Samsung range error code 5a6

Часто задаваемые вопросы о технике Стиральные машины Samsung. Узнайте подробнее о 'Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung' с помощью службы поддержки Samsung.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung с дисплеем

Что появляется на дисплее

Код ошибки

Что значит ошибка

Почему появилась ошибка

Как устранить ошибку

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не сливается вода из машины.

Засорился сливной шланг;

Засор в канализации;

Засорились шланги внутри машины;

Засорился сливной фильтр;

Согнут или сдавлен сливной шланг;

Не работает сливной насос;

Замерзла вода в машине (машину хранили при минусовой температуре).


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не нагревается вода.

Неправильно подключили машину к электросети;

Не работает нагреватель стирки;

Не работает нагреватель сушки.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не заливается вода в машину.

Закрыт кран подачи воды для машины или нет воды в доме;

Согнут или сдавлен заливной шланг;

Засорился заливной фильтр;

Сработала защита заливного шланга «Аква стоп / Aqua Stop».


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung2


В машину заливается горячая вода – выше 50 °С.

Заливной шланг подключен к крану горячей воды.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин SamsungD


В баке слишком много пены.

Положили слишком много порошка;

Положили порошок, который не подходит для машины системы автомат;

Положили некачественный или поддельный порошок.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung

5D (SD)

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Машина не может равномерно распределить вещи в барабане.

Белье сбилось в кучу или перекрутилось между собой;

В машине мало вещей: одна или две;

В машине слишком много белья.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Из машины самопроизвольно сливается вода.

Низко лежит сливной шланг;

Сливной шланг неправильно подключили к канализации;

Есть отверстие или трещина в баке, из которого вытекает вода.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Мотор перегружен, заблокирован посторонним предметом или сломался.

Перегрузка электродвигателя из-за большого количества белья;

Не работает электродвигатель.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Нестабильное напряжение в электросети (слишком низкое или высокое).

На машину подается напряжение меньше 200 +/- 4 Вольта, или выше 250 +/- 4 Вольта более 30 секунд.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Дверца люка не закрыта.

Неплотно закрыта дверца люка;

Не работает механизм закрытия дверцы люка.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung3


Дверца «Add Door» (для дополнительной загрузки белья в процессе стирки) не закрыта или не открывается.

Перед запуском стирки не закрыли дверцу «Add Door»;

Не работает блокировка / разблокировка дверцы «Add Door».


Коды ошибок стиральных машин SamsungC


Неправильно открыли дверцу «Add Door» (для дополнительной загрузки белья) во время стирки.

Дверцу «Add Door» открыли во время стирки без нажатия кнопки «Пуск/Пауза».


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung1


На дно машины попала вода.

Протекает сливной фильтр (неплотно закрыт или поврежден);

Вытекает вода из контейнера для порошка;

Протекают внутренние соединительные шланги или сливной шланг;

Протекает вода из дверцы (повреждена манжета).

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung1


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Нет сигнала от датчика температуры.

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


В машине слишком много воды.

Неправильно подключен сливной шланг к канализации;

Клапан для залива воды заблокировался в открытом состоянии.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung

Нет сигнала от датчика уровня воды.

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не работают кнопки / кнопка на панели управления.

Западают («залипают») пластиковые кнопки на панели управления.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung2


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Ошибка связи.

Нет сигнала между платами управления.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung6


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Температура воды перед сливом выше или равна 55 °С.

Заливной шланг подключен к крану горячей воды.

Если заливной шланг подключен к крану холодной воды, то позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung6


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не работает датчик вибрации «VRT+».

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не работает датчик температуры сушки (появляется только у машин с функцией сушки белья).

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Не работает вентилятор / фен сушки (появляется только у машин с функцией сушки белья).

Не работает вентилятор / фен сушки.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин SamsungC


Не работает автоматический дозатор (появляется только у машин с функцией Wi-Fi).

Не работает автоматический дозатор.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Неисправен привод или проводка автоматического дозатора (появляется только у машин с функцией Wi-Fi).

Не работает привод или проводка автоматического дозатора.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Оставшееся время до конца стирки.

Более 99-ти минут до окончания стирки (2Н — 2 часа, 3Н — 3 часа и.т.д.).


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Коды ошибок стиральных машин SamsungT


Высокая температура внутри барабана (появляется только у машин с функцией сушки белья).

Температура внутри барабана выше 70 °C.

Не отключайте стиральную машину. Подождите, пока температура понизится в барабане и сообщение «Hot» исчезнет.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Включен заводской тестовый режим.

Включен заводской тестовый режим.


Коды ошибок стиральных машин SamsungF


Во время стирки отключили электричество (ошибка появляется после подачи электричества).

Во время стирки отключили электричество.

Нажмите кнопку «Старт / Пауза», для продолжения стирки.
Если хотите запустить стирку с начала, отключите машину кнопкой «ВКЛ/Выкл» и запустите стирку еще раз.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung


Машина не может запустить мотор.

Не работает триак (симистор) включения вращения мотора.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.

Коды ошибок стиральных машин Samsung без дисплея

Какие индикаторы загораются

Белый цвет – индикатор горит
Черный цвет – индикатор не горит

Код ошибки

Что значит ошибка

Почему появилась ошибка

Как устранить ошибку


Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + нижний индикатор температуры.


Не заливается вода в машину.

Закрыт кран подачи воды для машины или нет воды в доме;

Согнут или сдавлен заливной шланг;

Засорился заливной фильтр-сеточка;

Сработала защита заливного шланга «Аква стоп / Aqua Stop».



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + второй снизу индикатор температуры.


Не сливается вода из машины.

Засорился сливной шланг;

Засор в канализации;

Засорились шланги внутри машины;

Засорился фильтр сливного насоса (сливной фильтр);

Согнут или сдавлен сливной шланг;

Не работает сливной насос;

Замерзла вода в машине (машину хранили при минусовой температуре).



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + два нижних индикатора температуры.


В машине слишком много воды.

Неправильно подключен сливной шланг к канализации;

Клапан для залива воды заблокировался в открытом состоянии.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + второй сверху индикатор температуры.


Машина не может равномерно распределить вещи в барабане.

Белье сбилось в кучу или перекрутилось между собой;

В машине мало вещей: одна или две;

В машине слишком много белья.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + нижний и второй сверху индикатор температуры.


Не нагревается вода.

Неправильно подключили машину к электросети;

Не работает нагреватель (ТЭН) стирки;

Не работает нагреватель (ТЭН) сушки.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + два центральных индикатора температуры.


Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + все индикаторы температуры.


Дверца люка не закрыта.

Неплотно закрыта дверца люка;

Не работает механизм закрытия дверцы люка.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + три нижних индикатора температуры.


Нет сигнала от датчика уровня воды.

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + верхний индикатор температуры.


В машину заливается горячая вода — выше 50 °С.

Заливной шланг подключен к крану горячей воды.



Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + нижний и верхний индикатор температуры.


Из машины самопроизвольно сливается вода.

Низко лежит сливной шланг;

Сливной шланг неправильно подключили к канализации;

Есть отверстие или трещина в баке, из которого вытекает вода;

Вода вытекает из бункера (контейнера) для порошка или из сливного шланга (при его повреждении).


Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + верхний и второй снизу индикатор температуры.

Нет сигнала от таходатчика (измеряет частоту вращения барабана)

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.


Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + два нижних и верхний индикатор температуры.


Не работают кнопки / кнопка на панели управления.

Западают («залипают») пластиковые кнопки на панели управления.

Позвоните в службу поддержки или зарегистрируйте заявку на ремонт через Онлайн-сервис.


Загораются индикаторы всех режимов стирки + два нижних и верхний индикатор температуры.


Нет сигнала от датчика температуры.

Поврежден датчик или его проводка.


Samsung range/oven displaying an error code? Error codes may appear on your Samsung range display panel to identify a fault. This following complete list of Samsung oven range error codes will assist you in finding the problem. Use the codes below to clear or repair your electric Samsung range. Once you know the cause of the error code that is displayed, you will understand which part of the range is faulty and causing the error. You can then purchase the part and fix the oven yourself. If you still cannot find a solution to the issue, use the Samsung Home Appliance Support page.

Samsung Range Error Codes For Electric ModelsSamsung Range Error Codes For Electric Models

Samsung Range Error Code = C-d0
Error Code Definition = Stuck Key
Parts Needed To Repair = Membrane Switch Panel
How To Clear Error Code:
– A key on the membrane switch panel is stuck
– Try to free the stuck key
– Press down directly on top of all keys on the membrane switch panel
– If that doesn’t free the stuck key then press down slightly off center on all keys
– If the key cannot be free then replace the membrane switch panel

Samsung Range Error Code = E-08
Error Code Definition = Oven Is Not Heating
Parts Needed To Repair = Bake Element – Broil Element – Oven Temperature Sensor – Wiring Harness
How To Clear Error Code:
– Remove Power To The Range
– Check the bake and broil heating elements for damage or burns
– If an oven element is damaged then replace it
– Disconnect the oven temperature sensor and check the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a meter
– The oven temperature sensor should measure around 1080 ohms at room temperature
– If the resistance is off by more than 200 ohms then replace the oven temperature sensor
– Also check the wiring between the oven electronic control board and the oven elements for damage and replace any damaged wiring harnesses

Samsung Range Error Code = E27
Error Code Definition = The Oven Temperature Sensor Is Faulty
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Temperature Sensor
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range disconnect the oven temperature sensor and check the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a meter
– The oven temperature sensor should measure around 1080 ohms at room temperature
– If the resistance is more than 2950 ohms then replace the oven temperature sensor

Samsung Range Error Code = E28
Error Code Definition = Oven temperature sensor is defective
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Temperature Sensor
How To Clear Error Code:
– Remove Power To The Range
– Disconnect the oven temperature sensor and check the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a meter
– The oven temperature sensor should measure around 1080 ohms at room temperature
– If the resistance is less than 930 ohms then replace the oven temperature sensor

Samsung Range PartsAppliances : Parts & Accessories
Range Parts & Accessories : Samsung Range Parts

Samsung Range Error Code = E-OA
Error Code Definition = Oven Is Overheating Error
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Temperature Sensor – Oven Electronic Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range
– Disconnect the oven temperature sensor and check the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a meter
– The oven temperature sensor should measure around 1080 ohms at room temperature
– If the resistance is off by more than 200 ohms then replace the oven temperature sensor
– Check the oven electronic control board for burns or melted wires
– If the electronic control board is damaged then replace it

How to Replace a Range Oven Control Board
This DIY repair guide explains how to replace the oven control board in a range
The oven control board controls the bake and broil elements, and houses the digital display

Samsung Range Error Code = SE
Error Code Definition = Defective key on the control panel
Parts Needed To Repair = Control Panel – Oven Electronic Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range
– Open the control console and make sure that the wire harness is plugged into the oven electronic control board properly
– Check the wire harness for damage
– If the wire harness is good then replace the control panel
– If the problem comes back replace the electronic control board

Samsung Range Error Code = E-OE or FL
Error Code Definition = Oven Door Lock Error
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Door Lock Assembly – Wiring Harness
How To Clear Error Code:

Remove Power To The Range
Make sure the wiring harness connections on the oven door lock assembly are tight
Check the oven door lock assembly for damage
Replace the oven door lock assembly if damaged

Samsung Range Error Code = LE
Error Code Definition = Low DC Voltage Fault Under 9 Volts DC
Parts Needed To Repair = Low Voltage Transformer – Electronic Control Board – Wiring Harness
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range and reconnect any loose wires between the low voltage transformer and the electronic control board
– Replace the wire harness if damaged
– If the wiring is good then replace the transformer
– If the problem comes back then replace the electronic control board

Samsung Range Error Code = E-54
Error Code Definition = Oven Electronic Control Board Communication Fault
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Electronic Control Board – Main Cooktop Control Board – Wiring Harness
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range and secure any loose wiring connections between the oven electronic control board and the main cooktop control board
– Replace the wire harness if damaged
– If the wire harness is good then replace the oven electronic control board
– If the problem comes back then replace the main cooktop control board

Samsung Range Error Code = E-55
Error Code Definition = Oven Electronic Control Board Communication Error With Touch Panel Display
Parts Needed To Repair = Control Panel – Oven Electronic Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range and secure any loose wiring connections between the oven electronic control board and the control panel
– If the connections are secure then replace the control panel and wire harness assembly
– If the problem comes back then replace the oven electronic control board

Samsung Range Error Code = E-56
Error Code Definition = Cooktop Has Error
Parts Needed To Repair = Cooktop Components
How To Clear Error Code:

– Check the cooktop display for error codes
– Once the cooktop is repaired the code will clear itself

Samsung Range Error Code = cE56
Error Code Definition = Internal Oven Electronic Control Board Fault
Parts Needed To Repair = Oven Electronic Control Board – Wire Harnesses
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range for 3 minutes to reset the oven electronic control board
– If the code appears after you plug the range in then remove power to the range and secure any loose wiring connections
– Replace any damaged wire harnesses
– If the problem comes back then replace the oven electronic control board

Samsung Range Error Code = to
Error Code Definition = Cooktop Top Temperature Sensor Error
Parts Needed To Repair = Cooktop Top Temperature Sensor – Main Cooktop Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:

– Remove Power To The Range and make sure the wire connections between the top temperature sensor and the main cooktop control board are secure
– Replace the sensor if the wire harness is damaged
– If the wire harness connection is good then replace the top temperature sensor
– If the problem comes back then replace the main cooktop control board

Samsung Range Error Code = ts
Error Code Definition = Cooktop Top Temperature Sensor Fault
Parts Needed To Repair = Cooktop Top Temperature Sensor – Main Cooktop Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:
– Remove Power To The Range and make sure the wire connections between the top temperature sensor and the main cooktop control board are secure
– Replace the sensor if the wire harness is damaged
– If the wire harness connection is good then replace the top temperature sensor
– If the problem comes back then replace the main cooktop control board

Samsung Range Error Code = bo or bs
Error Code Definition = Cooktop Element Inverter Control Board Fault
Parts Needed To Repair = Inverter Control Board – Inverter Control Board Sensor
How To Clear Error Code:

– Inverter control board sensor is defective
– The sensors monitor the inverter control boards that convert AC voltage to DC voltage for induction element heating
– Remove Power To The Range and secure the wire harness connection for the inverter control board sensor
– Replace the sensor if the wire harness is damaged
– If the wire harness is good then replace the sensor
– If the problem comes back then replace the inverter control board for the element

Samsung Range Error Code = ot
Error Code Definition = Cooktop Over Temperature Fault
Parts Needed To Repair = Main Cooktop Control Board
How To Clear Error Code:

– Let the cooktop cool and then Remove Power To The Range to reset the electronic control boards
– If the cooktop continues to overheat then replace the main cooktop control board

Samsung Range Error Code = 0
Error Code Definition = Pan Detection Issue
Parts Needed To Repair = New Cookware Induction Cooktops
How To Clear Error Code:
– Pan or cookware wrong size

How To Display Previous Samsung Range Error Codes

How to Display Error Codes (If shown before but now gone but problem persists)
Powering off the Samsung range clears the error codes from the display.
Follow the procedure to display the error codes again:
1) Restore power to the Samsung Range.
2) Press the Clock AM/PM button 2 times and then press AM.
3) Press 1, 2, 3, 4 on the keypad.
4) Press SET/START.
5) Press and hold CUSTOM COOK and 0 (zero) at the same time for 2 or 3 seconds. (The most recent error code will be displayed)
6) Press 0 “zero” so you can scroll through the previous 4 error codes or press CLEAR/OFF to leave the error code display mode.

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Product Reviews:

I remodeled my entire kitchen and wanted the best appliances. Samsung came

I remodeled my entire kitchen and wanted the best appliances. Samsung came highly recommended at the time. I purchased the stainless steel refrigerator, range, dishwasher and microwave. I purchased an additional warranty on everything except the microwave because I have had cheap microwaves in the past that last more than 15 years. Who would have known, 16 months later, the microwave would be the first to give me problems. I started receiving this error code SE and the manual states to unplug it and plug it back in. Well, I tried that several times and it did not resolve the issue. Finally, I called Samsung and was told that a service repair person would need to come out. Never once told I would have to pay for someone to come out and check it. When I received my call back, I was told there is a $90+ charge just for someone to come out and if parts are needed, I would have to pay for the parts and repair. I am so frustrated right now for a microwave, not just any microwave but a Samsung microwave to break down after just 16 months. Well, when I asked approximately how much would it cost to repair the microwave, I was told it depends on if they had to order a part and if so, what part. I am sure that this is not the first time anyone received this error code and surely someone from Samsung (the maker) can tell me what the problem is and approximate cost, right? I feel it is very unfair to pay and have someone come out to tell you that it will cost hundreds to repair, potentially paying more than I paid for the microwave. All I want to know is for other repairs related to this error code, what is the approximate cost and I will never refer anyone to purchase a Samsung appliance.

Published: February 24, 2012


Quality is poor service and truthfulness of customer service is sad. When c

Quality is poor service and truthfulness of customer service is sad. When called about icing up inside ref they said no help. That was not warranty item same with ice maker. These problems did take place in 3rd year so I have service contract with Home care and they fixed both on 2nd visit for the order parts. Shared it was covered under warranty and they got parts free, showed me invoices. Month laser bottom freezer handle come off (no warranty) send part with no instruction how to install or even # to call. Send them video of ref making strange noise and advised them what I have done so far to fix it. They do not watch or listen to video. Send email saying must be ice maker, suggest have it serviced. 4) They have no notes of conversation and everything must be repeated, they have nice people and great phone manners but are under-trained and clearly lack the support they need to do their job. They can not send email advising where to log on for video training. Just check site or Youtube!!!

Published: February 21, 2015

tom of Pont Vedr Beach, FL


What a mistake buying Samsung… we already have replaced over range microw

What a mistake buying Samsung… we already have replaced over range microwave as well as dishwasher and now have my range being looked at tomorrow!!! The oven is making a noise that sounds like a plane taking off! The ice machine in the fridge constantly freezes over and I have to use a blow dryer to defrost it to get ice made… Also it is very difficult talking to the Samsung Reps, they dont seem to have a clue what is going on with their products and I found the one agent very rude actually. I tell everyone I know not to buy this product!

Published: July 10, 2018

Shelley of Sechelt, BC


Don’t buy Samsung appliances! I made 4 huge mistakes. I did my whole kitc

Don’t buy Samsung appliances! I made 4 huge mistakes. I did my whole kitchen. And 18 months later I got the SE Code. I have done everything I could to get it going again. I am so upset. With my fridge, two of the drawers broke. My dishwasher had the top water dispenser break off. My stove gets scratched easier than it is supposed to. And my flipping microwave got the SE code. Dont buy Samsung! I will not buy another Samsung product — phone, etc. Dont even get me going about my Omnia Phone either.

Published: November 3, 2012

Brad of Olympia, WA


This unit is very easy to operate. The stove top cleans easily if maintaine

This unit is very easy to operate. The stove top cleans easily if maintained properly per instructions. The oven temp is accurate. Very attractive when set in place. The stove top burners are great. They vary in size for any sized pan or skillet.

Published: February 10, 2021

Henry of Lincoln, Nebraska


Ive come from a string of GE refrigerators that always seemed to disappoint

Ive come from a string of GE refrigerators that always seemed to disappoint me in one way or another. Most of the problems were related to not holding the desired temperature in both refrigerator and freezer compartments. I also experienced problems with excess moisture in the freezer compartment and ice makers/ice water dispensers that never worked properly. The water dispenser always froze up unless I raised the temperature to an unsafe level. Very poor design. The Samsung French door unit has worked perfectly for about 1 1/2 years, but it does make a lot of strange noises. So far this appears to be a quality unit that works as expected.

Published: August 28, 2019

Marty of Westborough, MA


In less than one year the microwave oven stopped working, displays an SE co

In less than one year the microwave oven stopped working, displays an SE code, also Im disappointed with the refrigerator, it doesnt perform properly either! At this rate its only a matter of time before the range gives me problems.. Im very disappointed with SAMSUNG. I have to buy all new appliances for my kitchen now.. NEVER BUY A SAMSUNG APPLIANCES AGAIN, NEVER!!!

Published: February 19, 2015

Mike of Deltona, FL


I have never been as disgusted as I am with Samsung appliances. I purchased

I have never been as disgusted as I am with Samsung appliances. I purchased a new stove and refrigerator about four years ago. It is now time for me to replace both appliances as they are falling apart and do not work properly. I have called Samsung customer service several different occasions. They are not helpful. Youre on hold for 20 minutes to be told you need to call another number. I feel as though they should stick to making stereos and televisions. Thats all theyre good for. I will never the rest of my life purchase another Samsung product period!

Published: November 7, 2016

Randy of Westbrook, ME


I purchased a Samsung double door refrigerator RT31HVMSI in May 2006. On 12

I purchased a Samsung double door refrigerator RT31HVMSI in May 2006. On 12th of December, my refrigerator stopped working and a complaint was lodged with you customer care. Subsequently, an engineer visited us promptly and the fridge was handed over to the representatives of Vision Cool Services, 2 New Taratalla Road, Kolkata -88 on Friday, 17th of December with the verbal assurance that my fridge would be returned on Tuesday, 21st of Dec. I had requested for a standby fridge as we are a working couple and a fridge is a necessity but I wasnt provided one. On the 21st, I was given an estimate which I confirmed again with the assurance of a delivery on the 23rd. I have taken leave today in order to take delivery of my fridge. After repeated calls routed through your customer care, I was informed that they do not have a delivery van at their disposal today. I have made the purchases of perishable non-vegetable items which will now be wasted. Such callous and irresponsible behavior is not acceptable. Kindly look into the matter and arrange for a prompt delivery.

Published: December 22, 2011

Lakshmi of Kolkata, OTHER


I have a Samsung Range that broke down after only 2 months. I set the self

I have a Samsung Range that broke down after only 2 months. I set the self clean for 3 hours. After 2 hours, the touch screen died, and the oven door has been locked ever since. I called Samsung for repair service that evening and was told I would be contacted the following morning for a service call either that afternoon or the following day. Neither happened, so I called Samsung back and got the royal run-around of scripted answers. This time I was told the repair person would contact me within 24 business hours to set up a repair time, and that the repair people are very busy. Well that is because Samsung sells inferior products! I asked for a supervisor, and was put on hold for 20 minutes, no answer, so I finally hung up. I went on the website and entered my reference number, only to find out that I am supposedly scheduled for repair on 11/12. That is 9 days after I called for repair! No one has contacted me to confirm this yet. I emailed the service person to request a sooner day, but I do not expect to hear back from them, nor do I expect them to even show up really. If I could throw this range away I would, but it is so new and I cannot afford to replace it. I will NEVER even consider buying anything Samsung during my lifetime again. They do not care about their products or the consumers who buy them. BEWARE!

Published: November 6, 2013

Lillian of Ocala, FL


We bought a new set of Samsung for the house (wash/dryer, refrigerator, sto

We bought a new set of Samsung for the house (wash/dryer, refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher). No issues with them except for the dishwasher.The DMT800 is the most expensive Samsung dishwasher, and seems to have a lot of issues in my research. After only three days old, we got Error Code 5E (or SE): blocked line. Then we reset the breakers, unplugged it…made sure no vent line was pinched… Then it worked for three days, before we got Error Code PE.We called Pacific Sales (the retail store), and they will NOT return a dishwasher… NO return policy (after only a week since purchase). They scheduled a repairman in two weeks, and told us to call Samsung to try to get an earlier appointment.Spent a total of 2.5 hours going back and forth with Samsung and Pacific Sales, as you are required by Samsung to perform various steps to resolve the issue (like resetting circuit breaker, unplugging it for 20 minutes, running it empty, running it in sanitize mode…).We were told by the retailer, Pacific Sales, that Samsung repairs are behind schedule (maybe because of their bad dishwashers) and that the earliest appointment is in two weeks! They said to call Samsung directly to try to get them to come out earlier. After over three hours of calls…we are to wait another two days to see when the Earlier Possible appointment may be. The dishwasher went down five days ago, and now we may go two weeks (washing by hand like we did as kids… oh fun!).TIP: Not sure what the cost is for the Extended Warranty, but saw many websites with reviews that it may be worth getting, as you will have guaranteed issues over the first 1.5 years.TIP: Also, does installing yourself void the warranty? They charge $95 for installs… After the first repairman comes, we will only let the repair guys touch it to maintain the warranty.TIP: A common problem is with the racks breaking (top one specifically), so call Samsung immediately if it happens, as you may need to do it a few times before warranty is up.

Published: June 5, 2013

Ed of Orange, CA


I had an old Whirlpool fridge, probably close to 20 years old and was still

I had an old Whirlpool fridge, probably close to 20 years old and was still working, but I was updating my kitchen and wanted to update the appliances. I got a good deal on a stove and dishwasher and microwave, so I was left with the fridge. I went to Lowes and bought a Samsung. Priced right and full of features and looked cool, boy was this a mistake. After 3 months and losing an entire freezer and fridge full of food, I lost all, probably close to $400 had to be thrown out. Samsung sent a repair technician to my house and he replaced the control panel, up and working again.About 5 months later stopped again, this time, at my expense $300 later and another control panel, working again. The water stopped, then compressor, then ice maker, now freezer. These Samsung fridges are junk. How they can even be sold is questionable. Samsung DOES NOT stand behind their products and there is no technical support, just a recommendation to call a repair technician. I have never had so much trouble from one appliance in my life. I would never recommend this product to anyone. DO NOT GET FOOLED BY THE PRETTY LOOKS. The guys are crap and technicians will tell you they are junk as well. DO NOT BUY!

Published: December 12, 2016

Joe of Birmingham, AL


The motherboard caught on fire. I was cooking something in the oven and had

The motherboard caught on fire. I was cooking something in the oven and had just checked my food and raised up to see the back of the stove on fire. Samsung will not fix the stove. I would not recommend anyone buying a Samsung range. They are dangerous.

Published: December 11, 2014

kenneth of Gilmer, TX


Wow. Look at all these reviews. Same **, different user. I have the same mi

Wow. Look at all these reviews. Same **, different user. I have the same microwave that everyone is complaining about here. This microwave has always been noisy (really noisy) and the keypad hard to use. We bought it to replace a Kenmore microwave that was over 20 years old (like our fridge), but still working. Now, we are getting the common SE problem; no amount of beating, unplugging, cursing, or other trickery will coax it into working. I went with this one because it looked great with our Frigidaire cooktop and oven, and I did not care for the styling of the Frigidaire micro. What a crock! Appliances should last. The oven that gave up and had to be replaced was a Magic Chef from 1966. Show me an appliance from a contemporary manufacturer that lasts over 50 years these days. Not gonna happen. I did expect to get more than 2 years out of a $300 microwave, however. I lust the Samsung fridges, but I will have to get over it and see if Kenmore can provide one with the same features when I need that, because I will not be getting a Samsung. I have a phone (4 years old) that will need replacing soon, and the iPhone is looking pretty good. Now, I’m glad we went with another manufacturer for the recently purchased TV, judging from the tales of customer service listed on the site. We will try the panel repair tonight, but I am sure the Magnetron will bite it soon, according to the others. So it will be a matter of time before I have to purchase another microwave, not a Samsung this time, no matter how sexy it is.

Published: September 27, 2012

Elizabeth of Raleigh, NC


Ive had a great experience with Samsung appliances. Customer service is exc

Ive had a great experience with Samsung appliances. Customer service is excellent when addressing problems and very professional. Would definitely recommend their range. I have a refrigerator, washer and dryer. All their products excellent.

Published: January 29, 2021

Helen of Elizabeth, NJ


We bought the dishwasher, ice box and gas stove from Best Buy, they stopped

We bought the dishwasher, ice box and gas stove from Best Buy, they stopped working on the 2nd day that they was delivered on 3/2014. We contacted Best Buy about the problems and they said that we had to contact Samsung customer service. We did and they said that the applicant was out of warranty. How can this be. We just bought it brand new, they said that they were 4 yrs old and out of warranty. The dishwasher was the first to go out, then the freezer on the icebox and now the stove oven doesnt work. I will never buy a Samsung of any kind and wont buy from Best Buy either. All of their products are out of warranty and they told me, Thats why you should buy a extended warranty. Then why do they advertise that they have a warranty for Samsung for 1 yr, 2 yrs etc. And no one will work on them either. Be smart and dont buy Samsung. I wont ever again.

Published: January 13, 2018

Cindy of Shiro, TX


We purchased a Samsung refrigerator and stove a year ago. The first time I

We purchased a Samsung refrigerator and stove a year ago. The first time I went to use the self-clean feature on the stove the main component fried. It was Thanksgiving week and a time I really needed the oven. It took 2 weeks for a repairman to fix the problem. Two weeks ago we started having problems with the ice maker in the refrigerator. Slushy ice and at times, wed just get a handful of water. Upon research (I know, something I should have done before the purchase), I learned that it is a common problem with Samsung refrigerators/ice makers. People were told they had to empty the thing every 6 months or so, unplug it and let it defrost! Seriously?? In this day and age? The thing is supposed to be frost free. So upset with this purchase! I would avoid Samsung in the future if looking for appliances. They look good, but break down within a year of purchase.

Published: July 12, 2017

Ruth of San Antonio, TX


We redid our kitchen in August 2012 and purchased three Samsung products —

We redid our kitchen in August 2012 and purchased three Samsung products — a stove, a refrigerator and a dishwasher. This review is about the dishwasher. Ive already submitted a review about our stove. We purchased our Samsung dishwasher, Model #DMT 300RFS/XAA in August 2012 for $515. Our first repair was on 22 Jan 2014, the float level sensor had to be replaced, and the cost was $208.21.The next problem happened on 6 May 2015. The case sensor and brake have to be replaced and the cost will be $316.24. If we have this repair done, and we wont, this substandard appliance will have cost us $515 (original cost) + $524.45 (2 x repairs) = $1039.45. Note: the repairs alone total more than the cost of the dishwasher. Weve now got a 225 lb. paperweight in our kitchen.

Published: May 13, 2015

Bob of Valrico, FL


I bought the whole package of Samsung products and over a few years little

I bought the whole package of Samsung products and over a few years little things start to break and letters have fallen off of the microwave, igniter is bad in the oven, ice maker freezes up, washer lining went bad and started leaking. Their product is crap and the customer service is trained not to help you, they tell you there’s no one in your area to fix it, that you need to find your own repair man. My question is why does Lowes and Home Depot and other retailers sell and support them and you don’t have a service center for them. I will not buy another Samsung product, and I suggest you research before spend 8000.00 dollars on junk.

Published: February 10, 2022

Jeff of Pevely, MO


Seems to have electrical and computer issues. Number 4 stopped working on o

Seems to have electrical and computer issues. Number 4 stopped working on oven temp. Had to switch to Centigrade so could enter temps below 400 range. Light inside flickers and sputters. Seal on glass door front isnt tight- so there is a lot of smudge between glass.

Published: February 1, 2021

Andrea of Virginia Beach, VA


I bought the Samsung electric range model NE59J7630SG in July 2017 from Hom

I bought the Samsung electric range model NE59J7630SG in July 2017 from Home Depot when they had the huge sale with refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher. Before, I have been using a different brand electric range for years with no problem. After about 2 months later, I started to see white scratches in the middle of burner. It looked like some liquid residue right underneath the glass top, which I could not get rid of with cleaning. After 3.5 months later, one night, my mom used it before she went to bed, slept, and when we came out the next morning, we saw round shaped broken glasses on the cooktop which soon gave a big long crack across the burner. I called customer service asking for replacement (had 1yr warranty). They sent me a tech to diagnose, then they said they could not replace it because its a physical damage.I requested second opinion, they sent another tech who said he would request for the replacement, didnt hear anything back for 2 weeks. I called the tech and found out Samsung denied it since its a physical damage. The tech said it would cost me $500 just to replace the top after I just spent $750 buying a new one. I have been fighting with Samsung for 2 months now, spoke with 4-5 different managers. Three of them gave me an approval to get it fixed at their cost, but nothing gets done. Every time I call them, I get a different rep at a different location, they cannot connect me to the person I spoke to before. You give them the ticket# with the approval, but doesnt matter. They dont care what the previous manager promised you, you will have to start from the beginning all over again. They are saying its their policy that physical damage is not covered by the warranty, I did something wrong with the range, doesnt admit that its their product defect. I googled to see if people had the same problem as I did, I found people with the same problem!!! Even I found one on this website, this lady her pictures on here and it looked exactly the same as mine and she said one day she heard a loud bang in her kitchen and the crack on her cooktop!! Do not waste your money on Samsung product. Their product is horrible and when there is a problem, good luck with it.

Published: January 21, 2018

Jennifer of Lawrenceville, GA


My DMR78AHS Samsung Dishwasher was purchased Feb 2011. It needed its first

My DMR78AHS Samsung Dishwasher was purchased Feb 2011. It needed its first repair in March 2012 (one month after the warranty was up) to the tune of $158 due to the tabs breaking on the upper rack and getting down in the motor. Last Friday (Feb 2014) the exact same thing happened but this time the repairman said it was going to cost me $375 plus tax for new gaskets and pump plus labor. I said no way and he still charged me $109.15 for the service call, etc. I spoke with Samsung this morning and they put me through to SEVEN different people. The last one said I will hear the answer from upper management in 24 to 48 hours. I am disabled and on disability from work (60-years-old) and cannot afford all of this happening to me! I still was saving for the fridge and stove — forget that now!! This model should have been recalled! The net is FULL of people all having the same problem with the 5E error flash due to the tabs breaking off. I am so upset!!!!! :( Is there a class action suit for this problem in Canada?

Published: February 24, 2014

Judy of Abbotsford, BC


We purchased a 2003 Wilderness camper with a Samsung microwave over the ran

We purchased a 2003 Wilderness camper with a Samsung microwave over the range model in it. The microwave is always beeping, will turn off in the middle of cooking. The keypads dont function right and sometimes not at all. Have tried everything we can think of and nothing works. What can be done about this, and can one install another brand that will fit in the opening?

Published: September 15, 2014

JoAnne of Ramsay, MI


The customer service is horrific. The people are rude and do not honor the

The customer service is horrific. The people are rude and do not honor the warranty. The temperature numbers on our stove started disappearing within the first year of owning the stove. They said it was cosmetic and not covered under the warranty but how could that be since you need the numbers to know what temperature to cook at. Not only is this not cosmetic, it is dangerous as it can cause a fire. A claim has been filed with the Better Business Bureau.

Published: May 30, 2021

Monica of Miami, FL


Purchased full kitchen suite August 2016. The only unit we havent had to ha

Purchased full kitchen suite August 2016. The only unit we havent had to have repairs on is the range. The refrigerator is the worst of all. On our third repair the unit doesnt defrost properly which causes ice build up and the fan motor freezes. This in turn causes the unit to run at 50 degrees F. So not only are we several hundred into repairs were out several hundred in spoiled food. Appropriate that its Halloween cause the nightmare just wont stop.

Published: October 9, 2018

James of Oakdale, PA


If you are expecting this oven to have two separate single ovens, you are t

If you are expecting this oven to have two separate single ovens, you are terribly wrong. When we bake something in upper single oven the left side of the tray baked perfectly while the right side had raw dough. Of course we contacted to customer service and they promptly responded and send in a tech. The tech stated upper single oven will not bake unless you take the separator out and use whole thing upper and lower single ovens as whole one, despite the product sold and stated that it could be used as 2 single ovens. We called customer service again and after 4 complain tickets and 3 tech visits we learned that we paid 350 additional dollars for the good looks of lame product. This product CANNOT BE USED AS TWO SINGLE OVENS. You cannot use only upper single oven to bake. Last tech even stated on the ticket that, as customer we refused the repair after we lost 3 days of work to meet with theses hopeless people of Samsung techs. Not to mention they seriously check if the electrical power supply is good with voltage and amps on gas oven. They question my wife if she has a clue about the convection oven. Yah! Two different counties certified her as restaurant manager for fun and she ain’t been in restaurant industry in last 20 years. Also to the credit of Samsung they have great 1 year manufacturer’s warranty but unfortunately it starts from the date product manufactured. So if you purchase an oven & stove in Dec 2018 and that unit is manufactured Feb 2018, your one year manufacturer’s warranty expires on Feb 2019 so enjoy your 2 months worth of one year warranty. We have Samsung TV, Home Theater System, Refrigerator, 3 Samsung smart phones and this oven. I can proudly say this is the LAST product I purchased from Samsung. I dont want to see the word Samsung in my house anymore. Now if you are planning to purchase this duo oven I would suggest you to buy yourself a dutch oven and a ton of firewood, at least you can enjoy great outdoors with real fire and may have some good smores cooked evenly. That will be a lot more satisfying than losing tremendous time and effort try to explain people that their product is not doing what it supposed to while they were trying to achieve a different result with sending 3 techs to same issue. I am done with Samsung brand. Good luck to you.

Published: December 5, 2018

orkan of Alvin, TX


As in many of the other reviews, I also experienced the dreaded SE error co

As in many of the other reviews, I also experienced the dreaded SE error code on my range microwave (model 9197). I realize that its probably hit or miss as to what type of help you will get when you call Samsung’s customer service center; however, I was very lucky to get an articulate, responsive person who seemed to be well aware of this problem. He did offer me a one-time courtesy warranty extension which will pay for the repair of my unit. If it has to be replaced, I am ready to fight that battle next!

Published: July 15, 2012

Sandi of N/A, GA


Our Samsung microwave keypad is no longer responsive after getting the SE e

Our Samsung microwave keypad is no longer responsive after getting the SE error message on the keypad. The first time, resetting the power worked but nothing this time. The microwave warranty just expired. I had problems with my Samsung TV, but it was repaired under warranty (after a lot of hassle). Our Samsung induction stove continues to give us problems with error messages. Never again will we buy anything from Samsung.

Published: October 1, 2012

Lonnie of Allentown, PA


We purchased our range/oven in October 2018. Not even 3 months later had to

We purchased our range/oven in October 2018. Not even 3 months later had to have it repaired: the entire control unit was replaced as the controls locked up with food burning in the oven, with oven door locked. Now the oven turns on at random times, and also locking the oven door, and freezing the control unit again. So called Samsung again, and explained that this range/oven is dangerous, as it could burn down the house with my family in it. Their response? Cant exchange it because we have to wait for the second round of repairs. Last time it took at least 3 weeks for the spare parts to arrive, so when asked the Specialty Claim Rep at Samsung, her answer was that if I am afraid of the unit, I should unplug it until fixed.My question is, why would I want a unit replaced when this is systematic issue, and not a unit-specific problem? When asked if Samsung will take full liability for possibly causing property damage or bodily harm, their answer was I can not talk to a supervisor as my case has been already escalated. Which agency is responsible of forcing a manufacturer to recall a dangerous product? And why they are not acting after all those reviews on this site? Indeed, I failed to read these comments, otherwise I would avoided this product line and Samsung altogether… Now I am stuck with a product for a very long time…

Published: May 1, 2019

Janos of Charlotte, NC


Five weeks ago the light bulb lens protective cover on the Over the Range m

Five weeks ago the light bulb lens protective cover on the Over the Range microwave shattered and the glass shards were found on the electric range cooktop. The bulb was also burnt out. I ordered a replacement lens and installed it, and I also replaced BOTH bulbs. A few days ago, the same thing happened, but it was more serious. When the protective lens shattered, the pieces of glass fell into our skillet on the range top, and the bulb again was burnt out. We contacted Samsung on their website. They stated that because the warranty had expired, it was up to us to contact a repair person. We disagree. We sent another message.We consider this issue to be a consumer safety issue. Samsung issued us a Ticket Number for further question or concerns when we communicate with Samsung. Ticket Number **. Note: We took pictures but we are having difficulty getting them from our IPad.

Published: April 19, 2015

Raymond of Moon Township, PA


Bought Samsung range, refrigerator and microwave at the beginning of 2013.

Bought Samsung range, refrigerator and microwave at the beginning of 2013. The microwave died after 2 days and the Lowes representative let us return it. He said he had seen a lot of problems, so we got a GE instead. The touch pad on the range never worked properly and have had techs out here 6 times. They can never fix it in one call. They have to diagnose, then order parts. It is now broken again and we are due to have a tech come out on September 1st. Every time they come, I have to miss 1/2 a day of work. No weekend appointments available. The handle on the refrigerator broke off and they repaired that. Now the plastic shelves are breaking. These products are very cheaply made. DO NOT PURCHASE!!!

Published: August 17, 2015

Ellen of Hampton Falls, NH


There are numerous reviews of this unit stating that the stove burner knobs

There are numerous reviews of this unit stating that the stove burner knobs are poorly designed and can easily be turned on by casually bumping into them. I can attest that this is true. This is why we remove the knobs from the stove when not in use. However, it appears that my unit (NE58F9710WS), with knobs removed, turned on spontaneously and caused a small fire with paper items that were on the stove. There was nobody home at the time, and the damage caused by the fire was minimal. My range hood must be replaced, and smoke damage occurred throughout my home. It could have been much, much worse. So far, Samsung has been cooperative and has agreed to repair the unit and cover the costs of the damage to my home. I hope Samsung takes these claims seriously and provides an updated design that is less likely to cause fires.

Published: August 17, 2017

Jeffrey of Lake Worth, FL


My 3 year old Samsung range model #NE59J7630SS blew a fuse when it was a ye

My 3 year old Samsung range model #NE59J7630SS blew a fuse when it was a year old. The technician told me to pull the stove out more as it was getting too hot when I cleaned it. Now my stove started sparking in behind and then turned into flames and burned all the wiring in the back panel. The fire dept called an inspector as they said this should not happen to a stove. I would not buy a Samsung again.

Published: July 17, 2019

Sharon of Calgary, Canada


This oven is awesome. I get all of my food cooked or baked, I recommended,

This oven is awesome. I get all of my food cooked or baked, I recommended, it goes to a high and a low temperature, I love this oven, it gets the job done. I say 10/10, go down to your store or wherever you get electronics and buy it now!!!

Published: February 8, 2021

Hhdhdjd of Wayland, MI


Bought my Samsung Microwave ME21F707MJT alongside the Samsung slide in rang

Bought my Samsung Microwave ME21F707MJT alongside the Samsung slide in range 2 months ago and recently installed it over the weekend. Ive used it about 3-4 times to heat up some food and once before to make some popcorn. Well this time around I went to make some popcorn using the preset popcorn button as usual and went to the bedroom. After a few minutes I smelled burning smoke and sent my friend to check on the popcorn. She screamed out my name and I went running to the kitchen only to see the microwave in flames. I put it out with a wet tshirt I had used to clean something off the countertop with. Disaster averted.Called BestBuy, BestBuy transferred me to Samsung. Samsung was more worried if I was injured or had property damage. Gave me a ticket number like others before and said I would get a call back within 24hrs. (9:15 am) Finally got a call from Samsung at around 3:00 pm the following day and again, they seem more worried if I was injured or incurred property damage. I was told that a service agent would be scheduled to come to my house and service the microwave. Yep, you read right. Service my microwave. I told her politely that I am a loyal Samsung customer with Samsung phones, tvs, tablets, gas range and microwave, and that I DO NOT want a repaired, serviced dysfunctional microwave that caught on fire and is liable to do so again and Samsung should be happy that this incident wasnt worst than it was and that they should be more than willing to replace a burnt up microwave. She said that was not how Samsung warranty works.

Published: July 30, 2016

Marvin of Bronx, NY


When we moved from a townhouse to a condo we purchased all new appliances,

When we moved from a townhouse to a condo we purchased all new appliances, one of which was a Samsung induction range. The range was delivered in August 2016 and we finally had it removed in December 2016. Over that time we had to have three on site repair visits and would have had to have a fourth if the unit had not been removed. The stove top worked fine until one day we heard a loud pop and a fuse blew. Two of the burners had to be replaced. The oven was a disaster. It did not work more often than it actually worked. Most often what would happen is that we would put something in the oven and then the control panel at the front of the stove would stop working. No amount of touching of buttons would make the thing work.We ended up throwing out more food than we actually were able to cook. Samsung service is terrible. They insist on starting any conversation with a web chat. Then you need to call an 800 number to get a repair scheduled. Then you need to work with the repair company. Everyone points fingers at everyone else. Finally we had to get the store that we purchased the unit from to work with the Samsung rep who finally agreed to replace the unit (with another brand). I would not recommend a Samsung range.

Published: January 19, 2017

Betty of Mississauga, ON


Cooks very well, not burning, but very efficient; stovetops allows me to ha

Cooks very well, not burning, but very efficient; stovetops allows me to have several items at once; energy-efficient, overall good value for price; would recommend this item for anyone in the market.

Published: February 15, 2021

Lori of Winston Salem, NC


We bought this Samsung oven NE58F9710WS/AA from Lowes. This is our second o

We bought this Samsung oven NE58F9710WS/AA from Lowes. This is our second one. Our first one had the same problem where the oven will not heat back up after we open it to put food in. Samsung refunded our money for the first one after sending out a service tech 3 times. We should NOT have bought another one as this one has the exact same problem. We are now getting the runaround from Samsung. I love all the features of the oven; however, if the oven doesnt reheat or maintain its temperature, the features are pretty much worthless. My wife has spent hours and hours on the phone with Samsung trying to get this resolved and with still without a working oven after a month of phone calls.

Published: April 17, 2017

David of Jenison, MI


We have a full set of Samsung black stainless kitchen appliances. We bought

We have a full set of Samsung black stainless kitchen appliances. We bought them two years ago. We have had the dishwasher face and bottom doors on fridge and stove replaced twice under warranty for peeling. Stove peeling again. Now we are told it’s cosmetic and not covered. If we had known it was just a film over stainless we would not have purchased. We are $4500 in appliances that look like crap. Samsung will NEVER get another dime from us.

Published: June 19, 2019

Tony of Owensboro, KY


Three years ago we purchased brand new Samsung appliances for our remodeled

Three years ago we purchased brand new Samsung appliances for our remodeled kitchen. BIG MISTAKE! Within 2 1/2 years both ice makers in the refrigerator (model RF323TEDDBSR) stopped working. After 3 repair visits and a 6 week wait for parts to arrive, we paid nearly $400 to have the bottom freezer repaired. It would cost several hundred dollars more to repair the top freezer so we declined to do this. Today, our Samsung electric range (model NE59J7850) overheated and broke. We are going tomorrow to purchase a new range and it WILL NOT BE A SAMSUNG! We will never purchase any Samsung products again.

Published: August 19, 2018

Phyllis of Leavenworth, KS


Three years ago we purchased new Samsung kitchen appliances (refrigerator,

Three years ago we purchased new Samsung kitchen appliances (refrigerator, electric range, microwave). Two weeks ago our range started on fire. After many attempts to contact Samsung and empty promises to call us back, we were finally able to reach management. They offered to send out a technician to inspect the range even though we were past the 1 year warranty. The technician concluded there was an electrical issue and cleared us of any wrongdoing. While at our residence, the technician called Samsung to explain his findings along with sending them pictures of the damage. We were told that Samsung would contact us within 24-48 hours to let us know if they would offer any additional coverage.Samsung never called. We had to reach out to them multiple times with the same empty promises that someone would call us back. During one of the calls we were actually told that there was ‘physical damage’ and we were to blame. Well, of course there was physical damage given the electrical issue! So even though the technician they sent out cleared us of any wrongdoing, Samsung concluded that we were to blame and since the range was out of the 1 year warranty they would not provide any coverage. Samsung knew the range was past the warranty period prior to offering to send out a technician. Given that, why did they offer to send anyone out and waste two weeks of our time waiting for them to ‘review’ the situation and make a determination?And on a related note, the ice-maker on our refrigerator has not been working appropriately for the past couple of months. Seems there is a potential class action lawsuit on that front. Conclusion, the quality of Samsung kitchen appliances is not good, they clearly do not stand behind their products, and their customer service is absolutely horrible. Needless to say our new range purchase was not Samsung nor will we ever purchase Samsung products again. Buyer beware.

Published: September 4, 2019

Kristine of Hudson, WI


I have a Samsung oven Model ne9k3310ss with so called self cleaning steam o

I have a Samsung oven Model ne9k3310ss with so called self cleaning steam option. It Sucks. I am 64 years old havent had to scrub an oven with SOS pads for years. Cooked a turkey. Will not come clean. Purchased this stove Sept 2016 from Lowes. It was 2 days before my daughters wedding and my previous ovens element burnt up. So no reviews were checked before we bought this one. Lowes sales rep told us good reviews it was in stock could be delivered the next day. Perfect. Used it for the wedding, except for the oven.Stove really wasnt used for the first 30 days so was past the customer satisfaction period. Oven would not hold temp, tech was here 3 times, replaced parts. Wanted so bad to just return it but no. I hate this stove and I have had many stoves over the years. The glass top is almost impossible to keep clean. Bought the daily cleaner, waste of money, need to use the heavy duty cleaner to clean it. Would not recommend this stove. I will be getting rid of it.

Published: July 26, 2017

Colleen of Tea, SD


I love Samsung never had any issues with it. The only thing is that the top

I love Samsung never had any issues with it. The only thing is that the top stove range is too big other than that love it. I wish I could afford all the Samsung appliances tho theyre pretty expensive.

Published: February 19, 2021

Betzabel of San Diego, CA


Eight to ten months ago, I noticed the SE error on my Samsung over the stov

Eight to ten months ago, I noticed the SE error on my Samsung over the stove microwave. I tried all the advice I found online but nothing worked. I called Samsung to find out what I could do about having it repaired but the microwave was about 18 months old and out of warranty. Blast! The microwave was only 18 months old and now I have to buy a new one. I gave it one more shot and called Samsung again. This time, I spoke to a very nice young gentleman and he came back with, Samsung does extend the warranty for one time repairs, and said he could help me. So he took care of scheduling a repair and after 3 tries of installing a new computer in the microwave, the last one finally worked. So here I am again, just 8 months later back in the same position with no microwave and no Ace in the Hole! Well Im going to give it a shot again and see if maybe my luck will hold out. Life without a microwave is no fun! I will keep you informed.

Published: April 11, 2013

B of Pt Jeff Sta, NY


It was purchased to replace a worn out GE microwave. It works fine but the

It was purchased to replace a worn out GE microwave. It works fine but the rotary plate in the middle is smaller than the GE so that is taking some adjustment. It has three less auto buttons (no baked potato button, etc.) but we are adjusting to that as well. Overall, we’re happy with it. Now we just need to buy a new dishwasher, gas stove, and refrigerator to match???!

Published: July 6, 2019

Stan of Limerick, PA


Purchased fridge, stove, dishwasher, over range microwave, washer, dryer an

Purchased fridge, stove, dishwasher, over range microwave, washer, dryer and numerous TVs. Stove cracked from side to side, I purchased new top and installed myself. Fridge stopped working, called Samsung. Spoke with Roger ** Executive Customer Relations. He know nothing about customer service or customer loyalty. I will NEVER purchase a samsung product and if anyone I know is looking to purchase I will tell them BUYER BEWARE.

Published: August 31, 2021

J of Brampton, ON


I am doing something that I was hoping that I would not have to do. I am pu

I am doing something that I was hoping that I would not have to do. I am putting the Samsung Corporation on public blast because I have been given absolutely no other option! After purchasing a top of the line dishwasher just last fall, our unit has required repair for error codes 3 TIMES. All were under warranty and while the first tech was educated and efficient…the problem was not fixed leading us to where we are today. Approximately 6 weeks ago (while still within the manufactures warranty) we placed a call for repair. After an hour of waiting on the line, we were told that a service repair shop would be calling us. Never did. I called said company 3 times and left messages hoping for a return call. Never happened. Called Samsung back…waited an hour and 40 minutes for a rep. Was told that a repair shop would be calling me to schedule. Gave me the number for the exact same repair shop. I declined. Asked for another shop. They finally agreed to send someone else out at your request…like it was unusual that I wanted another company. That company called and scheduled with me but needed a week to order parts (how did they know what part if there was no in person diagnostic?). Fine. No dishwasher 2 weeks…ok, well be patient. Came out, replaced main board in about 30 min and was out. Started the cycle and it looked to be working and left. Day after, first full load in the machine…ERROR CODE. Are you kidding me? Called Samsung…I could go on and on about the HOURS AND HOURS we have sat on hold with Samsung. At least 1 hour and 30 minutes EACH CALL, EVERY TIME. We have phone records to support this. We have asked to be expedited to executive customer service = declined. We have asked for a replacement unit = declined. We have asked why this has happened = no answer. WE HAVE BEEN MORE THAN PATIENT but at this point it has been upwards of SIX WEEKS since this has started and there has been NO RESOLUTION whatsoever. We have followed up almost every other day with this company to check the status, we have proven our bill of sale, we have provided them with many, many, many opportunities to make this right = DECLINED. We asked for our case to be forwarded to a higher level = declined. We feel totally at their mercy. We are at our wits end because we feel we are being taken advantage of and have been given NO SOLUTION to our issue. The customer service has been DEPLORABLE to say the least. I am BEGGING for someone, anyone…please help! Has anyone experienced this? What do we do? We 100% do not want this unit anymore (when warranty is up…well be responsible to pay for these constant error codes to be fixed) and we would be more than happy with either a full refund or an exchange for a non-Samsung dishwasher (from HH Gregg). We feel like this company has us strung up with no option but to be continually jacked around. We have asked for a copy of our communication transcript and were told that they cannot provide that for us. (WHAT?) We do not have finances to pursue legal action, but if we did, that is the route we feel is appropriate after all that we have experienced.

Published: October 1, 2014

Kristen of Bartlett, IL


We purchased a Samsung glass top slide-in stove a year and a half ago. It s

We purchased a Samsung glass top slide-in stove a year and a half ago. It suddenly developed a thermal crack on the glass top. After many calls to Samsung, often times they would hang up on me, they denied any responsibility even though the owners manual states that there is a 5 year guarantee on the glass cooktop. They claim they are only responsible for the heating element. I will NEVER purchase another Samsung product. The stove does not get that much use and has not been abused.

Published: March 25, 2016

Gail of Terre Haute, IN


I gave it two stars because it usually works, just not the quality I expect

I gave it two stars because it usually works, just not the quality I expected for $1200, and its very difficult to get information from Samsung, even then, its inaccurate. Our front Burner lights poorly, if at all, Rubber bumpers on the bottom of the grates disintegrate, oven takes forever to heat, and now, the clock resets at random and no ones been able to fix it.

Published: February 2, 2021

Edwin of Xxx, WA


Samsung ref is the pits, I have replaced the control panel and the replacem

Samsung ref is the pits, I have replaced the control panel and the replacement has stopped working correctly. I have replaced the water inlet valves and now one of them is no longer working properly. The ice maker overfills and freezes the cubes in a giant lump. And all of this happens just after the warranty expired, of course. I owned a Samsung ref, stove, micro, dishwasher, washer and dryer — all are less than 7 years old. I have had to replace the dishwasher and washer and dryer. I will never purchase another Samsung appliance.

Published: August 28, 2019

Larry of Jemison, Alabama


Our Samsung microwave is a handsome piece of equipment and when it works, i

Our Samsung microwave is a handsome piece of equipment and when it works, it works well. I wish I had done better research before buying it along with its suite of companion SS appliances. We, too, got the dreaded error code shortly after the warranty expired. Once the 5E error code appeared, nothing we did, unplugging and plugging, or buttons we pushed could get it working again. Luckily, my engineer husband managed to fix the problem since the company is rather less than customer-friendly when dealing with this apparently well-known problem.The fix requires one to remove the inside control panel and wipe off the contacts, which apparently are affected by steam rising from cooking on the range underneath. We have had to do this several times in a row (like twice in one day, then the following week type of thing), but since cleaning the contacts about four months ago, it has not happened again. Im keeping my fingers crossed, but I am extremely disappointed with Samsungs customer service in dealing with this issue. Also, it was my first time buying SS appliances — and it will certainly be the last. I dont know if its just this brand, but I find the finish is way too delicate for our bustling kitchen.

Published: June 20, 2013

Emel of Canton, GA


Our Samsung FE-R300SX is 3 years old and we heard a loud pop and saw flames

Our Samsung FE-R300SX is 3 years old and we heard a loud pop and saw flames and smoke shooting out the back of the range. The circuit board caught fire. Samsung will not cover any of the expenses. Thankfully we saw it right away and our kitchen did not catch fire. This range should be recalled for safety. My husband and I were headed out the door when we heard the loud pop and saw the flames. We were baking Tater Tots and had the oven timer on. Our son was in his room playing video games and was going to turn off the oven when the timer went off. Our kitchen would have been on fire before he would have noticed a problem. We paid almost $700 for this range on sale and it is only 3 years old. We are very unhappy customers and will never buy anything Samsung again. They didnt even call me back about the problem. They sent an email to say they were sorry it caught fire, but they set me up for an out of warranty repair that I will have to pay for. I called them back and was told that I had no recourse and they would not cover the repair. Even thought there is a 5-year parts warranty, it does not cover the circuit board which caught fire.

Published: May 13, 2014

Kimberly of Kingston, WA


Glass top extremely difficult to clean. After 2 weeks I returned to Lowes w

Glass top extremely difficult to clean. After 2 weeks I returned to Lowes where I purchased it to ask if the glass top was made differently. They recommended a certain cleaner. I had a GE glass top for 15 years before this Samsung and it was never this difficult to clean. Then three months later I noticed a very small crack on the glass top. I called Lowes and they only cover for 30 days because I didnt buy the extended warranty. I called Samsung and sent photos but no response. I cant believe the money I paid for this Samsung stove. The top seems to be made differently. The burner areas look like they have rust on them and burn marks. It looks like I never clean the stove but truthfully that seems to be the only thing I do is clean the stove top. I have tried all glass top cleaners and none seem to work. I hate this stove and recommend anyone that wants to buy a samsung NOT to. It looks awful in my kitchen. Samsung and Lowes dont seem to care about it. They think cause there is a small crack that it was my fault. I swear I did not drop or bang on my new stove to make this crack. I am telling you people that are looking for the new double door Samsung electric range, DONT. I am so disappointed with this product.

Published: April 13, 2016

sharon of Weymouth, MA


The wire racks tilt down when pulling out. I have burnt myself several time

The wire racks tilt down when pulling out. I have burnt myself several times. The glass range top scratched easily. The stove top takes forever to cool down. The elements now only heat to high even when set at the lowest setting.

Published: October 17, 2018

Richard of Columbus, GA


In late 2011 we bought the SMH1816W microwave to match the fridge purchased

In late 2011 we bought the SMH1816W microwave to match the fridge purchased on the basis of a top rating from a consumer magazine, and the matching stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer at the same time. Not only was the consumer magazine wrong about the fridge, the microwave, dishwasher and washer all have issues or needed repairs. So far (knock on wood) the dryer and range havent broken. The microwave had to be repaired twice for the same problem which ended up costing $50 more than the price we originally paid for it. The fridge was replaced three times before Samsung finally admitted a manufacturing issue that caused the water line to the icemaker to freeze. A new freezer door was eventually installed with the corrected water line.The dishwasher drain pump failed after two years, and the washer is rusting at the bleach dispenser and detergent/softener holder. Once again Samsung claimed no responsibility. We live in a low humidity area (desert) so its not possible that we caused the problem. Not only has it been costly for repairs, but we wasted close to a hundred hours dealing with Samsung. Their support is abysmal, they make it as difficult as possible to even communicate with them — then all you get are stock answers. Requests to escalate to Executive Customer Relations are ignored, or delayed to the point you can do without your broken appliance and end up paying yourself. Samsung is by far the worst company Ive dealt with in 50 years, and as far as major appliances they have the worst quality of any we have ever purchased.Updated 10/22/2016: Of course, now our washer is listed as one of the models that can blow up during the spin cycle, response from Samsung — wash large loads on delicate only. We are taking bets on whether it falls apart from rusting or spinning first! Microwave — dead again — this time we are replacing it with another brand — Samsung quality is non-existent, support is useless. Bottom line, they have sacrificed quality and support for a quick profit, and will lose millions of customers because of this.

Published: March 24, 2016

Dave of Peoria, AZ


The electric stove looked nice 2 years ago when I bought it. Black and stai

The electric stove looked nice 2 years ago when I bought it. Black and stainless steel. Never buy this junk again. Oven made a pop sound and now wont heat past 150??? Its toast after 2 years! Their dishwasher at least lasted 3 years??? Ill never buy Samsung, ever. Their CEO, should be in prison for life without parole for fraud products???

Published: August 28, 2017

Arthur of Panama City Beach, FL


The oven burns the back side of whatever you’re baking or browns much mor

The oven burns the back side of whatever you’re baking or browns much more than the front. If you do more than one rack it doesn’t cook even. The middle will cook but the top and bottom shelves won’t cook the same. The top large eye will get too hot and burn your food. We bought all Samsung appliances for our kitchen and none work the way they should. The service department won’t answer your call or fix things that thousands of people are having trouble with. We will never buy another Samsung appliance.

Published: February 8, 2021

Ethel of Keithville, LA


I bought my Samsung Stove oven range from HHGregg and bought 5 years warran

I bought my Samsung Stove oven range from HHGregg and bought 5 years warranty with it. Within 1 month of usage (cooking for 2) started noticing the blackish superficial layer peeling off from the glass top. Called HHgregg and was directed to Samsung. Third party repair personnel after inspecting said it is common occurrence and to use razor as suggested to peel of the layer by scrubbing it in a certain way. Before 12 months end I saw the crack on the cook top and a bulge on the glass top.After complaining to customer service it took 30 days with 3 guys from different company and taking pictures of the stove to tell me that it is wear and tear. I need to pay 250$ for cook top and 250$ for the labor to repair it. I cant afford to repair it or replace it as it is the brand new stove which I paid 1200$. Bad customer service. Was told by the electrical company that the engineers at Samsung will see pictures and determine if it was wear and tear. My old cooking range was from whirlpool survived 10 years. Will never buy or suggest or recommend this company or the product.

Published: March 29, 2016

La of Pembroke Pines, FL


Our two year old Samsung NE58F9500SS began sending strong fumes of burning

Our two year old Samsung NE58F9500SS began sending strong fumes of burning plastic upon oven preheat. Repeated email and phone contact with customer service about this FIRE HAZARD was a test of patience. Each contact told us to wait 24 more hours and we would be contacted by someone. Days passed. No oven. No stove. Wires attached to the back of the oven, melted. Plastic on the terminal block melted. This is DANGEROUS and deserves immediate attention. Do NOT buy Samsung. Thats my advice. We paid $1,533.35 for this poor workmanship and poor service.

Published: June 9, 2016

Nancy of Midlothian, VA


On September 6, 2016 I was heating frozen vegetables in the plastic pouch o

On September 6, 2016 I was heating frozen vegetables in the plastic pouch on a microwave safe plate. When I looked up from the stove, there were flames shooting out the right side of the oven. I opened the door and threw water on them to put them out. Then I unplugged the oven. I called Samsung immediately to report this. I was told I would be contacted by a technician with 24 hours. The repair department did not call me until 2 days later and the earliest appointment available was for Wednesday, September 14. In the meantime I called the electrician to check my electrical outlets and service. Everything is up to code—prover voltage, etc. Now I am waiting for the repair tech to arrive on Wednesday. Very disappointed in this product. It was purchased the end of March this year and is even 6 months old.

Published: September 10, 2016

Louise of Manchester, NJ


I purchased a stove from Home Depot on 10/15/2014, today is 01/13/15. As of

I purchased a stove from Home Depot on 10/15/2014, today is 01/13/15. As of today I have been denied a claim for the glass top that chipped and the inner glass that broke while I was cleaning the oven. So to my surprise I called for service and replacement of glass top and inner glass and was told that it was denied for personal damage. Its amazing how you can spend $700 on a stove that didnt last for 3 months. My other stove which was a Kitchenaid was 10 years old before the inner glass broke meanwhile the glass top never broke and it still works perfectly. I will never purchase a samsung stove again.

Published: January 13, 2015

Sabrina of Miramar, FL


My daughter turned on the stove. She then heard a buzzing, a pop, and saw s

My daughter turned on the stove. She then heard a buzzing, a pop, and saw smoke. I told her to turn it off and attempt to unplug it. My husband came home to unplug it and left it as it. I saw a white powder covering the internal glass, tiny pieces of glass on the bottom. The house was filled with a smoky (didnt smell like burning though). All the windows were opened to clear it. I started an online chat with Samsung. They told me to unplug it and wait for their people to come. That was 4 days ago. I have since had 2 chats and 2 phone calls with Samsung. Still nothing has happened. Last I was told that if I did not hear from them in 2-3 days to call back. That would be a week. Customer service has been unhelpful, unknowledgeable and a waste of time.

Published: June 16, 2017

Anna of Toronto, ON


We purchase a package from HH Greg 4 piece appliances refrigerator, stove,

We purchase a package from HH Greg 4 piece appliances refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and microwave. The ice maker stop working. Had to be replaced within a year. The oven stop working 13 months after the purchase date. I called the customer service center to discuss how disappointed and upset I was about the faulty equipment we were sold. What really upset me is the repair company they referred me to order parts before coming out to examine the refrigerator which lead me to believe the problem with the ice maker was a known issue.The same thing happen when the repair company called about the stove. Im so frustrated they knew of the issue with these appliances and dont have a problem passing the repair bill to the consumers. I owned GE appliances for years. Decided to go with Samsung because I thought they had a good product. Im so upset and disappointed. If I could afford to I would replace these appliances. Im worried the dishwasher and microwave is going to break next. I didnt purchase the warranty because we paid cash and thought we were buying high end products we felt safe. Was I ever so wrong. I wouldnt recommend Samsung to my worst enemy.

Published: December 6, 2017

SILAS of Richmond, VA


I purchased a full kitchen suite in June of 2018 and my gas range oven just

I purchased a full kitchen suite in June of 2018 and my gas range oven just quit working yesterday. I have received no help whatsoever from Samsung and have spoken with 3 different representatives. I mentioned to all 3 that I researched the problem and Samsung knows full well that they have a defective part that causes this to happen yet has not recalled the models or the part itself despite the fact that there is a pending class action lawsuit against them. I would hate to see anyone waste their hard earned money on appliances that cant even last a few years. Samsung should be ashamed of themselves. Appliances should easily last longer than 2 1/2 years. Hopefully my reviews will help someone else from wasting their hard earned money.

Published: January 25, 2021

Diane of Powell, WY


We purchased a new Samsung range just over 1 year ago. We loved it, easy to

We purchased a new Samsung range just over 1 year ago. We loved it, easy to use and with the removable tray. It seemed like the perfect oven for our needs. I wish I had seen some of these reviews prior to our purchase. I have an error message E-27. The oven shuts down when this message comes up and it struggles to reach temperature. The manual tells us to throw the breaker or pull the plug to reset the oven. We did this and it worked for almost a week, however the problem is back and from the reviews I fear the worst. I thought this was a good product, but Im now wondering what my fate will be.

Published: September 28, 2015

Donna of Port Jefferson, NY


My husband and I purchased a Samsung 4 door model refrigerator Model RF2339

My husband and I purchased a Samsung 4 door model refrigerator Model RF2339011SR/AA from our local store in November 2016 at a cost of well over $2,000. We paid a premium price because of the unique styling and because we have several other Samsung appliances in our home and because we’ve had no issues with them. This has certainly not been the case with this refrigerator.I. Several months after our purchase we called Samsung regarding a leveling leg for the front of the refrigerator that had broken and some additional plastic door adjustment snap rings so that we could level one door that was slightly lower than its mate. This simple request took multiple calls with us being passed from person after person and department to department and being told, ridiculously, that a technician would have to come to our home install the leveling foot and snap rings. This was finally resolved however, and we were sent the parts. II. About 2 ½ years after our purchase, We contacted Samsung because of an ongoing problem we were experiencing with the ice maker – ice freezing up in and around the tray and blocking the entire ice maker unit up with ice. After 2 weeks of multiple calls and disconnected phone calls, Samsung agreed to a one time “warranty extension” as long as we could find a local repair person and pay him in advance after which Samsung would reimburse us. We did this and we still have an ice maker that freezes up. We have to keep it turned off and only turn it on when we need to refill a bag of ice.This is the number of people we had to speak to in that instance, and the names they gave: Samantha Julisa Juan Roy Andelo Shamia Stacy Christina Kimberly Maria Natasha Alexis Louise TayahanaThat’s 14 different people and again, the icemaker still freezes up.III. Now we have a new problem. On December 22, 2020, we called Samsung regarding the clear finish, or fingerprint coating, separating from the stainless material on the bottom left freezer door. It is very noticeable and looks like a stain on the door. We spoke with someone named Garrett, who, after a 45 minute conversation finally said that he would escalate the issue and asked that we send photographs to with the ticket number of ** noted in the subject line, which we did. We were told that we would hear back from Samsung in 3 to 5 days. Not hearing from Samsung, we called on December 31, 6 business days later, and spoke with Hassie who again “could do nothing” but would transfer us to a supervisor, but the wait time was 1 ½ hours. We opted for a callback which happened about an hour later. We spoke with Delson this time, a “case manager” he said. Despite my insistence that this was an obvious manufacturing defect that caused the finish to separate from the substrate, the only point he could relay was that it was “Cosmetic Damage” which was not covered by warranty and that he “could do nothing to help us”. We asked to speak to a supervisor and were told that one would call us within 48 hours. Of course by this time we didn’t really expect that to happen, but we waited until January 8, 2021 to call Samsung yet again and this time spoke with someone named Damascus who again said he would try to get our claim escalated to manager level. After he tried to contact one for 8 to 10 minutes, he informed us that the wait time would be 2 hours and 10 minutes and we would get a call back, which we did, this time from Pamala who was insistent that nothing could be done.Taking a break in the narrative here, please understand that all along we have only been requesting that Samsung replace the defective door which I was more than willing to install. You only had to send a door, which I expect would have been less than $100.00 your cost, to alleviate the defect and make the customer happy. At every phone call we had to go over the entire situation again wasting anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes per call, not including wait times, to actually speak to a person. It continues, on January 15, 2021 we called again and spoke to someone named Wisvert, same thing all over again, a case manager would call us next week with answer. Nothing. On January 22 not hearing from Samsung, we called again, this time speaking with Kendra who forwarded us to Selanda. We thought we were getting somewhere now. She told us we would have to pay a technician to come to the home to determine that it was a manufacturing defect and then Samsung would replace the part only, not the labor. When I reminded her that we had sent pictures that Samsung technicians could look at to determine that it was a manufacturing defect, she said there were no pictures. That was upsetting to us after the time and effort we went through to provide them as requested. When I asked her to put in writing via email that Samsung would replace the part if a repair technician found that it was a manufacturing defect we were strangely and abruptly disconnected! No call back either, On January 24, a Sunday morning, we were surprised to receive a call from Samsung Electronics Exchange and Refund Department, a Marcos, who called to inform us that there were no options and that they could not take care of this defect.Please note that this defect of the finish separating from the substrate is not due to any harsh treatment from us and that we offered to install the door only asking Samsung to provide the replacement part. The terrible service that we have received from Samsung’s “customer service” is beyond belief. The repeated passing from person to another person, the long wait times, the limited language skills making it hard to communicate, and the continuous offers to call back that don’t happen, all appear to be a tactic on Samsung’s part to discourage customers from pursuing remedies to problems with its products. It turns out that our experience is not unusual for Samsung. According to the Better Business Bureau as of this date, it has fielded 20,375 complaints in 3 years and over 1000 reviewers have rated Samsung a 1.02 out of a 5 stat rating. What a shameful record for a company.You have lost us, a valuable repeat customer, over this lack of customer service, we will advise friends and family not to expect any customer service from Samsung if they purchase a Samsung product and we will be placing our comments and this narrative regarding these issues everywhere applicable online. Please, in the spirit of truthfulness, delete all claims of the importance of customer service from your advertising and phone messages as we have never experienced any caring customer service from your representatives. We’ve never been so disappointed in a company.

Published: February 17, 2021

Bob of Franconia, NH


My glass cooktop on my 5 year old oven range cracked… Theyve since discon

My glass cooktop on my 5 year old oven range cracked… Theyve since discontinued the part and wont give me any information whatsoever on what other parts are compatible from other models. I contacted them through their live chat, they told me to contact the parts company, after 45min on hold I gave up and emailed them, 12 days of emails back and forth later (takes them a good 2 days to reply to any email) I found out NOTHING, they told me to contact Samsung directly…which is what I did in the first place, complete RUN AROUND. SO disgusted by this company.

Published: November 22, 2018

Krystal of Beverly Hills, CA


This stove is awesome it does everything that I want and has no problems wi

This stove is awesome it does everything that I want and has no problems with burned lighting as are old stove did even though it is converted to propane. It was easy to convert and adjust the flames.

Published: February 10, 2021

Don of Dansville, NY


Samsung is terrible. My refrigerator freezes up constantly and makes terrib

Samsung is terrible. My refrigerator freezes up constantly and makes terrible loud sounds. I have to constantly defrost it. Now the temporary repair is not lasting not even one week. It’s a defect with the French door style. And they won’t recall it. My stove is Samsung and I hate it as well. It’s hard to adjust the temperature settings on the burners.

Published: September 2, 2020

Doris of Miami, FL


We, like a couple of others, were going through a remodel and decided to up

We, like a couple of others, were going through a remodel and decided to upgrade our appliances. We bought the Samsung range, $2600, from Lowes when they had a special on this range. Expensive, to say the least, but it was beautiful. Because of construction delays we did not get the range and other appliances installed until several months later. We been using the range for about 6 months now and the oven just never seems to be right. The Tech has been out twice and says, Everything checks out? So, Thanksgiving come around and we do a Turkey, all timed out according to the oven temp and time for the 20 pound bird. 5 hours later and the temp wand said it was done. We took it to our Daughters house and began cutting — nope, not done. It look done, but pink meat and really pink and red around the thigh joints. Closer to the breast the white meat was slightly pink as well.If you want to do cookies you have to settle for near burnt outer crust, making for hard cookies, if you want the centers to get done. The oven may test right but somewhere along the way, through the process of heating and cooling to maintain temp this oven is failing. Looking to get it replaced. We would even stay with Samsung if they would agree to a replacement of a different model. Im for going back to an Electric. That is a lot of money for a range that only half works. We had a cheap wall oven that worked great for all baking, did not know how well it worked until we bought this Samsung.

Published: November 24, 2018

Dan of Chico, CA


My home burned in 2014. On purchasing a new home, I chose Samsung appliance

My home burned in 2014. On purchasing a new home, I chose Samsung appliances, including the range — a 4 burner gas model with a grill in the center. It also has a food warmer. After 6 years of use, I have had no problems and very much enjoy cooking on this range.

Published: January 31, 2021

Carole of Tyler, TX


I have never written a online review before, but feel compelled to warn con

I have never written a online review before, but feel compelled to warn consumers regarding Samsung products. I purchased a Samsung, over the range Microwave from Home Depot (Model #SMH181613) in December 2013. The microwave stopped working in March just three months after the warranty expired. While I did not expect the microwave to last forever, 15 months is a short life for any appliance. This would not be so bad if I had not also purchased a washer and dryer made by Samsung. The washer does not get clothes clean no matter how few clothes you put in the washer or how carefully you follow the instruction for washing. My family take their clothes to the Laundromat!

Published: May 10, 2015

Helen of Hermitage, TN


SMH1816B — This oven was my Christmas gift purchased December 2012 from Bes

SMH1816B — This oven was my Christmas gift purchased December 2012 from Best Buy. Our mistake was buying it too soon before kitchen was ready for installation. So now its out of warranty. Because of the semi-remodeling, it didnt get installed until March 2014. Worked great for 4 months. My husband even went beyond the call to make sure the extra venting to the outside was installed. The auto turn on for that vent never worked so I just manually turned it on as needed. Then 3 days ago, our daughter opened the door to reheat some nachos and the screen was dead. Troubleshooted everything: the outlet, the dedicated power line in the fuse box, etc. 24 hours later, the formerly dead screen mysteriously lit back up and instructed us to set the clock! So we did. It worked for a day. Then my husband opened the door to reheat a cup of coffee and closed the door and discovered BLACK SCREEN again! We went through all the troubleshooting again, unplug, re-plug, etc. to no avail. I called then filled out the form on Samsungs help site and was instructed to call 1800 SAMSUNG, which I did. They said it was out of warranty and if I wanted to get it fixed, I would have to pay. I called a local certified Samsung repair service and they said it could be loose wires that get moved when opening and closing the door and it would cost $120.00 to re-seat the wires. This is totally unacceptable that an appliance would be allowed to be manufactured so poorly that the wires could unseat themselves just by opening and closing the door, an action that is REQUIRED in order to use it! The model needs a recall asap!

Published: August 4, 2014

Marsha of Mount Clemens, MI


We bought an elec. Samsung stove top and oven combo because home was wired

We bought an elec. Samsung stove top and oven combo because home was wired for elec. We had a Whirlpool before and it was great. This $2000.00 Samsung is pure junk. Burners are way too hot and cycle on and off all the time. The surface is also very hard to clean. We like nothing about this thing. Please dont buy. It is the absolutely awful. It looks good but, that the only good thing we have to say about it. Just would like one that works like a stove top should and be somewhat easy to clean with a constant temp. Samsung 30-in Smooth Surface 5-Element 5.8-cu ft Self-Cleaning with Stream Slide-in Convection Electric Range [Stainless Steel] Price was $1,799.00. Impossible to make candy or anything that needs constant temp.

Published: March 16, 2016

Marvin of Boise, ID


Samsung Microwave Model SMH9207ST — We have had a Lowes Tech over 4 times d

Samsung Microwave Model SMH9207ST — We have had a Lowes Tech over 4 times due to our malfunctioning microwave. We love the microwave and its styling but we have had issues with it. When the door is opened, it will reset the date/time causing us to reset everything. This problem is off/on and unpredictable. The tech replaced the door already but it continued to malfunction a few months later. He said the door design pinches the wires when opening and closing and Samsung is aware of this. He ordered an updated door design but it has been back ordered several times. Today, the fan came on high all by itself! It scared the crap out of us and I have concerns that this thing isnt safe! What if the oven starts while we are away? I guess we will unplug the damn thing when we are not using it. We have numerous Samsung appliances which we love but this microwave is a dud. These problems are causing me to question Samsungs quality and commitment concerning customer care. Thank goodness for Lowes Extended Warranty as all this would be costly to fix.

Published: June 21, 2014

Jeff of New London, IA


Samsung Self Cleaning Convection Stove Fire — Yesterday at approximately 5P

Samsung Self Cleaning Convection Stove Fire — Yesterday at approximately 5PM EST, I heard a loud bang & looked towards the kitchen & there were flames shooting out of the back of my stove. I ran for the phone & baking soda, but thankfully the fire died out and nothing was damaged, except the stove! This came directly from the circuit board, and is obvious there was an inferior connection. This stove is 3 yrs old, and until yesterday everything was fine. I was roasting beets in the oven & it was set at 400 degrees. There was no fire in the oven, just shooting up from the back of the stove. I want everyone to be aware of this issue & have posted on Samsung Canadas FB page as well.

Published: July 30, 2014

Fran of Orangeville, ON


I bought this induction range in June 2015. Eight months later the whole st

I bought this induction range in June 2015. Eight months later the whole stove top ceased to function after three weeks of fighting with Samsung, I finally had a mechanic out to replace a burnt out motor. Meanwhile, the oven temperature kept dropping, and the thermostat did not kick in, making baking a nightmare. The mechanic came yesterday, told me to preheat the oven at least 30 — 45 minutes before starting to bake. I did this today — same problem. This did not happen when the stove was new, so how can it be a design problem? Samsung appliances are attractive but total junk. My son had advised me not to buy Samsung. How I wish I had listened, instead of being sucked in by Sears salespeople to buy this sexy looking stove. $2000 down the drain.

Published: March 25, 2016

Jean E. of Delta, BC


2 months after warranty was over, stove top cracked. I have to pay $500.00

2 months after warranty was over, stove top cracked. I have to pay $500.00 for repairs. Samsung was no help.

Published: March 5, 2015

Peter of Hammonds Plains, NS


I purchased a new Samsung double door range. Within a month I noticed that

I purchased a new Samsung double door range. Within a month I noticed that part of the time when the oven was preheated the top door wouldnt open. However if you open both doors it will open. I was told by customer service that this was a safety option to keep a blast of hot air from coming out at you. I should have insisted that it be checked by a tech. If it were for my safety I think it would be consistent. They will tell you anything to get you off the phone. I bought it from Sears. I wish Id bought it from Lowes. Then I could have just taken it back like I did the Samsung microwave that lasted about a month. Never! Ever! buy Samsung anything again!

Published: March 31, 2016

Larry of Weatherford, OK


We purchased a Samsung microwave, range and refrigerator and have nothing b

We purchased a Samsung microwave, range and refrigerator and have nothing but problems with all of them. The microwave literally didnt work when it was installed and needed to be replaced. The refrigerator needed 3 service calls and finally had the ice maker replaced. A shelf in the door of the refrigerator cracked and broke after 14 months (with yogurts in it) and now I need to buy another because it is past 12 months from purchase.The range has had 5 service calls and still not right. The stovetop cooks very hot. When the burners are on the lowest setting the fluid in the pan boils. The convection oven does nothing that a convection oven is supposed to do. It does not cook evenly nor faster at all. The left side of the oven cooks hotter than the right even after services calls with Samsung finally saying they cannot guarantee even cooking in the oven. For example if I have 2 bread loaves in the oven one will be done and the other is still raw inside. Everything that is cooked needs to be monitored because every time I cook it requires a different time to cook properly. Will never again purchase a Samsung appliance. Poor product with worse customer service.

Published: February 22, 2016

Maureen of Oviedo, FL


We purchased our Samsung electric induction range in May, 2015. Within mont

We purchased our Samsung electric induction range in May, 2015. Within months of purchase we needed a service call. (Our last range — certainly not a Samsung — lasted over 20 years without requiring service.) We decided to purchase an extended warranty, which supposedly expires either May 18, 2018 or August 18, 2018 — certificate states former, person on phone said latter. I asked him to confirm, and to let me know cost of extending for another year, since I do not trust this product, and repairs and parts are expensive. Without going into a further list of complaints, suffice it to say that I had to call three times — kept disconnecting (and these folks manufacture and sell phones) — they also ask for customers phone number at beginning of conversation! — and the website is sales-driven, so I was unable to purchase additional extended warranty online. I could go on, but I will stop here — this company has already wasted too much of my time! I encourage anyone who is considering a Samsung product to reconsider!

Published: May 16, 2018

N of York, ON


I bought a Samsung Refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave and stove 3 years ag

I bought a Samsung Refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave and stove 3 years ago. After a couple of months the Motherboard on my Microwave went, fortunately it was under warranty. Starting from within a few weeks I had problems with my refrigerator and had it repaired under the one year warranty. I had purchased a 5 year warranty and every year I have had the same problem, fan icing up, leaking and fridge not cooling. It is total crap! The warranty company wont provide a new fridge because it is repairable. Now my dishwasher is not working, the sensor for the level is broken and it is not working. I would NEVER buy another Samsung Appliance ever! The worst appliances I have ever bought.

Published: November 6, 2018

Jan of Bonita Springs, FL


Not enough clearance head room was allowed in storage drawer for pot lids.

Not enough clearance head room was allowed in storage drawer for pot lids. It looks OK when looking at drawer at the store but dont get fooled. Half the time its impossible to open because it gets jammed because of handles. One lid up, one lid down etc. If I knew that issue I would never have bought this stove.

Published: October 31, 2016

jim of Knoxville, TN


Stove info. Samsung 30” range. Model #NX58K9500WG/AA. Serial #0DQN7DDH600

Stove info. Samsung 30” range. Model #NX58K9500WG/AA. Serial #0DQN7DDH600185N. Purchased from Lowe’s on 11/15/16 for $1424.05. Warranty period through Samsung Protection Plus 11/23/2017 to 11/23/22. I am hoping you can help me resolve a problem with Samsung Corporation. We purchased the above stove from Lowe’s in 2016. My husband and I had been noticing headaches and burning eyes for 2 or 3 days — more pronounced when using the oven. As one of our CO detectors beeped off and on, we called the fire department. They checked out the air quality in the house and found carbon monoxide levels 3 times safe levels in the bedrooms. They checked the gas furnace and gas water heater. Neither one was leaking carbon monoxide. The firemen called Alliant Energy because they said Alliant had equipment that more accurately measures deadly carbon monoxide levels. Alliant determined the leak was coming from the Samsung oven. Per the Alliant technician it was not leaking from the connection — it was from the oven itself. We have the written Caution Notice from Alliant Energy stating the defect is in the oven. We also have the run sheet from the fire department indicating CO three times safe levels. I contacted Samsung twice to get them to send a serviceman. The serviceman checked the oven on 12/18. He had no CO detector and did not turn the oven on. His work order said we had no warranty which is incorrect. It also listed “Operation/Smell/Smoke/Burning Smell.” The service was required because of CO leak reported by the Alliant Energy technician not the stated product symptoms. Samsung did not call me back to follow up concerning the repair. I called them requesting the disposition of this dangerous oven which we cannot safely use. I suggested they send another repairman to measure the CO2. The Samsung Pro said they were not going to waste additional time on this repair. A very poor customer service response especially considering the extent the default. I contacted Samsung again on 12/24 restating my complaint, concerns, feeling Samsung is responsible for resolving this dangerous appliance. I was told the situation is in fact very serious and dangerous and Samsung is very concerned about me safety — a script they all repeat. They said someone would contact us in 24 hours. As no one contacted me by 12/29, I contacted Samsung again. Same story, “this is a very serious situation.” The Samsung Pro said he would make a new ticket ASAP, correct the error in the stated repair needed and add the need for a CO measurement tool to confirm the Alliant Energy technician’s report. I offered to send them a copy of the Alliant Energy findings to save them the time and effort they were unwilling to expend in earlier communications. I have contacted Samsung 12/12, 12/17, 12/18, 12/24, 12/29, 1/4, and 1/6. Every time I have contacted Samsung the last line of their communication is “do not use the oven.” It confuses me that Samsung contends the range does not need repair but always note DO NOT TURN THE OVEN ON.We have not been able to use our oven safely (and have been advised by Samsung NOT to turn it on) since 12/11. We have contacted Samsung 8 times — all on my initiation, not their followup. I understand these ranges go down a manufacturing line and errors can happen. What I do NOT understand is why Samsung cares so little about their customer service when their product is clearly and dangerously defective. This defect is not a leaky ice maker — it a poisonous gas-producing range. It is appalling that Samsung is so unwilling to correct an error they created which could cause death to the consumer whose only mistake was purchasing a Samsung product.My latest 2-hour phone conversation today with 3 transfers that resulted in disconnects. The result of the last conversation was in order to resolve these defective stove situation we need a second opinion. Samsung has only one service center and their serviceman checked on our stove with a ticket that had the incorrect problem listed. There is no other Samsung serviceman in this area other than UTech. A second opinion from the the same service company that gave you the first one is like getting a second opinion from your doctor’s partner. Now we cannot move forward because Samsung doesn’t have another service center — how is that our fault. I have a written copy of the service ticket from Alliant Energy to verify their finding.It is difficult for me to understand why we are the people without an oven for almost a month, the people making repeated calls and being on hold for 30-45 minutes, and having to worry about having to settle for a stove in our house that has been repaired by the same company who built the defective one. How reassuring is any of that? Why doesn’t Samsung want to do the right thing? None of this is our fault but we are the frustrated consumer who Samsung does care about. Again, this is not a leaky ice maker — it is a carbon monoxide-producing range. We have no reason to make this up this mess as this is only causing us fear and frustration and Samsung Corporation is not helping at all.

Published: January 9, 2021

Marsha of Janesville, WI


When the warranty ended, literally the next month the refrigerator stopped

When the warranty ended, literally the next month the refrigerator stopped cooling. Samsung would not repair the refrigerator even if we paid for it. DO NOT BUY SAMSUNG! This is a cluster of really terrible products. Microwave that turned on by itself and lights on at random times. The stove top replaced twice and the terrible dishwasher that leaves dirty dishes. Samsung sucks garbage. I highly discourage everyone to purchase anything. Useless company doesnt return calls or offer extended support for inferior equipment. We are not angry, were furious and have prevented at least seven awful purchases from being made. I will make this a cause to notify everyone of the garbage thats being sold by Samsung.

Published: November 25, 2021

Henry of Bonita, CA


The microwave just stopped working suddenly and displayed the error code SE

The microwave just stopped working suddenly and displayed the error code SE. My husband was able to find a YouTube video on how to get it working again. It worked for a few weeks and then happened again. My husband fixed it AGAIN and it works for a while then went out again, and again, and again. Each time the fix lasted for a shorter time period until it just would go back to the error immediately. I cannot understand how companies such as Samsung are allowed to make products like this and rip off their customers. We havent had the microwave long…probably 3-4 years but it seems nowadays you cant expect anything you buy to last long no matter what you pay for them. It is completely IGNORANT that Samsung manufactures these over the range microwave models that dont vent well and the control panel is directly over the burner of the range where you boil water. Seriously? STAY AWAY FROM SAMSUNG MICROWAVES!!!

Published: June 12, 2015

Jennifer of Flushing, MI


We have had our range two weeks. We are very careful when we cook, we do no

We have had our range two weeks. We are very careful when we cook, we do not place anything on the range other than a pot or pan we are cooking with. We do not slide pots and pans across the glass top. Regardless of being extra careful, there are already small scratches in the glass. I dont understand why this glass top is so delicate. We had a Kitchenaid glass top before this. Lasted years without mars on the glass. Very disappointed in the quality of the glass. Otherwise, we have no issues with the range…yet. It cooks and bakes as intended thus far.

Published: August 13, 2020

Caren of Tampa, FL


Turned on the broiler element on my Samsung oven and less than 5 min later

Turned on the broiler element on my Samsung oven and less than 5 min later there was an explosion. You could see blue electricity arcing through. We quickly shut it off, the kitchen filled with smoke, and when we looked the element had exploded and broken. There were burn marks where the electricity hit in the corner. Samsung after dealing with them for two months has offered us $200. The repair person they had come out said it’s extremely unusual and not repairable. I’m pissed.

Published: July 9, 2019

Melanie of Collingwood, Canada


Alluded to this in my earlier rating of the refrigerator product. More spec

Alluded to this in my earlier rating of the refrigerator product. More specifically, the induction stove is also a hit and miss item. We have purchased VERY high end cookware and find that some cookware works on some of the burners, but it is very hit and miss. We waited until our one year Samsung warranty expired so we dont have to work with their ponderous/painful/frustrating warranty department, and now will work with the extended warranty we purchased from a reputable retailer to see how that works. Again… if its a Samsung my advice is to run. Pick a different deal. These are poor products with extremely bad service.

Published: November 16, 2015

Dale of St. Albert, AB


I purchased a new Samsung microwave/convection oven to mount over my stove

I purchased a new Samsung microwave/convection oven to mount over my stove about a year and a half ago. Within a month, the touch pad started acting up. Fan and light would come on by themselves. Touch panel would not work. Samsung, via Lowes, was notified, and had the touch pad replaced twice in the next 6 months. The last time, the service technician said that Samsung was aware that particular style of touch panel had a problem in areas where a lot of steam or moisture could be generated. If a microwave over a stove doesnt see a lot of steam, I dont know what will! So, it kept going out. They finally replaced the entire unit about 5 months ago. Now that one is acting up the same way. Wake up in the morning and the stove light and exhaust fan are running on high, and the touch panel is non-responsive. I have to go to the basement and throw the breaker to reset it. This is very aggravating. I am very dissatisfied, and think Samsung should give me a completely new model that works. I will never buy another Samsung microwave oven.

Published: December 14, 2013

Dirk of Union, MO


I have owned my range for about 4 years now. About 9 months ago one of the

I have owned my range for about 4 years now. About 9 months ago one of the larger burners started heating on only the hottest temp matter what setting. Recently the other large burner began to do the same, leaving me with only the 2 small burners that I can regulate. It really renders the range useless if I am trying to cook a large meal for any number of people over 2. Would love to hear from others experiencing this same problem. Thanks.

Published: April 26, 2016

J. of Grand Junction, MI


6 weeks old and while I was cooking dinner tonight, oven stopped working an

6 weeks old and while I was cooking dinner tonight, oven stopped working and stove top stopped working. Burners and oven do not work. 6 weeks old. Called Home Depot and they told me I had to either return it or call Samsung. I have been down that road with our Samsung washer that they could never fix. Never buy Samsung appliances EVER.

Published: August 23, 2015

Charyl of Tx, TX


We bought a Samsung stove — Model #NX58H5600SS and a microwave model #ME18H

We bought a Samsung stove — Model #NX58H5600SS and a microwave model #ME18H704SFS in May 2015. The stove overnight started beeping and now showing an error code SE. The Microwave has been making a weird buzzing sound for over a year (seems like something is broken inside). After the stove issue we decided to call Samsung and they basically told us our warranty for the stove is for one year and microwave if it’s magnetic issue then the warranty is for 10 years but you have to pay for labor in order to fix the issue.However, we have no idea what the issue is. I can’t believe that after having these items for less than 3 years we already have issues. I’m very disappointed that we purchased these products and would tell anyone not to buy it since they are crap products! Before remodeling our kitchen we had a stove that lasted years not just for three years. Ridiculous!!!! So now I have to get a service person to come and fix it. Stop selling crap products.

Published: April 16, 2018

Kristina of Mount Prospect, IL


We have a very bad experience with the service of Samsung Refrigerator. It

We have a very bad experience with the service of Samsung Refrigerator. It took nearly a week for them to visit our place to check on the complaint made. We had to follow with the service centre every day and request for a call back from the supervisor. The reason for the delay was lockdown. We were already on phase 4 of lockdown and most of the technicians had started moving around. They checked on our refrigerator and was told the problem could be either with the compressor or the inverter board and that they have to place an order for it and it will take 3 days…They finally came after 4 days and they said both and the board had to be replaced. It worked and the technician hardly stepped out and the same problem came up. We tried contacting the technician ..who said he cant come back immediately and he came the following day and said there was a problem with the compressor again… Mind you.. it was a new compressor …and again they have to place another order and it will take another 3 days. The problem is they will not answer your calls nor will they update you on whats happening. The call center is pathetic. I have been calling them for the last 2 days requesting that we need to speak the supervisor. They say they will arrange for a callback but no one calls. Till now I have not received any call from them. Product may be good but if the service is bad…. We will never want to recommend this brand to anyone… Very poor response and poor service. Higher authorities need to check on this and address this issue immediately especially when there is so much competition. We have been without a refrigerator in this peak summer for nearly 2 weeks now. Dont know how long more we have to wait..??

Published: May 25, 2020

Shanthi of Chennai, Other


Called customer service and reported what I felt would be a manufacturing d

Called customer service and reported what I felt would be a manufacturing defect. When I went to steam clean the oven this week I noticed on the floor, of the oven, fan-like cracks in the enamel. The enamel was cracked and the metal below was showing in 3 areas. I asked if anyone else had reported this. After the CS rep investigated she returned and said no other complaints and it would not be anything they would address as the stove was 2 yrs old. That was all. I really feel it is a manufacture defect and should be replaced. Hopefully not a ongoing problem. I did see this issue on another review so why was the answer no, it has never happened before.

Published: July 28, 2015

Diane of Minnetonka, MN


I have this fridge for 1.5 years. Love the size, but milk is always going s

I have this fridge for 1.5 years. Love the size, but milk is always going sour before the expiry date; cheese molding; and leftovers didnt last. Rationalized all these things — must be leaving the milk out too long, must have dirty kids hands touching the cheese, etc. Because the digital temperature reading said it was 34 deg in the fridge, it must be accurate right? Wrong! Verification by 3 separate mercury and digital thermometers show that the fridge compartment temp runs 40-50 deg and thats in winter (wonder how warm it had been running last summer!). This is everywhere in the fridge compartment, top shelf, bottom shelf, door, right next to the ice maker, etc. I cannot find any place in the fridge that runs less than 40 degrees. In hindsight, no wonder food was spoiling! The fridge programming will not allow the temperature to be set any lower than 34F. Service technician has replaced the main control board and the digital touch screen assembly. Have not resolved the problem. I phoned Samsung customer support and was only told that since the factory warranty is expired, they can and will do nothing. Suspecting a design flaw that they are aware of. I will update if ever fixed. Freezer and flex-drawer hold reasonable to programmed temperature (generally 2-6 degrees above programmed temp, sometimes 10 degrees higher), but those compartments have larger programming range. Can program the freezer to -8 and the flex-drawer to 29, so even if they run higher than programmed, it is OK for food storage. But even with fridge set as low as it will go (34), it still is too warm for safe food storage.

Published: May 1, 2013

P of Eddyville, IL


We bought this top of the line electric slide-in glass top range and the ov

We bought this top of the line electric slide-in glass top range and the oven never worked properly from the start. Difficulty turning the oven on. Once turned on, it does not maintain the temperature. Also the bottom element doesnt work, so some recipes dont get browned on the bottom. Those recipes I have stopped making. We have had 9 service calls and they are not able to fix the problem. The stove looks great, unfortunately I have ruined many meals using this oven. (We have a Samsung fridge in Arizona and we have had 3 service calls and they cant fix the ice-maker.) I will not buy another appliance from Samsung!!

Published: March 26, 2017

Alicia of Vancouver, BC


I moved into a new house on Jan 7 2015. The house came with stainless steel

I moved into a new house on Jan 7 2015. The house came with stainless steel appliances (Brand new). I peeled the stickers from the Samsung stove myself… So I know I was the first user. Used it 4 times, smelled a funny smell but the documents said that its OK to have this smell in the first few times, so I didnt pay much attention.Then… short and I had to reset the breaker. Since then the oven wont pre-heat. Call Samsung and they sent out a nice guy that didnt know what to do. He then called Samsung and had been transferred 2 times to speak to 2 different Samsung reps. The 3rd guy asked him to check behind the stove and look for burned wires. My cool tech told him its a brand new stove. Samsung guy asked him to check… Well… bad wiring almost cost me my sons life, my life, my house and everything I have. My tech got an authorization number from Samsung and said that Samsung will call me within 24-48 hours to schedule a pickup and replacement. So… I waited.4 days later I called Samsung, gave them that number and they transferred me to a different department. The lady told me that she cannot help me without a receipt. I told her that I got the stove with the house and its not about a piece of paper. Its about Samsung selling a faulty equipment, a fire hazard in a shape of an oven.No go… Tried to leave a message on their FB page… the guy told me that he is sorry for my inconvenience (its a gas stove, that burned itself and can kill me… they know about it but still selling it… its not an inconvenience, its simply dangerous to let this company sell products!) — but… I need to get him a receipt for him to ask Samsung to take responsibility for its faulty product.Is there any federal commission that can take my oven and investigate it? Maybe cross it with houses that burned? Its like that GM recall… They KNOW about it but wont do a thing until someone will die, even then they maybe try to cover up before taking real action. My advice to you — Stay away from Samsung products! (Cell Phones, Computers, TVs.. anything).Also, Ive seen some other complaints here. Im going to buy a new stove next week. But if theres a class action going on I would like to be a part of it. If theres none, Im interested in filing one and would like to contact other people who had a similar experience. So, please contact me if you can.

Published: February 14, 2015

Barry of Peoria, AZ


I too have purchased the bundle deal and I am having issues with the ice ma

I too have purchased the bundle deal and I am having issues with the ice maker freezing up at least twice a month. The stove top has scratches even though I use a high quality set of pots & pans. Now I have what looks like small bubbles under the glass top. All I can say is never buy SAMSUNG. Fridge Model # RF28HMEDBSR/AA Stove model # NE595ROABSR/AA purchased 11/20014.

Published: September 19, 2017

Maria of Debary Fl., FL


A few hits and a few very important misses for the serious cook. The minimu

A few hits and a few very important misses for the serious cook. The minimum oven temp is too high and the max oven temp is too low. Oven browns unevenly. Cooktop, glass IR, is better than most of its type. Overall, I would not buy it again.

Published: February 13, 2021

Ray of Little Elm, TX


Если у вашей СМА Самсунг есть дисплей, ошибка обычно будет появляться в виде комбинации символов с буквой E (Error). На механических моделях ошибки будут обозначены комбинацией лампочек.
Ошибки стиральных машин Самсунг

Если Вы знаете, в какой детали проблема, купите её у Самоделкина. Запчасти для стиральных машин Samsung по доступной цене, с гарантией, быстрая доставка по России. Консультации бесплатно.


Описание проблемы

Возможные неисправности

Возможные методы решения

5Е (SE), Е2, 5С

У машин, не оснащенных дисплеем, все лампочки режимов стирки мигают или горят непрерывно, индикация температурного режима — 40 градусов

Ошибка в процессе слива: стиральная машина Samsung не производит слива воды

  • Выход из строя сливного насоса (помпы).
  • Засорился сливной патрубок.
  • Вышла из строя плата управления (электронный контроллер).
  • Несправны проводка или контакты в цепи помпы.
  1. Разобрать сливной фильтр и устранить его засор.
  2. Убедиться, что отсутствует засор в канализации
  3. Устранить или исключить, как причину, перегибы или засоры в сливном шланге.
  4. Исключить возможность засора сливного насоса.
  5. Выключить и включить машину заново (возможно, произошел разовый сбой в работе модуля управления).

Н1, Н2, НЕ, НЕ1, НЕ2, Е5, Е6, НС, НС1, НС2

У стиральных машин без дисплея мигание индикаторов всех режимов стирки и горят лампочки температуры 30°С, 40°С или 60°С

Происходит ошибка при нагреве воды при стирке: стиральная машина Самсунг не греет или, наоборот, очень сильно нагревает воду

  • Вышел из строя ТЭН.
  • Произошел сбой (дефектация) температурного датчика (термостата).
  • Произошла поломка управляющей платы (контроллера стиральной машины).
  • Имеется неисправность проводки или контактов в цепях нагревательного элемента.
  1. Убедиться, что стиральная машина правильно подключена к электросети.
  2. Выключить и включить СМ заново, если проблема больше не проявит себя, то, вероятно, произошел временный сбой модуля управления.
  3. Если данные причины исключены — вероятно, речь идет о более серьёзных поломках (неисправности ТЭНа, контроллера или температурного датчика).

DE, ED, DOOR, DE1, DE2, DC, DC1, DC2

Мигание всех лампочек режимов стирки у моделей без дисплея, все температурные индикаторы включены.

Ошибка блокирования люка стиральной машины Samsung: не закрывается или не открывается дверца

  • Вышло из строя устройство блокировки люка (УБЛ).
  • Неисправность платы управления (электронного контроллера).
  • Деформированы или чем-то блокированы петли дверцы люка.
  • Произошло механическое повреждение запорного механизма люка.
  • Отошли контакты или повредилась проводка в цепи блокировки люка.
  1. Дверца люка закрыта недостаточно плотно: проверьте плотность ее закрытия и убедитесь в отсутствии инородных предметов, которые могли бы туда попасть
  2. Осмотреть петли, крепящие люк к машине. Он должен двигаться легко из без помех.
  3. Открыть люк и закройте его снова, Запустите стирку заново. Если все в порядке, то, возможно это был временный сбой электронного модуля.

4E (ЧЕ), Е1, 4С

При отсутствии дисплея в модели мигают лампочки всех режимов стирки и горит температурный индикатор холодной воды 30°С (первый снизу).

Ошибка залива воды: стиральная машина Samsung не набирает воду

  • Возможно, неисправен клапан подачи воды в стиральную машину.
  • Вышла из строя плата управления стиральной машиной (электронный контроллер).
  • Неисправен датчик уровня воды (т. н., прессостат) — он не «понимает», что в машине не производится залив воды.
  • Отошли контакты в цепи заливного клапана.
  1. Проверить, осуществляется ли подача воды в водопроводе.
  2. Убедиться в том, что запорный вентиль, через который осуществляется подача воды открыт.
  3. Проверить шланги на предмет перегибов, перекрутов и прочих видов деформации. Если они есть — устранить неисправность
  4. Убедиться, что фильтр-сеточка заливного клапана не имеет засоров и известкования. Если да, то ее стоит вынуть и промыть, удалить известь.
  5. В случае, если указанные рекомендации не помогли — проблема может иметь более сложную причину.

5d (Sd)

Повышенное пенообразование (много пены)

  • Неисправен или вышел из строя датчик уровня воды (прессостат).
  • Произошел сбой в датчике пенообразования (ошибка актуальна только для усовершенствованных, новейших и дорогих моделей Самсунг, например, WD80K52E0AX, WW90M74LNOO, WW10M86KNOA).
  • Частично засорился сливной патрубок, в силу чего вода уходит, а пена остается внутри машины.
  • Вышла из строя или дала временный сбой управляющая электронная плата (контроллер) стиральной машины.
  1. Устранить частичный засор сливного фильтра, вытащив его и промыв тщательно водой и неагрессивными моющими средствами.
  2. Убедиться в отсутствии частичных засоров сливного шланга, открутив и промыв его под краном водой высокой температуры.
  3. Убедиться, что правильно выбрано моющее средство (оно предназначено для машин- автоматов, а не ручной стирки и добавляется его достаточное, но не чрезмерное количество).
  4. Убедиться, что выбран адекватный характеру ткани режим стирки: пушистые, перстяные вещи, а так же пористые материалы (например, тюль) требуют выбора специального режима.
  5. Использовать только качественный порошок от проверенного производителя.

UE, Е4, UB

У старых моделей Самсунг мигают лампочки на всех режимах стирки; включен температурный индикатор 60°С

Машина не вращает барабан по причине неправильной нагрузки на его ось и останавливается на режиме отжима

  • Сбой электронного контроллера (платы управления).
  • Вышел из строя по причине износа или деформации подшипник СМ.
  • Истерся или слетел приводной ремень, вращающий барабан.
  • Неисправен тахогенератор (таходатчик).
  • Истерлись и вышли из строя электромагнитные щетки мотора.
  1. Оценить количество загруженного в машину белья: его не должно быть много, в противном случае возможны сбои в работе барабана, износ и непригодность приводного ремня, подшипников и проч., а так же его не должно быть мало.
  2. Распределить белье в барабане ровно, не допуская его закручивания в комки, так как в таком случае оно точно будет создавать дисбаланс в баке.
  3. Убедиться, что машинка установлена правильно, ровно, точно по горизонтали (воспользуйтесь уровнем).

LE, E1, E9, LC, C1

У моделей без дисплея мигают лампочки на всех режимах стирки и светятся крайние (нижний и верхний) индикаторы температуры холодной воды 30°С и 95°С

Вода протекает наружу из стиральной машины или происходит «самослив» — машина набирает и тут же сливает воду из бака.

  • Повреждена манжета люка и вода течет из-за нее.
  • Деформирован сливной патрубок.
  • Сбоит или неисправен датчик уровня воды (прессостат).
  • Неисправна плата управления стиральной машины (электронный контроллер).
  • Сработал аквастоп (актуально для моделей, оснащенных функцией защиты от протечек).
  • Деформирован сливной шланг.
  • Если речь идет о новой или переустановленной стиральной машине, возможна ошибка подключения техники.
  • Распаялись контакты в цепи аквастопа или прессостата.
  1. Убедиться в том, что плотно закручен сливной фильтр стиральной машины.
  2. Убедиться, что конец шланга слива подключен правильно к канализации или опущен в ванну.
  3. Исследовать все стыки шлангов машины с системой канализации и водопровода.
  4. Убедиться, что соединения патрубков плотно подогнаны и не текут.
  5. Возможно, течет не вода, а пена: сменить стиральный порошок на подходящий и отрегулировать его количество при следующей стирке.
  6. Если отмеченные выше способы самопомощи не сработали, вероятно, причина в более серьезной неисправности.

3Е. ЕА, 3Е1, 3Е2, 3Е3, 3Е4, 3C, 3C1, 3C2, 3C3, 3C4

В стиральных машинах старых моделей без дисплея мигают лампочки на всех режимах стирки и включены индикаторы температуры 40°С и 95°С

Стиральная машина плохо отжимает белье: барабан меняет скорость вращения, плохо вращается или наоборот вращается очень быстро

  • Вышел из строя таходатчик (тахогенератор или датчик Холла), он не может исправно работать, а потому на электронный модуль отправляется соответствующая команда.
  • Неисправность мотора стиральной машины.
  • Вышел из строя приводной ремень.
  • Неисправны щетки электродвигателя
  • Произошел сбой в работе управляющей платы.
  • Есть замыкание в проводке или контактах в цепи тахогенератора (датчика Холла).
  1. Отменить стирку и оценить количество загруженных вещей (возможно, причина в перегрузке бельём).
  2. Запустить процесс стирки заново, понаблюдать за работой СМ. Если ошибка не выдается, вероятно был разовый сбой платы управления.
  3. Если указанные меры не привели к устранению ошибки — имеется более сложная проблема.

bE (6Е), bE1, bE2, bE3, bC, bC2, b2

Eb (у моделей машин Самсунг, произведенных до 2007 года)

У машин без дисплея (например, модель S1021), мигают одновременно индикаторы всех режимов стирки и включены все, кроме второй сверху лампочки температуры; 30°С (холодная вода), 40°С и 95°С

Машина начинает после запуска сразу полоскать и включается один из данных кодов ошибки, либо она вообще не начинает работу, включая код ошибки немедленно

  • Неисправен симистор управления мотором.
  • Вышел из строя тахогенератор (таходатчик или датчик Холла).
  • Запала или неисправна по другой причине кнопка включения или одна из клавиш на панели управления.
  • «Сбоит» управляющая электронная плата.
  • Неисправность проводки или контактов в цепи двигателя или панели управления.
  1. Проверить машину на предмет западания кнопок на передней панели.
  2. Выключить и включить машину заново, дабы убедиться, что нет временного сбоя платы управления.
  3. Проверить правильность подключения СМ к электросети, а также исправность и целостность розетки, шнура и вилки.
  4. Если указанные меры ни к чему не привели, проблема кроется в более серьезной неисправности.

tE, Ec, tE1, tE2, tE3, tC, tC1, tC2, tC3, tC4

У машин без дисплея старых марок мигают индикаторы всех режимов стирки и горят две верхних лампочки температуры: 60°С и 95°С

Машина не нагревает воду вообще или наоборот греет сильно

  • Сбой в работе термодатчика (термостата или термистора): от него не идет сигнал в блок управления.
  • Вышел из строя нагревательный элемент (ТЭН)
  • Сбой платы управления (контроллера);
  • Вышел из строя датчик температуры (термостат или термистор) ТЭНа сушки. Актуально только для моделей Samsung c сушкой, например, WD70J5410AW, WD80K52E0ZW, WD80K52E0ZX и т.д.
  • Выход из строя других температурных датчиков в моделях стиральных машин с сушкой (термистора протока конденсата, температурного датчика корпуса вентилятора).
  • Проводка или контакты в цепи нагрева воды или при сушке

Для самостоятельного решения проблемы можно рекомендовать отключить машину и запустить процесс стирки заново, уточнив, не произошло ли случайного разового сбоя в управляющем модуле стиральной машины (контроллере). Поскольку здесь речь идет о важных компонентах техники, никакие другие меры по самостоятельному ремонту не будут эффективны. Чаще всего при выходе из строя указанных деталей их приходится менять на новые.

1Е (IE)
1С (IC)

У старых моделей мигают индикаторы всех режимов стирки и горят лампочки температуры 30°С (холодная вода), 40°С и 60°С (три снизу).

Для этого вида ошибок всегда характерно неправильное количество воды в машине. Она не набирает воду вообще или набирает ее недостаточно много, не хочет сливать воду из переполненного бака, белье мокрое, в баке остается вода.

Внимание: в ряде случаев может ощущаться запах гари!

  • Вышел из строя датчик (реле) уровня воды, прессостат, а потому стиральная машина «не понимает». Какое количество воды находится внутри бака.
  • Проблема с платой управления (контроллером).
  • Нарушение в работе проводки или контактов в цепи прессостата.
  1. Убедиться, что не пережат водонаборный шланг.
  2. Уточнить, не отсоединилась или перегнулась трубка прессостата (датчика уровня воды). Для этого придется частично разобрать стиральную машину, как минимум, сняв верхнюю крышку стиральной машины (у моделей с горизонтальной загрузкой: WD80K52E0AX, WD806U2GAGD и проч.).
  3. Выключить машину и начать процесс стирки заново, так как это может быть случайный сбой в работе контроллера.

Внимание: повторное включение стиральной машины, если она не набирает воду, чревато перегоранием ТЭНа. Тем более не стоит повторно включать аппарат, если уже при первой индикации ошибки чувствуется запах гари. Необходимо немедленно отключить машину от электропитания.

ОЕ (0E), OF (0F), Е3, ОС (0C)

У моделей без дисплея мигают лампочки на всех режимах стирки и включены температурные индикаторы 30°С и 40°С

Стиральная машина набирает слишком много воды.

  • Неисправен клапан залива, а потому машина переливает воду.
  • Вышел из строя прессостат (датчик или реле определения уровня воды в стиральной машине);
  • Произошел сбой управляющей платы (контроллера) стиральной машины.
  • Повреждены проводка или контакты в электроцепи прессостата.
  1. Использовать только моющие средства для автоматической стирки, а не ручной.
  2. Тщательно регулировать количество порошка: слишком большая дозировка стирального порошка вполне может приводить к этой проблеме.
  3. Использовать только качественный стиральный порошок.
  4. Убедиться в правильности подключения слива стиральной машины к канализации.

Uc, 9C,9Е1, 9Е2

У машин без дисплея мигают все верхние индикаторы, в том числе, индикатор блокировки замка

Стиральная машина внезапно остановила стирку (на любой стадии цикла) или не включается вообще.

  • Сбой в работе платы управления (контроллера)
  • Ошибка электропитания (происходит, если выключено питание от сети. Если это произошло внезапно по причине отключения света, после подачи электричества ошибка пропадет сама).
  • Стиральная машина среагировала на слишком высокое или низкое напряжение в сети.
  1. Не производить подключения к электросети через удлинитель.
  2. Не пользоваться стиральной машиной без внешнего адаптера. Высокотехнологичные модели очень чувствительны к скачкам напряжения, а потому есть риск поломки.
  3. Проверить проводку и не использовать старые или слабые розетки.
  4. У6едиться, что нет проблем с напряжением в сети и подачей электричества (на примере другого электроприбора).

Стиральная машина исправно выполняет работу, но дисплей показывает данные символы.

Не является признаком ошибки.

  • 2Н — до конца стирки осталось от 100 до 180 минут (не путать с Н2 — индикацией ошибки нагрева воды!).
  • 3Н — 180-240 минут до конца стирки.
  • 4Н — не менее 240 минут.
  1. Ждать окончания стирки.
  2. Часто появляется при выборе длительного режима стирки и показывает сколько минут осталось до окончания цикла.
  3. Во избежание ошибки, если это принципиально, просто стоит выставлять более короткий режим.

ACb (АС6)

Машина не реагирует на нажатие кнопок, либо начинает процесс стирки, а потом останавливается. Она может не включаться вообще, либо отстирывает один цикл, а после не стирает

  • Наиболее часто так выдает себя ошибка связи между платой управления и системой индикации.
  • Может давать сбой модуль управления (контроллер).
  • Испытывает проблемы сам модуль индикации.
  • Произошел обрыв проводки или разъединение контактов между модулями.
  1. Проверить кнопки на предмет залипания.
  2. Если не помогло — выключить и включить процесс стирки заново. При отсутствии эффекта можно считать, что причина сбоя весьма серьезна.


Актуальна только для моделей машин Самсунг, оснащенных сушкой (например, WD80K5410OW, WD80K52E0AW, WD70J5410AW)

Стиральная машина не сушит белье или прерывает внезапно процесс сушки

  • Сбой в работе вентилятора сушки.
  • Однократный сбой в работе управляющего модуля.
  • Неисправность проводки или контактов в цепи вентилятора.
  1. Выключить и включить машину заново на режиме «Сушка».
  2. Если результат неудовлетворительный, сбой требует профессиональной диагностики.


Корректна только для стиральных машин с функцией сушки (например, WD90N74LNOA, WD806U2GAGD и другие модели)

Стиральная машина не сушит или не досушивает до конца белье

  • Неисправен датчик температуры сушки стиральной машины.
  • Вышел из строя или имеется сбой в работе ТЭНа именно сушки.
  1. Запустить процесс сушки заново, если все нормально, то, скорее всего, произошел разовый сбой модуля управления или датчика температуры сушки.
  2. Проверить проводку и контакты в цепи нагрева сушки.

ddC (DDC)

актуальна только для стиральных машин Samsung с функцией «Add Door» (например, WW 10M86KNOA AddWash, WD80K52E0ZX)

Стиральная машина прекратила стирку

Некорректное использование дверцы «Add Door» при дополнительной загрузке забытого белья уже во время стирки.

При использовании дверцы «Add Door» необходимо, нажав предварительно кнопку «Пуск/Пауза», дождаться полной остановки машины, доложить забытые вещи. Для продолжения стирки закрыть дверцу и нажать кнопку «Пуск/Пауза».


Ошибка блокировки дверцы «Add Door». Актуально только для стиральных машин, оборудованных этой функцией (например, WD80K5410OS, WW70K62E00S, WW90K54H0UX)

Не закрыт или наоборот не открывается люк (дверца) дополнительной загрузки белья. Процесс стирки остановился.

  • Устройство блокировки дверцы (УБЛ) «Add Door» вышло из строя.
  • Имеются различные механические повреждения дверцы дополнительной загрузки белья(замка, петли),
  • Сбой управляющей платы.
  • Неисправны проводка или контакты устройства блокировки люка «Add Door».
  1. Закрывать дверцу «Add Door» пред стиркой, а так же после дополнительного помещения белья.
  2. Осмотреть дверцу на предмет попадания в запорное устройство инородных тел, а так же петли и крепления люка.
  3. Отключить машинку кнопкой «Питание», а затем включите снова. Это поможет, если причиной стал однократный сбой электронной платы.

8Е,8Е1, 8C, 8C1

Актуальны для новых стиральных машин моложе 2013 года, оснащенных датчиком вибрации (в старых моделях это — тахогенератор)

Барабан стиральной машины крутится с неадекватной выбранной программе скоростью (не крутится вообще, крутится быстрее или медленнее, чем положено), вещи плохо отжаты.

  • Вышел из строя датчик вибрации.
  • Неисправность в работе мотора.
  • Выход из строя щеток мотора,
  • Сбой в работе платы управления (электронного контроллера).
  • Проблема с проводкой или контактами в цепи датчика вибрации VRT+

Выключить и включить машину заново. Так можно исключить вероятность временного сбоя в работе платы управления. Во всех остальных случаях речь идет о более серьезных проблемах.


Машина перестала стирать, погасли все индикаторы. Теперь выдает одну из этих ошибок.

Вероятнее всего отключили электричество в сети, а затем возобновили его подачу

Для продолжения программы нажмите «Старт / Пауза».


Аппарат выдает одну из этих ошибок, стирка не производится.

Не является ошибкой — произошло включение заводского тестового режима

Для решения проблемы одновременно нажать и удерживать в течение 10 секунд кнопки: «Температура» и «Опция».


(актуально для моделей с сушкой).

Внутри стиральной машины держится высокая температура (больше 70 градусов) во время сушки

Не является ошибкой. Машина сообщает о том, что процесс сушки производится в штатном режиме.

Не выключать стиральную машину, дать ей возможность продолжить процесс сушки. Дождаться окончания. При снижении температуры внутри стиральной машины сообщение исчезнет само.

СЕ, АС, ACb (AC6), 4С2

В машинах без дисплея мигают все режимы стирки и горит верхний температурный индикатор 95° (или Bio 60°).

Машина набирает и сразу же, не стирая, сливает воду.

Температура воды при этом слишком высокая.

  • Неисправен температурный датчик.
  • Произошел сбой в проводке или нарушены контакты в цепи нагрева.
  • Испытывает проблемы в работе нагревательный элемент (ТЭН).
  • Сбой платы управления.
  1. Проверить правильность установки аппарата, а конкретно, убедиться. Что наливной шланг подключён к холодной, а не к горячей воде.
  2. Выключить машинку и запустить процесс стирки заново, чтобы исключить возможность временного сбоя управляющего модуля.

, SdC (5dC)

Ошибка автоматического дозатора (появляется только у машин Самсунг с функцией Wi-Fi, например, WW65K42E00SDLP, WW70R62LATX)

Не работает дозатор

  • Неисправен привод автодозатора.
  • Терпит сбой проводка или контакты в цепи автоматического дозатора.

Запустить процесс стирки заново, тем самым исключив вероятность временного сбоя в работе платы управления.

Расшифровка обозначений кодов ошибок стиральных машин Самсунг. На что они указывают, способы решения проблем по сервисным кодам.

Это наиболее распространённые коды неисправностей для стиральных машин Samsung. Код ошибки отображается в виде цифрового кода, точно так, как и он приведён на сайте ниже.

Код ошибки Описание проблемы
5E Ошибка слива воды

Если датчик давления отмечает частоту ниже чем (25.20kHz) через 10 минут после начала слива, возникает данная ошибка. Этот код ошибки очень распространён, он также может быть прочитаны как SE или 5E в зависимости от состояния цифрового дисплея.

Сброс ошибки производится с помощью нажатия кнопки «Старт/Пауза» после чего стиральная машина перезагрузиться и попытается снова слить воду.

  1. Проверить фильтр сливного насоса на наличие мусора, при необходимости очистите его
  2. Проверьте шланг на наличие проколов, перегибов
  3. Проверьте воздушную камеру и датчик давления шланг
  4. Возможна неисправность датчика давления воды
  5. Проверьте сливной насос
  6. Проверьте соединение для слива воды в канализацию
4E Ошибка набора воды

Стиральная машина не смогла заполнить водой в установленные сроки. Если датчик давления воды не регистрирует частоты на 100 Гц в течение 2 минут и если уровень воды не достигнет заданного уровня за 10 минут, то возникает эта ошибка.

Сброс ошибки производится нажатием кнопки «Старт/Пауза»

  1. Проверьте подачу воды, бывает шланги заморожены
  2. Проверьте воздушную камеру и датчик давления
  3. Проверьте клапан подачи воды на наличие посторонних предметов
  4. Проверьте главную плату управления
dE Ошибка открытая дверь

Код ошибки означает, что либо дверь открыта, либо дверной замок или механизм блокировки не может сообщить электронике, что дверь закрыта.

  1. Проверьте правильно ли закрыта дверца
  2. Проверьте дверную ручку на повреждение или износ
  3. Проверьте предохранитель двери, если он в нерабочем состоянии нужно заменить дверной замок
  4. Проверьте проводку блокировки дверей
UE Ошибка дисбаланса

Стиральная машина обнаружила несбалансированную нагрузку. Этот код ошибки носит больше информационный характер. Стиральная машина говорит вам, что она не в состоянии правильно вращаться без риска повреждения из-за несбалансированной нагрузки.

  1. Перезагрузите бельё в машинку и попытайтесь снова
  2. Проверьте, что хватает нагрузки, так как мелкие вещи могут вызвать дисбаланс
3E Ошибка тахогенератора двигателя

Если сигналы тахогенератора не появляются в течение 2 секунд — это ошибка.

  1. Проверьте двигатель наличие посторонних предметов
  2. Проверьте тахогенератор
  3. Проверьте все соединения и узлы в двигателе (проводка)
  4. Проверьте соединения на модуле главного управления
  5. Проверьте главный модуль управления
bE Короткое замыкание симистора двигателя

Может быть короткое замыкание двигателя. Если тахогенератор регистрирует 300 оборотов в минуту в течение 1 сек при заданных 90 оборотов в минуту,то возникает эта ошибка.

  1. Проверьте наличие напряжения
  2. Проверьте главный модуль управления
  3. Проверьте электродвигатель
OE Ошибка переполнения

Если датчиком давления регистрируется частота ненормального уровня воды более 21.00kHz, машина останавливает работу и включает слив воды, до достижения частоты 25.00kHz.

  1. Проверьте не слишком ли много пены (моет возникнуть, если использовать не подходящее моющее средство)
  2. Проверьте датчик уровня воды
  3. Проверить проводку и контакты на датчике давления воды
  4. Проверьте контроллер
  5. Проверьте клапан подачи воды на наличие постороннего предмета
LE Ошибка утечки воды

Если в течение работы более 4 раз уровень воды будет ниже безопасного уровня воды нагревателя, то произойдёт эта ошибка.

  1. Необходимо проверить любые утечки со стиральной машинки и устранить их
  2. Неисправен датчик утечки воды
HE Ошибка нагрева воды

Для этого кода ошибки необходимо проверить водонагреватель или термистор. В основном стиральная машина сообщает о неисправности отопительного контура с этим кодом ошибки, но она не может определить точно, где именно.

Возможны варианты HE1 — перегрев, HE2 — нет нагрева

  1. Проверьте ТЭН
  2. Проверьте термистор или датчик температуры
  3. Проверьте сопротивление термистора
  4. Проверьте проводку к ТЭНу
  5. Проверьте подключение ТЭНа и датчика температуры
tE Ошибка датчика нагрева воды

Ошибка появляется, если схема цепи термистора неисправна или если напряжение на термисторе ниже, чем 0.2 В или выше, чем 4.5 В.

  1. Проверьте термистор или датчик температуры
  2. Проверьте сопротивление термистора
  3. Проверьте проводку к ТЭНу<.li>
  4. Проверьте подключение ТЭНа и датчика температуры<.li>
IE Неисправность датчика уровня воды

Если некорректные частоты регистрируются более чем 5 секунд, возникает ошибка датчика давления. При возникновении ошибки включается слив воды на 3 минуты.

  1. Проверьте датчик уровня воды
  2. Проверьте проводку к датчику давления воды
  3. Проверьте подключение датчика уровня воды
  4. Проверьте главный контроллер
CE Аномальная температура воды

Происходит слив воды, если ненормальная температура воды регистрируется в начальный момент времени залива воды.

Если частота датчика давления выше, чем 25.20KHz , вода будет слита сливным насосом.

  1. Проверьте подключение термистора
  2. Проверьте термистор
E2 Ошибка слива воды

Если датчик давления отмечает частоту ниже чем 25.20kHz, через 10 минут после начала слива, возникает данная ошибка. Этот код ошибки очень распространён, он также может быть прочитаны как «SE» или «5E» в зависимости от состояния цифрового дисплея.

Сброс ошибки производится с помощью нажатия кнопки «Старт/Пауза» после чего стиральная машина перезагрузиться и попытается снова слить воду.

  1. Проверить фильтр сливного насоса на наличие мусора, при необходимости очистите его
  2. Проверьте шланг на наличие проколов, перегибов
  3. Проверьте воздушную камеру и датчик давления шланг
  4. Возможна неисправность датчика давления воды
  5. Проверьте сливной насос
  6. Проверьте соединение для слива воды в канализацию
Е3 Ошибка переполнения

Если датчиком давления регистрируется частота ненормального уровня воды более 21.00kHz), машина останавливает работу и включает слив воды, до достижения частоты 25.00kHz.

  1. Проверьте не слишком ли много пены (моет возникнуть, если использовать не подходящее моющее средство)
  2. Проверьте датчик уровня воды
  3. Проверить проводку и контакты на датчике давления воды
  4. Проверьте контроллер
  5. Проверьте клапан подачи воды на наличие постороннего предмета
E4 Ошибка дисбаланса

Стиральная машина обнаружила несбалансированную нагрузку. Этот код ошибки носит больше информационный характер. Стиральная машина говорит вам, что она не в состоянии правильно вращаться без риска повреждения из-за несбалансированной нагрузи.

  1. Перезагрузите бельё в машинку и попытайтесь снова
  2. Проверьте, что хватает нагрузки, так как мелкие вещи могут вызвать дисбаланс
E5 Ошибка нагрева воды

Ошибка появляется, если после включения ТЭНа температура воды в баке в течение 5 минут меняется более чем на 40″С, либо она в течение 10 минут меняется менее, чем на 2°С.

В подобном случае проверяют и при необходимости заменяют ТЭН. Для сброса ошибки выключают СМ, а затем снова включают.

E6 Ошибка нагрева воды

Ошибка появляется, если после включения ТЭНа температура воды в баке в течение 5 минут меняется более чем на 40″С, либо она в течение 10 минут меняется менее, чем на 2°С.

В подобном случае проверяют и при необходимости заменяют ТЭН. Для сброса ошибки выключают СМ, а затем снова включают.

E7 Неисправность датчика уровня воды

Если некорректные частоты регистрируются более чем 5 секунд, возникает ошибка датчика давления. При возникновении ошибки включается слив воды на 3 минуты.

  1. Проверьте датчик уровня воды
  2. Проверьте проводку к датчику давления воды
  3. Проверьте подключение датчика уровня воды
  4. Проверьте главный контроллер
E8 Ошибка температуры воды

Ошибка возникает, если в СМ температура воды в баке превысила заданные значения за отведённое время. Нештатными считаются значения 60°С (и более) — для синтетических тканей, 45°С (и более) — для деликатных тканей, 45°С (и более) — для шерсти. При возникновении данной неисправности на 3 минуты принудительно включается сливной насос

  1. Проверьте датчик температуры
  2. Проверьте ТЭН
  3. Проверьте цепи ТЭНа и датчика температуры
E9 Ошибка утечки воды

Если в течение работы более 4 раз уровень воды будет ниже безопасного уровня воды нагревателя, вылезет эта ошибка.

  1. Необходимо проверить любые утечки со стиральной машинки и устранить их
  2. Неисправен дачик утечки воды
EA Ошибка тахогенератора двигателя

Если сигналы тахогенератора не появляются в течении 2 секунд  это ошибка.

  1. Проверьте двигатель наличие посторонних предметов
  2. Проверьте тахогенератор
  3. Проверьте все соединения и узлы в двигателе (проводка)
  4. Проверьте соединения на модуле главного управления
  5. Проверьте главный модуль управления
EB Короткое замыкание симистора двигателя

Может быть короткое замыкание двигателя. Если тахогенератор регистрирует 300 оборотов в минуту в течение 1 сек при заданных 90 оборотов в минуту, возникает эта ошибка.

  1. Проверьте наличие напряжения
  2. Проверьте главный модуль управления
  3. Проверьте электродвигатель
EC Короткое замыкание симистора двигателя

Может быть короткое замыкание двигателя. Если тахогенератор регистрирует 300 оборотов в минуту в течение 1 сек при заданных 90 оборотов в минуту, то возникает эта ошибка.

  1. Проверьте наличие напряжения
  2. Проверьте главный модуль управления
  3. Проверьте электродвигатель
ED Ошибка открытая дверь

  1. Проверьте правильно ли закрыта дверца
  2. Проверьте дверную ручку на повреждение или износ
  3. Проверьте предохранитель двери, если он в нерабочем состоянии нужно заменить дверной замок
  4. Проверьте проводку блокировки дверей
DOOR Ошибка открытая дверь

  1. Проверьте правильно ли закрыта дверца
  2. Проверьте дверную ручку на повреждение или износ
  3. Проверьте предохранитель двери, если он в нерабочем состоянии нужно заменить дверной замок
  4. Проверьте проводку блокировки дверей

Ответственность за вашу безопасность, если вы при помощи рекомендаций на сайте нанесёте вред себе или стиральной машине Самсунг, лежит только на вас. Все манипуляции вы производите на свой страх и риск.

На сайте представлены обобщённые причины кодов ошибок, и нельзя гарантировать, что рекомендации решат именно вашу проблему. Вы также должны понимать, что коды ошибок не являются «панацеей», они только указывают направление для поиска проблемы и не заменят диагностические навыки профессионалов.

В большинстве случаев с помощью кодов ошибок можно узнать достаточно для исследования и диагностики причины поломки.

What Are the Samsung Range Display Problems? This troubleshooting guide discusses possible solutions for common Samsung range display issues, including: (the most stubborn Samsung electric range display problems).

If you are having difficulty repairing display-related Samsung range issues, please read this article to the end and try the suggested solutions:

image 11
What Are the Samsung Range Display Problems? [Answered]

Samsung range LED display problems have been resolved

Starting with the issue of this Samsung oven display flickering, we’ll go over some general troubleshooting tips for various Samsung range display issues, followed by specific Samsung range display problems.

Flickering on the Samsung Range display (Ne59j7630sg display flickering)

The following fixes should be tried if your display is flickering (this appears to be a common problem among owners of this particular Samsung oven model):

1. Verify that it is properly plugged into the wall.

If you have recently relocated your computer, there is a chance that some of the cords are not properly connected, causing the screen to begin flickering constantly and nonstop.

Check to see that all of the cords have been properly connected.

Electrical Problems: 10 of the Most Common Issues Solved - This Old House

Verify that it is properly plugged into the wall.

Why is my Samsung Oven Not Heating? [Answered]

Additionally, you can try to switch the outlet into which the range is plugged in. There is always the possibility that the outlet into which the range is plugged in will develop a problem, causing the display to begin blinking.

2. Examine the error codes on your oven’s display.

If you notice that the outlets behind your oven are fully functional, you can proceed. Alternatively, it is possible that your problem stems from a problem with the device’s configuration.

The diagnostic mode, which is available on Samsung ovens, can be used to check the majority of these issues. But in the event that you are unable to access this due to a malfunctioning display, you can try resetting the computer system.

Samsung range or wall oven error codes

Examine the error codes on your oven’s display.

This should work because the majority of error codes can be resolved by performing a simple device reboot. The procedure is straightforward, and you will only need to power cycle your device once during the procedure.

However, keep in mind that you should turn off the oven for a few minutes after you finish cooking. In this way, it is able to discharge any excess electricity and then recharge the system.

After that, you can plug the power cord back in and put your device through its paces. It is possible that the problem with your oven was related to its configurations, in which case the display should now begin to function properly.

3. It’s possible that the display is broken.

If none of the steps outlined above are successful for you, try these: It is most likely that the display on your oven has become faulty, which is the most likely cause of your error. However, the most common cause of this is an electrical surge.

There are numerous factors that can contribute to this problem. While there is currently no way to repair your broken display, Changing the battery on the device should be sufficient to allow you to resume using it.

Always keep in mind that replacing the display is a straightforward process that involves only one wire being removed. However, when it comes to ordering the display, make sure that you get the one that is specifically designed for Samsung ovens.

Samsung stove NE59J7630SG display flickering repair fix replacement -  YouTube

It’s possible that the display is broken.

Most websites should have product dimensions labeled along with the product, making it easier for you to determine which one is required by your oven and which one is not required. You can refer to the Samsung installation manual for assistance if you are having any difficulties with the installation of the display.

3. Reset the Range of Values

A large number of Samsung range problems – including some Samsung range display problems – can be resolved by simply resetting the device.

The following is the procedure to be followed:

How to re-set the Samsung range display is as follows:

  1. The range can be reset by simply power cycling your unit for two minutes (at least). ‌
  2. You can then restore power to your unit and see if the display will still be flickering.

4. Replace the display on your unit with a new one.

If the problem persists despite the fact that the breaker has been flipped, it is possible that the display has been damaged (something may have gone wrong, causing the part to stop receiving signals from the control board of the unit).

If you suspect that the LED display is faulty, replacing the component is the most cost-effective solution.

The good news is that it is relatively simple to complete (even for those who are not particularly skilled in technical matters), and the part itself is not prohibitively expensive.

image 12

Replace the display on your unit with a new one.

To be clear, you should order the Samsung DE07-00129A LED Display Board (the part number is DE07-00129A), which you can purchase online from Amazon (Here is the link to the actual genuine OEM part).

Additionally, the part can be purchased through the official Samsung Parts website or through third-party sites such as appliance parts pros (But Amazon had the best price at the time of writing this).

Be mindful that the component is relatively small – the Samsung range display board measures approximately 2.75 inches by 2 inches by 1 inch.

Error Codes for Samsung Ovens

Samsung ovens are a popular choice for kitchens of all sizes and ages, whether they are new or old. Despite the fact that they are well-known for their features and durability, they may occasionally have internal problems that are difficult to detect.

Because the oven is connected to the rest of the range, problems with the cooktop may have an impact on your oven as well.

It is difficult to identify errors and then distinguish between which errors pertain to which part of the range. It is for this reason that there are error codes that you can look up. In most cases, unplugging the appliance for 2-3 minutes is sufficient to clear the error. However, if there are underlying problems with the components, the errors may continue to occur. Here is a list of the Samsung oven error codes that have been decoded.

1. E08

The oven is not generating heat.

Unplug the oven and look inside to see what’s going on. It’s possible that the problem is with one or more of the oven’s heating elements. This includes the broiler element, the baking element, and the temperature sensor, among other things.

You should also check to see if the wiring has been damaged and have it repaired as soon as possible.

2. The E-OA

Overheating in the oven

A common Samsung Error code that occurs with older appliances is 0x8007005. Check to see that the oven is not plugged in and that the temperature sensor is working properly.

The resistance should be 1080 ohms, and if you notice that the resistance is greater than 200 ohms, it is recommended that you replace the temperature sensor.

3. SE Key that is faulty

This error code will be displayed in any of the keys on the control panel that are not functioning properly. Unplug the oven and check that the wiring between the control console and the electronic control board is in good working order before continuing. If the wire harness appears to be in good condition but the problem persists, the control panel should be replaced.


Error with Low Voltage

Check to see that the oven is not plugged in and that there are no loose wires. If any wires are damaged, or if the transformer is broken, it is necessary to replace the transformer.

5. E54

Error on the electronic control board

If this error message appears, it is possible that the problem is with the main cooktop control board. You must unplug the range and retighten any loose wiring that has become loose. If the problem persists, either the wire harness needs to be repaired or the main cooktop control board needs to be replaced, depending on the situation.


Error in communication with the touch panel

You must unplug the range and retighten any loose wiring that has become loose. If the wire harness is in good condition, you will only need to replace the control panel and wiring, not the electronic unit itself.

7. cE-56

An issue with the oven’s internal electronic control board has been identified.

Keep the range unplugged for 3 minutes, then use the electronic control board to reset the appliance to its factory settings. If the error persists, unplug the appliance and tighten any loose wiring that may have been exposed. It may be necessary to replace the electronic control board if the problem continues to persist.

8. E-OE

Error with the oven door lock

Remove the range’s power cord and inspect the wiring of the door lock assembly. Tighten any loose ends that may have accumulated. If the problem persists, the door lock should be replaced.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the location of the fuse on an electric stove?

The fuse is usually found in the fuse box, which is usually located in the main housing on the back of the unit. Location 2 may differ from model to model, so consult your device’s manual for more information. If the fuse appears to be smoky or black in color, it has most likely blown. Alternatively, you can purchase a fuse from a store, hardware store, or appliance store.

What kind of fuses do modern ovens have?

This circuit is responsible for the operation of the oven and hob lighting, as well as the illumination of the bell, among other things. You can check your oven’s owner’s manual to see if it has an internal fuse; however, not all ovens have one, so double-check. If the oven light does not illuminate, it is most likely due to a blown fuse.

On an electric stove, what is the purpose of the infinity switch?

When used in conjunction with a heating element in an electric stove, an infinite switch, boiling state, energy regulator, or infinite regulator is a type of switch that allows for variable wattage to be applied to the element. The term “infinite” refers to the fact that the average output is continuously variable and is not limited to a small number of switched levels.

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    Hi, I’m Khelly! I am your tech expert for all your Samsung Products and Information needs. Life is complicated so, finding solutions to your tech problems shouldn’t be. Let me help you with that!

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Для удобства определения неисправности, инженеры Самсунг придумали выводить различные коды на дисплей. Каждый код – означает какую-либо неисправность.

Мы решили собрать все известные коды в один материал и дать им описание. Данная инструкция полезна прежде всего мастерам, чтобы они могли быстро и точно определить неисправность.

5E / 5C / E2 – не сливается вода из стиральной машины. Причины:

  • засор сливной системы;
  • неисправность сливного насоса;
  • засор сливного шланга;
  • поломка модуля управления.

Чтобы устранить ошибку, потребуется демонтировать сливную систему и прочистить патрубок. Так же проверяется насос и модуль управления.

HE (1/2) / HC (1/2) / E5 / E6 – вода не может нагреться. Причины:

  • неисправен термостат;
  • повреждение вольфрамовой спирали нагревательного элемента;
  • сбой программного обеспечения.

Необходимо осмотреть ТЭН на предмет механического повреждения. В случае обнаружения – установить новую деталь.

4E / 4C / E1 – вода не поступает в стиральную машину. Причины:

  • перекрыт клапан подачи воды;
  • повреждён заливной шланг;
  • неисправен датчик уровня воды;
  • поломка наливного клапана АСМ;
  • образовалась протечка воды в поддоне.

Мы всегда рекомендуем сначала проверить, нет ли протечки. Так же убедитесь, что кран подачи воды не перекрыт.

4C2 – ошибка подключения. Вероятно, Вы подсоединили заливной шланг к водопроводу с горячей водой. Температурный датчик фиксирует подачу воды с температурой больше 50 градусов.

SD / 5D / SuD – повышенное пенообразование. Причины:

  • использован порошок, не предназначенный для этой модели СМ;
  • использован порошок для с большим содержанием мыла.

Рекомендуется слить воду, отключить стиральную машину. Затем обязательно извлеките лоток для моющих средств, промойте его и вставьте обратно. После этого необходимо выбрать режим полоскания, чтобы удалить остатки пены.

E4 / UB / UE – произошла разбалансировка барабана. Причины:

  • вещи скомкались в одной плоскости барабан;
  • мало белья для выбранного режима отжима;
  • поломка амортизаторов.

Чаще всего проблема решается отменой стирки, с последующим перезапуском.

E9 / LE / LC – происходит самослив воды из бака. Причины:

  • неправильное подключение сливного шланга к канализации;
  • повреждение бака с образованием трещины (в таком случае вода будет попадать в поддон);
  • неисправность клапана «Аква Стоп».

Требуется диагностика и визуальный осмотр бака.

3E (1-4) / 3C (1-4) / EA – не вращается барабан. Причины:

  • неисправность тахогенератора;
  • перегрузка барабана (не хватает мощности для раскрутки);
  • неисправность инвертора двигателя.

Обратитесь в сервисный центр за дополнительной консультацией.

9C / Uc – отсутствует стабилизация напряжения в электросети. Причины:

  • падение напряжения в общедомовой сети;
  • поломка фильтра сетевых помех.

Попробуйте отключить стиральную машину на 30 минут. Если проблема не исчезнет, обратитесь в сервисный центр.

dE / dC / Ed – означает, что дверца не заблокирована. Причины:

  • посторонний предмет между люком и баком;
  • неисправно УБЛ;
  • поломка модуля управления.

Иногда проблема заключается в неисправном механизме фиксации дверцы. Требуется диагностика.

d C3 – не закрыта дверца AddWash. Причины:

  • стирка началась без физического закрытия доп.дверцы;
  • неисправен механизм блокировки.

Перезапустите стирку, предварительно закрыв крышу.

d DC – дверца AddWash была открыта в момент запущенной стирки без нажатия паузы.

LC1 / LE1 – сработал датчик АкваСтоп из-за воды в поддоне. Причины:

  • вода вытекает из сливного фильтра;
  • вытекает вода из-под дверцы люка;
  • произошла разгерметизация внутренних соединений;
  • засорился шланг распределения воды из дозатора моющих средств.

Данная ошибка указывает на протечку, значит необходимо найти источник и устранить его.

TE (1-4) / TC (1-4) / EC – неверная конфигурация температурного режима. Причины:

  • нет сигнала с ТЭНа на датчик температуры;
  • датчик температуры вышел из строя.

Проверяется цепь питания, соединяющая элементы нагревательной системы.

OE / 0F / 0C / E3 – бак переполнен водой. Причины:

  • вода не сливается из-за засора в канализации;
  • водоналивной клапан завис в состоянии «ON».

Проверьте правильность соединения сливного шланга.

E7 / 1C / 1E – система не получает сигнал с датчика уровня воды. Скорее всего датчик вышел из строя. Продолжение стирки невозможно. Критическое значение.

bE (1-4) / Eb / bC2 – залипла одна из кнопок управления. Если зажать любую кнопку, то модуль управления спустя 5 секунд выдаст предупреждение. Попробуйте прочистить контакты на самих кнопках.

AC / AE / AC6 – нет связи между блоком управления и платой индикации. Требуется перепаять цепь питания.

CE / RC / RC6 – в насос попала горячая вода выше 60 градусов. Неверное подключение заливного шланга.

8E / 8C – датчик вибрации вышел из строя. Замените датчик VRT+ или не выбирайте режим стирки «Деликатный».

EE – датчик температуры теплового насоса неисправен (для стирально-сушильной машины).

FC / FE – вентилятор сушильного отделения не запускается.

5DC / SDC – нет сигнала по wi-fi для автоматического открытия лотка.

2H / 3H / 4H – информация об оставшемся время стирки. H = hour / час.

Hot – превышена максимально допустимая температуры стирки. Причины:

  • включен режим сушки;
  • неполадки в работе термодатчиков.

Рекомендуем дождаться, пока температура опустится и ошибка исчезнет.

A0 (1-9) / BCDE (0) – Вы вошли в тестовый режим с заводскими настройками. Для продолжения стирки необходимо отключить стиральную машину и заново включить.

PoF – аварийное отключение от сети. Ошибка могла произойти из-за срабатывания УЗО.

6C / bC – не включается двигатель. Причины:

  • замыкание контактов семистора приводного двигателя;
  • сгорел TRIAC двигателя.

Необходимо вызвать мастера для диагностики и починки двигателя.


These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your Samsung electric range. For repair how-to help, visit the PartsDirect repair help section, which includes repair help for ranges, other major appliances, lawn and garden equipment, garage door openers, vacuum cleaners and more. Search for your model number to find a complete list of replacement parts for your range.

Error Code


DIY advice


Oven temperature sensor failure


Unplug the range and check the wire harness connections between the oven temperature sensor and the main control board. Reconnect any loose wires or replace the wire harness if damaged. If the wire connections are okay, measure the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a multimeter. You should measure around 1,100 ohms of resistance at room temperature. Replace the oven temperature sensor if resistance is off by more than 200 ohms.

How-to help

Possible parts

Oven temperature sensor, wire harness


Oven overheating


Unplug the range and check the resistance of the oven temperature sensor using a multimeter. You should measure around 1,100 ohms of resistance at room temperature. Replace the oven temperature sensor if resistance is off by more than 200 ohms. If the oven temperature sensor resistance is okay, replace the main control board.

How-to help

Possible parts

Oven temperature sensor, main control board


Stuck key


A key on the membrane switch panel is stuck. Try to free the stuck key, press down directly on top of all keys on the membrane switch panel. If that doesn’t free the stuck key, press down slightly off-center on all keys. If you can’t free the key, replace the membrane switch panel.

Possible parts

Membrane switch panel


Oven door lock failure


Unplug the range and check the wire harness connections between the oven door lock and the main control board. Reconnect any loose wires or replace the wire harness if damaged. If the wire connections are okay, replace the oven door lock.

Possible parts

Oven door lock, wiring harness


Main control board communication error


Unplug the range and check the wire harness connections between the main control board and the user interface control board. Reconnect any loose wires or replace the wire harness if damaged. If the wire connections are okay, replace the main control board. If the problem continues, replace the user interface control board.

Possible parts

Main control board, user interface control board, wire harness


Partition switch error


This error will display if you didn’t install the oven partition in the 5th rack position when using the twin-baking mode. Install the oven partition correctly. If the error code displays when the partition is in the correct position, unplug the range and check the wire harness connections between the partition switch and the main control board. Reconnect any loose wires or replace the wire harness if damaged. If the wire connections are okay, replace the partition switch.

Possible parts

Partition switch, wire harness

Symptoms common to all ranges

Choose a symptom to see related range repairs.

Repair guides common to all ranges

These step-by-step repair guides will help you safely fix what’s broken on your range.

How to replace a range oven door switch

The oven door switch detects whether the oven door is closed and helps control the oven light. Replace the switch if it doesn’t control the oven light properly.

How to replace a range oven door lock assembly

Oven door not locking? You can replace the lock assembly in less than 30 minutes. Here’s how.

Articles and videos common to all ranges

Use the advice and tips in these articles and videos to get the most out of your range.

Parts & More

Bottom-Mount Refrigerator

Front-Engine Lawn Tractor

Коды ошибок и неисправности микроволновок Самсунг

Воспользуйтесь списком распространённых проблем для диагностики и устранения неисправностей, если ваша микроволновая печь не функционирует. Современные СВЧ-печи «Самсунг» оборудованы электронным дисплеем, на котором отображается длительность процесса, а также высвечивается код ошибки. Это облегчает определение неисправности и дальнейший ремонт.

Ошибки микроволновок «Самсунг»

Индикация ошибок

Ошибки нумеруются по определённым правилам. Каждый датчик и прибор имеет свой номер:

  • Open Error — внешняя ошибка, то есть ошибка пользователя, нарушение инструкции;
  • Short Error — неполадки оборудования.

Буква «Е» означает «error», в переводе с английского — «ошибка». Первая цифра кода — номер неисправного устройства, вторая — номер или буква погрешности.


Код устройства и код причины ошибки

Код ошибки Газовый датчик (Е-1Х)
Е-11 Внешняя.
Е-12 Внутренняя.
Е-13 Превышение времени.
Е-14 Включение без загрузки.
  Таймер (Е-2Х)
Е-21 Не установлено время.
Е-22 Таймер вышел из строя.
Е-23 Не завершён предварительный нагрев.
Е-24 Перегрев устройства.
Е-25 Превышена температурная норма в режиме Micro Cook.
Е-26 Нагревательный элемент продолжает работать после окончания процесса.
  Датчик веса (Е-3Х)
Е-31 Длительность процесса превышает норму.
Е-32 Внутренняя поломка датчика весов.
Е-33 Вес загрузки меньше нормы.
Е-34 Вес загрузки превышает норму.
Е-35 В значениях введён знак минус.
Е-36 Во время процесса открылась дверца.
  Простые, процессные(Е-4х)
Е-41 Внешняя.
Е-42 Внутренняя.
Е-43 Выход из строя таймера.
Е-44 Требуется сушка.
Е-45 Неполадки охладительной системы.
Е-46 Преждевременное открытие.
Е-47 Дверца открылась во время приготовления.
  Программные (Е-5-х)
Е-51 Смысловая.
Е-52 Ошибки чтения, правописания.
Е-53 Не устанавливается ноль.
  Датчик влажности
Е-61 Внешняя.
Е-62 Внутренняя.
Е-61 Дисплей показывает максимальное время.
  Другие (Е-0Х, буквы)
-SE- Длительное нажатие кнопки (10 секунд).
Е-01 Дверца открылась раньше времени.
Е-02 Превышено время готовки (для СВЧ).
Е-03 Превышено время (для гриля).
Е-04 Превышена длительность приготовления (для конвекции).
Е-05 Превышена продолжительность процесса (комбинированная модель).
Е-06 Нагреватель прекратил работу на 20 секунд во время готовки.
Е-07 МВП запущена с шампуром внутри.
Е-08 Амортизация отсутствует больше двух минут.

Как видите, микроволновки не только помогают нам в кулинарии, они ещё и подсказывают, если что-то пошло не так. А пока производители придумывают печи, которые будут сами себя чинить, давайте разберёмся в распространенных поломках и способах их устранения.

Основные неисправности микроволновой печи Samsung, способы устранения

Внутреннее устройство СВЧ Самсунг

Неисправность Причина Устранение
Не включается прибор. Повреждение кабеля, розетки, диода, трансформатора, предохранителя. Замена повреждённой детали.
Печь самопроизвольно выключается. Неисправен вентилятор, закрыты вентиляционные отверстия. Проверка вентиляционных отверстий, замена вентилятора.
Отсутствие освещения. Перегорела лампочка. Замена лампы.
Микроволновка не выключается. Сломалось реле подачи, вентилятор убирает лишнюю влагу. Замена реле.
Искры, запах гари. Повреждение слюдяной пластины из-за отсутствия ухода и нарушений правил эксплуатации. Замена пластины.
Повышенный шум при работе.
  • Перегрев,
  • проблемы с вентиляцией,
  • повреждение крепежей вентилятора,
  • скопление мусора под колёсиками, которые двигают поддон,
  • повреждение магнетрона.
Тщательный осмотр источника шума, чистка, замена.
Повреждение эмали. Брак производства, неосторожное обращение, отсутствие ухода за внутренней поверхностью. Зачистка повреждённого места, нанесение специальной аэрозольной эмали для бытовой техники.
Кнопки не функционируют. Повреждение контактов,  загрязнение сенсорной панели. Замена повреждённых кнопок, панели.
Отсутствует разогрев. Сгорел предохранитель, произошло замыкание магнетрона, конденсатора. Самостоятельная работа с магнетроном опасна для здоровья и жизни. Обратитесь к специалисту.
Поддон плохо вращается, не крутится. Загрязнение канавок под поддоном. Чистка канавок, ролика.
Дисплей не работает, показывает цифры не полостью. Повреждение процессора, контактов, платы. Рекомендуем обратиться в сервисный центр.

Список получился довольно внушительный, но всех этих поломок можно избежать, если выполнять правила эксплуатации и техники безопасности, указанные в инструкции производителя. Соблюдая их, вы никогда не станете виновником взрыва и пожара, а печь верно прослужит долгие годы. Берегите себя и вашу бытовую технику!


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A Samsung representative at Best Buy will call to schedule your Galaxy S10 try out. Please share your ZIP Code to find a nearby Best Buy to try out your next phone. A Samsung representative at Best Buy can set up a personal …


samsung-range-or-wall-oven-error-codes-samsung image

If this code occurs even when the door is closed: Check the door plunger switch. It’s a round, black, plastic cap with a pin sticking out about ¾» when the door is open. It should freely move when pressed with a finger. If the plunger switch …


samsung-range-error-codes-appliance-helpers image

2016-12-29 MISSING THE SPECIAL CUSTOMER INVOICE RECEIPT. 01/05 — (8:57pm) I called Samsung back, told them we ALREADY SENT THEM EVERY DOCUMENT AND RECEIPT WE HAD RECEIVED from Home Depot.01/10 — …


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2022-01-05 New Service option for Screen Repair Book a Repair – Galaxy device Track My Repair


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2021-12-21 Last Update date : Dec 21. 2021. Most information codes on a range can be cleared with a reset. However, if your induction range is displaying a Pan Detection code, or your Flex Duo range is displaying «-dE-» or «-dC-«, …


2022-10-30 Turn off the circuit breaker, wait 30 seconds, then turn it back on OR unplug it for 3 to 5 minutes to reset its primary electrical control board.


Visit these pages to find what you need: The homepage to search for a model or part. Our DIY how-to guides and videos to find repair instructions. The Water Filter Finder for refrigerator …


2021-09-11 Item: Electrolux Cooktop 30″ 2 Induction Heating and 2 Electric Model: Model EW30CC55GS2 240 Volts First I had a induction burner that would trigger a E32 Code when …


2022-11-14 Here’s a compiled list of common induction cooktop problems and their Solution. 1. Induction stove not detecting pan. If you are new to using induction cooktops, I am sure you …


My Samsung induction range (NE595N0PBSR) oven slowly heats up to 240F and stops. Troubleshooting gives SE (shorted key) code. Both elements and temp sensor check OK.


2020-07-09 We ran the self clean option on April 1, 2022 on our Samsung range and ended up with the C-31 code. Oven is locked and cannot be used. I attempted to call Comerco, who is …


2022-05-01 Hey all. New member, 1st post. Just read this now, Sept 21st. There’s a chap in Ottawa that repairs these PCBs. I’ve read good testimonies. Appears he’s got good job …


2020-03-28 Kitchen and Family Hub. This isn’t a solution. I am yet another customer that decided to try the self cleaning option for the first time and ended up getting a C-31 code. And …


Most information codes on a range can be cleared with a reset. However, if your induction range is displaying a Pan Detection code, or your Flex Duo range is displaying «-dE-» or «-dC …


30″ Induction Chef Collection Cooktop. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support CA


2022-03-04 If your Samsung oven keypad is not working after this, call a technician to fix it. 2. Sticky Keys. Sticky keys should be the first sign that something is wrong with your oven. This …


In this video discussed about E-27, E-28 error codes of samsung range oven. These error codes will be displayed when ever there is an issue with oven thermis…


2022-01-26 Samsung, Your tech just came out to investigate the code displayed on my oven, which will not work. He stated it is both the major and sub-PCB boards need to be replaced as …


2018-09-05 So first, the display board is not your problem. E84 is an inverter PCB issue. This could be a faulty fuse or an entire bad PCB board. Below is the service manual for your range …


2021-12-27 It should be located in the back of your control console, once you pull the range out from the wall and unplug it, you should see a access panel behind the top console that can be …

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