Renderman blender error

So, i am new here and i wanted to get renderman for blender. I am using rendeman 21.7 and blender 2.79. I don't know what to do at all. I'm 14 btw, so dont expect me to understand everythin...

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Santel22 opened this issue

Mar 18, 2018





So, i am new here and i wanted to get renderman for blender. I am using rendeman 21.7 and blender 2.79. I don’t know what to do at all. I’m 14 btw, so dont expect me to understand everything.

Please help, thanks!



added a commit
to adminradio/RenderManForBlender
that referenced
this issue

Mar 19, 2018



I have the same problem. Windows7, blender 2.79a, renderman for blender 21.5


Same problem here. Windows 10, Blender 2.79a, Renderman for Blender 21.5. I also tried out 21.4 and it had the same issue.



Thank you very much. This works :)


Well, I got PRman installed, got a Successful! install so on to Renderman for blender. Wham! same error trying to install with PRman 21.7 nogo line 350 enable error. tried link above but unable to find archieve. In Github I have tried three times with download with same as above results.Help needed! mac os 10.13.4 PRRenderman 21.7 Blender 2.79 2017 11-04 date.


This issue stays still for me, with RRman 21.7 and Blender 2.79.4 successfully installed. The only version of the zip file I’ve downloaded is the latest release. And I have also tried to remove the installation of PRman and reinstall for several times.



Not work, either on my mac or windows device T.T

Hi there, I’m having problems trying to install the blender addon for Pixar Renderman 24, I keep getting the following error:

r/renderman - Renderman 24 for Blender Install Problems

<summary>Plain text:</summary>


Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:Program", line 14, in <module> import oslquery as oslq ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'oslquery' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:Program", line 386, in enable mod.register() File "C:UserssandeAppDataRoamingBlender", line 244, in register load_addon() File "C:UserssandeAppDataRoamingBlender", line 213, in load_addon from . import rman_presets File "C:UserssandeAppDataRoamingBlender", line 27, in <module> from . import ui File "C:UserssandeAppDataRoamingBlender", line 40, in <module> from . import rmanAssetsBlender as rab File "C:UserssandeAppDataRoamingBlender", line 26, in <module> from rman_utils.rman_assets import core as ra File "C:Program", line 57, in <module> from rman_utils.rman_assets.common.shading_node import RmanShadingNode # pylint: disable=unused-import File "C:Program", line 16, in <module> import oslquery as oslq ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'oslquery'


I’m new to Renderman and just started to try installing it after I noticed the email from when I subscribed to updates ages ago so I’d appreciate any advice that anyone has, please dumb it down for me :)

I recently installed Renderman with the respective Blender addon. At first, it threw no errors, but rendered a blank screen whenever I tried to use it, so I reinstalled everything.
When I went through the whole installation process again (downloading Renderman-InstallerNCR-version, running it and installing Renderman, restarting my computer, downloading the addon zip and adding it in Blender through preferences), and tried to enable the Renderman Blender addon, these errors popped up in a Blender text window:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:Program", line 14, in <module> import oslquery as oslq
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _oslquery: The specified module could not be found.

The full error image is here, the second error is the same as the first.

First I looked for oslquery and _oslquery in PixarRendermanProServer… and I found that the files that failed to import were in multiple places throughout the bin and library, so they aren’t missing.
Then I looked up oslquery on google, and got to the main github page for open shader language. It looks like Renderman uses OSL for some functionality, but is having trouble getting OSL to communicate with its python components.

I haven’t seen my specific errors anywhere online.
I have validated the install of every component of Renderman and the Rm Blender addon.

Does anybody know how I could get Renderman working? I’m going to try reinstalling again soon, bc sometimes computers just work like that.

I did some extra digging, here is some excerpts of the files throwing the first error is this:

    import oslquery as oslq
    import oslquery as oslq

When I get rid of this line, a different import error is thrown:

DLL load failed while importing _Ctx: The specified module could no be found.

From this, I have determined the issue is one of two things:
file path error: unlikely because I modified the python files try to import to just check if they knew their files were there and it worked.
file type errer: maybe, is there any difference between .dll and .pyd?

_oslquery is a «Python Extension File» in the same directory and is causing an ImportError when imported. _oslquery cannot be read as text and is much larger that the other two files, it’s file extension is .pyd

So basically, I think that the python file is looking for a dll and not finding it, but I do not know if that is correct or how to fix that. So I’m just going to reinstall again and check back tomorrow.

#python #blender #renderman


Я недавно установил Renderman с соответствующим аддоном Blender. Сначала он не выдавал ошибок, но отображал пустой экран всякий раз, когда я пытался его использовать, поэтому я все переустановил. Когда я снова прошел весь процесс установки (загрузил Renderman-InstallerNCR-версию, запустил ее и установил Renderman, перезагрузил компьютер, загрузил zip-файл дополнения и добавил его в Blender через настройки) и попытался включить дополнение Renderman Blender, эти ошибки появились в текстовом окне Blender:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:Program", line 14, in <module> import oslquery as oslq
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _oslquery: The specified module could not be found.

Полное изображение ошибки здесь, вторая ошибка такая же, как и первая.

Сначала я искал oslquery и _oslquery в PixarRendermanProServer… и я обнаружил, что файлы, которые не удалось импортировать, находились в нескольких местах по всей папке и библиотеке, поэтому они не пропали. Затем я поискал oslquery в Google и попал на главную страницу github для открытого языка шейдеров. Похоже, что Рендерман использует OSL для некоторых функций, но испытывает проблемы с тем, чтобы OSL взаимодействовал со своими компонентами python.

Я нигде в Интернете не видел своих конкретных ошибок. Я проверил установку каждого компонента Renderman и дополнения Rm Blender.

Кто-нибудь знает, как мне заставить Рендермана работать? Я собираюсь попробовать переустановить снова в ближайшее время, но иногда компьютеры просто так работают.

Обновление: Я произвел некоторые дополнительные раскопки, вот некоторые выдержки из файлов, выбрасывающих первую ошибку: …

    import oslquery as oslq
    import oslquery as oslq

Когда я избавляюсь от этой строки, возникает другая ошибка импорта:

 DLL load failed while importing _Ctx: The specified module could no be found.

Исходя из этого, я определил, что проблема заключается в одной из двух вещей:
ошибка пути к файлу: маловероятно, потому что я изменил файлы python, которые пытаюсь импортировать, чтобы просто проверить, знали ли они, что их файлы там, и это сработало.
ошибка типа файла: может быть, есть какая-то разница между .библиотека dll и .pyd?

_oslquery является «Файлом расширения Python» в том же каталоге и вызывает ошибку импорта при импорте. _oslquery не может быть прочитан как текст и намного больше, чем два других файла, его расширение файла .pyd

Итак, в принципе, я думаю, что файл python ищет dll и не находит ее, но я не знаю, правильно ли это или как это исправить. Так что я просто собираюсь переустановить снова и проверить завтра.


1. Не специалист по Renderman, но вам, возможно, потребуется добавить один или несколько соответствующих путей в переменную среды %PATH%. В качестве альтернативы вы можете выполнить sys.path.append() во время выполнения (вы бы поместили оператор append ПЕРЕД оператором импорта).

2. У Renderman есть собственная системная переменная окружения RMANTREE, я взгляну на нее позже. Предполагается, что перезагрузка вашего компьютера настроит его правильно, но я сам этого не проверял.

Ответ №1:

Я переустановил, и он включился без ошибок, и теперь я возвращаюсь к проблеме, когда все становится серым, а материалы не работают. Я просто собираюсь использовать Cycles X lmao, но странно, что больше ни у кого нет этой проблемы.

Ответ №2:

Привет, только что зарегистрировался сегодня-

Так что у меня была точно такая же проблема, не знаю, была ли это проблема с качеством Интернета или что-

Я заставил его работать над 2.83, и, похоже, они также упоминали об этом где-то в сообществе RM. Похоже, его не устраивает 2.93. Может ли это быть помечено как проблема низкой серьезности?


So, I’ve got the renderman engine from GitHub and, when I install it and enable it (as an add-on), it doesn’t show up with the render engines. Why? (The add-on said it required a 2.8 blender update so the add-on is 2.8 ready)
Also, I’m trying it in blender 2.81 and blender 2.82a

asked Jan 2, 2020 at 21:33

Pro Effects MAX's user avatar

Pro Effects MAXPro Effects MAX

1,2881 gold badge13 silver badges34 bronze badges



Yeah, that is just not going to work. It is actually not compatible with 2.8 or many of the previous versions. Even though it may say. There are forums all over the place that say the same thing. No one has gotten it to work. But, it is probably for the best. Renderman is not near as capable in clarity of pixelization as cycles. 1080p in Cycles vs Rman is a pretty big difference. Plus, I would guess that alot of the modifiers in Blender would not work in Renderman. It also takes alot more time to Render especially in Windows. And a huge bug with Renderman that comes from what people like about it overcasting light, is that you will get pitch black shadows sometimes that you cannot get rid of.

answered Jan 2, 2020 at 21:39

TheMuffinMan's user avatar




The rendering addon space for Blender version 2.83 and higher is a confusing mess of outdated information and equally outdated addons. Renderman addon appears to be abandoned on Github and doesn’t work for Blender 2.83 or higher. The only renderer addon other than the built-in Cycles that seems to be actively updating is Luxcore @, but that only officially supports Blender versions up to 2.83, so if you have anything higher like 2.90, you may have issues and must wait on updates.

answered Oct 1, 2020 at 21:15

Darren Evans's user avatar




The plugin does not work in blender 3.3 or 34.

Here is the error message:


crashes when trying to render specifically the 87th and the 92nd frames. choosing to skip that frame then everything renders just fine.

tested on blender 2.92 with the following file:

crash log taken from the LocalQueue:

Looking in links: c:UsershelloAppDataLocalTemptmpxadx88zm
Color management: Using C:Program FilesPixarRenderManProServer-24.0libociofilmic-blenderconfig.ocio as a configuration file
Blender 2.92.0 (hash 02948a2cab44 built 2021-02-25 09:31:14)
Read prefs: C:UsershelloAppDataRoamingBlender FoundationBlender2.92configuserpref.blend
Color management: scene view "Filmic" not found, setting default "Filmic Base Contrast".
Color management: sequencer colorspace "sRGB" not found, will use default instead.
E0702 14:11:26.552000000 29164] {"created":"@1625199086.552000000","description":"No address added out of total 1 resolved","file":"","file_line":348,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1625199086.552000000","description":"Failed to add port to server","file":"","file_line":509,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1625199086.552000000","description":"OS Error","file":"","file_line":201,"os_error":"Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.rn","syscall":"bind","wsa_error":10048}]}]}
Read blend: F:\\blender projects\\Blender\\Blender projects\\_multi-view-cube-rendermanpid27948_1625198870_.blend
Color management: scene view "Standard" not found, setting default "Filmic Base Contrast".
Color management: sequencer colorspace "sRGB" not found, will use default instead.
RZ0000 {WARNING}: RemoteStatsServer - Grpc server failed to start on port -1
[Error] libwebsocket: Monitor acceptor::bind: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
WebSocketServer initialization failure.
Fra:92 Mem:81.92M (Peak 81.96M) | Time:00:00.00 | 0%
An application exception has occurred in blender.exe.
  Error codes: 0x00007FFF96E8C16D 0xC0000005 0x00000000 (0x00000000) (0x17F76038)
*** exception ***
Pixar PhotoRealistic RenderMan 24.0
copyright (c) 1988-2021 Pixar.
linked Tue Jun 15 20:27:08 2021 Pacific Daylight Time @2172149
build windows10_x86-64_vc14icc190_external_release

Rendered on Fri Jul 02 14:11:42 AUS Eastern Standard Time 2021
Rendering at 2048x2048 pixels, 100 maxsamples
	"__NULL__Ci" (mode = Ci_variance_auto, type = null)
	"__NULL__a" (mode = a_variance_auto, type = null)
	"F:blender_projectsBlenderBlender_projectsquad_view_cubeimagesv001_t01Scene.View_Layer.0092.png" (mode = Ci,a, type = png)

         Total heap mem: 3058.22 MB
       Max resident mem: 3058.22 MB
            Page faults: 962360
       Real time:     00:15
       User time:     03:44
       Sys time:      00:02


In the vein of making the controls easy for beginner users and then allowing them to go more advanced, I’m proposing making the sampling panel even more simple in «Easy mode».

Here’s how we could do it:
screen shot 2015-08-25 at 11 42 45 am
screen shot 2015-08-25 at 11 42 58 am
screen shot 2015-08-25 at 11 43 12 am

The render type would change integrators and settings like caustics, etc. Quality/Time slider would drive the max samples and pixel variance.

Vray does something similar:


Here’s a pretty annoying issue and one that might be worth fixing rather soon as it has an impact on many occasions.

When you use a render border in Blender to only render a part of the scene, IPR stops when you adjust a value in the Node Editor. It only seems to happen if the render region is rather small though. With bigger regions the connection to IPR stays intact.



I know this issue has been discussed before, but I couldn’t find any working solution.

It seems the addon adds superfluous slashes to my addon defined paths.

The addon works as long as I don’t use any renderman shaders. Then I get RenderMan: Exited

My defined path is (default):

Addon makes out of it (error message system console):

How can I get rid of all those wrong slashes and backslashes? The dots should also be problematic on windows, but removing them didnt help. Also other HDDs and paths didnt work. (Windows 10, Blender 2.78c). Renderman is installed at default path and also the .license file…




There’s an issue with the PxrRamp node when you create a Single-User-Copy of a material. If you do so, and change the ramp colors of the new material, the PxrRamp node of the material that it was created from, changes as well. This only affects the ramp slider and none of the value fields.

Here’s an example scene …




The size of a Gobo or Cookie seems to be different in the viewport and the actual rendering. For example — if a Gobo has a size of 4×4 in the viewport, it renders at a size of 16×16. So the render size is multiplied by itself.

Here’s a demo scene …



Mixer when it can support renderman21.5 version because I am using maya’s renderman version is 21.5,I want to spare time to play a blender’s renderman


Blender version: 2.78c
RenderMan version: 21.5 NCR (only one available for download)
RenderMan for Blender version: 21.4 (latest available)
OS: Windows 10 build 1703, 64-bit
Both Blender and RenderMan installed on D: drive.
Logged in as non-privileged user.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Install Blender in non-default path.
  2. Install RenderMan in non-default path.
  3. Install plugin (Blender, File -> User Preferences… -> Add-ons -> Install from File…).
  4. Try to click on empty box near «RenderMan For Blender» (with «Enable an add-on» hint).

Current result:
Stack trace from, line 349 in enable mod.register(), as on attached screenshot:


Expected result (in order of preference):

  1. Add-on successfully enabled.
  2. Hint what should be done to make it work.
  3. Explanation why it can’t work (for example incompatible versions of RenderMan and the add-on).


When i tried to render something i get error PRMan:Exited.
Console:ERROR: (‘Export path [C:/tmp/renderman_for_blender/untitled/images/Scene.0001.exr] does not exist.’,)

Blender and renderman installed in the default folders, licence is in the right folder.
I spent more than two hours trying to fix this problem.


I’ve run into a problem using materials which are linked to the object.
Ordinarily, setting a material slot to «Object» lets me change a material on one object only, even if it’s using a shared mesh.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work when I’m using RenderMan—it just uses the material which is attached to the mesh data, completely ignoring the one attached to the object.

This seems like it could be seriously inconvenient to not have. I’ve already run into some problems, and I hope you fix it soon.




there’s a bug with the spot light. Both the Blender settings and the Renderman settings for the cone shape and softness affect the light.

When I start IPR, the Blender cone settings are used for the light. As soon as I change the cone settings in the Renderman tab, the those settings are used and immediately updated in IPR. Whenever I stop and start IPR, the preview always will start with the Blender cone settings.
For the final rendering, Renderman always uses the Blender settings and ignores the Renderman settings.

This is hard to work with. While adjusting the Renderman cone settings while IPR is running, I can nicely watch the settings being updated in IPR. But the settings I decided on, will never be used in the final rendering.

I suggest to ditch the Blender cone settings tab all together.





How do I fix this?


In RFM this does a few things, lets you select by ID, and do crop windows for IPR,




Here is a material node setup:
PxrTexture -> PxrDiffuse -> PRMan Material

This basic setup works very well.

Now, if I wrap PxrDiffuse within a node group (PxrTexture -> Group -> PRMan Material),
the image texture is not taken into account anymore.

Also I set a red diffuse color, Suzanne is gray in this case:


Few checks:

  • If I unplug the texture from the group node and set manually a color, the color is not taken into account.
  • If I force the color of the PxrDiffuse in the group (unpluging the input node), the color is set properly.

I have tried several things, but each time I am trying to factorize with a group, the input seems not to be taken into account. I am missing something?

Thanks a lot

Charles HETIER



accents and such for object names screw up RenderMan. There are a bunch of places they would need to change but we could substitute blanks for them.

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