Sentinel rms development kit error 93 the given license code is already added

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Article Number:000003329

Last Updated:1/28/2019 2:58 PM

SDL Trados Studio 2015, 2017, 2019

When activating offline a single user license for Trados 2017 the following error messages are displayed:

«Offline activation failed. 
No license type found.»
User-added image

«Offline activation failed. 
Error[93]: The given license code is already added to the «no-net» license server. :VLSaddFeatureToFile 
Exception of type 
‘SentinelRMSCore.RMSException.RMSLicenseCoreException’ was thrown.»

User-added image

 Delete *.lic file

  1. Close SDL Trados Studio / Activation dialog.
  2. Browse to the folder:
    • for Studio 2015: C:ProgramDataSDLSDL Trados StudioStudio4Data
    • for Studio 2017: C:ProgramDataSDLSDL Trados StudioStudio5Data
    • for Studio 2019: C:ProgramDataSDLSDL Trados StudioStudio15Data
  3. Rename or delete file Studio.lic
  4. Start Studio and do a offline activation.

Do you still require help?

If this article has not solved your issue or if you require assistance, contact the SDL Support Team:

  • For customers holding a support contract:
    1. Log in to the SDL Gateway with your SDL Account.
    2. Click on the blue Log a Case button.
      Note: For detailed instructions, refer to the video tutorial.
  • For customers without a support contract: request support through our Web Form for TP Licensing & Installation Issues on

Corrupt License file because of previous Studio installed on computer.

Sentinel rms development kit error 93 the given license code is already added

Год выпуска: 2009
Платформа: Windows XP Vista (32&64 bit )
Совместимость с Vista: да
Язык интерфейса: английский
Описание: ОбычныйTopSolid 2009 был разработан, чтобы определенно снабдить решения для наших потребностей клиентов. Это новое разъединение 2009 предлагает новые особенности проекта и производящий в машиностроении, создании инструмента и лесной промышленности.
Выдающиеся Способности Проекта
TopSolid’Design — полностью интегрированное и ассоциативное программное обеспечение CАМ, позволяющее оператору составлять проект и проектировать продукты более эффективно. Обнаружьте главные усовершенствования 2009 версии, среди многих новых функций, которые должна предложить эта версия.
Превосходная CAD/CAM для производителей пресформы
Полностью интегрированный модуль CАМ, TopSolid’Mold разработан, чтобы встретить узкоспециализированные потребности производителей формы и специалистов по матрице & инструмента. TopSolid’Mold 2009 предлагает много новых функций, чтобы закончить цифровую цепь процесса для производителей формы.
Превосходная CAD/CAM для Слесарей-инструментальщик
В дополнение к слиянию всего того стандарта функций к TopSolid TopSolid’Progress позволяет успешное запирание части листового металла и проект ленты в половину времени, необходимого стандартным программным обеспечением CАМ. Обнаружьте главные усовершенствования 2009 версии, среди многих новых функций, которые должна предложить эта версия.
Интегрированный CAM в своих лучших проявлениях
Одна из самых больших сил TopSolid’Cam’s — своя емкость, чтобы управлять всеми процессами механической обработки таким образом создание этого одно из единственных CAM решений на рынке, который квалифицирован на машину все части, предлагая самые соответствующие процессы механической обработки. TopSolid’Cam 2009 предлагает много новых функций, чтобы позволить компаниям понизить времена механической обработки, качество продукта увеличения и понизить затраты инструмента.
Интегрированная CAD/CAM для Лесной промышленности
Благодаря его непрерывному развитию TopSolid’Wood стал проводником в проекте и производственном программном обеспечении для лесной промышленности. TopSolid’Wood 2009 и 2009 TopSolid’WoodCam предлагают не только увеличенную производительность в проекте и производстве но также и устраняют все препятствия коммуникации между исследованием и производственными отделами.

Windows XP SP3, Vista Ultimate и в настоящем Windows 7. Я не имел такие проблемы. Тоже скачал из офсайт. Попробуйте етот патч для версия 2009 —

Все мои Виндосы английские. Я устанавливал через ДВД — не юзал емюлатор.

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Я буду рад пообщаться — на офсайт можно писать только лицензированными пользователи.

———- Добавлено в 15:57 ———- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 15:37 ———-

dedovich, создайте, пожалуйста, ролик о построении простой полки из ламинированного ДСП (четыре детали + задняя стенка в паз).
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[Закрыто] Проблемы с менеджером лицензий и Расшифровка Кодов ошибок

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Сообщения 1

#1 Тема от Елена Кузнецова 16 января 2009 13:54:41

  • Елена Кузнецова
  • Участник
  • Неактивен
  • На форуме с 2 декабря 2008
  • Сообщений: 97

Тема: Проблемы с менеджером лицензий и Расшифровка Кодов ошибок

Если у вас возникли проблемы с менеджером лицензий, пожалуйста используйте следующую последовательность действий.

Внимательно прочитайте сообщение менеджера лицензий. Возможно у вас просто исчерпан лимит подключений или нет связи с сервером лицензий CSoft Development.

Если сообщение отсутствует, но есть код ошибки, поищите его среди приложенных ниже описаний. Возможно это подскажет вам путь решения проблемы.

Внимательно просмотрите лог файл менеджера лицензий, там содержится подробная информация о ходе его работы. По умолчанию лог файл находится в файле C:Program FilesCSoftCS License Serverflex.log или C:Program Files (x86)CSoftCS License Serverflex.log для x64 ОС.

Если выше перечисленные шаги не помогли разобраться вам самостоятельно, отправьте запрос с подробным описание ошибки на адрес не забыв приложить лог файл и файл лицензий.

С уважением, служба технической поддержки TechnologiCS.

Коды ошибок менеджера лицензий

Errors marked with an ‘*’ indicates errors which should not appear in shipping software. These are errors intended to help the programmer incorporate FLEXlm in their product, and should be fixed before shipping.
Errors marked with ‘+’ indicate errors due to an operating system failure.

Error Description

-1 Cannot find license file
-2 Invalid license file syntax
-3 No server for this feature
-4 Licensed number of users already reached
-5 No such feature exists
-6 No port number in license file and FLEXlm service does not exist [pre-v6only]
-7 No socket connection to license manager server
-8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key.
The license-key and data for the feature do no match.
This usually happens when a license file has been altered
-9 Invalid host.
The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
specified in the license file
-10 Feature has expired
-11 Invalid date format in license file
-12 Invalid returned data from license server
-13 No SERVER lines in license file
-14 Cannot find SERVER hostname in network database.
The lookup for the hostname on the SERVER line in the
license file failed. This often happens when NIS or DNS
or the hosts file is incorrect. Workaround: Use IP-Address
(e.g., 123.456.789.123) instead of hostname
-15 Cannot connect to license server.
The server (lmgrd) has not been started yet, or
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
-16 Cannot read data from license server
-17 Cannot write data to license server
-18 License server does not support this feature
-19 Error in select system call
-20 [Obsolete]
-21 License file does not support this version
-22 Feature checkin failure detected at license server
-23 License server temporarily busy (new server connecting)
-24 Users are queued for this feature
-25 License server does not support this version of this feature
-26 Request for more licenses than this feature supports
-27 [Obsolete]
-28 [Obsolete]
-29 Cannot find ethernet device
-30 Cannot read license file
-31 Feature start date is in the future
-32 No such attribute
-33 Bad encryption handshake with daemon
-34 Clock difference too large between client and server
-35 In the queue for this feature
-36 Feature database corrupted in daemon
-37 Duplicate selection mismatch for this feature
-38 User/host on EXCLUDE list for feature
-39 User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature
-40 Cannot allocate dynamic memory
-41 Feature was never checked out
-42 Invalid parameter
-43 *No FLEXlm key data supplied in initializing call
-44 *Invalid FLEXlm key data supplied
-45 *FLEXlm function not available in this version
-46 [Obsolete]
-47 Clock setting check not available in daemon
-48 *FLEXlm platform not enabled
-49 *Date invalid for binary format
-50 *FLEXlm key data has expired
-51 *FLEXlm not initialized
-52 FLEXlm vendor daemon did not respond within timeout interval
-53 Checkout request rejected by vendor-defined checkout filter
-54 No FEATURESET line in license file
-55 Incorrect FEATURESET line in license file
-56 Cannot compute FEATURESET data from license file
-57 +socket() call failed
-58 [Obsolete]
-59 Message checksum failure
-60 Server message checksum failure
-61 Cannot read license file data from server
-62 Network software (tcp/ip) not available
-63 You are not a license administrator
-64 lmremove request before the minimum lmremove interval
-65 *Unknown VENDORCODE struct type passed to lm_init()
-66 *FLEXlm include file/library version mismatch
-67 [Obsolete]
-68 [Obsolete]
-69 [Obsolete]
-70 [Obsolete]
-71 Invalid TZ environment variable
-72 *Old VENDORCODE (3-word) struct type passed to lm_init()
-73 Local checkout filter rejected request
-74 Attempt to read beyond end of license file path
-75 +SYS$SETIMR call failed (VMS)
-76 Internal FLEXlm Error — Please report to Globetrotter Software
-77 Bad version number — must be floating point number, with no letters
-78 *FLEXadmin API functions not available
-79 FLEXlm internal error -79
-80 FLEXlm internal error -80
-81 FLEXlm internal error -81
-82 Invalid PACKAGE line in license file
-83 FLEXlm version of client newer than server
-84 USER_BASED license has no specified users — see server log
-85 License server doesn’t support this request
-86 License object already in use (Java only)
-87 Checkout exceeds MAX specified in options file
-88 System clock has been set back
-89 This platform not authorized by license
-90 Future license file format or misspelling in license file.
The file was issued for a later version of FLEXlm than this
program understands.
-91 ENCRYPTION_SEEDs are non-unique
-92 feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid
-93 This feature is available in a different license pool.
This is a warning condition. The server has pooled one or more
INCREMENT lines into a single pool, and the request was made on
an INCREMENT line that has been pooled.
-94 Attempt to generate license with incompatible attributes
-95 Network connect to THIS_HOST failed.
The license file indicates THIS_HOST, and the server is
not running on this host. If it’s running on a different host,
THIS_HOST should be changed to the correct host.
-96 Server node is down or not responding.
See the system administrator about starting the server, or make
sure the you’re referring to the right host (see LM_LICENSE_FILE).
-97 The desired vendor daemon is down.
1) Check the lmgrd log file, or 2) Try lmreread.
-98 This FEATURE line can’t be converted to decimal format
-99 The decimal format license is typed incorrectly
-100 Cannot remove a linger license
-101 All licenses are reserved for others.

The system administrator has reserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in the options file. The server must be restarted for options file changes to take effect.


Sentinel Error Codes

This section describes important Sentinel error codes, their meaning, and possible remediation actions. There are several other documents on the Stromasys web-page dealing with specific Sentinel error codes in more detail (see Resources).

Common HASP error codes

The following table provides an overview of HASP error codes commonly seen in a Charon environment and their meaning.

A complete list with Sentinel License API status codes can also be found on the Sentinel web page under Sentinel Licensing API Status Codes.


Too many open sessions.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

» Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (4).

Warning! Program running on a terminal server, license access might be limited!»

This error occurs when trying to create a .c2v file via a remote connection.

Possible workaround on Windows: See How to read a HASP key over RDP on Windows.

Possible workaround on Linux: Run the command via ssh to localhost, for example:

ssh localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view -c2v


Sentinel protection key not available.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

«Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (7).»

Connect the license dongle or install a software license.

Due to a software bug, this error can also occur when the license is connected. Please refer to Charon-AXP and Charon-VAX license not found error for a detailed description and a workaround.


Sentinel protection key with the specified key ID not found.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

«Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (50).»

Connect the license dongle with the correct key ID or correct the parameter specifying the key ID. 19 HASP_INV_UPDATE_DATA
Required XML tags not found, or
contents in binary data are missing or invalid
If this error occurs when trying to apply a V2C file to a system, the most likely cause is a corruption of the V2C file content. For example, an XML tag may be invalid. In some cases it is possible to edit the V2C file and fix the problem. Please refer to Unable to apply license file, V2C file data is invalid for more details. 27


Program running on a terminal server.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (27).
Warning! Program running on a terminal server, license access might be limited!

The Sentinel key content cannot be displayed when connected via a remote connection.

Possible workaround on Windows: See How to read a HASP key over RDP on Windows.

Possible workaround on Linux: Run the command via ssh to localhost, for example:

ssh localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view


Requested Feature not found

In addition to a required feature missing on the key, this error can also occur if proper connection to the key is lost. Removing and reinserting solves the problem in this case. A solution without removing the dongle is described in Charon for Linux — Detected removal of the license whereas dongle is connected.


Communication error between API and local Sentinel License Manager

This error code indicates that the Sentinel license manager software is not running.


Too many users are currently connected. This error occurs, when more than the allowed number of license clients try to connect to a license (typically a network license).

  • Define the correct license key to use in the emulator configuration. This should work in most cases. As this is different for different products, please refer to the user’s guide of your product.
  • If the above does not work for some reason, block access to the license for unauthorized license clients (via Sentinel ACC or firewall entries).



Session was interrupted.

This can occur when certain updates are applied to the license while a session is active. For example:

  • A Feature required by the session was deleted.
  • The license was canceled.
  • The network (remote license) support setting for a required Feature was changed. (In this case, all sessions will be interrupted, including local sessions.)

This may also indicate that the protection key is not available.


The Sentinel License Manager version is too old.

There is a version mismatch. Check if your Sentinel Runtime version is the correct one for your Charon product. In case of questions, contact your VAR or your Stromasys representative for guidance. 43


For a Sentinel SL key, an input/output error occurred in the secure storage area.
For a Sentinel HL key, a USB communication error occurred.

For a hardware dongle, verify the USB connection. If the USB port works and the aksusbd is running, consider a possible failure of the dongle.

For a software license, this very likely indicates a software license problem caused by a change on the host system. You can try to revert any changes, but this will not necessarily make the license operational again (see Software Licensing restrictions).


Unable to find Vendor library.

If this error occurs when you try to install a software license with the Sentinel Admin Control Center, refer to the following document for a possible workaround: HASP_NO_VLIB error 48 message when installing a software license. 50


Unable to locate any Feature matching scope.

This error can occur when you have specified a license key id in the configuration file and this license key cannot be read (unplugged)

Configuration file example:

set session license_key_id[0]=367006676

set session license_key_id[1]=1619329274

Log file example:

20151210:161139:INFO :0:000003BB:ll_sentine( 736): Looking for regular license key 367006676 .

20151210:161139:ERROR:2:000003E8:ll_sentine( 379): Sentinel HASP RunTime Error 50.

20151210:161139:INFO :0:000003BC:ll_sentine( 736): Looking for backup license key 1619329274 .

Possible solutions:

  • Reconnect the missing license
  • Update the configuration file by either removing the faulty license key id (in the case above, id 367006676 ) or by updating with the new one (this requires Charon to be restarted)



Trying to install a V2C (vendor to customer) file with an update counter that is out of sequence with the update counter on the Sentinel protection key. The update counter value in the V2C file is lower than the value in Sentinel protection key.

Apply all other license key updates, even if they have expired, then attempt to reapply the failed update. If this still does not resolve the problem, contact Stromasys Orders Administration with a new C2V (customer to vendor) file. 55


Trying to install a V2C file with an update counter that is out of sequence with update counter in the Sentinel protection key.

The first value in the V2C file is greater than the value in the Sentinel protection key.

Apply the V2C files in the correct sequence or request an update which disregards the unapplied update. See also Sentinel Admin Control Center — Attach/Update errors. 64


Cloned Sentinel SL storage was detected. Feature is unavailable.

Indicates that the system on which the fingerprint was created was changed in a way that affects the validity of the license (e.g., cloning a VM).

For more, see:


The message indicates you are trying to update the license with a V2C file that has already been applied, either the V2C format file ( _fmt ) or the update file.

Check the current applied license or request for new V2C files. See also License Update Service utility reports «update was already installed». 78


A secure storage ID mismatch occurred. If a software license is used, this error can occur if host system hardware characteristics are changed.

To avoid the problem, do not change any hardware characteristics of a host system when using software licenses. If the error occurs, try to revert any changes. However, this may not solve the problem. In this case, contact your partner or Stromasys support. 84


An HL key is being shared between several systems. When this error occurs, a «sharing violation» message is also displayed on the relevant page in Admin Control Center.



I am attempting to license my SPSS product either via the License Authorization Wizard (for single and site license installations) or via the Sentinel License Manager (for network license installations.) When I enter my authorization code/license code, I encounter one of the following errors:

Error Code: 30019

The License Code that you entered is not valid. Please enter a License Code from SPSS. Possibly you entered the Authorization Code that came with your product. If you did, click Back and use your Authorization Code to get a license from SPSS via the Internet, Telephone, or E-mail.

Sentinel LM: Error[93]: Failed to add license code
License already added on host «no-net».

Resolving The Problem

There are two possiblities for this error:

1. You to not have write permissions to create or modify the license file (called lservrc, located in the root, bin or licensing directories of your SPSS prodcuts installation directory or in the Sentinel License Manager’s WinNt directory.) Please log in as a local administrator and ensure you have write permission to the lservrc file and/ or the directory the lservrc file should be located in. After correcting the permisions, please attempt to re-license.

2. If you continue to license SPSS prodcut with the same authorization code, this error will some times appear. Edit the license files (called lservrc.) Verify this license file does have a license added. Try to launch your SPSS product client and see if you can launch the product without error.

Note: If running Window Vista, please ensure that you start the License Authorization Wizard, by right-clicking the shortcut and choosing «Run as administrator».

Related Information

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SSLVMB»,»label»:»IBM SPSS Statistics»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU059″,»label»:»IBM Software w/o TPS»},»Component»:»Not Applicable»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF033″,»label»:»Windows»}],»Version»:»Not Applicable»,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB10″,»label»:»Data and AI»}}]

This troubleshooting guide
will help you identify and resolve problems you may encounter while attempting
to authorize your Freedom Scientific product using Internet License Manager
(ILM). Here you can find a list of error messages that you may encounter when
using ILM-based products developed by Freedom Scientific. These error messages
are applicable to all Freedom Scientific products that use Internet License
Manager for authorization.

Tip: Freedom
Scientific maintains a database of technical support notices (TSNs) and frequently
asked questions (FAQs) that can help address these and other problems you may
be experiencing with ILM authorization. If you cannot find information about
your problem in this guide, refer to the Freedom
Scientific Support page, where you can look up articles specific to certain
products and issues.

What Type of License Do
You Own?

The first step in determining
your problem is to determine what type of software license you are using: single-user,
non-network multi-user, or network multi-user. A single-user license allows
you to run your software on a single computer. Multi-user licenses allow you
to run the software on a number of computers. Non-network multi-user licenses
are useful if the computers are not connected to a network and do not require
a license server. Network multi-user licenses require that you set up a license
server on a computer on the same network as the other computers where the software
will be used.

When does the Error Occur?

After you determine what
type of license you have, select a link below that corresponds to when you received
the error:

  • When
    activating your license
  • When starting
    or using the program
  • Other errors
    and problems

When Activating Your License

Choose the link that best
matches the error message you are receiving:

  • Error:
    «There is an error with your Internet connection. Please make sure you
    have established a connection before continuing…»
  • Error:
    “Access violation at address …”
  • Error:
    “The Authorization number specified is no longer active”
  • Error
    52037 (INET_ERROR_12037)
  • Error
  • Error
  • Error
  • Error
    93 «Failed to add license code [License Information] to the License Server
    on host ‘Unknown.’ License already added on host ‘Unknown'»
  • Error
  • Error
  • Error
    19 or Error 30019 «Failed to Add a License»
  • Error
    [3]: Unknown Server Host «Unknown»
  • Error

«There is an error with your Internet connection. Please make sure you
have established a connection before continuing…»

This error means there
was a problem with your Internet connection. Check to make sure that the computer
is able to access the Internet. If the connection is operational, the error
may be caused by another connection test performed during activation. Before
attempting to activate your license, a connection test is performed by pinging If the test fails for any reason, the error displays.

Check to make sure that
the computer can successfully ping If the server is within
a company firewall or router, there may be restrictions on pinging servers outside
the company network. Temporarily disable the firewall or router or reconfigure
it to allow communication with servers outside the network.

The following technical
support notices also address the problem of firewalls:

Firewall prevents a client computer from retrieving a license from the license

isn’t speaking at install or startup. Firewall applications may interfere with
using JAWS

Firewall application may interfere with using JAWS

“Access violation at address …”

This error is not associated
with anything specific. Please contact Freedom Scientific Technical Support.

“The Authorization number specified is no longer active”

This error indicates that
your Authorization number has been disabled for some reason. Contact Customer
Service at (727) 803-8015 to resolve this issue.

52037 (INET_ERROR_12037)

This error means the current
computer’s date is not within the date range that allows the Internet
security certificate on the Sentinel Express server to be valid. This certificate
is renewed on an annual basis so the date range always encompasses a year. For
example, 5/3/2004 to 5/4/2005. Check the date on the computer. The system date
must be the current date.

If the date is not correct,
do the following:

  1. Open the Windows Control
  2. Select «Date and
    Time» and press ENTER.
  3. Select the current month,
    year, and date.
  4. Choose the OK button
    to apply your changes.


This error can display
for a number of different reasons. First, check the Authorization number that
you entered. It should be 20 hexadecimal characters with no spaces. Make sure
there are also no spaces at the beginning and the end of the number. Correct
the number and then retry the activation process.

This error may also display
if you receive the error: “There is an error with your Internet connection.
Please make sure you have established a connection before continuing …”
and choose the Cancel button. If this is the case, ignore the error and refer
to the following error description.

This error may also display
if you cancel your product registration. If this is the case, ignore the error.

If none of the above resolves
the problem, the SentinelExpress license server that provides you with your
Activation License code may be temporarily unavailable. Try again at a later
time or contact Technical Support.

If none of the above resolve
the problem, the following is a list of other reasons this error may occur:

  • You do not have an active
    Internet connection. Check your network or modem cables and verify that your
    Internet service provider (ISP) is available.
  • Your e-mail client (such
    as Outlook or Outlook Express) is not active.
  • A software firewall is
    blocking the activation.
  • Freedom Scientific’s
    SentinelExpress license server, which provides you with your Activation License
    code, may be temporarily unavailable. Try again at a later time or contact
    Technical Support.


This error indicates that
an Activation License code matching the current Locking code was found, but
there is a problem with it. Please contact Technical Support.


You may have used all of
your available activation keys. To request that Freedom Scientific reset the
number of activation keys you have available, complete and submit the
for Product Activation Reset Form
. Please allow up to one business day for
the reset to occur.

Tip: You can verify
how many activation keys you have remaining at

93 «Failed to add license code [License Information] to the License Server
on host ‘Unknown.’ License already added on host ‘Unknown'»

This error displays when
the activation process attempts to install a network Activation License code
that is identical one that is already install on the system.

While the SentinelLM service
is running, check if there are any licenses installed. Use WlmAdmin to view
running servers and their licenses. If there are licenses, determine if there
is one that matches the license you are trying retrieve. If so, you must remove
that feature before a new one can be installed. However, it is safe to leave
the license as is, since reinstalling the license will not change anything.

There is also a technical
support notice available for this error:

activating a network license, you receive an error [93] message


This error indicates that
the Authorization number you entered does not exist in the Freedom Scientific
database. Verify that you entered the Authorization number correctly. It should
be 20 hexadecimal characters with no spaces. Make sure there are also no spaces
at the beginning and the end of the number. Correct the number and then retry
the activation process. If the activation fails again, contact Technical Support
to verify that the number exists in the Freedom Scientific database.


This error can display
for a number of different reason. A common cause for this error is that your
Authorization number has been deactivated. Contact Technical Support to verify
whether your Authorization number has been deactivated.

19 or Error 30019 «Failed to Add a License»

This error indicates that
an Activation License code was retrieved from the Freedom Scientific server,
but the code could not be added to the license file for some reason. After you
close the error message box, you may receive another error message: «SentinelLM:
Error [19] Failed to add license code.»

This error can occur for
a number of reasons:

You are
running a license server for a third party program on the same computer
There is a separate SentinelLM license server for a third
party program on the same network
You are running Windows 9x on the computer
The Activation License code does not match the computer’s
current Locking code

are running a license server for a third party program on the same computer

If you receive this error
while attempting to activate your license, another third party application (such
as SPSS or Mercury Quicktest Pro) may also be using the SentinelLM authorization
scheme. This application may have a license server on the same computer. If
there is another SentinelLM license server on the same computer, it will interfere
with the Freedom Scientific ILM license activation. If you attempt to activate
the network license on the same server computer where the other SentinelLM network
license is, the first application’s license information is detected and the
activation fails.

Note: It is difficult
for Freedom Scientific to indicate whether other programs use SentinelLM, as
it is not typically advertised. Network administrators should be aware of other
applications on the server that also use the SentinelLM scheme.

Currently, you can work
around this problem by installing the Freedom Scientific license server on a
different computer. This way, more than one license server can exist on the
network. You can install the license server on any computer connected to your
network. It is not required that you install it on an actual network server.
This will not affect future Freedom Scientific product licenses residing on
the same license server.

is a separate SentinelLM license server for a third party program on the same

If you receive this error
while attempting to activate your license, a SentinelLM license server for a
third party application (such as SPSS or Mercury Quicktest Pro) may be on the
same network. Use WlmAdmin to see if any other active license servers are on
the network. If there is more than one, set the environment variable LSFORCEHOST
to the current computer’s host name. Restart the activation process and
attempt to retrieve an Activation License code again. After activation, remove
the LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

are running Windows 9x on the computer

This error can also occur
if the computer is using Windows 9x as the operating system. If you restart
your computer and retry the activation, you receive the errors again. Do the
following to activate your network license:

  1. Begin the activation
    process as described in the Network Authorization Quick Start Guide. Choose
    to activate using the Internet.
  2. When the first error
    message displays, choose OK to close it.
  3. When the second error
    message displays, choose OK to close it.
  4. After you close all
    the error messages, choose the Next button to retry the activation.
    This time, you should successfully retrieve your license information.

Activation License code does not match the computer’s current Locking code

Make sure the Activation
License code is a valid code for the computer’s current Locking code.
This error also occurs if the Activation License code is valid, but the Locking
code belongs to another computer.

If retrieving a standalone

  • Make sure the environment
    variable LSHOST is not set. If LSHOST needs to be set, temporarily disable
    the environment variable and re-enable it afterward.
  • Check the folder Program
    FilesFreedom ScientificActivator1.1. If there is a file there named Lservrc,
    delete it and restart the activation process.
  • Make sure the user has
    read and write access to the folder Program FilesFreedom ScientificActivator.
    If not, grant the user access.

If retrieving network license:

  • Make sure the SentinelLM
    license server (version is installed and running. The SentinelLM
    service must be running for the license to be installed.
  • If the service is running,
    check to see if there are any licenses installed. Use WlmAdmin to view running
    servers and their licenses. If there are licenses, look for one matching the
    license you are trying retrieve. If you find a match, try removing that feature
    and installing the license again. For example, if you are trying to retrieve
    a JAWS network license, and you see the feature named “00,” remove
    that feature.
  • Make sure the user has
    read and write access to the folder Program FilesRainbow TechnologiesSentinelLM ServerEnglish. If not, grant the user access.
  • Ensure that the SentinelLM
    license server currently installed is from Freedom Scientific. It may not
    be from Freedom Scientific if you previously installed a SentinelLM license
    server for another third party application that uses Sentinel for authorization.
    If this is the case, the non-Freedom Scientific license server is returning
    a different Locking code than what Freedom Scientific programs expect. It
    does not match the Locking code embedded in the Freedom Scientific product
    Activation License code.

    Workaround 1 — You must install the Freedom Scientific version of the
    license server on a different computer. You cannot have more than one license
    server on one computer. However, you can have more than one license server
    on the network.

    Workaround 2 — You can have both application licenses on the same computer
    if (and only if) the other third party application is NOT using a custom Locking
    code. If the other application is using one of the built-in Locking codes,
    you can uninstall the older license server and then install Freedom Scientific’s
    license server. Uninstalling the license server does not remove the third
    party’s license unless the user deletes the actual license file (Lservrc).
    Freedom Scientific’s license server supports Freedom Scientific’s custom Locking
    code and the built-in codes.

The following technical
support notices are also available for this error:

Windows 95/98/ME, you receive error messages when attempting to activate a network
license using the Internet

activate multi-user license

[19] displays when activating or updating a JAWS network license

[3]: Unknown Server Host «Unknown»

If you receive this error
while activating your license, make sure the environment variable LSFORCEHOST
is not set to “no-net”.

Note: The method
used to set an environment variable depends on which version of Windows you
are using. You can find a summary of each method in “Notes on Setting
Environment Variables by Operating System” on page 134 of the SentinelLM
System Administrator’s Guide. To view this guide, open the Start menu and choose
Programs, Freedom Scientific, Network, System Administrator’s Guide.

If you receive this message
after activating your license, refer to the following error


This error indicates that
the program is trying to broadcast to find a suitable license server. If something
is blocking the broadcast, this error is returned.

If activating a network
license, check to see if the server is protected by a firewall. If so, make
sure that ports 5093 and 5094 are allowed.

If activating a standalone
license, set LSFORCEHOST to ‘no-net’. You will need to quit and
then restart the activation process.

When Starting or Using the Program

Choose the link that best
matches the error message you are receiving:

  • Error
    [3]: Unknown Server Host «Unknown»
  • Error
    [6]: Feature is not licensed to run on this machine.
  • Error
  • SentinelLM
    Error 3355447304 (0xC8001008, LS_NO_NETWORK)
  • SentinelExpress
    Error 0x328
  • SentinelExpress
    Error 0x1ff
  • No error
    is displayed, but the program begins running in unauthorized mode

[3]: Unknown Server Host «Unknown»

After you receive this error,
a second message typical displays that reads: «Error Code: 30003 Unknown
server host.» After you receive these error messages, you license is not

This error occurs if a server
name for the network license server was specified but that server does not seem
to exist. If retrieving a token from a license server, confirm that the server
computer’s IP address resolves to a valid host name. To do this, run the
LSWhere utility, which is installed with the Network Authorization tools in
the folder Program FilesFreedom ScientificAuthorizationTools. The utility
broadcasts on the network and returns a list of running SentinelLM servers.
The search results will look similar to the following:

SentinelLM 7.2.0 Search
Tool For License Servers
Copyright (C) 2002 Rainbow Technologies, Inc.

Server Address :
Server Name : SERVER

The displayed server name
may indicate that no host name has been assigned to the IP address. The network
administrator should be aware of whether or not a host name has been assigned
to the computer. If there is no server name displayed, add the system environment
variable LSFORCEHOST and set it to the IP address of the computer the SentinelLM
license server is installed on. Add this environment variable to the computer
running the license server and all client computers that will use the Freedom
Scientific software. After you have added the environment variable, retry the
activation process.

Note: The method
used to set an environment variable depends on which version of Windows you
are using. You can find a summary of each method in “Notes on Setting
Environment Variables by Operating System” on page 134 of the SentinelLM
System Administrator’s Guide. To view this guide, open the Start menu and choose
Programs, Freedom Scientific, Network, System Administrator’s Guide.

Alternatively, you can assign
a host name to the computer the license server is installed on to resolve this
issue. If you do this, you do not need to add the LSFORCEHOST environment variable.

A technical support notice
is also available for this error:

attempting to activate Network JAWS, you receive the error «Unknown server

[6]: Feature is not licensed to run on this machine

If you are using Windows
98 or ME, this error message may display after your computer returns from Standby
mode. After you receive this message, the program loses authorization. If you
attempt to restart the Freedom Scientific program, your system fails (Windows
98) or the program continues running in unauthorized mode (Windows ME). If you
restart your computer, the program stops running in unauthorized mode and functions
normally. However, the problem will occur again if the computer goes on standby.
It is recommended that you disable Standby mode on this computer.

To prevent the computer
from going on standby, do the following:

  1. Open the Start
    menu, select Settings, and then choose Control Panel.
  2. If you are using Windows
    ME, select «Power Options» and press ENTER. If you are using
    Windows 98, select «Power Management» and press ENTER.
  3. In the Power Schemes
    list, select «Always On.»
  4. Press ENTER.

A technical support notice
is also available for this error:

error message says JAWS is not authorized to run on this machine after returning
from Standby mode


This error indicates there
was an internal error and can occur for a number of different reasons. First,
check to see if the user is logged on to a restricted user account. If authorizing
a full license, this error should not display. If authorizing a demonstration
or public beta license, the user should not have see this error unless an administrator
(or some other user) changed the file permissions on the persistency files stored
in the Windows System32 directory. Write access is required for these two types
of licenses. The permissions must either be changed back so the user has write
access, or the user must log on to a power user or administrative account to
use a demonstration or public beta license.

Error 3355447304 (0xC8001008, LS_NO_NETWORK)

This error indicates that
a server name for the network license server was given and found, but that server
seems to be unavailable.

Check to see whether the
environment variable LSFORCEHOST is set on the client computer. If it is, make
sure the computer specified is valid and running. Also, make sure the license
server (version is installed and its service is running on that computer.

If the product was originally
authorized and this error occurred unexpectedly while the product was still
running, verify whether that the user is authorized by a network license. If
the user is authorized by a network license, make sure the network license server
is still running. The server may no longer be running or the SentinelLM service
on that computer may no longer be running.

Error 0x328

This error indicates a
problem with the Freedom Scientific Sentinel Express server that provides Activation
License codes. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

Error 0x1ff

This error indicates a
problem with the Freedom Scientific Sentinel Express server that provides Activation
License codes. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

error is displayed, but the program begins running in unauthorized mode

One or more of the following
issues may cause your Freedom Scientific program to suddenly begin running in
unauthorized mode (for example, JAWS begins running in 40 minute mode). This
occurs even if the product was previously authorized.

  • You are using a network
    license and the network connection is down.
  • You chose «Remove
    Software Activation» from the Start menu, Programs, <Program Name>,
    Tools menu.
  • You changed an important
    hardware component (see the following error description
    for more information on which hardware components affect the Locking code).

This problem is addressed
in more detail in the following article:

would JAWS run fine with a properly activated ILM license, then suddenly start
asking for activation and run in 40 minute mode?

Other Errors
and Problems

Choose the link that best
matches the error or problem you are experiencing:

  • No error
    is displayed but a valid license code exists
  • Custom
    Locking code seems to change randomly
  • My problem
    is not discussed in this Troubleshooting Guide

error is displayed but a valid license code exists

This indicates that the
Freedom Scientific program did not find a license matching its search criteria.
Internally, SentinelLM errors 4 and 18 may have been returned, but the program
specifically ignores those errors because they indicate that a license was not
found. The only way to know if this is the actual error returned is by generating
the log file, <product name>.san.

Has the computer been ghosted?
If it has, was the ghost image made before or after the program was installed?
There is a file called FSShell32.dll that is dynamically created by the program
or by the Client Activator when it does not exist. Therefore, if this file is not part
of the ghost image, it is created and will be different than what was there

If FSShell32.dll has changed
since the license was last retrieved, a new license must be retrieved because
the Locking code has changed. FSShell32.dll is regenerated when its internal
contents do not match the current computer.

Verify whether any of the
following hardware or information been changed or removed. If it has, the Locking
code may have also changed because it is dependent on these items. The FSShell32.dll
file should be deleted so a new one with the correct embedded information is
created and a new license can be retrieved. However, if an item did not exist
before activation and was added later, it should not affect the Locking code.

  • Processor
  • Total disk size (of
    the first hard drive if more than one exists)
  • Total physical memory
  • IDE hard drive
  • Video card
  • Sound card
  • Whether the computer
    is a laptop or not
  • CD-ROM drive
  • PCMCIA card slot
  • The Windows Product
    Activation file (if you have Windows XP)

Locking code seems to change randomly

Check to see whether the
computer has a dual processor. Processor information is used to generate the
Locking code. If the computer has a dual processor, the Locking code may change
when the computer uses the other processor. There is no current workaround for
this issue. It is recommended that you request a dongle for authorization.

problem is not discussed in this Troubleshooting Guide

This guide only addresses
error messages that occur with the Internet License Manager authorization method.
Check the list of technical support notices and frequently asked questions for
your product. These can be found on the Freedom Scientific Support page. The
problem may be addressed there. If this does not resolve your problem, contact
Technical Support at (727) 803-8600 or send an e-mail to

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