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«Ошибка выполнения 380: недопустимое значение свойства» Эта ошибка возникает при открытии существующего стандартного блока FRx (строка, столбец, каталог или дерево).
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- Run time error 380 vba excel
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- Как исправить время выполнения Ошибка 380 Ошибка Excel 380
- «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
- Runtime error 380 when trying to set RowSource property of ComboBox in VBA in Excel 2010 Pro x64
- Der Hexer
- Thread: [RESOLVED] Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- [RESOLVED] Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
- Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
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Run time error 380 vba excel
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I have a workbook with a user form containing a lot of different text boxes, combo boxes and check boxes all linked to cells in a worksheet with the ControlSource property.
At first when the workbook is opened and the the user form is opened everything works well and all the controls are linked correctly to the cells in the worksheet. The problem arise when the workbook has been open for a while and you try to open the user form and then it won’t work anymore and the following error message is given:
So the problem is that the error doesn’t occur all the time the user form is opened and initiated it occurs after a while, and when the error has occurred the workbook has to be closed and reopened for the user form to work again. So as far as I can see the ControlSource property is not given an invalid property value.
Does anyone recognize this error and know how to fix it?
Since it doesn’t occur all the time I had a thought that it might be a bug in Excel, could it be like that?
Как исправить время выполнения Ошибка 380 Ошибка Excel 380
В этой статье представлена ошибка с номером Ошибка 380, известная как Ошибка Excel 380, описанная как Ошибка 380: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Excel. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим свои извинения за неудобства.
Информация об ошибке
Имя ошибки: Ошибка Excel 380
Номер ошибки: Ошибка 380
Описание: Ошибка 380: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Excel. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим свои извинения за неудобства.
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Excel
Разработчик: Microsoft
Этот инструмент исправления может устранить такие распространенные компьютерные ошибки, как BSODs, зависание системы и сбои. Он может заменить отсутствующие файлы операционной системы и библиотеки DLL, удалить вредоносное ПО и устранить вызванные им повреждения, а также оптимизировать ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности.
О программе Runtime Ошибка 380
Время выполнения Ошибка 380 происходит, когда Microsoft Excel дает сбой или падает во время запуска, отсюда и название. Это не обязательно означает, что код был каким-то образом поврежден, просто он не сработал во время выполнения. Такая ошибка появляется на экране в виде раздражающего уведомления, если ее не устранить. Вот симптомы, причины и способы устранения проблемы.
Определения (Бета)
Здесь мы приводим некоторые определения слов, содержащихся в вашей ошибке, в попытке помочь вам понять вашу проблему. Эта работа продолжается, поэтому иногда мы можем неправильно определить слово, так что не стесняйтесь пропустить этот раздел!
- Excel — только для вопросов по программированию с объектами или файлами Excel или по разработке сложных формул.
Симптомы Ошибка 380 — Ошибка Excel 380
Ошибки времени выполнения происходят без предупреждения. Сообщение об ошибке может появиться на экране при любом запуске %программы%. Фактически, сообщение об ошибке или другое диалоговое окно может появляться снова и снова, если не принять меры на ранней стадии.
Возможны случаи удаления файлов или появления новых файлов. Хотя этот симптом в основном связан с заражением вирусом, его можно отнести к симптомам ошибки времени выполнения, поскольку заражение вирусом является одной из причин ошибки времени выполнения. Пользователь также может столкнуться с внезапным падением скорости интернет-соединения, но, опять же, это не всегда так.
(Ошибка Excel 380) Repair Tool»/>
(Только для примера)
Причины Ошибка Excel 380 — Ошибка 380
При разработке программного обеспечения программисты составляют код, предвидя возникновение ошибок. Однако идеальных проектов не бывает, поскольку ошибки можно ожидать даже при самом лучшем дизайне программы. Глюки могут произойти во время выполнения программы, если определенная ошибка не была обнаружена и устранена во время проектирования и тестирования.
Ошибки во время выполнения обычно вызваны несовместимостью программ, запущенных в одно и то же время. Они также могут возникать из-за проблем с памятью, плохого графического драйвера или заражения вирусом. Каким бы ни был случай, проблему необходимо решить немедленно, чтобы избежать дальнейших проблем. Ниже приведены способы устранения ошибки.
Методы исправления
Ошибки времени выполнения могут быть раздражающими и постоянными, но это не совсем безнадежно, существует возможность ремонта. Вот способы сделать это.
Если метод ремонта вам подошел, пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку upvote слева от ответа, это позволит другим пользователям узнать, какой метод ремонта на данный момент работает лучше всего.
«run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
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«run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
New member here, 1st post so please be gentle and helpful!
I’m trying to run a macro that used to work on my old work pc using excel 2003 however I’ve now been upgraded to a new pc and have windows 2013 and one of my buttons doesn’t work, Every other button in the spreadsheet work when clicked except the main one.
when I go into VBA and debug it shows the following message
But I have no idea where to look as I didn’t no build this at the start.
please help me!
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Is there a particular line of code that is highlighted when the error shows?
1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 — 573PH3N H4WK1NG
You don’t have to add Rep if I have helped you out (but it would be nice), but please mark the thread as SOLVED if your issue is resolved.
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Assuming both the sheet and the VBA projected are unprotected (if not, unprotect them), right click on the button that’s giving the error and click ‘Assign Macro’.
In the window that appears you’ll see a list of all macros within the project with the one that’s selected listed in the very top section. Click the ‘Edit’ button. Now you’ll see the page of code that the macro exists on. Copy the entire macro from SUB [macroname] to END SUB. Paste it in here and we’ll have a look.
if you really want to speed up problem solving, run the macro and on the error window click ‘Debug’. It’ll take you back to the code window with the line of code that doesn’t work highlighted in yellow. Copy that here.
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Sub Book()
‘ On Error GoTo Err_Book
If Sheets(«Staff»).[N1]
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Sub Book()
‘ On Error GoTo Err_Book
If Sheets(«Staff»).[N1]
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Assuming both the sheet and the VBA projected are unprotected (if not, unprotect them), right click on the button that’s giving the error and click ‘Assign Macro’.
In the window that appears you’ll see a list of all macros within the project with the one that’s selected listed in the very top section. Click the ‘Edit’ button. Now you’ll see the page of code that the macro exists on. Copy the entire macro from SUB [macroname] to END SUB. Paste it in here and we’ll have a look.
if you really want to speed up problem solving, run the macro and on the error window click ‘Debug’. It’ll take you back to the code window with the line of code that doesn’t work highlighted in yellow. Copy that here.
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Last edited by 5haks; 08-11-2017 at 04:05 AM .
Runtime error 380 when trying to set RowSource property of ComboBox in VBA in Excel 2010 Pro x64
Der Hexer
New Member
Hello everyone,
I have a problem and I hope someone can help me with this. In the first place the problem sounds like one of the typical standard mistakes but I think in this case it is different.
I will try to explain, using an example what the problem is:
- I have two worksheets «Tests» and «Definitions». In the «Definitions»-Worksheet I created three columns, each containing different physical units.
- The names of these ranges are stored in the workbook space.
- Then I have a small table containing these three names: «Pressure, Temperature, Force»
- On the worksheet «Tests» I have a small table with two cells that use data validation.
- The first cells data validation is connected to the table containing the range names
- The second ones data validation is linked to the first cell by the INDIRECT macro.
Everything works fine in that worksheet. The user can pick the type of physical quantity (e.g. Pressure) in the first cell and the list of the second cell is than populated with pressure units.
Now I tried to use this table as base for my user form. So I placed two ComboBoxes, namely «ComboBox1» and «ComboBox2» on that form. I than initialized the ComboBoxes as follows:
Unfortunately ComboBox2 isn’t filled with the list of units according to the selection of ComboBox1, but an Error is raised instead:
Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the RowSource property
The WS.Cells(5, 3).Validation.Formula1 is defined as =INDIRECT($C$4) .
So can someone tell me what the reason for that error is, because I think that the validation formula is correct so far.
Thank You in advance.
System specifications:
MS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
MS Excel Professional Plus 2010 (Version 14.0.7106.5003, x64)
Thread: [RESOLVED] Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
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[RESOLVED] Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
I need some help below.
I have created an array with multiple columns and assigned into the combobox.list with the combo setting of:
The .BoundColumn and .Text Column are pointing to different column.
I am assigning the value into the combobox from the background in vba
After entering the number, it give me the error.
«Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value»
How can i resolve this issue?
Last edited by Hayanegg; Aug 29th, 2021 at 06:53 PM .
Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
This looks like it might come from VBA. Is that right?
Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
Well I do not know about Excel VBA but in VB if you have the combo box style set to drop down list and try to set the text it must match one of the entries in the list for it to be valid.
Could it be that code is executing before the list is populated? or the value entered in the input box is not valid in the list?
Re: Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
Thanks everyone for the help. I think i have found my error. When i set the array, my first column is an integer. Somehow when i set the combobox.value, it didnt recognize it is the same type, it must be text data type. After i change my first column array to text, it is working as expected.
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- [RESOLVED] Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the value property. Invalid property value
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I have a workbook with a user form containing a lot of different text boxes, combo boxes and check boxes all linked to cells in a worksheet with the ControlSource property.
TextBox1.ControlSource = Sheet1.Range("A1").Address
At first when the workbook is opened and the the user form is opened everything works well and all the controls are linked correctly to the cells in the worksheet. The problem arise when the workbook has been open for a while and you
try to open the user form and then it won’t work anymore and the following error message is given:Run-time error '380': Could not set the ControlSource property. Invalid property value.
So the problem is that the error doesn’t occur all the time the user form is opened and initiated it occurs after a while, and when the error has occurred the workbook has to be closed and reopened for the user form to work again. So as far as I can
see the ControlSource property is not given an invalid property value.Does anyone recognize this error and know how to fix it?
Since it doesn’t occur all the time I had a thought that it might be a bug in Excel, could it be like that?
Very grateful for
answers,Mårten Fredriksson
Please download the sample file from this link
This sample file uses absolutely a different approach which I have also covered in this link.
Topic: VBA – Control Arrays
http://siddharthrout.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/vba-control-arrays/Code Used
In Class Module
Public WithEvents TextBoxEvents As MSForms.TextBox Public WithEvents CheckBoxEvents As MSForms.CheckBox Public TBIndex As Long, CBIndex As Long Private Sub TextBoxEvents_Change() Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & TBIndex).Value = TextBoxEvents.Text End Sub Private Sub CheckBoxEvents_Click() Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & CBIndex).Value = CheckBoxEvents.Value End Sub
In Userform
Option Explicit Dim Text1Array() As New Class1 Dim Text2Array() As New Class1 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Long, j As Long, TBCtl As Control For Each TBCtl In Me.Controls If TypeOf TBCtl Is MSForms.TextBox Then i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve Text1Array(1 To i) Set Text1Array(i).TextBoxEvents = TBCtl Text1Array(i).TBIndex = i End If If TypeOf TBCtl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then j = j + 1 ReDim Preserve Text2Array(1 To j) Set Text2Array(j).CheckBoxEvents = TBCtl Text2Array(j).CBIndex = j End If Next TBCtl Set TBCtl = Nothing End Sub
Sid (A good exercise for the Heart is to bend down and help another up)
Please do not email me your questions. I do not answer questions by email unless I get paid for it
If you want, create a thread in Excel forum and email me the link and I will help you if I can.
Marked as answer by
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:50 AM
Marked as answer by
Speed up your computer today with this simple download.
If you are getting a visual Basic 6 Runtime Error 380 error code, this article is written to help you. An outdated or corrupted graphics card driver can cause Runtime Error 380 (Update Attempt) to restart in safe mode. Run a system list check with sfc /scannow. Run application as administrator (right click, run as administrator)
A flat or corrupted video card driver can cause runtime error 380 (attempt to update). Reboot in safe mode. Run System File Checker sfc /scannow. Run application as admin name (right click, from run admin name)
<div style=»box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 0px 1px 3px 0px, rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.15) 0px 0px 0px 1px;padding:20px 10px 20px 10px;»>
<p><h2 id=»4″><span class=»ez-toc-section» id=»What_is_runtime_error_in_Visual_Basic»></span>What is runtime error in Visual Basic?<span class=»ez-toc-section-end»></span></h2>
<p>runtime error application When Visual Basic attempts to perform an action that the system cannot perform, a run-time error occurs and Visual Basic throws an exception object. The base visual can generate custom errors of any data type, objects including exceptions, using the throw statement.</p>
<p><span itemprop=»author» itemscope=»» itemtype=»https://schema.org/Person»><a><span itemprop=»name»>shena</a><i role=»Presentation»>0<span itemprop=»jobTitle»>junior poster in</p>
<p> training
Hi everyone,
I have a form created for populating list view items, which will probably allow the user to view, update, validate, and delete model entries. But when I run the project, “380” comes up: runtime confusion Invalid property value. click I on it if you want to debug the line selection, as shown in the code below. Please help me solve this nightmare I’ve been struggling with for over a week.
Public search with boolean subtitleprivate As cmdMMDelete_Click()Dim bDMMaster I BooleanbDMMaster=falsebecause To 1 implies Me.LVMMaster.ListItems.Count If Me.LVMMaster.ListItems(i).Checked = True Then Me.DELETE_MODEL_MASTER(Me.LVMMaster.ListItems(i).ListSubitems(1)) = bDMMaster True end ifnextIf bDMMaster = true "Save, thenmsgbox removed", vbInformationDifferentMsgBox "Not removed, save to checkbox set to remove", vbCriticalend ifCall GET_LV_MODEL_MASTERend underPrivate sublen (I cmdSave_Click()If.txtModel.Text) = 0 then "Erase Msgbox VbCritical Away model', boatEnd of underwater RECORD_EXIST(I ifif.txtModel.Text) = True ThenDB.Execute "update MODEL_MASTER set BOXID = '" & Me.txtBoxID.Text & "'," & _"MODEL_DESCRIPTION='" & Me.txtDescription.Text & "' where MODEL_NAME='" & Me.txtModel.Text & "'"DifferentDB.Execute "insert into MODEL_MASTER(MODEL_NAME,BOXID,MODEL_DESCRIPTION) VALUES('" & Me.txtModel.Text & _"','" & Me.txtBoxID.Text & "','" & Me.txtDescription."')"MsgBox text and "Save save!", vbInformationend ifCall GET_LV_MODEL_MASTERprivate end underbelow = trueI cmdSearch_Click()Search.GET_LV_MODEL_MASTERend underForm_Load under = private() 'bmodelmaster FalseCall GET_LV_MODEL_MASTERend under underprivate LVMMaster_Click()Error continue NextDim rs like Adodb new. like recordsetdim string sqlsql = FROM "select * where model_master, MODEL_NAME = '" & Me.LVMMaster.SelectedItem.ListSubItems(1).Text & "'"rs.SQL, .open .DB, .adLockReadOnlyWith .adOpenStatic, .rs . . .Do .While .Don't ..EOF Me.txtBoxID.Text = Me.LVMMaster.SelectedItem.ListSubItems(2).Text Me.txtModel.Text = Me.LVMMaster.SelectedItem.ListSubItems(1).Text Me.txtDescription.Text = Me.LVMMaster.SelectedItem.ListSubItems(3).Text .MoveNextribbonfinish withprivate end undersubparameter strExtract txtModel_LostFocus() chain like txtModel.Text = UCase(txtModel.Text) For i = 1 in Len(txtModel.Text) If Middle(txtModel.Text, i, 1) Then "-" = Other strExtract StrExtract = &mid(txtmodel.Text, one, 1) end if next Me.txtBoxID.Text implies strExtractend underGET_LV_MODEL_MASTER() functionMe.LVMMaster.ListItems.ClearDim rs as new ADODB.RecordsetDim sql as stringDarken an element as a list elementCall ConnectDB themSql on implies "select from * MODEL_MASTER"If Search = True Thensql = " sql & where MODEL_NAME is like '%' & Me.txtModel.Text & "%'"end ifrs.Open SQL, DB, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnlywith RSDo without .EOFSet lItem = Me.LVMMaster.ListItems.Add[B]lItem.SubItems(1) = !model_name[/B] '>>>> this important fact stringlItem.SubItems(2) = !BOXIDIf IsNull(!MODEL_DESCRIPTION) = True ThenDifferentlItem.SubItems(3) = !MODEL_DESCRIPTIONend if.MoveNextribbonfinish withsearch = falseoutput functionDELETE_MODEL_MASTER function (ByVal model_name as string)DB."delete is fired during Where model_master & model_name model_name='" & "'"output functionFunction RECORD_EXIST(ByVal As model_name As string) Rs As booleandim new ADODB.RecordsetDim sql as stringDim element element as listsql "Select * From MODEL_MASTER = MODEL_NAME='" where&model_name&"'"rs.Open SQL, DB, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnlywith RSDo without .EOF RECORD_EXIST = True.From nextribbonfeature participationend of end of movement
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How do I fix invalid property value?
The “Update to invalid property” error usually does not indicate a different invalid data setting in Windows. To handle an invalid data setting in Windows: Right-click on the system lightbar clock. All you have to do is make sure the time settings are correct morning/evening, (time, date, year, time zone).
Is your list view property visible? report..
I do a list search like this..
Do until rs.EOF ListView1.ListItems.Add , , rs!model_name ListView1.ListItems.Item(ListView1.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , rs!BOXID ListView1.ListItems.Item(ListView1.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , rs!Description rs.MoveNextLoop
You can do it like this…
Is yours
Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don’t wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!
Can the property list be a view of this report?..
I make a list of elements like this..
Do until rs.EOF ListView1.ListItems.Add! rs! model name ListView1.ListItems.Item(ListView1.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , rs!BOXID ListView1.ListItems.Item(ListView1.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , rs!Description rs.MoveNextLoop
<div style=»box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 0px 1px 3px 0px, rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.15) 0px 0px 0px 1px;padding:20px 10px 20px 10px;»>
<p><h2 id=»2″><span class=»ez-toc-section» id=»What_is_runtime_error_in_Visual_Basic-2″></span>What is runtime error in Visual Basic?<span class=»ez-toc-section-end»></span></h2>
<p>runtime error If a Visual Basic application tries to take an approach that the system cannot take, a run-time error occurs and Visual Basic throws an Exception object. Visual Basic can generate custom errors of almost any type of data, including exception objects that are thrown using the Throw statement.</p>
<p><span itemprop=»author» itemscope=»» itemtype=»https://schema.org/Person»><a><span itemprop=»name»>shena</a> <i role=»Presentation»>0<span Aboutdisplays itemprop=»jobTitle»>Juniors on</p>
<p>We are training</p>
<p> friendly industry team of developers, IT specialists, marketing meetings,and on digital services, passionate learning and knowledge sharing.
What does Run-Time error 380 mean?
Runtime error 380 is just the actual code telling you that a particular link in a chain of hyperlinks is broken.is denial or insecure and may not execute commands that would normally allow what you create to load. Typically this is a corruption and a problem/problems with names in the visual’s base directory.
I never installed it, I just copied the executable and ran it.
What does run-time error 380 mean?
Runtime error 380 is just a code telling you that a certain link in the chain is corrupted or unsafe and cannot execute commands that allow you to do everything your website is trying to do. In this case, it’s still a problem with root names and corruption/problems in the Visual Basics directory.
Without going into too much detail…unless you know the real text you’re doing… ALWAYS-ALWAYS-ALWAYS build an installation package (i.e. bundled with dependencies) if it’s valid -Use vb Classic for programming netbook other . To create a package:
Menu 1.VB -> Add-ins Add-in -> -> Deployment and Packaging Manager Wizard Click -> and Loaded/Unloaded OK.
2. VB Menu -> -> Add-Ins Deployment and Package Wizard
6. Continue to click Next and the Finish screen appears. On the exit screen, you can either give the script a meaningful name or use the default chk (“Dep 1”). This (whatever you choose, make a mental note of the name for later)Its use.)
9. Click the “Pack” button again. When prompted for help recompiling, click Yes.
ten.On the “Select Deployment Script” screen, make sure the “With Script” drop-down menu matches the name of the animation script you used in step 6. Click “Next”.
11. The screen will display “Default package type, please select installation package” and click “Next”.
12. On the “Package Folder screen”, enter the specific folder where you want to place the installation guide. If you use the default value, provide a note indicating its location.
13. Then click Next. The “Done” screen appears. Click Done.
15. Navigate in explorer to package folder Windows Step 16 through above. We all copy the current files to the folder on and the client starts the setup. The installer will install your program. Indeed, the Installer works and saves during installation all your files on which those depend. The installer creates a powerful add/remove program entry. The installer creates this itemstart menu for your program.
Speed up your computer today with this simple download.
Visual Basic 6 런타임 오류 380을 수정하는 방법
Come Correggere L’errore Di Runtime 380 Di Visual Basic 6
Como Corrigir O Erro De Tempo De Execução 380 Do Visual Basic 6
Cómo Reparar El Error De Tiempo De Ejecución De Visual Basic 6 380
Как исправить ошибку выполнения Visual Basic 6 380
So Beheben Sie Den Visual Basic 6-Laufzeitfehler 380
Så Här Fixar Du Visual Basic 6 Runtime Error 380
Hoe Visual Basic 6 Runtime Error 380 Op Te Lossen
Jak Naprawić Błąd środowiska Wykonawczego Visual Basic 6 380
Comment Réparer L’erreur D’exécution 380 De Visual Basic 6
08-10-2017, 10:32 AM
Registered User
«run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
New member here, 1st post so please be gentle and helpful!
I’m trying to run a macro that used to work on my old work pc using excel 2003 however I’ve now been upgraded to a new pc and have windows 2013 and one of my buttons doesn’t work, Every other button in the spreadsheet work when clicked except the main one.
when I go into VBA and debug it shows the following message
COULD NOT SET THE VALUE PROPERTY. INVALID PROPERTY VALUEBut I have no idea where to look as I didn’t no build this at the start…
please help me!thank you
08-10-2017, 10:43 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Is there a particular line of code that is highlighted when the error shows?
1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 — 573PH3N H4WK1NG
You don’t have to add Rep if I have helped you out (but it would be nice), but please mark the thread as SOLVED if your issue is resolved.Tom
08-10-2017, 10:43 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Assuming both the sheet and the VBA projected are unprotected (if not, unprotect them), right click on the button that’s giving the error and click ‘Assign Macro’.
In the window that appears you’ll see a list of all macros within the project with the one that’s selected listed in the very top section. Click the ‘Edit’ button. Now you’ll see the page of code that the macro exists on. Copy the entire macro from SUB [macroname] to END SUB. Paste it in here and we’ll have a look.
if you really want to speed up problem solving, run the macro and on the error window click ‘Debug’. It’ll take you back to the code window with the line of code that doesn’t work highlighted in yellow. Copy that here.
08-10-2017, 10:47 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Sub Book()
‘ On Error GoTo Err_Book
If Sheets(«Staff»).[N1] < 2 Then
MsgBox «There must be at least two staff in the database. Please add some more staff.», vbCritical, «Empty Database»
If Sheets(«Job»).[H1] < 1 Then
MsgBox «There are no jobs in the database. Please add some job types.», vbCritical, «Empty Database»
frmJobs.Caption = «Add/Remove Job Catagories»
End If
End IfExit_Book:
Exit SubErr_Book:
LogError «Error in Sub modStart (Code).Book», Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_BookEnd Sub
08-10-2017, 10:48 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by gmr4evr1
Is there a particular line of code that is highlighted when the error shows?
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Sub Book()
‘ On Error GoTo Err_Book
If Sheets(«Staff»).[N1] < 2 Then
MsgBox «There must be at least two staff in the database. Please add some more staff.», vbCritical, «Empty Database»
If Sheets(«Job»).[H1] < 1 Then
MsgBox «There are no jobs in the database. Please add some job types.», vbCritical, «Empty Database»
frmJobs.Caption = «Add/Remove Job Catagories»
End If
End IfExit_Book:
Exit SubErr_Book:
LogError «Error in Sub modStart (Code).Book», Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_BookEnd Sub
08-10-2017, 10:49 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by BellyGas
Assuming both the sheet and the VBA projected are unprotected (if not, unprotect them), right click on the button that’s giving the error and click ‘Assign Macro’.
In the window that appears you’ll see a list of all macros within the project with the one that’s selected listed in the very top section. Click the ‘Edit’ button. Now you’ll see the page of code that the macro exists on. Copy the entire macro from SUB [macroname] to END SUB. Paste it in here and we’ll have a look.
if you really want to speed up problem solving, run the macro and on the error window click ‘Debug’. It’ll take you back to the code window with the line of code that doesn’t work highlighted in yellow. Copy that here.
yes — ‘ frmBook.Show ‘ is highlighted (full code below)
Last edited by 5haks; 08-11-2017 at 04:05 AM.
08-10-2017, 11:00 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Well that’s an odd error message. It’s saying it can’t display the form ‘frmBook’. I was expecting it to be trying to set a property type that’s been removed from Excel.
Go back to the code window. In the ‘forms’ section in the left most window, is there a form called ‘frmBook’? if so, what happens when you try and edit it?
oh P.S. When posting code, put it inside [ code ] tags.
08-10-2017, 11:04 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by BellyGas
Well that’s an odd error message. It’s saying it can’t display the form ‘frmBook’. I was expecting it to be trying to set a property type that’s been removed from Excel.
Go back to the code window. In the ‘forms’ section in the left most window, is there a form called ‘frmBook’? if so, what happens when you try and edit it?
oh P.S. When posting code, put it inside [ code ] tags.
Yes, there is a form called frmbook and it can be edited.
Here is the full code below:Last edited by 5haks; 08-11-2017 at 04:05 AM.
08-10-2017, 11:35 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Hi 5haks, welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately….Your post does not comply with Rule 3 of our Forum
RULES. Use code tags around code.
Posting code between [CODE]Please [url=https://www.excelforum.com/login.php]Login or Register [/url] to view this content.[/CODE] tags makes your code much easier to read and copy for testing, it also maintains VBA formatting.
Click on Edit to open your thread, then highlight your code and click the
# icon at the top of your post window. More information about these and other tags can be found here
(This thread should receive no further responses until this moderation request is fulfilled, as per Forum Rule 7)
08-10-2017, 01:38 PM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
How do i do this on my mobile? I don’t have access to a PC until tomorrow
08-10-2017, 02:23 PM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
I believe you can actually type CODE (with the brackets) at the start of your code, and /CODE (with the brackets) at the end of it to get it to work.
08-11-2017, 04:04 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by gmr4evr1
I believe you can actually type CODE (with the brackets) at the start of your code, and /CODE (with the brackets) at the end of it to get it to work.
I have added the
to my previous post. would appreciate any help asap.
08-11-2017, 05:50 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
mods — can you reopen this thread/edit your comment so people can help me now please?
08-11-2017, 07:31 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
can I send the whole excel doc to someone as this is a big spreadsheet with lots of forms and modules etc running in the background.
ps — when I change the line that is showing a debug error message to any of the other forms it works fine. for some reason it just isn’t opening that one form
08-11-2017, 07:40 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Try putting a break on the first code line within the Initialize event of the userform. Then step through the code until the error occurs.
Then post the offending line of code.
08-11-2017, 07:44 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
Try putting a break on the first code line within the Initialize event of the userform. Then step through the code until the error occurs.
Then post the offending line of code.
sorry I don’t quiet understand that as I’m not much of an expert with VBA. could you explain in more detail please?
08-11-2017, 07:58 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
In the code of the userforms Initialize event select the line and press F9. This should hilite the line with a red bar.
Run the code and it should pause execution at that point.
Now use F8 to step through the code line by line. This time it should error on the actual line of code causing the error.
08-11-2017, 08:03 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
In the code of the userforms Initialize event select the line and press F9. This should hilite the line with a red bar.
Run the code and it should pause execution at that point.
Now use F8 to step through the code line by line. This time it should error on the actual line of code causing the error.
I have found the cause of the error further down in the frmBook section.
The places where I had to put a red line are as follows
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()For Each ctl In frmBook.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is ToggleButton ThenEnd If
Next ctlHowever, the main yellow line is highlighting —
Last edited by 5haks; 08-11-2017 at 08:08 AM.
08-11-2017, 08:15 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
it’s now showing as run-time error 9: subscript out of range
08-11-2017, 08:25 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
There are a few lines there and I don’t know which one you are referring to.
Do you have more that 42 toggle buttons?
08-11-2017, 09:26 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
There are a few lines there and I don’t know which one you are referring to.
Do you have more that 42 toggle buttons?
yes, I have 42 toggle buttons
08-11-2017, 09:51 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Can you attached zipped file?
Or better yet remove excess stuff to reduce file size but have error remain
08-11-2017, 09:53 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
Can you attached zipped file?
Or better yet remove excess stuff to reduce file size but have error remain
how do I attach a zipped file on here?
08-11-2017, 10:15 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you’re trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.
Remember to desensitize the data.
Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to
Manage Attachments to open the upload window.
If .zip is not an acceptable file type then change it for the purposes of uploading
08-11-2017, 10:37 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you’re trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.
Remember to desensitize the data.
Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to
Manage Attachments to open the upload window.
If .zip is not an acceptable file type then change it for the purposes of uploading
I have attached a zipped version of the file for you
08-11-2017, 11:20 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
First problem is you load the list with leave type items and then try and set the value of the list to Holiday. But holiday is not in the list.
The change selects first item in listThis just takes you to the next problem in routine fnctGetStaffData
The named range Leave2 does not exist.
08-14-2017, 03:22 PM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
First problem is you load the list with leave type items and then try and set the value of the list to Holiday. But holiday is not in the list.
The change selects first item in listThis just takes you to the next problem in routine fnctGetStaffData
The named range Leave2 does not exist.
Could you send me the file with the code fixed for me please?
08-15-2017, 03:45 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
why do you need the whole file again? I have shown you the only change required to fix the first problem
08-15-2017, 04:56 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
why do you need the whole file again? I have shown you the only change required to fix the first problem
I have managed to get the box to pop up but found another error now as every time I click on the toggle box to book holiday it says «UNEXPECTED ERROR»
it does then save the holiday booking but it doesn’t do the calculations on the left hand side to show how much leave has been taken and how much leave is left (it remains at 25 regardless).any help on this please?
08-15-2017, 06:15 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
So did you fix the Leave2 range problem?
As I said fixing that first error simply allowed the code to move to the next problem, which is not fixable as the information is not in the workbook.
08-15-2017, 06:49 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
So did you fix the Leave2 range problem?
As I said fixing that first error simply allowed the code to move to the next problem, which is not fixable as the information is not in the workbook.
no, my previous post meant it all works (I,e, the macros) but the formulas don’t link/work properly as it doesn’t minus days from the total whenever I book a holiday off, it stays at 25
08-15-2017, 07:19 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
you will need to post a revised working workbook then
08-15-2017, 10:37 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
you will need to post a revised working workbook then
Updated ZIP file attached.
08-16-2017, 03:11 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
You are going to have to provide some information about how the program should be used, what should happen when and what is not happening.
08-16-2017, 03:26 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
You are going to have to provide some information about how the program should be used, what should happen when and what is not happening.
When you click into the Book Leave pop-up box:
When I book an employee off work, it doesn’t do the calculations on the left hand side (where it says LEAVE LEFT, LEAVE TAKEN etc…)
The number stays at 25 days leave left no matter how many days have been booked off.Also, it should not count sick days, training, paternity and maternity as a holiday
thanks for your help. If this issue can be fixed then fingers crossed that means everything is resolved
08-16-2017, 03:45 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Have you tried debugging your code at all?
In the routine fnctGetStaffData is where you calculate current leave based on an array formula using data on very hidden sheet Leave.
There is no data on that sheet so the calculation is correct.maybe you should be storing something on the sheet before you calculate the days?
I think you need to speak with the guy that wrote the code in order to progress any further with this.
08-16-2017, 03:53 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
Have you tried debugging your code at all?
In the routine fnctGetStaffData is where you calculate current leave based on an array formula using data on very hidden sheet Leave.
There is no data on that sheet so the calculation is correct.maybe you should be storing something on the sheet before you calculate the days?
I think you need to speak with the guy that wrote the code in order to progress any further with this.
I am unable to speak to the person that wrote the code as he left the company years ago
I have tried debugging but nothing highlights as it thinks all is ok
Last edited by 5haks; 08-16-2017 at 04:24 AM.
08-16-2017, 04:51 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
You are not looking for a raised error or syntax error in code, as they would be hilighted
You are looking for a flaw in the logic of the program. In this case expecting holidays to be subtracted from maximum allowance when no holidays are present.
I think your task goes beyond what a forum/I can do. You need somebody who can understand the requirement of the program and then sort out the problem.
08-16-2017, 09:35 AM
Registered User
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
Originally Posted by Andy Pope
You are not looking for a raised error or syntax error in code, as they would be hilighted
You are looking for a flaw in the logic of the program. In this case expecting holidays to be subtracted from maximum allowance when no holidays are present.
I think your task goes beyond what a forum/I can do. You need somebody who can understand the requirement of the program and then sort out the problem.
Thanks for all your help Andy.
Please mark this as resolved
08-16-2017, 11:04 AM
Re: «run-time error ‘380’- invalid property value
You have to do that as the OP
If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.
Hello everyone,
I have a problem and I hope someone can help me with this. In the first place the problem sounds like one of the typical standard mistakes but I think in this case it is different.
I will try to explain, using an example what the problem is:
- I have two worksheets «Tests» and «Definitions». In the «Definitions»-Worksheet I created three columns, each containing different physical units.
- The names of these ranges are stored in the workbook space.
- Then I have a small table containing these three names: «Pressure, Temperature, Force»
- On the worksheet «Tests» I have a small table with two cells that use data validation.
- The first cells data validation is connected to the table containing the range names
- The second ones data validation is linked to the first cell by the INDIRECT macro.
Everything works fine in that worksheet. The user can pick the type of physical quantity (e.g. Pressure) in the first cell and the list of the second cell is than populated with pressure units.
Now I tried to use this table as base for my user form. So I placed two ComboBoxes, namely «ComboBox1» and «ComboBox2» on that form. I than initialized the ComboBoxes as follows:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
[SIZE=2]'if the Worksheet wasn't set yet, than do it now[/SIZE]
If WS Is Nothing Then
Set WS = Worksheets("Tests")
End If
'set the RowSource as well as the ControlSource properties here
Me.ComboBox1.RowSource = WS.Cells(4, 3).Validation.Formula1
Me.ComboBox1.ControlSource = "'" + WS.Name + "'!" + WS.Cells(4, 3).Address
Me.ComboBox2.ControlSource = "'" + WS.Name + "'!" + WS.Cells(5, 3).Address
End Sub
The Variable WS is declared globally on top of the module via
ComboBox1 is filled with «Pressure, Temperature, Force».
When the user selects one of these entries than ComboBox2 should be populated with the appropriate list of units:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If WS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
'Write the selected value of the ComboBox1 directly into the target cell
'to ensure, that ComboBox2 displays the appropriate list for that value NOW
WS.Cells(4, 3).Value = ComboBox1.Text
'reset the Err.Number
Err.Number = 0
'Try to set the RowSource property. In that case the Formula of the validation
'uses an Excel-macro called "INDIRECT"
Me.ComboBox2.RowSource = WS.Cells(5, 3).Validation.Formula1 'Often (but not always) Runtime Error 380 - but why?
'If an error was raised than display the message here:
If Not (Err.Number = 0) Then
Call MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Run-time-Error " + CStr(Err.Number))
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately ComboBox2 isn’t filled with the list of units according to the selection of ComboBox1, but an Error is raised instead:
Run-time error ‘380’: Could not set the RowSource property
The WS.Cells(5, 3).Validation.Formula1 is defined as =INDIRECT($C$4).
So can someone tell me what the reason for that error is, because I think that the validation formula is correct so far.
Thank You in advance.
System specifications:
MS Windows 7 Ultimate x64
MS Excel Professional Plus 2010 (Version 14.0.7106.5003, x64)
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(Только для примера)
Причины Ошибка Excel 380 — Ошибка 380
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Ошибки во время выполнения обычно вызваны несовместимостью программ, запущенных в одно и то же время. Они также могут возникать из-за проблем с памятью, плохого графического драйвера или заражения вирусом. Каким бы ни был случай, проблему необходимо решить немедленно, чтобы избежать дальнейших проблем. Ниже приведены способы устранения ошибки.
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- Перейдите на вкладку «Процессы» и остановите программы одну за другой, выделив каждую программу и нажав кнопку «Завершить процесс».
- Вам нужно будет следить за тем, будет ли сообщение об ошибке появляться каждый раз при остановке процесса.
- Как только вы определите, какая программа вызывает ошибку, вы можете перейти к следующему этапу устранения неполадок, переустановив приложение.
Метод 2 — Обновите / переустановите конфликтующие программы
Использование панели управления
- В Windows 7 нажмите кнопку «Пуск», затем нажмите «Панель управления», затем «Удалить программу».
- В Windows 8 нажмите кнопку «Пуск», затем прокрутите вниз и нажмите «Дополнительные настройки», затем нажмите «Панель управления»> «Удалить программу».
- Для Windows 10 просто введите «Панель управления» в поле поиска и щелкните результат, затем нажмите «Удалить программу».
- В разделе «Программы и компоненты» щелкните проблемную программу и нажмите «Обновить» или «Удалить».
- Если вы выбрали обновление, вам просто нужно будет следовать подсказке, чтобы завершить процесс, однако, если вы выбрали «Удалить», вы будете следовать подсказке, чтобы удалить, а затем повторно загрузить или использовать установочный диск приложения для переустановки. программа.
Использование других методов
- В Windows 7 список всех установленных программ можно найти, нажав кнопку «Пуск» и наведя указатель мыши на список, отображаемый на вкладке. Вы можете увидеть в этом списке утилиту для удаления программы. Вы можете продолжить и удалить с помощью утилит, доступных на этой вкладке.
- В Windows 10 вы можете нажать «Пуск», затем «Настройка», а затем — «Приложения».
- Прокрутите вниз, чтобы увидеть список приложений и функций, установленных на вашем компьютере.
- Щелкните программу, которая вызывает ошибку времени выполнения, затем вы можете удалить ее или щелкнуть Дополнительные параметры, чтобы сбросить приложение.
Метод 3 — Обновите программу защиты от вирусов или загрузите и установите последнюю версию Центра обновления Windows.
Заражение вирусом, вызывающее ошибку выполнения на вашем компьютере, необходимо немедленно предотвратить, поместить в карантин или удалить. Убедитесь, что вы обновили свою антивирусную программу и выполнили тщательное сканирование компьютера или запустите Центр обновления Windows, чтобы получить последние определения вирусов и исправить их.
Метод 4 — Переустановите библиотеки времени выполнения
Вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке из-за обновления, такого как пакет MS Visual C ++, который может быть установлен неправильно или полностью. Что вы можете сделать, так это удалить текущий пакет и установить новую копию.
- Удалите пакет, выбрав «Программы и компоненты», найдите и выделите распространяемый пакет Microsoft Visual C ++.
- Нажмите «Удалить» в верхней части списка и, когда это будет сделано, перезагрузите компьютер.
- Загрузите последний распространяемый пакет от Microsoft и установите его.
Метод 5 — Запустить очистку диска
Вы также можете столкнуться с ошибкой выполнения из-за очень нехватки свободного места на вашем компьютере.
- Вам следует подумать о резервном копировании файлов и освобождении места на жестком диске.
- Вы также можете очистить кеш и перезагрузить компьютер.
- Вы также можете запустить очистку диска, открыть окно проводника и щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по основному каталогу (обычно это C
- Щелкните «Свойства», а затем — «Очистка диска».
Метод 6 — Переустановите графический драйвер
Если ошибка связана с плохим графическим драйвером, вы можете сделать следующее:
- Откройте диспетчер устройств и найдите драйвер видеокарты.
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши драйвер видеокарты, затем нажмите «Удалить», затем перезагрузите компьютер.
Метод 7 — Ошибка выполнения, связанная с IE
Если полученная ошибка связана с Internet Explorer, вы можете сделать следующее:
- Сбросьте настройки браузера.
- В Windows 7 вы можете нажать «Пуск», перейти в «Панель управления» и нажать «Свойства обозревателя» слева. Затем вы можете перейти на вкладку «Дополнительно» и нажать кнопку «Сброс».
- Для Windows 8 и 10 вы можете нажать «Поиск» и ввести «Свойства обозревателя», затем перейти на вкладку «Дополнительно» и нажать «Сброс».
- Отключить отладку скриптов и уведомления об ошибках.
- В том же окне «Свойства обозревателя» можно перейти на вкладку «Дополнительно» и найти пункт «Отключить отладку сценария».
- Установите флажок в переключателе.
- Одновременно снимите флажок «Отображать уведомление о каждой ошибке сценария», затем нажмите «Применить» и «ОК», затем перезагрузите компьютер.
Если эти быстрые исправления не работают, вы всегда можете сделать резервную копию файлов и запустить восстановление на вашем компьютере. Однако вы можете сделать это позже, когда перечисленные здесь решения не сработают.
Другие языки:
How to fix Error 380 (Excel Error 380) — Error 380: Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Wie beheben Fehler 380 (Excel-Fehler 380) — Fehler 380: Microsoft Excel hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss geschlossen werden. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Come fissare Errore 380 (Errore di Excel 380) — Errore 380: Microsoft Excel ha riscontrato un problema e deve essere chiuso. Ci scusiamo per l’inconveniente.
Hoe maak je Fout 380 (Excel-fout 380) — Fout 380: Microsoft Excel heeft een probleem ondervonden en moet worden afgesloten. Excuses voor het ongemak.
Comment réparer Erreur 380 (Erreur Excel 380) — Erreur 380 : Microsoft Excel a rencontré un problème et doit se fermer. Nous sommes désolés du dérangement.
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 380 (엑셀 오류 380) — 오류 380: Microsoft Excel에 문제가 발생해 닫아야 합니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 380 (Excel Erro 380) — Erro 380: O Microsoft Excel encontrou um problema e precisa fechar. Lamentamos o inconveniente.
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 380 (Excel-fel 380) — Fel 380: Microsoft Excel har stött på ett problem och måste avslutas. Vi är ledsna för besväret.
Jak naprawić Błąd 380 (Błąd Excela 380) — Błąd 380: Microsoft Excel napotkał problem i musi zostać zamknięty. Przepraszamy za niedogodności.
Cómo arreglar Error 380 (Error 380 de Excel) — Error 380: Microsoft Excel ha detectado un problema y debe cerrarse. Lamentamos las molestias.
Об авторе: Фил Харт является участником сообщества Microsoft с 2010 года. С текущим количеством баллов более 100 000 он внес более 3000 ответов на форумах Microsoft Support и создал почти 200 новых справочных статей в Technet Wiki.
Следуйте за нами:
Этот инструмент восстановления может устранить такие распространенные проблемы компьютера, как синие экраны, сбои и замораживание, отсутствующие DLL-файлы, а также устранить повреждения от вредоносных программ/вирусов и многое другое путем замены поврежденных и отсутствующих системных файлов.
ШАГ 1:
Нажмите здесь, чтобы скачать и установите средство восстановления Windows.
ШАГ 2:
Нажмите на Start Scan и позвольте ему проанализировать ваше устройство.
ШАГ 3:
Нажмите на Repair All, чтобы устранить все обнаруженные проблемы.
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ID статьи: ACX04258RU
Применяется к: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000
Совет по увеличению скорости #90
Выберите фоновое изображение для рабочего стола:
Сохранение простого фона изображения рабочего стола может увеличить скорость вашего компьютера. Держитесь подальше от модных картинок, которые вы найдете в Интернете, и используйте простые растровые изображения. Вы также можете выложить изображение плиткой с несложной текстурой, чтобы сделать его еще светлее.
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