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Здравствуйте! Помогите пожалуйста! Сайт был почти готов и решил установить Core Design Login Module вот отсюда:
http://design4free.org/modules/core-design-login-module-moduli-joomla.htmlВ итоге вижу надпись Restricted access везде, даже в админ-панель не могу войти. Версия Joomla 1.5.7.
Затем удалил этот плагин из папки plugins/system, сайт заработал, но когда пытаюсь войти в админ-панель пишет следующее:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass:nAuthenticate() in /home/users/c/cj-primary/domains/cj-primary.ru/libraries/joomla/user/authentication.php on line 121
Подскажите что сделать? Буду очень благодарен за помощь.
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Ты решил проблему? У меня тот же косяк. не знаю че делать
Dead Krolik
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И косяк возник в точности от таких же действий?
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Увы, я так и не смог исправить. Пришлось ставить всё заново.
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Если не ошибаюсь, то это расширение платное
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Была таже фигня, только я тогда установил компонент Datsogallery. Решение нашел. Оказалось они не совместимы, галерея на joomle 1.0, сайт я делал на 1.5.9. Включил в админке в «расширения» — «модуль плагинов» плагин «Система — Поддержка старых расширений (Legacy)». все заработало! есть небольшие косяки совместимости в работе этой галереи, но не значительные.
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Не знаю может поможет чем… но у меня была аналогичная проблема, я случайно поставил Index.php из своего templates в корневую директорию, после этого начала выдаваться эта ошибка. Нашёл старый Index.php поставил в корень и всё заработало…
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ошибка: «Restricted index access» это вы о ней же говорите?
поставил компонент Xmap и в файл index.php добавил код из google analistyc..
не знаю уж что стало причиной но сайт не робит, только пишет ошибку Restricted index access.
В админку заходит. Удалил и компонент и плагин — не помогло. Пробовал убирать гугловский скрипт — не помогает. Уже не знаю что делать!
Может кто подскажет как можно решить данную проблему? -
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А все нашел в форуме такой же случай! ) случайно вставил файл шаблона в главный раздел!
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- 08.11.2009
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Да тоже попался, сайт перестал работать
на главной засветилось
Restricted accessи также восстановив в корне файл index.php на исходный.
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Доброго времени суток, всем!
У меня Resrticted access вылезал, после установки и активации плагина SEO Bot Redirect. Нельзя было зайти на сайт и в админку. Вылечил, как советовали выше, удалением файлов плагина .xml .php из папки plugins/system
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У меня такое сообщение возникло при редактировании файла шаблона. Я пытался прописать в теле файла шаблона index.php флеш файл. Проблема в процессе решения. Судя по текущей ситуации, придется заниматься переустановкой.
Все. Прошу прощения, сам дурак. Случайно заменил основной index.php на данный файл шаблона.Последнее редактирование: 19.11.2010
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Работала в дримвьювере и случайно поменяла корневой Index.php на темплейтовский.Вот и зарестриктили.)
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Снес старый сайт и за выходные с восстановлением базы в целом поставил на новые лыжи — J 1.5.
Только при установке пришлось искать новые варианты старых решений. И вот. поставил я бот редиректа на WWW от старой Joomla 1.0 в режиме совместимости. И заполучил ДОСТУП ОГРАНИЧЕН.
Хорошо разрыва сердца не было, а нервяк то серьезный — никуда ведь не залезешь (в админку тоже). Через фтп удалил файлы бота в папке плагины. Сейчас только запись от него осталась, но это уже фиг с ней.
Уфффффф!!!! -
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Russian Joomla! Team
Команда форума
⇒ Профи ⇐- Регистрация:
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в админке переключи на другой шаблон
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другой шаблон? у меня только один шаблон, кажись (
я сейчас в процессе перезалива сайта. как закончу, попробую этот вариант -
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всё, я его поборол! причина была в не правильном расположении папок на хосте
Поделиться этой страницей
- The Joomla! Forum™
- Install error — Restricted access
- Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access
- Re: Install error — Restricted access-
- The Joomla! Forum™
- Restricted Access
- Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
- Re: Restricted Access
The Joomla! Forum™
Install error — Restricted access
Install error — Restricted access
Post by flynner » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:20 pm
I’m very new to this CMS stuff so forgive my ignorance.
Here’s my problem, when I tried to install joomla to my server I followed all the steps and it appeared to work, I deleted the installation folder, then I tried viewing the site at but I get this error
«Restricted accessRestricted accessRestricted accessRestricted accessRestricted access
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: database in /hsphere/local/home/stephenf/aquariussound.ie/includes/joomla.php on line 79″
I had the unwritable configuration.php issue but just copied it up manually. Also ixhosting is my host if that makes any difference.
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by pe7er » Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:33 pm
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by barastanda » Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:56 pm
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by flynner » Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:23 pm
Can I do that myself or do I need to ask my hosting company to do it?
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by pe7er » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:54 am
You can do that in FTP software (e.g. FileZilla).
Or ask your host.
Another thing you could check: Could you check if all necessary Joomla files are on the server?
Joomla Diagnostics is a helpful tool to check if all Joomla files have been uploaded correctly
http://extensions.joomla.org/component/ . Itemid,35/
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by flynner » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:07 am
Thanks for your help Peter,
It’s working now. I deleted the installation and started from scratch. This time I got my hosting company to fix all the permission before I went through the install steps.
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by pe7er » Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:56 am
PS: Could you please mark your first message in this thread as «solved» ?
(Modify the first message and choose the Message Icon [solved] ).
This way the list of messages shows that the question has been solved, and other users can benefit from it.
Re: Install error — Restricted access
Post by thanjeys » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:26 am
I am new bie to Joomla . I just transferred joomla1.0 in my own server!! I got error message..
— Restricted accessRestricted accessRestricted accessRestricted accessRestricted access
can u explain!! what r the file shud i change permission !!
But now changed permission in some folder
even i got same error messgae .
Re: Install error — Restricted access-
Post by eratl » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:47 pm
I was following some instructions to diagnose problems accessing some areas of my site using the diagnotics tool. Here’s the information I tried to follow:
By default, Joomla will emulate register_globals = on, to not brake backwards compatibility with older components, modules or plugins. This will cause the same security issues as using normal register_globals on. You can turn this off however.
Open globals.php located in the root of your joomla installation. Search for:
define( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 );
and change it to:
define( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 0 );
That should keep you a bit safer against attacks.
The problem: After changing the global.php from ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 ); to ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 0 );, I now get this error when trying to access my login:
I changed it back to ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 ); but still cannot get into my control panel. When I go to mysite/administrator/index2.php, I get the login page and can imput my login and password. That’s when I get the Restricted Access message. To my knowledge, the globals.php file is the only one I changed. I’ve even copied what I believe was the original globals.php file back to the root directory but continue to get the Restricted Access. Any Idea what I could have done wrong?
Here’s my actual gobals.php file content that’s on the server:
$value) <
$intval = intval( $key );
// PHP GLOBALS injection bug
$failed = in_array( strtolower( $key ), $banned );
// PHP Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index bug
$failed |= is_numeric( $key );
if ($failed) <
die( ‘Illegal variable ‘ . implode( ‘ or ‘, $banned ) . ‘ passed to script.’ );
if ($globalise) <
$GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
* Emulates register globals = off
function unregisterGlobals () <
checkInputArray( $_FILES );
checkInputArray( $_ENV );
checkInputArray( $_GET );
checkInputArray( $_POST );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) <
checkInputArray( $_SESSION );
$GET = $_GET;
if (isset ( $_SESSION )) <
$ENV = $_ENV;
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) <
if ( $key != ‘GLOBALS’ ) <
unset ( $GLOBALS [ $key ] );
$_GET = $GET;
if (isset ( $SESSION )) <
$_ENV = $ENV;
* Emulates register globals = on
function registerGlobals() <
checkInputArray( $_FILES, true );
checkInputArray( $_ENV, true );
checkInputArray( $_GET, true );
checkInputArray( $_POST, true );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE, true );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER, true );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) <
checkInputArray( $_SESSION, true );
foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) <
$GLOBALS[$key] = $_FILES[$key][‘tmp_name’];
foreach ($value as $ext => $value2) <
$key2 = $key . ‘_’ . $ext;
$GLOBALS[$key2] = $value2;
if (RG_EMULATION == 0) <
// force register_globals = off
> else if (ini_get(‘register_globals’) == 0) <
// php.ini has register_globals = off and emulate = on
> else <
// php.ini has register_globals = on and emulate = on
// just check for spoofing
checkInputArray( $_FILES );
checkInputArray( $_ENV );
checkInputArray( $_GET );
checkInputArray( $_POST );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) <
checkInputArray( $_SESSION );
The Joomla! Forum™
Restricted Access
Restricted Access
Post by dtkbigdawg » Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:48 pm
Hello, logged in as ADMIN, I get the «Restricted Access» page on the following menu items:
User Manager
Media Manager
Menu Manager
User Menu
Top Menu
Other Menu
Example Pages
Key Concepts
I have a basic, brand new installation, have added nothing more than what came with the 1.5 installation. I have enabled FTP access and logon creds in the Global Settings.
Thanks, any help is appreciated.
Re: Restricted Access
Post by dgbrad » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:55 pm
Re: Restricted Access
Post by dtkbigdawg » Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:11 am
Re: Restricted Access
Post by infograf768 » Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:51 am
Re: Restricted Access
Post by dtkbigdawg » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:58 pm
Re: Restricted Access
Post by DrFox » Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:35 am
I am experiencing the same situation from a fresh install.
After enabling System Legacy, I tried the «user manager» again and got the following error message:
DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column ‘aro.aro_id’ in ‘on clause’ SQL=SELECT a.*, g.name AS groupname FROM jos_users AS a INNER JOIN jos_core_acl_aro AS aro ON aro.value = a.id INNER JOIN jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map AS gm ON gm.aro_id = aro.aro_id INNER JOIN jos_core_acl_aro_groups AS g ON g.group_id = gm.group_id GROUP BY a.id LIMIT 0, 20
That is too complex for me, no clue at all.
Does any one know what to do?
Re: Restricted Access
Post by lwheelr » Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:03 pm
So is there a solution to this problem?
I’ve reinstalled three times now, on the same web host that I have four other J1.5 installs successfully running on, but this one is buggy. Restricted Access in the User Manager (have not tried anything else, we need to get a second user account set up).
Anyone know what causes it, or what to try?
Mom to Eight
Firelight Web Studio
Re: Restricted Access
Post by nickname » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:56 am
Re: Restricted Access
Post by Hackwar » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:36 pm
god doesn’t play dice with the universe. not after that drunken night with the devil where he lost classical mechanics in a game of craps.
Since the creation of the Internet, the Earth’s rotation has been fueled, primarily, by the collective spinning of English teachers in their graves.
Re: Restricted Access
Post by cybersalt » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:34 pm
For what it is worth, I had the same problem on a fresh 1.5.2 install into a folder that used to have a 1.0 install.
I had deleted all the old files, but there was still an oddball .htaccess.out file hanging around. Once I deleted that file the restricted error message was no longer generated and all went as normal.
Re: Restricted Access
Post by lwheelr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:51 am
Still don’t have a clue what caused it to do that, but installed 1.5.2, and it is happy and obedient now!
Mom to Eight
Firelight Web Studio
Re: Restricted Access
Post by infograf768 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:19 am
Re: Restricted Access
Post by lwheelr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:01 pm
Whatever did it, it did not seem to have that problem with 1.5.2.
The only difference I could see in the installs were that the ones that worked with 1.5.1 had PHP4.x, and MySQL 4.x, while the one that had persistent problems was in PHP5.x and MySQL5.x (not the buggy version — checked that!). Just including that info for the sake of completeness.
Other than that, I guess it can be considered solved.
Mom to Eight
Firelight Web Studio
Re: Restricted Access
Post by jwesseldyke » Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:57 pm
I’m still having this issue with 1.5.2.
As far as I can see I don’t get the error anywhere else, but User Manager is giving this error. Enabling Legacy gave me a different error, the same one mentioned earlier in this thread.
I had the most recent 1.0.whatever version installed and that worked. I tried the migration and got a zillion errors with that, so I deleted all the old files, the ones that I could, anyway — some of them errored with «You don’t have access to delete this file». (what’s up with that by the way?) . some files in the Admin folder and template folder.
Anyway, I installed the new version, installed on a new DB with a new DB user, etc.
Everything works except this one manager.
Re: Restricted Access
Post by lwheelr » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:05 pm
This can be caused by a truncated or missing file — I don’t think that was the case with our install, given the number of installs we did. But that is the first place to look.
To reduce that potential, upload the tar.gz or zip file intact, and decompress on the server instead of uploading files separately. If you have hosting with Cpanel, you can decompress a file from the File Manager.
Mom to Eight
Firelight Web Studio
Re: Restricted Access
Post by jwesseldyke » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:23 pm
Thanks for the suggestion. I’m curious though, will that cause me to lose the small amount of content I’ve reentered?
Even the original 1.0.15 version didn’t have too much content but I did lose it all. Just curious if this is something I should hammer out before I get too far with recreating the wheel again.
The alternative, I spose is to not add any other users. We turned off new registrations and only have 3 people total adding content. We could share one, but will this one error cause any other problems down the road somewhere else?
Re: Restricted Access
Post by lwheelr » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:43 pm
Here is how you can keep from losing data:
1. Upload the packed Joomla file.
2. Unpack it on the server — when it does this, it will overwrite the files that are identical, but will NOT remove any other files — so if you are using either Rhuk Milkyway template or Beez template, you’ll lose those changes, but if you are using a third party template, you’ll not lose any changes. You won’t lose images you have uploaded either.
3. Do NOT run the installer. Just delete the Installation folder instead. Your config file won’t be touched, and you will still be able to access the database as you set it up, so you won’t lose content.
4. Access the site admin and see if the problem is repaired. If not, then it is something else.
If the problem is originating with the database, this won’t help. But if it is due to a corrupted or missing file, this should fix it, and won’t harm your existing install.
Mom to Eight
Firelight Web Studio
I was following some instructions to diagnose problems accessing some areas of my site using the diagnotics tool. Here’s the information I tried to follow:
By default, Joomla will emulate register_globals = on, to not brake backwards compatibility with older components, modules or plugins. This will cause the same security issues as using normal register_globals on. You can turn this off however.
Open globals.php located in the root of your joomla installation. Search for:
define( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 );
and change it to:
define( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 0 );
That should keep you a bit safer against attacks.
The problem: After changing the global.php from ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 ); to ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 0 );, I now get this error when trying to access my login:
Restricted Access
I changed it back to ( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 1 ); but still cannot get into my control panel. When I go to mysite/administrator/index2.php, I get the login page and can imput my login and password. That’s when I get the Restricted Access message. To my knowledge, the globals.php file is the only one I changed. I’ve even copied what I believe was the original globals.php file back to the root directory but continue to get the Restricted Access. Any Idea what I could have done wrong?
Here’s my actual gobals.php file content that’s on the server:
* @version $Id: globals.php 4675 2006-08-23 16:55:24Z stingrey $
* @package Joomla
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* Joomla! is free software and parts of it may contain or be derived from the
* GNU General Public License or other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
// no direct access
defined( ‘_VALID_MOS’ ) or die( ‘Restricted access’ );
* Use 1 to emulate register_globals = on
* Use 0 to emulate regsiter_globals = off
define( ‘RG_EMULATION’, 0 );
* Adds an array to the GLOBALS array and checks that the GLOBALS variable is
* not being attacked
* @param array
* @param boolean True if the array is to be added to the GLOBALS
function checkInputArray( &$array, $globalise=false ) {
static $banned = array( ‘_files’, ‘_env’, ‘_get’, ‘_post’, ‘_cookie’, ‘_server’, ‘_session’, ‘globals’ );
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$intval = intval( $key );
// PHP GLOBALS injection bug
$failed = in_array( strtolower( $key ), $banned );
// PHP Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index bug
$failed |= is_numeric( $key );
if ($failed) {
die( ‘Illegal variable <b>’ . implode( ‘</b> or <b>’, $banned ) . ‘</b> passed to script.’ );
if ($globalise) {
$GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
* Emulates register globals = off
function unregisterGlobals () {
checkInputArray( $_FILES );
checkInputArray( $_ENV );
checkInputArray( $_GET );
checkInputArray( $_POST );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) {
checkInputArray( $_SESSION );
$GET = $_GET;
if (isset ( $_SESSION )) {
$ENV = $_ENV;
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
if ( $key != ‘GLOBALS’ ) {
unset ( $GLOBALS [ $key ] );
$_GET = $GET;
if (isset ( $SESSION )) {
$_ENV = $ENV;
* Emulates register globals = on
function registerGlobals() {
checkInputArray( $_FILES, true );
checkInputArray( $_ENV, true );
checkInputArray( $_GET, true );
checkInputArray( $_POST, true );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE, true );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER, true );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) {
checkInputArray( $_SESSION, true );
foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value){
$GLOBALS[$key] = $_FILES[$key][‘tmp_name’];
foreach ($value as $ext => $value2){
$key2 = $key . ‘_’ . $ext;
$GLOBALS[$key2] = $value2;
if (RG_EMULATION == 0) {
// force register_globals = off
} else if (ini_get(‘register_globals’) == 0) {
// php.ini has register_globals = off and emulate = on
} else {
// php.ini has register_globals = on and emulate = on
// just check for spoofing
checkInputArray( $_FILES );
checkInputArray( $_ENV );
checkInputArray( $_GET );
checkInputArray( $_POST );
checkInputArray( $_COOKIE );
checkInputArray( $_SERVER );
if (isset( $_SESSION )) {
checkInputArray( $_SESSION );