- Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
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- Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
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- Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
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- Failed to update: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file, DeleteFile failed; code 5, Access is denied. #146538
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- Установка K-Lite Codec Pack
Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.
Asked by:
We use Inno Setup(version 5.4.2) as the packaging tool to generate our installer. While upgrading our software from older version to current version,
we try to overwrite existing binaries/drivers. This is often leading to issues as some monitoring software like ‘HP ArcSight Logger/Connector’, ‘SplunkUniversalForwarder’ etc. are holding file handles on our binaries and casuing overwrite to fail. Our installer shows beolow popup message on encountering this issue each time.
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file(not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation»
Interestingly, even after above getting above pop-up, we were able to rename xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old manully. We used to suggest cusotmers to rename
xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old and ‘Retry’ the installation. After renaming, upgrade used to complete without any issues.
1) Is it possible to rename xxx.sys through program always, when we hit this issue.
2) Any process to reproduce the DeleteFile failed; code 5 issue?
Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.
Asked by:
We use Inno Setup(version 5.4.2) as the packaging tool to generate our installer. While upgrading our software from older version to current version,
we try to overwrite existing binaries/drivers. This is often leading to issues as some monitoring software like ‘HP ArcSight Logger/Connector’, ‘SplunkUniversalForwarder’ etc. are holding file handles on our binaries and casuing overwrite to fail. Our installer shows beolow popup message on encountering this issue each time.
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file(not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation»
Interestingly, even after above getting above pop-up, we were able to rename xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old manully. We used to suggest cusotmers to rename
xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old and ‘Retry’ the installation. After renaming, upgrade used to complete without any issues.
1) Is it possible to rename xxx.sys through program always, when we hit this issue.
2) Any process to reproduce the DeleteFile failed; code 5 issue?
Select action an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file
This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.
Answered by:
Description of the Issue
We use Inno Setup(version 5.4.2) as the packaging tool to generate our installer. While upgrading our software from older version to current version,
we try to overwrite existing binaries/drivers. This is often leading to issues as some monitoring software like HP Arcsight Connector, Splunk etc. are
holding file handles on our binaries and causing overwrite to fail. Our installer shows below popup message on encountering this issue each time.
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file(not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation»
Interestingly, even after above getting above pop-up, we were able to rename xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old manually. We used to suggest customers to rename
xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old and ‘Retry’ the installation. After renaming, upgrade used to complete without any issues.
This whole issue is giving a very bad impression on us, even though we are not causing this issue. As some monitoring software(thirdparty) are holding file handles on our binaries/drivers we are unable do seamless upgrades.
1)Which of the below is the best practice, while performing the upgrades? a) Overwriting binaries/drivers.
b) Moving existing binaries/drivers to some backup path and copying new files.
2) Why are we unable to overwrite files even though manual renaming is working fine?
3) What is the difference between overwrite,move and rename operations?
4) Will other packaging tools like MSI solve the issue described above?
5) Looks like monitoring software can hold file handles on any other software. How they would have got around this issue?
6) What is the access mode/ shared mode used by a typical monitoring software while opening binaries/drivers for monitoring?
Failed to update: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file, DeleteFile failed; code 5, Access is denied. #146538
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: vscode broken after update (can’t launch it), so can’t disable extensions to test — unless you know of a «safe mode» param or reg key available the app will respect?
- VS Code Version: updating from 1.65.2 to 1.66.0
- OS Version: Windows 11 .556
Steps to Reproduce:
- Kill all code.exe processes
- Run system-wide 64bit EXE to update with the following parameters /VERYSILENT /NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS /NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS /NORESTART /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /MERGETASKS=!runcode /LOG=C:ProgramDataPatchMyPCInstallLogsSCOTTS-DESKTOP-VSCodeSetup-x64-1.66.0.exe.log
- Installer exit code is 5, here is installer log file:
Thereafter, when you try to open VSCode, you get this:
Retrying the update with the same params consistently provides the same log and error.
The ACLs of Code.exe look like this:
We have seen this exit code 5 before, but it has been far more re-occurring on multiple devices in our environment with this specific update. While re-installing resolves the issue on the device, we can’t ignore the possibility of a root cause to explain why we see it return occasionally 😅
I’m not sure if antivirus has a handle on code.exe, although I’m not sure why real time protection would when none of the processes are running. Our security policies have tamper protection enabled in Defender so I can’t disable real-time protection to test.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Установка K-Lite Codec Pack
Надо ли перед установкой новой версии пакета кодеков K-Lite Codec Pack удалять предыдущую?
Вообще это всегда не помешает. Но при установке K-Lite Codec Pack процедура удаления предыдущей версии не является обязательной. Если в новой версии присутствуют только незначительные изменения, вы можете просто установить ее поверх старой. Это не приведет ни к каким проблемам и все будет работать хорошо. Если же в пакете произошли более существенные изменения, то установщик сам попросит удалить предыдущую версию.
В начале установки K-Lite Codec Pack меня спрашивают хочу ли я удалить программу X. Это необходимо?
Нет, это необязательно. Просто нажмите на «Нет», если хотите сохранить установленную программу. Но если вы используете другой пакет кодеков, то удаление его будет очень рекомендуемым. Это убережет Вас от проблем и поможет содержать систему в чистоте.
В начале инсталляции меня спрашивают хочу ли я деинсталлировать RealPlayer. Это обязательно?
Нет, не обязательно. Просто нажмите на «Нет» если хотите сохранить RealPlayer. Но если вы хотите использовать Real Alternative то должны удалить RealPlayer.
При установке возникает ошибка: «An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: DeleteFile failed; code 5. Access denied.»
Это означает, что установщик пытается удалить файл который сейчас используется другой программой. Закройте все активные программы и нажмите на «Повторить». Если ошибка повторяется нажмите на «Пропустить» и продолжайте установку.
Возможно ли удалить только некоторые компоненты K-Lite Codec Pack и оставить остальные.
Нет, вы должны удалить весь пакет кодеков. Затем запустите установку сначала и в нужном месте выберите только те компоненты которые вам нужны. Также вы можете отключить (а затем включить обратно) все кодеки и фильтры используя Codec Tweak Tool. Эта программа не удаляет кодеки и другие компоненты, а только эффективно блокирует их.
Содержит ли K-Lite Codec Pack деинсталлятор?
Возникает ошибка «Error writing to registry key» (ошибка записи ключа регистра).
Эта ошибка возникает при неправильных установках доступа для ключей регистра. Для устранения проблемы откройте редактор регистра:
Пуск -> Выполнить… -> regedit.exe
В редакторе регистра найдите ключ вызывающий проблему. Кликните правой кнопкой мышки на этот ключ и выберите «Права доступа». Убедитесь, что группа администраторов имеет «Полный контроль».
Какая разница между доступными сплитерами AVI?
— Microsoft: Имеет проблемы с проигрыванием неполных или поврежденных файлов.
— Gabest / MPC internal: Позволяет без проблем проигрывать большинство неполных и поврежденных файлов
— Haali: Имеет проблемы проигрывания (обрезанных) файлов которые не содержат индекс AVI. Содержит звуковой переключатель. Это полезно для проигрывания файлов AVI, имеющих несколько звуковых дорожек в проигрывателях, которые не содержат звуковой переключатель непосредственно, как например WMP и Media Center.
Source file is corrupted. Patch 2.0
I keep getting the error: «An error occurred while trying to copy a file: The source file is corrupt.»
I have tried redownloading with a different browser, downloading the launcher version of the patch, and running as administrator, and I still get the error. Anyone else have this problem? Were you able to fix it?
Oh and I also reinstalled the game from scratch, but that didn’t work either.
You can’t download the patch or you can’t install it?
Coz in the first case, I have downloaded it with Firefox Down Them All. There are more downloader acceletors on the web. Sometimes I skipped that problem using apps like those.
Nah, it downloads fine but when I try to install it I get that message.
Are you temporarily disabling antivirus before applying the patch ?
Tried it, didn’t work
I haven`t gotten the patch yet…satellite internet and if i do before the hours of 2-7 am i`ll exceed caps which is a bummer . My purpose would be to provide a MD5 to make sure that you have a full and working patch .
Usually though when you get a source file is corrupted it generally means your download was broken .
EDIT : Just checked the size of the download and i got 907 MB if you hover your mouse over the 2.0 patch what size does yours show ?
It says 907 MB. I tried downloading with Firefox several times and with Chrome. I also downloaded through the launcher and attempted to use that file and it had the same issue.
Are you running any mods at all ?
Not since the fresh install. I’m gonna try downloading it on my brothers computer and saving it to a USB stick.
EDIT: That didn’t work either.
Are you a Steam user? If so, you need to use the Steam version of the patch.
(Ignore me if you’re not a Steam user)
OK was able to get the patch this morning . Below is the MD5 for witcher 2.0 int
Witcher 2 patch 2.0— 91c735fd63c83f249754a124a2023d8b
Sorry but what do I do with that? Am I supposed to check if mine is the same? If so where do I check that?
Not sure if this is helpful, but I also have a problem where when I try to update via the launcher it does an infinite download loop. It downloads, verifies, then redownloads over and over without launching the patcher.
Ok so GOG updated their download version to 2.0, so I redownloaded the whole game. It is 2.0 now, but I don’t know how to register this account with the game. I don’t want to register a new account because I’ve already had to do that several times due to the forum change and launch issues.
EDIT: Found the fix in another thread. Sweet, now its all set up. Thanks for the help guys.
Updated January 2023: Stop getting error messages and slow down your system with our optimization tool. Get it now at this link
- Download and install the repair tool here.
- Let it scan your computer.
- The tool will then repair your computer.
Filmora is a suite of video creation and editing applications developed by Wondershare. Filmora includes products for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced. Common features of Filmora include a timeline, a preview window, and an effects library that you can view and manage using a drag-and-drop interface.
The Filmora software library is compatible with both Windows and macOS computers. Free trials are available to test the product before purchase. Pricing options for the various programs are available on Filmora’s official website, linked below.
While installing Wondarshare Filmora, the operating system sometimes fails to map files to IP addresses, and the user encounters the error message “Error occurred while trying to copy file: source file corrupt” in Windows 10. The user may have performed a corrupted installation or used a corrupted installer on their own.
- Host File: The host file is used to map hostnames (i.e. domains) to IP addresses. The host file allows you to change the IP address that you associate with a specific domain name. If the host file is changed incorrectly or maliciously, it will cause the error discussed here.
- Faulty installation: Sometimes installation errors are not noticeable enough to be noticed. Users don’t get any warnings, but some program files are corrupted, which can lead to a lot of errors. Also, if Filmora had installation errors, it is very likely that you will get this error.
- Temporary files: These temporary files can reduce system performance. By removing these unnecessary temporary files, you can increase the disk space and performance of your system. The Disk Cleanup utility cleans up unnecessary files on your system.
- Unstable Internet: Users must have a stable Internet connection because some installers include online updates during the installation. Therefore, if the bandwidth of your Internet connection is low, you may encounter this problem.
- Administrative permissions: with administrative permissions, users have the ability to download, install and run unauthorized programs without manager control; adjust system settings, including overriding security changes and modifying the registry, which can lead to an unstable operating system and slow performance; and view and modify any file on the computer.
To fix Filmora “Error when trying to copy file” installation error in Windows 10
January 2023 Update:
You can now prevent PC problems by using this tool, such as protecting you against file loss and malware. Additionally it is a great way to optimize your computer for maximum performance.
The program fixes common errors that might occur on Windows systems with ease — no need for hours of troubleshooting when you have the perfect solution at your fingertips:
- Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
- Step 2 : Click “Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
- Step 3 : Click “Repair All” to fix all issues.
Editing the system hosts file
The Hosts file is the file in the operating system that associates IP addresses with domain names. Sometimes Hosts files are not modified correctly, which leads to connectivity problems and errors when using programs that require Internet access.
If you get an error code “Error occurred while trying to copy the file” when trying to install Filmora, the first thing to do is to change the Hosts file on your system. If the cause of the error on your computer is incorrectly changing the host file, changing the host file can fix the error.
Here’s how you should proceed:
- Type Notepad in the search box and click Run as administrator.
- In the Notepad window, select File and click Open.
- Now navigate to the location shown below.
- C Drive -> Windows -> System32 -> Drivers -> etc.
- At the bottom left of the window, click on the drop-down menu and select All Files. You should now see the Hosts file.
- Double-click on the Hosts file. This will open a text file in Notepad.
- Now delete the contents of the file in Notepad and paste the text below.
- local
- Then press Ctrl + S to save the file.
- Finally, restart your computer and check that modifying the hosts’ file fixed the error.
You should now be able to install Filmora without any problems.
Delete the host’s file
If editing the host’s file didn’t help and the error persists, it means that the problem can’t be solved with traditional troubleshooting steps. In this case, we recommend deleting the host file from your system.
Don’t worry, the system will create a new Hosts file when you restart your computer, so deleting the Hosts file is safe. Here’s how you should proceed:
- Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys at the same time.
- Enter the following command in the dialog box and press Enter.
- C:WindowsSystem32Driversetc.
- Now right-click on the Hosts file and select Uninstall.
- Then restart your computer and try installing Filmora again.
If the Hosts file is the cause of the problem, uninstalling it will fix the error and you can now install Filmora without any problems.
Reinstalling Filmora
It can happen that an improper installation damages the Windows installer itself. As a result, the Windows installer cannot install the desired application on your PC, and error codes such as Filmora installation error are displayed.
If the above troubleshooting steps don’t work for you, it’s probably because the file you’re trying to install is corrupt. In this case, we recommend cleaning, uninstalling, and reinstalling your old Filmora installation.
A clean uninstall will remove the application and related processes from your PC and make room for the new version. Here’s how you should proceed:
- Open the Control Panel and click Uninstall Program.
- Find Wondershare Filmora in the list of displayed programs and right-click it.
- Click Uninstall and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the process.
- After that, open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys at the same time.
- Type “%appdata%” in the dialog box and press Enter.
- Now find the Wondershare folder and delete it.
- Then open the “Run” dialog box again.
- Type “%Programdata%” and press Enter.
- Find the Wondershare folder and delete it here too.
- Then restart your computer.
Now you can reinstall Filmora, and hopefully, you won’t have any problems this time.
Expert Tip: This repair tool scans the repositories and replaces corrupt or missing files if none of these methods have worked. It works well in most cases where the problem is due to system corruption. This tool will also optimize your system to maximize performance. It can be downloaded by Clicking Here
Frequently Asked Questions
To install Filmora, just click on the downloaded installation and click Run, and then the following command will appear. Just click the Install button and the installation will start. Once the installation is complete, click the Start button and Filmora will start.
- Open the Folder Troubleshooter.
- Run a scan of the system files.
- The owner of the folder.
- Reboot Windows.
- Change the folder name using the command line.
- Extract compressed files using archiving software.
- Use a different user account.
Offline activation allows our users to edit and export their videos when they don’t have access to the Internet. Users can open Filmora9, go to File Offline Activation, and a window will appear asking for an email address and license registration code to activate it.
Reboot your computer. If you can’t read the source file or disk when copying in Windows 10 and this is the first time it happens, try restarting your computer (don’t turn it off or on, just reboot). Restarting will help your computer fix these errors on its own and return to its normal operating state.
Post Views: 127
Filmora is a line of video creation and editing applications developed by Wondershare. It is free software that can be downloaded from the internet. Installation typically involves code (program) being copied/generated from the installation files to new files on the local computer for easier access by the operating system, creating necessary directories, registering environment variables, providing separate programs for un-installation, etc. While installing Wondarshare Filmora, sometimes the operating system isn’t able to map files to the IP addresses and the user faces an error “An error occurred while trying to copy a file: The source file is corrupted” in Windows 10. The user may have done a corrupted installation or used a corrupted installer itself.
This error usually occurs when the user is trying to install Filmora on windows 10. Due to this error, the installation process of the software gets stuck. In the wake of checking on the client’s input through network support, we concluded a list of reported reasons for this problem which are as follows:
- Host File: The host file is used to map hostnames (in other words domains) to IP addresses. With the host file, you can change the IP address that you assign to a given domain name. If the host file is modified incorrectly or maliciously, it will result in the error under consideration.
- Corrupted Installation: Sometimes installation failures are not prominent enough to notice. Users do not get any warning messages but some of the program files are corrupted which may lead to multiple errors. Similarly, if Filmora had installation failures then you are most likely to get this error.
- Temporary Files: These temporary files can reduce the performance of the system. By deleting those unnecessary temporary files, you can increase disk space and the performance of your system. The Disk Cleanup utility will clean up unnecessary files on your system.
- Internet Not Stable: Users must have a stable Internet connection as some installers include online updates during the installation. Thus, if the bandwidth of your internet connection is weak, you may face this problem.
- Administration Rights: With admin rights, users have the full ability to download, install, and execute unapproved programs without managerial oversight; configure system settings, including rolling back security changes and editing the registry, which could lead to an unstable OS and slow-downs; and finally, view and edit any file on the computer.
All the causes mentioned above are the result of thorough online research done by our technical researchers. Let us move forward now.
Before jumping into the solutions, our advice is to go through these short but promising workarounds that helped many individuals online. If you are still facing the installation stuck issue then jump to the solutions to get rid of this problem. Discussed workarounds are as follows:
- Disable Third-party Software: The reason is that the antivirus software has difficultly determining whether the program you’re installing is a legitimate program or perhaps a virus taking root in your PC’s storage system. Disable your antivirus program only when installing new programs.
- Hard Drive Capacity: Before Installing software, make sure that your hard drive has enough space to accommodate the required installation files.
- Administrator Privileges: To install most programs users must be logged on to an administrative account of Windows 10. Certain programs will not run in a limited account because they make changes to the HDD. To check your admin rights, open Control Panel and go to User Accounts. Now you will see your current logged-on user account display on the right side. If your account has administrator rights, you can see the word Administrator under your account name.
Pre-requisites didn’t help? Not a problem! Your issue will be resolved from any of the solutions below:
Solution 1: Edit the Host File
A Hosts file is a file that almost all computers and operating systems can use to map a connection between an IP address and domain names. This file is an ASCII text file. It contains IP addresses separated by a space and then a domain name. As discussed in the causes, if the host file was previously modified in an inappropriate manner, you are most likely to face this problem. Undoing the inappropriate changes made to the host file, solved the problem for many users online. You may do so by going through the following steps:
- Click Start, search Notepad, and select Run as administrator. This will open the Windows Notepad application with administrator privileges.
Running Notepad as Administrator - Click File > Open. This will open a file explorer window that is used to locate the file that needs to be edited with the Windows Notepad application.
Opening File Explorer Window - Navigate to C drive > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc folder as Host file is located in this directory on Windows 10. Once done, you will see empty space in this folder. In order to view files, select All Files from the drop-down menu on the left bottom of this window. Select hosts file and click Open. This will open the Host file in notepad.
Opening Host File in Notepad - Remove everything in the host file, copy-paste the text given below in it and save the file by pressing Ctrl + S keys together on your keyboard. localhost
Writing Text in Host File - Restart your PC. This will help Windows to process the changes made to the system hosts file.
- Now try installing Wondershare Filmora again from the setup.
Solution 2: Delete Host File
If the above solution didn’t work for you, then there is a strong possibility that the changes you made were not saved due to some arbitrary reason. In this case, the working solution is to delete the system hosts file. Once done, the user can create an empty file for Windows or the system may create a new one during boot. Deleting the host file helps to connect the remote users, it can change your development server as your need and it will target the actual DNS server, and it will unblock malicious websites. This has been reported to be a working solution for many users online. Follow the steps given below to delete the host file:
- Click Start, search This PC in the search bar, and open it.
Opening This PC - Copy-paste the following location address in the Address Bar and press Enter. This will take you to the folder that contains the system’s hosts file.
Opening File Destination - Right-click on the hosts file and select Delete. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog. This will delete the system’s hosts file.
Deleting Host File - Now restart the window by clicking on the Start > Power > Restart. This will help Windows to process the changes made to the system hosts file.
Restarting PC - Now try installing Wondershare Filmora again from the setup.
Solution 3: Clean Uninstall & Reinstall Filmora
The user may have done a corrupted installation or used a corrupted installer itself. This program must be added to the Registry before it can be installed properly on your computer. At this time, we would like to recommend removing this program from the Control Panel. This is to clear everything related to this program including its left-overs. This solution proved to be helpful for many users online. Please follow the steps given below:
- Click Start, search Control Panel, and open it. This will open Windows Control Panel that is a hub for all Windows settings i.e. Software, Hardware, Personal, Programs, Personalization, etc.
Opening Control Panel - Select Uninstall a Program under the Programs section. This will take you to the list of all installed programs on your PC.
Opening Installed Programs List - Locate Wondershare Filmora application, right-click on it, and select Uninstall. This will start uninstalling the Zoom application from your PC. The procedure may take some time so wait until it gets finished.
Uninstalling Wondershare Filmora - Press Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box. Type %appdata% and click OK. This will take you to a hidden folder named AppData where user data is stored for different applications installed on your PC.
Opening AppData Folder - Right-click on the Wondershare folder and select Delete.
Deleting Wondershare Filmora Folder - Close all windows and again press Windows + R keys on your keyboard to start Run. Type %Programdata% and click OK. This will take you to a hidden folder named ProgramData where program-related settings or data are stored.
Opening ProgramData Folder - Repeat step 5. Now you have finally uninstalled Zoom completely from your computer.
- Download a fresh updated copy of the Zoom setup from the Official Wondershare Download Webpage and then install it.
Kevin Arrows
Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.