Service printhead error

Fix your printer ! Reset printers and cartridge. Printers problem solving,tips, tricks and tutorial. Search This Blog How to fix Printhead Error on Lexmark E250d(n), E350d, E352dn, and E450dn The problem: Error: » 930 «; Error: » 931 «; Error: » 932 «; Error: » 933 «; Error: » 934 «; Error: » 935 […]


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  3. How to fix Printhead Error on Lexmark E250d(n), E350d, E352dn, and E450dn
  4. Lexmark e450dn service printhead error
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  16. Lexmark e450dn service printhead error
  17. Lexmark e450dn service printhead error

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How to fix Printhead Error on Lexmark E250d(n), E350d, E352dn, and E450dn

The problem:

  • Error: » 930 «; Error: » 931 «; Error: » 932 «; Error: » 933 «; Error: » 934 «; Error: » 935 «;
  • 931.00 Printhead error; 931.01 Printhead error; 932.00 Printhead error; 932.01 Printhead error; 933.00 Printhead error; 935.10 Printhead error; 935.11 Printhead error; 935.12 Printhead error; 935.13 Printhead error; 935.14 Printhead error; 935.15 Printhead error; 935.16 Printhead error; 935.17 Printhead error; 935.18 Printhead error; 935.19 Printhead error; 935.20 Printhead error; 935.21 Printhead error; 935.22 Printhead error; 935.23 Printhead error; 935.24 Printhead error; 935.25 Printhead error; 935.26 Printhead error; 93x Printhead errors; 930.xx errors; 931.xx errors; 932.xx errors; 933.xx errors; 934.xx errors; 935.xx errors;
  • All lights flashing;
  • Error light on

What the error means:

A Printhead Error message indicates that the printhead (laser scanner) unit inside the printer is not working correctly.

For Lexmark E250d(n): all service errors are signified by the flashing of all of the lights. To determine if this is a printhead error: quickly double-press the button to see the secondary code. If the !, , and lights are the only ones blinking, a printhead or a motor failure is indicated.

How to clear the error:

  • If this is the first time you have seen the error, turn the printer off.
  • Leave the printer powered off for 10 seconds or more before turning it back on. This gives the printer a chance to reset.
  • Power the printer back on. If it goes to the Ready state, try printing again. If the error does not return, continue using the printer.
  • If the printhead error returns when the printer is powered on or when you try to print again: check the power source the printer is plugged into. Make sure the printer is plugged straight into the wall and not through a surge device or power strip. Please try this even if the printer previously worked correctly with this surge device. Power strips and uninterrupted power supplies can cause a low amperage problem, which can trigger a false printhead error. You may also want to try plugging the printer into a different wall outlet to see if the printhead error continues. This will eliminate the power source as a possible cause of the issue.
  • If the error continues: the printer will probably require service to correct the issue. Contact Lexmark Technical Support or a local authorized servicer for assistance.

Scanner laser parts list:

  • Lexmark E250d, E250dn: 40X2804
  • Lexmark E350d, E352dn, E450dn: 40×2803


Lexmark e450dn service printhead error

error printhead lexmark E450dn
— 935.15 — Printhead sweep error, check prelim amp state
— 935.18 — Printhead sweep error, enable amp Ki state
— 935.20 — Printhead sweep error, enable offset controller state

Errors can someone help me with this?
PCB board clean no change

Those errors are related to the ‘Printhead’. Lexmark calls the laser scanner «printhead» most likely it needs replacing.

I know this is the laser printhead , I was thinking that a solution is not changed laser.

I know this is the laser printhead , I was thinking that a solution is not changed laser.

Sorry but it will most likely be P.head or main board need replacing.. Starting with p.head..

Sorry but it will most likely be P.head or main board need replacing.. Starting with p.head..

Main board has no problem changed more . p.head is problem. Another problem is that I have about 50 pieces that problem

Main board has no problem changed more . p.head is problem. Another problem is that I have about 50 pieces that problem

I don’t get what you are saying. You have 50 more problems with this one. Then I would throw it in the trash.

I don’t get what you are saying. You have 50 more problems with this one. Then I would throw it in the trash.

Yes 50 pcs with this problem

Yes 50 pcs with this problem

So what you are saying is «you have 50 printers that is giving this error?»

So what you are saying is «you have 50 printers that is giving this error?»

Yes service p.head error

error printhead lexmark E450dn
— 935.15 — Printhead sweep error, check prelim amp state
— 935.18 — Printhead sweep error, enable amp Ki state
— 935.20 — Printhead sweep error, enable offset controller state

Errors can someone help me with this?
PCB board clean no change

Lexmark Printhead Cleaning Issue Try below solutions to fix it.

Solution No. 1: Try going for Lexmark solution centre
Solution No 2- Clean your Lexmark Pinnacle pro901 printhead
Solution No. 3 – Clean the rollers as well

If still you are not able to fix printhead clean issue. Don’t worry ,you can check how to clean the printhead on a lexmark printer ( solutions with image.

Lexmark Printhead Cleaning Issue Try below solutions to fix it.

Solution No. 1: Try going for Lexmark solution centre
Solution No 2- Clean your Lexmark Pinnacle pro901 printhead
Solution No. 3 – Clean the rollers as well


Thread: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Thread Tools

Lexmark E450dn printhead

error printhead lexmark E450dn
— 935.15 — Printhead sweep error, check prelim amp state
— 935.18 — Printhead sweep error, enable amp Ki state
— 935.20 — Printhead sweep error, enable offset controller state

Errors can someone help me with this?
PCB board clean no change

Last edited by danito; 08-31-2015 at 01:06 PM .

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Those errors are related to the ‘Printhead’. Lexmark calls the laser scanner «printhead» most likely it needs replacing.

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

I know this is the laser printhead , I was thinking that a solution is not changed laser.

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Sorry but it will most likely be P.head or main board need replacing.. Starting with p.head..

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Main board has no problem changed more . p.head is problem. Another problem is that I have about 50 pieces that problem

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

I don’t get what you are saying. You have 50 more problems with this one. Then I would throw it in the trash.

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Yes 50 pcs with this problem

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

So what you are saying is «you have 50 printers that is giving this error?»

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

Yes service p.head error

Re: Lexmark E450dn printhead

error printhead lexmark E450dn
— 935.15 — Printhead sweep error, check prelim amp state
— 935.18 — Printhead sweep error, enable amp Ki state
— 935.20 — Printhead sweep error, enable offset controller state

Errors can someone help me with this?
PCB board clean no change

Lexmark Printhead Cleaning Issue Try below solutions to fix it.

Solution No. 1: Try going for Lexmark solution centre
Solution No 2- Clean your Lexmark Pinnacle pro901 printhead
Solution No. 3 – Clean the rollers as well

If still you are not able to fix printhead clean issue. Don’t worry ,you can check how to clean the printhead on a lexmark printer solutions with image.


Lexmark e450dn service printhead error

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

Уважаемые, подскажите, кто сталкивался с данной проблемой.
Перелапатили весь аппарат, ничего не нашли. В интернетах по этому вопросу предлагают:
— воткнуть это чудо в розетку напрямую, минуя всяческие фильтры, выпремители и т.п.;
— заменить шлефы, связывающие форматтер с лезером (их прозвонили они живые);
— заменить лазер;
— заменить форматтер.

Первый вариант, само собой, результатов не дал, третий и четвёртый отпадают по причине отсутвия доноров.

Ajax (0): 351.10 Service Printhead Error
Вообще-то ошибки printhead у них — 935тые.

2. Портной Нёма 21.05.15 11:47

(1) Если точнее, то 931-935

(1)(2)Прошу прощения, закралась опечатка((
935.10 Service Printhead Error

4. Портной Нёма 21.05.15 13:31

(3) Попробуйте начать с тщательной ревизии и чистки блока лазера.

(4)В лазере всё что можно уже чистили-перечистили. Результата нет((

6. Портной Нёма 21.05.15 14:08

(5) Если проблема с самим диодом (95%) — блок под замену

(6)Хочу уточнить.
т.е. проблема точно в лазере и если чистка не помогла то лазер под замену без вариантов?

8. Портной Нёма 22.05.15 11:10

(7) Система не может определить (поймать) резонансную частоту диода. А кто виновник — об этом умалчивается. Либо сам диод, либо система генерации.

9. Michael_074 25.05.15 09:50

(0) — заменить шлефы, связывающие форматтер с лезером (их прозвонили они живые);

Было такое несколько раз, правда на МФУшках X46x серии, но конструкция у них одинаковая. Только замена шлейфов помогала.


Lexmark e450dn service printhead error

Принтеры, копировальные аппараты, МФУ, факсы и другая офисная техника:
вопросы ремонта, обслуживания, заправки, выбора

0. mazdai93 04.07.17 15:47

МФУ выдало ошибку 111.50 Printhead error, а теперь печатает пустые листы.
Где эта так называемая печатающая головка вообще находится?

3. mazdai93 04.07.17 16:00

В сервис мануалах пишут мол проверить кабеля которые идут на лазер юнит

4. mazdai93 04.07.17 16:02

111.50 Open-loop printhead error, open-loop sweep state.

с этого и начни.

6. mazdai93 04.07.17 16:17

7. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:02

потыкал оба кабеля от лазер юнита, прозвонил, кабеля целые, запустил без сканера, сделал тестовую печать, один хрен пустые листы. Может тонер закончился?))) Аппарат то больше ошибку LSU не выдает, как на этом аппарате понять есть там тонер или нет?)))))

шторка лазера открыта?тест фонариком?

9. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:27

а где там шторка? в драм юните?

(9) Шторка ЛАЗЕРА — как-то немного НЕ в драм-юните, не так ли?)

11. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:37

шторки лазера в этом аппарате судя по всему нету) я бы назвал это окном лазера) там тупо окно, ничем не прикрывается

12. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:41

так, а может я лампой засветил.

13. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:44

да, нет, выключил лампу, все то же

14. mazdai93 04.07.17 17:44

может на лазер не идет напруга?

наклей на ВПЗ кусочек изоленты,и скажи,что получилось.

Если я не ошибаюсь, у этой модели полигон выполнен в виде качающегося зеркала (а не на роторе двигателя). Очень часто система «магнит-зеркало» дает сбой или дохнет вообще — зеркало просто висит на растяжке и не «свипирует» :))).
Нет развертки — нет изо, нет разряда барабана.
Очень много аппартов было списано именно по этим ошибкам.

17. mazdai93 10.07.17 11:19

(16) Просветите пожжалуйста, что такое полигон в блоке лазера?

(17) Такая стекляшка, которая быстро-быстро крутится.

(18) И много вы видели стеклянных полигональных зеркал в блоках ЛСУ?
(17) Для вас:

(19) НЕ стеклянных — навскид не припомню, но если очень надо, то могу постараться.

Scuzzy (18): Такая стекляшка, которая быстро-быстро крутится. — это же ваше высказывание.. Или у вас слово «стекляшка» означает все, что блестит и отражает?!
Вы же специалист, значит и за своей терминологией следите, если в Общем разделе общаетесь.

Felix (21): это же ваше высказывание
Мое. И (20), если вы внимательно читали — тоже мое, хотя смысл вопроса (19) недопонял.
Felix (21): у вас слово «стекляшка» означает все, что блестит и отражает?!
У нас слово «стекляшка» означает всё, что сделано из (любого!) СТЕКЛА (в т.ч. специального, органического, цветного и т.д.)
Felix (21): за своей терминологией следите
Слежу ВСЕГДА. Есть вопросы по этой теме?

Scuzzy (22): Есть вопросы по этой теме? К ТС — нет, к вам — да, но это не тут и предвижу словоблудие. Поэтому с вами диалог заканчиваю..

Felix (23): предвижу словоблудие, поэтому с вами диалог заканчиваю
Искренне вам за это благодарен, Кассандр вы наш)))

25. mazdai93 11.07.17 17:02

26. mazdai93 11.07.17 17:13

Felix (16): Если я не ошибаюсь, у этой модели полигон выполнен в виде качающегося зеркала (а не на роторе двигателя). Очень часто система «магнит-зеркало» дает сбой или дохнет вообще — зеркало просто висит на растяжке и не «свипирует» :))).
Есть ли безопасный способ проверить этот вариант? Свипирует или не свипирует.

27. mazdai93 11.07.17 17:16

mazdai93 (26): Есть ли безопасный способ проверить этот вариант? Свипирует или не свипирует. А визуальный вариант вам чем не подходит? Собираете, насколько возможно, аппарат так, что бы видеть зеркало глазами и включаете. При этом совсем не обязательно ставить блок на штатное место. Тем более, если я правильно помню, он ставится «вверх ногами».
Другое дело — достигается ли необходимая амплитуда колебаний? Видит ли луч датчик начала сторки? А есть ли луч вообще? Это уже отдельные вопросы со своей диагностикой и со своими решениями.
99% — блок под замену.

29. mazdai93 13.07.17 11:05

Замерил напряжение на семижильном разъеме J6, три жилы которого идут на магнит.
1-0,98В постоянно
2-4,58В постоянно
3-4,35В постоянно
5-0,52В во время печати
7-0,52В во время печати

30. mazdai93 13.07.17 11:20

Может есть смысл проверить что там на выходах самого блока питания?

(30) Я так понимаю, что измерения проводились тупо китайским тестером? Бессмысленная трата времени, только осциллографом. Тестер не покажет вам наличие импульсов управления или данных.

32. mazdai93 13.07.17 18:18

(31) Да, Вы правы, тупо тестером.. думаю, да, скорей всего с блоком питания все ок, ну кондеры по крайней мере на вид целые. Буду тогда узнавать цену нового LSU

33. mazdai93 17.07.17 12:50

34. mazdai93 21.08.17 10:41

Поставил новый LSU, та же беда!

35. mazdai93 21.08.17 11:09

36. mazdai93 21.08.17 11:51

(16) Присмотрелся повнимательней, зеркало свипирует, и на старом и на новом LSU.

На видео пустил две пробные страницы, лазер вроде как светит, значит ли это, что он рабочий?

(15)делал? Тест фонариком темную полосу дал? Зачем менять блок лазера?

38. mazdai93 21.08.17 14:23

(37) да, сейчас я понял, что зря блок лазера менял. После разборки-сборки драм юнита, для того чтобы прилепить изоленту на ролик зяряда по Вашему совету, изо появилось! но плохого качества. На последнем скане темная полоса как раз от изоленты, остальные сканы уже после того как я изоленту снял. А что за тест фонариком? Снять блок лазера и светить на барабан во время печати?

39. mazdai93 21.08.17 14:36

При закрытой щели выдает чистый лист

40. mazdai93 21.08.17 15:45

41. mazdai93 21.08.17 15:52

42. Contrabas 21.08.17 16:21

(41) Дозирующее лезвие почистить нужно, оно легко снимается.

43. mazdai93 21.08.17 16:40

Да что ж такое, снял вал переноса тонера, чтобы почистить дозирку, почистил, собрал обратно, теперь снова нет изо, и на фонарик не реагирует(((

44. mazdai93 21.08.17 17:11

еще раз перебрал драм-юнит, изо появилось, но такого же качества, вот как теперь выглядит малевич

45. mazdai93 22.08.17 09:31

По сути выглядит также

46. mazdai93 22.08.17 10:10

47. mazdai93 22.08.17 10:27

Аппарат почти 100к прошел, может пора барабан менять?

48. mazdai93 22.08.17 14:39

(42) Почистил, результат тот же

49. mazdai93 24.08.17 10:46

Принтер постоял ночь и стал печатать еще бледней, но зато тон равномерный, Люди, помогите! help!


How to fix Printhead Error on Lexmark E250d(n), E350d, E352dn, and E450dn

The problem:

  • Error: » 930 «; Error: » 931 «; Error: » 932 «; Error: » 933 «; Error: » 934 «; Error: » 935 «; 
  • 931.00 Printhead error; 931.01 Printhead error; 932.00 Printhead error; 932.01 Printhead error; 933.00 Printhead error; 935.10 Printhead error; 935.11 Printhead error; 935.12 Printhead error; 935.13 Printhead error; 935.14 Printhead error; 935.15 Printhead error; 935.16 Printhead error; 935.17 Printhead error; 935.18 Printhead error; 935.19 Printhead error; 935.20 Printhead error; 935.21 Printhead error; 935.22 Printhead error; 935.23 Printhead error; 935.24 Printhead error; 935.25 Printhead error; 935.26 Printhead error; 93x Printhead errors; 930.xx errors; 931.xx errors; 932.xx errors; 933.xx errors; 934.xx errors; 935.xx errors; 
  • All lights flashing; 
  • Error light on

What the error means:

A Printhead Error message indicates that the printhead (laser scanner) unit inside the printer is not working correctly.

For Lexmark E250d(n): all service errors are signified by the flashing of all of the lights. To determine if this is a printhead error: quickly double-press the   button to see the secondary code. If the !, , and    lights are the only ones blinking, a printhead or a motor failure is indicated.

How to clear the error:

  • If this is the first time you have seen the error, turn the printer off.
  • Leave the printer powered off for 10 seconds or more before turning it back on. This gives the printer a chance to reset.
  • Power the printer back on. If it goes to the Ready state, try printing again. If the error does not return, continue using the printer.
  • If the printhead error returns when the printer is powered on or when you try to print again: check the power source the printer is plugged into. Make sure the printer is plugged straight into the wall and not through a surge device or power strip. Please try this even if the printer previously worked correctly with this surge device. Power strips and uninterrupted power supplies can cause a low amperage problem, which can trigger a false printhead error. You may also want to try plugging the printer into a different wall outlet to see if the printhead error continues. This will eliminate the power source as a possible cause of the issue.
  • If the error continues: the printer will probably require service to correct the issue. Contact Lexmark Technical Support or a local authorized servicer for assistance.

Scanner laser parts list:

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Are you a fan of electronic gadgets? Do you own a variety of gadgets like tablets, camcorders, all-in-one printers, etc.? Ever used Lexmark products, especially the printers? If yes; then you must be the one of its happy customers as it is well known for its robust quality. However, whatever the electronic device you own, these devices are bound to technical faults. While using Lexmark printer, have you ever faced 934 service Printhead error ?

Print head error 934 on Lexmark printer usually occurs when the incorrect print head unit is installed. So, if you have got your printer serviced recently, make sure the correct parts have been used and installed properly inside the printer. And do not forget to check the laser cable going from the printer’s engine board to the print head unit, as it reads that signal.

If the printer was not serviced, then follow the below instructions on how to fix 934 service Printhead error Lexmark printer

Cold Reset of Printer

If you have faced this problem for the first time, then cold reset the printer. Turn off the printer. Unplug it from power circuit. Wait for two minutes. Plug in the power cable back to electric outlet and turn on the printer.  If you still get the print head error, then turn off the printer again. And this time try connecting it through a surge device. Turn on the printer and check for the error on the printer display.

Print Settings Page

Press the Menu button on display of printer. Press Down Arrow and go to Reports. Select it and press Down arrow to go to Menu Settings Page. Select it to print the page. If the error continues to occur, there is a possibility of hardware malfunction. So, it is recommended to contact Lexmark Technical Support for advanced assistance or part replacement. If this does not correct the problem, then move on with next steps.

Reinstall Device Drivers

Go to Start Menu and open Control Panel. Go to Devices and Printers. Search your printer driver installed on the computer, right-click on it, and select Uninstall to remove the driver. Go to Lexmark Support website. Under Downloads section, enter the model number of printer to search for the drivers. Once you find it, click on Download. Once the drivers get downloaded, double click to open it and run the installation process. Restart the system after driver’s installation and check for the error message.

Install Windows Updates Manually

Go to Start and click on Update. Click on Check for Updates. If the updates are available, click on it to install the updated. You will receive a new window on the screen with message ‘Preparing to Install Updates and will show the percentage remaining. Once the update finishes, restart the computer, and retry printing a test document.

If the printer display still shows the 934 service Printhead error on your printer, then please contact advance support group of Lexmark printers.



One of the following errors or messages displays on the printer control panel or the computer, and the printer does not print.

  • Incompatible Printhead

  • Missing or Failed Printhead

  • Printhead Appears to be Missing or Damaged

  • Printhead Failure

  • Printhead is Missing, Not Detected, or Not Properly Installed

  • Printhead Missing

  • Printhead Missing or Damaged

  • Printhead Problem

Identify your cartridge type for steps to resolve these errors.

Ink cartridge types


This document does not pertain to tank printers.

Type 1: 178, 364, 564, 655, 862, 902-920, 934, 935 cartridges — resolve printhead errors

Resolve errors such as Incompatible printhead, Missing or failed printhead, and Printhead problem for printers that use HP 178, 364, 564, 655, 862, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 912, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918,
919, 920, 934, and 935 cartridges.

Perform the following tasks in the order given. Use the printer after each task to see if the issue is resolved.

Example of HP 904 ink cartridges

Reset the printer

Reset the printer to recover from printer errors or failures.

  1. If your printer has a rechargeable battery, remove it.

  2. With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  3. Unplug the power cord from the power source.

  4. Wait 60 seconds.

  5. Reconnect the power cord to a wall outlet and to the printer.


    HP recommends plugging the printer directly into a wall outlet.

  6. Turn on the printer to complete the reset.

Clean or service the printhead

If your printer has a removable printhead, you can manually clean it. Otherwise use the steps provided to replace the printhead
or service the printer.

  1. Open the door or lid to the cartridge access area. Wait until the carriage stops moving before continuing.

  2. Look for a latch on the carriage.

    Printhead with a latch

    • If there is no latch, the printhead is not replaceable. Go to Contact HP Customer Support to schedule a product repair or replacement. If you are in Asia Pacific, you will be directed to a local service center in
      your area. To confirm your warranty status, go to HP Product Warranty Check. Repair fees might apply for out-of-warranty products.

    • If there is a latch, continue to the next step.

  3. Remove all of the cartridges from the carriage. Push in the tab on each cartridge, and then lift them out of the carriage.


    Do not leave the cartridges outside the printer longer than 30 minutes. Doing so can damage both the printer and the cartridges.

    Removing the cartridge from the carriage

  4. Lift the latch on the carriage until it stops.

    Lifting the printhead latch

  5. Grasp the printhead by the sides to remove it from the carriage.

    Removing the printhead

  6. Lightly dampen a lint free cloth with distilled or bottled water, and then wipe the electrical contacts from the bottom to
    the top until no ink appears on the cloth. Do not go past the edge between the electrical contacts and the ink nozzles.


    Do not touch the copper-colored contacts with your fingers, or let the contacts touch any surface.

    Cleaning the printhead contacts

  7. Using a clean area of the damp cloth, wipe any accumulated ink and debris from the edge between the ink nozzles and the electrical

    Cleaning the area between the contacts and the nozzles

  8. Using a clean area of the damp cloth, wipe the ramps on both sides of the ink nozzles. Wipe away from the nozzles only.

    Cleaning the area around the ink nozzles

  9. Wipe each of the previous areas with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.

  10. Using a clean area of the damp cloth, wipe the electrical contacts in the carriage from top to bottom until no ink appears
    on the cloth.

    Cleaning the contacts in the carriage

  11. Wipe the contacts with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.

  12. Slide the printhead back into the carriage, and then lower the latch until it stops.

    Closing the printhead latch

  13. Reinsert each cartridge into its color-coded slot, making sure each snaps into place and none are protruding.

  14. Close the door or lid to the cartridge access area.

    • If the error no longer displays, the issue is resolved.

    • If the error still displays, continue to the next step.

  15. Go to the HP Parts Store.

  16. Search for your printhead number.

    • If your printer uses four ink cartridges, search for CN643A.

    • If your printer uses five ink cartridges, search for CN642A.

  17. Follow the steps to order the printhead.

  18. Install the replacement printhead. If the issue persists, service the printer.

Service the printer

Service or replace your HP product if the issue persists after completing all the preceding steps.

Go to Contact HP Customer Support to schedule a product repair or replacement. If you are in Asia Pacific, you will be directed to a local service center in
your area.

To confirm your warranty status, go to HP Product Warranty Check. Repair fees might apply for out-of-warranty products.

Type 2: 932, 933, 950, 951-959, 962-969 cartridges — resolve printhead errors

Resolve errors such as Incompatible printhead, Missing or failed printhead, and Printhead problem for printers that use HP 932, 933, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, and
969 cartridges.

Perform the following tasks in the order given. Use the printer after each task to see if the issue is resolved.

Example of HP 950 ink cartridges

Reset the printer

Reset the printer to recover from printer errors or failures.

  1. If your printer has a rechargeable battery, remove it.

  2. With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  3. Unplug the power cord from the power source.

  4. Wait 60 seconds.

  5. Reconnect the power cord to a wall outlet and to the printer.


    HP recommends plugging the printer directly into a wall outlet.

  6. Turn on the printer to complete the reset.

Update the printer firmware

HP regularly releases new firmware versions with printer enhancements or issue fixes. Update firmware on a regular basis to
make sure you are getting the most out of your printer.

  • Update from the printer control panel: Many HP printers with touchscreens or menus can connect directly to HP to find and
    install updates. Make sure the printer is on a network with an active Internet connection. If the printer is connected with
    a USB cable, use one of the other options.

    On the printer, locate the Product Update or Check for Updates menu by pressing the HP ePrint icon or button ( or ). Or open the Setup, Service, or Settings menu, select Preferences, Printer Maintenance, or Tools, and then select Web Services, Printer Update, or LaserJet Update.

  • Download updates from HP Customer Support: With the printer turned on and connected to the computer or a network, go to HP Software and Driver Downloads to check for and install available updates listed under Firmware.

  • Install updates through the HP Smart app: Open the HP Smart app, and then create an account or sign in. If you do not have HP Smart, download it from or your app store. After adding the printer, click the printer image, click Printer Home Page (EWS) or Advanced Settings, click Tools or Web Services, and then click Printer Updates.

Reseat the printhead if it is replaceable

If your printer has a removable printhead, you can manually reseat it. Otherwise use the steps provided to replace the printhead
or service the printer.

  1. Open the door or lid to the cartridge access area. Wait until the carriage stops moving before continuing.

  2. Look for a latch on the carriage.

    Latch on the ink cartridge carriage

    • If there is no latch, the printhead is not replaceable. Go to Contact HP Customer Support to schedule a product repair or replacement. If you are in Asia Pacific, you will be directed to a local service center in
      your area. To confirm your warranty status, go to HP Product Warranty Check. Repair fees might apply for out-of-warranty products.

    • If there is a latch, continue to the next step.

  3. With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  4. Lift the carriage latch, slightly lift the printhead, lower the printhead back into the carriage, wiggle the printhead left and right, and then lower the carriage
    latch until it stops.

    Reseating the printhead

  5. Close the door or lid to the cartridge access area.

  6. Reconnect the power cord to the printer.

    If the error message still displays, sometimes the issue persists after inserting the printhead. Repeat the steps to reseat the printhead up to three times,
    and then continue to the next step if the error still displays.

  7. Go to the HP Parts Store.

  8. Search for your printhead number.

    • For 950 and 951 cartridges, search for CR322A (Americas), CR324A (Europe, Middle East, Africa), or CR326A (Asia Pacific, Japan).

    • For 952-959 cartridges, search for M0H91A.

    • For 962-969 cartridges, search for 3JB16A.

  9. Follow the steps to order the printhead.

  10. Install the replacement printhead. If the issue persists, service the printer.

Type 3: 10-13, 18, 38, 39, 70, 72, 73 82, 84, 85, 88, 89 727, 728, 777, and 940 ink cartridges — resolve printhead errors

Resolve errors such as Incompatible printhead, Missing or failed printhead, and Printhead problem for printers that use HP 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 38, 39, 70, 72, 73, 82, 84, 85, 88, 89, 727, 728, 777, and 940 cartridges.

Perform the following tasks in the order given. Use the printer after each task to see if the issue is resolved.

Example of an HP 10 cartridge

Reset the printer

Reset the printer to recover from printer errors or failures.

  1. If your printer has a rechargeable battery, remove it.

  2. With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  3. Unplug the power cord from the power source.

  4. Wait 60 seconds.

  5. Reconnect the power cord to a wall outlet and to the printer.


    HP recommends plugging the printer directly into a wall outlet.

  6. Turn on the printer to complete the reset.

Clean the printhead electrical contacts

Cleaning the contacts on the printhead and inside the printer can resolve printhead errors and issues.


These steps involve removing the printhead from the printer. Be prepared to complete the cleaning steps within several minutes
to avoid damaging the ink nozzles.

  1. Open the lid to the printhead access area.

    Opening the lid to access the printheads

  2. Read the error message. Only clean the contacts on the printheads mentioned in the error.


    The black/yellow printhead is in the left printhead slot. The magenta/cyan printhead is in the right printhead slot.

  3. Move the printhead carriage to the left. Button and menu presses on the printer vary by model.

    • Officejet Pro 8500A: Touch Change Printheads.

    • Officejet Pro 8000, 8500, L7300, L7400, L7500, L7600, L7700, K8600, and Photosmart Pro B9180: Press and hold OK for five seconds.

    • Officejet Pro K5400: Press and hold the Resume button for three seconds.

    • Photosmart Pro B8850: Press and hold the Toolbox button for three to-five seconds.

  4. Wait for the printhead carriage to move into the access area.

  5. Disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  6. Lift the printhead latch.

    Lifting the printhead latch

  7. Obtain a dry, soft, lint-free cloth.

  8. Lift the handle to pull the printhead out of the slot.

    Removing the printhead from the carriage

  9. Use the cloth to remove any ink or debris from the electrical contacts on the printhead.


    To avoid damage to the printhead, do not wipe or touch the ink nozzles or let them touch other surfaces.

    Printhead electrical contacts and ink nozzles




    Printhead contacts (clean these only)


    Ink nozzles (do not touch or clean)

  10. Place the printhead on its side on a sheet of paper or a paper towel.

  11. Using a clean area of the cloth, remove any ink or debris from the electrical contacts in the carriage.

    Cleaning the contacts in the carriage

  12. Reinsert the printhead into its color-coded slot and lower the handle.

  13. Repeat these steps for the other printhead if it is mentioned in the error message.

  14. Close the printhead latch.

  15. Reconnect the power cord to the printer.

  16. Close the lid to the printhead access area.

  17. Press Done, OK, or Resume if prompted.

Replace the printhead

Replace the printhead to resolve printhead errors and issues.

  1. Open the lid to the printhead access area.

    Opening the lid to access the printheads

  2. If an error message displays, only replace the printhead mentioned in the error.


    The black/yellow printhead is in the left printhead slot. The magenta/cyan printhead is in the right printhead slot.

  3. Move the printhead carriage to the left. Button and menu presses on the printer vary by model.

    • Officejet Pro 8500A: Touch Change Printheads.

    • Officejet Pro 8000, 8500, L7300, L7400, L7500, L7600, L7700, K8600, and Photosmart Pro B9180: Press and hold OK for five seconds.

    • Officejet Pro K5400: Press and hold the Resume button for three seconds.

    • Photosmart Pro B8850: Press and hold the Toolbox button for three to-five seconds.

  4. Wait for the printhead carriage to move into the access area.

  5. Disconnect the power cord from the printer.

  6. Lift the printhead latch.

    Lifting the printhead latch

  7. Lift the handle to pull the printhead out of the slot.

    Removing the printhead from the carriage

  8. Go to the HP Store, and then search for the model number listed on the label to order a replacement printhead.

  9. While still in the package, shake the new printhead up and down at least six times.

    Shaking the printhead before opening the package

  10. Remove the printhead from the package, and then remove the protective caps from the nozzles. To avoid damage to the printhead,
    do not touch the ink nozzles or let them touch other surfaces.

    Removing the printhead caps

  11. Insert the printhead into its color-coded slot and lower the handle.

  12. Repeat these steps for the other printhead if it is mentioned in the error message.

  13. Close the printhead latch.

  14. Reconnect the power cord to the printer.

  15. Close the lid to the printhead access area.

  16. Press Done, OK, or Resume if prompted.

  17. Follow any instructions to align the printer if prompted.

Service the printer

Service or replace your HP product if the issue persists after completing all the preceding steps.

Go to Contact HP Customer Support to schedule a product repair or replacement. If you are in Asia Pacific, you will be directed to a local service center in
your area.

To confirm your warranty status, go to HP Product Warranty Check. Repair fees might apply for out-of-warranty products.

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