Сервис the division временно недоступен delta c 0 1302 как исправить

Ошибка delta c 0 1302 в the division

Обновлено: 12.02.2023

I can no longer play the game. The error c-0-1302 keeps popping up and I am unable to resolve the issue.

Is there a way to fix this issue?

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Tom Clancy’s The Division

18 мая в 22:44
i need help with this error , anyone can tell me how to fix this?

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing connection issues.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

19 мая в 6:07

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing connection issues.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Tactical car door closing
sooo in the closed beta of the game people closed 7.9Billion car doors and i just got curious, how big is the number now and where do i see it?

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing connection issues.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Tactical car door closing
sooo in the closed beta of the game people closed 7.9Billion car doors and i just got curious, how big is the number now and where do i see it?
Hello @GT*R50,

Thanks for reaching out!

I’m afraid that it isn’t possible to view this data at the moment, I’m afraid.

Купил игру на Плати ру, оказалась что игра не The Division,а The Division PTS,теперь я никак не могу подключится, все время выходит ошибка «Delta C-1-200».

Выходит меня кинули? Юбики пишут что когда покупаешь игру то на аке появляется и PTS версия игры.

У кого такая проблема с игрой, что делать то?

PTS это тестовый сервер, ты не можешь к нему подключится потому-что он забит. И его очень часто вырубают и работает он намного хуже обычного сервера.

Денис Варга Искусственный Интеллект (164209) покупать дальше игры на барахолках без гарантий и неофициальными ключами.

Ну ты и идиот! Наговорил человеку бреда! Он не увидел и скачал версию PTS а не ОБЫЧНУЮ! Там после активации ключа, 2 версии появляются, он невнимательно глянул и скачал не ту версию. я сам раз так скачал PTS и ломал голову, как так. ключ то оф. лицензия, но позже увидел что в библиотеке 2 версии, перекачал занова обычную без PTS и все стало нормально! ))

в библиотеке игр сверху в поле «поиск» напиши «division», сколько игр найдется? неужто только PTS?

Спасибо бро, тоже купил на заке заке дивизион, активировал — а там птс, ну думаю ладно — загрузил — запускаю а там эта шляпа мол сервера не доступны, по твоему совету проверил в библиотеке и нашёл чистый дивизион, спасибо, а птс-дивизион удалил.

У тебя в библиотеке должен быть просто the division и the division pts, тебе нужен обычный .


Вольфганг Энгельс Оракул (67605) Ну думаю, а так и должно быть, я сам покупал the division, правда в юплей и у меня есть две версии the divison для игры и the division pts для игры на тестовом сервере .

Все разрешилось. )) Когда я удалил пробную версию игры и установил ее же заново то таймер исчез.

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Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

классно. скачал. установил и пишет, что я в очереди 32к там какой то и постоянно выкидывает на экран ошибку — Сервис The Division временно недоступен. Повторите попытку позднее. DELTA 200000988. Чувствую себя кинутым. За что я деньги заплатил!


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Логин сервер того, упал?)

Мобы очень сильные, не как в другим ммо, здесь пак из 2х, способен быстро отправить к месту воскрешения, от которого бежать на место смерти, неприлично долго!

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Логин сервер того, упал?)

Похоже на то.


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

из твитера

«We are aware of PC players not being able to log into the game. We’re currently investigating.»

Мобы очень сильные, не как в другим ммо, здесь пак из 2х, способен быстро отправить к месту воскрешения, от которого бежать на место смерти, неприлично долго!


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Точно i5 минимум нужен?

Может кто на более слабом железе пробовал? i3,pen?

Играю на i3-530/GTX560Ti HAWK (1Gb)/8Gb RAM/SSD 128 Gb (Тут система и файл подкачки), HDD 320 Gb, HDD 2000 Gb (тут юплей, и сама игра) на минималках в 1080p

Добавлено через 10 минут

ОЗУ 8Гб (про 6 они безбожно врали, т.к. этого не хватает даже на «лысой» машине)

Я бы так не сказал.

Последний раз редактировалось SkyDelete_renamed_1240006_09062022; 25.03.2016 в 15:18.

Причина: Добавлено сообщение


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Добрый день. Скажите,Как обойти ошибку Delta 20000988?



The Division


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

вроде никак, почти у всех такая ошибка выскакивает, периодически. (у меня вечерами)









SwM 76+/Sorc

Дитя Предназначения
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Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

вчера вечером всех дисконектнуло походу с этой ошибкой.


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Добрый день. Скажите,Как обойти ошибку Delta 20000988?

Возможно поможет этот способ:

I tried flushing my DNS and surprisingly everything worked after.. I was able to finish multiple missions since I did that..

Open CMD (Running as Admin)

Type in : ipconfig /flushdns


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Тем у кого через каждые 5-10 секунд фризы в дарк зоне:
отключить в настройках голосовой чат, что то они там сильно накосячили
Отключаешь его и ровный стабильный фпс.

Мобы очень сильные, не как в другим ммо, здесь пак из 2х, способен быстро отправить к месту воскрешения, от которого бежать на место смерти, неприлично долго!


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Собрал себе машину, но что-то не идет.. Знающие, люди, подскажите что заменить

1 пользователь оценил это сообщение: Показать

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Знающие, люди, подскажите что заменить




ex bloodletter

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

в техническом разделе запости.

A man’s game charges a man’s price.





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Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Собрал себе машину, но что-то не идет.. Знающие, люди, подскажите что заменить

в голос а вообще поздновато, это надо было в новостях ответить так некоторым людям

Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa — [EU] Guardian — Darin Tomey [R.I.P.]
Lineage 2 — [Teon] Spectral Dancer — Eldenroot [Quit]
Warframe — DarinTomey [Semi-active]


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Я бы так не сказал.

Картинка подтверждает, что 6 Гб ОЗУ забито полностью. «Течь» памяти наблюдалась (до патча) и 6 забивалось, что приводило к падению ФПС и последующему вылету в ось.

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Замена Core 2 Duo на Core 2 Quad избавила от невидимых НПЦ и «темных» улиц. ФПС проседает с 60 до 39. Настройки на минимуме. ОЗУ 8Гб. Играть можно.

Последний раз редактировалось Kirman67_renamed_1095269_04062020; 29.03.2016 в 16:27.

Причина: Добавлено сообщение


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Никто на SLI не сидит? В полноэкранном режиме клиент крашится бывает,без каких либо сообщений. Просто на рабочий стол. В оконном режиме такого не происходит. Где копать ума не приложу.

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Перед каждым запуском игры после суточного простоя — приходится перезагружать комп, иначе теряется где то 15 фпс (25 вместо 35-40).
Причину заколебался искать. Очистка оперативки, закрытие сторонних приложений, очистка жесткого диска, логаут — не помогают, reboot only. Первый раз с таким встречаюсь…














Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Никто на SLI не сидит? В полноэкранном режиме клиент крашится бывает,без каких либо сообщений. Просто на рабочий стол. В оконном режиме такого не происходит. Где копать ума не приложу.

это проблема с драйверами NVidia(У меня просто черный экран), они сами вкурсе, пока не хотят фиксить :/


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Замена Core 2 Duo на Core 2 Quad избавила от невидимых НПЦ и «темных» улиц. ФПС проседает с 60 до 39. Настройки на минимуме. ОЗУ 8Гб. Играть можно.

Утечка памяти все одно присутствует

Intel Core i7-6700K Skylake
16Gb DDR4
HD 7950 3Gb

Через пару-тройку часов непрерывного экшена переодически наблюдаю небольшое падение фпс и непрогрузку текстур на нпц на большом расстоянии, подходят чуть ближе и потом прогружаются.

Мобы очень сильные, не как в другим ммо, здесь пак из 2х, способен быстро отправить к месту воскрешения, от которого бежать на место смерти, неприлично долго!

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

парни а рили как-то отвязать убисофт акк от стим акка передать его другому типу и типа чтоб он этот убисофт акк привязал к своему стим акку ?

Talga Vassternich







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Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

парни а рили как-то отвязать убисофт акк от стим акка передать его другому типу и типа чтоб он этот убисофт акк привязал к своему стим акку ?

Акк реально отвязать (тех поддержка должна помочь), но игры купленные в Стиме без стим-акка с игрой на ней работать не будут.

Рафинированный консольный идеализм:

если ты рассматриваешь текстуры в игре — значит тебе нечего делать, значит тебе скучно
если мне скучно я в игру не играю и всё
95% включая меня наплевать на графон, мне в первую очередь интересна игра как таковая

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Ясн спс


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Подскажите пожалуйста, осталось выполнить одно задание для развития тех.блока базы, подхожу, на радаре задание вижу, так нет… (Не активно). Что делать? (До полного развития тех.блока не хватает 40 очков)
Заранее благодарен!





Рейдер пандемии
Награжден за: Эксперт по выживанию при пандемии COVID-19

Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Подскажите пожалуйста, осталось выполнить одно задание для развития тех.блока базы, подхожу, на радаре задание вижу, так нет… (Не активно). Что делать? (До полного развития тех.блока не хватает 40 очков)
Заранее благодарен!

Скриншот бы приложил, что ли.
А вообще в игре ресурсов с хорошим запасом, если все подряд делать.

Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa — [EU] Guardian — Darin Tomey [R.I.P.]
Lineage 2 — [Teon] Spectral Dancer — Eldenroot [Quit]
Warframe — DarinTomey [Semi-active]


Re: Технические проблемы связанные с The Division и их решение

Скриншот бы приложил, что ли.
А вообще в игре ресурсов с хорошим запасом, если все подряд делать.

В том то и дело, что это последнее задание. Если не пройдет само, приложу скрин обязательно! Сразу как-то не подумал.

Добавлено через 25 минут
Спасибо большое! Проблема решилась сама. (Задание стало активно и даже появились еще задания)

Последний раз редактировалось Volodar13_renamed_1242690_10082020; 04.04.2016 в 19:07.

Причина: Добавлено сообщение

  • Delta 03 error code is a bad connection to The Division 2 servers.
  • If you lose connection to the game’s server, either from your side or from Ubisoft, you’ll be disconnected.
  • In some cases, the game server shuts down due to a false positive from an installed security application.
  • In this Techquack article, you’ll learn a few effective ways to solve this problem in the game.

The Division Delta C-0-1302

Can’t play The Division because it keeps showing that the server is down in XBoX on consoles. Discuss and resolve the error code Delta C-1-198 on XBoX on consoles. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks!…
Discussion in ‘XBoX on Consoles’ started by Sgt Major Canuk, Dec 6, 2016.

There are a few issues with Division 2, including its inability to play offline. Users will encounter a Delta 03 error code if their connection to the game’s server is lost either from their side or from Ubisoft’s end.

The Division 2 Delta 03 error code indicates an issue with your connection to the servers. This will return you to the main menu of the game immediately. Once you have reconnected to the game, it may be best to quit and try again. Although you can reconnect, it might be better to quit the game and try again.

The Division Delta C 0 1302

If you encounter this error, you may have to restart the game to reconnect to it. The Delta-03 error code indicates a bad connection to The Division 2. The following methods might be helpful to you if you keep getting the error code. Just keep reading to find out more.

In this Techquack article, you’ll learn a few effective ways to solve this problem.

What causes a Delta 03 error code in Division 2?

Own the game for while, had it installed but never played. Finally decide to play the game but it’s very annoying being disconnected every 10-15 minutes with a delta-03 error. Stupid thing is I can play just fine when I’m out of the house on my phones Wifi and gaming laptop but can’t on my high speed cable connection at home. This is with the game on a external 2TB ssd that I use for both the laptop and PC, so the same install for both. I got no issues play the first Division game ether, play 3 hours straight after getting sick of the sequels issue so doubt it’s really something with my ISP.

Common TCP/IP mismatch: One of the most common cases causing this problem is a fairly typical TCP/IP mismatch, which can occur for many reasons. In this case, you can solve the problem by upgrading your current network or rebooting the router.

Check the game server status by clicking this link before worrying about the end of the problem. If the server goes down, you just have to wait. The Division 2 error codes can easily appear if the servers have a problem. For regular updates, check out the Twitter feed on the right.

Getting into a game with friends seems to be a big issue for players. The game usually crashes when they try to load into it with friends. You can fix this issue by restarting the game and joining your friend directly from the game rather than through your friends list. This should allow you to load in without any additional problems.

Interference from a third-party security package: It turns out that this problem can also be caused by an overprotective anti-virus or firewall. In this case, you can solve the problem by disabling the real-time protection or removing the security software completely (if you’re using a third-party firewall).

It is possible to access information about your system’s devices by using the Device Manager snap-in in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Yellow icons with exclamation points next to devices indicate if they are not working properly. Right-clicking the device and selecting Properties displays the actual error message along with the error code. These are the most common error codes and suggestions for resolving each problem:

I opened the XML config file with Notepad++ and edited it. There is still an XML config file (GFXSettings.TheDivision.exe.xml ). 

DNS mismatch: DNS assigned from the wrong range can also be the main reason for activating this error code on Destiny 2. In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem. You can either remove your current DNS and have your ISP update the IP/TCP configuration from the advanced query, or switch to the DNS provided by Google.

As mentioned above, this error code indicates a network issue, and if the server is up and running, follow Ubisoft’s instructions to resolve the issue.

NAT has closed: Another common cause that can cause this error is when your NAT network is closed. This does not allow your computer to maintain stable connections to external game servers. In this case, you can solve the problem by enabling UPnP or manually forwarding the ports required by Destiny 2 if UPnP is not supported.

How to resolve the Delta 03 error code in Division 2?

A brief description of how to resolve MIKE01 / DELTA01, DELTA02, DELTA03, DELTA04, DELTA05, and DELTA06 errors is provided below:

Uplay is the platform you use to run The Division 2 on PC, so BRAVO-01 and BRAVO-03 relate to that platform. Often, this error comes up when you run Uplay in Offline Mode, which is problematic for The Division 2. The “Go Online” button in the main menu can be used to test if this is the reason for your issue.

Use Google’s public DNS

  1. The network connections console can be opened by typing ncpa.cpl in the Run window.
  2. To view the properties of your network, right-click on it.
  3. Click Properties if you wish to configure Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  4. The new window will appear with the following options enabled.
    It is recommended that you use as your DNS server
    There is also an alternative DNS server at
  5. Use the following values for Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6), then click OK to close the window.
    It is recommended that you use the DNS server 2001:4860:4860::8888.
    There is an alternate DNS server at 2001:4860:4860::8844.
  6. If the Delta 03 error persists, restart the game after saving your changes.

Disable the third-party security application

In some cases, the game server shuts down due to a false positive from an installed security application, whether it’s anti-virus or firewall. If you are using a third-party antivirus or firewall, try temporarily disabling it.

You may also need to disable Windows Defender, the antivirus program that protects your computer. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Settings app by pressing Windows + I, then select Update and Security – Windows Security.
  2. The Windows Security window can be opened by clicking Virus and Threat Protection in the right pane.
  3. Manage settings can be found under Antivirus and Threat Protection.
  4. Delete Windows Defender’s disable button under Real-time Protection.

Reboot or reset the router

If this error occurs, simply reboot your router or reset it. A TCP/IP mismatch is one of the most common causes of Division 2 Delta 03 errors.

  1. Turn off your computer by pressing the power button.
  2. Power off your router by pressing the power button.
  3. Remove the power cord from the wall outlet and wait a few minutes.
  4. Internet access can be restored by restarting the router.

This may require a reboot of your router and reconnect if this does not work. Your router settings may have been modified previously and have caused the network mismatch.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Reboot the router.
  2. Reset router button.
  3. Turn off your antivirus.
  4. Configure Google DNS.
  5. Turn on UPnP in your router settings.

Delta errors in Division 2 are usually a bit vague and simply mean a loss of communication between you and the game servers. Unfortunately, they don’t specify whether it’s an error on your part or on Ubisoft’s part, but keep in mind that it may not be your fault if you get this error.

The Delta-03 error code means a bad connection to The Division 2 servers. If you encounter this problem, you will immediately be returned to the game’s main menu. After that, try to reconnect to the game. Division 2 will have to wait for Ubisoft’s servers to stabilize.

  1. Restart your router.
  2. Reset router button.
  3. Turn off antivirus.
  4. Configure Google DNS.
  5. Turn on UPnP in your router settings.

Mark Ginter

Mark Ginter is a tech blogger with a passion for all things gadgets and gizmos. A self-proclaimed «geek», Mark has been blogging about technology for over 15 years. His blog, techquack.com, covers a wide range of topics including new product releases, industry news, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of your devices. If you’re looking for someone who can keep you up-to-date with all the latest tech news and developments, then be sure to follow him over at Microsoft.

  • Partition Wizard

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  • How to Fix Division 2 Delta 03 Error? Try These Solutions

By Amanda | Follow |
Last Updated November 10, 2020

Sometimes, players might get disconnected from The Division 2 service and receive the error code Delta-03. If you are facing the same problem while playing The Division 2, take it easy. In this article from MiniTool Partition Wizard, you will learn about 4 possible methods to fix the issue.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (or The Division 2), developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft, is a popular online action role-playing video game. It is available for multiple game platforms, including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Recently, some Windows players have reported the Division 2 Delta 03 error that prevents them from playing the game properly. This error comes up with an Attention window reading the following message:

You have been disconnected from Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Services. Please check your internet connection status/speed or Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Services status.

Division 2 error code delta-03

The error code Delta-03 indicates the bad connection to The Division 2. If you encounter the problem unfortunately, you can try restarting the game to reconnect to it, which has fixed the issue in some cases. If you keep receiving the error code, the following methods could be helpful for you. Just keep reading to get the details.

Note: It is worth mentioning that this problem was particularly common during the beta phases for The Division 2, and the game developer has released a few patches that may eliminate the issue in most cases. So, please keep your game up-to-date.

Fix 1: Restart or Reset Your Router

One of the common reasons for Division 2 Delta 03 error is the TCP/IP inconsistency. In this case, you just need to restart or reset your router.

To restart a router, you need to:

  1. Press the On-Off button to cut off power.
  2. Press the power button to cut off the power to your router.
  3. Wait for a few minutes after disconnecting the power cable.
  4. Restart your router and re-establish the internet access.

If this doesn’t help for you, perhaps the network inconsistency is caused by certain previously made modification for your router settings. To fix the issue, you might need to reset the router and set up the connect again.

Fix 2: Disable the Third-party Security App

In some cases, the connection with the game server is terminated due to the false positive of the installed security app, either antivirus or firewall. If you are using any third-party antivirus or firewall, try disabling them temporarily.

If you are using Windows Defender antivirus to protect your computer, you might also need to disable it. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open Settings app and navigate to Update & Security > Windows Security.

Step 2: Click Virus & threat protection in the right pane to open Windows Security window.

Step 3: Click Manage settings under the Virus & threat protection settings section.

Step 4: Under the Real-time protection, toggle off the switch button to disable Windows Defender antivirus.

turn off Real-time protection

Fix 3: Flush DNS

If the Domain Name Address (DNS) is inconsistent, you might also encounter the error code Delta-03 in The Division 2. When you find that the similar connection error happens to your other games, it is time to flush DNS.

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open Run window. Input cmd and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2: Input the command ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter to flush the current DNS.

Step 3: Type the command ipconfig /renew and press Enter to renew your IP configuration.

Once it’s done, launch your game to check if the Division 2 Delta 03 error has been resolved.

Fix 4: Use Google Public DNS

Finally, you can also try using another DNS address, such as Google Public DNS. To achieve that, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Invoke Run window, input ncpa.cpl, and click OK to open Network Connections console.

Step 2: Right-click the network you are using and choose Properties.

Step 3: Under the Networking tab, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties button.

Step 4: In the new window, check Use the folloing DNS server addresses option and input the following values:

  • Preferred DNS server: 8.8.8
  • Alternate DNS server: 8.4.4

use Google Public DNS

Step 5: Click OK button to close the window. Then, do the same operations for Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and use the following values instead:

  • Preferred DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8888
  • Alternate DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8844

After saving the changes, you can restart your game to check if you can play Division 2 without the Delta 03 error.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Amanda has been working as English editor for the MiniTool team since she was graduated from university. She enjoys sharing effective solutions and her own experience to help readers fix various issues with computers, dedicated to make their tech life easier and more enjoyable.

She has published many articles, covering fields of data recovery, partition management, disk backup, and etc. In order to provide more useful tips and information, she is still committed to expand her technical knowledge.

  • Partition Wizard

  • Partition Manager

  • How to Fix Division 2 Delta 03 Error? Try These Solutions

By Amanda | Follow |
Last Updated November 10, 2020

Sometimes, players might get disconnected from The Division 2 service and receive the error code Delta-03. If you are facing the same problem while playing The Division 2, take it easy. In this article from MiniTool Partition Wizard, you will learn about 4 possible methods to fix the issue.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (or The Division 2), developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft, is a popular online action role-playing video game. It is available for multiple game platforms, including Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Recently, some Windows players have reported the Division 2 Delta 03 error that prevents them from playing the game properly. This error comes up with an Attention window reading the following message:

You have been disconnected from Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Services. Please check your internet connection status/speed or Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Services status.

Division 2 error code delta-03

The error code Delta-03 indicates the bad connection to The Division 2. If you encounter the problem unfortunately, you can try restarting the game to reconnect to it, which has fixed the issue in some cases. If you keep receiving the error code, the following methods could be helpful for you. Just keep reading to get the details.

Note: It is worth mentioning that this problem was particularly common during the beta phases for The Division 2, and the game developer has released a few patches that may eliminate the issue in most cases. So, please keep your game up-to-date.

Fix 1: Restart or Reset Your Router

One of the common reasons for Division 2 Delta 03 error is the TCP/IP inconsistency. In this case, you just need to restart or reset your router.

To restart a router, you need to:

  1. Press the On-Off button to cut off power.
  2. Press the power button to cut off the power to your router.
  3. Wait for a few minutes after disconnecting the power cable.
  4. Restart your router and re-establish the internet access.

If this doesn’t help for you, perhaps the network inconsistency is caused by certain previously made modification for your router settings. To fix the issue, you might need to reset the router and set up the connect again.

Fix 2: Disable the Third-party Security App

In some cases, the connection with the game server is terminated due to the false positive of the installed security app, either antivirus or firewall. If you are using any third-party antivirus or firewall, try disabling them temporarily.

If you are using Windows Defender antivirus to protect your computer, you might also need to disable it. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open Settings app and navigate to Update & Security > Windows Security.

Step 2: Click Virus & threat protection in the right pane to open Windows Security window.

Step 3: Click Manage settings under the Virus & threat protection settings section.

Step 4: Under the Real-time protection, toggle off the switch button to disable Windows Defender antivirus.

turn off Real-time protection

Fix 3: Flush DNS

If the Domain Name Address (DNS) is inconsistent, you might also encounter the error code Delta-03 in The Division 2. When you find that the similar connection error happens to your other games, it is time to flush DNS.

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open Run window. Input cmd and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2: Input the command ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter to flush the current DNS.

Step 3: Type the command ipconfig /renew and press Enter to renew your IP configuration.

Once it’s done, launch your game to check if the Division 2 Delta 03 error has been resolved.

Fix 4: Use Google Public DNS

Finally, you can also try using another DNS address, such as Google Public DNS. To achieve that, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Invoke Run window, input ncpa.cpl, and click OK to open Network Connections console.

Step 2: Right-click the network you are using and choose Properties.

Step 3: Under the Networking tab, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties button.

Step 4: In the new window, check Use the folloing DNS server addresses option and input the following values:

  • Preferred DNS server: 8.8.8
  • Alternate DNS server: 8.4.4

use Google Public DNS

Step 5: Click OK button to close the window. Then, do the same operations for Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and use the following values instead:

  • Preferred DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8888
  • Alternate DNS server: 2001:4860:4860::8844

After saving the changes, you can restart your game to check if you can play Division 2 without the Delta 03 error.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Amanda has been working as English editor for the MiniTool team since she was graduated from university. She enjoys sharing effective solutions and her own experience to help readers fix various issues with computers, dedicated to make their tech life easier and more enjoyable.

She has published many articles, covering fields of data recovery, partition management, disk backup, and etc. In order to provide more useful tips and information, she is still committed to expand her technical knowledge.

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