer
- id: detect-private-key
- id: mixed-line-ending
args: ['--fix=lf']
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: no-commit-to-branch
- repo:
rev: v1.3.1
- id: forbid-crlf
- id: remove-crlf
- id: forbid-tabs
- id: remove-tabs
- repo:
rev: 22.8.0
- id: black
name: "Format with Black"
- repo:
rev: 5.10.1
- id: isort
args: ["--profile", "black"]
- repo:
rev: 5.0.4
- id: flake8
- flake8-bugbear
- flake8-comprehensions
- flake8-simplify
- repo:
rev: "v3.0.0a5"
- id: pylint
- repo:
# it might be better to use local venv installed mypy because it has access to all the modules installed in the venv
rev: v0.981
- id: mypy
# just for example
- types-dataclasses >= 0.1.3
- click >= 8.1.0
- repo:
rev: v1.0.5
- id: python-bandit-vulnerability-check
- --recursive
- .
- -c
- ./.bandit
- repo:
rev: v2.7.1
- id: prettier
- repo: local
- id: bandit
name: local bandit
entry: bandit
language: python
language_version: python3
types: [python]
Install the git hook scripts
$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ pre-commit install --hook-type post-merge
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/post-merge
$ pre-commit install --hook-type pre-merge-commit
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-merge-commit
You could also run pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push
to register pre-push hooks.
Run against all the files
“it’s usually a good idea to run the hooks against all of the files when adding new hooks (usually pre-commit will only run on the changed files during git hooks)”
pre-commit run --all-files
Run for changed files only in CI
Please check also this official doc.
git fetch origin
pre-commit run --from-ref origin/${pullrequest_target_branch_name} --to-ref HEAD
When using mypy, it would be better to use mypy against to all files in the project, but not the changed one only.
Git commit
Each time we use git commit to stage some files, these files will be sent to pre-commit to be checked against to the hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
Temporarily disabling hooks
The official doc gives the example how to disable explicitly hooks by hooks’ ids: SKIP=flake8 git commit -m "foo"
, but if you want to disable completely all the hooks, an easy way might be found here by using git commit --no-verify
or its shortcut git commit -n
. If you use pre-commit during push, you can disable pre-commit during push by git push --no-verify
or git push -n
Automatically enabling pre-commit on repositories
Usage in continuous integration
New issue
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MrJoosh opened this issue
Aug 3, 2020
When using PyLint i can put a comment after an import to ignore an import failure of that specific import as below:
from airflow.models import BaseOperator # pylint: disable=import-error
I can’t find a way to do the same using PyLance. I’ve seen information on how to do it at a project/workspace level, but it’s something that i’d only like to do for specific edge cases (such as for airflow imports on a windows machine without airflow installed)
Apologies if this is already implemented and i’ve missed the docs on the syntax!
For type checkers like Pylance, the standard way to suppress diagnostics is to use a «# type: ignore» comment at the end of the line. This behavior is documented in PEP 484.
You can also disable or enable individual diagnostic rules within a file by placing a comment at the top of the file:
# pyright: reportMissingImports=false, reportUnusedVariable=warning, reportUntypedBaseClass=error
dinhanhthi reacted with hooray emoji
Kei-sss reacted with heart emoji
So the correct way to suppress the improt warnings would be to do the below:
from airflow import DAG # type: ignore
If so, apologies!
Yes, that will suppress all Pylance diagnostics on that line.
Or if you’d prefer to suppress a diagnostic rule throughout the file, you could use:
# pyright: reportMissingImports=false
Ok, that’s great — thanks.
I didn’t know if there was a feature for suppressing the exact warning/error on a particular line, but for my particular use case this covers it.
Thanks again for your help!
For type checkers like Pylance, the standard way to suppress diagnostics is to use a «# type: ignore» comment at the end of the line. This behavior is documented in PEP 484.
I thought it was # noqa
, at least it’s what I’ve seen in a lot of projects (but I’m not that familiar with Python).
Perhaps it could help to have a note in the README? (even if it’s from a standard)
Anyway, thanks! Very useful!
is something we supported in MPLS as it was used by a few linters, but as Pylance is essentially a type checker, it started with # type: ignore
comments and we haven’t ported over # noqa
support quite yet (but is in the backlog to get to parity).
is not part of the Python standard whereas # type: ignore
is. I think we should stick to standards and encourage their use.
Are there any plans to implement line-level suppression of individual error types?
I imagine something like
# type: reportMissingImports=false, reportUnusedVariable=warning
which would behave like # pyright:
but for just that line.
We currently don’t have plans for this, but I will reopen this issue and mark it as an enhancement so that others can vote on the issue if they want to see something like this implemented.
Is this 100% supported?
I’ve just tried to add # type: ignore
at the end of the line on which Pylance reports MissingImport error, but it is still reported. Tried to reload VSCode, but it didn’t help. Pylance is installed on remote development server and I use Remote SSH to connect.
VSCode version 1.55.0
Pylance 2021.3.4
If that doesn’t work, then that’s a bug with our current ignore support and would be worth a new issue if you can reproduce it.
+1 for line level suppression of individual errors!
For compatibility with mypy, please consider # type: ignore[code1, code2, ...]
, skipping unrecognized codes. This would enable users to do things like # type: ignore[arg-type, reportUnknownArgumentType]
If there’s a proposal to unify error codes with MyPy, that would also be great!
Let’me add to the discussion with a current use case of mine:
try: import orjson as json except ImportError: import json return json.dumps
Pylance complains that:
cannot be found if it’s not installed (which is kind of the point here, detect if it’s there and use it if it is) and- that
is being redefined, which is also kind of the point
Adding a # type: ignore
in the second sentence works, even if it’s a weird, non descriptive message — there’s nothing wrong with the typing here — but adding that commend to the first sentence gives me a unused 'type: ignore' comment
complaint instead, so I’m stuck with either =/
Using import statements within a try
and except
block is not uncommon in Python, but this construct does not work well with static type checking. If you cannot find a better alternative to this construct, here’s another approach you can use to help static type checkers like pylance/pyright:
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING try: import orjson as json except ImportError: if not TYPE_CHECKING: import json
By including the if not TYPE_CHECKING
, you can tell the static type checker that it should assume that you’re going to import the library within the try
That’s a good tip, in particular because adding support for noqa
here would not fix the problem on the mypy side (which is what my CI is running) so the pattern works even better.
I ended up returning from inside the try/except because I needed a closure to decode orjson’s dumps anyway, which also works if anyone is curious
With pylint and other linters that I use, you can use a comment on a previous line to just suppress one specific instance of a report.
Putting a comment at the end of a line will likely cause a line to then trip a line-too-long issue.
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as err:
This does not seem to work with pylance. Disabling a setting is global no matter where I put it, at the end of a line, above the line, or below the line.
Event this below does not work because the true setting causes these issues to be flagged.
pyright: reportMissingModuleSource=false
from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
from six.moves.configparser import DuplicateSectionError
pyright: reportMissingModuleSource=true
I am converting a project from python2/GTK-2 to python3/gtk-3 and need to be able to disable linting messages for issues that I will be fixing later so that I can get reports of more important issues or new issues that are being introduced in the conversion.
Pylance isn’t a «linter», at least by the traditional definition. Linters are concerned with code style issues like line length and naming conventions. Pylance doesn’t concern itself with code style issues. If you want to enforce those types of issues, then pylint is a good choice.
Pylance is built on pyright, which is a static type checker, so it follows the type checking standards laid out in PEP 484 and related specifications. PEP 484 specifies that # type: ignore
at the end of a line is the way to silence type-related errors.
I’ll point out that there’s almost always a better way to eliminate a type error than silencing it with a # type: ignore
comment. Pyright even supports a mode where # type: ignore
is disallowed, and I use that mode in my team’s code base because I don’t want anyone to use # type: ignore
. IMO, it should be a choice of last resort when all other options fail. If you need suggestions for how to address specific type errors, feel free to post questions in the discussion section, and we can provide advice.
The «#type: ignore» at the end of the line is not working on a single line only as described earlier in this issue.
It is operating on the entire file no matter where the comment is.
This is on the pylance bundled with Visual Studio code version 1.58.2 using the python program.
I know there is almost always a better way. In my case it would cause to much of a delay to do that as many of the issues will be resolved either by dropping python2 support or by future planed changes.
The «#type: ignore» at the end of the line is not working on a single line only as described earlier in this issue.
I’m not able to repro this. Could you provide a code sample that exhibits this bug? Or if the code in question is available in a public github repo, I can take a look at it there.
Another technique you might find useful… you can disable specific classes of errors at the project or file level.
+1 for this feature When using a third-party library, i want that line to be ignored by pyright if it is partially Unknown
changed the title
Allow line level suppression of import errors
Allow line level suppression of errors
Aug 16, 2021
Are there any plans to implement line-level suppression of individual error types?
I imagine something like
# type: reportMissingImports=false, reportUnusedVariable=warning
which would behave like
# pyright:
but for just that line.
Can you provide an example of a line of code where you would find valuable to ignore a specific type check error while still reporting others ?
changed the title
Allow line level suppression of errors
Allow line level suppression of specific errors
Aug 27, 2021
Can you provide an example of a line of code where you would find valuable to ignore a specific type check error while still reporting others ?
Not the OP, but I have an example:
I’m working on an addon for Blender, using VS Code. There is a series of modules I’m importing. This a small part of them:
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector, Color
from bpy.types import Mesh, MeshPolygon, Image
These are specific for Blender. When using the python interpreter that comes with Blender, and setting some extra module paths using python.analysis.extraPaths
I can get the bpy
import to work, but mathutils
and bpy.types
are build-in modules which somehow don’t get recognized.
As my code works fine, I’d love to be able to hide those specifc import errors. But I still want to be able to get errors when importing other modules.
Kind of a niche use case, but still a valid one in my opinion (and I can imagine other users having similar problems every now and then).
@javl, you can place a # type: ignore
at the end of a particular import statement. This will suppress the import error(s) for only that statement, not other import statements within the file. Does that address your use case?
Another potential workaround that you might want to consider is to use local type stub files. If you create a file called typings/mathutils/__init__.pyi
and include declarations for the symbols (e.g., the Vector
and Color
classes), pylance will use the type stub to resolve the import. You can even include a general «catch-all» type definition in the type stub file that will handle all symbols (albeit without specific type details):
from typing import Any def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any: ...
Haha, turns out I misunderstood. I thought the type
in # type: ignore
was supposed to be an error/warning type (something like reportMissingImports
, kind of how you can specify specific errors to ignore using eslint when using JavaScript.
Just adding the line with type
works like a charm!
I found out you can combine type: ignore
and pylint disable=...
with a #
from .local import * # type: ignore # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
except ImportError:
The # type: ignore
has to come first though. It doesn’t work the other way around.
I’m trying to get rid of an «unused import» warning on a single line, and none of the solutions mentioned above work:
# type: ignore
does not work# pyright: reportUnusedImport=false
at the top of the file or on the same line does not work
I have noqa: F401
to handle Flake8, but must live with the pylance warning for now.
The reason I need this is because I’m using grequests
, which monkey-patches SSL and therefore must be imported before any other module imports SSL. In my Flask application, the best way to guarantee this is to place the import in my (or or other early-loaded module).
The message "grequests" is not accessed
is not a warning or an error, so there is nothing to suppress. That message is shown when you hover over the «grayed-out» text that indicates the import is not accessed. It indicates why the module name was grayed out.
If it really bothers you that the text is grayed out, you could add a meaningless reference to the module, perhaps under an if TYPE_CHECKING:
conditional so it doesn’t execute at runtime.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: # Reference grequests so it is not flagged as unused print(grequests)
maresb, SaidBySolo, bersbersbers, garfieldnate, daudef, asears, mew1033, briancline, M4a1x, and warrenseine reacted with hooray emoji
SaidBySolo, daudef, lcnittl, asears, and briancline reacted with heart emoji
I’ve been waiting for this to be released. Very good news!
Thanks for your hard work!
This issue has been fixed in version 2022.3.4, which we’ve just released. You can find the changelog here:
For type checkers like Pylance, the standard way to suppress diagnostics is to use a «# type: ignore» comment at the end of the line. This behavior is documented in PEP 484.
I thought it was
# noqa
, at least it’s what I’ve seen in a lot of projects (but I’m not that familiar with Python).Perhaps it could help to have a note in the README? (even if it’s from a standard)
Anyway, thanks! Very useful!
# noqa
is flake8
> This is now implemented in the form of # pyright: ignore[xxx] comments. For full documentation, refer to
It still does not support multi-comment ignores like most other linters. e.g.
# pyright: ignore[reportPrivateImportUsage] # noqa: F401
I’ll open a bug report.
Actually, the ignore works if on the same line as the offending line. Sometimes black
will split a long line with a tuple and move the comment to the line with the closing )
Start with silence, not with noise. But do start!
Code Quality/CI:
Name | role | since | until |
Manuel Barkhau ( | author/maintainer | 2020-06 | — |
Developer Ergonomics
The main issue with Pylint is developer ergonomics. The messages produced by Pylint can be valuable, but you have to put in some work before you can use it productively. If you have an established codebase, you’ll probably have to:
- research configuration options
- disable many unhelpful messages
- blindly litter your code with
Using Pylint-Ignore you can benefit from Pylint today. You won’t have to wade through endless message noise first, won’t have to spend time with configuration, you won’t have to change anything about your code. Even though you start with all messages ignored for existing code, you can benefit from Pylint right away for any new code you write.
What about the wall of messages for your existing code? Well, at least you can gradually improve your situation, as you have time for it. In other words, you may be dug into a hole right now, but at least you can stop digging yourself any deeper and gradually start climbing back out.
How it Works
The pylint-ignore
command is a thin wrapper around the pylint
package. You can get started immediately by running the following commands:
$ pip install pylint-ignore Installing collected packages: astroid,isort,pylint,pylint-ignore ... Successfully installed pylint-ignore-2020.1006 $ pylint-ignore src/ ************* Module src/ src/ W0102: Dangerous default value sys.argv[1:] (builtins.list) as argument (dangerous-default-value) ... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Your code has been rated at 9.92/10 $ echo $? # exit status != 0 28
The pylint-ignore
command reads a file called
, which you should keep as part of your repository. This file contains messages that should be ignored and it is automatically updated with new entries if you specify the --update-ignorefile
$ pylint-ignore src/ --update-ignorefile ------------------------------------------------------------------- Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 9.92/10, +0.08) $ echo $? # exit status == 0 0
The original message no longer shows up in the output, and it is instead logged in the
, which will now look something like this:
## File src/ - Line 290 - W0102 (dangerous-default-value)
- message: Dangerous default value sys.argv[1:] (builtins.list) as argument
- author : Manuel Barkhau <>
- date : 2020-07-17T21:15:25
> 290: def main(args: Sequence[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> ExitCode:
291: try:
Ideally, you should only do this once when you start to use Pylint, and going forward the file will only get smaller. As your time permits, the recommended approach to using pylint-ignore
is the following:
- If a message refers to a valid issue (errors and warnings in particular), update your code so the issue is resolved.
- If a message is a false positive, add a comment of this form to your code:
# pylint:disable=<symbol> ; explain why this is a false positive
- If it is a useless message (e.g. a whitespace rule that conflicts with the behaviour of your code formatter) which should always be ignored, then do so via your
In principal these are the same options you have when using Pylint by itself. For the above example, dangerous-default-value
is a useful message in general) just not in this particular case. You might take the approach of option 2. and add a pylint:disable
def main(args: Sequence[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> ExitCode: # pylint:disable=dangerous-default-value; args is not mutated # mypy prevents this because Sequence[str] does not support mutation try:
With this change, the next time you run pylint-ignore --update-ignorefile
, the corresponding entry will disappear and the backlog will shrink.
CLI Usage
The pylint-ignore
command has only two options, any other options on the command line are passed-through to pylint
. For example, pylint-ignore --help
will behave exactly the same as pylint --help
. The options pylint-ignore
provides are:
Usage: pylint-ignore [options]
--ignorefile=<FILE> Path to ignore file [default:]
--update-ignorefile Update the ignorefile, adds new messages,
removes any messages that are no longer
emmitted by pylint (were fixed or disabled)
Normally the pylint-ignore
command will not update the
file. This is appropriate for
- Normal development if it’s your policy to not introduce any new issues.
- CI/CD build systems, where you want to report any issues that were newly introduced.
If you fix an issue or explicitly disable a message, you can cleanup obsolete entries by adding the --update-ignorefile
argument. For example:
$ pylint-ignore --update-ignorefile src/ test/
Caveat: If you change some code for which there is an entry in the
file, the entry may no longer be matched up with the message as it is generated by Pylint. Usually, changes in line numbers will be detected as long as the code itself did not change and your build will not fail if that is the case. Hopefully you will not feel the need to habitually use --update-ignorefile
but you may need to use it occasionally, simply to refresh an existing entry that became invalid. You can of course also take such an occasion as an opportunity to deal with the underlying issue.
Integration with pre-commit
can be used as a pre-commit hook, but inherits the limitations of pylint
described in Pre-commit integration.
To include pylint-ignore
as a pre-commit hook using the provided plugin, add the following entry to a .pre-commit-config.yaml
file in the repository being linted:
- repo: rev: "2021.1024" hooks: - id: pylint-ignore
If you find that pylint
will only function correctly when run in the local Python environment (as described in Pre-commit integration) then the following local hook entry can instead be used for pylint-ignore
repos: - repo: local hooks: - id: pylint-ignore name: pylint-ignore entry: pylint-ignore language: system types: [python] require_serial: true # args: [ # "--rcfile", # "setup.cfg", # "src/", # "test/", # "--ignore-paths", # "scripts/,fixtures/,", # ]
The args: [...]
property can be added to the entries as required.
To test you can use pre-commit run:
$ pre-commit run pylint-ignore --all-files
Pylint’s behaviour can be configured in the usual way, see Command-line arguments and configuration files for details.
You can view an example file here: fixtures/ You can consider this file as a backlog of possible issues. The entries are sorted first by category, i.e. errors and warnings first then by frequency. You can change the path/filename using the --ignorefile
parameter: pylint-ignore --ignorefile=etc/
file uses a bespoke format but it is valid markdown. This choice is primarily so that you can read it and review it more easily on platforms such as github/gitlab/bitbucket. You don’t have to edit the file and it is not a format that any other program has to parse, so I think this is a reasonable choice.
What does this approach solve, why not just use Pylint by itself?
Why use Pylint-Ignore
Problem 1: Noise
There is a reason flake8 is used so much more often than Pylint. The problem of «noise» is acknowledged early in the documentation of Pylint. In fact, the frustration of using Pylint is so obvious that it is even the topic of the project’s tag-line: «It’s not just a linter that annoys you!».
Pylint-Ignore doesn’t get rid of this noise of course, but it does put in a dedicated place, rather than Spam in your terminal. Each issue with your code is one entry in a file, rather than a line that you have to scan again and again.
Once you’ve established silence as your baseline, you can trust that you only have to deal with two states: OK and FAIL. This vastly reduces cognitive load for developers and makes it possible for you to integrate the linter into your CI system, even if you haven’t yet dealt with every last Pylint message.
Problem 2: Setup Cost
I won’t belabour this point, but it’s better if you can spend as little time as possible to just get started using a useful tool, rather than putting it off into the future, possibly indefinitely or only using it occasionally rather than making it a part of your regular workflow.
That being said, the sooner you take the time to pay down this setup cost, and to disable messages in your configuration that are actual noise, the more useful Pylint will be for you. Every useless message will increase the likelihood that you miss one of the more important messages.
Even if you’ve setup Pylint perfectly and are done with the initial cleanup of your codebase, there might be reason for you to continue to use Pylint-Ignore in your development workflow.
Problem 3: Diligence is Scarce
Without Pylint-Ignore, chances are, you (or your teammates) will be overzealous with the disable
section of your configuration. Sooner or later, you will be short on time and effectively turn the linter off. Who will later know or care to look if the message was disabled because it is genuinely useless or if you just had other priorities at that moment? You can try to remind yourself to review things, you can add a TODO
comment which you hopefully remember to grep
for regularly, but there is a high chance that such good intentions will sooner or later go by the wayside.
With Pylint-Ignore, you have a dedicated file in your repository, which is more explicit and visible than the other options. The entries are ordered by importance, rather than appearing more or less randomly on your terminal. You can focus your diligence on other things, and deal with minor linting issues when you have time, or perhaps leave them open as a first contribution for a new member of your team, just so they can get used to your workflow.
Problem 4: Malicious Compliance
You may find some messages useful, but with an existing codebase, the work would be too much at once. You don’t want to disable it, but you don’t want to start with it enabled either. An example is perhaps the missing-function-docstring
message. If you were to enabled it, you may find a pattern like this emerge:
def get_author_name() -> str: """Gets the author name and returns it as a string."""
In case it’s not obvious, the above doc-string is redundant, it adds no new information relative to what is already contained in the function name and types. In other words, the temptation is to pacify the linter by changing the code in ways that are at best a useless waste of time and at worst they are malicious and counterproductive.
You are in control, as you can just ignore and commit a change if you feel that ignoring the linter is justified by your current priorities. With Pylint-Ignore you don’t have to halt the train because a delicate flower fainted in wagon 2 fainted at the sight of oil spraying all over her luggage and make your journey on-time. The
will keep track of the issue and you can deal with it once you’ve arrived at the station, not while you’re running at full steam.
Problem 5: False Positives
While you can and should deal with most false positives using disable
comments, there are some cases where you’d rather not do that and some cases where that isn’t even possible. For such edge cases, you can just permanently leave an entry in the
and still benefit from an otherwise useful message if new cases pop up.
Motivation/Why use Pylint
If you are not convinced of the usefulness of Pylint, linters, or static analysis in general (and perhaps think they are mostly make-work for people who are overly pedantic) let me show you what convinced me to use Pylint.
Dynamic Code and Scope Related Bugs
Some code may syntactically valid Python and will even execute without raising an error and yet is almost certainly not what the author intended. To be sure, if you have proper testing, you will catch such bugs, but even so, static analysis may pay its dues if it can help you catch such bugs more quickly.
def frobnicate(seq: Sequence[int]): total = 0 for value in seq: total += value return value / len(seq)
The above code will «work», depending on how you call it, it won’t even throw an error and yet it is almost certainly not correct. Were the function longer than 5 lines, the bug would perhaps be less obvious. Just recently I spent at least an hour tracking down such a bug, which had made it into production. In any case, Pylint will report the following message for such code:
W0631: Using possibly undefined loop variable 'value'
There are other messages, related to name shadowing and unused arguments that I have found to be particularly useful in that they have pointed to actual bugs, rather than «mere» preferences or «best-practices» according to the authors of Pylint.
Supporting Code Review
The perhaps most important aspect of a linter, whenever working with other people, is that the feedback related to mundane issues of code styling will come from a computer rather than from another person. This is a benefit, both the reviewer and to the author:
- It is not fun to spend valuable time on giving repetitive feedback on mundane issues that can be automated.
- It’s not fun, perhaps even embarrassing to have your own stupid mistakes be pointed out during review.
A linter also allows you to establish a rule that will end discussions about subjective style preferences. Everybody might agree that any particular style is stupid, but the endless discussion about code style is even more stupid. So, establish this rule: If it passes the linter, the discussion is over (except of course if the linter only passes because it was maliciously disabled). This is a similar argument as is made for the use of code formatters and its main value is that it allows you to focus your review time on the actual problem related to the code.
Catching Python Gotchas
Junior programmers and even (experienced programmers who are new to Python) may not be aware of common pitfalls of working with Python. They need every help they can get and you can look at static analysis as a form of codified knowledge and automated communication from experienced programmers. The code that you write may be perfect, but hell is other people, and Pylint can help to keep some minimum standards in your projects, even when you on-board new developers.
A Nudge to Improve
When you’re hacking away, focused entirely on solving the actual problem, getting the actual work™ done, you can end up with some code that may well work, may well pass all of your tests, may well be efficient and may even be (let’s just postulate for the sake of argument) optimal and correct. That still doesn’t mean, that anybody but the author can understand it.
R0902 Too many instance attributes (10/7) (too-many-instance-attributes)
Simple code metrics such as too-many-locals
, too-many-branches
, etc. may well be subjective, pedantic, paternalistic gamification nonsense, and of course such metrics should not be turned into targets. The question is, how do you use them. If they are triggering very often, then the threshold may well be too low and you should increase it to a tolerable level. If your code is perfect as it is, then there is no shame, perhaps it’s even a badge of honor to add a comment such as this:
class ToCoolForSchool(): # pylint:disable=too-many-branches # behold this glorious perfection 🤘 — ...
Such cases aside, a common reason for complicated code is that the author was too lazy didn’t have the time to re-factor their code so that others could also understand it. I would caution against code-golfing such cases, just to satisfy the linter. Just consider the message as a nudge to at least take a second look, to a least consider looking for obviously better ways to structure your code.
To the extent that the excessive noise of Pylint has scared you away from using it, I hope you will find pylint-ignore
helpful to at least get started. Here is another approach you may prefer.
Selective Opt-In
An alternative approach is suggested by Itamar Turner-Trauring with «Why Pylint is both useful and unusable, and how you can actually use it» is in essence to do the following:
- First, setup Pylint to do nothing: disable all messages
- Selectively enable some checks and keep them if they are valuable
- Repeat
Obviously, this is abbreviated, so I encourage you to read his article if selective whitelisting is a better approach for you. For me, this approach suffers from the diligence issue, as it requires you to revisit the configuration at least a few times, keep track of what you’ve found to be valuable and so you run a higher risk of neglecting it.
Automated disable comments
Another automated approach is to use pylint-silent. Be sure to use version control if you consider this approach.
Changelog for
Add/document support for pre-commit.
Thank you James Quilty for this contribution github/issue/9
github/pull/10 :heart:. -
Fix github #11: MessagesHandlerMixIn has been removed in pylint 2.12
Breaking: Drop support for
Breaking: Drop support for
Due to internal API changes in pylint, older versions of pylint
are no longer supported. If you need to use an older version of
pylint, you will have to pinpylint-ignore==2021.1021
- Fix github #6: Issue with paths on windows.
Thank you davidsheldon
- Fix github #5: Missing fixture files in source distribution
- Fix github #4: Bug related to trailing-whitespace
Thank you @agraul (Alexander Graul) for finding these issues.
- Fix github #2: Typerror
- Fix gitlab #2: Bug related to invokation with invalid arguments (which caused the underlying pylint error to be hidden).
- Fix: bugs related to multiprocessing on MacOSX and Windows
- Fix: enable use of
withn > 1
2020.1008 — 2020.1011
- Fix: compatability with python 2.7 and pylint 1.9.5
- Add overview section to
file. - Fix: Handling of issues not related to a specific file or line (e.g.
across multiple files) - Fix: parsing of
argument. - Fix: parsing of
argument. - Allow ignore of
(E) error
messages again, prioritize entries, instead in ignorefile.
- Don’t ignore messages of type
(E) error, for probable bugs in the code
- Initial release