Righteous error sans

"It'd be real nice if you just kept your mouth shut for a while." – Righteous!Error Error is the apprentice of Error!404. He is an Alternate Universe destroyer and the overseer of the events within the Multiverse, whenever he isn't directly involved in it. Error, originally being Sans, has no recollection of his past. All he remembers is he woke up one day as what he was. Attempting to make a name of himself, he ended up with the unofficial title of an Alternate Universe Destroyer. Extracting co

«It’d be real nice if you just kept your mouth shut for a while.»
– Righteous!Error

Error is the apprentice of Error!404. He is an Alternate Universe destroyer and the overseer of the events within the Multiverse, whenever he isn’t directly involved in it.


Error, originally being Sans, has no recollection of his past. All he remembers is he woke up one day as what he was. Attempting to make a name of himself, he ended up with the unofficial title of an Alternate Universe Destroyer. Extracting code from the universes and eradicating it directly after had been somewhat of a normal occurrence. This was until he had met Error!404. At first reaction, Error!404 came off as an Error that done what Error wanted to do far better. However, as the two then got to know eachother more and more, he soon realised that Error!404 too had been attempting to make a name of himself. Despite the others immense power, he was as emotionally fragile as a piece of brittle glass. Eventually, Error had taken himself to be the apprentice of Error!404. The two worked together to accomplish their goals. Although, one question always had and always will stand in Error’s mind: what will happen when they do complete the mission?



Error retains all of his prominent features. His red eyesockets, his blue, yellow and white eyelights. However, his clothing had taken a bit of a change. Error wears a simple red shirt over a large, white overcoat that travels all the way down to his black shorts with blue stripes at the front. The white overcoat possesses a strange set of eyes, latched directly onto the overcoat. He wears a sky blue scarf over his neck, commonly curled over his neck.


Error’s opinions and beliefs have not shifted in the slightest through his time with Error!404. He still has spite against all Alternate Universes within the Multiverse and has a deep hatred for physical contact. However, in time, he has matured gradually. Instead of whining, he much prefers to deliberately explain his opinion, using the action of words to get his way. In his time with Error!404, he had come to take some notes of the way he spoke and such. Because of this, Error is an excellent persuader, and while he may not be as emotionless in his talk as his forerunner, he is most certainly convinicing.

Error likes to remain serious in all occasions that are not battle. Stern, strict and always having a desire to stick into control, he always keeps silent unless he needs to speak. He prefers to talk with actions far more, after all. In battle, he is as cocky as can be. Flourishing, calling out names, insults, whatever he can think of. Because of this, he sometimes tends to mess up in battle, yet he wins far more than he loses.



Error has many strings at his grasp, each being used for different purposes.

Blue Strings

Error’s usual set of strings. These are used specifically for the purpose of draining data and code from Alternate Universes. From excessive training with Error!404, he then discovered the ability to siphon data from entities with SOUL’s, as well, allowing him to restrict mana, defence, health and energy.

Red Strings

These strings are boiling hot to the touch, infused with slight determination from Error’s past as Geno. This will cause surging pain through humans and monsters alike, being a viable torture method. They do not cause actual damage, although they may end up with mental damage.

Green Strings

These strings are used in correlation with the blue strings, using extracted statistics to also infuse them into other entities. This is essentially a method of healing.

White Strings

These strings simply function as normal strings. Nothing else to them. Error commonly uses them to trap others up, alongside even doing the odd limb removal.

Illusory Strings

Strings that Error had discovered inevitably through hard work with Error!404. These strings allow themselves to burrow into one’s SOUL, gaining the ability to alter their perception, hearing and senses. They are commonly black in colour, although they turn into a rainbow colour once inflicting another’s SOUL.

Error Blaster

Error can cast large, black blasters which fire red beams. These instantly shoot through anything, although they only have a range of 3m before the beam evaporates.

Glitch Ray

Essentially a Novice God Ray that Error named «Glitch Ray» to sound special, this works as you’d expect. However, unlike God Ray, this ray is a consistent beam instead of a simple fire. Far thinner, this ray does not have any effect on inorganic material. For organic material, this ray instantly corrupts their code, either possessing them to obey Error’s every command, or simply decomposing their body until they essentially become a husk.

Eyes of The Overseer

Error possesses a line of eyes over his right arm, stitching his hand to his overcoat. It’s true abilities are unknown, although Error says that it is simply a cosmetic feature of his clothing. Only the dumb would believe such a thing.


Error!404 — Error’s relationship with his mentor is somewhat rocky. On one hand, Error knows Error!404 for what he truly is: William. He understands how he feels, he has an awareness of his emotions and he does feel much empathy for William’s loss of family. However, that isn’t enough to make him like William. His erratic outbursts tend to anger Error, alongside his lack of willpower to actually reform Alphatale. Error also has a belief that William will simply dispose of him once Alphatale is recreated once again.

Ink — Despite how much Error once used to hate the pest, he simply now wishes Ink had became what he once was all that time ago. Prior to Ink’s deal with an unnameable, Error and Ink had been rivals. Ink, constantly protecting Alternate Universes, and Error, constantly destroying Alternative Universes. Subsequent to Ink’s deal with the unnameable, Error began to miss those days. Now, he constantly watches over the beast that once had been called Ink, waiting for the day to finally free him of the grasp of that unnameable that had corrupted his sworn rival.


Error does not possess any true transformations, although he is the secondary component needed for the fusion of Error!666.


  • Error has also gained a love for cookies from his time with his mentor.
  • At times, Error can even come off as a mentor for Error!404 based on Error’s higher understanding of cultural society which Error!404 hadn’t known.
  • His theme is Voltaic, made by Jinify.
  • Error loves to make fun of Ares when he’s not around by calling him «Omnopent Sauce.»



made by D-Han


Made by ProductionRoxy

This isn’t canon I promise (by Coffee)

Откуда он был взят

«Было бы очень здорово, если бы ты просто какое-то время держал рот на замке.»

— Праведный!Эррор

Эррор — ученик Error404. Он является разрушителем Альтернативной Вселенной и наблюдателем за событиями в Мультивселенной, когда он не участвует в этом напрямую.


Эррор, изначально являющийся Сансом, ничего не помнит о своем прошлом. Все, что он помнит, — это то, что однажды он проснулся тем, кем был. Пытаясь сделать себе имя, он получил неофициальный титул Разрушителя Альтернативной Вселенной. Извлечение кода из вселенных и уничтожение его непосредственно после этого было в некотором роде нормальным явлением. Так было до тех пор, пока он не встретил Эррора404. На первый взгляд Эррор404 выглядел как эррор, которая сделал то, что эррор хотел сделать намного лучше. Однако по мере того, как эти двое узнавали друг друга все больше и больше, он вскоре понял, что Error!404 «too» пытался сделать себе имя. Несмотря на огромную силу других, он был эмоционально хрупок, как кусок хрупкого стекла. В конце концов, Эррор решил стать учеником Эррора!404. Эти двое работали вместе, чтобы достичь своих целей. Хотя один вопрос всегда был и всегда будет стоять в голове Эррора: «Что произойдет, когда они «выполнят» миссию?»


Внешний вид

Эррор сохраняет все свои выдающиеся черты. Его красные глазницы, его синие, желтые и белые подводки. Однако его одежда немного изменилась. Эррор носит простую красную рубашку поверх большого белого пальто, которое спускается до его черных шорт с синими полосками спереди. Белое пальто обладает странным набором глаз, прикрепленных прямо к пальто. На шее у него небесно-голубой шарф, обычно накинутый на шею.


Мнения и убеждения Эррора ни в малейшей степени не изменились за время, проведенное с Эррором!404. Он все еще испытывает злобу ко всем Альтернативным Вселенным в Мультивселенной и испытывает глубокую ненависть к физическому контакту. Однако со временем он постепенно повзрослел. Вместо того чтобы ныть, он предпочитает сознательно объяснять свое мнение, используя действие слов, чтобы добиться своего. В свое время с Error!404 он пришел, чтобы сделать некоторые заметки о том, как он говорит, и тому подобное. Из-за этого Эррор отлично умеет убеждать, и хотя он, возможно, не так бесстрастен в своей речи, как его предшественник, он, безусловно, убеждает.

Эррор любит оставаться серьезной во всех случаях, которые не являются битвой. Суровый, строгий и всегда стремящийся контролировать ситуацию, он всегда молчит, если ему не нужно говорить. В конце концов, он гораздо больше предпочитает говорить с действиями. В бою он настолько самоуверен, насколько это возможно. Процветает, выкрикивает имена, оскорбления, все, что он может придумать. Из-за этого он иногда склонен ошибаться в бою, но выигрывает гораздо больше, чем проигрывает.



У Эррора в руках много ниточек, каждая из которых используется для разных целей.

«Синие струны»

Обычный набор строк Эррора. Они используются специально для слива данных и кода из Альтернативных Вселенных. В результате чрезмерных тренировок с Error!404 он затем обнаружил способность перекачивать данные от сущностей с ДУШОЙ, а также, что позволяет ему ограничивать ману, защиту, здоровье и энергию.

«Красные струны»

Эти струны обжигающе горячие на ощупь, пропитанные легкой решимостью из прошлого Эррора в качестве Geno. Это вызовет сильную боль как у людей, так и у монстров, являясь жизнеспособным методом пыток. Они не наносят реального ущерба, хотя могут привести к психическому ущербу.

«Зеленые струны»

Эти строки используются в корреляции с синими строками, используя извлеченную статистику, чтобы также внедрить их в другие объекты. По сути, это метод исцеления.

«Белые струны»

Эти строки просто функционируют как обычные строки. Ничего другого для них не было. Эррор обычно использует их, чтобы заманить в ловушку других, наряду с удалением нечетных конечностей.

«Иллюзорные струны»

Строки, которые Эррор неизбежно обнаружила в результате напряженной работы с Эррором!404. Эти струны позволяют себе проникать в ДУШУ человека, приобретая способность изменять его восприятие, слух и чувства. Обычно они черного цвета, хотя, попав в чужую ДУШУ, приобретают радужный цвет.

«‘Эррор бластер»‘

Еррор может использовать большие черные бластеры, которые стреляют красными лучами. Они мгновенно пробивают все насквозь, хотя их дальность действия составляет всего 3 м, прежде чем луч испарится.

«‘Луч глюка»‘

По сути, новичок God Ray, которого эррор назвала «Glitch Ray», чтобы звучать по-особенному, работает так, как вы и ожидали. Однако, в отличие от Божественного Луча, этот луч представляет собой последовательный луч, а не простой огонь. Гораздо более тонкий, этот луч не оказывает никакого воздействия на неорганический материал. Для органического материала этот луч мгновенно искажает их код, либо заставляя их подчиняться каждой команде Эррора, либо просто разлагая их тело до тех пор, пока они по существу не превратятся в шелуху.

«Глаза надзирателя»

У Эррора есть линия глаз над его правой рукой, пришивающая его руку к пальто. Его истинные способности неизвестны, хотя Эррор говорит, что это просто косметическая особенность его одежды. «Только тупица поверит в такое».


Error!404 — отношения Эррора со своим наставником несколько напряженные. С одной стороны, Error знает Error!404 таким, какой он есть на самом деле: Уильям. Он понимает, что он чувствует, он осознает свои эмоции, и он действительно испытывает большое сочувствие к потере Уильямом семьи. Однако этого недостаточно, чтобы понравиться Уильяму. Его беспорядочные вспышки гнева, как правило, вызывают гнев Эррора, наряду с отсутствием у него силы воли, чтобы действительно реформировать Alphatale. Эррор также верит, что Уильям просто избавится от него, как только Alphatale будет воссоздан еще раз.

Чернила — Несмотря на то, как сильно Эррор когда-то ненавидел вредителя, теперь он просто жалеет, что Инк не стал тем, кем он когда-то был много лет назад. До сделки Ink с безымянным Error и Ink были конкурентами. Чернила, постоянно защищающие Альтернативные Вселенные, и Эррор, постоянно разрушающая Альтернативные Вселенные. После сделки Ink с the unnameable. Эррор начал скучать по тем дням. Теперь он постоянно наблюдает за зверем, которого когда-то звали Инк, ожидая дня, когда тот, наконец, освободит его от власти того неназываемого, который развратил его заклятого соперника.


Эррор не обладает никакими истинными преобразованиями, хотя он является вторичным компонентом, необходимым для слияния Эррора!666.


  • Эррор также приобрел любовь к печенью, проведя время со своим наставником.
  • Иногда Error может даже выступать в качестве наставника для Error!404, основываясь на более высоком понимании Error культурного общества, которого Error!404 не знал.
  • Его тема — Voltaic, сделанный компанией Jinify.
  • Эррор любит подшучивать над Аресом, когда его нет рядом, называя его «Всемогущим соусом».



сделано D-Han


Сделано ProductionRoxy

Name: Righteous!Error
Age: Unknown
Role: Au Protector
Gender: Male
Au: AfterTale
Height: 5’4

Base HP: Unknown
Base AT: Unknown
Base DF: Unknown

He’s still whinny and still throw’s empty threats and fits when things don’t go his way. However after a lot of time with 404 he’s become more mature and more independent instead of relying on his mentor half of the time. He still tries to deal with the past and what happened to him after AfterTale and the events there however he now is much better and no longer that person he once was, he now finds peace with himself and is more harder to anger then most would think. He also cut ties with Error 404 after an encounter ReIgnited!Ink.

His appearance is very similar to his hobo look from before, however He now wears a new set of clothes made for him by Error 404 as gift and they appear to be all white with a much lighter color for his scarf and Error’s eyes lining the right sleeve he also wears new black shorts with a blue strip on the sides (similar to his original shorts) and he still keeps the flip flops from his time during the X-Event.

BackStory(After leaving Error 404): While Error is in the middle of an intense fight with Virus 404, ReIgnited!Ink Helps Error fight Virus 404 since he happend to be «passing by». Although Error hated Ink he decided to let Ink fight with him Since Error was losing(Though Error wont admit it). Virus 404 Eventually fled and before he did he screamed «if YOu THiINK ThIS Is THe LaSt TImE We WIll MEet THink AGain INk ANd ErroR. YoU ALone CanT bEat Us. NExt TIme I WIll TeAr YOu LIMb From LImb AND MAke YoU Wish YOU WHere Still in AFTer TAle.»  After that Error starts to leave but Ink stops him. Error ask what he wants and Ink Explains to him why Virus 404 said all that. We dont know what Ink told Error but after a few hours Ink and Error made up and decided that they would team up to protect the multiverse. This is also when Error had to stop working with Error 404. Since then Error and Ink along with some help from Dream, try to build a team of fighters to stop What ever Virus 404 and his group where up to. 

Error404: He sees 404 as this nagging voice in his head and this unwanted figure in his life sent to make him «better» then he was before. Error at first resents 404 for being this «better» version of who he is and 404 didnt mind saying these things either. 404 and Error’s relationship was nothing short of toxic at the beginning, but quickly as 404s plans became more and more bigger the two found they needed each other more then anything and often we’re relying on each other and 404 eventually looking up to 404 as this Master or Fatherly figure he need the approval and ok from.

King!Multiverse: 404 downright hates King!Multiverse, from the moment Error was told he’d have to bow to someone he didnt even know he was furious and still is for he’s never liked KM and probably never will.

Alpha: He’s only heard a few things, but knows and understands 404s love for his brother or care at least and even he too sees Alpha as some sort of symbol of heroism or at least pacifism.

ReIgnited!Ink: Ink was Error’s most hated enemy besides others he’s encountered, but at some point Error and Ink Made up after having a good talk. Eventually They  teamed up together. Ink still gets on Error’s nerves a lot but its more like a big brother relation ship between the two especially since Ink can care for people now.

Epic!Sans: Error mostly ignores Epic mostly because he thinks Epics «Immature».

Dream: Error and Dream dont have a very good relationship. Dream still doesn’t completely trust Error and feels he might revert back to being evil if something bad happens between Error and Ink again. So dream mostly keeps his distance from Error. While this bothers Error he understands and wont go out of his way to talk to Dream unecasarily. although acconsionaly Error will try to tease or scare Dream about turning evil.

W!Sans: Error very much likes Well!Sans. He finds him interesting and loves the constant jokes he makes about everybody (except for when its him of course).

Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Emotional: Even though its harder to make Him mad or frustrated. When he does he can sometimes completely lose it and and go into a blind rage often not thinking before he acts. This is probably his most damaging weakness since it has lead him to lose many battles in the past.

Error Blasters: 

Error’s Blasters work just like regular blasters accept faster and alot stronger. 

Improved Strings: Error’s strings, He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings and less with physical combat unless provoked so. His strings would later be improved by 404 allowing him to even be able to grab others from Aus entirely without having to be there even be able to trap people in them making them unable to escape.

Novice God Ray:

 Practicing for years just to get a spark Error finally managed to make his first version of 404’s famous God Ray. His novice ray is thinner yet faster then the standard God Ray or Alpha ray and is the only other user and person to be able to use this technique.

Au Jump:

Error can travel to different Au’s whenever he wants.

Glitchy touch: Error learned that if he concentrated hard enough he can make others glitch out of control by touching them. Although It wont work on anyone stronger than him and has a low chance on working on some who is just as strong as him. It has a high chance on working on any glitchy ententies like Error 404 or Virus 404 even if their stronger than Error.

No String Attached: This is a combo move with Glitchy Touch. If Error manages to wrap his strings around someone who been glitched the strings will be absorbed into his target he can control them to do whatever he wants. This is an much better alternative instead of him using strings to control someone sense they can do more complex moves and fight way better since Error does not need to move his strings and can still fight while not needing to worry about keeping control of his «Puppet». The only downside is depending on how strong the one being controlled is the harder it will be for Error to keep them under control.

Check out my youtube channel where i will eventually stating putting out animated episodes for Underwell:Save The Multiverse.



“No ink, no AU’s other than those filthy anomalies and occasional attacks. But other than that this place is great!” -Error in staffverse

Righteous!Error Belongs to shadikal15 (https://alphatale.fandom.com/wiki/User:SHADIKAL15) and team lavender, respectively


clear note NONE of this is canon to alphatale, just staffverse.

Righteous Error




Biographical information

Marital status

Date of birth

Place of birth

Physical description





Eye color


Appears in


Error sat in the HQ of 404’s hideout. Obviously bored, ever since the rewrite of the multiverse he was never able to watch undernovela so he sat on his beanbag that he had moved from the anti-void into the HQ. “Error.” Error looked over to his mentor, the white demon, Error!404. “What is it sir?” Error replied, wondering what his mentor needed from him. “Unless your training on your own I’ve canceled it and moved it to tomorrow.” 404 said, error stood up confused, “but sir, I was actually looking forward to this.” “Yes, yes I know but I have something to attend to. Remember it’s just moved to tomorrow.” 404 replied. Disappointed error sat back down, “where are you even going? To king or somethin?” 404 packed up and got ready for his troubled journey to find someone, “no I need to go find nightmare. He has something for me the only problem is I haven’t seen him in days. I’m sure he’s hiding from me.” 404 replied, error rolled his pupils. “Great happy travels then” he said playing with his strings. 404 opened a portal and stepped through and as the portal closed he heard a voice. “Error…. I’m here..” the voice said, error stumbled back in surprise. “W-What the hell was that?! SHOW YOURSELF!“ “I’m here error, it’s me… don’t you remember. ” The voice said once again. Error held his skull and sat in the bridge. “Am I going insane?! No.. I can’t be..” error heard something but thought it was just a noise from the voice he was hearing, but then heard a familiar voice. “What’s wrong with you boy.” A future King!Multiverse said, this surprised error and he quickly stood up. “It’s none of your business.” Error replied, only for king multiverse to cross his arms “it Is w-“ suddenly king multiverse was interrupted “Error. king!multiverse. Come here.” The voice said sounding like 404’s. Error walked to the door almost confused, “sir. ” He said as he opened the door, on the inside it showed 404 being swallowed up by nightmare. “IVE FINALLY WON!!” Said the illusion, error tried running in only to get caught up by king multiverses chains though escaped when king let them down. “IM COMING SIR” error said as the door closed behind him and the illusion faded. “What the hell?! SIR, 404! Where are you. ” Error shouted, but only a voice from the sky was heard. “He is safe and sound do not worry. Welcome righteous!error#84827.” The voice replied, error jumping back “w-who the hell?! WHERE ARE YOU SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!!” Error screamed. “I cannot do that. But I am a creator that’s all you need to know Staff!error.” “GREAT JUST GREAT!! I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM AND I DONT KNOW WHEN HE’S COMING TO FIND ME!” “You will know soon enough now sleep” the voice said, and as soon as the last word was said error fell unconscious. Waking up in his room it was just a beanbag, with a glitched tv showing undernovela. Much to his interest he saw a door behind him that, once opened he saw a hallway, doors that lead to different rooms such as, fatal!Error, king multiverses, and most importantly 404’s. Error sprinted out of his room into 404’s, leaving his door open. As a blue light shines through the white anti-void of errors room, disturbing laughter could be heard almost like a distorted laugh of 404.


Throughout the time he’s spend with 404 in his Multiverse and the Staffverse, Error’s opinion on AU’s have never changed he still despises all AU’s and those he deems «anomalies.» His personality is much like to his classic righteous error counterpart. Though unable to reach any AU’s he is glad that there are none around, aside from the other anomalies he dislikes

in battle much like classic, he tries to keep the battle in favor of himself, never speaking, staying in control when needed. he learned this from being with 404 for over 6 years.


Error!404 sans: Error and 404 have been with each other for over 6 years, very close to seventh. they both have a very fond appreciation for one another. Error almost seems to see 404 as a ‘father who seems always disappointed.’ Error knows who 404 really is, which is William. Error does feel sympathy and empathy for William for the loss of his friends and family, though he very much despises his outbursts, as they lead to angering Error.

Hollow!Ink: Though not in staffverse, Error still watches Hollow and even his own 404 from the Orb 404 stole from abyss so long ago in his own multiverse. he misses the old ink, and not this Hollow.. thing though all he can do is watch the multiverse he was once in and watch ink destroy it all.


Error wears a long white with black and gold lines coat that goes all the way down to his shorts, the shorts are black with a blue stripe like normal.

Powers and Abilities


Normal strings that allow Error to take control of people / monsters as long as it can wrap around their SOUL

Blue Strings

Error’s usual set of strings. These are used specifically for the purpose of draining data and code from Alternate Universes. From excessive training with Error!404, he then discovered the ability to siphon data from entities with SOUL’s, as well, allowing him to restrict mana, defence, health and energy.

Red Strings

These strings are boiling hot to the touch, infused with slight determination from Error’s past as Geno. This will cause surging pain through humans and monsters alike, being a viable torture method. They do not cause actual damage, although they may end up with mental damage.

Glitch Ray

The Glitch Ray, is basically the Novice God ray. The ray is more of a consistent beam than just a single fire. it is as well far thinner than the normal god-ray, if shot at a living being, it will corrupt its code and either, posses the opponent to obey errors every command, or they will decompose until they are left as a husk

Glitched Blaster

Errors normal Gaster blaster

Eyes of The Overseer

Error possesses a line of eyes over his right arm, stitching his hand to his overcoat. It’s true abilities are unknown, yet when in distress it fires out glitched beams. The properties and effects are unknown yet Error hides it as best as he can



«You got lost in Infinity» — Myriad

Myriad is a sort of form that Error can take when he is to stressed out, or in a state of rage. Myriad consists of many eyes on top of a blue body, each part sprouting off like multiple limbs. Myriad has an unknown size, but is known to be a Polothorn, which is a beings similar to that of Sol himself that can become entities of limitless power. Polothorns are usually created by reproducing with another entity that isn’t from the TransVoid. However this is not the case for Error and Myriad, as Error, like classic Righteous Error, has the DNA of the unnameable from chapter 3. which is why he has eyes in the right side of his arm.

All Myriad knows is destruction, this is perhaps because of Errors desire to Destroy all AU’s and Anomalies. Myriad, with its many eyes will look for anyone in its vicinity to destroy and kill.

When all the rage within Myriad, it will slowly turn back into error. Error will have no recollection of what had happened within the time he was Myriad.

This Entity is very dangerous, its abilities are not yet known. further research required. I’m sure we can take it down.


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(I Know) Every Bomb has a Silver Lining by OrangeJuiceIsASimp

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Asgore stood, the remaining monsters behind him, and watched as the barrier closed. They were trapped. They had nothing but each other now.

Monsters all over cried as their loved ones fell down. Parents dusted before their children’s eyes. A skeleton child, no more than 12, watched as his older sister fell. She was his last remaining family. He was the last remaining skeleton.

There was nobody left now. He was all alone.

(or the story of one WD Gaster)


Beer and Wine. by failMedic

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

A story set in and around the late 1920’s, early to mid 30’s with realistic hot takes of the time period. A simple immigrate monster of a man is trying to run his business while his forced Mafia friend say no. There isn’t anything either of these two monsters will do to keep their own safe but its going to come to a point where they are going to have to get along. Magic, massive inner demons and a real demon make a semi realistic take of Mafiafell story interesting. The market has crashed, jobs suck ass and so does the mafia. The only way out is death. Let’s fucking go.

More to add to summary while I add chapters.

(There WILL be graphic scenes of death and torture in this story, all of which will be motioned a head of time. This is your warning.)

Sanscest OneShots by YeeSans

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Original book was deleted from Wattpad, gotta rewrite them somewhere. Hope this is good enough for y’all

CR-055 files by little_clown

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

On Nightmare’s desk sits a slightly burnt file with the name CR-055 on the tab. Singed papers rest inside the file but are still legible. There is a light purple sticky note on the file with Nightmare’s elegant script stuck to the middle.

‘The sole remaining survivor of XTale and was very protective of a dead human in armor. Error destroyed the AU due to corrupted codes from someone tampering with them too much.

I have taken him in as one of my own and call him Cross. We buried his human in the garden under the wild yellow flowers’

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  • Part 1 of CR-055

Language: English Words: 2,047 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 30 Kudos: 45 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: 349

  • Tib and Rib by Spectascopes

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    You’d heard about what happened to the monsters- how they’d been captured and taken into custody. They’d been deemed violent and unstable, and there had been a brief public outcry at their treatment, but after that. radio static. That had been two years ago.

    You, a dog person with a passion for rehabilitating the rough ones, had been asked to take in an unintelligent ‘dog’ monster by the name of Tib. He was shy, touch-averse, and made of bones, but ultimately a good companion for a quiet person like yourself. You were probably imagining the emotions in his eye sockets.

    Branches On A Tree by Pixiehobbit

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The barrier is finally broken, and at last all of monsterkind are free to walk on the surface.
    Sans the Skeleton is skeptical. Why bother getting excited for something that’s just going to reset? This is not the first time the barrier is broken, and probably not the last. He feels the need to take a break for everyone else’s enthusiasm and wanders to the ruins where he encounters a ghost of his past. The result of that meeting is something he has been hiding for a long time and that he’s determined to keep hidden.

    Tipping the Scales by WrittenKinzy18

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    There were many things that kept the multiverse running; systems that worked side by side to make sure everything didn’t fall apart in an instant. The most well known of these systems were the three main balances.

    Life and Death, Creation and Destruction, Positivity and Negativity — all completely necessary aspects to the universes and the people within them.

    Four Gods and two Guardians maintain this balance, but the multiverse has strange ways of protecting itself as well.

    A One-Shot booklet of the Dragon Balance AU, with some additional pictures. I can’t promise regular updates or lengthy chapters every time, but I’ll do my best.

    Crossing Pilot! Light Within a Dragon’s Heart by DeterminationIsNotCrash for TopazShadowwolf

    Fandoms: スーパーロボット大戦 | Super Robot Wars, Undertale (Video Game)

    With the destruction of Gundam Alex, Amuro turns to the Saotome Labs to provide him a new Mobile Suit. He encounters significant trouble on his way to receive it, but he finds the strength to face it with the help of two unexpected allies.

    The Child of Beasts by fallensnownekomata0211

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Nova is not your ordinary girl. She has secrets that could get her killed and memories that haunt her daily life. Despite that, she tries to live an ordinary life as a new college student at Underground University, a college for both humans and the recently released monsters. After a series of occurrences take place, the skeletons who teach her classes start to take an interest in getting to know her. Will she be able to keep them at a safe distance, or will they discover the truth hidden from the world? Will she be able to protect those around her, or will their deaths finally push her to the breaking point? And just what happened to break her soul in the first place?

    • Part 1 of Adventures Of Nova

    Language: English Words: 38,469 Chapters: 16/? Comments: 57 Kudos: 183 Bookmarks: 32 Hits: 4278

  • Bones and Dust by Bored_Commehter

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    In a half-Swapped Fell-verse, Captain Sans of Her Majesty’s Royal Guard unexpectedly finds himself with custody of his younger brother.

    • Part 2 of ‘Tales Retold

    Language: English Words: 17,605 Chapters: 10/? Comments: 49 Kudos: 88 Bookmarks: 6 Hits: 1119

  • The half breed and comic skeleton by FormSans

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    This my old work from Wattpad. I am going to be remaking it and thought I would put the original here as well.

    I am a half breed. I am half human and half monster. I believed no one would ever love me like normal people would for each other. That was until I met this one skeleton, who has his own secrets. I can only hope.

    Scars Of The Past by SkyfireTheDragon

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Nearly a year after the barrier came down and monsters escaped from the underground, everyone is enjoying life up on the surface. No more resets. With this newfound freedom, Sans is content to kick back and relax- for real, this time- for the first time in years.

    Their journey over, Frisk has the chance to grow up and live a normal (or as normal as living with monsters can get) life. Or so everyone thought. Turns out, when the monsters were freed, the story wasn’t quite over.

    When Sans goes missing at what was supposed to be a fun, danger-free camping trip and there is news of a dangerous beast roaming the woods, everyone jumps in to help. But as monsters start disappearing, and the human government is creating problems for the endangered race, Frisk and their friends are forced to dig into Sans’ past to find a way to stop all of this.

    It turns out, the laid-back skeleton is hiding more than they could’ve ever imagined. And to save him, they have to uncover the scars of his past. Because you can’t use a bandaid alone to heal a wound, no matter how much tearing it off may sting.

    Snas x reader (hottest fic evr, believe me) by orphan_account

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The reader is Frosk so this is frans this is very hot and spicy.

    • Part 2 of Ships I despise

    Language: English Words: 356 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 10 Kudos: 23 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 917

  • With The Best Intentions by Fragile_Control

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Major Character Death
    • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus/Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus/Papyrus (Undertale)
    • papyrus/sans/papyrus (Undertale)
    • Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Sans (Underfell)
    • Papyrus (Underfell)
    • Sans (Underswap)
    • Papyrus (Underswap)
    • Sans (swapfell)
    • Papyrus (Swapfell)
    • Frisk (Undertale)
    • Frisk (Underswap)
    • Chara (underswap)
    • Alternate Universe — Underswap (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Underfell (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Swapfell (Undertale)
    • Undertale Spoilers
    • Undertale bros — Freeform
    • Hurt/Comfort
    • code re-wrighting
    • Gaster Blaster Sans (Undertale)
    • US frisk — Freeform
    • US chara — Freeform
    • UT Frisk — Freeform
    • Multiverse Travel
    • Detailed Violence
    • US Alphys mentioned
    • established soul bond
    • Undertale Saves and Resets
    • Major character death — Freeform
    • SOUL Absorption (Undertale)
    • cellphone contact between universes
    • US papyrus needs a hug
    • Explicit Language
    • body morphing
    • Sibling Incest

    Even the best of intentions can have the worst results. Stretch just want’s to be a good brother and protect Blue, how could anything possibly go wrong.

    Meating Monsters by Bee_Knee

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Horrortale Sans is stuck in an Underground where the only source of magic is dust.

    Empress Undyne died long ago, having been eaten alive by her ravenous subjects. No ruler had dared claim the throne since, for they too would be eaten.

    Sans’s magic now runs red with Determination and it’s the only thing keeping him together. Constantly bombarded with painful memories of the past, Sans does his best to reinvent himself.

    — This Horrortale AU will eventually cross over into the canon Undertale AU.

    BBP by KynTyu

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Following a small personal revenge on the part of Alphys, Sans begins to rejuvenate more and more until being a baby.

    BBP by KynTyu

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Suite à une petite vengeance personnelle de la part d’Alphys, Sans rajeuni de plus en plus jusqu’à être un bébé.

    Monster or Beast? by Fire_Inu_Princess

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    After the barrier shattered, Sans started to display rather strange behaviors and physical changes. No one could understand why this had started to happen over the years, making Frisk worry for her friend, this goes on for years after the shattering of the barrier, then one day she finds out what had happened to him.

    It seems, the problems of the Underground wasn’t completely over, but now it takes place upon the surface. Will Frisk be able to confess her feelings for Sans after all these years or would his own problems and fears prevent anything from becoming romantic? Read to find out!

    brittle bones to break the fall by eternalmyriadofstars

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Rape/Non-Con
    • Underage
    • Papyrus & Sans (Undertale)
    • Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus (Undertale)
    • W. D. Gaster
    • Undyne (Undertale)
    • Gerson (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Underfell (Undertale)
    • Babybones (Undertale)
    • Gaster Blaster Sans (Undertale)
    • Big Brother Sans (Undertale)
    • Younger Brother Papyrus (Undertale)
    • W. D. Gaster Being An Asshole
    • Child Abuse
    • Abuse
    • Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
    • Underfell Papyrus Being a Good Brother
    • I’m so sorry
    • Non-Linear Narrative

    «The first time Gaster hits you is right after you awake for the very first time. You blink awake to the sight of cold, sterile lights above you and are promptly backhanded across the face.

    ‘You are SN-5,’ comes the cold, dispassionate voice from somewhere off to your right. ‘You are my experiment, and you will do exactly as I say. Get up.’»

    Sans is Gaster’s first successful experiment on creating an artificial soul, for a given definition of “success”. Unloved and unwanted by his creator, he finds a brother in the Royal Scientist’s son, Papyrus, who has his own scars courtesy of his father. Together, the two of them must navigate the dangers of the Underground – and that of the man they call Gaster. For even ghosts have ways of haunting us, and memories don’t just die.

    I didn’t noticed all the changes between us by KhaleeKenny

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Sans is changing into a gaster blaster
    Papyrus finally notice the horrible condition of his brother and don’t know what to do


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