Result is not used possible operator timeout will be missed как исправить

Hey, I just fixed all my compilation errors on the MSI Z77A-G43 (BIOS v2.4) and I thought I could share my edits here if anybody else runs into the same troubles. So this is a small guide on how to get your DSDT compiled without any errors or warnings and apply some additional patches to get a...

Hey, I just fixed all my compilation errors on the MSI Z77A-G43 (BIOS v2.4) and I thought I could share my edits here if anybody else runs into the same troubles. So this is a small guide on how to get your DSDT compiled without any errors or warnings and apply some additional patches to get a nice, clean and more «Apple like» DSDT to start with.

What I’m going to explain:

— Extract your DSDT
— Fix compilation errors
— Name your devices more «Apple like»
— Add DGTP method

What you need:

— A DSDT Editor (I recommend DSDT Editor)

Note that this whole procedure could also be done a little easier with DSDT auto patching for some fixes but doing it manually you learn a lot more and get used to patching DSDT by yourself.

So let’s get started:

1. Patch your BIOS to latest version (v2.4)

This is very important because in the worst case scenario you could damage your motherboard. This guide is for BIOS v2.4, so you have to get exactly that same version. It could probably work for earlier or later versions, but your are on your own doing this.

2. Extract your DSDT

This is simple: Open up DSDT editor and choose «File > Extract DSDT«.

3. Fix compilation errors

In DSDT Editor choose «IASL > Compile«, a window should pop up showing a bunch of errors and warnings:

You can see that it tells you we have errors, warnings and remarks. There should be only 1 error and we can fix it right away with DSDT Editor. Simply click on «Fix errors» and it now should say «0 Errors».

But we still have left a lot of warnings and remarks that have to be fixed, so let’s move on. We will go through this step by step. You have to double click on each error message and it takes you to the location where the error occured.

2226 Warning ResourceTag larger than Field (Tag: 64 bits, Field: 32 bits)



CreateDWordField (BUF0, _SB.PCI0._Y0F._LEN, MSLN)



CreateQWordField (BUF0, _SB.PCI0._Y0F._LEN, MSLN)

3318 Warning Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed



8787 Warning Not all control paths return a value (_DSM)
8787 Warning Reserved method must return a value (Integer/String/Buffer/Package/Reference required for _DSM)


to the end of Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized), so that it looks like this:


Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
    Name (DRET, Buffer (0x04)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                /* 0000 */   0xE1, 0x75, 0x39, 0x6F, 0x82, 0x7A, 0x67, 0x4F,
                /* 0008 */   0x8B, 0x97, 0x15, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBE, 0xDF
        If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
            CreateWordField (DRET, Zero, F0SS)
            Store (0x02, F0SS)
            Return (DRET)
        If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
            If (LEqual (^^PEG0.PEGP.LNKV, 0x03))
                Return (Zero)
            Return (One)
    Return (Zero)

10113 Warning Not all control paths return a value (_HID)
10113 Warning Reserved method must return a value (Integer/String required for _HID)



Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (TCMF) {}
        Return (0x310CD041)



Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
    If (TCMF)
        Return (Zero)
        Return (0x310CD041)

Lastly we should have a lot of:
5626 Remark Use of compiler reserved name (_T_0)
10350 Remark Use of compiler reserved name (_T_1)

To fix this hit Command + F (to open up search and replace) and enter the following:

Then click on «Replace All» and close search window.

Now everything should be fixed. Click on «IASL > Compile» and it should compile without any errors, warnings or remarks.

4. Rename your devices

Next up is renaming some devices to get closer to Apple’s naming scheme. There might be some more you could rename, but those are the ones I know of and found inside the DSDT.

You need to open up search and replace (Command + F) again for each of this edits and be sure to always click on «Replace All«:

Find: GFX0 Replace: IGPU
Find: COPR Replace: MATH

5. Add DGTP method

Lastly we are going to prepare our DSDT for future patching by adding the DGTP method, which is needed if you want to patch HDEF or other things. Simply put this directly at the end of the file before the last «}» and after WAK method.


Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                /* 0000 */    0xC6, 0xB7, 0xB5, 0xA0, 0x18, 0x13, 0x1C, 0x44, 
                /* 0008 */    0xB0, 0xC9, 0xFE, 0x69, 0x5E, 0xAF, 0x94, 0x9B
        If (LEqual (Arg1, One))
            If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                Store (Buffer (One)
                    }, Arg4)
                Return (One)
            If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                Return (One)
    Store (Buffer (One)
        }, Arg4)
    Return (Zero)

6. Compile and save DSDT.aml

Click on «IASL > Compile» again to compile your DSDT with latest changes and finally save by clicking on «IASL > Save AML as…«

I get my DSDT with the latest ACPI IASL tools from here and added DTGP method and some fixes needed but cannot compile it to aml file. My MB is GA-Z77M-D3H-MVP with the latest BIOS available. The errors and warnings shows below. Really need some help to get it done. Any useful help will be appreciated.

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ASL Optimizing Compiler version 20130517-32 [May 17 2013]
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 Intel Corporation
C:/Users/Cha0n/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 2318:					 CreateDWordField (B
Warning 3128 -														 Resource
Tag larger than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 64 bits, Field: 32 bits)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 3501:						 Acquire (MUT0,
Warning 3130 -	 Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be mis
sed ^
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 7787:	 Method (UXDV, 1, NotSerialized)
Remark 2120 -									 ^ Control Method should b
e made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 7849:	 Method (RRIO, 4, NotSerialized)
Remark 2120 -									 ^ Control Method should b
e made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 8145:				 Store (Package (0x08)
Remark 2063 -	 Initializer list shorter than declared package length ^
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 8201:			 Method (_DOD, 0, NotSeriali
Remark 2120 -	 Control Method should be made Serialized ^ (due to creati
on of named objects within)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 11076:		 Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
Warning 3115 -	 Not all control paths return a value ^ (_HID)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 11076:		 Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
Warning 3107 -	 Reserved method must return a value ^ (Integer/String re
quired for _HID)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 11134:		 Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
Remark 2120 - Control Method should be made Serialized ^ (due to creation o
f named objects within)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 11376:		 Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
Remark 2120 - Control Method should be made Serialized ^ (due to creation o
f named objects within)
C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl 11663:		 Name (_HID, "ABCDEFGH")
Error 6035 -				 _HID suffix must be all hex digits ^ (GH)
ASL Input:	 C:/Users/Chan/Desktop/dsdt_A.dsl - 11782 lines, 354718 bytes, 439
4 keywords
Compilation complete. 1 Errors, 4 Warnings, 6 Remarks, 112 Optimizations

And I also want to know how to get the AR8186 ethernet built in to get TM to function. This is a small task though.


  1. Помогите починить dsdt
  2. Syntax error unexpected parseop zero
  4. Laptop-DSDT-Patch / syntax / fix_PARSEOP_ZERO.txt
  5. Users who have contributed to this file
  6. mipnope

Помогите починить dsdt

Помогите собрать dsdt без ошибок. Сам уже замучился разбираться в этом asl, жутко странный язык, на русском ничего по нему не нашел, а по-английски не готов читать. Ошибки какие-то не типичные. Также не понятно, как asus собрал dsdt интеловским компилятором 2012 года, если у меня он выдает 5 ошибок (может декомпилируется с ошибками?).

здесь уже было достаточно тем по DSDT, используй поиск

Не особо они помогают. Вы не в курсе ssdt тоже нужно править для исправления проблем (пытаюсь решить проблемы с гибернацией и предупреждениями в dmesg)?

Я вкурсе что всем лень возвращаться к этой теме. См. изъяснения init6.

Сначала из жлобства купить асус, а потом ныть на форумах, что асус — дерьмо. Это типично для среднестатистического посетителя этого ресурса.

нет, ssdt править (для заявленных проблем) — не нужно.

пытаюсь решить проблемы с гибернацией и предупреждениями в dmesg

Если всё остальное работает, то предупреждения просто игнорируй.

Гибернация же унылое ненужно говно. Просто научись выключать свой ноут. С сегодняшними SSD загрузка к полностью работоспособному окружению проходит очень оперативно. И при этом не нужно юзать недоработанное поделие и еще и свопа ему выделять.

Сначала из жлобства купить анус, а потом ныть на форумах, что анус — дерьмо. Это типично для среднестатистического посетителя этого ресурса.

Тупица открой для себя эпичнейшие баги dsdt у apple! Некоторые модели есть так асус будет героем на фоне яббла.

Мало того в данном вопросе производитель и/или цена изделия не играет никакой роли ибо чаще как повезет.

Всегда твой, С любовью — капитан Очевидность.

юзеры апла заморочились и создали приложение для фикса типичных багов dsdt 😉

init6? Что или кто это?

Гибернация же унылое ненужно говно.

Не согласен. Лично для меня удобная и нужная (особенно с hdd). Предлагаю больше не спорить на эту тему.

Написал в поддержку асуса с просьбой обновить биос и исправить ошибки в dsdt. Как думаете что ответят?

нет, ssdt править (для заявленных проблем) — не нужно.

юзер, собрал типичные ошибки решения траблов dsdt в кучу, за что ему благодарочка
не писал его юзером, т.к. это его кастанет, а ему тоже лень разбираться в чужих проблемах
изпользуй поиск, я ж намекнул в своем первом посте

Дааа. Эти ошибки кое-как убрал появилось 3 новых (которые тоже исправил) и 109 warnings, 205 Remarks, 196 Optimizations, 8 Constants Folded. Предупреждения от dmesg никуда не делись.

Что-то править без малейшего понимания что я делаю, желания нет. Может кто знает какие либо статьи по этому языку (asl). Желательно на русском, но на английском не сильно раздутые тоже пойдут.

Спасибо, посмотрю. (Посмотрите мой пост выше)

т.к. это его кастанет, а ему тоже лень разбираться в чужих проблемах

в результате меня всё-равно кастануло но по тэгу.

опиши для начала свои проблемы по пунктам, чтоб два раза не перечитывать
* жму кнопку такую-то и не уходит в сон
* и т.д.
(ну т.е. я счтаю что передал тебя в руки мастера, если только он спать не ушел)

Главная проблема одна: гибернация работает не стабильно. Когда система относительно свежая (перезагрузка была недавно, много программ не запускал) система может восстановиться после гибернации нормально, но если я открываю смотреть фильм, копаюсь в файловом менеджере и открываю браузер с десяткой вкладок, то зависание при восстановлении обеспечено. После добавления к параметрам ядра

Dmesg при штатной загрузке показывает несколько конфликтов в озу, связанных с apic. (было на 4 больше, пока не отключил дискретную видеокарту).


  • Если хочешь чтоб починили/помогли починить dsdt/ssdt отдавай dsdt.dat полученный из cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT > dsdt.dat либо cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > dsdt.dat
  • Всегда пользуйся самым свежим доступным софтом.

Так вот а с тем что ты дал:

А это ^ говорит о том что либо dsdt снят криво, либо asus таки полный asnus и dsdt настолько упорот что. в общем ну ты понял.

Конечно, . Как я понял premature End-Of-File из-за неправильно расставленных < и >.

Продолжаем. продолжать. Как это делается по уму. Сперва делаем небольшой файлик:

Затем повторяем декомпиляцию но уже из *.dat:

Переводить не буду. Но в паре слов — радостный iasl сообщил нам что он смог решить 9 из 27 внешних контрольных методов.

Штука в том что вон ^ там выше где было Compilation complete. 201 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 0 Optimizations так вот эта строчка намекает на то DSDT неполный.

Теперь об этом предупреждает и сам iasl собственно вон там Additional ACPI tables may be required to properly disassemble the code. The resulting disassembler output file may not compile because the disassembler did not know how many arguments to assign to the unresolved methods.

Скорее всего нужн <а/ы>ssdt. Живут они там же /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/SSDT и их количество тоже может быть разное от одной до нескольких. И и они могут быть либо статическими, как и dsdt , либо динамическими, и в этом случае все еще хуже.

В любом случае чтоб что-то сказать нужны все ssdt потому-что они могут отличатся.

Исправил только dsdt.dsl

Дальше неплохо бы исправлять ssdt*.dsl там тоже ад.

Simarc как заберешь отпишись.

Спасибо за старания, но не помогло. Гибернация не работает, конфликты, ошибки, предупреждения висят в dmesg. Новый dmesg . По строчке ACPI: Override [DSDT-Notebook], this is unsafe: tainting kernel видно, что dsdt переопредилилась.

Недавно появилась тема с точно такой же проблемой как у меня, тоже asus (но другой очень похожий), тоже нет гибернации, dmesg ошибки, конфликты. Причем ошибки похожи вплоть до адресов конфликтов.

Кстати, обратился в поддержку асуса с просьбой обновить bios (описал проблемы) — послали использовать окна. Сказали: «К сожалению, у нас нет данных по Linux, поскольку мы не поддерживаем эту систему. Для Windows нужно было бы переустанавливать драйверы АТК, ВТ и Wi-Fi. Но для Linux у нас их нет.»

У твоей железки образцово показательное уг в acpi причем не только в dsdt но и в ssdt. К то-же еще и в зависимости от того как именно снимать dsdt и результат, как ты мог сам убедится, тоже будет разный.

На твоём месте я бы добил до конца ещё и все ssdt. Зачем? Ну во первых ошибок в ssdt у тебя там не меньше и решать их надо таким же макаром как и в случае dsdt а как быть дальше вон почитай к примеру там и всё поймешь. Во вторых точнее вычисляй и локализуй свои проблемы так можно быстрее найти именно тот баг который за это ответственен. Как это сделать?

Скрипты там Ими можно сгенерировать дерево методов по твоим таблицам. Дальше тупо в спецификации acpi есть описание каждого элемента. Ну к примеру _PR_ это проц. Так вот вспоминаешь что конкретно у тебя не работает либо работает не так как обязано. По спекам acpi находишь как оно обзывается в dsdt/ssdt ищешь этот элемент в дереве методов. И вот ты локализовал место поисков в тоннах текстов dsdt/ssdt.

Это самое забавное. Чаще гораздо проще найти работающий кусок и разобраться как же оно должно быть на самом деле.

И да вообще acpi в linux тот ещё лагодром. Так что не жди что вот так просто сразу всё исправится и станет просто хорошо. В acpi есть костыли на разных уровнях от BIOS/EFI, ядра до юзерспейса и глючить может в разных местах. И баги соответственно тоже могут быть от абсолютно разного да и ещё и от сочетаний этого разного в разных местах.


Syntax error unexpected parseop zero

Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed Use of compiler reserved name (_T_1) Not all control paths return a value Effective AML package length is zero syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_ARG0 Statement is unreachable ResourceTag larger than Field (Tag: 16 bits, Field: 8 bits) ResourceTag larger than Field (Tag: 64 bits, Field: 32 bits) Object does not exist (GOST) Object not found or not accessible from scope Name already exists in scope (TNOT) _HID suffix must be all hex digits Reserved method should not return a value

Underbeat: Кто может подсказать, как эту убрать?
local variable is not initialized (local0)

Dr.Prokhor: Привет подскажи как исправить ошибку, object does not exist (RMKB)

Евгений Алейников: помогите пожалуйста одна осталась
13253 Warning Unknown reserved name (_CFG)

Wagner MEDEIROS: Fantastic! How I fix parseop internet error? Thx.

Контр Адмирал: цукме

Роман Андреев: у меня почему то ничего не появляется при нажатии на Compile !! почему ? в чем может быть причина?

Murad Akhmedov: Здравствуйте. Ни как не могу завершить свой DSDT, ноутбук HP PAVILION n058sr.Вы не встречали warning Q80 и Q81 Temperature up и down?Добавил в конце этих методов Return(Zero).Но потом Появился другой Warning Q91, который возвращает либо 0x80 либо 0x81. Его вообще не получилось исправить.
Если я пришлю свой DSDT файл не могли бы вы посмотреть его? Ну и на ютуб можно было бы выложить 🙂

RepublicanMug: Раскрыл pci шину на ноутбуке с вашим гайдом.

Serj anonim: Мужик большое спасибо тебе, очень выручил этим видео.

Dreamtheater: Hello my dear friend, I hope you are well .

I need your help please, to solve the audio, in my laptop, I install captitan 10.11.5 and my specifications are:

Dell Inspiron 14 5000 series (5458)

— Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz

— Intel HD Graphics 5500

Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3160 AC HMC WiFi Adapter

Realtek RTL8139/810x Fast Ethernet Adapter

Intel Broadwell HDMI @ Intel Broadwell — Mini HD Audio

Realtek ALC255 @ Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH High defi.

The problem is that when reviewing the file AppleHDA.kext appears as not loaded, I do not know why, if the .app is original.

I extracted my original .dsdt and upon compiling, it results in an error and several warning .

12011 6126 syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_ARG0

How can i fix this,
And enable the audio completely.

Please help me, my dear friend.

I would thank you infinitely
God bless you

Игорь Сергеевич: Спасибо чувак. Не знал что скобки полсвечиваются.

Умный дом Pro:Mobile: Привет, посмотрел твое видео про исправление ошибок в DSDT. Спасибо. Но не могу справится со своим DSDT. Можешь помочь? Если да скину тебе файлы. Спасибо.

Алексей Демшин: Приветствую подскажи знаешь что нибудь,
не могу найти никакой информации по предупреждению
Statement is unreachable

Женя Овсяников: Здравствуйте! Подскажите, как исправить ошибку 6126 в телефоне LG X135. Комп не видит телефон, потому что не могу включить отладку по ЮСБ. Пытаюсь прошить, всё прошивает, а в конце ошибка BROM ERROR : S_SECURITY_SECRO_HASH_INCORRECT (6126) , MSP ERROE CODE : 0x00

pavlinux: Device (SBRG)

Name (ECIN, Zero)
Mutex (ECMU, 0x00)
Mutex (MLMU, 0x00)

Compiling «dsdt.dsl»
Compiler aborting due to parser-detected syntax error(s)
dsdt.dsl 3726: If (ECEN)
Error 6126 — ^ syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_IF

pavlinux: Автор, откуда уверенность, что все методы возвращают Zero? Откуда уверенность, что Byte на Word можно менять?

KIDS FAMILY: 3526 Warning ResourceTag smaller than Field (Tag: 1 bit, Field: 8 bits) привет помоги исправить вот эту ошибку я загуглил ничего не нашел полезного

Юрий Иванов: Здравствуйте, можете помочь через скайп?

Serg XYZ: Not a control method, cannot invoke (PS0X is a Untyped). Помогите, пожалуйста.

Kolya mehanik: очень полезное видео! спасибо)

Редактирование и патч DSDT — MaciASL Часть 3

Редактирование и патч DSDT — MaciASL Часть 3

Редактирование и патч DSDT через MaciASL – Урок 2

Редактирование и патч DSDT – Урок 2 .

Патч и редактирование DSDT

Три способа как извлечь DSDT – Hackintosh MaciASL Clover Ubuntu Patchmatic

Три способа как извлечь DSDT – Hackintosh MaciASL

Исправление ошибок DSDT – Hackintosh

Исправление ошибок DSDT – Hackintosh DSDT Editor

Ошибки DSDT и способы их исправления

Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed Use of compiler reserved name (_T_1) Not all control paths return a value Effective AML package .

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Laptop-DSDT-Patch / syntax / fix_PARSEOP_ZERO.txt

Users who have contributed to this file

#Maintained by: RehabMan for: Laptop Patches
# credit toleda:
into device label PCI0 code_regex (s+Zero) removeall_matched;
# if you need something more agressive.
#into_all all code_regex (s+Zero) removeall_matched;
#into device label PCI0 code_regex (s+Zero) removeall_matched;
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I am trying to fix my native DSDTs and SSDTs. Unfortunately without any luck. Files where extracted according to guide with
Linux. Clover gave trouble.

11807, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_ARG0
25123, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_ZERO

on SSDT2
221, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_PACKAGE

on SSDT4
221, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_PACKAGE
5324, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_SLEEP, expecting ‘,’ or ‘)’
5324, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_SLEEP, expecting ‘,’ or ‘)’
5329, 6126, syntax error, unexpected ‘)’
5382, 6126, syntax error, unexpected ‘>’, expecting $end and premature End-Of-File

Trying to fix with MaciASL but can’t get MaciASL Rehabman to work (Very strange, see my previous post). So tried apply Patches for Parseop Zero on MaciASL 1.4 from SourceForge. But it will not give me the option to apply. I have no clue where to insert the code manually.


Here is an extract of results.log:

MTRR validation.
Test 1 of 3: Validate the kernel MTRR IOMEM setup.
FAILED [MEDIUM] MTRRIncorrectAttr: Test 1, Memory range 0xc0000000 to 0xdfffffff (PCI Bus 0000:00)
has incorrect attribute Write-Combining.
FAILED [MEDIUM] MTRRIncorrectAttr: Test 1, Memory range 0xfee01000 to 0xffffffff (PCI Bus 0000:00)
has incorrect attribute Write-Protect.

Test 1 of 1: Kernel log error check.
Kernel message: [ 0.208079] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored

ADVICE: This is not exactly a failure mode but a warning from the kernel. The _OSI() method has
implemented a match to the 'Linux' query in the DSDT and this is redundant because the ACPI driver
matches onto the Windows _OSI strings by default.

FAILED [HIGH] KlogACPIErrorMethodExecutionParse: Test 1, HIGH Kernel message: [ 3.512783] ACPI Error
: Method parse/execution failed [_SB_.PCI0.GFX0._DOD] (Node f7425858), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT

ADVICE: This is a bug picked up by the kernel, but as yet, the firmware test suite has no diagnostic
advice for this particular problem.

Found 1 unique errors in kernel log.

Check if system is using latest microcode.
Cannot read microcode file /usr/share/misc/intel-microcode.dat.
Aborted test, initialisation failed.

MSR register tests.
    FAILED [MEDIUM] MSRCPUsInconsistent: Test 1, MSR SYSENTER_ESP (0x175) has 1 inconsistent values
across 2 CPUs for (shift: 0 mask: 0xffffffffffffffff).
MSR CPU 0 -> 0xf7bb9c40 vs CPU 1 -> 0xf7bc7c40

FAILED [MEDIUM] MSRCPUsInconsistent: Test 1, MSR MISC_ENABLE (0x1a0) has 1 inconsistent values
across 2 CPUs for (shift: 0 mask: 0x400c51889).
MSR CPU 0 -> 0x850088 vs CPU 1 -> 0x850089

Checks firmware has set PCI Express MaxReadReq to a higher value on non-motherboard devices.
Test 1 of 1: Check firmware settings MaxReadReq for PCI Express devices.
MaxReadReq for pci://00:00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio
Controller (rev 03) is low (128) [Audio device].
MaxReadReq for pci://00:02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh]
Network Connection is low (128) [Network controller].
FAILED [LOW] LowMaxReadReq: Test 1, 2 devices have low MaxReadReq settings. Firmware may have
configured these too low.

ADVICE: The MaxReadRequest size is set too low and will affect performance. It will provide
excellent bus sharing at the cost of bus data transfer rates. Although not a critical issue, it may
be worth considering setting the MaxReadRequest size to 256 or 512 to increase throughput on the PCI
Express bus. Some drivers (for example the Brocade Fibre Channel driver) allow one to override the
firmware settings. Where possible, this BIOS configuration setting is worth increasing it a little
more for better performance at a small reduction of bus sharing.

PCIe ASPM check.
Test 1 of 2: PCIe ASPM ACPI test.
PCIE ASPM is not controlled by Linux kernel.

ADVICE: BIOS reports that Linux kernel should not modify ASPM settings that BIOS configured. It can
be intentional because hardware vendors identified some capability bugs between the motherboard and
the add-on cards.

Test 2 of 2: PCIe ASPM registers test.
WARNING: Test 2, RP 00h:1Ch.01h L0s not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, RP 00h:1Ch.01h L1 not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, Device 02h:00h.00h L0s not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, Device 02h:00h.00h L1 not enabled.
PASSED: Test 2, PCIE aspm setting matched was matched.
WARNING: Test 2, RP 00h:1Ch.05h L0s not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, RP 00h:1Ch.05h L1 not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, Device 85h:00h.00h L0s not enabled.
WARNING: Test 2, Device 85h:00h.00h L1 not enabled.
PASSED: Test 2, PCIE aspm setting matched was matched.


Extract and analyse Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

Test 1 of 2: Check Windows Management Instrumentation in DSDT
Found WMI Method WMAA with GUID: 5FB7F034-2C63-45E9-BE91-3D44E2C707E4, Instance 0x01
Found WMI Event, Notifier ID: 0x80, GUID: 95F24279-4D7B-4334-9387-ACCDC67EF61C, Instance 0x01
PASSED: Test 1, GUID 95F24279-4D7B-4334-9387-ACCDC67EF61C is handled by driver hp-wmi (Vendor: HP).
Found WMI Event, Notifier ID: 0xa0, GUID: 2B814318-4BE8-4707-9D84-A190A859B5D0, Instance 0x01
FAILED [MEDIUM] WMIUnknownGUID: Test 1, GUID 2B814318-4BE8-4707-9D84-A190A859B5D0 is unknown to the
kernel, a driver may need to be implemented for this GUID.

ADVICE: A WMI driver probably needs to be written for this event.
It can checked for using: wmi_has_guid("2B814318-4BE8-4707-9D84-A190A859B5D0").
One can install a notify handler using
wmi_install_notify_handler("2B814318-4BE8-4707-9D84-A190A859B5D0", handler, NULL). describes how to write an appropriate driver.

Found WMI Object, Object ID AB, GUID: 05901221-D566-11D1-B2F0-00A0C9062910, Instance 0x01, Flags: 00

Found WMI Method WMBA with GUID: 1F4C91EB-DC5C-460B-951D-C7CB9B4B8D5E, Instance 0x01
Found WMI Object, Object ID BC, GUID: 2D114B49-2DFB-4130-B8FE-4A3C09E75133, Instance 0x7f, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BD, GUID: 988D08E3-68F4-4C35-AF3E-6A1B8106F83C, Instance 0x19, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BE, GUID: 14EA9746-CE1F-4098-A0E0-7045CB4DA745, Instance 0x01, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BF, GUID: 322F2028-0F84-4901-988E-015176049E2D, Instance 0x01, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BG, GUID: 8232DE3D-663D-4327-A8F4-E293ADB9BF05, Instance 0x01, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BH, GUID: 8F1F6436-9F42-42C8-BADC-0E9424F20C9A, Instance 0x00, Flags: 00

Found WMI Object, Object ID BI, GUID: 8F1F6435-9F42-42C8-BADC-0E9424F20C9A, Instance 0x00, Flags: 00

Found WMI Method WMAC with GUID: 7391A661-223A-47DB-A77A-7BE84C60822D, Instance 0x01
Found WMI Object, Object ID BJ, GUID: DF4E63B6-3BBC-4858-9737-C74F82F821F3, Instance 0x05, Flags: 00

Disassemble DSDT to check for _OSI("Linux").
Test 1 of 1: Disassemble DSDT to check for _OSI("Linux").
This is not strictly a failure mode, it just alerts one that this has been defined in the DSDT and
probably should be avoided since the Linux ACPI driver matches onto the Windows _OSI strings
                If (_OSI ("Linux"))
                    Store (0x03E8, OSYS)
                If (_OSI ("Windows 2001"))
                    Store (0x07D1, OSYS)
                If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP1"))
                    Store (0x07D1, OSYS)
                If (_OSI ("Windows 2001 SP2"))
                    Store (0x07D2, OSYS)
                If (_OSI ("Windows 2006"))
                    Store (0x07D6, OSYS)
                If (LAnd (MPEN, LEqual (OSYS, 0x07D1)))
                    TRAP (0x01, 0x48)
                TRAP (0x03, 0x35)
WARNING: Test 1, DSDT implements a deprecated _OSI("Linux") test.

0 passed, 0 failed, 1 warnings, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0 info only.

ACPI DSDT Method Semantic Tests.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
Failed to install global event handler.
Test 22 of 93: Check _PSR (Power Source).
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 22, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_SB_.AC__._PSR'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

PASSED: Test 22, _SB_.AC__._PSR correctly acquired and released locks 16 times.

Test 35 of 93: Check _TMP (Thermal Zone Current Temp).
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 35, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_TZ_.DTSZ._TMP'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

PASSED: Test 35, _TZ_.DTSZ._TMP correctly acquired and released locks 14 times.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 35, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_TZ_.CPUZ._TMP'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

PASSED: Test 35, _TZ_.CPUZ._TMP correctly acquired and released locks 10 times.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 35, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_TZ_.SKNZ._TMP'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

PASSED: Test 35, _TZ_.SKNZ._TMP correctly acquired and released locks 10 times.
PASSED: Test 35, _TMP correctly returned sane looking value 0x00000b4c (289.2 degrees K)
PASSED: Test 35, _TZ_.BATZ._TMP correctly acquired and released locks 9 times.
PASSED: Test 35, _TMP correctly returned sane looking value 0x00000aac (273.2 degrees K)
PASSED: Test 35, _TZ_.FDTZ._TMP correctly acquired and released locks 7 times.

Test 46 of 93: Check _DIS (Disable).
FAILED [MEDIUM] MethodShouldReturnNothing: Test 46, _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.COM1._DIS returned values,
but was expected to return nothing.
Object returned:
  INTEGER: 0x00000000

ADVICE: This probably won't cause any errors, but it should be fixed as the AML code is not
conforming to the expected behaviour as described in the ACPI specification.

FAILED [MEDIUM] MethodShouldReturnNothing: Test 46, _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.LPT0._DIS returned values,
but was expected to return nothing.
Object returned:
  INTEGER: 0x00000000

ADVICE: This probably won't cause any errors, but it should be fixed as the AML code is not
conforming to the expected behaviour as described in the ACPI specification.

Test 61 of 93: Check _WAK (System Wake).
Test _WAK(1) System Wake, State S1.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 61, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_WAK'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

Test _WAK(2) System Wake, State S2.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 61, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_WAK'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

Test _WAK(3) System Wake, State S3.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 61, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_WAK'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

Test _WAK(4) System Wake, State S4.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 61, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_WAK'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

Test _WAK(5) System Wake, State S5.
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_INFINITE_LOOP during execution of method COMP
WARNING: Test 61, Detected an infinite loop when evaluating method '_WAK'. 

ADVICE: This may occur because we are emulating the execution in this test environment and cannot
handshake with the embedded controller or jump to the BIOS via SMIs. However, the fact that AML code
spins forever means that lockup conditions are not being checked for in the AML bytecode.

Test 87 of 93: Check _BCL (Query List of Brightness Control Levels Supported).
  Package has 2 elements:
    00: INTEGER: 0x00000000
    01: INTEGER: 0x00000000
FAILED [MEDIUM] Method_BCLElementCount: Test 87, Method _BCL should return a package of more than 2
integers, got just 2.

Test 88 of 93: Check _BCM (Set Brightness Level).
ACPICA Exception AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT during execution of method _BCM
FAILED [CRITICAL] AEAMLPackgeLimit: Test 88, Detected error 'Package limit' when evaluating


ACPI table settings sanity checks.
Test 1 of 1: Check ACPI tables.
PASSED: Test 1, Table APIC passed.
Table ECDT not present to check.
FAILED [MEDIUM] FADT32And64BothDefined: Test 1, FADT 32 bit FIRMWARE_CONTROL is non-zero, and
X_FIRMWARE_CONTROL is also non-zero. Section 5.2.9 of the ACPI specification states that if the
FIRMWARE_CONTROL is non-zero then X_FIRMWARE_CONTROL must be set to zero.

ADVICE: The FADT FIRMWARE_CTRL is a 32 bit pointer that points to the physical memory address of the
Firmware ACPI Control Structure (FACS). There is also an extended 64 bit version of this, the
X_FIRMWARE_CTRL pointer that also can point to the FACS. Section 5.2.9 of the ACPI specification
states that if the X_FIRMWARE_CTRL field contains a non zero value then the FIRMWARE_CTRL field
*must* be zero. This error is also detected by the Linux kernel. If FIRMWARE_CTRL and
X_FIRMWARE_CTRL are defined, then the kernel just uses the 64 bit version of the pointer.

PASSED: Test 1, Table HPET passed.
PASSED: Test 1, Table MCFG passed.
PASSED: Test 1, Table RSDT passed.
PASSED: Test 1, Table RSDP passed.
Table SBST not present to check.
PASSED: Test 1, Table XSDT passed.


Re-assemble DSDT and find syntax errors and warnings.
Test 1 of 2: Disassemble and reassemble DSDT
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError4043: Test 1, Assembler error in line 2261
Line | AML source
02258|                     0x00000000,         // Range Minimum
02259|                     0xFEDFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
02260|                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
02261|                     0x00000000,         // Length
     |                              ^
     | error 4043: Invalid combination of Length and Min/Max fixed flags
02262|                     ,, _Y0E, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
02263|                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
02264|                     0x00000000,         // Granularity

ADVICE: (for error #4043): This occurs if the length is zero and just one of the resource MIF/MAF
flags are set, or the length is non-zero and resource MIF/MAF flags are both set. These are illegal
combinations and need to be fixed. See section Address Space Resource Descriptors of version
4.0a of the ACPI specification for more details.

FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError4050: Test 1, Assembler error in line 2268
Line | AML source
02265|                     0xFEE01000,         // Range Minimum
02266|                     0xFFFFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
02267|                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
02268|                     0x011FEFFF,         // Length
     |                              ^
     | error 4050: Length is not equal to fixed Min/Max window  
02269|                     ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
02270|             })
02271|             Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)

ADVICE: (for error #4050): The minimum address is greater than the maximum address. This is illegal.

FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 1, Assembler error in line 8885
Line | AML source
08882|                         Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized)
08883|                         {
08884|                             DSOD (0x02)
08885|                             Return (0x00)
     |                                        ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value    (_DIS)
08886|                         }
08888|                         Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 1, Assembler error in line 9195
Line | AML source
09192|                         Method (_DIS, 0, NotSerialized)
09193|                         {
09194|                             DSOD (0x01)
09195|                             Return (0x00)
     |                                        ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value    (_DIS)
09196|                         }
09198|                         Method (_SRS, 1, NotSerialized)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1127: Test 1, Assembler error in line 9242
Line | AML source
09239|                             CreateWordField (CRES, _SB.PCI0.LPCB.SIO.LPT0._CRS._Y21._MAX, MAX2)
09240|                             CreateByteField (CRES, _SB.PCI0.LPCB.SIO.LPT0._CRS._Y21._LEN, LEN2)
09241|                             CreateWordField (CRES, _SB.PCI0.LPCB.SIO.LPT0._CRS._Y22._INT, IRQ0)
09242|                             CreateWordField (CRES, _SB.PCI0.LPCB.SIO.LPT0._CRS._Y23._DMA, DMA0)
     |                                                                                         ^
     | warning level 0 1127: ResourceTag smaller than Field    (Tag: 8 bits, Field: 16 bits)
09243|                             If (RLPD)
09244|                             {
09245|                                 Store (0x00, Local0)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1128: Test 1, Assembler error in line 18682
Line | AML source
18679|                     Store (0x01, Index (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), 0x01))
18680|                     If (And (WDPE, 0x40))
18681|                     {
18682|                         Wait (_SB.BEVT, 0x10)
     |                                             ^
     | warning level 0 1128: Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed
18683|                     }
18685|                     Store (BRID, Index (DerefOf (Index (Local0, 0x02)), 0x02))

ADVICE: (for warning level 0 #1128): The operation can possibly timeout, and hence the return value
indicates an timeout error. However, because the return value is not checked this very probably
indicates that the code is buggy. A possible scenario is that a mutex times out and the code
attempts to access data in a critical region when it should not. This will lead to undefined
behaviour. This should be fixed.

Table DSDT (0) reassembly: Found 2 errors, 4 warnings.

Test 2 of 2: Disassemble and reassemble SSDT
PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (0) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0 warnings.
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 2, Assembler error in line 60
Line | AML source
00057|         {
00058|             Store (CPDC (Arg0), Local0)
00059|             GCAP (Local0)
00060|             Return (Local0)
     |                          ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value (_PDC)
00061|         }
00063|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 2, Assembler error in line 174
Line | AML source
00171|         {
00172|             Store (_PR.CPU0.CPDC (Arg0), Local0)
00173|             GCAP (Local0)
00174|             Return (Local0)
     |                          ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value (_PDC)
00175|         }
00177|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 2, Assembler error in line 244
Line | AML source
00241|         {
00242|             Store (_PR.CPU0.CPDC (Arg0), Local0)
00243|             GCAP (Local0)
00244|             Return (Local0)
     |                          ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value (_PDC)
00245|         }
00247|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)
FAILED [HIGH] AMLAssemblerError1104: Test 2, Assembler error in line 290
Line | AML source
00287|         {
00288|             Store (_PR.CPU0.CPDC (Arg0), Local0)
00289|             GCAP (Local0)
00290|             Return (Local0)
     |                          ^
     | warning level 0 1104: Reserved method should not return a value (_PDC)
00291|         }
00293|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)
Table SSDT (1) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 4 warnings.
PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (2) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0 warnings.
PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (3) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0 warnings.

3 passed, 10 failed, 0 warnings, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0 info only.

Critical failures: 1
 method test, at 1 log line: 1449: Detected error 'Package limit' when evaluating '_SB_.PCI0.GFX0.DD02._BCM'.

High failures: 11
 klog test, at 1 log line: 121: HIGH Kernel message: [    3.512783] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [_SB_.PCI0.GFX0._DOD] (Node f7425858), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20110623/psparse-536)
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1668: Assembler error in line 2261
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1687: Assembler error in line 2268
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1703: Assembler error in line 8885
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1716: Assembler error in line 9195
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1729: Assembler error in line 9242
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1742: Assembler error in line 18682
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1766: Assembler error in line 60
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1779: Assembler error in line 174
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1792: Assembler error in line 244
 syntaxcheck test, at 1 log line: 1805: Assembler error in line 290

Medium failures: 9
 mtrr test, at 1 log line: 76: Memory range 0xc0000000 to 0xdfffffff (PCI Bus 0000:00) has incorrect attribute Write-Combining.
 mtrr test, at 1 log line: 78: Memory range 0xfee01000 to 0xffffffff (PCI Bus 0000:00) has incorrect attribute Write-Protect.
 msr test, at 1 log line: 165: MSR SYSENTER_ESP (0x175) has 1 inconsistent values across 2 CPUs for (shift: 0 mask: 0xffffffffffffffff).
 msr test, at 1 log line: 173: MSR MISC_ENABLE (0x1a0) has 1 inconsistent values across 2 CPUs for (shift: 0 mask: 0x400c51889).
 wmi test, at 1 log line: 528: GUID 2B814318-4BE8-4707-9D84-A190A859B5D0 is unknown to the kernel, a driver may need to be implemented for this GUID.
 method test, at 1 log line: 1002: _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.COM1._DIS returned values, but was expected to return nothing.
 method test, at 1 log line: 1011: _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.LPT0._DIS returned values, but was expected to return nothing.
 method test, at 1 log line: 1443: Method _BCL should return a package of more than 2 integers, got just 2.
 acpitables test, at 1 log line: 1643: FADT 32 bit FIRMWARE_CONTROL is non-zero, and X_FIRMWARE_CONTROL is also non-zero. Se

thanks — yes that testsuite does pass. When I comment out the aapits tests, it proceeds to the misc tests which fail with:

misc tests

/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/debian/ /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717 20150717

  • CURDIR=/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717
  • BINDIR=/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/generate/unix/bin
  • DEBDIR=/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/debian
  • VERSION=20150717
  • cd /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/tests/misc
  • /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/generate/unix/bin/iasl -h
    Supports ACPI Specification Revision 6.0

Usage: iasl [Options] [Files]

-@ Specify command file

Specify additional include directory
-T |ALL|* Create table template file for ACPI
-p Specify path/filename prefix for all output files
-v Display compiler version
-vo Enable optimization comments
-vs Disable signon

-h This message
-hc Display operators allowed in constant expressions
-hf Display help for output filename generation
-hr Display ACPI reserved method names
-ht Display currently supported ACPI table names

-D Define symbol for preprocessor use
-li Create preprocessed output file (.i)
-P Preprocess only and create preprocessor output file (
-Pn Disable preprocessor

Errors, Warnings, and Remarks:
-va Disable all errors/warnings/remarks
-ve Report only errors (ignore warnings and remarks)
-vi Less verbose errors and warnings for use with IDEs
-vr Disable remarks
-vw Disable specific warning or remark
-w1 -w2 -w3 Set warning reporting level
-we Report warnings as errors

AML Code Generation (*.aml):
-oa Disable all optimizations (compatibility mode)
-of Disable constant folding
-oi Disable integer optimization to Zero/One/Ones
-on Disable named reference string optimization
-cr Disable Resource Descriptor error checking
-in Ignore NoOp operators
-r Override table header Revision (1-255)

Optional Source Code Output Files:
-sc -sa Create source file in C or assembler (.c or *.asm)
-ic -ia Create include file in C or assembler (
.h or .inc)
-tc -ta -ts Create hex AML table in C, assembler, or ASL (
-so Create offset table in C (*.offset.h)

Optional Listing Files:
-l Create mixed listing file (ASL source and AML) (.lst)
-lm Create hardware summary map file (
-ln Create namespace file (.nsp)
-ls Create combined source file (expanded includes) (

Data Table Compiler:
-G Compile custom table that contains generic operators
-vt Create verbose template files (full disassembly)

AML Disassembler:
-d <f1 f2 …> Disassemble or decode binary ACPI tables to file (*.dsl)
(Optional, file type is automatically detected)
-da <f1 f2 …> Disassemble multiple tables from single namespace
-db Do not translate Buffers to Resource Templates
-dc <f1 f2 …> Disassemble AML and immediately compile it
(Obtain DSDT from current system if no input file)
-df Force disassembler to assume table contains valid AML
-dl Emit legacy ASL code only (no C-style operators)
-e <f1 f2 …> Include ACPI table(s) for external symbol resolution
-fe Specify external symbol declaration file
-in Ignore NoOp opcodes
-vt Dump binary table data in hex format within output file

Debug Options:
-bf Create debug file (full output) (.txt)
-bs Create debug file (parse tree only) (
-bp Prune ASL parse tree
-bt Object type to be pruned from the parse tree
-f Ignore errors, force creation of AML output file(s)
-m Set internal line buffer size (in Kbytes)
-n Parse only, no output generation
-ot Display compile times and statistics
-x Set debug level for trace output
-z Do not insert new compiler ID for DataTables
++ dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_BITS

  • BITS=32
    ++ stat —format=%Y /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/generate/unix/bin/iasl
    ++ cut ‘-d ‘ -f1
  • FDATE=1439441836
    ++ date —date=@1439441836 ‘+%b %_d %Y’
  • WHEN=’Aug 13 2015′
  • sed -e ‘s/XXXXXXXXXXX/Aug 13 2015/’ -e s/YYYY/32/ -e s/VVVVVVVV/20150717/ /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/debian/badcode.asl.result
  • sed -e ‘s/XXXXXXXXXXX/Aug 13 2015/’ -e s/YYYY/32/ -e s/VVVVVVVV/20150717/ /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/debian/grammar.asl.result
  • /home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717/generate/unix/bin/iasl -f badcode.asl
  • tee badcode
    badcode.asl 25: Mutex (MTX1, 32)
    Error 6125 — ^ SyncLevel must be in the range 0-15

badcode.asl 29: Name (BIG, 0x1234567887654321)
Warning 3038 — ^ 64-bit integer in 32-bit table, truncating (DSDT version < 2)

badcode.asl 33: Name (PKG1, Package(5) {0,1})
Remark 2063 — ^ Initializer list shorter than declared package length

badcode.asl 37: Name (PATH, Buffer() {«SB.PCI2._CRS»})
Warning 3046 — ^ Invalid or unknown escape sequence

badcode.asl 41: Name (ESC1, «abcdefgx00hijklmn»)
Warning 3055 — ^ Invalid Hex/Octal Escape — Non-ASCII or NULL

badcode.asl 49: FLD1, 8
Error 6030 — ^ Access width of Field Unit extends beyond region limit

badcode.asl 55: Field (OPR2, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Error 6100 — ^ Host Operation Region requires ByteAcc access

badcode.asl 60: Field (OPR3, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
Error 6099 — ^ Host Operation Region requires BufferAcc access

badcode.asl 67: Method (MTH1, 0, NotSerialized, 32)
Error 6125 — SyncLevel must be in the range 0-15 ^

badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0)
Warning 3144 — ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0)

badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0)
Error 6006 — ^ Method argument is not initialized (Arg3)

badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0)
Remark 2087 — ^ Not a parameter, used as local only (Arg3)

badcode.asl 72: Store (Local1, Local2)
Warning 3144 — ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local2)

badcode.asl 72: Store (Local1, Local2)
Error 6066 — ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local1)

badcode.asl 76: Subtract (MTX1, 4, Local3)
Warning 3144 — Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3)

badcode.asl 76: Subtract (MTX1, 4, Local3)
Error 6058 — Invalid type ^ ([Mutex|Reference] found, Subtract operator requires [Integer|String|Buffer])

badcode.asl 80: CreateField (BUF1, 0, Subtract (4, 4), FLD1)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [MTH1])

badcode.asl 80: CreateField (BUF1, 0, Subtract (4, 4), FLD1)
Error 6083 — Operand evaluates to zero ^

badcode.asl 84: Acquire (MTX1, 100)
Warning 3130 — ^ Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed

badcode.asl 85: Wait (EVT1, 1)
Warning 3130 — ^ Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed

badcode.asl 89: Add (INT1, 8)
Error 6114 — ^ Result is not used, operator has no effect

badcode.asl 94: Store (5, INT1)
Warning 3134 — ^ Statement is unreachable

badcode.asl 97: Method (MTH2)
Remark 2119 — ^ Control Method marked Serialized (Due to use of Switch operator)

badcode.asl 97: Method (MTH2)
Warning 3115 — ^ Not all control paths return a value (MTH2)

badcode.asl 101: Switch (ToInteger (INT1))
Error 6078 — ^ No Case statements under Switch

badcode.asl 120: Store (MTH2 (), Local0)
Warning 3144 — ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0)

badcode.asl 120: Store (MTH2 (), Local0)
Warning 3122 — ^ Called method may not always return a value

badcode.asl 126: Method (MTH5) {Store (MTH4(), Local0)}
Warning 3144 — Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local0)

badcode.asl 126: Method (MTH5) {Store (MTH4(), Local0)}
Error 6080 — Called method returns no value ^

badcode.asl 132: Name (_HID, «_PNP0C0A») // Illegal leading asterisk
Error 6061 — Invalid leading asterisk ^ (_PNP0C0A)

badcode.asl 136: Name (_HID, «PNP») // Too short, must be 7 or 8 chars
Error 6033 — ^ _HID string must be exactly 7 or 8 characters (PNP)

badcode.asl 140: Name (_HID, «MYDEVICE01») // Too long, must be 7 or 8 chars
Error 6033 — ^ _HID string must be exactly 7 or 8 characters (MYDEVICE01)

badcode.asl 144: Name (_HID, «acpi0001») // non-hex chars must be uppercase
Error 6034 — ^ _HID prefix must be all uppercase or decimal digits (acpi0001)

badcode.asl 148: Name (_HID, «PNP-123») // HID must be alphanumeric
Error 6002 — ^ String must be entirely alphanumeric (PNP-123)

badcode.asl 152: Name (_HID, «») // Illegal Null HID
Error 6091 — ^ Invalid zero-length (null) string

badcode.asl 153: Name (_CID, «») // Illegal Null CID
Error 6091 — ^ Invalid zero-length (null) string

badcode.asl 158: Name (_PRW, 4)
Error 6105 — ^ Invalid object type for reserved name (_PRW: found Integer, Package required)

badcode.asl 159: Name (_FDI, Buffer () {0})
Error 6105 — ^ Invalid object type for reserved name (_FDI: found Buffer, Package required)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg2)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg3)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg4)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Warning 3101 — ^ Reserved method has too many arguments (_OSC requires 4)

badcode.asl 164: Method (_OSC, 5)
Warning 3107 — ^ Reserved method must return a value (Buffer required for _OSC)

badcode.asl 170: Name (_L01, 1)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with zero arguments)

badcode.asl 171: Name (_E02, 2)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with zero arguments)

badcode.asl 172: Name (_Q03, 3)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with zero arguments)

badcode.asl 173: Name (_ON, 0)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with zero arguments)

badcode.asl 174: Name (_INI, 1)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with zero arguments)

badcode.asl 175: Name (_PTP, 2)
Error 6103 — ^ Reserved name must be a control method (with arguments)

badcode.asl 184: Method (_E1D)
Error 6032 — ^ Name conflicts with a previous GPE method (_L1D)

badcode.asl 191: Method (_FDM, 1)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0)

badcode.asl 193: Return (Buffer(1){0x33})
Warning 3104 — ^ Reserved method should not return a value (_FDM)

badcode.asl 197: Return («Unexpected Return Value»)
Warning 3104 — Reserved method should not return a value ^ (_Q22)

badcode.asl 203: Device (EC)
Warning 3141 — ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope)

badcode.asl 205: Method (_REG, 2)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0)

badcode.asl 205: Method (_REG, 2)
Remark 2146 — ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1)

badcode.asl 205: Method (_REG, 2)
Warning 3079 — ^ _REG has no corresponding Operation Region

badcode.asl 219: StartDependentFn (0, 0)
Error 6019 — ^ Dependent function macros cannot be nested

badcode.asl 225: })
Error 6070 — ^ Missing EndDependentFn() macro in dependent resource list

badcode.asl 242: 0x00002000, // Length
Error 6049 — ^ Length is larger than Min/Max window

badcode.asl 247: 0x00001001, // Range Minimum
Error 6001 — ^ Must be a multiple of alignment/granularity value

badcode.asl 248: 0x00002002, // Range Maximum
Error 6001 — ^ Must be a multiple of alignment/granularity value

badcode.asl 255: 0xFFFF, // Address
Warning 3060 — ^ Maximum 10-bit ISA address (0x3FF)

badcode.asl 264: 0x05 // Access Size
Error 6042 — ^ Invalid AccessSize (Maximum is 4 — QWord access)

badcode.asl 268: QWordSpace (0xB0, ResourceConsumer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed, 0xA5,
Error 6139 — Constant out of range ^ (0xB0, allowable: 0xC0-0xFF)

badcode.asl 279: 0x0200, // Range Minimum
Error 6051 — ^ Address Min is greater than Address Max

badcode.asl 291: 0x00001002, // Length
Error 6049 — ^ Length is larger than Min/Max window

badcode.asl 296: 0x00000010,
Error 6048 — ^ Granularity must be zero or a power of two minus one

badcode.asl 305: 0x0000000000000B02, // Range Minimum
Error 6001 — ^ Must be a multiple of alignment/granularity value

badcode.asl 315: 0x00000000002FFFFE, // Range Maximum
Error 6001 — ^ Must be a multiple of alignment/granularity value (-1)

badcode.asl 326: 0x00000000, // Length
Error 6043 — ^ Invalid combination of Length and Min/Max fixed flags

badcode.asl 335: 0x00000100, // Length
Error 6043 — ^ Invalid combination of Length and Min/Max fixed flags

badcode.asl 344: 0x00000200, // Length
Error 6043 — ^ Invalid combination of Length and Min/Max fixed flags

badcode.asl 349: 0x0000000F, // Granularity
Error 6047 — ^ Granularity must be zero for fixed Min/Max

badcode.asl 358: DWordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
Error 6090 — ^ Min/Max/Length/Gran are all zero, but no resource tag

badcode.asl 368: EndDependentFn ()
Error 6071 — ^ Missing StartDependentFn() macro in dependent resource list

badcode.asl 388: CreateWordField (RSC3, DWI1._LEN, LEN)
Warning 3128 — ResourceTag larger than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 32 bits, Field: 16 bits)

badcode.asl 388: CreateWordField (RSC3, DWI1._LEN, LEN)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 389: CreateByteField (RSC3, DWI1._MIN, MIN)
Warning 3128 — ResourceTag larger than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 32 bits, Field: 8 bits)

badcode.asl 389: CreateByteField (RSC3, DWI1._MIN, MIN)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 390: CreateBitField (RSC3, DWI1._RNG, RNG1)
Warning 3128 — ResourceTag larger than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 2 bits, Field: 1 bit)

badcode.asl 390: CreateBitField (RSC3, DWI1._RNG, RNG1)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 394: CreateQWordField (RSC3, DWI1._MAX, MAX)
Warning 3129 — ResourceTag smaller than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 32 bits, Field: 64 bits)

badcode.asl 394: CreateQWordField (RSC3, DWI1._MAX, MAX)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 395: CreateBitField (RSC3, DWI1._GRA, GRA)
Warning 3128 — ResourceTag larger than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 32 bits, Field: 1 bit)

badcode.asl 395: CreateBitField (RSC3, DWI1._GRA, GRA)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 396: CreateField (RSC3, DWI1._MIF, 5, MIF)
Warning 3129 — ResourceTag smaller than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 1 bit, Field: 5 bits)

badcode.asl 396: CreateField (RSC3, DWI1._MIF, 5, MIF)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 397: CreateField (RSC3, DWI1._RNG, 3, RNG2)
Warning 3129 — ResourceTag smaller than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 2 bits, Field: 3 bits)

badcode.asl 397: CreateField (RSC3, DWI1._RNG, 3, RNG2)
Remark 2089 — Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1])

badcode.asl 404: Store (40, Local0)
Warning 3144 — ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0)

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ASL+ Optimizing Compiler version 20150717-32
Copyright (c) 2000 — 2015 Intel Corporation

Ignoring all errors, forcing AML file generation

ASL Input: badcode.asl — 409 lines, 11588 bytes, 81 keywords
AML Output: badcode.aml — 1195 bytes, 61 named objects, 20 executable opcodes

Compilation complete. 46 Errors, 28 Warnings, 19 Remarks, 16 Optimizations, 1 Constants Folded

  • diff badcode badcode.asl.result
  • ‘[‘ 1 -eq 0 ‘]’
  • exit 1
    Makefile:25: recipe for target ‘check’ failed
    make[2]: *** [check] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory ‘/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717’
    debian/rules:70: recipe for target ‘override_dh_auto_test’ failed
    make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/home/serge/acpica-unix-20150717’
    debian/rules:29: recipe for target ‘build’ failed
    make: *** [build] Error 2

I can’t fix DSDT. Please help me fix it.

Thanks for help.

Intel ACPI Component Architecture

ASL Optimizing Compiler version 20110112-32 [Jan 13 2011]

Copyright © 2000 — 2011 Intel Corporation

/Applications/ 2325: And (ECAD, 0xFFFE, ECIN)

Error 4096-syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_AND ^

/Applications/ 2326: OperationRegion (ECBP, SystemIO, ECIN, 0x02)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECIN)

/Applications/ 2331: OperationRegion (ECIO, SystemIO, ECIN, 0x02)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECIN)

/Applications/ 2363: Acquire (ECMU, 0x5000)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2363: Acquire (ECMU, 0x5000)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 2375: Release (ECMU)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2380: Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2380: Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 2394: Release (ECMU)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2394: Release (ECMU)

Warning 1100 — Statement is unreachable ^

/Applications/ 2398: Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2398: Acquire (ECMU, 0x1388)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 2412: Release (ECMU)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECMU)

/Applications/ 2567: If (ECEN)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECEN)

/Applications/ 2574: If (ECEN)

Error 4064 — Object does not exist ^ (ECEN)

/Applications/ 5108: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5120: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5133: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5146: Acquire (MUTE, 0x0FFF)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5158: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5171: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5184: Acquire (MUTE, 0x03E8)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, possible operator timeout will be missed ^

/Applications/ 5375: And (CTRL, 0x1E, , CTRL)

Error 4096-syntax error, unexpected ‘,’, expecting ‘)’ ^

/Applications/ 7079: Method (CCMN, 3, NotSerialized)

Warning 1088-Not all control paths return a value ^ (CCMN)

/Applications/ 7249: Method (SETV, 2, NotSerialized)

Warning 1088-Not all control paths return a value ^ (SETV)

/Applications/ 7990: Add (Local1, 0x80)

Warning 1105-Result is not used, operator has no effect ^

/Applications/ 8463: Method (WMAA, 3, NotSerialized)

Warning 1088-Not all control paths return a value ^ (WMAA)

ASL Input: — 8639 lines, 306538 bytes, 3064 keywords

Compilation complete. 12 Errors, 15 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 66 Optimizations

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  • Result deleted due to error
  • Result code vbox e iprt error 0x80bb0005
  • Result code ns error failure 0x80004005
  • Result code missing data chrome как исправить

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