Resident evil 5 как изменить угол обзора

Resident evil 5 как отдалить камеру

Обновлено: 09.02.2023

Наверно некоторым это покажется легкий вопрос, но мне нет. Когда я играю в Resident Evil 5. Мне камера не нравится. Слишком она близко к игроку. Практически не чего не видно. Помагите. Как отдалить прицел на нормальное расстояние. А ?

Ни как, это игра от 2-го лица, тоесть с плеча и ни чего ты тут не поделаешь.

там в настройках есть клавиши центрировать камеру нажми её

Ни как, это игра от 2-го лица, тоесть с плеча и ни чего ты тут не поделаешь..

Resident evil 5 как отдалить камеру

19 окт. 2015 в 19:00

Hello to everybody. Someone knows about a working FOV or Camera Distance Mod to use with this Steam version of the game? I’m looking very deep on the web, searching on torrent sites, blogs, forums etc. The Swap trainer don’t works with Steam version. I’ll keep looking for, but if someone else can do this to, please, be invited to join here at this search. Any link or light, post here. Thanks.

Olá pessoal. Alguém aqui sabe alguma coisa sobre onde encontrar um FOV ou Câmera Distante Fixa MOD para usar na versão do Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition e normal da Steam games? Eu estou procurando muito na internet, em sites de torrents, blogs e fóruns. Sei do Swap Trainer feito com Cheat Table Engine, mas ele não funciona com a versão atual da Steam. Vou continuar procurando, mas caso alguém possa fazer isso também, por favor, una-se à causa. Qualquer link ou luz, poste aqui. Obrigado.

19 окт. 2015 в 19:04
Looks funny, but I already find fov mod to Biohazard 4 Ultimate HD, Biohazard 6, Biohazard Revelations and Biohazard Revelations 2 (all steam latest upated versions).
19 окт. 2015 в 23:08

It says it may crash during cutscenes.

Also, you found one for Revelations 2? Could you please post a link.

I have major issues with low fov and have been searching the same as you with no luck for revelations 2. (Also, very interested if the link works for part 5 before I go for the humble bundle.)

Thanks and hope it works.

EDIT: I also read that «I forgot that the FOV mod doesn’t work for Chris until 1-2» for RE5.

20 окт. 2015 в 8:48

Yes, I alread tryed this one. But thanks anyway Blueprint. So, here is the links and instructions for Biohazard Revelations 2 Camera Mod:

3) Run the rerev2.CT file with Cheat Engine, run the game, return to Cheat Engine and mark these box options: Enable > Scripts > Misc > Camera Mod 3 and there I suggest you to put the axis values like this: X = 2, Y = 1 and Z = 2; mark Aim Camera Mod and put values like X = 2, Y = 1 and Z = 4. After you made your changes, you can close the Cheat Engine (optional), there is no need to keep it running. There is.

No crash game and you can play all episodes (raid mode to) until quit the game. You will have a distance camera very similar as the Tomb Raider 2013. You can adjust the X, Y, Z values as you prefer. For example, if you put values like 100 or more, you can see all the map and your player to smile like a little dot. Hahaha. Hope helped. Enjoy!

Как изменить угол обзора

resident evil 5 как изменить угол обзора.
зделать чтоб чел был не слева не справа а по середине??

Только встает вопрос — зачем? Шева — левша, Крис — правша, все сходится.

Угол обзора в играх это часть игры, так и должно быть. Совершенно такой же угол обзора, например, в Gears of War 3.

кто нибудь решил проблему, чтобы Шева была с правого плеча ?

Да я вообще не могу понять почему изначально не были добавленные эти две функции убирающие эти вопросы смена угла обзора и смена поля зрения а то персонаж на пол экрана очень не удобно играть!


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в папку Resident Evil 5nativePCImageArchive, перезаписав оригинальные файлы.

It works for Chris only.
If you play as Sheva, there won’t be any change

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Triicell Avatar

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Post by Triicell on Jan 16, 2016 2:37:25 GMT 10

Excellent stuff. A mod that changes the default field of view was long overdue; good to see this has been catered for. Good work once again.

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Post by Misagi on Jan 19, 2016 22:41:14 GMT 10

AdayDr1en Avatar

Can I ask what the change is ? The other mod I was using increased view angle degrees from default to 95, I believe.

It increases view angle with every characters from default 42 to 75.    

Also the FoV pack can be used as mod starter.

Thanks, I appreciate it !

Last Edit: May 30, 2020 4:03:26 GMT 10 by Misagi

Post by devina on Jan 20, 2016 8:45:50 GMT 10

As much as I want to love this mod, I just can’t because the aiming is angled weird. :(

Do you know if it’s possible to fix the aiming so it resembles the original more, or ONLY change the FOV for when the character is not aiming?

Pvimto Avatar

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Post by Pvimto on Jan 20, 2016 8:50:37 GMT 10

devina Avatar

As much as I want to love this mod, I just can’t because the aiming is angled weird. :(

Do you know if it’s possible to fix the aiming so it resembles the original more, or ONLY change the FOV for when the character is not aiming?


Enjoy life

Post by AdayDr1en on Jan 20, 2016 8:57:00 GMT 10

devina Avatar

As much as I want to love this mod, I just can’t because the aiming is angled weird. :(

Do you know if it’s possible to fix the aiming so it resembles the original more, or ONLY change the FOV for when the character is not aiming?

A side effect of the camera change.

Last Edit: Jan 27, 2017 19:17:40 GMT 10 by AdayDr1en

Post by Misagi on Jan 20, 2016 8:57:15 GMT 10

devina Avatar

As much as I want to love this mod, I just can’t because the aiming is angled weird. :(

Do you know if it’s possible to fix the aiming so it resembles the original more, or ONLY change the FOV for when the character is not aiming?

Pvimto Avatar


I’m currently working on something else; but once it be done i’ll take a look to satisfy both of you.

Last Edit: May 30, 2020 4:04:43 GMT 10 by Misagi

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