Reporting this error helps to improve this software this report might include personal information

Some users reported that they encountered error CE-108255-1 while trying to run a game or app on the PS5 console. Here are some fixes to solve the problem.

PlayStation 5 is a popular video game console. Unfortunately, some users reported the error code CE-108255-1 happened on the console. To solve the problem, MiniTool Partition Wizard puts together some possible solutions and you can have a try.

About PS5 error code CE-108255-1

PlayStation 5 (PS5) is a video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Designed as the successor to the PlayStation 4, the PS5 has become quite popular since it was released worldwide on November 12, 2020.

A huge number of PS4 games and PS5 games are available on this console, which is good news for video game lovers.

PS5 console

Similar to other gaming devices, PS5 is also a console where you might encounter problems, such as PS5 not turning on, CE-107857-8, etc. In the following content, I’d like to introduce the PS5 error code CE-108255-1.

CE-108255-1 is an error that occurs in the applications or games on the PlayStation 5 console. Users encounter it in various games, including Call of Duty Cold War, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Dirt 5, etc. And this PlayStation error code usually comes with the following message:

Something went wrong with this game or app. [Game name] Reporting this error to Sony Interactive Entertainment helps improve PS5 hardware, software, and services. This report might include personal information. To send the report, carefully read the [About Error Report], and then select [Accept and Report].

The PS5 error code CE-108255-1 can be caused by many factors. Therefore, when you receive this error, you might need to try several solutions one by one to solve the problem. And the possible solutions are listed below.

Editor’s Choice: Update PS5 System Software via a USB flash drive

Free Download

  1. Launch MiniTool Partition Wizard.
  2. Right-click the partition on the USB flash drive and select Format.
  3. Choose FAT32 and click OK. Then click Apply.
  4. Download the PS5 update file to the USB flash drive.
  5. Install the PS5 system software update on the PS5 console.

Method 1: Disable HDCP on the Console

HDCP refers to High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection. It is a form of digital copy protection to prevent the copying of digital audio and video content across devices. With such a feature enabled, you will be unable to use a game capture device such as an Elgato.

Usually, this HDCP feature won’t have any discernible impact on games but it could interfere with gameplay capture features, and sometimes it might lead to the PlayStation error code CE-108255-1. To solve the problem, you can try disabling the HDCP feature on your PS5 console.

Step 1: Go to Settings on your PS5 console.

Step 2: Select the System category.

Step 3: In the left pane, select HDMI. In the right pane, toggle off the button for the option Enable HDCP.

After disabling HDCP, you can check whether the error CE-108255-1 disappears. If it pops up again, please move on to the next method.

Method 2: Change the Language on Your Console

Language pack issues could also lead to the PlayStation error codePS5 CE-108255-1. In this case, you can try changing the language to English US to solve the problem.

You just need to go to PS5 Settings System. Then select Language in the left pane. In the right pane, select English (United States) from the drop-down menu of Console Language and Input Language. By changing the Console Language, you can use a different game language and user interface language. And by changing the Input Language, you can change the keyboard layout for your console.

Method 3: Reinstall the Problematic Game or Application

If you still receive the PS5 CE-108255-1 error code while launching or playing a game or using an application, you should update the game or application with the latest updates. If the error pops up over and over, you might need to try reinstalling the game or application where you get the error.

Here is how to reinstall a game or application on the PS5 console.

Step 1: Go to the Settings > Storage.

Step 2: In the left pane, select Console Storage. In the right pane, select Games and Apps.

Tip: If the target game or application is installed on a PS5 external hard drive, select Extended Storage in the left pane.

Step 3: Choose the game that needs to be reinstalled and select Delete.

Tip: Alternatively, you can also delete your game or application from the Home screen or Game Library.

Step 4: Download and install the game or application again.

Then you can check whether the game or application runs properly.

Method 4: Update Your PS5 System Software

Sony usually releases new features and bug fixes through system software updates for PS5 consoles. Therefore, for the best PlayStation experience, you’d better keep your PS5 system software up-to-date. You can also try updating your PS5 system software to remove the error CE-108255-1. And here are two options to get updates.

Option 1: Update PS5 Through Internet

The first option is to let your PS5 console download and install the update through the Internet. It is easy to operate.

Step 1: Go to the Settings > System.

Step 2: In the left pane, select System Software. In the right pane, select System Software Update and Settings.

Step 3: On the next page, turn on the feature Download Update Files Automatically and Install Update Files Automatically. Then select Update System Software and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the operation.

Option 2: Update PS5 in Safe Mode

If the PS5 console doesn’t find any available updates, you might need to download and install the latest system software manually in Safe Mode.

To download the PS5 system software update, you need to prepare a USB flash drive and formatit to FAT32 to make it compatible with the PS5 console.

There are many ways to format a USB flash drive. As you will download the PS5 system software update from the PlayStation website on a computer later, you can format the USB drive via File Explorer, Disk Management, Command Prompt, or a third-party tool. Here I recommend you to use MiniTool Partition Wizard.

MiniTool Partition Wizard is an easy-to-use and reliable partition management program. And you can format your USB flash drive to FAT32 free within a few clicks in this program. Now, let’s see how to format it.

Tip: Please make sure your USB flash drive contains no important data. If there are important files, please back up them in advance, as you will lose them during the process.

Step 1: Connect the USB flash drive to a Windows PC.

Step 2: Click the following button to download and install MiniTool Partition Wizard. Then install and launch it.

Free Download

Step 3: When you get the main interface of MiniTool Partition Wizard, right-click your USB flash drive and select Format.

click Format

Step 4: In the pop-up window, select FAT32 for the File System and click OK.

select FAT32

Step 5: Click the Apply button from the bottom left corner to start formatting. Wait patiently until the formatting process is finished.

Now you have a USB drive with the FAT32 file system and you can start to download and install PS5 system software update.

Step 1: Press Win + E to open File Explorer quickly. Then open your USB flash drive.

Step 2: Create a new folder and name it as PS5. Inside the PS5 folder, create a new folder and name it as UPDATE.

Step 3: Open a web browser and visit the official website for PS5 system software update. Scroll down to find the PS5 update file. Then right-click it and select Save link as. In the pop-up window, select the UPDATE folder on the USB flash drive and click Save.

download PS5 update file

Step 4: You will get a file named PS5UPDATE.PUP. Then eject the USB flash drive and connect it to your PS5 console.


Step 5: Boot into PS5 Safe Mode and select Update System Software > Update from USB Storage Device > OK.

The updating process will take some time and please wait patiently. If the update file cannot be recognized, you should check the USB file system as well as the folder and file names.

After updating PS5 system software, you can launch the problematic game or application to check if the PS5 error code CE-108255-1 disappears.

Method 5: Rebuild Database

If you still receive the PlayStation error code CE-108255-1 after installing the PS5 system update, you might need to try rebuilding database for the console. The Rebuild Database feature is provided in PS5 Safe Mode and it is used to scan the drive and create a new database of all content on the system.

Tip: You won’t lose data if you rebuild database on the PS5 console.

You just need to boot the PS5 console in Safe Mode and then select Rebuild Database (the fifth option). The rebuilding process might take a few hours and then you need to restart the console. After that, check whether it helps to solve CE-108255-1.

Method 6: Clean the Game Disc

If you receive the PS5 error code CE-108255-1 while playing a game through a disc, you need to check whether the disc works properly.

Please eject the disc from your PS5 console and make sure there is no physical damage. Then clean the disc to remove any fingerprints, smudges, dirt, dust, etc. When you make sure it’s clean, insert the disc into your console and check whether the error CE-108255-1 has been removed.

Tip: Please note that there are two versions of PS5 consoles: the Digital Edition and the Standard Edition. Only the latter one provides a Blu-ray-compatible optical disc drive.

Method 7: Reset PS5

If you have tried all the methods above but the error code CE-108255-1 still exists, you might need to reset PS5 to restore it to the original state. Please note that all the user data will be deleted during the process. Therefore, you should back up your data in advance. Here are the detailed steps.

Step 1: Connect an external hard drive or USB flash drive to your PS5 console.

Step 2: Go to Settings System. Then select System Software in the left pane and select Back Up and Restore in the right pane. On the next page, select Back Up your PS5.

Step 3: Select the type of data you want to back up and select Next Back Up.

Step 4: Once the backup is finished, your console will restart. Disconnect the backup drive and then turn off your console.

Step 5: Boot your PS5 console in Safe Mode and select Reset PS5. Then follow the on-screen instructions to finish the operation.

Hope the error code CE-108255-1 disappears after resetting your PS5. If the error appears again, you might need to contact PlayStation Support for solutions.

How to solve the PS5 error code CE-108255-1? Here are the top 7 methods and you can have a try.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

Are you bothered by the error code CE-108255-1 on the PS5 console? Try the above methods to solve the problem. You can share your experience with us by posting it in the following comment zone. For any problems with MiniTool Partition Wizard, you can contact our support team via [email protected].

На чтение 5 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019

Файл error_report.exe из TeamSpeak Systems GmbH является частью TeamSpeak 3 Client Error Reporter. error_report.exe, расположенный в E:Program FilesTeamSpeak 3 Client с размером файла 178672.00 байт, версия файла 1, 0, 0, 0, подпись not found.

В вашей системе запущено много процессов, которые потребляют ресурсы процессора и памяти. Некоторые из этих процессов, кажется, являются вредоносными файлами, атакующими ваш компьютер.
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  1. 1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить error_report.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
  2. 2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить error_report.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
  3. 3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок error_report.exe:
  4. Как вы поступите с файлом error_report.exe?
  5. Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с error_report.exe файлом
  7. процессов:
  8. Интерактивная энциклопедия прикладных знаний.
  9. «Найди ответ на любой КАК. «
  10. Как исправить ошибку в APB?

1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить error_report.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

  1. Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
  2. Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
  3. Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
  4. потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
  5. нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».

2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить error_report.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.

3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок error_report.exe:

  1. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
  2. В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
  3. В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
  4. Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
  5. Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
  6. Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл error_report.exe, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
  7. Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.

Всего голосов ( 84 ), 34 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 50 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.

Как вы поступите с файлом error_report.exe?

Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с error_report.exe файлом

(error_report.exe) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.

(error_report.exe) перестал работать.

error_report.exe. Эта программа не отвечает.

(error_report.exe) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.

(error_report.exe) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.

(error_report.exe) отсутствует или не обнаружен.


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Интерактивная энциклопедия прикладных знаний.

«Найди ответ на любой КАК. «

Как исправить ошибку в APB?

All Points Bulletin, или просто APB – популярная многопользовательская игра, которая получила широкое распространение в России и СНГ. Однако многие игроки сталкиваются с проблемой «выбрасывания» из игры через 20-30 мин после начала – система выдает ошибку APB Error Report. О том, как исправить ошибку в APB, мы расскажем в этой статье, приложив также видео-инструкцию.

Во-первых, заходим в Пуск, в программы, выбираем Стандартные, кликаем Командная строка (запускаем от имени администратора).

Внутри нужно ввести с клавиатуры такую фразу BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 3072 и нажать Enter. Дальше – перезагружаем компьютер и наслаждаемся игрой.

Смотрите также видео о том, как исправить APB Error Report:

Как исправить эту ошибку.

Там с примерным переводом. Я перевёл как перевелось.

APB Error Report

APB has encountered a problem. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience.
APB обнаружена ошибка. Мы очень извинения за доставленные неудобства.

We’re created an error report that will help us improve APB. The information is sent anonymously and does not contain any personal data.
Мы создали отчет об ошибке, которые помогут нам улучшить APB. Информация отправляется анонимно и не содержат никаких личных данных.

Click here to see what data the error report containt.
Нажмите здесь, чтобы увидеть, какие данные отчета об ошибке.

Please tell us what you were doing when the problem occurred.
Нажмите здесь, чтобы увидеть, какие данные отчета об ошибке.

The following files will be included in this error report:

G:PROGRAM FILESREALTIME WORLDSAPB EUROPEAPBGameLogsLaunch-at-2010.07.28-02.40.39.log
G:PROGRAM FILESREALTIME WORLDSAPB EUROPEAPBGameLogsunreal-v3908-2010.07.28-02.40.39_APB_Catcher.dmp

Assertion failed: m_PedStateUpdate_Replicated.m_pStartNode && m_PedStateUpdate_Replicated.m_pTargetSDNode [File:c:workapbranchesversions1-2-11-2-1_clouddevelopmentsrcapbgamesrccnpcskeletalmeshactor.cpp] [Line: 952]Inval >Function APBGame.cNPCSkeletalMeshActor:ReplicatedEvent
History: 22:47:38 — Log: Log file closed, 28/07/10 02:47:38

Send Don’t Send
Послать Не Отправить
Я обычно нажимаю готправить на Send, но не помогает. Уже как месяц я купил эту игру и всеравно же эта фигня. я думал один два раза, ну потом три раза произашло и думал всё, но это всеравно не прекращалось. каждые один, два или три часа такое. из игры вылетаю и пожявляется та таблица выше указанная, а сегодня вообще и полчаса не поиграл как я вылетаю и эта долбанная таблица появляется репорт.
Помогите плизз.

In this post from MiniTool Software, you can learn some fixes for one of the most common PS5 error codes, CE 108262 9. It could happen due to various factors, but you don’t need to worry. You can try these fixes one by one to troubleshoot the problem.

What Is CE 108262 9?

PS5, short for PlayStation 5, is a popular home video game console provided by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was released on November 12, 2020, as the successor to PlayStation 4. PS5 is compatible with most PS4 games and has been improved a lot in performance compared with PS4. Therefore, a lot of PS4 users choose to upgrade their PS4 consoles to PS5.

Tip: For more information about PS4 and PS5, you can refer to the previous post: PS4 vs PS5: What’s the Difference and Which One to Select.

With a PS5 console, you can play a huge number of PS4 games and PS5 games. According to Sony, there will be more and more new PS5 games in development.

As you can see, PS5 is a wonderful game console. However, some users encounter problems while playing games on the console, such as PS5 not turning on, PS5 not loading, etc.

In this post, I’d like to talk about another error code, CE 108262 9. It usually happens after a PS5 gets out from a PS5 crashing issue. And it comes with the following message:

Something went wrong with the system software.

Reporting this error to Sony Interactive Entertainment helps improve PS5 hardware, software, and services. This report might include personal information.

To send the report, carefully read the [About Error Report], and then select [Accept and Report].

The problem could happen due to various factors, but mainly because of software-related issues. If you encounter the same error code, you can troubleshoot the problem with the following fixes one by one.

Fix 1: Restart Your PS5 Console

PS5 error code CE 108262 9 might prevent you from accessing the system and applications. Don’t worry. Sometimes a simple restart can help you solve the problem. It is easy to operate and you can have a try. And you might be able to access your system after that.

However, the error code might happen again one day. Therefore, you’d better try the following fixes, too.

Fix 2: Turn off HDMI Device Link

PS5 is designed with an HDMI Device Link feature that enables your TV to communicate with the PS5 console more easily and conveniently. With this feature enabled, you can perform limited operations of your system using your TV’s remote control.

However, this feature might cause problems sometimes. If you encounter the PS5 CE-108262-9 error code again and again, you can try disabling HDMI Device Link to troubleshoot the error. And here are the detailed steps.

Step 1: On the home screen of your PS5 console, select the Settings icon.

Step 2: Navigate to System > HDMI.

Step 3: Find the Enable HDMI Device Link option and turn off the toggle to disable the feature.

Fix 3: Disable Rest Mode

Rest Mode is built in both PS4 and PS5 consoles. Rest Mode allows you to keep your console in a paused state without turning it off. When you want to leave for a while, you can put your console in Rest Mode, which consumes less power and allows tasks like game downloading or updating to be run in the background. In this way, you can wake up your console very quickly later.

Unfortunately, it has been reported that the PS5 Rest Mode brings some issues. Sony hasn’t provided a solution to the problem so a lot of users decide to turn off the Rest Mode.

If you are bothered by one of the PS5 error codes, CE 108262 9, you can also try disabling Rest Mode to solve the problem. And you just need to:

Step 1: Go to Settings.

Step 2: Select System > Power Saving > Set Time Until PS5 Enters Rest Mode.

Step 3: Select Don’t Put in Rest Mode to disable Rest Mode.

Fix 4: Update PS5 System Software

Since the PS5 console was published, Sony has released some software updates for bug fixes or new features. To solve problems and improve your user experience, you are always recommended to keep your system software up-to-date.

To update your PS5 system software, here are two methods.

  • Method 1: Go to Settings and update system software through the Internet.
  • Method 2: Download the latest system software update via a USB flash drive and install it in Safe Mode.

You can choose any one of them according to your situation. And you can refer to the following tutorial to complete the operation.

Method 1: Update PS5 System Software via Settings

This method is easy to operate and takes you less time. However, to use this method, you need to access the system on your PS5 console and use the Internet. Therefore, if you cannot access the system due to the error code CE 108262 9, you should jump to the next method.

Now, let’s see how to check for and install Sony PlayStation 5 software update in Settings.

Step 1: Make sure your PS5 is connected to a working network.

Step 2: Select Settings from the home screen.

Step 3: Navigate to System > System Software > System Software Update and Settings > Update System Software.

Then your PS5 will check for available updates and install them automatically. You just need to wait patiently until the process is finished. Please do not turn off your console during the process.

Method 2: Update PS5 System via a USB Flash Drive

As mentioned, if your PS5 cannot boot properly, you can update PS5 system software via a USB flash drive. Please note that the USB flash drive needs to be formatted as the FA32 file system first so that it can be recognized by your PS5 console later.

Generally, the operation can be divided into three steps:

  1. Format the prepared USB flash drive to the FAT32 file system.
  2. Download the latest PS5 system software from the Internet via the USB drive on a PC.
  3. Boot your PS5 console in Safe Mode and install the update file.

Keep reading for more details.

Step 1: Format your USB flash drive to the FAT32 file system.

As you will download the PS5 update file on a PC later, you can format the USB flash drive on the same PC, too.

And on a Windows PC, there are many tools you can use, such as File Explorer, Disk Management, and Command Prompt. All of them are free and can help you format the USB drive to FAT32 easily. However, if your USB drive is larger than 32 GB, the FAT32 format option will be unavailable in those tools.

In this case, you can format your USB flash drive via MiniTool Partition Wizard. It is a popular and professional disk management tool. With this tool, you can create, move, resize, delete, format, and wipe partitions free. If you lose important files, MiniTool Partition Wizard can also help you recover them.

This program is available on many operating systems, including Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, and Windows Server. Now, click the following button to download and install this tool, and then follow the tutorial to format your USB drive.

Free Download

Warning: If there are important files on your USB flash drive, please back them up in advance. Otherwise, you will lose them after the formatting.

  1. Connect your USB flash drive to your PC and run MiniTool Partition Wizard.
  2. When you get the main interface of MiniTool Partition Wizard, right-click the partition on your USB flash drive and select the Format
  3. On the next screen, Choose FAT32 for the file system and click OK to confirm the operation.
  4. Click the Apply button to start the formatting process.

format USB flash drive

The process will take a while and you just need to wait patiently.

MiniTool Partition Wizard helps me format my USB flash drive to the FAT32 file system free. I’d like to share this wonderful tool with you guys!Click to Tweet

Step 2: Download the latest PS5 system software from the Internet.

  1. Press Windows + E to open File Explorer and access your USB flash drive.
  2. Create a new folder and name it as PS5 on the USB drive.
  3. Inside the PS5 folder, create a folder named UPDATE.
  4. Open a web browser and go to the official PS5 Support page. Right-click the PS5 console update file and select Save as.
  5. Choose the UPDATE folder on your USB drive to save the update file.

download PS5 update file

Step 3: Install the latest PS5 update file via the USB flash drive.

  1. Connect the USB drive that contains the latest PS5 update file to your PS5 console.
  2. Turn off your PS5 and boot in Safe Mode.
  3. There are seven options in Safe Mode and you need to select the third one: Update System Software.
  4. Select Update from USB Storage Device and OK to start installing the update file.

After installing the latest PS5 system update file, you can check whether the error code CE 108262 9 has been solved successfully.

Fix 5: Rebuild Database

Corrupted database could also lead to the problem. In this case, you can rebuild database to solve the problem. And you just need to boot your PS5 console in Safe Mode and select the fifth option Clear Cache and Rebuild Database.

If you have tried all the fixes listed in this post but the error code CE 108262 9 still exists, you might need to contact PlayStation Support for help.

How to solve PS5 error code CE-108262-9? If you are bothered by the annoying error, you can try the fixes shared in this post.Click to Tweet

Bottom Line

PS5 error codes are common to see. This post talks about one of them, CE 108262 9. It usually appears after a system crash mainly due to software-related problems. To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the above fixes one by one.

If you have more solutions or any other ideas about this PS5 error code, you can leave a message in the following comment zone. As for any problems with MiniTool software, you can contact our support team via [email protected].


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SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x75CCC5AF
Base: 0x040E0000

EAX: 0x0028F10C EBX: 0x00000001 ECX: 0x00000003 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x041BDC0C EDI: 0x0028F19C EBP: 0x0028F15C ESP: 0x0028F10C
EFLAGS: 0x00000206

+0000: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x75CCC5AF
+0010: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+0020: 0x00000001 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F190
+0030: 0x0028F19C 0x041BDC0C 0x0028F19C 0x0028F100
+0040: 0x00000001 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F190
+0050: 0x0028F19C 0x04195E99 0xE06D7363 0x00000001
+0060: 0x00000003 0x0028F190 0x041B7770 0x0028F1CC
+0070: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
+0080: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+0090: 0x0028F214 0x04141A4B 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+00A0: 0x049529C8 0x00000001 0x04140F3D 0x041B7770
+00B0: 0x049529C8 0x0028F214 0x00000001 0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000008 0x00030000 0x01E8CFC0 0x0028F2D4
+00F0: 0x77C43437 0x77C43466 0x0028F484 0x041B1F68
+0100: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00030000 0x0028F490 0x04141315
+0110: 0x01E8FD50 0x00030150 0x00030000 0x00030174
+0120: 0x0028F308 0x00000001 0x00000010 0x00030150
+0130: 0x00000009 0x01E92010 0x00030000 0x00000009
+0140: 0x00000000 0x00000008 0x00030150 0x00000000
+0150: 0x00030174 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x02000002
+0160: 0x01E80BF8 0x00030000 0x01E880D0 0x00000000
+0170: 0x24010025 0x00000080 0x77C3E464 0xFA0001FB
+0180: 0x01E8B828 0x00000001 0x00030000 0x00000200
+0190: 0x01E880D0 0x0028F390 0x77C43061 0x00030138
+01A0: 0x77C4303D 0x77E8CF6D 0x00000000 0x00030000
+01B0: 0x01E880D8 0x00030000 0x01E8CFC0 0x00000000
+01C0: 0x0D090400 0xFFFFFFFE 0x77C43466 0x01E8B828
+01D0: 0x00030150 0x00000040 0x00030000 0x00000048
+01E0: 0x01E8CFC0 0x0028F3E0 0x77C43061 0x00030138
+01F0: 0x77C4303D 0x77E8CF1D 0x00000000 0x00030000
+0200: 0x01E8CFC8 0x00000003 0x6DC63904 0x00000009
+0210: 0x0000000B 0x01E8FD50 0x0413F069 0x01E8FD5F
+0220: 0x80000000 0x01E8FD50 0x00030000 0x00030150
+0230: 0x00030000 0x00030174 0x00030150 0x02000002
+0240: 0x0000000A 0x09000009 0x00000009 0x01E8B828
+0250: 0x6DC16017 0x00000003 0x09000009 0x00000009
+0260: 0x00000009 0x01E10358 0xFA0001FB 0x00000009
+0270: 0x01E880D8 0x01E92010 0x01E84E90 0x01E10048

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x7519C5AF
Base: 0x035F0000

EAX: 0x0028F584 EBX: 0xFFFFFFFF ECX: 0x00000003 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x036CDC0C EDI: 0x0028F614 EBP: 0x0028F5D4 ESP: 0x0028F584
EFLAGS: 0x00000216

+0000: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x7519C5AF
+0010: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+0020: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F608
+0030: 0x0028F614 0x036CDC0C 0x0028F614 0x0028F500
+0040: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F608
+0050: 0x0028F614 0x036A5E99 0xE06D7363 0x00000001
+0060: 0x00000003 0x0028F608 0x036C7770 0x0028F644
+0070: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
+0080: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+0090: 0x0028F688 0x03651A4B 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+00A0: 0x03C129A0 0x00000001 0x03650F3D 0x036C7770
+00B0: 0x03C129A0 0x0028F688 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000054 0x01BAF7D8
+00F0: 0x01B40000 0x01BB0498 0x0028F960 0x036C1F68
+0100: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0028F920 0x03651315 0x0028FA4C
+0110: 0x00000054 0x00000004 0x003F2F30 0x003F0000
+0120: 0x003F2FE0 0x77573466 0x7744093E 0x01BAF4A0
+0130: 0x00000000 0x00000012 0x0028F7A8 0x00000004
+0140: 0x003F0000 0x003F2F30 0x0028F7A8 0x77573437
+0150: 0x77573466 0x774409EA 0x00000001 0x003F01A4
+0160: 0x003F0000 0x003F0150 0x01BAF7D8 0x7756E464
+0170: 0x7744093A 0x003F2F38 0x01B401AC 0x01B40000
+0180: 0x00390027 0x00000001 0x003F0150 0x02000002
+0190: 0x003F0C10 0x04000400 0x00340028 0x00000001
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+01D0: 0x00390027 0x00000001 0xB20000B2 0x0028F6F4
+01E0: 0x00000001 0x0028F888 0x01B481D0 0x003A2DDA
+01F0: 0x00000020 0x7756E464 0x00000000 0x01BB2530
+0200: 0x01B47EC0 0x01B47FE0 0x01B8C620 0x01B48388
+0210: 0x0028FA4C 0x0364F069 0x0028FA5B 0x766A5DB6
+0220: 0x0028F9D4 0x003A2DDA 0xFFFFFFFE 0x7756E464
+0230: 0x7756E1C2 0x003F126C 0x003F1260 0x00000000
+0240: 0x00000000 0x00000018 0x003F2F10 0x0028F8AC
+0250: 0x77573437 0x77573466 0x00000002 0x00000000
+0260: 0x003F2F38 0x01B8C5F8 0x003F2F38 0x00000000
+0270: 0x01B8C5F8 0x0028F838 0x7757404D 0x776420D8

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

Внучка Марка


SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x75CCC5AF
Base: 0x040E0000

EAX: 0x0028F10C EBX: 0x00000001 ECX: 0x00000003 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x041BDC0C EDI: 0x0028F19C EBP: 0x0028F15C ESP: 0x0028F10C
EFLAGS: 0x00000206

+0000: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x75CCC5AF
+0010: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+0020: 0x00000001 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F190
+0030: 0x0028F19C 0x041BDC0C 0x0028F19C 0x0028F100
+0040: 0x00000001 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F190
+0050: 0x0028F19C 0x04195E99 0xE06D7363 0x00000001
+0060: 0x00000003 0x0028F190 0x041B7770 0x0028F1CC
+0070: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
+0080: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+0090: 0x0028F214 0x04141A4B 0x0028F1B0 0x041C8ECC
+00A0: 0x049529C8 0x00000001 0x04140F3D 0x041B7770
+00B0: 0x049529C8 0x0028F214 0x00000001 0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000008 0x00030000 0x01E8CFC0 0x0028F2D4
+00F0: 0x77C43437 0x77C43466 0x0028F484 0x041B1F68
+0100: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00030000 0x0028F490 0x04141315
+0110: 0x01E8FD50 0x00030150 0x00030000 0x00030174
+0120: 0x0028F308 0x00000001 0x00000010 0x00030150
+0130: 0x00000009 0x01E92010 0x00030000 0x00000009
+0140: 0x00000000 0x00000008 0x00030150 0x00000000
+0150: 0x00030174 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x02000002
+0160: 0x01E80BF8 0x00030000 0x01E880D0 0x00000000
+0170: 0x24010025 0x00000080 0x77C3E464 0xFA0001FB
+0180: 0x01E8B828 0x00000001 0x00030000 0x00000200
+0190: 0x01E880D0 0x0028F390 0x77C43061 0x00030138
+01A0: 0x77C4303D 0x77E8CF6D 0x00000000 0x00030000
+01B0: 0x01E880D8 0x00030000 0x01E8CFC0 0x00000000
+01C0: 0x0D090400 0xFFFFFFFE 0x77C43466 0x01E8B828
+01D0: 0x00030150 0x00000040 0x00030000 0x00000048
+01E0: 0x01E8CFC0 0x0028F3E0 0x77C43061 0x00030138
+01F0: 0x77C4303D 0x77E8CF1D 0x00000000 0x00030000
+0200: 0x01E8CFC8 0x00000003 0x6DC63904 0x00000009
+0210: 0x0000000B 0x01E8FD50 0x0413F069 0x01E8FD5F
+0220: 0x80000000 0x01E8FD50 0x00030000 0x00030150
+0230: 0x00030000 0x00030174 0x00030150 0x02000002
+0240: 0x0000000A 0x09000009 0x00000009 0x01E8B828
+0250: 0x6DC16017 0x00000003 0x09000009 0x00000009
+0260: 0x00000009 0x01E10358 0xFA0001FB 0x00000009
+0270: 0x01E880D8 0x01E92010 0x01E84E90 0x01E10048

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x7519C5AF
Base: 0x035F0000

EAX: 0x0028F584 EBX: 0xFFFFFFFF ECX: 0x00000003 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x036CDC0C EDI: 0x0028F614 EBP: 0x0028F5D4 ESP: 0x0028F584
EFLAGS: 0x00000216

+0000: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x7519C5AF
+0010: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+0020: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F608
+0030: 0x0028F614 0x036CDC0C 0x0028F614 0x0028F500
+0040: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x8009000F 0x00000000 0x0028F608
+0050: 0x0028F614 0x036A5E99 0xE06D7363 0x00000001
+0060: 0x00000003 0x0028F608 0x036C7770 0x0028F644
+0070: 0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
+0080: 0x00000003 0x19930520 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+0090: 0x0028F688 0x03651A4B 0x0028F628 0x036D8ECC
+00A0: 0x03C129A0 0x00000001 0x03650F3D 0x036C7770
+00B0: 0x03C129A0 0x0028F688 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00D0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000054 0x01BAF7D8
+00F0: 0x01B40000 0x01BB0498 0x0028F960 0x036C1F68
+0100: 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0028F920 0x03651315 0x0028FA4C
+0110: 0x00000054 0x00000004 0x003F2F30 0x003F0000
+0120: 0x003F2FE0 0x77573466 0x7744093E 0x01BAF4A0
+0130: 0x00000000 0x00000012 0x0028F7A8 0x00000004
+0140: 0x003F0000 0x003F2F30 0x0028F7A8 0x77573437
+0150: 0x77573466 0x774409EA 0x00000001 0x003F01A4
+0160: 0x003F0000 0x003F0150 0x01BAF7D8 0x7756E464
+0170: 0x7744093A 0x003F2F38 0x01B401AC 0x01B40000
+0180: 0x00390027 0x00000001 0x003F0150 0x02000002
+0190: 0x003F0C10 0x04000400 0x00340028 0x00000001
+01A0: 0xFFFF0000 0x7756E464 0x774409F2 0x003F126C
+01B0: 0x01B401AC 0x01B40000 0x003E0026 0x00000001
+01C0: 0x00000000 0x01BB2530 0x01B47EC0 0x01B47FE0
+01D0: 0x00390027 0x00000001 0xB20000B2 0x0028F6F4
+01E0: 0x00000001 0x0028F888 0x01B481D0 0x003A2DDA
+01F0: 0x00000020 0x7756E464 0x00000000 0x01BB2530
+0200: 0x01B47EC0 0x01B47FE0 0x01B8C620 0x01B48388
+0210: 0x0028FA4C 0x0364F069 0x0028FA5B 0x766A5DB6
+0220: 0x0028F9D4 0x003A2DDA 0xFFFFFFFE 0x7756E464
+0230: 0x7756E1C2 0x003F126C 0x003F1260 0x00000000
+0240: 0x00000000 0x00000018 0x003F2F10 0x0028F8AC
+0250: 0x77573437 0x77573466 0x00000002 0x00000000
+0260: 0x003F2F38 0x01B8C5F8 0x003F2F38 0x00000000
+0270: 0x01B8C5F8 0x0028F838 0x7757404D 0x776420D8

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0




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December 6, 2020 / 2:46 PM
/ CBS News

Is your PlayStation 5 constantly crashing, leaving you unable to play any of the new games you recently purchased? You’re not alone. 

At issue is a little known error code: CE-108255-1. And while it’s unclear how many machines it has affected, complaints have been cropping up on social media since the release of the PS5 on November 12.

The issue goes like this: While playing a game, its app will crash within minutes and display the message, «CE-108255-1. Something went wrong with this game or app. Reporting this error to Sony Interactive Entertainment helps improve PS5 hardware, software, and services. This report might include personal information.» I received the message more than 100 times, turning my PS5 into $500 home decor.

PlayStation 5

A screen capture of my error history.


I spoke with seven people who experienced the same error code. Four said Sony refused to take action and told them to wait for a software update addressing the error code. Two were able to secure replacements, and one stopped experiencing the issue after a system update on November 25. Sony said the patch improved «system performance,» and issues with charging controllers and disc versions of games, but didn’t specify if it addressed the issue of games crashing. 

Sony didn’t respond to questions about the error or how many units have been sent in for replacement. The company acknowledged the error on its support page, but none of the suggested steps to «see if the issue can be fixed» worked. The major retailers where customers rushed online to purchase the PS5 — Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon and Gamestop — didn’t respond to questions about how many consoles have been returned. Target declined to share its numbers.

I called Sony’s customer support line three separate times but we were unable to find a solution. At first, I was told to wait for a patch, but after realizing my console was crashing while playing a PS4 game, an agent started the replacement process on November 30. Sony sent me a shipping box and I dropped off the console at FedEx. It could take between 10 to 15 days for Sony to investigate. 

Andrew, a 31-year-old from Long Island, New York, said his experience with Sony has been «absolutely frustrating.» He said he received the same error code as others, and at one point, his entire console turned off when a game crashed. He shipped his PS5 back to Sony and is waiting to hear back as they investigate. «Phone support was very nice and understanding, but it took multiple chat sessions and phone calls before they took it back,» he said. «Hoping the rest of the process is smooth.»

Shahiq Saeed, a 17-year-old from Pakistan, said he purchased his PS5 at a local retailer, which he described as a «mom-and-pop shop.» But when he fired up the system, the error code prevented him from playing his new games. The same day, he returned to the store and exchanged his console for a new one. He hasn’t had an issue since. 

«I was quite frustrated and disappointed by the whole thing as I had just spent so much money on a new system. I was very excited to try out all the games and the whole experience. Luckily, I was able to get it exchanged and am relieved it is working now,» said Saeed.

Some haven’t been so lucky. Stuart, a 28-year-old from London, said Sony hasn’t given him the option of exchanging his console for a new one. «I’m pretty annoyed at how silent they’ve been about it, no public statement about an issue that seems to be affecting a huge number of people,» he said. «I’ve heard some people have been able to return their unit in the U.K., but no luck for me so far.»

Alex Waldruff, of Sycamore, Ohio, said he gave up entirely and returned his system to Best Buy for a refund. The 34-year-old said Sony’s troubleshooting tips on its site didn’t resolve the problem and he was never able to reach a support technician over the phone. «It was frustrating,» Waldruff said. «I’ll most likely buy another one once they’re more established as being reliable. I don’t want to buy another one and go through the same thing.»

The error code even inspired its own Twitter account. Nick Hall, a 19-year-old from Orlando, started the @CE1082551 account after experiencing the error code. The issue prevents him from playing any of the six games he purchased from Target for over $300, with all crashing within minutes. He hasn’t had any luck troubleshooting the device, he said, and support agents haven’t given him the option to get a replacement. 

«I made the account because I found myself searching the error code on Twitter, Reddit, and Google, over and over again, waiting to see if there was any news or fixes, and I wanted there to be something that would pop up on Twitter other than a bunch of peoples tweets asking for help,» Hall said. «I’ve been posting if there’s a system update and if it helped my problem or not so both the people searching and Sony know.»

«I’m hoping I can convince the next support representative I speak with to fulfill the year-long warranty that comes with the console, but as I and many others have found out, they make it really, really hard to actually use it.»

However, Serkan Toto, founder of video game industry consultancy Kantan Games, said the issues are relatively normal and «priced in» by early consumers. Toto pointed to past problems Sony had when rolling out new systems. In 2014, gamers reported errors with the PlayStation 4, which Sony said affected only 0.4% of consoles. 

«I would say that the PS5 errors are, in this big picture, relatively mild,» Toto told CBS News in an email. 

Joost van Dreunen, the founder of New Breukelen, a video game investment firm, agreed. «It is common for the first shipment of devices to stumble upon unexpected errors. All manner of consumer electronics — smartphones, laptops, and consoles — have a low percentage of errors early on in their release,» said Joost van Dreunen. «Contemporary consoles have a lot of complexity under the hood and, unfortunately, problems only present themselves when the first few million units hit the market.»

Van Dreunen experienced this first hand after purchasing the first MacBook Air in 2008, which Apple quickly replaced. He had the experience after getting the Xbox Series X this year. He said the system failed him in less than 24 hours, but Microsoft quickly replaced it. 

«It is a real bummer, of course, to have your new device break so soon. It also presents an opportunity for device manufacturers to show how much they appreciate their early adopters and quickly resolve the issue,» he added. «Perhaps more so than during previous releases, it is key that manufacturers respond swiftly and adequately. A negative experience can increase demand uncertainty and throw a monkey wrench in an otherwise carefully planned release campaign.»

A Sony customer service representative said the company is working with the developers of several popular PS5 games — «NBA 2K21,» «Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales,» «Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War» and «Demon’s Souls» — to release a patch to fix the issue. The rep said the issue is affecting users who purchased both versions of the PS5, the standard edition and the digital-only version.


  • PlayStation 5

Justin Bey

Justin is an assistant managing editor at CBS News. Reach him at:



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Is there any PS5 error code that gamers hate more than error CE-108255-1? We don’t think so. This nasty error has been bugging players since the day Sony launched its PS5 console.

What is error CE-108255-1?

PS5 error CE-108255-1 indicates your game has crashed and the console needs to force close it. This error could be triggered by corrupted game files, game update files that did not install properly, software conflict or hardware failure.

Initially, when this error first appeared, Sony’s support agents confirmed this was a hardware issue stemming from a software bug. More specifically, the software failed to properly communicate data to the hardware. Simply put, the hardware got confused, didn’t know what to do and crashed the game. And that’s how this error initially came about.

The error message reads as follows: CE-108255-1. Something went wrong with this game or app. Reporting this error to Sony Interactive Entertainment helps improve PS5 hardware, software, and services. This report might include personal information.

Update your console and games

Many of the gamers that contacted Sony about this problem were kindly asked to wait for a hotfix. There have been countless reports about this annoying error code, so this means Sony is aware of the problem and working on a fix.

In other words, make sure your console is always up-to-date. Go to Sony’s official website and check for updates. Install the latest system software updates and check if error CE-108255-1 still crashes your games.

Don’t forget to update your games as well. Install the latest updates and patches and check if this method reduced the frequency of the error.

Load the game while offline

This workaround did the trick for many Redditors, so maybe it works for you as well.

  1. Disconnect your PS5 console from the Internet. Navigate to your home screen and navigate to System settings. Then select Internet settings, and turn your Internet off.
  2. Load the game that triggered error CE-108255-1. Wait until the game has loaded to its menu screen. Stay offline, don’t connect your console to the Internet.
  3. Enable the Internet connection back on. You can now press the PS button on your controller and go to System settings to enable the connection. Check if you can play the game without any problems.

Download Language Data

A number of users fixed this problem by downloading the Language Data package.

  1. Go to the PS5 home screen and select Options on your game.
  2. Then go to Manage Game Content. Download and install the Language Data.
  3. Make sure your PS5 System language corresponds to the specific Language Data you just downloaded. For example, if you download English US, set the system language to English US as well.

It seems this method works when gamers install the Language Pack on top of the game. Don’t try to adapt the PS5 system language to your game’s language settings.

Reinstall the game

If this error occurs after launching a game, Sony says your should delete the problematic game from your system.

  1. Navigate to the Home menu, and select the game you want to delete.
  2. If the game is not visible on the screen, go to your Game Library and select Installed.
  3. Then press the Options button, and select Delete.
  4. Go to Settings and select Saved Data and Game/App Settings.
  5. Select Saved Data (PS5) and then Console Storage.
  6. Hit Delete. This will also delete your PS5 saved game data.

⇒Note: If you use a game disc, ensure the disc is clean. Take a soft cotton cloth and remove any smudges and specs of dust.

Rebuild your database

Additionally, you can boot up your console in Safe Mode and rebuild the database.

  1. Press and hold your PS5’s power button for 3 or 4seconds.
  2. After the console shut off completely, press the power button again until you hear a second beep. You can then release the button.
  3. Then connect your controller to the console using a USB cable.
  4. Press the PS button to enable the connection.
  5. Then go to the list of options and select 5. Rebuild Database.

For more information, visit Sony’s Support Page Safe Mode on PlayStation5 and PlayStation4. Learn how and when to access Safe Mode.

Reset your PS5

But before you do that, backup your data in advance. As we explained in this guide, most likely, you’ll need a PlayStation Cloud Storage subscription.

You can do that by going to Settings > System > System Software > Reset PS5. Follow the on-screen instruction and when the process is complete, install the problematic game again.

Additional Solutions

Here are some additional tips and tricks and worked for some users. Maybe you’re lucky and these workarounds do the trick for you as well.

  • Play on a different PSN account.
  • Create a new user profile.
  • Switch to a non HDMI2.1 cable and port, keep the console horizontal and use Wi-Fi instead of an Ethernet connection.
  • Change 4K video transfer rate to either -1 or -2. Check the results.
  • Switch to ‘Performance Mode’ instead of fidelity mode.
  • Disable HDR in your system settings.
  • Disconnect your external HDD if you’re using one.
  • Temporarily mute all the sound effects in your game.

As you can see, sometimes you may need to compromise a lot game quality-wise to get rid of this error.

Contact PlayStation Support

If the above methods do not work, contact PlayStation Support for further assistance. They may need to replace your console. So, be prepared to ship your PS5 back to Sony.

Did you manage to fix error CE-108255-1? We’re really curious to learn what method worked for you. Let us know in the comments below.


  • CE-108255-1, PlayStation Support.
  • CE-108255-1 Black Ops SOLUTION for Bilingual people.
  • Error Code CE-108255-1 – Potential fix MEGA LIST.

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7 июня 2017

ошибка Please send us this error report to help fix the problem and improve this softwart помогите что делать


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