Rosemount 8750 loi comm error

Emerson Rosemount 8750W Manual Online: Diagnostic Messages. Problems in the magnetic flowmeter system are usually indicated by incorrect output readings from the system, error messages, or failed tests. Consider all sources in identifying a problem in the system. Table 9-1. Basic...


March 2016


Problems in the magnetic flowmeter system are usually indicated by incorrect output

readings from the system, error messages, or failed tests. Consider all sources in identifying

a problem in the system.

Table 9-1. Basic Diagnostic Messages

Error message

Potential cause

Empty Pipe

Empty pipe

Wiring error

Electrode error

Conductivity less than 5

microsiemens per cm

Intermittent diagnostic

Coil Open Circuit

Improper wiring

Other manufacturer’s sensor

Electronics board failure

Coil circuit open fuse

Auto Zero Failure

Flow is not set to zero

Unshielded cable in use

Moisture problems

Auto-Trim Failure

No flow in pipe while performing

Universal Auto Trim

Wiring error

Flow rate is changing in pipe

while performing Universal

Auto-Trim routine

Flow rate through sensor is

significantly different than value

entered during Universal

Auto-Trim routine

Incorrect calibration number

entered into transmitter for

Universal Auto-Trim routine

Wrong sensor size selected

Sensor failure

Electronics Failure

Electronics self check failure

Electronics Temp

Ambient temperature exceeded


the electronics temperature



Corrective action

•None — message will clear when pipe is full

•Check that wiring matches appropriate wiring diagrams

•Perform sensor tests — see

•Increase conductivity to greater than or equal to 5

microsiemens per cm

•Adjust tuning of empty pipe parameters — see Section 8.4.1

•Check coil drive wiring and sensor coils

Perform sensor tests — see

•Change coil current to 75 mA — set calibration numbers to


•Perform a universal auto-trim to select the proper coil current

•Replace 8750W electronics stack

•Return the unit to the factory for fuse replacement

•Force flow to zero, perform auto zero trim

•Change wire to shielded cable


Table 9-8 on page 175

•Establish a known flow rate, and perform universal auto-trim


•Check that wiring matches appropriate wiring diagrams — see

«Implementing a Universal Transmitter» on page 221

•Establish a constant flow rate, and perform universal auto-trim


•Verify flow in sensor and perform universal auto-trim


•Replace sensor calibration number with 1000005010000000

•Correct sensor size setting — see

•Perform sensor tests — see

•Cycle power to see if diagnostic message clears

•Replace Electronics stack

•Move transmitter to a location with an ambient temperature

range of -40 to 140 °F (-40 to 60 °C)

Reference Manual

00809-0300-4750, Rev CA

Table 9-8 on page 175

Table 9-8 on page 175

«Line size» on page 33

Table 9-8 on page 175


Программное обеспечение
Технические характеристики
Знак утверждения типа
Сведения о методах измерений
Рекомендации к применению


Расходомеры электромагнитные Rosemount 8750 (далее — расходомеры) предназначены для измерения скорости потока и вычисления объемного расхода, накопленного объема электропроводящих жидкостей, пульп и суспензий, имеющих минимальную электрическую проводимость 5-10-4 См/м.


Принцип работы расходомера основан на законе электромагнитной индукции: в электропроводящей жидкости, движущейся в магнитном поле, индуцируется электродвижущая сила (ЭДС) пропорциональная скорости потока, которая в свою очередь пропорциональна объемному расходу жидкости.

Электромагнитные расходомеры состоят из:

—    датчика расхода (далее — датчик)

—    измерительного преобразователя (далее — преобразователя) настенного или полевого монтажа).

Датчик представляет собой участок трубопровода, изготовленный из немагнитного материала, покрытый внутри неэлектропроводной изоляцией и помещенный между полюсами электромагнита, и два электрода, помещенные в поток проводящей жидкости, в направлении перпендикулярном как к направлению потока, так и к направлению силовых линий магнитного поля.

Преобразователи обеспечивают питание цепи возбуждения магнитного поля расходомера, измеряют при помощи электродов ЭДС, скорость потока и объемный расход, а также формируют аналоговые и цифровые выходные сигналы.

Существует 2 исполнения расходомеров: стандартное и высокоточное (опция D1). Датчик устанавливается в технологический трубопровод, преобразователь может монтироваться как отдельно, так и встраиваться в датчик.

Преобразователи могут комплектоваться жидкокристаллическим индикатором (ЖКИ), либо быть без него.

Внешний вид расходомеров представлен на рисунке 1.

Расходомер с преобразователем полевого монтажа

Преобразователь настенного монтажа разнесенного исполнения

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение расходомеров (далее — ПО) не изменяемое и не считываемое. Уровень защиты программного обеспечения от преднамеренных и непреднамеренных изменений — «средний» по Р 50.2.077-2014. Идентификационные данные ПО приведены в

таблице 1.

_Таблица 1 — Идентификационные данные ПО

Идентификационные данные (признаки)


Идентификационное наименование ПО

8732EIS_VDD_5_ 4 5.hex



8712E_REL_V5_ 3 l.bin

Номер версии

(идентификационный номер) ПО

не ниже 5.4.5

не ниже 5.3.3

не ниже 5.3.1

Цифровой идентификатор ПО

Технические характеристики

Метрологические и технические характеристики расходомеров представлены в таблице 2.

Таблица 2 — Метрологические и технические характеристики расходомеров

Наименование характеристики



Диапазон измерений скорости при прямом и обратном потоках, м/с

от 0,012 до 12

Диаметр условного прохода, мм

от 15 до 1200

Пределы допускаемой основной относительной погрешности при измерении скорости потока, %1):

—    при скорости потока от 0,3 до 12 м/с,

—    при скорости потока от 1 до 12 м/с (опция D1)

± 0,5 ± 0,25

Пределы допускаемой дополнительной относительной погрешности расходомера, при изменении температуры окружающей среды, на каждые 10 °С, %

± 0,02

Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности преобразования в токовый выходной сигнал, % от диапазона измерения

± 0,025

Выходные сигналы:

—    токовый/HART, мА

—    частотно-импульсный, Гц

от 4 до 20 от 1 до 10000

Диапазон температуры технологической среды, °С

от минус 29 до плюс 120

Напряжение питания переменного тока, В, не более Напряжение питания постоянного тока, В, не более



Степень защиты от пыли и воды:

—    датчик

—    преобразователь полевого монтажа

—    преобразователь настенного монтажа




Наименование характеристики



Габаритные размеры, не более (длина х ширина х высота), мм


Масса, кг, не более


Средний срок службы, лет, не менее


Средняя наработка на отказ, ч, не менее


Условия эксплуатации:

— температура окружающей среды датчика, °С;

от минус 29 до плюс 60

— температура окружающей среды преобразователя полевого

монтажа (без ЖКИ), °С;

от минус 50 до плюс 60

— температура окружающей среды преобразователя полевого

монтажа (с ЖКИ), °С;

от минус 20 до плюс 60

— температура окружающей среды преобразователя настенного

монтажа (без ЖКИ), °С;

от минус 40 до плюс 74

— температура окружающей среды преобразователя настенного

монтажа (с ЖКИ), °С;

от минус 29 до плюс 74

— относительная влажность, %

до 100


1) При скорости потока от 0,012 до 0,3 м/с основная абсолютная погрешность расходомера

равна ± 0,0015 м/с

Знак утверждения типа

наносится на табличку или корпус расходомера, и на титульный лист руководства по эксплуатации и паспорта типографским способом.


Комплектность поставки расходомеров приведена в таблице 3.

Таблица 3 — Комплектность поставки расходомеров


Количество, шт.

Расходомер электромагнитный 8750




Руководство по эксплуатации


Методика поверки МП 4213-066-2014


Комплект монтажных частей *


* Согласно заказу


осуществляется по документу МП 4213-066-2014 «Расходомеры электромагнитные Rosemount 8750. Методика поверки», утвержденному ФБУ «Челябинский ЦСМ» 12 декабря 2014 г. Основные средства поверки:

— Поверочная установка с диапазоном расходов, соответствующих или превышающих диапазон поверочных расходов поверяемого расходомера, с пределами относительной погрешности при измерении объемного расхода и объема не более 1/3 от погрешности поверяемого расходомера;

— Имитатор 8714, диапазон имитации скорости потока от 0,9143 до 9,1440 м/с, предел допускаемой относительной погрешности ± 0,04 %;

Сведения о методах измерений

содержатся в документе «Расходомеры электромагнитные Rosemount 8750. Руководство по эксплуатации».

Нормативные и технические документы, устанавливающие требования к расходомерам электромагнитным Rosemount 8750

ГОСТ 8.510-2002 ГСИ. «Государственная поверочная схема для средств измерений объема и массы жидкостей»;

ГОСТ 28723-90 «Расходомеры скоростные, электромагнитные и вихревые. Общие технические требования и методы испытаний»;

ТУ 4213-066-51453097-2014 «Расходомеры электромагнитные Rosemount 8750».

Рекомендации к применению

Выполнение работ по оценке соответствия промышленной продукции и продукции других видов, а также иных объектов установленным законодательством Российской Федерации обязательным требованиям.

Изготов ители

1.    «Emerson Process Management Flow Technologies Co.», Ltd., Китай, 111, Xing Min South Road Jiangning, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211100;

2.    «Emerson SRL», Румыния, Str. Emerson Nr.4, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 400641;

3.    «F-R Tecnologias de Flujo, S.A. de C.V.», Мексика, Ave. Miguel de Cervantes № 111, Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, 31136

4.    Закрытое акционерное общество «Промышленная группа «Метран» (ЗАО «ПГ «Метран»), 454112, Россия, Челябинск, Комсомольский проспект, 29.

Reference manual
00809-0400-4750, Rev AA
February 2018
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus
Protocol Reference Manual

Chapter 1  Safety messages ............................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 2  Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 System description ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Product recycling/disposal ...........................................................................................................5
Chapter 3  Sensor Installation ......................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Handling and Lifting Safety ..........................................................................................................7
3.2 Location and Position .................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Sensor installation  .................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Process reference connection ....................................................................................................15
Chapter 4  Remote Transmitter Installation .................................................................................. 19
4.1 Pre-installation .......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Transmitter symbols ..................................................................................................................23
4.3 Mounting .................................................................................................................................. 24
4.4 Wiring ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 5  Basic configuration ...................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Cover jam screw (field mount transmitter only) .........................................................................41
5.2 Basic setup ................................................................................................................................ 41
5.3 Modbus configuration ............................................................................................................... 45
5.4 Local operator interface (LOI) .................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 6  Advanced installation details ....................................................................................... 47
6.1 Hardware switches .................................................................................................................... 47
6.2 Additional loops ........................................................................................................................ 50
Chapter 7  Operation .................................................................................................................... 61
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 61
7.2 Local operator interface (LOI) .................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 8  Advanced Configuration Functionality ......................................................................... 73
8.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 73
8.2 Configure outputs ..................................................................................................................... 73
8.3 Configure LOI ............................................................................................................................ 91
8.4 Additional parameters ...............................................................................................................93
8.5 Configure special units .............................................................................................................. 95
Chapter 9  Advanced Diagnostics Configuration ............................................................................99
9.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 99
9.2 Modbus communication diagnostics .......................................................................................100
9.3 Licensing and enabling ............................................................................................................ 101
9.4 Tunable empty pipe detection .................................................................................................102
9.5 Electronics temperature .......................................................................................................... 104
9.6 Ground/wiring fault detection ................................................................................................. 105
9.7 High process noise detection ...................................................................................................106
9.8 Coated electrode detection .....................................................................................................107
 Meter Verification ......................................................................................................108
9.10 Run manual SMART Meter Verification .................................................................................... 111
9.11 Continuous SMART Meter Verification .....................................................................................113
Reference manual i

9.12 SMART Meter Verification test results ......................................................................................114
9.13 SMART Meter Verification measurements ............................................................................... 116
9.14 Optimizing the SMART Meter Verification ............................................................................... 117
Chapter 10  Digital Signal Processing ............................................................................................ 121
10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 121
10.2 Safety messages ......................................................................................................................121
10.3 Process noise profiles .............................................................................................................. 122
10.4 High process noise diagnostic ..................................................................................................123
10.5 Optimizing flow reading in noisy applications ..........................................................................123
10.6 Explanation of signal processing algorithm ..............................................................................126
Chapter 11  Maintenance ..............................................................................................................129
11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 129
11.2 Safety information ...................................................................................................................129
11.3 Installing a Local Operator Interface (field mount) ................................................................... 130
11.4 Installing a local operator interface (wall mount) ..................................................................... 131
11.5 Replacing electronics stack (field mount) ................................................................................ 132
11.6 Replacing electronics stack (wall mount) .................................................................................134
11.7 Replacing a socket module/terminal block .............................................................................. 135
11.8 Trims ....................................................................................................................................... 139
11.9 Review .....................................................................................................................................141
Chapter 12  Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 143
12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 143
12.2 Safety information ...................................................................................................................144
12.3 Installation check and guide .................................................................................................... 144
12.4 Diagnostic messages ...............................................................................................................146
12.5 Basic troubleshooting ..............................................................................................................155
12.6 Sensor troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 158
12.7 Installed sensor tests ............................................................................................................... 160
12.8 Uninstalled sensor tests ...........................................................................................................162
12.9 Technical support ....................................................................................................................165
12.10 Service .....................................................................................................................................166
Appendices and reference
Appendix A Product Specifications ................................................................................................167
A.1 Rosemount 8700M Flowmeter Platform specifications  ...........................................................167
A.2 Transmitter specifications ....................................................................................................... 171
A.3 Sensor specifications ............................................................................................................... 179
Appendix B Product Certifications ................................................................................................ 185
Appendix C Mobus Coil and Register Map ..................................................................................... 187
Appendix D Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................203
D.1 Installation and wiring drawings .............................................................................................. 204
ii Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

1 Safety messages
General hazards. Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
• Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and
for optimum product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contents
before installing, using, or maintaining this product.
• Installation and servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. Do not
perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions, unless
• Verify the installation is completed safely and is consistent with the operating
• Do not substitute factory components with non-factory compenents. Substitution of
components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
• Do not perform any services other than those contained in this manual.
• Process leaks may result in death or serious injury.
• Mishandling products exposed to a hazardous substance may result in death or serious
• The electrode compartment may contain line pressure; it must be depressurized before
the cover is removed.
• If the product being returned was exposed to a hazardous substance as defined by
OSHA, a copy of the required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous
substance identified must be included with the returned goods.
• The products described in this document are NOT designed for nuclear-qualified
applications. Using non-nuclear qualified products in applications that require nuclear-
qualified hardware or products may cause inaccurate readings. For information on
Rosemount nuclear-qualified products, contact your local Emerson Process
Management Sales Representative.
Safety messages
Reference manual 1

Explosion hazards. Failure to follow these instructions could cause an explosion, resulting in
death or serious injury.
• If installed in explosive atmospheres [hazardous areas, classified areas, or an “Ex”
environment], it must be assured that the device certification and installation
techniques are suitable for that particular environment.
• Do not remove transmitter covers in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is live.
Both transmitter covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proof requirements.
• Do not disconnect equipment when a flammable or combustible atmosphere is present.
• Do not connect a Rosemount transmitter to a non-Rosemount sensor that is located in
an explosive atmosphere. The transmitter has not been evaluated for use with other
manufacturers' magnetic flowmeter sensors in hazardous (Ex or Classified) areas.
Special care should be taken by the end-user and installer to ensure the transmitter
meets the safety and performance requirements of the other manufacturer’s
• Follow national, local, and plant standards to properly earth ground the transmitter and
sensor. The earth ground must be separate from the process reference ground.
• Rosemount Magnetic Flowmeters ordered with non-standard paint options or non-
metallic labels may be subject to electrostatic discharge. To avoid electrostatic charge
build-up, do not rub the flowmeter with a dry cloth or clean with solvents.
Electrical hazards. Failure to follow these instructions could cause damaging and unsafe
discharge of electricity, resulting in death or serious injury.
• Follow national, local, and plant standards to properly earth ground the transmitter and
sensor. The earth ground must be separate from the process reference ground.
• Disconnect power before servicing circuits.
• Allow ten minutes for charge to dissipate prior to removing electronics compartment
cover. The electronics may store energy in this period immediately after power is
• Avoid contact with leads and terminals. High voltage that may be present on leads could
cause electrical shock.
• Rosemount Magnetic Flowmeters ordered with non-standard paint options or non-
metallic labels may be subject to electrostatic discharge. To avoid electrostatic charge
build-up, do not rub the flowmeter with a dry cloth or clean with solvents.
Safety messages
2 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Damage hazards. Failure to follow these instructions could resulting damage or destruction of
• The sensor liner is vulnerable to handling damage. Never place anything through the
sensor for the purpose of lifting or gaining leverage. Liner damage may render the
sensor inoperable.
• Metallic or spiral-wound gaskets should not be used as they will damage the liner face of
the sensor. If spiral wound or metallic gaskets are required for the application, lining
protectors must be used. If frequent removal is anticipated, take precautions to protect
the liner ends. Short spool pieces attached to the sensor ends are often used for
• Correct flange bolt tightening is crucial for proper sensor operation and life. All bolts
must be tightened in the proper sequence to the specified torque specifications. Failure
to observe these instructions could result in severe damage to the sensor lining and
possible sensor replacement.
• In cases where high voltage/high current are present near the meter installation, ensure
proper protection methods are followed to prevent stray electricity from passing
through the meter. Failure to adequately protect the meter could result in damage to
the transmitter and lead to meter failure.
• Completely remove all electrical connections from both sensor and transmitter prior to
welding on the pipe. For maximum protection of the sensor, consider removing it from
the pipeline.
• Do not connect mains or line power to the magnetic flowtube sensor or to the
transmitter coil excitation circuit.
Safety messages
Reference manual 3

Safety messages
4 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

2 Introduction
Topics covered in this chapter:
System description
Product recycling/disposal
2.1 System description
The flow sensor contains two magnetic coils located on opposite sides of the sensor. Two
electrodes, located perpendicular to the coils and opposite each other, make contact with
the liquid. The transmitter energizes the coils and creates a magnetic field. A conductive
liquid moving through the magnetic field generates an induced voltage at the electrodes.
This voltage is proportional to the flow velocity. The transmitter converts the voltage
detected by the electrodes into a flow reading. A cross-sectional view is show in Figure 2-1.
Sensor cross sectionFigure 2-1:   
2.2 Product recycling/disposal
Recycling of equipment and packaging should be taken into consideration and disposed of
in accordance with local and national legislation/regulations.
Reference manual 5

6 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

3 Sensor Installation
Topics covered in this chapter:
Handling and Lifting Safety
Location and Position
Sensor installation
Process reference connection
Related information
Remote Transmitter Installation
3.1 Handling and Lifting Safety
To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment, follow all lifting and handling
• Handle all parts carefully to prevent damage. Whenever possible, transport the system
to the installation site in the original shipping container.
• PTFE-lined sensors are shipped with end covers that protect it from both mechanical
damage and normal unrestrained distortion. Remove the end covers just before
• Keep the shipping plugs in the conduit ports until you are ready to connect and seal
them. Appropriate care should be taken to prevent water ingress.
• The sensor should be supported by the pipeline. Pipe supports are recommended on
both the inlet and outlet sides of the sensor pipeline. There should be no additional
support attached to the sensor.
• Use proper PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) including safety glasses and steel toed
• Do not lift the meter by holding the electronics housing or junction box.
• The sensor liner is vulnerable to handling damage. Never place anything through the
sensor for the purpose of lifting or gaining leverage. Liner damage can render the sensor
• Do not drop the device from any height.
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 7

3.2 Location and Position
3.2.1 Environmental considerations
To ensure maximum transmitter life, avoid extreme temperatures and excessive vibration.
Typical problem areas include the following:
• High-vibration lines with integrally mounted transmitters
• Tropical/desert installations in direct sunlight
• Outdoor installations in arctic climates
Remote mounted transmitters may be installed in the control room to protect the
electronics from the harsh environment and to provide easy access for configuration or
3.2.2 Upstream and downstream piping
To ensure specified accuracy over widely varying process conditions, install the sensor with
a minimum of five straight pipe diameters upstream and two pipe diameters downstream
from the electrode plane.
Upstream and downstream straight pipe diametersFigure 3-1:   
A. Five pipe diameters (upstream)
B. Two pipe diameters (downstream)
C. Flow direction
Installations with reduced upstream and downstream straight runs are possible. In
reduced straight run installations, the meter may not meet absolute accuracy
specifications. Reported flow rates will still be highly repeatable.
Flow direction
The sensor should be mounted so that the arrow points in the direction of flow.
Sensor Installation
8 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Flow direction arrowFigure 3-2:   
3.2.4 Sensor piping location and orientation
The sensor should be installed in a location that ensures it remains full during operation.
Depending on where it is installed, orientation must also be considered.
• Vertical installation with upward process fluid flow keeps the cross-sectional area
full, regardless of flow rate.
• Horizontal installation should be restricted to low piping sections that are normally
Sensor orientationFigure 3-3:   
A. Flow direction
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 9

3.2.5 Electrode orientation
The electrodes in the sensor are properly oriented when the two measurement electrodes
are in the 3 and 9 o’clock positions or within 45 degrees from the horizontal, as shown on
the left side of Figure 3-4. Avoid any mounting orientation that positions the top of the
sensor at 90 degrees from the vertical position as shown on the right of the Electrode
Orientation figure.
Electrode orientationFigure 3-4:   
A. Correct orientation
B. Incorrect orientation
The sensor may require a specific orientation to comply with Hazardous Area T-code
rating. Refer to the approrpirate reference manual for any potential restrictions.
Sensor installation
The sensor requires a gasket at each process connection. The gasket material must be
compatible with the process fluid and operating conditions. Gaskets are required on each
side of a grounding ring (see Figure 3-5). All other applications (including sensors with
lining protectors or a grounding electrode) require only one gasket on each process
Metallic or spiral-wound gaskets should not be used as they will damage the liner face of the sensor.
If spiral wound or metallic gaskets are required for the application, lining protectors must be used.
Sensor Installation
10 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Gasket placement for flanged sensorsFigure 3-5:   
A. Grounding ring and gasket (optional)
B. Customer-supplied gasket
Do not bolt one side at a time. Tighten both sides simultaneously. Example:
1. Snug upstream
2. Snug downstream
3. Tighten upstream
4. Tighten downstream
Do not snug and tighten the upstream side and then snug and tighten the downstream side. Failure
to alternate between the upstream and downstream flanges when tightening bolts may result in
liner damage.
Suggested torque values by sensor line size and liner type are listed in Table 3-2 for ASME
B16.5 flanges and Table 3-3 or Table 3-4 for EN flanges. Consult the factory if the flange
rating of the sensor is not listed. Tighten flange bolts on the upstream side of the sensor in
the incremental sequence shown in Figure 3-6 to 20% of the suggested torque values.
Repeat the process on the downstream side of the sensor. For sensors with greater or
fewer flange bolts, tighten the bolts in a similar crosswise sequence. Repeat this entire
tightening sequence at 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the suggested torque values.
If leakage occurs at the suggested torque values, the bolts can be tightened in additional
10% increments until the joint stops leaking, or until the measured torque value reaches
the maximum torque value of the bolts. Practical consideration for the integrity of the liner
often leads to distinct torque values to stop leakage due to the unique combinations of
flanges, bolts, gaskets, and sensor liner material.
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 11

Check for leaks at the flanges after tightening the bolts. Failure to use the correct
tightening methods can result in severe damage. While under pressure, sensor materials
may deform over time and require a second tightening 24 hours after the initial
Flange bolt torquing sequenceFigure 3-6:   
Prior to installation, identify the lining material of the flow sensor to ensure the suggested
torque values are applied.
Lining materialTable 3-1:   
Fluoropolymer liners Non-fluoropolymer liners
T - PTFE P - Polyurethane
Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W (ASME)Table 3-2:   
Code Line Size
Fluoropolymer liners Other liners
Class 150
Class 300
Class 150
Class 300
005 0.5-in. (15 mm) 8 8 N/A N /A
010 1-in. (25 mm) 8 12 6 10
015 1.5-in. (40 mm) 13 25 7 18
020 2-in. (50 mm) 19 17 14 11
025 2.5-in. (65 mm) 22 24 17 16
030 3-in. (80 mm) 34 35 23 23
040 4-in. (100 mm) 26 50 17 32
050 5-in. (125 mm) 36 60 25 35
060 6-in. (150 mm) 45 50 30 37
080 8-in. (200 mm) 60 82 42 55
100 10-in. (250 mm) 55 80 40 70
120 12-in. (300 mm) 65 125 55 105
Sensor Installation
12 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W (ASME)
Table 3-2:   
Code Line Size
Fluoropolymer liners Other liners
Class 150
Class 300
Class 150
Class 300
140 14-in. (350 mm) 85 110 70 95
160 16-in. (400 mm) 85 160 65 140
180 18-in. (450 mm) 120 170 95 150
200 20-in. (500 mm) 110 175 90 150
240 24-in. (600 mm) 165 280 140 250
300 30-in. (750 mm) 195 415 165 375
360 36-in. (900 mm) 280 575 245 525
Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W sensors with
fluoropolymer liners (EN 1092-1) 
Table 3-3:   
code Line size
Fluoropolymer liners (in Newton-meters)
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
005 0.5-in. (15 mm) N/A N/A N/A 10
010 1-in. (25 mm) N/A N/A N/A 20
015 1.5-in. (40 mm) N/A N/A N/A 50
020 2-in. (50 mm) N/A 60 N/A 60
025 2.5-in. (65 mm) N/A 50 N/A 50
030 3-in. (80 mm) N/A 50 N/A 50
040 4-in. (100 mm) N/A 50 N/A 70
050 5.0-in. (125 mm) N/A 70 N/A 100
060 6-in. (150mm) N/A 90 N/A 130
080 8-in. (200 mm) 130 90 130 170
100 10-in. (250 mm) 100 130 190 250
120 12-in. (300 mm) 120 170 190 270
140 14-in. (350 mm) 160 220 320 410
160 16-in. (400 mm) 220 280 410 610
180 18-in. (450 mm) 190 340 330 420
200 20-in. (500 mm) 230 380 440 520
240 24-in. (600 mm) 290 570 590 850
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 13

Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W sensors with
non-fluoropolymer liners (EN 1092-1) 
Table 3-4:   
Code Line Size
Non-fluoropolymer liners (in Newton-meters)
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
005 0.5-in. (15 mm) N/A N/A N/A 20
010 1-in. (25 mm) N/A N/A N/A 30
015 1.5-in. (40 mm) N/A N/A N/A 40
020 2-in. (50 mm) N/A 30 N/A 30
025 2.5-in. (65 mm) N/A 35 N/A 35
030 3-in. (80 mm) N/A 30 N/A 30
040 4-in. (100 mm) N/A 40 N/A 50
050 5.0-in. (125 mm) N/A 50 N/A 70
060 6-in. (150mm) N/A 60 N/A 90
080 8-in. (200 mm) 90 60 90 110
100 10-in. (250 mm) 70 80 130 170
120 12-in. (300 mm) 80 110 130 180
140 14-in. (350 mm) 110 150 210 288
160 16-in. (400 mm) 150 190 280 410
180 18-in. (450 mm) 130 230 220 280
200 20-in. (500 mm) 150 260 300 350
240 24-in. (600 mm) 200 380 390 560
Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W with
fluoropolymer liners (AWWA C207)
Table 3-5:   
Code Line Size
Class D (pound-
Class E (pound-
Class F (pound-
300 30-in. (750 mm) 195 195 195
360 36-in. (900 mm) 280 280 280
Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W with non-
fluoropolymer liners (AWWA C207)
Table 3-6:   
Code Line Size
Class D (pound-
Class E (pound-
Class F (pound-
300 30-in. (750 mm) 165 165 165
360 36-in. (900 mm) 245 245 245
400 40-in. (1000 mm) 757 757 N/A
420 42-in. (1050 mm) 839 839 N/A
Sensor Installation
14 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Suggested flange bolt torque values for Rosemount 8750W with non-
fluoropolymer liners (AWWA C207) (continued)
Table 3-6:   
Code Line Size
Class D (pound-
Class E (pound-
Class F (pound-
480 48-in (1200 mm) 872 872 N/A
3.4 Process reference connection
The figures shown in this chapter illustrate process reference connections only. Earth
safety ground is also required as part of this installation, but is not shown in the figures.
Follow national, local, and plant electrical codes for safety ground.
Use the Process reference options table to determine which process reference option to
follow for proper installation.
Process reference optionsTable 3-7:   
Type of pipe
straps Grounding rings
Reference elec-
Lining protec-
Conductive un-
lined pipe
See Figure 3-7 See Figure 3-8 See Figure 3-10 See Figure 3-8
Conductive lined
See Figure 3-8 See Figure 3-7 See Figure 3-8
See Figure 3-9 Not recommen-
See Figure 3-9
For line sizes 10-inch and larger the ground strap may come attached to the sensor body near the
flange. See Figure 3-11.
Grounding straps in conductive unlined pipe or reference electrode in
lined pipe
Figure 3-7:   
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 15

Grounding with grounding rings or lining protectors in conductive pipeFigure 3-8:   
A. Grounding rings or lining protectors
Grounding with grounding rings or lining protectors in non-conductive
Figure 3-9:   
A. Grounding rings or lining protectors
Sensor Installation
16 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Grounding with reference electrode in conductive unlined pipeFigure 3-10:   
Grounding for line sizes 10-in. and largerFigure 3-11:   
Sensor Installation
Reference manual 17

Sensor Installation
18 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

4 Remote Transmitter Installation
Topics covered in this chapter:
Transmitter symbols
This chapter provides instructions for installing and wiring a remotely mounted
Related information
Sensor Installation
4.1 Pre-installation
Before installing the transmitter, there are several pre-installation steps that should be
completed to make the installation process easier:
• Identify options and configurations that apply to your application
• Set the hardware switches if necessary
• Consider mechanical, electrical, and environmental requirements
Refer to Appendix A for more detailed requirements.
Identify options and configurations
The typical transmitter installation includes a device power connection, a Modbus RS-485
output connection, and sensor coil and electrode connections. Other applications may
require one or more of the following configurations or options:
• Pulse output
• Discrete input/discrete output
Hardware switches
The transmitter has two user-selectable hardware switches. These switches set the
internal/external pulse power and transmitter security. The standard configuration for
these switches when shipped from the factory is as follows:
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 19

Hardware switch default settingsTable 4-1:   
Setting Factory configuration
Internal/external pulse power External
Transmitter security Off
The internal/external pulse power switch is not available when ordered with intrinsically
safe output, ordering code B.
In most cases, it is not necessary to change the setting of the hardware switches. If the
switch settings need to be changed, refer to Section 6.1.
Be sure to identify any additional options and configurations that apply to the installation.
Keep a list of these options for consideration during the installation and configuration
Mechanical considerations
The mounting site for the transmitter should provide enough room for secure mounting,
easy access to conduit entries, full opening of the transmitter covers, and easy readability
of the Local Operator Interface (LOI) screen (if equipped).
Remote Transmitter Installation
20 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Field mount transmitter dimensional drawingFigure 4-1:   
A. Conduit entry 
½–14 NPT or M20
B. LOI cover
C. Mounting screws
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 21

Wall mount transmitter dimensional drawingFigure 4-2:   
A. Conduit entry, 1/2-14 NPT (4 places)
B. Ground lug
C. LOI keypad cover
D. Lower cover opens for electrical connections
Dimensions are in inches [Millimeters]
Electrical considerations
Before making any electrical connections to the transmitter, consider national, local, and
plant electrical installation requirements. Be sure to have the proper power supply,
conduit, and other accessories necessary to comply with these standards.
The transmitter requires external power. Ensure access to a suitable power source.
Remote Transmitter Installation
22 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Electrical dataTable 4-2:   
Wall mount and field mount transmitter
Power input AC power:
90–250VAC, 0.45A, 40VA
Standard DC power:
12–42VDC, 1.2A, 15W
Low power DC:
12–30VDC, 0.25A, 4W
Pulsed circuit Internally powered (Active): Outputs up to
12VDC, 12.1mA, 73mW
Externally powered (Passive): Input up to
28VDC, 100mA, 1W
Modbus output circuit Internally powered (Active): Outputs up to
3.3VDC, 100mA, 100mW
Termination resisters Typically 120 ohms. Refer to the MODBUS over
Serial Line Specification & Implementation
Guide ( for more details.
Um 250V
Coil excitation output 500mA, 40V max, 9W max
Environmental considerations
To ensure maximum transmitter life, avoid extreme temperatures and excessive vibration.
Typical problem areas include the following:
• Tropical or desert installations in direct sunlight
• Outdoor installations in arctic climates
Remote mounted transmitters may be installed in the control room to protect the
electronics from the harsh environment and to provide easy access for configuration or
Transmitter symbols
Caution symbol — check product documentation for details
Protective conductor (grounding) terminal
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 23

4.3 Mounting
Remote-mount transmitters are shipped wth a mounting bracket for use on a 2-in. pipe or
a flat surface.
Field mount transmitter mounting hardwareFigure 4-3:   
A. U-bolt
B. Mounting bracket
C. Transmitter
D. Fasteners (example configuration)
Remote Transmitter Installation
24 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Wall mount transmitter mounting hardwareFigure 4-4:   
A. U-bolt
B. Saddle clamp
C. Fasteners
1. Assemble the hardware as needed to accommodate the mounting configuration.
2. Secure the transmitter to the mounting hardware.
For field mount style transmitters, the LOI can be rotated in 90 degree increments up to
180 degrees if desired. Do not rotate more than 180 degrees in any one direction.
4.4.1 Conduit entries and connections
Transmitter conduit entry ports can be ordered with ½"-14NPT or M20 female threaded
connections. Conduit connections should be made in accordance with national, local, and
plant electrical codes. Unused conduit entries should be sealed with the appropriate
certified plugs. The plastic shipping plugs do not provide ingress protection.
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 25

4.4.2 Conduit requirements
• For installations with an intrinsically safe electrode circuit, a separate conduit for the
coil cable and the electrode cable may be required.
• For installations with non-intrinsically safe electrode circuit, or when using the
combination cable, a single dedicated conduit run for the coil drive and electrode
cable between the sensor and the remote transmitter may be acceptable. Removal
of the barriers for intrinsic safety isolation is permitted for non-intrinsically safe
electrode installations.
• Bundled cables from other equipment in a single conduit are likely to create
interference and noise in the system. See Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6.
• Electrode cables should not be run together in the same cable tray with power
• Output cables should not be run together with power cables.
• Select conduit size appropriate to feed cables through to the flowmeter.
Best practice conduit preparation (field mount)Figure 4-5:   
A. Power
B. Output
C. Coil
D. Electrode
E. Safety ground
Remote Transmitter Installation
26 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Best practice conduit preparation (wall mount)Figure 4-6:   
A. Safety ground
B. Power
C. Coil
D. Output
E. Electrode
Sensor to transmitter wiring
Integral mount transmitters
Integral mount transmitters ordered with a sensor will be shipped assembled and wired at
the factory using an interconnecting cable. Use only the factory supplied cable provided
with the instrument. For replacement transmitters use the existing interconnecting cable
from the original assembly. Replacement cables, if applicable, are available (see 
Figure 4-7).
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 27

Replacement interconnecting cablesFigure 4-7:   
A. Socket module 08732-CSKT-0001
B. IMS cable 08732-CSKT-0004
Remote mount transmitters
Cables kits are available as individual component cables or as a combination coil/electrode
cable. Remote cables can be ordered directly using the kit numbers shown in Table 4-3, 
Table 4-4, and Table 4-5. Equivalent Alpha cable part numbers are also provided as an
alternative. To order cable, specify length as quantity desired. Equal length of component
cables is required.
• 25 feet = Qty (25) 08732-0065-0001
• 25 meters = Qty (25) 08732-0065-0002
Component cable kits - standard temperature (-20°C to 75°C)Table 4-3:   
Cable kit # Description Individual cable Alpha p/n
Kit, component cables,
Std temp (includes Coil
and Electrode)
Kit, component cables,
Std temp (includes Coil
and Electrode)
Kit, component cables,
Std temp (includes Coil
and I.S. Electrode)
Instrinsically Safe Blue
Not available
Kit, component cables,
Std temp (includes Coil
and I.S. Electrode)
Instrinsically Safe Blue
Not available
Component cable kits - extended temperature (-50°C to 125°C)Table 4-4:   
Cable kit # Description Individual cable Alpha p/n
Kit, Component Ca-
bles, Ext Temp. (in-
cludes Coil and Elec-
Not available
Not available
Remote Transmitter Installation
28 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Component cable kits - extended temperature (-50°C to 125°C) (continued)Table 4-4:   
Cable kit # Description Individual cable Alpha p/n
Kit, Component Ca-
bles, Ext Temp. (in-
cludes Coil and Elec-
Not available
Not available
Kit, Component Ca-
bles, Ext Temp. (in-
cludes Coil and I.S.
Intrinsically Safe Blue
Not available
Not available
Kit, Component Ca-
bles, Ext Temp. (in-
cludes Coil and I.S.
Intrinsically Safe Blue
Not available
Not available
Combination cable kits - coil and electrode cable (-20°C to 80°C)Table 4-5:   
Cable kit # Description
08732-0065-2001 (feet) Kit, Combination Cable, Standard
08732-0065-2002 (meters)
08732-0065-3001 (feet) Kit, Combination Cable, Submersible
(80°C dry/60°C Wet)
(33ft Continuous)
08732-0065-3002 (meters)
Cable requirements
Shielded twisted pairs or triads must be used. For installations using the individual coil
drive and electrode cable, see Figure 4-8. Cable lengths should be limited to less than 500
feet (152 m). Consult factory for length between 500–1000 feet (152–304 m). Equal
length cable is required for each. For installations using the combination coil drive/
electrode cable, see Figure 4-9. Combination cable lengths should be limited to less than
330 feet (100 m).
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 29

Individual component cablesFigure 4-8:   
1 2
17 18 19
A. Coil drive
B. Electrode
C. Twisted, stranded, insulated 14 AWG conductors
D. Drain
E. Overlapping foil shield
F. Outer jacket
G. Twisted, stranded, insulated 20 AWG conductors
• 1 = Red
• 2 = Blue
• 3 = Drain
• 17 = Black
• 18 = Yellow
• 19 = White
Remote Transmitter Installation
30 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Combination coil and electrode cableFigure 4-9:   
A. Electrode shield drain
B. Overlapping foil shield
C. Outer jacket
• 1 = Red
• 2 = Blue
• 3 = Drain
• 17 = Reference
• 18 = Yellow
• 19 = White
Cable preparation
Prepare the ends of the coil drive and electrode cables as shown in Figure 4-10. Remove
only enough insulation so that the exposed conductor fits completely under the terminal
connection. Best practice is to limit the unshielded length (D) of each conductor to less
than one inch. Excessive removal of insulation may result in an unwanted electrical short to
the transmitter housing or other terminal connections. Excessive unshielded length, or
failure to connect cable shields properly, may also expose the unit to electrical noise,
resulting in an unstable meter reading.
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 31

Cable endsFigure 4-10:   
A. Coil
B. Electrode
C. Combination
D. Unshielded length
Shock hazard! Potential shock hazard across remote junction box terminals 1 and 2 (40V).
Explosion hazard! Electrodes exposed to process. Use only compatible transmitter and approved
installation practices. For process temperatures greater than 284°F (140°C), use a wire rated for
257°F (125°C).
Remote Transmitter Installation
32 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Remote junction box terminal blocks
Remote junction box views (field mount)Figure 4-11:   
A. Sensor
B. Transmitter
Remote junction box views (wall mount)Figure 4-12:   
A. Sensor
B. Transmitter
Sensor/transmitter wiringTable 4-6:   
Wire color Sensor terminal Transmitter terminal
Red 1 1
Blue 2 2
Shield 3 or Float 3
Black 17 17
Yellow 18 18
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 33

Sensor/transmitter wiring (continued)Table 4-6:   
Wire color Sensor terminal Transmitter terminal
White 19 19
For hazardous locations, refer to Appendix B.
4.4.4 Power and I/O terminal blocks (field mount)
Remove the back cover of the transmitter to access the terminal block.
To connect pulse output and/or discrete input/output, and for installations with intrinsically safe
outputs, refer to Appendix B.
Terminal blocks (field mount)Figure 4-13:   
Modbus (B)
Modbus  (A)
Modbus (B)
Modbus  (A)
A. AC version
B. DC version
Power and I/O terminals (field mount transmitter)Table 4-7:   
Terminal number AC version DC version
1 Modbus (B) Modbus (B)
2 Modbus (A) Modbus (A)
3 Pulse (–) Pulse (–)
4 Pulse (+) Pulse (+)
Discrete I/O 1 (–) Discrete I/O 1 (–)
Discrete I/O 1 (+) Discrete I/O 1 (+)
Discrete I/O 2 (–) Discrete I/O 2 (–)
Discrete I/O 2 (+) Discrete I/O 2 (+)
9 AC (Neutral)/L2 DC (–)
Remote Transmitter Installation
34 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Power and I/O terminals (field mount transmitter) (continued)Table 4-7:   
Terminal number AC version DC version
10 AC L1 DC (+)
(1) Only available with ordering code AX.
4.4.5 Power and I/O terminal blocks (wall mount)
Open the bottom cover of the transmitter to access the terminal block.
To connect pulse output and/or discrete input/output, and for installations with intrinsically safe
outputs, refer to Appendix B.
Terminal blocks (wall mount)Figure 4-14:   
N               1          2         9     10            5       6                19     18
L1             3        11    12                     7        8                 17
Power and I/O terminals (wall mount transmitter)Table 4-8:   
Terminal number AC version DC version
1 Coil Positive Coil Positive
2 Coil Negative Coil Negative
3 Coil Shield Coil Shield
5 + Pulse + Pulse
6 – Pulse – Pulse
7 Modbus A Modbus A
8 Modbus B Modbus B
+ Discrete In/Out 2 + Discrete In/Out 2
– Discrete In/Out 2 – Discrete In/Out 2
+ Discrete In/Out 1 + Discrete In/Out 1
– Discrete In/Out 1 – Discrete In/Out 1
17 Electrode Reference Electrode Reference
18 Electrode Negative Electrode Negative
19 Electrode Positive Electrode Positive
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 35

Power and I/O terminals (wall mount transmitter) (continued)Table 4-8:   
Terminal number AC version DC version
N AC (Neutral)/L2 DC (–)
L1 AC L1 DC (+)
(1) Only available with ordering code AX.
Remote Transmitter Installation
36 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

4.4.6 Powering the transmitter
The transmitter is available in three models. The AC powered transmitter is designed to be
powered by 90–250VAC (50/60Hz). The DC powered transmitter is designed to be
powered by 12–42VDC. The low power transmitter is designed to be powered by
12–30VDC. Before connecting power to the transmitter, be sure to have the proper power
supply, conduit, and other accessories. Wire the transmitter according to national, local,
and plant electrical requirements for the supply voltage.
If installing in a hazardous location, verify that the meter has the appropriate hazardous
area approval. Each meter has a hazardous area approval tag attached to the top of the
transmitter housing.
AC power supply requirements
Units powered by 90 - 250VAC have the following power requirements. Peak inrush is
35.7A at 250VAC supply, lasting approximately 1ms. Inrush for other supply voltages can
be estimated with: Inrush (Amps) = Supply (Volts) / 7.0
AC current requirementsFigure 4-15:   
110 130 150 170
190 210 230 250
A. Supply current (amps)
B. Power supply (VAC)
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 37

Apparent powerFigure 4-16:   
110 130 150 170
190 210 230 250
A. Apparent power (VA)
B. Power supply (VAC)
DC power supply requirements
Standard DC units powered by 12VDC power supply may draw up to 1.2A of current steady
state. Low power DC units may draw up to 0.25A of current steady state. Peak inrush is
42A at 42VDC supply, lasting approximately 1ms. Inrush for other supply voltages can be
estimated with: Inrush (Amps) = Supply (Volts) / 1.0
DC current requirementsFigure 4-17:   
17 22 27
32 37 42
A. Supply current (amps)
B. Power supply (VDC)
Remote Transmitter Installation
38 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Low power DC current requirementsFigure 4-18:   
15 20 25
A. Supply current (amps)
B. Power supply (VDC)
Supply wire requirements
Use 10–18 AWG wire rated for the proper temperature of the application. For wire 10–14
AWG use lugs or other appropriate connectors. For connections in ambient temperatures
above 122 °F (50 °C), use a wire rated for 194 °F (90 °C). For DC powered transmitters with
extended cable lengths, verify that there is a minimum of 12VDC at the terminals of the
transmitter with the device under load.
Electrical disconnect requirements
Connect the device through an external disconnect or circuit breaker per national and local
electrical code.
Installation category
The installation category for the transmitter is OVERVOLTAGE CAT II.
Overcurrent protection
The transmitter requires overcurrent protection of the supply lines. Fuse rating and
compatible fuses are shown in Table 4-9.
Fuse requirementsTable 4-9:   
Power system Power supply Fuse rating Manufacturer
AC power 90–250VAC 2 Amp quick acting Bussman AGC2 or
DC power 12–42VDC 3 Amp quick acting Bussman AGC3 or
DC low power 12–30VDC 3 Amp quick acting Bussman AGC3 or
Remote Transmitter Installation
Reference manual 39

Power terminals (field mount transmitter)
For AC powered transmitter (90–250VAC, 50/60 Hz):
• Connect AC Neutral to terminal 9 (AC N/L2) and AC Line to terminal 10 (AC/L1).
For DC powered transmitter:
• Connect negative to terminal 9 (DC -) and positive to terminal 10 (DC +).
• DC powered units may draw up to 1.2A.
Power terminals (wall mount transmitter)
For AC powered transmitter (90–250VAC, 50/60 Hz):
• Connect AC Neutral to Terminal N and AC Line to Terminal L1.
For DC powered transmitter:
• Connect negative to Terminal N and positive to Terminal L1.
• DC powered units may draw up to 1.2A.
Cover jam screw (field mount transmitter)
For flow meters shipped with a cover jam screw, the screw should be installed after the
instrument has been wired and powered up. Follow these steps to install the cover jam
1. Verify the cover jam screw is completely threaded into the housing.
2. Install the housing cover and verify the cover is tight against the housing.
3. Using a 2.5 mm hex wrench, loosen the jam screw until it contacts the transmitter
4. Turn the jam screw an additional 1/2 turn counterclockwise to secure the cover.
Application of excessive torque may strip the threads.
5. Verify the cover cannot be removed.
Covers (wall mount transmitter)
Use the transmitter lower door screw to secure the terminal compartment after the
instrument has been wired and powered up. Follow these steps to ensure the housing is
properly sealed to meet ingress protection requirements:
1. Ensure all wiring is complete and close the lower door.
2. Tighten the lower door screw until the lower door is tight against the housing. Metal
to metal contact of the screw bosses is required to ensure a proper seal.
Application of excessive torque may strip the threads or break the screw.
3. Verify the lower door is secure.
Remote Transmitter Installation
40 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

5 Basic configuration
Topics covered in this chapter:
Cover jam screw (field mount transmitter only)
Basic setup
Modbus configuration
Local operator interface (LOI)
Once the magnetic flowmeter is installed and power has been supplied, the transmitter
must be configured through the basic setup. These parameters can be configured through
either an LOI or a Modbus host. Configuration settings are saved in nonvolatile memory
within the transmitter.
5.1 Cover jam screw (field mount transmitter only)
For flow meters shipped with a cover jam screw, the screw should be installed after the
instrument has been wired and powered up. Follow these steps to install the cover jam
1. Verify the cover jam screw is completely threaded into the housing.
2. Install the housing cover and verify the cover is tight against the housing.
3. Using a 2.5 mm hex wrench, loosen the jam screw until it contacts the transmitter
4. Turn the jam screw an additional 1/2 turn counterclockwise to secure the cover.
Application of excessive torque may strip the threads.
5. Verify the cover cannot be removed.
Basic setup
Tag (registers 68–71)
Tag is the quickest and shortest way of identifying and distinguishing between
transmitters. Transmitters can be tagged according to the requirements of your
application. The tag may be up to eight characters long.
Basic configuration
Reference manual 41

Flow units (register 61)
The flow units variable specifies the format in which the flow rate will be displayed. Units
should be selected to meet your particular metering needs.
Volume unitsTable 5-1:   
Register value Units
241 Barrels (31 gal)/sec
242 Barrels (31 gal)/min
243 Barrels (31 gal)/hour
244 Barrels (31 gal)/day
132 Barrels (42 gal)/sec
133 Barrels (42 gal)/min
134 Barrels (42 gal)/hour
135 Barrels (42 gal)/day
248 Cubic cm/minute
26 Cubic feet/second
15 Cubic feet/minute
130 Cubic feet/hour
27 Cubic feet/day
28 Cubic meters/second
131 Cubic meters/minute
19 Cubic meters/hour
29 Cubic meters/day
22 Gallons/second
16 Gallons/minute
136 Gallons/hour
23 Millions gallons/day
235 Gallons/day
137 Imperial gallons/sec
18 Imperial gallons/min
30 Imperial gallons/hour
31 Imperial gallons/day
24 Liters/second
17 Liters/minute
138 Liters/hour
240 Liters/day
Basic configuration
42 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Mass unitsTable 5-2:   
Register value Units
73 Kilograms/second
74 Kilograms/minute
75 Kilograms/hour
76 Kilograms/day
77 Metric ton/minute
78 Metric ton/hour
79 Metric ton/day
80 Pounds/second
81 Pounds/minute
82 Pounds/hour
83 Pounds/day
84 Short tons/minute
85 Short tons/hour
86 Short tons/day
Other unitsTable 5-3:   
Register value Units
20 Feet/second (default)
21 Meters/second
253 Special units
Line size (register 65)
The line size (sensor size) must be set to match the actual sensor connected to the
Register value
Line size
0 0.10-in. (2 mm)
1 0.15-in. (4 mm)
2 0.25-in. (6 mm)
3 0.30-in. (8 mm)
4 0.50-in. (15 mm)
5 0.75-in. (18 mm)
6 1-in. (25 mm)
7 1.5-in. (40 mm)
8 2-in. (50 mm)
Basic configuration
Reference manual 43

Register value Line size
9 2.5-in. (65 mm)
10 3-in. (80 mm) (default)
11 4-in. (100 mm)
12 5-in. (125 mm)
13 6-in. (150 mm)
14 8-in. (200 mm)
15 10-in. (250 mm)
16 12-in. (300 mm)
17 14-in. (350 mm)
18 16-in. (400 mm)
19 18-in. (450 mm)
20 20-in. (500 mm)
21 24-in. (600 mm)
22 28-in. (700 mm)
23 30-in. (750 mm)
24 32-in. (800 mm)
25 36-in. (900 mm)
26 40-in. (1000 mm)
27 42-in. (1050 mm)
28 44-in. (1100 mm)
29 48-in. (1200 mm)
30 54-in. (1350 mm)
31 56-in. (1400 mm)
32 60-in. (1500 mm)
33 64-in. (1600 mm)
34 66-in. (1650 mm)
35 72-in. (1800 mm)
36 78-in. (1950 mm)
Calibration number (registers 413–420)
The sensor calibration number is a 16-digit number generated at the factory during flow
calibration and is unique to each sensor and is located on the sensor tag.
Basic configuration
44 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

5.3 Modbus configuration
Each register is identified by its address (or starting address). Depending on the PLC that
will be used to communicate with the transmitter, you may need to subract 1 from the
address or starting address of the register. Refer to your PLC documentation to know if this
applies to you.
Address (register 109)
Configures the addresss of the transmitter for the Modbus network.
Floating point byte order (register 110)
Sets the order that information is sent by the transmitter.
Register value
Byte order
0 0-1-2-3 (default)
1 2-3-0-1
2 1-0-3-2
3 3-2-1-0
Baud rate (register 115)
Sets the communication speed of the transmitter.
Register value
Baud rate
0 1200
1 2400
2 4800
3 9600
4 19200 (default)
5 38400
6 57600
7 115200
Parity (register 116)
Used to configure error-checking methodology for the data.
Register value
0 No parity
1 Odd
Basic configuration
Reference manual 45

Register value Parity
2 Even (default)
Stop bits (register 117)
Sets the last bit of the data packet.
Register value Stop bits
1 1 bit (default)
2 2 bits
5.4 Local operator interface (LOI)
Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT(E), and RIGHT arrows to navigate the menu structure.
When the display lock is activated, a lock symbol will appear in the lower right hand corner
of the display. To deactivate the display lock, hold the UP arrow for three seconds and
follow the on-screen instructions. Once deactivated, the lock symbol will no longer appear
in the lower right hand corner of the display.
Basic configuration
46 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

6 Advanced installation details
Topics covered in this chapter:
Hardware switches
Additional loops
6.1 Hardware switches
The electronics are equipped with two user-selectable hardware switches. These switches
set the Transmitter Security and Internal/External Pulse Power.
6.1.1 Transmitter security
The SECURITY switch allows the user to lock out any configuration changes attempted on
the transmitter.
• When the security switch is in the ON position, the configuration can be viewed but
no changes can be made.
• When the security switch is in the OFF position, the configuration can be viewed and
changes can be made.
The switch is in the OFF position when the transmitter is shipped from the factory.
The flow rate indication and totalizer functions remain active when the SECURITY switch is in either
Internal/external pulse power
The pulse loop can be powered internally by the transmitter or externally or by an external
power supply. The PULSE switch determines the source of the pulse loop power.
• When the switch is in the INTERNAL position, the pulse loop is powered internally by
the transmitter.
• When the switch is in the EXTERNAL position, a 5–28 VDC external supply is
required. For more information about pulse external power, see Section 6.2.1.
The switch is in the EXTERNAL position when the transmitter is shipped from the factory.
Changing hardware switch settings (field mount)
The hardware switches are located on the top side of the electronics board and changing their
settings requires opening the electronics housing. If possible, carry out these procedures away from
the plant environment in order to protect the electronics.
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 47

Electronics Stack and Hardware SwitchesFigure 6-1:   
1. Place the control loop into manual control.
2. Disconnect power to the transmitter
3. Remove the electronics compartment cover. If the cover has a cover jam screw, this
must be loosened prior to removal of the cover.
4. Remove the LOI, if applicable.
5. Identify the location of each switch (see Figure 6-1).
6. Change the setting of the desired switches with a small, non-metallic tool.
7. Replace the LOI if applicable, and the electronics compartment cover. If the cover
has a cover jam screw, this must be tightened to comply with installation
requirements. See Section 5.1 for details on the cover jam screw.
8. Return power to the transmitter and verify the flow measurement is correct.
9. Return the control loop to automatic control.
Advanced installation details
48 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

6.1.4 Changing hardware switch settings (wall mount)
The hardware switches are located on the top side of the electronics board and changing their
settings requires opening the electronics housing. If possible, carry out these procedures away from
the plant environment in order to protect the electronics.
Electronics stack and hardware switchesFigure 6-2:   
1. Place the control loop into manual control.
2. Disconnect power to the transmitter
3. Open the electronics compartment cover.
4. Identify the location of each switch (see Figure 6-2 ).
5. Change the setting of the desired switches with a small, non-metallic tool.
6. Close the electronics compartment cover. See Section 4.4.6 for details on the covers.
7. Return power to the transmitter and verify the flow measurement is correct.
8. Return the control loop to automatic control.
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 49

6.2 Additional loops
There are three additional loop connections available on the Transmitter:
• Pulse output - used for external or remote totalization.
• Channel 1 can be configured as discrete input or discrete output.
• Channel 2 can be configured as discrete output only.
6.2.1 Connect pulse output
The pulse output function provides a galvanically isolated frequency signal that is
proportional to the flow through the sensor. The signal is typically used in conjunction with
an external totalizer or control system. The default position of the internal/external pulse
power switch is in the EXTERNAL position. The user-selectable power switch is located on
the electronics board.
For transmitters with the internal/external pulse power switch (output option code A) set
in the EXTERNAL position or transmitters with intrinsically safe outputs (output option
code B) the following requirements apply:
• Supply voltage: 5 to 28 VDC
• Maximum current: 100 mA
• Maximum power: 1.0 W
• Load resistance: 200 to 10k Ohms (typical value 1k Ohms). Refer to the figure
Output option code
Supply voltage Resistance vs cable length
A 5-28 VDC See Figure 6-3
B 5 VDC See Figure 6-4
B 12 VDC See Figure 6-5
B 24 VDC See Figure 6-6
• Pulse mode: Fixed pulse width or 50% duty cycle
• Pulse duration: 0.1 to 650 ms (adjustable)
• Maximum pulse frequency:
- Output option code A is 10,000 Hz
- Output option code B is 5000 Hz
• FET switch closure: solid state switch
Advanced installation details
50 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Output Option Code A—Maximum Frequency vs. Cable LengthFigure 6-3:   
A. Frequency (Hz)
B. Cable length (feet)
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 51

Output Option Code B—VDC SupplyFigure 6-4:   
A. Resistance (Ω)
B. Cable length (feet)
At 5000 Hz operation with a 5 VDC supply, pull-up resistances of 200 to 1000 Ohms allow cable lengths up
to 660 ft (200 m).
Advanced installation details
52 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Output Option Code B—2 VDC SupplyFigure 6-5:   
A. Resistance (Ω)
B. Cable length (feet)
At 5000 Hz operation with a 12 VDC supply, pull-up resistances of 500 to 2500 Ohms allow cable lengths
up to 660 ft (200 m). Resistances from 500 to 1000 Ohms allow a cable length of 1000 ft (330 m).
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 53

Output Option Code B—24 VDC SupplyFigure 6-6:   
A. Resistance (Ω)
B. Cable length (feet)
At 5000 Hz operation with a 24 VDC supply, pull-up resistances of 1000 to 10,000 Ohms allow cable
lengths up to 660 ft (200 m). Resistances from 1000 to 2500 Ohms allow a cable length of 1000 ft (330
Connecting an external power supply
Total loop impedance must be sufficient to keep loop current below maximum rating. A resistor can
be added in the loop to raise impedance.
Total loop impedance must be sufficient to keep loop current below maximum rating.
1. Ensure the power source and connecting cable meet the requirements outlined
2. Turn off the transmitter and pulse output power sources.
3. Run the power cable to the transmitter.
Advanced installation details
54 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

When the pulse switch is set to internal, the pulse loop will be powered from the
transmitter. Supply voltage from the transmitter can be up to 12 VDC. Connect the
transmitter directly to the counter as shown. Internal pulse power can only be used with an
electronic totalizer or counter and cannot be used with an electromechanical counter.
Connecting to an electronic totalizer/counter with internal power supply
(field mount)
Figure 6-7:   
A. Schematic showing FET between terminal 3 and 4
B. Electronic counter
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 55

Connecting to an electronic totalizer/counter with internal power supply
(wall mount)
Figure 6-8:   
A. Schematic showing FET between terminal 5 and 6
B. Electronic counter
1. Turn off the transmitter.
2. Connect wires from the counter to the transmitter as shown.
Connect discrete output
The discrete output control function can be configured to drive an external signal to
indicate zero flow, reverse flow, empty pipe, diagnostic status, flow limit, or transmitter
status. The following requirements apply:
• Supply Voltage: 5 to 28 VDC
• Maximum Voltage: 28 VDC at 240 mA
• Switch Closure: solid state relay
Advanced installation details
56 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Connect discrete output to relay or control system input (field mount)Figure 6-9:   
A. Control relay or input
B. 5–28 VDC power supply
Connect discrete output to relay or control system input (wall mount)Figure 6-10:   
A. Control relay or input
B. 5–28 VDC power supply
Total loop impedance must be sufficient to keep loop current below maximum rating. A resistor can
be added in the loop to raise impedance.
For discrete output control, connect the power source and control relay to the transmitter.
To connect external power for discrete output control, complete the following steps:
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 57

1. Ensure the power source and connecting cable meet the requirements outlined
2. Turn off the transmitter and discrete power sources.
3. Run the power cable to the transmitter.
4. Connect the DC power supply to the transmitter as shown.
6.2.3 Connect discrete input
The following requirements apply:
Supply Voltage
5 to 28 VDCControl
1.5 - 20mA
Input Impedance
2.5 k plus 1.2V Diode drop. See Figure 6-13.
Connecting Discrete Input (field mount)Figure 6-11:   
A. Relay contactor control system output
B. 5–28 VDC power supply
Advanced installation details
58 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Connecting Discrete Input (wall mount)Figure 6-12:   
A. Relay contactor control system output
B. 5–28 VDC power supply
Discrete Input Operating RangeFigure 6-13:   
7.5 10
12.5 15
A. Supply voltage
B. series resistance Ω
 + Ω
To connect the discrete input, complete the following steps.
1. Ensure the power source and connecting cable meet the requirements outlined
2. Turn off the transmitter and discrete power sources.
Advanced installation details
Reference manual 59

3. Run the power cable to the transmitter.
4. Connect the wires to the transmitter as shown.
Advanced installation details
60 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

7 Operation
Topics covered in this chapter:
Local operator interface (LOI)
7.1 Introduction
The transmitter features a full range of software functions, transmitter configurations, and
diagnostic settings. These features can be accessed through the Local Operator Interface
(LOI), ProLink III configuration software, or a host control system. Configuration variables
may be changed at any time; specific instructions are provided through on-screen
This section covers the basic features of the LOI (optional) and provides general
instructions on how to navigate the configuration menus using the buttons. The section
also provides a menu tree to help access each function. For detailed LOI configuration refer
to Chapter 8.
7.2 Local operator interface (LOI)
The optional LOI provides a communications center for the transmitter.
The LOI allows an operator to:
• Change transmitter configuration
• View flow and totalizer values
• Start/stop and reset totalizer values
• Run diagnostics and view the results
• Monitor transmitter status
Basic features (field mount)
The basic features of the LOI include a display window and four navigational arrow keys.
Reference manual 61

Local Operator Interface Keypad and Character DisplayFigure 7-1:   
A. LEFT (E) key
B. UP key
C. DOWN key
D. RIGHT key
E. Display window
To access the LOI, press the DOWN arrow one time. Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT
arrows to navigate the menu structure. A map of the LOI menu structure is shown in .
Basic features (wall mount)
The basic features of the LOI include totalizer control, diagnostics, basic config, and menu
navigation. These features provide control of all transmitter functions.
62 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Local Operator Interface and Character DisplayFigure 7-2:   
The totalizer control buttons enable you to view, start, stop, read, and
reset the totalizer.
 —VIEW TOTAL. Scroll through the totalizer values in aphabetical
order (Totalizer A, Totalizer B, Totalizer C).
 —START/READ. This functionality applies to the currently displayed
totalizer value.
• If the totalizers are not running, pressing this button starts ALL
totalizers counting.
• If the totalizers are running, pressing this button pauses the
display, enabling the user to read the total value.  It does NOT stop
the totalizer value from accumulating in the background. Pressing
the button while the display is paused returns the display to the
accumulating totalizer value
 —STOP/RESET. This functionality applies to the currently displayed
totalizer value.
• If the totalizers are running, pressing this button stops ALL
totalizers from accumulating.
• If the totalizer is stopped, pressing this button resets the total value
to a value of zero.
If you attempt to reset the totalizer from the LOI when it is configured as
non-resetable from the LOI, a notification appears.
Reference manual 63

The diagnostics buttons provide direct access to the advanced diagnostic
functions of the transmitter and meter verification.
 —ADV DIAG. Access the advanced diagnostic menu.
 —METER VERIFY. Run Meter Verification.
Basic Config
The basic config buttons provide direct access to the most common
transmitter parameters.
 —SENSOR CAL NO. Access the sensor calibration number
parameter.  Press  ,  , and   to modify the sensor calibration number. 
Press   to store the new value as the sensor calibration number.
 —SENSOR SIZE. Access the Line Size parameter. Press   or   to
select the sensor line size.  Press   to increment the line size.  Press   to
store the new value as the sensor line size.
 —FLOW UNITS. Access the Flow Units parameter. Press   or   to
select the flow units.  Press   to increment the flow units. Press   will
store the selection.
 —RANGE. Access the PV URV parameter.  Press  ,  , and   to
modify the upper range value.  Press   to store the new value as the PV
Upper Range Value.
The menu navigation buttons enable you to move the display cursor,
incrementally increase the value, enter the selected value, display the
home screen, or access the transmitter menu.
 —HOME/FLOW RATE. Access the flow rate display screen.
 —XMTR MENU. Access the transmitter menu structure. 
 —(Up). Increment a numerical or list value.
 —(Left) or E. Back out or enter/store parameters to the transmitter
 —(Down). Decrement a numerical or list value.
 —(Right). Highlight a numerical or text character, or increment a
list value.
64 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Press XMTR MENU to access the menu. Use  ,  ,  , and   to navigate the menu
structure. A map of the LOI menu structure is shown in Section 7.2.10.
7.2.3 Data entry
The LOI keypad does not have alphanumeric keys. Alphanumeric and symbolic data is
entered by the following procedure. Use the steps below to access the appropriate
1. Use  ,  ,  , and   to navigate the menu () and access the appropriate
alphanumeric parameter.
2. Use  ,   or   to begin editing the parameter.
• Press   to go back without changing the value.
• For numerical data, scroll through the digits 0-9, decimal point, and dash.
• For alphabetical data, scroll through the letters of the alphabet A-Z, digits 0-9,
and the symbols ?, &, +, -, *, /, $, @,%, and the blank space.
3. Use   to highlight each character you want to change and then use   and   to
select the value.
If you go past a character that you wish to change, keep using   to wrap around and
arrive at the character you want to change.
4. Press   when all changes are complete to save the entered values.
5. Press   again to navigate back to the menu tree.
Data entry examples
Parameter values are classified as table values or select values.
• Table values are available from a predefined list for parameters such as line size or
flow units.
• Select values are integers, floating point numbers, or character strings and are
entered one character at a time using the arrow keys for parameters such as PV URV
and calibration number.
Table value example
Setting the sensor size:
• For field mount transmitters, press 
 key to access the menu. See Section 7.2.10.
• For wall mount transmitters, press XMTR MENU to access the menu. See 
Section 7.2.10.
2. Use 
,  ,  , and   to select line size from the basic setup menu.
Reference manual 65

3. Use   or   to increase/decrease the sensor size.
4. When you reach the desired sensor size, press  .
5. Set the loop to manual if necessary, and press   again.
After a moment, the LOI will display VALUE STORED SUCCESSFULLY and then display
the selected value.
Select value example
Changing the upper range limit:
• For field mount transmitters, press 
 key to access the menu. See Section 7.2.10.
• For wall mount transmitters, press XMTR MENU to access the menu. See 
Section 7.2.10.
2. Use 
,  ,  , and   to select PV URV from the basic setup menu.
3. Press   to position the cursor.
4. Press   or   to set the number.
5. Repeat steps 3and 4 until desired number is displayed, press  .
6. Set the loop to manual if necessary, and press   again.
After a moment, the LOI will display VALUE STORED SUCCESSFULLY and then display
the selected value.
Dynamic variable display pause
To make dynamically changing variables easier to read and record, a pause feature has
been built into the LOI.
When viewing a dynamic variable (such as a totalizer value) from the view variable screen,
press   to pause the display value. To return the screen to the dynamic display mode,
press   again, or exit the screen by pressing  .
It is important to note this feature pauses only the display. While the display is paused, the
transmitter continues to measure all variables dynamically, and continues to increment the totalizer.
Totalizer functionality
Totalizer selection
• To view the totalizer values, press 
 to access the LOI menu structure.
• To view the totalizer values, press VIEW TOTAL to access the LOI menu structure.
66 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

The first option is the totalizers. Under this section, you can view and configure the
totalizers. See Section 8.2.3 for more information on the totalizer functionality.
Start all / Stop all
Totalizers can be started or stopped simultaneously. See Section 8.2.3.
Reset totalizer
The totalizers can be configured to be reset through the LOI. They can be reset
individually, or simultaneously through a global command. For details on configuring the
reset functionality and on resetting the totalizers, refer to Section 8.2.3.
7.2.7 Display lock
The transmitter has display lock functionality to prevent unintentional configuration
changes. The display can be locked manually or configured to automatically lock after a set
period of time. When locked, the LOI will display the flow screen.
Manual display lock
To activate, hold the UP arrow for 3 seconds and follow the on-screen instructions. When
the display lock is activated, a lock symbol will appear in the lower right hand corner of the
display. To deactivate, hold the UP arrow for 3 seconds and follow the on-screen
instructions. When the display lock is deactivated, the lock symbol will no longer appear in
the lower right hand corner of the display.
Auto display lock
The transmitter can be configured to automatically lock the LOI. Follow the instructions
below to access configuration.
• For field mount transmitters, Press 
 to access the menu. See Section 7.2.10.
• For wall mount transmitters, Press XMTR MENU to access the menu. See 
Section 7.2.10.
2. Scroll to and select LOI Config from the Detailed Setup menu.
3. Press 
 to highlight Disp Auto Lock and press   to enter the menu.
4. Press   or   to select the auto lock time.
5. When you reach the desired time, press  .
6. Set the loop to manual if necessary, and press  .
After a moment, the LOI will display VALUE STORED SUCCESSFULLY and then display
the selected value.
Reference manual 67

7.2.8 Diagnostic messages
Diagnostic messages may appear on the LOI. See Chapter 9 for a complete list of messages,
potential causes, and corrective actions for these messages.
7.2.9 Display symbols
When certain transmitter functions are active, a symbol will appear in the lower-right
corner of the display. The possible symbols include the following:
Display Lock
Reverse flow
Continuous meter verification
68 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

7.2.10 LOI menu tree
Totalizers menu mapFigure 7-3:   
Basic Setup
Detailed Setup
View Total A
View Total B
View Total C
Status All
Start All
Stop All
Reset All
Total A
Total B
Total C
Reset Total A
Total A Config
LOI Control
Write Protect
TotA Direction
TotA Units
TotA Reset Cfg
Reset Total B
Total B Config
TotB Direction
TotB Units
TotB Reset Cfg
Reset Total C
Total C Config
TotC Direction
TotC Units
TotC Reset Cfg
LOI Start/Stop
LOI Reset
WP Start/Stop
WP Reset

Reference manual 69

Diagnostics menu mapFigure 7-4:   
Modbus Diag
Diag Controls
Basic Diag
Advanced Diag
Empty Pipe
Process  Noise
Elec Coating
Elect Temp
Reverse Flow
Cont Meter Ver
Self Test
Pulse Out Test
Empty Pipe
Elect Temp
Flow Limit 1
Flow Limit 2
Total Limit
EP Control
EP Value
EP Trig Level
EP Counts
Process Noise
Elec Coating
Meter Verif
Run Meter Ver
View Results
Sensr Baseline
Test Criteria
Test Condition
Test Criteria
MV Results
Sim Velocity
Actual Velocity
Flow Sim Dev
Xmtr Cal Verify
Sensor Cal Dev
Sensor Cal
Coil Circuit
Electrode Ckt
Reset Baseline
Recall Values
Coil Resist
Coil Inductnce
Electrode Res
No Flow
Flowing, Full
Empty Pipe
Coil Resist
Coil Inductnce
Actual Velocity
Electrode Res
License Status
License Key
EC Current Val
EC Limit 1
EC Limit 2
EC Max Value
Reset Max Val
Process Noise
Elec Coating
Meter Verif
Empty Pipe
Elect Temp
Line Noise
37Hz SNR
Elec Coating
Signal Power
37Hz Auto Zero
Coil Current
MV Results
EC Current Val
EC Max Value
Digital Trim
37Hz Auto Zero
Universal Trim
Test Criteria
Sim Velocity
Actual Velocity
Flow Sim Dev
Coil Inductnce
Sensor Cal Dev
Coil Resist
Electrode Res
Manual Results
Continual Res
Manual Results
Continual Res
Coil Resist
Coil Inductnce
Electrode Res
Actual Velocity
Flow Sim Dev
Manual Measure
Continual Meas
Basic Setup
Detailed Setup
Test Criteria
Sim Velocity
Actual Velocity
Flow Sim Dev
Coil Inductnce
Sensor Cal Dev
Coil Resist
Electrode Res
Test Condition
Test Criteria
MV Results
Sim Velocity
Actual Velocity
Flow Sim Dev
Xmtr Cal Verify
Sensor Cal Dev
Sensor Cal
Coil Circuit
Electrode Ckt
Modbus Status
Listen Only MD
Restart MB Com
Reset MB Confg

70 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Basic setup menu mapFigure 7-5:   
Flow Units
Line Size
Cal Number
Flow Units
Special Units
Total A Units
Total B Units
Total C Units
Flt Pt Order
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
Min Resp Delay
Variable Slots
Var Slot 0 Idx
Var Slot 1 Idx
Var Slot 2 Idx
Var Slot 3 Idx
Var Slot 4 Idx
Var Slot 5 Idx
Var Slot 6 Idx
Var Slot 7 Idx
Var Slot 8 Idx
Var Slot 9 Idx
Slot Indices
Slot Variables
Var Slot 0 Val
Var Slot 1 Val
Var Slot 2 Val
Var Slot 3 Val
Var Slot 4 Val
Var Slot 5 Val
Var Slot 6 Val
Var Slot 7 Val
Var Slot 8 Val
Var Slot 9 Val
Basic Setup
Detailed Setup

Reference manual 71

Detailed setup menu mapFigure 7-6:   
More Params
Output Config
LOI Config
Sig Processing
Device Info
Device Reset
Coil Frequency
Proc Density
Flow LSL
Flow USL
DI/DO Config
Reverse Flow
Pulse Scaling
Pulse Width
Pulse Mode
DI/O 1
DO 2
Flow Limit 1
Flow Limit 2
Total Limit
Diag Alert
Flow Display
Disp Auto Lock
Operating Mode
SP Config
Coil Frequency
Lo-Flow Cutoff
Device ID
Sensor S/N
Sensor Tag
Write protect
Revision Num
Software Rev
Final Asmbl #
DI/O 1 Control
DI 1
DO 1
Control 1
Mode 1
High Limit 1
Low Limit 1
Total Control
Total Mode 
Tot Hi Limit
Tot Low Limit
Control 2
Mode 2
High Limit 2
Low Limit 2
Elec Failure
Coil Open Ckt
Empty Pipe
Reverse Flow
Process Noise
Elect Temp
Elec Coat 1
Elec Coat 2
Cont Meter Ver
Coil Over Curr
Sensr Elec Sat
Coil Power Lim
Flt Pt Order
Baud Rate
Stop Bits
Min Resp Delay
Variable Slots
Var Slot 0 Idx
Var Slot 1 Idx
Var Slot 2 Idx
Var Slot 3 Idx
Var Slot 4 Idx
Var Slot 5 Idx
Var Slot 6 Idx
Var Slot 7 Idx
Var Slot 8 Idx
Var Slot 9 Idx
Slot Indices
Slot Variables
Var Slot 0 Val
Var Slot 1 Val
Var Slot 2 Val
Var Slot 3 Val
Var Slot 4 Val
Var Slot 5 Val
Var Slot 6 Val
Var Slot 7 Val
Var Slot 8 Val
Var Slot 9 Val
Basic Setup
Detailed Setup

72 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

8 Advanced Configuration
Topics covered in this chapter:
Configure outputs
Configure LOI
Additional parameters
Configure special units
8.1 Introduction
This section contains information for advanced configuration parameters.
The software configuration settings for the transmitter can be accessed through the Local
Operator Interface (LOI) or a modbus host. Before operating the transmitter in an actual
installation, you should review all of the factory set configuration data to ensure that they
reflect the current application.
Configure outputs
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config
The configure outputs functionality is used to configure advanced features that control the
pulse, auxiliary, and totalizer outputs of the transmitter.
Modbus output
Configure the Modbus communication parameters.
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Address
Modbus register 109
Configure the address of the transmitter for the Modbus network. The acceptable range is
an integer value from 1 to 247. The default address is 1.
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 73

Each register is identified by its address (or starting address). Depending on the PLC that
will be used to communicate with the transmitter, you may need to subtract 1 from the
address, or starting address, of the register. Refer to PLC documentation to determine if
this applies.
Floating point byte order
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Flt Pt Order
Modbus register 110
Sets the order that information is sent by the transmitter.
Register value
Byte order
0 0-1-2-3 (default)
1 2-3-0-1
2 1-0-3-2
3 3-2-1-0
Baud rate
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Baud Rate
Modbus register 115
Sets the communication speed of the transmitter.
Register value
Baud rate
0 1200
1 2400
2 4800
3 9600
4 19200 (default)
5 38400
6 57600
7 115200
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Parity
Advanced Configuration Functionality
74 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus register 116
Used to configure error-checking methodology for the data.
Register value Parity
0 No parity
1 Odd
2 Even (default)
Stop bits
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Stop Bits
Modbus register 117
Sets the last bit of the data packet.
Register value
Stop bits
1 1 bit (default)
2 2 bits
Minimum response delay
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Min Resp Delay
Modbus register 111
Minimum response delay is used to synchronize Modbus communications with hosts that
operate at a slower speed than the transmitter. The value specified here will be the
minimum elapsed time before the transmitter sends a response to the host. This value can
be configured as an integer from 0 to 250 ms. The default value is 10 ms.
Do not set the minimum response delay unless required by the Modbus host.
Variable slots
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Variable Slots
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 75

Variable slots allows for the customization of variables into fixed Modbus register locations.
Up to 30 slots can be configured using ProLink III or a Modbus configuration tool. Through
the LOI, configuration functionality is limited to 10 slots.
Slot indices
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Slot Indices
Modbus register 651–680
Assign variables to the various Modbus slots for easy reference. Slots 0 through 9 can be
configured through the LOI, ProLink III, or a Modbus configuration tool. Slots 10 through
29 can only be configured through ProLink III or a Modbus configuration tool.
Slot variables can be assigned to the slots.
Register value
0 Flow rate
1 Pulse output frequency
2 Totalizer A
3 Totalizer B
4 Totalizer C
5 Electronics temperature
6 Line noise
7 5 Hz signal to noise ratio
8 37 Hz signal to noise ratio
9 Signal power
10 Empty pipe value
11 Continuous internal flow simulator test deviation
12 Electrode coating value
13 Continuous electrode resistance value
14 Continuous coil resistance value
15 Continuous coil inductance value
16 Continuous coil inductance deviation value
Slot variables
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > Modbus > Variable Slots > Slot
Modbus register 691–749
Advanced Configuration Functionality
76 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

View the variable values indexed to slots 0 through 9 on the LOI. Slots 10 through 29 can
only be viewed through ProLink III or a Modbus configuration tool. These are read-only
8.2.2 Pulse output
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Pulse
Under this function the pulse output of the transmitter can be configured.
Pulse scaling
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Pulse > Pulse Scaling
Modbus register 327–328
Transmitter may be commanded to supply a specified frequency between 1 pulse/ day at
39.37 ft/sec (12 m/s) to 10,000Hz at 1 ft/sec (0.3 m/s).
Line size, special units, and density must be selected prior to configuration of the pulse scaling
The pulse output scaling equates one transistor switch closure pulse to a selectable
number of volume units. The volume unit used for scaling pulse output is taken from the
numerator of the configured flow units. For example, if gal/min had been chosen when
selecting the flow unit, the volume unit displayed would be gallons.
The pulse output scaling is designed to operate between 0 and 10,000Hz. The minimum conversion
factor value is found by dividing the minimum span (in units of volume per second) by 10,000Hz.
The maximum pulse scaling frequency for transmitters with an intrinsically safe output (output
option code B) is 5000Hz.
When selecting pulse output scaling, the maximum pulse rate is 10,000Hz. With the 110
percent over range capability, the absolute limit is 11,000Hz. For example, if you want the
transmitter to pulse every time 0.01 gallons pass through the sensor, and the flow rate is
10,000 gal/min, you will exceed the 10,000Hz full-scale limit:
= 16,666.7 Hz
1 pulse
0.01 gal
1 min
(60 sec)
10,000 gal
1 min
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 77

The best choice for this parameter depends upon the required resolution, the number of
digits in the totalizer, the extent of range required, and the maximum frequency limit of
the external counter.
Pulse factor units
Modbus register 37
The pulse factor unit assigns the unit of measure to the pulse scaling factor. The default
read-only value is the unit of measure from the configured flow units. For example, if
gal/min is selected when configuring the flow units, the pulse factor unit will be gallons.
Pulse factor volume unitsTable 8-1:   
Register value Units
40 Gallons
41 Liters
42 Imperial gallons
43 Cubic meters
46 Barrels (42 gallons)
112 Cubic feet
246 Cubic centimeters
247 Barrels (31 gallons)
249 Millions gallons
Pulse factor mass unitsTable 8-2:   
Register value Units
61 Kilograms
62 Metric tons
63 Pounds
64 Short tons
Pulse factor other unitsTable 8-3:   
Register value Units
44 Feet
45 Meters
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Pulse factor other units (continued)Table 8-3:   
Register value Units
253 Special units
(1) See Section 8.5.
Pulse width
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Pulse > Pulse Width
Modbus register 329, 330
The factory default pulse width is 0.5 ms.
The width, or duration, of the pulse can be adjusted to match the requirements of different
counters or controllers (see Figure 8-1). These are typically lower frequency applications (<
1000Hz). The transmitter will accept values from 0.1 ms to 650 ms.
For frequencies higher than 1000Hz, it is recommended to set the pulse mode to 50% duty
cycle by setting the pulse mode to frequency output.
The pulse width will limit the maximum frequency output, If the pulse width is set too wide
(more than 1/2 the period of the pulse) the transmitter will limit the pulse output. See
example below.
Pulse OutputFigure 8-1:   
A. Open
B. Pulse width
C. Period
D. Closed
If pulse width is set to 100 ms, the maximum output is 5Hz; for a pulse width of 0.5 ms, the
maximum output would be 1000Hz (at the maximum frequency output there is a 50%
duty cycle).
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 79

Pulse width
Minimum period (50% duty
cycle) Maximum frequency
100 ms 200 ms
= 5 Hz
1 cycle
200 ms
0.5 ms 1.0 ms
= 1000 Hz
1 cycle
1.0 ms
To achieve the greatest maximum frequency output, set the pulse width to the lowest
value that is consistent with the requirements of the pulse output power source, pulse
driven external totalizer, or other peripheral equipment.
The maximum flow rate is 10,000 gpm. Set the pulse output scaling such that the
transmitter outputs 10,000Hz at 10,000 gpm.
Pulse Scaling =
Flow Rate (gpm)
(60 ×)
Pulse Scaling =
10,000 gpm
(60 ×)
(10,000 Hz)
Pulse Scaling = 0.0167
1 pulse = 0.0167 gal
Changes to pulse width are only required when there is a minimum pulse width required for external
counters, relays, etc.
The external counter is ranged for 350 gpm and pulse is set for one gallon. Assuming the
pulse width is 0.5 ms, the maximum frequency output is 5.833Hz.
Frequency =
Flow Rate (gpm)
(60 ×) )(
pulse scaling
Pulse Scaling =
350 gpm
(60 ×)
Frequency = 5.833 Hz
The upper range value (20mA) is 3000 gpm. To obtain the highest resolution of the pulse
output, 10,000Hz is scaled to the full scale analog reading.
Frequency =
Flow Rate (gpm)
(60 ×) )(
pulse scaling
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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Pulse Scaling =
3,000 gpm
(60 ×)
10,000 Hz
Pulse Scaling = 0.005
1 pulse = 0.005 gal
Pulse mode
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Pulse > Pulse Mode
Modbus register 85
The pulse mode configures the frequency output of the pulse. It can be set to either 50%
duty cycle, or fixed. There are two options that pulse mode can be configured to:
• Pulse Output (user defines a fixed pulse width)
• Frequency Output (pulse width automatically set to 50% duty cycle)
Register value
0 Pulse Output: User defines a fixed pulse width (default)
1 Frequency Output: Pulse width automatically set to 50% duty cy-
To use pulse width settings, pulse mode must be set to pulse output.
The totalizer provides the total amount of fluid that has passed through the meter. There
are three available totalizers: Total A, Total B, and Total C. They can be independently
configured for one of the following options:
• Net - increments with forward flow and decrements with reverse flow (reverse flow
must be enabled).
• Reverse total - will only increment with reverse flow if reverse flow is enabled
• Forward total - will only increment with forward flow
All totalizer values will be reset if line size is changed. This will happen even if the totalizer
reset control is set to non-resettable.
The totalizers have the capability to increment the total to a maximum value of 50 feet per
second of flow (or the volumetric equivalent) for a period of 20 years before roll-over
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 81

View Totals
LOI menu path Totalizer A: Totalizers > View Total A
Totalizer B: Totalizers > View Total B
Totalizer C: Totalizers > View Total C
Modbus registers Totalizer A: 203, 204
Totalizer B: 205, 206
Totalizer C: 207, 208
Displays the current value for each totalizer and shows the totalizer incrementing/
decrementing based on totalizer configuration and flow direction.
Configure totalizers
LOI menu path Totalizers > Config/Control
Modbus registers 101, 103
Start, stop, and reset all totalizers, configure the independent totalizers, and security
controls for write protecting and resetting the individual totalizers.
Totalizer funtion
Modbus coil Modbus coil value
Start all totalizers 101 1
Stop all totalizers 101 0
Reset all totalizers 103 1
If an individual totalizer is configured as non-resettable, the global totalizer reset command will not
affect that totalizer.
If an individual totalizer is configured as write protected, the global totalizer start/stop/reset
commands will not affect that totalizer.
Totalizer direction
LOI menu path
Totalizer A: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total A > Total A Config
> Direction
Totalizer B: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total B > Total B Config
> Direction
Totalizer C: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total C > Total C Config
> Direction
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus register Totalizer A: 101
Totalizer B: 103
Totalizer C: 105
Configure the direction for the totalizers as either Net, Forward, or Reverse.
Register value Totalizer direction
0 Net (default for Total A)
1 Forward (default for Total B)
2 Revers (default for Total C)
Totalizer units
LOI menu path Totalizer A: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total A > Total A Config
> TotA Units
Totalizer B: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total B > Total B Config
> TotB Units
Totalizer C: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total C > Total C Config
> TotC Units
Modbus register Totalizer A: 62
Totalizer B: 63
Totalizer C: 64
Configure the units for totalizers.
Totalizer volume unitsTable 8-4:   
Register value Units
40 Gallons
41 Liters
42 Imperial gallons
43 Cubic meters
46 Barrels (42 gallons)
112 Cubic feet
246 Cubic centimeters
247 Barrels (31 gallons)
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 83

Totalizer mass unitsTable 8-5:   
Register value Units
61 Kilograms
62 Metric tons
63 Pounds
64 Short tons
Totalizer other unitsTable 8-6:   
Register value Units
44 Feet (default)
45 Meters
253 Special units (see Section 8.5.)
Reset configuration
LOI menu path Totalizer A: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total A > Total A Config
> TotA Reset Config
Totalizer B: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total B > Total B Config
> TotB Reset Config
Totalizer C: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total C > Total C Config
> TotC Reset Config
Modbus register Totalizer A: 100
Totalizer B: 102
Totalizer C: 104
Configure if the totalizer is non-resettable, or if it can be reset through the reset
Register value
Reset options
0 Not resetable (default for Totalizer B & C)
1 Resetable (default for Totalizer A)
Reset individual totalizer
LOI menu path
Totalizer A: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total A > Reset Total A
Totalizer B: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total B > Reset Total B
Totalizer C: Totalizers > Config/Control > Total C > Reset Total C
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus coil Totalizer A: 104
Totalizer B: 105
Totalizer C: 106
Independently reset the totalizers. This requires the reset option to be configured as
Register value Reset options
0 Run
1 Reset
Reset all totalizers
LOI menu path Totalizers > Config/Control > Reset All
Modbus coil 103
This global command will reset totalizer values to zero for all totalizers that have been
configured as resettable.
Register value
Reset options
0 Run
1 Reset
Totalizer security
LOI menu path
Totalizers > Config/Control > Security
Configure totalizer security capabilities for the Local Operator Interface and write
LOI control
LOI menu path
Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > LOI Control
Configure the ability to start, stop, and reset the totalizers through the LOI.
LOI totalizer start/stop
LOI menu path
Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > LOI Control > LOI Start/
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 85

Modbus coil 141
Enable/disable the ability to start or stop totalizers through the LOI.
Modbus coil value Operating mode
0 Prevent totalizer reset through the LOI
1 Allow totalizer reset through the LOI (default)
LOI totalizer reset
LOI menu path Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > LOI Control > LOI Reset
Enable/disable the ability to reset the totalizers through the LOI.
Totalizer write protection
LOI menu path Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > Write Protect
In addition to controlling the LOI capability to start/stop and reset the totalizers, specific
write protect functionality can also be configured adding an additional level of security to
the totalizers.
Start/stop write protect
LOI menu path
Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > Write Protect > WP Start/
Modbus coil 139
Configure write protection on the ability to start or stop the totalizers. This is a global
command and applies to all totalizers.
Register value
Reset options
0 Disable totalizer start/stop write protect (default)
1 Enable totalizer start/stop write protect
Reset write protect
LOI menu path
Totalizers > Config/Control > Security > Write Protect > WP Reset
Modbus coil 140
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Configure write protection on the ability to reset the totalizers. This is a global command
and applies to all totalizers.
Register value Reset options
0 Disable totalizer reset write protect (default)
1 Enable totalizer reset write protect
8.2.4 Discrete input/output
This configuration option is only available if the auxiliary output suite (option code AX) was
ordered. The auxiliary output suite provides two channels for control.
• The discrete output control function can be configured to drive an external signal to
indicate zero flow, reverse flow, empty pipe, diagnostic status, flow limit, or
transmitter status.
A complete list and description of the available auxiliary functions is provided below.
Discrete input options (Channel 1 only)
PZR (Positive Zero
When conditions are met to activate the input, the transmitter
will force the output to zero flow.
Net Total Reset
When conditions are met to activate the input, the transmitter
will reset the net total value to zero.
Discrete output options
Reverse Flow
The output will activate when the transmitter detects a reverse
flow condition.
Zero Flow
The output will activate when a no flow condition is detected.
Transmitter Fault
The output will activate when a transmitter fault condition is
Empty Pipe
The output will activate when the transmitter detects an empty
pipe condition.
Flow Limit 1
The output will activate when the transmitter measures a flow
rate that meets the conditions established for the flow limit 1
Flow Limit 2
The output will activate when the transmitter measures a flow
rate that meets the conditions established for the flow limit 2
Diagnostic Status
The output will activate when the transmitter detects a condition
that meets the configured criteria of the diagnostic status alert.
Total Limit
The output will activate when the transmitter Totalizer A value
meets the conditions established for the total limit alert.
Channel 1
Channel 1 can be configured as either a discrete input (DI) or as a discrete output (DO).
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 87

DI/O 1 control
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > DI/O 1 > DI/O 1
Modbus register 91
This parameter configures the auxiliary output channel 1. It controls whether channel 1
will be a discrete input or discrete output on terminals.
The transmitter must have been ordered with the auxiliary output suite (option code AX) to have
access to this functionality.
Discrete input 1
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > DI/O 1 > DI 1
Modbus register 92
This parameter displays the configuration for channel 1 when used as a discrete input.
Discrete output 1
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > DI/O 1 > DO 1
Modbus register 93
This parameter displays the configuration for channel 1 when used as a discrete output.
Channel 2
Channel 2 is available as discrete output only.
Discrete output 2
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > DO 2
Modbus register 96
This parameter displays the configuration for channel 2.
Flow limit (1 and 2)
There are two configurable flow limits. Configure the parameters that will determine the
criteria for activation of a alert if the measured flow rate falls within a set of configured
criteria. This functionality can be used for operating simple batching operations or
generating alerts when certain flow conditions are met. This parameter can be configured
as a discrete output if the transmitter was ordered with the auxiliary output suite (option
Advanced Configuration Functionality
88 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

code AX) and the outputs are enabled. If a discrete output is configured for flow limit, the
discrete output will activate when the conditions defined under mode configuration are
met. See Mode below.
LOI menu path Flow 1: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 1 > Control 1
Flow 2: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 2 > Control 2
Modbus coil Flow limit 1: 97
Flow limit 2: 98
This parameter turns the flow limit alert ON or OFF.
The transmitter will generate a alert when the defined conditions are met. If a
discrete output is configured for flow limit, the discrete output will activate when
the conditions for mode are met.
The transmitter will not generate an alert for the flow limit.
Modbus coil value Configuration
0 Off (default)
1 On
LOI menu path
Flow 1: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 1 > Mode 1
Flow 2: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 2 > Mode 2
Modbus register Flow limit 1: 97
Flow limit 2: 98
The mode parameter sets the conditions under which the flow limit alert will activate. High
and low limits exist for each channel and can be configured independently.
High limit
LOI menu path
Flow 1: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 1 > High Limit 1
Flow 2: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 2 > High Limit 2
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 89

Modbus register Flow limit 1: 337, 338
Flow limit 2: 341, 342
Set the flow rate value that corresponds to the high limit set point for the flow limit alert.
Low limit
LOI menu path Flow 1: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 1 > Low Limit 1
Flow 2: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 2 > Low Limit 2
Modbus register Flow limit 1: 339, 340
Flow limit 2: 343, 344
Set the flow rate value that corresponds to the low limit set point for the flow limit alert.
Flow limit hysteresis
LOI menu path Flow 1: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 1 > Hysteresis
Flow 2: Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Flow
Limit 2 > Hysteresis
Modbus register 345, 346
Set the hysteresis band for the flow limit to determine how quickly the transmitter comes
out of alert status. The hysteresis value is used for both flow limit 1 and flow limit 2.
Changing this parameter under the configuration parameters for one channel will cause it
to also change in the other channel.
Total limit
Configure the parameters that will determine the criteria for activating a alert if Totalizer A
falls within a set of configured criteria. This functionality can be used for operating simple
batching operations or generating alerts when certain localized values are met. This
parameter can be configured as a discrete output if the transmitter was ordered with
auxiliary outputs enabled (option code AX). If a digital output is configured for total limit,
the digital output will activate when the conditions for total mode are met.
Total control
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Total Limit >
Total Control
Modbus coil 107
Advanced Configuration Functionality
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 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Total mode
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Total Limit >
Total Mode
Modbus register 99
Total high limit
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Total Limit >
Tot Hi Limit
Modbus register 347, 348
Set Totalizer A to a value that corresponds to the high limit set point for the total high limit
Total low limit
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Total Limit >
Tot Low Limit
Modbus register 349, 350
Set the net total value that corresponds to the low limit set point for the total low limit
Total limit hysteresis
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Total Limit >
Modbus register 351, 352
Set the hysteresis band for the total limit to determine how quickly the transmitter comes
out of alert status.
Diagnostic status alert
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Output Config > DI/DO Config > Diag Alert
Modbus coil See below.
8.3 Configure LOI
The LOI configuration contains functionality to configure the display of the transmitter.
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 91

8.3.1 Flow display
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > LOI Config > Flow Display
Modbus register 81
Use flow display to configure the parameters that will appear on the LOI flowrate screen.
The flowrate screen displays two lines of information.
Register value Display
0 Flowrate and Total A (default)
1 Flowrate and Total B
2 Flowrate and Total C
8.3.2 Language
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > LOI Config > Language
Modbus register 83
Use language to configure the display language shown on the LOI.
Register value
0 English
1 Spanish
2 German
3 French
4 Portuguese
8.3.3 Backlight control
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > LOI Config > Backlight
Modbus register 122
To conserve power, the LOI backlight can be configured to automatically turn off after a
set amount of time without keypad activity.
Advanced Configuration Functionality
92 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Register value Backlight control
0 Always OFF (default for low power)
1 10 Seconds
2 20 Seconds
3 30 Seconds
4 Always ON (default)
8.3.4 LOI display lock
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > LOI Config > Disp Auto Lock
Modbus register 100
The transmitter has display lock functionality to prevent unintentional configuration
changes. The display can be locked manually or configured to automatically lock after a set
period of time. The display is always locked on the flow screen
Modbus coil value
Operating mode
0 LOI display lock is turned OFF (default)
1 LOI display lock is turned ON
8.4 Additional parameters
The following parameters may be required for detailed configuration settings based on
your application.
Coil drive frequency
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > More Params > Coil Frequency
Modbus register 77
Use coil drive frequency to change the pulse rate of the coils.
See Section 10.5.2.
Process density
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > More Params > Proc Density
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 93

Modbus register Density units: 29
Density value: 333, 334
Use the process density value to convert from a volumetric flow rate to a mass flow rate
using the following equation:
Qm = Qv x p
Qm is the mass flow rate
Qv is the volumetric flow rate, and
p is the fluid density
8.4.3 Reverse flow
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Output Config > Reverse Flow
Modbus coil 99
Use reverse flow to enable or disable the transmitter's ability to read flow in the opposite
direction of the flow direction arrow (see Section 3.2.3). This may occur when the process
has bi-directional flow, or when either the electrode wires or the coil wires are reversed
(see Troubleshooting Section 12.3.3). This also enables the totalizer to count in the reverse
Low flow cutoff
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Sig Processing > Lo-Flow Cutoff
Modbus register 325, 326
Low flow cutoff allows the user to set a low flow limit to be specified. The low flow cutoff
units are the same as the PV units and cannot be changed. The low flow cutoff value
applies to both forward and reverse flows.
PV (flow) damping
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Sig Processing > Damping
Modbus register 321
Primary variable damping allows selection of a response time, in seconds, to a step change
in flow rate. It is most often used to smooth fluctuations in output.
Advanced Configuration Functionality
94 Rosemount
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8.4.6 Signal processing
The transmitter contains several advanced functions that can be used to stabilize erratic
outputs caused by process noise. The signal processing menu contains this functionality.
If the 37 Hz coil drive mode has been set, and the output is still unstable, the damping and
signal processing function should be used. It is important to set the coil drive mode to 37
Hz first, so the loop response time is not increased.
The transmitter provides for a very easy and straightforward start-up, and also
incorporates the capability to deal with difficult applications that have previously
manifested themselves in a noisy output signal. In addition to selecting a higher coil drive
frequency (37 Hz vs. 5 Hz) to isolate the flow signal from the process noise, the
microprocessor can actually scrutinize each input based on three user-defined parameters
to reject the noise specific to the application.
See Chapter 10 for the detailed description of how the signal processing works.
8.5 Configure special units
Special units are used when the application requires units that are not included in the flow
units available from the device. Refer to for a complete list of the available units.
Base volume unit
LOI menu path Basic Setup > Flow Units > Special Units > Base Vol Units
Modbus register 76
Base volume unit is the unit from which the conversion is being made. Set this variable to
the appropriate option.
Volume unitsTable 8-7:   
Register value Units
40 Gallons (default)
41 Liters
42 Imperial gallons
43 Cubic meters
46 Barrels (42 gallons)
112 Cubic feet
246 Cubic centimeters
247 Barrels (31 gallons)
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 95

Mass unitsTable 8-8:   
Register value Units
40 Kilograms
41 Metric tons
42 Pounds
43 Short tons
Other unitsTable 8-9:   
Register value Units
44 Feet
45 Meters
8.5.2 Conversion factor
LOI menu path Basic Setup > Flow Units > Special Units > Conv Factor
Modbus register 323, 324
The special units conversion factor is used to convert base units to special units. For a
straight conversion of units from one unit of measure to a different unit of measure, the
conversion factor is the number of base units in the new unit.
If you are converting from gallons to barrels and there are 31 gallons in a barrel, the
conversion factor is 31.
Base time unit
LOI menu path Basic Setup > Flow Units > Special Units > Base Time Unit
Modbus register 75
Base time unit provides the time unit from which to calculate the special units.For
example, if your special units is a volume per minute, select minutes.
Register value
50 Minute (default)
51 Second
52 Hour
Advanced Configuration Functionality
96 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Register value Units
53 Day
8.5.4 Special volume unit
LOI menu path Basic Setup > Flow Units > Special Units > Volume Unit
Modbus register 411, 412
Special volume unit enables you to display the volume unit format to which you have
converted the base volume units.
If the special units are abc/min, the special volume variable is abc. The volume units
variable is also used in totalizing the special units flow.
8.5.5 Special flow rate unit
LOI menu path Basic Setup > Flow Units > Special Units > Rate Unit
Modbus register 409, 410
Flow rate unit is a format variable that provides a record of the units to which you are
converting. The Handheld Communicator will display a special units designator as the
units format for your primary variable. The actual special units setting you define will not
appear. Four characters are available to store the new units designation. The LOI will
display the four character designation as configured.
To display flow in acre-feet per day, and acre-foot is equal to 43560 cubic feet, the
procedure would be:
1. Set the volume unit to ACFT.
2. Set the base volume unit to ft3.
3. Set the conversion factor to 43560.
4. Set the time base unit to Day.
5. Set the flow rate unit to AF/D.
Advanced Configuration Functionality
Reference manual 97

Advanced Configuration Functionality
98 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

9 Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Topics covered in this chapter:
Modbus communication diagnostics
Licensing and enabling
Tunable empty pipe detection
Electronics temperature
Ground/wiring fault detection
High process noise detection
Coated electrode detection
 Meter Verification
Run manual SMART Meter Verification
Continuous SMART Meter Verification
SMART Meter Verification test results
SMART Meter Verification measurements
Optimizing the SMART Meter Verification
Rosemount magnetic flowmeters provide device diagnostics that detect and warn of
abnormal situations throughout the life of the meter - from installation to maintenance
and meter verification. With Rosemount magnetic flowmeter diagnostics enabled, plant
availability and throughput can be improved, and costs through simplified installation,
maintenance and troubleshooting can be reduced.
Basic diagnostics availabilityTable 9-1:   
Diagnostic name Diagnostic category Product capability
Tunable Empty Pipe Process Standard
Electronics Temperature Maintenance Standard
Coil Fault Maintenance Standard
Transmitter Fault Maintenance Standard
Reverse Flow Process Standard
Electrode Saturation Process Standard
Coil Current Maintenance Standard
Coil Power Maintenance Standard
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 99

Advanced diagnostics availabilityTable 9-2:   
Diagnostic name Diagnostic category Product capability
High Process Noise Process Suite 1 (DA1)
Grounding and Wiring Fault Installation Suite 1 (DA1)
Coated Electrode Detection Process Suite 1 (DA1)
Commanded Meter Verifica-
Meter Health Suite 2 (DA2)
Continuous Meter Verification Meter Health Suite 2 (DA2)
4-20 mA Loop Verification Installation Suite 2 (DA2)
Options for accessing Rosemount Magmeter Diagnostics
Rosemount Magmeter Diagnostics can be accessed through the Local Operator Interface
(LOI), a Field Communicator, and AMS
 Device Manager.
Access diagnostics through the LOI for quicker installation, maintenance, and meter
Rosemount Magmeter Diagnostics are available through the LOI to make maintenance of
every magmeter easier.
Access diagnostics through AMS Device Manager
The value of the diagnostics increases significantly when AMS is used. The user will see
simplified screen flow and procedures on how to respond to the diagnostics messages.
Modbus communication diagnostics
Modbus status
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Modbus Diag > Modbus Status
Displays the status of the Modbus communication. There are three possible status modes:
The transmitter is communicating with the host with no errors.
The transmitter is not communicating with the host.
The transmitter is communicating with the host, but the
configuration parameters between the transmitter and the host
do not match, resulting in incorrect parsing of the Modbus data.
Listen only mode
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Modbus Diag > Listen Only MD
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
100 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

The transmitter has been placed into listen only mode through either the host system or
LOI. The transmitter is not actively sending Modbus data, but is receiving commands from
the host system.
Restart Modbus communication
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Modbus Diag > Restart MB Com
This function is only available through the LOI. This function can be used to perform a soft
reset of the Modbus communication.
Reset Modbus configuration
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Modbus Diag > Reset MB Confg
This function is only available through the LOI. This will initiate a method to reset all
Modbus communication parameters back to the factory default. Activating this method
will result in a series of screens that describe what the default parameters are, and then
allow the user to proceed with the reset or cancel the method. Default configuration
parameters are shown in the following table.
Default value
Address 1
Floating point byte order 0-1-2-3
Baud rate 19,200
Parity Even
Stop bits 1
Minimum response delay 10 ms
9.3 Licensing and enabling
All advanced diagnostics are licensed by ordering option code DA1, DA2, or both. In the
event that a diagnostic option is not ordered, advanced diagnostics can be licensed in the
field through the use of a license key. Each transmitter has a unique license key specific to
the diagnostic option code. A trial license is also available to enable the advanced
diagnostics. This temporary functionality will be automatically disabled after 30-days or
when power to the transmitter is cycled, whichever occurs first. This trial code can be used
a maximum of three times per transmitter. See the detailed procedures below for entering
the license key and enabling the advanced diagnostics. To obtain a permanent or trial
license key, contact your local Rosemount representative.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 101

9.3.1 Licensing the diagnostics
1. Power up the transmitter.
2. Verify the software version is 4.4 software or later.
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Device Info > Software Rev
3. Determine the Device ID.
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Device Info > Device ID
Modbus register 151, 152
4. Obtain a license key from a local Rosemount representative.
5. Enter license key.
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Licensing > License Key > Li-
cense Key
Modbus coil 157, 158
6. Enable Diagnostics.
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Diag Controls
Modbus coil 117–124
9.4 Tunable empty pipe detection
The tunable empty pipe detection provides a means of minimizing issues and false
readings when the pipe is empty. This is most important in batching applications where
the pipe may run empty with some regularity. If the pipe is empty, this diagnostic will
activate, set the flow rate to 0, and deliver an alert.
Turning empty pipe on/off
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Empty Pipe
The tunable empty pipe detection diagnostic can be turned on or off as required by the
application. The empty pipe diagnostic is shipped turned “On” by default.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
102 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

9.4.1 Tunable empty pipe parameters
The tunable empty pipe diagnostic has one read-only parameter, and two parameters that
can be custom configured to optimize the diagnostic performance.
Empty pipe (EP) value
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Variables > Empty Pipe
Modbus register 219, 220
This parameter shows the current empty pipe value. This is a read-only value. This number
is a unit-less number and is calculated based on multiple installation and process variables
such as sensor type, line size, process fluid properties, and wiring. If the empty pipe value
exceeds the empty pipe trigger level for a specified number of updates, then the empty
pipe diagnostic alert will activate.
Empty pipe (EP) trigger level
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Basic Diag > Empty Pipe > EP Trig Level
Modbus register 335, 336
Limits: 3 to 2000
Empty pipe trigger level is the threshold limit that the empty pipe value must exceed
before the empty pipe diagnostic alert activates. The default setting from the factory is
Empty pipe (EP) counts
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Basic Diag > Empty Pipe > EP Counts
Modbus register 86
Limits: 2 to 50
Empty pipe counts is the number of consecutive updates that the transmitter must receive
where the empty pipe value exceeds the empty pipe trigger level before the empty pipe
diagnostic alert activates. The default setting from the factory is 5.
Optimizing tunable empty pipe
The tunable empty pipe diagnostic is set at the factory to properly diagnose most
applications. If this diagnostic activates, the following procedure can be followed to
optimize the empty pipe diagnostic for the application.
1. Record the empty pipe value with a full pipe condition.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 103

Full reading = 0.2
2. Record the empty pipe value with an empty pipe condition.
Empty reading = 80.0
3. Set the empty pipe trigger level to a value between the full and empty readings.
For increased sensitivity to empty pipe conditions, set the trigger level to a value
closer to the full pipe value.
Set the trigger level to 25.0
4. Set the empty pipe counts to a value corresponding to the desired sensitivity level
for the diagnostic.
For applications with entrained air or potential air slugs, less sensitivity may be
Set the counts to 10
Electronics temperature
The transmitter continuously monitors the temperature of the internal electronics. If the
measured electronics temperature exceeds the operating limits of –40 to 140 °F (–40 to
60 °C) the transmitter will go into alarm and generate an alert.
Turning electronics temperature on/off
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Elect Temp
Modbus coil 120
The electronics temperature diagnostic can be turned on or off as required by the
application.The electronics temperature diagnostic will be turned on by default.
Electronics temperature parameters
The electronics temperature diagnostic has one read-only parameter. It does not have any
configurable parameters.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
104 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

LOI menu path Diagnostics > Variables > Elect Temp
Modbus register 209, 210
This parameter shows the current temperature of the electronics. This is a read-only value.
9.6 Ground/wiring fault detection
The transmitter continuously monitors signal amplitudes over a wide range of frequencies.
For the ground/wiring fault detection diagnostic, the transmitter specifically looks at the
signal amplitude at frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz which are the common AC cycle
frequencies found throughout the world. If the amplitude of the signal at either of these
frequencies exceeds 5 mV, that is an indication that there is a ground or wiring issue and
that stray electrical signals are getting into the transmitter. The diagnostic alert will
activate indicating that the ground and wiring of the installation should be carefully
The ground/wiring fault detection diagnostic provides a means of verifying installations
are done correctly. If the installation is not wired or grounded properly, this diagnostic will
activate and deliver an alert. This diagnostic can also detect if the grounding is lost over-
time due to corrosion or another root cause.
Turning ground/wiring fault on/off
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Ground/Wiring
Modbus coil 119
The ground/wiring fault detection diagnostic can be turned on or off as required by the
application. If the advanced diagnostics suite 1 (DA1 Option) was ordered, then the
ground/wiring fault detection diagnostic will be turned on. If DA1 was not ordered or
licensed, this diagnostic is not available.
Ground/wiring fault parameters
The ground/wiring fault detection diagnostic has one read-only parameter. It does not
have any configurable parameters.
Line noise
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Variables > Line Noise
Modbus host 211, 212
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 105

The line noise parameter shows the amplitude of the line noise. This is a read-only value.
This number is a measure of the signal strength at 50/60 Hz. If the line noise value exceeds
5 mV, then the ground/wiring fault diagnostic alert will activate.
9.7 High process noise detection
The high process noise diagnostic detects if there is a process condition causing an
unstable or noisy reading that is not an actual flow variation. A common cause of high
process noise is slurry flow, like pulp stock or mining slurries. Other conditions that cause
this diagnostic to activate are high levels of chemical reaction or entrained gas in the
liquid. If unusual noise or flow variation is seen, this diagnostic will activate and deliver an
alert. If this situation exists and is left without remedy, it will add additional uncertainty
and noise to the flow reading.
9.7.1 Turning high process noise on/off
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Process Noise
Modbus coil 118
The high process noise diagnostic can be turned on or off as required by the application. If
the advanced diagnostics suite 1 (DA1 Option) was ordered, then the high process noise
diagnostic will be turned on. If DA1 was not ordered or licensed, this diagnostic is not
High process noise parameters
The high process noise diagnostic has two read-only parameters. It does not have any
configurable parameters. This diagnostic requires that flow be present in the pipe and the
velocity be greater than1 ft/s (0.3 m/s).
5 Hz signal to noise ratio (SNR)
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Variables > 5Hz SNR
Modbus register 213, 214
This parameter shows the value of the signal to noise ratio at the coil drive frequency of 5
Hz. This is a read-only value. This number is a measure of the signal strength at 5 Hz
relative to the amount of process noise. If the transmitter is operating in 5 Hz mode, and
the signal to noise ratio remains below 25 for one minute, then the high process noise
diagnostic alert will activate.
37 Hz signal to noise ratio (SNR)
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Variables > 37Hz SNR
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
106 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus register 215, 216
This parameter shows the current value of the signal to noise ratio at the coil drive
frequency of 37 Hz. This is a read-only value. This number is a measure of the signal
strength at 37 Hz relative to the amount of process noise. If the transmitter is operating in
37 Hz mode, and the signal to noise ratio remains below 25 for one minute, then the high
process noise diagnostic alert will activate.
9.8 Coated electrode detection
The coated electrode detection diagnostic provides a means of monitoring insulating
coating buildup on the measurement electrodes. If coating is not detected, buildup over
time can lead to a compromised flow measurement. This diagnostic can detect if the
electrode is coated and if the amount of coating is affecting the flow measurement. There
are two levels of electrode coating.
• Limit 1 indicates when coating is starting to occur, but has not compromised the
flow measurement.
• Limit 2 indicates when coating is affecting the flow measurement and the meter
should be serviced immediately.
9.8.1 Turning coated electrode detection on/off
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Elec Coating
The coated electrode detection diagnostic can be turned on or off as required by the
application. If the advanced diagnostics suite 1 (DA1 option) was ordered, then the coated
electrode detection diagnostic will be turned on. If DA1 was not ordered or licensed, this
diagnostic is not available.
Coated electrode parameters
The coated electrode detection diagnostic has four parameters. Two are read-only and
two are configurable parameters. The electrode coating parameters need to be initially
monitored to accurately set the electrode coating limit levels for each application.
Electrode coating (EC) value
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Elec Coating > EC Current Val
Modbus register 221, 222
The electrode coating value reads the value of the coated electrode detection diagnostic.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 107

Electrode coating (EC) level 1 limit
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Elec Coat > EC Limit 1
Modbus register 353, 354
Set the criteria for the electrode coating limit 1 which indicates when coating is starting to
occur, but has not compromised the flow measurement. The default value for this
parameter is 1000 k Ohm.
Electrode coating (EC) level 2 limit
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Elec Coat > EC Limit 2
Modbus register 355, 356
Set the criteria for the electrode coating limit 2 which indicates when coating is affecting
the flow measurement and the meter should be serviced immediately. The default value
for this parameter is 2000 k Ohm.
Maximum electrode coating (EC)
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Elec Coat > EC Max Value
Modbus register 281, 282
The maximum electrode coating value reads the maximum value of the coated electrode
detection diagnostic since the last maximum value reset.
Clear maximum electrode value
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Elec Coat > Reset Max Val
Modbus register 115
Use this method to reset the maximum electrode coating value.
 Meter Verification
The SMART Meter Verification diagnostic provides a means of verifying the flowmeter is
within calibration without removing the sensor from the process. This diagnostic test
provides a review of the transmitter and sensor's critical parameters as a means to
document verification of calibration. The results of this diagnostic provide the deviation
amount from expected values and a pass/fail summary against user-defined criteria for the
application and conditions. The SMART Meter Verification diagnostic can be configured to
run continuously in the background during normal operation, or it can be manually
initiated as required by the application.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
108 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

9.9.1 Sensor baseline (signature) parameters
The SMART Meter Verification diagnostic functions by taking a baseline sensor signature
and then comparing measurements taken during the verification test to these baseline
The sensor signature describes the magnetic behavior of the sensor. Based on Faraday's
law, the induced voltage measured on the electrodes is proportional to the magnetic field
strength. Thus, any changes in the magnetic field will result in a calibration shift of the
sensor. Having the transmitter take an initial sensor signature when first installed will
provide the baseline for the verification tests that are done in the future. There are three
specific measurements that are stored in the transmitter's non-volatile memory that are
used when performing the calibration verification.
Coil circuit resistance
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Sensr Baseline > Val-
ues > Coil Resist
Modbus register 287, 288
The coil circuit resistance is a measurement of the coil circuit health. This value is used as a
baseline to determine if the coil circuit is still operating correctly.
Coil inductance (signature)
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Sensr Baseline > Val-
ues > Coil Inductnce
Modbus register 285, 286
The coil inductance is a measurement of the magnetic field strength. This value is used as a
baseline to determine if a sensor calibration shift has occurred.
Electrode circuit resistance
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Sensr Baseline > Val-
ues > Electrode Res
Modbus register 289, 290
The electrode circuit resistance is a measurement of the electrode circuit health. This value
is used as a baseline to determine if the electrode circuit is still operating correctly.
Establishing the sensor baseline (signature)
The first step in running the SMART Meter Verification test is establishing the reference
signature that the test will use as the baseline for comparison. This is accomplished by
having the transmitter take a signature of the sensor.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 109

Reset baseline (re-signature meter)
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Sensr Baseline > Re-
set Baseline
Modbus coil 113
Having the transmitter take an initial sensor signature when first installed will provide the
baseline for the verification tests that are done in the future. The sensor signature should
be taken during the start-up process when the transmitter is first connected to the sensor,
with a full line, and ideally with no flow in the line. Running the sensor signature procedure
when there is flow in the line is permissible, but this may introduce some noise into the
electrode circuit resistance measurement. If an empty pipe condition exists, then the
sensor signature should only be run for the coils.
Once the sensor signature process is complete, the measurements taken during this
procedure are stored in non-volatile memory to prevent loss in the event of a power
interruption to the meter. This initial sensor signature is required for both manual and
continuous SMART Meter Verification.
Recall values (recall last saved)
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Sensr Baseline > Re-
call Values
Modbus coil 114
In the event that the sensor baseline was reset accidentally or incorrectly, this function will
restore the previously saved sensor baseline values.
Modbus coil value
Signature operation
0 No action
1 Recall last signature values
9.9.3 SMART Meter Verification test criteria
The Smart Meter Verification diagnostic provides the ability to customize the test criteria
to which the verification must be tested. The test criteria can be set for each of the flow
conditions discussed above.
No flow limit
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Test Criteria > No
Modbus register 89
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
110 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Set the test criteria for the no flow condition. The factory default for this value is set to five
percent with limits configurable between one and ten percent. This parameter applies to
manually initiated test only.
Flowing full limit
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Test Criteria > Flow-
ing, Full
Modbus register 88
Set the test criteria for the flowing, full condition. The factory default for this value is set to
five percent with limits configurable between one and ten percent. This parameter applies
to manually initiated tests only.
Empty pipe limit
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Test Criteria > Emp-
ty Pipe
Modbus register 87
Set the test criteria for the empty pipe condition. The factory default for this value is set to
five percent with limits configurable between one and ten percent. This parameter applies
to manually initiated test only.
Continuous limit
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Test Criteria > Con-
Modbus register 90
Set the test criteria for the continuous SMART Meter Verification diagnostic. The factory
default for this value is set to five percent with limits configurable between two and ten
percent. If the tolerance band is set too tightly, under empty pipe conditions or noisy
flowing conditions, a false failure of the transmitter test may occur.
Run manual SMART Meter Verification
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Run Meter Ver
Modbus coil 112
The SMART Meter Verification diagnostic will be available if the advanced diagnostic suite
(DA2) was ordered. If DA2 was not ordered or licensed, this diagnostic will not be available.
This method will initiate the manual meter verification test.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 111

9.10.1 Test conditions
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Run Meter Ver >
Test Condition
Modbus host 108
SMART Meter Verification can be initiated under three possible test conditions. This
parameter is set at the time that the sensor baseline or SMART Meter Verification test is
manually initiated.
Register value Units
1 No flow, full pipe
2 Flow, full pipe
3 Empty pipe
255 Not initiated (default)
No flow
Run the SMART Meter Verification test with a full pipe and no flow in the line. Running the
SMART Meter Verification test under this condition provides the most accurate results and
the best indication of magnetic flowmeter health.
Flowing full
Run the SMART Meter Verification test with a full pipe and flow in the line. Running the
SMART Meter Verification test under this condition provides the ability to verify the
magnetic flowmeter health without shutting down the process flow in applications when a
shutdown is not possible. Running the diagnostic under flowing conditions can cause a
false test failure if there is significant process noise present.
Empty pipe
Run the SMART Meter Verification test with an empty pipe. Running the SMART Meter
Verification test under this condition provides the ability to verify the magnetic flowmeter
health with an empty pipe. Running the verification diagnostic under empty pipe
conditions will not check the electrode circuit health.
Test scope
The manually initiated SMART Meter Verification test can be used to verify the entire
flowmeter installation or individual parts such as the transmitter or sensor. This parameter
is set at the time that the SMART Meter Verification test is manually initiated. There are
three test scopes from which to choose.
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Run Meter Ver >
Test Scope
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
112 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus register 107
Run the SMART Meter Verification test and verify the entire flowmeter installation. This
parameter results in the diagnostic performing the transmitter calibration verification,
sensor calibration verification, coil health check, and electrode health check. Transmitter
calibration and sensor calibration are verified to the percentage associated with the test
condition selected when the test was initiated. This setting applies to manually initiated
tests only.
Run the SMART Meter Verification test on the transmitter only. This results in the
verification test only checking the transmitter calibration to the limits of the test criteria
selected when the verification test was initiated. This setting applies to manually initiated
tests only.
Run the SMART Meter Verification test on the sensor only. This results in the verification
test checking the sensor calibration to the limits of the test criteria selected when the
SMART Meter Verification test was initiated, verifying the coil circuit health, and the
electrode circuit health. This setting applies to manually initiated tests only.
Continuous SMART Meter Verification
Continuous SMART Meter Verification can be used to monitor and verify the health of the
flowmeter system. The continuous SMART Meter Verification will not report results until
30 minutes after powering up to ensure the system is stable and to avoid false failures.
Test scope
Continuous SMART Meter Verification can be configured to monitor the sensor coils,
electrodes, and transmitter calibration, All of these parameters can be individually enabled
or disabled. These parameters apply to continuous SMART Meter Verification only.
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Cont Meter Ver > Coils
Modbus coil 122
Continuously monitor the sensor coil circuit by enabling this continuous SMART Meter
Verification parameter.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 113

Register value Units
0 Exclude coil tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verification di-
agnostic (default).
1 Include coil tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verification di-
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Cont Meter Ver > Electrodes
Modbus coil 123
Continuously monitor the electrode resistance by enabling this continuous SMART Meter
Verification parameter.
Register value
0 Exclude electrodes tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verifica-
tion diagnostic (default).
1 Include electrodes tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verifica-
tion diagnostic.
LOI menu path
Diagnostics > Diag Controls > Cont Meter Ver > Transmitter
Modbus coil 124
Continuously monitor the transmitter calibration by enabling this continuous SMART
Meter Verification parameter.
Register value
0 Exclude transmitter tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verifi-
cation diagnostic (default).
1 Include transmitter tests in the continuous SMART Meter Verifi-
cation diagnostic.
9.12 SMART Meter Verification test results
If the SMART Meter Verification test is manually initiated, the transmitter will make several
measurements to verify the transmitter calibration, sensor calibration, coil circuit health,
and electrode circuits health. The results of these tests can be reviewed and recorded on
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
114 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

the calibration verification report (see Section 9.14.1) . This report can be used to validate
that the meter is within the required calibration limits to comply with governmental
regulatory agencies.
Depending on the method used to view the results, they will be displayed in either a menu
structure, as a method, or in the report format. When using the LOI, the parameters are
viewed as a method using the left arrow key to cycle through the results. In ProLink III, the
calibration report is populated with the necessary data eliminating the need to manually
complete the report.
The results are displayed in the order found in the following table. Each parameter displays
a value used in the SMART Meter Verification diagnostic evaluation of the meter health.
Manual Smart Meter Verification Test ParametersTable 9-3:   
Parameter Modbus register
1 Test Condition 36
2 Test Criteria 35
3 8714i Test Result 30
4 Simulated Velocity 267, 268
5 Actual Velocity 269, 270
6 Velocity Deviation 271, 272
7 Xmtr Cal Test Result 34
8 Sensor Cal Deviation 273, 274
9 Sensor Cal Test Result 31
10 Coil Circuit Test Result 32
11 Electrode Circuit Test Result 33
Continuous SMART Meter Verification Test ParametersTable 9-4:   
Parameter Modbus register
1 Continuous Limit 90
2 Simulated Velocity 267, 268
3 Actual Velocity 235, 236
4 Velocity Deviation 223, 224
5 Coil Signature 229, 230
6 Sensor Cal Deviation 231, 232
7 Coil Resistance 227, 228
8 Electrode Resistance 225, 226
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 115

9.13 SMART Meter Verification measurements
The SMART Meter Verification test will make measurements of the coil resistance, coil
signature, and electrode resistance and compare these values to the values taken during
the sensor signature process to determine the sensor calibration deviation, the coil circuit
health, and the electrode circuit health. In addition, the measurements taken by this test
can provide additional information when troubleshooting the meter.
Coil circuit resistance
LOI menu path Manual: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Measure-
ments > Manual Measure > Coil Resist
Continuous: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Meas-
urements > Continual Meas > Coil Resist
Modbus register Manual: 277–278
Continuous: 227, 228
The coil circuit resistance is a measurement of the coil circuit health. This value is
compared to the coil circuit resistance baseline measurement taken during the sensor
signature process to determine coil circuit health. This value can be continuously
monitored using continuous SMART Meter Verification.
Coil signature
LOI menu path
Manual: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Measure-
ments > Manual Measure > Coil Inductnce
Continuous: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Meas-
urements > Continual Meas > Coil Inductnce
Modbus register Manual: 275, 276
Continuous: 229, 230
The coil signature is a measurement of the magnetic field strength. This value is compared
to the coil signature baseline measurement taken during the sensor signature process to
determine sensor calibration deviation. This value can be continuously monitored using
continuous SMART Meter Verification.
Electrode circuit resistance
LOI menu path
Manual: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Measure-
ments > Manual Measure > Electrode Res
Continuous: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Meas-
urements > Continual Meas > Electrode Res
Modbus register Manual: 279, 280
Continuous: 225, 226
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
116 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

The electrode circuit resistance is a measurement of the electrode circuit health. This value
is compared to the electrode circuit resistance baseline measurement taken during the
sensor signature process to determine electrode circuit health. This value can be
continuously monitored using continuous SMART Meter Verification.
Actual velocity
LOI menu path Manual: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Measure-
ments > Manual Measure > ActualVelocity
Continuous: Diagnostics > Advanced Diag > Meter Verif > Meas-
urements > Continual Meas > ActualVelocity
Modbus register Manual: 269, 270
Continuous: 235, 236
The actual velocity is a measurement of the simulated velocity signal. This value is
compared to the simulated velocity to determine transmitter calibration deviation. This
value can be continuously monitored using continuous SMART Meter Verification.
Flow simulation deviation
LOI menu path Manual: > Diagnostics > Variables > MV Results > Manual Results
> Flow Sim Dev
Continuous: > Diagnostics > Variables > MV Results > Continual
Res > Flow Sim Dev
Modbus register Manual: 271, 272
Continuous: 223, 224
The flow simulation deviation is a measurement of the percent difference between the
simulated velocity and the actual measured velocity from the transmitter calibration
verification test. This value can be continuously monitored using continuous SMART Meter
Optimizing the SMART Meter Verification
The SMART Meter Verification diagnostic can be optimized by setting the test criteria to
the desired levels necessary to meet the compliance requirements of the application. The
following examples below will provide some guidance on how to set these levels.
An effluent meter must be certified annually to comply with environmental regulations.
This example regulation requires that the meter be certified to five percent. Since this is an
effluent meter, shutting down the process may not be viable. In this instance the SMART
Meter Verification test will be performed under flowing conditions. Set the test criteria for
flowing, full to five percent to meet the requirements of the governmental agencies.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 117

A pharmaceutical company requires bi-annual verification of meter calibration on a critical
feed line for one of their products. This is an internal standard, and the plant requires a
calibration record be kept on-hand. Meter calibration on this process must meet two
percent. The process is a batch process so it is possible to perform the calibration
verification with the line full and with no flow. Since the SMART Meter Verification test can
be run under no flow conditions, set the test criteria for no flow to two percent to comply
with the necessary plant standards.
A food and beverage company requires an annual calibration of a meter on a product line.
The plant standard calls for the accuracy to be three percent or better. They manufacture
this product in batches, and the measurement cannot be interrupted when a batch is in
process. When the batch is complete, the line goes empty. Since there is no means of
performing the SMART Meter Verification test while there is product in the line, the test
must be performed under empty pipe conditions. The test criteria for empty pipe should
be set to three percent, and it should be noted that the electrode circuit health cannot be
For continuous SMART Meter Verification, there is only one test criteria value to configure,
and it will be used for all flow conditions. The factory default is set to five percent to
minimize the potential for false failures under empty pipe conditions. For best results, set
the criteria to match the maximum value of the three test criteria set during manual meter
verification (no flow, flowing full, and empty pipe). For example, a plant might set the
following manual meter verification test criteria: two percent for no flow, three percent for
flowing full, and four percent for empty pipe. In this case, the maximum test criterion is
four percent, so the test criteria for continuous SMART Meter Verification should be set to
four percent. If the tolerance band is set too tightly, under empty pipe conditions or noisy
flowing conditions, a false failure of the transmitter test may occur.
Optimizing continuous SMART Meter Verification
For continuous SMART Meter Verification, there is only one test criteria value to configure,
and it will be used for all flow conditions. The factory default is set to five percent to
minimize the potential for false failures under empty pipe conditions. For best results, set
the criteria to match the maximum value of the three test criteria set during manual meter
verification (no flow, flowing full, and empty pipe).
For example, a plant might set the following manual meter verification test criteria: two
percent for no flow, three percent for flowing full, and four percent for empty pipe. In this
case, the maximum test criterion is four percent, so the test criteria for continuous SMART
Meter Verification should be set to four percent. If the tolerance band is set too tightly,
under empty pipe conditions or noisy flowing conditions, a false failure of the transmitter
test may occur.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
118 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Manual Calibration Verification Results
Report parameters
User Name: _____________________________
Calibration Conditions: ❑ Internal ❑ External
Tag #:__________________________________
Test Conditions: ❑ Flowing ❑ No Flow, Full Pipe
❑ Empty Pipe
Flowmeter information and configuration
Software Tag:
Calibration Number:
Line Size: PV Damping:____________________________
Transmitter calibration verification results Sensor calibration verification results
Simulated Velocity: Sensor Deviation %:_______________________
Actual Velocity: Sensor Test:
Deviation %: Coil Circuit Test:
Electrode Circuit Test:
Summary of Calibration Verification results
Verification Results: The result of the flowmeter
verification test is: ❑ PASSED / ❑ FAILED
Verification Criteria: This meter was verified to be functioning within _____________ % of devia-
tion from the original test parameters.
Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
Reference manual 119

Advanced Diagnostics Configuration
120 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

10 Digital Signal Processing
Topics covered in this chapter:
Safety messages
Process noise profiles
High process noise diagnostic
Optimizing flow reading in noisy applications
Explanation of signal processing algorithm
10.1 Introduction
Magmeters are used in applications that can create noisy flow readings. The transmitter
has the capability to deal with difficult applications that have previously manifested
themselves in a noisy output signal. In addition to selecting a higher coil drive frequency
(37 Hz vs. 5 Hz) to isolate the flow signal from the process noise, the microprocessor has
digital signal processing that is capable of rejecting the noise specific to the application.
This section explains the different types of process noise, provides instructions for
optimizing the flow reading in noisy applications, and provides a detailed description of
the digital signal processing functionality.
Safety messages
Instructions and procedures in this section may require special precautions to ensure the
safety of the personnel performing the operations. Read the following safety messages
before performing any operation described in this section.
Digital Signal Processing
Reference manual 121

Explosions could result in death or serious injury.
• Verify the operating atmosphere of the sensor and transmitter is consistent with the
appropriate hazardous locations certifications.
• Do not remove the transmitter cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is live.
• Both transmitter covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proof requirements.
Failure to follow safe installation and servicing guidelines could result in death or serious
• Installation should be performed by qualified personnel only.
• Do not perform any service other than those contained in this manual.
• Process leaks may result in death or serious injury.
• The electrode compartment may contain line pressure; it must be depressurized before
the cover is removed.
High voltage that may be present on leads could cause electrical shock.
• Avoid contact with leads and terminals.
10.3 Process noise profiles
1/f noise
This type of noise has higher amplitudes at lower frequencies, but generally degrades over
increasing frequencies. Potential sources of 1/f noise include chemical mixing and slurry
flow particles rubbing against the electrodes.
Spike noise
This type of noise generally results in a high amplitude signal at specific frequencies which
can vary depending on the source of the noise. Common sources of spike noise include
chemical injections directly upstream of the flowmeter, hydraulic pumps, and slurry flows
with low concentrations of particles in the stream. The particles bounce off of the
electrode generating a “spike” in the electrode signal. An example of this type of flow
stream would be a recycle flow in a paper mill.
White noise
This type of noise results in a high amplitude signal that is relatively constant over the
frequency range. Common sources of white noise include chemical reactions or mixing
that occurs as the fluid passes through the flowmeter and high concentration slurry flows
where the particulates are constantly passing over the electrode head. An example of this
type of flow stream would be a basis weight stream in a paper mill.
Digital Signal Processing
122 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

10.4 High process noise diagnostic
The transmitter continuously monitors signal amplitudes over a wide range of frequencies.
For the high process noise diagnostic, the transmitter specifically looks at the signal
amplitude at frequencies of 2.5 Hz, 7.5 Hz, 32.5 Hz, and 42.5 Hz. The transmitter uses the
values from 2.5 and 7.5 Hz and calculates an average noise level. This average is compared
to the amplitude of the signal at 5 Hz. If the signal amplitude is not 25 times greater than
the noise level, and the coil drive frequency is set at 5 Hz, the high process noise diagnostic
will trip indicating that the flow signal may be compromised. The transmitter performs the
same analysis around the 37.5 Hz coil drive frequency using the 32.5 Hz and 42.5 Hz values
to establish a noise level.
10.5 Optimizing flow reading in noisy applications
If the flow reading is unstable, first check the wiring, grounding, and process reference
associated with the magnetic flowmeter system. Ensure that the following conditions are
• Ground straps are attached to the adjacent flange or ground ring
• Grounding rings, lining protectors, or a process reference electrode are being used
in lined or non-conductive piping
The causes of unstable transmitter output can usually be traced to extraneous voltages on
the measuring electrodes. This “process noise” can arise from several causes including
electrochemical reactions between the fluid and the electrode, chemical reactions in the
process itself, free ion activity in the fluid, or some other disturbance of the fluid/electrode
capacitive layer. In such noisy applications, an analysis of the frequency spectrum reveals
process noise that typically becomes significant below 15 Hz.
In some cases, the effects of process noise may be sharply reduced by elevating the coil
drive frequency above the 15 Hz region. Coil drive mode is selectable between the
standard 5 Hz and the noise-reducing 37 Hz.
Coil drive frequency
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Additional Params > Coil Drive Freq
Modbus host 77
This parameter changes the pulse rate of the magnetic coils.
5 Hz
The standard coil drive frequency is 5 Hz, which is sufficient for nearly all applications.
Digital Signal Processing
Reference manual 123

37 Hz
If the process fluid causes a noisy or unstable flow reading, increase the coil drive
frequency to 37 Hz. If the 37 Hz mode is selected, perform the auto zero function for
optimum performance.
10.5.2 Auto zero
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Trims > Auto Zero
Modbus coil 110
To ensure optimum accuracy when using 37 Hz coil drive mode, there is an auto zero
function that should be initiated. When using 37 Hz coil drive mode it is important to zero
the system for the specific application and installation.
The auto zero procedure should be performed only under the following conditions:
• With the transmitter and sensor installed in their final positions. This procedure is
not applicable on the bench.
• With the transmitter in 37 Hz coil drive mode. Never attempt this procedure with
the transmitter in 5 Hz coil drive mode.
• With the sensor full of process fluid at zero flow.
These conditions should cause an output equivalent to zero flow.
Set the loop to manual if necessary and begin the auto zero procedure. The transmitter
completes the procedure automatically in about 90 seconds. A clock symbol will appear in
the lower right-hand corner of the display to indicate that the procedure is running.
Failure to complete an auto zero may result in a flow velocity error of 5 to10% at1 ft/s (0.3 m/s).
While the output level will be offset by the error, the repeatability will not be affected.
Digital signal processing (DSP)
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Signal Processing
The transmitter contains several advanced functions that can be used to stabilize erratic
outputs caused by process noise. The signal processing menu contains this functionality. If
the 37 Hz coil drive frequency has been set, and the output is still unstable, the damping
and signal processing function should be used. It is important to set the coil drive
frequency to 37 Hz to increase the flow sampling rate. The transmitter provides an easy
and straightforward start-up, and also incorporates the capability to deal with difficult
applications that have previously manifested themselves in a noisy output signal. In
addition to selecting a higher coil drive frequency (37 Hz vs. 5 Hz) to isolate the flow signal
from the process noise, the microprocessor can scrutinize each input based on three user-
defined parameters to reject the noise specific to the application.
Digital Signal Processing
124 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Operating mode
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Signal Processing > Operating Mode
Modbus register 79
The operating mode should be used only when the signal is noisy and gives an unstable
output. Filter mode automatically uses 37 Hz coil drive mode and activates signal
processing at the factory set default values. When using filter mode, perform an auto zero
with no flow and a full sensor. Either of the parameters, coil drive mode or signal
processing, may still be changed individually. Turning signal processing off or changing the
coil drive frequency to 5 Hz will automatically change the operating mode from filter mode
to normal mode. This software technique, known as signal processing, “qualifies”
individual flow signals based on historic flow information and three user-definable
parameters, plus an on/off control. These parameters are described below.
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Signal Processing > Main Config DSP > Status
Modbus register 78
Enable or disable the DSP capabilities. When ON is selected, the output is derived using a
running average of the individual flow inputs. Signal processing is a software algorithm
that examines the quality of the electrode signal against user-specified tolerances. The
three parameters that make up signal processing (number of samples, maximum percent
limit, and time limit) are described below.
Number of samples
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Signal Processing > Main Config DSP > Samples
Modbus register 80
The number of samples sets the amount of time that inputs are collected and used to
calculate the average value. Each second is divided into tenths with the number of samples
equaling the number of increments used to calculate the average. This parameter can be
configured for an integer value between 1 and 125. The default value is 90 samples.
For example:
• A value of 1 averages the inputs over the past 
• A value of 10 averages the inputs over the past 1 second
• A value of 100 averages the inputs over the past 10 seconds
• A value of 125 averages the inputs over the past 12.5 seconds
Percent limit
LOI menu path
Detailed Setup > Signal Processing > Main Config DSP > % Limit
Digital Signal Processing
Reference manual 125

Modbus register 361, 362
This parameter will set the tolerance band on either side of the running average, referring
to percent deviation from the average. Values within the limit are accepted while value
outside the limit are scrutinized to determine if they are a noise spike or an actual flow
change. This parameter can be configured for an integer value between 0 and 100
percent. The default value is 2 percent.
Time limit
LOI menu path Detailed Setup > Signal Processing > Main Config DSP > Time
Modbus register 363, 364
The time limit parameter forces the output and running average values to the new value of
an actual flow rate change that is outside the percent limit boundaries. It thereby limits
response time to flow changes to the time limit value rather than the length of the running
average. If the number of samples selected is 100, then the response time of the system is
10 seconds. In some cases this may be unacceptable. Setting the time limit forces the
transmitter to clear the value of the running average and re-establish the output and
average at the new flow rate once the time limit has elapsed. This parameter limits the
response time added to the loop. A suggested time limit value of two seconds is a good
starting point for most applicable process fluids. This parameter can be configured for a
value between 0.6 and 256 seconds. The default value is 2 seconds.
Explanation of signal processing algorithm
An example plotting flow rate versus time is given below to help visualize the signal
processing algorithm.
Digital Signal Processing
126 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Signal Processing FunctionalityFigure 10-1:   
A. Flow rate
B. Time (10 samples = 1 second)
C. Upper value
D. Lower value
E. Tolerance band
F. Maximum percent limit
G. Minimum percent limit
H. Time limit
• X = Input flow signal from sensor
• O = Average flow signals and transmitter output, determined by the number of samples parameter
• Tolerance band, determined by the percent limit parameter
• Upper value = average flow + [(percent limit/100) average flow]
• Lower value = average flow - [(percent limit/100) average flow]
1. This scenario is that of a typical non-noisy flow. The input flow signal is within the
percent limit tolerance band, therefore qualifying itself as a good input. In this case
the new input is added directly into the running average and is passed on as a part of
the average value to the output.
2. This signal is outside the tolerance band and therefore is held in memory until the
next input can be evaluated. The running average is provided as the output.
3. The previous signal currently held in memory is simply rejected as a noise spike since
the next flow input signal is back within the tolerance band. This results in complete
rejection of noise spikes rather than allowing them to be “averaged” with the good
signals as occurs in the typical circuits.
4. As in number 2 above, the input is outside the tolerance band. This first signal is held
in memory and compared to the next signal. The next signal is also outside the
tolerance band (in the same direction), so the stored value is added to the running
average as the next input and the running average begins to slowly approach the
new input level.
Digital Signal Processing
Reference manual 127

5. To avoid waiting for the slowly incrementing average value to catch up to the new
level input, an algorithm is provided. This is the “time limit” parameter. The user can
set this parameter to eliminate the slow ramping of the output toward the new
input level.
Digital Signal Processing
128 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

11 Maintenance
Topics covered in this chapter:
Safety information
Installing a Local Operator Interface (field mount)
Installing a local operator interface (wall mount)
Replacing electronics stack (field mount)
Replacing electronics stack (wall mount)
Replacing a socket module/terminal block
11.1 Introduction
This section covers basic transmitter maintenance. Instructions and procedures in this
section may require special precautions to ensure the safety of the personnel performing
the operations. Read the following safety messages before performing any operation
described in this section. Refer to these warnings when appropriate throughout this
Safety information
Failure to follow these maintenance guidelines could result in death or serious injury.
• Installation and servicing instructions should be performed by qualified personnel only.
• Do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions.
• Verify the operating environment of the sensor and transmitter is consistent with the
appropriate hazardous area approval.
• Do not connect the transmitter to a non-Rosemount sensor that is located in an
explosive atmosphere.
• Mishandling products exposed to a hazardous substance may result in death or serious
• If the product being returned was exposed to a hazardous substance as defined by
OSHA, a copy of the required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous
substance identified must be included with the returned goods.
Reference manual 129

11.3 Installing a Local Operator Interface (field
Installing a Local Operator Interface (LOI)Figure 11-1:   
1. If the transmitter is installed in a control loop, secure the loop.
2. Remove power from the transmitter.
3. Remove the cover on the electronics compartment of the transmitter housing. If the
cover has a cover jam screw, loosen it before removing the cover.
See Section 5.1 for details on the cover jam screw.
4. On the electronics stack, locate the serial connection labeled “DISPLAY”.
See Figure 11-1.
5. Plug the serial connector from the back of the LOI into the receptacle on the
electronics stack.
The LOI can be rotated in 90 degree increments to provide the best viewing
position. Rotate the LOI to the desired orientation, taking care to not exceed 360
degrees of rotation. Exceeding 360 degrees of rotation could damage the LOI cable
and/or connector.
6. Once the serial connector is installed on the electronics stack, and the LOI is oriented
in the desired position, tighten the three mounting screws.
7. Install the extended cover with the glass viewing pane and tighten to metal-to-
metal contact.
If the cover has a cover jam screw, this must be tightened to comply with installation
requirements. Return power to the transmitter and verify that it is functioning
correctly and reporting the expected flow rate.
8. If installed in a control loop, return the loop to automatic control.
130 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

11.4 Installing a local operator interface (wall
Rosemount 8712 cover assembly with LOIFigure 11-2:   
1. If the transmitter is installed in a control loop, secure the loop.
2. Remove power from the transmitter.
3. Loosen the upper door screw and open the top electronics compartment of the
transmitter housing.
See Section 4.4.6 for details on the covers.
4. Remove the existing blind door by lifting it up and away from the transmitter
5. Align the new LOI door pins with the transmitter hinges and install the new door by
pushing it down towards the transmitter housing.
6. Plug the serial connector from the back of the LOI into the receptacle on the
electronics stack.
7. Once the serial connector is installed on the electronics stack, install the wire clamp
around the cable, securely tighten the screw, washers, and wire clamp into the top
left housing post of the transmitter housing.
Reference manual 131

8. Close the upper compartment door and tighten the upper door screw to ensure the
housing is properly sealed to meet ingress protection requirements. Return power
to the transmitter and verify that it is functioning correctly and reporting the
expected flow rate.
9. If installed in a control loop, return the loop to automatic control.
11.5 Replacing electronics stack (field mount)
Transmitter Nameplate LocationFigure 11-3:   
ASSEMBLED IN:                                                   
32-L100-0041 AC
A. Verify model numbers
132 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Transmitter Housing Electronics Board IdentificationFigure 11-4:   
A. Key indicators
B. 8732EM housing (correct)
C. 8732ES housing (incorrect)
Electronics Stack IdentificationFigure 11-5:   
A. 8732EM stack board
B. 8732ES electronics stack
Follow the steps below to confirm the transmitter housing is compatible with this
electronics kit.
Reference manual 133

Prior to installing the replacement electronics stack, it is important to verify that the
transmitter housing you have is of the correct design to accept the Revision 4 electronics.
1. Verify the model number is 8732EM. If the transmitter model is not 8732EM, then
these electronics are not compatible.
See Figure 11-3 for the location of the model number. If the model is 8732C, 8742C,
8732ES, or some other model, then these electronics are not compatible with the
enclosure. If you have one of these transmitters, a full replacement transmitter will
be required. Consult the 8700M Product Data Sheet (00813-0100-4444) for details
on ordering a new transmitter.
2. Verify the electronics board inside the housing is green and looks like the board
pictured on the left in Figure 11-4.
If the board is not green, or does not look like the board pictured, then the
electronics are not compatible.
3. Confirm the electronics stack is for an 8732EM transmitter.
Refer to the picture on the left in Figure 11-5.
11.6 Replacing electronics stack (wall mount)
Verify the model number is correct. If the transmitter model is not correct, the
replacement electronics are not compatible.
1. If the transmitter is installed in a control loop, secure the loop.
2. Remove power from the transmitter.
3. Loosen the upper door screw and open the top electronics compartment of the
transmitter housing. Note
See Section 4.4.6 for details on the covers.
4. If applicable, unplug the display connector from the top receptacle on the
electronics stack.
5. Unplug the coil connector from the top receptacle on the electronics stack.
6. Unplug the electrode connector from the top receptacle on the electronics stack.
7. Remove the three screws that secure the electronics stack into the housing.
8. Remove the old electronics by pulling the electronics board stack handle directly
away from the transmitter housing.
134 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

9. Remove the screws from the old electronics stack and insert them into the new
electronics stack.
10. While holding onto the new electronics handle, align the electronics stack with the
housing, and push the electronics stack into the housing.
11. Securely tighten the three electronic stack screws into the housing.
12. If applicable, plug the display connector into the display receptacle on the top of the
electronics stack.
13. Plug the coil connector into the coil receptacle on the top of the electronics stack.
14. Plug the electrode connector into the electrode receptacle on the top of the
electronics stack.
15. Close the upper compartment door and tighten the upper door screw to ensure the
housing is properly sealed to meet ingress protection requirements. Return power
to the transmitter and verify that it is functioning correctly and reporting the
expected flow rate.
16. If installed in a control loop, return the loop to automatic control.
11.7 Replacing a socket module/terminal block
The socket module connects the sensor adapter to the transmitter. The socket module is a
replaceable component.
To remove the socket module, loosen the two mounting screws and pull up on the socket
module from the base. When removing the socket module, do not pull on the wires. See 
Figure 11-6.
Socket Module WarningFigure 11-6:   
Reference manual 135

11.7.1 Replacing an integral mount socket module
The integral mount socket module is shown in Figure 11-7. To gain access to the socket
module, the transmitter must be removed from the sensor adapter.
Socket Module—Integral MountFigure 11-7:   
Removing an integral mount socket module
1. Disconnect power.
2. Remove electronics cover to gain access to the coil and electrode cables.
3. If the transmitter has an LOI, it will need to be removed to gain access to the coil and
electrode cables.
4. Disconnect the coil and electrode cables.
5. Remove the four transmitter mounting screws.
6. Lift the transmitter off of the sensor adapter.
7. To remove the socket module, loosen the two mounting screws and pull up on the
socket module from the base.
8. When removing the socket module, do not pull on the wires.
See Figure 11-6.
Installing an integral mount socket module
1. To insert a new integral mount socket module, press the base into its keyed position
and tighten the two mounting screws.
2. The coil and electrode cables are fed through the bottom opening of the transmitter
and plugged into the face of the electronics.
136 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

3. The coil and electrode cables are keyed so they will only fit into their dedicated
4. If the transmitter has an LOI, it will need to be removed to access the coil and
electrode ports.
5. Once the connections are made, the transmitter can be secured to the sensor
adapter using the four mounting bolts.
11.7.2 Replacing a terminal block socket module
The terminal block socket module is shown in Figure 11-8. To gain access to the socket
module, remove the junction box from the sensor adapter.
Socket Module—Terminal BlockFigure 11-8:   
A. Mounting screws:
• 2X—standard
• 4X—with I.S. divider
Removing a terminal block socket module
1. Disconnect power to the transmitter and the remote cabling connected to the
terminal block.
2. Remove the junction box cover to gain access to the remote cabling.
3. To disconnect the terminal block from the junction box housing, remove the two
mounting screws and the two divider mounting screws (if applicable).
4. Pull up on the terminal block to expose the socket module base.
5. To remove the socket module, loosen the two mounting screws and pull up on the
socket module from the base.
Reference manual 137

6. When removing the socket module, do not pull on the wires.
Installing a terminal block socket module
1. Insert the new terminal block socket module, press the base into its keyed position,
and tighten the two mounting screws.
2. Connect the terminal block to the junction box housing by tightening the two
mounting screws.
Install the divider with the two mounting screws if applicable.
3. Reconnect remote cabling and power and replace junction box cover.
11.7.3 Replacing a terminal block with amp clips
Terminal block with amp clipsFigure 11-9:   
A. Mounting screws:
• 2X—standard
• 4X—with I.S. divider
Removing a terminal block
1. Disconnect power to the transmitter.
2. Remove the junction box cover on the sensor to gain access to the remote cabling
and disconnect the remote cabling connected to the terminal block.
3. To disconnect the terminal block from the junction box housing, remove the two
mounting screws and the two divider mounting screws (if applicable).
4. Pull up on the terminal block to expose the connecting wires.
5. To remove the terminal block, unclip both wire connectors.
138 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Installing a terminal block
1. Clip the connecting wires to the back of the terminal block, the clips are different
sizes and must be connected to their matching receptacle.
2. Connect the terminal block to the junction box housing by tightening the two
mounting screws. Install the divider with the two mounting screws if applicable.
3. Reconnect remote cabling, replace the junction box cover on the sensor, and
connect power.
11.8 Trims
Trims are used to calibrate the transmitter, re-zero the transmitter, and calibrate the
transmitter with another manufacturer's sensor. Proceed with caution whenever
performing a trim function.
11.8.1 Digital trim
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Trims > Digital Trim
Modbus coil 109
Digital trim is the function by which the factory calibrates the transmitter. This procedure
is rarely needed by users. It is only necessary if the transmitter is suspected to be no longer
accurate. A Rosemount 8714D Calibration Standard is required to complete a digital trim.
Attempting a digital trim without a Rosemount 8714D Calibration Standard may result in
an inaccurate transmitter or an error message. The digital trim must be performed with
the coil drive mode set to 5Hz and with a nominal sensor calibration number stored in the
Attempting a digital trim without a Rosemount 8714D Calibration Standard may result in an
inaccurate transmitter, or a “DIGITAL TRIM FAILURE” message may appear. If this message occurs,
no values were changed in the transmitter. Simply cycle power on the transmitter to clear the
To simulate a nominal sensor with the Rosemount 8714D Calibration Standard, change/
verify the following five parameters in the transmitter:
• Calibration Number-1000015010000000
• Units-ft/s
• PV URV-20mA = 30.00 ft/s
• PV LRV-4mA = 0 ft/s
• Coil Drive Frequency-5Hz
Reference manual 139

Before changing any of the configuration parameters, be sure to record the original values
so that the transmitter can be returned to the original configuration prior to being placed
back into operation. Failure to return the settings to the original configuration will result in
incorrect flow and totalizer readings.
The instructions for changing the calibration number, units, PV URV, and PV LRV are
located in . Instructions for changing the coil drive frequency can be found on Section 8.4.1.
Set the loop to manual (if necessary) and then complete the following steps:
1. Power down the transmitter.
2. Connect the transmitter to a Rosemount 8714D Calibration Standard.
3. Power up the transmitter with the Rosemount 8714D connected and read the flow
The electronics need about a 5-minute warm-up time to stabilize.
4. Set the 8714D Calibration Standard to the 30 ft/s (9.1 m/s) setting.
5. The flow rate reading after warm-up should be between 29.97 (9.1 m/s) and 30.03
ft/s (9.2 m/s).
6. If the reading is within the range, return the transmitter to the original configuration
7. If the reading is not within this range, initiate a digital trim with the LOI or Handheld
The digital trim takes about 90 seconds to complete. No transmitter adjustments
are required.
Universal trim
LOI menu path Diagnostics > Trims > Universal Trim
Modbus coil 111
The universal auto trim function enables the transmitter to calibrate sensors that were not
calibrated at the factory. The function is activated as one step in a procedure known as in-
process calibration. If a sensor has a 16-digit calibration number, in-process calibration is
not required. If it does not, or if the sensor is made by another manufacturer, complete the
following steps for in-process calibration. Refer to Implementing a Universal Transmitter.
Determine the flow rate of the process fluid in the sensor.
The flow rate in the line can be determined by using another sensor in the line, by counting the
revolutions of a centrifugal pump, or by performing a bucket test to determine how fast a given
volume is filled by the process fluid.
140 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

When the routine is completed, the sensor is ready for use.
11.9 Review
LOI menu path Device Setup > Review
The transmitter includes a capability to review the configuration variable settings.
The flowmeter configuration parameters set at the factory should be reviewed to ensure
accuracy and compatibility with the particular application of the flowmeter.
If the LOI is used to review variables, each variable must be accessed as if changing its setting. The
value displayed on the LOI screen is the configured value of the variable.
Reference manual 141

142 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

12 Troubleshooting
Topics covered in this chapter:
Safety information
Installation check and guide
Diagnostic messages
Basic troubleshooting
Sensor troubleshooting
Installed sensor tests
Uninstalled sensor tests
Technical support
12.1 Introduction
This section covers basic transmitter and sensor troubleshooting. Problems in the
magnetic flowmeter system are usually indicated by incorrect output readings from the
system, error messages, or failed tests. Consider all sources when identifying a problem in
the system. If the problem persists, consult the local Rosemount representative to
determine if the material should be returned to the factory. Emerson offers several
diagnostics that aid in the troubleshooting process. Instructions and procedures in this
section may require special precautions to ensure the safety of the personnel performing
the operations. Read the following safety messages before performing any operation
described in this section. Refer to these warnings when appropriate throughout this
The transmitter performs self-diagnostics on the entire magnetic flowmeter system: the
transmitter, the sensor, and the interconnecting wiring. By sequentially troubleshooting
each individual piece of the magmeter system, it becomes easier to identify the problem
and make the appropriate adjustments.
If there are problems with a new magmeter installation, see Section 12.3 below for a quick
guide to solve the most common installation problems. For existing magmeter
installations, lists the most common magmeter problems and corrective actions.
Reference manual 143

12.2 Safety information
Failure to follow these troubleshotting guidelines could result in death or serious injury.
• Installation and servicing instructions should be performed by qualified personnel only.
• Do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions.
• Verify that the operating environment of the sensor and transmitter is consistent with
the appropriate hazardous area approval.
• Do not connect the transmitter to a non-Rosemount sensor that is located in an
explosive atmosphere.
• Mishandling products exposed to a hazardous substance may result in death or serious
• If the product being returned was exposed to a hazardous substance as defined by
OSHA, a copy of the required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous
substance identified must be included with the returned goods.
12.3 Installation check and guide
Use this guide to check new installations of Rosemount magnetic flowmeter systems that
appear to malfunction.
Checking the transmitter before applying power
Before applying power to the magnetic flowmeter system, make the following transmitter
1. Record the transmitter model number and serial number.
2. Visually inspect the transmitter for any damage including the terminal block.
3. Verify the proper wiring connections have been made for the power and outputs.
Checking the transmitter after applying power
Apply power to the magnetic flowmeter system before making the following transmitter
144 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

1. Check for an active error message or status alert. Refer to Section 12.4.
2. Verify the correct sensor calibration number is entered in the transmitter.
The calibration number is listed on the sensor nameplate.
3. Verify the correct sensor line size is entered in the transmitter.
The line size value is listed on the sensor nameplate.
4. If desired, use a Rosemount 8714D to verify the transmitter calibration.
12.3.2 Sensor
Be sure that power to magnetic flowmeter system is removed before beginning the
following sensor checks:
1. Record the sensor model number and serial number.
2. Visually inspect the sensor for any damage including inside the remote junction box,
if applicable.
3. For horizontal flow installations, ensure that the electrodes remain covered by
process fluid.
For vertical or inclined installations, ensure that the process fluid is flowing up into
the sensor to keep the electrodes covered by process fluid.
4. Verify the flow arrow is pointing in the same direction as forward flow.
5. Ensure the grounding straps on the sensor are connected to grounding rings, lining
protectors, or the adjacent pipe flanges. Improper grounding will cause erratic
operation of the system.
Sensors with a ground electrode will not require the grounding straps to be
Remote wiring
1. The electrode signal and coil drive wires must be separate cables, unless Rosemount
specified combo cable is used.
See Section 4.4.3.
2. The electrode signal wire and coil drive wire must be twisted shielded cable.
Rosemount recommends 20 AWG twisted shielded cable for the electrode signal
and 14 AWG twisted shielded cable for the coil drive.
See Section 4.4.3.
3. See Appendix B regarding wiring installation requirements.
4. See Appendix D for component and/or combination cable wiring.
Reference manual 145

5. Verify there is minimal exposed wiring and shielding.
Less than 1 inch (25 mm) is recommended.
6. Verify that the single conduit that houses both the electrode signal and coil drive
cables do not contain any other wires, including wires from other magmeters.
For installations requiring intrinsically safe electrodes, the signal and coil drive cables must be
run in Individual conduits.
12.3.4 Process fluid
1. The process fluid should have a minimum conductivity of 5 microSiemens/cm (5
micro mhos/cm).
2. The process fluid must be free of air and gas.
3. The sensor must be full of process fluid.
4. The process fluid must be compatible with the wetted materials - liner, electrodes,
ground rings, and lining protectors.
Refer to the Rosemount
 Magnetic Flowmeter Material Selection Guide
(00816-0100-3033) Technical Note for details.
5. If the process is electrolytic or has cathodic protection, refer to the Installation and
Grounding of Magmeters in Typical and Special Applications (00840-2400-4727)
Technical Note for special installation requirements.
Diagnostic messages
Problems in the magnetic flowmeter system are usually indicated by incorrect output
readings from the system, error messages, or failed tests. Consider all sources in
identifying a problem in the system.
Basic Diagnostic MessagesTable 12-1:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Empty Pipe Empty pipe None - message will clear when pipe is full
Wiring error Check that wiring matches appropriate wiring dia-
Electrode error Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Conductivity less than 5 microSiemens
per cm
Increase conductivity to greater than or equal to 5
microSiemens per cm
Intermittent diagnostic Adjust tuning of empty pipe parameters - see 
Section 12.4.1
Coil Open Circuit Improper wiring Check coil drive wiring and sensor coils.
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
146 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Basic Diagnostic Messages (continued)Table 12-1:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Other manufacturer’s sensor Change coil current to 75 mA - set calibration num-
bers to 10000550100000030
Perform a universal auto-trim to select the proper
coil current
Electronics board failure Replace electronics stack
Coil circuit open fuse Return the unit to the factory for fuse replacement
Auto Zero Failure Flow is not set to zero Force flow to zero, perform auto zero trim
Unshielded cable in use Change wire to shielded cable
Moisture problems See Section 12.7
Auto-Trim Failure No flow in pipe while performing Uni-
versal Auto Trim
Establish a known flow rate, and perform universal
auto-trim calibration
Wiring error Check that wiring matches appropriate wiring dia-
Flow rate is changing in pipe while per-
forming Universal Auto-Trim routine
Establish a constant flow rate, and perform univer-
sal auto-trim calibration
Flow rate through sensor is significant-
ly different than value entered during
Universal Auto-Trim routine
Verify flow in sensor and perform universal auto-
trim calibration
Incorrect calibration number entered
into transmitter for Universal Auto-
Trim routine
Replace sensor calibration number with
Wrong sensor size selected Correct sensor size setting - see
Sensor failure Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Electronics Failure Electronics self check failure Cycle power to see if diagnostic message clears
Replace Electronics stack
Electronics Temp Fail Ambient temperature exceeded the
electronics temperature limits
Move transmitter to a location with an ambient
temperature range of -40 to 140 °F (-40 to 60 °C)
Reverse Flow Electrode or coil wires reverse Verify wiring between sensor and transmitter
Flow is reverse Turn ON Reverse Flow Enable to read flow
Sensor installed backwards Install sensor correctly, or switch either the elec-
trode wires (18 and 19) or the coil wires (1 and 2)
PZR Activated (Positive
Zero Return)
Remove voltage to turn PZR off
Pulse Out of Range The transmitter is trying to generate a
frequency greater than allowed
Standard pulse - increase pulse scaling to prevent
pulse output from exceeding 11,000 Hz
Intrinsically safe pulse - Increase pulse scaling to
prevent pulse output from exceeding 5,500 Hz
Pulse output is in fixed pulse mode and is trying to
generate a frequency greater than the pulse width
can support - see Section 8.2.2
Reference manual 147

Basic Diagnostic Messages (continued)Table 12-1:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Verify the sensor calibration number and line size
are correctly entered in the electronics
Flowrate > 43 ft/sec Flow rate is greater than 43 ft/sec Lower flow velocity, increase pipe diameter
Improper wiring Check coil drive wiring and sensor coils
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Digital Trim Failure (Cy-
cle power to clear mes-
sages, no changes were
The calibrator (8714B/C/D) is not con-
nected properly
Review calibrator connections
Incorrect calibration number entered
into transmitter
Replace sensor calibration number with
Calibrator is not set to 30 FPS Change calibrator setting to 30 FPS
Bad calibrator or calibrator cable Replace calibrator and/or calibrator cable
Coil Over Current Improper wiring Check coil drive wiring and sensor coilsPerform sen-
sor tests - see Section 12.7
Transmitter failure Replace the electronics stack
Electrode Saturation Improper wiring See Section 4.4
Improper process reference See Section 3.4
Improper earth grounding Verify earth ground connections - see Section 4.4
Application requires special transmit-
Replace transmitter with transmitter that includes
special option F0100
Advanced Process Diagnostic MessagesTable 12-2:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Grounding/Wiring Fault Improper installation of wiring See Section 4.4
Coil/electrode shield not connected See Section 4.4
Improper process grounding See Section 3.4
Faulty ground connection Check wiring for corrosion, moisture in the terminal
block -see Section 3.4
Sensor not full Verify sensor is full
Enable empty pipe detection
High Process Noise Slurry flows - mining/pulp stock Decrease the flow rate below 10 ft/s (3 m/s)
Complete the possible solutions listed under 
Section 12.4.3
Chemical additives upstream of the
Move injection point downstream of the sensor or
move the sensor to a new location
Complete the possible solutions listed under 
Section 12.4.3
Electrode not compatible with the
process fluid
Refer to the Rosemount
 Magnetic Flowmeter Materi-
al Selection Guide (00816-0100-3033)
148 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Advanced Process Diagnostic Messages (continued)Table 12-2:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Gas/air in line Move the sensor to another location in the process
line to ensure that it is full under all conditions
Electrode coating Enable coated electrode etection diagnostic
Use bullet-nose electrodes
Downsize sensor to increase flowrate above 3 ft/s (1
Periodically clean sensor
Styrofoam or other insulating particles Complete the possible solutions listed under 
Section 12.4.3
Consult factory
Low conductivity fluids (below 10 mi-
Trim electrode and coil wires - see Chapter 3
Use integral mount transmitter
Set coil drive frequency to 37Hz
Electrode Coating Level
Coating is starting to buildup on elec-
trode and interfering with measure-
ment signal
Schedule maintenance to clean electrode
Use bullet nose electrodes
Downsize sensor to increase flow rate above 3ft/s
Process fluid conductivity has changed Verify process fluid conductivity
Electrode Coating Level
Coating has built-up on electrode and
is interfering with measurement signal
Schedule maintenance to clean electrode
Use bullet nose electrodes
Downsize sensor to increase flow rate above 3ft/s
Process fluid conductivity has changed Verify process fluid conductivity
Advanced Meter Verification MessagesTable 12-3:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
8714i Failed Transmitter calibration verification
test failed
Verify pass/fail criteria
 Meter Verification (8714i) under no
flow conditions
Verify calibration using 8714 Calibration Standard
Perform digital trim
Replace electronics board
Sensor calibration test failed Verify pass/fail criteria
Rerun SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Sensor coil circuit test failed Verify pass/fail criteria
Reference manual 149

Advanced Meter Verification Messages (continued)Table 12-3:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
Rerun SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Sensor electrode circuit test failed Verify electrode resistance has a baseline (signa-
ture) value from a full pipe baseline
Verify test condition was selected properly
Verify pass/fail criteria
Rerun SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Continuous Meter Verifi-
cation Error
Transmitter calibration verification
test failed
Verify pass/fail criteria
Run manual SMART Meter Verification (8714i) un-
der no flow conditions
Verify calibration using 8714D Calibration Standard
Perform digital trim
Replace electronics stack
Sensor calibration test failed Run manual SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Sensor coil circuit test failed Run manual SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Sensor electrode circuit test failed Run manual SMART Meter Verification (8714i)
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
Verify electrode resistance has a signature value
from a full pipe baseline
Simulated Velocity Out
of Spec
Unstable flow rate during the verifica-
tion test or noisy process
Run manual transmitter verification test with no
flow and a full pipe
Transmitter drift or faulty electronics Verify transmitter electronics with 8714D Calibra-
tion Standard. The dial on the 8714D should be set
to 30 ft/s (9.14 m/s). The transmitter should be set
up with the nominal calibration number
(1000015010000000) and 5 Hz coil drive frequen-
Perform an electronics trim using the 8714
If the electronics trim doesn't correct the issue, re-
place the electronics
Coil Resistance Out of
Moisture in the terminal block of the
sensor or shorted coil
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
If the problem persists, replace the sensor
Coil Signature Out of
Moisture in the terminal block of the
sensor or shorted coil
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
If the problem persists, replace the sensor
Calibration shift caused by heat cy-
cling or vibration
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
150 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Advanced Meter Verification Messages (continued)Table 12-3:   
Error message Potential cause Corrective action
If the problem persists, replace the sensor
Electrode Resistance Out
of Spec
Moisture in the terminal block of the
Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
If the problem persists, replace the sensor
Electrode coating Enable coated electrode detection diagnostic
Use bullet-nose electrodes
Downsize sensor to increases flowrate above 3 ft/s
(1 m/s)
Periodically clean sensor
Shorted electrodes Perform sensor tests - see Section 12.7
If the problem persists, replace the sensor
12.4.1 Troubleshooting empty pipe
The following actions can be taken if empty pipe detection is unexpected:
1. Verify the sensor is full.
2. Verify the sensor has not been installed with a measurement electrode at the top of
the pipe.
3. Decrease the sensitivity by setting the empty pipe trigger level to a value of at least
20 counts above the empty pipe value read with a full pipe.
4. Decrease the sensitivity by increasing the empty pipe counts to compensate for
process noise. The empty pipe counts is the number of consecutive empty pipe
value readings above the empty pipe trigger level required to set the empty pipe
diagnostic. The count range is 2-50, factory default set at 5.
5. Increase process fluid conductivity above 50 microsiemens/cm.
6. Properly connect the wiring between the sensor and the transmitter. Corresponding
terminal block numbers in the sensor and transmitter must be connected.
7. Perform the sensor electrical resistance tests. For more detailed information,
consult Section 12.7.
Troubleshooting ground/wiring fault
If transmitter detects high levels (greater than 5mV) 50/60 Hz noise caused by improper
wiring or poor process grounding:
1. Verify the transmitter is earth grounded.
2. Connect ground rings, grounding electrode, lining protector, or grounding straps.
Grounding diagrams can be found in Section 3.4.
Reference manual 151

3. Verify the sensor is full.
4. Verify wiring between sensor and transmitter is prepared properly. Shielding should
be stripped back less than 1 inch (25 mm).
5. Use separate shielded twisted pairs for wiring between sensor and transmitter.
6. Properly connect the wiring between the sensor and the transmitter. Corresponding
terminal block numbers in the sensor and transmitter must be connected.
12.4.3 Troubleshooting high process noise
In applications where very high levels of noise are a concern, it is recommended that a dual-
calibrated Rosemount High-Signal 8707 sensor be used. These sensors can be calibrated to run at
lower coil drive current supplied by the standard Rosemount transmitters, but can also be upgraded
by changing to the 8712H High-Signal transmitter.
1/f noise
This type of noise has higher amplitudes at lower frequencies, but generally degrades over
increasing frequencies. Potential sources of 1/f noise include chemical mixing and slurry
flow particles rubbing against the electrodes. This type of noise can be mitigated by
switching to the 37Hz coil drive frequency.
Spike noise
This type of noise generally results in a high amplitude signal at specific frequencies which
can vary depending on the source of the noise. Common sources of spike noise include
chemical injections directly upstream of the flowmeter, hydraulic pumps, and slurry flows
with low concentrations of particles in the stream. The particles bounce off of the
electrode generating a “spike” in the electrode signal. An example of this type of flow
stream would be a recycle flow in a paper mill. The type of noise can be mitigated by
switching to the 37Hz coil drive frequency and enabling the digital signal processing.
White noise
This type of noise results in a high amplitude signal that is relatively constant over the
frequency range. Common sources of white noise include chemical reactions or mixing
that occurs as the fluid passes through the flowmeter and high concentration slurry flows
where the particulates are constantly passing over the electrode head. An example of this
type of flow stream would be a basis weight stream in a paper mill. This type of noise can
be mitigated by switching to the 37Hz coil drive frequency and enabling the digital signal
Noise ratio less than 25 in 5 Hz mode
The transmitter detected high levels of process noise. If the signal to noise ratio is less than
25 while operating in 5 Hz mode, proceed with the following steps:
152 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

1. Increase transmitter coil drive frequency to 37 Hz (refer to Section 10.5.1 and, if
possible, perform auto zero function Section 10.5.2).
2. Verify sensor is electrically connected to the process with process reference
electrode, grounding rings with grounding straps, or lining protector with
grounding straps.
3. If possible, redirect chemical additions downstream of the magmeter.
4. Verify process fluid conductivity is above 10 microSiemens/cm.
Noise ratio less than 25 in 37 Hz mode
If the signal to noise ratio is less than 25 while operating in 37 Hz mode, proceed with the
following steps:
1. Turn on the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology and follow the setup
procedure (see Chapter 10).
This will minimize the level of damping in the flow measurement and control loop
while also stabilizing the reading to minimize valve actuation.
2. Increase damping to stabilize the signal (refer to Section 8.4.5).
This will add response time to the control loop.
3. Move to a Rosemount High-Signal flowmeter system.
This flowmeter will deliver a stable signal by increasing the amplitude of the flow
signal by ten times to increase the signal to noise ratio. For example if the signal to
noise ratio (SNR) of a standard magmeter is 5, the High-Signal would have a SNR of
50 in the same application. The Rosemount High-Signal system is comprised of the
8707 sensor which has modified coils and magnetics and the 8712H High-Signal
Troubleshooting coated electrode detection
In the event that electrode coating is detected, use the following table to determine the
appropriate course of action.
Reference manual 153

Troubleshooting the Electrode Coating DiagnosticTable 12-4:   
Error message Potential causes of error Steps to correct
Electrode Coating
Level 1
• Insulating coating is start-
ing to build up on the elec-
trode and may interfere
with the flow measurement
• Process fluid conductivity
has decreased to a level
close to operational limits
of the meter
• Verify process fluid conductivity
• Schedule maintenance to clean the
• Use bullet nose electrodes
• Replace the meter with a smaller diam-
eter meter to increase the flow velocity
to above 3 ft/s (1 m/s)
Electrode Coating
Level 2
• Insulating coating has built
up on the electrodes and is
interfering with the flow
measurement signal
• Process fluid conductivity
has decreased to a level be-
low the operational limits
of the meter
• Verify process fluid conductivity
• Schedule maintenance to clean the
• Use bullet nose electrodes
• Replace the meter with a smaller diam-
eter meter to increase the flow velocity
to above 3 ft/s (1 m/s)
12.4.5 Troubleshooting the SMART Meter Verification test
If the SMART Meter Verification test fails, use the following table to determine the
appropriate course of action. Begin by reviewing the SMART Meter Verification results to
determine the specific test that failed.
Troubleshooting the SMART Meter Verification DiagnosticTable 12-5:   
Test Potential cause Corrective action
Transmitter Verifi-
cation Test
• Unstable flow reading dur-
ing the test
• Noise in the process
• Transmitter drift
• Faulty electronics
• Rerun SMART Meter Verification
(8714i) under No Flow conditions
• Check the transmitter calibration with
the 8714D Calibration Standard
• Perform a digital trim
• Replace the electronics stack
Sensor Calibration
• Moisture in the sensor ter-
minal block
• Calibration shift caused by
heat cycling or vibration
• Rerun SMART Meter Verification
• Perform the sensor checks detailed in 
Section 12.6.
• Remove the sensor and send back for
evaluation and / or recalibration
Coil Circuit Health • Moisture in the sensor ter-
minal block
• Shorted Coil
154 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Troubleshooting the SMART Meter Verification Diagnostic (continued)Table 12-5:   
Test Potential cause Corrective action
Electrode Circuit
• Electrode resistance base-
line was not taken after in-
• Test condition was not se-
lected properly
• Moisture in the sensor ter-
minal block
• Coated electrodes
• Shorted electrodes
12.5 Basic troubleshooting
When troubleshooting a magmeter, it is important to identify the issue. below provides
common symptoms displayed by a magmeter that is not functioning properly. This table
provides potential causes and suggested corrective actions for each symptom.
Common magmeter issueTable 12-6:   
Symptom Electronics failure Corrective action
Status Is bad • Electronics failure • Cycle power
• If status is still bad, verify transmitter
operation with an 8714 D Calibration
• Replace the electronics stack
• Open coil circuit • Check coil drive circuit connections at
the sensor and at the transmitter
• Coil power or coil current is
over limit
• Check coil drive circuit connections at
the sensor and at the transmitter
• Cycle power
• If status is still bad, verify transmitter
operation with an 8714D Calibration
• Replace the electronics stack
• Connected to incompatible
• See 
Implementing a Universal Transmitter
• Communication parameter
• Verify Modbus communication param-
eters in the transmitter match the
communication parameters in the
host system
Pulse output at
zero, regardless of
• Wiring error • Check pulse output wiring at terminals
3 and 4. Refer to wiring diagram for
pulse counter and pulse output. See .
Reference manual 155

Common magmeter issue (continued)Table 12-6:   
Symptom Electronics failure Corrective action
• PZR activated • Remove signal at terminals 5 and 6 to
deactivate the PZR.
• No power to transmitter • Check pulse output wiring at terminals
3 and 4. Refer to wiring diagram for
pulse counter and pulse output.
• Power the transmitter
• Reverse flow • Enable Reverse Flow function
• Electronics failure • Verify transmitter operation with an
8714D Calibration Standard
• Replace the electronics stack
• Pulse output incorrectly
• Review configuration and correct as
Error Messages on
• Many possible causes de-
pending upon the message
• See Table 12-1, Table 12-2, and 
Table 12-3 for the LOI messages
Discrete input does
not register
• Input signal does not pro-
vide enough counts
• Verify the discrete input provided
meets the requirements in
Reading does not
appear to be within
rated accuracy
• Transmitter, control sys-
tem, or other receiving de-
vice not configured proper-
• Check all configuration variables for
the transmitter, sensor, communica-
tor, and/or control system
• Check these other transmitter set-
- Sensor calibration number
- Units
- Line size
• Electrode Coating • Enable Coated Electrode Detection di-
• Use bullet-nose electrodes
• Downsize sensor to increase flow rate
above 3 ft/s
• Periodically clean sensor
• Gas/air in line • Move the sensor to another location in
the process line to ensure that it is full
under all conditions
• Moisture problem • Perform the sensor tests - see 
Section 12.6
• Insufficient upstream/
downstream pipe diameter
• Move sensor to a new location with 5
pipe diameters upstream and 2 pipe
diameters downstream if possible
• Cables for multiple magme-
ters run through same con-
• Use dedicated conduit run for each
sensor and transmitter
156 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Common magmeter issue (continued)Table 12-6:   
Symptom Electronics failure Corrective action
• Improper wiring • If electrode shield and electrode signal
wires are switched, flow indication will
be about half of what is expected.
Check wiring diagrams.
• Flow rate is below 1 ft/s
(specification issue)
• See accuracy specification for specific
transmitter and sensor
• Auto zero was not per-
formed when the coil drive
frequency was changed
from 5 Hz to 37 Hz
• Set the coil drive frequency to 37 Hz,
verify the sensor is full, verify there is
no flow, and perform the auto zero
• Sensor failure–shorted
• Perform the sensor tests - see 
Section 12.6
• Sensor failure–shorted or
open coil
• Perform the sensor tests - see 
Section 12.6
• Transmitter failure • Verify transmitter operation with an
8714 Calibration Standard or replace
the electronics board
Noisy Process • Chemical additives up-
stream of magnetic flow-
• See Section 12.4.3
• Move injection point downstream of
magnetic flowmeter, or move magnet-
ic flowmeter
• Sludge flows–mining/coal/
sand/slurries (other slurries
with hard particles)
• Decrease flow rate below 10 ft/s
• Styrofoam or other insulat-
ing particles in process
• See Section 12.4.3
• Consult factory
• Electrode coating • Enable Coated Electrode Detection di-
• Use a smaller sensor to increase flow
rate above 3 ft/s
• Periodically clean sensor
• Gas/air in line • Move the sensor to another location in
the process line to ensure that it is full
under all conditions
• Low conductivity fluids (be-
low 10 microsiemens/cm)
• Trim electrode and coil wires – see 
Section 4.4.2
• Keep flow rate below 3 ft/s
• Integral mount transmitter
• Use component cable - see 
Section 4.4.3
Reference manual 157

Common magmeter issue (continued)Table 12-6:   
Symptom Electronics failure Corrective action
Meter output is un-
• Medium to low conductivi-
ty fluids (10–25 microsie-
mens/cm) combined with
cable vibration or 60 Hz in-
• Eliminate cable vibration
• Move cable to lower vibration run
• Tie down cable mechanically
• Use an integral mount
• Trim electrode and coil wires - see 
Section 4.4.3
• Route cable line away from other
equipment powered by 60 Hz
• Use component cable - see 
Section 4.4.3
• Electrode incompatibility • Check the Technical Data Sheet, Mag-
netic Flowmeter Material Selection Guide
(document number
00816-0100-3033), for chemical com-
patibility with electrode material
• Improper grounding • Check ground wiring – see Section 3.4
for wiring and grounding procedures
• High local magnetic or elec-
tric fields
• Move magnetic flowmeter (20–25 ft
away is usually acceptable)
• Control loop improperly
• Check control loop tuning
• Sticky valve (look for peri-
odic oscillation of meter
• Service valve
• Sensor failure • Perform the sensor tests (See 
Section 12.6)
12.6 Sensor troubleshooting
This section describes manual tests that can be performed on the sensor to verify the
health of individual components. The tests will require the use of a digital multimeter
capable of measuring conductance in nanoSiemens and an LCR meter. A sensor circuit
diagram is shown in Figure 12-1. The tests described below will check for continuity or
isolation of the internal components of the sensor.
158 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Sensor Circuit Diagram (Simplified)Figure 12-1:   
A. Electrodes
B. Coils
C. Sensor housing
Sensor adapter feed through pins
The sensor adapter is the part of the sensor that provides the internal connection feed-
through wiring from the internal sensor components to the socket module connections.
The top of the adapter has 10 pins - four pins for the coils, four pins for the electrodes, and
two pins for the process reference. Each connection point has two pins associated for
redundant continuity. See Figure 12-2.
The best location for testing the sensor components is taking measurements directly on
the feed-through pins. Direct measurement on the pins eliminates the possibility of an
erroneous measurement caused by a bad socket module or remote wiring. The figure
below shows the feed-through pin connections as they relate to the terminal connections
described in the tests.
Reference manual 159

Sensor Adapter Feed-through PinsFigure 12-2:   
A. Electrode side
B. Coil side
C. Process reference
D. Orientation key
12.6.2 Socket module
Remote Mount Socket ModuleFigure 12-3:   
12.7 Installed sensor tests
If a problem with an installed sensor is identified, refer to Table 12-7 through Table 12-11 to
assist in troubleshooting the sensor. Disconnect or turn off power to the transmitter
before performing any of the sensor tests. Always check the operation of test equipment
before each test.
160 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

If possible, take all readings from feed-through pins in the sensor adapter. If the pins in the
sensor adapter are inaccessible, take measurements at the sensor terminal block or
through remote cabling as close to the sensor as possible. Readings taken through remote
cabling that is more than 100 feet (30 meters) in length may provide incorrect or
inconclusive information and should be avoided.
The expected values in the test below assume the measurements have been taken directly
at the pins.
Test A. Sensor coilTable 12-7:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: installed or unin-
• Required equipment: multi-
• Measuring at connections: 1
and 2 = R
2Ω≤R≤18Ω • Open or shorted coil • Remove and replace sensor
Test B: Shields to caseTable 12-8:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: installed or unin-
• Required equipment: multi-
• Measuring at connections:
- 17 and 3
- 3 and case ground
- 17 and case ground
<0.3Ω • Moisture in terminal block
• Leaky electrode
• Process behind liner
• Clean terminal block
• Remove sensor
Test C. Coil to coil shieldTable 12-9:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: installed or unin-
• Required equipment: multi-
• Measuring at connections:
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 3
∞Ω (< 1nS) • Process behind liner
• Leaky electrode
• Moisture in terminal block
• Remove sensor and dry
• Clean terminal block
• Confirm with sensor coil test
Reference manual 161

Test D. Electrode to electrode shield Table 12-10:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: installed
• Required equipment: LCR
(Set to Resistance and 120
• Measuring at connections:
- 18 and 17 = R
- 19 and 17 = R
• R
 and R
should be
• |R
• Unstable R
 or R
 values con-
firm coated electrode
• Shorted electrode
• Electrode not in contact with
• Empty pipe
• Low conductivity
• Leaky electrode
• Process reference ground
not connected properly
• Remove coating from sensor
• Use bullet-nose electrodes
• Repeat measurement
• Remove sensor and com-
plete tests in Section 12.8
• Connect process reference
ground per Section 3.4
Test E. Electrode to ElectrodeTable 12-11:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: installed
• Required equipment: LCR
(Set to Resistance and 120
• Measuring at connections:
18 and 19
- 18 and 17 = R
- 19 and 17 = R
Should be sta-
ble and same
relative magni-
tude of R
 from Test D
• Unstable R
 or R
 values con-
firm coated electrode
• Shorted electrode
• Electrode not in contact with
• Empty pipe
• Low conductivity
• Leaky electrode
• Process reference ground
not connected properly
• Remove coating from sensor
• Use bullet-nose electrodes
• Repeat measurement
• Remove sensor and com-
plete tests in Section 12.8
• Connect process reference
ground per Section 3.4
To test the sensor, a multimeter capable of measuring conductance in nanoSiemens is
preferred. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance.
Uninstalled sensor tests
Sensor troubleshooting can also be performed on an uninstalled sensor. If test results from
installed sensor tests are inconclusive, the next step is remove the sensor and perform the
tests outlined in this section. Take measurements from the feed-through pins and directly
on the electrode head inside the sensor. The measurement electrodes, 18 and 19, are on
opposite sides in the inside diameter of the sensor. If applicable, the third process
reference electrode is between the two measurement electrodes.
162 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

The expected values in the test below assume the measurements have been taken directly
at the pins.
Reference manual 163

Test A. Terminal to front electrodeTable 12-12:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 18 and electrode 18
≤ 1 Ω • Shorted electrode
• Open electrode
• Coated electrode
• Replace sensor
• Remove coating from sensor
(1) When the connection head is in the vertical upright position and the flow arrow (see Section 3.2.3) on the connection head flange
points to the right, the front of the meter will be facing towards you. Electrode 18 is on the front of the meter. If you cannot determine
the front of the meter, measure both electrodes. One electrode should result in an open reading, while the other electrode should be
less than 0.3 ohm.
Test B. Terminal to back electrodeTable 12-13:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 19 and electrode 19
≤ 1 Ω • Shorted electrode
• Open electrode
• Coated electrode
• Replace sensor
• Remove coating from sensor
(1) When the connection head is in the vertical upright position and the flow arrow (see Section 3.2.3) on the connection head flange
points to the right, the front of the meter will be facing towards you. Electrode 18 is on the front of the meter. If you cannot determine
the front of the meter, measure both electrodes. One electrode should result in an open reading, while the other electrode should be
less than 0.3 ohm.
Test C. Terminal to reference electrodeTable 12-14:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 17 and process reference
≤ 0.3 Ω • Shorted electrode
• Open electrode
• Coated electrode
• Replace sensor
• Remove coating from sensor
(1) Only valid if the sensor has a process reference electrode.
Test D. Terminal to case groundTable 12-15:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 17 and safety ground
≤ 0.3 Ω • Moisture in terminal block
• Leaky electrode
• Process behind liner
• Clean terminal block
• Replace terminal block
• Replace sensor
164 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Test E. Electrode to electrode shieldTable 12-16:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 18 and 17
• 19 and 17
∞Ω (<1 nS) • Shorted electrode
• Leaky electrode
• Moisture in terminal block
• Replace sensor
• Clean terminal block
• Replace terminal block
Test F. Electrode shield to coilTable 12-17:   
Test conditions
value Potential cause Corrective action
• Location: uninstalled
• Required equipment: Multi-
• 17 and 1
∞Ω (<1 nS) • Process in coil housing
• Moisture in terminal block
• Replace sensor
• Clean terminal block
• Replace terminal block
12.9 Technical support
Email addresses:
Worldwide: [email protected]
Asia-Pacific: [email protected]
Middle East and Africa: [email protected]
North and South America
Europe and Middle East Asia Pacific
United States 800-522-6277 U.K. 0870 240 1978 Australia 800 158 727
Canada +1 303-527-5200 The Netherlands +31 (0) 318 495
New Zealand 099 128 804
Mexico +41 (0) 41 7686
France 0800 917 901 India 800 440 1468
Argentina +54 11 4837 7000 Germany 0800 182 5347 Pakistan 888 550 2682
Brazil +55 15 3238 3677 Italy 8008 77334 China +86 21 2892 9000
Venezuela +58 26 1731 3446 Central & Eastern +41 (0) 41 7686
Japan +81 3 5769 6803
Russia/CIS +7 495 981 9811 South Korea +82 2 3438 4600
Egypt 0800 000 0015 Singapore +65 6 777 8211
Oman 800 70101 Thailand 001 800 441 6426
Qatar 431 0044 Malaysia 800 814 008
Reference manual 165

North and South America Europe and Middle East Asia Pacific
Kuwait 663 299 01
South Africa 800 991 390
Saudi Arabia 800 844 9564
UAE 800 0444 0684
12.10 Service
To expedite the return process outside the United States, contact the nearest Rosemount
Within the United States and Canada, call the North American Response Center using the
800-654-RSMT (7768) toll-free number. The Response Center, available 24 hours a day,
will assist you with any needed information or materials.
The center will ask for product, model, and serial numbers and will provide a Return
Material Authorization (RMA) number. The center will also ask for the name of the process
material to which the product was last exposed.
Mishandling products exposed to a hazardous substance may result in death or serious
injury. If the product being returned was exposed to a hazardous substance as defined by
OSHA, a copy of the required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous
substance identified must be included with the returned goods.
The North American Response Center will detail the additional information and procedures
necessary to return goods exposed to hazardous substances.
166 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix A
Product Specifications
Topics covered in this appendix:
Rosemount 8700M Flowmeter Platform specifications
Transmitter specifications
Sensor specifications
A.1 Rosemount 8700M Flowmeter Platform
The tables below outline some of the basic performance, physical, and functional
specifications of the Rosemount 8700M Magnetic Flowmeter Platform.
• Table A-1 provides an overview of the Rosemount 8700M Sensor products.
Rosemount Sensor SpecificationsTable A-1:   
Model 8705
Style Flanged
Base accuracy
0.25% Standard 0.15% High Accuracy Op-
Line sizes ½-in. to 36-in. (15 mm to 900 mm)
Design features Standard Process Design
Detailed specifications 8705-M Flanged Sensor Specifications
Ordering information
Model 8711
Style Wafer
Base accuracy
0.25% Standard 0.15% High Accuracy Op-
Line sizes 1½ -in. to 8-in. (40 mm to 200 mm)
Design features Compact, Light Weight
Detailed specifications 8711-M/L Wafer Sensor Specifications
Ordering information
Product Specifications
Reference manual 167

Rosemount Sensor Specifications (continued)Table A-1:   
Model 8721
Style Hygienic (sanitary)
Base accuracy
0.5% Standard 0.25% High Accuracy Op-
Line sizes ½-in. to 4-in. (15 mm to 100 mm)
Design features 3-A and EHEDG CIP/SIP
Detailed specifications 8721 Hygienic (Sanitary) Sensor Specifica-
Ordering information
(1) For complete accuracy specifications, refer to the sensor detailed specifications.
Lining Material SelectionTable A-2:   
Liner material General characteristics
PFA, PFA+ Best chemical resistance
Better abrasion resistance than PTFE
Best high temperature capabilities
Process temperature: -58 to 350 °F (-50 to 177 °C)
PTFE Highly chemical resistant
Excellent high temperature capabilities
Process temperature: -58 to 350 °F (-50 to 177 °C)
ETFE Excellent chemical resistance
Better abrasion resistance than PTFE
Process temperature: -58 to 300 °F (-50 to 149 °C)
Polyurethane Limited chemical resistance
Excellent abrasion resistance for slurries with small and medium particles
Process temperature: 0 to 140 °F (-18 to 60 °C)
Typically applied in clean water
Neoprene Very good abrasion resistance for small and medium particles
Better chemical resistance than polyurethane
Typically applied in water with chemicals, and sea water
Preferred liner for high pressure > ASME B16.5 Class 900
Process temperature: 0 to 176 °F (-18 to 80 °C)
Product Specifications
168 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Lining Material Selection (continued)Table A-2:   
Liner material General characteristics
Linatex Rubber Limited chemical resistance especially in acids
Very good abrasion resistance for large particles
Softer material than polyurethane and neoprene
Typically applied in mining slurries
Process temperature: 0 to 158 °F (-18 to 70 °C)
Adiprene Ideal for applications with high salinity and/or hydrocarbon carryover
Excellent abrasion resistance
Typically used for Water Injection, Recovered Water, and Coal Gasification Slur-
Preferred liner for high pressure > ASME B16.5 Class 900
Process temperature: 0 to 200 °F (-18 to 93 °C)
Electrode MaterialTable A-3:   
Electrode ma-
terial General characteristics
316L Stainless
Good corrosion resistance
Good abrasion resistance
Not recommended for sulfuric or hydrochloric acids
Nickel Alloy
(UNS N10276)
Better corrosion resistance
High strength
Good in slurry applications
Effective in oxidizing fluids
Tantalum Excellent corrosion resistance
Not recommended for hydrofluoric acid, fluorosilic acid, or sodium hydroxide
80% Platinum
20% Iridium
Best chemical resistance
Expensive material
Not recommended for aquaregia
Titanium Better chemical resistance
Better abrasion resistance
Good for sea water applications
Not recommended for hydrofluoric or sulfuric acid
Tungsten Car-
bide coated
Limited chemical resistance
Best abrasion resistance
High concentration slurries
Preferred electrode for oil and gas fracturing applications
Product Specifications
Reference manual 169

Electrode TypeTable A-4:   
Electrode type General characteristics
Standard Meas-
Lowest cost
Good for most applications
Measurement +
Reference Elec-
(Also see 
Table A-5 and 
Table A-6 for
grounding op-
tions and in-
Low cost grounding option especially for large line sizes
Minimum conductivity of 100 microSiemens/cm
Not recommended for electrolytic or galvanic corrosion applications
Bulletnose Extended head protrudes into the flow stream for self-cleaning
Best option for coating processes
Flat Head Low profile head
Best option for abrasive slurries
Process Reference OptionsTable A-5:   
Grounding op-
tions General characteristics
No Grounding
Acceptable for conductive unlined pipe
Grounding straps provided at no cost
Reference Elec-
Same material as measurement electrodes
Sufficient grounding option when process fluid conductivity is greater than 100
Not recommended in electrolysis applications, galvanic corrosion applications,
applications where the electrodes may coat, or non-conductive pipe.
Low conductivity process fluids
Cathodic or electrolysis applications that may have stray currents in or around
the process
Variety of materials for process fluid compatibility
Lining Protec-
Protect upstream edge of sensor from abrasive fluids
Permanently installed on sensor
Protect liner material from over torquing of flange bolts
Provide ground path and eliminate need for grounding rings or reference elec-
Required for applications where Flexitallic gaskets are used
Product Specifications
170 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Process Reference InstallationTable A-6:   
Type of pipe
straps Grounding rings
Reference elec-
Lining protec-
Conductive un-
lined pipe
Acceptable Not required Not required Not required
Conductive lined
Not acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Not acceptable Acceptable Not recommen-
A.2 Transmitter specifications
A.2.1 Transmitter functional specifications
Transmitter coil drive current
Flow rate range
Capable of processing signals from fluids with velocities between 0.04 and 39 ft/s (0.01 to
12 m/s) for both forward and reverse flow in all sensor sizes. Full scale continuously
adjustable between –39 and 39 ft/s (–12 to 12 m/s).
Conductivity limits
Process liquid must have a conductivity of 5 microSiemens/cm (5 micromhos/cm) or
Power supply
90 - 250VAC @ 50/60Hz or 12 - 42VDC
Line power fuses
• 90 - 250VAC systems:
- 2 amp quick acting
- Bussman AGC2 or equivalent
• 12 - 42VDC systems
- 3 amp quick acting
- Bussman AGC3 or equivalent
Power consumption
• 90 - 250VAC: 40VA maximum
• 12 - 42VDC: 15W maximum
Product Specifications
Reference manual 171

Switch-on current
• At 250VAC: Maximum 35.7A (< 5ms)
• At 42VDC: Maximum 42A (< 5ms)
AC power supply requirements
Units powered by 90 - 250VAC have the following power requirements. Peak inrush is
35.7A at 250VAC supply, lasting approximately 1ms. Inrush for other supply voltages can
be estimated with: Inrush (Amps) = Supply (Volts) / 7.0
AC current requirementsFigure A-1:   
110 130 150 170
190 210 230 250
A. Supply current (amps)
B. Power supply (VAC)
Apparent powerFigure A-2:   
110 130 150 170
190 210 230 250
A. Apparent power (VA)
B. Power supply (VAC)
DC power supply requirements
Units powered by 12VDC power supply may draw up to 1.2A of current steady state. Peak
inrush is 42A at 42VDC supply, lasting approximately 1ms. Inrush for other supply voltages
can be estimated with: Inrush (Amps) = Supply (Volts) / 1.0
Product Specifications
172 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

DC current requirementsFigure A-3:   
17 22 27
32 37 42
A. Supply current (amps)
B. Power supply (VDC)
Ambient temperature limits
• Operating:
- –58 to 140 °F (–50 to 60 °C) without local operator interface
- –4 to 140 °F (–20 to 60 °C) with local operator interface
- The Local Operator Interface (LOI) will not display at temperatures below -20°C
• Storage:
- –58 to 185 °F (–50 to 85 °C) without local operator interface
- –22 to 176 °F (–30 to 80 °C) with local operator interface
Humidity limits
0–95% RH to 140 °F (60 °C)
2000 meters maximum
Enclosure rating
Type 4X, IEC 60529, IP66 (transmitter)
Transient protection rating
Built in transient protection that conforms to:
• IEC 61000-4-4 for burst currents
• IEC 61000-4-5 for surge currents
• IEC 611185-2.2000, Class 3 up to 2kV and up to 2kA protection
Turn-on time
• 5 minutes to rated accuracy from power up
• 5 seconds from power interruption
Product Specifications
Reference manual 173

Start-up time
50ms from zero flow
Low flow cut-off
Adjustable between 0.01 and 38.37 ft/s (0.003 and 11.7 m/s). Below selected value,
output is driven to the zero flow rate signal level.
Overrange capability
Signal output will remain linear until 110% of upper range value or 44 ft/s (13 m/s). The
signal output will remain constant above these values. Out of range message displayed on
LOI and the Field Communicator.
Adjustable between 0 and 256 seconds
A.2.2 Advanced diagnostics capabilities
• Self test
• Transmitter faults
• Pulse output test
• Tunable empty pipe
• Reverse flow
• Coil circuit fault
• Electronics temperature
Process diagnostics (DA1)
• Ground/wiring fault
• High process noise
• Electrode coating diagnostic
Smart Meter Verification (DA2)
• Smart Meter Verification (continuous or on-demand)
Output signals
Analog alarm mode
High or low alarm signal is user-selectable via the Alarm switch on the front of the
electronics. NAMUR-compliant alarm limits are software configurable and can be preset
via CDS (C1). Individual diagnostic alarms are also software configurable. Alarms will drive
the analog signal to the following mA values. High or low alarm signal is user-selectable via
Product Specifications
174 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

the Alarm switch on the front of the electronics. NAMUR-compliant alarm limits are
software configurable and can be preset via CDS (C1). Individual diagnostic alarms are also
software configurable. Alarms will drive the analog signal to the following mA values.
Low 3.75 mA Requires CDS (C1)
High 22.50 mA Factory default
NAMUR Low 3.5 mA Requires CDS (C1)
NAMUR High 22.6 mA Requires CDS (C1)
Modbus RS-485 Output
Transmitters with a Modbus output provide an RS-485 signal to a Modbus host system;
data rates can be configured from 1200 baud to 115.2 kilobaud.
Scalable pulse frequency adjustment
• 0-10,000Hz, switch-selectable as internally or externally powered
• Pulse value can be set to equal desired volume in selected engineering units
• Pulse width adjustable from 0.1 to 650 ms
• Internally powered: Outputs up to 12VDC
• Externally powered: Input 5 - 28VDC
Output testing
Pulse output
Transmitter may be commanded to supply a specified frequency
between 1 and 10,000Hz.
Optional discrete output function (AX option)
Externally powered at 5 - 28VDC, 240mA max, solid state switch closure to indicate either:
Reverse flow
Activates switch closure output when reverse flow is detected.
Zero flow
Activates switch closure output when flow goes to 0 ft/s or below
low flow cutoff.
Empty pipe
Activates switch closure output when an empty pipe condition is
Transmitter faults
Activates switch closure output when a transmitter fault is
Flow limit 1, flow
limit 2
Activates switch closure output when the transmitter measures a
flow rate that meets the conditions established for this alert.
There are two independent flow limit alerts that can be
configured as discrete outputs.
Totalizer limit
Activates switch closure output when the transmitter measures a
total flow that meets the conditions established for this alert.
(1) For transmitters with intrinsically safe outputs (option code B), power must be supplied externally.
(2) For transmitters with intrinsically safe outputs (option code B), frequency range is limited to 0-5000Hz.
Product Specifications
Reference manual 175

Diagnostic status
Activates switch closure output when the transmitter detects a
condition that meets the configured criteria of this output.
Optional discrete input function (AX option)
Externally powered at 5 - 28VDC, 1.4 - 20mA to activate switch closure to indicate either:
Reset Totalizer A (or B or C)
Resets Totalizer A (or B or C) value to zero.
Reset All Totals
Resets all totalizer values to zero.
Positive Zero Return (PZR)
Forces outputs of the transmitter to zero flow.
Sensor compensation
Rosemount sensors are calibrated in a flow lab at the factory and are assigned a calibration
number. The calibration number must be entered into the transmitter, enabling
interchangeability of sensors without calculations or a compromise in standard accuracy.
Transmitters and other manufacturers’ sensors can be calibrated at known process
conditions or at the Rosemount NIST-Traceable Flow Facility. Transmitters calibrated on
site require a two-step procedure to match a known flow rate. This procedure can be
found in the operations manual.
A.2.4 Performance specifications
System specifications are given using the frequency output and with the unit at reference
Includes the combined effects of linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.
• Standard system accuracy:
- ±0.5% of rate from 1 to 39 ft/s (0.3 to 12 m/s)
- ±0.005 ft/s (0.0015 m/s) from the low flow cutoff to 1 ft/s (0.3 m/s)
• Optional high accuracy:
- ±0.25% of rate ±1.0 mm/sec from 3 to 39 ft/s (1 to 12 m/s)
(3) For sensor sizes greater than 12 in. (300 mm) the high accuracy is ±0.25% of rate from 3 to 39 ft/sec (1 to 12 m/sec).
Product Specifications
176 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

 3 3
 6 6
 30 30

A. Percentage of rate
B. Velocity in ft/s (m/s)
Analog output effects
Analog output has the same accuracy as frequency output plus an additional ±4 μ A at
room temperature.
Repeatability ±0.1% of reading
Response time (analog
20 ms max response time to step change in input
Stability ±0.1% of rate over six months
Ambient temperature
±0.25% change over operating temperature range
A.2.5 Wall mount transmitter physical specifications
Materials of construction
Standard housing
Low copper aluminum
Type 4X and IEC 60529 IP66
Paint Polyurethane coat (1.8 to 2.2 mils thick)
Optional housing Not available
Cover gaskets Silicone
Electrical connections
Conduit entries
½ inch NPT or M20
Terminal block screws 6-32 (No. 6) suitable for up to 14 AWG wire
Product Specifications
Reference manual 177

Safety grounding
External stainless assembly, M5; internal 8-32 (No. 8)
Vibration rating
2G per IEC 61298
See Product Data Sheet.
Wall mount transmit-
Aluminum Approximately 9 lbs. (4 kg)
Add 1 pound (0.5 kg) for local operator interface.
A.2.6 Field mount transmitter physical specifications
Materials of construction
Standard housing
Low copper aluminum
Type 4X and IEC 60529 IP66
Paint Polyurethane coat (1.8 to 2.2 mils thick)
Optional housing 316/316L unpainted, option code SH
Type 4X and IEC 60529 IP66
Cover gasket Aluminum housing: Buna-N
Electrical connections
Conduit entries
Available in 1/2 inch NPT or M20. See ordering table footnotes for details
Terminal block screws 6-32 (No. 6) suitable for up to 14 AWG wire
Safety grounding
External stainless assembly, M5; internal 8-32 (No. 8)
Vibration rating
Integral mount
2G per IEC 61298
Remote mount 5G per IEC 61298
Product Specifications
178 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

See Product Data Sheet.
Field mount transmit-
ter only
Aluminum Approximately 7 lbs. (3.2 kg)
316 stainless steel Approximately 23 lbs. (10.5 kg)
Add 1 pound (0.5 kg) for local operator interface.
A.3 Sensor specifications
A.3.1 Functional specifications
Conductive liquids and slurries
Line sizes
½ –in. to 48-in. (15 mm to 1200 mm)
Sensor coil resistance
7 - 16 Ω
System accuracy is maintained regardless of line size or optional features. Each sensor
nameplate has a sixteen-digit calibration number that can be entered into a transmitter
through the Local Operator Interface (LOI) or the Field Communicator.
Upper range limit
39.37 ft/s (12 m/s)
Ambient temperature limits
• –20 to 140 °F (–29 to 60 °C) standard design
Product Specifications
Reference manual 179

Pressure limits
See Process temperature limits.
Vacuum limits
PTFE lining Full vacuum to 350 °F (177 °C) through 4-in. (100 mm) line sizes. Consult
Technical Support for vacuum applications with line sizes of 6 inches (150
mm) or larger
All other standard sen-
sor lining materials
Full vacuum to maximum material temperature limits for all available line
Submergence protection IP68
The remote mount sensor is rated IP68 for submergence to a depth of 33 ft (10 m) for a
period of 48 hours. IP68 rating requires that the transmitter must be remote mount.
Installer must use IP68 approved cable glands, conduit connections, and/or conduit plugs.
For more details on proper installation techniques for IP68, reference Rosemount
Technical Note 00840-0100-4750 available on
Conductivity limits
Process liquid must have a minimum conductivity of 5 microSiemens/cm (5
micromhos/cm) or greater.
Process temperature limits
PTFE lining
–58 to 350 °F (–50 to 177 °C)
Polyurethane lining 0 to 140 °F (–18 to 60 °C)
Neoprene lining 0 to 176 °F (–18 to 80 °C)
Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for ASME B16.5 class flanges 
 Table A-7:   
Sensor temperature vs. pressure limits for ASME B16.5 class flanges ( ½ -in. to 24-in. Line Sizes)
Flange material Flange rating
@ -20 to 100 °F
(-29 to 38 °C) @ 200 °F (93 °C) @ 300 °F (149 °C) @ 350 °F (177 °C)
Carbon Steel Class 150 285 psi 260 psi 230 psi 215 psi
Class 300 740 psi 675 psi 655 psi 645 psi
304 Stainless
Class 150 275 psi 235 psi 205 psi 190 psi
Class 300 720 psi 600 psi 530 psi 500 psi
(1) Liner temperature limits must also be considered.
(2) 30-in. and 36-in. AWWA C207 Class D rated to 150 psi at atmospheric temperature.
Product Specifications
180 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for AS2129 Table D and E flanges 
 Table A-8:   
Sensor temperature vs. pressure limits for AS2129 Table D and E flanges (4-in. to 24-in. line sizes)
Flange Material Flange Rating
@ -29 to 50 °C
(-20 to 122 °F) @ 100 °C (212 °F) @ 150 °C (302 °F) @ 200 °C (392 °F)
Carbon Steel D 101.6 psi 101.6 psi 101.6 psi 94.3 psi
E 203.1 psi 203.1 psi 203.1 psi 188.6 psi
(1) Liner temperature limits must also be considered.
Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for EN 1092-1 flanges 
 Table A-9:   
Sensor temperature vs. pressure limits for EN 1092-1 flanges (15 mm to 600 mm Line Sizes)
Flange material Flange rating
@ -29 to 50 °C
(-20 to 122 °F) @ 100 °C (212 °F) @ 150°C (302 °F) @ 175°C (347 °F)
Carbon Steel PN 10 10 bar 10 bar 9.7 bar 9.5 bar
PN 16 16 bar 16 bar 15.6 bar 15.3 bar
PN 40 40 bar 40 bar 39.1 bar 38.5 bar
304 Stainless
PN 10 9.1 bar 7.5 bar 6.8 bar 6.5 bar
PN 16 14.7 bar 12.1 bar 11.0 bar 10.6 bar
PN 40 36.8 bar 30.3 bar 27.5 bar 26.5 bar
(1) Liner temperature limits must also be considered.
Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for GB/T 9119 Flanges 
 Table A-10:   
Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for GB/T 9119 Flanges
Flange material Flange rating
Pressure (Mpa)
≤ 20 °C @ 100 °C (212 °F) @ 150 °C (302 °F)
Carbon steel Group
PN 10 1.00 0.92 0.88
PN 16 1.60 1.48 1.40
PN 40 4.00 3.71 3.52
304 SST Group 11E0 PN 10 1.00 0.90 0.81
PN 16 1.60 1.45 1.31
PN 40 4.00 3.63 3.27
(1) Liner temperature limits must also be considered.
Product Specifications
Reference manual 181

Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for JIS B2220 Flanges 
 Table A-11:   
Temperature vs. Pressure Limits for JIS B2220 Flanges
Flange material Flange rating
Pressure (Mpa)
≤ 50 °C (122 °F) @ 120 °C (248 °F)
Carbon steel 10K 1.4 1.4
304 stainless steel (15 mm
to 65 mm)
10K 1.4 1.4
304 stainless steel (≤ 80
10K 1.4 1.4
(1) Liner temperature limits must also be considered.
A.3.2 Physical specifications
Non-wetted materials
Sensor Pipe Type 304/304L SST
Flanges Carbon steel, Type 304/304L SST
Coil housing Rolled carbon steel
Paint Polyurethane coat (2.6 mils or greater)
Process-wetted materials
PTFE, Polyurethane, Neoprene
Electrodes 316L SST, Nickel Alloy 276 (UNS N10276)
Flat-faced flanges
Flat-faced flanges are manufactured with full-face liners. Available in Neoprene only.
Process connections
ASME B16.5
• Class 150: ½ -in. to 24-in. (15 mm to 600 mm)
• Class 300: ½ -in. to 24-in. (15 mm to 600 mm)
AWWA C207 • Class D: 30-in. to 48-in. (750 mm to 1200 mm)
• Class E: 30-in. to 48-in. (750 mm to 1200 mm)
EN 1092-1 • PN10: 200 mm to 900 mm (8-in. to 36-in.)
• PN16: 50 mm to 900 mm (2 -in. to 36-in.)
• PN40: 15 mm to 900 mm (½-in. to 36-in.)
AS2129 • Table D and Table E: 15 mm to 900 mm (½-in. to 36-in.)
Product Specifications
182 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

AS4087 • PN16, PN21: 2-in. to 40-in., 48-in. (8-in. excluded) (50 mm to 1000
mm, 1200 mm)
• PN35: 2-in. to 36-in. (8-in. excluded) (50 mm to 900 mm)
GB/T9119 • PN10: 8- and 24-, 36-, 40-, 48-in. (200 mm to 600 mm, 900 mm,
1000 mm, 1200 mm)
• PN16: 4- and 24-, 36-, 40-in. (100 mm to 600 mm, 900 mm, 1000
• PN40: ½- to 24-in. (15 mm to 600 mm)
JIS B2220 • 10K, 20K: ½- to 24-in. (15 mm to 600 mm)
Electrical connections
Conduit entries Available with 1/2 inch NPT and M20
Terminal block screws 6-32 (No. 6) suitable for up to 14 AWG wire
Safety grounding
External stainless assembly, M5; internal 8-32 (No. 8)
Process reference electrode (optional)
A process reference electrode can be installed similarly to the measurement electrodes
through the sensor lining. It will be made of the same material as the measurement
Grounding rings (optional)
Grounding rings can be installed between the flange and the sensor face on both ends of
the sensor. Single ground rings can be installed on either end of the sensor. They have an
I.D. slightly larger than the sensor I.D. and an external tab to attach ground wiring.
Grounding rings are available in 316L SST, and Nickel Alloy 276 (UNS N10276).
See Product Data Sheet.
See Product Data Sheet.
Product Specifications
Reference manual 183

Product Specifications
184 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix B
Product Certifications
For detailed approval certification information and installation drawings, please see the
appropriate document listed below:
• Document number 00825-MA00-0004: Rosemount 8750W Approval Document -
• Document number 00825-MA00-0005: Rosemount 8750W Approval Document –
Class Division
• Document number 00825-MA00-0006: Rosemount 8750W Approval Document –
North America Zone
Product Certifications
Reference manual 185

Product Certifications
186 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix C
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Here is a complete listing of the registers and coils available in the transmitter.
Configuration details for a particular register or coil can be found elsewhere in this manual.
Modbus registersTable C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
1 Status Register 0
bit #0 - Sensor Out of Range
bit #1 - Empty Pipe Condition Detected
bit #2 - I/O Processor Failure
bit #3 - Pulse Output, Out of Range
bit #4 - Update Missed
bit #5 - Output at Alarm Level
bit #6 - Modbus Nonvolatile Memory Error
bit #7 - Pulse Output Fixed
bit #8 - EPROM Checksum Error
bit #9 - NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #10 - RAM Checksum Error
bit #11 - Factory NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #12 - Continuous Meter Verification Error
bit #13 - PZR Output is Active
bit #14 - Coil Drive Current is Zero
bit #15 - Reverse Flow Rate Detected
U16 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 187

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
2 Status Register 1
bit #0 - Internal Flow Simulation Test Error
bit #1 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too Low
bit #2 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too High
bit #3 - Auto Zero attempt with Nonzero flow
bit #4 - Totalizer Limit Alert 1
bit #5 - Universal Trim Failure
bit #6 - Flow Limit Alert 1
bit #7 - Flow Limit Alert 2
bit #8 - Electrode Coated Limit 1
bit #9 - Electrode Coated Limit 2
bit #10 - Excess Calibration Correction. GN too
bit #11 - Excess Calibration Correction, GN too
bit #12 - Calibration Attempt Without Calibrator
bit #13 - Grounding/Wiring Fault
bit #14 - High Process Noise Detected
bit #15 - Electronics Temperature Out of Range
U16 R N
3 Status Register 2
bit #0 - Digital I/O 1 Active
bit #1 - Digital Output 2 Active
bit #2 - Diagnostic Status Alert Active
bit #3 - Modbus in Listen Only mode
bit #4 - I/O Processor Comm Failure
bit #5 - Coil Over Current Detected
bit #6 - Sensor Electrode Saturated
bit #7 - Coil Power Limit
bit #8 - Electronics Failure
bit #9 - Coil Resistance Error
bit #10 - Coil Inductance Error
bit #11 - Digital Trim Failure
bit #12 - Reverse Flow Detected
bit #13 - Electrode Resistance Error
bit #14 - Auto Zero Failure
bit #15 - Reserved for Status bit
U16 R N
5 Transmitter State Register
bit #0 - Write Protect Code
bit #1 - Update In Progress
bits #2 - #15 Reserved
U16 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
188 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
16 Transmitter software revision – (xxxx.x format,
e.g., 141 means rev 14.1)
U16 R N
17 MODBUS Module software revision U16 R N
18 Display Type U8 R N
20 Internal Flow Simulator Value units U8 R N
21 Internal Flow Simulator Deviation units U8 R N
22 Coil Inductance Deviation Units U8 R N
23 Coil Inductance Units U8 R N
24 Coil Resistance Units U8 R N
25 Electrode Resistance Units U8 R N
26 Electrode Coating Resistance Unit U8 R N
27 Empty Pipe Value Units U8 R N
28 Electronics Temperature Units U8 R N
29 Process Density Units U8 R N
30 Flowmeter Verification Test summary result U8 R N
31 Coil Inductance Test Result U8 R N
32 Coil Resistance Test Result U8 R N
33 Electrode Resistance Test Result U8 R N
34 Internal Simulator Test Result U8 R N
35 Test limits the Flowmeter Verification Test was
run against
U8 R N
36 Test Condition of the Flowmeter Verification Test U8 R N
37 Pulse Scale Factor Units U8 R N
61 Flow Units U8 RW Y
62 Totalizer A Units U8 RW Y
63 Totalizer B Units U8 RW Y
64 Totalizer C Units U8 RW Y
65 Sensor line size U8 RW Y
66 Electrode Material Code U8 RW Y
67 Electrode Type Code U8 RW Y
68 Transmitter Tag A8 RW Y
72 Flange Material Code U8 RW Y
73 Flange Type U8 RW Y
74 Liner Material Code U8 RW Y
75 Base Time Units Code for Special Units U8 RW Y
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 189

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
76 Base Reference Units Code for Special Units U8 RW Y
77 Coil Drive Frequency U8 RW Y
78 Signal Processing Status U8 RW Y
79 Digital Signal Processing Operating Mode U8 RW Y
80 Signal Processing Number of Samples U16 RW Y
81 Flow Display Configuration U8 RW Y
83 LOI Language Configuration U8 RW Y
84 LOI Display Auto Lock Configuration U8 RW Y
85 Pulse Output Mode. U8 RW Y
86 Empty Pipe Trigger Counts U8 RW Y
87 Flowmeter Verification Limit – Empty Pipe condi-
88 Flowmeter Verification Limit – Flowing condition U8 RW Y
89 Flowmeter Verification Limit – No Flow condition U8 RW Y
90 Continuous Meter Verification Test U8 RW Y
91 Discrete I/O 1 directional control U8 RW Y
92 Discrete I/O 1 input condition U8 RW Y
93 Discrete I/O 1 output condition U8 RW Y
96 Discrete I/O 2 output condition U8 RW Y
97 Flow Limit 1 Mode U8 RW Y
98 Flow Limit 2 Mode U8 RW Y
99 Totalizer Limit Mode U8 RW Y
100 Totalizer A - Reset Configuration U8 RW Y
101 Totalizer A - Flow Direction Configuration U8 RW Y
102 Totalizer B - Reset Configuration U8 RW Y
103 Totalizer B - Flow Direction Configuration U8 RW Y
104 Totalizer C - Reset Configuration U8 RW Y
105 Totalizer C - Flow Direction Configuration U8 RW Y
106 Sensor Signature Select U8 RW Y
107 Meter Verification Test Scope (Test Input) U8 RW N
108 Meter Verification Test Condition (Test Input) U8 RW N
109 MODBUS Device Address U8 RW Y
110 Floating Point Byte Order U8 RW Y
111 Minimum Modbus Response Delay U8 RW Y
114 Modbus Protocol U8 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
190 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
115 Modbus Baud Rate U8 RW Y
116 Modbus Parity U8 RW Y
117 Modbus Stop Bits U8 RW Y
119 LOI Auto Lock Time U8 RW Y
120 Manufacturers Device Type Code U8 R N
121 Manufacturers Id Code U8 R N
122 LOI Backlight Control Configuration U8 RW Y
151 Device Identification Number U32 R N
153 Primary Variable Sensor Serial Number U32 RW Y
155 Final Assembly Number U32 RW Y
157 Diagnostic License Key U32 RW Y
197 Status Register 0
bit #0 - Sensor Out of Range
bit #1 - Empty Pipe Condition Detected
bit #2 - I/O Processor Failure
bit #3 - Pulse Output, Out of Range
bit #4 - Update Missed
bit #5 - Output at Alarm Level
bit #6 - Modbus Nonvolatile Memory Error
bit #7 - Pulse Output Fixed
bit #8 - EPROM Checksum Error
bit #9 - NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #10 - RAM Checksum Error
bit #11 - Factory NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #12 - Continuous Meter Verification Error
bit #13 - PZR Output is Active
bit #14 - Coil Drive Current is Zero
bit #15 - Reverse Flow Rate Detected
U16 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 191

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
198 Status Register 1
bit #0 - Internal Flow Simulation Test Error
bit #1 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too Low
bit #2 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too High
bit #3 - Auto Zero attempt with Nonzero flow
bit #4 - Totalizer Limit Alert 1
bit #5 - Universal Trim Failure
bit #6 - Flow Limit Alert 1
bit #7 - Flow Limit Alert 2
bit #8 - Electrode Coated Limit 1
bit #9 - Electrode Coated Limit 2
bit #10 - Excess Calibration Correction. GN too
bit #11 - Excess Calibration Correction, GN too
bit #12 - Calibration Attempt Without Calibrator
bit #13 - Grounding/Wiring Fault
bit #14 - High Process Noise Detected
bit #15 - Electronics Temperature Out of Range
U16 R N
199 Status Register 2
bit #0 - Digital I/O 1 Active
bit #1 - Digital Output 2 Active
bit #2 - Diagnostic Status Alert Active
bit #3 - Modbus in Listen Only mode
bit #4 - I/O Processor Comm Failure
bit #5 - Coil Over Current Detected
bit #6 - Sensor Electrode Saturated
bit #7 - Coil Power Limit
bit #8 - Electronics Failure
bit #9 - Coil Resistance Error
bit #10 - Coil Inductance Error
bit #11 - Digital Trim Failure
bit #12 - Reverse Flow Detected
bit #13 - Electrode Resistance Error
bit #14 - Auto Zero Failure
bit #15 - Reserved for Status bit
U16 R N
201 Flow rate F32 R N
203 Totalizer A Value F32 R N
205 Totalizer B Value F32 R N
207 Totalizer C Value F32 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
192 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
209 Electronics Temperature Value F32 R N
211 Line Noise Value F32 R N
213 5 Hz Signal to Noise Ratio (Value) F32 R N
215 37 Hz Signal to Noise Ratio (Value) F32 R N
217 Signal Power F32 R N
219 Empty Pipe Value F32 R N
221 Electrode Coating Value F32 R N
223 Internal Flow Simulator Percent Deviation (Con-
tinuous Meter Verification)
F32 R N
225 Electrode Resistance Value (Continuous Meter
F32 R N
227 Coil Resistance Value (Continuous Meter Verifica-
F32 R N
229 Coil Inductance Value (Continuous Meter Verifica-
F32 R N
231 Coil Inductance Deviation (Continuous Meter Ver-
F32 R N
233 Pulse Output Value F32 R N
235 Internal Flow Simulator Value (Continuous Meter
F32 R N
237 Coil Current F32 R N
261 Primary Variable Lower Sensor Limit F32 R N
263 Primary Variable Upper Sensor Limit F32 R N
267 Internal Flow Simulator Reference Value F32 R N
269 Internal Flow Simulator Value (Manual Meter Veri-
F32 R N
271 Internal Flow Simulator Deviation (Manual Meter
F32 R N
273 Coil Inductance Deviation (Manual Meter Verifica-
F32 R N
275 Coil Inductance value (Manual Meter Verification) F32 R N
277 Coil Resistance value (Manual Meter Verification) F32 R N
279 Electrode Resistance value (Manual Meter Verifi-
F32 R N
281 Electrode Coating Max Resistance Value F32 R N
283 Auto Zero Offset F32 R N
285 Coil Inductance Signature Value F32 R Y
287 Coil Resistance Signature Value F32 R Y
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 193

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
289 Electrode Resistance Signature Value F32 R Y
321 Flow Damping Value F32 RW Y
323 Conversion Factor for Special Units F32 RW Y
325 Low Flow Cutoff Value F32 RW Y
327 Pulse Scaling Factor F32 RW Y
329 Pulse Output Width (milliseconds) F32 RW Y
331 Universal Flow Rate F32 RW Y
333 Process Density Value F32 RW Y
335 Empty Pipe Trigger Level F32 RW Y
337 Flow Limit 1 High Value F32 RW Y
339 Flow Limit 1 Low Value F32 RW Y
341 Flow Limit 2 High Value F32 RW Y
343 Flow Limit 2 Low Value F32 RW Y
345 Flow Limit Hysteresis F32 RW Y
347 Totalizer High Limit Value F32 RW Y
349 Totalizer Low Limit Value F32 RW Y
351 Totalizier Hysteresis Limit F32 RW Y
353 Electrode Coating Threshold Level 1 F32 RW Y
355 Electrode Coating Threshold Level 2 F32 RW Y
359 Fixed Pulse Output Value (Write a 0 to clear) F32 RW Y
361 Signal Processing Percent Limit F32 RW Y
363 Signal Processing Time Limit F32 RW Y
409 Special Flow Rate Unit A4 RW Y
411 Special Volume Unit A4 RW Y
413 Sensor Calibration Number A16 RW Y
421 Long Tag A32 RW Y
437 Message A32 RW Y
453 Flow Tube Tag A8 RW Y
457 Descriptor A16 RW Y
651 Slot 0 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
652 Slot 1 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
653 Slot 2 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
654 Slot 3 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
655 Slot 4 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
656 Slot 5 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
Mobus Coil and Register Map
194 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
657 Slot 6 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
658 Slot 7 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
659 Slot 8 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
660 Slot 9 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
661 Slot 10 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
662 Slot 11 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
663 Slot 12 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
664 Slot 13 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
665 Slot 14 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
666 Slot 15 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
667 Slot 16 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
668 Slot 17 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
669 Slot 18 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
670 Slot 19 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
671 Slot 20 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
672 Slot 21 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
673 Slot 22 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
674 Slot 23 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
675 Slot 24 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
676 Slot 25 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
677 Slot 26 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
678 Slot 27 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
679 Slot 28 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
680 Slot 29 Transmitter Variable Index U8 RW Y
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 195

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
687 Status Register 0
bit #0 - Sensor Out of Range
bit #1 - Empty Pipe Condition Detected
bit #2 - I/O Processor Failure
bit #3 - Pulse Output, Out of Range
bit #4 - Update Missed
bit #5 - Output at Alarm Level
bit #6 - Modbus Nonvolatile Memory Error
bit #7 - Pulse Output Fixed
bit #8 - EPROM Checksum Error
bit #9 - NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #10 - RAM Checksum Error
bit #11 - Factory NOVRAM Checksum Error
bit #12 - Continuous Meter Verification Error
bit #13 - PZR Output is Active
bit #14 - Coil Drive Current is Zero
bit #15 - Reverse Flow Rate Detected
U16 R N
688 Status Register 1
bit #0 - Internal Flow Simulation Test Error
bit #1 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too Low
bit #2 - Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too High
bit #3 - Auto Zero attempt with Nonzero flow
bit #4 - Totalizer Limit Alert 1
bit #5 - Universal Trim Failure
bit #6 - Flow Limit Alert 1
bit #7 - Flow Limit Alert 2
bit #8 - Electrode Coated Limit 1
bit #9 - Electrode Coated Limit 2
bit #10 - Excess Calibration Correction. GN too
bit #11 - Excess Calibration Correction, GN too
bit #12 - Calibration Attempt Without Calibrator
bit #13 - Grounding/Wiring Fault
bit #14 - High Process Noise Detected
bit #15 - Electronics Temperature Out of Range
U16 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
196 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
689 Status Register 2
bit #0 - Digital I/O 1 Active
bit #1 - Digital Output 2 Active
bit #2 - Diagnostic Status Alert Active
bit #3 - Modbus in Listen Only mode
bit #4 - I/O Processor Comm Failure
bit #5 - Coil Over Current Detected
bit #6 - Sensor Electrode Saturated
bit #7 - Coil Power Limit
bit #8 - Electronics Failure
bit #9 - Coil Resistance Error
bit #10 - Coil Inductance Error
bit #11 - Digital Trim Failure
bit #12 - Reverse Flow Detected
bit #13 - Electrode Resistance Error
bit #14 - Auto Zero Failure
bit #15 - Reserved for Status bit
U16 R N
691 Slot 0 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
693 Slot 1 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
695 Slot 2 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
697 Slot 3 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
699 Slot 4 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
701 Slot 5 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
703 Slot 6 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
705 Slot 7 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
707 Slot 8 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
709 Slot 9 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
711 Slot 10 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
713 Slot 11 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
715 Slot 12 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
717 Slot 13 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
719 Slot 14 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
721 Slot 15 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
723 Slot 16 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
725 Slot 17 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
727 Slot 18 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
729 Slot 19 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 197

Modbus registers (continued)Table C-1:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
731 Slot 20 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
733 Slot 21 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
735 Slot 22 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
737 Slot 23 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
739 Slot 24 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
741 Slot 25 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
743 Slot 26 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
745 Slot 27 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
747 Slot 28 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
749 Slot 29 Transmitter Variable F32 R N
1137 Attached Core Software revision U16 R N
1138 Board Type (see board type codes table) U16 R N
1162 Device Type Code for attached Core U8 R N
Modbus coilsTable C-2:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
1 Sensor Out of Range U8 R N
2 Empty Pipe Condition Detected U8 R N
3 I/O Processor Failure U8 R N
4 Pulse Output, Out of Range U8 R N
5 Update Missed U8 R N
6 Output at Alarm Level U8 R N
7 Modbus Nonvolatile Memory Error U8 R N
8 Pulse Output Fixed U8 R N
9 EPROM Checksum Error U8 R N
10 NOVRAM Checksum Error U8 R N
11 RAM Checksum Error U8 R N
12 Factory NOVRAM Checksum Error U8 R N
13 Continuous Meter Verification Error U8 R N
14 PZR Output is Active U8 R N
15 Coil Drive Current is Zero U8 R N
16 Reverse Flow Rate Detected U8 R N
17 Internal Flow Simulation Test Error U8 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
198 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus coils (continued)Table C-2:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
18 Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too Low U8 R N
19 Excess Auto Zero Correction, ZR too High U8 R N
20 Auto Zero attempt with Nonzero flow U8 R N
21 Totalizer Limit Alert 1 U8 R N
22 Universal Trim Failure U8 R N
23 Flow Limit Alert 1 U8 R N
24 Flow Limit Alert 2 U8 R N
25 Electrode Coated Limit 1 U8 R N
26 Electrode Coated Limit 2 U8 R N
27 Excess Calibration Correction. GN too Low U8 R N
28 Excess Calibration Correction, GN too High U8 R N
29 Calibration Attempt Without Calibrator U8 R N
30 Grounding/Wiring Fault U8 R N
31 High Process Noise Detected U8 R N
32 Electronics Temperature Out of Range U8 R N
33 Digital I/O 1 Active U8 R N
34 Digital Output 2 Active U8 R N
35 Diagnostic Status Alert Active U8 R N
36 Modbus in Listen Only mode U8 R N
37 I/O Processor Comm Failure U8 R N
38 Coil Over Current Detected U8 R N
39 Sensor Electrode Saturated U8 R N
40 Coil Power Limit U8 R N
41 Electronics Failure U8 R N
42 Coil Resistance Error U8 R N
43 Coil Inductance Error U8 R N
44 Digital Trim Failure U8 R N
45 Reverse Flow Detected U8 R N
46 Electrode Resistance Error U8 R N
47 Auto Zero Failure U8 R N
65 Write Protect Switch State U8 R N
66 Update In Progress U8 R N
67 License Status - High Process Noise U8 R N
68 License Status - Grounding/Wiring U8 R N
69 License Status - Digital I/O U8 R N
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 199

Modbus coils (continued)Table C-2:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
70 License Status - Meter Verification U8 R N
71 License Status - Electrode Coating U8 R N
97 Enable/Disable Flow Limit Alert 1 U8 RW Y
98 Enable/Disable Flow Limit Alert 2 U8 RW Y
99 Enable/Disable Reverse Flow U8 RW Y
100 Lock/Unlock LOI U8 RW Y
101 Start/Stop All Totalizers U8 RW N
103 Reset All Totals U8 RW N
104 Reset Totalizer A U8 RW N
105 Reset Totalizer B U8 RW N
106 Reset Totalizer C U8 RW N
107 Enable/Disable Totalizer Limit Alert U8 RW Y
108 Perform Transmitter Self Test U8 RW N
109 Perform Electronics Trim U8 RW Y
110 Perform Auto Zero Trim U8 RW Y
111 Perform Universal Trim U8 RW Y
112 Perform Meter Verification U8 RW N
113 Perform Sensor Signature U8 RW Y
114 Perform Recall Last Saved Sensor Signature U8 RW Y
115 Perform Clear Electrode Coating Max Value U8 RW N
116 Perform Master Reset U8 RW Y
117 Enable/Disable Empty Pipe Detection U8 RW Y
118 Enable/Disable High Process Noise Detection U8 RW Y
119 Enable/Disable Grounding/Wiring Fault Detection U8 RW Y
120 Enable/Disable Electronics Temperature Detec-
121 Enable/Disable Electrode Coating Detection U8 RW Y
122 Enable/Disable Continuous Meter Verfication Coil
123 Enable/Disable Continuous Meter Verfication
Electrode Test
124 Enable/Disable Continuous Meter Verfication
Transmitter Test
126 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Electron-
ics Failure
127 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Coil Open
Mobus Coil and Register Map
200 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Modbus coils (continued)Table C-2:   
Register Description
Work Level
Write Pro-
128 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Empty
129 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Reverse
130 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Ground/
Wiring Fault
131 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - High
Process Noise
132 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Elect
Temp Out of Range
133 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Electrode
Coating Limit 1
134 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Electrode
Coating Limit 2
135 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Continu-
ous Meter Verification
136 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Coil Over
137 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Sensor
Electrode Saturated
138 Enable/Disable Diagnostic Status Alert - Coil Pow-
er Limit
139 Enable/Disable Totalizer Start/Stop Write Protect U8 RW Y
140 Enable/Disable Totalizer Reset Write Protect U8 RW Y
141 Enable/disable totalizer start/stop from LOI U8 RW Y
142 Enable/disable totalizer reset from LOI U8 RW Y
Mobus Coil and Register Map
Reference manual 201

Mobus Coil and Register Map
202 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Appendix D
Wiring Diagrams
Reference manual 203

Wiring Diagrams
D.1 Installation and wiring drawings
Wiring Diagrams
204 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Wiring Diagrams
Reference manual 205

Wiring Diagrams
206 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Wiring Diagrams
Reference manual 207

Wiring Diagrams
208 Rosemount
 8750W Transmitter with Modbus Protocol Reference Manual

Wiring Diagrams
Reference manual 209

Rev AA
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Как уже писал не раз, нормального, рабочего форума или сайта для общения специалистов по автоматизации практически не существует.
Есть форумы АСУТПшников, есть какие-то сайты по КИПиА, но чего-то «глобального» нет.
Так что буду использовать это сообщество для того, чтобы делиться опытом- жалко будет, если этот опыт пропадёт.

И как и раньше предлагаю делиться хитростями своих профессий в этом сообществе.
Ведь возможно, кому-то эти записи помогут — Интернет «выплюнет» ответ на Ваш поисковый запрос со ссылкой на это сообщество.

Думаю, что многие мои Коллеги, копаясь в дебрях меню настройки волноводных радарных уровнемеров ROSEMONT как 3300(3301, 3302), так и 5300(5301, 5302) натыкались на такую строчку

Ещё в далеком сейчас 2003 году искал ответ, на то, как-же это сделать?
Специалисты Emerson, с которыми приходилось общаться, чёткого ответа на этот вопрос не давали, говорили что-то типа того, что мол нужен ключ, пароль, для входа в меню обновления(разумеется, не бесплатный, покупаемый у EMERSON)

Но жизнь заставила найти ответ на этот вопрос.
Поставленная нам фирмой EXTERRAN компрессорная установка порой подкидывает разные головоломки, коих за 2 года была масса.
Были ошибочно подобраны длины зондов уровнемеров скрубберов 1й и 2й ступени — на графике эхосигнала появлялся пик от патрубка.
Проблемы решили заменой зондов, благо они одностержневые.
Кстати, прекрасно удлиняются и варятся переходным электродом, если что.

Но появилась другая проблема.
Несмотря на то, что входной сепаратор ДКС отлично отбивает жидкость, в скрубберах компрессорных установок начала расслаиваться жидкость.
Увы, газовый конденсат не нефть, пик газового конденсата совсем маленький, по сравнению с водой.

Отстроиться от пика воды никак не получалось, со всеми «вытекающими» — уровень в скруббере аварийный, а уровнемер показывает что уровень в нём процентов 20.
Перепробовали все методы, даже вызывали специалиста EMERSON, который разумеется, так ничего и не смог сделать.
Не хвастаюсь, но спеца из EMERSONа я СУМЕЛ УДИВИТЬ!

Думаю, многие КИПаря, работающие с радарными волноводными уровнемерами EMERSON, знают один «ЧУДНЫЙ ПРИКОЛ»!
Да, да, я о снятии зависания процессора уровнемера, именно о нём!
Ещё в далёком 2003, на 3301 и 3302, мы случайно это обнаружили.

В общем, бывает, процессор уровнемера зависает наглухо, ни на что не реагирует ни на команду «factory reset» ни отключение питания.
Снять зависание можно так
В 80% случаях помогает.

Когда я это показал спецу из EMERSON(копался в меню и «повесил» уровнемер), у него полезли на лоб глаза — не поверил!
Начал звонить в свою контору. Судя по голосу, ответил ему мужик моего возраста и с неохотой признал
-Знаем мы этот прикол…

Да, в версии уровнемеров 3300, была хорошая команда — «ОЧИСТКА ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ EEPROM» В 5300 её нет.
Реально помогала, особенно в случае измерения раздела фаз.
Как говорил один из спецов EMERSON, уровнемер постоянно что-то пишет в память, какие-то «логи», поправки. Как память заполнится, могут начаться «глюки».

Но это так, думаю, полезная информация.

Что же с нашими уровнемерами скрубберов?
Написал служебную записку, составил акт о необходимости изменения прошивки наших уровнемеров 5301(измерение только текущего уровня), на прошивку 5302( уровень и раздел фаз)
Для пробы поставили трансмиттер 5302, на скруббер 1й ступени компрессора.
Как я и думал — всё стало «окейно», никаких ошибок, аварийных остановок по уровню

Мой босс связался с «Метраном», который фактически EMERSON и как оказалось, для изменения прошивки нужно ОТПРАВИТЬ УРОВНЕМЕРЫ(точнее «головы», трансмиттеры) на Метран.
Цена прошивки 2х уровнемеров около 60.000 рублей.
Недорого, если учесть что разница в цене между 5301 и 5302, около 1000…2000 долларов(цены не актуальны, это старые данные, давно заказом оборудования не занимался).

Вчера опробовали во время пуска компрессорной установки

Всё отлично!

Как видите это ROSEMOUNT 5301
Видно и серийный номер
А вот мастер настройки


Хорошо видны пики воды и конденсата
-Думаю, даже не профессионалу понятна разница в высоте пиков.

Небольшое видео, это первый слив жидкости из скруббера после пуска компрессорной установки

РАЗУМЕЕТСЯ! Первичная переменная это уровень!
Вторичная переменная, раздел фаз, Interfase level в нашем случае отражается только на дисплее прибора. Вся эта «мутка» только для корректного измерения текущего уровня, взлива!
В общем, теперь прибор понимает, что жидкость двухфазная и пик воды определяет как пик раздела(прошу прощения за банальные истины!)

Ну и просто немного фото, для «наполнения» записи
Прикольно бы такое видеть на своей тачке!(данные по температуре газового промышленного двигателя CAT G3520B)


Ну и шкаф управления компрессорной установкой

Возможно что для многих перепрошивка 5300 на 5302 не новость, но скажу честно -до этого никто мне так и давал ЧЁТКОГО ответа, как это сделать .

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