Radar pre leak 64 windows 10 как исправить

Проблема. Спустя несколько минут игры (возможно и минуты) игра зависает намертво,без ошибок и др. Так что отчеты  DxDiag - MSInfo прикладывать смысла нет. Я произвел следующие действия:переустановка windows,переустановка драйверов,просмотр ошибок direct x и самого windows 10,переустановку игры 2 раз...

Я не знаю, как вы переустанавливали систему, но судя по количеству ошибок на «свежей» системе, что то пошло не так Wink

18.05.2018 14:10 Application Error Имя сбойного приложения: bf1.exe, версия:, метка времени: 0x5ae50979 Имя сбойного модуля: bf1.exe, версия:, метка времени: 0x5ae50979 Код исключения: 0x80000003 Смещение ошибки: 0x000000000090ad76 Идентификатор сбойного процесса: 0x928 Время запуска сбойного приложения: 0x01d3eeb1588db7e3 Путь сбойного приложения: D:Program FilesOriginOrigin GamesBattlefield 1bf1.exe Путь сбойного модуля: D:Program FilesOriginOrigin GamesBattlefield 1bf1.exe Идентификатор отчета: a3fa9a85-bcdb-49ad-ad2d-22f0be13a47e Полное имя сбойного пакета: Код приложения, связанного со сбойным пакетом:

17.05.2018 15:50 Application Error Имя сбойного приложения: CCleaner64.exe, версия:, метка времени: 0x5acfb027 Имя сбойного модуля: CCleaner64.exe, версия:, метка времени: 0x5acfb027 Код исключения: 0xc0000005 Смещение ошибки: 0x000000000063bf7e Идентификатор сбойного процесса: 0xd2c Время запуска сбойного приложения: 0x01d3edf5f41d724c Путь сбойного приложения: C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner64.exe Путь сбойного модуля: C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner64.exe Идентификатор отчета: 6c467a99-f0a0-4654-8cfa-d2ed8a1240fb Полное имя сбойного пакета: Код приложения, связанного со сбойным пакетом:

Про код исключения 0xc0000005 почитайте по ссылкам

Про код исключения 0x80000003 тут http://lifehacki.ru/isklyuchenie-unknown-software-exception-0x80000003-0x000001d-0x40000015-v-priloz…

Про Имя события AppHangB1 тут https://it-tehnik.ru/software/windows-10/apphangb1.html#AppHangB1_8212

Так же у вас в наличии: 18.05.2018 18:09 Windows Error Reporting Контейнер ошибки 1886314498270743280, тип 5 Имя события: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64

это, вообще, хитрая вещь)))

И не нужно писать, что это не относится к игре. Все эти ошибки показатель общего состояния системы.

Соответственно, предлагаю вам сделать последовательно такие действия, одно за другим:

б) следовать всем инструкциям, сканировать в безопасном режиме дисковое пространство ВСЕ полностью.

2. Выполняете чистку системы программой Ccleaner.

Инструкция от ЕА.

Прочие инструкции: тыц, дыц.

3. После этого выполняете команды в командной строке от Администратора:
Если устранены ошибки — перезагрузить ПК

dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Если устранены ошибки — перезагрузить ПК

dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Если устранены ошибки — перезагрузить ПК

4. Почистить кэш Origin.
Закройте Ориджин и удалите папки (у вас должно быть включено отображение скрытых папок):

C:Users(user name) AppDataLocalOriginOrigin

C:Users(user name)AppDataRoamingOrigin


Запустите клиент Origin с правами администратора и дождитесь окончания проверки файлов.

Выполнять советую без оговорок на то, что ранее уже что-то делал или что система новая, вирусов в ней нет.

Может, и делал, может, и нет, но…

Это комплексный способ и только его полное выполнение может дать возможность исключить ряд основных и наиболее вероятных причин вашей проблемы и искать в другой области.

Возможно, другие участники смогут предложить что то еще, например, @beetle_rus и @MADrag0n

Сталкер багов не боится! Игравшего в народную солянку вылетами на рабочий стол не возьмешь! Wink
Не являюсь сотрудником ЕА. HERO — это статус волонтера. Не являюсь техническим специалистом.  Не отвечаю на вопросы в личных сообщениях. Все, что я пишу на форуме, является моим субъективным имхо и не отражает чьей-либо официальной позиции.

 Win 10 x64 HP / i5-3550 / asus P8Z77-V LE / DDR3 2x8Gb 1600 МГц Corsair / GTX970 EVGA SSC ACX 2.0+ / SSD 250 Гб Samsung 860 Evo +1.5 Тб Seagate Barracuda + 3Тб Hitachi Deskstar / AeroCool Vx-9 PRO / Corsair TX650W / 23.8″ Philips 242V8A

CCP Hero Banner - Blue.png

  1. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    Hello all. First i write about pc.
    My rams are Kingston Hyperx 16gb 2×8 DDR4, 6700K,Asus Z170-P, SSD Crucial Bx100 256GB and Windows 10.
    Everytime i am opening some application which is fine and opening. But on event viewer i get : RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 entries. Applications are opening fine but windows 10 reporting this as RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 in event viewer. Its not error or warning but information entry.
    If games not crashes and i have that logs in event viewer do something, or leave it alone?

    I have that radar entries in event viewer almost everytime when i am opening some game or benchmark , thats all. But not crashing.

    Example from BlackOps3:

    Like i said i dont have crashes , but only that entries on event viewer. Thats all. Should i worry? Something with rams, ssd? Should i check memtest86 or that will be waste of time? Somebody said to check memtest.
    Please give opinion and thank you . :)

  2. mbk1969

    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    Run «perfmon /rel» to view reliability report.

  3. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    So it can be related to hardware ?

  4. mbk1969

    Ancient Guru

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    Who knows… I didn`t find any clue on that RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 thing.
    By my post I meant that reliability monitor shows real problems.
    If you want to try to decypher the source of fault in Event viewer paste here the header of event (located on the second tab «Details» under the «System» root tree item).

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016

  5. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    Last question.

    Somebody here with similiar problem RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64:


    And somebody from UBISOFT tells this:

    «Thanks for the update, if you are getting RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 error please run a system file check and a disk check of your system.»

    So Ubi-bounce mean that this can be hardware failure if he recommend SFC and CHKDSK?

  6. mbk1969

    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    No, he meant that OS files are corrupted or file system on disk is corrupted.
    On Win10 you can also try «Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth» in elevated command prompt.

  7. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    I read somewhere that can be caused by: faulty ram,faulty ram slot, bad cpu controller or faulty mobo. Can be true ? lol

  8. mbk1969

    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    Can be true, but ram related faults will be uncovered by memtest. And overall faulty hardware usually leads to BSODs.

  9. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    Dont know what to think now. I dont have BSODS, no single crashes.
    Only information entries about RADAR in event viewer. Thats all.

  10. mbk1969

    Ancient Guru

    Likes Received:

    Just ignore it. Win10 event log is full with errors and warnings.

  11. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    ok i made memtest86 test and no errors for 6 hours. I guess its fine :) Thx for help and answers. Really greatful. So i must ignore that events in event viewer.

  12. fpshigh


    Likes Received:

    Last question.

    Yes but why sometimes GTA V.exe, 3dmark.exe ,not only Black Ops 3,and other apps trigger that entry in event manager. ?? Its still software related?

    Ah and i made memtest86 for 6 hours and no errors.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016

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guru3D Forums

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  • #1

Hi. So first my pc. Currently i am on Windows 10 PRO.

RAM: Kingston Hyperx 16gb 2×8 DDR4

CPU: 6700K

MOBO: Asus Z170-P

SSD: Crucial Bx100 256GB

PSU: Corsair 750 RM

GPU: Gigabyte Gtx 1080 Xtreme

Everytime i am opening some application which is fine and opening. But on event viewer i get : RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 entries. Applications are opening fine but windows 10 reporting this as RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 entry in event viewer. This is : GTA V.exe, 3dmark.exe ,not only Black Ops 3,and other apps trigger that entry in event manager.

I have that radar entries in event viewer almost everytime when i am opening some game or benchmark , thats all. But not crashing.

Example from BlackOps3:



Like i said i dont have crashes , but only that informative entries on event viewer. Thats all. Should i worry? Somebody said that this can be caused by faulty ram, faulty ram slot, faulty mobo or faulty cpu controller. Please help thx.
I checked memtest86 for 6 hours and no errors. Status health of ssd is GOOD.



Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius

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  • #2

Hello, welcome to Ars.

RADAR is the slightly inexact acronym for Microsoft’s Windows Resource Exhaustion Detection and Resolution feature. One component of this feature is the Resource Exhaustion Resolver, which «notifies you of the three top resource consumers so that you can take action by shutting one or more of these applications down to increase resource availability».

One of the Event IDs used by the Resource Exhaustion Resolver is 1001, which is what you’re seeing. Here are the details for event ID 1001.

Now all of the above is old documentation, for OSs older than Windows 10; couldn’t find anything newer. Nevertheless, I would hazard that Microsoft simply changed the symbolic name of this event and neglected to document it anywhere. As such, I think this event is simply an informational one, telling you that «The Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver started.» That the resource exhaustion resolver has started would seem to indicate that Windows thinks it has too little memory available.

You could scour Microsoft’s developer documentation for more information on this subsystem (here’s a Channel9 video on RADAR) and/or write a test app with deliberate memory leaks and see when Windows logs which RADAR events. If you really wanted to.

Otherwise just ignore it.

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  • #3

Somebody said that this can be caused by faulty ram, faulty ram slot, faulty mobo or faulty cpu controller.

«Somebody» was vomiting random causes. Surprised they didn’t include solar flares and swamp gas refracting the light of Venus.

RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 simply means the OS has detected a resource intensive process running which isn’t managing its memory very well (it isn’t a memory leak, it is «pre-leak», meaning the OS’ RADAR function thinks this could become a memory leak. The code you get with it, usually 0xc0000005, is simply a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, meaning the process tried to access memory it doesn’t have (assuming it’s a standard Windows HRESULT).

Black Ops 3 does it all the time. Don’t worry about it.

We’re building a SDK and really need to «ngen» the SDK assemblies for better performance. And so will some of our customers.

All SDK assemblies are successfully compiled by ngen except one. This particular assembly has a couple of very large static methods (IL) due to high obfuscation flow control. All dependencies are in same folder — not missing any required assemblies.
All test applications and unit tests on these assemblies are good before using ngen (albeit first call to ‘large’ method is slow due to JIT time — then subsequent calls are a fraction of a millisecond).

NGEN error and associated event viewer error below.

Any ideas?

Regards, TJ


Another piece of info: if I reduce control flow obfuscation from ‘high’ to ‘low’ ngen will successfully compile the assembly without ngen failing with
RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 error BUT then obfuscation quality is not good at all. Going from ‘high’ to ‘low’ reduces the number of method IL instructions.

Does ngen have an upper limit on number method IL instructions? This appears to be the issue.

NGEN Error:

install F:XXXXbin\XXXXSDK.dll

Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator — Version 4.8.3752.0
1>    Compiling assembly F:XXXXbinXXXXSDK.dll (CLR v4.0.30319) …
1>Uninstalling assembly F:
XXXXbinXXXXSDK.dll because of an error during compilation: The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)

Associated NGEN Event Viewer Error:

Fault bucket 1900759181990047408, type 5
Event Name: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: mscorsvw.exe
P2: 4.8.3752.0
P3: 10.0.18362.2.0.0

  • Edited by

    Monday, November 18, 2019 9:25 AM

We’re building a SDK and really need to «ngen» the SDK assemblies for better performance. And so will some of our customers.

All SDK assemblies are successfully compiled by ngen except one. This particular assembly has a couple of very large static methods (IL) due to high obfuscation flow control. All dependencies are in same folder — not missing any required assemblies.
All test applications and unit tests on these assemblies are good before using ngen (albeit first call to ‘large’ method is slow due to JIT time — then subsequent calls are a fraction of a millisecond).

NGEN error and associated event viewer error below.

Any ideas?

Regards, TJ


Another piece of info: if I reduce control flow obfuscation from ‘high’ to ‘low’ ngen will successfully compile the assembly without ngen failing with
RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64 error BUT then obfuscation quality is not good at all. Going from ‘high’ to ‘low’ reduces the number of method IL instructions.

Does ngen have an upper limit on number method IL instructions? This appears to be the issue.

NGEN Error:

install F:XXXXbin\XXXXSDK.dll

Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator — Version 4.8.3752.0
1>    Compiling assembly F:XXXXbinXXXXSDK.dll (CLR v4.0.30319) …
1>Uninstalling assembly F:
XXXXbinXXXXSDK.dll because of an error during compilation: The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)

Associated NGEN Event Viewer Error:

Fault bucket 1900759181990047408, type 5
Event Name: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: mscorsvw.exe
P2: 4.8.3752.0
P3: 10.0.18362.2.0.0

  • Edited by

    Monday, November 18, 2019 9:25 AM

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