Rendering error while writing to file 1610153453

After Effects error:(-1610153453) Автор 15 Августа 2012 . Написано Учебные материалы — Tips&Tricks After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453) Одна из частовстречающихся ошибок рендера в формате H264 (и не только), в After Effects это After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (путь,название файла).mp4″ (-1610153453). Решение проблемы: Официальная поддержка […]


  1. After Effects error:(-1610153453)
  2. After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453)
  3. Шаблоны модуля вывода в АЕ
  4. Сохранение шаблонов модуля вывода в АЕ
  5. Титры «Нефть»
  6. Титры «Нефть»
  7. After Effects error: (-1610153453)
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After Effects error:(-1610153453)

Автор 15 Августа 2012 . Написано Учебные материалы — Tips&Tricks

After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (-1610153453)

Одна из частовстречающихся ошибок рендера в формате H264 (и не только), в After Effects это After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file (путь,название файла).mp4″ (-1610153453).

Решение проблемы:

Официальная поддержка Adobe рекомендует переустановить Quick Time, почистить реестр и добавить поддержку кеша при рендере (в настройках edit > preferences > media&disk cache поставить галку на enable cache и выставить свободного пространства не менее 20Гб). Но это все чаще всего не работает, особенно в русском сегменте пользователей, которые пользуются кирилицей для название папок в системе.

Итак проблема решается просто: проверьте чтобы путь сохраняемого файла был прописан АНГЛИЙСКИМИ буквами и не имел спецзнаков. Например: «D:WORKMy_intro» вместо «D:WORKМое интро»

Шаблоны модуля вывода в АЕ

Автор 10 Августа 2012 . Написано Учебные материалы — Tips&Tricks

Сохранение шаблонов модуля вывода в АЕ

Сегодня я расскажу немного об Output modul’е в After Effects и это информация возможно будет немного дублироваться с уроком, который есть здесь на сайте, но я решил добавить немного информации по этой теме, плюс все это прописать текстом для удобства поиска.

Титры «Нефть»

Автор 03 Июля 2012 . Написано Учебные материалы — Adobe After Effect

Титры «Нефть»

Видео урок, в котором я рассмотрю создание и симуляцию жидкости (струи) в After Effects, без дополнительных плагинов и пр. Изначальная идея видео была в том, чтобы показать симуляцию чеканки или напечатывания текста на металические поверхности (например вогнутый или выпуклый логотип из текстуры). В итоге, урок превратился в нечто другое, в котором будут объединены элементы чеканки, создания футажей (дырки от пуль — их мы также создадим в АЕ), ну и как я уже говорил — будем создавать жидкость, вид масла или нефти вытекающей из отверстий.


After Effects error: (-1610153453)

I have recently made a intro for a user on youtube, I go to render the intro and I get this:
after effects: Rendering Error while writing to file (-1610153453)
Rendering Options:
1280 X 720
Audio output: 48.000 kHz
Video bitrate: 120
Level: 5.1
After effects version:
I’ve reinstalled Quicktime, and I’ve redone the settings, I am rendering it in my C:/ drive, the only one
I’ve only encountered this error about 5 times and It’s starting to get VERY annoying.
Please reply as soon as you can, Thanks!

Could you please tell me were to click on to enable Extra per Frame info please?
I’m not so good navigating around on complicated programs even though I’m very good at making things with After effects.

Similar Messages

I’m a beginner and am starting to learn most of the basics but every time I try to render a specific type of composition, I get this massage:
After Effect error: Rendering error while writing to file «C:UsersAdminVideos720p.mp4».Unknown Error! (-1610153453)
LENGTH: 8min. and 30 sec
CODEC: mp4
RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
AUDIO: 48.000 kHz, Stereo
I got Windows Ultimate 64-bit and Adobe After Effect CS5.5 64-bit (both on C drive) installed in my laptop.
When I first installed after effect, I rendered a part of the whole composition (AVI, 720p) and it worked but after that when I rendered with
format H.264 it showed this massage. Then I tried to change it back to AVI. and rendered. again the same massage.
My C drive isn’t full, I have 22GB SPACE AVAILABLE.
And when I try to save it on D (114GB free) or E drive (33GB free), It shows me the SAME MASSAGE.
Thanks in advance.

Hi HR and everyone that have the problem error (-1610153453)
In my case I solved the problem changing the destination folder, I was rendering in a folder with a non english character! in my spanish language we have the «Ñ» (‘n’ with a wave on top ) after effects mp4 codec NO Ñ or cyrillic, etc.
I finally solve it thanks the russian friends: ( and Google translator
Hope it helps to desperate workers

Hi all,
I’m new to after effects. I have just started receiving the following error every time I try to render my movie:
«After Effects error: opening movie — you do not have permission to open this file (-54)».
Yesterday morning, I was able to render movies, however, after I did Apple’s latest update I’ve started receiving the following error. What is happening is that I’m trying to render a movie. It gets to a certain point in the movie (about 0;00;16;09) and then this error pops up. This morning I’ve tried to repair the permissions with disk utility, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.
I’ve searched Google and the Adobe support forums with no luck. Please help.
Thanks in advance for you help,

Have been able to downgrade to QT 7.3 using Pacifist. Did NOT require re-install of OS. 347251&tstart=0
Download the right version here:
Panther: forpanther.html
Tiger: 31fortiger.html
Leopard: forleopard.html
Install with Pacifist
Now that I am back to QT7.3, iTunes7.6 is now asking me to update QT to 7.4 in order to be able to view the new movie rental feature of the iTunes store. which sorta sheds some light on the no permission error. Now that iTunes is renting, not just selling, movies, QT is now all fussy about ownership and permissions. Just a guess.

So, about a week ago I did a fresh install of 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate on a new PC, and subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud, installing After Effects CS6 and Photoshop CS6 from the Adobe Application Manager, then doing all updates (and I just checked right now at 10:35PM on July 26th, I have the latest versions of everything).
After Effects was working completely normal, then just now, I tried to import a Photoshop .psd and I got the error message:
After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL.
( 83 :: 8 )
Then After Effects crashed. So now it opens up normally, but when I try to import a .psd or open an After Effects project saved from an earlier version of After Effects (CS3 to CS5) I get the same error and a crash, every single time.
Searching the forums, I see people talking about this error when importing .psds into CS5, and they say that getting the latest updates solved the issue for them (which obviously can’t help me). I’m running all legit software on a brand new computer with 32 GB of RAM which has passed all my physical stress tests so I know it’s not hardware related.
The one thing I saw people suggest is to hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift when starting the program. When I do this, Windows asks if I want to allow After Effects to make changes to the system, and when I say yes, I can import .psds and open the older AE files. When I close After Effects and reopen it without holding down the Ctrl-Alt-Shift keys, it goes right back to crashing.
Obviously the smart-*** answer is «then hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift, dummy», and I’ll do that for now, but is there any clue what the problem is?
I feel like kind of a chump because I decided to stop using my student versions of Adobe software (I haven’t been a student for about four years) and pay the full price for the cloud membership and the latest creative suite, and it’s full of bugs.

Now, I get the same ( 83 :: 8 ) error listed above, followed by a new dialog window that reads:
After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS6Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
Then, when I click OK, I get:
After Effects can’t continue: sorry, After Effects has crashed. For After Effects Help and Support, go to If you still can’t resolve the issue, please contact Adobe Technical Support (2).
( 0 :: 42 )
Clicking OK to that gives me a chance to save the latest project, then the standard Windows 7 crash dialog window opens, the one that gives me the choice of «Check online for a solution and close the program» or just «Close the program» and lets me View problem details, which are:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AfterFX.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4f6d63ab
Fault Module Name: StackHash_a85b
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17725
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec4aa8e
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 00000000000c40f2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: a85b
Additional Information 2: a85ba096cc6b6acabe6eaf35bf34dc60
Additional Information 3: f862
Additional Information 4: f86227a9dfa15a47cdb6c94bb0d08360

My name is Tyler and i’m a Mult-Media Editor in training. Just recently meaning just this project i’ve been getting this error «After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in “Looks”.» every time i try to render. If i try to remove the clip where it messes up and replace it with another it will just mess up in another spot.
Screen Shot Here:
AE: After Effects CS5 (64-bit)
OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)
RAM: 8gb
Processor: 1st Gen. i7 Quad-Core
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320
Updates: Installed All Updated For Adobe Products
Source Footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60fps using UT Video Codec YUV 420
Worked Before? Yes
Open GL: My open gl is not enabled
I’ve read other forums and watched tutorials. I’ve already done the following. (Not in order used)
1. Downgrade Magic Bullet Looks from 1.4.3 to 1.4.2 (Didn’t Work)
2. Upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 from Magic Bullet Suite 11 (Didn’t Work)
3. Uninstall my gfx card and re-install it with the newer version (Didn’t Work)
4. Reset AE preferences by pressing alt+shift+ctrl on the shortcut (Didn’t Work)
5. Change render settings from H.264 -> .AVI (Didn’t Work)
6. I’ve deleted «AE_OpenGL» from my After Effects folder (Didn’t Work)
My Composition:
The look file is not that complex but i don’t know if it’ll help but there it is.
Look File Settings:
I’ve never had this problem before and hope that someone has a solution to this problem. if so please post an answer. I don’t know if its because i put the plug in on all of my clips and then made an adjustment layer with another Magic Bullet Looks or if it’s my clips fault but i just dont know what to do.

It sounds like Looks is only crashing on this project. If that is so then it’s most likely a problem with one of your video clips. Either there’s a corrupted frame or some other codec glitch that’s throwing the errors. I’d suggest replacing footage items with temporary footage. You could even use solids. Replace one at a time, then undo, until you find the footage that’s causing the crash. Then either re-compress that footage to another codec or replace it.
If Looks is crashing on every type of footage then you need to pursue other options that are more system related.

I’m working on a AE project and shut the project down before going to lunch. I come back and open it up and I get this error:
after effects error cannot be imported this moov file is damaged or unsupported
Nothing had changed in my project since earlier today. I’ve tried to import other .mov’s and get the same error, I’ve also tried to relink the footage.
Any thoughts?

We need to know a lot more if we’re going to help you. Please provide answers to the questions listed here: «FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?»
If you’re using After Effects CC (12.0), start here for QuickTime issues:

I tried to render a video in AE CC 2014, with RGB + Alpha as I wanted to keep the background transparent (rotoscoped) so that I can then use it in Premiere.
I chose to export in Quicktime, with uncompressed 8bit.
After it rendered it for a little while I had a window pop-up saying
After effects error: rendering error while writing to file «E. blabla». Disk full. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153463).
I read a thread posted in the forums but i do not understand the solution provided there.. What is a POD??
I have a Win7 Ultimate, x64. Plenty of disk space, and 16 Go ram.
Please help, I canoot go further in my project with this bug.

Is the drive you are rendering to formatted FAT32 by any chance? If so you can only render up to 4Gb for one file. Try rendering out a TIFF sequence instead. Litte tip — push the LZW compression tickbox in format options for a lossless compression, this will keep you file size way down.

Hi All,
I add a Text layer and then add my custom fill effect to it. Then I call AdvItemSuite1()->PF_ForceRerender(in_data, &(params[0]->u.ld)) from AEGP for all the layers. But only for Text layer, AE pops up a dialog displaying the following error :
After Effects error : layer does not have a source.
Why is this happening? What other call can I use to rerender all the layers?
Thanks & Regards,

Am 13.04.2011 12:21, schrieb dheeraj_c:
For now just added a dummy parameter in the effect and calling AEGP_SetStreamValue() to render all the layer with effect.
I also have experienced problems with PF_ForceRerender(),
AEGP_SetStreamValu() seems like an alternative solution.

Hi. Im New to the forums so sorry in advance if i do something incorrect
Since my Purchase of Adobe CS6, I was not able to use dynamic link, or the plugins that required you to connect to the Adobe Analysis Server (3d Tracker, Warp Stablizer ETC) It would always give me the error
After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)
( 25 :: 101)
Or if i would use dynamiclink
The Importer created a generic error
Through hours and hours searching through the internet, and trying possible fixes, i found possible fixes that might help people with this error.
*Before attempting any of these fixes, make sure you reinstall CS6 Using the Adobe Cleaner*
This guide is for Windows OS Only.
If the error still presists, try these options
-If your windows account is not a administrator, Run Adobe After Affects CS6 As Administrator
-Disable your Anti-Virus and your Firewall
I know you have probably heard this over and over again, but this is mainly the cause of the problem. Some Anti-Viruses even when disabled, go into some sort of one eyed open mode, where it still monitors your computer ever so slightly, so you may want to uninstall the anti-virus. As for the firewall,
1) Go to your start menu search «Check Firewall Status»
2)Then to the left of the window, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
3)Then tick «Turn of Windows Firewall» on BOTH Home or work network and Public Network.
-Close and Uninstall filtering and spyware programs such as Netnanny and Premiere Opinion. This might be using the TCP Ports that is needed for After effects, dynamic link and adobe analysis server to communicate
-Start up Adobe Analysis server Manually. This can be done by going to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe After Effects CS6Support Files and running Adobe Analysis server.exe as Adminisrator, Then starting Premiere, After effects, etc.
-If the Adobe Cleaner didnt already, Clean your registry. This can be done with free applications such as CCleaner.
If none of those options work, I would suggest a full format and reinstall of windows.
I hope this would help people with this issue.

captain_astronaut wrote:
I’m running the latest version. Just installed yesterday.
You can download and install the latest version (and older versions) of versions 11, 12, and 13 from Adobe right now. That is why I was asking for the exact version number with decimals. Just the other day, someone said they were running the latest version and they weren’t aware that CC was even a thing. They were running version 11.0.3 (which isn’t even the latest version of CS6 — it’s 11.0.4). That’s why I always ask.
captain_astronaut wrote:
I’m on a Mac so I don’t have anti-malware, or other security software running.
That doesn’t seem like a good idea. While there can’t be anything technically referred to as a «virus» on the Mac OS (due to the underlying structure), there can be (and are) malware variants out there that do attack machines running the Mac OS. As Apple products have grown in popularity, developers have been creating more and more malware aimed at OSX.
I certainly hope you at least have your firewall running.
captain_astronaut wrote:
I tried launching Premiere yesterday and it crashed.
This points to a much more serious underlying problem. Thousands (if not millions) of people are running Premiere and After Effects on Macs. What sort of error messages did you receive when it crashed?
Try installing version 12 of AE and the previous version of Premiere as well and see if they run.

Tell us about your computer hardware.
A:Here is my specs:
i-7 4770 motherboard
8 gb of Ram
What operating system?
A:Windows 7 64 bit OS
If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
A:After Effects Error:Crash in progrss.Last logged message was: Sniffer Result Code:3
What were you doing when the problem occurred? What is the exact sequence of steps that you are taking?
A: Opened it and the error started

thank you very much it works now

I am getting this error code ( ) when i open a project i’ve been working on recently. When i press ok, everything that was in the project dissapears. I’ve tryed to open other projects with 3D camera tracker, and they works fine. I’ve also been trying to re-install after effects, but with no luck.
I haven’t been installing any new third party plugins lately.
I tryed to import the actual AE file. It gives me the same error, but it is not starting up a new project, all the files that i’ve been using in the project is there in the project panel. But none of my compositions is open. When im trying to open them by double clicking on it, it comes up with a new error saying «After effects error: layer does not have a source (26 :: 335)» ( ) (Only some of the compositions is giving me this message, all the compositions where i’ve been using 3D camera tracker in it, is giving me the message) I’m trying to delete all the compositions that is giving me this error message, but when i’ve deleted some of them, and i’m trying to save the new project, my after effects crashes, and some new weird error messages is popping up, like: & After these messages it automaticly quits out of after effects.
If you could help me out, i would be soo damn happy!

i tryed to explain it in my other text:
I tryed to import the actual AE file. It gives me the same error, but it is not starting up a new project, all the files that i’ve been using in the project is there in the project panel. But none of my compositions is open. When im trying to open them by double clicking on it, it comes up with a new error saying «After effects error: layer does not have a source (26 :: 335)» ( ) (Only some of the compositions is giving me this message, all the compositions where i’ve been using 3D camera tracker in it, is giving me the message) I’m trying to delete all the compositions that is giving me this error message, but when i’ve deleted some of them, and i’m trying to save the new project, my after effects crashes, and some new weird error messages is popping up, like: & After these messages it automaticly quits out of after effects.

I have been struggling with this problem ever since CS4 was installed.
I have the CS4 Mac Master Collection.
I am using Illustrator to create text for animation in After Effects.
I can create text in Illustrator and import it into After Effects fine. But when I go to make a change to
the Illustrator file, even as simple as changing a color, I get this error.
After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (50::29)
The Illustrator file is then toast as far as After Effects is concerned. It cannot be opened or reimported.
I have to start over again and over again, rebuilding the Illustrator file each time.

This is an issue with AI and ultimately therefore also the AI routines that AE shares to access such files. Has been there forever and neither the AI people nor the AE team seem to be able to fix it in a consistent manner. Simply save a copy of the file from AI, then use Replace Footage instead of reload or at least always fully reload the AE project.

Hi – I’m currently working with someone who is running After Effects 5.5v10.5.0.253 on a PC which is running Windows 7 Ultimate. The computer has just recently been built and the software is newly installed. (ie. a couple of weeks old, max). Up until now, we have been using After Effects with no real issues. But tonight, we started to see the following error message, when trying to render something out:
“After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file xxxxx. Output Module failed, the file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153646” – displayed during render, which meant the render failed.”
We started to review forums to see if we could come up with a fix and tried a few of the more common suggested solutions, including:
Make sure there are no third-party plug-ins or Windows incompatible elements installed — as it’s a pretty new install, we haven’t added anything except out-of-the box elements.
Clear the render queue – did this, no change.
Reinstall Quicktime – did this, no change.
Reinstall Creative Suite – also no change.
Check the default program to open .mov files is Quicktime – Quicktime was already the default.
A bit more detail about the machine.
Ram is 32gb
GPU is GeForce GTX 660ti
250gb soild states
2tb raid drive
Any help would be much appreciated. This is now happening on all AE files, even files that worked fine earlier in the week. Other than the AE and QT reinstalls mentioned above, nothing new has been added to the machine this week. On a deadline – so a quick response would be amazing, right about now. Thanks.

Hi Mylenium- thx for the quick response. We have have tried a bunch of different settings. AVIs work and we can do image sequences too. The only major problem seems to be with Quicktime files. While I appreciate your suggetion to convert with AME — this is only a workaround. Was really hoping for a solution that will fix the problem in After Effects? Heard rumor from a few friends in the biz, that this is a major bug. if possible, some feedback from Adobe product devs or someone with a technical background would be great! Thx.

Im getting this error message( After Effects error-opening sound componant (-2166 )
When i go to render a comp that icludes several sound files (WAV) the render stops 80% of the there a way to fix this.
Im rendering to Quicktime based on losssles or AVI based on lossless
Windows XP service pack 3
3 gigs ram
quad core
Quicktime pro latest version installed november 2009

This could happen for any of several reasons, including the sound files using sample rates or a number of channels that After Effects can’t handle. After Effects is not the best at working with audio. I recommend converting the audio files to another format (such as AIFF), ensuring that the sample rate is something standard, making sure that the files are just plain old stereo, and trying again.

Whenever I open after effects it says «After effects error: Warning: Frame Size Input Error, Layer base size must be the same, time for some precomp maybe? (512) ( 25 :: 241 )»
And when I try to ram preview, it says «After effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback»
Any help? Thanks!

I just came across the same problem. Turns out reel smart motion blur was causing the issue. I had rsmb applied to a layer (png sequence) which was trimmed, with another precomp layer directly below it. AE couldn’t RAM preview the final frame of the rsmb layer for some reason — presumably it couldn’t access the next frame of the trimmed layer to calculate the blur on the final visible frame.
As a workaround I extended the layer to its full duration on the timeline and used opacity to keyframe the layer from 100% to 0% instead of trimming the layer. Voila! No more error message.

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Если все перечисленное выше не помогло (или просто вам неохота возиться, пробуя все подряд), значит, скорее всего ошибка происходит из-за конкретного проекта. При возникновении ошибки или другой проблемы обратите внимание на таймкод (время) ошибки. Если баг возникает каждый раз в одном и том же месте, то есть вероятность, что он вызывается каким-нибудь конкретным эффектом или анимацией, которую придется изучить и, возможно, изменить. Например, при работе с частицами можно выбрать другой режим работы CPU/GPU в плагине (если поддержка есть), уменьшить количество частиц, для Element 3D упростить геометрию, уменьшить количество полигонов, проверить материалы, текстуры, размер и т.п.
Для уточнения проблемного слоя или эффекта мне несколько раз помогал такой способ. Вы выбираете половину слоев в композиции и удаляете их все. Рендерите видео, ну или как вы там предпочитаете проверять. Тут возможны два варианта:

  • Если ошибка пропала, значит, она была в удаленных слоях композиции, отменяем удаление, и теперь удаляем только половину удаленных ранее слоев. И снова запускаем рендер.
  • Если ошибка осталась, то продолжаем дальше удалять слои, упрощая проект.

Если ошибку вызывает что-то конкретное, рано или поздно мы найдем виновника таким методом. Я понимаю, что это долгий, муторный и неудобный способ, но если вы знаете лучше, то пишите мне, буду благодарен! 8-)
А если ошибка возникает каждый раз в случайных местах композиции, то можно попробовать рендерить не готовое видео, а набор кадров Image Sequence. В After Effects есть несколько пресетов для этой цели под общим названием Multi-Machine Settings/Sequence в очереди рендера Render Queue.

В таком случае каждый кадр будет отдельным изображением на диске, и если рендер оборвется, вы не потеряете уже просчитанный готовый материал. А когда вы продолжите рендер (можно продублировать задание в очереди рендера Render Queue), After Effects пропустит уже существующие на диске кадры и начнет считать со следующего места. За это отвечает отдельная настройка в Render Settings — Skip existing files (allows multi-machine rendering)Пропустить существующие файлы (позволяет осуществлять рендеринг на нескольких компьютерах)«).

Но, естественно, звук в таком виде не получится вывести из программы After Effects и придется потом дополнительно его считать как WAV файл без видео и объединять с набором отрендеренных кадров композиции. Их, конечно же, надо предварительно импортировать в любую программу для работы с видео — After Effects, Premiere Pro, да любую. Даже мой любимый FFMPEG может это сделать, да все нормальные программы умеют делать такое. Только проверьте частоту кадров, так как куча файлов на диске не имеет такой информации, и это надо задавать руками.
Вообще, это было сделано для рендеринга по сети несколькими компьютерами одновременно, чтобы они не считали одинаковые кадры, назначенные другому After Effects. А самое интересное, что такое можно провернуть и на одной машине для ускорения рендера, ведь одна копия After Effects не задействует ресурсы процессора CPU на полную.
Изображение Уменьшение времени рендера в After Effects

  • After Effect error: Rendering error while writing to file

    I’m a beginner and am starting to learn most of the basics but every time I try to render a specific type of composition, I get this massage:
    After Effect error: Rendering error while writing to file «C:UsersAdminVideos720p.mp4».Unknown Error! (-1610153453)
    LENGTH: 8min. and 30 sec
    CODEC: mp4
    RESOLUTION: 1280 x 720
    AUDIO: 48.000 kHz, Stereo
    I got Windows Ultimate 64-bit and Adobe After Effect CS5.5 64-bit (both on C drive) installed in my laptop.
    When I first installed after effect, I rendered a part of the whole composition (AVI, 720p) and it worked but after that when I rendered with
    format H.264 it showed this massage. Then I tried to change it back to AVI. and rendered. again the same massage.
    My C drive isn’t full, I have 22GB SPACE AVAILABLE.
    And when I try to save it on D (114GB free) or E drive (33GB free), It shows me the SAME MASSAGE.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi HR and everyone that have the problem error (-1610153453)
    In my case I solved the problem changing the destination folder, I was rendering in a folder with a non english character! in my spanish language we have the «Ñ» (‘n’ with a wave on top ) after effects mp4 codec NO Ñ or cyrillic, etc…
    I finally solve it thanks the russian friends: ( and Google translator
    Hope it helps to desperate workers

  • After Effects error: opening movie — you do not have permission to open this file (-54)

    Hi all,
    I’m new to after effects. I have just started receiving the following error every time I try to render my movie:
    «After Effects error: opening movie — you do not have permission to open this file (-54)».
    Yesterday morning, I was able to render movies, however, after I did Apple’s latest update I’ve started receiving the following error. What is happening is that I’m trying to render a movie. It gets to a certain point in the movie (about 0;00;16;09) and then this error pops up. This morning I’ve tried to repair the permissions with disk utility, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.
    I’ve searched Google and the Adobe support forums with no luck. Please help.
    Thanks in advance for you help,

    Have been able to downgrade to QT 7.3 using Pacifist. Did NOT require re-install of OS.…347251&tstart=0
    Download the right version here:
    Install with Pacifist
    Now that I am back to QT7.3, iTunes7.6 is now asking me to update QT to 7.4 in order to be able to view the new movie rental feature of the iTunes store… which sorta sheds some light on the no permission error. Now that iTunes is renting, not just selling, movies, QT is now all fussy about ownership and permissions. Just a guess.

  • What does «After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL. ( 83 :: 8 )» mean?

    So, about a week ago I did a fresh install of 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate on a new PC, and subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud, installing After Effects CS6 and Photoshop CS6 from the Adobe Application Manager, then doing all updates (and I just checked right now at 10:35PM on July 26th, I have the latest versions of everything).
    After Effects was working completely normal, then just now, I tried to import a Photoshop .psd and I got the error message:
    After Effects error: Not enough memory to initialize PSL.
    ( 83 :: 8 )
    Then After Effects crashed. So now it opens up normally, but when I try to import a .psd or open an After Effects project saved from an earlier version of After Effects (CS3 to CS5) I get the same error and a crash, every single time.
    Searching the forums, I see people talking about this error when importing .psds into CS5, and they say that getting the latest updates solved the issue for them (which obviously can’t help me). I’m running all legit software on a brand new computer with 32 GB of RAM which has passed all my physical stress tests so I know it’s not hardware related.
    The one thing I saw people suggest is to hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift when starting the program. When I do this, Windows asks if I want to allow After Effects to make changes to the system, and when I say yes, I can import .psds and open the older AE files. When I close After Effects and reopen it without holding down the Ctrl-Alt-Shift keys, it goes right back to crashing.
    Obviously the smart-*** answer is «then hold down Ctrl-Alt-Shift, dummy», and I’ll do that for now, but is there any clue what the problem is?
    I feel like kind of a chump because I decided to stop using my student versions of Adobe software (I haven’t been a student for about four years) and pay the full price for the cloud membership and the latest creative suite, and it’s full of bugs.

    Now, I get the same ( 83 :: 8 ) error listed above, followed by a new dialog window that reads:
    After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was: <4488> <DynamicLink> <5> C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS6Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
    Then, when I click OK, I get:
    After Effects can’t continue: sorry, After Effects has crashed. For After Effects Help and Support, go to If you still can’t resolve the issue, please contact Adobe Technical Support (2).
    ( 0 :: 42 )
    Clicking OK to that gives me a chance to save the latest project, then the standard Windows 7 crash dialog window opens, the one that gives me the choice of «Check online for a solution and close the program» or just «Close the program» and lets me View problem details, which are:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:          APPCRASH
      Application Name:          AfterFX.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:          4f6d63ab
      Fault Module Name:          StackHash_a85b
      Fault Module Version:          6.1.7601.17725
      Fault Module Timestamp:          4ec4aa8e
      Exception Code:          c0000374
      Exception Offset:          00000000000c40f2
      OS Version:          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:          1033
      Additional Information 1:          a85b
      Additional Information 2:          a85ba096cc6b6acabe6eaf35bf34dc60
      Additional Information 3:          f862
      Additional Information 4:          f86227a9dfa15a47cdb6c94bb0d08360

  • After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in «Looks» URGENT!

    My name is Tyler and i’m a Mult-Media Editor in training. Just recently meaning just this project i’ve been getting this error «After Effects error: crash occurred while invoking effect plug-in “Looks”.» every time i try to render. If i try to remove the clip where it messes up and replace it with another it will just mess up in another spot.
    Screen Shot Here:
    AE: After Effects CS5 (64-bit)
    OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)
    RAM: 8gb
    Processor: 1st Gen. i7 Quad-Core
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320
    Updates: Installed All Updated For Adobe Products
    Source Footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60fps using UT Video Codec YUV 420
    Worked Before? Yes
    Open GL: My open gl is not enabled
    I’ve read other forums and watched tutorials. I’ve already done the following. (Not in order used)
    1. Downgrade Magic Bullet Looks from 1.4.3 to 1.4.2 (Didn’t Work)
    2. Upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 from Magic Bullet Suite 11 (Didn’t Work)
    3. Uninstall my gfx card and re-install it with the newer version (Didn’t Work)
    4. Reset AE preferences by pressing alt+shift+ctrl on the shortcut (Didn’t Work)
    5. Change render settings from H.264 -> .AVI (Didn’t Work)
    6. I’ve deleted «AE_OpenGL» from my After Effects folder (Didn’t Work)
    My Composition:
    The look file is not that complex but i don’t know if it’ll help but there it is.
    Look File Settings:
    I’ve never had this problem before and hope that someone has a solution to this problem… if so please post an answer. I don’t know if its because i put the plug in on all of my clips and then made an adjustment layer with another Magic Bullet Looks or if it’s my clips fault but i just dont know what to do.

    It sounds like Looks is only crashing on this project. If that is so then it’s most likely a problem with one of your video clips. Either there’s a corrupted frame or some other codec glitch that’s throwing the errors. I’d suggest replacing footage items with temporary footage. You could even use solids. Replace one at a time, then undo, until you find the footage that’s causing the crash. Then either re-compress that footage to another codec or replace it.
    If Looks is crashing on every type of footage then you need to pursue other options that are more system related.

  • After Effects Error «error cannot be imported this moov file is damaged or unsupported»

    I’m working on a AE project and shut the project down before going to lunch. I come back and open it up and I get this error:
    after effects error cannot be imported this moov file is damaged or unsupported
    Nothing had changed in my project since earlier today. I’ve tried to import other .mov’s and get the same error, I’ve also tried to relink the footage.
    Any thoughts?

    We need to know a lot more if we’re going to help you. Please provide answers to the questions listed here: «FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?»
    If you’re using After Effects CC (12.0), start here for QuickTime issues:

  • After effects error: rendering error while writing to file. Disk full.

    I tried to render a video in AE CC 2014, with RGB + Alpha as I wanted to keep the background transparent (rotoscoped) so that I can then use it in Premiere.
    I chose to export in Quicktime, with uncompressed 8bit.
    After it rendered it for a little while I had a window pop-up saying
    After effects error: rendering error while writing to file «E:…blabla». Disk full. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153463).
    I read a thread posted in the forums but i do not understand the solution provided there.. What is a POD??
    I have a Win7 Ultimate, x64. Plenty of disk space, and 16 Go ram.
    Please help, I canoot go further in my project with this bug…

    Is the drive you are rendering to formatted FAT32 by any chance? If so you can only render up to 4Gb for one file. Try rendering out a TIFF sequence instead. Litte tip — push the LZW compression tickbox in format options for a lossless compression, this will keep you file size way down.

  • After Effects error : layer does not have a source.

    Hi All,
              I add a Text layer and then add my custom fill  effect to it. Then I call AdvItemSuite1()->PF_ForceRerender(in_data, &(params[0]->u.ld)) from AEGP for all the layers. But only for Text layer, AE pops up a dialog displaying the following error :
    After Effects error : layer does not have a source.
    Why is this happening? What other call can I use to rerender all the layers?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Am 13.04.2011 12:21, schrieb dheeraj_c:
    For now just added a dummy parameter in the effect and calling AEGP_SetStreamValue() to render all the layer with effect.
    I also have experienced problems with PF_ForceRerender(),
    AEGP_SetStreamValu() seems like an alternative solution…

  • After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)   ( 25 :: 101)  *POSSIBLE FIX*

    Hi. Im New to the forums so sorry in advance if i do something incorrect
    Since my Purchase of Adobe CS6, I was not able to use dynamic link, or the plugins that required you to connect to the Adobe Analysis Server (3d Tracker, Warp Stablizer ETC) It would always give me the error
    After Effects error: Could not launch Adobe Analysis Server (515)
    ( 25 :: 101)
    Or if i would use dynamiclink
    The Importer created a generic error
    Through hours and hours searching through the internet, and trying possible fixes, i found possible fixes that might help people with this error.
    *Before attempting any of these fixes, make sure you reinstall CS6 Using the Adobe Cleaner*
    This guide is for Windows OS Only.
    If the error still presists, try these options
    -If your windows account is not a administrator, Run Adobe After Affects CS6 As Administrator
    -Disable your Anti-Virus and your Firewall
    I know you have probably heard this over and over again, but this is mainly the cause of the problem. Some Anti-Viruses even when disabled, go into some sort of one eyed open mode, where it still monitors your computer ever so slightly, so you may want to uninstall the anti-virus. As for the firewall,
    1) Go to your start menu search «Check Firewall Status»
    2)Then to the left of the window, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
    3)Then tick «Turn of Windows Firewall» on BOTH Home or work network and Public Network.
    -Close and Uninstall filtering and spyware programs such as Netnanny and Premiere Opinion. This might be using the TCP Ports that is needed for After effects, dynamic link and adobe analysis server to communicate
    -Start up Adobe Analysis server Manually. This can be done by going to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe After Effects CS6Support Files and running Adobe Analysis server.exe as Adminisrator, Then starting Premiere, After effects, etc.
    -If the Adobe Cleaner didnt already, Clean your registry. This can be done with free applications such as CCleaner.
    If none of those options work,  I would suggest a full format and reinstall of windows.
    I hope this would help people with this issue.

    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I’m running the latest version. Just installed yesterday.
    You can download and install the latest version (and older versions) of versions 11, 12, and 13 from Adobe right now. That is why I was asking for the exact version number with decimals. Just the other day, someone said they were running the latest version and they weren’t aware that CC was even a thing. They were running version 11.0.3 (which isn’t even the latest version of CS6 — it’s 11.0.4). That’s why I always ask.
    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I’m on a Mac so I don’t have anti-malware, or other security software running.
    That doesn’t seem like a good idea. While there can’t be anything technically referred to as a «virus» on the Mac OS (due to the underlying structure), there can be (and are) malware variants out there that do attack machines running the Mac OS. As Apple products have grown in popularity, developers have been creating more and more malware aimed at OSX.
    I certainly hope you at least have your firewall running.
    captain_astronaut wrote:
    I tried launching Premiere yesterday and it crashed.
    This points to a much more serious underlying problem. Thousands (if not millions) of people are running Premiere and After Effects on Macs. What sort of error messages did you receive when it crashed?
    Try installing version 12 of AE and the previous version of Premiere as well and see if they run.

  • Please Help After Effects Error:Crash in progrss.Last logged message was: 8020 GPU manager Sniffer Result Code:3

    Tell us about your computer hardware.
    A:Here is my specs:
    i-7 4770 motherboard
    8 gb of Ram
    What operating system?
    A:Windows 7 64 bit OS
    If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    A:After Effects Error:Crash in progrss.Last logged message was:<8020><GPU manager>Sniffer Result Code:3
    What were you doing when the problem occurred? What is the exact sequence of steps that you are taking?
    A: Opened it and the error started

    thank you very much it works now

  • After effects error: unknown exception on frame 0 in 3D Camera Tracker. (1) (25 :: 16)

    I am getting this error code ( ) when i open a project i’ve been working on recently. When i press ok, everything that was in the project dissapears. I’ve tryed to open other projects with 3D camera tracker, and they works fine. I’ve also been trying to re-install after effects, but with no luck…
    I haven’t been installing any new third party plugins lately.
    I tryed to import the actual AE file. It gives me the same error, but it is not starting up a new project, all the files that i’ve been using in the project is there in the project panel. But none of my compositions is open. When im trying to open them by double clicking on it, it comes up with a new error saying «After effects error: layer does not have a source (26 :: 335)» ( ) (Only some of the compositions is giving me this message, all the compositions where i’ve been using 3D camera tracker in it, is giving me the message) I’m trying to delete all the compositions that is giving me this error message, but when i’ve deleted some of them, and i’m trying to save the new project, my after effects crashes, and some new weird error messages is popping up, like: & After these messages it automaticly quits out of after effects.
    If you could help me out, i would be soo damn happy!

    i tryed to explain it in my other text:
    I tryed to import the actual AE file. It gives me the same error, but it is not starting up a new project, all the files that i’ve been using in the project is there in the project panel. But none of my compositions is open. When im trying to open them by double clicking on it, it comes up with a new error saying «After effects error: layer does not have a source (26 :: 335)» ( ) (Only some of the compositions is giving me this message, all the compositions where i’ve been using 3D camera tracker in it, is giving me the message) I’m trying to delete all the compositions that is giving me this error message, but when i’ve deleted some of them, and i’m trying to save the new project, my after effects crashes, and some new weird error messages is popping up, like: & After these messages it automaticly quits out of after effects.

  • After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document.

    I have been struggling with this problem ever since CS4 was installed.
    I have the CS4 Mac Master Collection.
    I am using Illustrator to create text for animation in After Effects.
    I can create text in Illustrator and import it into After Effects fine. But when I go to make a change to
    the Illustrator file, even as simple as changing a color, I get this error.
    After Effects error: There was an error processing the PDF document. The file may be damaged or corrupt. (50::29)
    The Illustrator file is then toast as far as After Effects is concerned. It cannot be opened or reimported.
    I have to start over again and over again, rebuilding the Illustrator file each time.

    This is an issue with AI and ultimately therefore also the AI routines that AE shares to access such files. Has been there forever and neither the AI people nor the AE team seem to be able to fix it in a consistent manner. Simply save a copy of the file from AI, then use Replace Footage instead of reload or at least always fully reload the AE project.

  • After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file…Output Module failed — 1610153646

    Hi – I’m currently working with someone who is running After Effects 5.5v10.5.0.253 on a PC which is running Windows 7 Ultimate. The computer has just recently been built and the software is newly installed. (ie. a couple of weeks old, max). Up until now, we have been using After Effects with no real issues. But tonight, we started to see the following error message, when trying to render something out:
    “After Effects Error: rendering error while writing to file xxxxx. Output Module failed, the file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153646” – displayed during render, which meant the render failed.”
    We started to review forums to see if we could come up with a fix and tried a few of the more common suggested solutions, including:
    Make sure there are no third-party plug-ins or Windows incompatible elements installed — as it’s a pretty new install, we haven’t added anything except out-of-the box elements.
    Clear the render queue – did this, no change.
    Reinstall Quicktime – did this, no change.
    Reinstall Creative Suite – also no change.
    Check the default program to open .mov files is Quicktime – Quicktime was already the default.
    A bit more detail about the machine…
    Ram is 32gb
    GPU is GeForce GTX 660ti
    250gb soild states
    2tb raid drive
    Any help would be much appreciated. This is now happening on all AE files, even files that worked fine earlier in the week. Other than the AE and QT reinstalls mentioned above, nothing new has been added to the machine this week. On a deadline – so a quick response would be amazing, right about now. Thanks.

    Hi Mylenium- thx for the quick response. We have have tried a bunch of different settings. AVIs work and we can do image sequences too. The only major problem seems to be with Quicktime files. While I appreciate your suggetion to convert with AME — this is only a workaround. Was really hoping for a solution that will fix the problem in After Effects? Heard rumor from a few friends in the biz, that this is a major bug… if possible, some feedback from Adobe product devs or someone with a technical background would be great! Thx.

  • After Effects error opening sound componant (-2166)

    Im  getting this error message( After Effects error-opening sound componant (-2166 )
    When i go to render a comp that icludes several sound files (WAV) the render stops 80% of the there a way to fix this.
    Im rendering to Quicktime  based on losssles  or AVI based on lossless
    Windows XP service pack 3
    3 gigs ram
    quad core
    Quicktime pro latest version installed november 2009

    This could happen for any of several reasons, including the sound files using sample rates or a number of channels that After Effects can’t handle. After Effects is not the best at working with audio. I recommend converting the audio files to another format (such as AIFF), ensuring that the sample rate is something standard, making sure that the files are just plain old stereo, and trying again.

  • After effects error, please tell me how to fix

    Whenever I open after effects it says «After effects error: Warning: Frame Size Input Error, Layer base size must be the same, time for some precomp maybe? (512)      ( 25 :: 241 )»
    And when I try to ram preview, it says «After effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback»
    Any help? Thanks!

    I just came across the same problem. Turns out reel smart motion blur was causing the issue. I had rsmb applied to a layer (png sequence) which was trimmed, with another precomp layer directly below it. AE couldn’t RAM preview the final frame of the rsmb layer for some reason — presumably it couldn’t access the next frame of the trimmed layer to calculate the blur on the final visible frame.
    As a workaround I extended the layer to its full duration on the timeline and used opacity to keyframe the layer from 100% to 0% instead of trimming the layer. Voila! No more error message.

  • Работа над ошибками

    1. Ошибка: After Effects error: closing resource file «Targa (AE).plugin». (3 :: 56). Необходимо проверить чтобы каждый пользователь имел полный доступ на чтение и запись файлов в папке After Effects и в каждой подпапке. Также возможно, плагин блокируется некоторыми средствами безопасности или в учетной записи пользователя нет разрешения на загрузку системных драйверов. Последние могут быть решены путем изменения соответствующей записи в редактора групповой политики (gpedit.msc). Ошибка серии 3 :: хх как раз оповещает о проблемах с доступом к файлу.

    2. Ошибка: After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray traced. (5070 :: 0). В обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) update, изолированы и исправлены варианты приводящие к ошибке “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070 :: 0)”.

    3. After Effects. The directory originally specified in the selected output module no longer exists. После получения данного сообщения, необходимо в закладке Render Queue удалить все старые задачи с их: Output Module.

    4. Ошибка: After Effects error: Rendering error while writing to file «E:/ . Unable to open file. (-1610153459). Данная проблема возникает при выводе в Quicktime форматы, она генерируется, когда QuickTime не сможет найти файл, который вы пытаетесь открыть или создать. QuickTime не может распознать диск, на котором находится файл или где он будет создан. Можно попробовать: изменить имя диска.

    *Также проблема может быть связана с тем, что в системе есть накопители с одинаковыми именами, например: Диск. Надо переименовать один из них.
    5. Ошибка: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! (37::109)” которая появляется при настройке прокси вложенных композиций, исправлена в обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 update.


    Устранение проблем экспорта в Premiere Pro

    Проблемы с рендерингом или экспортом проекта Premiere Pro? Приложение зависает, тормозит или перестает отвечать во время рендеринга или экспорта? Мы готовы помочь!

    В данном документе приведены методы устранения следующих неполадок:

    • Ошибка импорта
    • Ошибка рендеринга с использованием ГП
    • Ошибка недостатка памяти
    • Ошибка экспорта
    • Ошибка ввода-вывода
    • Ошибка рендеринга с ускорением

    7 простых действий для исправления распространенных ошибок

    1. Ознакомьтесь с текущими и распространенными известными ошибками, которые могут привести к сбою Premiere Pro при экспорте.
    2. Обновитесь до последней версии Premiere Pro, которая обеспечивает более стабильную работу по мере исправления ошибок продукта.
      Обновить Premiere Pro сейчас.
    3. Принудительно завершите работу и перезапустите Premiere Pro или перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы устранить проблему в работе системы.
    4. Проверьте наличие записей об ошибках в Отчете о совместимости системы. В отчете будет указано о проблемах с драйверами и необходимости их обновления.
    5. Удалите все знаки препинания в именах медиаданных, файла проекта или вывода.
    6. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно свободного места.
    7. Экспортируйте в другое место на компьютере.

    Если проблема не устранена, выполните следующие действия.

    Попробуйте экспортировать этот проект в другом формате файла. Список поддерживаемых форматов файлов см. в разделе Форматы, экспортированные непосредственно из Premiere Pro.

    Экспортируете в H.264 или HEVC? Перейдите в Установки > Медиаданные и снимите флажок Включить аппаратное ускорение декодирования (требует перезагрузки) .

    При экспорте не в H.264 или если проблема не была устранена:

    1. Выберите Файл > Настройки проекта > Общие . Откроется окно «Настройки проекта».
    2. В разделе Рендеринг и воспроизведение видео выберите Только программное обеспечение Mercury Playback Engine .

    Включение параметра Только программное обеспечение Mercury Playback Engine может снизить скорость рендеринга.

    Выберите Добавить в очередь , чтобы открыть Media Encoder и экспортировать проект с помощью Adobe Media Encoder. Дополнительным преимуществом использования Media Encoder является возможность работать над другими проектами в Premiere Pro.

    При использовании стороннего подключаемого модуля или перехода необходимо временно удалить его из проекта и повторить попытку экспорта.

    Проблемы при рендеринге или экспорте определенного проекта?

    При наличии подозрений, что проблема связана с определенным проектом, попытайтесь экспортировать другой проект и посмотрите, возможно ли это.

    Если с экспортом других проектов не возникает проблем, ошибка рендеринга существующего проекта может быть вызвана наличием сторонних подключаемых модулей, переходов или LUT.

    Чтобы устранить эту проблему, импортируйте необходимый проект в новый проект и повторите попытку экспорта.

    Очень низкая скорость экспорта?

    Чтобы увеличить скорость рендеринга необходимо убедиться, что устройство соответствует рекомендуемым системным требованиям. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Системные требования Premiere Pro. Кроме того, убедитесь, что используется последняя версия драйверов. Мы рекомендуем использовать драйвер NVIDIA Studio.

    • Если поддержка новейших игр, патчей и DLC в день выпуска — приоритет, используйте драйверы Game Ready.
    • Если же приоритетом является стабильность и качество творческих рабочих процессов, таких как редактирование видео, анимация, фотография, графический дизайн и потоковая передача, используйте драйвера Studio.

    Для получения дополнительной информации см. документацию NVIDIA.

    Premiere Pro продолжает зависать или перестает отвечать во время экспорта?

    В качестве крайней меры, если решить эту проблему не удается, попробуйте вернуться к предыдущей версии приложения.


    Видео уроки для After Effects от AEplug

    форум для общения, ваших вопросов и моих ответов

    Текущие версии программ: After Effects CC 2022 v22.2.1 Premiere Pro CC 2022 v22.2

    Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

    Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

    Сообщение #1 baimyr » 01 июл 2019, 14:36

    Доброго времени суток!

    Столкнулся на днях с такой проблемой, что при рендере как через энкодер, так и через ае выдаёт ошибку (-1609629695). Пробовал разные кодеки, разное разрешение, менял названия папок и файлов без кириллицы, менял место сохранения на рабочий стол и другие диски, пробовал переустанавливать QuickTime 2 раза и чистить кэш с реестром, пробовал даже видео драйвера, директ и ещё пару обновить (видимо от отчаиния), но ничего не помогает. Уже устал гуглить, потратил 3 дня и всё бестолку.. Что странно, на прошлой неделе рендерил видео и всё было в порядке, после того момента ни каких манипуляций с софтом не производилось, новые плагины и драйвера не ставил.

    Не помню как, но при очередном неудачном рендере сохранился файл с логом

    Accelerated Renderer Error

    Unable to produce frame.

    Writing with exporter: H.264
    Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
    Writing file type: H264
    Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
    Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
    Component: H.264 of type Exporter
    Selector: 9
    Error code: -1609629695

    Accelerated Renderer Error

    Unable to produce frame.

    Writing with exporter: H.264
    Writing to file: \?C:UsersbaimyOneDriveDesktopUntitled Project_AMEComp 1.mp4
    Writing file type: H264
    Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
    Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
    Component: H.264 of type Exporter
    Selector: 9
    Error code: -1609629695


    Camtasia Studio 9 для рендеринга больше задействует процессор?

    Возник такой вопрос, который хочу задать более продвинутым. При рендеринге видео на Camtasia Studio 9 процессор загружался на 100%, оперативная память (у меня 4 гигабайта) загрузилась только на половину. Видеокарта очень слабенькая – полгигабайта.

    Как мне отвечали в других моих вопросах, к примеру для Adobe Premiere Pro более важна видеокарта для рендеринга. Эта программа в процессе рендеринга использует и оперативную память, и процессор на 100%.

    Соответственно, что больше всего загружает при рендеринге видео Camtasia Studio 9 – процессор или видеокарту? То есть вычислительная мощность какой составляющей больше всего влияет на скорость (время) рендеринга?

    В видеоредакторе TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9, рендеринг видео осуществляется процессором. Поэтому мощность видеокарты роли не играет.

    Хотя, видеокарта может быть задействована для предварительного просмотра на холсте.

    Вы же сами можете проверить, загружается ли видеокарта во время рендеринга. Это можно сделать с помощью утилиты GPU-Z. Запускаете утилиту и смотрите на вкладке “Sensors” процентное значение загрузки около названия “GPU Load”.

    Другие интересные вопросы и ответы

    Вылетает ошибка CS:059f IP:0105 OP:c5 e4 eb 2d d9 Choose ‘Close’ to terminate the application что делать?

    Возможно, приложение, которое вы установили, не рассчитано на вашу операционную систему.

    Если ошибка относится к какому-то системному файлу, он может быть поврежден – например, компьютер перезагрузился невовремя или неправильно обновился.

    Я бы сначала проверила на вирусы 🙂 Потом выполнила проверку системы на ошибки любой доступной программой. Если же проблема касается какой-то игры, попробуйте поискать более подходящую ее версию.

    Александра Матвеева 7

    Ошибка компиляции фильма. Ошибка рендеринга с использованием GPU. Невозможно обработать фрейм. Что делать?

    Как исправить Ошибку After Effects Rendering error while writing to file?

    Хм, а нафига свежий h/x 264 трамбовать в древний avi?

    Какие вы знаете гениальные способы подстроить своё алиби, которое не получится опровергнуть?

    Лично у меня нулевой криминальный опыт, но из общения с юристами, которые специализируются на уголовной тематике, могу сказать, что практически любое алиби можно опровергнуть, особенно если оно базируется на показаниях ваших родственников, друзей или даже тех, кто может быть заинтересован в вашей невиновности.

    Лучше всего, помимо показаний, иметь записи с камер наблюдения, на которых был бы зафиксирован очень похожий на вас по антропометрическим данным человек. Лицо на современных устройствах определить возможно, поэтому желательно, чтобы этот человек находился к камере спиной.

    Как правило, лучшим является не то преступление, которое не было раскрыто, но то, за которое был осуждён невиновный человек. В любой стране правоохранительные органы крайне неохотно будут признавать свою ошибку и отправлять дело на доследование, что фактически гарантирует вашу безопасность. Если был осужден рецидивист, то вероятность доследования стремится к нулю. Так что в дополнение к показаниям свидетелей и записям с камер желательно иметь человека, который имел бы мотив, возможность или опыт совершения схожих преступлений, который вероятнее всего и станет объектом внимания со стороны правоохранителей.

    Но лучше всего вообще не совершать преступлений!)


    Технические проблемы с Adobe Premiere возникают чаще всего после установки или обновления программы. Самая популярная ошибка связана с компиляцией фильма при которой пользователь видит различные описания. На основе кода выдаваемым вместе с критическим сообщением, можно определить причину и способ исправления данной неисправности.

    Внутренняя ошибка MME Premiere

    Самая простая ошибка которая связана с блокировкой устройств и новой политикой операционной системы. Дословно она звучит так: «Не удалось применить настройки устройства, так как возникла следующая ошибка: Внутренняя ошибка устройства MME«.


    Блокировка использования аудио или видеоустройства для сторонних приложений групповой политикой Windows 10. По стандарту нужно выдавать специальное разрешение на использование программой. Обычно она запрашивает его в процессе установки и если этого не произошло, выдает ошибку.


    Нажимаем клавишу WIN (или Пуск) и выбираем раздел «Параметры»:

    Идем во вкладку «Конфиденциальность» в списке:

    И находим раздел «Микрофон» с левой стороны. В данном разделе, прокрутив мышкой немного вниз, нам необходимо найти список приложений к которым разрешен доступ по умолчанию.

    Выбираем нашу программу и кликаем на ползунок в состояние «Вкл«.

    Ошибка 183

    Данная неисправность возникает в процессе установке компонента Adobe XD.


    Как рекомендует разработчик, следует полностью удалить все пакеты Microsoft Visual C++, либо компонент не может быть установлен по причине отсутствия доступа приложения.

    В процессе компиляции используется множество дополнительных компонентов, которые должны быть не только доступны но и обновлены. Важно поддерживать в актуальности все кодеки и средства визуализации для успешной компиляции.

    Если небольшие рекомендации разработчиков для решения данной неисправности:

    Ошибка запуска программы

    Проблема с запуском возникает периодически у пользователей с ограниченным доступом в интернет или при использовании нелицензионных версий. Для начала следует проверить подключение к Adobe ID или прописанные пути в файле Hosts.

    Основная проблема обычно заключается в подключении к аккаунту. Попробуйте зайти в него через веб-версию. Если все получится, то логиньтесь через программу.

    Ошибка средства импорта

    Средства импорта могут быть недоступны и отображать ошибку в случае неверно установленных компонентов приложения. Попробуйте запустить Премьер с правами администратора или проверьте папку в которую импортёр подключается по умолчанию. Она должна быть создана и доступна для записи.

    Ошибка 146 при установке

    Установка может быть ограничена, если сервер откуда происходит скачивания репозитория недоступен или интернет-соединение пользователя было прервано.

    Ошибка 146 указывает на недоступность считывания с Adobe. Вам необходимо перезагрузить компьютер или дождаться когда интернет будет более стабильным.

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    The error code was 1609629695 in Media Encoder. What made it different from

    Others that had this problem is I wouldn’t get any preview for it at all. Switching to Software renderer didn’t help either. In After Effects, setting the preview resolution to full would give a GPU out of RAM error.

    Ly at helpx. adobe. com Update After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder to the latest version, or make sure that both the applications are of the same version. For example, if you are using After Effects 2019, make sure to use Adobe Media Encoder 2019.

    May 04, 2021 · The imported AE file is a 4-minute 1280×960 animation whic

    H rendered just fine until recently. After import into AME, I trimmed the 4-minute composition down

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    Jun 09, 2017 · Posted June 8, 2017. On 6/7/2017 at 7:56 AM, OliKMIA said:

    The errors happens «around timecode 1:22:04. You could try to nest this sequence or render the clip at this time and insert the rendered clip back it in your timeline. Also, during export, pick QUEUE, then you can choose to render using CPU or GPU.

    I tryed disableing cache, then gpu, no effect. Was just talking to a colegue

    That had worked with these files before, he sais it is the gpu memory that isn’t enougth, and gee, mine is not that old.

    Jul 18, 2018 · After Effects error: (-1610153453) It doesn’t look like yo

    U have any non-Latin characters in your path name. I’m guessing the I/O issue of reading & writing to one drive.

    Possible fix for Error code 1609629695 : AfterEffects

    Hey guys! I’m new to the community. But I thought it’d be good to join under

    This interesting development. I’ve been working on a …

    Deals helpx. adobe. com Reset preferences for Adobe Media Encoder. Make sure that Adobe Media Encoder and After Effects are closed in your machine (while following the steps). macOS. Quit Adobe Media Encoder and After Effects. Open the Finder, hold Option, and click Go on the menu bar.

    Render directly out of AE using AE’s renderer. Use prores 422 or 444. Use tw

    O step render process to get it into mp4 h264 (if desired).

    Apr 10, 2019 · 20. Exit code: 20 Install source path does not exist. 1. E

    Nsure that the installer isn’t corrupt (media. db is present in the payloads folder). 2. Make a local copy of …

    After effects error: rendering error while writing file to (your path) An ou

    Tput module failed. the file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)»After eff.

    Mar 15, 2019 · This is driving me crazy. Happens specifically on 2 second

    S of the comp in my case. I tried getting chat support but the associates are just useless.

    After Effects «Output Module» render error..Make sure your render queue non-

    Nov 20, 2019 · Update After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder to the latest

    Version, or make sure that both the applications are of the same version. For example, if you are using After Effects 2019, make sure to use Adobe Media Encoder 2019.

    Одна из самых частых ошибок в Adobe After Effects:Af

    Solution 2. After Effects and Premiere Pro, when rendered, they can create l

    Mar 16, 2019 · Rendering Options: 1920 X 1080 H.264 Audio output: 48.000

    Jan 07, 2021 · 2. The Version of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder ar

    E inconsistent. 3. After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are not installed on the unified C drive software default directory, C:/Program Files/Adobe. After getting reasons for the After Effects AEGP plugin error, let’s …

    Apr 12, 2020 · Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, t

    Ype “appwiz. cpl” in the Run box and press Enter to open the Programs and Features window. Typing in “appwiz. cpl” in the Run prompt. Once you’re inside the Programs and Features list, scroll down through the list o applications until you find Adobe Premiere Pro.

    Nov 25, 2019 · Premiere Pro media pending errors can be frustrating & tim

    E-consuming. Speed up your edits by trying these solutions to fix the issue!

    Jan 13, 2020 · If your issue is that After Effects is shutting down, chec

    K out this troubleshooting resource instead. 1. Use the Render Queue Panel. This is the most common way to render and export your After Effects projects. If you’re new to After Effects, this procedure may be new to you and worth reviewing to make sure you’re doing it correctly.

    West at helpx. adobe. com Try another format: To eliminate the specific output format as the cause of the problem, render, and export to a different output format and codec.

    :30. 10/18/2020 11:21:57 PM : Encoding Failed——Export Error

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    3 Common After Effects Errors and How to Fix Them

    “Files Are Missing Since You Last Saved the Project” This is by far the

    Most prevalent error … “Output Module Failed” [H.264] Before delving into this rather common problem, it helps to … “RAM Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback” This maddening RAM preview error became …

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    Jun 12, 2019 · Find solutions to exit codes 6 and 7, which can occur when

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    Click Export & Share and select Devices >Computer >720 X 480 resolution. Sel

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    What is the error code for after effects?

    The error code I’m getting is error compiling movie, render error, render returned error, and error code: 1609629695 After Effects help and inspiration the Reddit way. Reddit Inc © 2020.

    Why is Adobe After Effects not working?

    Generally speaking, the Adobe After Effects plugins error is usually caused by three reasons. 1. Adobe Media Encoder is not installed. 2. The Version of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are inconsistent. 3. After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are not installed on the unified C drive software default directory, C:/Program Files/Adobe.

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    After effects error internal verification failure sorry

    1. Ошибка: After Effects error: closing resource file «Targa (AE).plugin». (3 :: 56). Необходимо проверить чтобы каждый пользователь имел полный доступ на чтение и запись файлов в папке After Effects и в каждой подпапке. Также возможно, плагин блокируется некоторыми средствами безопасности или в учетной записи пользователя нет разрешения на загрузку системных драйверов. Последние могут быть решены путем изменения соответствующей записи в редактора групповой политики (gpedit. msc). Ошибка серии 3 :: хх как раз оповещает о проблемах с доступом к файлу.

    2. Ошибка: After Effects error: Ray-traced 3D: Out of paged mapped memory for ray traced. (5070 :: 0). В обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 (11.0.1) update, изолированы и исправлены варианты приводящие к ошибке “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070 :: 0)”.

    3. After Effects. The directory originally specified in the selected output module no longer exists. После получения данного сообщения, необходимо в закладке Render Queue удалить все старые задачи с их: Output Module.

    *Также проблема может быть связана с тем, что в системе есть накопители с одинаковыми именами, например: Диск. Надо переименовать один из них.
    5. Ошибка: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! (37::109)” которая появляется при настройке прокси вложенных композиций, исправлена в обновлении Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 update.

    В этом видеоуроке по Adobe After Effects мы разберем очень интересный пример создания вспышки воспоминаний или просто мыслей героя. Мы рассмотрим прием цветокоррекции при помощи эффектов Tint и Hue/Saturation, и создадим оригинальные переходы используя эффект Optics Compensation.

    Комментарии: 14

    Чтобы оставить комментарий или поделиться своей работой, пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь

    Barrov. mail. ru 11 Сентября 2017 — 20:03:51

    Здравствуйте! Почему при переводе силуэтов в 3D остается черный фон?

    Zhandos 28 Января 2015 — 14:28:06

    Помогите, выскочила окошка

    After effects error internal verification failure sorry!

    Edick202 28 Марта 2014 — 15:34:17

    After Effects error: internal verification failure, sorry!

    Marsel_VideoSmile 28 Марта 2014 — 22:54:27

    Поменяй имена файлам

    Edick202 28 Марта 2014 — 15:20:38

    Спасибо за урок! возникла проблема. силуэты девушек, когда кидаю под корректирующий слой, все какие-то размытые, не чёткие. да и сам тоннель тоже размытый, все в квадратах практически, что бы это могло быть? все картинки подбирал под разрешение 1280*720.

    Marsel_VideoSmile 28 Марта 2014 — 22:53:42

    Проверь качество в окне просмотра, должно стоять на Full

    Skif 26 Марта 2014 — 23:26:11

    Ольга Молчанова 11 Октября 2013 — 21:08:29

    Очень интересный и понятный урок! Спасибо!

    Отличный урок! Правда новый дизайн сайта непривычен ))

    Еще уроки из рубрики «Подвижная графика»

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