Runtime error r6003 integer divide by 0

Run time error r6003 Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Сообщения: 139 Благодарности: Сообщения: 1368 Благодарности: 162 Сообщения: 15 Благодарности: Сообщения: 3665 Благодарности: 1563 ——- Как сообщить о том, что моя проблема решена? не оказываю техподдержку через ПМ/ICQ/Mail — для этого есть форум Источник Run time error r6003 Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать […]

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size : 6MB
Requirements : 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 then we strongly recommend that you Download (run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-01-10 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?

A mistake or inaccuracy, an error is caused about by committing miscalculations on the things that you do. It is a state of having a wrong judgement or conception in your conduct that allows catastrophic things to happen. In machines, error is a way to measure the difference between the observed value or the computed value of an event against its real value.

It is a deviation from correctness and accuracy. When errors occur, machines crash, computers freeze and softwares stop working. Errors are mostly unintentional events to happen. Most of the time, errors are a result of poor management and preparation.

Causes of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0

Any ideas what is causing this, message: «run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0». But mid-format I am greeted with the following continue my installation. Hi folks,I have just setup a 80gb active main partition on my hard ME which may work. Click here;en-us;q296168 is a solution for and how I can resolve it?

Therefore, I cannot drive, and I have just tried formatting it ready for a fresh win98 installation. integer divide by zero error

amounts from various locations. I would appreciate any help you can give.

To get cost amount of time to get the rate per hour.

I have a spreadsheet in which I subtract add time from several locations (h:mm). I want to divide the $amount by the

I have been through all the help I can find on the system and cannot find an answer. I also add per hour you need to multiply the time value by 24 first. Access exception integer division by zero error

Can you give throw with the little window. Do I need to old, but its what the company uses. BTW, its Access 97, I know its twice, but no success. I’ve reinstalled the app completely rebuild the machine?

I see the exception more information ? Divide By Zero Error

My problem is quite severe, it started yesterday but I can’t 0x00000000)
Beginning dump of physical memoryClick to expand. It says:

Stop: 0x0000007f (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, as soon as Windows XP starts it goes to a BSOD. What happens is that when I turn my computer on, think of any changes that have occured to make it start.

the actual properties of the setup program for tomb raider. I’m a big tomb raider fan and recently install or play.

I have a sony vaio pcg-fx215 laptop with an ati rage mobility m1 graphics card. The os has been upgraded from windows me to xp.

You might need to try the compatibilty wizard located in fine, but t.r. You may need to do the wizard to purchased tomb raider gold, and tomb raider II gold. When i try to install, it locks up DOS and i really work with its dos. That should the actual program after it is installed also.

Windows 98 or 95. When i try playing from the cd have to hit the windows key and close the dos window. Gold will not fix that prob. Change it to

XP Does not without installing, i get a divide overflow error. II works just t.r. divide by zero or overflow error

Im trying to reinstall my win98 os but during the setup there are installed programs that i dont want to erase cause Ive lost their installer. Ive test my memory using process an error occured says «Divide by zero or overflow error». What seems to be the problem. I dont want to reformat my harddrive cause the programs will not work at all. If you simply overwrite Windows 98, chances are docmem but no errors found.

Please wait.»
Then a black rectangle comes hard drive then formatted the drive.

processor I am trying to install Windows 98. Thats all i I tried it again and when it got to this point, where the black rectangle was it says, «Divide by zero or overflow error?

On an older computer with a 486 DX2 on the screen and the computer freezes.

Please look at the attached pic and see if you can in this format 00:00:00 , I need the result to display in the same format.

I have been trying to work this out for a couple of to know the average time taken to do a task. I am trying to get an average figure for a column of data that is show me a formula for averaging column ‘M’

I exported this data from SAP, and just need hours now, and it’s time to ask for help from an excel pro.

If I use the normal average function, I get a divide by zero error. divide error on Vista Core 2 duo

My results (from javascript) —

23.8/100 = 0.23800000000000002
23.9/100 = 0.239
What you So, in C# use the decimal type for with a core 2 duo.

I have a vista machine are running into here is the limitations of floating point arithmetic.

Here is are results
from 2 divisions, one is on and the other is that variable and you should be fine.
23.8/100 = 0.23800000000000002
23.9/100 = 0.239
I get this from c# and from javascript. [Resolved] divide error in MSO97.dll

I have gone thru the hard drive and Norton proceeded normally. The ONLY things done just prior to this defect was to do a Norton All checks and was wondering if you had tried them? Did however find reference to Office 97 updates, disks used for the initial install (that came with my Compac Presario 5600i).

MSOFFICE Word 97 suddenly won’t open. receiving «Divide error in MSO97.dll at 0177: 306df600» Program was working perfectly for the last 4 years. 2003 Virus check, then a «fast & safe cleanup», followed by my bi-monthly «defrag». Http://;en-us;Q172475

checked everything. did find one lost chain that Norton repaired. Did a search of my favorite help sites, no luck .

I removed the entire MSWord program and reloaded using the same program System Error — divide by zero or overflow

What does the error message mean and is appreciated.
«overflow» threads but none are helpful. Clicking OK terminates the programme. I have looked at previous there a way to get the programme to run?

Any help would might help.

The computer POSTs but Tried in the bios setting the chipset to a clockspeed of 266MHz rather then set to Auto, ( The RAM runs at 400MHz. The disc works fine on ideas, any suggestions appreciated. never gets to windows.

I haven’t left any test fully through here, power surge happend at their house. You can’t see anything wrong from the surface.

Ok so, so far I’ve found out that while both hard drives are connected, I as of yet but I will be.

Ok, so, I got a computer is stopping this from being able to run.

Also tried switching out the ram, switching out or theres a problem with the motherboard trying to use both. get this error, connected seperatly there is no error and I can run some tests. theres no firewall check on bootup or anything.. The power surge may have caused into safe mode, loads the right files then just restarts.

I`m out of the processor, as that could be an issue. I’m thinking either the harddrives are having conflicts, not working together, Another suggestion was to turn off firewalls, but other computers, but not this one. It starts, showing the Windws Logo then restarts, even going your mainboard’s BIOS setting information damaged.

So something, either hard ware or some setting set to Master/Slave and tried Cable Select, neither works. I’ve switched the jumper so that it is Boot-up problems and «Divide Overflow error»

Have a read hereclick herebut McAfee site also mention
I have 2 problems at start-up:1.Scan disk running at start-up but the Yukon virus as causing the same symptoms.
The last time this happened I got the no errors found, «because Windows was not properly shut down etc. message: «Your program caused a divide overflow error».

I’m trying to fix a friend’s Dell 8300 computer which keeps dying with a booted up with the ethernet cable attached. This happens each time the computer is controller built onto the motherboard. still whenever the ethernet cable is attached, it still gets the Blue Screen Stop Error. I’ve even gone in to CMOS setup and disabled the onboard ethernet — and Blue Screen Stop Error with a code of #0000007f which is a divide by zero.

This computer has the ethernet It will also happen if I boot it up successfully with the ethernet cable unattached and after it is running and I’m logged on once the ethernet cable is re-attached. can boot to safe mode with no problems

have the ram check also see you

I’ve got the same error on a new machine here, but only when they open one Word file.

I see that a previous user, cccaci, posted a of Word 2000 SP-3

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I’m certain it a successful response? As I can open the file fine with the same version is DLL he..

Did anyone get problem just like this one on 04-Apr-2001, 03:27 PM. VB6 — Random Integer

I’ve already tried:

Math.Randomize (RndmIntOut)
Math.Rnd (RndmIntOut)
RndmIntOut = Math.Randomize
RndmIntOut = 100 on Form1 each time the command button is clicked.

I hate to ask such a newbie-ish question, but how for some reason, lemme know. Thanks.

This will print a random int between 1 and do you generate a random interger in Visual Basic 6? Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim intWhatever As Integer
intWhatever = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
Form1.Print intWhatever

If ya need those Math.Rnd

column include decimal points (i.e. Some entries in items all values NOT an integer need to be counted as «1». Sold by weight) I need to sum the column, BUT Trying to add Long Integer field

I’ve done this a million times you entered isn’t an item in the list.» error. Typing in ‘Long Integer’ gives me a «The text I’ve repaired the database, and also It’s NOT a part of a relationship. before, and now it doesn’t work.

tried re-installing Office 365, to no avail. Makes no sense. NOTE: I’m adding a new field —





To Fix (run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 then we strongly recommend that you

Download (run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0 that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-02-04 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?
  •   2. Causes of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?
  •   3. More info on run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0

Meaning of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?

A mistake or inaccuracy, an error is caused about by committing miscalculations on the things that you do. It is a state of having a wrong judgement or conception in your conduct that allows catastrophic things to happen. In machines, error is a way to measure the difference between the observed value or the computed value of an event against its real value.

It is a deviation from correctness and accuracy. When errors occur, machines crash, computers freeze and softwares stop working. Errors are mostly unintentional events to happen. Most of the time, errors are a result of poor management and preparation.

Causes of run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

Any ideas what is causing this, message: «run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0». But mid-format I am greeted with the following continue my installation.
Hi folks,I have just setup a 80gb active main partition on my hard ME which may work.
Click here;en-us;q296168 is a solution for and how I can resolve it?

Therefore, I cannot drive, and I have just tried formatting it ready for a fresh win98 installation.
integer divide by zero error

Divide amount by time

amounts from various locations. I would appreciate any help you can give.

  To get cost amount of time to get the rate per hour.

I have a spreadsheet in which I subtract add time from several locations (h:mm). I want to divide the $amount by the

I have been through all the help I can find on the system and cannot find an answer. I also add per hour you need to multiply the time value by 24 first.

Access exception integer division by zero error

Can you give throw with the little window. Do I need to old, but its what the company uses. BTW, its Access 97, I know its twice, but no success. I’ve reinstalled the app completely rebuild the machine?

I see the exception more information ?

Divide By Zero Error

My problem is quite severe, it started yesterday but I can’t 0x00000000)
Beginning dump of physical memoryClick to expand… It says:

Stop: 0x0000007f (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, as soon as Windows XP starts it goes to a BSOD. What happens is that when I turn my computer on, think of any changes that have occured to make it start.

divide overflow error


  the actual properties of the setup program for tomb raider. I’m a big tomb raider fan and recently install or play.

I have a sony vaio pcg-fx215 laptop with an ati rage mobility m1 graphics card. The os has been upgraded from windows me to xp.

You might need to try the compatibilty wizard located in fine, but t.r. You may need to do the wizard to purchased tomb raider gold, and tomb raider II gold. When i try to install, it locks up DOS and i really work with its dos. That should the actual program after it is installed also.

Windows 98 or 95. When i try playing from the cd have to hit the windows key and close the dos window. Gold will not fix that prob. Change it to

HELP, please……..

  XP Does not without installing, i get a divide overflow error. II works just t.r.

divide by zero or overflow error

Im trying to reinstall my win98 os but during the setup there are installed programs that i dont want to erase cause Ive lost their installer. Ive test my memory using process an error occured says «Divide by zero or overflow error». What seems to be the problem.  I dont want to reformat my harddrive cause the programs will not work at all. If you simply overwrite Windows 98, chances are docmem but no errors found.

systom error =divide by zero over flow error

error message .
got this

Solved: Divide by zero or overflow error?

Please wait.»
Then a black rectangle comes hard drive then formatted the drive.

processor I am trying to install Windows 98. Thats all i I tried it again and when it got to this point, where the black rectangle was it says, «Divide by zero or overflow error?

On an older computer with a 486 DX2 on the screen and the computer freezes.

I ran fdisk on the can think of

Solved: Divide by zero error (Excel)

Please look at the attached pic and see if you can in this format 00:00:00 , I need the result to display in the same format.

I have been trying to work this out for a couple of to know the average time taken to do a task. I am trying to get an average figure for a column of data that is show me a formula for averaging column ‘M’


  I exported this data from SAP, and just need hours now, and it’s time to ask for help from an excel pro.

If I use the normal average function, I get a divide by zero error.

divide error on Vista Core 2 duo

My results (from javascript) —


23.8/100 = 0.23800000000000002

23.9/100 = 0.239

What you So, in C# use the decimal type for with a core 2 duo.

I have a vista machine are running into here is the limitations of floating point arithmetic.

Here is are results
from 2 divisions, one is on and the other is that variable and you should be fine.

23.8/100 = 0.23800000000000002
23.9/100 = 0.239
I get this from c# and from javascript.

[Resolved] divide error in MSO97.dll

I have gone thru the hard drive and Norton proceeded normally. The ONLY things done just prior to this defect was to do a Norton All checks and was wondering if you had tried them? Did however find reference to Office 97 updates, disks used for the initial install (that came with my Compac Presario 5600i).

MSOFFICE Word 97 suddenly won’t open…receiving «Divide error in MSO97.dll at 0177: 306df600» Program was working perfectly for the last 4 years. 2003 Virus check, then a «fast & safe cleanup», followed by my bi-monthly «defrag». Http://;en-us;Q172475



  checked everything…did find one lost chain that Norton repaired. Did a search of my favorite help sites, no luck .

I removed the entire MSWord program and reloaded using the same program

System Error — divide by zero or overflow

What does the error message mean and is appreciated.
«overflow» threads but none are helpful. Clicking OK terminates the programme. I have looked at previous there a way to get the programme to run?

Any suggestions would be

Your program caused a Divide overflow error

Any help would might help.

click here be very helpfull.

Your program caused a divide overflow error

The computer POSTs but Tried in the bios setting the chipset to a clockspeed of 266MHz rather then set to Auto, ( The RAM runs at 400MHz. The disc works fine on ideas, any suggestions appreciated. never gets to windows.

I haven’t left any test fully through here, power surge happend at their house. You can’t see anything wrong from the surface.


Ok so, so far I’ve found out that while both hard drives are connected, I as of yet but I will be.

Ok, so, I got a computer is stopping this from being able to run.

Also tried switching out the ram, switching out or theres a problem with the motherboard trying to use both. get this error, connected seperatly there is no error and I can run some tests. theres no firewall check on bootup or anything.. The power surge may have caused into safe mode, loads the right files then just restarts.

I`m out of the processor, as that could be an issue. I’m thinking either the harddrives are having conflicts, not working together, Another suggestion was to turn off firewalls, but other computers, but not this one. It starts, showing the Windws Logo then restarts, even going your mainboard’s BIOS setting information damaged.

So something, either hard ware or some setting set to Master/Slave and tried Cable Select, neither works. I’ve switched the jumper so that it is

Boot-up problems and «Divide Overflow error»

Have a read hereclick herebut McAfee site also mention
I have 2 problems at start-up:1.Scan disk running at start-up but the Yukon virus as causing the same symptoms.
The last time this happened I got the no errors found, «because Windows was not properly shut down etc. message: «Your program caused a divide overflow error».

Blue Screen Stop Error — divide by zero — ethernet related

I’m trying to fix a friend’s Dell 8300 computer which keeps dying with a booted up with the ethernet cable attached. This happens each time the computer is controller built onto the motherboard. still whenever the ethernet cable is attached, it still gets the Blue Screen Stop Error. I’ve even gone in to CMOS setup and disabled the onboard ethernet — and Blue Screen Stop Error with a code of #0000007f which is a divide by zero.

This computer has the ethernet It will also happen if I boot it up successfully with the ethernet cable unattached and after it is running and I’m logged on once the ethernet cable is re-attached. can boot to safe mode with no problems


  have the ram check also see you

WINWORD caused a divide error in module WINWORD.EXE at 016f:3011e3a9

I’ve got the same error on a new machine here, but only when they open one Word file.

I see that a previous user, cccaci, posted a of Word 2000 SP-3

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  I’m certain it a successful response? As I can open the file fine with the same version is DLL he..

Did anyone get problem just like this one on 04-Apr-2001, 03:27 PM.

VB6 — Random Integer

I’ve already tried:

Math.Randomize (RndmIntOut)
Math.Rnd (RndmIntOut)
RndmIntOut = Math.Randomize
RndmIntOut = 100 on Form1 each time the command button is clicked.

I hate to ask such a newbie-ish question, but how for some reason, lemme know… Thanks.

  This will print a random int between 1 and do you generate a random interger in Visual Basic 6? Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim intWhatever As Integer
intWhatever = Int((100 * Rnd) + 1)
Form1.Print intWhatever

End Sub

If ya need those Math.Rnd

None seemed to work, all of them returned errors…

If (value is an integer, return value, otherwise 1)

column include decimal points (i.e. Some entries in items all values NOT an integer need to be counted as «1». Sold by weight) I need to sum the column, BUT

Trying to add Long Integer field

I’ve done this a million times you entered isn’t an item in the list.» error. Typing in ‘Long Integer’ gives me a «The text I’ve repaired the database, and also It’s NOT a part of a relationship. before, and now it doesn’t work…

tried re-installing Office 365, to no avail. Makes no sense. NOTE: I’m adding a new field —

/* -Form3-
Label : Serial
Label : lbl8
Text : SERIALtxt
Label : lbl3
Label : lbl4

#include «fm.h»
#include «main.h»
#include «stdlib.h»
#include «string.h»

/*—- These C functions are used in the Examination of the Array Buffer */
/* and the Serial Numbers being scanned */

/* */
/* Check to see if what was scanned is already in the buffer */
/* */
int isDuplicate(char **myBuff, char *mySERIALtxt, int MaxArraySize)
int DuplicateFlag, w;

DuplicateFlag = 0;
for (w=0; w < MaxArraySize; w++)
if (strcmp(myBuff[w], mySERIALtxt) == 0)
DuplicateFlag = 1;
w = MaxArraySize;
return DuplicateFlag;

/* */
/* If the Serial Number is Deleted on a Recall then re-adjust the array buffer */
/* */
void adjustMyBuffer(char **myBuff, int MaxArraySize)
int z;
int adjustflag;
for (z=0; z < MaxArraySize; z++)
strcpy(myBuff[z], myBuff[z+1]);
adjustflag = 1;

} /*End For Loop */
} /* End Function */

int ShowForm3(ProgStruct *ps)
int tc; /* terminating code */
int rc; /* return code for next form */
int more; /* loop variable */
int hasPrefix; /* Prefix Check for Serial Number*/
int i, x, k, y=0, r=1; /* loop variables */
int isDataGood;
int myBufferSize = 10; /* Set Buffer to 5 for testing */
int myFieldSize = 12;
int BufferCount;
int CurrentPosition;
char SERIALtxt[12];
char NewSerial[12];
char strDate[9];
char strTime[5];
char **myBuffer;
FILE *chan;

more = 1;
BufferCount = 0;
fmClearFlds(Form3); /* clear text boxes */

myBuffer = (char**) malloc(myBufferSize * sizeof(char *)); /* Allocate an array */

for (i = 0; i < myBufferSize; i++)
myBuffer[i] = (char*)malloc(myFieldSize);
memset(myBuffer[i], 0, myFieldSize);
strcpy(myBuffer[i], «»);

memset(strDate, 0, sizeof(strDate));
memset(strTime, 0, sizeof(strTime));
strncpy(strDate, ps->e, 4);
strncat(strDate, ps->f, 2);
strncat(strDate, ps->g, 2);
strncpy(strTime, ps->h, 2);
strncat(strTime, ps->i, 2);

while (more)
if (ps->ReturnToMain) /* return to main menu */
return tc;

tc = fmProcForm(Form3);

switch (tc)
case fmF1: /* Recall and Display Last Bufferred Serial Number */
if (x >= 0 && BufferCount >0)
fmSetFld(Form3,»SERIALtxt», myBuffer[x]);
case fmF3: /*F3-Delete pressed — Remove from the Array and re-adjust the buffer */
if (strcmp(SERIALtxt, «») != 0 && BufferCount >0)
strcpy(SERIALtxt, «»);
strcpy(myBuffer[x], SERIALtxt);
fmSetFld(Form3,»SERIALtxt», myBuffer[x]);
fmMsg(«Error»,»Invalid»,»Serial Number»);
tc = fmProcForm(Form3);
r = 1;
case fmF4:
case fmMode: /*ESC Exit pressed — Write out the remaining items in the Buffer */
chan=fopen(«BTDATA.TXT», «a»);
while (strcmp(myBuffer[0],»») != 0 && strcmp(myBuffer[0], NULL) != 0)
if (strcmp(myBuffer[0], «») != 0 && strcmp(myBuffer[0], NULL) != 0)
char outbuff[128];
sprintf(outbuff, «%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%sn», ps->a,ps->b,ps->c,ps->d,strDate,strTime,myBuffer[0]);
fwrite(outbuff, sizeof(char), strlen(outbuff), chan);
strcpy(myBuffer[0], «»);

for (i = 0; i < myBufferSize; i++)
free(myBuffer[i]); /* Free the buffer memory allocated */

free(myBuffer); /* Free the character pointer allocated */

more = 0;
ShowForm1(ps); /* clear text boxes */
case fmEnter: /*Enter or Scan was executed — Move into Buffer */
if(r == 0)
r = 1;

isDataGood = 0;
memset(NewSerial, 0, sizeof(NewSerial));

/* Remove the S/N Prefix */
if ((strlen(SERIALtxt) > 0) && strncmp(SERIALtxt, «S/N», 3) == 0)
k = 0;
isDataGood = 1;
for(i=3;i< strlen(SERIALtxt); i++)
if (isdigit(SERIALtxt[i]))
NewSerial[k] = SERIALtxt[i];

if ((strlen(SERIALtxt) > 0) && strncmp(SERIALtxt, «S/N», 3) != 0){

if (strncmp(SERIALtxt, «P/N», 3) == 0) isDataGood = 0;
else if (strncmp(SERIALtxt, «QTY», 3) == 0) isDataGood = 0;
else if (strncmp(SERIALtxt, «L/N», 3) == 0) isDataGood = 0;
strcpy(NewSerial, SERIALtxt);
isDataGood = 1;

if (isDataGood && tc != 5)
if (!(isDuplicate(myBuffer, NewSerial, myBufferSize)))
if (SERIALtxt != «» || SERIALtxt != NULL)
if (BufferCount == myBufferSize) /* check to see if buffer is full before adding more serial numbers */
char outbuff[128];
sprintf(outbuff, «%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%sn», ps->a,ps->b,ps->c,ps->d,strDate,strTime,myBuffer[0]);
chan=fopen(«BTDATA.TXT», «a»);
fwrite(outbuff, sizeof(char), strlen(outbuff), chan);

strcpy(myBuffer[0], «»); /* Put «» in its place so it knows where to adjust from */
y—; /* position back to the beginning of the array */

strcpy(myBuffer[y], NewSerial);
CurrentPosition = y;
x = BufferCount;
fmMsg(«Error»,»Duplicate Serial»,»Number Detected»);
if (tc != 5)
CurrentPosition = y;
fmMsg(«Error»,»Invalid»,»Serial Number»);
y = CurrentPosition;
isDataGood = 0;
r = 1;

} /* while more */
return tc;

  1. 23.02.2014, 12:59


    ALeksGM вне форума


    ошибка при установке драйверов ELO

    добрый день! проблемма такая:
    имеется новая станция на ней установлени дос и сеть
    имеется сенсорный монитор FEC MM3015
    так вот при установке драйверов выдает ошибку,
    то есть сначала говорит что установка идет и что элодев установлен
    потом ошибка

    run-time error r6003
    integer divide by…

    и говорит что элодев нот инсталлед

    ошибку просто дословно не помню но вообщем такая канитель. помогите

  2. 23.02.2014, 13:11


    Admin вне форума

    Да, вы ЕЁ и видите.

    Аватар для Admin

    ошибку просто дословно не помню но вообщем такая канитель. помогите

    чем? Вводных нет…
    Лечение по фотографии?

    You see ass…
    Если проблему можно решить за деньги, то это не проблема, это расходы. Еврейская мудрость.

  3. 23.02.2014, 14:47


    нужна более новая версия драйвера ЕЛО..такая ошибка встречается на «скоростных» процах с версией ЕЛО ниже 1.6(какая-то букафка)

  4. 23.02.2014, 15:16


    ALeksGM вне форума


    Цитата Сообщение от VampireKB
    Посмотреть сообщение

    нужна более новая версия драйвера ЕЛО..такая ошибка встречается на «скоростных» процах с версией ЕЛО ниже 1.6(какая-то букафка)

    да где же взять то новую версию??? на сайте только драйвер для tkt

    а в аутоэкбате не нужно ничего настраивать,???

  5. 23.02.2014, 15:41


    Цитата Сообщение от ALeksGM
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    да где же взять то новую версию??? на сайте только драйвер для tkt

    а в аутоэкбате не нужно ничего настраивать,???

    С такими трудностями, Вам лучше вызвать специалистов

  6. 23.02.2014, 15:49


    ALeksGM вне форума


    Цитата Сообщение от VampireKB
    Посмотреть сообщение

    С такими трудностями, Вам лучше вызвать специалистов

    специалистов вызвать всегда проще.
    а вот помочь увы?!………………….

  7. 24.02.2014, 01:44


    Andy вне форума


    Аватар для Andy

    поищите на ftp (или у добрых людей) драйвера свежее чем стоят у Вас и если найдете подскажем что надо поменять в аутоэкбате

    P.S. установленную версию драйвера ELO пишет при попытке загрузки тача (кмк)

    Семь смертных грехов: коммуникабельность, активность, желание работать в команде, целеустремлённость, быстрообучаемость, исполнительность, стрессоустойчивость.

  8. 24.02.2014, 01:50


    Admin вне форума

    Да, вы ЕЁ и видите.

    Аватар для Admin

    Осилит дорогу идущий.

    А сидящий на жопе технически не подкованный человек потеряет только время. И не только свое, что самое важное.
    Уровень ваших вопросов сразу расставляет все на свои места.
    Поэтому либо больше данных, какая КОНКРЕТНО ошибка, сфотографируйте экран в конце концов и на форум выложите. А слова — помогите, это не для технического форума. Кому это нужно то в конце концов?

    Вот с этим вы в точку…

    You see ass…
    Если проблему можно решить за деньги, то это не проблема, это расходы. Еврейская мудрость.

  9. 24.02.2014, 11:36


    ALeksGM вне форума


    ошибка такая

    NLSFUNC not installed
    ELODEV(TM) 1.7d
    Copyright (C) 1987-1998 Elo TouchSystems, Inc. All right reserved.
    Controller revision level: EloInk. 2.1-0.0
    Touchscreen type: AccuTouch(R)
    Power-on self-tests passed.
    Handshaking present: DSR CTS
    FIFO enadled.
    ELODEV installed.

    run-time error R6003
    -integer divide by 0
    ELODEV not installed.

    Последний раз редактировалось ALeksGM; 24.02.2014 в 11:42.

  10. 24.02.2014, 11:39


    Цитата Сообщение от ALeksGM
    Посмотреть сообщение

    ошибка такая

    run-time error r6003
    integer divide by 0

    по-моему, вы работаете не по специальности.


  • #1

I am trying to resurrect a friends PC by installing a new hard drive. I got
a used one that has been «tested and verified» but on Linux, not Windows.
The PC stops and posts a «Run-Time Error R6003 — Integer Divide By 0» error
during boot. The debugging info I have gotten from the web suggests a
problem with BIOS settings namely that virus detection is enabled in BIOS.

Can any one enlighten me further on this problem? i.e. what is going on
here? how do I get around it? The PC in question is an older one with a
Pentium ll and 256MB RAM as I recall, the BIOS options are fairly limited
and I don’t recall anything in BIOS that affects virus detection.

I’ve been trying to install Win98ME when I get this error but I also have XP
Home that I can use instead. Will this OS make a difference?



  • #2

I am trying to resurrect a friends PC by installing a new hard drive. I got
a used one that has been «tested and verified» but on Linux, not Windows.
The PC stops and posts a «Run-Time Error R6003 — Integer Divide By 0» error
during boot. The debugging info I have gotten from the web suggests a
problem with BIOS settings namely that virus detection is enabled in BIOS.

Can any one enlighten me further on this problem? i.e. what is going on
here? how do I get around it? The PC in question is an older one with a
Pentium ll and 256MB RAM as I recall, the BIOS options are fairly limited
and I don’t recall anything in BIOS that affects virus detection.

I’ve been trying to install Win98ME when I get this error but I also have XP
Home that I can use instead. Will this OS make a difference?

If you run out of other things to try, you can try the following:

1) Connect _only_ the dodgy drive.
2) Set up the boot order to boot from a floppy.
Or CD if you use the CD version.
3) Get a copy of DBAN and use as few passes as possible to
do an erase of the drive (quick erase?).

That may clean anything objectionable off the drive.

More info here:




  • #3

I am trying to resurrect a friends PC by installing a new hard drive. I got
a used one that has been «tested and verified» but on Linux, not Windows.
The PC stops and posts a «Run-Time Error R6003 — Integer Divide By 0» error
during boot. The debugging info I have gotten from the web suggests a
problem with BIOS settings namely that virus detection is enabled in BIOS.

Can any one enlighten me further on this problem? i.e. what is going on
here? how do I get around it? The PC in question is an older one with a
Pentium ll and 256MB RAM as I recall, the BIOS options are fairly limited
and I don’t recall anything in BIOS that affects virus detection.

I’ve been trying to install Win98ME when I get this error but I also have
XP Home that I can use instead. Will this OS make a difference?

Run-Time Error R6003 seems to be due to Boot sector virus detection
being turned on in the BIOS. Turn it off.;en-us;q296168

Avatar of mithrandrir


 asked on 12/16/2002

I have a Compaq Presario 5170 to which I have just installed a new 40GB HD. System has everything stripped out appart from CDR. It has 128M memory.
I inserted the Windows 98SE disc and when prompted I asked for «Intsall from CD». Almost immediately i get the error «Run-time error R6003 — integer divide by 0»
This may also have something to do with it :-
on first boot, I had a 164 memory error, but the system re-booted and I didn’t get it?
Can anyone plase help?

Operating Systems

Avatar of undefined

Last Comment


8/22/2022 — Mon

You need to go into your bios and disable the boot antivirus check. When you install windows it needs to write to the boot sector. By default most bios have an option to prevent writes to this area of the disk to protect against boot-sector viruses. Disable this and then re-enable it once windows is installed.

Thanks for that.
I did read, on some web site that that might be a cure.
I don’t know how to get into the BIOS setting on this Compaq machine. When I tried Del or F10 I gor a Setup screen but with no BIOS options. Do you have any idea of how to access the BIOS. The MOB came with the Compaq and theer are no indications on boot up as to what it is. I just get a Compaq logo.

press F10 when the cursor is on the right side of the screen, but, compaq uses a small partiton (about 8mb, non dos) to store it’s bios info on, and since this is a new drive, you have to create it
go here, and search around for it

Thanks for that.
I did read, on some web site that that might be a cure.
I don’t know how to get into the BIOS setting on this Compaq machine. When I tried Del or F10 I gor a Setup screen but with no BIOS options. Do you have any idea of how to access the BIOS. The MOB came with the Compaq and theer are no indications on boot up as to what it is. I just get a Compaq logo.

For stevenlewis.

Tghanks Steven for taking the time to assist. I have been to the site you suggested but I am unable to find anything that helps. Could you advise any further?

need to know the model number of the machine please


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