Saaj0537 invalid content type could be an error message instead of a soap message

Issue Currently i’m implementing a usecase where i’m supposed to create a soap client which writes over HTTP protocol. To...


Currently i’m implementing a usecase where i’m supposed to create a soap client which writes over HTTP protocol.
To test the same usecase i have a mock service up and running. Now when i execute the SAAJ implementation of mine as a standalone jar my application works just well and doesn’t have any issue.

My problem currently is that when i merge that code in an spring 4 based application and deploy it on Jboss AS 7.1.1, it gives me an error as below :

12:40:33,992 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1) com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?

12:40:33,994 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(

12:40:33,996 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(

12:40:33,997 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at

12:40:33,999 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at

Initially i assumed it to be an issue due to other spring dependencies because previously i have struggled with same issues however that isn’t the case here, as u can see in pom entries below i removed the conflicting spring -boot-autoconfigure APIS from my war build by making them optional.

my maven dependencies are as below :

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <spring.version>4.1.6.RELEASE</spring.version><!-- 3.0.5.RELEASE 4.1.6.RELEASE -->

        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->











And my SAAJ implementation is as below :

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

import com.saaj.client.constants.NotificationConstants;
import com.saaj.client.exception.CustomException;
import com.saaj.client.logger.LoggerManager;

public class AdapterServiceHelper {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerManager.getInstance().getNotificationProcessingLogger();

    public AdapterServiceHelper(){


    public URL getEndpointConnection(String url) throws MalformedURLException, CustomException{
        URL endpoint = null;

            endpoint = new URL (null, url, new URLStreamHandler () {
                protected URLConnection openConnection (URL url) throws IOException {
                    // The url is the parent of this stream handler, so must create clone
                    URL clone = new URL (url.toString ());
                    URLConnection connection = clone.openConnection ();
                            "application/soap+xml, text/*");
                    // If we cast to HttpURLConnection, we can set redirects
                    // connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects (false);
                    connection.setConnectTimeout (5 * 1000);      // 15 sec
                    connection.setReadTimeout (5 * 1000);         // 15 sec
                    // Custom header
                    return connection;

        }catch(MalformedURLException e){
            throw e;
        }catch(Exception exp){
            throw new CustomException(exp.getMessage(),"Error occured while getting endpoint connection to IP");
        return endpoint;

    //main SAAJ implementation
    public SOAPMessage writeCommand(URL endpoint, String command) throws Exception{

        SOAPMessage soapResponse = null;
        SOAPConnection soapConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        System.out.println("command written is "+command);
            SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory
            soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory

            //write to PG over soapConnection can be made generic
            is = new ByteArrayInputStream(command.getBytes());
            SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance(
                            new MimeHeaders(), is);

            MimeHeaders headers = request.getMimeHeaders();
            headers.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");

            soapResponse =, endpoint);
            //process soap response
        catch(SOAPException exp)
            logger.error("ERROR while connecting SOAP service" + exp.getMessage());
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        return soapResponse;


    public static void printSOAPResponse(SOAPMessage soapResponse) throws TransformerException, SOAPException {
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        Source sourceContent = soapResponse.getSOAPPart().getContent();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
        transformer.transform(sourceContent, result);


Please do let me know if there is any suggestion for this problem.


I tried using the basic HTTP connection to check what data i’m getting and found that i was really getting the html page for the mock service’s port.(localhost:9997)
Say my service is up on the URL : “http://localhost:9997/mockSoapBinding”
So i was getting data for the URL : “http://localhost:9997” instead of the web service exposed.

To check same i used the code below :

public String handleRequest(String method, String url, String xmlPayload,String readTimeout,String connectTimeout,String soapAction) throws IOException {
    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    String result = "";

    try {
        URL connectionUrl = new URL(url);
        connection = (HttpURLConnection) connectionUrl.openConnection();
        if ( xmlPayload != null && ! xmlPayload.equals("")) {
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8");
            /*connection.setRequestProperty("SOAPAction", soapAction);*/
            wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
        try {
            // getInputStream will throw exception when response code is
            // greater than 400, so we need to getErrorStream
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getErrorStream()));
        StringBuilder bodyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        String inputLine;
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
        result = String.valueOf( bodyBuilder.toString());

    } catch(Exception e){
        logger.error("Error occured while send message for : " , e);
            }finally {
        if (wr != null) {
        if (in != null) {
        if ( connection != null ) {


    return result;

Do note this is also an alternative to SAAJ implementation.

Answered By – Parul Chauhan

This Answer collected from stackoverflow, is licensed under cc by-sa 2.5 , cc by-sa 3.0 and cc by-sa 4.0


I’ve created web service from wsdl (using the Netbeans IDE for deployment).
Server doesn’t complain in deployment time.
When I enter the wsdl url in browser:
I see the wsdl file — its OK.
When I enter the Tester Page url:
I get the message in browser window :

Invalid wsdl request
http://localhost:8080/WebApplication9/AddNumbersService?Tester for web service

When I create a client againd this wsdl, I get this message in Server.log :
SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message Couldn’t create SOAP message due to
exception: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid
Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?

| #] |


Operating System: Linux
Platform: Linux

Affected Versions







@glassfishrobot Commented said:
wsimport attributes :

<wsimport sourcedestdir=»$









@glassfishrobot Commented
vijaysr said:
I am not able to use this attachment because it looks like a doc file.

However, I tried some of our dev tests which has similar AddNumbersService and
the tester page works just fine.

This problem you are getting looks very similar to a regression that was
introduced in glassfish nightly build on March 9 which was resolved on March 10.
If you can please take a GF nightly build dated later than March 11 and see if
this problem recurs, it will be helpful.

I am not able to reproduce this problem on latest GF nightly.

If the problem recurs even with the latest nightly, please attach the proper WAR



@glassfishrobot Commented said:
I attached the WebApplication9.tar file. I think it is correct as I was able to
download it back.

Please, try to deploy this war to GlassFish and create a client for this WS.
Or try to test WS in GlassFish Tester page.

I tested Nightly Builds #40 and #41.

Sorry, I am reopening the bug again. This is a serious bug for us as we are
blocked in Netbeans.


@glassfishrobot Commented
vijaysr said:
This is a test problem. Here are the details :

This is a wsdl-java case; in this scenario, the endpoint impl should be careful
to match the service name and port name in the WSDL with those specified in the
@WebService.serviceName and @WebService.portName

In this particular test case, the wsdl has serviceName = AddNumbersService and
portName=AddNumbersPort. The endpoint impl class has
@WebService.serviceName=AddNumbersServuce which is correct but the endpoint does
not have any @WebService.portName <- this is wrong.

Because the portName is not specified, the app server assumes the default
portName (implClass+»Port») and this is causing this problem. Agreed the error
message is not that friendly and there are bugs open to improve error messages.

the fix will be to add portName attribute to the endpoint Impl class and things
should be fine. For reference, check the test


@glassfishrobot Commented said:
Even when I set the attribute :

I couldn’t get it work :

When called the operation from my client I got :
Couldn’t create SOAP message due to exception:
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is
this an error message instead of a SOAP response?

In the Tester page I got :
Exception raised during method invocation :


AddNumbersPortis not found in service



This last log gave me a hint. I had to set also the targetNamespace attribute in
implementation class :

And … I got it
UUff: this was like a climb on Nanga Parbat

You right, the error messages were not intuitive.


@glassfishrobot Commented
Marked as incomplete on Thursday, March 16th 2006, 6:52:47 pm


@glassfishrobot Commented
This issue was imported from JIRA GLASSFISH-423


  • Issue Imported From:
  • Original Issue Raised By:@glassfishrobot
  • Original Issue Assigned To: @yaminikb
  • Original Issue Closed By:@glassfishrobot

Currently i’m implementing a usecase where issuse uvdos saaj i’m supposed to create a soap client which issuse uvdos saaj writes over HTTP protocol.
To test the same issuse uvdos saaj usecase i have a mock service up and issuse uvdos saaj running. Now when i execute the SAAJ issuse uvdos saaj implementation of mine as a standalone jar issuse uvdos saaj my application works just well and doesn’t issuse uvdos saaj have any issue.

My problem currently is that when i merge issuse uvdos saaj that code in an spring 4 based application issuse uvdos saaj and deploy it on Jboss AS 7.1.1, it gives me issuse uvdos saaj an error as below :

12:40:33,992 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1) com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?

12:40:33,994 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(

12:40:33,996 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(

12:40:33,997 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at

12:40:33,999 ERROR [stderr] (ActiveMQ Session Task-1)   at

Initially i assumed it to be an issue due to issuse uvdos saaj other spring dependencies because previously issuse uvdos saaj i have struggled with same issues however issuse uvdos saaj that isn’t the case here, as u can see in issuse uvdos saaj pom entries below i removed the conflicting issuse uvdos saaj spring -boot-autoconfigure APIS from my war issuse uvdos saaj build by making them optional.

my maven dependencies are as below :

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <spring.version>4.1.6.RELEASE</spring.version><!-- 3.0.5.RELEASE 4.1.6.RELEASE -->

        <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->











And my SAAJ implementation is as below :

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

import com.saaj.client.constants.NotificationConstants;
import com.saaj.client.exception.CustomException;
import com.saaj.client.logger.LoggerManager;

public class AdapterServiceHelper {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerManager.getInstance().getNotificationProcessingLogger();

    public AdapterServiceHelper(){


    public URL getEndpointConnection(String url) throws MalformedURLException, CustomException{
        URL endpoint = null;

            endpoint = new URL (null, url, new URLStreamHandler () {
                protected URLConnection openConnection (URL url) throws IOException {
                    // The url is the parent of this stream handler, so must create clone
                    URL clone = new URL (url.toString ());
                    URLConnection connection = clone.openConnection ();
                            "application/soap+xml, text/*");
                    // If we cast to HttpURLConnection, we can set redirects
                    // connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects (false);
                    connection.setConnectTimeout (5 * 1000);      // 15 sec
                    connection.setReadTimeout (5 * 1000);         // 15 sec
                    // Custom header
                    return connection;

        }catch(MalformedURLException e){
            throw e;
        }catch(Exception exp){
            throw new CustomException(exp.getMessage(),"Error occured while getting endpoint connection to IP");
        return endpoint;

    //main SAAJ implementation
    public SOAPMessage writeCommand(URL endpoint, String command) throws Exception{

        SOAPMessage soapResponse = null;
        SOAPConnection soapConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        System.out.println("command written is "+command);
            SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory
            soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory

            //write to PG over soapConnection can be made generic
            is = new ByteArrayInputStream(command.getBytes());
            SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance(
                            new MimeHeaders(), is);

            MimeHeaders headers = request.getMimeHeaders();
            headers.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");

            soapResponse =, endpoint);
            //process soap response
        catch(SOAPException exp)
            logger.error("ERROR while connecting SOAP service" + exp.getMessage());
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR : SOAPException encountered while writing ");
        return soapResponse;


    public static void printSOAPResponse(SOAPMessage soapResponse) throws TransformerException, SOAPException {
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        Source sourceContent = soapResponse.getSOAPPart().getContent();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
        transformer.transform(sourceContent, result);


Please do let me know if there is any issuse uvdos saaj suggestion for this problem.


Answers 1 : of SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message

I tried using the basic HTTP post uvdos soap connection to check what data i’m post uvdos soap getting and found that i was really post uvdos soap getting the html page for the mock post uvdos soap service’s port.(localhost:9997)
Say my post uvdos soap service is up on the URL : post uvdos soap «http://localhost:9997/mockSoapBinding»
So post uvdos soap i was getting data for the URL : post uvdos soap «http://localhost:9997» instead of the post uvdos soap web service exposed.

To check same i used the code below :

public String handleRequest(String method, String url, String xmlPayload,String readTimeout,String connectTimeout,String soapAction) throws IOException {
    HttpURLConnection connection = null;
    OutputStreamWriter wr = null;
    BufferedReader in = null;
    String result = "";

    try {
        URL connectionUrl = new URL(url);
        connection = (HttpURLConnection) connectionUrl.openConnection();
        if ( xmlPayload != null && ! xmlPayload.equals("")) {
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8");
            /*connection.setRequestProperty("SOAPAction", soapAction);*/
            wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
        try {
            // getInputStream will throw exception when response code is
            // greater than 400, so we need to getErrorStream
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getErrorStream()));
        StringBuilder bodyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        String inputLine;
        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
        result = String.valueOf( bodyBuilder.toString());

    } catch(Exception e){
        logger.error("Error occured while send message for : " , e);
            }finally {
        if (wr != null) {
        if (in != null) {
        if ( connection != null ) {


    return result;

Do note this is also an alternative to post uvdos soap SAAJ implementation.


2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00 2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message

I got this error message when I provided post uvdos soap the wrong namespace in the soap post uvdos soap enveloppe. This likely has the same post uvdos soap effect as what the accepted answer post uvdos soap describes, i.e. the request arrives at post uvdos soap the wrong URL.


2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00 2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00Answer Link



Answers 3 : of SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message

I have found a dependency issue.

Ok with POI 4.0.1, and fails with 5.0.0, post uvdos soap using this pom.xml :

        <!-- @see -->
        <!-- API, java.xml.bind module -->
        <!-- Runtime, com.sun.xml.bind module -->

<!--            <version>5.0.0</version> -->

<!--            <version>5.0.0</version> -->


2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00 2023-02-07T02:05:30+00:00Answer Link


At present i am using JCAPS version 5.1.1
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-
Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
I got above error message while invoking the webservice.
My intention is to get HttpRequest from user and based on the input from user, a web service should be invoked. For this i am using BusinessProcess[einsight]
In my BusinessProcess, i have HttpServer processRequest service,
to receive HTTP requests and then i am passing the value of parameter received from http[As String] to next partner which is responsible for invoking a webservice.[Used a wsdl in client mode]
I am able to get http request successfully , but i got error while invoking web service.
Please let me know, what to do for rectifying error.

Although this is an aged topic, this is plaguing our development efforts currently. I have successfully created a webservice that can be executed externally using the generated wsdl but I am unable to get a JCD to execute the WS without getting the following error:
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.700-0700|SEVERE|IS5.1.2|javax.xml.messaging.saaj.soap|_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.<init>(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.createMessage(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransport.readResponse(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransport.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.701-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at tp6.ExecutePortType_Stub.opGetControl(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at tp6.ExecutePortType_opGetControl.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at urn_stc_egate_jce_AI_WebServices_GetControl_jcdGetControl.OpGetControl.invoke(urn_stc_egate_jce_AI_WebServices_GetControl_jcdGetControl.OpGetControl:113)|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at AIWebServicesTEST_GetControl_WS.jcdTEST_GetControl_WS.start(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at TEST_GetControl_WS.cmTEST_GetControl_WS_jcdTEST_GetControl_WS1.jcdTEST_GetControl_WS_Runtime_Handler.handleRequest(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4463.invoke(Unknown Source)|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at $Proxy108.handleRequest(Unknown Source)|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.702-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at STC_MDB__eaJCAP_Scheduler_cmTEST_GetControl_WS_jc1527518542.sendMessage(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at STC_MDB__eaJCAP_Scheduler_cmTEST_GetControl_WS_jc1527518542.onContents(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4462.invoke(Unknown Source)|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.ejb.containers.MessageBeanContainer.deliverMessage(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.ejb.containers.MessageBeanListenerImpl.deliverMessage(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.inflow.MessageEndpointInvocationHandler.invoke(|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
     at $Proxy111.onContents(Unknown Source)|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.703-0700|WARNING|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.704-0700|SEVERE|IS5.1.2|javax.xml.messaging.saaj.soap|_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|SAAJ0535: Unable to internalize message|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.704-0700|INFO|IS5.1.2|STC.eGate.CMap.Collabs.TEST_GetControl_WS.cmTEST_GetControl_WS_jcdTEST_GetControl_WS1.AIWebServicesTEST_GetControl_WS.jcdTEST_GetControl_WS|_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|+++EXCEPTION = HTTP transport error: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to internalize message; nested exception is:
     HTTP transport error: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to internalize message|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.704-0700|INFO|IS5.1.2|STC.eGate.CMap.Collabs.TEST_GetControl_WS.cmTEST_GetControl_WS_jcdTEST_GetControl_WS1.AIWebServicesTEST_GetControl_WS.jcdTEST_GetControl_WS|_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|+++STACK     = [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@31de31de|#]
[#|2007-10-09T19:51:02.705-0700|INFO|IS5.1.2||_ThreadID=32606; ThreadName=Worker: 34758;|terminate each service|#]
Is anybody else having this same error and how was it resolved? Both my client and server settings seems to be in sync. My only iffy piece is the servlet context. For both client and server external components, host, port, servlet context match. What am I missing??

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  • SOAP: error occured: invalid content type for SOAP: TE

    We are implementing an XI scenario as follows: Mail Adapter->XI->SOAP Receiver.
    Basically, we pass the XML File attachment from the Mail Adapter through XI to the SOAP Adapter. However, we keep getting the following error:
    <i>SOAP: error occured: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML</i>
    Any ideas on where we could look to fix this problem?

    most of errors like that are 401 (unauthorized), 403 (forbidden), 404 (not found) and so on. To be sure, check the message content that comes back from the webservice, in the Message Monitoring.
    Obs: To visualize sync messages payload in Message Monitoring, you’ll have to set the Messaging.syncMessageRemover.removebody parameter to <i>false</i> (default is <i>true</i>) in SAP XI AF Messaging service, in the Visual Administrator.

  • Error in soap — Invalid content type

    Hi all
    In soap lookup, i am getting a error that the content type is invalid.
    This is the string from which i have derived the xmlPayload.
    <i><ConversionRate xmlns=»http://www.webserviceX.NET/»> <FromCurrency>INR</FromCurrency><ToCurrency>USD</ToCurrency></ConversionRate></i>
    My error message is
    <i>invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN’. Cause Exception: ‘invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN’.</i>
    Can someone please suggest me what could have gone wrong?

    url -
    I have enabled Keep headers, Keep attachments, Use query string.
    <b>my code:</b>
    AbstractTrace trace=null;
    Channel soapChannel=LookupService.getChannel(«soaplookup_buss»,»soap_ib»);
    trace.addDebugMessage(«channel created»);
    SystemAccessor accessor=LookupService.getSystemAccessor(soapChannel);
    trace.addDebugMessage(«accessor created»);
    String message=»<ConversionRate xmlns=»http://www.webserviceX.NET/»><FromCurrency>TRY</FromCurrency><ToCurrency>AFA </ToCurrency></ConversionRate>»;
    InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes());
    XmlPayload reqPayload = LookupService.getXmlPayload(inputStream);
    return «success»;
    catch(Exception e){
    trace.addDebugMessage(«exception occured»+e);
    return «exception occured»;

  • Could not parse XMBMessage due to invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML

    Hi all,
       I am working on a SOAP scenario,
    the soap body is as follows
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=»» xmlns:SOAP-ENC=»» xmlns:xsi=»» xmlns:xsd=»»>
              <m:MT_test xmlns:m=»»>
    when i tried to request it using XML spy, following error i am getting ,
    <?xml version=»1.0″?>
    <!— see the documentation —>
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=»»>
                   <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>
                        <s:SystemError xmlns:s=»″>
                             <text><![CDATA[ Could not parse XMBMessage due to invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML
         at Method)
    the  request is coming to xi, when i am monitoring the communication channel in RWB,
    i am getting message, «request received, error occured»
    this is anew xi server, is ther any configuration need to do.
    Please help me.
    Pradeep P N

    I’m getting the same error. Please tell me how do i resolve this?
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=»» xmlns:soap=»http://soap2soap»>
    <!see the documentation>
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=»»>
             <faultstring>Server Error</faultstring>
                <s:SystemError xmlns:s=»″>
                   <text> Could not parse XMBMessage due to invalid content type for SOAP: APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM

  • Invalid Content-Type error using JAXM

    I have deployed sample JAXM application to weblogic server 7.0. When I ran the
    client it is throwing following error,
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Invalid Content-Type:text/html javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable
    to internalize message
    Following is the SOAP message I am sending to the service,
    <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=»»>
    <Item ID=»101″ NAME=»Java» PRICE=»$29.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»102″ NAME=»Java 2″ PRICE=»$39.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»103″ NAME=»JAXM» PRICE=»$19.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»104″ NAME=»Web Services» PRICE=»$49.99″></Item>
    The above application is working fine in SUN ONE Application server.

    Hi Muthu,
    Take a look at the SAAJ spec:
    Towards the top part of the doc shows the diffs.
    Muthu wrote:
    Hi Bruce,
    Thanks for your reply. Could I know what is the difference between JAXM and SAAJ?
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Product management has stated that we have no plans to support JAXM.
    has removed any depencies between JAXM and JAXRPC and created SAAJ as
    replacement for the JAXM dependencies. JAXM will not be part of J2EE
    1.4. We support SAAJ in 8.1.
    Muthu wrote:
    I have deployed sample JAXM application to weblogic server 7.0. WhenI ran the
    client it is throwing following error,
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Invalid Content-Type:text/html javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:Unable
    to internalize message
    Following is the SOAP message I am sending to the service,
    <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=»»>
    <Item ID=»101″ NAME=»Java» PRICE=»$29.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»102″ NAME=»Java 2″ PRICE=»$39.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»103″ NAME=»JAXM» PRICE=»$19.99″></Item>
    <Item ID=»104″ NAME=»Web Services» PRICE=»$49.99″></Item>
    The above application is working fine in SUN ONE Application server.

  • Reason Of Error invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HT

    Hi All,
    I am getting an error, when I am sending message from few BPM’s to a common Webservice Synchronously.
    Delivery of the message to the application using connection AFW failed, due to: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML. Setting message to status failed.
    Previously, it was working fine. But today I am getting the errors. Could any one please explain, what exactly the reason is. I searched the Forum, but didnt find a proper resolution. We are sending the same set of data to the Webservice, which we were sending before. Please suggest.

    Hi Vijay,
    I am wondering,Without this module, how it was working fine for so many days. Could you please throw light?

  • Invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

    I have this error on a SOAP Receiver Channel: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
    I’ve found several threads on SDN Forums about similar errors, but I did not find a solution for my problem yet.
    I checked this blog: /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2008/01/08/troubleshooting—rfc-and-soap-scenarios-updated-on-20042009  Pt.6 applies to my situation, but the proposed solution doesn’t solve the problem.
    TRACE Messaging System
    2011-06-06 10:59:41.822 Success Delivering to channel: CC_SOAP_RCV_XXX
    2011-06-06 10:59:41.823 Success MP: entering1
    2011-06-06 10:59:41.825 Success MP: processing local module localejbs/
    2011-06-06 10:59:41.828 Success SOAP: request message entering the adapter with user J2EE_GUEST
    2011-06-06 10:59:42.012 Error SOAP: call failed: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
    2011-06-06 10:59:42.014 Success SOAP: sending a delivery error ack …
    2011-06-06 10:59:42.014 Success SOAP: sent a delivery error ack
    Message Details
    Credential   PasswordCredential(PIISUSER):password=******** 
    Transport Headers   accept-encoding=gzip sap-xi-messageid=4DEA11FE90003094E10000000AE908B4 content-length=7520 http=POST host= user-agent=SAP NetWeaver Application Server (1.0;711) content-type=multipart/related;boundary=SAP_4DEA47CEAD3A5138E10000000AE908B4_END;type=»text/xml»;start=»» soapaction=»″ 
    Configuration Details SOAP Communication Channel
    SOAP Receiver Channel
    No modules configured
    Do not use SOAP Envelope  -> NOT checked
    If I type the target URL in browser it opens (no login required) and I see the available web services.
    Anyone any idea what’s the reason for this error?
    Thanks in advance
    Kind Regards
    Edmond Paulussen

    Hi Edmond,
    We faced similar problem & found alternative.
    Try out, if it works for u as well.
    1) Use HTTP Adapter instead of SOAP.
    Transport Protocol : HTTP 1.0
    Message Protocol : XI Payload in HTTP Body
    Adapter Engine : Integration Server
    Addressing type : URL Address.
    Target Host:
    Service Number :
    Path Prefix:
    Authentication type : we hv used Ananymus login, as our login details in payload header.
    Content Type : application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8( this is IMP).
    Header Fields.
    Name         value
    Host           target host
    XI Payload Manipulation
    XML Code : UTF-8
    Hope, this helps…

  • In HTTP to SOAP scenario. Error i get is «Invalid content type for SOAP»

    In HTTP to SOAP(synch) scenario. Error i get is <b>»Invalid content type for SOAP»</b>
    When pass my data in the HTTP client, I get the following Error.
    What may be the cause,How to reslove it.
    Response am getting is below……………………….
    <SAP:Error><SAP:Category>XIAdapterFramework</SAP:Category><SAP:Code>MESSAGE.GENERAL</SAP:Code><SAP:AdditionalText> invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN</SAP:AdditionalText></SAP:Error>

    hi ,
    Just refer following 2 links
    Re: Invalid content type for SOAP
    Re: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML
    Reward If helpful

  • Invalid Content Type Error in Receiver SOAP Adapter

    Hello Experts,
    Is there a solution for this problem?
    I am getting the following error in one of my receiver SOAP adapters: XIAdapterFramework:… invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML
    I have checked the message I am sending to the receiver adapter and it is XML, ok. After checking this thread: Re: Error in soap receiver adapter and SAP note 856597 I used the TCPGateway program to check what the web service is answering to the adapter request and I found the problem is due to an authentication failure. The TEXT/HTML is an error page the SAP WebAS that hosts the webservice is sending out as response saying no login method succeeded.
    However…  The webservice URL and basic authentication information, the user and password, are configured correctly. I double checked it and I can also run the webservice using that information directly with wsnavigator on that WebAS.
    Checking the request message I found out that the root problem is that the adapter is not sending out a basic authentication request as configured. It is actually sending a header with SAP SSO2 (single signon) ticket instead.
    The most strange thing is that I configured another channel exactly the same way and it sends a basic authentication header as it should and works correctly.
    So as a workaround I am using this new channel instead of the problematic one but why is the original sending SSO2 tickets? It is configured exactly the same as other channels. I think that SAP SSO authentication is not even supported by XI SOAP channels!!!???
    Thanks in advance for your kind responses.

    Thanks for the link, but the real issue is not the request message (regarding your blog) but that the reply from the webservice is the standard HTML page informing no login module succeeded because the adapter is deciding completely on its own that it should use SAP single signon ticket instead of basic authentication as configured.
    I have performed full and delta cache refreshes to see if the channel performs as configured in the ID but it doesn’t. It insists in trying to use SSO2 ticket instead of basic authentication.
    I am sure this is an ugly bug in the WEBAS Java, more so because an identically configured channel does use the basic authentication as it should. Anyone knows about a SAP note regarding this? I have performed many searches on the support service but haven’t retrieved anything significant.
    Thanks for your help guys!

  • PO 7.4: NW BPM: HTTP Error response for SOAP request or invalid content-type.HTTP 200 OK

    Hi Experts
    I am trying to call NW BPM scenario(File to BPM) from PI, and using below adapter config.
    I am getting below error.
    Failed to call the endpoint: Error in call over HTTP: HTTP 200 OK
    SOAP: Call failed: HTTP Error response for SOAP request or invalid content-type.; HTTP 200 OK
    SOAP: Error occurred: HTTP Error response for SOAP request or invalid content-type.; HTTP 200 OK
    MP: exception caught with cause HTTP Error response for SOAP request or invalid content-type.; HTTP 200 OK
    Transmitting the message to endpoint <local> using connection File_ failed, due to: HTTP Error response for SOAP request or invalid content-type.; HTTP 200 OK
    Any idea how to fix this issue?
    Sandeep Maurya.

    Hi Sandeep,
    Test the URL from your browser and check the proxy settings as well.
    Refer the below links
    SOAP: call failed: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT
    SOAP: Call failed: Failed to get the input stream from socket: Connection…
    Bhargava Krishna

  • Error: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request

    Hi Gurus,
    i am hardly fighting with this error in Communication Channel Monitoring:
    Message processing failed. Cause: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request
    SOAP: call failed: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request
    This is my scenario.
    I do a File to SOAP Scenario. in SXI_MONITOR everything is fine.
    My CommChan is a SOAP Receiver
    SOAP 1.1
    Central Adapter Engine
    Target URL is https —> i check url for correctness
    Configure User Authentication is checked and username and pw are given and are correct.
    Configure Certificate Authentication is checked are working
    Configure Proxy is checked and Host and port are povided.
    SOAP Action is provided
    In Tab Module
    if have this Processing Sequence
    1     localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean     Local Enterprise Bean     transform
    2     Local Enterprise Bean     1
    and this Module configuration (and only this)
    transform     Transform.ContentType     text/xml;charset=utf-8
    (according to /people/sobhithalaxmi.kata/blog/2009/07/21/cost-free-edi-integration-using-message-transformation-bean)
    As far as i understand that my http header should have Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 now. I don’t understand why Communication Channel Monitoring shows an error according to content TEXT/HTML.
    Can anyone help me with that?
    Is it possible that Transform.ContentType does not work for SOAP Receiver Adapter?
    is there any chance to view the HTTP-Header of the outgoing SOAP Request (with PI Transaction / Java Enironment) to convince myself that the HTTP Header is text/xml?
    Thank you in advance and Best Regards

    Hi Thanks for your fast replies.
    The Provider of the Endpoint tells me that he needs text/xml as content-type. When I sent a message to the given Endpoint via SOAP UI I can see in the HTTP LOG of SOAP UI that the Endpoint is also sending text/xml back.
    Below you find the Details log out of the CommChan Monitoring.
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information The message status was set to TBDL.
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information Retrying to deliver message to the application. Retry: 3
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information The message was successfully retrieved from the receive queue.
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information The message status was set to DLNG.
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information Delivering to channel: getxxxxx_In  <—- name of my SOAP Receiver CommChan
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information Transform: using Transform.Class:  $identity
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information Transform: transforming the payload …
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information Transform: successfully transformed
    2011-04-29 11:37:45 Information SOAP: request message entering the adapter with user J2EE_GUEST
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Error SOAP: call failed: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Information SOAP: sending a delivery error ack …
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Information SOAP: sent a delivery error ack
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Error SOAP: error occured: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Error Adapter Framework caught exception: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Error Delivering the message to the application using connection SOAP_ failed, due to: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 400 Bad Request.
    2011-04-29 11:37:46 Error The message status was set to NDLV.
    What i am missing is a hint on the Message Transform Bean and a on a successfull sending process.
    What i also tried already:
    i also activated the checkbox «Do not use SOAP Envelop» in CommChan Configuration. The Result you see below (the last log entry is on first line — so read from bottom to top)
    Message processing failed. Cause: SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/HTTP/ADAPTER.HTTP_EXCEPTION — HTTP 400 Bad Request
    error in response
    call completed
    request entering
    Message processing started
    As you can see there is a «call completed» and «error in response» log entry. This is missing in in the first Log. So i guess the error is still in the sending process.
    Installing additional Software on the PI and use them to find out what the HTTP Request is is not possible as system access is very strict and limited :/

  • «Invalid content type» error in SOAP receiver

    Hi ,
    I have ABAP Proxy->XI->Webservice scenario.
    I have configured the SOAP receiver with all neccessary information (Target URL pointing to WSDL , proxy details)
    However i get the following error when i try sending data to the webservice. «Invalid Content type for SOAP: text/html»
    I have seen some forums and blogs on this site on this but still not able to solve the error.
    Please advice…

    Hi Anand,
    Have a look into this thread- similar discussion
    DeliveryException:: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML
    Also check this- in the Reciever SOAP Adapter configuration i.e Target URL must be url of the WSDL.
    Hope this helps…….

  • Error message: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 403 Forbidd

    Hi All,
    My scenario is Proxy to File
    So in-order to test the scenario i am sending the Data from RWB using TestMessage
    i have given the sender and receiver details.
    and the payload i am passing is
    <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″?>
    <ns0:MT_QAStatusReport xmlns:ns0=»″>
             <INSP_LOT>New for EU</INSP_LOT>
             <SHORT_TEXT> caps SE</SHORT_TEXT>
             <COMMENTS>Pending Import Testing</COMMENTS>
    the error i am facing is
    Error while sending message: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 403 Forbidden
    can any one suggest me how to solve the isssue

    I had received similar error , request you to also check following,
    1. while sending the message from IE placed in RWB, just check the URL in the Test Message tab, its possible that this PI is installed just now and its settings are not done correctly. In this ask the owner or the BASIS to change it to correct URL.
    for example it should look something like — http://sdndevdpi001:50100/sap/xi/engine?type=entry

  • SOAP adapter error: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML.

    Dear SAP experts,
    Need your help again here.
    Currently, i am getting this specific error in my RWB logs.
    The connection is from SAP XI going to Trading Partner via SOAP adapter.
    The specific error is:
    Delivery of the message to the application using connection SOAP_ failed, due to: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML.
    I’ve already searched on what is causing the issue and it seems majority of the information is that, the error might be due to incorrect/wrong URL that was set in the configurations in the SAP XI communication channel.
    Can you confirm this one?
    DO you have any thoughts on this error?
    Please help.
    Thank you very much!

    Hi Freddiesan,
    First of all, test your URL acessing it from SAP PI server’s local browser to check firewall and router settings.
    If it works, check these blogs:
    Edited by: Rogério Tambellini on Jul 3, 2009 12:52 PM

  • Getting error»invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 503 Not Ready

    I am getting the below error in Comminication channel
    ‘Message processing failed. Cause: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 503 Not Ready: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 503 Not Ready
    SOAP: call failed: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 503 Not Ready

    Have you checked if you are passing the correct content type by validating the generated SOAP request against the format the receiver is expecting? You can try using an HTTP diagnostic tool to analyze the HTTP header e.g fiddler.
    Hope this helps,

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