Setup has experienced an error please do the following

GTA: San Andreas Installation Problem SemiCharmed Posts: 6 +1 I just bought GTA San Andreas and was in the middle of installing it when a windows explorer error came up and my computer restarted. Now when I insert the game the menu comes up and obviously PLAY doesn’t work because it only got halfway […]


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  9. CCH Folioviews Network Install Error -6001 Setup has experienced an error
  10. Synergy patch installation on Windows 7 fails with InstallShield Wizard error -6006
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GTA: San Andreas Installation Problem


Posts: 6 +1

I just bought GTA San Andreas and was in the middle of installing it when a windows explorer error came up and my computer restarted. Now when I insert the game the menu comes up and obviously PLAY doesn’t work because it only got halfway through installation or less, but it also will not let me UNINSTALL the game so I can just start over. When I choose uninstall I get the following error message:
>SetupDLLSetupDLL.cpp (469)
PAPP: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
PVENDOR: Rockstar Games
@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) IE 7.0.6000.16640

Then I press OK and this pops up:
InstallShield Wizard

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
-Close and running programs
-Empty your temporary folder
-Check your internet connection [Internet-based setups]

Then try to run setup again.
Error Code: -5001

So obviously I did all of the things it said to do, yet I still have the same problem. GTA: San Andreas does not show up under add/remove programs in control panel so I cant remove it that way, nor does it show up under (C Drive Program Files. The only place it shows up is under the Start menu in Programs and when I try to uninstall through that it does the same thing.

Please help. I cant believe it is this difficult to just re-install this stupid game. I would be extremely grateful if anyone knows how to fix this.


Posts: 6 +1

Ok, I know nobody has helped me yet but I was checking other website for help and I found someone with a similar problem, When he tried to install GTA San Andreas he got this message:

An Error (-5003 : 0x5) has occurred while running the setup.

Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: Rockstar Games.

Error Code: -5003 : 0x5
Error Information:
>SetupDLLSetupDLL.cpp (1971)
PAPP:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
PVENDOR:Rockstar Games
PGUID: D417C96A-FCC7-4590-A1BB-FAF73F5BC98E
@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) BT_OTHER 232.64

Apparently he had tried to download it, that didnt work, so he bought it and was trying to install it. Someone gave him the advice to go into Program Files — Common Files and re-name the Install Shield folder to something else like «installshieldold» and then try installing. And if that doesn’t work, he said delete «installshieldold» and restart then try again.

Now obviously my problem isn’t installing (yet), it’s uninstalling but I tried re-naming the Install Shield folder and when I did, something did actually change. Now when I insert the CD and choose uninstall from the menu the «Demo Shield» icon shows for a second (which didnt happen before) and the first error message I got is gone, now I have the same second error message except now the error code is changed from 5001 to 6003.

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
-Close and running programs
-Empty your temporary folder
-Check your internet connection [Internet-based setups]

Then try to run setup again.
Error Code: -6003

Now I havent tried deleting the «installshieldold» folder, re-starting, then trying to uninstall again yet becuase I wanted to ask here if it is safe to go ahead and delete the Install Shield folder that I re-named? I mean the guy seems like he knows what he is talking about since the first error message went away, but if I delete the folder. wont I no longer have Install Shield and don’t I need that?

By the way, according to the microsoft website the -6003 error code means:

There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.


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добрый день. может кто поможет? как только отключаю бук от сети (220v), автоматически тускнеет монитор (переходит в экономный режим). Комбинацией клавиш Fn+яркость — никакой реакции. и в настройках всё перепахал, и компьютарщикам носил — никто не может помочь. а так неудобно в машине днем всматриваться в монитор и ничего не видишь. БЕДА. Помогите.

7 ответов к вопросу “Samsung R460 FFS2 (яркость монитора)”

Вероятно, Вы не указали, что установлена WinXP и поиском Вы не пользовались. Для регулировки яркости в Windows XP нужно установить программу Easy Display Manager, которую можно скачать по этой ссылке: .

Помогите с анологичной проблемой. У меня R408 на системе Vista. Почему до этого стояла тоже Vista но с помощью FN +- яркость понижалась и повышалась. а сейчас нет((4то делать?и как устранить эту проблему без той программы..ну и на всякий слу4ай дайте ссЫлку на эту программу для Vista. заранее благодарен!

Данная регулировка работает только при установленной программе Easy Display Manager, которую можно скачать по этой ссылке: .

Теперь при устоновке этой программы выходит ошибка (-6005)Там где он пишет вот это «Setup has experienced an error.Please do the following:1)Close any running programs2)Empty your temporary folder3)Check your internet connection(Internet-based Setups) Then tryto run Setup again.Что делать?(Закрыл все по4ти работающие программы через Диспетчер задач. Со второй ошибкой незнаю что делать..А интернет соединение есть(Yota-Samsung)Помогите пожалуйста.

В таком случае, удаляйте обновления Windows или не пользуйтесь Easy Display Manager.

Какие обновления?Ставить другую систему 4толи?Я бы оставид все как есть если бы при отключении питания 220,яркость понижаеться до 50% и ничего не видно. неужели ничего сделать нельзя?

Ну если проблема появилась после обновлений, то их надо удалить. Можно и Windows переустановить. А снижение яркости при переключении на аккумулятор отключается в Биосе — закладка Boot — Brightness Mode — поставить User Control. После этого она будет запоминать уровень яркости и не изменит его.


MPECS Inc. Blog

SBS, SMB, SME, Hyper-V Failover Clusters, Technology, System Builder Tips, views from the I.T. Trenches, and more.

Monday, 24 March 2008

CCH Folioviews Network Install Error -6001 Setup has experienced an error

We have one client that has a network access setup for CCH Folioviews which is a tax reference library with built in billing timers.

Lately, when we go to install the product on the local workstation for network access, we have been getting the following:

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:

  • Close any running programs
  • Empty your temporary folder
  • Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups)

Then try to run the Setup again.

When setting up a new client to run from the network, one starts Addfvusr.exe under X:CCHNetworkSetup.

No matter what we did to try and clear things up, we ended up with the same error.

It took a support call into CCH Support to get a fix. They emailed us an updated version of the executable to copy over top of the existing file in the above mentioned directory.

Once the original file was replaced, the setup process ran trouble free.

Keep in mind that each time the network install is updated via the update CDs, which can be quite frequent, one will need to copy the replacement file back over top of the «updated» setup file. So keep a copy of the replacement executable in a handy spot that cannot be accessed by the Folioviews updates.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.


Synergy patch installation on Windows 7 fails with InstallShield Wizard error -6006



When starting an IBM Rational Synergy client as admin on Microsoft Windows 7 and getting a patch from the server, the installation fails with an error, Setup has experienced an error. Error code: -6006.


InstallShield fails with an error:

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:

— Close any running programs

— Empty your temporary folder

— Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups)

Then try to run the Setup again.


On Windows 7 even though the client may be admin it does not run certain programs with the elevated privileges.


Synergy clients running Windows 7

Resolving The Problem

  1. On the program menu item position the mouse on the Synergy program.
  2. Right click and select Run as administrator

This will allow the installation to continue.


Uninstallation Error



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I installed the Battlefield 2 demo about a week ago. When I tried to
play it, it didn’t work. The read-me said I didn’t have the correct
hardware configuration, so I decided that I didn’t want it anymore.
When I went to uninstall it, a popup says: >»
>>SetupDLLSetupDLL.cpp (469)
>pAPP:Battlefield 2(TM) Demo
>@Windows XP (2600) BT_OTHER 376.21

Then, when I press «OK», another popup comes up and says: > »
>InstallShield Wizard (Title of the box)
>Setup has experienced an error.
>Please do the following:
> — Close any running programs
> — Empty your temporary folder
> — Check your internet connection (Internet-based Setups)
>Then try to run the Setup again.
>Error Code -5001

I tried emptying my temporary folder, well, at least one of them.
Where are/is the temporary folder located?

Please help me, as this game is taking up my hard drive space.

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Archived from groups: (More info?)

To answer your first question, the systems Temporary folder is:
Start > Run > type: %temp%

Here’s how to uninstall a game when using Add-Remove programs fails:

Step A: Start your computer in Safe Mode by holding down the F8 key.

Step B: Reinstall the game to the same folder it was installed to originally,
and then try to uninstall it again using Add-Remove programs. If
that fails, delete it’s folder and any save games in My Documents.


3 ноя 2004

Опять беда %)
Решил всё же попробовать АПП (до этого обходился 6.5), ну естественно сразу последнюю версию.
Забрал у китайцев на piaodown АПП 1.5, четверть гига…
Всё распаковалось без проблем.
Нажимаю Setup, а в ответ окно с красным болтом и надписью:

InstallShield Wizard
Setup has experienced an error.

Pleas do the following:
— Close any running programs
— Empty your temporary folder
— Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups)

Error code: -6002

Ну всё сделал, что просили…
И закрыл, и почистил, и интернет…
И на другую машину носил…
Что за ж*па?
Кабы целые, распаковываются.

Если есть у кого setup.exe setup.ini и setup.inx, скинте пожалуйста (они в раре около 110 кб будут весить)



15 янв 2005

Вы дружочек под какцю винду ставите извеняюсь ???

15 янв 2005

Мы, дружочек, под ХР СП2 и под 2003 ставили (и поставили).
А косячёк содержался в расширениях файлов .SKIN и .BOOT.
Либо архивировали так, что расширения обрезало до трёх букв, либо ВинРАР прогоняет распаковывая.
Так что поглядев на дистрибутивы 7.0 и 1.5 был сделан вывод о решении сей проблемы.
На всякий случай тем кто так же как и я брал на piaodown и распаковывал архив в WinRAR 3.40 (может и не в раре дело, но это моя ситуация) для установки трэба переименовать расширения файлов .ski в .skin, а .boo .boot.
Удачи (Кстати АПП 1.5 понравился, но арбайтн пока по прежнему в 6.5)


16 янв 2005

Респект, такая же ситуёвина из за плагов в 6.5 их больше стоит а откуда брались не помню гы……

  • #1

I just bought GTA San Andreas and was in the middle of installing it when a windows explorer error came up and my computer restarted. Now when I insert the game the menu comes up and obviously PLAY doesn’t work because it only got halfway through installation or less, but it also will not let me UNINSTALL the game so I can just start over. When I choose uninstall I get the following error message:
>SetupDLLSetupDLL.cpp (469)
PAPP: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
PVENDOR: Rockstar Games
@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) IE 7.0.6000.16640

Then I press OK and this pops up:
InstallShield Wizard

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
-Close and running programs
-Empty your temporary folder
-Check your internet connection [Internet-based setups]

Then try to run setup again.
Error Code: -5001

So obviously I did all of the things it said to do, yet I still have the same problem. GTA: San Andreas does not show up under add/remove programs in control panel so I cant remove it that way, nor does it show up under (C:) Drive Program Files. The only place it shows up is under the Start menu in Programs and when I try to uninstall through that it does the same thing.

Please help!!!!!!!!! I cant believe it is this difficult to just re-install this stupid game. I would be extremely grateful if anyone knows how to fix this. :confused:

  • #2

Ok, I know nobody has helped me yet but I was checking other website for help and I found someone with a similar problem, When he tried to install GTA San Andreas he got this message:

An Error (-5003 : 0x5) has occurred while running the setup.

Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: Rockstar Games.

Details — Below

Error Code: -5003 : 0x5
Error Information:
>SetupDLLSetupDLL.cpp (1971)
PAPP:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
PVENDOR:Rockstar Games
PGUID: D417C96A-FCC7-4590-A1BB-FAF73F5BC98E
@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) BT_OTHER 232.64

Apparently he had tried to download it, that didnt work, so he bought it and was trying to install it. Someone gave him the advice to go into Program Files — Common Files and re-name the Install Shield folder to something else like «installshieldold» and then try installing. And if that doesn’t work, he said delete «installshieldold» and restart then try again.

Now obviously my problem isn’t installing (yet), it’s uninstalling but I tried re-naming the Install Shield folder and when I did, something did actually change. Now when I insert the CD and choose uninstall from the menu the «Demo Shield» icon shows for a second (which didnt happen before) and the first error message I got is gone, now I have the same second error message except now the error code is changed from 5001 to 6003.

InstallShield Wizard

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
-Close and running programs
-Empty your temporary folder
-Check your internet connection [Internet-based setups]

Then try to run setup again.
Error Code: -6003

Now I havent tried deleting the «installshieldold» folder, re-starting, then trying to uninstall again yet becuase I wanted to ask here if it is safe to go ahead and delete the Install Shield folder that I re-named? I mean the guy seems like he knows what he is talking about since the first error message went away, but if I delete the folder…. wont I no longer have Install Shield and don’t I need that?

By the way, according to the microsoft website the -6003 error code means:

There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.

Whatever that means.


  • #3

I don’t know about the Installshield renaming or deleting issue. You could try manually deleting all of the game files and then use a registry cleaner like Ccleaner (freeware) to clean the registry of leftover bits and pieces. Then you could try a clean install again. Of course, I would rename the Installshield folder back to it’s original name.

  • #4

mailpup said:

I don’t know about the Installshield renaming or deleting issue. You could try manually deleting all of the game files and then use a registry cleaner like Ccleaner (freeware) to clean the registry of leftover bits and pieces. Then you could try a clean install again. Of course, I would rename the Installshield folder back to it’s original name.

Thank you so much for a response, how would I go about deleting all of the game files? GTA: San Andreas doesn’t show up under program files, I don’t know where to find a place to manually delete the files. The rest of what you said I can do, I just need help finding out how to delete all the game files manually.

Thank you again


  • #5

Maybe there aren’t any. The usual default folder is Program Files unless you specified another folder. It might appear under the publisher’s name, like Rockstar. You can go to Start > Search and see if there are any folders or files with the name GTA in them or San Andreas.

It would likely be entries in the registry that would cause installation problems anyway. Try using Ccleaner to clean the registry of any GTA or Rockstar game references. This assumes you don’t have any other Rockstar or GTA games installed.

  • #6

mailpup said:

Maybe there aren’t any. The usual default folder is Program Files unless you specified another folder. It might appear under the publisher’s name, like Rockstar. You can go to Start > Search and see if there are any folders or files with the name GTA in them or San Andreas.

It would likely be entries in the registry that would cause installation problems anyway. Try using Ccleaner to clean the registry of any GTA or Rockstar game references. This assumes you don’t have any other Rockstar or GTA games installed.

I did actually specify the default location, program files. I do have Vice City, and when I go to program files > rockstar > vice city is there (which works perfectly) but there is absolutely nothing related to GTA San Andreas.

The only place San Andreas shows up is under Start > Programs > Rockstar Games > GTA San Andreas > Play > Read Me > Register Online > Rockstar Games > Rockstar North ltd > Uninstall GTA San Andreas.

Should I delete all of that under the Start menu? Would that make any difference?


  • #7

I would delete from GTA San Andreas on down and leave Rockstar Games and up. It might not make much difference but I would do it anyway.

As I said earlier, cleaning the registry is more important. Ccleaner should identify unconnected GTA game entries in the registry but leave your Vice City registry entries untouched.

  • #8

Ok well I deleted GTA San Andreas and down from the Start menu, leaving just Vice City. Then I used the Ccleaner and deleted/fixed everything it found. I tried the game again and it still gives me the option to ‘Play’ even though it isn’t really installed and the other option, ‘uninstall’ still gives me the error message:

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
-Close and running programs
-Empty your temporary folder
-Check your internet connection [Internet-based setups]

Then try to run setup again.
Error Code: -6003

Any other ideas? Any help is appreciated, whether it fixes it or not.


  • #9

Ccleaner cleans more than one thing. You did select the Registry icon, correct?

Can you try to close the «Play» menu and explore the game CD, find the setup.exe file and double click it to try to install? I don’t have this game myself so I’m assuming there is such a file (as many games do have one). So sorry if I my help isn’t more on the money.

  • #10

mailpup said:

Ccleaner cleans more than one thing. You did select the Registry icon, correct?

Can you try to close the «Play» menu and explore the game CD, find the setup.exe file and double click it to try to install? I don’t have this game myself so I’m assuming there is such a file (as many games do have one). So sorry if I my help isn’t more on the money.

Haha, thanks a ton!!!! I had tried exploring the game CD through My computer but I guess I never thought of double clicking setup,exe it installed the game all over again and now it’s running perfectly. You’re my hero!!! lol

Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to help me out… I really really appreciate it!


  • #11

Terrific. Glad I was able to help. :)

  • #12

Hey thanks alot man I had the same exact problem and now it worked :D thanx again

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