Red giant universe error connecting to universe runtime please reinstall universe

Contact Red Giant support:

Agreed, this is usually the case. Although contacting the third party is probably the correct idea, but not because they did anything wrong. But because Adobe won’t help and passes the buck, so hopefully the other companies have their work around fixes to deal with what’s actually an Adobe issue. It’s cheaper to inconvenience people than provide legitamate support.

Maxon just got back to me. Here’s their updated process for Windows:


Thank you for reaching out to us at Maxon!
Please let me know what version of Adobe are you using? Is it Adobe 2022?
This error typically is the result of mismatched files from the database. As a workaround, please try these steps.
• Close any editing applications that you have open.
• Open the Maxon App and uninstall Universe via the ellipses menu in the Universe section.

Now close the Maxon App, go to these files, right click on them and select «Run as Admin»
• C:Program FilesMaxonToolsuninstall-maxon-service.bat
• C:Program FilesMaxonToolsuninstall-appmanager.bat

This will remove the database.

After that, go to the following locations and delete these items:
• C:Program FilesAdobeCommonPlug-ins7.0MediaCoreRed Giant Universe
• C:Program FilesRed GiantUniverse
• C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeCEPextensionscom.redgiant.uni.dashboard

Then empty your recycle bin.

After that, redownload the Maxon App and reinstall Universe. You can download the Maxon App at the top of this page.

Once everything is installed, test your plug-ins in a brand new project and see if your error persists.

If you continue to experience issues, please provide me with the following information:
• A screenshot of the Maxon App
• An error log
• To create an error log, click the top-right button in the Maxon App. Then, go down to Create Error Log. Finally, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to this ticket.

I don’t know if this fixes it for anyone. I just rolled back to 22.0 for everything for now and that seems to work for the time being. If anyone has updates that this works for the newest version of Adobe, I’d be interested to know.

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro. This timeline-based video editing software application is part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud Application package and beholds quite a few nifty features. These include the supports for high-resolution video editing, 32 bits per channel color, and a wide array of video and audio file formats and codecs. Likewise, you could also use plugins with this software to further enhance its capabilities.

Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro

However, some users have voiced their concern that they are unable to use the Red Giant/Maxon Universe plugin. Both the pre-existing projects (with the Universe effect applied to the timeline), as well as the new projects, are giving out the “Error connecting to Universe runtime”/Universe Runtime error when users are trying to apply a Universe effect to a new sequence/clip. So what is the root cause of this issue?

Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro

Well, Adobe recently rolled out a new update (version ver 22.1.2) for its Premiere Pro software and this update seems to have broken the plugin’s functionality. While this issue is no doubt quite concerning, fortunately, there does exist an official workaround that shall help you fix the Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro. So without any further ado, let’s check it out.

Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro

In order to rectify this issue, you will have to downgrade the Adobe Premiere Pro from the current version 22.1.2 to the earlier stable version 22.0. But before that, if you want, you may Retain the Current App (version 22.1.2) Preference and Retain the Previous Version (22.1.2) of the App as well. However, if you are planning to do a fresh downgrade, then you shouldn’t carry out both these retentions. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get started with the downgrade process.

  1. Launch the Creative Clouds app and scroll to the Premiere Pro app.
  2. Then click on the More (…) button next to it and select Other Versions.
    Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro
  3. After that, click on the Install button next to Premiere Pro version 22.0.
    Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro
  4. Wait for the installation to complete. Once done, restart your PC and the issue stands rectified.

That’s it. These were the steps to fix the Error Connecting to Universe Runtime in Adobe Premiere Pro. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

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About Chief Editor

Sadique Hassan


A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

Adobe Premiere Pro — популярное программное обеспечение для редактирования видео, используемое профессионалами во всем мире. Являясь частью программы Creative Cloud, он был впервые запущен в 2003 году и является преемником широко используемого Adobe Premiere.

На протяжении многих лет Premiere Pro использовался для редактирования многочисленных фильмов, таких как «Дэдпул», «Монстры», и Исчезнувшая девушка.

Всего несколько недель назад пользователи сообщали, что у них возникали проблемы со звуком/видео при попытке экспорта файлов H.264 из Premiere Pro в сетевое хранилище.

А теперь, Пользователи Adobe Premiere Pro сообщают о и проблема с подключаемым модулем Red Giant Universe в Windows. Похоже, что плагин перестал работать после того, как пользователи обновились до версии 22.1.1.

Многие говорят, что не могут получить доступ к плагину Red Giant Universe и вместо этого каждый раз получают сообщение «Ошибка подключения к среде выполнения Universe». попробуйте применить или загрузить какой-либо эффект.

Другие говорят, что получают ошибку Universe Runtime. Переустановка приложения, похоже, ничего не меняет.


В основном, примерно 4 часа назад и после разрешения Creative Cloud установить 22.1.1. update, я не могу получить доступ к плагину Red Giant/Maxon Universe. Теперь оба ранее существовавших проекта с эффектами Вселенной, примененными к временной шкале, выдают код «Ошибка подключения к среде выполнения Вселенной», И совершенно новые проекты делают то же самое при попытке применить эффект Вселенной к новому эпизоду/клипу.

Здравствуйте, у нас похожая проблема на нашем Mac M1 станции, Maxon Red Giant полностью устанавливает все пакеты без проблем, кроме RG Universe. Он отображается на экране загрузки Premier Pro, но затем, когда вы ищете плагин, на вкладке эффектов его нет. Я восстановил Premier Pro до версии 22.0, но проблема осталась.

К счастью , Maxon признал проблему с плагином Premiere Pro Red Giant Universe и сказал, что они работают с Adobe над поиском исправления.

Последнее обновление Adobe Premiere Pro (версия 22.1.2) привело к несовместимости с Red Giant Universe на компьютерах с Windows, что привело к появлению сообщения об ошибке «Ошибка подключения к среде выполнения Universe» при применении или загрузке. любой эффект Вселенной.
Наша команда разработчиков знает об этой проблеме и усердно работает с Adobe над ее решением. Решение этой проблемы — понизить версию Premiere Pro до версии 22.0.

Они также предположили, что те, кто зависит от плагина Red Giant Universe, могут перейти на Premiere Pro v22.0, так как кажется, что он работает в этой версии.

Мы надеемся, что Maxon и Adobe будут работать вместе, чтобы решить проблему, поскольку для многих это делает невозможным использование последней версии Premiere Pro.

Будьте уверены, мы сообщим вам, как только патч выйдет, поэтому следите за обновлениями.

Примечание. У нас есть и другие подобные истории. в нашем специальном разделе приложений, так что обязательно подпишитесь на них.

Adobe’s Premiere Pro is a popular video editing software used by professionals worldwide. Part of the Creative Cloud program, it was first launched in 2003 and is the successor to the widely used Adobe Premiere.

Over the years, Premiere Pro has been used to edit numerous movies such as Deadpool, Monsters, and Gone Girl.


Just a few weeks ago, users said they were experiencing an audio/video glitch when they tried exporting H.264 files from Premiere Pro to network-attached storage.

And now, Adobe Premiere Pro users are reporting an issue with the Red Giant Universe plugin on Windows. It looks like the plugin stopped working after users updated to v22.1.1.

Many say they are unable to access the Red Giant Universe plugin and are instead greeted with an “Error connecting to Universe runtime” message whenever they try to apply or load any effect.

Others say they are getting a Universe Runtime error. Reinstalling the application seems to make no difference.



Basically, as of about 4 hours ago and upon allowing Creative Cloud to install the 22.1.1. update, I am unable to access the Red Giant / Maxon Universe plugin. Now, both pre-existing projects with Universe affects applied to the timeline are throwing the “Error connecting to Universe runtime” code, AND brand new projects are doing the same when trying to apply a Universe effect to a new sequence / clip.

Hello, we have a similar problem on our Mac M1 stations, Maxon Red Giant complete install all the suites without issue excpet for RG Universe. It’s shown on the loading screen of premiere pro but then when you look for the plug on the effects tab is not there. I reverted premiere pro to 22.0 but the problem persist.

Thankfully, Maxon has acknowledged the Premiere Pro Red Giant Universe plugin issue and said that they are working with Adobe to find a fix.

The most recent Adobe Premiere Pro update (ver 22.1.2) introduced an incompatibility with Red Giant Universe on Windows machines, resulting in the error message “Error connecting to Universe runtime” when applying or loading any Universe effect.
Our development team is aware of the issue and is diligently working with Adobe to resolve this issue. The solution for this issue is to downgrade Premiere Pro back to 22.0.

They also suggested that those dependent on the Red Giant Universe plugin can downgrade to Premiere Pro v22.0 since it seems to be working in that version.

We hope Maxon and Adobe work together to fix the issue since it is making it impossible for many to use the latest version of Premiere Pro.

Rest assured, we will let you know once a patch is out so make sure you stay tuned for updates.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Apps Section so be sure to follow them as well.

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Error Connecting Universe Runtime

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  • Posts: 2
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PostThu Dec 22, 2022 5:42 pm

I’m getting this error message when trying to start Davinci Resolve Studio:

221222-123513-Resolve.png (557.43 KiB) Viewed 161 times

I’m on Windows 10, and I’ve already unstilled all the Red Giant Universe files that I know of. I also uninstalled Davinci Resolve, and re-installed it and the error persists.

I don’t know if there’s a user data folder somewhere I need to delete, I’ve already gone through all the user data and program data folders and deleted anything with Red Giant and Universe. Is there something in a Black Magic folder somewhere I need to delete?

Jim Simon

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PostFri Dec 23, 2022 6:18 pm

When Resolve works, does it open to the last project, or to the general Project Manager?


  • Posts: 2
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  • Real Name: John Rock

PostFri Jan 20, 2023 5:38 pm

I was able to resolve this issue, but I can’t remember exactly what I did. I think there might have been something in the registry, or a hidden app folder somewhere, I can’t quite remember now.

I understand validating accounts to prevent spam, but waiting a long time for moderator approval really inhibits the utility of a forum like this for a new user.

I appreciate the reply otherwise

Jim Simon

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PostSun Jan 22, 2023 4:55 pm

Thankfully, that moderation doesn’t last too long.

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  1. After one of latest windows updates I no longer have presets, says please reinstall universe.

  2. Good thing I stopped updates

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  3. Don’t know what to tell ya… Maybe Boris can do what you’re looking for.

  4. have you manually searched for the presets?

  5. the boris plugins still work with presets, but universe works its just that the dahboard will no longer open. tried both after effects and vegas 17/18. oh well maybe ms will fix the issue. i can’t roll back those »security updates» either.

  6. I still really need help with this. after re-installing windows, I still have this issue, so it wasn’t a windows update causing the problem. This must be a regedit problem, can someone tell me the keys to delete for anything red giant related?

    I can provide a sceenshot of the error.

    »Universe CoreUI experienced an error»
    »Please reinstall Universe if the problem persists»

    »Error loading Neutrino framework»

  7. seba4512


    Jun 22, 2021
    Likes Received:

    hello, could anyone find a solution? The same thing happens to me and I don’t know what to do

  8. Baxter


    Jul 20, 2011
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    Did you re-install Red Giant Universe?

  9. seba4512


    Jun 22, 2021
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    yes, but it still telling me that error when i wanna use some effects, morelike transitions

  10. Baxter


    Jul 20, 2011
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  11. tgunz020707


    Oct 14, 2013
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    Have you tried revo Uninstaller to remove red giant and then re install? Revo will find all the left over stuff and delete it

  12. to this DAY i cannot get this pile of horse crap to work proper. (at least on my laptop). i actually got this same flipping error on my other pc. fed up with WHY i simply reinstalled windows. so now it works (but only on my other pc). no way in heck im going to mess with my laptop install. red giant are simply horrible. yes i know i got it free so i can’t complain.

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