Saints row 4 как изменить внешность персонажа

В Saints Row присутствует возмодность создавать интересных и уникальных персонажей благодаря настройке персонажей. Последняя игра Saints Row ничем не отличается от других; игроки имеют доступ к множеству опций и ползунков, которые позволяют им создать своего идеального босса для создания хаоса. Тем

В Saints Row присутствует возмодность создавать интересных и уникальных персонажей благодаря настройке персонажей. Последняя игра Saints Row ничем не отличается от других; игроки имеют доступ к множеству опций и ползунков, которые позволяют им создать своего идеального босса для создания хаоса. Тем не менее, если игроку надоест видеть одного и того же старого персонажа, Saints Row прикроет его.

Как изменить внешность персонажа

Изменить внешность персонажа в Saints Row на самом деле очень просто, и сделать это можно практически в любом месте игры. Для того чтобы изменить внешность персонажа, просто:

  • Перейдите в меню «Мобильник»;
  • Оттуда перейдите к приложению «Стиль»;
  • Это позволит игрокам снова получить доступ к экрану настройки персонажа, где они смогут редактировать своего героя.

Это приложение доступно в любом месте открытого мира без каких-либо ограничений. Кастомизация персонажа не имеет цены, поэтому игроки могут менять своего персонажа на любого, кого они только смогут придумать. Приложение «Внешний вид» позволяет игрокам настраивать несколько вещей, включая:

  • Лицо
  • Тело
  • Прически
  • Одежда, включая нижнее белье
  • Голос
  • Эмоции
  • Опции «Скромность», а также «Нагота»

Saints Row предлагает игрокам большое количество вариантов кастомизации персонажей. Франшиза всегда была известна тем, что позволяет игрокам создавать любые чудовища, которые они захотят; ранее игроки создавали Таноса, Халка и Шрека.

Наряду с этим, Saints Row позволяет игрокам сохранить персонажа в виде шаблона, к которому можно обратиться в любое время. Это позволяет игрокам проходить через любого из заранее установленных боссов, находясь в открытом мире Санто-Илесо.

Как получить новую одежду

Saints Row предлагает игрокам не только кастомизацию персонажей, но и свободу в выборе одежды. Помимо скучного набора, который игроки получают в начале игры, они могут получить новую одежду разными способами.

Время шопинга

Saints Row возвращается с возможностью украсить своего персонажа с помощью классной одежды, которую можно найти в магазинах. Эти магазины разбросаны по всему Санто-Илесо и могут быть найдены на карте игрока с помощью значка зеленой рубашки.

Приобретая предмет в магазине одежды в первый раз, игрок также получит немного XP вместе с предметом. В каждом магазине будет свой набор одежды и эстетика, поэтому всегда стоит пройтись по магазинам, чтобы найти то, что лучше всего подходит персонажу игрока.

Миссии и задания

Кроме того, игроки могут получить одежду, выполняя побочные миссии и проходя основной сюжет. Кроме того, игроки могут получить ее, занимаясь побочным бизнесом и предпринимательством, которые можно найти по всей карте Санто-Илесо.

Как и при обычной кастомизации, игрок может изменить свой наряд на бегу с помощью приложения «Style» на телефоне. Опять же, это не имеет ограничений и не стоит ни цента, что очень удобно для тех, кто хочет спонтанно изменить свой внешний вид. Игрок также может посетить гардероб в своей кроватке, чтобы сменить одежду.

Player Customization is available in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Character customization in Saints Row.


Players can customize Playa at the beginning of each game. They can also be changed at an Image As Designed store during the game for a fee.

Unless otherwise indicated, all options are sliders with values from 1 to 100.

All games include Race presets for Caucasian, African American, Asian, and Hispanic

Saints Row[]

  • Player Customization occurs at the very beginning of the game, before the first cutscene, «The Streets of Stilwater.»
  • Hair options are not available at Image As Designed, and must be customized through Hair Salons which contain different options.
  • It is possible to randomize Skin, Body and Head values.

Saints Row 2[]

  • Player Customization occurs after the Vacation’s Over cutscene, and before the first cutscene «The Great Escape», of the first mission, Jailbreak.
  • Gang Insults are unlocked after completion of each Gang’s storyline.
  • Some Compliments and Taunts are used as a Gang Sign in Gang Customization, but enemy gang personality options are unavailable.
  • Each Voice sings with different radio songs as part of the Soprano Achievement.
  • Face, Hair, and Make-up values can be randomized.
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row save file.
  • Saints Row 2 has 8 Build presets.
Build Preset Body Shape Muscularity Fatness
Average Male 25 20 55
Average Female -37 10 45
Slender Male 25 15 30
Slender Female (default) -45 18 30
Overweight Male 25 10 70
Overweight Female -37 0 67
Athletic Male 25 55 30
Athletic Female -37 30 25
Emaciated Male 25 5 15
Emaciated Female -37 0 7
Obese Male 25 20 90
Obese Female -37 0 90
Bodybuilder Male (default) 25 90 35
Bodybuilder Female -45 85 10
Burly Male 25 90 75
Burly Female -45 67 75

Saints Row: The Third[]

  • Player Customization occurs after the first mission, When Good Heists Go Bad, and before the second mission, I’m Free — Free Falling.
  • Saints Row: The Third uses a triangular slider to choose between Fat, Skinny, and Muscular.
  • All sliders are set to 50 by default. Playa featured in all trailers uses all default settings.
  • There are 8 preset characters, as well as the option to download additional presets, and upload custom characters.
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row or Saints Row 2 save file.
  • It is not possible to save or load characters locally, and an Internet connection is required.
  • It is not possible to download characters uploaded by players on different game platforms.

Saints Row IV[]

  • Player Customization takes place after the first mission. «Zero Saints Thirty».
  • Player Customization is essentially the same as in Saints Row: The Third.[1]
  • It is possible to download a Saints Row: The Third character from the Saints Row website.[1]
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row, Saints Row 2 or Saints Row: The Third save file.[1]
  • It is not possible to save or load characters locally, and an Internet connection is required.
  • It is not possible to download characters uploaded by players on different game platforms.


Saints Row

Saints Row 2

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row IV

  • Race Presets
  • Skin Luminosity
  • Skin Saturation
  • Muscule
  • Fat
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (18 shades)
  • Sex
  • Age (10/50/80)
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (8 Presets)
  • Body Shape (50F-50M)
  • Muscularity (1-100)
  • Fatness (0-100)
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (55 shades)
  • Body mask (3 tan lines)
  • Sex
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (Fat/Strength/Skinny)
  • Sex appeal (0-100)
  • Features (25 options)
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (55 shades)
  • Body mask (3 tan lines)
  • Sex
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (Fat/Strength/Skinny)
  • Sex appeal (0-100)
  • Features (25 options)
Face Scaling
  • Face Width
  • Face Depth
  • Face Height
  • Skull Size
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Forehead Shape
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Brow Angle
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Eye Separation
  • Eye Depth
  • Eye Height
  • Eye Size
  • Eyelid Slant
  • Eyelid Look
  • Eyelid Shape
  • Eye Color (7 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Upper Eyelid Curve
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Curve
  • Eye Color (7 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Eye Style
  • Eye Color (14 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Eye Style
  • Eye Color (14 options)
  • Bridge Curve
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Height
  • Nose Width
  • Nose Length
  • Nose Size
  • Nose Tip
  • Nose Pitch
  • Nose Yaw
  • Nose Roll
  • Nostril Size
  • Nostril Height
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Nose Style
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Nose Style
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Fatness
  • Jowls
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Yaw
  • Ear Pitch
  • Ear Roll
  • Ear Lobe
  • Ear Tip
  • Ear Curve
  • Ear Inside
  • Ear Longitude
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Height
  • Mouth Size
  • Mouth Sides
  • Mouth Corners
  • Mouth Angle
  • Mouth Bite
  • Upper Lip Shape
  • Upper Lip Size
  • Upper Lip Notch
  • Upper Lip Length
  • Lower Lip Shape
  • Lower Lip Size
  • Lower Lip Notch
  • Lower Lip Length
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Mouth Style
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Mouth Style
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Shape
  • Chin Length
  • Double Chin
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Chin Dimple
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Jaw Width
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height


Saints Row

Saints Row 2

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row IV

  • Head
  • Mustache
  • Beard
  • Sideburns
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair Length
  • Hair Color
  • Head
  • Mustache
  • Beard
  • Sideburns
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair head primary (17)
  • Hair head secondary
  • Facial hair color
  • Head hair
  • Facial hair
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair accessory color
  • Head hair
  • Facial hair
  • Eyebrows


  • Fuzz
  • Afro
  • Parted, Middle
  • Braided
  • Corn Rows
  • Shag Top
  • Spiked
  • Slicked Back, Shaved Sides
  • Slicked Back, Clipped Sides
  • Combed Back And Long
  • Faux Hawk
  • Dreadlocks
  • Dawgy Style
  • Mullet
  • Combed Forward
  • Short Clippered
  • Frohawk, Shaved
  • Curly Mohawk, Fuzzy Sides
  • Frohawk, Striped
  • Liberty Spikes
  • Pony Tail
  • Flat Top, Lightning
  • Flat Top, Laser Lines
  • Flat Top, Short Sides
  • Shaggy
  • Widow’s Peak
  • Afro hat hair
  • Afro Large
  • bald man hat hair
  • Beehive
  • black dread hat hair
  • Clipped Short 1 (HM)
  • Clipped Short 2
  • Clipped Short 3
  • Comb Over
  • Combed Back
  • Combed Forward
  • Conservative Parted Left
  • Conservative Parted Right
  • Corn Row Ponytail
  • Corn Rows
  • Corporate Parted Left (WM)
  • Curly
  • Curly Short
  • Draped Over Shoulders
  • dread hat hair
  • Dreads w/Updo
  • Fade
  • Feathered Executive (Dane)
  • female pulled up hat hair
  • First Lady
  • flat standard
  • Flat Top
  • Friar
  • Large Mohawk
  • Layered Parted Left
  • Long and Asymmetrical (HF)
  • Long and Straight (Jessica)
  • Long and Wavy
  • Long Corn Rows
  • Long Dreads 1 (Shaundi)
  • Long Dreads 2
  • long dreads hat hair
  • male pony tail hat hair
  • Medium Colored Dreads 1 (BF)
  • Medium Colored Dreads 2 (Veteran Child)
  • Medium Dreads
  • Medium Length Parted Middle (WF)
  • Messy (Aisha)
  • Messy 2
  • Messy w/Spikes
  • mullet hat hair (Maero)
  • Pigtail Braids
  • Pixie
  • Ponytail
  • Ponytail Short
  • Ponytail Top
  • Shaved Head (BM)
  • Shaved Sides w/Spiky Top
  • Shaved w/Spiky Bangs (Donnie)
  • Short and Shaggy (AF)
  • Short Colored Top (Carlos)
  • Short Dreads
  • short mullet hat hair
  • Short Parted Right (Translator)
  • Shoulder Length Parted Left
  • Skater Cut (AM)
  • Slicked Back Colored (Kazuo)
  • Slicked Back High
  • Small Afro
  • Spiked Back
  • Spiky Dreads
  • Spiky Punk
  • Spiky Top w/Dyed Tips (Johnny Gat)
  • Spiky w/Dyed Tips (Shogo)
  • Swept Back
  • Teased Afro
  • Test Hair Colors
  • The Vlad
  • Tight Bun
  • Tribal Bob
  • Tribal Curls
  • Tribal Fade
  • Tribal Mullet
  • Tribal Mullet Colored (Matt)
  • Tribal Mullet Long (Maero)
  • Tribal Pigtails
  • Tribal Ponytail
  • Tribal Pulled Back
  • Tribal Short Ponytail
  • Tribal Side Ponytail
  • Tribal Top Knot
  • Tucked Behind Ears
  • Updo
  • Updo w/Tendrils
  • 50’s Housewife
  • Anime
  • Bad Boy
  • Barely Legal
  • Basic Bob
  • Bob In Eye
  • Butterfly Clip
  • Cheerleader
  • Chiseled Fro
  • Clean Cut
  • Corn Rows Skin Fit
  • Cruise-In
  • Debutante
  • Down The Middle
  • Dreaded Pigtails
  • Egyptian Princess
  • Feathered Cap
  • Hair Balding
  • Hair Pulled Into Hat
  • Hair Pulled Ponytail
  • Hard Rock
  • Hawked
  • Hollywood Ready
  • Kabuki
  • Loose Pony
  • Lopsided
  • Made Man
  • Military Cut
  • Off The Shoulder
  • Pompadour
  • Punk Rock
  • Queen Bee
  • Rasta
  • Rockin’ Love
  • Rugged Class
  • Saints Fro
  • Saints Rows
  • Sarge
  • Short And Left
  • Short And Right
  • Short And Sweet
  • Skater Cut
  • Slick Executive
  • Southern Belle
  • Stacy Hair w Hair Band
  • Tamed Fro
  • Teen Dream
  • The Jersey
  • The Maero Mullet
  • The Marley
  • The Monk
  • The Roman
  • The Sci-Fi
  • Tight Pony
  • Vintage Updo
  • Voluminous
  • Wall Street
  • 50’s Housewife
  • 50’s Lady Style
  • 80’s Rocker Girl
  • Anime
  • Bad Boy
  • Barely Legal
  • Basic Bob
  • Bob In Eye
  • Boy Cut
  • Braided Pigtails
  • Braided Ponytail
  • Butterfly Clip
  • Cheerleader
  • Chiseled Fro
  • Classic Bob
  • Clean Cut
  • Croydon Facelift
  • Cruise-In
  • Debutante
  • Demure Long Style
  • Disco Businessman
  • Double French Braid
  • Down The Middle
  • Dreaded Pigtails
  • Fauxhawk
  • Feathered Cap
  • Formal Updo
  • Free Love
  • French Braid
  • Fun Bob
  • Graduated Bob
  • Hard Rock
  • Hawked
  • Hime Cut
  • Hollywood Ready
  • Kabuki
  • Knight of Flowers
  • Kung Fu Braid
  • Layered Bob
  • Layered Straight
  • Long And Layered
  • Long And Parted
  • Long Bouffant
  • Long Wavy Style
  • Loose Pigtails
  • Loose Pony
  • Lopsided
  • Made Man
  • Marcel Wave
  • Marilyn Curls
  • Off The Shoulder
  • Parted Curtain
  • Pompadour
  • Pompadour Braids
  • Prom Queen
  • Punk Rock
  • Quiff
  • Rasta
  • Regular Cut
  • Revolutionary
  • Rockin’ Love
  • Rugged Class
  • Saints Fro
  • Saints Rows
  • Sarge
  • Sci-Fi Bob
  • Short And Left
  • Short And Right
  • Short And Straight
  • Short And Sweet
  • Short And Wavy
  • Short Hawk
  • Skater Cut
  • Slick Executive
  • Soft Psychobilly
  • Southern Belle
  • Styled Fade
  • Tamed Fro
  • Teen Dream
  • Textured Afro
  • The Barrios
  • The Beehive
  • The Greaser
  • The Mullet
  • The Superhero
  • Jersey
  • Maero Mullet
  • Marley
  • Monk
  • Roman
  • Sci-Fi
  • Tight Pony
  • Topknot
  • Vintage Bob
  • Vintage Cheerleader
  • Vintage Movie Star
  • Vintage Short Waves
  • Vintage Style Ponytail
  • Vintage Updo
  • Vintage Vixen
  • Voluminous
  • Wall Street
  • Wavy Side Do


  • Amish
  • Chin Curtain
  • Chin Strap
  • Five O’clock Shadow
  • Geo
  • Jock Strap
  • Lincoln
  • Medium Goatee
  • Short Goatee
  • Soul Patch
  • The Goat
  • Thin Goatee
  • Full Goatee
  • Soul Patch
  • Goatee w/Two Spikes
  • 5 O’Clock Shadow
  • Jawline
  • Goatee w/Soul Patch (Julius)
  • Short Goatee (Donnie)
  • Trimmed Goatee
  • Chin
  • Soul Patch Long
  • Chin Only
  • Long Beard 2
  • Long Beard 1
  • Long Goatee


  • Five O’clock
  • Gentleman
  • Khan
  • Spaniard
  • The Russian
  • Thin
  • Thin and Long
  • Gentleman (Lee)
  • Trimmed (Donnie)
  • The Russian
  • Trimmed Long (Julius)
  • Fu Man Chu
  • Thin
  • Bushy
  • Khan
  • Bushy Long
  • Separated
  • Thick
  • Long Shave Middle (Wong)


  • Fade
  • Long
  • Mod
  • Mutton Chops
  • Reynold
  • Short
  • Tornado
  • Mutton Chops
  • Pointy (Captain Kirk)
  • Chops (Elvis)


  • Hipster
  • Goatee
  • Friendly Mutton Chops
  • Executive
  • Door Knocker
  • Dali
  • The Martian
  • Toothbrush
  • The Spaniard
  • Beard Of Payne
  • Chevron
  • Chin Strap
  • Chin Strip
  • Chuck
  • Copstash
  • Hollywoodian
  • Horseshoe
  • Inspector
  • Little Patch Line
  • Molestache
  • Monsieur
  • Balbo
  • The 5 O’clock
  • Soul Patch
  • Pornstache
  • Penciled On
  • Pencil Stash


  • Chevron
  • Pornstache
  • Copstash
  • Dali
  • Toothbrush
  • Pencil Stash
  • Molestache
  • Monsieur
  • Inspector
  • Penciled On
  • Friendly Mutton Chops
  • Beard Of Payne
  • The 5 O’clock
  • Chin Strap
  • Executive
  • Chuck
  • Hollywoodian
  • The Spaniard
  • Soul Patch
  • Chin Strap
  • Door Knocker
  • Balbo
  • The Martian
  • Horseshoe
  • Hipster
  • Little Patch Line
  • Goatee


  • Bold
  • Bushy
  • Horns
  • Overgrown
  • Thick
  • Thin
  • Thin and Low
  • Pencil Thin (Aisha)
  • Tapered
  • Hairy and Sad
  • Bushy and Long (Wong)
  • Soft (Julius)
  • Shaped (Default)
  • Bushy and Round (Donnie)
  • Thin and Short (Laura)
  • Thin and Pointy
  • Arched
  • Bushy and Pointed (Veteran Child)
  • Trimmed
  • Straight (Translator)
  • Hairy
  • Waxed
  • Thick
  • Full
  • Pointed (Matt)
  • Evil Scientist Eyebrows
  • Bushy and Angry (Carlos)
  • Thinning (Jyunichi)
  • Waxed Thick
  • Bushy
  • Large
  • Neutral
  • Angry
  • Waxed Thin
  • Thick and Angry
  • Caveman Eyebrows
  • Thick and Shaped


  • male eyelashes
  • Female Eyelashes 2
  • Hooker Eyelashes
  • Thick Eyelashes
  • Female Eyelashes 1
  • The Natural Female
  • The Natural Male
  • Thick Feminine
  • Thick Masculine
  • The Old Man
  • Tapered Back
  • Unibrow
  • Penciled On
  • Overplucked
  • Cro-Magnon
  • Evil Genius
  • High Curve
  • The Natural Female
  • The Natural Male
  • Unibrow
  • Overplucked
  • Tapered Back
  • Evil Genius
  • Penciled On
  • High Curve
  • Thick Feminine
  • Thick Masculine
  • The Old Man
  • Cro-Magnon


Saints Row 2[]


  • Clown Makeup
  • Oversized Lipstick
  • Small Lipstick
  • Basic Lipstick
  • Smeared Lipstick

Around Eyes

  • Eye Shadow One
  • Hooker Eyeshadow
  • Egyptian Eye
  • Goth Crow
  • Eye Shadow Two
  • Goth Eyeliner


  • Freckle Bitch’s Freckles
  • Four Shaders
  • Basic Cheek Makeup

Saints Row: The Third[]


  • Beaten
  • Love Bite
  • Blood Feast
  • Forehead Bandage
  • Busted Nose
  • Cheek Bandage
  • Nose Bandage


  • Lip Gloss
  • Lips


  • Nail Polish Right
  • Nail Polish


  • The Mime
  • Blushing Bride
  • Joker
  • Melancholy
  • Supermodel
  • Damn Good Night


  • Left Patch
  • Right Patch
  • Crime Fighter
  • A Little On Top
  • Wings
  • 80’S Sci-Fi
  • Racoon Eyes
  • Catwalk

Eye Liner

  • Harsh Liner
  • Punk Liner
  • Goth Night
  • Queen Of The Nile
  • Smokey
  • Sphinx
  • Egyptian Princess
  • Egyptian Priest
  • Dark Liner
  • Everyday Liner
  • Bright-Eyed

Full Face

  • All Covered Up
  • Bullseye
  • Can’t Sleep
  • Leopard Print
  • Mask Of War
  • Rising Sun
  • Son Of Samedi
  • Split Personality
  • Reptilian



In Saints Row, Playa has 3 voices, which are tied to the chosen Race. The Asian preset shares a voice with the Caucasian preset.

In Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third, voice is chosen independently of Race and Sex.

Voice Saints Row Saints Row 2 Saints Row: Third Saints Row IV
Male 1 American British WM American WM American WM
Male 2 African American African-American BM African-American BM African-American BM
Male 3 Hispanic Hispanic HM British WMA British WMA
Female 1 N/A American WF American WF American WF
Female 2 N/A African-American BF Eastern European BF French BF
Female 3 N/A Hispanic HF Hispanic HF Southern HF
Zombie Z Nolan North Z

Facial Expressions[]

Saints Row 2 only.

  • Blank (default)
  • Angry
  • Anguish
  • Death (Used on corpses)
  • Disgusted
  • Dopey
  • Evil
  • Fearful
  • Grumpy
  • Happy
  • Haughty
  • Inebriated
  • Insane
  • Joyful
  • Mellow
  • Pain
  • Quizzical
  • Roguish (Used when Nude)
  • Sad
  • Scared
  • Sleepy
  • Smarmy
  • Sneering
  • Suffering
  • Surprised

Movement Style[]

Saints Row 2 only.

  • Default Female
  • Default Female 2
  • Lady Thug
  • Lady Pimp
  • Lade Bounce
  • Lady Sway
  • Lady Swing
  • Default Male
  • Default Male 2
  • Crazy Style
  • Bouncin Style
  • Pimp Lean
  • Gangsta lean
  • Thug style 1
  • Thug style 2
  • Thug style 3
  • Thug style 4
  • Thug style 5
  • Thug style 6
  • Thug style 7
  • Thug style 8
  • Thug style 9
  • Thug style 10

Combat Style[]

Combat Style options only appear in Saints Row 2.

Melee Styles affect combo and charged Melee attacks.

Name Availability
Brawler Default
Ronin Unlocked after Ronin mission 6
Samedi Unlocked after Sons of Samedi mission 6
Brotherhood Unlocked after Brotherhood mission 6
Jerk Unavailable — listed in the game data files
Tackler Unavailable — listed in the game data files


Compliments appear in Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Both Compliments and Taunts can be performed at other characters in the game, who react with their own.

Saints Row 2

  • A-O-Kay
  • Blowin Kisses
  • Ehhhhhhh!
  • Ha Ha!
  • Happy Days
  • I’m Number 1
  • Salute
  • Take a Bow
  • The Jig
  • Thumbs Up (default)
  • Woof Woof Woof
  • Ronin 1
  • Ronin 2
  • Ronin 3
  • Ronin 4
  • Samedi 1
  • Samedi 2
  • Samedi 3
  • Samedi 4
  • Brotherhood 1
  • Brotherhood 2
  • Brotherhood 3
  • Brotherhood 4

Saints Row: The Third

  • Apache
  • Approval
  • Cheering
  • Chest Pound
  • Clap Hands
  • Giddee Up!
  • Head Nod
  • House Party
  • I Still Believe
  • It’s Not Unusual
  • Of The River
  • Prime Time
  • Raise The Roof
  • Stunned
  • Tell ‘Em
  • The Amigo
  • The Chorus Lady
  • The Dollar Dandy
  • The Experience
  • The Jenkins
  • The Jessica
  • The King
  • The Ninja
  • The Scroob
  • The Seven Veils
  • The Silver Bullet
  • Thumbs Up
  • Wild Stallion
  • Woof Woof
  • Woooo Scream

Saints Row IV

  • Apache
  • Boone Goes The Dynamite
  • Cheering
  • Chest Pound
  • Clap Hands
  • Giddee Up!
  • Head Nod
  • Highly Illogical
  • Hooooooooooooooooooo
  • House Party
  • I Still Believe
  • It’s Not Unusual
  • Keep It Fresh
  • Of The River
  • Raise The Roof
  • Reigning Champ
  • Stunned
  • Sunny Outlook
  • Tell ‘Em
  • The Amigo
  • The Chorus Lady
  • The Dollar Dandy
  • The Experience
  • The Jenkins
  • The Jessica
  • The King
  • The Ninja
  • The Scroob
  • The Seven Veils
  • The Silver Bullet
  • Thumbs Up
  • Time To Dance
  • Touchdown
  • Trio
  • Wild Stallion
  • Woof Woof
  • Woooo Scream


Taunts appear in Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Taunting police or gang members causes them to attack, and taunting them after killing them earns respect. Taunting fellow gang members turns them hostile. In Saints Row 2, there is a Trash Talker Achievement for taunting 50 gang members.

Saints Row 2

  • Chest Bump
  • Come Get Some
  • Dog Piss
  • Flex
  • I Can’t Hear You!
  • Middle Finger (default)
  • Na-na-na-nana-na
  • Neck Slice
  • Oh No You Di-in’t
  • Ride that Donkey
  • Roar
  • Smack that Ass
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Spit ‘n Flick
  • Teabag
  • The Dumper
  • The Wanker
  • Vomit
  • YEAH!
  • You Crazy?
  • Ronin 1
  • Ronin 2
  • Ronin 3
  • Ronin 4
  • Samedi 1
  • Samedi 2
  • Samedi 3
  • Samedi 4
  • Brotherhood 1
  • Brotherhood 2
  • Brotherhood 3
  • Brotherhood 4

Saints Row: The Third

  • «Quarter Circle Forward + A»
  • #FIAJ
  • Angelmania
  • Ascension
  • BBBJ
  • Belch
  • Chest Thrust
  • Cross The Line
  • Daniel-San
  • Dog Pisser
  • Eff You
  • Eff You Two
  • Fourth Grade
  • Jerk Off
  • Nature Boy
  • Neck Slice
  • Nope
  • Pet Detective
  • Pillow Princess
  • Right Hook
  • Shake Fist (Initiation Station only)
  • The Cosplay
  • The Douglas
  • The Dumper
  • The Marine
  • Vogue
  • Westbound And Up

Saints Row IV

  • «Quarter Circle Forward + A»
  • #FIAJ
  • A Little Bit Of This
  • Angelmania
  • Ascension
  • BBBJ
  • Beep Bop Boop
  • Belch
  • Chest Thrust
  • Come At Me Bro
  • Cross The Line
  • Daniel-San
  • Dog Pisser
  • Drop The Mic
  • Eff You
  • Eff You Two
  • Fourth Grade
  • Jerk Off
  • Nature Boy
  • Neck Slice
  • Nope
  • Pet Detective
  • Pillow Princess
  • Right Hook
  • The Cosplay
  • The Douglas
  • The Dumper
  • The Lean
  • The Marine
  • The Weekender
  • The Word
  • Too Good For You
  • Vogue
  • Westbound And Up
  • Whoa
  • You Chicken?


  • In Saints Row, the Player Customization location is the interior of the block where The Streets of Stilwater takes place.[2][3]
  • In Saints Row 2, after crashing a vehicle into something, Playa’s expression temporarily changes to Angry.
  • In Saints Row: The Third, there was going to be an eighth voice option which was fully auto tuned, similar to Zimos, but it was later removed from the game while still in development.[4]
  • The Zombie voice option in Saints Row: The Third has a total of 12 different subtitle lines: Babbles, Garbled, Gargles, Groans, Growls, Grumbles, Grunts, Moans, Mumbles, Roars, Snarls and Sneers.
  • There are several lines in the Saints Row: The Third game data for Player_WFA and Player_HM, as well as references to both male and female Asian Playa voices.
    • The Eastern European Female 2 voice is referred to internally as «CUST_VOICE_FEMALE_BLACK» and «Player_BF».
    • The British Male 3 voice is referred to internally as «CUST_VOICE_MALE_LATINO»
  • The background music to the Player Creation screen in Saints Row IV is a remix of «Hail to the Chief», the United States Presidential anthem, originally written in 1812.[5]
  • In Saints Row 2, when selecting «Male», and sliding the «Body Shape» slider below 0, the default version «Women’s Bra 1» is automatically worn, but it does not appear in the Wardrobe. Selecting a Female adds a custom solid coloured version of the same bra to the Wardrobe.
  • GameSpot falsely claimed that Saints Row: The Third would feature Tomonobu Itagaki as a character preset,[6] despite GameSpot’s own video clearly showing Itagaki creating his character through the normal character creation process.[7]


  • The compliment «It’s Not Unusual» is a reference to the dance Carlton Banks, from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, did while playing the song ‘It’s Not Unusual’ by Tom Jones.
  • «The Marine» taunt is a reference to WWE professional wrestler John Cena, who uses this «You can’t see me» action as his signature taunt, and starred in the 2006 film The Marine.
  • The «Angelmania» taunt is a reference to Hulk Hogan, who voices Angel.
  • The «Quarter Circle Forward + A» taunt is a reference to the Hadouken move in the Street Fighter franchise, which itself is based on the Kamehameha move from the Dragonball franchise. Pierce and Playa also do this action when using the fireball attack when under the influence of Saints Flow, albeit faster and throwing a fireball.
  • «The King» Compliment is a reference to Elvis Presley, doing one of his trademark moves and copying his famous saying «Thank you, thank you very much».
  • The «Nature Boy» Taunt is a reference to professional wrestler, Ric Flair, which involves Flair’s trademark march and «WOO» call.
  • The «Smooth Criminal» Taunt and «The Experience» Compliment are references to Michael Jackson, doing one of his moves and his trademark call.
  • During the Player Customization segment after When Good Heists Go Bad, one of the lines said by the police is «Prisoner 1138, please step forward» which is a reference to George Lucas‘ first film THX 1138.
  • Several hairstyles in the game are an allusion to the following actors: Demi Moore (Demure Long Style), Jon Hamm (Made Man), Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Curls), Milla Jovovich (Short And Wavy), John Travolta (The Greaser), Janet Leigh (Vintage Short Waves).
  • The «Wild Stallions» Compliment is a reference to the band Wyld Stallyns from the Bill & Ted franchise, and resembles air guitar used in the films.


Player Customisation in Saints Row — Eyes

Player Customisation in Saints Row — Body

Player Customisation in Saints Row — Skin

Saints Row Player Customization location on map

Initial Player Customization with default character in Saints Row 2

Skin Colors in Saints Row 2

Hair Colors in Saints Row 2

Eye Colors in Saints Row 2

Promo image showing the Taunts menu in Saints Row 2

Character Customisation Saints Row 2

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Skin Colours in Saints Row: The Third

Eye Colours in Saints Row: The Third

Hair colour options in Saints Row: The Third

Police lineup background from Saints Row: The Third initial player customization

Character Gallery introduction in Saints Row: The Third

Character Gallery upload complete in Saints Row: The Third

Character selection screen in Saints Row IV


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 YouTube: Angry Joe interview with Scott Phillips
  2. Image: Saints Row Player Customization location on map
  3. Image: The Streets of Stilwater — cutscene location on map
  4. Giant Bomb: The Mystery of Saints Row: The Third’s 8th Player Voice
  5. Wikipedia: Hail to the Chief
  6. Gamespot: Saints Row: The Third adds Itagaki as playable character
  7. YouTube: Gamespot: Saints Row: The Third — Itagaki Announcement TGS 2011

Player Customization is available in Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Character customization in Saints Row.


Players can customize Playa at the beginning of each game. They can also be changed at an Image As Designed store during the game for a fee.

Unless otherwise indicated, all options are sliders with values from 1 to 100.

All games include Race presets for Caucasian, African American, Asian, and Hispanic

Saints Row[]

  • Player Customization occurs at the very beginning of the game, before the first cutscene, «The Streets of Stilwater.»
  • Hair options are not available at Image As Designed, and must be customized through Hair Salons which contain different options.
  • It is possible to randomize Skin, Body and Head values.

Saints Row 2[]

  • Player Customization occurs after the Vacation’s Over cutscene, and before the first cutscene «The Great Escape», of the first mission, Jailbreak.
  • Gang Insults are unlocked after completion of each Gang’s storyline.
  • Some Compliments and Taunts are used as a Gang Sign in Gang Customization, but enemy gang personality options are unavailable.
  • Each Voice sings with different radio songs as part of the Soprano Achievement.
  • Face, Hair, and Make-up values can be randomized.
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row save file.
  • Saints Row 2 has 8 Build presets.
Build Preset Body Shape Muscularity Fatness
Average Male 25 20 55
Average Female -37 10 45
Slender Male 25 15 30
Slender Female (default) -45 18 30
Overweight Male 25 10 70
Overweight Female -37 0 67
Athletic Male 25 55 30
Athletic Female -37 30 25
Emaciated Male 25 5 15
Emaciated Female -37 0 7
Obese Male 25 20 90
Obese Female -37 0 90
Bodybuilder Male (default) 25 90 35
Bodybuilder Female -45 85 10
Burly Male 25 90 75
Burly Female -45 67 75

Saints Row: The Third[]

  • Player Customization occurs after the first mission, When Good Heists Go Bad, and before the second mission, I’m Free — Free Falling.
  • Saints Row: The Third uses a triangular slider to choose between Fat, Skinny, and Muscular.
  • All sliders are set to 50 by default. Playa featured in all trailers uses all default settings.
  • There are 8 preset characters, as well as the option to download additional presets, and upload custom characters.
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row or Saints Row 2 save file.
  • It is not possible to save or load characters locally, and an Internet connection is required.
  • It is not possible to download characters uploaded by players on different game platforms.

Saints Row IV[]

  • Player Customization takes place after the first mission. «Zero Saints Thirty».
  • Player Customization is essentially the same as in Saints Row: The Third.[1]
  • It is possible to download a Saints Row: The Third character from the Saints Row website.[1]
  • It is not possible to import a character from a Saints Row, Saints Row 2 or Saints Row: The Third save file.[1]
  • It is not possible to save or load characters locally, and an Internet connection is required.
  • It is not possible to download characters uploaded by players on different game platforms.


Saints Row

Saints Row 2

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row IV

  • Race Presets
  • Skin Luminosity
  • Skin Saturation
  • Muscule
  • Fat
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (18 shades)
  • Sex
  • Age (10/50/80)
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (8 Presets)
  • Body Shape (50F-50M)
  • Muscularity (1-100)
  • Fatness (0-100)
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (55 shades)
  • Body mask (3 tan lines)
  • Sex
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (Fat/Strength/Skinny)
  • Sex appeal (0-100)
  • Features (25 options)
  • Race Presets
  • Skin (55 shades)
  • Body mask (3 tan lines)
  • Sex
  • Age (0-100)
  • Build (Fat/Strength/Skinny)
  • Sex appeal (0-100)
  • Features (25 options)
Face Scaling
  • Face Width
  • Face Depth
  • Face Height
  • Skull Size
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Skull Top Width
  • Skull Top Height
  • Skull Back Depth
  • Skull Back Width
  • Neck Back Depth
  • Neck Back Width
  • Forehead Shape
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Forehead Depth
  • Forehead Height
  • Forehead Width
  • Brow Angle
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Brow Spacing
  • Brow Depth
  • Brow Width
  • Inner Brow Height
  • Middle Brow Height
  • Outer Brow Height
  • Eye Separation
  • Eye Depth
  • Eye Height
  • Eye Size
  • Eyelid Slant
  • Eyelid Look
  • Eyelid Shape
  • Eye Color (7 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Upper Eyelid Curve
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Curve
  • Eye Color (7 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Eye Style
  • Eye Color (14 options)
  • Iris Size
  • Eyeball Spacing
  • Eyeball Depth
  • Eyeball Height
  • Eyeball Size
  • Eye Folds Height
  • Upper Eyelid Height
  • Lower Eyelid Height
  • Eye Style
  • Eye Color (14 options)
  • Bridge Curve
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Height
  • Nose Width
  • Nose Length
  • Nose Size
  • Nose Tip
  • Nose Pitch
  • Nose Yaw
  • Nose Roll
  • Nostril Size
  • Nostril Height
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Nose Style
  • Bridge Depth
  • Bridge Height
  • Bridge Width
  • Nose Depth
  • Nose Elevation
  • Slope Depth
  • Slope Height
  • Slope Width
  • Tip Depth
  • Tip Elevation
  • Tip Width
  • Tip Height
  • Nostril Spacing
  • Nostril Depth
  • Nostril Elevation
  • Nostril Width
  • Nostril Height
  • Septum Height
  • Septum Width
  • Nose Style
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Fatness
  • Jowls
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Temple Spacing
  • Temple Depth
  • Temple Height
  • Cheekbone Spacing
  • Cheekbone Depth
  • Cheekbone Height
  • Cheekbone Size
  • Cheek Spacing
  • Cheek Depth
  • Cheek Height
  • Jowl Spacing
  • Jowl Depth
  • Jowl Height
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Yaw
  • Ear Pitch
  • Ear Roll
  • Ear Lobe
  • Ear Tip
  • Ear Curve
  • Ear Inside
  • Ear Longitude
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Ear Spacing
  • Ear Depth
  • Ear Elevation
  • Ear Width
  • Ear Length
  • Ear Height
  • Ear Angle
  • Ear Openness
  • Ear Roll
  • Lobe Height
  • Lobe Size
  • Tip Spacing
  • Tip Height
  • Tip Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Height
  • Mouth Size
  • Mouth Sides
  • Mouth Corners
  • Mouth Angle
  • Mouth Bite
  • Upper Lip Shape
  • Upper Lip Size
  • Upper Lip Notch
  • Upper Lip Length
  • Lower Lip Shape
  • Lower Lip Size
  • Lower Lip Notch
  • Lower Lip Length
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Mouth Style
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Mouth Depth
  • Mouth Elevation
  • Mouth Width
  • Mouth Side Depth
  • Mouth Side Height
  • Mouth Side Size
  • Mouth Bite
  • Mouth Style
  • Upper Lip Middle Height
  • Upper Lip Middle Size
  • Upper Lip Side Height
  • Upper Lip Side Size
  • Lower Lip Middle Height
  • Lower Lip Middle Size
  • Lower Lip Side Height
  • Lower Lip Side Size
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Shape
  • Chin Length
  • Double Chin
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Chin Dimple
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Chin Width
  • Chin Height
  • Chin Depth
  • Chin Elevation
  • Double Chin Depth
  • Double Chin Height
  • Double Chin Width
  • Jaw Width
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height
  • Jaw Spacing
  • Jaw Depth
  • Jaw Height


Saints Row

Saints Row 2

Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row IV

  • Head
  • Mustache
  • Beard
  • Sideburns
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair Length
  • Hair Color
  • Head
  • Mustache
  • Beard
  • Sideburns
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair head primary (17)
  • Hair head secondary
  • Facial hair color
  • Head hair
  • Facial hair
  • Eyebrows
  • Hair accessory color
  • Head hair
  • Facial hair
  • Eyebrows


  • Fuzz
  • Afro
  • Parted, Middle
  • Braided
  • Corn Rows
  • Shag Top
  • Spiked
  • Slicked Back, Shaved Sides
  • Slicked Back, Clipped Sides
  • Combed Back And Long
  • Faux Hawk
  • Dreadlocks
  • Dawgy Style
  • Mullet
  • Combed Forward
  • Short Clippered
  • Frohawk, Shaved
  • Curly Mohawk, Fuzzy Sides
  • Frohawk, Striped
  • Liberty Spikes
  • Pony Tail
  • Flat Top, Lightning
  • Flat Top, Laser Lines
  • Flat Top, Short Sides
  • Shaggy
  • Widow’s Peak
  • Afro hat hair
  • Afro Large
  • bald man hat hair
  • Beehive
  • black dread hat hair
  • Clipped Short 1 (HM)
  • Clipped Short 2
  • Clipped Short 3
  • Comb Over
  • Combed Back
  • Combed Forward
  • Conservative Parted Left
  • Conservative Parted Right
  • Corn Row Ponytail
  • Corn Rows
  • Corporate Parted Left (WM)
  • Curly
  • Curly Short
  • Draped Over Shoulders
  • dread hat hair
  • Dreads w/Updo
  • Fade
  • Feathered Executive (Dane)
  • female pulled up hat hair
  • First Lady
  • flat standard
  • Flat Top
  • Friar
  • Large Mohawk
  • Layered Parted Left
  • Long and Asymmetrical (HF)
  • Long and Straight (Jessica)
  • Long and Wavy
  • Long Corn Rows
  • Long Dreads 1 (Shaundi)
  • Long Dreads 2
  • long dreads hat hair
  • male pony tail hat hair
  • Medium Colored Dreads 1 (BF)
  • Medium Colored Dreads 2 (Veteran Child)
  • Medium Dreads
  • Medium Length Parted Middle (WF)
  • Messy (Aisha)
  • Messy 2
  • Messy w/Spikes
  • mullet hat hair (Maero)
  • Pigtail Braids
  • Pixie
  • Ponytail
  • Ponytail Short
  • Ponytail Top
  • Shaved Head (BM)
  • Shaved Sides w/Spiky Top
  • Shaved w/Spiky Bangs (Donnie)
  • Short and Shaggy (AF)
  • Short Colored Top (Carlos)
  • Short Dreads
  • short mullet hat hair
  • Short Parted Right (Translator)
  • Shoulder Length Parted Left
  • Skater Cut (AM)
  • Slicked Back Colored (Kazuo)
  • Slicked Back High
  • Small Afro
  • Spiked Back
  • Spiky Dreads
  • Spiky Punk
  • Spiky Top w/Dyed Tips (Johnny Gat)
  • Spiky w/Dyed Tips (Shogo)
  • Swept Back
  • Teased Afro
  • Test Hair Colors
  • The Vlad
  • Tight Bun
  • Tribal Bob
  • Tribal Curls
  • Tribal Fade
  • Tribal Mullet
  • Tribal Mullet Colored (Matt)
  • Tribal Mullet Long (Maero)
  • Tribal Pigtails
  • Tribal Ponytail
  • Tribal Pulled Back
  • Tribal Short Ponytail
  • Tribal Side Ponytail
  • Tribal Top Knot
  • Tucked Behind Ears
  • Updo
  • Updo w/Tendrils
  • 50’s Housewife
  • Anime
  • Bad Boy
  • Barely Legal
  • Basic Bob
  • Bob In Eye
  • Butterfly Clip
  • Cheerleader
  • Chiseled Fro
  • Clean Cut
  • Corn Rows Skin Fit
  • Cruise-In
  • Debutante
  • Down The Middle
  • Dreaded Pigtails
  • Egyptian Princess
  • Feathered Cap
  • Hair Balding
  • Hair Pulled Into Hat
  • Hair Pulled Ponytail
  • Hard Rock
  • Hawked
  • Hollywood Ready
  • Kabuki
  • Loose Pony
  • Lopsided
  • Made Man
  • Military Cut
  • Off The Shoulder
  • Pompadour
  • Punk Rock
  • Queen Bee
  • Rasta
  • Rockin’ Love
  • Rugged Class
  • Saints Fro
  • Saints Rows
  • Sarge
  • Short And Left
  • Short And Right
  • Short And Sweet
  • Skater Cut
  • Slick Executive
  • Southern Belle
  • Stacy Hair w Hair Band
  • Tamed Fro
  • Teen Dream
  • The Jersey
  • The Maero Mullet
  • The Marley
  • The Monk
  • The Roman
  • The Sci-Fi
  • Tight Pony
  • Vintage Updo
  • Voluminous
  • Wall Street
  • 50’s Housewife
  • 50’s Lady Style
  • 80’s Rocker Girl
  • Anime
  • Bad Boy
  • Barely Legal
  • Basic Bob
  • Bob In Eye
  • Boy Cut
  • Braided Pigtails
  • Braided Ponytail
  • Butterfly Clip
  • Cheerleader
  • Chiseled Fro
  • Classic Bob
  • Clean Cut
  • Croydon Facelift
  • Cruise-In
  • Debutante
  • Demure Long Style
  • Disco Businessman
  • Double French Braid
  • Down The Middle
  • Dreaded Pigtails
  • Fauxhawk
  • Feathered Cap
  • Formal Updo
  • Free Love
  • French Braid
  • Fun Bob
  • Graduated Bob
  • Hard Rock
  • Hawked
  • Hime Cut
  • Hollywood Ready
  • Kabuki
  • Knight of Flowers
  • Kung Fu Braid
  • Layered Bob
  • Layered Straight
  • Long And Layered
  • Long And Parted
  • Long Bouffant
  • Long Wavy Style
  • Loose Pigtails
  • Loose Pony
  • Lopsided
  • Made Man
  • Marcel Wave
  • Marilyn Curls
  • Off The Shoulder
  • Parted Curtain
  • Pompadour
  • Pompadour Braids
  • Prom Queen
  • Punk Rock
  • Quiff
  • Rasta
  • Regular Cut
  • Revolutionary
  • Rockin’ Love
  • Rugged Class
  • Saints Fro
  • Saints Rows
  • Sarge
  • Sci-Fi Bob
  • Short And Left
  • Short And Right
  • Short And Straight
  • Short And Sweet
  • Short And Wavy
  • Short Hawk
  • Skater Cut
  • Slick Executive
  • Soft Psychobilly
  • Southern Belle
  • Styled Fade
  • Tamed Fro
  • Teen Dream
  • Textured Afro
  • The Barrios
  • The Beehive
  • The Greaser
  • The Mullet
  • The Superhero
  • Jersey
  • Maero Mullet
  • Marley
  • Monk
  • Roman
  • Sci-Fi
  • Tight Pony
  • Topknot
  • Vintage Bob
  • Vintage Cheerleader
  • Vintage Movie Star
  • Vintage Short Waves
  • Vintage Style Ponytail
  • Vintage Updo
  • Vintage Vixen
  • Voluminous
  • Wall Street
  • Wavy Side Do


  • Amish
  • Chin Curtain
  • Chin Strap
  • Five O’clock Shadow
  • Geo
  • Jock Strap
  • Lincoln
  • Medium Goatee
  • Short Goatee
  • Soul Patch
  • The Goat
  • Thin Goatee
  • Full Goatee
  • Soul Patch
  • Goatee w/Two Spikes
  • 5 O’Clock Shadow
  • Jawline
  • Goatee w/Soul Patch (Julius)
  • Short Goatee (Donnie)
  • Trimmed Goatee
  • Chin
  • Soul Patch Long
  • Chin Only
  • Long Beard 2
  • Long Beard 1
  • Long Goatee


  • Five O’clock
  • Gentleman
  • Khan
  • Spaniard
  • The Russian
  • Thin
  • Thin and Long
  • Gentleman (Lee)
  • Trimmed (Donnie)
  • The Russian
  • Trimmed Long (Julius)
  • Fu Man Chu
  • Thin
  • Bushy
  • Khan
  • Bushy Long
  • Separated
  • Thick
  • Long Shave Middle (Wong)


  • Fade
  • Long
  • Mod
  • Mutton Chops
  • Reynold
  • Short
  • Tornado
  • Mutton Chops
  • Pointy (Captain Kirk)
  • Chops (Elvis)


  • Hipster
  • Goatee
  • Friendly Mutton Chops
  • Executive
  • Door Knocker
  • Dali
  • The Martian
  • Toothbrush
  • The Spaniard
  • Beard Of Payne
  • Chevron
  • Chin Strap
  • Chin Strip
  • Chuck
  • Copstash
  • Hollywoodian
  • Horseshoe
  • Inspector
  • Little Patch Line
  • Molestache
  • Monsieur
  • Balbo
  • The 5 O’clock
  • Soul Patch
  • Pornstache
  • Penciled On
  • Pencil Stash


  • Chevron
  • Pornstache
  • Copstash
  • Dali
  • Toothbrush
  • Pencil Stash
  • Molestache
  • Monsieur
  • Inspector
  • Penciled On
  • Friendly Mutton Chops
  • Beard Of Payne
  • The 5 O’clock
  • Chin Strap
  • Executive
  • Chuck
  • Hollywoodian
  • The Spaniard
  • Soul Patch
  • Chin Strap
  • Door Knocker
  • Balbo
  • The Martian
  • Horseshoe
  • Hipster
  • Little Patch Line
  • Goatee


  • Bold
  • Bushy
  • Horns
  • Overgrown
  • Thick
  • Thin
  • Thin and Low
  • Pencil Thin (Aisha)
  • Tapered
  • Hairy and Sad
  • Bushy and Long (Wong)
  • Soft (Julius)
  • Shaped (Default)
  • Bushy and Round (Donnie)
  • Thin and Short (Laura)
  • Thin and Pointy
  • Arched
  • Bushy and Pointed (Veteran Child)
  • Trimmed
  • Straight (Translator)
  • Hairy
  • Waxed
  • Thick
  • Full
  • Pointed (Matt)
  • Evil Scientist Eyebrows
  • Bushy and Angry (Carlos)
  • Thinning (Jyunichi)
  • Waxed Thick
  • Bushy
  • Large
  • Neutral
  • Angry
  • Waxed Thin
  • Thick and Angry
  • Caveman Eyebrows
  • Thick and Shaped


  • male eyelashes
  • Female Eyelashes 2
  • Hooker Eyelashes
  • Thick Eyelashes
  • Female Eyelashes 1
  • The Natural Female
  • The Natural Male
  • Thick Feminine
  • Thick Masculine
  • The Old Man
  • Tapered Back
  • Unibrow
  • Penciled On
  • Overplucked
  • Cro-Magnon
  • Evil Genius
  • High Curve
  • The Natural Female
  • The Natural Male
  • Unibrow
  • Overplucked
  • Tapered Back
  • Evil Genius
  • Penciled On
  • High Curve
  • Thick Feminine
  • Thick Masculine
  • The Old Man
  • Cro-Magnon


Saints Row 2[]


  • Clown Makeup
  • Oversized Lipstick
  • Small Lipstick
  • Basic Lipstick
  • Smeared Lipstick

Around Eyes

  • Eye Shadow One
  • Hooker Eyeshadow
  • Egyptian Eye
  • Goth Crow
  • Eye Shadow Two
  • Goth Eyeliner


  • Freckle Bitch’s Freckles
  • Four Shaders
  • Basic Cheek Makeup

Saints Row: The Third[]


  • Beaten
  • Love Bite
  • Blood Feast
  • Forehead Bandage
  • Busted Nose
  • Cheek Bandage
  • Nose Bandage


  • Lip Gloss
  • Lips


  • Nail Polish Right
  • Nail Polish


  • The Mime
  • Blushing Bride
  • Joker
  • Melancholy
  • Supermodel
  • Damn Good Night


  • Left Patch
  • Right Patch
  • Crime Fighter
  • A Little On Top
  • Wings
  • 80’S Sci-Fi
  • Racoon Eyes
  • Catwalk

Eye Liner

  • Harsh Liner
  • Punk Liner
  • Goth Night
  • Queen Of The Nile
  • Smokey
  • Sphinx
  • Egyptian Princess
  • Egyptian Priest
  • Dark Liner
  • Everyday Liner
  • Bright-Eyed

Full Face

  • All Covered Up
  • Bullseye
  • Can’t Sleep
  • Leopard Print
  • Mask Of War
  • Rising Sun
  • Son Of Samedi
  • Split Personality
  • Reptilian



In Saints Row, Playa has 3 voices, which are tied to the chosen Race. The Asian preset shares a voice with the Caucasian preset.

In Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third, voice is chosen independently of Race and Sex.

Voice Saints Row Saints Row 2 Saints Row: Third Saints Row IV
Male 1 American British WM American WM American WM
Male 2 African American African-American BM African-American BM African-American BM
Male 3 Hispanic Hispanic HM British WMA British WMA
Female 1 N/A American WF American WF American WF
Female 2 N/A African-American BF Eastern European BF French BF
Female 3 N/A Hispanic HF Hispanic HF Southern HF
Zombie Z Nolan North Z

Facial Expressions[]

Saints Row 2 only.

  • Blank (default)
  • Angry
  • Anguish
  • Death (Used on corpses)
  • Disgusted
  • Dopey
  • Evil
  • Fearful
  • Grumpy
  • Happy
  • Haughty
  • Inebriated
  • Insane
  • Joyful
  • Mellow
  • Pain
  • Quizzical
  • Roguish (Used when Nude)
  • Sad
  • Scared
  • Sleepy
  • Smarmy
  • Sneering
  • Suffering
  • Surprised

Movement Style[]

Saints Row 2 only.

  • Default Female
  • Default Female 2
  • Lady Thug
  • Lady Pimp
  • Lade Bounce
  • Lady Sway
  • Lady Swing
  • Default Male
  • Default Male 2
  • Crazy Style
  • Bouncin Style
  • Pimp Lean
  • Gangsta lean
  • Thug style 1
  • Thug style 2
  • Thug style 3
  • Thug style 4
  • Thug style 5
  • Thug style 6
  • Thug style 7
  • Thug style 8
  • Thug style 9
  • Thug style 10

Combat Style[]

Combat Style options only appear in Saints Row 2.

Melee Styles affect combo and charged Melee attacks.

Name Availability
Brawler Default
Ronin Unlocked after Ronin mission 6
Samedi Unlocked after Sons of Samedi mission 6
Brotherhood Unlocked after Brotherhood mission 6
Jerk Unavailable — listed in the game data files
Tackler Unavailable — listed in the game data files


Compliments appear in Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Both Compliments and Taunts can be performed at other characters in the game, who react with their own.

Saints Row 2

  • A-O-Kay
  • Blowin Kisses
  • Ehhhhhhh!
  • Ha Ha!
  • Happy Days
  • I’m Number 1
  • Salute
  • Take a Bow
  • The Jig
  • Thumbs Up (default)
  • Woof Woof Woof
  • Ronin 1
  • Ronin 2
  • Ronin 3
  • Ronin 4
  • Samedi 1
  • Samedi 2
  • Samedi 3
  • Samedi 4
  • Brotherhood 1
  • Brotherhood 2
  • Brotherhood 3
  • Brotherhood 4

Saints Row: The Third

  • Apache
  • Approval
  • Cheering
  • Chest Pound
  • Clap Hands
  • Giddee Up!
  • Head Nod
  • House Party
  • I Still Believe
  • It’s Not Unusual
  • Of The River
  • Prime Time
  • Raise The Roof
  • Stunned
  • Tell ‘Em
  • The Amigo
  • The Chorus Lady
  • The Dollar Dandy
  • The Experience
  • The Jenkins
  • The Jessica
  • The King
  • The Ninja
  • The Scroob
  • The Seven Veils
  • The Silver Bullet
  • Thumbs Up
  • Wild Stallion
  • Woof Woof
  • Woooo Scream

Saints Row IV

  • Apache
  • Boone Goes The Dynamite
  • Cheering
  • Chest Pound
  • Clap Hands
  • Giddee Up!
  • Head Nod
  • Highly Illogical
  • Hooooooooooooooooooo
  • House Party
  • I Still Believe
  • It’s Not Unusual
  • Keep It Fresh
  • Of The River
  • Raise The Roof
  • Reigning Champ
  • Stunned
  • Sunny Outlook
  • Tell ‘Em
  • The Amigo
  • The Chorus Lady
  • The Dollar Dandy
  • The Experience
  • The Jenkins
  • The Jessica
  • The King
  • The Ninja
  • The Scroob
  • The Seven Veils
  • The Silver Bullet
  • Thumbs Up
  • Time To Dance
  • Touchdown
  • Trio
  • Wild Stallion
  • Woof Woof
  • Woooo Scream


Taunts appear in Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV.

Taunting police or gang members causes them to attack, and taunting them after killing them earns respect. Taunting fellow gang members turns them hostile. In Saints Row 2, there is a Trash Talker Achievement for taunting 50 gang members.

Saints Row 2

  • Chest Bump
  • Come Get Some
  • Dog Piss
  • Flex
  • I Can’t Hear You!
  • Middle Finger (default)
  • Na-na-na-nana-na
  • Neck Slice
  • Oh No You Di-in’t
  • Ride that Donkey
  • Roar
  • Smack that Ass
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Spit ‘n Flick
  • Teabag
  • The Dumper
  • The Wanker
  • Vomit
  • YEAH!
  • You Crazy?
  • Ronin 1
  • Ronin 2
  • Ronin 3
  • Ronin 4
  • Samedi 1
  • Samedi 2
  • Samedi 3
  • Samedi 4
  • Brotherhood 1
  • Brotherhood 2
  • Brotherhood 3
  • Brotherhood 4

Saints Row: The Third

  • «Quarter Circle Forward + A»
  • #FIAJ
  • Angelmania
  • Ascension
  • BBBJ
  • Belch
  • Chest Thrust
  • Cross The Line
  • Daniel-San
  • Dog Pisser
  • Eff You
  • Eff You Two
  • Fourth Grade
  • Jerk Off
  • Nature Boy
  • Neck Slice
  • Nope
  • Pet Detective
  • Pillow Princess
  • Right Hook
  • Shake Fist (Initiation Station only)
  • The Cosplay
  • The Douglas
  • The Dumper
  • The Marine
  • Vogue
  • Westbound And Up

Saints Row IV

  • «Quarter Circle Forward + A»
  • #FIAJ
  • A Little Bit Of This
  • Angelmania
  • Ascension
  • BBBJ
  • Beep Bop Boop
  • Belch
  • Chest Thrust
  • Come At Me Bro
  • Cross The Line
  • Daniel-San
  • Dog Pisser
  • Drop The Mic
  • Eff You
  • Eff You Two
  • Fourth Grade
  • Jerk Off
  • Nature Boy
  • Neck Slice
  • Nope
  • Pet Detective
  • Pillow Princess
  • Right Hook
  • The Cosplay
  • The Douglas
  • The Dumper
  • The Lean
  • The Marine
  • The Weekender
  • The Word
  • Too Good For You
  • Vogue
  • Westbound And Up
  • Whoa
  • You Chicken?


  • In Saints Row, the Player Customization location is the interior of the block where The Streets of Stilwater takes place.[2][3]
  • In Saints Row 2, after crashing a vehicle into something, Playa’s expression temporarily changes to Angry.
  • In Saints Row: The Third, there was going to be an eighth voice option which was fully auto tuned, similar to Zimos, but it was later removed from the game while still in development.[4]
  • The Zombie voice option in Saints Row: The Third has a total of 12 different subtitle lines: Babbles, Garbled, Gargles, Groans, Growls, Grumbles, Grunts, Moans, Mumbles, Roars, Snarls and Sneers.
  • There are several lines in the Saints Row: The Third game data for Player_WFA and Player_HM, as well as references to both male and female Asian Playa voices.
    • The Eastern European Female 2 voice is referred to internally as «CUST_VOICE_FEMALE_BLACK» and «Player_BF».
    • The British Male 3 voice is referred to internally as «CUST_VOICE_MALE_LATINO»
  • The background music to the Player Creation screen in Saints Row IV is a remix of «Hail to the Chief», the United States Presidential anthem, originally written in 1812.[5]
  • In Saints Row 2, when selecting «Male», and sliding the «Body Shape» slider below 0, the default version «Women’s Bra 1» is automatically worn, but it does not appear in the Wardrobe. Selecting a Female adds a custom solid coloured version of the same bra to the Wardrobe.
  • GameSpot falsely claimed that Saints Row: The Third would feature Tomonobu Itagaki as a character preset,[6] despite GameSpot’s own video clearly showing Itagaki creating his character through the normal character creation process.[7]


  • The compliment «It’s Not Unusual» is a reference to the dance Carlton Banks, from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, did while playing the song ‘It’s Not Unusual’ by Tom Jones.
  • «The Marine» taunt is a reference to WWE professional wrestler John Cena, who uses this «You can’t see me» action as his signature taunt, and starred in the 2006 film The Marine.
  • The «Angelmania» taunt is a reference to Hulk Hogan, who voices Angel.
  • The «Quarter Circle Forward + A» taunt is a reference to the Hadouken move in the Street Fighter franchise, which itself is based on the Kamehameha move from the Dragonball franchise. Pierce and Playa also do this action when using the fireball attack when under the influence of Saints Flow, albeit faster and throwing a fireball.
  • «The King» Compliment is a reference to Elvis Presley, doing one of his trademark moves and copying his famous saying «Thank you, thank you very much».
  • The «Nature Boy» Taunt is a reference to professional wrestler, Ric Flair, which involves Flair’s trademark march and «WOO» call.
  • The «Smooth Criminal» Taunt and «The Experience» Compliment are references to Michael Jackson, doing one of his moves and his trademark call.
  • During the Player Customization segment after When Good Heists Go Bad, one of the lines said by the police is «Prisoner 1138, please step forward» which is a reference to George Lucas‘ first film THX 1138.
  • Several hairstyles in the game are an allusion to the following actors: Demi Moore (Demure Long Style), Jon Hamm (Made Man), Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Curls), Milla Jovovich (Short And Wavy), John Travolta (The Greaser), Janet Leigh (Vintage Short Waves).
  • The «Wild Stallions» Compliment is a reference to the band Wyld Stallyns from the Bill & Ted franchise, and resembles air guitar used in the films.


Player Customisation in Saints Row — Eyes

Player Customisation in Saints Row — Body

Player Customisation in Saints Row — Skin

Saints Row Player Customization location on map

Initial Player Customization with default character in Saints Row 2

Skin Colors in Saints Row 2

Hair Colors in Saints Row 2

Eye Colors in Saints Row 2

Promo image showing the Taunts menu in Saints Row 2

Character Customisation Saints Row 2

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Player Customization in Saints Row: The Third

Skin Colours in Saints Row: The Third

Eye Colours in Saints Row: The Third

Hair colour options in Saints Row: The Third

Police lineup background from Saints Row: The Third initial player customization

Character Gallery introduction in Saints Row: The Third

Character Gallery upload complete in Saints Row: The Third

Character selection screen in Saints Row IV


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 YouTube: Angry Joe interview with Scott Phillips
  2. Image: Saints Row Player Customization location on map
  3. Image: The Streets of Stilwater — cutscene location on map
  4. Giant Bomb: The Mystery of Saints Row: The Third’s 8th Player Voice
  5. Wikipedia: Hail to the Chief
  6. Gamespot: Saints Row: The Third adds Itagaki as playable character
  7. YouTube: Gamespot: Saints Row: The Third — Itagaki Announcement TGS 2011

Франшиза Saints Row всегда позволяла игрокам создавать интересных и уникальных персонажей благодаря настройке персонажей. Последняя игра Saints Row ничем не отличается от других; игроки имеют доступ к множеству опций и ползунков, которые позволяют им создать своего идеального босса для создания хаоса.

Как изменить внешний вид персонажа

Изменить внешность персонажа в Saints Row на самом деле очень просто, и сделать это можно практически в любом месте игры. Чтобы изменить внешность персонажа, просто:

  • Перейдите в меню «Мобильный телефон
  • Оттуда перейдите к приложению «Стиль».
  • Это позволит игрокам снова получить доступ к экрану настройки персонажа, где они смогут редактировать своего персонажа.

Это приложение доступно в любом месте открытого мира без каких-либо ограничений. Кастомизация персонажа не имеет цены, поэтому игроки могут менять своего персонажа на любого, кого они только смогут придумать. Приложение «Внешний вид» позволяет игрокам настраивать несколько вещей, включая:

  • Лицо
  • тело
  • Прически
  • Одежда, включая нижнее белье
  • Голос
  • Эмоции
  • Опции «Скромность», а также обнаженность

Saints Row предлагает игрокам большое количество вариантов кастомизации персонажей. Франшиза всегда была известна тем, что позволяет игрокам создавать любых чудовищ, которых они захотят; ранее игроки создавали Таноса, Халка и Шрека.

Наряду с этим, Saints Row позволяет игрокам сохранять персонажа в виде шаблона, к которому можно обратиться в любое время.

Как получить новую одежду

Saints Row предлагает игрокам не только кастомизацию персонажей, но и свободу в выборе одежды. Помимо скучного набора, который игроки получают в начале игры, они могут получить новую одежду разными способами.

Время шопинга

Saints Row возвращается с возможностью украсить своего персонажа с помощью классной одежды, которую можно найти в магазинах. Эти магазины разбросаны по всему Санто-Илесо и могут быть найдены на карте игрока с помощью значка зеленой рубашки.

Приобретая предмет в магазине одежды в первый раз, игрок также получит немного XP вместе с предметом. В каждом магазине будет свой набор одежды и эстетика, поэтому всегда стоит пройтись по магазинам, чтобы найти то, что лучше всего подходит персонажу игрока.

Миссии и задания

Кроме того, игроки могут получить одежду, выполняя побочные миссии и проходя основной сюжет. Кроме того, игроки могут получить ее, занимаясь побочным бизнесом и предпринимательством, которые можно найти по всей карте Санто-Илесо.

Как и при обычной кастомизации, игрок может изменить свой наряд на бегу с помощью приложения Style на телефоне. Это опять же не имеет ограничений и не стоит ни цента, что очень удобно для тех, кто хочет спонтанно изменить свой внешний вид. Игрок также может посетить гардероб в своей кроватке, чтобы сменить одежду.

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А так же, не забудь оставить свой комментарий.

Изображение через Deep Silver Volition.

Одна из забавных вещей в оригинальной игре Saints Row — это то, что вы могли изменить все тело и внешность босса по первому требованию, и никто из персонажей никогда не задавался этим вопросом. Вероятно, они знали, что бессмысленно оспаривать любые дикие прихоти босса. Эта странная особенность перекочевала в новую Saints Row, где полностью изменить себя стало еще проще. Вот как изменить внешность персонажа в Saints Row

Новые статьи, а так-же все доступные категории вы можете найти на Главной странице. А все доступные материалы по теме guides вы сможете найти на странице категории «guides»

В отличие от оригинальных игр Saints Row, где для изменения лица или тела нужно было посетить пластического хирурга, а для смены одежды — детскую кроватку, новая Saints Row позволяет менять и то, и другое на ходу. Пока вы не находитесь в середине миссии, вы можете полностью изменить своего персонажа, как того требует ваше настроение

Чтобы изменить внешность персонажа, достаточно вызвать меню телефона, нажав либо клавишу Tab на клавиатуре, либо кнопку ‘Назад’ на контроллере, и выбрать приложение ‘Стиль’. Когда вы откроете приложение ‘Стиль’, вы сразу же попадете в меню создания персонажа, где вы сможете изменить лицо, тип тела, голос, характер и все остальное. Если вам, например, надоест голос вашего босса, вы сможете быстро изменить его!

Единственная загвоздка в том, что в отличие от меню персонажа, которое вы получаете при первом запуске игры, вы не сможете полностью управлять одеждой своего персонажа. Войдя в игру, вы можете в любой момент изменить одежду своего персонажа с помощью приложения Style, но использовать можно только ту одежду, которую вы получили в игре. Если вы хотите получить больше одежды, вам нужно будет выполнить определенные задания или посетить один из многочисленных магазинов одежды в Санто-Илесо

Изображение через Deep Silver Volition.

Магазины одежды можно найти по всей карте мира, они обозначены значком белой футболки. В магазинах одежды продаются шляпы, рубашки, куртки, штаны, обувь, нижнее белье и различные аксессуары, которые можно использовать для улучшения своего персонажа. Единственная косметика, которую нельзя приобрести в магазине одежды, — это татуировка. Для этого вам придется посетить специализированный тату-салон, хотя после покупки татуировки вы можете свободно наносить и удалять ее в приложении Style

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