Self protection failed error code 4 x360ce

Self protection failed error code 4 x360 Kingdom Come: Deliverance You may need to do several things as its a long time since launched.Which windows by the way?scan your computer for malware. Rightclick KCD in Steam Library> properties>local files tab>verify gamefiles. See if that updates the files integrity.Try clicking ok as fast as you […]


  1. Self protection failed error code 4 x360
  2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  3. Self protection failed error code 4 x360
  4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  5. Джойстик (контроллер) не определяется в игре — x360 CE
  6. Xbox 360 Controller Emulator — для эмуляции любого контроллера и решения проблемы с его определением
  7. Послесловие
  8. Self-protection Failed. Error code: 4 about eldenringfpsunlockandmore OPEN
  9. Related Issues (20)
  10. Recommend Projects
  11. React
  12. Vue.js
  13. Typescript
  14. TensorFlow
  15. Django
  16. Laravel
  17. Recommend Topics
  18. javascript
  19. server
  20. Machine learning
  21. Visualization
  22. Recommend Org
  23. Facebook
  24. Microsoft
  25. Self-protection Failed. Error code: 4 about eldenringfpsunlockandmore OPEN
  26. Related Issues (20)
  27. Recommend Projects
  28. React
  29. Vue.js
  30. Typescript
  31. TensorFlow
  32. Django
  33. Laravel
  34. Recommend Topics
  35. javascript
  36. server
  37. Machine learning
  38. Visualization
  39. Recommend Org
  40. Facebook
  41. Microsoft

Self protection failed error code 4 x360

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

You may need to do several things as its a long time since launched.
Which windows by the way?
scan your computer for malware.

Rightclick KCD in Steam Library> properties>local files tab>verify gamefiles. See if that updates the files integrity.
clicking ok as fast as you can after lauching game then maybe it will ignore the error for this launch.

Is cloud remote saves enabled? KCD propeties.
If not enabled just enable this time>then Steam sync should appear next to play.
Click on the sync download. Once downloaded disable cloud remote saves again if you dont want it.
If you see cloud mismatch select saves on the HDD.

Rightclick Steam desktop launcher and run as administrator.
Rightclick KCD in the Bin Win6 directory add to exceptions in firewall.
Restart your computer.

You may need to do several things as its a long time since launched.
Which windows by the way?
scan your computer for malware.

Rightclick KCD in Steam Library> properties>local files tab>verify gamefiles. See if that updates the files integrity.
clicking ok as fast as you can after lauching game then maybe it will ignore the error for this launch.

Is cloud remote saves enabled? KCD propeties.
If not enabled just enable this time>then Steam sync should appear next to play.
Click on the sync download. Once downloaded disable cloud remote saves again if you dont want it.
If you see cloud mismatch select saves on the HDD.

Rightclick Steam desktop launcher and run as administrator.
Rightclick KCD in the Bin Win6 directory add to exceptions in firewall.
Restart your computer.


Self protection failed error code 4 x360

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

You may need to do several things as its a long time since launched.
Which windows by the way?
scan your computer for malware.

Rightclick KCD in Steam Library> properties>local files tab>verify gamefiles. See if that updates the files integrity.
clicking ok as fast as you can after lauching game then maybe it will ignore the error for this launch.

Is cloud remote saves enabled? KCD propeties.
If not enabled just enable this time>then Steam sync should appear next to play.
Click on the sync download. Once downloaded disable cloud remote saves again if you dont want it.
If you see cloud mismatch select saves on the HDD.

Rightclick Steam desktop launcher and run as administrator.
Rightclick KCD in the Bin Win6 directory add to exceptions in firewall.
Restart your computer.

You may need to do several things as its a long time since launched.
Which windows by the way?
scan your computer for malware.

Rightclick KCD in Steam Library> properties>local files tab>verify gamefiles. See if that updates the files integrity.
clicking ok as fast as you can after lauching game then maybe it will ignore the error for this launch.

Is cloud remote saves enabled? KCD propeties.
If not enabled just enable this time>then Steam sync should appear next to play.
Click on the sync download. Once downloaded disable cloud remote saves again if you dont want it.
If you see cloud mismatch select saves on the HDD.

Rightclick Steam desktop launcher and run as administrator.
Rightclick KCD in the Bin Win6 directory add to exceptions in firewall.
Restart your computer.


Джойстик (контроллер) не определяется в игре — x360 CE

Доброго времени суток, дорогие друзья, знакомые, читатели, почитатели и прочие личности.

Рады снова приветствовать Вас на страницах нашего портала. Сегодня небольшой материал для тех, кто любит поигрывать в игры время от времени, но периодически сталкивается с проблемами, которые озвучены в заголовке этой статьи.

Лично я, тобишь автор статьи, последнее время частенько замечаю, что многие современные игры не определяют контроллер (джойстик) самостоятельно, т.е никак не реагируют на него вообще.

Может, конечно, это как-то связано с тем, что девайс староват (хотя моя версия Logitech ‘а еще есть в продаже и на сайте производителя даже заявлена поддержка Windows 10), но судя по информации с форумов, проблема актуальна повсеместно и носит достаточно частый характер.

Сегодня мы поговорим о возможном решении этой ситуации.
Давайте приступим.

Xbox 360 Controller Emulator — для эмуляции любого контроллера и решения проблемы с его определением

Чаще всего проблема связана с библиотекой xinput1_3.dll и в интернете предлагают самые разные решения, вроде переустановки DirectX, скачивания и регистрации библиотеки насильно и много чего еще. Мы всем этим заниматься не будем, т.к нам необходимо решить вполне конкретную проблему и делать мы это будем вполне определенным инструментом.

Само собой, что в рамках этой статьи мы предполагаем, что драйвера для джойстика (контроллера) у Вас скачены и установлены с сайта производителя или с диска, который шел в комплекте.. Либо установлены системой автоматически.

Нам потребуется такое чудо программисткой мысли Xbox 360 Controller Emulator . Кстати эта программа (бесплатная, к слову) не только поможет решить нашу проблему, но и зачастую поможет поиграть с джойстиком там, где поддерживается только контроллер от xbox 360 (а такие игры есть, в частности это касается эмуляторов консоли).

Скачать программу можно с сайта разработчика. Выберите версию для разрядности своей системы (x32 или x64) и скачайте соответствующий дистрибутив как показано на скриншоте выше (во всяком случае он был актуален на момент написания статьи).

Распакуйте архив, допустим, используя 7-zip, в удобное для Вас место. В архиве окажется всего один файл программы. Прежде чем его запустить лучше все отключить джойстик от компьютера, а так же, если не установлен, то установить пакет .NET Framework.

Возможно, что Вы столкнетесь с ошибкой, которая представлена на скриншоте выше (он кликабелен). В нашем случае это нормально и необходимо просто нажать в кнопку » Greate «.

Теперь в папке, куда Вы распаковали программу, у Вас будет три файла, а именно, x360ce.ini , x360ce_x64.exe и xinput1_3.dll . Возможно, что Вы еще раз столкнетесь с ошибкой следующего вида:

Просто проигнорируйте её, нажав в кнопочку » ОК » (чаще всего она не возникает повторно, но мало ли). На этом этапе самое время подключить джойстик в USB -порт (при этом программа-эмулятор Xbox 360 Controller Emulator всё еще должна быть запущена).

Если ничего не происходит, то возможно потребуется понажимать кнопки контроллера и перевоткнуть его еще раз в порт, после чего Вы должны увидеть окно, которое на скриншоте выше.

Рекомендуется оставить всё как есть и нажать в кнопку » Next «, обычно необходимые настройки будут подгружены автоматически о чем будет свидетельствовать соответствующее окно.

После чего нажать в кнопочку » Finish «. Если Вы увидите ошибку как на скриншоте ниже, то нажмите в кнопку » Продолжить «.

Если Вы всё сделали правильно (или наоборот никаких окон автоматически не появлялось и Вы ничего не поняли), то в первой вкладке у Вас должна определится некая раскладка (все эти Button 1, Button 2 и тп):

А по нажатию на кнопку Game Controller (скриншот выше кликабелен) открываться список игровых устройств, где, собственно должен быть джостик в состоянии ОК (он кстати может называться не так как в реальности, но не это главное).

Далее Вам необходимо либо:

  • Оставить всё как есть (что часто срабатывает) и нажать кнопку » Save «, после чего закрыть программу;
  • Либо настроить раскладку, что делается методом изменения значения кнопок.

Во втором случае назначение кнопок, чтобы потом выставить их соответствующим образом, можно узнать, нажимая их на вкладке с названием определившегося джойстика и наблюдая в соответствующие обозначения.

Например на скриншоте выше я зажал одну из клавиш и увидел, что ей назначен седьмой номер, потом перешел на первую вкладку и поставил Button 7 там, где я хочу, чтобы была, скажем, кнопка правого «курка».

Завершив все настройки и нажав в » Save » программу необходимо закрыть, после чего все три полученных файла в папку с игрой, а именно:

  • Либо в то место, где лежит её exe -файл для запуска;
  • Либо в то (это особенно актуально для Steam и игр-портов) место (это может быть папка bin или data в папке с игрой) где уже есть xinput1_3.dll (или его аналог), заменив его новосозданным (старый файл, перед заменой, можете предварительно куда-либо сохранить, на всякий случай).

Возможные вариации файла:

  • xinput1_4.dll;
  • xinput1_3.dll;
  • xinput1_2.dll;
  • xinput1_1.dll;
  • xinput9_1_0.dll.

Т.е, иногда, перед заменой, полученный с помощью эмулятора Xbox 360 Controller Emulator , файл, необходимо (если потребуется замена) переименовать в то имя, которое Вы найдете в папке с игрой (если же не найдете, то положите как есть, т.е просто рядом с exe-шником).

На сим всё, можно запускать и играть.
А мы переходим к послесловию.


Вот такой вот инструмент, который, будем надеяться поможет Вам разобраться с проблемой или эмулировать контроллер, чтобы поиграть на нём в любимую игру.

Как и всегда, если есть какие-то вопросы, мысли, дополнения и всё такое прочее, то добро пожаловать в комментарии к этой записи.


Self-protection Failed. Error code: 4 about eldenringfpsunlockandmore OPEN

  • Widescreen Just wont work HOT 3
  • Green screen after closing game HOT 5
  • [FEATURE] Lock mouse curspor to game screen HOT 1
  • [FEATURE] Use the Tab key to select «Start without EAC»
  • any ideas on how to work with ModEngine together? HOT 2
  • Low frame rate on desktop
  • Game-Play Bug Found: Sellen HOT 1
  • FPS/Widescreen issues after 1.05 patch. HOT 1
  • Self-protection failded. Error code:4 HOT 1
  • 21:9 patcher is broken HOT 1
  • Extreme Stuttering HOT 1
  • Program does nothing on run
  • Could you consider doing a similar mod for DS3?
  • Getting pretty consistent stuttering when having it unlocked above 60fps. HOT 1
  • Missing multiple features with Seamless Multiplayer. HOT 1
  • Game is already running! HOT 1
  • Ultrawide option grayed out?
  • Did the recent update break the exe? HOT 4
  • can’t fps unlock in elden ring version 1.08

Recommend Projects


A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone


The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.


A PHP framework for web artisans

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics


JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.


A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.


Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art

Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org


We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.


Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.


Self-protection Failed. Error code: 4 about eldenringfpsunlockandmore OPEN

  • Widescreen Just wont work HOT 3
  • Green screen after closing game HOT 5
  • [FEATURE] Lock mouse curspor to game screen HOT 1
  • [FEATURE] Use the Tab key to select «Start without EAC»
  • any ideas on how to work with ModEngine together? HOT 2
  • Low frame rate on desktop
  • Game-Play Bug Found: Sellen HOT 1
  • FPS/Widescreen issues after 1.05 patch. HOT 1
  • Self-protection failded. Error code:4 HOT 1
  • 21:9 patcher is broken HOT 1
  • Extreme Stuttering HOT 1
  • Program does nothing on run
  • Could you consider doing a similar mod for DS3?
  • Getting pretty consistent stuttering when having it unlocked above 60fps. HOT 1
  • Missing multiple features with Seamless Multiplayer. HOT 1
  • Game is already running! HOT 1
  • Ultrawide option grayed out?
  • Did the recent update break the exe? HOT 4
  • can’t fps unlock in elden ring version 1.08

Recommend Projects


A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone


The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.


A PHP framework for web artisans

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics


JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.


A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.


Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art

Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org


We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.


Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.




Very Good
Very Bad


If you want HELP with installation, configuration or known problem, please go to FORUMS or search for solution on Google.
If you want to report a new unique problem, please go to — Issues


We don’t censor comments. Write to us if you have any other enquiries:

2023-02-05 20:23 fifa 23


Very Bad
2023-02-04 17:49 ewfwefwefergrtheth



can this work on mac, if not can you make this possible?

2023-01-28 17:49 GataQuadrada


Very Good

Chapter: Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

You need v3(x64) for this to work. Open the app in a random folder, allow it to download the DDL, work your settings, then copy [x360ce.ini] and [xinput1_3.dll] to the game’s folder.

If you use modengine, don’t forget to set the DLL loading order [chainDInput8DLLPath=»xinput1_3.dll»].

2023-01-16 20:56 Spice



Chapter: PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller

the software you linked to is now dead, anyone still have it and can link a download ?

2023-01-04 17:31 Diego Real


Very Good

it would be awesome to have more options to configure the mouse in the thumbs, something like how much the mouse movement will move the thumb, and most importantly, the thumb will go back to the center when the mouse stops moving.

2023-01-03 09:32 JK


Very Bad

Chapter: FIFA 19

not working for FIFA 19, i’ve got ghost clicked using twin gamepad

2022-12-30 20:00 darach



não consigo joga o game do deadpool os analogicos fica ivertidos

2022-12-23 05:14 EVANUS SEBASTIAN


Very Good

ps4 controler is too good

2022-12-15 10:51


Very Bad

my controller work normally in my computer’s settings but does not respond in this program, can’t even set up my buttons.

2022-12-11 15:23 TheDude


Very Bad

Chapter: Scissor vs Mechanical Switches

That’s just, like… your opinion, man.

2022-12-10 09:59 Man with a problem



Chapter: StreetFighterV.exe

Program still doesn’t work with Street Fighter V Champion Edition. There is no way to apply second joypad.

2022-11-26 06:50 Quentin765


Very Good

It would be very cool if this app could be added to «winget» so installation through the windows command line can be very easy!

Overall a wonderful tool! I only have one controller that is completely incompatible with every-game i have. With this tool, not am I now able to use it, I can also use it to play a three player game, with the bad control as one input, the keyboard and another and even the mouse as one.

The reason I make this suggestion is so that more people can use this wonderful piece of software that invaluable to me.

2022-11-25 00:55 deputang ina nyo


Very Bad

why the application is 20-11-16 and it has different from 20-11-15 and i cant config it right

2022-11-14 06:08 Jason underwood


Very Good

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help


Wishing you a wonderful day.

Your blog

x360ce.comhas a few opportunities for guest posts, I noticed. If you are interested in receiving paid content from me, please let me know. We will include a backlink to our site in the article with content related to your site.

Could you please let me know the rate for that type of publication?

If you have any other sites to offer, please send them along with the prices.



2022-11-07 01:08 Ícaro


Very Good

Olá, uso o aplicativo fazem alguns anos e ele é ótimo, recomendo a todos! Sempre consegui resolver 100% dos problemas, as vezes foi necessário mudar o local do executável para alguma pasta mais interna, outras vezes precisei fazer alguma configuração extra, mas nada muito complexo. Desde a última atualização do win 11 venho tendo alguns problemas, espero que possam resolver logo <3

2022-11-06 12:54 FF


Very Bad

Chapter: Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Don’t try it dosnt work

2022-11-03 12:08 OLD VERSION USER


Very Good

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

IS THERE SOME download source for older 4.x version? an older 4.10 version works on my computer but i could not find it anymore

2022-11-03 10:18 Arun


Very Good

Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V


2022-10-26 19:12 Paulo



Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

WTF did you mean to running the emulator «as administrator»?!? I need a DIRECT way to uninstall this stupid emulator, not a goddamn riddle!

2022-10-21 23:38 ThatGuyQbic


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

When I Do An Input With My Wheel,It Doent Save And When I Play My Game It Doent Work (32 bit version)

2022-10-12 13:51 Anonym


Very Bad

I open the application 2 second crash in v4 why?? Can solved??

2022-10-10 21:42 Teo


Very Good

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

I set it up in a matter of minutes. Any donation account?

2022-09-30 20:28 literally messed up every controller i own


Very Bad

Now for some reason my PC thinks every controller input is a keyboard stroke. Just wanted to play Dead Rising 2 with a controller and now I cant remove this. Cant fix it. Thanks. No help anywhere. DO NOT INSTALL THIS.

2022-09-29 02:36 vypy


Very Bad

Chapter: Steering

I tried to connect my g923 but it not worked.

2022-09-20 02:05 Doesn’t work for guitar hero anymore


Very Bad

Version 3 doesn’t work on modern systems because it doesn’t detect controllers, and version 4 isn’t capable of changing the controller type to guitarAlternate, meaning you can’t use this on older guitar hero games anymore

2022-09-14 18:46 Miguel


Very Bad

the 4.17.15 version autocloses each time i plugged my usb 2.0 noga net joystick in. is u

it my joystick? old versions at least didn’t do that

2022-09-14 15:02 Why


Very Bad

Chapter: Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Doesn’t work with any old controlers don’t even try

2022-09-12 17:17 a tester



v4 need a performance update for windows 11

when i install x360ce driver windows 11 go slow down and Regiment most time

2022-09-07 10:15 Eric Pan



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

Frankly,the update sucks

2022-09-01 13:12 abdulrahman


Very Bad

the worest program ever i hope any one answer this program had destroyed my controllers i bought it yester day and what happend its now destroyed

2022-08-31 22:40 Abdelrahman Tarek


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

the 64 bit version dont want to work for me it says that i need net frame v4 but i already got it cuz i have win 10 installed so i checked the features in the control panel and net frame was working properly so i dont know what to do i loved this thing and i need it to work so please help me!

2022-08-29 22:52 LMO



¿Alguien pudo hacer funcionar el emulador en el juego cult of the lamb?

2022-08-19 16:00 LMT


Very Good

tại sao tui ko có button 8 trở lên v, tui đã làm nhiều cách nhưng cũng ko có button 9,10,11,12…

các điều chỉnh khác cũng vậy nó chỉ đến 8

2022-08-14 23:15 Miguel



Why is the program closing everytime I connect my controller? Isnt that totally against emulation purpose?

2022-08-14 13:01 Phillip



Hello can someone help me with this problem.

When I open the application with the controller attached, the application just crashes. And when I enter the x360ce application without the controller attached, it works perfectly normally. What should I do to fix this problem?

2022-08-07 07:16 YGRITE



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

first it’s work in sekiro shadow die twice but when i intall mod the soft ware didn’t work

it said: Fatal Error: Could not detect game. Make sure you are using one of the supported games and that your exe is not renamed.

2022-08-03 13:50 forgotten


Very Good

i really enjoyed austrian mode on the site

2022-08-01 17:26 berkan



fifa 19 double input issue. Please help

2022-07-31 11:26 suly


Very Bad

always stop working during any game and i have to restart it over and over

2022-07-30 13:58 gsx96


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

Used to work. Now the damn thing works inside its own app and nowhere else. What ever you did, congrats. Turned a perfectly good piece of software into a hunk of useless time vampire dogshit.

2022-07-23 17:56 D3bs38


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

worst emulator ever, when you have steamgrid this is just useless lol

2022-07-23 15:39 elias


Very Good
2022-07-21 21:09 Olá



eu tenho um controle original de xbox 360 com fio

e ele trava usando no win 11 … vc teria uma dica pra e ajudar obrigado

2022-07-20 19:50 SQUARE FAN




I want to talk about a problem with x360ce emuator. When I open the emulator for the new game it says that needs to crear xinput1_3.dll file. But this file not always works, for some games it needs to be rename. For example, for Nier Automata, it needs to be renamed to xinput1_4.dll and for FFXV or Nier Replicant it needs to be renamed to xinput9_1_0.dll. It has been a trouble to find this solution. I think the emulator should generate the correct name for this .dll. BTW thanks you for all your work.

2022-07-14 20:43 david babic



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

ur program have problem now and then it doesent recognise like right analog exists…when i turn off analog by the middle button it recognize it like im touching buttons so its not something with my controller … tryed on 2 controllers and still not working .. BAD SOFTWARE

2022-06-28 21:40 Me


Very Good
2022-06-25 17:13 TONY


Very Good
2022-06-20 19:44 mikun



Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V

i don’t know if anyone has the same issue but i am using s ucom pad and my 1 and 4 buttons aren’t working on my gta v but they work on other games i don’t know what the issue is but i need help pls i would greatly appreciate it

2022-06-15 22:43 Leprechaun


Very Good

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

A fairly new game «Soda Crisis» did not work, the new version of the emulator did not work, installed the old one of 2018, launched it from the game folder and cloned the xinput1_1 file, changing the numbers, as indicated in the example and it all worked!) Thank you

2022-06-10 16:05 Rickolu



Hi. So my PC detects my controllers in ‘Devices and Printers’ menu but when I right click -> game controller configuration, the window that pops up (‘Game Devices’) is empty. I thought this was cause I needed to map that controller with some program like DS4Windows or x360ce but those programs don’t even start/crate a controller profile cause they don’t even detect it. Any help? Thanks. (This happens with ALL kinds of controllers, from PS2 adapters, to PS3 and PS4)

2022-06-07 17:49 Lucas


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

I open x360ce for all games with the controller adapter for ps2 and it closes by itself

2022-05-22 12:36 OSH


Very Good

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

Any chance for Linux version?

2022-05-08 22:40 mo7med


Very Good

Chapter: Blur.exe

How do I get a blur game to play with shields

2022-05-08 05:22 nobody12331


Very Bad
2022-04-25 22:20 wow


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

my keyboard does not work. thx. very useless

2022-04-24 20:42 Very upset


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

Many familiar features are missing, I have to use this version but it sucks. The old version I WANT to use but it gives me an error that prevents it from reading literally any controllers.

There needs to be a manual or something for this program. It’s too screwy right now.

2022-04-20 02:41 GamesFile



I couldn’t make it work with the following games


SaGa Frontier

2022-04-03 12:17 Виктор


Very Good

Chapter: Steering

Hello. My Logitech G923 is not supported in this program. This is really missing! When can I wait for the addition of support for my steering wheel?e

2022-04-02 23:21 Gustavo



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

I formatted my PC yesterday and today downloaded the Emulator again, but it does not open at all. Does anyone know what that could be? What files are he missing from opening? And yes I’ve already installed DLL xinput, Visual C+++, Net Framework, DirectX. But he still doesn’t want to open it. I’m even giving up trying to make it work.

2022-03-29 14:50 urazyjazzy


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

it crashes to desktop after 2 seconds

2022-03-13 17:59 Rafael Nunes de Sousa



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

Erro PAD0, não faço ideia de como resolver, só encontro vídeos e soluções em inglês.

2022-03-13 13:25 fuck this


Very Bad

the app keeps crashing all of fucking cunts

2022-03-07 02:15 EK



Please add the ability to increase/decrease overall sensitivity across an axis’ entire range.

For example, my Thrustmaster T150 wheel has tu turn twice as far as the ingame wheel in GTA5. I cannot increase the sensitivity such that the output values reach 0 and 65535 when the steering wheel is at 90 degrees wither way. I still must turn it 180 no matter what.

2022-03-04 14:37 Morftiz



I need help with my controler. i follow every single tutorials on this forum,app help and youtube tutorial.but i still can use my cotroler because its says «System.Componentmodel.Win32Exeptions(0x80004005)»and i dont know what its mean

2022-03-01 08:10 VictorMan74


Very Good

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

I use x360ce x32 and x360ce x64 for some games to convert mi G29 in one xBox Controller for this games.

So far everything is correct.

But I found two games where neither works for me.

I decided to use x360ce (ALL) for these games and SURPRISE!!!

My G29 has now changed settings.

Until then the accelerator and brake were recognized by all programs (MAME, Joy2Key, PC Games…) as Left Stick Up and Down.

After running x360ce this has changed and now the pedals on my G29 are Z axis + and -.

Not just for x360ce where that is precisely what I want.

have switched to Z axis for all programs whether x360ce is running or not.

I have searched everywhere in the WIndows registry without finding bada from x360ce, Jocys, Toca or Vig Em Bus, I have uninstalled VigEm Bus, uninstalled LG Hub and cleaned everything related to LG HUB from the windows registry and its remains in folders such as AppData or Programdata.

There is no way, I can’t get my G29 to return to its previous state, the pedals have already been left as a Z axis and there is no way to change it.

Now the clutch is the one who makes the Left Stick Up and Down.

Does anyone know what could be causing it and how to fix it.

There are many systems that I already have configured with the initial configuration of the steering wheel.

I have not been able to reproduce this problem on another PC with another G29.

There it maintains the factory configuration and in device type it recognizes it as «Driving» while in my PC it puts type «Joystick» and has changed the configuration.

2022-02-24 11:33 Серега Рулит



Что за бред я написал ниже, я не так писал, там все не так. Регулировку чувствительности сделайте стикам.

2022-02-24 11:30 Серега Рулит



Программа лучшая что я встречал, но есть недостаток, который я очень советую автору поправить. Использую для руления мышью. Проблема в том что игр много, а программа одна. Нет возможности эксплуатировать программу на dpi мыши в 1000. То есть программа не имеет регулировок джойстиков по чувствительностям, есть только мертвые зоны и сглаживание. Это меня сильно бесит. Я люблю чувствительность мыши в 1000 dpi, я не хочу играть на 600 dpi, я хочу играть на 1000. А эта программа заставляет меня играть на 600 dpi и я не чего не могу с этим поделать. Это плохо. Регулировки чувствительности стиков этой программы равнодушны даже к системным стандартным настройкам мыши, когда там я ставлю 3 тию палочку в виндовс, то программа не уменьшает чувствительность стика, это очень плохо, это буквально провал в настройках. Я не могу регулировать чувствительность стика при использовании мыши, исправите это пожалуйста. Я использую эту программу только для мыши, мне нужно регулировать чувствительность. У меня в мыши 16 000 dpi, а я обязан пользоваться 600 dpi только потому что эта программа ограничивает меня этим.

2022-02-17 01:04 Jeshu


Very Good

Hi, I’m from Chile. I love this program for windows, but I would like to know if you could do something like this for Android. The entire community would greatly appreciate it. We would even pay or have a free version with advertising. The truth would be revolutionary to have something like this on Android.

2022-02-12 15:25 Naruto


2022-02-10 12:20 Hello



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

d-pad works fine but ABXY buttons don’t work at all.

2022-02-07 15:20 Dhia


Very Bad

hello my controller work on x360ce but not in game any help

2022-02-05 15:38 junaid



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help x360 controller emulator has stopped working

2022-01-31 06:19 Lone Falcon



Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

does it work on modern warfare 3?

2022-01-26 06:27 CivilJow56


Very Bad

I am so pissed that x360ce doesn’t work with my PS4 controller and I cannot use it for Sekiro.

2022-01-25 01:51 Xbox 360 controller



This doesn’t work with nsuns 2 for some reason and it says I’m connected but as soon as the game launches it disconnects

2022-01-16 15:52 Ard


Very Good

Thans for this great app.

Works realy great in GTA V with a FPV mod.

Super! Keep up the good work.


2021-12-31 14:38 nnarbo




2021-12-29 14:16 me


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

dogshit update. if it ain’t broke don’t fix. fucking cocksuckers.

2021-12-27 23:18 Scuff controller guy


Very Good

Chapter: XBOX One For Windows

I’m trying to connect an Xbox series x scuf to play warzone. The game won’t recognize the controller plugged in to usb so I tried to use this emulator but when I get in game to play everything works except I can’t ADS(aim) and shoot at the same time. If I pushed them together to it basically cancels both buttons out as if I didn’t press anything. What binds should I have for Left and Right Trigger on an Xbox One scuf controller?

2021-12-20 12:58 Gta v


Very Good

Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V

Please give me GTA v game please

2021-12-20 12:57 Gta v


Very Good

Chapter: Grand Theft Auto V

Very good app

2021-12-14 12:02 Bluestacks user



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

Why does my controller overtake the mouse cursor instead of controlling the analog stick in bluestacks?

2021-12-10 13:15 Velile



The x360ce doesn’t work with cobra kai:the legendary saga continues and also on Forza Horizon 5…PLEASE HELP

2021-12-08 14:25 Ned



The new version disables my mouse. Any fix?

2021-11-28 08:40 Felix


Very Bad

This program is a fucking virus, not only does it not work as it is seemingly over complicated to do a simple thing. But after trying everything, giving up and deleting it all including my old game. It seems to have messed with the controls on all my other games. Worst program I have ever tried to use holy shit

2021-11-25 03:51 Nostimeu



Chapter: Version 3.x Download & Help

I’ve been using x360ce on my computer for a while and it was great. However, as of the last update it became unusable due to lag on the controller. I don’t know why this is happening, the control spends a period working normally, and suddenly it crashes, resolve this please

2021-11-08 23:52 Annom




2021-11-07 13:02 LN


Very Good

Chapter: FIFA 19

This game is pretty awesome. But x360ce doesn’t support it properly.

2021-10-29 23:16 nemky



please its not austrian version but australian :D

2021-10-22 20:04 vh



im getting double input on fifa 21

2021-10-21 19:08 Venom


Very Good

I was able to use a ps2 controller on all my games and apps with this! Thank you so much!

2021-10-21 13:30 Naruto




Narito shipuden

2021-10-14 03:41 campcreekdude


Very Bad

Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

Doesn’t work old version is better.

2021-10-10 20:28 Heitor


Very Bad
2021-10-05 14:30 Trucker-Fee



Hello dear team of

I use your program for GTA 5 and FiveM on a server.

I had no problems before on RageMP, but since I switched to FiveM I often have to uncheck Enable 1 Mapped Device to get into vehicles.

Is it the program or the server?

Can you help me with this problem?

Because the management of the server where I am, unfortunately do not know what exactly it is.



2021-10-04 00:06 muy bueno


Very Good

exelente funcionando a tope espero puedan seguir actualizando

2021-09-16 02:41 CC


Very Good

The Australian version… haha!

2021-09-06 00:18 Soda



Chapter: Version 4.x Download & Help

Hello, i have been facing an issue with knockout city from EA Destop app, my generic controller is working just fine with x360ce, except that i cant move my camera in the Y axis, is there a way we can fix it?

2021-09-01 13:51 Just Me


Very Good

Hi, not Austrian but Australian version .. ;)


Australia and Austria

2021-08-20 00:12 Phil Dawson


Very Good

Oz user here thank you for the Australian text button made it much easier to read.

˙pɐǝɹ oʇ ɹǝısɐǝ ɥɔnɯ ʇı ǝpɐɯ uoʇʇnq ʇxǝʇ uɐıןɐɹʇsn∀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ noʎ ʞuɐɥʇ ǝɹǝɥ ɹǝsn zO

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  • Devil_

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1 year 7 months ago

1 year 7 months ago #1
by Devil_

Self-protection error: 4 at start reshade was created by Devil_

Hello I downloaded reshade today except when I run it an error message appears. The error message is Self-Protection Failed Error: 4.Thank you for your help.

Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by Devil_.

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  • geebus


7 months 3 weeks ago #2
by geebus

Replied by geebus on topic Self-protection error: 4 at start reshade

did you found a fix, im having the same issue

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3 weeks 5 days ago #3

Replied by on topic Self-protection error: 4 at start reshade

move reshade setup from downloads to another folder

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